Minutes-PC 1958/12/04~ •
FRESENTs Chairman Gauer, - ~
Commissioners';DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and MvagaIlIl_
Consultant: Simon Eisner.
Staff Members: Richard Reese and Gordon Steen. ~
Attorney: Gene Hardy.
ABSEh'T: Commi.ssioner allred. '
The memb~,~rs of the Commission, Staff and Attorney were introduced.
Chairman Gauer, then introduced C~~sultant Efsner who explained in aetaal
the relationship of the General J.n and the Zoning Ordinance to the ~ull
room of the public present and d~acribed the zones as outlined in the aew
proposed zoning ordinance. Mr. Eisner dwelt at some length on the
appearance of a city and showed ~lides showing how beautification o~ zreas
can be accomplished by the proper use of landscaping. This has been -a
point of controversy between the members of the Anahei~ Realty Board and
the Coromission.
The meeting was then opened to the public with the followino persons
appearing before the Commission.
1. Richard Tom -9642 Stpnybrook Drive, representing property owne~~.at ~e
N.E. Corner of Lincoln Avenue an, Magnolia Avetsue~l~ ~a~s~
presently siiown on new map as R-3, NiiiLiIPLE FAh[ILY r»~~ ~~~~~u.,
warit G5 Zoning.
2. Roqer Pannier-1650 Ba11 Road--owner of property at the S~. Coruer a~
Ba11 Road'and Euclid Avenue--Property shown an neu map ~;~o
for approximately 150 ft. wants this zoning carried aown ~
Palm Lane.
3. frank:.Miller - 308 So~ Los Mgeles Street. Indvstrial Realtor not sati~?~er7
with tt.ie uses as specified in the new M-1; DI1-2; all-3 Z~es.
4. Ted Hudson -617 A1vy Street--Interested - R-3 bt~ildings. Bui3ds ~nli3.p9~
Family llnits. Not satisfied with sticulation that ~az~s
closed, be required. With doors mar.; left:open showia~
~ storage etc., in garage. Without doors, renters tend ~
keep appearance better. Would provide in his 1~ni3diags
storage facilities in space other than in garages.
5. Joseoh Ko~sho-1762 Crescsnt Avenue--Have pr.perty on East side ~F Enc43d
extending.to Loara. Wants ~-4 on Euclid frontage far a
depth of 600 ft. and`R-3 at the rear.
6. Richard S. Heald-1602,W. Orangewood:Avenue--Stated parking in ~-7 ~^F 3 ibc
L too yreat--wants l:to,1 or 2 to 1.
- 7ohn A. Kafahl-ISOT E. Center $1;xeet. There are fi~rr 3zafass san £~ 4~'
Street facing Commerciel across the s#reet: - I~iaese ~noa~3.~
be changed so that they:aan be ueed far ~•
8. Larrv Armour•-Builder
A. Consideration should be giv,en to;6~000 sq. i~. 9,~s
with houses of less than.1225 sq:'~.
B. Set-backs should.be.staggerea fiom..~13-25 ft.
C. Where there is an ailey, the garage.must 3~e g~acad ~an ~SH~g-
. don't want.this restrictaon.
D. Signs for developers are two "sma11'ai'tl~eir tsac't~.
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9. '.CaTl Heinz -;724 No. Olive--l2estaurants of Drive-in and Walk-up type~shnuld
be allowed in C-2 Zone.
l0. Rav Link -'509 Weadowbrook Place--Questioned when R-3 classification was
given to property at the IVE Corner of North and Loara Streets.
11. A. L.:WnifExt - 7122 Ball Road. A12 people in area on Ba11 Road want C-2 zoning.
12. `Mrs. J. W. Fupuav - 7362 Ball Road. Wants C-2 or ProfPSSional zone as the
neighborhood now ripe for small businesses.
13. G..P: Brooks - 7231 Ball Road--Hfants Professional Zone.
14. Ce1 Peblev - 7182 Ba11 Road--lives n2xt door to Mr.. Wolfert and would like
professional zon~ or possibly R-3.
15. B. J. Clarkston - 7181 Ball Road--Zoned as R-1 but have 3 homes on the lot.
16. Robert Shaffer - 1600 W. Broafi+vay--Father has had a business at this address
for 30 years--S.E. Corner of Loara and Broadway--Wants
business zone.
17. Raloh Martin - 607 Gilmar--Questioned--C-7 zoning around Loara School.
18. A. L. Kor~sho - 7272 Ball Road--Wants commercial zoning the same as previous
speakers on 3a11 Road frontage.
19. A. E. Hallstead - 7441 Ball Road--Has egg ranch at present but wants commercial
same as others.
Commissioner Thompson retired from the meeting at 8s55 0'Clock P. M. ~
20: Rhea Tadd• - Broker--Against stup zoning along highways as it presents land
at the rear from being subdivided.
21. John Griffith - Subdivider--Does not ob~ect to spot zoning for things that can
be used for everyday living; such as beauty shops, delicatessen's
: t A1 o co~~rg~ signs na;mitted in Ea tern S es ~i~ those used in
~a~if. ~by su v ers. H3v~ng more and l~arger ~~'~ns a.lnust.
22. P. H. Richert - 2126 E. La Palma Ave.--Property on E. La Palma has an R-3 use
on it at present. Thfs use was by Variance.
23. Cal Peblev , - 7182 Ba11 Road. Have waited l~ years for sewer--maybe if
rezoned we may get sewer sooner.
24. Josaoh Madiaan - 1101 E. North Street. Portion of this property reclassified
for R-3. Couldn't define concretely from his statements what
he was trying to arrive at.
25. David Collins - Broker. Speaking for Board of Realtors--talked on asthetics
and found that 2andscaping was not the answer for owners o:
small parcels. Asthetics could be obtained by other means
such as architecture of buildings etc.
26. J. V. Vandruff - Subdivider--8021 E. Roa~e Ave. Questioned why S.E. Corner of
Ba11 Road and Stanton Ave. was zoned.C-,^ on nuw map an~ reciteQ
what was presently on the land.
27. James W. James - 8742 Lincoln Ava. Ordinance has too many zones--C-7 on my
property--Motel on one side and business on the other.
28. 8, D. 0'Brian - 910 7roquois Ave.--There is need for more professional ot£ices
spaces around the Enclid Ave.-Crescent St. area.
?~ now being 10:00 0'~'" .f P.M. the time set for ad~ournment at the start of the meeting,
a mution was made ?~y Cc~-*~.. •ioner Swmners, seconded by Commissioner Mungall and carried
that the Commissi~n ad~~ ~r.til ?hursday. Dece~ber 11, I958 at 7s00 0'Clock P.M.