Minutes-PC 1959/01/05 r . ~' , ,: ~ . . , . . . . . , . _ . ,. ~ . _ , r ,';;. ' ` _I ,ti <;:~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~ I ~ City Hali Anaheim, California January 5, 1959 ~. ~; :-i__:, :. ~ ~ ~ 1 REGULpR MBHTING OP THS CITY PI~INNING COMMISSIOId ggaULAR MggTING - A Regular Meeting of the City Pianning Commisaion was called to ~rder at 2:1U 0'Clock P.M, by Chairman Gauer, a quorm being preseat. pgggg~ - Chairman &auer; Commissiorters Allred, Mauerhan, Morris~ Summers, Thompson, and Mungall. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 3;08 0'Clock P.M. ~~ pggg~ - Commissioner DuBois. ~ MINUTBS' - The Minutes of the Fidjourned Regular Meeting of December 15, i 1953 were approved with the foliowing corrections: Under ~ Qinutes, the motion was made by Chairman Summers; On Page 3, 3rd paragraph, Sth line, the word should be "ask" insteac. i of "asking,"; also on Page 4, Sth Qaragraph, 4th line, omit y the 6 in front of the 70 feet. ~ i AHCLASSIFICATION - PHTITION snbmitted by HVBRBTTS C. ~ ANITA M. PARN3WORTH, 1212 I No, P-58-59-36 Bast Union, Pullerton, California, as Owner, ~an Yicente Builders, i : Inc., 121 North Placentia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Author- ; ized Agent, requesting that the property described ss being, Parcel 1. The Hast 70.00 feet of the West 202.00 feet of the ~ Hast haif of the North half of the North half of the Northwest ~ quarter of Sec4ion 12, fownship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of Cal3fornia, as said section is shown on a map recor~ed in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneoua Maps, in 1;he Office of the County Recorder of said county. BXCSPT the North 180.00 feet thsreuf. Par:.el 2. The Hast 90.00 feet of the Weat 272,00 feet of the Hast half of the North half of the North halt~ of the Northwest qsarter of the Nosthwest quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West~ in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, Caunty of Orange, State of Cailfornia, as sa~d section ia shown on a map recorded in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps. in the Office of the County Recorder of said county. BX^.HPT 4he North 180.00 feet thereof, and further described as North side Aedwood Drive Bast of Placentia Avenue, be reclassified from F-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-1, SINGLB-PAMILY RBSI~SNTIAL, ~ Mr. Bverette Parnsworth talked to your secretaty before the ' meeting and stated that the proposed sale of his propezty • faciag on Redwood Street had been cancelled and that the only thing required at the present time would be to reclasaify 4he property to R-1, SINGLB-PAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL from R-A, RbSIB1iNTIAL ~ i AGRICULTURAL. • Upon a mot~on by Co~iasioner hiauerhan; seconded by Commisaioner Aiired aud earried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 130, Series 1958-59, t6a.t the Commiasion recommead to the City Cotmcil that Reclassification No. F-58-S9-36 be approved, suti3ect to: 1. T.astaliation of side»aika on Redwood Drive. 2, The payment of ~25.00 per lot~ for the acqi~~iti~n of park and recreation sites. 3, The deQi.cQtion of a 5 foot pubiic utiiity easement along tAe Norfiherly boundary. ^ _1_ ~. ~ ~ ~ '~..W....~ ~ r /~ k' F I ~gg ~_~1q pIANNING ~QNA4ISSION - JADNARY 5, 1959 - CONTINUED: + @T 4. That a 90-ciay time limit be placed for the ~~.~,~3~ completion of the above requiremettts. E~ 5. Any dwellings erected be limited to a miaimum liveable area of 1525 square feet. 6. And ~.ny houses erected be comparable in size, quality and design to those in the immediate ares. ` ~ ~ ~' i i The vote on the above res~lstion was as follows: AYBS: COhA~IISSIONffitS: Ailred, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, ~ummers, Thompson, Mungali. NpBS; COMMIS5IONBRS: None. ABSHNT: COMMISSIONIDtS: DuHois aad Hapgood. ~E 1WFI. IQ6g - PU6LIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by I.LOYD E, MOUNT, 252 R'orth Le~on Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Lessee, r~questiag permission to Iastali a NBON SIGN on property to advertise Telephone Answering Service, on the property descsibed as Lot 20 of Original Town Lots of Anaheim, in the City OE IiARYSN101~ C~unty of Orange, Scste of Califcrnia, as per map recorded in Book 4, Pages 639 and 630 of Deeds, Records of Los Angeles Couaty, California. BXCEPT the Southerly .rectangular 85.5 feet thcreof. AI.SO BXCHPT the Northeriy rectangular 46 feet of the Southerly rectangular 131.5 fect of the Westerly rectangular 90 feet thereof, and further described as 252 N~r4h Lemon Avenue. The property is presently classified C-1, NHIC3iB0RH00D COMMBRCIAL. No one appeared for or against the grantinq of this Variance; THH HBARING WAS CLOSHD. A motion was made by Commi~sioner Summers; seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and carried, that by Resolution No. 131, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1069 be approved, subject to: 1. The erection of a sign in conformity with the plans presented. ~ 1~_ I070 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by DONALD D. W$LLS & HUGBNB W. WBLLS, 436 Heliotrope Drive, Corona del Mar, California, as Owners, requesting permission to CONTINUB the use of the building as aa OPPICB BUILDING on the property dascribed as: The Sasteriy 80.00 feet of the Westeriy 310.00 feet of the Northerl y 180.00 feet of the NW~ of the A1VJ~ of the SW~ of Section 17, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, of