Minutes-PC 1957/11/18, ' ,. ~ i • ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ( ~ -- city xaii Anaheim, Californ.ia November 18, 1957 MIN[TfBS OP THB ADTOURNBD RBGUTAR MHSTII~ OF THE CTTY PIANNING CO~PlISSION ADJOUANBD An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Coamission was RHGUIpit called to order at 2:10 0'Clock P.M, by Chairman Summers, a quorum I~ffigrii~ being present. pRBSBNf CIiRIItMP.N SUh9~BRS, COMMISSIOI~RS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson and Mungall, COhA~tISSIOI~R Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2;30 0'Clock P.M. MINUfBS The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 4, 1957 were approved as printed. REQASSIFICATION - PBTiTION submitted by GLHN H, BOYLES, 831 West Romneya Drive, Ana- N0. F-57-58-22 heim, California, as Owner, requesting the oropertq described as Parcel 1; Lot 8 of the Miies Rancho, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 4, page 7 of Misceilaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, and Parcel 2; Lots 1- 91 inciusive of Tract No, 2242, be reclassified from R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RSSIDBNfIAL to R-2, T1V0 PAMILY RSSIDSNfIAL. Parcels 1 and 2 are fur,ther described as being 831 West Romneya Drive, and T~act No. 2242 situated on the North side of Romneya Drive between Citron Lane and Nlest Street, respec- tively, containing approxiraately two acres, Mr. Bernard, as attorney for the Heftier Construction Company, re- quested that this reclassification be schedu~ed as item number one on account of a court committment which he had scheduled for the early part of the afternoon, and that he be aliowed to make his statement and leave. The Chairman agreed, but stated that no action svould be taken by the Commission until it came ur~ at its regula* place or- the agenda. Mr. Soyies, as appiicant, opened the Hearing by stating that tha feelin~ of himself and neighbors that have been prev3ously expre:ssed are that multiple family residential with the large number of lots involved would be detrimental to the single family ~esidences in the area. He stated that he understood that a traffic ,rey had been made asui thet he believed i~ith the large r.umber of cars that xloLld be in the area, that Romney~ Drive would not be adequate to take care of same. In asking for R-2, Two Family Residential, the ,;umber of cars would.be cut in half. Mr. Bernard stated that Mr. Boyxes~ acreage is one-sixth that of the Heftler Tract, a.d he could not see how a minority holder shouid have any say as to what should be done with the property held by the owner of the majority of the acreage. He stated that the Heftler Construction Co, took a considerabie loss in seliing a portion of the tract to the Elementary Schoo3 District. He also brought out the fact that they had also agreed to put through an improved street to Mr. Barnes~ property, the third land owaer in the area. He aiso stated that, based on the Council~s passing of the ordinance, creaL•ing an R-3 zone, on October 8, 1957, they have contracted with the Bconomy Bngineeriag Compan~q to build 54 dweliin~s, and have spent some Pifty to One Hundred Thousand Boilars. He aiso stated that the proposed reciassification from R-3 to R-2 was un-, reasonable, and-wouid-result in a great financial-loss. After these statements, Mr. Bernard left the Meeting. RBCIASSIPICATION - This reclassification was held over fr an the Meeting of October 14, N0. F-57-:8-11 1957 for further con~ideration as to the feasibility of allowing M-1 and R-3 uses on this property. Mr. McClaran, as attorney for Mr. biale:, appeared before the Commission and requested that the appiication be denied at this time without prejudice. Commissioner Thompson asked the attorney if he did not feel that a postponment of the Hearing until a later date would be be#ter than a denial -1- -.. _~.__-.__._.__----._._,_~..__._--.----_-- .__.