Minutes-PC 1958/03/03~.J City Hall Anaheim, Califora3a March 3, 1958 M I N U T B S gg(~)IAR MBSfING - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission ras calle3 to order at 2:25 O'Clock P.M, by Chairman Summers, a quorns bein6 presenc. pRggg~ - CHpIRMAN SUMb~RS, COMMISSIONBRS: Gauer, Maue=han, Morris, ~nd Thompson. ' COIYAdISSiONBR DuBois entered the meet3ng at 2:50 0'Cloct P.M. COI~A~IISSI0I~R Hapgood entered the meeting at 3:15 O'Clock P.M. Aggg~ - COhAtISSiONBRS: Allred, M~tngall. MINUTAg - The minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of February 17, 1958. One correction was r.equested by the Commission. The secoad para- graph, Pr.ge 3 on Reclassification No. P-57-58-23 should be corrected to read, to the March 3rd Meetia~. With this change, the Ninutes of the ~:djourned Regular Meeting of Pebruarq 17, 1958, rere approved. VARIANCB N0, 904 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTfION submitted by (~iBSTSR ABRBBRT. as Orraer, 11042 Highway 101, Anaheim, Caiifosnia, requestina peraission to HUIID TWp gMALL COA9~fSRCIAL BUILDINGS in front of existing residence+ to house a cam shaft shop and flower shop, on the prop~rty described as 11221 South Manr.hester Avenue, and further described as lying on the west side of Manchester Aveaue between %atella and OsangeMOOd Streets. The propeity is presentiy classified R A, RHSIDHNfIA~ AGRICULTURAL. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Herbert, as applicants, appeared to ansvrer any questions and also request that the original Variance be asended to include an addition to the existing residence, whicb would extend to the northwest property line. They stated that the wail on tLe property line was to be of fireproof construction in accordance with Building Codes. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variaace. THH HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Co~issioaer Morris, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 194, Series 1957- 58~ that Variance No. 904 be granted. VARIANCB N0. 928 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by MILDRSD V. and ANNACIAI38 MAUHRHAN, and GRACB L. TAYLOP.~ as Owners, 920 Nf°st lUilhelaiaa, Anaheim, Califoraia, requeating permissioa to BRBGT A 32 UNIT MOTEL with Manager's Quarters and Swimming Pool~ on the property described as 815 West Katella Avenue, and further described as lying 1080 feet (approximately) west of Harbor Bdulevard on the north side of gat- ella Avenue. The property 3.s presentlq ciassified R-A, RHSIDffiiPIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. Ralph Petreny~ Lessee, representing the applicants, appeared to answer any questions. The plans and recommended requiresents xere reviewed. No one aQ~eared in opposition to the grantiag af the Variance. THB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by :;o~issioaer Hapgood, and carried, Commissioner Mauerhan not voting, it was moved by Resolution No. 195, Series 1957-58 that Variance No. 928 be granted, aubject to; 1. Hrection of the buildings ia conformity with the plans pre- sented, except that a minimum 20 foot front yard and a 5 foot sicte and rear yard setback be required. -1- ~ ~ , I i x ~ 7 ~ s 4 > ~ ~ , x :i i i S ; i i - ----._.. _. ..._._ --__......__ - ...._.__ -- - ----___ _-____ a, -- - ~ -- - -- ----- ,~ ---_. . .. _. . _ _ . _.: .. ~ ~ ~ (_;0 MINUTHS OP THB C:CfY PIANNING COAAIISSION ItHGUTAR I~STING, MARCH 3, 1958, CONTINUED: VARIANC$ N0. 