Minutes-PC 1957/08/05__-- -----~v.~~.~.~.~:~.-_,.d.~..~..~.~._.~._._.__ ~ ~ _._~..~... ~ ~> ~ _- ~.~ -~~; August 5, 1957 ! Citq Hall Anaheim, Califoraia MINUPBS OP 7CH8 RBGUTAR MBATI'r1G OF THE C1TY PIANNING O~tISSION ~ , RHGUTA.'t A Regular Meetiag of the City Piann3a~~ Commission wss calied to order i ~ MBHTING at 2:15 O~Clock P.M, by Chairman Summers, a guos~ being present. ~ ~S`~N~ CHAIRbi~~N SiTAAffiRS, Cq~lISSIODffiRS: D~uBo3s~ Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Thom~son and Mungall. COhAlIS5IQbIHR Hapgood entered the Meetiag at 2:50 O'Clock P,M. COM~SISSI01~ffiR Mauerhan retired from tlae Meeting at 4:15 P.M, and re- turned at 4:45 P,M. C01~4(ISSIONIDR Gauer retired from the Meetiag at 6:10 P,M. MIN[TfSS The Minutes of the Adjouraed Regular Meeting of July 22nd were approved as corrected. It was found that the Applicant on Tract No. 2567 was wroagly named. This error was caught before the Meetiag and the Record copy of the Minutes rras accordingly chaaged. RBCIASSIFICATION YUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTI~V submitted by FAIRPffiLD HdNBS, IPiCqtp(RATBD N0. P-57-58-4 , 4333 Bast Live Oak Avenue, Arcadia, Caiiforaia, as Owner, H. N. HHRGflt, same address, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property dea- cribed as Lot Nos. 9, 10, I5, and 16 of Helen aad Lqnch Subdivision ,~ be reciassified from R-1~ SINGLE PAMILY RHSIDflNTIAL to M-1 LIGHf j , MANUFACTURIHG with aa R-3, MULTIp7B FAMILY RBSIDBPPf7AL buffer on ' Loara Street. These parcels contain 30 acres and are located on the ~ Soatheast corner of B:oadwaq and Loara. ~ A lasge number of people were present in opposition to this proposed ~ reclassification, and requested that the hearing be ~tarted at once. ~ No one was present sepresenting the applicant, so C6airman Summers ruied that this reclassification would be put up for action when the ~ appiicaat aoneared at the Me~t~eg_ ~ VARl~lNCB This Variance was heid over from the meetiag of July 22nd for further ~ } N0. 787 iriformation as to aetbacks, etc. ~ Mrs. Lutes appeared before the Commiasion and agreed to accept the i setback as specified by the Commission and to ~Srovide the driveway i necessary to serve the Motel. No one appeared in oppoaition to the granting of the Variance, THB HBARING WAS CIL)6BD. Upan a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Thrnqpson ~ and carried~ it was moved that Varianc° No. 787 be graated bq RHSOY U- , TION N0. 21, SHRIHS 1957-58, aubject to a fifteen foot setback from the property line on Lincoln A.venue, and starting at the East propertq ' line, a f ive foot side yard, then the twent Y'~e foot wide Motei, then aion 16 f t f ~ ~ ~ ee or aa le B g parking, then a twenty foot roadtiay for ' ingress and egress, with a suitable turn-around as showa on the lapout, i RHCIASSIPICATION This reclassification was held over from the meetia s of B J'ulq 1 a:td 22 ~ i N0, P-56-37-83 for the preaentation ~n plans, Mr, Nerenbaum, as Hngiaeer for the ! Tract., and Mr, ~aul Sogg, the developer of the property appeazeG before tTne Commission. Theq atated ihat they believed the best uae for this property was R-3, MULTIpLg ppMILY RBSIDBhT7AL. Theq planned a unit development; each uait will have 24 to 30 apartments, and the units necessarily wili occupy more than one lat in the snbdivisioa , The renderinga