Minutes-PC 1957/12/16
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City Hall
Anaheim, Caiifornia
December 16, 1957
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~~ g~ ~1~~D gH~AB !ff£dll~'s OF Tf~ CTTY PIANNING COMMISSION
;~~ ~-t _ An gdja,~rne~ ~~galar lfe~tiag of the City Planning Commission was
~~~ sall,ed to order at 2_1Q O`Cloct by Chairman Summers, a quorum being
~ _ ~~~q ~, ~L4SSI01~RS; Allred, Gauer, Msuerhan~ Morris,
~ ffi ~u-
~OSS~SS DuBois aad Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2:40 0`Cloe.k
~ _~~a ~' tbe He&uTar Meeting held December 2, 1957 were approved
as ¢iated.
~g~~y _ p~,~ ~g~_ ~8I01~ snbmitted by CLEARBROOIC IAl~ CatPORATION,
~_ ~yZ ~ as a~licaat, 3404 ~ia Lido. NeNport Beach, California; George D.
~n>> as gatLorized /6geat, same address, requesting that the
_ prq~ert~ described as: A12 that certain real property situated in
tbe Camty oE Orange, State of California, described as follows:
ZLe liacth 15 aczes of the Sartheast quarter of the Southeast quar-
ter af Section 18, ?a~msh3p 4 Sonth, Raage 10 West, in the Rancho
Las Oo~ya~tes, patti~ in the City of Anaheim and in the County of
~ange, State of Cdlifo=nia, as said section is showa on a map
recccded in boot 51„ page IO of Miscelianeous Maps in the office
af tb~ camt' zecordcs of said couaty~ and further described as
1Tia~ ao the ~Pest side of Brookhnrst Avenue, 825 feet North of
Ba3Y IIaad, cmtaining 15 acses, be reciassified from R-A to C-1.
An attacae~ zepreseating George D. Buccoia appeared before the
r++e•+«im aad stated they roaid like to have this reclassification~
~earing coa[inned oatil Jarn~ary 2Q. as their plans for the develop-
aeat aE this propezty rere aot yet complete, and they might wish to
file aa sme~ed reclassification, cai]ling for a portion of it to be
otmer tLsa CLl, litighDorhood Co~ercial.
Lipm a eotim b7 Co~issioner Thompson. seconded by Commissioner
6aner, aad carricd. ii ras moved that Reclassification No. P-57-58-
26 be emtim~ed matil the secoad meeting in January, or Januarq 20.
~, .a - p[TBLIC gP~gIl~. PEPrfI~i snbmitted bq the MAGNOLIA :.CHOOL DISTRICT,
~~~ ~. T41 as O~er, P. O_ ~az No. 2007, Anaheim, California, requesting per-
D1i~tS3, m the p¢opertg described as the West 204 feet of the
Seuth ~ oE the SIf~ of tL~e Slf~ of the 1~ffi~, of Section 13, Ri1W,
S.B,B. ~cl4, aad farther described as a pareei having 204 foot
frauta;e m Oraage Aaenne, a depth of 330 feet from the centerline
oE pcaa~e Rveaoe~ and 2piag li16 feet more-or-less west of the
cea~trrliae af D~gaoliz Aveane. The propertq is presentiy classi-
fied t-A.
76r. lfierson, u represeatative of the Msgnolia School District,
appeared before tLe Ca~issioa and stated that the parcel of prop-
ertp tlat tLe~ ris6ed to deve2op measured approximately 200 feet
b! 300 feet, a~ tLzt bnild3ngs five to six thousaad square feet
ia ura ronld be erected on the property. He also presented
rea3rsings of the elevations of the pIOpOSL't~. buildings, and stated
tbst t~ere roo]d be a=ple off-street parkiag, and that this would
be tLe beadq~arters fos t~e ~ole Magnolia School Sqstem Adminis-
tr~dx ~f~s, !lrs. Spencer. as property owner: directly to the
liarth ~ t~e peopertp a~ed hy the schooi~ questioned as to what
ronld be dooe rith the baLnce of the ten aeres that the school
aor o~as. l6r_ l~ersan stated that it would be considered probablq
as a firtate schoai site. T~ ffEARI1~G WAS CLO6HD.
