Minutes-PC 1958/12/01~c ~ ~ ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim, California December 1, 1958 RHGULAR MBB'TING OP THS CITY PIANNING COMMISSION REGUTAR MBBTING - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2:04 0'Clock P.M, by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present. pRH3BNT - CHAIRMAN .rJAUBR; COMMISSIONSRS: DuBois, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. Commissioner Allr:d entered the meeting at 2:15 0'Clock P.M. Commissioner Morris entered the meeting at 2;25 0'Ciock P.M. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2:55 0'CloCk P.M. MIN[TrBS - The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 17, 1958 were approved as printed. ABCLA3SIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by STHLLA BRINDLSY, 11171 Ord N0. F-58-59-33 • Way, Garden Grove, California, as Owner, C. J. Brindley, 11171 Ord Way, Garden Grove, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being: The North ~ of the SH~ of the NW~ of the SW~ of Section 28, T4S, R10W, in the Rancho Las Bolsas, City of.Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as said Section is shown on a map recorded in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maos in the office of the county recorder of said county; BXCBPT the South 132,00 feet thereof. Also except the Sast 370.00 feet thereof, and further described as the end of Della Lane, between Huclid and Orangewood, be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDHNTTAT. AGRICULTURAL to R-1, SINGLE PAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL. This reclassification was held over from the meeting of Novemher 17, 1958 for the presentation of a Tentative Map. The applicant appeared at this meeting and presented street improvement plans; showing the extension of Della Lane to the north end of his pro~.- erty, showing that four lots wouid be cut from the property. These street improvement plans were sati.sfactory to the City Bn- gineering Department; therefore, upon a. motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Allrrea :nd carried, it was moved by Resolution ra. 108, Series 1958-59, that Reclassification No. P-58-59-33 be recommended to the City Councii, changing the property from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL, and be subject to the street improvement plans filed. The vote on the above Resolution was as foliows: AYHS: COMMISSIONBRS: Ailred, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: None. ABSBNT: COhA1ISSI0NBRS: Hapgood, Morris. RECIASSiFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by BVBRSITB C. & ANITA M. NO. F-58-59-36 PARNSWORTH, 1212 B. Union, Pullerton, California, as Oxmer, San Vicente Huiiders, Inc., 121 'r. 'riaceniia Avenue, iuiai~ci~n, Caiif- ~ ornia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being, Parcel 1: The Bast 70.00 feet of the West 202.00 feet ~ of the Bast haif of the North haif of the North half of the NW~ of the NW~ of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as said section is shown on a map recorded in Hook 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said countq. IDLCBPT the North 180.00 feet thereo~. Parcei 2: The Bast 70.00 feet of the West ~72.00 -1- _____...--------.._._.._._.__.._------------_---•- • ~ _ .----- --r------ ' dL--.. _ ~~ ~ . ~ s i ~ I ~ 1 ~~ J ~~ ~ ~ ~. p , ~ -.m.,..,~,.:._ . . ~._ ........-ams.~r_. _.+-,-ve_~-u•.r.-y.> _..._ .. .. . _ ~ _ .. ~F...__ _ _. . ~ ~ ~ C044ISS30N - D~BR 1 1958 - CONTINUBD ~ ~~~ ~ - ~ETY YIAN~iII~r ~~~~~ -€Eet ef the East half of the North haif of the North half of the ~_ ~.g~~~ ~W[~ cf the I~t} of Section 12, Township 4 3outh, Range 10 Wes#, Q~y ~ t~ gaa~ho gaa Juan Cajon de Saata Ana, City of Anaheim, ~tg cf Oraage, State of California, as said section is shown ; om a ma~t recorded i.,n Book S1, Pag° 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in ~, tfie Office of the Conncy Recorder ~f said county. ~CCBPT the ~ 1lnrtlz I80.00 feet thereof, and further described as North side cE gedrood i}rive East of P2acentia Avenue, be reclassified from ; grg, gggI~IAL ACdtICULTURAL to R-S, SINGLB PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. 