Minutes-PC 1958/05/19f, ... ~ ~J 4! ~ ~ City Ha21 Anaheii, Califarnia llay 19, 1958 pDJWRNBD ggG~I~1R 1+18$PING OP 1IiH C1TY PIABIl~iING ODIMISSION ~ ~ p,DJpUR1~IDD gg(~T- - An Ad journed Regulaz l~leeting of the City Plaffiing rc~ission ~as ;~ LAR M~BfING called to order at 2:09 O'Cloct Y.N. by Viee-(2iai==an Thospson, due ~! to the absence of Chaisaan Ganer, a q~-oraa being prese~. t pRB3SNf - VICB-CHAIRMAN THOA~ON, CQI~IISSIOI~RS Alired~ Hapgoad, 1(auerhan~ S'u~ers and ltrmgall. COI~ASISSIONHRS Morris and DuBois entered the Neeting at 2:21 O*Clock P.M, CIiAI1tMAN C~1UBR entered the -leet9.ng at 2:35 O'Clock Y.M. MINUTBg - The minutes of the Regular ldeeting of l~Iay 5, 1958. Mere approved as printed. RHCIA$SIPICATION - P[lBLIC F~ARING. This reclassification ras retnrned to the City N0. P-57-58-33 P1ar~ning Comaission by the City Council on acconnt of the ~rithdra~rai of two appiicants from the original petition. These uere Ftr. and Mrs. Harley L. Hostins, 1A5 North Placeatia Avenue, and Mr. ~ Mrs. Lionel H. Brrncu, 125 North Placentia.~iveane. They stated in their letter that, "Due to higher developaent costs thaa anticipated, re the uffiersigned xant to xitbdrax aad cancel oar petition for reclass- ification as of this ¢ate, aad ask for retnrn of r3ght-of-xay property at addresses 125 a~ 205 North Placentia Avenue givea aad deeded to the Citq of Anaheim.TM All of these applicants petitioned the city for a serer line eo~ec- tion and deeds were requested for a certain ridth of property for tlhis use. Oa acconnt of street xidening, an additional dedication was aecessarq. The original deeds for seia~er easeaents kere signeC but xere returned to the applicaats oa acconnt of Lhe additioaax dedication made necessary for street wii.ening. These deeds have never been returned or recorded for iae nosiins' affi nrams' property. This is a satter foc the Right of May Departient of this city to handie. Mr. Henry S::a~er. 121 Nw:th Placentia Avenne, appeared before tL~e Coa`igsioa a~ stated that the other two applicants ••rtad hiaself ~±esire to go ahead Mith the reclassification. He atated that all the imprnveaeats have been put ia on his property except the sewer line. Na one appeared ia oppos3.tioa to the grant- ing of the reclassif3eation. ~ I~ARIIiG MAS CLOS~. Upoa a motion by Coasissioner Manerhan, seconded by Cooissioner Hapgood, and carried, it xas =oved by Aesolnti~ No. 260, Series 1957-58, that Reclat~sification No. F-57-58-33 be recoae~led to the City Council for reclassification to C-1, Neighborhood Coaer- cia1, subject to: l. The filing of Staadard C-1 Deed Restrictions of the City of Aaaheim. 2. The deeding of 53 feet froa tbe centerline of Placeatia Avenue to the City of Aaaheia for street ridening. 3, The installation of all iaproeeaents as reqnired by the G:Cty Bagix~er. The vote oa the abovE Aesolution xas as foiloxs: AlBS: COMMISSIOI~RS: Allred, HapBaod, !(anerhan, Smsers, Thoap- son ana xnngall. NQBS: CO1~AiISSI0I~RS: None. AB;.BNf: CODAlISSIOBIDRS: DnBois, Gauer, aad D(ozris. i i i ; ~ ~ i i ~ ~1- L~ MINUfBS, ADJOURI~D RBGUTAR MSBfING~ CTTY PLANNING COI~4~lISSION, MAY 19. 1958, CONfINQBD: VAR.7ANC8 N0. 965 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted bq SUFMOR HOI~S, 1250 South Main Street, P. 0. Bos 1227, Saata Ana, California, as lesaee, requea~ing perniasion to erect a:^mporarq directioaal SIG~1 to advertise the first sale of hos~es, the aign wili be located on the property described as 629 North Sast Street. The property is prea- entiy classified R-1, $INGLS PAMILY RHSIDBNT7AL. The applicants for this sign variance appeazed before the Co~ission and stated that this aign wOUld be south of Wilhelmina Street on North Bast Street, on the east aide of the street, aad wouid direct people to Tract No, 3024 located westerly from North Hast Street aad North of Wilhelmiaa Street. The tract containa 17 R-1 iots and homea. This is the first siga requested for this tract. No o~ appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. TE~ I~ARIIiG WA3 CLOSBD. Upon a'motion by Commissioner 3ummers~ seconded bq Commissioner Alired, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No, 261, Series 1957- 58, inas variance No, 963 be granted, subject to the nine conditions imposed by the City Council for such directioaal signs. VARIANCS N0. 