Minutes-PC 1958/06/16~j ~ ~ ~ CitT Hali Anaheim, Caiifornia June 16, 1958 ~J~D RHGUTAR MBSfING vF THB CITY PLANNING CObAlIS5ION ~J~ ~8G[JLIR- Aa Adjour~ed Regular Meeting of the City Planaing Commissioa was ~ING called to order at 2;20 0'Clock Y.M, by Vice-Chairman Thompson~ a quorum being present. ~ - VICB-CE~AIgMAN THpMpgON, COMMISSIONBRS: ASlred~ Mauerhan, Morris, 3u~tera, a~i Muagall. C01~lI8SIONffiR DuBois gntered the meeting at 3;15 O~Clock P.M. ~ - CD~9NI38IOI~RS Gauer aad Hapgood. 1tINQf83 - The miautes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 1958, were approved as printed, after changing the wording to '°opposing" on page 5, line 20. q+~1RIA~(~8~ Ai'JB. - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION°, Subqitted by RUIVZ SIGN COMPANY 3IId BROAD- 9$2 & 983 1PAY SHOPpING CBNfBR. Mr. Smith, of the gunz Sign Compsny appeared ~ef~~a the Comaiss3on and stated that these signs would pniy adver- tise the Broadway Center. A resident in the area stated that he did not receive a notice of thia heariag, and a check of the records shoxed thet only the Runz Sign Company aad the Broadway-Hele Company were notified, aad that the property owaers within 300 feet of the aubject propertiea were not notified. Due to a lack Qf notificalion the Commissioa agreed that these two variances must be re-heard on July ?, 1958, aad all property owners withia 300 feet aotified by aail. VARIANC~B N0. 984 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by ORANGB GARDgNS CORPORATION, 8906 Olympic Boule^ard, Benerly Hills, California, purchasing under contract, requestiag permission to WAIVB CITY CODB RHQUIRPMBNfS perta~ning to lot sizes in R-1, Singie Pamily Resideatial Zone from required 7200 squaze feet to 6500 square feet, with 65 foot frontage lots. and also to waive Citq Code requirements pertaining to house sizes ia the R-1, Siagle Familq Zoae, from required 1225 square feet to 1108.25 square fee:, oa the property described as Tentative Tract No. 2140, and further described as lyi^g 660 feet 8ast of WestErn Avenue oa the south side of Ball Road. The property is preseatly classified R-A~ RBSIDBNrIAL AQtICUL:J~AL. Mr. Light, as represeatative of Orange Gardens, Incorporated, appeared before the Commission and submitted three colored photographs of modela now being built ia Los Aageles Couatq. He stated *he houses in Anaheim will be larger, being 1100 square feet of living area, that with lot frontages of b5 feet there would be 12~ foot side yards. He also stated that in some cases there would be attached garages which would give a lu:ger appearance to the homea. The City of 3tanton, on June 10, 1958, approved the south portion of the development as shown bq Tract No, 2147. Mr. J, A. Laraon, ].