Minutes-PC 1957/11/04~ _.._... k~ ,~ ~ ~, -,~ --~-- i , t`_} ~;) ''J city x~ii Anaheim, California November 4, 1957 MINVfSS OP Tf~ ASGUTAR I~BTING OP THB CTTY PIANNING Cd~lISSION RBGULAR MSBTING A Regular Meetiag of the Citq Planniag Commiaeion was cailed to order at 2:15 0'Cloct P.M., bq CTaaisman Summers, a quorum beiag preaent. ~PRBSBNr CHAIItMAN SUMMBRS, COI~AlISSIOI~RS: Ailred, DuBois, Gauer~ Hapgood, Mauerhaa, Morris, Thompson and Mungali. AHSBNf: None, MiINUPBS The M~.nutea of the Adjourned Meetiags of Qctober 14 aad 21, 1957~ Werre approved as ~rinted. V1IRIANCB N0. 838 - GBatGB A, aad A:iN C~1II~ffiS; 9692 gatella Aveaue~ Anaheim, Caiifornia~ as Ownera. At the requeat of the appiicants, this v~riaaee was heid over until the meeting of December 22, 1957, bq a motioa made by Commiasioner Thompaon, secoaded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried. VAAIAI~S N0. 850 - P[JHLIC F~ARING. PBTTTION aubmitted by LQJISS M. BARLL~ R.N., as Owner, 82S North Palm Street~ Anaheim, Califoraia, requeating per- ~ieaion to RSNP BXISTING .~OUSB P~t PAOPBSSIONAL AND BUSIAffiSS OPPICBS on.the property deseribed as Lot 12~ Block A of Traet No. 375 ia the City of Anaheim, State of Califoraia, and further described as 825 North Pa1m Street. The propertq is preaentiy ciasaified R-2. Mrs. Saril appeared before the Commiasios~ aad atated that she would iike to use the buiiding oa the front of her property for busineas. TFffi I~IDARING WAS CL06BD. ?tpon a motion by Coms+issionez ;dorris, secos~eQ bq Commieaioaer Thompson~ and carried, it was moved bq Reaolution No. 101~ Seriec 1957-58, that Variance No. 850 be granted provided that the garage is removed to provl.de free acce&a to the aileq for the required off-street parking. VAR7ANC8 N0. 856 ~- PUBLIC t~AAING. PHTTTION aubmitted bq W. P. 0'DONDffiLL, as Owuer, 10304 Clancey Aveaue~ Downeq, Califoraia~ requesting permission to ffi18~f ac:d OPHRATB A TNHNfY-NII~ffi (29) iJNiT MOPBL on the proDerty deecribed as: All that certaia reai propertq situated in Lhe City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Caiifornia, deacribed as foilows: The Northeriy 140.00 feet of the Southeriq 240.On feet of the Northeast qusrter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Seetion 27, Tamahip 4 South~ Range iG Weat, S,B.H. & M. Bxcepting therefrom the Nieeterly 33a.00 feet, and further deacribed ea 2145 Harbor Houlevard. The property is preaentlq clasaified R-A, Mr. 0'Doeneli appeared before Lhe Commiisioa and preaented plana for the Motei which he propoaea to erect on his prapertq ~uat south of the Drive-In Restaurant which he owas. There was no opposition to the granting cf the variance. Tt~ HBARING WAS CLa6BD. Upon a motion by Commiaaioner Hapgood, seconded bq Commiasioaer Thompaon, and carried, it rras moved bq Resoiutioa No, 102, Seriea 1957-58, triat Varisnce Dio. 836 tx granted sub~ect to; 1. The ereetion of the buildiags in conformitq pith the piaas preeeated. 2. Engineering requiremeats. .~ -1- f i : ~ ~ x; ~:,,- ____-- ------_ .. __ ___ __.__._._ _._ _ _ .. _----_ _.___._.--- --- ~ ~.. - -------------~. _._.____.~._....____ ;~ ~_, ~ ~ c~~ ~J VARIANCS N0. 