7~s =eclassification was heid over fron the meeting of November ld be done with a 36-foot-long strip of } IlZ, I45S, to see a~at cou ~ that ~ras ieft out of the propertp. No one appeared for the ~ ~ ~pgii~-aat, aad no disposition has been made of this lot, so, upon , i a mntioa bp Ca~mis.+=oner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner ~Iaaa.and cazried. it was moved that Reclassi.fication No. P- °~ 58-99-36 be ~Seid ~ver until the meetiag of De.^.p:ber 15, 1958. l ~- pifRTTC ggARIIVC',. pSfITION submitie~: by JOHN' H. KINNBY JR. & IDA ~ :, ~_ ~gg~~~ ~~Y, 2006 {fictoria L-rive, Santa.An.a, California, as Owners described a3 being Lots 1, 2, 3, ert ro t the h j ~ y p p a yeqneyting t Bioc~ 1, Tr.act Fo. 414 as per mag recorded in Book 16, aa~ 4 ; , Misceilaneous Maps, records :.i Orange County, California, gage Z ~ ' , a~ further described as 144± S_ i.or~ aageles Street, be reclass- i£ied fsom R-A, RESIDBNfIA,L A'3tICUL'fURAL <with County M-1 Var- s ~~„~} to M-1, LI(~f iNANUFACTI,.'?8. ~ g gi~ep appeazed before the Commission on this reclassification b~r ~ , ydsich ~ras held over from the meeting of November 17, 1958, to ~ d,~t~tiRltSA the ezteat of right-of-way and street improvements to y ~ 1~~ed. Mr. ginney•advised that he had discussed the matter ~ rit~ the City Engineer and a satisfactory agreement had been ~ ~ it rras suggested that Mr. Rinney contact the City Bn- r~hed ; . and bring him back into the meeting to discuss the matter. ~ineez ~ , Lianep did come bact into the meeting later in the afternom ~r i ro . n, yrzthout the City Bngiaeer. but did not briag up the matter aga ~.. sm tuat thie reclassification wili auto!natically be held aver ~ ~tii the meeting of December 15, 1958. i ; G?c~~~nBfL 'I ~ _ p~IC AFAgIP1G, pBTITiON submitted by JOHN SIMONB. 977I Harriet requesting permission to e L d ; ~ ~ ~Q ~_ ~-~5~ , esse Laa~, gnaheim, California, as laad a heiico~ter for the purpose of takiag people on sight~seeing ! ~ oa the property described as Aii that certain real property r=d~s i , ~~t~d in the ganche Los Coyotes, in the City of Anaheim, The S~} of d ib as: e Ce~ty of Orange. State ~af California, descr t~e g~ af the SB} of the 38~ of Section li, T4S, R11W, S.B.B.& M. ~G T~REfR~! that portion of said land included within tion of the H+~ of the SH~ of the SB~ of h t por a t~e gAiioring: T T4S, Rlilil. S.B.B,& M., included within a strip of gectinn ii , Iaad IIO feet 9ride, lying 55 feet on each side of the following descrihed ceater line: Beginning at the SB corner of said Section ; (the Nest line of Section 13 of said Township and Range, bears TI ~ 1 , Soatis 0° 09` 50" Bast from said SB corner); thence along the Bast ~ T~fno aE said Section 11, Csaid Bast liae being also the center ide as declared by Action of the ~ Tinr of Staaton Avenue~ 60 feet w " F West, a Board of Snpervisors of said Couaty), No,.th 0° 11' 10 ..~~w~re nnI`GVP ' ~i noriucriy nivu6 a....-.- ~--- distaace of 61~.23 feet ; taence isst described course and having a th t , e o ifesteriy, taageat Fadias of 2527.00 feet, through an aaBle of 19~ 58' S0", an arc ' distance of 881.23 feet, aad further described as the NW corner ~ ~ T~nSOia and Stantoa Avenue. The property is presently class- afied R-A. RBSIDBNTIAL A(~tICULTLQtAL. ~, Ms_ Joha gimone appeared before the Commission regarding per- t the Northwest corner of Lincoln I , ~ion to 7~aa3 a helicopte,c a es for the propose of taking people on sight- A ~ vean ~ gtantoa 1 ~ _2_ i. ~ - • __.~~ - --- --- ------------ ~~ ~ i .i ~. ._.__ t-- _.. . . . . . ' _____ . 1 ,_ ~~•,-n-~,.-~.=:-~~,::,..~. _ - .. _. _-- '~`-. _ • ~ ~ ~ '~ . ~~ ~ RfiGUlAR MBErING - ~i~t ~' ~S~ - ~ f. I958 - CONTINUED SPfG/A L 66?FBi4'~6I~ USS - seesag r3~es_ ~~~t~a aras auraved fra~ the Civil Aeron¢atics PBRMIT N0. 