~112 Westera AvenLe~ repseaenting Orange Couaty Property Owners Aasocia- tion~ Incorporated, appeared before the Commissioa and presented a petition aigned by 165 property owners ogoosing the grantiag of the variance on the grounda that the Anaheim C~fe nrovides for 70 f~ot frontage lots by 7200 square feet in area, and a minimum liveabie house area of Y225 square feet. Mr. Phillip G. Brum, 7701 Ball Road~ atated that becauae Stamton allowed such type of homes, there xas no coapuleion for Anaheim to downgrade that poriian ia the City of Anaheia. Mi. B. A. McCarter, 7601 Ball Road, had no objection to 65 foot frontagea, but felt that 7200 square fee4 of lot area ahould be retaiaed, and that the houaes ahould aot be under code requirementa of 1225 square feet. Idr. John C. Haldiman, Jr.,, 9695 Ball Road~ Aaaheim~ appeared before the Commisalon and stated that orhen they became parL of the City of Anaheim by aanexation, they ~a- i ~°~ ~ ,`'~--~.~-.. ._."... . ... . ~ ~ ~ , - ~a - ~~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ a~r~° ~ ~ ~ ~F01N, ,~iRA~IH x6, 1958, CONfINUSD: ~~~4 -~*~•~ gr~ed t~a~ t~cir ~ties Noald be protected, and =~~p i~ t~ B~s acyrras ffie street ¢so~ t~e groposed tract are all ~~~e rs~iammts_ ge ~so stated that at p=esent this ~r s~ea c~efsf ~ m~ deveFop~eat on either sicle until ~ c~s*~ ~e ~arct as reac~ed at Ofestera Aveaue, and that if g~s ~ ss p~tte~, a,gE th~ ath~r opea area surrouading ~t c~g~t ~e ~z_st~ ia ti~ saec aa~er, tlws dowgrading the whole ~,..~ ~ E~t ~~es~ed tise Co~ssion aad stated that in ~ pe~~~ ~tte~ mg tme pxaperty oaners ia the area where they ~~ £~~,-+^~-p' 2~ tTr~ Ctsastit~tfna of the State of California, g~ ~~ $sEa ~.g citisea ar cEass of citizeas be granted ~c~s mr ~a o;rim wieiclf tY~e same te=ms shall not be ~~ a~ cari~`, ti~ thia ~s aot govern the police L~~'! ~se~.e ~ tY~ a'~~~e*~+•o ia the~ graatiag of vaziances. He a~ 1~0 ~~~.'~@ s~are5eet is aat a sm~Il lot~ as 5,000 square ~~ p~~Z s~ Eos AageSes ~tg, aad tltat fron the pic- ~~~~es ase o€ ~iae arcl~tecturai design. THB ~+ laS ~ra~f $~~ $~ j~r i~T"~ M~~2g~ secoaded bp Commissioaer i...~ ~_ _~ it as~ ~ed bg ResaLntiaa No. 284= Series ~SZ=S~ ~'~~~~ 1ro_ 484 be deaied, dae to the fact that lot ~s ~~~~~x~ ~ eE tL~e Emes to be ezected aze under the ~ ~tE Cadc re~i~eats. ~~ a,~g -~~ ffi~f~ ~r~*c~~ bg RlELPH PBTRHNY. 8822 Garden ~~ ~;- ' Ca~es ~aae, CaF.i£c~~a, as I.essee, requesting ~ m~~~A'E~ A 3Q II1~iT MaTBL= with Maaager * s ~~$~ PtsQ!* aa~ aYso ta CE)NSrRIIGT A RBSTAURANP on = r.T_~ ~----'~ ~ ~ ~~~E~ 44Q €eet ef #he Southerly s~ G._.c ~~~Tr ~ tbr ~ af t~e S~[~ of Section 22, T4S, R101N, ~~ ~;~,~ ~~~r ~sec~elt~d as T~1 Ciest gatella Aveaue. The SP~ ~ ~gir ~~=-=-`Tfied R-A; $ESID~i'fIXL AGRICULTURAI.. 3is ~~~ ar a~iast tlte graat~ag of the variarce. THH ~~ il~ ~_ ~p~ i ~„~ ~r ~*@*~ ~p~ted, sccoaded by Co~iss3oner 1mes~ ~ oe~, it ~es ~s~ed bg Hesointioa No, 285, Series P~E'sc'~~ ir~ 4~^~'~ ~_ 4~5 €~ a 3Q~ IIa~t Motel sad Restauraat ~,~+~ ,~~t ~x ts c~:ect~ af thc Duildings ia coafora3ty ~~ g:~ ~r ~m3 ~b,Tect ta the deediag of 60 feet £as ~e ~-•~*~_*'~ a€ =~F?3 Ave~e ta the City of Anaheim for ~**~- ~ aE.