Minutes-PC 1958/06/02K~/ e , ~.~ I Citq Hsil Anaheiia. California June 2, 1958 RBGUTAR A+BBTING OP THB CTTY PLANNING COI~AIISSION RSQIIAR MHSTING - A Reguiar Meeting of the City Pianaiag Co~ission ~ras cailed to order at 2:30 0'Clock P.M, by Vice-Chais~sn Thompaon~ a quorwo: beiag preaent. pR84BNP - VTCH-CHAIRMAN Thompeoa, COM1~lISSIOIVSAS: DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris~ Summera and Mungall. COD4IISSIONSR Alired entered the meetl.ag at 2:25 0'C1oct P.M. COI~9dIS3I0I~R Hapgood entered the meeting at 3:10 O`Cloek P.M. ABSBNP - QiAIRMAN Gauer. MIM1T88 - The minutea of the Adjourned Reguiar Meeting of May 19, 1958, rrere e~pro~eQ as ~r;r_ted. VARIANCB N0. 972 - PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTITION aubmitted bq ANtliONY BROfHSRS, INCORPORA- TBD, 5871 Pireatone Bouleverd, Southgate, Californi~, as Lessee, requeating permisaioa to CONSTRUCf and OPBRATB A SWIFaIING FO(1L SAL88 DISPIAY AND SIGN oa the property described aa iyiag app:oxi- mately 400 feet nor4h of Orangewood Aveaue on the Bast side of Harbor Boulevard, haviag a frontage of 125 feet. The property is preaently classified R-A~ RBSIDBNriAL AQtICULTITRAI.. Mr. Robert Blliott, as Authorized Agent for Aathony Brothers, IacorporaLed, appeared before the Commisaion and stated thaL they have leased the property approximately 400 feet north of Oraagexood Avertue on the Bas~ side af Harbor Bonlevard, ha7ing a frostage of 125 feet on Ha~rbor Soulevard with a depth af 3~0 feet. They propose to erect a b~ailding aimilar to that proposed on the origiaal var- iance, but on account of the greater width of land, the layout would be changed as per the plot plan presented. There wili be ao aat- erials of any kind hattdled from the premisea; it will aimply be a show place for the diaplay of the pools ~h4ch theq will sell. Theq have a ten year Sease on this property with an optioa of reaewal at the end of ten years, tio one appeared in opposition to the granting of the variance. TIffi HHARING WAS CLO~D. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, aeconded by Co~issioaer Summera, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 271, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 972 be granted, aubject to: 1. The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 60 feet froa the centerlis~e of Harbor Boulevard for street xidening. 2. The aetback from the propertq line oa Harbor Bouievazd to be SO feet, which area maq be uaed for parkiag as well as the aree behind the developmeat. 3, The erectioa of the buildiag easeatially sa the plaas pre- aenied. 4. Bngineering requirementa as requested by the City Ragineer. VARIANCB N0. 973 - PUBLIC H$ARING. PHTITION submitted bq B. S. SINt~+T, 601 South Paim Street, 8uite "B", Anaheim~ California, ae Lesaee~ requeat3ag permiesion to HRHCT A Affi011 BIGN to advertise Pharmacy, sign !o be installed above roof, on the property deacribed aa 601 South Pala 8treet. The property ie preaeatly claeeified R-1, SINGLS PNdILY R83IDBNfIAL. No one appeared for or againat the granting of thia vaziance, THB HHARING WAS CIASBD. -1- ~ ; ~ '1 t 1 > d a z : t a ~~. ~~ . '.,.. -------_ .._ _~_ --r-------_ _ --------- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ( 1 y --- ~ ~ ~ MINUTgg~ gg(~TIAR 1~BTING, CITY PIAIVI~ING COMMISSION, JUNH 2, 1958, CONfINUSD: yARIANCB N0. 973 - Upon a motion by Commisaioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commisaioaer (Continued) DuBois, and carried, it wae moved by Reaolution No. 272, 9eries 1957-58~ that Variaace No. 973 be graated for the erection of this sign on the top of the building, sub,~ect to the conditioa that the aiga muat not be lighted when the store ie not in Qperation. VARIANCB N0. 