of th~e proposed apaxtuseat bnildiag were preseated to the Commiasion. Proteats ~rere received from the reaide~s Sonth of ~ . this proposed R-3 aubdiviaion on accounf of 4he.traffic tbat might be ~ created. It was poiated out that Walnat Street Kould hsve #o be ; widened if the aubdivision aere allowed to go in. ~ 1 , -i- 3 ~, _ _ _ . __ _ __ _-- --- -- -- - -_ - ------ - -. _ . - --- --°- - a RSCIASSIPICATION THB HeARING WAS CL06HD. : N0. P-56-57-83 (Cont.) Upon a mction by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Comm3ssicaer Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved that Reclassificatiam Na. F-55- ~ 57-83 be recommended to the City Councii by RHSOLiTPI~I N0. 22, SBRIBS 1957-58~ sub,ject to: (1) The erection of a garage for each apartment, and snc3s garages to have a setback from the alley of su feet. (2) The filinq of R-3 Deed Restrictiona with the City af Anaheim, ;rith the (;ity to 2~ve one member of the Arctu- tectural Committee. The vote on the above RH50LVPION N0. 22, SHR~S 1957-58 ~as as , iollowa: AYBS: Cq~4NISSIONBRS; DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morria, S~ers, Thompson aad Muagail. N~RS: COhalISSIONHRS; ATone ABSBNf: COMMISSIOPffiRS: None NQT VOfING: CONAlISSIONER Hapgood. THNfATIVE MAp A Tentative Ma of Tract No. 3278 was P presented to the Comm9ssion. i x OP TRACE N0. This Tentative Map covers the area considered in Reclassificatica ~ 3278 I1o, F-56-57-83, s i t Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Comaissioaer tlonis, ~ and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3278 ~ be approvP.d 3uh,ject to: - (1) Tb.e widening of the a],xey at Lc+t 45 33 ~~es ±~±s# ±ti+ i s4 foot s~reet may be put in. (2) The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisitiam of ~ park and recreation siLes. (3) Hngineering Requirements. ~ TEi1fATIVB MAP This Tract is a portion of the oid Tract No. 1647, located at tLe OF TRAGT N0. Southeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and Ninth Street. Tlx sabdirider 3301 is•C. C. PHxLLIPS COU9PANY, 5917 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angelea, California. The Tract contains thirtq-aix (36) R-3 Lots. (s ~ Upon a motion by Crnnmissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissiamer Thompson, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract 3301 be approved sub,ject to: (1) The widening of the street at Lot 8 in order that s 54 foot street may be carried into Tract No. 3278. l2)- The payment of $25.00 per lot for the sequisiti.m of parl~ and recreation sites, ~ (3) The extension oi °aelis Laae into Tract No. 3278, and t~e ~ extension of the ieq next to Lot 1 into Tract No. 3278. (4) SngineerirE; Req4 ments. VAR7ANCB N0. PUSLIC }ffiARING. I~33'TfION aubmitted by J~ SI.L1S, 301 Ha~at 1later 794 Street, Anaheim, Cal3fornia, as Owner, requesting permissim Yo build a TWO BHDROOM HOMS on the front of h3s lot, locatel at 303 Bast 1Vater Street. The property is deacribed as being situat~d am the North aide of.Water Street between Philadelph3a Street and Claudina and further described se Lot 18, Tract No. 497, as per Map thereof recorded in Boak 17, Page 38, Miscellaneous 11ape, Recorda of Orange County, Celirornia. Tke propertq is presentiy classified as R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RASIDBNf7AL. ~ . _.._ . _ . . ....'