Minutes-PC 1958/12/15~
~ ~ . . . _ . . . ~
City Hall
Anaheim, CalifarnRa
December 15, 1958
..'-~.,1 ..~.k'
ADJWRAIED Rc.~""i3I.i,R ~TING - An Ad~ourned Re9ular Meeting of the City Planning
Commission was called to order at 2~10 0°Clock P.M. by
Vice-Chairman 'Ihompson, a quorum being pnsent.
PRESIF~Jl' - Vice-Chairman Thompson; Commiss,ioners Allred~ id~uerhan,
Morris, Summers, and Mungall. Chairman Gauer entered
the meeting at 2:2U 0°Clock P.M. Commissioner Hapgood
entered the meeting at 3:10 0°Clock P.M.
ABSENT - Co~renissioner DuBois.
MINUTES - The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 1, 1958
were approved with ths foilowing corrections, Page 3 of
the Varia~~ce 1057, the motion was seconded by Commissioner
Mauerhan and carr3ed. On Fage 9 the vote of the
Comnission was not recorded.
No. F-58-59-42 1516 East Santa Ana St., Anaheim, California, as Q~mer;
Charles B. Fran;c, 433 West Center St., Anaheim, California,
as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described
as being, The West 20 acres o£ the East 30 acres of lot 13
of Anaheim Extention, in the City of Anaheim, County of
O.ang2, State o: Ca2ifa~nia, as pa~ r,a~i made by aii:faen iiamei
and iiied in the office of the county recorder of Los Mgeles
County, California. EXCEPT the following thereofs
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the easterly 10 acres
, of lot 13 of Anaheim Extension, as per map made by William
Hamel and filed 3n the office of the county recorder of
Los Angeles Countg, California, being a point in the cen'cer
of Santa Ana Street as shown on said map; L•h~nce southerly~
paraIlel with the easterly line of said lot, a dfstance
of 1654.60 feet, more or less, to a point in the cenLer of
South Street as shown on said map; thence westerly along
the center of said South Street, a distance oF 92b.60 feet~
more or less, to the ~Nesterly line of the westerly 20 acres
of the easterly 30 acres of said lot 13; thence nortfierly
parallel with the easterly line of said lot 13, a distance
of 176.75 feet to a point; thence easterly parallel with
the southerly line of said lot 13, a distance of 516.60
feet to a poir.t 10.U0 feet westerly from the easterly line
of said westerly 20 acres of the easter1y.30 acres; thence
northerly parallel with the easterly line of said lot~
a distance of 1477.85 feet to a point in the ctnter of said
Sant. Ma Street; thence easterly along the center line
of said Santa Ana Street, a distance of 10.00 feet #o the
point of beginning. ALSO EXCEP'f that portion thereof
described as follows: Beyinning at the point of inter-
section of the center line of Santa Ana Street w3th the
North extension of the westerly boundary of the west 20
acres of the east 30 acres of lot 13 of said ~'?maheim
Extension," as said Santa Ana street is shown on a map
filed in book 26 page 11 of Record of Surveys, in the
office of the county recorder of said Orange County, said
point being distant alang said center line North 74° 32' 05"
East 1665.51 feet from the point of intersectiore of Baid
center line with the cente.r line of South Eaet Stree~ as
shown on said map; thert~e r..ontinuing along said center l~ne
of Santa Ana Street, Nor+.h 74° ~2° 05" East 95.00 f~eti
=O~ ~
~~~ - tl~ence parallel afth the westerly boundary of said
wsfier2y ZO acres, South 15° 22° 15" East 194.75 feet!
thnce puallel ~rith the aforementioned center lin~ of
Santa Aaa Street, South 74° 32' 05" Ytlest 9!5.00 feet to a
point fn the ~rasterly boundary of said 20-acr~ pasc~l!
tlience along said brnmdary, North 15° ~.2' 15" Weat 194.75
fee~ te t!-e point of beginning. ALSO EXCEF~f 124/144.35
' intereat tAereto in the following described land~
i Hegf~ing at a point ?b0.00 feet southerly along the eaet
. Ifna and 26.00 feet westerly from the east line parallel
~ wfth the Aiorth line of the Weet 20 acres of the East 30
' aues of lot 23 of Ma~eim Extension, :o per mep made by
>iilfat Hamel and fiied in the office of the county
° recorder of Los Mgeles County, California; thence
sauttferly garallel Mith the said East line 15.00 feet;
~ ~ tl~nce westerly parallel with the said north line,
~ : 15.00 feet; thence northerly parallel with the said
¢ `
' ~ast lfne, 15.00 faett thenee t~asterly parellel ~-itA the
nort~ Iine to th~ point of beginnina, be reclaaaified fra~
~ ±
~~ MF~.~ e•~ al) ParFel 1. All that certain seal
: p~opezty aituated in the Rancho San Juan Ca~on de ~anta Ma,
_ ; _ at71 of Maheim, County of Orange, State of C~lifornia,
described as fol2ows: Beginning at a point on ths
~ westerly line of lot 16 of Maheim Extensiorf, as eAown on
a aoap made by ~tiiliam F[amel, and filed in the office of
tLe county recorder of Los Mgeles County, Celifornia~
~ safd pofrrt being 5.125 chains southerly from the north-
E ~est carner of said lot; and thence North 74}° East
9.756 cdains; tl:~nce South 15~° Eas# 18.37~ chains;•t~:anea
South 74~° pest 9.755 chains; and thence North 19r~' WeeC
25•375 cliains to the point of beginning. pAR(~I, 2. The
ua~th 5 acres of the northwest 10 acres o£ Lot 16 of
Maheim Extension, in the Rancho San Juan Ca~on de Santa Ma
6.YtY' of Maftefm, County of Orange, State of California, as
per ~a~p ~e by William Hamel, and filed in the office of
tLe cois~ty recorder of Los Mgeles County, California,
descrfbed as fallause Beginning at the northwest cornsr
of said Lot 16; thence along the North lins of said Lot
, lfom~t6 '74~ 30° East 9.755 chains; thence South 15° 30'
Fast 5.12~ chains; thence South 74° 30° Weat 9.759 chaina
- to ~e Irest lfne of said Lot lb; thence along the saaie
;- Nort~ 15° 30' Nest 5.12} chains to the point of beginning.
