Minutes-PC 1958/12/19 ~ _~ . _ _ -...~
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CIT'Y Pl~ld~ Q~ 991~i ~."CsImR'
~i PB~ !~ ZI~ ~
HHiD ~ffi'i ~'it?d~ia£. "`~'~'°~ ~°• P~
PRRSBNT: Si Bisner. PlanaiaB ~ug~ntt.
Gene Hardy, Attorney,
Chairman Gauer, Commisai~sss ~. ~~• ~s• ThOmPsoa,
Mungal3. Commissioaer ~3~t emibea+ed it~e ~c1tsII8 ait A.Z:S~ tJ~Clock P.M.
pBSENT; Ce.~missioners: DnBois sad ~rsas-
~rt±a w„at~u~ ~as ~auad 4a arder st 9a25 O'C3a~ A.oQ_ ~~ G~ner.
Consideration was given tc tLe Poiat~ ~~ ~ a~ ~~~~ ~Sr~$ heid oa
December 4 and December 11, 1~58.
1, A ietter was read bp Chaiimaa 1~~ ff~ B- m- ~~~¢ ~~T~ "'~"m"~ Sot
widths, square footage per 3Dt, affi ~s~ ~"s"~-
2. Lot areas. After disrnssivn, a~oota~m vass ~a~e ~9 ~~naer Hapgood,
seconded by Commissioner Thom~snm a~l ~~'~• ~~ Il~ ~~ ~ the R-1-C,
R_1-D, R-2 and R-3 Zoaes be ~~ a~ A~~~ ~~~ ~ feet.
3. Consideration was neat givea ~o ~t °~•- '~S °~ s~IlQ'~' ~' a
mption ~ by Ccmmisslo~= ~o~p~ T~~ ~9 ~Q~"~"r'P= Maue=haa and
sarried, that all lots an Ybe ~ea~ a~ ~m9 ~~~°m be kept at 70-foot
frontage with the corner 3n3s u~ ff~~_ ~"~'-=-" =-""~= 1°~ ~~ ~~iIIU°m°
frontage of 60 feet. 'T~ese sssa~s ~ ~as ~' ~ "ra ~ "'~ ~~'~• '=r`=
2ones to remain as specifird im ~e ~~-
4. Consideration was given ia ~~~ ~S'
A motion v~as made bY r^'^+"'~"'~""'~~ -~~~ ~' ~Q~~oaer Thompson
and carried, that Mr. ~Irsdy fie ~~~ ~~~°~~~ ~ t.he aew ordinance
a provision that ia the ~ 3-D Zeme• ~~~~Tn- n-o~"~` ~~Y °ae biock of
a subdivision be allowe3 a~~ ff~~~ ~ Il~ ~aare feet with
75% to be 1225 sguare fse#_ II~ S~IDID-~aQ'r'ffm~tE~m~s ~m be limited to two
5. House set-bacYs in the B-3~ aad t Il ID Z~mes_
A motion was made by ~issinmrs ~. ~''_~~ ~S ~°~~=oaer Hapgood
and carried xhat a staggered se~-~ ~e ~1t4"~ ~~F ~i~P ~usldinq
five or mor dvaellingx; to i~a~ s$ID'ff~ ~mm ~et'~~* b~ that the
average of all set-bacYs mmst ~e ?5 feeit- l
6. Under R-3-6, consideratiom ~eas ga~m t~ ~~-"~ ¢~ ~~~ of avartments.
Upon a motion by Co~nisaiames J~= ~~~~O~r Hapgood and
carried~ it was moved that the ~Se~lt ~mm~m ffS~s ~eas as g~o°'~ in the
propoac~l ordinance be At~ItPT~A tro-
7. Under iandscatoin6 ~~'~-ls ~o ~~~ Z~e$" a matioa was made by
Commission~` er Mane=han• see~d fi~9 ~?°"'~`""'~*' ~°~~ ~t tHt Iandscaping
as presentxy set np in 3~e 0r~da~a~x ~''mm u~~ ~~t ii aiso
be included in the ~8 Zoae-
Commissioner 2~no~son a~~ s• ~°ss,",z »= ~' "~ ~~'~Fs~ yeauiremeats in
4hat he feit thaY it ~ras ~he ~a~i~B ~ff Ila~ v~t~~ ~4~$u°II`
ltie vote on the above moti~ a~s ss ffoIl~ca~s:~s~ ~~Ii.
AYffi: Commissiomers: ~. ~.
NO~S: Commissiomers: '4~sss a~'~.
ABSHNf: Commisaioaer ~,rrSs.
This xequirement xill rea~is i9a rt~e pa~aea~ m'r~ `' ~~r C°s~~ii cons3deration.
The meeting adjouraed at 11sSD t~'CHs~~ ~-~-. to~ ~ at 2:OQ 0'Ciock P.M.
8. Consideration was given to the Manufacturiag 2oaes, M-1, !d-2, aad 18-3_
It was the feeling that these sections snould be revamped and a moYiom vcas
made by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgaod and rarriefl,
that more permissive uses be included in these zones.
A further motion wus made by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by ~^~~+~+~^^°*~
Mauerhan and carried, that any M-2 and M-3 Uses be permitted ia t3~e ]6-.a 7.me
by Conditional Use Permits provided that conditions specified smder t3~e DQ-g
2one can be met.
A further motion was made by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Co+~~~~¢~aer
Mauerhan and carried, that Mr. Bisner be instructed to prepare aa ~
list of permitted M-1, M-2 and M-3 Uses for iaclusion in the ordiaaace.
9. Under Restaurants in the M-1 7.one, it was moved by Commissioner Hapgaod,
seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried, to strike oui "No Sale ~~
Alcoholic Beverages."
10. Under the M-1, M-2 and M-3 Zones Non-Gen~eral qffice_s_and General iff~ir~
shall be permitted with the fol],owing requiremeats for par~ing.
Non-General Offices -?. space per 300 square feet of gross floor spa=e_
General Offices - 1 space per 200 square feet o£ gross flocr spaze_
Lt ~ 1..A u ~ua'_ _ i~a:~ '~
11. UIl~1CP i~di22"i3ii625 iiaaiLiI oi2 iIICsuu23 1.: the . Zaai25~ • o uo'c~ ai iai ~-
should carry special condi.tiuns as to pazkiag and upc+a a motion by ~C~~=sam¢~ra
Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried, it was vo~ t~ ~aHoe
a study relative to warehouse parking.
12, Carports vs. Garages require further study as to definition aad as ta ~
will be permitted, so upon a motion by Commisci~ner Hapgood, second~d.3~~ ~-
missiones Thompson and carried, it was moved ta leave the ordinance as
presentiy writtett until further study.
:.3, Conditional Use Permits were considered and upon a motion br Co~issi~es
Summers, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, it was moved to ieaae 1~ ~s as
specified nnder Section 9200.~ Conditional Use Permits as presentiy ~~ia~ll_
14, Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded bq Commissioner ~rs axn3
carried, it was voted at 4:30 0'Clock P.M, to adjourn to Januar~ 2, 393~ ait
9 0'Clock A.M. with an immediate adjournment at this time unYi?. a#~ dlste
can be determined.
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