Minutes-PC 1958/09/08-. _ ~ ~. i • f'~. !-! 3~ L~ ~ City Hall. Anaheim, CaI'.. o~:>= a September 6, i`~~`+ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR NIEETING - A Hegular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2s05 0'Clock by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present. pRES$(VT - CHAIRMAN Gauer, C(~iMISSIONERSF DuBois, Moriis, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. Commissioner Mauerhan entered the meet3ng at 2:14 0'Clock P.M. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2:15 ': 0'Clock P.M. Commissioner Allred entered the meeting at 2:35 ! 0'Clock P.M. and was called out of the meeting at 2:50 0'Clock ~ . P.M. i MINUTES - The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of August,l8, 1958 ~ were approved as printed after corrections were made ot- ~age 2, ~ second paragraph, third line to read 5980 feet, and on Page 3, "s under Variance No. 1019, under Conditions, "rights" to plighis=. VARIMCE N0. 1022 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted.by McCARTHY and SANi, 1138 South Broadway, Los Mgeles, California, as Lessee, requesting permission to use the property located at 861 South Palm Street for a SALES OFFICE for Tract No. 1886, located directly at the rear of the subject property. The present dwelling on the prop- erty will be used as a 7emporary Sales Office, and a sign, 15 feet by 20 feet, will also be erected. The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. This Variance was held over in order that the applicant submiL to the Planning Commission a suitable sign for approval. The sign as presRnted was still 15 by 20 feet, but was conservative and showed principally paintings of the type of dwellings to be in- stalled on the propertias. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. THE IiEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, it was moved that a double-faced sign as presented , 15 by 20 feet be approved for a period of eleven months. An amend- ment to this motion was offexed by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, that the sign not exceed 10 feet by 15 feet. The amendment to the motion of Commissioner Thompson did not carry. Thereupon, a vote was taken on the oricinal motion, which carried. VARIANCE N0. 1023 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETIiION submitted by JOE H. WILKE, 212 Marigold, Corona del Mar, California, as Owner, requ~sting permiseion to OPERATE A USED CAR LOT on the property described as+ Lot 6 in Block C of Tr~et No. 143, in the City of Maheim, County of Orangp, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 11, Page ~ 38, Miscellane8us Maps, in the office of the county reeorder of said county, and further dsscribed as on the West Side of Los Mgeles Street between North Street and La Verne Street. The prop- erty is presently classif3ed C-2, GENHRAL COMMERCIAL. Mr. Wilke appeared before the Commission and atated that his prop- erty will be uaed by the Uaed Car operator now in business on the ad~oining lot to the North. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Coaraissioner Mauerhan, seconded ~y Commissioner Swmners, and carriad~ it was moved by Resolution No. 42~ that Variance No. 1023 be granted~ sub~ect tos 1. The dedicatiot- of 40 feet from the center line of North _t. ~ ~., ~ ~ i , > i • i~~ V i+~F. ~ ~ ~ 5 MINUTES. RE,f'ULpR MEF1'ING. CITY PLANflING COMMISSION SEP7'EMBER 8, 1958. CONTINUEDs. ; VARIANCE Np. 102? - Los Angeles Street to the City of Anaheim. ~ (Gbntinued) 2. Reconstruct Qamaged sidewalk as directed by the City _ Engineer. ' 3. Improve lot with asphalt paving, and construct adequate bumper guards, contiguous to street fror.tage. 4. Construct a masonry wall along the rear portion of the property adjoining the alley. VARIANCE N0. 