928 - 2, Hngineering req+.irements, inciuding dedication and complete (Continued) impravements of the required Right~of-way within a 90 day time limit. Said Right-of-way shail be 60 feet measured from the centerline of Katella Avenue. .. YARIANCS N0. 912 - Application withdrat,~n prior to the Meeting. RBCLA3SIPICATION - PUSLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by FAIRFIHLD HOMBS, INCORPORATHD, N0. F-57-58-4 as Owner, 4333 Bast Live Oak Avenue, Arcadia, California; H. N. Berger, same address, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as Lot Numbers 9, 10, 15 and 16 of Helen ai~d Lynch Subdivision be reclassified from R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RESIDSN- TIAL to M-1, L1(~IT MANUPACTURB, with an R-3~ MULTIPLR FAMILY RBSI- DBNfIAL buffer on Loara Street, and an R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RHSIDBN- TIqL buffer :.n the south side of the pzoperty, These parcels contain 30 acres and are located on the southeast corner of Broadway and Loara Streets. The Council referred this application back to the Commi~sion for an area study by the Planniag Consultant. Mr. Berger requested a presentation of thxt study. The Consultant's study was presenteG, indicating the use of P-L Zones, etc., to separate the uses proposed by the applicant. Preceeding this presentation, the prior actions and proceedings concerning the subject property were read from the Rev~.ew, which notea: 1. Tentative Tract No. 2058.filed 1/17/55. Did not come before Commission. 2. Tentative TracC No. 2666 filed about 5/1/55; came before Plan- ning Commission 5/31/55 and was approved. 3. Council approved Tentative Tract No. 2666 6/14/55, required plans to be submitted prior to appro~al of final map. 4, Tentative Map expired 6/14/56. S. July 17, 1957, application filed for M-1 Zoning. 6, August S, 1957, petition bearing 268 signatures opposing Reclass- ification filed with Commission. 7. August 5, 1957, applicat3on fos M-1 Zoping denied by Planning Commisaion. 8. September 3, 1957, Ceuncil Hearing referred back to Planning Commission for an area study. 9. Referred to the Planaing Consu;:ant for a study of how the proposed basically incompatible uses might be introduced into the areso The study was made with the assumption thaL the uses were to go into the area, and did not necessarily const3.tute a proposal of thASe uses, gince the time of this stuc~~, the land use map and inventory, the community surveys~ and the pre- liminary proposals on the General Plan have enabled us to give more comprehensive cons3derations to the proposals. It was further noted that since the time of the ~;onsultant's study, the Ylanaing program for the develo~ment of the Long Range General Plan had pro~ressed to a point which affected more comprehen•=ve consideration of the uses proposed by the appiicant. Another map, indicating the existing nses of iaad in the area of the subject prope=ty, was presented, and it was noted that the areas,to the South~ Southeast, and Southwest were a1S developed for Single Pamily Residential use, and that the remainiag areas, aithough zoned or under coasideration for Reclassification for more inten- sive uses were mostly undeveloped. ~--^-~--el s ~ i ~ t . ~ ~ The following people appeared in opposition to the proposed Reclass- ification: Mr. Berger, Mr, Raiph Martia~ Mr. Butl~r, Mr. Howard Chapel, Mrs. Bon Butler, Mr. R. R. Reilly, and Mrs. Kile, Reference was made, by the protestants, to the petition aigned by 268 people from the area who were also in opposition to the Re~clasf~ification. Mrs. Rhea Todd~ Realtor, stated she felt that the proposed