Minutes-PC 1957/07/31~ _,
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July 31, 1957
City Hal!
Anaheim, California
ADJOURNBD An Adjourned Regalar Meeting of the Citq Planning Commission was
ggGUIpR calied to order at 2:1.i 0'Ciock P.M. by Chairman Summers, a quorum
y~~ being present.
pRASgN~ CHAIltMAN SUNAffiRS, C01~9dISSIC~NBRS: DuBois, Gaues, Hapgood, Mauerhan,
Morzis, Thompson and Mungall.
p~H~ None .
ppRIANCA This Variance was held over from the meetiag of Juiy 22, 1957 as
N0. 793 the Chrysler Corporation desired to have th2 Vasialuce cover the
whole property under consideration, aithaugh the portion not origin-
ally advertised would cover th: inteade3 ise as a Training Ceater.
Mr. Robert Clark s!nd Mr. Kling appeared before the Commission and
presented a rendering of the proposed huilding. They statt3 that
there wouid be approximateiq 175 permanent empioyees and 200 students
would be brought in at a time for training. The building will have
some 50,000 'to 55,000 kquare feet and will oi:2q ue two storq on
that portion facing th~ Preeway. a('`•? off-street parking spaces wiii
be provided aad the ektire prop:•~:': wili•be landscaped as a show
pla ce . ~
No one appeared 3n opposition to the gran•~ir_g of the Varir.nce. Z'F~
Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Gaue;
and carried, it was -roted by R~SOLUPION N0. 17 - SHR~S 1957-Sa to
grant Variance 793 subject to the~construction of the building in
accordance with the renderisag submi#ted t:, the Commission.
RBCIASSIPI- This Reclassification was first considered at the July 1„ 1.~7 Meet- S
CATION N0. ing aad held over untii July 22, 195?, to find out if the Slementery ~
F-56-57-88 Scho~l District was going to acquire a poriion of the propertq. At ~
the Meeting of July 22, the Commission again rcithheld their action
until a-ecommendation had been received fr~~n S.tmon Eisner, Consui- ~
tant for the City of Anaheim.
Mr. Berna:d, as attorney for the Heffler Construction Company and ~
Ntr, Lesser appeared before the Commission and presented a plot pluu ~
showing how four-unit apartment buildings could be placed on these ~
60 X lOG foot lats. Mr. Barnes appeared before the Commiessi~on and ~
ashed what would be done to grovide him with an opening to his ~
property since the originai stree4 wauld ~ abs~dcned and ca:•ered ~
with the proposed schooi buiiding. ~
It was finaliy agreed by Mr. Lesser that a atreet would be put throu6h ~
to Mr. S~rnes~ property bq the Heffler Construction Companq. Several ~
property owne~s in the area voiced their ob,~ections to the proposed 3
Reciassification from a traffic staadpoint, devaluation of homea, ~
that Single Pamily dweilings would be in demand with a schooi in the ~
area so that childre~ couid walk to the achool, thqt there is oniy ;
one entrance from Romneya Drive on the South amd by Chevy Chase on 3
the North, whi.ch atreet ia all Single Fami.ly Residential, a minimum i
of 400 cars added to the traffic in the area, that there is ample ~
R-3 in i:h~ area at preaent and *hat the Commissior: ahouid plan that ~
R-3 will not be sandwiched in betweEn R-1 eutdiviaians.
Mr, Bisner~s ~ecommendation stated: ~
(1) Ii +the yreaent etreet pattern, lot size~ and areas are to be j
maiteta3ued, the land would appear to be beat used for Single ~
Parily ltesiden43a1 purposea.
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(2) If the aubdi.viaion wese tp be redeaigaed with wider and
deeper lots that svould permit a~ine'tqpe of Multiple
houedng and if the street aqstea'~tould be ao reorganized
to permit a gieater degree of accesa to aad from the '
propertq f;oni Romneya Drive, indicating at least two ways
of eatry aad exit for the property, without causing the
traffic geaerated in the areas to paes through singie
family resident3al districts, then the area might properly
be u~_d for muitipie familq usea.
(3) We ~rould be m~st cautious .in setting aside spots of multi-
ple reaiderltial area in the heart of singie famiiy
residen~ial districts without earefui consideration af the
effect that such decisiona wiii have on the long range
overall plaa for city development aad orderly growth.
With Bisaer's report in front of them the consenaus of opinion of
the Commisgioa was that although they originally did recommend this
area i`ar R-3, not enough atudy was g3.ven to the traffic pattern
tbut r~ould be created bq this Multipie Pamilq deveiopment, and the
sma1l size of 2ots with n~ siieys~ whici, aie almoat a requiremen4
far multiple family lots.
Upoa a motion by CommisRioner DuBois, secanded by Commissioner
~P3a~~ aaG caa+ieG., it was moved ihat Reclassification No.
F-56-57~88 be recommended to the City Councii for denial by
RBSOLUfIONI N0. 18 - SBRIBS 1957-58.
The vote on tY,e above Resolution was as follows;
Al~S: (.'prAlISSIOI~IDRS: DuBcis, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Summers,
Thowpson and Musigali.
N~S: Cq~iISSIONBRS: Mozris,
AB59NT: COhAfTSS~0I~R5: Ncne,
- ANAI~IIM UNION The ANAFffi~! UAiION HIQi S~iOpL DISTRICf requeated the City Plsm~ing
HIGH S(~i00L Coormissic:+ to consider the ten (10) acre site described as:
11IS`"R ICf
That por±ion of the Northwest quarter of the Norttreast quarter
of SecZxon Seven, Tawnahip Four South, Range Ten West, S.B.B.
&M., deacribed as fol!aws; Beginning at the Northweat corner
of the Naetheaet quar4er of said Section Seven, and -unning
thence Bast along the North line of said SecLian, 660.19 feet;
thence South~ parallel to the West iine of said Northeast
quarter, 659.81 feet; the:-ce Weatf parailel with the North line
of said 3ection~ 6F0.19 feet to a point in the Weat line of
said Northeast quarter; thence North along the Weat line of
said Northeast quarter, 659.81 feet td the point of beginning.
Bpan a motion bq Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commiasioner Thomp-
sen, and carried, 3t was moved that the ahove property wae euitabie
for aesch purposes as the Fligh Schooi District might requtre.
ADJO~I~NT The meeting ad3ouraed at 3:40 0'Ciock P.M.
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