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MIN[TfBS OP AD7WItAFeD B~I118 f~'I~ ~~I~i. I1~CE6~F.R 16, 1957 CONfINUSD
~ p~~ _~p~ 1~}i,m, by (7smmissi~r ~r, secauded bp Commissioner All-
~ VpR~~ Np, qql re~~ a~d carrie~~ it ~aas ~oaed 3pr Resolutioa No. 135, Series 1957-58
~Cp~~gD~ t~at gaea~ed 1Variame 3~_ 741 E~e ~traated for the uses as specified
~ ia the ap~lic=ti~. s~,pect to:
s ;. ql~e de~iug to tLe C.ita of ~efm of 45 feet from the center-
i iiae of ~aa~e Ase~e fos street xidening.
Z. ~m6 ~sts.
t; VAR7AI~ N0. 8T8 - YiTffi.IC i~~l~_ ffi'a'I~QC ~itfed bF the ALJON COMPANY, purchasing
~ uader co~tract, g25 Fast (7~istiae Drive, Alhittier~ California,
reqaestiarg pe~issa~ to C10~s3RL"tT A 32 IINTT~ TWO STORY MQTHL, WITH
~,~ SIiD~ P~, oa tUe property described as the East
1~D.iK3 fc~t z€ ~ O~s~ 45ED_~ €eet of the South 290.00 feet (meas-
~sed al~oag tbe sarmth~sEg am3 resterly iines respectivelq) of the SB
~ of Sectic~ 72, q~4S~ ~1Qp in ~lee Raacho S8n Juan Cajon de Santa
A~~ ia the city of Anaf~e~, connty of Orange, state of Calif ornia,
as per map recuc,~e~ff 9a b~ Sfl, page !0 of Miscellaneous Maps, in
the off3ne of 3~e co~alty seco.;der af said county, and fvrther des-
cribed as Sa5 Yate3la~Aseme, aear the 1W:rtheast corner of Ratelia
and ~arbor ~eaieva~_ y~e pcogertp is pzese~lp classified R-A.
lAr. g_ D_ (~egorp ap@eued 6e~~e the Commission as the representa-
ti~e o~ tbe Alj~ (7~aa!', affi stated tEiat he had nothing to add to
the iafo~ti~o~ ~da~ ia ttoe appFication. No one appeared in
opposits,o~ to t~e ~caatiag of the variance. TAE FffiARING WAS CLOSBD.
~p~ $~~ ~ c~:«iooer D1ane~h3u, seccaded bq Commissioner
M~;, am easriea, ii vas moven oy ac56litY~6A iJo, i3b, Series
;~937-3g, ~at ~arizmce Lio_ 8T8 ve graated, snbject to:
;_ '1l~e dee~iag to tZoe Cstg csF Aaaheim of 6Q feet from the cen-
terlisoe cf ~zteila A~ €or street widening.
2- ~ml6 ~s.
3_ ffit tfi~e ~+~+~~~~ 2iae be set bac~ ZO feet mirtimum.
VAR7ANCH N0. 879 - F~,IC ~17iG_ ffi'a'Imi s~aitted bY JA1~S M. PIFSR, as Owner,
g93 Soath r~mo~ street, w,•~*~•+~, CsFifornia, requesting permission
to E[JIID a YtY~fF3 an ibe p~operiY described as: Beginning at a~
pa3at 9b9_15 feet soat~ezsteriy aYoag the ceaterline of South
~,e~ Stseet fro~ a ce~t ~at at the intersection of West
e.~ ~. c±.~± =a c.~+e r.~. ~;~eet ia the Citv of Anaheim, Orange
Co~mty, Cabafarais, amd ~ thence southwesterlq and parailel
to Soath Street ~_37 feet to a poiat; thence southeasterly 50
feet to a poiat; ~e~e Li~'t~esster2p 208.07 to a point in the
uateriine of Sa~h Ir~ Strect, and theace Northwesteriq along
~he cmteriine of It~m St=ert SQ Eeet to the poiat of beginning.