use would have no detr3.mental effects on adjoining aseas and that the indus- triai traffic would probably use the Freeways, THS HBARING WAS CIA3HD. _2_ _~ '~ , , ~ ~ ~~. (J ~ ~ AIIN[TfB3 OP Tf~ CTTY PIANNING COMMISSION itBGITIAR MBBTING, MARQi 3, 1958, CONPINUBD: f RHCLASSIFICATION - Commissior~er Morris stated that he had reviewed the resuits of the I~. F-57-58-4 recently completed Land Use Inventory, which indicates that only E (Continued) one fourth of the approximately 2,000 acres of industriaily zoned ~ iattd was developed for iadnstzy so far. This, plus the proposals ~ o^_ the gsel;±~a*_+ary General Plan indicating that additional indus- t trial areas will be made available indicated that it was not imper- ? ative to the community welfare that this property be made available ' for industriai use. The location of the subject property in relation to the Loara Biementary School is such that any intensifi- ~ cation of use which wouid cause an abnosmal increase in vehicuiar traffic in the area would be detrimentai to the safety aad welfare ~ of the chiidren who walk to school from the residential areas south of the subject property. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, secoaded by Commissioner Gauer, and carried, it was mnved by Resolution No. 196, Series 1957-58, that Reciassification No. F-57-SS-4 be denied. The vote on the above Resoiution was as follows: AYSS: CONAMISSIONBRS: DuSois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers and Thompson. I NOiBS: COIrAMISSIONHRS: None. ABSSNf: COMMISSIOI~ffiRS: Allred, Hapgoa3 and Mungail. ~~ RflCIA3SIFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by RAYMOND PBRP.IBR and RAYMOND N0. F-57-58-23 SPBHAR, as Applicants, 8871 Katella Avenue, Anaheim, Califoraia, ~ requesting that the property described as being situated on the south g side of Hall Road, 250 feet wesf of the centeriine of Buclid Avenue, ~ having a depth of 250 feet aad a frontage oa Ball Road of 579 feet, be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, I~IQiBOR- HOOD COMI~RCIAL, aad R-3~ MULTIYLB PAMILY RBSIDBNf7AL. ~ This applicatioL was held over from the Meetin8 of Pebruary 17, 1958, for information on how the property was to be developed and , to study the appar~e>xtly land iocked parcel to the South. Mr, Spehar, representing the applicants, and Miss Short, who is purchasing and deweloping the portion•for which R-3 is being re- quested, presenteu plans for the proposed development. The appar- ently land locked parcel south of the subject property is being developed by George Holstein anc! ~oa~ as Tract No. 3350. The tract wili have access to the proposed ~ings Court Drive in Tract No. 2779 ~o the West. No one appeared ia opposition to the pro- posed Reclassification. THB 1~IDARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motioa by Commis~:one~ ~~ompson, .,econded by Commission~:r DuBois, ana carried, it was moved by Resulution No. 147~ aerie.s 1957-58, thai: Feciassiiication No. P-57-SLZ-23 be recommended to the City Council for approvai, subject to: 1. Brection of the buildings and development of the site in con- formity with the pians presented, with the following exceptiona: a. The stores on the westeriy haif of that portion of t~e subjec# property proposed for commercial development shali be set back JS ieet and the atores on the east half shail be set back il.~:eet from the property line on Ball Road. b. That off-street parting for the commercial development be provided on the bsssis of a minimum of two spaces per 300 square feet of gross fioor area. c. That the parking spacea on the south side of the aliey to the rear of that portion of the subject property proposed -3- :S ~ ~ . 