Minutes-PC 1957/10/14~,
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October 3~«r :•~~
ADJOURNSD !+n Ad~ourned kiegulaz' Mee~ing of iae Ansheim City P2anninB -
~Qyp~ rrea aal]ed to order at 2aI5 o°clock PeMe by Chai-'~an S~-"sr a q~-~
M~ETING being present, Before atarting the business session of i~ me~~~3,
the Chairman introduoed Mr, Lenzi Allredp xho vsa appa3ntsd '.~ ~
City Counail as a Planning Com~issioner at ~hheir mceting a~ (~..o~ ~~
... .. 1957a to the Comm~asion and to the e~udlence presenv< 2'~a ~33ae3 ~
took hia aest as s member of the Ca~isaioao
~'SENT CHAIRMAN SUMIAERSD COMMISSIONEASa Allredr D;iBoisp 1+lanarasn„ 1+1~s{sr -
Ti~amnpsoa and 1Mungsllo
Camomisaicner Hapgood eatered t,he meetiag at 2s3~ o'~lor,3c ~'~.
yARIANCE N0, 849 PUBLIC HEARINGe PETITION sutmitted by GRIFQITH SEtOT~.S_ ~3?2 ii~s% _
Center StreetD AneQeimr CaliforniaD ae Ovner ga:chasin8 ~~=-
trae~y requeeting a WAIVEFi of the 70 faat 2`ron°~.aga raqn]--~az~ ~
7z00 eauare foot raqu±rement to 66 ~oot lot f`~ontagas an3 £a'1L~ ~~'°
foot lota on the prupsr~y dea6ribed as Tentaiive 1:a~~ 13a. 332b,. ~- ~
cribbd as I,o~ 11 of Anaheim Investmen: Campax~*9s Trac~s 33 ~a :~-a
of Anahe:lmn County af OrangeP State of Celifernias as p~~ ~~~-'d~
is Book 79 pages 33 a~ 34 of Miecellaneoue Mapa~ 3~ zl~e ~-~-i~ ~:~
G~untp Reoord~r of 8aid couniy9 and hu#1~er des~ibe3 °.8 'F~ ~~~'
carner of E~slid aad C:ane Aveauese The proper:y ~s preses`.1y .3s~-
1~lx~, John G:3ffiih appeared before the Ga~ies~on and s:~ed :3~n= ~*+~•
Variance xas :.n referenca to Tract Nao 3326 vhirh 3ie3 ~en z~o'-~s3
sccording :o the recommendationa of the Anahaim Ciiy ~s-~er;-3B C~-
mit~raa fl aad 3n so dof_ g 1t was fo'snd thai +~:aere vere ~0 3.~s :~n=
would be 65 feet in frontage sid aix af j,~e lo.s xithin a~a~ `'r'~*"~
o.f the 70 foot raquiremen~o
No one appaared in oppoeition to the g:anting oY tae ~~~rancem ~
Upon a motioa by Commiasioaer Mauerh~n eecoaded.by Ca~isai~
Morriag and oarriedD it wae moved try Resol~t=on Boe B3~, ~ex'szs 19~'^'-~
th~ Variance Noo 849 be 8rentede '
TENTATNE MAP OF A Tent.ative Map of Tract Noo 332b xas p~san#.ed :o ~e C~a:asi~-+-
TRACT NOo 332bo Thia txact ia located at the Northeast corner of Eh=1i~ san k'~
Tae i~ncz p~.~`-~
Avenusao The 5ulxiivider fs
forty Rdl lotso
IIpon a motion by Co~ieaioner Thomp~on9 seconded bg Ca~i.ssiaazz
Mat:erhana and carriedD it was moved th~ the Tantat.ive 24ap eS ~s.-'=
No, 332b ba appravedD sub~act t~s
1, The paymeat oF $25a00 per ~at ior tha a~+~+*~i°;~on ~ P~~t
and Recreation 3iteee
2, Engir.eering reqt~ix'emen4ae
RECLA3S7' PUBLIG HEARIIdGe PETITION e~a~+tgd by ~~n ~~ 7'~"""'~~ ~~~p
NOo F-57-5gw11 A~e~s Csli£orniafl as Oymer9 requeating that thet pa~aper:; ~~
ae8 3~e East 194° of the West half of the Sontheast gnsrter a- ~e
Northeast quarter~ Sectioa 7y Tovnahip w Sonth9 Ran3e 3.~ Ws~:r S°~i•~
and the property described as bainge The flesL na~.f a~ sae a~`~-