F~P'd a strip of land 12 feet wide along the west line
of safd preaisss for road putposes. PARCEL 3.' The eaaterly
half ef t~ee nErtherly 20 acres of Lot 15 of MaheSm
- E~tension, in the City of Maheim, 'Caunty of Orange~
St~tc af Glifornia, as shorm on a map made by:l~i2liam
Ei~rl, and ffled in the office ~f the county reeorder of
_ Los Mc~eles Ceunty: California, said 20 acres bei~ig deecribed
' as follars: Beginning at the northwsst corner of Lot 1~ .
~.: of safd Anaheim Extension; and thence North 74~° East along
~ the center line of South Street 24.53 chains to'the northdast
~ corn~r of aaid Lot 15; thence South 15}° East 8.16 chaine!
t.hnce South 74~° Mest 24.53 chains to the easterly lins
- of East Street; and thence North 14~° West 8.16 chains to
~< t~ ~e~ ef beginning. RESERVItiG the northerly 24 3/4 ft.
} for t6e so~rtherly half of South Street. ALSO BESERVING a
riyet of xay for a ditch to the south portion of aaid
Iat 1S, 6e reclassified from R-0, RBSIDENTIAL SUBURBAti~
~s. Charles Frank appeared befoxe the Commiasion as
llut6oxized Agent for the Barnett and Wiesel Properties,
and stated that the sub~ect properties are presently zoned
as 8-0 and R-A and that they desired to havr them
, ,~~~
. ~ ~ ~~
~ ~ ~
, AA70~NED ~~- Q8Y PL~ ~SI@I - DECEMBER 15. 1958 - CdNTINUEDt
REt~.ASSI~~ ~~f.ed as R F. He stated that, the homes in Tract
No. F-58-59-42 1618 aemH EE~96 ar~ very fine and that if the properties
(Con~im~ed) aa+e arzmaed ta ff-I certain restrictions could be placed
~~ ~e ~pe=tfes Iimiting the size of the homes so
~~c- ~E~ 6e co~arable with those in the two
~cimed f~acts. 'fhese properties have been sitting for
t~ ~ea~ss rr~tis ne development and the time appears
to Pae a~g~sft ~ tc develop them with a nice type of hortie.
fit r~as aEs~ stated by bEr. Frank that the homes on the
ffi~~ s~de af Saitta Ana Street are very fine and large
~ t~at t~e~ da back up to 60 feet lots North of them,
aod i~a~ f.~ese 6o feet lats have not depreciated the
~~.s aEong East Santa Ana Street.
!Gs_i~lE~amr ~. Caldwel2 of 621 South Elder Street
~ecBlsefaxe the Cammission and stated that he would
~ ag~ese to tHe RecFassification of these properties
t~ ~-3, best vae:2d 3£ke to see the miniaum house size,
3~ sa~. €t. of Efvable area.
IEa~- 64amal ~csrEss I400 E. Santa Ma Street appeared
beg'~e tme 4~ss~oa and stated that he and his
~s de+reFepecE Yract No~ I46H and la£er purchased
tb~ ~jg includec~ in Tract 169~ and developed
t1€s ~so. Be stated, that he would not asking for an
~mm of the properties to the East and South,
Boa~t ~s ia~tere~ted pri.marily in maintaining the same
Leeea e~ 2~t e.fze and construction that was in effect
F~ a~ t~e t~me ~Sese trro tracts were developed. Practically
; ~13 m£ ~ 2cfs Fr~ve areas of 9000 sq. ft. and homes of
' ~„~ ~. 4. ~ ~€Yav~e azea. ihere are so-ae Iot
_ ~~~ ~'F2 ft_ fn Tract Ha. 16%, but these
aesml~ dkae ta the fact that this was the only way
t~e ~y cactfd 6e cut up.
!!~_ P. B~ H~rEiek, I6I5 E. South Street, appeared before
t~e ~a-~fan and stated that he was in favor of the
~tnmo~ o~ goacE homes fn the area. It was his intention
3Bat tffie ~plicacrts gfve a lfttle and the opposition
~iie a 1~~tEe, fa an effect they compromise, as to lots
si~e aod Lm~e e~ze. Eie also stated that, he would
ffa~~ ~e~es h~ring fovndati~ns, that is no slab floors,
aod ~ ¢amposftEa:t roofs.
, j~
}. .
ll~s. @oea Tadd, represecrting her Mother who lives at
1~1 E. S~ta Ana Street, stated that she believed a
~~~ eaeald 6e effected and that the frontage on
5~ ~ S~est shauld be kept far large homes wit~
~~i~ ~r~e~s Sonther2y fxam this street. She alsc
stabe~, ~t t~e 24 acres on the Wiesel Property
p~ly ~a ~ B-0 Zone and the 10 acres in the
~-i ad~od~n a'Fract of ~uch cheaper homes and that 7200
~~. frt- lots rith bouses 3n the $13,500 price range
s~oal~ 3'oe sattsfactoxy. Refening back to the Nagel
a~s3 ~e~Lt Prc:Qert~es it was h~r feeling ti.at these twn
~rapeat.fes sbee:tcE be d~veloped as one parcel or one suba:vision
ees. i. e. s~imss~, 5si c`tcer Sireei, appeared 'cefore
3~e ~an. ~Lc hoe~ ~n Elder Street range in pric~
fa~ 51~,500 to SI5,~OQ. I~tany along the street have
sp~t ~le~ds of dollars in other improvements. THE
~tE~ ~i ~.
~c~rr 14ner6an made a motion; seconded by Commissioner
'Y~am t~t t~e Harnett Property be held at 9~000 sq. ft.
lot aaea, rcith k500 sq. ft. Iivable area, for homes on
t~e p~opezip. 'FEefs metfon did not carry, the vote beings
--.-____-_.. ~-.....,_ :.::_,.,. .; .