~d'~6'ffi~EF~O! t6e Eastesiy 3I.25 feet for South Lemon Street.
SUB~Cf Y~D ri~t af ~ ia fawr of the Anaheim i7nion Water Company,
aad faatber desss'beea as 877 Saath Lemon Street. The property
is pzesmtly clsss~9ed S~-Z_
fAr_ ~ifer appeac~eQ be€are tl~e Ca~ission and stated that he had
nothing to a=!3 ot~er tLxa tbe sa€ormation contaiaed in the appli-
catifly ~ aae ~eaErd ig agpositios~ ta the granting of the
var"saaoe. '~ ^aes.~,~- ~ ~p_
;7pom a~i,~ ~g t7~asssc~er Tt[c~mgsoa~,. seconded bp ~ommissioner
(~aer, ~'i sarried, it rss ~aaect hg Resoiution No. 137, Series 1957-
58, t~aY Varia~oe ffi~_ 879 be graated, snbject to the erection of
Yhe ue,=aa~ sa acoo~dsace sith the plans presented.
VAR7ANC~ N0. 880 -~.IC ~I7B_ ~L'a'Ii~i sab~itted bY J~ J. C~, p~chasing under
comtract, 174D ~oetg Hiahlaad Ave~e. Hollywood~ California, request-
iag pe~issim ta ~ECi' AAD ~ A b~fSL WTIIi SWID9~iING POOL on
tbe pa~opertg ~s"be+d asc T~e &ast 30~ feet of Lot 1, Tract 2854,
Piirui~J vc iw_iwAivcL lt~~iULifit innat ims,--rufi7ltinu \,ia_mei~Jiaimi. irr.l,~ciLr i`v, i757 a;ami ii~vnir
VAR7ANCS N0. 880 - as per map recorded in book 90, pages 39 a~ 40 of 1[iscellaneous
(CONTINUBD) Maps, in the office of the county recorder of Orange County, exeept-
ting therefrom the aorth 960 feet and x:so ezcepting therefrom that
portion thereof iqiag South of a lirn parailel rith aan 220 feet
north of the sout~ line of the SE } of Section 21, T4S, RidFf. in
the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Aaa, Cali€ornia, a~ further
described as lying 150 feet North of Batella Avenne on the West
side of West Street. The property is preseatly classified R A. ,
Mr, John J. Cox appeared before the Caaission and prese~ed a ~
rendering and more complete plaas for the ![otei ~ich hc proposes
to build. No one appeared in opposition to the ~ranting of the
variance. TFID HBAFtING MIAS QA5BD, . 3
Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded bq Co~issioner
Gauer, and carried, it was maved bq Resolution No, 138. Series ?
1957-58, that Varianee No. 880 be gra~ed, sab,ject to:
1. Trie erection of the Motel in accordance rith the plans pre-
2, Bngineering requirements.