966 - PUBLIC HBARING. PSfITION submitted by HINTZ CONSTRIICTION COh~ANY, 1545 $atelia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Lessee, reqnesting permi.ssioa to erect a temporary directional SIGN to advertise the first sule of homes in Tract No. 2903, the sign to be located on the propertq described as 1320 feet north of Qiapman Avenue on the west side of Harbor 13oulevard. The property is presea.tiy classified R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULT[TFAL. A representative of the sign company appeared before the Co~ission and stated that this sign would be for Tract No. 2903, located at the northwest corner of Ninth and gatelia Avenue, and the tract contains 105 1ots, This is the f~,rst sign requested for this sub- diviaion. Upon A motion by Commiasioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, aad carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 262, Series 1957-58, that Vaziance No. 966 be granted subject to the nine con- ditions imposed by the City Council for such directionai signs, VARIANCS N0. 967 - PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTITION submitted bq IARAMORH CONSTRUCfION CON- PANY, 1111 Beveriy Boulevard, Whittier, California, as Lessee, requesting permission to erect a temporarq directional SIQV to advertise the firat sale of homes in Tract No. 1812, containing 90 lots~ sign to be located on the property described ae lying 300 feet north of Bal1 Road on the east eide of Brookhurst Avenue. The property is presently classified R A, RBSIDBNfIAL A6RICULTURAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. This is th~ fifth application for directional signa for Tract No. 1812, located at the northeast corner of Loara Street aad Ba12 Road. The tract contains 90 lots. Pour such directional signs have already been granted. THB HBARING WAS CIASBD. It was the opiaion of some of the Commission that there should be a limitation of tbe number of signs ailowable for aay tract in the City of Aaaheim, and upon a motion by Commiss£oner Mauerhan, seconded by Commiesioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved by Resoiution No. 263~ 3eries 195?-58, that Variance No. 967 be denie~d. Vi4RIANCB N0. 968 - PUBLIC FIDARING. PSTITION aubmitted by PATRICIA B. LINf@i, 1765 West La Paima Avenue, Aaaheim, California, as Leasee, requesting permiseion to erect a PHRMAI~Nf NBON SIGN in front of co~erciai store on the property deacribed as 1765 West La Paima Avenne. The property is presentip clasaified R A, RHSIDSNdIAL AQtICIJLT[JRAL, <Variance for smail storea.) _~ i \ `,*•__~ ___---..__. _ _ . _ _ __ __ _. _ . _ _ _ .--------- ----. . ;~aa --r-~_ . , . --~ ~~ ~ , v ~ -~ ` )IINtTrBd~ ADJOURI~D RBGITLAR hIBBfING, CITY PIANNING COhAtISSION, MAY 19~ 1958, CONrINUBD: VARIANCH N0. 968 - No one appeared for or agaiast the granting of this variaace. THS (Continued) F~ARING WA3 CL03SD. On account of the 60 foot setbact required for stores in this area, it was the opinioa of the Commiasion that the stor~e owners ehould have a aign along the highway to advertiae the busiaesa which they are conductiag an the premiaes; therefare, upon a motion bq Commis- sioner Alired, seconded bq Co~iasioner Thompson, aad carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 264, Series 1957-58, that Variartce No. 968 be granted. VAR7ANCB N0. 