1024 - PUBLIC HEARING. P~TITION submitt~d b~ DISNEYLAND, INC., 1313 Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting per- mission to ERECT AN ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION AND ENTRANCE SIGN at Patrons entrance to the Park on the prooerty descxibed ass The N~ of the SYV~ and the S~ of the NW~ of'Section 22/4/10 S.B.B. 8 M. and further described as 1313 Harbor Boulevard. The propeity is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. Van Franz, as representative of Disneyland, Inc., appeared before the Commission. He stated that the original 160-acre oper- ation of the Park did not have adequate directional signs to direct the public into the main gate, and at present they only had small signs which were not adequate. He also stated that the sign pro- posed on the triangle directly in front of the main entrance into Disneyland would be suitably landscaped and certainly would not detract from the area or from other groperties in the same vicinity; that the proposed sign had been designed by Disney artisics at the studio. It is propased to set the sign back of the City right-of- way line, which is 20 feet from the curb line, and on account of the height of the sign, there would be an allowable overhang of 4 feet over the City right-of-way. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, it was moved that Yariance No. 1024 be denied. This motion died for lack of a second. Com- missioner Thompson made a motion, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, that Variance No. 1024 be granted by Resolution No. 43, subject i:o setting the sign at the 20-foot right-of-way line with a 4-foot overt.~ang. Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Morris, moved that an amendment to the above motion be made for the sign :,ut to exceed 20 feet by 30 feet. The vote on the above amendment resulted in a tie vote. The vote on the original motion by Com- missioner Thompson then carried. VARIANCH N0. 1025 - PUBLIC FIEARING. PETITION submitted by S 8 R CONSTRUGTION, INC., 1570 West Sumac Lane, Anaheim, California, purchasing under contract, requesting permission to AMEND RECLASSIFICATION F-56-57- 6 TO ALLOW 2-STORY R-3 BUILDINGS on the property described asi A Parcel 140' by 165'. That portion•of Lot 16 of Maheim Extension, • in the County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map by William Hamel, and filed for record in the office of the County Recerder of Los Angeles County, California, descriced as followst Beginning at a point on the center line of Vermont Street, 66 feet wide as shown on a survey recorded in Book 18, Page 42, Records of Survey, distant South 74° 34° 15" West 501.43 feet from the inter- section of the center lines of Vsrmont Street and Placentia Avenue as shown on said survey, and running thence South 74° 34' 15" West along the center line of said Vermont Street, 140.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of the land described in the deed to Joseph D. Huarte and wife, recorded March 16, 1955, in Book 2997, Page 473 Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange Count;y; thence North 15° 27' 10" West along the Westerly line of said land, 165.00 feet; thence North 74° 34' 15" East 140.Q0 feet to a point in a line which bear~ liorth 15° 27' 10" West from the point of beginning; thence South 15° 27' l0" East -2- - _._ .__ .. ____-.__._.~_~.----.-- ~'._.__-"'.__'~ _ _'_T..___'_- . ~ . . ' fi-- i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ; •t ~ ~ 3 ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~n4:: -~--~~ ~1 ~~ !.} ~ '~' !'t ~,.! ~B I~E'FING, CITY PLANNING COh9NISSION, SEPTEMBER 8, 1958, CONTINUED: YA~iEAfl~T AHD. l~i - I65.00 feet to said point of beginning. WESTERLY 70' OF ABOVE: ~Cantim~aed) That portion of Lot 16 of Anaheim Extension, in the County of Qrange, State of California, as shown on a map by William Hamel, and filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Artgeles County, Califernia, described as followss Beginning at a point on the center line of Vermont Street, 66 feet wide as shown on a svrvey recorded in Book 18, Page 42 of Records of Survey, ~istant South 74° 34' I5" Wesi 5dI.43 feet from the ~I~Iy1.