_- - ~ - ~ ---- :. ----
m~aNgp ~,I-R I~ETING CITY PLANNING OONAAISSIOTI - DECflll~b'Et 15. 1958 - Oai'TIN~~
No. F-58-~9-42
(Co~it~wd) MOESs C~WISSIONERS~ Al2red, ldorris, Su~ors, ThomPsat•
AgggM: ~pllp,(ISSIONERSs DuBois and Hapgood.
Commisaioner Thompson then made a motion tha~'the Basn~tt
and Wiesel'Properties, by Resolution No. 119-be
recom~qended to the City Council for appraval as a striet
R,1 development with 6-70 ft~ frontages at~ 7200 sq. ft•
lot areas. This motian was seconded by Ca~issioner Ibrris.
The vote on the above Resolution was as folloas=
AYES.:: CO~M~ISSIONERSi Allred, Morris, G~•s:~~, Summsrs,
Thompson, Ilungali.
ABSp~iT'e OON4~IISSIO'NERS: DuBois and Hapgood.
No. F-38-b9-37 IDA K. KIMJEY, 20d6 Victoria Drive, Santa Ma~ California,
as Owner, requesting that the property described as b~ing,
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, ?ract No. el9 36 per ~ap
recorded io Book 16, Page 2, l~iscellaneous 8aps. records
of Orange County, California, and fnrther described as ~
1441 So. Los Angeles St. be reclassified from R-A, ~
RESIDENTIAL AGRICUI.NRAL, (with M-1 Yar.iance)(Co~nty~s
J. H. Kinney, applicant appeared before the ca~f.asiocr
and presented maps with an unnamed street dedica4ed to
the cou:~ty of 29 ft. This street is paral;~l to Los Mgel~s
Street. He also presented another record of su~vey sl~o~ri~9
this 29 ft. Street from )didway Drive. 7E~ I~ARIIiG Ml4S
In as much, as this property has had a t:ondition-IIs~ Pea~its
for an lA-l Use, from the county for the past 8 yeasrs~ a
motit•.n was made by Commissioner ldtmga113 seco~ed by
Comaissioner Summers, and carried, that the Com~3ssion
recomroand to the City Council by Resolution I~o. 120 ti~at
lots 1 to 4 inclusive of Block 1 of Tract No. 419 M
classified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRIWl.IURE, to ![-l,
LIGHf IA~4NUFACI'I1RI1'1G• The vote on the abovs Reaolution
was as follows:
AyFSt ~ QON~dISSIah'ERSt Al1Ted> Gauer, licrris, Mawshans
Sw~ers, Th~pson, 14mga11.
NOES~ None;.
AgSENFi OQ~iMISSIONHRS~ Du$ois and-Hapgood.
~t,,, F_sp_!so-~ ANITA• M. FARNSMORTH, 1212 E. Union, ~llerton, Califosnia~ s
as Qvnsr, San Vfcente Builders, In~., 121 H. Plaeentia Ave-~
Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requ~stin9 t1-at
the property described as being, Parc~l 1. ?he.East 70•DO ft.
of the WssL 20;t:00 ft. of the Bas4 half of the North half
of the North fialf of Lhe Norttarest quarter of the Horthwst
quarter of -Section 12, Trnmship 4 South, Range 10 Ilest, in
the Rancho San Juan Ca9on de Santa Ma, City of AnalaL,
~ County of Orange, State cf California, as said section is
ahaNm on a map recorded in Buok 51 Page 10 0# lliscellansous
1Aaps, in the,0,ffice af the County Re~~rder of said cosmty.
- ~ ,._-.,_- -r -
~-p~Q~NEp pFl;(n,AR 1~EB't'ING CI?Y PLAND1IIdG COWAISSION - DE~ER 15. 1958 - Cd~ifINUED=
REQ,ASSIgICArIpi - IXCEPI the North 180.00 feet thereof. Parcel 2. ?he
No. F-~8-S9-36 East 70.00 feet of the West 272.00 feet of the East
(Continwd) half of the North half of the North half of the
NortAwest quarter of the Northw~rst quarter of Section 12,
Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San
Juan Ca~on de Santa Ma, City of Maheim, County of
Orange, State of California, as said section is sham
on a map recorded in Book 51 Page 10 of Miacellansous
btaps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said
county. IXCEP'I the North 180.00 feet thereof, and furtMr
described as North side Redwood Drive East of Placentia
Ave., be reclassified froA R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRIGULNEW.
No one appeared for or against this Reclassification and
a motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhan; seconded
by Commissioner Allred, and carried, that this Reolassifieation
be held over to the next meeting and that the applieant b~
notified to be present at thie meeting.
7092 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Oansr,
requesting permission to OPERATE A WHOL'eSALE AND RET~TI.
NUASERY BUSINESS on the property described ass Parcel l.
Yhe East 162.78 feet of the West~ of the I~ of the At~
~f the trW~ of the SW~ of Section 14, T45, R11W, in the
Rancho Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
State of California, as said section is shown on a map •
recorded in book 51, page 11, Miscellaneous Maps, in the
office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcel 2+
The West 15.00 feet of the E~ of the Pi~ of the N~
of the Mt~'of the ~W} of Section 14, ?4S, R11N, in the
Rancho Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
State of California, as said section is shorm on a map
recorded in book 51, page 11, Miscellaneous Maps,
records of Orange County, California, and further
described as 7092 Orange Ave. The property is presently
No one appeared for or against the granting of this ~
Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris; secoeded by
it was moved by
d ~
Commissioner Hapgood an s
No. 121 that Variance No. 1061 be granted,
e ,~
1. The preparation of the street imprwemsnt plana f
and .'.~nstall all imp~ovements in accordance wi~h ~
the approved standard plans on file iz tM ~ .
office of the City Engineer. ~
2. The dedication of dfi ft. to the City of MbMia ~
on Orange Ave. to conform with the l+laster Plan
' ~
County Arterial Highways. ~
3. Payment of 52.00 per front foot for Street
' ~
lighting purposes. ~
,.r nT•~n ncr"~~'::~/w': 9.~i.+,n~~±i..1 hv TCyd11 JIIL.1~.
