Minutes-PC 1957/05/06Maq 6, 1957 ~ City Hall Anaheim, California MIPIIIT$S UP THB REGUTAR hISBTING OF TF1B CTTY PYANNING COMMISSION RHGUTAR The Regular Meeting of t~e City Planning Commission was calied to order M6BTTNG at 2:10 0'Clock P.M. by CHAIRMAN SUMMSRS, a quorum being present. PliBSBNr CHAIRMAN SUMhffiRS, G'01~4~lISSIONHRS: DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson and Mungall, COI~AfISSIONIDR Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2;26 0'Clock P,M. ABSBWP COI~U~tISSIOPIDR Bates, MINUTBS The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 22, 1957 were ~~ ,,, approved as printed. RBQASSIPI- PUBLIC HSARING. PSTTTION submitted by BHRT ARNOLD, 211 East Center CATION Street, Anaheim, California, W, D. PRICHARD, 805 Bast North Street, ;.0. F-56-5'-72 Anaheim; Califbraia, I~LSON H. DICKENSON, 750 North Topeka Street, eiaaheim, Caiifornia, as Owners, requestiag that the property described as being the Northeast corner of Orange aud Hast North Streets, be reclassified from R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RHSIDBNfIAL to R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RBSIDSNfIAL. This Reciassification was held over from the Meeting of April 22, 1957 and was again considered by the Commission. The appiicant, Bert Arnold, had presented a sketch showing the proposed reclassification with the layout of lots and streets. The Dickenson property was left out of the reclassification also the Pritchard property with the excep- tion of the 80 foot frontage on North Street next to the railroad tracks. Mr. Reeves objected to putting R-3 next to the raiiroad tracks but, in the opinion of che Commission, this was the logical use for this parcel. It .was suggested by the Commission that Mr. Arnold keep Ywo Bast lots of his parcel and develop them as R-1 lots. This he agreed to do. It was also pointed out to some of the property ownfrs to the Bast that their lots are double frontage, fronting on two streets and that possibly some time in the future they might decide to cut their lots in half and have one lot facing ~ach street. TI~ HBARING WAS CLOSHD, Upon a motion by CommissionFr Thompsun, seconded by Cowmissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by RSSOLUTION N0. 226 - SSRIHS 1956- 57 that Reclassification No. P-56-57-72 be recommended for approvai to the City Couricil as per map presented, except that the two Hast lots be kept as R-1, SINGLE PAMILY RBSIDBNfIAL and that R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDENfIAL deed restrictions be filed,also that a half-street be iastalled by the applicant as shown on the map. . The vote on the above P,esolution was as follows; . AlBS: COMMISSIONBRS; DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. ~S: ~g,lISSIOPIDRS: None. ABSE1Vf: C.'OMt~lISSIOI~RS; Bates. IVaT V~ING: COA4tISSIOAIDRS: Hapgood. VAR7ANCti PUBLIC FIDARIIV~, PHTITI~N submitted by LESTBR ,]UI~pU, 96 Fireside Inn, N0. 