VAR7ANCB N0. 881 - PUBLIC FIDARING. PSfTfION submitted by J~i F. IItNII~IIt, as Owner,
1741 Park Avenue, Long Beach, California, requestiag permission to
AND 62 FBBT, on the propertp deseribed as: PARCEL 1: The Southeriq
63 feet of the North 249 feet of the ~onth 629 feet of that portion
of Lot 11 of Miles Rancho~ ia.the Cisy of Anaheiv, Co~mty of Orange,
State of California, as per Map recorded in Boot, Page 7 of Mis-
eelianeous Maps, in the office of the Connty Recordez of said
Oraage County, described as follws: Heg:aning at a poi~ on thE
South line of said Lot 332.35 feet frae the Saitheast corner of
said lot, thence North 0~ 9* 15° Mest 1318.71 feet eore-or-less to
a point in the North liae of said Lot 11, thence 1(esterly aiong
the North iine of said lot 174 feet to a point, thence Southerly
oa a direct line 1318.71 feet moreror-less to a poiat on the South
line of said Lot 11~ thence Easterly along the Saith liae of said
Lot 174 feet to a point of begianing. ~5: 3: T+~ aboee eeas-
urements run to the centerline of 7a Palaa Avenne. N~Ig: 2: A
Map of Survey of said land aad other land ras recorded October 20,
1948 in Book 20, Page 32~ Records of.Surveys in the office of the
CounEy Recorder oi said t3raage ~otmty. PA~(~I. 2: The Northerlq 62
feet of the Southeziy 125 feet of the North 249 feet of the Sonth
629 feet of that portion of Lot il of Mi.les Raacho, in tbe City of
Anaheim, County of Orange. State of California, as per sap recorded
in Book 4, Page 7 of Mistellaneons 2Uaps, in•tbe office of the Couaty
Recorder of said Orange County, deseribed as foliws: Beginning at
a point on the South line of said Lot 332.35 feet fros the Southeast
corner of said iot, thence North 0~ 9' 15" 11est 1318.'71 feet eore-
or-less to a point in the North liae of said Lot 11. thence Ffesterly
along the North line of said Lot 174 feet to a poi~, thence South-
erly on a direct line 1318.71 feet aoreror-less to a poiat on the
South liae of said Lot 11, thence 8asterly along the Saith ii~ne of
said Lot 174 feet to the poiat of begiffiing. ~TS: 1: The above
measurements run tn the ce~erline of Is p,aLa AvemK. NOfB: 2:
A Mng of Su=vey of said laad affi other ]am rds xeeorded October
20~ 1948 in Bbok 20, Page 32, Record of Snrveys, ia the office of
the County Recorder of said Orange Camty. and fartber desc=ibed as
iqing on the West side of Ciiroa Street betreen Bgtoodl Avenne a~
Julianna Streei. The property is preseatly classif'ie~d R-3.
Mr. Camp, 962 S. Center Street, appeared before the Co~ission as '
authorized ageat for Mr. John F. Irsinger, a~ stated that although
the application said there wer= no deed restiictions on the progert~,
he found by examiaation that there xas a deed resAriction statiag
thet no trailer park could be placed npon tLe snbject property. The
proper4p lies directip aorth of a trailer gark oa lFest La Palam ~
Avenue. He stated that all the lots in ihe ~rea t~ve froutages of ;
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mii~~iau v~ nu_~vua~a~nu i~avJ~ii+n ino$iiitv, i1MPliYlirv l;~Aqp(1JJ1VlV. .1784lSMtf31( 10, lY~% C(}1~IN[~
VARUNCB N0. 881 - 60 feet and many of them only have 100 feet in depth, while these
(CONfINUSD) lots will be 174 feet in depth and contain nearly 11,000 square
feet. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the variance.
Upan a motion by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner Gauer
and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 139, Series 1957-58,
that Variance No. 881 be approved allowing the applicant to cut two
lots; 62 f~et and 63 feet respectively, but subject to the filing
of R-3 Deed Restrictions as approved by the Ci:y Attorney.
VAR7ANCS N0. 882 - pUBI,IC HHARING. PETTTION submitted by JAh~S W, ELDRHDGH, as Owner,
8682 Ball Road, Anaheim, California, requesting permission to BUIID
NII~ffi 60 FOOf BXTBNSIONS on to the end of eXisting 70 foot SFffiDS F~t
IAYINC CAGBS, in order to INCREASH FLOCK PROM 2,000 to 3~000 HHNS, on
the property described as the West 132 feet of the East 397 feet of
the North ~ of the NW ~ of the I~ ~ of Section 24, in T4S, R11W,
S.B,B. & M., and further described as lying on the South s3de of
Ba11 Road~ between Dale Street and Magnolia Avenue. The propertq is
presently classified R-A,
Mr, Sidredge appeared before the Commission aad stated that he had
nothing further to add other tY.an that contained in the applica~ion.