Viutyi~rit~ i~i'v. iuo~c 4713jLakewoodJBoulevard, Lakewood, California, as Owner~ ~ ~
and Zachary Howitt, 1436 Lombard Drive, Fullerton,
California, as Lessee, requesting permission to operatt ~
an AOCOItDIAN SCHOOL in the residence on the propsriy
describe@ as~ PARCEL ls Beginnirtg at a point on the ~
North line of the NW~ of Section 18, in ?4S~ R10M~
g.g,g. B~M.~ said point being 3I4 feet Easterly of the NM
corner of said NW~; thence South'0° 13' 10" East, ~
parallel with the West line of said NW~~ 190.00 feet; ~
thence North 88° 57' 34" East, Parallel with the North ~
_g_ ~
~-- -~.._.___.--- ----
~; . ~' ~
VARIAHCE N0. 1062 - lina of said NW~, 100.00 feet; thence North 0° 13' 10•
(Coritinuad) . West, parallel with the West line of aaid 1~'''~, 19~•~
. feett thence South 88° 57° 34" West 100.0~ faet to tha
beginning. EXCEPT the north 66 feet thereof. NOTE?~
Said land is shown on a Licensed Surveyor's Mlap filed
in Book 21, Page 39 of Records of Surveys, in the
office of the County Recorder of•said Orange County,
California. Parcel 2s The East 76 feet of the Mest
418.97 feet of the North five acres of tT-e West twenty
acres of the t~ of the NW~ of Section 18, T4S, RID1M,
S.B.B.B M. EXCEPTING iHEREFROM the North 189.98 feet{
and further described as 9062 Lincoln Avenue. The
property is presently classified R-A, RESYDENTIAL
Mr. Tony Julian, appeared before the Comaission, and
stated, that he had nothing to add other than that
contained in the application. ;
No one appeared in opposition to the granting of tM
Upon a motion by Comnissioner Allred; seconded by
Commissioner Swnmers, and carried, it was moved that
b,y Resolution 122, that Variance No. 1062 be granted~
sub~ect to:
1. The dedication of land on Lincoln Ave. to confor.n
with State Highway Plans.
2. P~epare Street Plans and install all improwm~nts
in accordance with the approved Standard Plane
on file in the office of the City Engineer.
3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for Strset
lighting purposes.
e~lR~ANCE N0. 1~63 - PUBLIC 1~1EARINGo PETITION submitted by DAdID S. COLLINS~
• 116 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, ared
MRS. RUBY COOK, 957 Flore Street, Maheim, Californiat
as Owners, requesting permission to operate BUSINESS
pND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES on the property described ar
Lc+t 49 of Tract 1620 and Lot 50 of Tract 1620; and fusther
described as 956 and 957 Fiore Street. The property is
presently classified R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL.
lYl:. Dave Collins appeared before the Commission, and
stated that the application requests that the sub~ect
properties ba used for Business and Professional Officea.
Theee uses will protect the homes in ths raar from traffic
Mlrs. Cook, the other applicant, appeared before the Coamisaion
stated when they moved into this home in Ju~~e 1955; ths
home at that time was an attractive resid~nce but with
Ball Road becoming a four lane highway and West St. beconing
a 6 lane highway with a four way stop at tM intersection ~
L_ i__er:,, i~~~~~~ ..,..e+7v gf ~~aht
O! L11a8Q SWO SLl'eni8 i.uo ~+aaa+.. r----~
and the property is not suitabie for tM raising of cMl~n~.
under these conditions.
Mr. Ed. Ettinger, 945 Flore St., appeared befnra tha Commission
and preaented a petition signed by 15 resid4nts in tM
area in opposition to the granting of the Yariance.
~_,.~ .._....,' . ' -- --
~ ~
Y11RT,AlICf 1~. 1063 - llr. R. E. Harris, 953 Flore St. statad that these hom~e
(~j were built in 1955 and Disneyland was in ~xistence at this
time:and that this is still a residential tract. One otho~
ob~sction that he had was that it would be impossible to
put adequate off street parking on the properties, and
called attention to the fact that the Cook°s are being
transferred from the City.
Mrs. Cook again appeared before the Comaission and stated,
Me are leaving Califosnia and in selling our house we cannot
tell prospective purchasers that this is a nice home for
r~sidential use. It would be much easier to sell if this
Variance was granted.
Mr. Dave Collins again appeared before the Commisaion
and stated that, the party rsnting the property Just
North of h1s property had signified that they would be in
favor of seeing the Variance granted. TF~ I~ARING YIAS
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson; seconded by
Comnissionr: Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that by
Resolutitr_ No. 123, that Variance•No. 1069 be denied.
tfARIANCE N0. lOf~4 - PUBLIC F~ARING. PETITION submitted by AR7HUR G. and
KA7E~RINE C. NEISWANGER, 8241 South Euclid Avenw,
Maheim, California, a§ Owner, requesting permission to
on the property described as: Lot 18 of Tract 2161 in tM
City of Maheim in the North 10 acras of the South 22
!!~*es of the ~ of the NW~ of Section 9, T4S, R10A, ae
shown in Book 63, Pages 33, 34, and 35 in the office ~f
the County Recorder, and further described as 1636 Catherine
Stnet. The property is presently classified R-1,
Mr. Neiswanger, as Applicant, appeared before the Coma€ssion
anrl stated, that they desire to use this property for a
Wy Nursery and it would not be used for Residential purposes,
and that there is a great need in this area fos such
facilities. He also stated, that the County Welfare Depart-
ment had agreed that this was a very suitable location
for such use. No one appeared in opposition to the
granting of the Variance. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Sud~ers; second~d by
Commissioner ?hompson and carried, it was aoved that
by Resolution No. I24, that Variance Noo 1064 be granted,
sub~ect to:
1. The dedication of 5:i ft. to the City of Maheim
along tAe center line of Euclid Ave. for future
street widening.