~~ ~~iag requi=eaoerlts as requested by the ~' ~ ~~~-~~ ~~ sa6~tted bg TF[&LMA RHAGAN MURPfiY~ 918 Test~ p~ ,S~Ir, ~ea, Cag~foraia, as Oxner, requesting per- ~_-~~,~~~ --~ A~{ C~ ~ir~a± re2atiag to off-street g~3~ €e m,'+£s,~ ~_~~**^~a~ Cg~Tring ta he Q=ovided by applicant ~~s arrt ~r mo~ts ia tlre aer~ C~ty Code for Co~ercial Zoae ~) ~~~ec ~'Z18d a~ IrsC Z~ ia Bloct A~ Anaheim Villa Tract, a p~ ssp a~ed sa Haot i4, a5 gase 44 of Miscellaneous Recosds ~~~ esatg~ E3Si£ *~, ~ f~tt-er desc:ribed as 918 3e:~t ~mde ~t_ '~e psapestg is gseseatiy ciassified C-2, ~- is. Edr~a L~g appeaxe~ be€ore t~ee Comdssian and aubmitted ~~ s~ ~ t3~s~ skr ~aes ta erect on the froat of lre¢ ~espperig f 4~ Test i~ Stzeet. She stated that she is •~•~• tao gss~ tfie r~~aired maih_r of p~rtiag spaees under the ~6 ar~v~' ~orse FZ are reqnir-~~ she vr uld be able to ~msa~e ~,B[},r ~; te[ a t~e mesr gropo~ed asd3aance, only 9 would be ~,~a3L ss ~~ i~ apgosit~aa tm the graating of the '~~ ~ ~ YL4 Cd~. .,,~ ~ i -,~- ~ ~ ~ '. ~ ~ [ i ~ ~. ~ 1'~ ~ MIMJT86~ .ADJOURI~D RB(~JIAR 1IDSTING, CITY PL1IalII~1G ~lIIS~Qi. JQiffi 26. 1858. OQIqfIINaBD: YA1tTANCB N0. 986 - Upon a motion by Co~eissioaer 1i~71. secaode3 bf ~~ioner CCoatinued) Ailred, and cazried, 3t xas aosed b7 1lesolntim 1W- 286+ 5erus 1957-58, tbat Variance iio. 986 be 6zaated fo: a xaiver ef tbe required parting froa 12 to 9 spv.:~a, aad tchat the ~lding be erected in accordance xith the pl~as p~e~eaked- VARIANCS N0. 987 - PUBLIC HBARING. PSCITI~Q snbaitted b'! '~E s.. L1t'ffi31t. 629 North Cleseatine, Anabe3a, Caiifo~au, as Oa~aer. re4*'stin8 Per- mission to COt7STRDCP aud ~+11 ~Ai-'ffi Ct3i8, ~cith s~n8 pool aad exercisiag e9nip~eat. a~ the P~°P~7 ~~~d ~~s 7, 8 `~ and 9, Block B, of Yhe Lorelei Trut, ia tbc Citt7 of Anaiweia, Countq of Orang~, State of Ca3ifozniz. as per m~ zecorded ia Boot 3 29. Pa8 24 of M'ascei~a,,•~s 11ops, in tbe o~fi~ of the couaty i record~r of said county, aad fnrtber des~ribed as 3914 East Ceater Street. The pro~erty is preseatly classified Z-3~ ~TTptR FANILY RHSIDBNTIAL. IUlrr. Theodore 3. BarcLer appeared befo=a tbe Ca~issioa a~t stated that he had oraed this property am ~st t~aLer Stxeet for a Iong ~ tise, and had been hoLdiag it for z sartaiue ase; aari wat sne pro- posed use as a Health C1n1+ rith ~+~+*+~ Y~oo! aad 'Fsezd~e Hqni~ ment Lo be a good nae for the propertT. me progesty has beea ; vacant for many years. Kr. ~'~e appeazed ia opposition to the grant- _ ing of tLe vaziaace. ~ HBABIIiG 1(LS (SA~• Upoa a moti~e ~~craissiaaer MaoeZLans seeoaded b'! Caa~issioaer DuBois, and c...~ .ied, it ras aa~ed by ~~ola5ci~ Ro. 287, Sezies 1957-SII. that `~7.ariance 190. 987 be praa~te3, sabject to tbe ezection of the buildiag ia coaforuit~ xith tbe pLans pre.seated. ; VARIAPICB N0. 988 - I'UBLIC HBARIRX's. PECITICZi snmitte~ by BILI.Y JQ~a, 1111 lfest Fa~ 3,aae, Rnaiieia, Cali£ornia. P+uc3~si~ ~- c~ xr^L, :eqr.estiag peraission to OOI~1~.T 10 IRiISIPIE F,31~Y IIIRTS ~ID C~BS oa the pzopesty described a~ iots 16 aad 27, izact lia_ 1607, aad further deacribed as 315 and 321 Saath Y'est Stzeet_ 1be property is Fcesr eatiq classified H-1, SIIiGIB FdU..LY lES~TAL. Idr, Jones, as applicaat for t~ vari~*u'r. statc.l that *_he appii.ca- tion contained all the aecessaz~ iaf~sr8ti~[. ifr. Nosaiagstar, as representa.tive of 28 prcnert~ o~aers oa 1[est Stzeet, apgeazed before tbe Coamission aad state~ tbat, accarding ta aetio~ by the City Council in 1955, all 1~#s faci~ on i1tsL Street shoald be R-1. AI1 lots except the tNa in question bz~e bee~ bazl! r£th Si°Ble fa~ily