No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance, TF~
Mr, Bldredge would not stipulate that he wouid give 57 feet from
the centerline of Ball Road for future street widening. Cawmissioner
Morris stated that this should be one of the conditions imposed upon
~he granting of this variance, and made a motion, secox~ed by Com-
missioner Hapgood, and carried, that Variance No. 882 be granted bq
Resolution No. 140, Series 1957-58, sub,ject to:
1. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 57 feet from the cen-
terline of Sall Road for street widening.
2. Bngineering requirements.
Commissioner Thompson voted no on this motion, and desired to go on
recorfl that the Commission in eifect was stating that the applicant
could have this variance approved provided that he dedicate the
necessary land for street widening,
purchasing under contract, 11072 Paye Street. Garden Grove, Cali-
fornia, requesting permission to BUILD AND OPERATE A 42 UNiT MOfEL
as the southerly 330 feet of i;:e northerly 396 feet of that portion
of the NW~ of Section 13, T4S, Ri1W, in the Ran~ho Los Coqotes, ia
thP City of Anaheim, county of Orange, state of California, as per
map recorded in book 51, page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office
of the county recorder of said county, described as follows; Hegin-
~ ning a4 a point on ~he north line of said section 13, North 89~ 41~
S;i'~ Bast 1:62,30 feet from the NW corner thereof, thence South 0~
10' S5" Hast 1338,22 Peet to a point on 2he south l~s~e of the north
~ of the NW ~ of said section 13, distant thereon North 89~ 37' 30"
Hast 11b2,58 feet fram the interaect ion of said south line with the
west line of said section 13; thence south 89~ 37~ 30" West iF~4
feet along said south line; thence North 0~ 10' 15" West 1338.43
feet parallel with the west line of said Section 13, to the aorth
line thereof; thence North 89~ 41• 15" Bast 184,:~0 feet to the
point of beginning, and further described as 8182 Lincoln Avenue
situated on the South side of said street between Highwaq 39 affi
. Dale Street. The property is presently classified R A.
" f.
~~ . _
yARI41NC5 N0, 883 - Mr, Hrbikite~ 8242 Lincoln Avenue, appeared before the Commission
(CONfIAI[IDD) and stated triat he would like to see a fence aiong t.he east t:.r.a~-
erty line, Mr. Ream, the applicant, stated that according to Lhe
plans, there ivere to be no openings from the Motel on the 9ast
side~ and that ~:his wouid present a solid wail, with the exception
of windows, aad therefore he did nat believe tha* a fence would be
necessary to protect Mr. Erbikite~s property. After looking at the
drawings, Mr. Brbikite agreed, and withdrew his reyuest that a fence
be erected along the east property 1ine, No one appeared in protest
to the proposed use of the land. THS HBARING WAS CLOSBD.
+ Upon a motion by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner
>~ DuBois, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. Y41, Series
,~i 1957-58, that,Vari.ance No. 883 be granted, sub~ect to:
~ 1. The erection of the bnildings in accordance with the plans
~ presented.
2. The set-back to be 35 feet miniwtm from 4he property line,
3, Bngiaeering requirements.
VARIANCB N0. 884 - PUBLIC HBARdNG. PBTITION submitted by WILLIAM H. ~VARD, as Owner,
~ 246 Hast Center Street, Anaheim, California; L. B. Roquet, as
~ Aut'norized Agent, 127 West Broadway, Anaheim, California; request-
~ RSSIDBNCB on the property described as Lot 25 of Tract No. 483,
as per aap thereof recorded in Book 17, page 20 of Miscellaneous
Maps, records of Orange County, California. Also known as 1819
~ Wesi La Paima Avenne, Anaheim, CalYfornia. The property is
r preQently classified R-A.
si Mr. L. B. Roquet appeared as Authorized Agent for the applicant,
'! Mr. Ward, and stated that this would be a one-man operated piumb-
ing shop, and that ail materials would be stored in a building at
'i the rear of the property, a~ that Mr. Ward would use the dwelling
=~ in front as his residence. No one appeared in opposition to the
'•i granting of the variance. THB HBARING WAS CLOSSD.