__ ~ . f ~ • 1 ( _ . .. _ . 1 ~_ ~. ~ r RSCIASSIFICATYON - without pre~udice, anl that the Commission warid nct have to give N0. P-57-55-11 a finding withi.n forty days if the applicant wou13 agr.:e to a post- (Continued) ponment. Mr. McClaran agreed that this might be better. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, and carried, it was moved that F°class~.fication No, P-57-58-i1 be continued antil the Regular M~eting of Pebruarq 3, 1958. SPBCIr~1L USE PBRMTT•~lr. Trexel~ the applicant, appeared before the Commission and pre- N0. ID sented a petition signed by 20 owners in the a.~a recommending that the Trailer Park be established at this site. He also presented a ne~ pian which showed that there would be 90 traiier spaces available and that it would be a first r.lass trailer park with large lots, 40 X 6~ feet, and that in his opinion it should be an asset to the Community. There are ten acrea in the suggested trailer park. Mr. Robert L. Seal, 9202 South Snott Avenue, the owne= of property directly to the N~~rth, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition containing 42 names of property owners in the area that were opposed to the granting of this permit for a trailer park. Hz gave~ as reasons: 1. Transient character of trailer court residents detraci:s fr~om the desirability of the neighborhood anri generally depreclates property values. 2, Transient residetrts of such trailer coe.•ts can, after 90 days' residence, become registered voters enabling them to vote on bond issues and indiscriminently incur tax liabilities that are in no way binding on them. 3, At Qresent, there is no sewerage faciiity at hand. We c altend that Multiple Dweliing development without connect3on to a sewer constitutes a health menace, 4, We feel that because Knott Avenue is narrew, a two lane road with heavy traffic, further congestion of traffic by cars and trailers entering and Seaving creates a definite traffic hazard. 5. We do not beiieve that the ~ncreas,e in taxes for this develop- ment would be at ali equitable to the cost of the increase in school atteadance, fire and police protection, and so forth. 6. We believe this pro~erty to be ideally situated £or R-1 development. A letter was also received from Everett M. and Grace Roontz, or.ners of !hp twenty acres ad3acent on the South o£ the property propoaed for the trailer park, opposing the proposed uae on account of its proxim~t~ to the Western Junior High School. Mr. Asawa, representing Mr. dc Mrs. Knont~, stated that they have fiied for a single family resideatial tract on this property t~ the South, and that if thia is aliowed, there might be a possibility that th~y would give up their ideas for a subdivisica an1 ask that their land be uaed for a trailer park, TEID FtHAitING WAS CLOSBD, Upon a motion by Commisaionex Gauer, seconded by Cowmissioc~er Thomp- son, and carried, it was moveci by Resolution No, 111, Series 1957-58, that Special Use Permit No. 1~ be granted, subject to: 1. That a six-foot, concrete block wall be built around the entire property except on Knott Avenue. 2, That 57 feet from the centerlint of Knott Avenue be deeded __ _ to the City of Anaheim for street -widening: 3, Tnet the trailer park be bui7.t in ~onformity with the ~lans Fresented. 4. That Brigineering Requirements, conaisting of aewer, water, curbs and gutter, and sidewalks be installed on the property. VARIANCB N0. 864 - PHTT.!`ION submitted by FID~iR'Y nu3 CFIItISTINB RRAMBR, 121 N4rth Placen-• tia Avenue, Amaheim, Cailfornia, a s Owrzera, requesting permisaion to CONSTRUGT A T'F~B-BSDk06M HOWi~ TO HB USBU AS A MODBL ANL OPPICB by the Harmony tIomea Builders, Inc., on xease for one year, sub,~ect _2•. ~ ~ ------ ---- --- _ .. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . __.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ i. 1 . . _.."