2. 'fhat the property be completely ienced.
and 1~.IZABETH D. McCAR?ER, 512 North Bush Street~
Mat~eim, California, as Ownera rsquesting permiasion to
A RENTIIL APAR?MENT on tAe property d~scribed asi Lot 13
1n Block B of Tract No. 549 as Recorded in Book 18, Page 23,
of Miscel~aneous Maps of Orange Count'y, California and
further described as 512 North Bush StreJi. Ti~-e praparty
is presently classified R-1, SINGLS-FAMILY RE5IDENTIAL.
a7_ ~
VARIAN~ 110. 1065. .~'Mr. 1tcCart~r app~arad before the Commission and staled
(C~tirn~d) ~ ` t.hat th~y had purchased this dwelling as a hoa~ for
` tl~ualves and that it was originally oam~d by
itr: Jo?nClanss~n and that the apartment above tAe garage
Dad b~en used .os a playroam but that they propos~d to
co~pl~tely renovate it and improve it and get a young
couple that would ~e syitable to them, but who could not
pay a l~igh renta~ charge. He also stated, that thsre are
sitilar uses in the neighborhood.
No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the
Variance. Tt~ E~ARING MAS Q.~ED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood; seconded by
Ccesiasioner S~~mmers and carrisd, it Nas moved that
tiy thsolutian No. 125 that Variance No. 1065 bs
gant~d,subjeet to~
1. Ths remodeling of the room over the garage
in aecordance with the plans presented.
yAEt2ANCE ~. 1Q66 - PUBLIC f~ARING. PETITION submitted by M. L. BERGMIIN~
1~44 ltaeienda Street, Maheim, California, as Qmer,
reqwsting pesmission to NfAIVE SE"IBACK REQUIREN~NT TO
asea on the property describsd as Lot No. 29 of Tract
lio. 37.~6 in the City of Maheim, and furtMr describ~d
as 1,04 tlacienda Street. i'he propsrty is presently
?M applicant, M. L. Hergwan, appeared befor~ the
G.~sion, and stated that he.had a 40 ft. patio in
his yard and that by coming out 6 ft. b~yond tM
frant of liis house with a Mall it ~ould enabl~ him,
to put in a 13 ft. gate and provide a carport in front
of his garage. He further stated, that this addition
x~x~ld be in keeping with the rest of his hoa and would
be wry attractive. Thp owner of the propsrty next
door to the North appeared before the Commission and
stated, thet at present the Bergman garage extends
16 ft. beyong my home and if a 6 ft. wall is allorr~d thia
will place my homa in a hole 24 ft. in depth which
ae objeet to with a 13 ft. gate which probably would b~
left open ~ach of the t~n-s w~ xould still further bs
bloclnd from any view down l~anticle~r Road. Several
otlki propsrty a+ners in ths area appeared bsfore tM
Comission and atated that if this Variance is granted
•3l~er.~ rrould be otMrs who would request ~imilar
Varianees. 'It~ HEARING MtAS CLOSED.
Upon a.motion by Commissioner Mauerhan~ seconded by
t~Oeeifssioner Morris and carried, it was moved tha~ by
Resolution No. !26 and Variance No. 1066 be denied.
YARZAICE IO. 1067 - PUBLIC l~ARING. PE'fIiION svbmitted by J. H. MULVEY,
- 1621-G East Center Street, Maheim, California, as Ownsr,
sequsating psrmission to ERECT BUILDING FOR C-1
of tl~e property•described asj Parcel l~ The Southerly
407.32 feet of the Mesterly 123.94 feet of the following~
That portion of Lot 6 of Maheim 6xt~n~ion, in the City
of lleaheim, as shown on a map of survey made by Nilliam
Haieel filed for sscord in tAs offics of the Couety
R~~order of Los Mgeles County, California, bound~d and
~eNacsibM as fallaws: Beginning at a poinL at the SoutMrly
lin~ of aaid Lot 6, distant therson South 74° 30' I~st
393.5 faet f:~om ths SE corner of said lot, and running
tNsnc~ North 15° 24° West 1103.88 fest; th~nce South
i -8- ~
~ ~
I ~
f ~ y~
E ' ' I
4~ - ~
- ----------__ _ . . ._.