747 12029 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove, California, as Owner', reqnesting permission to construct on the property described as being i15 Cenpla Way, situated on che West side of said street between Placentia Aveaue . and New Avenue, Axiaheim-Olive Road and Center Stre~t, a combination • Bar and Restaurant. The property is presently classified as C-1, NIDIQi- BORHOOD C01~9NBRCIAL. Mr. S3mpson, Secretary of Fireside Incorporated, appearefl before the Commissioa and explained that they intend~d to run this Restaurant and Har, catering to family trade. Mr, g, A. Renwick, 2126 Ward Terrace; appeared before the Comm3ssion as spokesman for the residents in the area. He presented a petition objecting to the granting of this Variance on the grounds that: -1- ~- ----r---- --- -----. - ------~r -. ~ ~ ~ +/~ , _~ ~_ _~ VAR7ANCB 1. A bar and rest~urapt immediat~ly.adjacent to the property would de- N0. T47 depreciate t}te Vaiue of the s'si:diential property. (~,) 2. That the above t3ar'and restadrant w~ul~ increase traffic and create a nuisance to ~lie adjacent residential property, 3. That Lot 18 is an inside lot aur'rouniled by Neighborhood Commerciai - buildiags eacept where it faees on Cenpia Way. The only access to Lot 18 is hq using the 30 foot ease~ie~nt on Placentia Avenue or usiag Ceapla Way whicli is inadequabe to handle additional traffic or parkin$. wittiout being a'n~isaiice to the adjacent residential property owners. 4. A bar and restaurant on Lnt 18 would increase the traffic and the danger of bod'ily injury or harm to children and pedestr;ens using the area. ~ 5. The presence 6f~'a bar in a Neighborhaod commercial area de3ra~jes the commercial area and invites objectionable persons to congregzte in the area. 6. The use of Lot 18 for a bar and restaurant diminshes the use that can be made of Lots 16 and 17 which are presentiy vacant. Thi.s petitioa cotttained 23 names of property owners immed3ately adjoining the subject property. Mr. Waiter R. Ward, 2019 Sast Cater Street, appeared before 4he Commission and stated that the residents had bought in this pazticular area knowing that the property on the corner would be C-1, and expected that a market for the neighborhoo~ and other similar uses would be ineorporated on the property. The lots that are presently vacant aze stiil zoned as C-1 in the area. Mr. Simpson pointed out tha~ there was liquor sold in the area and it was pointed out that such sales are not consumed on the premises as they would be in a bar. TI~ F~AF.ING NfAS CLOSHD. , '~ ~ i ~ t i Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissiotter Hapgood, 3 and carried, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 227 - SSRIBS 1956-57, that $ Variance No, 747 be denied. VARIANCB PUBLIC }ffiARING. PHTTTION submitted by RB1~ atd MARY QUATACKSR, 10252 N0. 748 gatelia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting permission to construct a Service Station on the pLOperty described as the Southeast '~ corner of West Street and Katella Avenue. ~ Mrs. Quatacker appeared before the Commission and stated that as the ~ applicant, she would like to see the Variance granted. No one appeared against the Variance. THH HSARII~G WAS CLOSBD. ~ Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Cownissioner Mungall, ~~ . aud carried, it was moved by RBSOLVfION N0. 