..._. . ... Y ~ ! f ~ 1 ~ i -' -- ---- - -~ - - ' i~ ~ wg7 ,;~p. g~4 _ to res~eral_ Said home to be nsed as permanent residence by the ~~~~~ ~ez ~c~n ezpiration of 2ease; on the property at 121 North pl~tsa A~e, Aaahtin, California, and further described as ~i~g ~ tLe rest sid,e of said street between Center Street and ~ e~e_ yLe propesty is p=eseatiy classified R-A, Residen- tial A~icaataral. f6r_ ==aaer apgeared before the Commission and stated that adequate off-street ~rkin6 that ~ould be black-topped will be provided on t~e ~opezt~, aad t6at iu additiou, ali driveways would also be ~lxt topped. TE HFARIl~iG iIAS Q.O~SED. t~son a~otion tr~ Com+!._«irner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner IlaaeaLan, sad carried, it uas moved by Resolution No. 112, Series 3q57 Sg 4Lat ~ariance 140. 864 be gra~ed, subject to: 1_ ~y6e deeding of SQ Pt. from the ce~erline of Placentza Ave- me to the City of Anaheim for street widening. 2_ iLat cQC~, g~stters, aad sidexaiks be insta,iled:by Harmony Ha~es befoce fiffi1 iaspectioa i.s given to the dweliing. 3_ 2Aat a13 dricev~ays a~ parhing areas be black-topped. 4_ ma.t aay sign on tt~e bnilding be limited to 4 Pt. X 10 Pt. iad tie garalleA orith the bnildiag. ~~ ,~. ~_~~ ~~;tted •by PAE~. H. aad MAItY MAXINE RICR'ERT, 2126 Bast u p~Esz Aaeme, daaheim, California, as Owners, requesting per- ~~ t~o ~~ Ui~~-STQtY RENfAL UNTTS on the property at 2126 Fist I~ pal~a Aveaue, Aaaheim, California, and further des- c~bed as being on the Sarth side of said street between Placentia ns~ ~ Samtist Avemze. The propertq is presentiy classified t-i!, BFS~7AL A(~I(~LTQRAL. xr_ *:~t~~ appeazed Defoze the Co~ission and stated that isnd had beea deeded to the City of Aaaheim for street widening, and that t~e resideats ia thae azea ?~ad requ°sted curbs and sidewalks. No a~ apQrared in opposition to tb.e g:aating of the Var3ance. TFIE ~L~ ~S (7LaSID_ Ltpon a aot9an by Co~issio~r Gauer, seconded by Commi3sioner Hap- Sood, aaa carried, it ras moved by Resolution No, 113, Series 1957- Sg, tLat Yari~mce Ko. 865 be granted, subject to; y_ TL~ deeding af 50 Ft. from the celterline of Sast La Palma Aveuoe to tffi Citp of Anaheim, if this has not been done. 2_ '!~e erectian of the bnilding in conformity with the plans preseated. 3_ F,~ +per1II~ S2t]II1rC~IIt3. ~A7~l~ 1qp. g,56 -~faiQi sntisitEed by L06ISE A(~S MOSF~R, 6355 Osir.r Street, San Die~o, Cilifornia, as Oraec, reqnesting perm:lssion ta BSTABLISH A nSEp ~ L~ on #he property describel as the Srn:th~st corner of ~~e~e and Los ~ingeles Streets, 65 foot width on Los Angeles Street md 124 foot depth on Ia Verae St=eet. The property is presently tla.ssified C-2, 6~1~RAL (~[b0~AC7AL. ~ r < u r~ ; is k ~ xr_ =aT Stmb3~, represeati~g tt~e appiicaat, appeared before 7he r.~;~~ as! stated ihat some time ago a variance was grauted for a~ esr Lot directly across the stzeet on La Verne, but nad never ti,em u~ed gur scch. ~e also stated that there axe other used car loes Scath af the snb,ject property on Los Angeles Street. No one ~ared ia opgosition to the graating of the variance, xI~ HHAR- I!S ~S CII~. L~aa a~ctima h~ Ca~sssSaner i~z~r~~a, ss~andel by Commiss3oner flcxzis, aad c~rried, it ras morred by Re,olution No, 114, Series igSl-5g tLat Yariance Ro, 866 be granted, subject to the placing of 4~c 9fg9ze on t~e rear of the property and with a fence along tLe ai~ -3- ; ; ~ .~ . _ - - --- ------ . _ .m, _ _.._ -- _.. ._ ~: i i ~ { 1 ; ~ ~ j f ~_ J ~.~ n i VAR7ANC8 N0. 