homes, am it is the feelins of tbe groperRy wners in the uea that these t~o lots shanld 'also b~ isp=oRd Ysth on1T ~s~c8ie faafly dwelliags. I~lr, llack, 312 Soath lfest 3treet, aad 1[cs. Helen L. 3harpe, 416 South Mest Staeet, also sppeued before the Ca~ission in oppositioa to the grantia6 of s6e ~as=~TM~. ~E ~I2~ 1ti1S CIASBD. Upon a sotiaa by Coadssioner 16orris. secmded i~f Co~issiaaer Sumwers, and caxried, it ~aas soved by~teso2ation No. 288, Series 1957-58, 4hat `-ariance l~io. 988 be denied_ VARIANCE N0. 989 -.~79LIC HBARING. PSTIII0l1 snbaitted bf 1Q~.I-IE R~QAl~+ 942~ Stantoa ; Aveaue, Anahein, Ca13f~rs:x, as ~.l~s. =~~Li~ gertiasion to ! OPSRATB A TBAI7BR SAIBS aad EIDCiAL Ill'~ oa tLe property described as: All that certain reai propert~ s~tmaud i~ tl~e Cooat7 of Onage, i 8tate of ~alifornia, described as follmrs: i~e Soa#h 275 teet of ~ the Meat 33Q feet of tlv: S1~ of the S7F} of tLe I~Of~ ef Sec*~.oa 13. j T48, Ri1M. S.B.B. a A. Sxcepti~ t3~sefzoa tLe res+r 42 fee4 there~f, ~ and further deacribel as 9432 Stam'toa Aveaae. Ttt propeztY is ' preaeatly clasaified ss t-,A, E~5~7~I. AS~tf.Z~T*tU~llL. ', f _~ I~ I) ) i 5 , ~ ~, , `l ~: ~ _"._ _..__' __ _ _ _ .~_..~_ .. _....._. _ ~ .__" ~ _~ . ~ 4 i ~ - 1 - ~Y ~ 4 ~ ~ i ! L1 ~ , ~~ ,r ; `,i ~ ~~ ;3 ~ . NIMJPBa, ADJOURPIDD RHCtTIAR MffiBTING~ CITY PIANNING COA9~dYSSI01d, Ji~~ 35, 3~i58. ~'L~e VAR7ANC8 N0. 989 - A reaident of Luxor Street, at the tear of the snbjrc: pra~oer~t'p, CContinued) appeared before the Commission and atated that ao mme c~ 7~+ar Staeet had received noticra about the proposed variaaoe. A cmerY ~f tkme recorda ahowed thia to be true. She also stated l~at ltbe ~bicamlt apparentiq had no plans to preaeat as to how me i~temded 1to 3m~cose the prope;tq. Ntiiliaoi Remland, son of the o~er, statefl ttffit tmey ~vere going to pull the orange treea~ grade sad 3s~prave tme pz~eat~. Drobably with blacktop on a portioa of it. ~r. ~doase, tme a~p1i¢~C. atated that he had ao plot piaa for the praperty; al~ 3hst ~e intended to do was bring in brand new trailers aad se13 same gram this lot; and that his office wonid probably be ia s ffiaa~ ~ trailer parke¢ oa the propertq. After a discnss3,nm be+t~aec~ tt~s ' reaidente of Luxor Street and the appiicaat, !Le appd3crmmt a.s~ to withdraw hia petition. Upoa a motion by Commisaion Mauerhaa~ seconded ~y C~~~~?~-s •' Mungall, and earried, it was moved that the applizaat be gi~m pea- misaion to w3.thdraw hia appiication for this var3aeoe_ VARIANCS N0. 990 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION aubmit4ed bq ~OCI3D PBDF~Y ~', INCORPORATBD, 206 La Plaza, Aaaheim, Californi.s, as O~es, reqseslt- ing permiasion to LBASE A STORB POR TAB S~~ Off~ ~TTa~ ~ amd ALCO~IOLIC BBVBRAGBS on the property IIescribed as Lot 1, Yraet ffic~. 