& Mo
eaet quarter of the No^theast quarter~, Section 7~ Tcwnsai~ ~~~p
LF ~~
Range 10 We~tD SeBoB> & Mo$ Exc~pting ihereframa ~e ~e.s: 19
Weet half of thE Southesat quarter of the Northeast ~ar~'r ~r'-1~ "~
Townehip 4 Southy Range 10 Westfl SoBoB, & H,- and fhriaer 3ssei=~a3
as being ~ust west of the achool on the north aide af i~asoe~ St~~~s
betw~een Brookhurat and Gilbert, be rec9.asaified ~rc~ H-$D ~-
AGRICtTLTURALa to R-3a ~1'~TIPLE FAMILY RESIDENT7AL foz' 2~1: iee: ~z:
to the achoolD an@ M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTIIRII'r Yor 4b5 fee=.
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ATC_T~ESSIFICATION ~ reg*eeentative of the aonetruation Yirm ihai propoe~ed 'r.o ereoy
NOe F-5?-58-11 t~e bui.1dinBa on the subfect property appeared before tt-e Ca~ieaion,
He stated that the Jnnior High Sohool proposed to teke a portion
of the northeaet corner oP the property and that the MeauSaeturing
uae rrould be limi,ted to l~ght aeeembly waa~k ard warehoueee, It ie ~
propoaed to b~ui].d 1Q~ ~ 150 Poot olear epan buildingao
The property aoroea 't,he atreet ia preeently the Orange Couaty 3ettling ;
3aein which ie under aoneidar~tion for a Municipal Golf Cl)~hs and
with thia poeeible uae, it Srae felt that the Ca~-ieaion ehould hav~
more information regsrding thia poseible propoaed uae before reoa~m-
, , mending anq. ~peaifia Qo~AB at ~e ~reeent timao
A motion rras a~ de by Commieeioner Tho~psana eeoondad by Commieeioner
Morriey and carried, '~~t aotion on Recleeeification No, F-57-5g-11
be poatponed uatil the meeting of Idovember 18~ 1957o Thie Kae
agreesble to the appliasnto
NOo F-57-58-12 South Grand Avenue' ~~ p~k9 Californiaa as Oxner, H, F, JohnaonD
as Authorized Agent1 requeating that the property deearibed es beinga
The Northerly 190 feet oF the Weaterly 190 feet of the Westerly 450
feet of that portion of the Weat one-half of the Northveet quarter
of the Northwest quarter oY 3eation 23, Tor~nehip Q SouthD Range 11
Weet9 S,B,B, & Moy 1yin8 '~orthesaterly of the Northeaeterly li~ of
the land deacribed in '~-e deed to the Los Angelee Internrban Railsray
Compa~v recorded Sep~~r 6, 1905, in Book 122D Page 184 of Deade~
reoorde oP Orange CountY, Ca].iforniao The Eaeterly line of eaid
Weaterly 450 feet to 1'~ P~'euel with the Weaterly line of said
3eatioa 23f ~d further daecribed as being the Southeast oorner of
Ball Road and Knott Avenue~ be reclaeaified from C-ly NEIGHBORHOOA
COI+II+~RCIAL, to C-3 for e 190 foot by 190 Poot paroel on the oorner
Mr, K, F, Johneony ae rePreeentatine for the applicanta appeared
before th~ Ccm~iasion and etated that thie property was recently
granted Yariance No. 817 for the erection of a auper aervice statioa~
but that Hancoak 011 Co., rrho propoae to ereat thie e~ervioe eiationy
will not do eo unleea '~'-e property ie claeaified for a zone that takee
tllat perticular uae.