857 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted by UNTTBD OUfD00R A'DYHRTISING COMPANY, as Lessee~'S350 Atiantic Avenue~ Long Beach 5, California, requesting permiasion to RSMOVB SXISTING 10 Pt. X 25 Pt. AyVSRTISING STRUGTURB and SRBGT A 10 Ff. X 40 Ff. ADVBRTISING STRUCTURS IN TfS pLACS on the pruperty described as 11112 South Highway 101, situated on the North side of said street between Katella and Orangewood Avenues. The praperty is presently classified M-1, with P-L on Highway frontage. Mr. Paust appeared before the Commission and stated that there have been signs at this location for many years, and that one of the proposed two-faced signs will be used as a directional sign for Disneyiand. Mr. Surgess, owner of the property to the North, stated that he acquired the propertq in 1955, and wouid be the one most affected by the proposed sign. The present signs do obscure the view to his property, and it was His feeling tt~at if they were raised high enough in the air, they probabiy wovid not iaterfere too mucri~with his property. TliH HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon a motion by Commissioner ':hompson, seconded bq Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was voted by Resolution No. 103, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 857 be granted, inasmuch as there have been signs on this property since 1946. VAR7ANCB N0. 858 - PUBLIC HRARING. PBTITION submitted by JAh~S GANfBS and NICHOIAS J. DOVALIS, as Owners, 9942 Magnolia Avenue~ Anaheim~ California, re- questing permission to USB A PROPOSBD ST03tH BUIIDING for a RBSTAUR- ANT WITH COCRTAIL BAR on the property described as: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, T4S, R10W, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as per map recorded in book S1, ~ page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of tiye County Recorder of Orange County, Califoraia, described as foilows: $egianing at a poirit in the South line of said Section, distant thereon 294.00 feet Bast of the Southwest corner thereof and running thence North 0~ 17~ 20" Bast, parailel with t he West line of said Section, 236.00 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 7 of Traet No. 1446, as sham on a map thereof recorded in Book 72, at pages 5 and 6 of Miscellaneous Maps; thence South 89~ 59~ 47" Bast, along the Ssuth liae of said Tract No. 1446, 200.00 feet; thence South 0~ 17~ 20" West, parailel with the West line of said Section, 236.00 feet to the South line of said Section; thence North 89a 59' 47" West 200.00 feet to the point of beginning. Vesting in the above legai description is as follaws; Niciolas J. Dovalis a:x! L311~n ~Jeralis, hesban~ and wife, as joint teaants, an undivided one-half interest, aad James G. Gantes and Ma3eline J. Gantes, husband and wife, as joitrt tenants, an undivided one-half interest; and further described as 2563 Ball Road. The property is presently classified R-A. Mr. Dovalis appeared before the Commission, aiul stated that they had applied for C-1 zoning which had been approved by the Pia~-ing Comacission and is now before the City Councii for app=oval. He presented a plot plan and elevation of the front of the building. Mrs. Walker, 9925 Iris Street, owner 9f the property directiq behind the proposed busiaess establishment, protested the granting of the variance and filed a petition signed by many residents in the tract directly to the North, She objected to the hours of operation and the odor that might be created'by the restaurant, and stated that the restaurant would be only ten feet from the rear line of their property. Mr. Dovalis anG Mr. Gantes-54ated that they wauld ~ut up a fence on their property which would be a fuil six feet iu height above the properties to the rear. They stated that the operation would be aimilar to that of the Kettle Restaurant or the Mater Wheei Restaurant. The ten feet at the rear of the building wiii be usrd for deliveries and storage of trash, Garbage wouid t~ disposed of by garbage disposai units. Tt~ E~ARING WAS CI.06SD. 1 ~ i 3 ~ ~ 3 :~ ~ ~ t :! 