~ Upon a motion bp Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Comnissioner
~ Hapgood, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 142, Series
~ 1957-58, that Variance No. 884 be granted, sub~ect to:
~ 1. The deeding of 57 feet to the City of Anaheim for street
2, Hngineering requirements, inciuding the obtaining of the
~~ encrochment permit from the City Bngineer, inasmuch ae the
~ front of the house would be in the parkway area when the
g~ street is widened.
~~--. as Owner, 2208 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles 57, California, re-
~~; questing permission to USB PIVB LQfS ON SOZTfH CITRON STRHBT POR
~ '.~~y.~ POUR UNTT 61ULTIPIB PAMILY STRUGTURSS ON BAQi L~f, on the property
Yj described as Lots 1 through 5, inclus3ve, of T:act 3183, and
~~ further described as being on the Northeast corner of Citron and
~;; Vermont Streets. The property is presently classified R-1.
A representative of Anaheim.Lanz~, Incorporated, appeared before
the Commission and stated that they were trying to get the maximum
use of the property~ which would be to permit the erection of a
four-unit two-story multipie family dweliing on each lot. A
gentlemah from 800 Souih Ca.tron.Sti~aet stated that if this variance
was graated, there was no reason to bel3eve that two-story multiple
family residences could not be built as far north as the church
along South Citron Street, and that such a development would deval-
~Ate their properties. Mr. Don Vaughan, of Cottonwood Circle,
stated that there are ten to twenty cars parked at the curb every
day at Anah~im Lanai, which might show that there are more than
one car per unit. He also stated that they have 80 parcent of
their property being used for multipie famiiy dweilings, and tha,t
these five lots ahould be kept as a buffer. THH HBARING WAS. ~ OSBD,
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1/AR7ANC6 NO. 885 - Upon a motion try Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Morris,
(OONfiNtffiD; and carried, it was moved by Resolution No, 143, Series 1957-58,
th~t Variance No. 885 be denied.
YAR7APIC8 N0. 886 - PUL*_IC HBARING, PBTITION submitted by RENI~ffiTH K. RIN~S, as Owner,
525 West Hampshire, Anaheim, Calif~rnia, requesting permission to
on the property described as the West 150 feet of the East 495
feet of the South 250 feet of the SB ~ of the SB ~ of the SW ~ of
Section 22, T4S, R10W, S,B.B, L M, and further described as lying
on the North si~e of Kateila Avenue, apprc~imately 345 feet West
of Harbor Boulevard. The property is presently classified C-1.
Mr. Kimes appeared before the Commission and stated that there was
nothing further that he could add other than that in the applica-
tion, with the drawings presented. No one ap~eared in opposition
to the grantiag of the Variance. THE HPARING WAS CLOSHD,
Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan~ eeconded by Commissioner
A11red, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No, 144, Series
1957-58, that Variance No, 886 be granted, subject to:
1, The erection of the Motel in accordance with the plans
2. Engineering requireme~±s.
VARIANGB N0. 887 - pUBI,IC HBARING. PHTiTION submitted by JESSIE G. DYER, as I.essee,
239 Bcho Street, Anaheim, California; Robert Menzie, Owner, 1032
Liberty Lane, Anaheim. California, requesting permission to USB
BXISTING HOUSS PQt A BHALiry SHOP on the property described as Lot
3 of Tract 426~ in the city of Anaheim, county of Orange, state
of Californ;a, as per map recorded in book 17, page 45 of Miscel-
ianeous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county,
a~ further described as being 417 North paim Street. The property
is presently clas83fied R-3,
Mrs. Menzie, as Owner of the ~roperty, appeared before the Commis-
sion an~ .stated that origina~:y a variance was granted for a
medical•-.1~ental office on this property~ and that the present
business, namely a beauty parlor, would be of a service nature,
and there r~onid tre no reta3l sales of any kin3, There will also
be adequate off-street parking at the rear of the property, with
no parki.ng in front of the building on Palm Street. The property
owner next door stated that he understood that there would be a
beauty parlor and a real estate office on the property, It was
pointed out that the only request received was for a beauty parlor,
and that no real estate orfice would be ailowed on this applica-
Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, secondel by Comm3ssioner Ailred,
it was moved that the hearing be continued until the next meetiag,
- or until January 6, 1958, until a complete plot plan is presented
~ as to the use of the property and any signs that might be erected.