Inaenr:.:;i ae the Vsrian°' No. 817 was reoently grantad for a eervica ~
atation a~ this corner and there appe~ed to be no reaeoa for a
ahange in attitude bY ~e Co~nieeion at thie time9 a motion rras made
by Cam~iaeioner Tha~mPeon, aeaonded by Ca~ieaioner DuBo1aD and
aarrieda that the Comm~eaion reco~end to the City Council that
Reclaesifioatioa Noe g-57-58-~ ~ approved by Reeolution No, 84y
Seriea 1957-56, sub~eat to engineering requirementso ;,
The vote oa the above ~eolution was ae followea ~;
AYESs COI~AlI3SIONEE~= ~llred' DuBois' Hepgood, MauerhanD Morriee ;~
3ummara, Tha~paoaa and Mungallo ~
NOF3a C02R~lIS3IOI~EFiS: ~oaee '
REOLA3SIFICATION P~~~ HEARINGo PETITION autmitted by F. C, HECIiETTa 13432 ~BnBe-_ '3
N0. F-57-5g 13 wood 6venuea Anahmlm~ ~iPornia; CLEO M. CLARKa DOROTHY A,ROHANy J
~d ~, $~ ~. N. F• ANDREWS~ ell of i~ewie 3treet~ and RUSS BOOREY- F
13431 3lmmone Avenue~ ~8~~ Californie, ae Oxaeren Nora M, Beokett, ;
22/~ North Glaeeell 3treet, Orange~ Califoraia~ ae Authorized Agentn 3
' requeating that t~e psoperty deecribed a~'betnga The Eset Half of
Lota 12 and 23, OranBewood Traat ae per map thereof recorded in
Book 7a at psges 32 ~~ '~ ~f Misaellaneous Mapsa Recorda of Orenge
~ouatya Californis~ City a~ Anaheim. Exaept ~hoae portione thereof
includod rrithin Tract 2691a City of Anaheima County of Orangea State _
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~CLASSIFICATION oY CalifornfaD as per map recorded ia Baak ?R, ~8~s ;7 ~:~6
DiO, F-57-56-13 of Misoellea~oua Mape in the office of the Couaty Recorder oP
asid Countyf and further desoribed ae s paroel 330° on Orange-
wood Anenue9 by 1320° on L.9t+ie Street9 be reclaeeified from R-A,y
No oae appeared for or againet the grant3ng of thia Reclaeaifi-
Inaemuch as the above property ie located acroea the etreet from
the rear of Melrose Abbey, end thst a R-3 clasaification xill act
ae a buffer between the Abbey and the R-1 dwellings to the weet,
a motion wae made by Commiesioaer Thompeon9 seco~ed by Commieaioner
Hapgood9 azid carried9 that Reclaesification Noa F-57-58-13 be
reca~nended to the City Council for approval for R-3y MULTIPLE
FAMILY RESIDENTIAI.a by Resolution Noe 85~ Beries 1957-56,
The note on the above Reeolution ~rae ea followas
AYESs COMMIS3IONERSs Allreda DuBois' Aapgood~ M~•ierhsn, Morris9
Summera, Thompson and Mungall,
If~o F-59-58-1l+ GANTES9 994b Magnolia Avenuea Anaheimy Califcrrsias e8 O~erBr re-
queating that the property described as bein~a That portion o£ tae
Southwest quarter of the Southweat quarter of Section 18r Tovnehip
4 3outha Range 10 Weat9 in the Rancho Loe CoyotesD as per map
reoorded in book 51y page 10 of Miacellaneous MaPen in the office
of the County Recorder of Orange Countyy Cal ifornia, deacribed sa
follovas. Heginning ei a point ia the South line of said SectionD
dietant the:aon 294000 feet Eaet o£ the 3outhwost corner thereof
and running thence North 0° 1?~ 20" Easta parallel vith the 11eat
line of said Sectiony 236v00 feet to the Southvest corner oi Lo~ 7
of Traot Noe 1446, as shown oa a map thereoP recorded in Boak 72
at pages 5 and 6 of Miecellaneoue Maps; thence South 89~ 59° 4^"
Eaet9 along the South line of eaid Tract Noe 14459 200v00 featy
thence Sou*..h Ofl 17° 20" Weata par~uel with the Weat lina of eaid
3ectiony 236,00 feat to the South line of eaid Section; thence
North 89° 59° 47" West 200v00 feet to the point of beginning; and
further described as 25b3-2555 :q?3 Roada AnaY-eims Cali£oraia9 be
reclasaifiad fra~m R-Aa RESIDENTIAL-AGRICOLTURAL, to C.-1n NEIGHBOR-
Mro Dovalia and Mre Gsates appeared before the Co~ieaion and atated
that they desired to build a aeriea of atorea on the sub~ect property.