1 -2- 4 i ' 1 ~ ( C 1 j _. ~..~~ l, VAR7ANC8 N0. 858 - Because of the protest by the residents in the area, that they did (CONfINUBD) not consider 4his'a proper use of the property, a motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Allred, ard ~sarried, that by Resolution No, 104, Series 1957-58, Variance No. 858 be denied. VARIA.NCB N0. 859 - pUBLIC HBARING. PHTTTION submitted by JAI~S R, and R, LEE LUSREY, purchasing under contract, 204+~ fiast Fourth St:eet, Santa Ana, Cali- fornia, requesting permission to USS EXISTING STRUCTURS FOR OPFICSS on the property described as; All that certain land situated in the City of A~faheim, described as follows: Lots 51, 52, 53, and the Basterly 2 feet of Lot 54 in Block "P" of the Hotel Dei Campo Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 24, pages 69 and 70 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California. Vested in; Reith Ray Kummerfeld ar-d Bernece Ann Kummerfeld, husband and wife, as joint terrants, and further described as 608 East Broadway. The property is p•resently classified R-3, Mr. Luskey appeared before the Commission and stated that they wish to usc the existing building for central office ior the collection of data ,.`or city directories. There wiil be no printing done on the property as they contract this work out to concerns who print books. It will be used for executive offices only, and will have not over seven employees, THH tIBARING WAS CL06HA. Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 105, Series 1957-58 that Variance No. 859 be granted, subject to the installa- tion of improved parking area on the property, VAR7ANCB N0. 860 - PUffi,IC HBARING. PETTTION submitted by APIDRB DHONf, 700 North Los Angeies Street~ Anaheim. '~4lifornia, as Owner, requesting per.mission to SRECf A POUR UNTT, S~PIGLB STORY APARThffiNf HOUSB on the property described as Lot 1 of Tract No, 1460, and further described as 1215 North Street, or the Northwest corner of Redondo Drive West and North Street, The property 5s presently classified R-O. ~~ ~~ ~; ~ ~ Mrs. Dhont appeared before the Commission and stated t?~at they had had this property for two years and they have tried to sell same, but nobody wi11 purchase same and erect a ~ingle family dwelling; therefore, they felt that the best use for the property would be to build a four unit apartment on thia large lot which would be at2rac's3ve and in Keeping wiin tne oiner properties in the area. Mr. Swint, as the draftsman for the proposed home, siated that the houses would face two streets, there wouid be a iot of brick veneer used, and that the units wouid all be one-bedroom units so that there would be no children involved. Mr. Mahoney, of North Street, presented a petition signed by 75 owners against the graating of the four unit apartment, and stated that he had built a single family houae on one of these lots, and had sold this par- ticular Sot to the Dhonts. Several other resfdents in the area appeared against the granting of the variance, Mr. Mahoney stated that he couid not see why they could not seii this lot as property values are going up and not down, and that he had a$30,000. home across the street. Mrs. Dhont replied that they did not wish to depreciate the area, and that they would not with the type of buiid- ing that they proposed to build. THB HSARING WAS CLOSBD. Due to the :set-~hat the applicant was not being denied a privilege enjoyed by other property owners in this tract, a motian was made by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried~ by Resolution No. 106, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 860 be denied, -3- -..