3248, and further deacribed as 1011 North Bnc1i3~Ave~ue_ 'Sbe Qz~- erty ia preaently classified C-1, NIDIC~fi80RA0t3D O1~0~7AL. Mr. Turner, as oae of the owners of the snb;;ert,propert~, aggeaa+ad before the Commisaion and~ stated that the bni7:d3sg is mr+~es conatruct!oa, and that the teaant wanxed to 3zase a~,astian a~ the eorner for an Italian reataurait whieh iron3~ ~erse ~~~~~~~ beveragea~ xhich would require a v uiaace, as t5~ ~+r~a~ ss pres- eatly zoned C-1, Neighborhood Co~rciai. Ao e~e a~eared ia oppoaition to the graating of the vaziaicc. ~B ~ la3S C7:Ot~_ Upon a mution by Coamisaioner DuBois, SCC09~CQ ~~i~s3c~ieieerr Morris~ aad carried, it was moved by Resplutiom ~1a, 283, SeriG 1957-58, that Variance No. 990 for a eoettail bar ia tbe prapaaed reataurant at 1001 North Buclid Avenue be graatrd. RBCIASBIFICATION - FtiHLIC }~ARING. PBTTTION auba3tted by 1dA7C P. aad lf~H B. ffiIY~, N0. F-S7-58-31 7852 South Placeatia Avenue, Aaaheim, Califara3a, as Oa~er„ 1[srrea (Amended) L. Bchutz, 507 California Baak Building, Anahe3s,~CaSifosia, as Authorized Ageat, requeating that the pm perty desczi~ aa beiaac parcei 1. The Nf~} of 2he SI9} of the Srr} .flf sect3,nam a~ 7C4S, si~. B.B.B. & M. Bxcept therefroa the North 30 £r.et. Parcea 2_ 'me Meat 32 feet of the NID} of the SM} of the SN} of Sezt;.cm 1~ i~S. R10W, B.B,B. & M. Bxcepting therefrom t}u i~Iarth 3D ~er~_ PsrceY 3. The Nes4 183.00 feet of the South 132,50 fce# of t~e ~rt~ Z52_9~ feet of the SNf~ of Srction 1~ T4S, R1~N, S.$.B. ~ lH., 3a t~e ~Ci.t' a~€ Mahein, Countq of Orange~ State of Califora9a. ~i'~'~e those portioae lyiag withia Placentia Avenne, a~ featLer descza'~ as 7852 South Placentia Aveaue, be reclassifi,ed ffram 5-,11, ~ffi~'7AY. AGRICULTURAL~ to R-3, IdULTIPLB PAIiILY RBSID~TfL11L am Faraeis 1 as~ 2~ and C-3~ F~AVY CONAlBRCIAL~ on Pucel 3. Reciasaificatioa No. P-57-58-31 rras retnrnel to tLe Ca~i,asi,a: b9 the City Council for further coaeiderat3oa. lir. ~il4acber sppxarod before the Cooniaeion aad ata~ked that he x4s in a6ae~est dt~ t~e recammeadations uutiiaed at the City Council aeetiag. aed ~oped that the Cooaieaioa would see At to agree xith t3~e Comcii as8 ao recosmea~l +.•hat the property be reciaseifiea. ~~1t~G 1~S QA66D. Upon a aotioa by Cflamisaioner DaBoie, seeoffied b~ Cr.aaissi,aeer ldaaez- h~n, and ca~rried, ~t was noved that the Coaaissia~ reca~rad to tbe City Couacil by ~teeolutioa No. 290, Series 19S7-SS, t*at the sabyect ~~ ~: ~__ __ _ ._. . ___ -- - .._ .. ._ .. _ _ _ ... __ _ __..._ _ ~ ---- ' ~' t ---~ . . ~ I ' ~Y? ~ ~ ~ .J ~ ~ MINUT88, ADJOqRl~D RBGUTAR b~STING, ClTY PLANNING COL4NISSIO'ri, JUNS 16, 1958, CONfINUaD: f ~ RSCUBSIPICATI~ON - property be reclaesified to r-3, except that the lot at the North- ~ N0. P-57-58-31 weat corner of the propsrty conaiaiiag of 115 feet by 132 feet, as ! (Amendedy ahown on the land uae atudq, be reciassified as A-3, and that tLis corner be rezoqed to C-3, for uae as a service atatioa only, (Coatiaued) aub3ect to the following conditiona: 1, That the Nc,:thweat coraer consiatiag of a lot 115 bq 132 feet havc placed upon it StanQard C-3 Deed Restrlctioas reatrictiag the use to a service ata:ion only. 2, That ~4teadard R-3 Deed Restrictions be placed on the balance of the property. 3, That the dwelliags erected next to Tract No. 31k1 be kept down to one story in height. 4, That there be alleys on the property as ahown on the isnd use study. 