974 - BUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by JSRRY YOC~Y, 8521 Hampton, Maheim, California, as Owner, requesting permisaion to WAIVB CITY CADB RBQUIR81~IDNf3 pertaining to Lot Widths in Subdivisiona, to vary from TO foot froatage to 60 foot frontage on the property deacribed as Tentative Tract No. 2721, and further described as the 3outh aide of Creaceat Avenuc betweea Magnolia and Gilbert Avenuea. The property ia preaently classified R-A, RHSIDHNfIAL AGRICULTIIRAI.. A repreaentative of Vorheea-Trindle-Nelson, Incorporated, as Sng- iaeers for Tract No. 2721, appeared before the Commiseion and staLed thaL the tract to the Bast, No. 2451~ has 60 foot frontage lots with depthe aimilar to Tract No. 2721; that Tract No. 2118 directly acrosa the atreet has b0 foot fron`,age 1o:a ~ith Q2p:hs of only 100 feet. These lots will be conaiderably over the City Code on square foot acseage, aamely having 8,043 aquare feet. The developer plana to put 1300 aquare foot *.cmea on tbese lots, having a sale value of appi:.ximately $15,000. No one appeared againat the graatin8 of the variance. THB HBARING WAS CLOSSD, Upon a motion by Commiasioner Morris, aeconded by Commiasioner Alired~ and carried, it was moved by Reeolutioa No. 273, Series 1957-58, that Variance No, 9i4 be appraved for 60 faat frar.tage lota in Tract No. 2721. TSNfATIVB MAY OP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 2721 was presented to the Commisaion. ; TRACT N0. 2721 Subdivider: Jerry Yocky, 8521 H~mpton Street, Anaheim, California. Tract loceted 546 feet east of Magnolia Avenue, on the south side ~ ' of Creacent Avenue. Containa 24, R-1 lots. Upon a motion by Commiasioner Morris, seconded by Commiasioner • Allred, snd carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2721 be appioved, aub,ject to: That ahould thia aubdiviaion be deveioped as more than one subdiviaion, each auccessive aubdivision thereaf ahall be aubmitted in :eatative fcrm for approval. • VARIANCB N0. 975 - PUBLIC HbARING. PSTITION submitted by RONALD B. MAAH3; Sdgar B. a:d Lauretts S. Maaha as Guardiaas, 7381 Lincoln Aveaue, Anaheim, Cali- foxnia, as Lesaee, requeating permisaion to OPBRATB A PLOWSR SHOP on the property described as 7331 Lincola Aveaue. The property ia preaeatly classified R~A~ RBSIDSNfiAL AGRICULTURAL. Mra. Laureita S. Maahs~ 7381 Lincoin Avenue, ae Owner, appeared ~ before the Commission snd stated that fo= iany years 'there has been ~ a gift ahop and a pouitry aad egg bueineae on their property. They k have now decide:t to cloae out the poultry buainess and devote that ~ portion of the buildiag for the sale of flowera, which :.~usiaeas a wi11 be run by their son, who has been taking agxiculture and hor- ~ ticulture in high achool. Part of the ground will be uaed for the 3 euiture of fiowers, but certain typea of fiowers wiil probabiy be ~ purchased from 9ther aourcea, aad eold on the premiaea. The preaeat j aign on the property wi11 be retained with the werding changed to • "Plowera by Aon". The ehop ia iocated approximatEly 140 feet back ~ of the highway, and there ia a parting area of SO by 140 feet ~ available in front of the ahop. ~ i No one appeared in oppoaition to the granting of the variance. THB ~ I~ARING WAS CIASHD. ' ; 1 1 a .~z_ ~ ~ 6 r / ~ ._ __._....- ----_..--- --- ' ~''-- _____~ --._._ .__._.~__..._. ..__._.__..._....- - Y6 ~ ~ ~ • ~ _ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ j 11IIipTBS, $BGd)L1R 1188'PII~, CITY PLANNING CO1~tIS9I0N, JUI~ 2, 1938, CONTINUBD: ~ VARIANCB N0. 975 - Upon a motioa by Commiesioner Aiired, aeconded by Commiasioaer Mauer- CContiaueQ) han, and carried, it waa moved by Reaolutioa No. 274, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 975 be graated~ aub3ect to the improvEmeata ae ' required bq t~-e City Bagiaeer along Liacoia Avenue. VARIANCB N0. 