1 ~ ~__~_---,-_._ __--- -_-_~ --- ----..._._ _._ ..___....__---- __.._. ----_ -------~ ~ -- .- E -- - ~ ~ ~ 1 f. ~ . ~ ^ v 5~ lftliOTBS OP ~ C11R PIANNIIiG OOia[I~ION $~TIAR M88rING MARC~i 3 1958 CONfINUBD: g~g~~I~I _ c. (coatimied) for H-3 deveiopoeni be deceloned as garages. N0. F-i7-58-23 t~t~; 2. ~gi~eriae reqniresents. including dedication and complete iaproaesent of the required Right-of-xay within a 90 day time liait; said x3ght-of-xay to be 53 feet e~easnred fro~ the ceaterline of Ball Road. The vote on the above Resolution No. 197 was as follows: A~S: CpNISSi~ffiRS: DnBois, Ganer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Su~rs and Thompson. N~S: (~OiOIISSIOt~RS: None . ABS&Nf: 0~4IISSIOKHRS: Allzed, MunBall. pAItIp1iC8 Iip. 922 - FQBLIC HFARINiG. PHfTTION submitted by GUIDO F. SATTISTONH, as Lessee, I20b1 rosma Lane, Garden Grove, Califoraia; Paul Knaak, as prner, reqnesti.ng peraission to HRH(.T AN.HLBCfRICAL SIGN on the fra~t pection of propert,~ to advertise snall shops in development on the property described as 2148 Mest Lincoln Aveaue, and further described as iyiag aear the southeast corner of Lincoln and Srook- tmrst Street. The property is ~resentiy cla~sified R A, RBSIDHNTIAL A(~IQTIIVRAT.. ' llr. Attinsoa, sepresenting the appiicaat, stated that the siga ras to advertise bnsiness ia the nevc co~ercial building which was set bact fnrther than other buildings in the area. No one appeered ia opposition to the graating of the Variance. TFffi HBARING WAS CLUSSD. IIpon a aotion by Comdssioner Thaapson, seconded by Commissioner l~rris, a~ carried, it xas moved bq Resolution No. 198. Series 1957-58, that Vaziance No. 922 be graated. qpRIANC8 NO. 923 - PIJBLIC ~ARING. P.~ITION sub~itted by STAI~LSY ORR~ as Lessee, 2156 Harbor Boalevard, Anahein, California, requestiag pesmissioa to ~~tATg !1 TRAILBR SAIBS LOf on the property described as 2156 Har- bor Bonlevard, and fnrther described as lying 250 feet north of l0ilken May on ttre east side of Harbor Boulevard. The property is preseatly classified R-A~ RBSIDHNfUL AGRICULTURAL. Mr, Carl Arthofer, ageat representing the applicant, and Rir. Staaley Orr, appl~icaat. appeazed to ansrer any questians. No one appeared ia opposiLiaa to the granting of the Variance. TFffi HBA1tING WAS CLD~. ~ Upon a~otio~n by Comissioner Gauer, secanded by Comaissioner 1ho~pson, affi carsied, it xas mov~d bq Resolution No. 199, Series 1957-58, that Vaziance No. 923 be granted, subject to: 1. T6e providing of 20 improved parking spaces. 2. &agineering reqnirements, including the dedicatiom and compiete iaproveient af ihe required Right-of-wap, within a 40-daq time. lisit; said Right-of-xay to be 60 feet measured from the center- line of Harbor Bonleeard. 3. nli buiFdiags aad trailers shali be set bacY a minimuw of 50 feet fros the property line on Harbor Boulevard. ~rAR7AIiCB tip. ~524 - HfBLIC ~ARII~. PEfTTIOtI salmitted by RAI.Pfi PHTRBNY, as Lessee, 8822 ~ard~n Grove Bonlevard, Gazden Grove, California; Clareace liaaezt~aa, as O~er, reqnesting peraission to CONSTRUCf A Mt7fHL, M~A~~g QUA~BRS AND SMIIA~lII~G POOL on the property described as 1160 tateila Aveane, a~ fnrtLer described as lying on the south side of Yateila Avmue betxeen Mest aad Casa Vista Streets. The p~operty is pre~Eatly classified R-A, RBSIDBATTIAL AGRICULTURAL. _~ -- _--.