5. That before aaq development tatea place, a Tentative Map be filed, except that ahould the lot proposed for a service station be developed bef~~re the remainder of the property, that all improvements be placed on this lot in accordance with the land use stucly. The vote on the above reaolution was as follows: AYBS: COhAlISSIOI~EtS: Allred~ DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NQB3: COMMISSIOI~EtS: Noae. AHSHNf: COD4dIS3I02~RS: Gauer aad Hapgood. RSCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by OLIVBR G. BASHR, 9131 Stanton N0. P-SS-56-40 Aveaue, Anaheim, CaliforniaY et al~ as owners. Thie reciassificaiion was referred bact to the City Plaaning,Commission by the Citq Counci! on account of the withdrawal of two applicants from the osigiaal petiticn~ nameiy, Marq Jane Pfeil, 7792 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California. and Blizabeth Lancaster, 1338 Atlantic Aveaue, Long Beach, California. The other origiaal appiicants, Oliver G. Haker, 9131 Stantott kveaue, Aaaheim, Caiiforaia, Robert H. Steele, 114 Peafield Street, Yomoaa, Califoraia~ together with Mra. Lillian peitzke, 9013 South Stanton Aveaue~ Anaheim, Califoraia, and the Bowlea Investment Company, 8941 Saata Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, Califorttie, as Owners of; Parcel 1: The South 13 agrea of the B+} of the 1~~ of the NH~ of Section 14, T48, R11{N, S.B.S. & M.~ except that portion soid to the State of Califomia for road purpoaea. parcel 2: The B} of the N~ of the NB~ of the Nffi} of Sectioa 14, T43, R11W, S.B.S. ~. M., except that portion sold to the State of California for road purposes. Parcei 3: The North S acres of the H} of Lhe NB} of the NB~ of Section 14, T4S, R11W, S.B.B. ~ M., except that portion aoid to the 6tate of Califoraia for road purpoaea~ requeat that their properti~s be reclasaified froa R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICUI.'TURAL to C-3, HBAVY COMI~RCYAL for a depth i~f 330 feet from the centerline of Liacoln Avenue, and that the b~al- ance of the propertiea be reciassified to C-1, PIDIQiBORH00D i.'OAAfBAOIAL. Mra, idaty Jane Pf.eil, 7742 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Cal~foraia, appeera¢ before the Commisaion and atated that they owaed 8.19 acree t~at was withdrawn from the origiaal application; that theq atiii live on the property, and that theq nre sLili usii~g the land far agricultural purposea. 8he stated that she would abt like to aee C-3 located c,n the Saet aide of h..r property, which wouid be xitbfa AO feet of their dweliing. Inveatigation ehowed that on the corper property, consiating of 1.40 acre, there have beea C-3 uses for sany yesra. Mr. Batei, as applicaa4, appeared:before the Commisaioa and a~ated thet on Septe:mber 4, 1956, ihe City Council -S- ~.,_ _ _ ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 L_' ~ ~ IiINVfBB, ADJOtIRPIDD RSGUTAR MHBTING, CITY PIANNING COAOfISSION, J[JNB 16, 1958, CONRINUSD: RBCIAaSIPICATION - passed a Resolution to rezone this property~ aad that the a.cessacy N0. F-55-56-40 Deed Reatrictiotta have been filed, THB HSARING WAS CLOSBD. (Contiiwed) Upoa a aotion by Commieaioner Mauerhan, secoaded by Commissioner Allred, and carried, it was moved bq Resolution