867 - FBTTfION suboitted by DR. 1tILL7AN A, BW~TEAD, 9641 South Stanton Aveaue, Auaheim, Califoraia, pnrchasiag ~nder contract, requestiag permisaion to ERECf At~ID 0~]lATE A PE'f CLIIYIC on the property des- cribed as 1715 Mest La Pa3sa Avenne. a~ further Qescribed as beiag on the north side of said street approaimately 150 feet west of Huclid Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A, RHSIDSN- T7AL A(7tICULTDRAL,. Dr, 16umstead appear~d before the Comission and stated that he had nothing,further to add otLer thaa that contained in the petition. Mrs. 2day Neighbflrs, rnmer of the property to the west and to the aorth apgeazed before the Co~ission a~ stated that she had no obje.:ti~n to this proposed use, pravided that if Dr. Bumstead should sell the praetice, that it could not be expanded to includP outdoor kennels. She was assured that these xould not be allowed. TI~ }ffiAAING WAS CI.QSED, • Upon a motion by Co~issioner Dudoss, seco~ed by Commissioner Hapgood, aad carried, it xas =oved by Resolution No. 115, Series 1957-58, that Vasiaace No. 867 be graated, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in conformity with the plans presented, 2. The dee~iag of 50 Feet fraa the cecrteriine of West La Palma Avenue :- the City of /lnaheia for street wideming. 3. Engineeriag requireae~s, consisting of curbs, gutters, and sidewalts as required b~ tffi City Engineer. VARiANCB N0. 868 - PHTTTION submitteQ by MO~tE BIIILT Hp~S. IIVCQtPOkATBD, P. 0. Box 2067, Anaheim, Califomia, pnachasing ~mder contract, requesting a i~IV£R of Lhe aiaimum liv3ng area of 2225 sqnare feet to 1125 square feet on 42 lots in Tract Mo. 3325, rhich is situated on the west side of Nutwood Street betreea Cerritos Avenue a~M Ball Road, and further described as 10381 Nutwood Street. The property is presently classified R~1, RESIDENf3AL AGitICQLTiIItAL. No one appeazed for or against the grantiag of this Variance. TFffi HFARING WAS CIASHD. Upoa a motion bp Conmissioner Gaaer. seconded by Commissioner Morris, a~ carried, it was nove3 by Resolution No. 115, Series 1957-58, that Variaaee No. 868 be denied dne to iche fact that the Anaheim M~±*+±~i~al. Caie prrnvides that ±~e eL~ livesble house area shall be 1225 squaze feet. VAR7ANCB N0, 869 - PBTTTI~I submitted by ~!^..c7tE BIIILT HOPg?S, II~QtPOttATHD, P. O. Box 2067, Anaheim, California, as Orner, reqnesting a wAiVER of the minimum living area of 1225 square feet to 1125 square feet on 12 lots in Tract No. 3308, xhich is sitnated oa the west side of Nut- wood Street betvaeea C=is Avenne and Oe=ritos Avenue~ and furthes described as 10501 Nntwood Street. The p~operty is presently classified as R-A, RBSIDENTIAL A(~tICULTUR+L VARIANCBS NO6. 870, 871 & 872 i ~ ~ No one apneared for or sgainst the grantiag of thia Variance. TEffi FIDARING NTAS Q.~ED. Upon a motioa by Co~issioner 1(orris, seconded by Co~issioner Hap- good, and carried, it xas saved by Resolution No. 117~ Series i957- 58 that Variance No. 859 be denied dne to :he fact that the Anaheim Municipal Code provides that the ~iniax~e liveable area in anq home built in a tract shail be 122~ square feet. PBTiTIONS subuitted by N[JrN00D PROPERTIDS NO, 2, ING'fltpQtATBD, 220 ~ Bast pacific Coast Highwp~ Long Beach, California, as Owners, re- ; questing permission to ERBQ TEl~tARY DIItE(,TIONAL SIGNS to advertise ~ the sale of lots and he~es ia Yract No. 2712, consisting of 120 ~ lota, on the gropertties described asfollaMS; The Northeast cornez 3 of Brookhurst and Orange Avennes; the Nest sfde of Suclid Avenue, ~ 200 feet south of Orange Avenue; a~ the south side of. Oiange Ave-• ~ nue~ west of Euclid Avenne. The paropertie s aze prPSently classified ' zeapectivelq, C-3, HBAVY C~~ItC7AL, R A~ RESIDBNfIAL AI~tICl1LTURAL, ~ and R A oa Crange Avenue. j -4- ~ / /` _ . --___------- ______ _---------..--------------,~,_ __._._.._._~._------' ;~ c j (_) ~ , VARIANCBS N06. 870, 871 & 872 <Continued) - No one appeared for or against the granting of these variances, THB I~ARING ifAS Q.OSHD. These are-the first signs requested for the advertising of sale of lots arid homes in Tract No, 2712. Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by~ Commissioner Alired, and carried, it was moved that Variances Nos. 870, 871 and 2i72 be granted bq Resolution No. 118~ Series 1957-Si3, subject to the nine conditioas established. by the 9 conditioas established by the City Council for such signs. VARIANCH N0. 