~ -_. . . .. . . ~ ~ ' .-_ ' ~ ~._. .._ . . . . . .--'--
~ , ~
ADJdJRI~D REQA.AR ilETING - CITY PLADB~ING (]0~[IS5Ta9 -~ 15. 1968 - C~'FL~D~
VARIANCE N0. 1067 - 81° 36' 1Yest 400.89 ~ect3 ~ Saat~ 1S• 24' Fast
~ontinued) 1153.04 feet to the S~rrly 3ire o€ said lat; tir~ee
North 74° 30' East a:a~g said Sw~tl~e'17 lin~ 39~-9 faet
to tlsa poiat ~f ~g3 ~ ~ ~
portion lying srilhin ~e l~nes ~F ~r 9txe~t as
said street is sbam aai a mp ez~e~sSan- P~el 2~
A portion of Lot 6 of 9lnabcim E~b~sim, as s6mm °Q a
map of survey made by ~i3li~ i~mels ~9~~
and acknariedged by !\1#zed ~nsar+s ~s m
Dscember 11, 28i~8, f~led Sn tbe off~oe of tl~e (bn~tY
ReCOrder of Los Angeirs L1omt9s ~~s ~
described as folia~rsss ~arming at ti~e in6e~sect~~ of
tAe center of Center Stseets as s~om ~ s~id m~ w~t~'
{he Westerly lir~ ar ~e S~~Y ~ ~`
of the tract o~ lamd caa~veye~ bi- James S- Idlva~/ tc
Corneli~ IAulvey, at al, by deed aeom~ded Jaoway 6, Z934
in book 650~ Pa9e 49~, ~~ncial Hecmads, in t8~e offiet
of the County 8ecorder o# sa~d ~ai~e Wantyi be~9 ~
Mesterly line or ~e Sout~sly cztensi~ tbezaa~f af
land described, ~ertifica~,e off Yatle 3a. 9~7~, issved
}ry the Registrar of' 33tles o€ safld ~an9e Cbmtys oa
December 24, 19433 t~ce S~ut~ ^~• ~' ~St ~1~9 ~
t~ a~ at.~6 £ert;~tbesce'ibsth I4•',3•
/~Yes~er~y~~i~5~~s~ of la~ =~we7ee bf/
t!-a deed above mentianed, bei~ tbe ~'esberl~- line
oi said land descri~ed in a~e~stsas`s ~xt3ffqte of
Title abwe mentica~d, said pniat ~ein9 ~ia~th 1S° 24• ~ent
407.32 feet from ti~e pe~ of ineglan~n9: t~eme~ SattR
15" za~ East ao7.~.2 ~eet ~,o tbe poi,mt of beg~fngs aea
further described as i621 2~ ~ast fknber Stx~et. 'F~
P='~rtY is presentiy slassif~ed ~~, t~rrn~F FAMILY
lir. J. H. l~ulvey, a~ea:red bef~e t~r C~fission and
stated that he had no~nng to ad~ o~Ler tha~si t~at
contained in the app3ir.ataw~ at this tine-
Mr. W. L. Taylo~, iii Evelqn ~C'ive, appeued 6efozt t.l~
rComnlssion and siatrd,3~at this paraperty is s~nd~d
by R-1 homes it ~ras po~bed wt ta !e'- 4aYZar tdat the
subject property at ~ x~+~ ~ =~a ~~ ~T~R`F
FAiQILY RESIDEN?IAi., and tbat t~e ~a~ext~y to tbe Yeat
is presently z~ed C-1, ~-• ~
question~rra3 brougbt vp rith iegard to t~ a^~t of
parking on the Prapert!' a~eq~este~ £~ teclassil~fcation
in relation to the side of tbe i~Ylding~- ~- ~1v~e~I
agreed that he ~o:'_.! eut the iaa~Yding eiao to 25 ft.
in w7.dth and 90 feet in deg~, a~ich ~anld ~n al~°r'~
enough parking iasder the G-1-zmoe ~dzaeats- 1'~
t~n~c xes a.os~u. _
Upon a motion by Ooaamissianea' lo~ris: s~caod~a bff
Co~issioner Allred amd caz•rleds ~t ~~oned that
Variance No. 1067 I~e g:aa~ted i~ Besolatian lfo- 327 to
permit C-1 nses an ~he proprrt7 ~av3n9 ~~tage °f
123.94 ft. on Centzr St. ~th a depth of a 115 ft•s
a,~t,~.~± ±~:
1. The ded3cati~a of 53 ft. fz~ #be center Ifae
of Cenfi.~r St. to tl~ 4~t~ a~ Aoa~f~ for
sti'tet xi~ing.
2. The installat3aa of sid~vall~s.
3. Tlee paymem o# 52.00 pes fzmt ft. fo~ stae=t
lighting PuiPoses-
_~ .
`~.~ _ ' „n
~ ' ~ ~
YARIANC8 l10. 1068 - AIBLIC !¢ARING. PETI?ION submitted by SAMUEL R SADIE ~,
416 Sou#h Glassetl Street, Orange, California, Pu~~asiog
' under contract, requestieg permission to arset a uingi~-
family dwelling of approximately 827 square fest asta,
. on the prop~rty described as Lots i0 and I1 in Block ~
of Monte Vista Tract No. 247 as par map thsreof
recorded in Book 13,~Page 51 ~1lsceilaneous mapa reeosds
of Orange County, and further described as 738 Nostb
Sabina Street. The property is presently'classifiAe] ~-2,
~ Mr. Bowars appeared before ~he Commission but stated
the~~ had nothing further to add other than that•
contafned in #he application.
No ons appeared in opposition to the granling of tl~t
Varianc~e. THE HBARING 19AS Q.0.SED.
tipon a motion by Commissioner Swamers; secondsd by
' Commissioner Al.lred and carried, it was moved that
by Resolutiosa No. 128 and Variance No. 1068 be grat~t~'~
. sub~ect tor
. 1. The construction of the building in ae4ordanee
with the plans presented.
2. Prepare of curbe, if it is found to be rne~ssasy !
on N. Sabina Street.
~NO, F-68-S9-44 1464 East La Palma Avenue, Maheim, California, aa ~r,
and.ARTENR H. ALT}~IBE, 895 South Plaeentia Avem~e9
Mah~im, Californi~, as Authorized Agent, requesting tDat
the property described as being: Parcel la Starting a! a :
point 33 feet distant.from the center lin~ of East Yes~t ~
Avenue and 30 feet dista~t from the center line of q
Placentia Avenue, the true point of beginningt tMnu ~
westerly along the northarly right-of-rvay iine of tat~ ~
V4rmont Avenue a distance of 135 feet; tMnce F
norticherly parallel to South Placentia Avenw a dislanee ~
of !35 feat; thence easta::ly parallel to East Yenvc~t ~
Avanue a distance of 135 feet; thence southerly alenq ~
the wssterly right-of-way line of 5outh Placentia Av~. ~
a distance of 135 feet to the true point of beginning, 3
be recles~ified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL l1GtiIWLTURAL~ to ~
G3, HEAVY OOAOAERCIALs and Pareel 2~ Starting at a poiM ~
30 feet distant from the center line of SoutD Plaeeutia s
Avenw and on the northerly right-of-xay 11n~ of ias! ~
Yermo~-t A~enue a distance westerly of 135 fset which ~ls ~
ths true point nf beginning; thence westerly al~g said~
right-of-way line a di~tance of 70 feet; thenca nort~rly =
at right angles with East Vermont Avenue a distance of T
i32.83 feet, thence easterly parallel to East Vexmont ~
Avenue a diatance of 105 feet, more or less; thence ~
southerly parallel to South Placentia Avenue a distano~ ;
of 1~0 feet to tAe true pui~t of bsginning, 1~ ~
rcclassified from'R-3, MULTIPi.~ FAMILY RESI~NiLL. ~o ~
IAr. Huarte appeared before the Commfgsion ~nd stat~sd,
that soms 3} yaar6 aga he requested a va:fanea far a
aervice station, on tha corner of Wrmont and Pl~eeutia
Avenue which request was granted. TAe busin~ss of tAis
Service Stetion haae been increasing and that llr. Ait~s
the ope;ator of the service station requlres a aore ya=d
with a building to do work that M eannot do in the
service station.