-_ _.. ._ _ _. _ . ._.__ _ _. :.., ~ _ __-- $ F ~ . t ~J= (_~ ~ ~ l VAR7ANCB N0. 861 - PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTTTION submitted by PARR VILIAGS HSTATBS, as Lessee, 2663 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, requesting per- mission to BRSGT A TB1~~RARY DIItBGTIONAL SIGN to advertise the sale of lots and hemes in Tracts~ Nos. 2303 and 3007, containing 91 lots, on the property described as being 200 feet south of La Palma Ave- nue, on the west side of Magnolia Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A. No ene appeared for or against the proposed sign variance. TI~ HEARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was voted to grant Variance No. 86?, subject tu the 9 conditions established by the City Council for such signs. VARIANGB NO. 862 - P[JBLIC FffiARING. PBTTfION submitted by CHELSEA PARK HSTATHS, as ~aner, 117 West 9th Street, Los Angeles 15, California, I~RMAN MILBflRG as Authorized Agent, requesting permissinn to WAIVE the lot frontage requirement on some lots in Tract No. 2317 on the property described as the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest qvarter of Section 12, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M„ and further described as being south of Anaheim-Olive Road and Bast of Placentia Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A. Mr. Milberg appeared before the Commission and stated that the minimum size of houses to be built in this Tract would be 1500 square feet and that the prices of these homes wouid range from $20,000, to $25,000. No one appeared ir. opposit ion to the granting of the variance, THH HBARING WAS CLOSSD, Upun a m~~tior. by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 108, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 862 be granted for a waiver of the 70 foot frontage requirement on Lots 1 to 7 in Tract 2317. VAR7ANCE N0. 863 - PIIBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted by E. FRANKLIN SALVHSON and FLoRHNCS ANN SALVESON, 1132 Hast Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, Cali- fozaia, purchasing under contract, requesting permission to MOVB A HOUSB ON THE PROPSRTY, and also a WAIVBR of the front yard set- back from 25 feet to 20 feet on the property described as: That portion of the NB ~ of the NH ~ of the SW ~ of Section 2, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M.~ described as follows: Brginning at a point on the Northerly line of said SW ~, distant South 89~ 59' 45" Bast 450.25 feet from the Northwest corner of the NB ~ of the I~ ~ of said SW ~, said point being the Northeasterly corner of ia~ des- cribed in .~ deed to Charles W, Brickson and wife, recorded November 23, 1956, in Book 3720, page 402 of Official Records; thence con- tinuing along said Northerly line South 89~ 59' 45" Sast 90.00 feet to the Northwesterly corner of land described as Parcel 1 in a deed to John W. Danenhauer and wife, recorded December 14th, 1955 in Book 3315~ page 595 of Official Records; thence South 0~ 49' 00" Sast 102.04 feet along the Westerly line of said Parcel 1 to the Northeriy Sine of iand described in a deed to the State of Califor- nia, recorded ,]uly 18, 1956, in Book 3580, page 313 of Offic:tal Records; thence South 89~ 02' 12" West along said Northeriy iine 89.99 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said land of Charies W. Brickson; thence North 0~ 49~ 00" West 103.56 feet to the point of beginninP, and further descr~bed as 1462 Sast Burton Street. The property is presently classified R-1. Mr. Salveson appeared before the Commission and stated that he desired to move his present house, which is f ive years old, f=om Pulierton to his l04 on Burtoa Stseet, which was only 82 to 84 feet deep due to the fact that the rear backs up against the Riverside Preeway. He presented pictures of the dweliing at its present location. THB HBARING YiAS CLOSBD. -4- .