228 - SHRISS 1956-57 that i Variance No. 748 be granted subject to: ; i 1. The deeding~o the City of Anaheim of 20 feet along Katella Avenue for street widening. 2. The deedin~ of 10 feet to the City of Anaheim on West Street for street widening. 3. Bngineering Requirements, i VARIANCB PUBLIC I~ARING. PETITION submitted by CIARBNC6 H. BARGSTBN, 10162 ; N0. 749 Placentia Avenue, Anaheiun, California, as Owner, requesting per~nission ' to use the lots in Tract No. 3223 for Light Manufacturing uses. 1'his i '.raci is 3ota4ed at the 2dortheast co=-ne= of South Placr;ntia Avenue aad Ninston Road. The property is preaently ciassified as R-A, RHSIDSNfIAL . , AGRIWLT[JRA.t.. j Mr. Clarenct H. Bargsten, was not present at the ~leeting and it was paiated out that ao plans for any bu9.lding or piot p].an had beea sub- mitted rith the Variance as is require3. In effect what was being asted for was a reclnssification of the property by meaas of a Variance, which is not permitted. Mr, p, J, Schutte, as Authorized Agent for his daughter, Mra. Marjorie J. Tait, 2751 Cumberiaad Avenue, San Marino, Calif ornia, appeared before the Commission and stated that he wouid like to see a feace between the subject property and the property directiq to the Bast to protect the grove which is now being used for -2- .,~, ----- -~- 9 • f '~ `J ` _ ~~l VARIlIt~ citras_ I!~_ Bom ~lric~ aE tiee 3esilie Co~pa~, 2536 Patt Street, and Mrs. N0. 749 8~+++~M Ai~sae, 10fS2 Saath placeatia Aveffie, appeazed before the Com- (OONf.) -^~~;~ a~d stated t~at is as emch as no action was to be taken at this I(ett3~, t~x~ roald 3efes augr T~Tks fhat tlsey might want to make. 38P '~ l~S Q~a .D_ IIpam a aoti,m bp ~iss~neer 'Y~oqrson~ secoaded by Commissio:e r Mauerhan, and carrie~, it ~s mo~ed ffiat ao actio~ be taten on Variance ;•io. 749 at this lfeet~ aei t~at tbe a~pZiaut be aotified tffit the request for a Var~a~ ~s mat ia ccder aad tIa~t fa=ther action xould be postp~ned ffitii tt~e l~et~ af J~me 3, Z43?_ RBQASSIPI- ~Uffi7C ~•~_ ~iIIZ~T ssi~mitted by SCOPP M. aad FLORENCB E. NAY, CATION 2834 CalifasBia Stce~et, Huatia5tan parY, Caiiforaia, as Owners, HEIatY N0. P-56-57 71 F_ S~7Y', 9D13 SCmmtaa dse~me, a,.~t,P;a, ~~o=nia. as Authorized Agerts, re9o~ 4~st t~ee prnpertf described as being sitnated on the ~ sade af *~~++~~ ~~emae bettieea ~aott Avemie aad Western Avenue and far~er desm-ba~ ~s bei; T242 Liaco2a Aveane, be reclassified from R A, ~°~*~+'~:L +~tI~L fo C-P, I+~I~ C06~RCIAL. 3br. Brmy S~, ap~sse~ u AatFnsi~ed l~iigent for the applicants a~ ~Yat~ t~a~ tmis xrea ~td ~doabteti~Iy sooa become all co~ercial beiog loutm! m*+~++*++ A~e rFtIz co~ercial to the West of the snb4tct pca~peat~ aad a~mr*~+~ oa the East of the property. No one a~peare3 im a@~osif[s~ to t~e gnating of the Reclassific~tion. Tl~ffi ae~ai~r I~LS CE~~ ~3~ a~~ E3 ~"-'"-K-~~ l0ozr"ss. secoaded bp CommiSSioaer Thom~son, affi ~'az,a~, ig ~3 d7x'-$ `[E~ n[C3722FFi A~i I'1~. 