. ' _2_ . . ..... . .. . .._......_ .... ...................... . . . ._".____"'_"_'. . .. "__._._ 3 _'"'__f t ~ ~ C~ ~...~ _~ ~ _ ~ .. ~~ , -; , ~ ' yARIANCa NO, No one appease~i for ttie applicant with reference to this Variance. ?94"(Coat.) A letter was received from Mrs. J. W. Frizzell, Owner of the lot imme3iately adjoitiing the eub3ect property, protesting the proposed Variance.. A letter was also received from Mr. 8e Mrs. Carl W. Harp, 609 So. Philadelphia St:, protesting the granting of the Variance, Mrs. Bertha S. Meng, 611 So. Philadelphia St., and W. B. ~ Moody, 619 So. Philadelphia St., appeared before the Commisaion k proteating the granting of this variance, on the grounds that the ~ entire area 3s presentiy R-1, and that there was not enough land ~, M s 48 foot !ot with the present locatlon of the house on the f. property to erect another i~ front. Upon a motion by Commissionez Thompson, seconded by Cormnissioner Gauer, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLVPION N0. 23, SHRISS , 1957-58, that Variance No. 794 be denied due to the fact th~t there was not sufficient land avaiiable in front of the present dwelling to erect another dwelling and maintain the required front yard setback ard distances between the two buil~ings. VARIANCB N0. PUBLIC FffiARING. PETTTION submltted by WHSTPCRT DBVELOPhffiNf COMPANY. 7g5 9886 Garden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove, California, as Owners, requesting permission to subdivide the parcel described below into lots, one of which will be used for C-1 purposes and the renainder of which wiil be used for R-3 purposes. The propertq is described as being situated on the Sast side of Placenti.a Avenue between Anaheim-Olive icoad and Virginia Avenue. The property is presently classified as C-1, NSIGHBORHOOD CON~fERCIAL. One lot, Lnt 1, will be used for C-3 for a SSRVIC6 STATION. A representative of the subdivider of Tract 3288 appeared before the Commission and stated they desired to use Lot 1 of Tract 3288 for a SBRVICB STATION. No one appeared in oppoaition to the grant~ng of the Variaace. TE~ffi I~ARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUfIOId N0. 24, SSRI~S 1957-58, that Variance No. 795 be granted for a SHRVICB STATION on Lot 1 of Trac~ 3288, subject to: (1) The filing of C-3 Deed Restrictions limiting the use to a Service Station oniy on Lot 7.. (2) The filing of C-1 Deed Res•trictions on Lot 15. (3) Bngineering Requirements. VARYANG~3 N0. ~UBLIC HBARING. PSTTTION sqbP-itted by WALI~R & LES, INC~tPORATBD, 7g6 9000 Lincoin Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, r.:questing permission to erect a DRY CLBANING PIANT and quick ser- vice family shirt laundry. :he property is described as being located on the Sast side of Brookhurat Street between Bail Road and Orange Avenue. The property ia presently classified as R A, RSSIDSNTIAL ACdtICULTURAL. A representative of the applicants appearec before the Ccmm3ssion and stated that they woa7.d use a synthetic non-inflammable solvent for the cleanix~g work. This solvent is known as perchlorethylen~. It has no odor, and the sh ~ t laundry wili be similar to the washers used in the home. There will be no noise. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the variance. TF~ HEARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a s~tion by Commission~r Mauerhan, aeconded by Commissioner DuHoisf !