976 - PUBLIC HHARING. PBTITION eubaitted bq GPITOL OUTDOOR ADVBRTISING t~tPOR!-TION~ 1a857 Msachester, Bseaa Part~, Califormia, as Lessee, • requeatiag permisaioa to HRECf A THM.PORARY DIRBCfIONAL SIGN to ' advertiee the sale of iots aad homea ia Tract No. 3147, thia ia the aecoad eign, oa the property deacribed as the 3outheasL corKer of Suciid aad Bateiia Avenuea, The property is preaently ciassified i R-A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTURAL. ~ No oae appeared for or againat the granting of this variance. THH ,p F~ARING WA3 CL03BD. This is the second aign requeated for Tract No. 3147, located on the eouth aide of Cerritos Avenue, approximately 1200 feet east of Nut- rrood 3treet. The aubdivider ia Douglas Bdwarda, aad the Tract coatains 42 Sots. Uoon a motioa by Commisaioner Mauerhan, aeconded by Commieaioner Bumsera, aad carried, it wae moved by Aeeolutioa No. 275~ Seriee 1937-38, that Variaace No, 976 be graa4ed, aubject to the aine coaditione eatablished by the City Couacil for eucY: directioasi ai.gae. VMIAI~B N0, 977 - PUHLIC HSARING. PBTITION eabmitted by DR. WILL7AM A. BUMST$AD, 1713 1(eat La Palsa Aveaue, Aaaheim, Califoraia, as Owaer, requeating per- mission to 8R8CT A COI~iRCIAL 1~ON SIGN oa the property Qeacribed ae Lot 4, Tract No. 4$3, aad further deacribed aa 1713 West'La Pa1ma Aveaue. The property is preseatly clasaified R-A, RSSIDBNTIAL A(~tI- CUL1"URAL. (Variance No. 867.) Thie siga ~souid be on the highwey froatege to edeeziise the serv3ces ia thie buildiag~ aamely, a veterinarian cliaic, The baiiding has a deep setback from West La Pa1ma Aveaue. Upoa a ootion by Commiaeioaer Morris, secoaded by Commieaioaer Mauerhaa, aad carried, it wae aoved by Reeolution No. 276, Series 1957-58, that Variaace No, 977 be graated, eub,~ect to the erectioa of the siga as per the aketch preaetttedi also that said eiga be ahut off at 10:00 0'Clock P.M, each aight. VARIANCB N0. 97~ ~- PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted bq ROBSAT W. and MARJORIS L. JOYCS, 601 8outh Heiena 3treet, Anaheim, Celiforaia, as Oamers, requeating peraisaioa to CONSTRUCf A TRIPLSX on 4he property dea- cribed as 873 South Lemaa 3treet. The property is preseatly cla:sified R-2~ TWO-PAMILY RBBIDBNfIAL. No one appeared for or againet the granting of thia varisnce. TF~ HBARING IVA9 CLOSBD. Thia prope~ty a.e preaently claesified R-2~ and ia a lot SO feet in froatage with a Ac~.~4h of :34 feet, with an alley at 4he rear. The property has beea vacant for m~ay yeare, and recentiy a variance iras graated for a triplex dweiiing on the lot directly eouth of the aub,~ect property. Upoa a motioa by Commieeioner DuHois, aeconfled by Commieaioner A11red, aad cazried, it waa moved bq Resolution IVo. 277~ geriee 1937-58, that Varisace No. 978 be graated, aub3ect to the erectioa of thP building ia accordance with the plana preeented. VARIANCS N0. 979 - PUBLIC }~ARING. :2'sTITION submitted bq COUNTRY CLUB BSTAT83, 144 South La Brea Avenue, Los Angelee 36~ Caiffornia, ae Leaeee, re- queetins permieeioa to R8-PAINf A TSMPORARY DIRHCTIONAL SIGN to advertise Tract No. 2489, thia Tsact haa only 4wo aigna now, on the property described ea 1743 Weat i•incola Avenue, The property ie grese~tly c2aenified P.-A, RBSIDEHTTAL A@tICiJLTtTP.~L. -3- . ~~.... s i ~ i • ^ , f ~ • V ~ MINUTB3, RBGUTAR A~BTING, ~ITY PIANNII4G COINMxSSION~ JUNB 2, 1958, CONfINUED: VARIANCB N0. 979 - No one appeared for or agaiast the grantiag of this variance. THH (Continued) ~ARING MAS CLOS'~. This ~ill be the third sign for Tract No. 2489, and will be the repainting of an old siga presentiy on the pzopertq. Tract No. 2489 is located at Ninth and ICatella Avenue, and contains 200 lots. The subdivider is Couatrq Club Hstates. Upon a motion by Coamissioner Allred, seconded bq Commissioner Morris, and carried, it ~ras moved bq Reaolution No. 278, Series 1957=58, that Variance No. 979 be granted, subject to the nine conditions establiahed by the Citq Council for such directional signs. VARIANCH N0. 