229 - S~2IES 195b-57 that tbe Q~ssia0 a~eoo~e~3 to the Citp Coaacii that Reclassification No. ~36-57 73 be app.svsai- ~e vote em tbe abose Seso~ntinn aias as follors: A~S: ~I~S'. DaBofis. 6aner, Hapgood. Maneshan, Morris, c~~.arc~ T~O~j)gOa ~d Mn~Ig811~ I~S= ~3SII~~S= lio~e _ A~s C~_ ~tes_ RHCIASSIFI- HJ~IC ~_ lEiTII06 ~~sitte~i by CARL Altt'HOFER, 2a6 Harbor Boule- CATION vard, 3~, Cstn€a~'as, aad t~ CARLSON, 12362 Orangewood Avenue, N0. F-56-57 74 llna~eam, Ci~Eifaoaa, ss O~er~. rcqmestiag tha. the property described as 193ag ~ t~e c~d afr Qiffwood ~veffie aa~: B:Z~txli Avemie, near the SoaYl~est c~er af ~s~erood Ave~e amd Harbor Boulevard, be reciassi- :Eed faom ~, ffiffi~'Z~L ~I~iL to C-2, C~RAL COF4~RCIAL for 200 feet ~ t~e ~ioctffi ~ t 3, rr~s~rsvs~ g,~tyi,Y RESIDENPIAL for 420 feet to tme Soe~Y~_ ldr_ ,~_ ~_ ~a'~~ af ~ ~-r~a,.~P2s gagiaeering Companp, appeazed as Antho~9zed A~~t af tie Applsc~at~ ~d eaglaiaed that it was proposed to ase 2~e i~e f~ camescizi uses oa Orangexood Avenue and the rear c~ t3~e psnpc~tp €or A~it%~P Fasiig Residences. It was though t~at tnert~'a ~.ese sa~ Cliffwod A~e~e s6oalcl be extended to Harbor ~~ :~.~ _==~ ~ w~ac~ ~s u~eroafs for ~e property owaers at the East ead a~ #has YSoct_ ~fs_ La~an D~oore, F2866 Eaclid Avenue~ Gardea Grove, Ca~9fa~iB, ~ IDefcse t~e t~oa~issioa aad presented a petition signed b9 '97 zesi~Rs af 4~c a~+~++~+c+'~.+c d~ectlp ad joiaing the sub ject p~opeslty ~ t~e ~est p~o~stiag tbe rec2assification of this property and tbat b9 ~ssE at. t~ ~alne o€ their properties wou.id be lawered aad t~e ~eCa3 ~r aE ttne neighboritood wonld be changed. These haees are a81 1~ ia t~e Citg ef Glydea Grcae. He also stated that ~ a r~->>K+'g~os raald pa~ farEher bnrden on the streets from a traff9c at~paast ~ fIsat t~ef did aot ~raat an openi.ng into draage- reoad ~~ :t~ '.~ ~-~ ~ r~F~ tl~ere vas a Thriftymart shopping center di~ectZ~ arz.~ t~e stzeet tLep had erected a wall next to the tract ~s.~ sep~be3 ~e aaea frae tise residentiax. Mr, Clazence ~ar3sam. H?3d~Z Ora~oadi ~semt. (~omer of oae of tl~e pascels, stated t3~at ~e Lb~ty l7a~ C~issian ca ~ccepting the tract, insi.sted ~ffit Y#~e :~.rnets be ~ea~-esded iastead of cal-de-saced so that it was a~ appa!*~t1g 4~at ~ep ~~sld be ezteffied to the Ea.s# at some time ~ ,4ile-- ------.---- ~„~_~ _..- ~._.__ ~ ~ ---.~_> ___..___.,.~: .:~ __ --- - - ------- - - __._ . il~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ; i ~ ~ 1 RBCIASSIPI- ia the future. Mr.;T.yYe: Mitcbeli, Oxner of 20 acres d~~*~~ to R&,~ ~ CATION South etsted tlla'~ Hskttof 8of~1e~-ard ia uadoubleal~ goina Za me a~ f EVO. P-56-S7-74 commercial ta ~1~n ;~ltti~~tt o~ a~d»t ~6E0 ftet fro~ ~rber Ho`~~ ~e ~ (OONPINUHD) stated that the Cd~1,so~I p~dpie~'a#e !lflt~tied to ~aae3Qer~m md iile he fvas sympsthetic to ~t6e'"people ia t~e trut. be fels ~at a seaset abie compromise couid'be ebtabiislipd. Several otber a~mers ~ before the Coamis'sio~ aad a lettes raa ;ece3sxd fsa~e !be Cil~ ~o£ . Garden Grove requeeLiag ttut ao ~iwdi action be taloea mmt3a t~e Citp of Garden Grove tiad'had an opportunity Lo stndy aad s~e " on the propoaed reclassification. Et xas the fee3.iat a~ ~e ~ K that Garden Groqe ivould have tise to atndy it beigeea !'