873 - PEfTTION subiuitted by HINfZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 1545 Katella Ave- nue, Anaheim, Califomia, as Owner, requesting a WAIVER of front yaxd set-back from 25 feet to 20 feet on lots 2 through 8 inclusive of Tract No. 2903, which is located on the Northwest comer of Ninth a~d Katella Avenues. The property is presently classified R A, RBSIDENfIAL AC~IGULTURAL. No one appeared for or against the qranting af this variance. THH FIDARING WAS Q.QSSD, Due to an oversight on the part of the tract builder, these homes were set with a 20-foot front yard setback. Inasmuch as they side on the houses across the street, apparently the only people Yhat wili be hurt by this sPt-back wiil be the tract people themselves. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, secorded by Commissioner Ailred, and carried, it was moved that Variance No. 873 be gzazrted by Resolution No. 119, Series 1957-58. SPBCIAL USH PHR- - PSfTTION submitted by HUBHRT RLHII~NDORST, 2506 West First Street, MTT N0. 11 Santa Ana, California, pu~chasing under contract, requesting per- mission to HSTABLISH AND OPBRATE A TRAILER PAttK on the property described as being on the North side of Orangewood Avenue between Freeway ProntaRe Road and Haster Street, at the North end of Spin- naker Street, The pro~erty is preseatly classified R A, RESIDEIa7AL AQtICULTUAAL. Mr. Bleinendorst appeared before the Commission and stated that he had set up many mobile parks, and that this,one would be built ac- cordirig to ail ~rdinances of the state, county a:d city, and that sewer.s, water and gas were available at the property, and the front wili te a show place with beautiful iandscaping~ including a double waterfai.l ieading from a swimming pool, which will be in tt~e front, and a11 trailer spaces will be at the rear. M*. Roy Graff, 11522 Spinnaker 'treet, stated that there are five traiier parics within a radius of a mile, and that there are vacancies in aii of these trailer parks, He also stated that this trailer park will be dir- ectly opposite the end of Spiznaker Street, which dead ends at Orangewoai, and that 40 to 50 children are picked up at this corner ea;;h morning by school buses, and that there might be a trlffic ~roblem, He also stated that there is a drainage problem~ a~ that the water mu~t go to the south and xo the west. Iie aiso questioned the trailer park with only 52 spaces, and an investment of only $100,000 „ which he did not believe would go very far toward buiid- ing a beautiful tsailer park. He stated that for himself, he would prefer to see R-3 rQSidential on the north side of Orangewood Ave- nue. The o[vners of a trailer paz k at 2170 Harbor Boulevard appeared before the Commission and stated that he has investmeat of $205,000. these~ with 71 spsces, and at #he pr~sent time has 35 vacancies. Co~issioner Gauer remarked that the economic side of the question should be disregarded. It is evident and reasonable that the operators of the trailer park hape to make a profit. Aiso the City will have to ac~ept mobile home owners as part of the Community, as many of these`people are retired aad do not desire to have a large home, He also atated that with question regarding Qrainage~ that this would have to be ia accordattce with the plans of the~Orange County Plood Cantrol. TFffi HBARING WAS CL06ED. _5_ ~ - --- - ~' r ~ ~ ; ~ ~M; ~ Y: i~ a ~i :~_.._... ~ ~'s ~ i • ~~ ~ SPBCIAL USH PER- - Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded bY Commissioner DuBois~ MTT N0. 11 and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 120, Series 1957-58, '~Continued) that Speciai Us~+ Permit No. 11 be granted, subject to: 1. The erection of the buildings in con£ormity with the plans presented, as well as the landscaping. 2. The meeting of all engineering requirements. 3. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 45 feet for the future widening of Orangewood Avenue. RBCLASSIPICATION - PBTITION submitted by 0. B. WBAVSR and PANNIS T. YVEAVER, 9521 Brook- N0. F-57-58-20 hurs~ Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting that the property described as 9521 Brookhurat Avenue, Anaheim, California, and further described as being situated on the west side of said street between Orange Avenue and Stonybrook Drive, be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDBNf7AL A(~tICIJLTURAL, to C-1, NBIGtIDORH00D COhA~RC7AL, and C-3, FffiAVY CON4ISRCIAL. Mr, and Mrs. Weaver, as owners, appeared before the Commission and stated that they desired to get thei.r land reclassified so that they could lease or sell the corr.er to the Hancock Oil Company for a service station, and have the rest of their property rezoned to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the reclassif ication. THH HEARING WAS CL0.SED. Upon a moLion by Commissioner DuHois, seconded by Commissioner Alired, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 121, Series 1957-58, that the Commission recomme:d to the City Council that Reclassification No. P-5?-58-20 be approved, sub3ect to: 1. The deeding to the C:ty of Anaheim of 57 feet on Brookhurst Avenue for street wideaing. 2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 32 feet on Orange Ave- nue for street widening. 3. The filing of C-3 and C-1 deed restrictions, 4. Hngineering requizemer.tE. 5. This reclassificati.on to be subject to the completion of annexation proceedings. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYBS: COhA1ISSI0I~RS: Alired, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, hlauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NOBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None ABSBNf : C~4~lI5S IOHSRS : None ABCIASSIPICATION - FBTTTION submitted by MARVIN PTTTS, 14552 East Whittier Boulevard, N0. F-57-58-21 Whittier, California, as Owner, J. S. Rergard, 1406 West Broadway, Anahei.m, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the prop- erty described as the northeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Broadway, approximately 293 feet on Magnolia by 300 feet on Braad- way after street widening, be reclassified from R-A, RESIDEHfIAL A(~tICULTtAtA*• to r,-3, .t~AVY COMAffiRCIAL for the cornrx, 135 feet by 135 feet; ., C-1, I~ IQiHORH00D COMMSRC7AL for the balance of the property. The property comprises approximately two and one-half acres. Mr, J, IC. Kergard appeared befoie the Commission end stated that he desized to put a service station on the corner and deveiop the balance of the property with C-1, Neighborhood Comme.rcial stores, He also stated that the property across the street is presently zoned for Bob's Super Market. No one appeare3 in opposition to the gzanting of the reclassification. THB HBARING WAS CLGSED. -6- ~1 , __ _ _ ._ . _.. _--__ _.___-- .....__._... ~ __-__ ., ~, _.__..__._... 1 ; ' f ~ ~ .a j ~ ~ .~' , ~ , i ~ I , ~ . ~' ~ 3 - _ ~ . 1. ~ ' ., i ~ RBCIASSIFICATION - Upon a aption by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Morr3s, N0. F-57-58-22 and carried, it was moved by Resolution~No. 122, Series 1957-58, tAat (Coatinued) the Commission recommend to the City Council that Reclassification Ido. F-57-58-21 be approved, subject to: 1. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 45 feet on West Broad- way for street wideni.ng, 2. The deeding of 57 feet to the City of Anaheim along Magnolia Aveaue for street widening. 