~nd carried, it was moved by RBSOLC 'aT N0, 25, SSRISS 1957-3E, that 'Jssis~nce vc+. 796 be granted •,~°et ~ to: ~3- ~i -__- -__._.._ _.~ ___ _.____ _ .__ _ _ _.._ _.._... __ ,- ___-- --- ----- ~ ~`~ ~ ~~ ~ n ~r s ~ ~ -" ^~ ~ ~ ^ . ~1 ~ ~ ~y1 , I ~~ p~. (1) Obtaiaing a cieazance from the S~aog Control Board. ~g6 ~caat~~ (2) Hrection of the bnildiag in~conformity with the plans preseated. ~Et~ASSgTCATIQ; 1tr. Hopea, as Hngirieer, and Mr. Berger, as pwner, appeared before pp. ~57-Sg-4 the Ca~iss~o~n. They explaiaed that the property ia bounded on the North bq Broad~ray, Mhich was receatly rezoned to M-1, LIGHT MANU- FA(~IAtII~iG; that there is M-1 Sast of the Raiiroad tracks on the Fast side of tLe property; tbat they intead to put in the highest type of iadnstzial development. There ensued at this time discus- siaa betreen Mr. Hopea and the many restdents in Che area who appeaz~d at the heariag. Ye presented z layout of the area and gaae tbe peogie his ideas on the proposed development. YAR7AN(E NO. ?97 llrs. Pauliae Anderson, 638 Gilmar Street, stated that all these people had bonght hames in an R-1 zone, and that they want no iadastriaJ. uses in the area. They do have railroad tracks in bact of s m~e of their homes, but there is only one train a day; b~xt that rith industrq there would be a lot of truc~ traffic affi p~.°senge: car tzaffic from people working in the planta. She snbait.ted a petitioa containing some 268 aames of property owners livin~s in the area. Mr. R. W. Qnast, 1568 Brande Avenue; Mrs. ifasgaz•et Compton, 611 So. Loara Street; Mr. Donald ~uckner, 603 Adria Street; 1N~. R. R. Rei21y, 617 Gilmar S::2et, appeared before the Co~3ssian protestina the granting of this reclassifi- catiaa, citiag traf:;;: conditions that wauld be created, oanger to :he chiidrea, aad the devaluation of property values. Mr. H. N. Berger, ormer of the propertq, again appeared before the Ccmmis- sim xad stated tha#, in all probability, the railroad trackra wuld not be use8 bq aaq of the industris2 firms locating i.n. the area, bnt that saa21 trncks wouid be used. He stated the sl:reet layogt as presented could be changed so that there would be no entrance into the subdivision by any traffic from the iadustrial azea. This indastrial subdivision would carry very high restric- tions and fir~s similar to the Heckman Instruments would be the :ype tbat ~cauld be pezmitLed to come into the area. He stated that of course children were to be considx:ed, but that he did not believe the traffic hazard would be dangerous. He stated that this rould be a iang range ~evelopment; possibly the development at tbe present time would be only one-fifth of the propertq. He aiso stated that they had observed poor industry that had gone iato varioas azeas, and tt~at theq did not propose to make the sa~z aistakes that had been made by others. TF~ HHARING WAS CL,^~ED. IIpon a motion by Cam~issioner Gauer, seconded by Commisaioner Mauer- ban, and carried~ it was moved by RBSOLUfION N0. 