969 - PUBLIC t~ARING. PSTITION submitted by HAROLD L. SHAW, P, 0, Box 1357~ Beveriq Hilis, California, purchasing uader contract, request- ing a WAIVBR of rear yard requirement oa certain lots ia Tract No. 1987, iocated at the northwest coraer of Peregrine Street and South S4reet. The propertq is presently classified R-A~ RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICUI.TURAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. THH HBAFtING lVAS CLOSHD. This application requested a waiver of 25 feet to 20 feet on the €ront yard set-backs on all lots ia the tract except those on the cul-de-sac atreet, and a waiver of the rear qard requiremeats on the cui-de-sac street~ as shown on the piot plaa which is a part o£ the record. On account oi the large size of thase homea, running fm m 1650 to 1840 square fee: of iiveable area, it appeared that this was not an unreasonabie request, and that similar waivers have been granted for othes tracts. Therefore, upon a motion by Co~mnissioner DuBois, seconded by Com- missioner Alired, and carried~ it was moved by Resolution No. 265, Seriea 1957-58, that Variance No. 969 be granted for 20~foot froat yard setbacks aad a wa3,ver of rear qard requiresenta to those ahown oa the plot plan which ie pxrt of the record, excep: Lhat those lots 59-62 inclusive that froat on South 5treet muat be kept at 25 feet. VARIANCS IV~. 970 - PUBLIC HSA1tING. PSTTTION submitted by ALLAN L. CANPBBLL~ 11611 Desmoad Street, Garden Grove, California, as Owner, requesting permisaion to CONSTRUCT and OPBRATB A RBSTAURANf AND COC~fAIL BAR on the property described as 409 Braokhurst Street. The property is presentiy classified R-A, RBSIDHNfIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. A. L. Campbeii, the applicaat~ appeared before the Commiasion and stated that at the present time, there is a amail bar and an Italian type restaurant on his property, and that fihis request was for on extension of the established busiaeas, which depeiopment was granted mhile the propertq was still in Connty territory. No oae appeared in opposition to the grantiag of the v~siance. THB FIDARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner A1'~ed, seconded by Commissioner Morris, and carried, it was mov~d by Resolution No. 266, Series 1957-58, that Variaace No. 970 bE granted, YARZANCH N0, 971 - PUS?.IC FIDARING. PBTJTION :~ubmitted bq HSNRY N, STOUT, 107 Stanton Aven~te, Ana&eim, California~ as Owner~ requesting permission to CONSTRUCf A THRES-SPORB BUIIDING oa the property deacribed as Lot 29 of Trsct No. 403~ ia the countp of Orange, stste of California, as p..r map recorded in boot 16, page 11 of Miacelianeous Mapa, in the office of the couaty recorder of said countq; SXCBPT the north- eriy 36 feet; a~ furthes deacribed as lyia~ oa the south side of Lincoin between Harding aad Western Streets. The praperty is preseatiq ciassifie8 R A, RBSIDHNfIAL AQtICULTIJRAI.. -3- atDA _..._....__..._...._.._..._...__,......____......__-- ---_ _ ____.___..---- .___----____...._---.--- --r- ~- ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ; ; ' 4 . ~ ~ t ~: '. 'ie • _ ~ `~ V i~IB3. ADJOORI~D IiEGULAR F~SfING~ CITX PLAN1+lING COA9~SISSION, MAY 19, 1958~ CONTINUHD: ~AI6I~8 I~A. 9?1 - Mr. Heary M. Stout, as applicant, appeared before the Commissioa and (Coatinued) stated that he believed that the stores he would erect on this property would improve the area very considerably~ as it is nothing biat a collector of trash and weeds at the preaent time. A similar variance was granted for the erection of the same type of stores on the property directly to the Sast. There will be parking at the front and the rear of the propertq, and there is an alley at the rear of the property. A resident at the rear of the property appeared before the Commiasion and stated that this alleq at the preseat time is unimproved, and that during the rainy seasoa taaaot be used, She also asked what the possibilities were of having this giley vacated. This would be an engineering matter and would have to be taken up with the City 8ngiaeer who wouid deacribe the routine required for the vacating of an alley. THS F~ARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motioa