2-~~ A'*+~~T~r~am ~aonalS $ ff~p ~~~ ~ provision that (Continued) no f3ights ~e ~ m~s c~gested areas at Iess than 500- ioos a3ti~ne_ ~r_ SA~ ~~t ~ e is a~se~ uea on the si~ and 1~att am s~'~@a~L area aalE 6e 62acktopped for off- s~r~e# ~ar~_ 3ie, ~ s~c~em ia uppo~tioa to the granting of t3~e ~trmitt_ '1~ ~ W~S ~E414~~_ Dpoa $ moraam ~y ¢'~~~~s ~s, secoffied bp Commissioner ~~~ ~+-9*-+*w~, att rras ~ Isg gcsolatioa No. 109, Series 1q3~39„ ~ar s t~~fila~fl ffs~ Ptrmit 6e iss¢ed for the taking of peapl~ ¢m ~~_ a~~ ~eC-~s r?des. aad snbject to the enclosiag o~ y~e -~amg aze~ r~tin a 3Q~` ~cire mesFc fance, and the fur~er sti~n3attnmm m'has ma ~Smes 6e storEd on the premises tivhen fligh~s az+e m~ ~sag ~cte~- VARIANCB N0. 1057 - FITSL~C ~_ ~~ sat5~~ted ~F D~.S_ P_ G. COLIVE) HARLQN, 490~I iV_ ]3~*h ~~aae, ~c, ~e?s€ozaia, parchasing under cm- tract, *+P~~ ~ ~ °~'~TMr4~' ~ operate a BBAUTY gg~ ia t~e ~aragt mmd tt~ ~¢ aa aaTzg[tted SI(~ oa the properiy descri~e3 as H~ ~3 ~Ef '8+r~clt So_ ~42, ia the Gitg of Anaheim, as sha~ mm a ffiap 4~taem~ aec~~d ia Hoo1~ 56, Pages I6, 17, aad ' lg, ay,sce13a~ams ~~ se¢~3'S oE sxid Qraage Couaty, aad f ur- ~~ ,~-~$ $s ~SID gg~~g $~e_ ~Ire property is presentiy tlassi#'is3 ~ 3, rra'a~~am g~gg ~. SSr~_ ~_ S_ ~°.~r ~s--°-="~°~e-e ~ c-`~*:`ate~ aIId gtated thaY sbe 9sas a~mgDc-saiEg ~F._.F.~s wdrich was used as a model by ~e su~dis~ss aa3 mm~ ns Ea~ted ia the midst of muitiple f~ao ~aa~a~ ~, m---~ ~ae_ ~se stated that she desires #o apea a~s ~s~ ~='r Ba-~ge e€ f~ ~oa~, wfaic6 wouSd ~nable 3~er 1~ ~~l raze ftes t~ree daaghters at home. which she ~an3.~ aat ~ 3g ~ B~i tt~ rec~ ia toru. Nio oae appeared ia rn+posititm ~~~a~ag a~ S~ ~. T~8 HHARING WA5 CI.OS~i. ~ a~,rs~ ~ a~ tls~t tIK apF2icatioa by denied. ~118 mDt1'~ ~7.G~ ~~'I' 9~'II!t @~ 2 ~~ _ ~ ~ ~rtsro . ~~M`~ 1 i.R.w.~crd ~~91~ Comm,ss~mmes ~33srt3 a~e a macaaoa~tIr~t Rarfaace No. IQST be ap- prcye~ 3~+y ~rsm3ant~ ~. SPG@~ ~S f458-S4, permitting the appl3zaat ~~~ a b~y s~o~ aa tlre gcopesty, with a aign 2 fect '~by 4~eeit~ xa~ 4~oe accti~ o€ : fe~ separatiag bots SD aa3 51, aaff ffmst~es ae~~ag t~st t~e psrEfag uea be black- toppefl, ~ff ffima3Il9. ~.8~~ ~~~~S pf another garage ~,rit3i3a a ~er3ffi a$ cme ~e~sc- VARIANCS N0. 1058 -~IIDI.YC ~.~_ ~~~ ~F 3~ T• ~~s. SOS Gain ~trKt, am+~•+ ,~^ f~affmamaa, as ilrxeer. regaeat~ng Permissioa to 14AI9~ ~~~ E~ ffi~ AIiD COI~iSTRUCT A SIX- ppp2 ~~ ~'y~g y~ 4~ S~R~Cg, aoe tIae pzoperty described as 3At 35, 'Y=a~tt Zi98, az~ £~C~ ~ihed as 305 Gain Street. ~ ~raper3iy is ~fl~ cBsssa£iea ~F, ~H FA6[ILY RBSIDHNTIAL. JAr. ~ames 3'_ 39ssis ag~aSecII ~e€are tEne r~*«*oa and stated t.3,at }~e ~e~~ ~a ~ a~-East via.fl~ ~t to the sidewaik on 8ovea ~~e t~ •~,-a~• 1~e ~ssce gs.-'d af ~is ho~e. The erey-ti~a a:~ sar~ a~Il ~.IlS yasit a6strmci t~e vieai at this corner aad ~eii; giy= ~~s~~ tm ~fafi~ ~er~ice arca. No one appeared ia appes"s>~imm ~+.~oe ~ cff t~e ~-*';^se, affi most of his' neighbers s~g~ae~l 3~rg 1t9Oeis ~ag of tI[e petitica that they ~ere ia ~avra m~ ~ ltmc ~srssmoe. T@I: &F~ABING WAS CL0.SBD. IIpoa a~4i~ my O~ssa~ ~~ seaended bp Commissioaer l~mga33 affi ~asr~, a1t ~as ~ed Itg Be~2atioa No. 125, Series 3~38-33~ ~att ~asa~e ~_ 14~s Txe s~soved, s~bject to the bn,a~ 99ro ~$ ~~i3? a*~ ~+r wmth t,Iae plat pian gresented. ., i -3- ----------- ----- ~ ~ RHGUTAR MBBTING - CITY PLANNING CONA9ISSIQN - DB~~t' VARIANCB N0. 1059 - PUBLIC }~AItING. PETITION submitte~ $y T'~~ ~~- ATION, 408 South Atchison Street,.~a~„ ~~^~ ~~~ requesting permission to OPBRAT$.~l ~[~ ~~ ~ ?LANT on the property describefl $s:Lv#~ yi„ ~„ ffi~, ~„ IID„ IlII., ~ 12 in Block G. of Hotel de2 ~xmp ~„ ~~S ~mm ~~~~ in Book 24 ~ Pages 69 and 70 of ~Mi~s~~~~~1tfz H~ ~ II~ ~Z es Gounty, California. BXC~TG fi~RDli ~[~ ~~s £~t„ as conveyed by Bernard Dauser and ~~., ~~¢5ti8~ aff ~ by deed recorded May 20, 1431 in ~nuk ~„ ~~~~., £a~' the purpose of wideaing Atc~son ~et„ ~ad ~va~ ~~ 408 S. Atchison Street. 1he prvpert3~~ ~~q ~ M-1, LIGHT ~fANUPACTURH. Mr, Steve Gallagher appeared befare ~ae ~ a a~ ative of the Imperial Packing Coxp~~*+~, ~~.