26, SBRIHS 1957-58 tt~at the Comm3ssion recommend to the City Councii that Reclassifi•• catioa No. P-5'~-15~-4 be denied. The vote on the above Resoiution ras as f oiloa - : A7~S: C~4~tISS~l::TBRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompaon, and Mungail. p~ES : (A9~f ISS IOPffiRS : None . AgSENf; (~WISSIOd~RS: None. PQBLIC f~RING. PETTfION submitted by CLYDH A, PIhTLBY, 7461 Ball Raarl, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to use the prope=ty described below as an AUfCMOBIIS RBPAIR SHOP and RESIDEN(~:. The property is described as being the Northwest corner of Ball Road and i+festern Avenue. The property is preaently classif ied &~ R A, RBS IDiSNf II4L AQt TCULTUAAL. -4- I~ ~ i ~ .>' ,~ S ~ ~~ ~. 797 tt~t.D Q39 ~e Clee~ a~E ~€eet ta the City of Aaaheim foz the ~ag aE ~eca Aveane, aad ZO feet for the wideaing aff ~P~ $aed. QzD ~eec~ag He~ts. Q'~) 'Hme ~g to be aectcd ia accosQsace with Ltu pians ~- :q ~ ~ ~.' ~ r~ ;~ I ~r t: ~ i ~ ~ ~: ~ ---~~ A VARIANCB 3~D. ~.~C ~~. ~S¢~!i soba~tted bp BQiR~H `~. tRAIId, 929 South 798 ~a ~, ~ta ~, 6~eF~fara~a, aa O~mer, requestiag permiaeion ~to ~se mm AEB~ ~g~` B~IR a~ 'Fpl~-!iP SHOP w3th a required ~ @g ~ 5~~iz T!r ~~rr~v {a ~ar~~~A ~u AOd~ R~~4 ~ 1a~,~ ~ O¢ L~t $OI~~ 6~! Of 6t~ street betmeen 1~3i A~e~e amS ~fe?e ~.vea~e. Tme property te preseatiy ciaeai- g9eE ~ B-~, ~ffS~ef BL~E~AL. IEr_ !`~+a~a ~~ace tF~e Cn~#sa~oa aad etated that hie pr~p- 2ssp a~ ~~ aE s 3n~ice Statiaa aad tfut there are maaq ~H aaes im L~e sret. D~_ ~e83~ ~:,[~:~aeffi ~£~e t~e (7n~~fea aaQ atated that he plans 1t~ mni9~ a sap ~!i clsss ~efSdia~ aan the propezLy aad xill live 3a !me messmmm~e so 1~t l~c woald be intesested in keepiag the paa~t~ s~ so tme h~Oesi ataa~ard goas3ble. ~ ge~ti~ aies ~ to Lme Cam~3safoa~ f=om peopie favoring the ~~!"r tt~e ~s~amae, e~fca shoreQ tbat the trc South cornera ~~a33 ~a~ :md ~ A~eaae weze fa favor of the grantiag of t~e ~ies3sm~_ ~_ L Ea~oa~, 8942 I~ste=a Aveaue, appesred before ~e ~a~ ~ s~ Ltrat t~e progoseH n~e ~ronid deatroy the ~:;~ ~ne~s ~ tme srea a~ ~e preaeated a petition xith the ~as m-f 31 ~a~e~t~ a~aees ia t~c azes asainst the graat~ug of t~e i~anss-ss_ ~_ ~ E_ ~lamovaa, 986I aPestesa Aveaue . appeared ~effaQe it~e ~ ame 4tate8 t~t he I~ad checked rith the Bank e~' ~siea, ~*~w~ tiist grepatg vaiue ~-f12 be effected 2S% ~~e sosia~e is ~_ Mr_ Loyiel C. bfartia, 9761 Wemtern ~i~r~+e. ag~gr~ be€~:e tme ~o~sssfc~ aad stated that it ahould ~e meS~II ss a~aE ar ~ivm to ai~ez deveiopmeata that might mr~ me ~m~m~'aa ~Eo tme areg_ b(rs. Lopsl C. Martia appeared me~'~~a+e 4me ~aim amd descr~bed the beantiful homea in the area. l~_ ~~ H~p, 'T3~~ BQ1i Road, appeared before the Commiseion amd ~~~Ie ~.Lt Haa~ a IOQ foot h~ghMay it is aot auitabie ff~ sa~ee fr~B res~t~s.i ose. btr. Donovta, Jr., 9881 Weatern ~~s ~~~ A~ IIid IIQ CO~!lC~tl VCAtUfCB 8t 3~ ~Q Z~^ ~'F~ZS NOQId~ bC tliC f~l8t GOC~~lC~Cl {KIItl1!! Ofl 7lesgssm 01~~s_ T~+~~, it rss pofateQ ont there are meny non- ~ff~ r,u---*"=4 Qaes aa ~este=a Avemze ia the 8hape of ~ a~:s_ ~~i atIDer gropertp ernera in the asea spoke ~ ff~ a~II agsainst t~e graatiag of tt~ v=riaace. Mr. Donovan wne ~ mm a+~ac to tTme ese of ~ia property, and it xaa ff~em~ a~st me ~s e2evea sdntt abeep aad lue treitre chictene, Re~t ~ sme Legt 2~T €eet Dact fra~ ~featera Aveane . TH9 FIDAR ING iAS B~. ID~~ a smtta~ mg ~~tazria, aecoaded by Coaiaeioner 6emea. amd! ~s~, iL ~s ~oae~ hq RESOLVf i~ N0. 27 ~ SBR I8S 1957- 5~8, ~ ~sssmce ~ts. 