Mr, Jamea Walkera 9925 Is'a Court, appeared before the Ca~miea:on and
preaented a petitioa against the reclaseificatlon containing the namea
of 19 property ownere in the area, giving as reaeonsa
le That the reaidential propesties will suffer s loeB of values9
psrticularly those bordering upon the propoeed reclaesifiaation
2. That the propoeed aite leaks adequate depth and this ~ 11 forae
building almoet to the property line thereby eub~ecting the
reaidents to bueineea noiaea and confusione
3. That irmediately eouth of the propoaed recleasification aoroea
Ball Road and bounding Magnalis Avenue 3a aa anormoue commercial
d~velo~ent which can adequately aervica t1~e public vithout
_ ad~oining reaidential propertiese
4, That they deplore the oraeping ca~meroiel infiltration of r esi-
dential neighborhoode.
Mr. Moffata owner of the property diractlq to tha East, preeently
improned with a aingle familq dwelling, atated t~at he had no ob~ec-
tion to the recleeaification to C-l, and althouBh he hee a reaidence
thereD he expecte to aontittue to live theree T~ ~~N~ WAS CLOSEDo
Mr. Gantea atated that he ia uilling to deed to the City af 6naheim
20 feet along the South side of the propertg for the rri.deaittg o£ Ball
Roade Inasmuch as the aub~eCt property is preaently claeaified ae
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n"~L'.~~r"ZGf+,"IC9 PM-L, ~SID~TZ~L eCBIGIIi~TII.RA~, n~•~~ *~ ^~'! s~~ a nnd ths f~ot
y6~ l-Sry-58-L. that the pz~opsrty ia near ths interasotion oY Magnolia Ave~e lad
Ha11 Road, both"ma3or thnronghFarma, and that the corner properEJ
a~ t,~-e p~opert~ aaros~ ths street are znnsd ae oommerolaY.a a
aotion vas made by Ca~i~eioner DnBoie~ seoonded by Ca~mie0loner
1~lansrban, and oarri~d~ that f,he Ca~oi~sion reoo~anend by F~eaolntioa
lTo. 86~ Ssri~~ 1957-~6~ that the 3nb~eot Property bs reola~eitied
to C-1~ 1~IGHBORHOOD COd+II~RCLL, eub~ect tos
1. D~dioation to t,he City oP Mahsim oY 20 feet along Ball
aoad for atreet widsning~
2. The tiling o! Standard C-1 Dsed H+sstrictions of the City
of Anabeim.
3, The eraotiog of a 6 foot.concrete blook wall along the
North„atu~; 8ast eidee , of the propezty. ~
4. Sngineering requiremente:
The vot,s on the above resolntion xas as follorrat
~ n,: ~W4lI3SIOI+~R3: Alired, DuBoie, Hapgood, Mauerhanp Morrisn
S~ars~ Thampson and Mnagall,
ABSENTt COM+lI33I01~ASt Noae.