by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Hap- good, azsd carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 267, Series 1957-58, that Variance No, 971 be granted subject to the erection of the building in accordance with the plans presented; also the installation of ail improvemeata as required by the City Bngineer along Lincoln Avenue, ~~IFICATION - PUBLIC F~ARING. PSTTTION submi.tted by JBRRY S. PIARES, 6832 Mel- 1~0. F-57-58-53 rose, Piacentia, California, as Owner; San Viceate Buildera as Authorized Agents, requesting Lhat the property described as being Lot 1 of Tract No. 255~ Bast Anaheim Subdivisioa, as shown on a map thereof recorded 3n Book 14, page 25; of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange Coilnty; and further described as 1915 Bast Center Street, be reclas:3fied from R-A, RESIDBNfIAI. AGRICULTURAL, to R-3, b4JLTIPLH FAMILY Y,i~~IDBNf IAL, The subject property is a lot at 1915 B. Center Street, which is the second lot east of Coffman Avenue, with a frontage of 61 feet, and a depth of 139,75 feet. There is at the preseat tipx: an existing hoae oa the front of the lot, and it is proposed to erect at the rear of the property two more single-family dweliings for income property; therefore the request for R-3 reclassificatioa. San Vicente Buiiders~ Incorporated~ 121 North placeatia Avenue~ nnaheim~ ~alifornia appeared in behalf of the applicants, and stated that all the property on the south side of the stxeet ia either commercial or multiple family at the preseat time. There was some discussion as to whether this was the highest and best use of the property~ in view of the proposed cammercial to the Bas~. The applicants staced that they desired to Qo ahead with the R-3~ and if at some future time a more intensive uae is indicated, these buildings could be moved to a new location. T1~ HBARING WAS CIA~D . Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, secoaded by Commissioaer Summers, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 268, Series l957-58~ that Reclassification No. P-57-58-33 be recommended to the City Council for approval for R-3, Mu~tiple Pamily Residential, eubjec•t to: i ~ 1. The erectian of the building in accordance with the piana preaented. 2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of the necessary frontage for the wideniag of Bast Center Street at this point. 3. Ail improvemeats ae required by the City Eng3aeer. The vote on tta above Reaolution was as follows: AYBS: COFQtISSIOPIDRS:• DuBois, Hapgood, Gauer, Morris~ Summers, and Thompson. NOBS: CUFV~lISSIOI~RS: Alired, Mauerhan, aad Mungail, AB~: COA9lISS30bIDIt3: Noae, .,4_ - --~ -- ~---.. _..---------.._------ -------•-. - ~ -~-----~ -- - ~, ~=; 3 ~ ~ i i 's ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ . . . . •~~` V ~ ~, A~~L'ASl1~~`fP~, CTPY PIAHI~IING C010tI83I0N~ MAY 19, 1958, CadVTINUbA: _~~. P~ITi~i subaiitted bq WARRBN W. DOLLBR, WILLIAM J. y~„ g-~,~p l~ARr a~ ~ L. YULJIS, 2144, 2154, and 2130 Weat Ba11 ~pa~.re~pectiv~iy, Aaaheim, California, ae Owners; requeatiAq that ttie pzope=tg deacribed aa beiag.2130, 2144~ and 2154 West Bs11 Road~ ti~ ~-r=~;f~ froa R-A, R8SID8N~IAL AGRZCULTURAL to G3, I~IGH- ~ ~. lI~.S~xea IIc22er appeared before the Commisaion and stated that tite~-raII2~ I#Joc to have their propertiea reclasaified to C-1, ~od Co~erciai, the same as othe-a to the Bast aad '•o t~lre~t_ Nc oa~ appeared ia oppositioa to the reclassification. '~ ~HII~ MBS CIA~D. IIpc~ ~ mat~ca try Commissioner Ailred, seconded by Commieaioaer ~* ~~:s~~ s. .~~ _~..a~ +~o na~ci~.