~e t~oe ~at tie ~ Commiseiot- took aq43on :affi the tiae tbat the L'ity ~omar33 avan33 ~:~ a Hearing oa the Recissaification. T~ B8l1RI1~G l~S Cii~. Upoa a motioa b'~ CoaUaisaioiler Md~ier2ian. aeconQed by Co~iss3a~er. Morria, snd carried, ~it ras movea'by RBS~.OTIU~P 1~A_ 23D - 9i~S 3~~ that the ~osmiseioa reeosmead to the (!ty Co~mc31 tl~t ~x'~~F3~ No. P-56-S7-'4 be approved sub3eet to the folloring zaadiliams: 1. Leaviag Hiuebell Avenue aaa Cliffrood Av~e pe~A9 ~w~+~ 2. Brectiag a 6 foot biock ~nil on tLe UzRt propert9 3as+e ta~ of the subdiviaion. 3. Limitiag the mult~ple faaily d~elliage nnct sa !be ~ 1 prnperty to oae-etory in height. 4. Bxteadiag Harbor Wry Southeriy to the ltitcbeii ~ragrrt~_ The vote on the above Reaolution xas as fol3ora: AY9S: COMMYS3IOAIDRS: DuBois, Ganer, HaPB~~ ~. ~. ? Swmmers, Thompson aaa 2~1i. • NOBS: COU4~lISSIONffiRS: Idont. ~ AHSSNf: CONA4ISSIOI~RS: Betes. - ~ RBCxASSIPI- WHLIC HBARING. PBTITION aubmitted by IEO LI~YO, 339 ~eeY ~- CATION wealth Street, Pulierton~ Ceiifornis, aa Oraer, 3A11ES.~S. LE~~D, Sa~e ~ N0. P-36-S7-75 Addrese, se Authorized Agent~ reqnealing that !~e pra~erly ~~od ~ ae the Southweat corner of La Paima Aveane aad Bnciid 3'e~-_~ 4~e ~ reciesaified fro~ R A,' RBSIUSI~TfIAL At~IL~JLTi~AL ~ a-Y, ~.~ ~ a C0l~6dBRCIAL. - ~ Idr. James A. Liberio, appeared before the Co~iss3.~m s~d amt~*'~ 4~e c ~ Teatative ~iaa for the deveiopme~ of this prapert~ ~3,z4~ aies meas ~ the 3oulherest torner of Buclid Avenne affi lfest 7~ Pa3~a aveaae_ ~s ae s appeared isi oppoaition to the graating of the $~classif3aham. '~ ~ I~ARING WAS CLOSBD. ~ Upon a motion by Commisaioaer Thompsoa, eecomBeQ b~ ~ ' Hapgood, aad carried~ it war, aoved by RHSOWfI~P 3i0. 231 -~ffi 3~7 thafi the Commiasioa recdmm,:~nd to the ~3.ty Couacil t~4 ~~a~~3~ No. P-S6-57-75 be approve3 subject to: 1. The compietioa ot~nnaeaaiioa io z~ ~,z"sy bi n~. 2, pagiaeering Requiremeats. The vote an the above Resoiution ras sa follora: AYBS: GOMOdIS3I0I~ID.*.S: DuBois, (~aner, Hspgood, llaneri~aa. l6orrfia, Summera, Thampsom a~d I~ii. N083 e CW~AlISSIOY~it3: Noae. AHSBNf: G'O1dMIS3I0I~RS: Batea. ~ TBNPATIVB 1dAP Thie Trac1: ia ioested on the Soutl~ aide of ~tel7~ A~eaoe, ~ foet f f 'vF TkACT NA. Nest of 94h 3tseet. The subdivider is T~TZ t~I3'3~t t~ '~.s ; 3240 trsct coal~ne 60 aingle fasily iota aad S aarloza 'bot a pait aE t~'a.s eubdiviaidn". It roas pointed out bp the Coamission t~at 4las Os~s~,t Couaty Plood Control xill 4~e ruaaing s diteh t~a~ !~e 5~1~ getiae '} oE tfiio pxoperty making radieai ebangss aeceaeary in s~e sm~d3v3s~es ~+ i aiso the excaptioa wae takea to the S iota sd~B "~t a~.rt sf tb3~ ~ aubsliviaiont t Upon a motion t±y C~niesioaer Ganer, aec~ by ~iamer ~I1, . ~ aad carried~ it was moved tt~at the Te~:_tise ~tap of 3~ut sto. 3Z~ ~ be dissppxoved. ADJW1tt~Al2~ ~ ~+- Tht Meeti~g Ad~ourned at 5:32 0'Clock p.ll. T ~ ~ € ' . '~ ~--------. _ . ,~ - _ .,..,.-_.,~ --------.... - -,_....---- -~- ------- Y .,.