~iSSC43on csf the center lines of Vermont Street and Placentia Avenue as shc,:.: c:~ said su:vey, and running thence Seuth ?ao 34~ i~„ wo~+ aFong the center line of said Vermont Street, 70.00 feet; thence Horth 15° 27' 10° West 165.00 feet; thence North 74° 34' 15" East 7E1.00 feet to a point in a line which bears North 15° 27'10" ~fest from the point of beginning; thence South 15° 27' 10" East to said point of beginning. EASTERLY 70' OF ABOVE: That portion of Lot 16 of Maheim Extension, in the County of Orange~ State of California, as shown on a map by Wiiliam Hamel, and filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, Ca2ifornia, described as follavs: Beginning at a point on the center Iine of Vermont Street, 66 feet wide as shown on a survey recorded in Book 18, Page 42, of Records of S~rvey, distant South 74° 34• 15° West 571.43 feet from the intersection of the center 2ines of Vermont Street and Placentia Avenue as shown on said survey, and running thence South 74° 34' 15" West along the center l~ne of said Vermont Street, 70.00 feet to the Southwest corner of the Iand described in the deed to Joseph D: Huarte and wife, recorded March 16, 1955, in Book 2997, Page 473, Official Records, fn the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence North 15° 27' 10° West along the Westerly line of said Iand 165.00 feet; thence North 74° 34' 15" East 70.00 to a point ~n a line which bears North 15° 27' 10" West from the point of begfnning; thence South 15° 27' 10" East 165.00 feet to raid point of beginning, and further described as the North side of Vermont Street between Placentia Avenue and Lime Street. blr. Martin P. Barret, 1829 Tyrol Place, appeared before the Commission in opposition to the granting of this Variance. He presented a petition signed by 63 property owners in the area, of which 6 were present in person. He stated that when his property was first rezoned, the area along Vermont Street was rezoned to bltJI.TIPLE-FAMILY with only one story in height, to protect the rear portion, which was rezoned to R-1. This was to prevent the 2ack of privacy in the rear yards of the single-family homes that would go into the area. Mr. Harry Coolidge, of 2240 Virginia Avenue, appeared before the Commission and stated that next to single-family dwellings the Council had in most cases kept the multiple-family dwellings down to singel story in height as a baffer. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. U~pon a motion by Commissioner Swnmers, seconded by Commiss3oner biauerhan, and caxried, it was moved by Resolution No. 44, that Varfance No. 1025 be denied. ~'~4RIA~€ @DD. 1026 - PIJHLIC F~ARING. PETIiION submitted by DON COLEMAN, 1545 Katella Avenue, Anaheia~ California, as Authorized Agent, requesting per- mission to WAIVE ORDINANCE N0. 991, SECTION 2 IN APPENDIX 4 TO 1225 SQUARE FF.ET on the property described as= Lots 1 to 44 in- clusive, of Tract 2317 in the City of Anaheim as shown on the map thereof recorded in Book 104, Pages 12 and 13, Miscellaneous Naps, records of Orange County, California, and further described as between Reseda Street and Sunkist Street on the North Side of East South Street. bir. Don Coleman appeared before the Commission as representative of the subdivider and stated that when his principals purchased the pzoperty, they did not knovr"of the 1350 square foot livable area requirement, and that this same company had built other -3- ~-.~ .,3~ F ! ~ ~ ~ ; 's ~ t ! ; i i ~ n ~ i .i ~ z ^ ' ! ~ • V l` ~ ~ MINUTES, RE(~JLAR ~-TI~ CITY PLAI~IIdING COA4~IISSION SEPfEMBER 8 1958 CONTINUED: VARIANCE N0. 1026 - tracts in the City and presumed that it was a 1225 square foot (Can~inued) area and built the homes accordingly• When these homes were ready for final inspection, he stated, a complaint had been filed. He stated this was one of the better subdivisions built by this subdivider, and would like to have the Variance granted, as they have sold 28 of these homes and these 28 families had been denied the use of same. He stated the plans went through the Builermits. ~eparimen~ ~;, pp~~~ 3~, ??`'~ and they were given building p Mr. Harry Coolidge, 2240 Virg3nia Avenue, appeared before the ~~~+~~=~~ and stated that his back yard adjoins one of these dwellings. He quoted from the Maheim Municipal Code and nppe~u- ices regarding the violations and how they had appeared before that the cha9es~were correct,Athattthe~houses aia notahavestheed i-ecessary livable area to meet the Code, and that the buildings should either be brought up to Code or a Variance gra*:ted. He stated that a Tract to the East had been denfed a Variance by the Planning Commission for a livable area of less than 1350 square feet. He stated that these homes would devaluate their properties. Zmprovements, plus the added £ootage required would be necessary. He also suggested that shake roofs be installed. He questioned Mr. Coleman as to whether the subdivider would