__ --- ------- --------- ~. _ .. ._._ ~ ---- -- -- - - ~~ MIN[PfB$ OP TF~ CTTY PIANNING C01~9ISSION B$C,[TIAA NBHf~, ~65~ 3, ~a338 VAR:LANCB N0. 924 - Mr. Ralph Petreny, applieaat, appear~ to assrer a~ qmestia~s_ DEt. CConti:~~ed) Petreay stated that constrncti.cm vanid cc~re ~this 3O daTs of the effective date of the Variaace. ~e plasts a~ reca~e~ded requiremeats were reviewed. 1Qo ame appear~ ea ~~iaa to t~ee granting of the Variance. ~~ i~1.S CdD~_ Upon a motion bq Comissioaer ~apgaod, secas~ed ~~'~+«+~ DuBois, and carried, Commissioaer ~ m~t wlta~. at ras ~aed by Resolution No. 200, Series i95T-58, tiut Fasi~oe 3~_ 424 Ere granted~ subject to: 1. Srection of the bnildiags aad s]eoeEro~emt aff t~e site ia conformity mith the plaas pneseated, eaeget t~at a~iai~ 20 foot front yard aad S foot suk a~ arar saad setDact be required. 2. Bagineeriag reqniremeats ~*~*-~~ye ~isaiti~ ~ oamQltte impruremeut of ,:he reqnirtd 8s~#-+vf ~, ~+~ a~'~ time limit, said Right-of~y sha31 fie f+~ ffeef, aes~zed from the centerline of Yate33a ~ve~_ VARIANCB N0. 925 - PUBLIC HBARING. iBTTTY@1 snbmittefl by ~Y S_ ~8, pasc~asr ing under conlract, 1430 College 8vesme, .~gt_ E, Sao~tta Affi~ Ca1"s- fornia, requesting permission to [~Q' es 33 i~' ~gL Y'~ MANAC~R`S QUARTBRS AND IdAID QUABT~S om ~e ~ezi.'g descs$be~ as the northeast corner of tl(ill~en liay aad ~aabor Hmalssaad_ 'Y~e propertq is presentiy classified H~, B~~a* ~968H:~t~Ti~lL. Mr. Carl Arthofer, representing t~e app3.iramt, ~e~secS to ~es+~er any questions. The plans aad seco~eade~! aeqmis~s reae zcciere~3. No one appeared in opposition to t~e giaats~ af' tme a`ariamce_ 18.E HBARING NfAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissio~r Monis, sef~ 3~g C~~iamer Mauerhan~ aad carried, it icas ~ovefl bg ~rsa~nm IDo_ Z411, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 925 be gsaatr3, ~b~t to: 1. Hrection of the tnaildisigs aad dz~ela~it ~ t~e snte ia coaformitq with the plaas prestmte3_ 2. Bngineeriag reqnisesents, iac3 W~ an~_~+ina aai cao¢tete improvement of the zeqnired Big~t-af-vmp ~o.t~Da s~41~daf time limit; said Ri.ght-of~; sba9.3 be b~ fest ~~ed from the centerliae of Eaz'bor ~~~-++~ 3, A11 buildings set bact a+^~r~*~+~ of ~D fe~it fam~ tlee propez4y line on Harbor Bonlevard. VAR7ANCB N0. 926 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION snbmitt=d dry ~ C_ ~, SIDL~Y li. FOLGSR, WAYNARD ill. LUMB. a=+~-P~r~ers~ig+, as 7assees, 33~ Yest 87th Street~ Santa Ana, Califoraia, regaesYar~g mre~iR~ Lb ~~TT A 24 UNTT TWO-SfORY b3~TBL, ~aith 84 uaits p3~ iae €itase c~st=uc- tion~ plans include Sximming ~oi, ~r`s ~z Sigas, Lobbg and Parkiag, oa the property descri~ as 1730 S~t~ ~.attaz Bc~ale- vard, and further described as am the east side cf ~a~hos bet~ea Midway Drive and Yatella Acenue, beis~g dizectlp sastffi aff t~CC Faatasg Motel property. The pro~erty is ;; a...t9~ ra~~+fi~ g.~, g~Ipg1~ TIAL AGRICtTLTiTRAL. Mr. Reinkiag, applicant, appeared to ausres amy apeestfmms_ gv ome appeared in opposition ta t~e ~yraa#3a~ o~ t~e gixaa~ce_ T~oe pyaas and recommended reqnisPaents ~~eze rev~,rred_ '~ ~~ ~LS f~;E1SEFi. Upon a motion by Commissioner Gaues, ae~~ gop r.e....=~ic~rr Hap- good~ and carried, it was noved by ~snintaom ffi~_ ~, ~PG 1957-58, that Variance ~io. 92~ ~e gx~att~, a~yect io= _~ .~ ~ ~ 1 ~ i ~ s _ ~ .,_.__ ---_ r ~ ~; ~ MINUTBS OP THS CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION RSG[JIAR I~BTING, ~ 3~_ 1958, ~RT9iC~: VARIAtH~ N0. 926 - l. Srection of the buildings and develap~eat o£ tta~ sate im (Continued) conformitq with the plans presented, ~vithin a taoo-~ear ~ioe limit. The first stage of. developaeat to cansis"t of 24 motel uaits, manager*s apartment, office, lob3y, ~ ~nn1i .