3, The filing of C-3 and C-1 deed restrictions, The vote on the above Resolution was as follows; AYES: CODAfISSIOI~RS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Summers, a~ud Thompson. NQES; COMMISSIOI~RS: Alired, Mauerhan and Mungall. ABSBNr: COMMISSIONffiRS: None, RSQASSIFICATION - CONfINUED PUBLIC HBARING. Mr. Glen E, Boyles again appeared before A10. F-57-58-22 the Commission and stated that he understood a traffic survey had been made, aad it might possibly show that Romneya Drive could not carrq the increased traffic load,caused by the four family units, He also stated that he had sold the land as R-1 for Single Pamily use. Mr. Lesser appeared before the Commission and re-stated the contention of Mr. Bernard that he didn't see how a property owner of one-sixth of the property could ask for rezoning of the complete acreage. It was pointed out that the Anaheim Municipal Code pro- vi.ded for this condition whereby one or more owners may ask for ~ such a reclassification. Commissioner Thompson requested that the ' Seeretary read the recammendation of the City~s Consultant, Mr. Simon Bisner, which was the hasis of the previous denial of this propertq for Muitiple Family Use; Cit~ Pianning Cemm,ss_on City Hall Anaheim, California Gentlemen: July 24, 19~7 Pursuant to your request, we have pxepared the foilowing analysis of Tracts 2624 and 2242 and the parcel shown as "not a part" which is Tract 2972, and ome of the zoning considerations reiated thereto. (1) This land is not differently situated than properties to the East and to the West which are zoned and used for single family (R-1) uses. C2) The lot sizes varqing from 60' X 100' to 64' X 100' provide an area in most instances, of less than 6500 square feet, which is below the mini.mum statrdard for lots in the City of Anaheim at this time. (3) The general design of the subdivision is similar to and generally cansistent with the pattern which is usuaily developed for single family residential districts, both as to street width and lot design. It wou13 therefore be our recommendation that; C1) If the present street pattern and lot sizes and areas are to be maintained, the land would appear fi o be best used for single famiiy sesidential purposes. (2) If the subdivisidn were to be redesigned with wider and -7- t e c ~ ~ ~. ~ --'-'------i -... _ _ _ _'--- _-_ _ _ __.__..__ _ . ._.__ ._._. _.__ _.._.- -~ --"_----- -.- ~ -. ._. _ _ __... _..- - --- -_._ .• Y: ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ RB(~ASSIFIGTY~1 -(Ooatinued letter fraa Planaing Consnltant, Simon Eisner) N0. ~57-i8-22 dee r loCs tbat ~aald ~~t~~ pe perait the development of a fine type of ~nltiple hoasing and if the street sqstem wouid be so reargaaized to pernit a greater degree of access to the property £raa Roe~eya Drive, iadicating at least fwo ways a£ entry a~ e=it for the property, xithout causing the traffic geaerated ia the areas to pass through single family residential districts, tLea the az?a mi~ht properlq be used far amltiple failp pnrpo.ses. ~~ (~) lie ~ald be 4ost cautiaus in se'ting aside spots of multiple resideatial acea in the heart of siagle family residential districts rithoat carefnl cousideration of the effect that snch decisioas nili Lave on t~z l~ag range overall plan for city de~elopae~ and orderlp growth. Respectfuily qonrs, /s/ Simon Eisner ~ ~J1RII~ MS Q~ED. A aoticn Yas aade b9 Co~issioner Thompson, secoffied bq Commi.ssioner Hap~ood, affi ~ried, tbat 'by Reso2atioa No. 123, Series 1957-58, the Coaissio~n zeco~send to the City Covacil tffit this reclassifi- cation frow R-3, I(uitiple Fa~ily Resideatial, to R-2, Two Family Besidential, be approved, svbject to another recommend.^.tion of lir. Eisner*s; na~ely, t6at three parting spaces be proeided on each R-Z lot, ;,s it has been fa~md that maay people living in t:vo-family resid~:ial ~its a2so bave t~o cars per family. i i ~ ~ t e ~,. Tbe wte m Yhe above Resolutioa lYo. 123 ~ras as follows; A~S: OOOIISSI~iFRS: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, lKauexhan, Summers, ThonDSan a~ bhmgall. ?1~S: od6~SSI(~S: DuBois aad Morris. AffiEIiP: f70~[YSSIQ~BS: Pfooe. Snbdivider -~ p~perti~s Aio, 3, Incorporated. TENfATIVE TRACf - A Teatatiee )tap af 7zact ?Po. 3343 ras ~resented to the Commission. '.