'i`~ ~e grsated snbjeet to: .8 ~s'~ ~~~fa~ eis recefx~ fsa~ eight peopie ia the ares, ststt~ ~ me ffi~ aa~j.r a ffftf foot fra~ntnge oa Liacoia, ae 5~ S~D fferlt w~s aFS~ to tmc 'FcaRr.o Ofx Compaay. aad that they ~t~ec ~~asfinesa xith3a tIx c3ty iimits must have at ~ a'RD ffma~ ffr~s~e to fasare psri~fQg fsciiities. .Another ~~ ~ ffie gaa~est ~s t~aL t~ere raa ao rater avaiiabie as ~+he ~atbea ss~hlss ase A~hd ~tr~cti}- to one doo~stic d~rellia6- ~ s~ ~ r~ ~ Dg = prfvste as~ter c~pany consisting m~ ~ise ~~m s s.f~ acre parceZ ~djofnias. TtID H8AA7NG WAS ~ ~ ~~ ~ i - ;~ _ ~ ~ , M l.. ~ ~~ VARIANGB N0, Upon a motion by Commissivnrs ~_„ ~ Tzg ~issiaaer 798 Gauer, and carsied, it a~ ~~ ~~'II~S 3Q: Zff, S~IES (Cont. ) 1957-58 that Variance SVa_ 79B fie ~.~c~t ta s3ae ~tz~c-- tion of the building in ~~ 1a:~1.~ s'h~m ~ t5e glat psaa, aad the providing of t.~e ~u3ldzxig IDe~ ~~~gIzte set of plans before aay build3ng w+~+~^~ ~~~~+ VARIANGB N0, PUBLIC HEARING_ ~Ef3T30N ~~y ~L ~~, 831 Saath 799 Manchester Av2nue, ~lar~3m, Sr.a.a3~r a~ w~~ ~siiag per- mission to erect a 3t~ClL~991 Q~,~ am~~stta~ aF a Fatg Ianp Bowling Alley, Hiliiaz,d ~taam„ S~-~~It IImmg~~ "- aad Coffee Shop. The ~apez~-~g ~~~3H~1 ~ Il~.~ p~*~ oa t~ North side of Bali ~oad ~a~a &&m~1~ i~se a~ F.ea~a Street_ The property is praseatl~ r3~3ffa~n a~ tC-Il„ ~~~ COl~R- ' CIAL. Mr . Doyle , of Do~qle ~C ~~i~].33, a~sd ~€~e tTae ~i~ aad presented a rendering ~~e ~~ffnan mE t~e ~_ ffiea que~tioned as to t~e amnua~ ¢~' ~and ttm ~e ~es~d f~ ~rartiQg, he stated that it xcas s~v~ ~n ~e g~Dstt ~m tfi~t t5e pai~g ratio would be four to sme_ 'IIBi~ mee ~cmS4~ ~t De ffi canflict with other commerLia3 us~s vabn~h aae ~~m arn~ tloe caraer of Ball az-d Euclid. No oze appeared ia a~~s,~,i~ a~ ~7s ~~naza~ ~ imr varsau..re. T}IE HEARING WA5 CLOS~D_ Upon a motion by C^^^^~__~--"^°T ID~s, ~ itv~ C~iaaer Mungall, and carrie3, i* a~ mirn~d fl~p ~i '~ ~_ Z'4, ~IES 1957-SS that Yazi~u ~a_ :~~~ ~e ~--~= ~.~ ~ =~__ -===~ ~~ be built ia accor,dance av3~ ~he *+~ -~ m~C ~ g2aS glaa aad plans presented. VAR7ANC8 N0. PUBLI(; HEARING. ~ET3TIflN ~k**++~+ 3ny ~, aD e~c~ 43Q Fast 800 Compton Boulevard, ~ompt~a, ~a3~~aa~. a~ 0mrr„ ~tiag per- mission to erect a BQN337WG ~_ 'II~ ~g s~es¢x"Iaed ~ being si#uated on t~e IGna~~ s~ ¢ff ~tdrn~ ~va~e iaetaeeu Ifest a.ad Walnut Streets. The rn~e~esYy 3~ ~4~ ~~*~~ed as g-3L, RHSIDENTIAL AQtICQITIIIt~._ Mr. Miller and Mr. ~allm~ =~A_-~ Ilgff~ t~e 4~SSSiea, aad stated that this avould ~e S~rn ~w~d~frm~ l~ Ba~cEiug e121egs together with a Coc3ctai3 $ar, ~„ ~~rffi±~' ~'aas, D~g Nursery, Parking aad .~a aaa~~ 'Sl~ ¢rt~4 a7t t~Le wzza tm~T~*++e will be $568,000_ No one appeazed ia ~posi~iaa ss, ~~~g ~ tke ~ariaace_ THE HEARING WAS CL05£D_ Upon a motion by C~~ccirmes fl9~ans„ ~nem~ff F~g ~iacez Thompson, and canied, it a~ arn~ ~~:'7,~i ~!p_ 3@, ~RiES 1957-58 that Variance Na_ ~DD ~+r ~~~ to tfic sa ~4Qioa I ~, of a plot plan on o~ 3~e~~ ~e ttna~ tt~ ~a*~*-P i~ =eEitred bq p, the City Council_ Tiiis ~lat pIl~m ~m s~c ~Se tFme af£-~`seet parkin¢ will be locat~d. VARIANCB N0. PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION sa~d fig ~ FL~4: ff~,~ L~ccla 801 Boulevard, Anahe3m, d:a3i~~rn3s, a5 ~n ~_*+*a oe~c~ission to build a DUPLER an ~e r,Emn~rstg~ ~arn"medl xs Laea~ sitcsted on the South side flf l3ar.nlv ~nm~ ~ II~Ie amd ltsgaolia Avenues, and fur~hEr 3esaa~iea3 s~ ¢~easg ~ F*~~~ Ba~~+~_ The property is preseatl3~ z9a~3tifa~df a~ 7~-~„ &FS~i3L dBtI(~EL- TURAL. . No one appeared for ar a~:~7 ~e ~raa~sm~ ~E t~ ~m+~. 