~yrg;no faeilities, si¢ns aad decorati~e ~~~~*im~_ i 2, Bngineering requiremeats iacluding dedicatia~ amd oa~lete ' improvemeat of the required Right-of~iay ~vithiu a 90-dap ;" time limit. Said Right-of-way to be 60 feet, *~~*~ fram z i the centerline of Harbor Boulevard. F . VARIANGB N0. 927 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by HAffi~l D89~APJ~' ~'IQ~i, : and K. G. & Co. ~ Incorporated, as Owner, 219 Sont3i ~Bs~cthome Banlo- " vard, Hawthorne~ California, requesting permissi.om to 1~1I~ a ~ portion of Deed Restrictions limiting constrncYian to SI~lL sltory * only, making it possible for applicant !a bni3~ L~a (2) st~p ~+ rental units on the propertq deserited as iyiag om tY~e east si~e of Placeatia Avenue betweea Saa4a Ana Street and Virg"saia ~~e~e_ The property is preseatly ciassified 8-3, 1~LTIPiF F1~i1~.H ~~r TIAL. Mr. Harry Coolidge of 2220 Virginia Avenne, locatefl ~nst east ~ t~e subject property presented a pet~tion bearing 5~ sigaat~es a~d ; 15 letters all protesting the granting of Variance No_ 9Zi_ '8~e foliowing people appeared in opposition to the ,grariting of t~e Variance: Mr. Harry Coolidge~ Mr. Ratliff, 7dr. (b~e19. A1r. AaEseat Hall, Mr. Robert Van, Mr. Rowland, Mr. Salaets, rirs_ Zosea. 9Ar_ Gregory, Mr. Palmberg, and Mr. Goldking. T~H HBAB~i~S Q06~_ Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhaa, secanded by C~mmissi,aoe~ Gauer, and carri.~d~ it was moved by Resolntion No_ 203, Series 1957-5$, that Variance ivo. 9B7 be denied. : RECLASSIPICATION - PfJBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted by i~I~HtYDAVID6~T aad S~~ N0, F-57-58-37 McMURDO, as Owners, 5124 Onacrest Drive, Los Angeles 43, (~li€oania, requesting that the property deseribed as lyiag 330 feet (ap~ra~i mately) east of Brookhurst Avenue on t3ie north suie of Ora~e Avenue, having a froatage on Orange Avemie of 335 feet aad a eDeptb of 701.64 feet~ be reclassified from R A, BBS~,T NC$~.'BL~~L, to R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSIDBNfIAL. Mr. Heary Davidson, applicant, appeare3 to saswrr aa9 Questia~s_ Mr, Mimosa and Mr. Powell, pronerty owners in tbe a=+ea of tLe subject property, appeared in opposition Ya the pra~o.sed ~=~~~~- fication. Mrs. Jce Buffalo, of 513 Valley Strcet, called by ~ooe to p:otest the granting of the Reclassificatian, t7~e aessage ws read at the Meeting. Mr. Davidson stated that ~e ba~l no pla~s, as yet, indicating the type of development. 3~8 HFA~~ 1~iS QD~_ Upon a motion by Commissioner Th~mgson, secomde3 bg C~+~9,omer Mauerhan~ sirl carried~ it was moved to contim~e t.1~e Hearimig a~ Reclassification No. F-57-58-3? to the I~etiag of ~pril 21, 1958, to give the applicant sufficient time to prepare p3sas of t~ pzv- pose~ developmen4. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTPION submitted by AIINTIIiQ'~Q ~VFi~J~'l~P- N0. F-57-58-38 ORATION, as Owner, 2411 Hast La Palma Aveane, Aaa~eim, Califo~miz; M. D. Mitchell, as Authorized Agent, reqnestisig that t~e nzameztc described as being Lots 92-102 of Tract No. 1353, affi f~r de~ cribed as being the southwest corner of Acacia Street aad t~e proposed P.iverside Preeuaq, be reclassi:3e:i ~~~ ~~, '-'~---=--,,;;. AGRICULT[TRAL to R-3, MULTIPIB FAMILY RHS~IAL. It was noted that Reclassification No. P-57-38-38 sjisould be LeEd over due to the filing of an incorrect appiitatiaa ~ich xeqa's~ed re-advertisi.ng. THB FTBARING iVAS CLOSBD. -6- i ~ ~ ~ , ------ - ~ _ ._ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.) ~ ~~ MINUTSS OP THB CTTY PLANNING COMMI3SION RBGUTAR MSPTING. MAACIi 3, 1958, CONfIN[TBD: RBClA35IPICATION - Upon a motioa by Commissioner Mauerhan, sec rnsded by Commissiones N0. P-57-58-38 tiapgood~ and carried, it was moved that Reclassification No. (Continued) F-57-58-38 be held over to the Meetiag of March 17, 1958. RSCLA3SIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. P9TITION submitted by LINCOLN AND WBSTBRN~ INWR- N0. P-57-58-39 PORATSD, as Owner, 11900 Gilbert ~treet, Garden Grove, Califaraia; Harry S. Riaker, as Authorized Agent, same address, requesting ~haf the property described as being the 1Vest half of the North~hal~' ~~ the NW} of the NS~ of Sect~on 14, T4S, R11W, S.S.B. & M. Bxcept Westera and Lincoin Avenue, and further described as the southeast corner of Lincoln and Western Avenues, be reclassified from A-A, R86ID8NTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to C-3, HBAVY COMh~RCIAL. Mr. 1Yayne Hanaen, property owners living nor4h of the subject property~ across Lincoln Avenue, appeared and requested a clar3fi cation of the C-3 Zone uses. A letter from the applicant was sead requesting that the Hearing on Reclassification No. F-i7-58-39 be set over for two weeks to allow additional time fos the prepara~ki~ of presentation data. '~HB HHARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motioa by Commissioner Hapgood~ seconded by Commissioner Thompson, aad carried, it was moved to contiaue the Hearing on Reciasaification No. P-57-58-39 to the Meeting of March 17, 1958. RSVIBit N0. 16 - PUHLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by WILTON ABPLANALP, as Owaer, 3345 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California~ requesting pesmis- aion to BSTABLISH A TRAILBR PARK on the property descri.bed as 3345 West Lincoin Avenue, and further described as iying next to City Limite on the north side of Lincola Avenue betweea ~aott and iiesiern F-srenue. The property is pieaea~.'iy c1ao~.::2d R A, P,&SI~EfiT- TIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mrs. Abplanalp, representing the applicant, appeared to answer any questions. Mrs. Seidlitz~ 7262 West Lincoln appeared ia favor of the proposed Truiler Park. Mrs. Abpianalp stated that a map o£ the proposed Trailer Park had been submitted to the Planning De}~art- ment. The Ylanning Staff had no rec~ilection of aeid map. TH3 I~ARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commiesioner D~Bei$, and carried, it was moved by Reaoiutios No. 204, Series 19i7-~8, tY~at Review No. 16 be granted, subjeet to: l. Approval of the plans by both the Pinnning and Buildiag Departments.. 2. Hrection of the buiidiags and improvement ef ~he site in conformity with the plaas approved by the Planning and Buiiding Departmenta. 3. Bngineering requiremen4s, iacluding the dedieation and complete improvement of the required Right-of-way within $ 90-day time limit; said Right-of-way to be 40 feet measured from the centeriine of Lincolsa Aveaue. TSNPATIVH MAP OP - Thia Tract Map was referred back to the Planniag Commission faz an TRACT N0. 1646 area study to determiae if the deve2opmente in this area might warrant ea R-0 2oniag classif~cation. Subdivider: J. T. Hintz., 9221 Car1 Lane, Gardea Grove, California. Bngineer: Action ~in-~ eering~ 11501 Broof~hurst Street, Garden Grove, Caiifornia. Tract coata3as 73 lots and is located wes: of ~Iesteru Avenue, sauth af Orange Avenue. Mr. Phiilipa, of Action Hagineering, representiag the developers, atated that all the tracts in this area were developed to less #haa R-0 Zone Standards. A atudy bq the Planniag Depaztment also i.ndz -7- ~ i ' ~ , _ ._ __ .. _... __._.