1T0. 1~-57-58-15 Cerritos Avemie, waaheim, C~lifornia, u Owaer, requeating that the
propert~ desoribed as heings The Weat 75 feet of the North 150 f eet
of ths Nest 33~ i•et of the Nozthsaet qu~rter oY the Northeaat qusr-
ter of Lhe Sonthweat quarter o! 3~ction 27, in Toxnship 4 3outha
Hangs l0 it~at, S.B.$. & M., and lurther desoribed as 123b2 Orangs-
wood ~vemuo bs realatsitied 1'ram A-A, RFSIDEHTIAL-A(~RICULTIIRALa to
Kr. Carlson appsarsd before the Ca~mi~sion and stated that he thought
that hia prapert~ had been rssoned to C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COI+Il+~RCIALy
wWsr Aealas~itioation No. F-5b-57-74~ but it xais later fonnd ont
that tbia pnroel bad not bssn inalnded ia the Legal Notiase Mreo
Ifsng, 743 ~ran~evooQ Avemu~ appsarsd befor~ the Ca~i~eion aad
graasnted n patition aig~d b; o~s~ of property in the aren9
opposing tbs Rsolassifioation. 9hs ~aid that inrmnch a~ the prcp-
ertT sov had • aingls laaily rssidenos thnt the oxnsra dould oontimie
to livs on the pz~aperty bnt that the~ havs nox leaeed it Sor a ohuroho
It vae pointsd ont that the p~esent olassiriaation oY the prapert~
Ss 8~,-/ R~aidsaLial-~Agrianltural, vhich per~ite the nee oP the prop-
ert~ for a chnroh.. _T~ HEARING Ii~S CIA9ED.
Ipa~nch am the,Ca~i~eton.on Lhe original petiLion lio. F-56-57-74
pre~med that ths~ had realassiYied thie ~ub~eot propertTa aad tiist
at the p~essat time tLers ~ras :-o chsnge in the thin]dng t,2~at it ehould
re~ain as pree~mab],7 claseified to C-1, a motion wae made by Ca~mis-
sioner Manarban, aeconded b~ Cae~i~eioaer Morrie~ and asrried~ that
by Resolntioa Ho. 87, 3eriea 1957-5g, that RealaeaifioaCion No,
F-57-58-15 be reolseeiPied for C-l, NEIGHHORHOOD COI~RCIAL, eub~eot
to: .
l. The deeding of 10 feet to the City of~Ane~heim for the
videning of Orangaxood Aveane.
2. Enginsering require~ente.
Ths vote oa the above Rssolntion xas ae Yollor-s~
AYESt COM~lI93IOl~R3s ~7,ired~ DnBois~ Hapgood~ Mauerhana Morriea
8~ere~ Thampeon and Mungall.
lil~.Ss C0~lI33Id1~R3: Aon~.
AB9F9Tt COl4~II33IO1~A3: None.
SP'~GLL D~ PUBLIC }~IIftI~(i. YETITION snbmittad b~ VERNON TR~Ly 296 Argonns
PffiWIT 10. 10 ~vaans~ Long Bsaah 3~ California, as Owner pnrohaeing under co,ntraota
reqnssting permis~ion to CONSTRIICT and OPER6TE A TRAILER PARK on the
property dsaoribed as: The Horth hnl! of the North half of the
5aat~weat quarter of ths Northveat qunrter of 3eotion 1l+, Tawnehip
4 9onth, Ranga 11 idast, S.B.3. 6e M., and fbrther dsearibed as
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92l,2 Enott avem~e lapQs~az~uq 3o aeoea~. iae proper'q ia
, sssern.~T.: ..+de,u±*,~ar
gesent3y eiasr.'uia~ S~, ~.,~.a------
Mr. Traxsl appe~rad befome tb Ca~dsdaa aad stated thi ~s bblie~ed
that the p~opert~ ~sr ao~tim yoald be aost soit4ble toi a
trailer parl~. Br. 8. L. Ssal, a~er of ~e ~ogert,~r diractlf to the
north, appsarsd in oppoaitim to tae ~t3ng of a p~rait i'aa~ a
traiYer Fark. Hs be33e~ed t~at this imld dspe~ecfaLs bie P~Per"t7
a~ tbat in th3s prssant~ 3soLt~ed :raa it ~ld not be a t3rs~-
class trailer parY, bat ooald bs a e~sap ar. msre is m ea~er~ae
availabls aad tbs p~'apar~ wntrs ass a~ natsr wll, vhiah, if csss-
pools vere allar~d~ nig~t s,reate a bsalth ae~.. it t~e present
tise alao~ Enott >~saos is aa71 a~o Isns rwd. Se a18o L~anght
up the qnaation of tams and assessd ralioatia~ tbat tde ~ty aight
realise 1'raa a traile3' parY ea~parsd ~th otber nsss that the P~P-
ertT sight ba pat to. H~ also paeser:~ed a petition aigned bJ oLIIsr
propertT aimers in tbe a:ea. ~~SI~ WS QDSBD.