~ ~t Anaheim, California, aad stafe3 that ~1~ y3a~s ~q a~ zoned as M-1, that the Code does aot ~M~~+~ ~~~8 freezing of citrus juices; but ~here ~~s*~^~+~ ~ mm tI~ immediate vicinity doing this t.y~e n~'~'~ ~~.. Mr. N. J. Winkler, ss Pres3.nen# a~ ~e ~~*^+~~ ~ 4~g~ ation, also appeared before fhe C^*~+^~~~* ~1 ~H ~ t~C' are spending $50,000 to $100,DD0 in ~ ~ ~ ~ plant and that they would like fa ~dr~ ~~~ cattle feed at this plant, usiag nn7.:r ~~h a gzae=s~ at this plant. He stated that they 3~ ~~~a~~TM"'~ ments in the equipment for dehyrlr.e~~ ~~, ~~ the operation is aott odorless and ~mok~l~i ~ tEtt~t t~t+ cE~' ~ work, they intended to spend $.i,DDD tn ~'7.,3DD fi~ ~ to the present dehydrater. 3ie ~3 ~e3~ ~TL$n ~ ttn ~ f rozen f oods such as canned lnea# ~. ~~3s~ ~~~~ operated on a year-round basis_ Slo ~ae ~ mm m~ to the granting of the Vaziance.. Ti~ ~~~-cm~n ' Upon a motion bq Commissioner Thompsffi ~esam3~d giy ~ Morris and carried, it was moved 3ry ~~~++*~~^^ ~o.. IlII~„ ~ ~ 1958-59, thaf Variance No. 1D39 ~e ~~ ~I~ttfm t3~ repair of any curbing on Atch3aon :~t S-hst m~c9 @~ ~9f'- VARIANCx NQ. 106~ - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitt~d ~ 3~ ~N~, T/IlIl ~ Stanton Boulevard, Anaheim, .Ca13~~.. ~i~ ua~s ^^^-+~^~'-Y"'',. requesting permission to WAIV~ JYIIHII~M 3t-1 IIta S9~Il'H PROM 70 PBflT TO 67 FHRT on the pr~~y ~~ ffi~ ff~ aff the N~ of the W~ of the ~i} ~~e ~~~~„ mm~, R11W, in the Aancho Los Coqotes,~Coss~~y ~~„ ~ aff California, as shown on a map ther~'~ gn ~~II,. Fag~ 11, Miscellaneous Maps, secor~ ~ aa~ ~ Qt~a~pq„ ~~- ther described as the Souih side n~ ~ra~l~~+q ~D" ~t a& D~.. The property is preaently classi~3~3 3t-1,,, ~~.. Mr. A. R. McDaniels appeared ~~e 3~ Q~rd~ ~~ ative of the Owner, Thomas ~ithr 3~ ~~~t~9 ~~ questing this Variance for fi8_~-~'aat an3 3i7~:amtt ff~ ~ shown in Tract No. 2753. ~ese 1~t~ ~a13 ~au~ mm~~a of 136 feet, which will make ~.sa11?y :.:~ aff tS~ ~~~E- feet and more. Mrs. Kenneth Spaulding, 8522 ~ast ~„ ~ ~ ~ Commission objecting to the v++~R*+~„ ~d ~ t~tt ~~n~~ these lots should have a mi*+~*~~++~ n~' 7DB-~~t ~„ ~~ protesting the granting of the ~ um1~ a a3~a-Il~C €~ was erected along the east bouadar3~ a~ ~~d'II~„ tfm ~ their orange grove. She state3 fhst ~~~~~~. THH HBARING WAS CIASHD. Upon a motioa by Commissiones ~~~1q ~~~ Mau2rhan and carried, it was ~oFed ~~ S~a. IlII~„ ~ 1958-59~ thgt yar~ayrg No. 1~J6D 3~ ~r~d ffm¢' ~~~ ISalt frontages from 70 feet as reqms~3 ~~o~3e ttn a~um af ~Tl £~t~ -4- ~ -.~~---~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~y: RBGULAR MBSTING - CITY P7ANNING CQD4dISSION - DBCBMBBR 1, 1958 - CONTINUBD TBNTATIVB MAP OP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 2755 was preseated to the Commissioa. 1RACT N0. 2755 Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner DuBois and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2755 be approved, subject to: 1. That Shields Drive be changed from 60' to 64~. 2, That pertinent plot and buiiding plana be subsitted to tt:e City Couacil for review. 3. Thar should thia subdivision be developed as more thaa one s;tbdivision, each succeasive subdivision thereof shall L° aubmitted in teatative form for approval. RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC I~ARING. PBTiTION submitted by VANDRUPP BUILDHRS, INC., N0. F-58-59-38 8021 B. Rome Avenue~ Anaheim, Califoraia, as Ormer, requestiag *hat the property described a,s being: That portion of tbe iVest 152.50 feet of the B+~ of the W+~ of 4he SB~ of the SHl} of Sec4ion 14~ T4S~ R11W~ ia the Rancho Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, Couaty of Orange, State of Califoraia, as said section is shrnva on a map recorded in Book S1, Page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, iying soutt.erly of the southerly line of Lots 23 and 24 of Tract No. 283~, as per map recorded in Book 85, Pages 9 to 15 inclusive of Misceilan- eous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, and further described as North side of Baii Road between Niestern and I{nott Avenue, be reclassified from R-A, RSSIDBNTIAL AQtI- CULTURAL, to ~1, NHIGHBORHOOD CQMMSRCIAL. Mr. Vandruff, the appiicant, appeared before the Commission and stated that the dev..lopment of this property would possibiy be to erec*. a building for a Real Bstate Office and a Television Repair Service. Mrs. J. W. Yuquay, 7362 Bali Road, and Mr. Paul H. Pletz. 