~' . ~ ~
ApTQ~A R~,Ag 1^+l~i'Iflf', - CIl'y PLAM~IING OOMWISSION - DE(~I~ER Y5. 1958 - GONfItiOEDe
REQ.ASSIFIClITION - Mr. Althc+.de, appsared lxfore the Conwission, and ata4ed
IiD. F-~8-59-44 that for some time he hds, as do other service stations
(Continwd) ~ in the city, tune up cars and do brake work and realingmsrtt,
and he does not hava raom for 4hia ;n the serviee a~ation.
tie proposed to hava 4 stalls for this work, the aLation
and no portion of the above work would be visible from
Vermont St. ?he front portion of the building would
be for the sale of tires and auto accessories.
The owner of property at 901 S. Reseda Street and M. P.
Barrett, 1829 Tyrol Place, appeared before the Conmission
oppoaing the granting of the Reclassification. They
atated that they compromised with Mr. Huarte on Vermont St.
by pexmitting R-3 on those lots and also pressnted a pstition
with 58 namas i~ o~spositior. to the granting of th~
Reclasaifieation, due to the effect Lhat the filling station
is presently located on the property of Pareel 1.
There appsared to be ~o reason why this should not i~e
given its proper classification of C-3~ and upon a motion
by Commfssioner ihompson; seconded by Co~issioner Morrie
and carried, it was carried that by Resolution No. 128
that the :ommission raco~omend to the City Council that
Pareel 1 be so classified. ?he vote on the above Resolution
Nas as followse
AYES~ OO~IISSIONERSs Allred, Hapgoad, Morris, Stmmars,
Thompson, 1Vlun~gall.
NOES~ CG9AISSIONERS: Gauer and Mauerhan.
The abwe Reclassification would be sub~set toi
1. The dedication of 53 ft. from the centerline of
Placentia Ave. to the City of Anaheim for Street
2. The payment of 52.00 per front foot for street
widening purposes.
3. A 90-day Cime limit for the fulfilling of the
~bove conditions.
As it was not brought out previous to the Hearing and not
specified on the application, the uses to which parcel No. 2
would be put, would cor~stitute for the most part C-3 usea.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhan; seconded by
Commissioner Thoopson, that Parcel 2 requested for a
reclassificatioh to C-1, NEIGf~ORt:001D OOIu~~ERCIAL, be denied.
The vote on the above Resolution was as followai
AYESs OOMMISSIONFAS: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan,
Morris, S~Omsrs, Thompsoe, Mungall.
, p . ABSENT: DuBois
PEAMIT lio. i- S8 ING.~ 977 East Colorado Street, Pasadena, California~
purchaafng under contrect, reqvtsting psrmission to
establieh a delwie 21b apaca TR.~IL~R PARK with reereation
building, ewimming pool, play area, and required utility
buildings, on the property dascribed as~ That portion of
the Di} of the A}} of ths tiE~ of Section 27, T4S, R10N,
S.B.B. S M., in the City of Anaheim, County of Orart?e~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ • ~
PH~i NQ~ 1- 58 - State of California, described as followss Beginning at
the SF corner ~f the I~f~ of $he T~t~ of the N~ of said Section
f~iint~dj 27, said corner being on the centerline of Haster Avenue
and bears South 1° 19° 30" East 651.80 feet from the
centerline intersect:on s;id Haster Avenue and Katella
Avenue; thertce along the Southeriy line of the Nf~ of
tha P}} of the NE~ of saia Section 27, South 89o qg~ ~«
Mest 30.00 feet to the Westerty 2ine of said Haster
Street and the true point of beginning; thence continuing
along said last mentioned line South 89° 48' 25" West
~291.09 feet to the SW corner of the R~MF}~of the NE} of
Lhe NE~ of Section 27; thence continuing along said
Southerly line af the N} of the N~ of the NE~ South
89° 49' 40" West 841.11 feet; thence parallel with the
centerline of Harbor Houlevard North 1° 21` 00" West
390.31 feet ~o a point 265.00 feet South of the
c'eAterline of said Kate2la Avenue; thence parallel
with said centerline n~ Katella Avenue North 89° 54° 30"
East 947.74 ~~eet; then.:s~ Ncrfh 1° 20° 15" lVest 205.00
feet to a point on the a~~therly line of said Katella
!Ivenue; thence along said Southerly line North 89° 94' 30"
~ast 100.00 Feet; thence Soufih 1° 20° 15" East 205.00
feeta thence parallel with said centerline of Katella
Avenue North 89° 54° 30" East 1084.70 feet to a paint on
the Westerly linc of said Naster Avenue; ti~ence along said
Westesly line South 1° 19° 30" East 386.84 feet to the
true point of beginning; and further described as 304 West
Katella Avenue. The property is presently classified
Harry Knisely, as Attorney, for the applicant, appeared
before the Commission and stated that the City Council
deni~' the original permit for the trailer park; they
had raquested that it be reopensd on account of
having further evidence to prasent. Since the application
roras sar:t back to the Planning Commission by the C~ty
Counc3,1 we have contacted similar trailer parks sites and
operations in Palm Springs area a-td have shown them our plans
and have been advised that in their opin3on this
is the highest nse or the property and that the effect
on adJacent properties would be to inhance their value.