up-grade the dwell - ings. Mr. Coleman replied that the subdivider is financially un- able to change the roofs, and that the construction meets all of the specificat;ons of the City of Maheim. He stated there were two things that mi9ht be done: (1) possibly to build a block wall on the North side of the Tract; (2) to make one-half of the garage ~~~ath°= '-'oom which would be livable area and allow only a one-car garage which would then meet the City requirements for 1350 feet. tRr• E. 3. Sadd2eback, 2125 East Alden Street~ ~ appeared before the CommiSSion also protesting the granting of a Vgr7~ce ai-d-,thet the ent~~~beil: to minimum specifica- tions. Mr. Jack Baxen, a broker who is the Tract salesman, stated that he had sold 28 homes to people, no advertising and no sign advertisiag. Mr• Coolidge replied that these were selling because of the fine homes ad~acent to this Tract and requested that the Variance be denied because there was no possibility of aeeting the four findings that were necessary before the 9earedn9 of a Varianc?. Mr• Frank Downs and Mrs. Edward Murray app before the Commission and stated they each had purchased one of these homes, and wanted to move in at the earliest possible date. 1'HE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Thompson made a motion that Variance No. 1026 be granted. This motion died for want Commissioner Morr~is,sthatr Mauerhan made a motion, seconded by Variance No. 1026 be denied. After discussion, Commissioner Morris withdrew his second to the motion. Commissioner Thompson then made a moticm, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, that by Re- solution No. 45, Variance Na. 1026 be g:anted, but by the grant- ing of this Variance, it was to be understood that this does riot set a precedent. After this actlon, Mr. Cooledge requested that a Revi~w o: the Variance be nad by the City Council. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC I~ARING• PETITION submitt~d by ANGELO 3. SCAGLIONE~ 9102 N0. F-58-59-8 erty describedias being rnThe North 5racresuoftthe West 20eacres of the N^rth Half of the Northwest Quarter, EXCEPTING TEiEREFROM ~ the North 189.97 feet and the West 418.97 feet, Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. 8 M., County of Orange, State of California, and further described as 9102 Lincoln, be reclassified from C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL to R-3~ MULTIPLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. Mr. Scaglione appeared before the Commission and stated that ~;h;~p 3~_ of his orooerty was recently re~:lassified to C-1, -4- ~ ~ 1 ~I ~ / / ~,_.._.._.._.._~-- -~-c----- ; -~ ;.,~ ~ ~. ~~ - MINUTES REGULAR MEeTING CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SEPI'EMBER 8 1958 ~ RECL.ASSIFICATION - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, he has found that the rear ~oT~~~~mrt~ N0. F-58-59-8 property wouid be more suitable for MULTIPLE-FAMILY n~••°•--° (Continued) with the frontage alonn Lincoln remaining as C-1, NEIGi~ CONa7ERCIAL as originally rezon ed. This would give 3~im a~b of property 140 feet deep with a length of 242 feet. Nc ~e appeared in opposition to the reclassification. ?fiE ~~ CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commi=si-'^:= DuBois, it was moved tnat the Commissian raoomor.d +~ +~ ~.~ Council by Resolution No. 46 that Reclassificati~n No. ~-~8-~-~ be approved by the filing of suitable R-3 MULTIPL£-FAI~RIL`1 ~ restrictions and the installation of a 30-foot privat~ Tcad ~' ingress and egress from Lincoln Avenue on the East ~ide ~f ~ property. The vote on the above Resolution was as ~allaws= AYESs COMMISSIONERSs DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, ~s Surtuners, Mungall. NOESs. None. ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSs Thompson, A:lred. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submit~~.c••+ ~y WALI'ER H. and ~1'[Il~ ~- N0. F-58-59-7 ~neTSERrequesting1thatLtheapro~exiy describedCasi~e~~ '~ that certain real property situated in the County af ~s ~ of California, described as follows: The N i1~.~D i~ ~~~ 434 feet of the S-~ of the YY~ of the HF~ of the N£~} a~ ~e ~} ~ Section 28, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. 