*ae~ No. 269, Seriea i4~T-~,.that Recl~ssificatioa No. P-59-SS-54 be recommeaded to ~ C~Lg Couric~i fo= approvai to C-1, Ne~ghborhood Commercial, ~ t°= L Thc £~2iag of the Staa~±~sd C-1 Deed Restrictioas of the City o~ AasReig. ~ Th~ deeding of 53 feet from the centerline of Baii Road to ttie C£tg of Aaaheim for atreet wideniLg. ~_ ~ ispxoveseats to be iastalled as required by the City ~er oa the Bali Road frontage. T~ vatc oa tl~ above Resolutioa was as followa: ~ C~~SS~: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompeon aad Maagall. pk~ C~lES3L@IDRS: None. ~z ~IO1~R3: Noae. -~~B88IING. YSCTPION submitted bq JOSHFli PANNIDLLI~ 10542 So~Lh ~1, g~gF-~~ ~CCI~Avemm, Bnaheim~ Califoraia, as Owner; Auguat Lilland a~ ~l~eat, ses~uestiag that the property described as beiag IQ~~Z Soath.Haciid Aveaue be recia~aified from R A~ RBSIDSNPIAL A~L, to R-3~ btIILTIPLB PAMILY RE3IDHNTIAL. dE~~-~°~ive of San ~icente Bui.tdera, Incorporated, 121 North gZ~: ~vem:e, Aaeheim, Cai3foraia, appesred for the applicaat ~~d ths.t they rould erect a aiagle faaiiy dweiling contairiiag 8T~ ~ feet oa the subject propertg. Petitioaa were received £r~ I~ M~~'~s fn favor of granting the reclasaifica4ioa. Theae +'~-~~ tls~ exxrs of the groves !o t1s~ West and Soath of the ~ezt p=ogert~. Aad aaother petitioa coatainiag 11 aignaturea a~aeEt the g=aatiag of thia peLition aig~ted by reaidenta of Me1's Ts~, ~lr. lE. G, Brown, 1151 Nel•e Laa2, appeared before the Com- ~ aa~ atated thut Sel's Lane was a eubdivieion compoaed of Ygrgc Ir~ta, ~t~ a~;~+;~+M hOliee requirenea4a of 1500 square feet, r~d:I~c ~*;f~ that thia reciaaeification would devaluate ali the g¢aprst~ea oa otei`s Laae, as this houae of approxi~ately 872 equsre £e~ wo~rld face oa thin atreet and be out of charactex with the att~ h~es oa the atreet. There is aiso en Orange Grove Lo the Smatic ar~ oae to the 1Pest, ao that whatever ie doae on thia prop- estg ~t b~ refleeted ia what vrouid go on the South aide of the ataeet~ TLe f~cts ahor that perdite xere taken out in the Couatq 3a L~ ~or a deie22ing uait snd a gueat houee, with uee and occu- ~ea fsaued :ta Jamiary of i932. The rental of both uaita tivh3le ~72 fa tlne Caimty xaa ia vioiatioa of the Couatq Code, anc! as 1EL, Sfagie I~fiy Res3deatial ia the city, ia atiii in vioiatioa. i~r~ l~mr, IQ42 3fei's Lane ~ stated that the third uait propoaed t~ bc ~IL aa tFu property a~ght aiso be ~saxd es a rental uait, T ~~~ ' . __"_ "__"__ _'..__- _'"_-"_.____..__ .__'.._.__._.. _ ._ .. .. ___...'""'_'__'__....._._._._-..._._....._ .. _. LL ~ ~ . ,~ MINUTAS, ADJOUBIiHD R8aT7J1B I~SfIl~, CITY P7~ (~sQS~EQi= NAY 24, 195$, COiVTINUBD: RBCIASSIPICATION - kra. llilliaa Boege, 1611 liel's Laoe, and 1[s. Aafph Iseaan desired N0. P-57-58-i5 to be re=osded as apposis6 tbe rec3`•~;ficAtion. Mrs. Ralph Iseoan (Coatinued) stated tLat llr. paaoelli preseatly liRS ia the gnest ~cuse and ha8 the lar~e dtiellaag rrated. D[~r. A~~i: affi a ltr. Hola'an~who stated that be ws a frirffi af Mr. ~+~»i's a~ a visitor fron Flor9day, appeared before tLe (bsission md stated that the guest houae was bniit 9a 1950 asd li~ed ia cm~tiE tL,e co~pietioa of the aeeom due113mg ia 1953. rir. Yaanelli also stated that he had saay relali~s tl~at nee~d~ a goest hoa.~e, aad that the new dree;.liag proposed is far has daq~hter, ~o Js m~r~n6 oat from the Bast. No eo~ittmeat eaild be obRa3aed frorm qr. Yaane2l~ $s to rhether he ~]d piaee the gne~t boaee bact ia t~at category so that if the third uait aras pes=itted. t~ere wald coatiame to be only tvco rental ~mits on ~e p~'opert7- .,~ , It xas tLt e.piaiam of 3fie r~«;•,•• tbat tbe appiicaat is presently ia vioiat3ooi of tLe Aaabei= l7ode b~ La~ina 4ro ~mits nsed as dweilir.gs am cme Lut in aa ~1 7,aae. affi that ;o re-zoae one lot for fdnltiple Paail; ~esi~atial asz ~aonld aot ~e c~Patibfe xath tae surrou~ing area. 'iberefoae, ugmn a a~tiaa bv (bmissionec Alired, seconded by Ceaiss9.aeer 'iLa~p.soa. aa& carrind., it ~ras ^oved bq Resolntion No. 2T0, Series 1957-58. fI~! Rerlassification No. F-57-58-53 be deni~. Ttte vote om tfie abvae ~esolntian rxs as follats: AYBS: COI~IL~S: ~-~~••••~~ DoBmis~ Gaaer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, 3'~'wa`a'2a'~ ~ 25.."~ MtlII$812. N~S: ~~~5: ~O~e_ /l~SNT: QOl~[ISS1~S: IIPaae. ADJOIJRI~A'~Nf - The meeting adjouxaed at 4:00 O•Cloc~ PJ1_ 4 1` _'_.__ .._ __ __.__-'_- ~ ~• :' ~ ~ .