In viex of tbs oppoaitioa pee~ea~isd.to ibe isaainB o~ a 3peciel IIae
Pex~i.t iox a trail,sr pu~, it w l~e3t i~at lt~er atn~ should b°
given to tbe arsa befa~e aaid~og a d~cisfaa, aed vita thfa in viex
a sotion vaa a~a~ b~ Ca~issiamez ~pooas sa~d~d t4 Ca~iseioner
!lauyeryan, affi carr3ed, tbat aetiaa m Bs~is+r ~o. 10 be vithheZd uatil
ths aseting o!' Boisbez 1,B, 1957.
FiEpISBD MAP OF s Bevised Idap oY Tract 10. 33~ ws peeseal'oed to tbe ~a~iasion. 7hie
T9ACT H0. 33~• tract is located on tbe saath side at Desi Hraadw~ 200 ~eet ~reet of
Magnol3a Avea~e. ~s snbdi~idrr is '~ILS 9Q'~, 1~9 Saison S~reet~
Orange, Cal~.fornia, affi !bs traet ':~Rdns thirtl E 1 lots. The
tract aesfi~s all tbs oods reqnira~enta d[ tbe Ci~ of lndheia, a~ a
mation vas sads bl C~isaio9er 9~ers, aeonnded To~ C~iaaior~a
I4inerhan, and oarri,ed, tbat tbe 2featat3~e ltap of ?ract Yo. 3300 be
appa~cved, anbject to:
l. Paprie~ o! ~'25.Q0 per lot fa~ tLe aa~ui'itioa of Park and
Hscreatia~ S3tea.
2. ~nB ~~-
TEfITATIVE M11P OF A Te~ative Map of T~ct b. 3315 ws pcrsr~ted to the C~isaion.
TAACT A0. 3315. Thia truct 3s located o~ ~. :~:. ~ida oS Saa•.h East Street 528 feat
aonth of Sast oe~o~t ~iems. ms subdivi~er is ~RLBE ~lRIAL
COd~AIiT~ $60 S. Hoss Fltosr, ~ia, f~lifaQnda. ~e t:aat coataina
11 industrial lots. ms tract ws lrsld orer 3'k^aa tLe aaeLing o!
SepLember 16, 1957 dns to tLe iaet t~at t~e !~o ho~ lota had b0en
aol$ by ~ets ~3 ~ and a tmildi~ ws :~ei~at eracted on tbs
aorth lot vbich apps~ed to be in tbe sireet r3ght-of~7 aad did
not apparaatl~ Pa'avid~ a~q oiY-~rttest P~Idn6 fa~ e~pla~ees. It was
~oug2tt ottt t~ thia bai]~iag vlll be oompded ~ a ooncern Wi.th
.ery r~ .~g~s., p~obahl~ not e~er rs.e. Et ,.s .lao po.tntea
ant t~t thsre is a P~ Zoae al~o~g So~th Erst Strs~t ao that fro~-
sge oa the tvo lots eat b: ae~Ss e~ bos~ msi be 3ap~o~ed for
2D fwt xith 3+~~~~ ned the eeat -30 fleet is allwabla for
P~~n6• Is*eatigati~ ahw~d tbat tbe bail8iag is 5 fast off the
pmpert~ line so tbat it asete tbe bad],d3as saqdre~snta•
IIpon a aotion bl ~~a~isd,aasz' l~alls s~eo~ed ~ Ca~~aioner
II~Innsrhan, and car.ried, it w aowd tbi tbe ileatati~e l~ap of ?ract
~o. 3315 be ap~Frar'ad sabiect to ~~ ~ts•
TEHT~TIVE MAP 0!' A?e~ativs ~Iap a! ?raat so. 33~ ws ~e~eated to tbe Cdeisaion.