No. 291, Series 1957-58, tbat the Coamiasion recommend to the City Council that the 1.40 acres oa the Southwest coraer of Stanton and Lincoln Avenues be reclassified to C-3, Heavy Commercial, on account of the uses presently esisting on the property, and that the balance of the subject properties be reclassified as C-1, Neighborhood Commerzial~ aubject to improvements on SLau4on and Lincoin Arrenues ~~s requireA_ by the City Bngineer. The vote on tLe above Resolution ~vas as follows: AYS$: CQhMI3SI0NBRS: Alired, DuBois `lauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompaon and M dall. NOB3: CO~AfISSIONSRS: None AB3BNf~ COMMISS10N8RS: Gauer and Hapgood. RBCIABSIFICATION - PUBLIC FIDARING. PHTITION s~sbmitted by HHNSON, HALZI.S, and JOHNSON, N0. F-57-58-59 8841 $ena Place, Midway City, California, as applicaats, requesting that the property described as t~eing Lot 20, Tract No. 796, RecorGed Book 24~ Page 28 of Miacellaneous Mapa, Records of OraAge County, and Lot 22, Tract No. 796, Recorded Hook 24, Page 28 of Misceliaa- eoua Maps, Records of Orange Countq, and further described as 9560 A[ebstes Avenue and 2448 Orange Avenue, be reclassified from R A, R85IDS:vfIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-3, MULTi PL8 PAMILY RBSIDSNTIAL. Mr. Rusaell Hodge appeared before the Comraisaion and atated that he had aold the subject propertq aad that it was aext door to Johason's Blectrical Shop; and he considered the preperty ideal for R-3 developmeat. Mr..M. Liebert, 2442 West Orange Aveaue, appeared ~fore the Commission aad preaented a petition with 19 s3.pnatures from property owners in the area as oppoaing this two-stc~ry muitiple famiiy residential in the area. He stated that there is no muitiple faeiily residential property anywhere in the area~ and that these lots could be used for single family purposes, T1~ HBARIDi.~ WAS CLOSHD. Upon a motion by Commiasioaer Mauerhan, seconded by Cummissioner Morris~ sud carried, it was moved ~q Resolutioa No. 292, SeriPs 1957-58, that Reclasaification No. 57-58-59 be deaied. The vote on the above Resolution was as followa: AYB3; COMMIBSIOK81tS: Alixed, DuBois, Mauerhan, Moxsis, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NQB3: COAAIISSIONIDRS: None. AB9HNf: COMMISSI~I~IDRS: Gauer and Hapgood. RSCLAQSIPICATION - R'7LIC ~ING. PSPTTION submitted by VdALTHit C, and PATRICIA PAUL~, N0. P-57-58-60 '".z.3'd2 Or~ ;ewood, Anaheim, California, as appiieaats, requeatiag i;hxt the property described as: The North 270 feet of the Bast 222 feet of ~.ut 14 of Orangewood Tract, in the COqAtq of Orange, State of Caiifornia, as per map recorded in book 7, page 42 of Misceiian- eona Maps, is the office of the county recorder of said cnunty, the north line of anid lot 14 being the south line of Orangewood Avenue, a$ showu oa .~aid map, 40 feet wide. BXCSPT the Hast 85 feet of the North 200 feet thereof, aad furLhe; descrfbed as 13322 Orangewood Avenue, be reclaesified from R-A, RSSID~NfIAL AGRIGVLTURAL to R-3, MULTIpLB PAMILY jtBSIDBNfIAL. ~ ~ -6- ~ I ~ ~ ; i • ~ ~,..! ~ !~~ B~ B82~TIdR !