7342 Ball Road, appeared before the Commission in favor of granting the reclassification, and presented a petition signed by 13 pioperty owners in the area favoriag the granting of the re- classification, A message was received from Mr, and Mrs. D. W. ,ucGriffin, 7321 Deerwood Drive~ stating that they could not attend the meeting but wished to express their opposition to Reclassification No. F-58-59-3t3. THH HHARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon a atotioa by Commissioner Morris, seconded bq Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that Reclassificatioa No. F- 58-59-38 be denied by Resolution No. 114, Series 1958-59. It was the contention of certain members of the Commission that a deniai of this reclaesification should not be made untii further study was given to the area. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYES: CQDiMiSSiONBRS: Ailred, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Surmners. NOBS: COMMISSIONffitS: Hapgood, Thompson, Mungall. ABSENT: None. RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HBA1tTNG. PBTITION submitted by GOSPBL QtUSADffitS ( A Corp- N0. F-58-59-40 oration), 9102 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner; E. T. Jenkias, 9082 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Author- ized Agent, requesting that the pxoperty described as beiag: The H~ of the W} of the NW~ of the SYl~ of Section 18, T4S; H10ri, S.B.B.& M, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, County af Orange, Sta:e af California. BXCSPT THBRBPROM the 3outh 782.29 feet thereof. Also except fsny portion thereof inciuded within Tract No. 2062, as shown on a Map recorded in Hook 72, Pages 3 and 4 of Miscel- -5- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S ~ I RHGULAR MB1iTING - CITY PIANNING CG~IMISSION - DBCBMBBR 1. 1958 - CONTINUSD RBCIASSIPICATION' - laneous Maps, records of Orange County,California. Also except N0. F-58-59-40 therefrom the Northerly 226.30 feet of the Easterly 299.0 feet, (Continued) and further described as the West side of Velare Street between Orange Avenue and Clearbrook Lane be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL AC3RICULTURAL To R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL. Mx, B, T. Jenkins, 9082 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Califurnia, as Authorized Agent for the Gospel Crusaders appeared before the Commission and stated that the proposed R-3 reclassification would serve as a buffer between the single-family dwellings on the east and the Presbyterian Church or. the west. He further stated that the south is still in R-A, consisting of chicken farms and property with horses etc., at the present time. A representative of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church appeared be- fore the Commission and stated that while they were not opposing the R-3 development, they felt that a two-story development in a one-story area was not realistic. TH8 HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner Mungali, it was moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council by Resolution No. 116, Series 1958-59, that Reclassifica- tion No. P-58-59-40, changing the subject property from R-A, RESIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAI. to R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL, be approved, subject to: 1. The dedication of right-of-way on Velare Street. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all im- provements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer. 3. The payment of $2,00 per front foot for street lightiag purposes. 