__----- _.__... - - --- - -- -. ___ --- ---___ ..__,_ -----_.__.., ~ , ...ae __ .. .._ __: ~~ '.~ ~J VpR7pNC8 N0, 863 - Upon a motion by Coaissioaer ThoaPson+ se~o~ed by Co~issioaer (~pNfIN[JSD) Gauer, and carried, it xas aoved by Resolution No. iQ9, Series 1957-58, that Varianee Nu. 863 be granted for a 20 foot set-back from the curb line for the froat yard on this particular lot. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC ~ARING. PBTaION snb~itted by HAROID LfiEDY, 816 East N0, F-57-SS-~.9 Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, California, as O~mer; RAYMOPID SPEHAR, 8871 gatella Avenue, Anahei~, California as Anthorized Agent, requesting that the property described as beiaBe All that certain real property sitnated in the Camty of Oraage. State of California, described as follors: Parcel 1. Lot 5 of Tract No. 403, as shown on a Map recorded in Boot 16, page.il of Miscellaaeous Maps, records ~ of Orange Connty, Califdraia. Ezcepting thezefraai the Northerlq 36.00 feet. Parcei 2. Lot 6 of Tract No. 403, as s3~axa on a Map recorded in boot 16, page 11 of llisce2laneous !laps. records of Orange County, California. Hxceptiag therefro~ the Northeriy 36.00 feet. Aiso excepting therefroa the foilo+ring described la~s ~B~~B at a , point in the South line of the North 36 feet of said Lot 6 distant Basterly 40 feet fras the Nest line of ssid Lot 6; thence Westeriy aloag said South line 40.00 feet to said liest line; thence Sout3~erly along said Dlest liae 20 fee2, to a liae that is parailel voith and distant Sontffirly 20 feet, ~easured at right angles from said Southeriy liae; tbence Easteriy along said para11e1 iine 20 feet; theace Northeasterly to the point of begimning, and further des- cribed as the Southeast corne=_of Lincoln hvenne and Harding Street, be reclassified froa R~1, RESI~1dfIAL A(~tICQLTURAL to C-1, 1~ffiIQiBOR- HOOD OONA~RC7AL. Mr. Raymond Spehar appeued before the Co~ission a~ stated that the two lots involved rere origiaaily nsed for :,o~ercial purposes, haviag at one tiae a deep freeze locter building. Mr. Spehar origiEaliy fiied £ar a service statioa on this ~operty but with- drew his applicatioa dne to tbe fact tffit the combined lots would not be big enongh for snch a ase, and it is norr proposed to erect small store buildiags on the property. TE~ I~ARING Wl1S CLOSED. IIpon a motion by Co~issioaer Tho~pson. seconded by Co~issioner Muagail, as~d cauied, it ras ~oved by Resolntion No. 109, Series 1957-58, that the Comission recose~ to the City Co~:ncil that Reclassification No. F-5T-58-19 be approved, snbject to; 1. The filing of the Standr.rd C-1 Deed Restrictiams of the City of Anaheia. 2. Engineeriag reqnire~eats. The vote on the above resolation ras as foliors: AS~S: Cd~W17SSIOrFAS: Allred, DuBois, Ganer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Abrris, Snoers, Thempson and Mungall. A108S: C01+4~1ISSI0?ERS: lioae. ABSBNf: C0~IISSI01~[tS: None. \ 1 i ; 's ~ ~ ~ i t ~ # 1 ~ TBNfATIVS MAP - Subdivider - Cheisea Imrest~e~ Cospany, 117 Kest 9th Street, Los OP TRACE N0. Angeles, California. The tract is located on the north side of Bast 2317 South Street, approxiaateiy 660 feet east of Sonth Placentia Avenue, aad co~ains 44, R-1 lots. - -----. __ A motion rss made by Co~aissioner Manerhan, seeonde~i by Commissioner Mungail, and carried. that the Te~ative Map of Tract No. 2317 be approved, snbject to: 1. The payme~ of S25.00 per lot for the acqnisition of Park and Recreation sites. 