`_. This motion did not carry. A motion was then made by Commissioner
` Thompsott, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, that by Resolution No.
! 145~ Series 1957-58, Variance No. 8S7 be granted, sub,~ect to;
~ i
i ~
~ ~,~ ~
1, The providing of improved off-street parkinE~ i.n the rear of
the property.
2. Limiting any sign to 16" by 24" on the Sawn, similar to the
medical-dentai signs now at the corner of Cypress and Palm
3, Maintai.ning the present set-back of the building, if any
remodeling is done to the front of the building.
This motion carried.
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NJ. F-57-58-27 cant, 2912 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California, requestin~t
that the property described as; Ali that certain land situated in
the RancMo Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of
California, described as foilows, to-wit: The Easterly 98.08 feet
of the South 1/3 of the Bast ~ of the foilaving described land:
Commencing at a point on the South li.ne of Broadway Street at the
NW corner of iands formeriy of Lumis A, Evans and running thence
South 1320 feet, more or less, to the South line of the quarter Sec-
tion; thence West 990 feet to a stake; thence North 1320 feet, more
or less, to said Broadway Street and thence East 990 feet to :he
place of beginning 3nd containing 30 acrPs of land, more or less,
and being a part of the South ~ of the I~ ~ of Section 17, TAS,
R10W, S,B.B. & M. Bxcepting therefrom any portion thereof included
in the SS ~ of the SB ~ of the 1~ffi ~ of said Section 17. Said land
is shown on a map f iied 'u- book 27, page il of Record of Surveys in
the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California; an3
furtl}er described as being 660 feet west of the centeriine of
Buclid Avenue on the north side of Orange Avenue, be reciassified
from R-A to R-3.
Mr. A. Sandy Steiner appeared before the Commission and stated that
he h4d tried te cooperate with the property owners so that a logical
plan couid rz developed so that they couid all use their properties
to the best advantage, He stated the adjcining prooerty owners
refused to cooperate~ and that therefore he decided that to make the
best use of the property under the circumstances would be to put in
~=rge ests:e-t~Y,. ~u1:ip1~ fawiiy vaits ~onsistir.g af four to six
units. Mr. Sam L. Snodgrass, of 1759 Orange A~enue~ appeared before
th~ Commission in opposition to the granting of Lhe proposed re-
classification. Petitions were aiso recei~ed by the Commission
signed by eighty-four residents in the area opposing the reclassi-
fication. Mr. Ray Coada, 515 South Pann Street, stated that he paid
$17,000, for his house across the st:e et, and that he be],ieved that
the area should be kept strictiy for single family dwellings, Mr.