Additional p:ans were presen~ced showing the car wash between
the Harris Restaurant and the filling static+~ on the
corner with a series of Motels on the Katella Street
k frontage all the way to Haster St. with a drug
;~ store at the rear of the sexvice station.
'- Mr. Bob Martin presented the figures s~owing the apprais~d
~ value of property at the SE corner oi Harbor and
u Katella a~ zoned by the Orangewond Development Co. of
' 6363 MiSlshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, also
~ the piecea of land undeveloped by this same company
~ consisting of the •irailer park development and the
' balance of the frontage along Katella Ave. He also stated,
~ that the owners of Motals are not interested in hav~~g
R depths of 660 ft. for such use ar~d that it has been found
~ that lots with 200-2b0 ft. in de~+th are very much more
sattsfac~ory and better patronized.
~ ~ Plot plan of th~a pr~posed development at the corner
~: of Harbor and Kaieala ~vere presented to the Coamiusion
3n as much as ;he property South of the pro~osed ~railer
paris has frontages an ~ streets; it does not appear, that
~ am,r of the Farcels wouid be land lacked.
~ -~ ?-
~ ~~-~ ~. ~ ~.~ - uGV~-•-- - ----- _
~~J .
~,~g _~ ~~ Bry,i Ct~ss~oner thompson; seconded ~by •
p~ ~~,_ ~~ ~~rsf~ a~f carried it was moved t2~et
~~~~ }~y ~~ lfa. F,Z~, that Conditional-Use P~.rmit No. 1
' H~ e~: ~i~eet tos -
$_ '~e de~r.atfcn af 45 ft• from the csnterline.
a~ B~t~ SE. to the City of MaMim from
~16e~s l~c Sautherly-
g'~a,t a 6,t ft. dedication be mad~ on Kat~lla
~ fro~.E~aster Street Mesterly.
~. ~y~a,~C ~~C fmprovement plans and install
~~Fra~oa of aII improvements in aecordance
~ tite Apprnved Standard Plan on fil~ in ti-~
~ce of th~e Cfty Engineer be prepared
fos t~ fxantage on Haster St..from Katalla South
~ a~n t~ate~Fa Ave. at the entrance to tM
~'~ tra~ier park.
q~ '~e ~mes~t af 5~•00 per trailer space for
ii~! ao~~tfoa of Park and Recreation Sitea.
~. y1~t a secarcf ot survey be filed with the
¢L~tB' ~-
~. ~at ~ 4f1-dag tiae limft be set for the
~~~rf~ nf the above conditions.
BEYISED ~~ - e~ °~'°°~`° ~~~yQ ~r c: :ra~t ::o. 3w4 a_s ~ se.^.t•a
~p {~ ~ ~ i~e ~+~••~~~oa. 'Yhis tract is located betwr~sn
~. ~4 ~e~ st. an& Sycamore St., 3ust ilest af tM
S~ 8 S.E._ ~.8. •
~~s the Rom Imestment Co., 2120 Nallul
~ ~„ California. The Tract contains `7
~ II~ts_ 'I~ ge~rfsed Map had to do with the
~cm cf thQ alley to the rear of the Nesterly
~ a€ i3~s 'fract.
~a a ma~em I~ Comodssioner Mungall3 seconded by
~aner Alire~ and canied, it was moved that
~he ~ Teatatfve Itap No. 3064 be approved,
~'„ ~;-
g. ~8e re.Eacatfon of North-and-South All~y
ffi g~ oa the map be adJvsted to a 24 ft.
~~a~ the East-and-llest Alley be a private drive.
~. '~at ~ EommRmfty Trash Collectloa point be
~s[~F, outside of alley right-o~-way.
i~. ~~ perEfeant ~3ot.and buflding plan be
s,u6~tte~ ta tl~e City Council for re'view.
~. ~e that should tAis subdivision be
~e~~ as more than ore subdivision each•
~sfve ~vbdivision thareof, shall bs
sv~~ fct tentative form for approval.
~~~ ~,~p ~ ~~~ ma~ ef Tract No. 2773 was presented to the
TRACr ~0. 277~ ~ae. IIit SUbdfvider is, Moors Built Homes,
~ i~i~es St., lina~ei.m, California. Tract is
~~ geat Hoxth cf Katella Ave. on the West sida
~~st S~. and contains 67 lots.
~ +~ ~
~ ~ ~
ADJOURNED IEEIIN ~n CITY P~ ~ - ~ ~'• ~ - ~
' - Upa- a aoti~aa ~+ ~os~' ~* ~~
Oa~eisd9ner ~rss ~
f N0. x773
(Conlim~ed) mff ~
~. ~ ~s
approv~ t~e ~ ~
1. ~b ~ mff a~- p~l~~
~ ~3~ ~ ~ a~ la~s Qei
3. 3~ar•t'_:uen~ ~~~t anoH ~ F~ ti~ suEmftt~d to
T.i3~r ¢~osa~can a~' ~-
4. ~e~xe ~ ~ i!~@s ~u~."~~ ba
~dYl1~~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~s
~ ~
~1f 31~d~'~B $1~ '~ $~f~ $~
xENl'AYIYE MRF OF' - It rra=`se9~ss~7 ~'+~ ~ mE ba~t ~~ tl~at
onsid~sat3~ ~e ~n tlm ~~~ t~ m~t=ng
TRAC1' N0. 2??.~
. c
of Ja~' =~ ~-
Appointeierrt of a p~b~r of~.Pla~u~ing ~~D ~~""' ~~~ C0°f~~
Upon a motion by'r G'aemissfoa~er Morrisasta~ ~' ~~~~' t
w~s moysd"~b~! Eoamissioner l~taner}~ta ~ ~ ~b° ~~~"
. , ,.~ . .
'FiIE ~~IDiG ADJOURN~.~r 6:03 0°Qoek ~ M-
~ ----------~ _ _ _
__~. ~