___._.. __. ____...._._.._----...._---•,--- ~ __ -----~ _ _._ , / _ _.._ .. / ~~ MINITfSB OF THB CTTX PIANNING CObAlISSION RBGULAR I~BTING. MARQi 3, 1958. CONPINUHD: TSNfATIVB MAP QP - cated that R-0 Z'~oning rras not applicabie in this area. TRRGT N0, 1646 (Continued) A motion was made by Co~issioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhaa,'and carried~ that, based on the Planning Department•s' -' . etudy, Tentative Map of Tract No, 1645 be returned to the Citq Council with a recommendation for approval. TSNfATIVB MAA OF - Owaer: George Hoistein & Sons, 166 Bast 17th Street, Costa Mesa, TRACE N0. ].~02 California. Bngineer: Henry Jones Corp.~ 2015 North Main Street, Santa Ana, California. ~ract contains 14 lots~ is located in, aad a portion of, the South portion of the Anawood Tract at Buciid Avense and Ball Road. This Tentative map is a Resubdivision of Lots 20 through 33 and 114 through 118 of Tract No. 2779. The Commission reviewed the map and the Bngineering Committee recommendations. A motion was made by Commissioaer.Ga.;er, secoaded by Commissioner Mauerhan~ that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1902 be approved, subject to: 1. Sngineering requirements, including the widening of the proposed Fann Street ta 60 feet. 2. Should this subdivision be developed as more than one sub- division, each successive subdivision thereof ~hali be submitted in ten4ative form for appr~val. ANNUAL BLSCfION - Chairman Summers declared nominations in order for the Chairmanship OF OPPICBRS of 4he Anaheim City Pianaing Commission. Commissioner Thompson nominsted Comm3ssioner Gauer. Upon a moticn by Commissioner Mauer- han, seconded by Commisaioner Hapgood, and carried unanimously, the Secretary pro tem was 3.nstructed to cast a unanimous ballot eiecting Commi'ssioner Gauer ~o the Chairmanship of the Anaheim City Blanning Commission, the term to run from March 3, 1958, to March 2~ 1959. Chairman Summers declared nominations ia order for the Vice-Chair- manship o- the Anaheim City Planning Commission. Commissioner Gauer aominated Commissioner Thompson. Upoa a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioaer Hapgood, and carried unanimously, the nominationa were closed and the Secretary pro tem was directed to cast a unanimous ballot electing Commissioner Thompson to the Vice-Chairmanship of the Anaheim City Planning ~ommission, the term to run from March 3, 1958 to March 2, 1959. Chairman Sutomers declared aominatioas in order for the office of Secretary of the Anaheim City Plaaning Commission. Commissioner Hapgood aominated Commissioner Mungail. Ccmmisaioner ~auer seconded the nominatioa. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried unanimously, the Spcretary pro tem was instructed to cas'~ a unanimous baliot re- electing Commiasioner Mungall as Secretary of ~khe Anaheim City pianning Commiasioa~ the term to rua from March 3, ~958 to March 2, 1959. Chairman Summera presented the Citq Planning Commission's gavel to newly elected Chaiiman Gauer. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ..-.e~ ~ a ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~3~JRtVI~Nif - ChairmarA Gauer ad3ouraed the Meeting at 6:00 0'Cloct P.M. Respectfuliy submitted, R chard A. Reese, Secretary pro tem -8- _..__ _ _~._ . _.._ ... ____._.___. __ .. ___.----._._-----------_____________.__.. ~ `~ 7 i 1.! lJ