8 M. (Brewster ~perty~ ~~ ~ 77 feet of the ~ of the YV~ of the NF~ of the Section 28, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. ~ M. (Haxrison property~3 ~s Parcel 1. The S 209 feet of the ~ of the Y4} of the ~~~ NE~ of the SN'~ of Section 28, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. 8 M., ~ therefrom the South 77 feet. Parcel 2. An undivide~ 1J8D~ interest in and to a parcel of land described as ~a13~oasa ~e- ginning at the NE corner of the SW~ of the SE~ of t~e 1CNI~ ~ Section 28, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. g M. thence West 3~ ~~3 ~ South 20 feet; thence East 30 feet; thence North 2D ~ae'~t ~ 1l~a point of Beginning; (Syperda property)3 and further destrS~e~ as 11662, 11722~ and 11702 Loara Street, be reclassi~i~d ~x~ ~1s SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, to R-3, MUL?IPLE FAMILY ~fiT'T~'T'-°A- This reclassification was held over from the meeting a~ ~~s 1958 to obtain the signature of a fourth property awnex'3~ ~ffi$ area, namely Mr. Winslow. This now makes four prcpert3~~ ~ Loara Street having a frontage of approximately 434 ~ret al~cuJ Loara Street. No•one appeared in opposition to the ~raat~ ~' this Reclassification. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded ~y ~$~'~' ~ Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by Resolv~ion Nc• 47 ~~ ~' ; ~l~ssification No. F-58-59-7 be recoamiended to t3~e ~ity ~fl ; for approval, sub~ect tox ~ ~ 1. The filing of standard R-3 deed res~trict.ians co~ ~ Q~1~9 ~ of Anaheim. 2. Limiting any dwellings on the property ~o ane s~ ~- ~ height. 3. Deeding of 45 feet from the center line cf Lo~ara ~ to the City of Anaheim. 4. Improvements along Loara Street as raquired ~~~~P Engineer. ••5- . ^ ( I • ~ ~ ~ '~. ~ ~ ~.~~ `} ;~ ~ 1 ~ ~ t ~ MINUTES. REGULAR MEETING. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. SEPTEMBER 8. 1958. CONTINUEDt RECLASSIFICATION - The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: N0. F-56-59-7 (Continued) AYES: COMMISSIONERSs DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Mauerhan~ Swnmers, Mungall. NOT VOTING: COMMISSIONER: Thompson. RECLASSIFICATION - Due to the fact that an error was made in the advertising of the N0. F.58-59-9 parcels, the HEARING in this Reclassification will be held over until September 22, 1958, upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, • seconded by Commissioner Summc+rs and carried. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by EDWARD L. SHOEMAKER and N0. F-58-59-10 OSCAR W. LOUDERBACK, 9322 Weldon Drive, Garden Grove, California~ as Owners, requesting that the property described as beings Parcel 1s 1'hat portion of the Eas•t half of the SE~ of the SE~ of Section 7, Tounship 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meri- dian, described as follows: Beginning at the Scutheast corner of said Section 7 and running thence South 89° 34' 20" West 531 feet to the Center line of Kathryn Drive as shown on a map of Tract No. 1633, recorded in Bc~k 47, Page 50 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; thence I~orth 0^ 16' 10" West, along said center line, 325.50 feet to the center line of a 50 foot street, shown as Ranchito Street on the map of said ?ract No. 1633; thence North 89° 36' 20" East along the center line of said Ranchito Street 258 feet; thence North 78° 38' 32" East 50 feet to the most Southerly coyner of Lot 44 of said Tract No. 1633; thence North 78° 38' 32" East along the Southerly line o£ said Lot 44, 81.45 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 45 of said Tract No. 1633, thence North 89° 36' 20" East alcng the South line of said Lot 45, and the Easterly ~xtension thereof 144 feet to the East line of said Section 7; thence South 0~ lb' 10" East along sa3d East line 350.19 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPfING THERE- FROM the East 190 feet of the South 190 feet~ measured along the South line thereof, and SUBJECT TO easements and dedications of record for *oads and incidental purposes along the East 50 feet and the South 40 feet of said land, and along that portion of said land included within the lines of Kathryn Drive on the West and Ranchito Street on the North, and further described as the North Side of Lincoln between Brookt~urst and Kathryn Drive (Shoemaker and Louderback Property, Parcel #1). Parcel 2= Lots 1 and 2 of Tract No. 1633 in the County