4, That a 90-day time limit be set for the completion of all requirements. The vote on the above re~olution was as follows: AYBS; COMh1ISSI0NHRS: Allred, NOHS: COMMI3SIONBRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. This motion was lost. A Motion was then made by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commission- er Hapgood, that the Coounission recommend to the City Councii by Resolution No. 116, Series 1958-59 that the subject property be reclassified fr,~m R-A to R-3, with the additional stipulation that R-3 standard Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim be imposed upon the property. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYHS: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, N.orris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. IVOES; COMAfISSION'cZiS: Alired. ABSBNT: None. -6- ~ ~ i ~ ~ ? ~ ;~ _~ ~_~~ % ~--.. ,_ . _ . . .___... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~~tnstt ~LI~ - CITY PLANNING COh4~SISSION - DBCBMBBR 1 1958 - CONTINUSD a~~r, na.aar~reQ~r[pPF - PUSLIC f~ARING. PBTITION submitted by KStVNBTH NAGHL and ffi~lD9A ~ g.,~~~q~Y QWEN NAGBL, 950 Laguna Road, Pasadena, Ca'.~ifornia, as Owners, Stephea P. Gallagher, California Bank Bui~lding, Anaheim, Calif- ornia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property de- scribed as being: That portion of Lot 13 of Anaheim Bxtension, ia the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as per map made by William Hamei and filed in the office of the couatq zecorder.of Los Angeles County, California, described as foiiows: Beginning in the cent~r of Santa Ana Street extended at a poiat 18.35 chains Basterly crom East Btreet; thence Hasterly along said center line of Santa Ana Street 6 chains; thence Southerly parallei to Bast Street 25 chains; thence West- erlp 6 chains on the middly line of South Street; thence North- eriq par$ilei to Sast Street 25 chains to the point of beginning. ggggRVING Tf~RHPROM 'the portion now occupied by Santa Ana and South Streets, and further described as 1416 B. Santa Ana Street, be seclassified from R-0, RBSIDBNTIAL SUBURBAN, to R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL. Mr. Steve Gallagher, representing the appiicants, &enneth and Bmma Nagel, appeared before the Commission, and stated that the R-O zone as presently established requires a frontage of 90 feet with an area of 10,000 square feet per lot, and a minimum house size of 2,000 s4uare feet. From figures obtained by him, he stated that the homes in the present R 0 zone contain from 1,264 squaze feet to 1930 square feet, or an average of 1,400 square feet. He also stated that very few of the lots contained 10,000 square feet and that the frontages of the lots range from 65.42 feet to 110 feet, so that the area does not constitute a true A-0 zone as defined by the present Code. Mr, Arval Morris, 1400 Hast Santa Ana Street, appeared before the Commission and stated ~hat he and his brothers developed Tract 1468, but at that time it was not zoned as R-0, but they did put this tract into large lots with Deed Restrictions limit- ing the size of, homes to :~SO square feet of livable area. Later oa, Doyle aa~ Shields wantec~ to develop Tract 1696 to the south with 6,00~ foot lots and smali homes, and this reqnest was denied and in February, 1953, the property owners in Tract 1468 requested the Reclassification of this area to R-0, SUBURBAN RBSIDENTIAL. Tract 1696 was later developed with custom-built individual homes. He also stated that he believed that this was zoned for R-0 in order that homes couid ba built that would be a credit to the City. Most of the people in the area have $20,090 to $30,000 invested in their homes. Mr. Carl Radke, 606 Live Oak Street, appeared before the Commission and stated that a petition had been presented containing 1Q6 names of property owners in the area, based on the following rFasons.: 1. Anaheim is in need of areas for the construction of better homes. The Nagel property is adjacent to an area of better homes, and should be maintained R-0 to further develop the entire area in better homes. 