2, Eng3neering reqnire~e~.ts. _S~. ,_ ---------~- - - ---- --- ~w i -- _._ __ I / ~ I~ T THNfATIVB MAP - Subdivider - Moore Built Homes, 10401 d~alia Ase~~ s~*•~•T~i OP TRACT N0, fornia. The tsact. is 1,ocated at tlie 3Qertmest cmaser cf ~~od 3325 Street'and Cerritos Avenue, and ca~lsias 80, t g la~s_ A motion was made by Co~i.SSio~er ~n~ii, se~ ~. ~„~~r Hapgood, and carried, that Te~ative ?Aap of 3Ysst 3to_ 3~S {~ ,~-y,y~_ pproved because no proof of awntrship yad ~ees ~~~ tract engineers, TENTATIVB MAp - Subdivider - Leo Preedman, 470 South ~a~ar9 IDlriae, ~raer~y SagyS, OF TRACE N0. California. The tract is located on t3m ~ sade cg i~+tw~ 3330 ~venue approximatelq 724 feet ~aest of ~as:ler 9tMet, a~ ~~ 4 commercial lo~s along gatella Aveaue, aLd 6 ma~farlter~ lo~s in the rear. •A motion was made by Co~issiaaer Th~sam, s~ ~ e-,~,~.~.,:~:i~= Hapgoad, and carried, that tLe Teatative ~ c~'3Yact ~_ ~~ apQroved, sub ject to: 1. The making of Cle~e~iae Strett am isd~traal starec. 2. That the build3ag setbac~ line is to me 2S ffeet ffraee ~e praperty line. 3. Bngineeriug requirements. TSNCATIVB MApS - Subdivider for Tract No. 32T8 - gnbdivis9nm Fn~e ~#~~ OP TRACrS, 512 Ncrth La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, ~a3ifesnaa_ '8~oc ~~ NOS, 32'~8, 3301 located at the Southwest coraer of C~rritos ~~es~e a~3 l~t gtzee~~ and contains 66~ R-3 lots. Subdiv3der for Trar* *:o, 3301 - C. ~. ~h"a~ipc (7o~g~ 5~.~ g~f~ wood Boulevard, L~~s Rngeles, Califoraia. '3~e gs~ ~ a~~ ~ the weat of Tract No. 3278, aad ~oatai~s 3g~ gt 3~ts_ Tentative maps of t}~ above tracts ~arre ~~o ~ n,~:«soQ and with regard to Traet No, 3278, tl~e £agi~img (~gt~ ffi~ ` the following chaages for coasi3trata~ 1, Audreq Dsive to be made a Se~-f,naY stse~ ~~ ~~~ the south side two feet aff t3~e Saatmerlg •~F a;~. g~ss will give a forty-foot dri~ing ~sea aad t~e ~t is ~ed on the South by the Southera Caiif'c~naa ~fl~~m C~rt~. _~_ of ~xraq, Z. That Walaut Street be made 45 feet fram i~ ~~_ With reference to Tract No. 3301, t~e ~gimcerS~ (~tee se~_ gested the following chaages: 1, Andrey Drive to be rvidened to 54 fert, z+~sasimg Z~p gcet from the southerly side af I,vY 7_ 2. The East-qlest alley north oi Andaey Drise mo ~~ ~o ~~~_ 3. That the=e be a atreet opeaaxig of# ~y ~~ ~~ ~~ first ailey south of Cerritos_ 4, That the North-Sonth street naw dessgnated as Ao3se~ ~aa~e ~e renamed as Hampstead Street. There will also be on both of these tracts: 1, The payment of $25.00 per 1ot for Y~e asx~ss~ta~m m~ pa~t ----- and Recreation sites: -- - - - - --- 2. Bngineering requirements. Upon a motion by Co~isaioner DuBois, se=ao8efl by ~a~ Mauerhan, and carried, it ~vas moved t2~t t~e ~atiae ~~ Tracts Nos. 3278 and 3301 be approvr3 ~b~eZt to t~e c~s s~ gested by the Engineeri::g Committee affi !be otl~er t~ com~i#~~. -6- _ _..- 6 ~ ~ TSLBPHONID CONIPANY - A discussion was held with regard to par~ing for the Pacific Teio- pp,RRi~ phone and Tel~graph Companq, inasmuch as they desire to add 65,000 square feet to their present facilities, with approaimately ~i~ty- three new emplnyees. At the conclusion of the discnssion, a mation was made by Commissioaer Gauer~ seconded by Co~j,ssioner DnBois,, and carried, that no building permit for new cons4r~ctiam be issned to the Teiephone Company until adequate parkiag is prov3ded far empioyees. pDJOURNAffiNf The Meeting ad3ourned at 5:30 0•Clock P.M. -7- _ __ ..... .. ---- ---------- --- ~