980 - PUBLIC f~ARING. PSfITION submitted by PRBD SCHRQHDHR, 12931 Grove Avenue, Garden Grove, Califoraia, as Owner, requesting perwisaion to SRBCf A COI~A~RCIAL I~ffiON SIGN on the property described as 1?36 and 1740 South Suclid Av~enue. The property is presentiy classified C-1, I18I(~ffiORHOOD COAAffiRCIAI.. Mr. Pred Schrocder, as Authorized Ageat for the propertq owner, appeared before the Commission and stated that this development consists of four stores having widths of 20 feet each. It is pro- posed to erect one sign at the north end of the property for a short order cafe, and one sign at a point 58 feet south of the aorth property line. These stores will have a setbact from the new property line when Buclid is widened of S3 feet; however, it was the feeling of the Commission that oniq two signs should be allowed on the propertq~ and that if the other two stores desired signs, they should be put on these same two standards. Tt~ f~AItING WAS ..'LOSBD. Upon a motioa by Corm4issioner Alired, secoaded by Commiasioner Mauerhaa, aad carr3ed, it iras moved by Resolution No. 279, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 980 be granted, subject t o: 1. The sign being high enough to accomodate two signs each, and if signs are requested for the other two stores, they must be attached to these existing pole standards. 2. That Lhe owner deed to the City of Anaheim 53 feet from the centerline of Buclid Avenue for future street widening. 3. That improvementa as required by the City Bngineer be ia- stalled along the Buclid Avenue frontage within 90 days. VARIANCB N0. 981 - PUHLIC F~ARING. PHTITION submitted by MIRA PLORHS, INCORPORATHD, 10503 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, Purchasing under contract, requestiag permission to WAIVS CITY CODB RHQUIRB- BffiNf3 pertaining to lot widths~ request is to vary from 70 feet to 65 feet, on the propertq described as Tentative Tract No. 2114,' Lots 25, 26, 27 a.nd 28~ aad further described as the Northwest corner of Loara Street aad Ball Road. The property is presently ciassified R A, RSSIDBNf3AL AGRICULTURAL. M:. AlcDanieis~ as 8agiaeer far Tract No. 2114~ appeared before the Commission and atated that due to the aature of the parcel of ground, aad the size of lots that theq deaired to put on the prop- erty~ that it was aecessary to heve two iots with frontages of 64 aad 65 feet at the rear of the property. Two of these lots will have 19~092 square feet, aa3 two wili have 17,290 square feet. The balance of the lots of Lhe tract wili have either 9,000 square feet or 9230 square feet. Aa alley is provided for access to the rear of these lots, which have under code frontages, for entrance to garages. The lots themselves will face on dedicated atreeta. THB HSARING WA3 CIASHD. Upon a motion by Co-~isaic~•,er Morris, aeconded by Commiasioner Hap- good and carried, it was moved by Reaolution No. 280, 3eries 1957-58 that Variaace No. 981 be approved for lots 2S through 28, of Tract i I j f ,~ ~~ ~ -4- r' ~ t ~ ~_~ ~ ~ . MINUTSS~ RSGUTAR I~STING, CTTY PIANNItiC CQtAdISSI~I, J~Ji~ 2, 3°~. ~I14Q8A: VARIANCE N0. 981 - No. 2114, for frontages of less than 70 feet, as reqni=ed br t~e (Continued) code. '!"BNfATIVB MAP OP - A Teatative Map of Tract No. 2114 ~aaa pzeseated to tLe Codissioa. TTcAGT N0. 2114 Subdiv3der: Mira Plorea, Incorporated, 10303 3cath Los An6eiea Street~ Anaheim, California. Trsct lontea it tLe rat•L~st ccraez of Laara Street aad Hail Road. Contaias 28. R-3 lots. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Hapgood, seomdcd b7 C~issianer Mo=ria, aad tarried, it esas moeeA tbat tbe Te~zti~e llap of Traci No. 2114 be approved~ snbject to Hng3neeriaa 1te4uire~eats. RBCIABSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION subaitLed by'1QIdtA FIAIt~, II~P~. N0. P-57-58-56 10503 Soath Los Angeies Street, Anabeia, Califurnu. as ~mer; Bu=t Lowen, same addreas, as Anthoriud Ageat, reyoestiaa tLat the Prop- erty described as being all of Tentative Tract 4Qo. 2114, affi farther described as lying at the Northrest co~ner of I.oua aac! Bali A°acf- be recl~ified from R A. RSSIDHNP7AL AGBIWLI~RAL to R-3, DAtLTIPIB FA.•42LY .',ES3DEHT'reT , This was a reclassification reqnested ~ith reference to ?ract No. 2114~ from R-1 to R-3. Mr. Bartlett, as represcatative of Laraaore Construction Companq, appesre3 ~efore tDe Ca~ission aa3 stated that they were proposing this reclassification for the reason thzt they believe the saturatioa goiat has been reacbed for lt-3, Nuitipie Fa~ ily Units. Mr. McDaaiel, as Bngineer for tbe Trut. appea=ed before the Commission and stated the qnestiom of ecaaae~us di8 not eater 3ato t~e ~!stt~z, aad tbat the Laramore Prooert~ to the Hast has so~ R-3 aloag Ball Roa.d and aiong the rail=oad tracts. He also poiated out that the property direct2 y~3 ~:.z ~s'i ms za~~ r~ C-Z, NeigL- borhood Commercial, and ~oould eventuall~ be dereloQed for ce~sercial usea. This would act as a bnffer betreen tLe Cooercaaf aad &-i Reaidences to the Sast. He stated also that tLe ?ract ras2a be developed with custom built anltiple fasii~ anits. T~ HBARII~ AiAS CLOSHD. Upoa a motion bq Commissioner !lauerhan, secaoded b~ Co~issioner Hapgood, aad carried, it was moved by Aeselntion I~o. 281, Series 1957-58, that Reclassificatlon lio. F-i7-58-56 be reco~e~ed to the City Couacil for approval, snbject !o p3uinig on the propertY of the Standard R-3 Deed Restrictions of tffi Cit~ of Anabei~. The vote on the above Resolution was as follw~s: plBB; COhAlISSIOI~RS: Allred, DuBoia, Hsp~ood, ~shan. Korris, Sumvers, Tha~Pson sad DMnsall. NO$$: CONAlISSIOI~IDRS: None. qBSHNP: CHAIRMAN Gauer. RSCIABSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PSfTTION submitted b~ I~IS ~'QIG, ~~~ he N0. P-57-58-57 As~gelea Street, Anaheim, Californi.a, as Q~er. retl~~..nS property deacribed as 800 Nest Yeraant a~-vem~e be zeciassi~f~ed fram R-A, RBSIDBt~PfiAL AGBIt~TLT[TRAL to H 3, !(~7.'CIPdE FAlfILY ttffiI~IAL. ( Oa17 the North One aad 09/1i30 zcre~s af tY.e ~-.a Gesc:be3 prog- erty.) Mr. Henaig appeared before the Ca~issi.cn aad atated tLat be ronld iike to receive the sase nse of tLe prapert~ as is no~~ bei~ en}oyed bq othes property ormers in the area; narrei~, Rr3, a~ tLat this zone application d9d not appl~ to the Saatberl~ ooe a~cce, bnt enl~ to the oae and 89/100 acres faciag aa oermont Street- Ko oae app- earefl in oppoaitiou to the grantis~ of tbe reclassifiution. T~ tIDARING WAS CIA38D. _~ ~ ' ~ , i - ~ (~ ~~ ~ MIHUTEg, RHGULAR MBSfING, CTTY PIANNING COMMISSION, JtTI~ 2, 1958, COIaI~D: RBCIA3SIPICATION - Upon a motion by Commissioaer Morris, seca~ed by Comissiamer Hap- N0. P-57-58-57 good,aid carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 282, oer3es 19iT-58, (Continued) that Reclassification No. P-57-58-57 be recommended to tLe Cit~ Couacil for approval, subject to: 1. The placing of R-3 Deed Restrictions as standard ~vith tLe City of Anaheim on the property. 2. Bngineering requirements an Vermont Street as reqnired by the City Sngiaeer. The vote on the above.Resolution was as folloxs: A]~S: COMMISSIOI~RS: Allred, DuBois~ Hapgaod, Nanerhaa, lbais, Summers, Thompson affi Mnngall. NQBS: COMMISSIONBRS: Flone. ABSBNf: CHAIRMAN Gauer. • RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING, BBTITION submitted by RUDOLPH and ~i~T I~SSr~t, N0. F-57-58-58 1036 i~est Romaeya Drive, Anaheim, California, as O~mers; Norsaa L Smith; I445 Bast Rosewood~ l~aaheim, California, as Anthori.ad Agent; requesting that the propertq described as a vacant 80 foot lot Bast of 1036 Weat Romneqa Drive be reciassified fro~ R~-, RESI- DBNfIAL AGRICIJLTURAL to R-3, MULTIPLE PAMILY RHSIDHNTIAL. Although some time ago the people in this area d3d ask for B-3 Reclassification for the ex~tire area, thep withdrer their apnlira- tion on account of not being wiiling to deed property to tbe cit! at that tisae for street purposes. Hoxever, these applirrcats r..