="~ ".;D. 3~'3 Sy,~a. a~im oy Codissiaoer Ganer, secoffied by Commissioner Hap- 8ood, aad c.3sried. it ~ras eoved t~at the Te~ative Map of Tract No. 3343 be approred, snhjert to: 1- Tbe eiteasim of f~mean Street tMough to the alley. 2- llakiag that pertion sarked °Hot a part of the tract" a's a IaR ia the tract. 3. The pa~aeat of $25.p0 per lat far the acquisitioa of Park affi Recreaticn sites. 4- ~S~rmB rf9~eaents. Snbdivider - D~1~~ ~ipoent Leasin~ Corporation. TBNfATIVE TRAQ - A TeataYive llap of Tsact Mo. 3313, as revssed, was presented to 181P NO, ~313 the Cosic~im. Aa Eaginrer appeared before the Commission re- garding this deaeiop~eat~ a~ stated th.~t. 1. l,lthargh the tract ras cat np iato lots, it was expected that se~eral of t6ese lots roaIld be soid in nne ownership to eertain ramfactarang concerns. - 2. T6at be conld see no nse for a 30-foot alley at the rear of II_ S_ High~ay 101, as arz~~+~•,ts for teuning of trneks raald be ri.thin tLe lots the~selves, 3. 1~at tLey Lad a~etter of approval from the State Division of Highwys rith referente to this tract, a~ that a copy yonld be fazYanded to the City uf Aaaheim. IIPon a aotioa 1~9 Oom~issiaoer Gaoer, seconded by Commissioner Thaapsan, and carried, it ras ~aved that the Teatative Map of Tract No. 3333 be approved, sn~ject to tbe receipt of the Ietter from the Siate Divisioa of High~aps givix~g their approval to the tract. -8- ----'---:---- _ ---_._.__ __ __ _ -- _----- - ----•~ ~ y y~ 1 i ~ : ~e ~ ~ 1 VAR7ANCB N0. 866 - Request by CARL ARTHOPffit far caatia~t s~€ Fe~~~~ 3~_ ~ Fer ~e year. GraAted November 19, 1955 for ~i ~~ffa,x au &asEror Boulevard~ Bast side, south of flraagemsx.,s~.e_ A ietter was received fram ~arl ~1rtb~es seqaestisg am ~ion be granted on this Variance to ai?~ 3~ to aperabe Inss ~eal Estat~ Offiee located on the East si~e s~ ~Harba~ Bc~e~aatii, saath o£ Oraage- wood Avenue. Upon a motioa bq Commissioner l~orri4, ~r- "-' b~ O~a.ssi~rs Dfa+ma- han a~ carried, it ssas vated ~y Beso3atirm S~a. ~2r4, Seraes 3957 58, to permit the operation uatii t~e 19t.h ~ag o~ S~embes, 145L. ANAI~IHIM UNION - The Anaheim Uaion High School Dist~irt reqs~est~ sa zpgsa~sl of ttae HIQi SCHOOL final section oa the last fivt arse pazae~ aaqanaea4 fa a}lsaia~r High School on the South side af ~~neqa Edaive, ~sx mss of 9cacia Street. - Upon a motion bp CommissionAr T~o~gsaa, 9rzam3eai b8 t7m~issi~er Gauer, and carried~ it was voted ta appsoar t~e ff~zl fiac scse site acqrsired for a Juaior High S~Saol flestri~efl as= 'BLae Eas~ +~ o€ the West ~ of the South twe~y aues of S==t3~ Z, Y~, S34lIf, S.B_B. ~ S[. RBVISBD TBNfATNB- A Revised Tentative Map af Tract 14c. 33.42 aas pres~ ao t~e MAP OP TRACT N0. Commission. Subdivider - Ed~vard M. Yoamtz_ 3142 ~ Upan a motion by Co~nissioner Ganer, sera~e~ fig ~~ gall, and carried, it was vated ta ap~raae ~e ~evssed'Yentative Map of Tract 2~0. 3142, subj~~t ~ta: 1. The erection of a six fooY za~a~e 3~1a¢t ~13 al~g the lots at Hnott Street affi bacr3ag a,p lc~s a-~ *~~~+ve to Rnott Avenue, 2. The payme~ of $25.OD per 3~aY fo~ tLe ~*+~~==~fio~ ~ Park and Recreation sites. 3. Eng3neering reqnisemeats. PIACBNfIA UNIPISD- The Anaheim City Planning Cammissicm a~s -aosaai~d ~ tiae PSacea~ia SQi00L DISTftICf Unified School District of theia iaie~:ic.~n to x~ ~I~ ge~oQerty described as follows: °'All tl~at r.trtaia ars3 ~a~Qer~s am 4~e Citg of Anaheim, County of Orange, StaY~ af tX3iffor~aa, beaae~ Lot 2 a~d *.he Southerly 370.00 feet ~f Lot 1 0~ ~cmtii ~]a~esti8'Saxct Lio. 2, as per Map recorded in Map Book 3, ~age 42 e~ leas~-el3amea~s ~s, records of said Countq". ADJot1Rt~ABNr The Anaheim City Ylanning Coa~iss3oa, a~~ts ~oe cams~esa4i.~ of this site, went oit record oa a matiaa 3~y ~issi~er 6amer,.. seconded by Commissioner Manerban, aad sarraed, t~ t~e ~~~~+*ia Unified School Distr3tt be notifie3 t.ha~ dnt go ~e 2rscatirmm aF this property, it dces not considez it s sstis€arcaaa sate ~a~ a Placeatia School. The Meeting adjourned at 6:00 O'C1or~ ~~ -9- d c ',.. _ ._ _ . . _.. . . z,