2, Property valuations in this area wiil drop considerably ~; ::i~ ...,.._ ~;;~.,,.e _.. ~ade. r.g ..e,. . ~~ ~` I 3, There are R-1 homes available in the immediate area to take care of the demand. Mrs. G. W. Bhrie, 552 Sherwood Drive, appeared before the Commission and stated that they have 2300 square feet in th?ir home and that their neighbors have 2000 square feet in their homes, and that assurarices have been made that this area wouid remain as R-0 as it contains the nicest streets in the City. _~_ ; 1 ~ t ~ i / _ - - - - - -- -------___ - - ----- --- -•--- __. _._ _ __._T_.. -' ~ ~ t~ - - --__ _ __ _ _ _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. E R$~UTAR MBBTING - CITY PfANNING CCY~AfISSION - DBCBMBBR 1, 1958 - CONTINUHD RBCIAS~IPICATION - Mr. Steve Gallagher again appeared before the Commission and N0. P-So-59-41 stated that he had not purposely made any misrepresentations and (Continued) that the requirements were different at the time that Morris developed his property and the present time. He further stated that the present R-1 restriction of 1225 square feet of livable floor area could be modified. Mrs. Maybeile Spencer~ 544 Sherwuc;.i Drive, appeared before the Commission and stated that their property backed up to an orange grove at the present time, and it should be kept as R-0. •• THH HBARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, it was moved that Reclassification No. F-58-59-41 be denied. A discussion on this motion by the Commission followed, It was pointed out that the property under consideration would have to be up-graded if left ia the R-O zone, beyond that in the tracts to the west. due to the present Code requirements, and that this did not appear to be fair to the owners of the subject property. This motion was withdrawn after the discussion, and then a motion was made by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commis- sioner Thompson that the Commission recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-58-59-41 be recommended for approval for R-1, subject to the filing of Deed Restrictions on the prop- erty; that the minimum livable area of an}• home be 1500 square feet. The vote on the above resolution was as foilows: AYHS: COMMISSIONffitS: Alired, Hapgood, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOHS: COb9NISSIONSftS: Gauer, DuBois, Morris, Mauerhan. This motion did not cazry because of less that a two-thirds vots of the total Commission. Thereupon, the Chairman ruled that this Reclassification be sent to the City Council without recommendation. RECLeOSIFIC4T?QN - ~ue to a^_ esro* +_^_ edvert_s±ag the s~bject propAsties involaed in N0, F-58-59-42 this Reclassification, a motion was ~ade by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Allred that the Hearing be postponed until the meeting of December 15; 1958, and that it be placed as the secoad item on the Agenda for that meeting. RECIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC FIDARING. PBTITION submitted by JAMHS H. NHLSON, 8711 Dale, NO. F-58-59-43 Anaheim, California. as Owner; Grady Travis, 62u2 Grand Avenue, Buena Park, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being: Parcel 1. Beginning at a poir~i in the Bast line of the NH} of the SW~ of Section 12, T4S, R11W, S. B.B.& M, in the County of Oraage, State of California, distant North 0~ il' 30" West 316.27 feet from the SS corner of the NB~ of the StiV~ of said Sectioa 12; runaing thence North 0~ li' 30" West~ along said Hast line, 175.00 feet to a point; thence South 89~ 40* 30" Wes1t, parallel to the South line of the NB~ of the SW~ of said Section 12, 264.00 feet to a poini; thence ~outh 0~ 11' 30" Bast, paraliel to the Bast line of said SW~, 175.00 feet to a point; thence North 890 40' 30" Hast 264.00 feet to the point of begin- niag. Parcel 2: An undivided 1/80 interest in and to the follow- _na WPt 1 T nf ~ An inn;.,e g* ni + ~tie ~n..: i• Oi :::~ ::WS ~O~W~~~.O Y..~::. v.. ~ ~. a ~. ~~4 ~ of Section 12, T4S, R11W, S.B.B.