'tE~ HEARING WAS Q.~ED. -e- .~ r. i 3 w:: ------ - . _ . . ~ - -- ----- ~' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ VARIANCB NJ, Upon a motioa by Commission~r Gauer, seconded by Comm9ssioner Hap- 801 (Cont.) good, and carried, it was moved bq RBSOLITf30N N0. 31, SHRISS 1957-SS that Variaace No. 801 be granted. VAR7ANCB N0. PUBLIC I~ARIIVG. PBTTTION submitted by JAhIDS J. & JUI~ S. WRI(~`, 802 9222 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California~ as Owaers, reqnesting permission to have a CUST(~! TROPICAL PIANfING SHRVICB. The propezty is described as being 9222 Orange Avenue, aituated on the South side oc said street between Webster and Magnolia. The propetty is presently elassified as R-A, RBSIDSNT7AL AQtICULTURAL. The property 3s presently R A, RSSIDBNr7AL AQtICUI.TURAL, aad the ~ onlq need for a var3ance is that there would be certain accessories, suzh as fertiiizers, etc. that wili have to be sold rrith the plants which wiil be raised on the property, as weli as imported from other countries. Na one appeared in opposition to the graating of the ear3ance. Tf~ HBARING WAS CLOSBD. . Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Ga~er, aad carriefl, it was moved by RHSOLUfION N0. 32, S~tII:S 1957- 58 that Variance No. 802 be granted~ sub,ject to the deediag to the City of Anaheim of ten fee4 for the wideaing of Orange Avenne, and B~gineer3r.g Requirements. . VARIANCBS NOS. PUBLIC FII3ARINGS. ~6TITIONS submitted by VOL1C McIAIN & Cp~~ANY, 803-807 incl. 2208 West Beves.iq, Los Angeles 57, Californi$, as Lessee, requestiag permission to erect temporary directioaal SIQVS on the propert3es descz3bed es bei,zr,: The South side of Bs12 Road bet~en ~est Street and the Santa Ana Preeway; The Northeast corner of Ball and Harbrnr; the &outheast coraer of VErmont und the Santa Ana Preeway; The Sonth sid: of Vermont ,ju~t Hast of Citron; an4 the Northeast corner of Vzrmont and the ~anfia Aiia Pree~,raq, These properties are prese~ly classified as R~l, RSSIDSNTIAL AQtICULTURAL. Mr. Smith appeazed before the Commission and Mr. gunz of the &mz Sign Company~ and stated these signs are necessarq to i3et praspec- tive clients to the apurtments a4 the cornar of Atest Vermont and South Citron Strects who migh4 desire to rznt these apartments, No one appeared in opposition to the grantittig of this varisnce. TI~ID FIDARING WAS ~LOS&D. Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, secon3ed by Commissio~r DuBo3s, and carried, it was moered by P,HSOLUfION N0. 33, SHRIDS 1957-58 tl~at Variaaces Nos. 803 to 807 inciusi;~e be grante,d for six ~onths~ sub- ject to the aine canditions outlined by the City Conncil for snch sign variances. RECIASSIP3CATION PUBLIC FffiAR IIVG. PBTTTION su'L~mitted bq JOHIV G. HRANDHS, HLI7ABETH A. N0. P-57-58-3 and ROHBRT WALIACB GORDON, 216 South Mancheater, Anaheim, Californix, as Owners, JO~i G. BRANDBS, Same A~ldress, as Authorized Ageat, requesting that the property descritr:d as being 216 8~ 222 So4th Manchester, ~t~een Broadrra.y and Ce~:rr, !