TBACT II0. 3328 *.hie tract is looated oa tbs aodth :iae a~ Eut Ii Pia]aa svan~s,bsing
a portion ot 7at 3 a2 ,nsbeia ~aiea 'me anbd3Tider is DOUGLA3
Z!~H, 123 Io~th Hez~arfl Sttret, lhllart~aa, Califonda. The
traet aontdns 17 B-3 ]~ts.
IIpo~ a aotios trt Casisai~omsr S~rs, wea~d ~{y Cc~issionar
knngall~ a~ carried, it w ao~sd tbat tbe ?eatiti~a lfap oY i~aot
110. 33~ ~ aPP~'a'~s ~3~ te:
l. ~s pa~~snt of f25.00 per lot'fa~ tbe aoqaieitSon of
Park and Becte~ti~a~a Sites.
2. BnBinserin~ ~•
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TEPTATIIIE I~1iP'OF A Tenteitive~t3ap-of Traot No.' 3329'vae preeeat~d t,a the Ca~iasioce
TB~CT N0. 3329 T2iis'~rab~ i's looated near ths 3ou~hireat"corasr of~Ball Rotd ~~
Eqolid ~ve~e aad rrae~origiaally reoorded i.n the Cor.aty as a por- ~
tioa oY ~'raot No, 2779.~ The subdivider is GEOR~i$ M. HOI3TEIN & 30113i
16b East 17t1i Stre~tr Co~t~ 1'~e~b Calilornia. Ths traot eontains 106
R-1 lotse .
On aooount o! the denial o! Yarianos l~o. 836, a motios xae made bs
Co~i~sioner Tho~pton, asoonded by Ca~isaioner Mnngall, and aarrieds
that the Tentativs Map of Traat No. 33z9 ~~~PI#'~d~
~tAHEI,K IINIC"rI HIGH A letter rrae reaeived fro~m the Anaheim IInion High School Dietriot
SCHOOL ~ISTRICT rsquestiag approeal of their pnrchaae of a pierss oi property des-
aribed as the North 5~ fset o! t~he Eaet 120 i'set of the iieat half
of the Sontheaat quarter of the Diortheaet quari,sr of Section ?a
Toxnehip 4 s~~a ~n8e 10 ileat, S.BoBo & M. Thie piece of ~operty,
appcroximntalg 1} aores in sise~ vill be need ae an sddition to the
IIni~~n High 3ahool athletic field. Thie property ia ~ piece of the
prope~rty oonsidered under ReoYaeeiliaation lTo, F-57-5g-1a on vhioh
no aation wae taken at this aeetinge
IIpon s motion by Ca~misaioner Thampsony aeaonded 'oy Ca~misaioner
,~Snngall- and ot~rried, it wse moved that the Ca~ission appa~ove the
purohase a: tha a~ave p3ecs oP grope~ty *or an addition to th~
athletic field of the Brookhnrst Jvaior High Schoolo
STsTBACSS ON 9fter ezamination of the preoent set-baoks on oa~ercial atrnatnrea
LIHCOLEI AVENOE on Lincoln Anemu, a motion ~rae made by Cammissioner Mauerhsay
eeoondsd by Caomisaioner Thampeona and carx~ied~ t~at by Reeolntion
Dio, 82, Seriea 1957-5g, the minimt~ aet-back to be eatabliehsd for
all oommeraial bnildinge on Linooln Aveane vonld be 101 fesL !'ra~
the present oenterline of I.inoola Avernu on the Sonth eide o! the
street and 75 foet f~a~m the oentsr lia~e of preeent Lincoln Avem~e
on tbe North side of the streeto Thie xill maks a 35 r~t ~~~~
fram the praperty linea on both aidsa of the atreet.
The vote on the above Reeolution was as follow:
9YF5s COMMI33IONER3t !-llredy DuBoisD Hapgoodn Manerhan, 14orris9
Su~ere, Tho~mpson and Muaga?1o
AATQORI~ENT ~The Meeting ad~ourned at 4=15 0'olook P.K.
R. W. Mungall, 3earetar7
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