Steiner had no specific p3ans to present to the Commisaion as to tue
type of dwellings he proposed to erecton the propc:rty. THS HHARING
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson~ seconded by Commissioner
Mauerhan~ and carried, it was moved that this hearing be postponed
until January 20, 1958, and that the p±anning Department be instruc-
ted to prepare a Master plan for th~ entire area, based on si,ng,le
familq use,
N0. F-57-58-28 P~tATSD, as applicant, 401 South Broadwaq, Los Angeles, California;
A. C. Duckett, Jr., as Authorized Agent, 900 Wilshire Boulevard,
Los Aiigeies, Cali.°ornia, requesting that the ~roperty described as
beiag The 2~ID ~ of the SW ~ of the NW ~ oi sectiori 9, T4S, R10W, in
the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the city of Anaheim,
county of Orange, state of California, as the NW ~ of said section
is indicated on a map fiied in book 1, page 56 of Record of Surveqs,
. in the office of the county recorder of said oounty. BXCBPf the
North 67.00 feet of the East 180.00 feet. AISO BXCEPI"that portion
thereof lyiag southerly of a line parnilel with and 38.00 feet
Northerly of the foliowing described line: Commencin~ at the cen-
terline intersection of Euciid Avenue and Crescent pveaae, as shown
on a map filed in book 28, page 32 of Record of Surveys in the
office of the county recorder of said county; then~e North 0~ 34'
40" 1Vest 692,22 feet aloag said centerline of Buclid Avenue to a
poiat 27,00 feet Northerly of the north line of the South } of the
SW ~ of the NW ~ of said section 9 to the beginnicg of a curve
tangen4~ concave ~northerly and having a radius of 9G0.00 feet;
thence Hasterly and Northeasterly along said curve through a cen-
tral angle of 35a 06* 03'~ an arc distance of 551,36 feet to a iine
tangent; thence North 54a 18' 12" Bast 14.19 feet siong said
RBCIASSIFICATION - tangent line to a point in the east line of the SW 4 of the NW ~
NO. F-57-58-28 of said section 9, distant thereon, North 0~ 33~ 10" West 502.92
(CONTINIIBD) feet £rom an is-tersection thereof with th2 centerline of West North
Street, and further described as being 502.92 feet North of North
Street on tne west side of Loara Street, having a frontage of 340
feet on Loara Street and a depth of 660 feet, be reclassified from
R-A to R-3,
Mr. A. C. Duckett, as Authorized Agent for the Broadway Hale Stores,
Incorporated, appeared before the Commission a~ stated that they
felt that this propesty could best be developed as R-3, Multiple
Family Re,sidential, in order to help support the large regional
shopping center in the area. The question of traffic pattern
entered largely into the consideration of this reclassification,
inasmuch as Loara Street at the present time is only a 40-foot
right-of-way with no direct access to West La Palma Avenue on the
North, and on the South, entering into North Street and Crescen4
Avenue carrying the traffic directiy past the Adelaide Yrice
5chool. At the hearing it was brought out that the Broadwaq~iale
Company have 34 feet left directly north of the flood control
channel, which cou,3 be used for a prisate road from the rear of
the prope:rty to Buclid Avenue. It would appear that they propose
to deveiop this as a private road, and have the parking at #he
rear of the property which would make the residents leave the prop~
erty by :vay of Buclid Avenue. However, plans of the development
have not been completed~ and so the Commission lecided not to act
untii such plans have beea presented.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Mauer-
han, attd carried, it was moved that the hearing o£ Reclassification
No. F-57-58-28 be continued until January 6, 1958.
TBNfATIVB MAP OP - A Ter,.tative Map of Tract No. 3303 was,presented to the Commission.
TRACE N0, 3303 The Tract is located on the east side of South Suciid Avenue, some
330 feet noxth of Cerritos Avenue. Map prepared for Sdgar P.
Jones, 1407 West 126th Street, Los Angeles, California, The Traet
contains 28, R-1 lots. It was nowed that:
1. The Tentative Map of this Tract states that it was prepared
for Edgar P. Jones, 1407 West 126th Street, Los Angeles,
Caiifornia, which dces not constitute proof of ownership.
2. That there shouid be additional 7-foot dedication on Buciid
3, That the irregulariy shaped lot fronting on Euciid Avenue
should be made part of the tract.
4. If possibie, the street should be extended siraight through
to Huciid Avenue instead of taking a turn to the Sduth.
Por these reasons the Commission decided not to act on this Map, and
upon.a motion by Commissianer Gauer, secon.:ed bp Commiss3oner A11red,
anG caz=ied, it was moved that,the Tentative Map of Tsact No. 3303
be held until the mceting of January 20, 195F for further considera-
t ion.
ADJOUR21~ffiIVr - The Meetir,g adjourned at 5:40 O'Clock P,M.
Respectfull bmitted,
Approved ~J~=~.,,.~tiF~ 20, /~S7 .
R. W. MUNGALL, S re r9