~e reclr.3sifirII fz~ w-2, GBNHRAL CqdhBRCIAL to M-1, *_,IGH* MAi~i[TNACfURING. Mr. Joha G. Brandes, the applicant, ap~ared before the Commissioa and stated that he deaired to have t&a ~,~^u~,_tty xezoaed to M-1, but that he had no flefinite plans for types of b~aiidings to be erected or any showing of kiere the off~straet parkiag xould'be. It would probably be directiy behind the Pour Square Chnrch. Upan a mot,3an by Commieaior,er Thompaoa~ sccrnrde3 by Comuissioner Mungall, and carriedf it vma moved that R2CxA~SIPICATION N0. F-.;7-58-3 te heid ~vcr uatii the meet~ng of SeZ,tember 3rd. ..~_ _ _ _. _.._ ~ ___ _ _ __ ~ ~~ \ -- --- ._.. - _ _ ~t . -~ i : _. :.a i ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~! I =1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ' ~. ~ ~ ~ RBVYSN N0, 9 PUBLiC "1•~ARING. PSTTT:.^dv eubmitted bq DYSB WATBR C~s`.4:fl', ~ox 68, Garden Grove, Califos~9.a, As Owner, requestiag permiae~~;-: .a cYrill aad opcerate a 1~ATSR 1tBI.L aear the Southweet corner of Harb~ir and Orangenaad. The property is pres2ntiy clasaified as R A, RBSIDBN- TIAL dGR't(.'tJLTURi1L. 11r. L. Mitchell, Ow~-~:. of a qae11 near. th~~ proposed site~ requested by the Dy~e lVa~er Companj, prc~tcsted th¢ g:ant3ng of the Special Use Permit. The well p;,~aencS,y ceing used is drqiag up, and altfiough the M3t.:he11 w!~-'.i ?.~ noi being operated at t'~e presdat t~:•ae, it is exper.te~3 th~1~ it r:•f11 be reacti~rated. Ms„ George 1Carct.rr, 'Publa~ R~:i.aciur.s repr~sentative ..of the Ayke 6iater Compas•w, spi~sred befo:'t th2 Co~iss3on and statied t'r~i they propose to connect this well ;vith their line~s, snpplying wat~r to the locations t:st might or •right not be ia the Citq of Ana1`~eim. H! was unabi~ to 4tate wl~ere the wattr ob#ai~~~d would be uaed. ~FLC' li~.'~RING W~S CL~SD. J~aa a motion by C•.;mmissioner Hapgood, seconded bq Commiseioner Mauerhen~ and ca=ried, it was moved by RHSOLVfION N0. 34, S~R7SS 195T-~8 that Special Use Permit, appiied fur by the Dyte Mater Company in Reriew No. 9, be denied. RHCIASSIPICATION This reclassification has Ltes held over for se~~errsi meetings with P-56-57~~39 N0 a view to getting t:se propes~:•~ owners on the Narth s3de of Oerritos . Avenue and IKta Peters together. This has appar~ntiy not been done. Mr. Keat preseated a proposed Tentative Map with a ~stireet ruxsning through the middie of the Peters propertq, This ~~ould 3soi~te th~: rear portiun of the 330 foot deep iots on Cee*'.:os :~~°:~zsae, A nwnber of theae proper.ty owners appeareG beiore *`~- C.».nmiss3.:,n and staLed :hat theq would 1~1~ to tlo somethiag wi4h :l.e rear of thair properties. THH ilEARING WAS CI.OSBD. Upon a nctioa by Cu~ai.'e3ioner Thaapson~ so~ondCd. bq Conm~issioner Maucr},an, oa~3 :a~'rier, it r~as voted to Aittihoid ac~cio; on thia eclassir`'ication ~cii 4ae meetiag of Septembes 3; 1957. to see if r , a sniLable plaa for the use of both tb: pro~r~iea .a oerritos Avenne a,-.d :h° Peters acreage coula be .arranged. VAR:fANCB N0. The NSVILLE CHBMICAL CQAPANY, 133b No*th Patt Street, Anaheim, 701 Ca.lifosnia, requeste,' an extenaion of aix months on :'a~risnce No. ~ 701 due to tfe time taten by t;c State to com,pic : the appra~~als ~ on their psoperty. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompsan, aeconded bq Gammisbton~r ~iauerhan, ari~ ~:.sriCd~ it r~s .r.ted D~ ASS+2VTION NO, 35t SSR~S 1457-58 to graat the tievilie Comoaaq an extenaiom of six moatha oa Var3~nce Nn. ?O1. ~~~ The mee; in, s~d3or~,rned ak 7; 30 0' Cloct P.M. -8- ~i . . .._. oY . _---•- ---__ __ _--- ----. _.. _ _ _ _. _ _ . _ . . . . . _ - -._. ~ : _.... _ __. _.