~ffi8fI1MG, CZTY PLl1HIdING COAAIISSION, JUNB 16, 1958, CONfINUHD: ~.7ilE~'faK - Nrs. Cliff Rothhoct, 11641 Spinnater Street, appeared before tre lllD_ ~~S~6E! Ca~ission and ~reseated a petition signed bq 69 residenta on (~) ~pinaater SLreet proteatiag the reclassification of this propertq to g 3, Multiple Paaily Residential. The owner of the propertq, w[siLer C. Pauis, 13322 Orangewood Avenue, Anaheim, Califoraia, appeared before the Co~mission and stated that his property con- taias approximately 43,000 aquare feet of laad, with 137 feet of street frontage, and that the property when in the Couuty was R-4, Nhich alloNed wltiple familp dwellings. He felt that he should be ailored the uae of the property under the same ciassification tIIat it ~ras orhile in the County. There is an exiating home on the property, and it was brought out in the course of the Hearing that ail thr applicaat desired to do was to build aaother si~~le family nome c~~a the property for one of his family. In view of the fact tl~at he has 43,000 squa=e feet of land, and the R A 2one permits oalp oae house per acre, the Commisaion felt that this use should be allored bq variance, and no action was taken on the reclasaifi- catioa. - PQBLIC F~ARING. PBTITION submitted by MRS. IDA DUNCAN, 1016 Bast ~D_ ~~'8-S~~I Bzoadrray, Anaheim~ California~ as Appiicant; Mrs. Phyliis Duncan, - 230 Broadviex, Anaheim, Califoraia, as authorized agent, requesting that the property deacribed as Lot 5 in HAock "B" of the Lorelei Tract, as sho~m on a map recorded in book 29, page 24 of Miscellan- eons Records of Los Angeles Couaty, California, and further des- cr£Ded as 1016 Bast Broadway~ be reclasaified from R-2, TWO-PAMILY R&4IDHNPW, to k-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL. lirs. Ida Duncaa, the applicaat, appeared before tLe Commission and stated that she owne and operates a Rest Home for the Aged at 1016 8ast Broadxaq, and that the R-2 Zoniag on 4he property at the pres- eat allows onip four patients. It was the feeiing of the Commission that unless the whole block was changed to R-3 with the conaeut of the other a~mers ia the block, that th:ls permit to have two more eAAstinnnl nnfian*n ~~~1gjd ~ eranfPtl hv vgrisS3CP aqther than by ~------- reciassification: No action was taken, and the appiicant was requested to file for a variance. '~1~ ~ AF - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 2222 was preseated to the Co~nission. T~~ ~ikl. ~ Upoa iavestigatiou af:er the meeting, it was found that this tract had never beea presented to the Hngineering Coumittee, so that it xili be again bruught up at the next meeting of the Plaaaiag Com- aissioa. ~ffiEiSiilPE~p. - Oa account of a portion of Tract No. 3142 beiag cut off and'given a Il4f~ ae~r ntu~ber, as Tract No. 2225, it was fouad that the numbers with re''creace to Variaace No. 832 had been chaaged. In ordCr to make this variaace ia agreement wiLh the Tract Map as it now standa, Resolutioa.No. 147 was rescinded aad.repiaced hq Resolutioa No. 293. This xas :~y a notioa made by Comniasioner Summers, secoaded by Commissioner DnBois, and carried. ~ - The Meeting adjourned aC 6:00 0'Cloct P.M. Respectfuil submitted R. W. MUN , ecretary ;; , ~ ~ -7- ~