& M., iu the County of Orange, State of Califoraia, 110 feet North of the S8 corner of said NW~; thence West paraliel with the 3outh line of said NW~, 58 feet; theace North paraliel with the Bast line of said NW~, 51 feet; thence Bast paraliel with the South liae of said NW~, 58 feet to the Bast line of said NW~; thence South aloag said Bast line to the point of beginning. Parce2 3; This parcel deals only with easements. -$- `~~ ~ ~ ~ -~--- --- _ _ - - ----- ---------- --~_..._- ~ ~ ---------~ ~: ~` ~ ~ .~ _. :,- ._ :_. _., ..., .__--,:_~ r;~.w~~~~~~a._.~,.,~:~~~~.. _ - - ~ ~ t i ~' ~ 0 Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Atap of Tract No. 2713 be approved, subject to: 1. That pertinent plot and building plans be subrcitted to the City Council £or review. 2, Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each successive subdivisian the:ecf shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. Upon a motion by G.unissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mungall and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No 2767 be approved, subject to: 1, 'She completion of annexation of the subject property to the City of Anaheim. 2. The approval of this Tract to be subject io appraeal by the State Division of Highways regarding allignment of the proposed Preeway contiguous to the east side of, the tract. 3. That in the event of acquisition of the property to the north side of the subdivision oa Dale Avenue is not consummate~i, the str~et entrance to Sunkist Avenue be relocated southeriy tc approximately Lots 5 aad 7. _g_ ~'~ REGULAR MHBTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - DBCSMBBR 1, 1958 - CONTINUBD RHCLASSIFICATION - No one appeared for or against the proposed reclassification. N0. P-58-59-43 THB HBARING WAS CLOSHD. (Contir~ued) Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried, it was moved by Resolution No, 119. Series 1958-59, that the Commissionrecommend to the City Council that the property be changed from R-A, RESIDSNTIAL AC~itICULTURAL to R-1, SINGLB PAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL, and al?ow the property to be split into two lots, subject to: 1. The dedication of 4,5 feet from the center line of Dale Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 2, Prepare street improvement plans and install all im- provements in accordance with standard approved plans on file in the office of the Cit~y Hr-gineer. 3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street light~ng, purposes. V~~ 4. The payment of $25 per lot for the acquisition of Park G~, ,,~c~ • and Recreation sites. 5. That a 90-day time limit be placed on the compietion of the above requirements. THNTATIVB MAP OF -/. Tentative Map of Tract No. 2713 was presented to the Commsssian. TRACT N0. 2713 ' Subdividers are the Buccola Investment Company, 3700 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Caiifornia. The tract is located on Crone Avenue 135.65 feet west ~.f Valley Street, and contains 10 R-1 lots. TBNTATIVS MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 2767 was presented to the Commiss±:n. TRACT NO. 2767 Subdivider is Luxury Homes, 1557 West Commonwealth Avenue, 'Euller- ton,California. This tract is located or the east side of Sunkist Avenue, 1322 feet south of Sast La Palma Avenue. It contai.ns 85 R-1 lots. -- _ - -- ~. _ . . ~, ,~ 1 I / ggGULpR MBBTING - CITY PLANNING COMHII3SLON - DHCBMBBR 1 1958 - CONTINUfiD TBNTATIVB MAP OP - 4. The cul de sacs are of excessive length, but because of TAACT N0. 2767 the special conditions abutting the proposed Park, (Continued) they are recommended. S. That adequate provisions be mad~ for drainage in conformance with requirements of the Ci#y 8ngineer. 6. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 7. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each successive subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. THB ~1BBTING ADJOURNBD AT 6:00 0'Clock P.M. Respectifully submitted, R. . MUNGALL, c etary -10- .,,x~ ~: /: ~ ~ ~