-~ a plan for the building to be erected on the property. ~r. Noraaa K. Smith appeared for the applicants and presented plans sLoeving a fourplex single storq apartment building and stated that this lot is across from the Mills grammar school on the North side of Hoa- neya Drive, and that thsre is other property in the azea tLaY is presently c].assified as R-3, Muitiple Family Resideatial. He aiso pointed out that they wouid only have a 17~ foot reaz yasd iastead of 20 feet, but that 32 feet fra~ the centerline ~f Bo~eya Dri~e had been given for street widening. THH FIBARING TiAS CLOS'~. Upon a motion by Commiasioner Alired, seco~ed by Co~issiamer Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by Resolcrtion No. 283, 5esies 1957-58, that Reclasaification No. F-5T-58-58 be reco~e~ed to the Citq Council for approval, subject to the erection of t~ee bai]ding on the property as per the plans presented, with a 17~ foot seaz yard instead of 20 feet. The vote on the above Reaolution was as folloxs: A~S: CONafI3SI0I~RS: A11red~ DuHois, Hapgood, KauerLan, ffarris, Summers, Thoapson and ~all_ NOB3: COMMISSI01~ffiRS: None A8&SM': (~~AIRMAN Gauer. TBNfATIVB MAP OP - A Teatative Map of Tract I/o. 324p xas presentes! to tLe ~~i~~i~. TRACT N0. 32~0 Subdivider, Tietz Const•ruction Compan~~ 11901 Gilbert Street, Gardm Gso~e, California. T.cact is located oa the south side of Yatella Av~emte, 661 feet reat of Ninth 3treet. Contsins 48 B-1 lots. Upon a motion b~ Commisaioner Mauerhan, aecoaded by Caaissiomer Mungall, aad carried, it was moved to approve the Te~ati~e llap of Tract No. 3240, aubject to the following cofflitions: -6- I ~ :.. _.._.. . -• , ~ - ~ \ ~~ _ ._ .. _ ~. __.._...-- ---. ._._ .__. ._ _ ~ __ --c- --- __---- ~ ~....> MINUTB9, RSGUTAR MHSfING, CITY PL4YNING COMMISSION, JUNB 2, 1458, CONPINU~D; TBNL'ATIVS MAr ^° - 1. That approval has beea obtaiaed from the County P1ood Coa- TRACE N0. 3240 trol Diaxrict. (Contiaued) 2. 9hocriag that iots Mith modeia marted "Not a part" shall be iota ia thP eubdivision. 3. That other portiona marted "Not a part" on the Bast ahouid be dedicated attd improved, 4. That "A" Street be iacreased to a 64 foot right-of-way. 5. That pertiaeat piot and buildiag p1aAe be submitted for revictv to the City Councii. 6. That if thia eubQiviaioa ehouid be developed as more than oae aubdivision, each auccessive subdiviaion thereof shall be sabmitted in tentative forn for approval. THNrATIVE MAP OP - A Teatative Map of Tract No. 2225 was aubmitted to the Commisaioa. TRACT N0. 2225 8ubdivider, Moore Iiomea, Incorporated, 1250 South Maia Street, Saata Ana, California. Tract is iocated on the eaet aide of 1Cnott Avenue, north of Orange Aveaue, and containa 19 R-3 lota. ~JWRrAffit~ Th3s ;rac~ is a portian oF the old Traet, i~o. 3142, aad the map containe the piot as originaliy laid out, and with a revised plot at the top. It was the recommendation of the Comaiiasion that the Reviaed map at the top be adopted, and upon a~otion bq Commis- aioner Hapgood, seconded by Com~nisaioner Muagall, it was moved that the Reviaed Tentative Map of Tract No. 2225 be approved, anbject to: Biigineering requirementis. ; - The Commiaeion adjourned at 4;05 0'Cloct P.M, Re spe ct f~3~-ae~imit ted, . ~. mumu+LL,~ecrecary -7- --_._,.. __ _. _ . _.- . , -_$-- -~--- ---------