of Orange, State of California as per map recorded in Book 47, Page 50 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, andx ?hat portion of the East half of the SE:~ of the SE~ of Section 7, Township 4 South, Range 10 West in the Rancho San Juan Ca1on de Santa Ma, in the County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 51, Page 7 et seq of Miscellaneous Maps in She office of the County Recorder of said County more particula•rly described as followss Beginning at the Southwest corner of said East half and running thence North 0° 16' 20" West along the West line of said East half 120 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 of Tract Mo. 1633, as shown on a map ths~reaf recorded in Book 47~ Page 50, Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence 89° 36' 20" East along the South Line of said Lot 1 and the easterly extension thereof 129.27 feet to the center line of a 50 foot street snown on the map of said Tract; thence S~uth 0° 16' 10" East along said can~ter 13ne 120 feet to the South line of said Southeast Quarter, thence South 89° 36' 20" West 129.27 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO easements and dedica- tions of record for roads and incidental purposes along the ~outh 40 feet of said last described parcel, and along that portion of said land included within the iines of Kathryn Drive on the Esat~ and further doscribed as tho North Side of Lincoln between Kathryn Drive and Gilbert Street, be reclassified from Orange County C-1 to Anaheim C-3, iiEAVY COMiu~RCIAL, -6- ) / ...__.~.~__.___ _._.~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~Q~TiES, R~JIAR iIEETII~, CTiY PLANNING COMMISSION, SEPTEMBER 8, 1958, CONTINUED: ~I~T~AripN _~ese are properties at the_Northwest corner of Brookhurst Street 1~10. F-58-59-10 and Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Edward L. Shoemaker, 9322 Weldon Drive, (~~~) Garden Grove, California, apppeared before the Commission and stated that he believed the best use of his property would be for C-3, HEAVY CO~M~IERCIAL. He stated he had no specific uses in mind for the property at the present time, outside of the fact that it ~ras proposed to erect a nwnber of small storebuildings with adeqvate off-street parking, according to a plot plan presented. After dis- cussiom by the Comd,i.ssion as to why C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL wculd noi ne yrai~iea~ 2iec aN3iiCa7i. ey.-o2~ 11.V e~CBpt C°l~ N~T-~!'34RHOOD ~IAL. At the present time, it is expected that, wit~ the new proposed zoning ordinance, these properties will eventually be in the HIGHNfAY CONVNERCIAL classification, which is somewhat more liberal than our present C-1. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Comnissioner Summers, it was moved that by Resolution No.~Ty the Commission recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. F58-59-10 be approved for C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, sub~ect to: 1. The filing of standard C-1 deed restrictions of the City of Maheim. 2. ihe deeding to the City oF Maheim of 60 feet from a center line of Brookhurst Street. 3. The payment of 52.00 per front foot, or the filing of a bond for street lights. 4. That a 90-day limit be placed on the fuifulling of the above conditions. 5. That the reclassification be granted, sub~ect to the completion of annexation to the City of Anaheim. ihe vote on the above Resolution was as follows: {cYFSs (~OMINISSIONERSs DuBois, ~auer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. pBSENTs COII~tISSIONERa Allred. ~IJISSIPICp1ZON - PUBLZC f~ARING. PETTTION submitted by TWIN CITIES REALTY COMPANY, N0. F 58-59-11 as Owner, requesting that the property described as beirsgs The Ylest 1,063.85 feet of Lot 1 of the Joseph Fiscus subdivision, as sham on a Map recorded in Book 8, Page 74 of Miscelianeous Maps, records of Orange County, California. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion, if any, included in Tract No. 2637, and further described as South of Nfinston Road and West of Los Angeles Street, North of Midway Drive and East of Palm Street be reclassified from R-A, RESIDEI~2TIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. Due to the fact that the map presented for consideration with t:~is Reclassification was disapproved by the Engineering Committee, it aras amved by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner b4mga11 that the PUBLIC HEARING be set over until the meeting of September 22, 1958. R~T~I~IFICATIpN _ PUBLIC F~ARING. PETITION submitted by J.R SCHOLZ, as Owner, ND. F-58-59-12 %Leonard Smith, 125-D South Claudina Street, Maheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to ERECT A 2,000 SQUARE FOOT CONCItETE BLOL'K BUILDING and OPERATE A RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL BAR in the building; also to allow two SIGNS to be erected on the property descrfbed as Lot 231 of Tract No. 2377, in the City of Maheim, and furthar described as 819 South Euclid Avenue. The property is presently classified C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, and f± iF necessary to have a C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL classif3cat!ors :C+. .ti:° ~~tn L~°S ~7~ ; i w i ~ , 's ~ t i i ; ~~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~~g ~ r~cwnurrc~i~, SEPTEMBER 8, 1958. CONTINUEDs ~ _-~ ~~~t tFs~_Northwest corner of Brookhurst Street Np. g~~g.,~p ~~~_ NCr~ Edwax~ L. Shoemaker, 9322 Weldon Drive, (~~,) ~~, rmr~~*r*==r apppeared before the Commission and ~~ Fs~ 50~~ tf~ best use of his property would be for ~.~,~, ~ppp.v ~_ ~~tated he had no specific uses in mind g~ ~~.y,v ~t tii~ p=ese~ time, outside of the fact that it ,~ ~ t~ ~ct ~ m~m~er a£ small storebuildings with adaquats ~~.~, accard~ng to a plot plan presented. After dis- ~~ t&~ C~iau a~ to why C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL would ~ii 3~ ~„ ta,~ ~u~m a~~sd to accept C-:, TiCTPL1AQRllMil ~., 6~ tTi~ px~serct tia~, it is expected that, wit~s the new ~~~*~***~*~~ t&ese properties will eventually be in ~~~ clas~~ffcatian, which is somewhat more n„~,-.~n ~~~t C-L. 'IE3E HEARING WAS CLOSED. ~~~;~~ r.nmmT~Taner Nfauerhan, seconded by Commissioner ~• u~ w~ ~.a~ th~t J~y Resolution No.~T, the Commission ~~m t~ c~tv_c- Cavncil that Reclassification No. F58-59-10 8~ ~,m¢~ $~ ~ Lr N~ORI~OOD COIIM~ERCIAL~ sub3ect tos n_ 7~ ~ri,rg af ~tandard C-1 deed restrictions of the City a~ ~- ~,, ~~ing ta th~ City of Anaheim of 60 feet from a ~ L+z`~ af Broakhurst Street. ~„ '~ p~t af ~.0~ per front foot, or the filing of a &mn~ £~ ~t I£g'~s. 4L. II~ ~ 4Q-~~- Lfmft b~ placed on the fulfulling of the ~ c~t£aa~. ~„ 'ff~ tfs~ xecla~ffc~tion be granted, subject to the ~~a-r. af am~exat~an to the City of Maheim. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~xaa« HesaLut~on was as follows: ~~ IIuSuis, Gauer, Hapgaod, Mauerhan, Morris, ~„ TF~np~,. Msmgall. ~i- ~= ~IIred. ~ _ g~~ ~ a~rZTro-~t snbm~tted by TWII3 CII'IES REALTY COMPANY, 7~ ~~g..~},~ ~~m~„ ~g th~t ttz~ property described as being= The N~t Il„c~.,~.x f~t c£ LQt L of the Joseph Fiscus subdivision, as ~wm m~ m~ recar~f ia Hook 8, Page 74 of Miscellaneous Maps~ ..~.Y..,*r~ ~~ Ghurttgr California. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that ~„ ~'~n iacLude~ £a Tract No. 2637, and further described ~~¢~ y~tam HaarE an~ West of Los Mgeles Street, North of ~~~ F~t af F~La Street be reclassified from R-A, ~r ~L to K-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. ~ t~ ~£~ct: tFr~t tt~ mag presented for consideration with this - w~ ~sapprwed by the Engineering Committee, it ~ ~..,.,~,r? ~ ~~fen~r 14fanarhan, seconded by Commissioner p~Il ~ t~ PE~LI~' ~AftING be set over until the meeting of `,~' ~, L4~- ~ { ~ i E r f ~ ~` _ g~~ ~~rrrm-~r subm~tted by J.R SCHOLZ, 2s Owner, pp. g~~~ ~ S~Cfr„ P~-~ S~.tFi Glaudfna Street, Maheim, California, ~~ qc~n.t,. reqne~tfng permission to ERECT A 2,000 SQUARE ~II' ~~Lit'~C HIIILDINC: and OPERATE A RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL ~~~~..;,r~ ~a to allow two SIGNS to be eracted on the ~~~ Lat 23L of Tract No. 2377, in the City of ~~£~th~r descrived as 819 South Euclid Avenue. The ~~~s.tLg cfassified G-I, NEIGEBORHOOD C0~'~1ERCIAL, and ~ ffi~,tm ~rs~ ~ C-2, GENERAL OOMMERCIAL classifdcation $tar tffi~ ~ uste: -7- ~ ___' "-~~ ___"__" __" . '__ ,.. ~ ,: ! 4 .~~~: L..~ ~ '.~ MINU?ES, REGULAR MEETING, CITY PLANNING CONOJIISSION. S~~ ~. '1`~. ~ RECLASSIFICAiION - Mr. William Webb appeared 3'or lar~ Jr. ~. S~cIls x~+~mm ~ zest N0. F-58-59-12 aurant and cocktail bar on Souii~ ~ucl~ci ~ araa 4~ t~ (Continued) there would be seating cap~ci~ ~~or d~4 ~mgade 5m'1~ ~4 =oa~ oE this restaurant. He also siated t~a2 a~as''~ ~adiae~g ~eQ denied by the City Council yviz::. ±~e ~~s~ it~a~ ~g ~le €ar ~ Reclassification. il~ HEARING 3iVA: ~. Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, ~~g ~ 1,7ye.~~t+pA~ anei ~@rri~±ri~ it w~C 7I~Pv2S7 ~~'~ ~~ _ to theYCity Coun,il by Resolvtian No- ~, ~~'~~~~'~' No. F-58-59-12 be approved for C-2, ~~il- ~Z, ~~~~ to the plans presented. ?he vate an ~ a3mv~ ~s.roIla~~ a~ ~ follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs DuBois, 3ia~gnDd, ~s ~r~exs, ~., Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Mauerhan and ~n*~^4- ABSENT: COMMISSIONER: Allred. FiECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PEI'ITION su~itt~r] 3~ ~~?~ ~°s N0. F-58-59-13 1022 South La Cienega Bouleyard, 7~s ~n~Il~s 3~, ~~'^-~"=.- ~s Owner, requesting permission ~D D~AT~ ~A ~T~~ 3~ am t~e property described as= That ~ost3~ ~ ~ ~aaF ~ ~ ~ Section 12, T4S, ?~lOW, in the ~anr3ic S~ ~a~an ¢~x~ me ~ i&~~ County o. Oran9e, State ~~ ~33F^r^..~=, = ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ on a map filed in Book 51, Page 3D ~F ~+~aa.,. •-.._ ~, ~~ office af the County Recorder af sai~d ~q, ~sa^=3a~n~7 as ~ea.s= Beginning at the interseciion a~ ?3~ -Ye~ 13s~ mff s~,5~ 3Lt~?`.i~ the center line of Anaheim-Dliv~ $car] a3 ~~ msm3 ~- cordec in Book 275, Page BB o~ derrls, ~~s a,ff ~~ thence South 0° 11' 45° 1Nest, a3a~g ~~ 1~ ~ s~nr3 ~, said West line also being the i~ent~a 1~ m~' ~t~ ~+~e, 272.50 feet3 thence South 89° 48" l~• ~ Ea1D.mD ~ 4~ ~ es~ . Point of Beginning; thence ~out~ 89' 48' ~" ~ H~-5~ ~ No~th 0° 11' 45" East pazalls3 ~#~ ~~^~ ~~~~ Avenue; 223.74 feet more or less ~a ~~~ ~m ~e ~ P#~ o£ Maheim-Olive Road; thence Nort~ ~8' ~2'2b~ Eies't ~]'i~ s~i ~ line of Anaheim-Olive Road 54.f~b ~~, ~ ma'3~ss ~ a p~ distant thereon South 78° 32' 2b' £~s~ 2d~2.~D ff~ ~~mm ~~~ :: section of the West line of sair7 N~; ~ Smm~ ~°' ~a~ ~9' F~s~ ; 134.85 feet; thence parallei wit~ sa3~ ~~s' 1"naae m~F ~~ =- Olive Road North 78° 52' 26° ~Iles~ ~ a~~ a~+ a B~me ~el with the said center line ef ~lar.~t3.~ ~~~9 ~ ; the True Point of Beginning; ~henrx a~l~ sa3d ~~a~~ lise, Saat~ 0° 11' 45" West to the Srue ~aia~ ~~, ~ giee'.~C ~eC ' as 2008 Anaheim-Olive Road. 2ise ~ra~essy ~s ~~ '~--` ~~ C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMEACIAL, and 3~ is ~~g ~m Bs~o` a G2s GENERAL CONaAERCIAL classifica~ian ~~z ~ ~ ~e- f Mr. G1ass appeared before ?.i~e C~s~~^ aad s~ ~ a'~~'° - for a restaurant and cocktaii 3~ar a~ ~~~~ i Center had been recently deni~d ~nd ~aY ~~~3a~ ~~e C~~T Council ~o ask for a Reclassi~ir.at3~. ~e ~r ~~ ap~asF i tion to the gran4ireg o£ the i etia~-i~~'-~ ~.- ~~'~ CLOSED. ` i Upon a motion by Commissinner fhors3s, ~ B~g m+*~+~~~' ; Thompson, and carried, it zvas mos~r] ~y ~1~ ~. ~9, ~ tlar Commission recommend to the Ci~ ~3 ~~ ~*'~"~~^'s ~- + F-58-59-13 be approved for C-z zanin~ ~xsd ~ i~ ~~ bar be erected in accordance ~rit~ ~fie ~flam ~- ~e a~te ~ the above Resolution was as ~a33~vsa -B- _.... . --.... .,._.. _.~~------_ _.._.. - - . _..___ _ _ -- -- ,~ ~ --- ~ I f ! ~ i t ~ ~ I i ' ~. ~ ~ ~~ MINUTES: REGUI,pR MEETING. CITY PI,i~NNING ~OMMISSTONL SEPTEMBER 8, 1958. CONTINUED: RECLASSIFICATION - AYES: CON~NISSIONERSs DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Sudmners, N0. F-58-59-13 Thompson, mungall. (Continued) NOESs COMMISSIONERa Mauerhan. ABSENT: COMMISSIONER: Allred. COUNTY - This concerned a Trailer Park located at the Northeast corner of USE VARIANCE Sunkist Street and La Palma Avenue. Uoon a motion hv f`.nmml~gt~~e: NG. 4041 Mauerhan, seconded b~~ Commissioner Thompson, and carried, it was AMENDED moved that the Commission recommend to tlie County Planrtng Com- mission that Use Veriance No. 4041 be ap,:roved with the conditions as set forth from No. 1 to 9 inclusive. SIGNS - The balance of the meeting was taksn up with the consideration of signs and sizes to be considered under the new proposed zoning ordinance. Tentative sizes were considered and adapted for each zone, these to be incorporated in the ordinance by Mr, Hardy. The meeting adjourned at 5:58 0'Clock P.M. Respectfu itted, R. . ALL~ S E ARY TO THE SION -9- ~ ~___.__._......_ . _~ _ _ _ _ - -.. _. _ _._ _-------....--..__._._.___~_____..~. ~ ~ ~ ~