the 3an Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of Ora-.ge, State of California, and further described as 2172 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California. The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr.. Don Weils appeared before the Commission and stated that the buiiding on the subject property has been used by them as their tract office and that the peopie in the surrounding area were aware of this fact and had no oppositioa to this use and that their other properties to the west, wouid within a short time be improved as Commercial property. THH HBARING WAS CI.OSSD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Alirect; seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 132, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1070 be approved, subject to: -2- ___...----_...... _..._._-..-._._ _... -~- . -----~i- -- - - i~ ~ ~ ; -- -- - -- ---- . - - ~ ( J ~ ~ . .:.~; R~~ ~I~ CITy pL1NriING (:Ol~aIISSION - JANUARY 5. 1959- CONTINUBD: ~ VpRIpNCS N0. 1070 - 1. 1'he dedication of 32 feet frdm the center liae vf Orange ~ ~~t~edi~ Avenuc, if necessary. ~ 2, The pa7rment of $2.00 per f ront foot t'ar str.^.et li ghti.ng purposes. p/-RIpNCB N0. 1071 - PL'SLIC HHARING. PBTI'TION submitted by HINTZ CONS'i~2'JCTION C0. , 1545 Yatella Avenue, Anaheim, Californie~ as Lessee, Scott Signs, Inc., 1730 Hast Anaheim 3treet, Long Beach, California, as Authorized Agent. requesting ptrmission to CONSIRUCT A THMPORARY ADVBRTI3ING SIGN oa the property described as Lot 1 of Tract No. 1646, and fnrt~er described as Lot 1 of Tract No. 1646 located on the West side of Western Avenue betwesn Orange Avenue and Ball Road. The property ia presently ciasoified R-1, SINGLS-FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. No oae appeared for or against the granting of the Variance. 1~ HBARING WAS CLOSHD. llpon a motion bp Commissioner 1,iompson; seconded by Commissioner Morris aad carried~ it was moved by Resolution No. 133, Series I958-59~ that Variaace No. 1071 be approved, subject to: 1. 1he Niae conditions established by the City Council for such direcTional signs, 2, That a S1JQ.00 Bond or fee be posted for the maintenance and removal of sign. ~~~IFI~TT~ _ p~~e srsqT~. pgTITION submitted by JUGARO ISHII and TOM POODY, No, R58-59-45 as Oaner, Rob:rL H. Grant, 10401 Magnolia Avenue, Anaheim~ Calif- ornia, as Authorized Agent, rec,uesting that the property described as being tke Southerly 550 feet of the Basterly 281 feet and the Northeriy 100 feet of the Hasterly 313 feet of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sectioa 19, Toxnship 4 South, Range 10 West, Orange County, California, and furtber described as a portion of the property on the West side of Broothurst 700 feet North of Katelia, be reclassified from A-1 • (County) to C-1~ NBIGHBORHOOD CaMM~tCIAL, annexed to City. • Tbe residents of Hatella Park on the Bast of Brookhurst Street ~ appeared before the Coa:mission and presented the petition r:ontaining 138 asmes of residents in the area protesting the proposed reclassi- fication on the grounds lhat ampie commercial acreage aYready exist- ing in the area and that the proposed commercial denelopment would increase the traffic hazzard, also injecting un-aeeded commerciai development into a residct~.tial area which would be strip or spot zoning. It was the feeliag of Lhe Commission that inasmuch as the subdivider developing this commercial use in addition to th~ building of a good class of homes in Tract 2773 and thaL the pro- posed uses ~+ould be far Legal~ Dental and Medical Offices to- gether with Meter Wash Service and Minute Type Grocery to serve primarily the residents of their ovm tract and ihat with Srook- hurst Street beiag a major highway ef 120 feet right-of-way,it xas believed by the Commission that the development of this Coamercisi use wouid not materiaily effect the reaidents of Yateila Part. This development is in iine with the new C-1 Zone outlined in the new proposed Zoniag Ordinance. THH HBARING NiRS ~CL03BD. Upon a aotion by Commisaioaer Mauerhan; seconded by Commisaioner llungali~ aad carried~ it was moved thst by Resolution No. 134~ Series 1958-59, t~at the Coemission reco~mend to the City Councii, that Reciassification No. P-58-59-45 be approw:d for G-1, NBI~HHOR- u_4C~ Cd~lffitCIAL, subject to: The filing of C-1 Deed Restrictions of the City of pae~eim. ~ ' ~ ' ~~ t:~ \,J .~ V _`' 1 S ~ RBGUTAR MHSTING - CITY PLANNING COh4dI3SI0N - JANUARY ~, 1959 - O~iTIlAJFD: RBCL-83IPICATION - 2. That a dedication of 60 feet fraa the center li~ne of No. P-58-59-45 Brookhurst ~treet be made to the Caty of Anat~eia for (Continued) strecei wideaing. 3. That street improvement plans aad the in~tallation of ail improvements in accordaace rith the approved standard plans on file in the Office of the Ci.ty Pagiaeer be ~ade- 4. The payment of $2.00 per froat foot for street lighting purposes. 5. The above conditions to be fnlfilled rithin a 90 dsy time limit after annexation proceedings to the City of . Anaheim have been compieted. The vote on the above Resoiutioa xas as foll.oars: pYB3: COhalISSIONBRS: Allred, Gauer, Manerhan, lbrris. ~ers, Thompson, Mungall NO&S: None. ABSHNT: COMMISSI01~ffitS: DuBois, Hapgood. RHCIASSIFICATIOr: - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted 3~y HOC[.ID PAOF~IY MIINA~T, No. F-58-59-46 INC., 206 La Plaza, Anaheim, California, as Oraer, rtqoesting t1~at the property desciibed as being Lots 17 aad 18 of ~ract 3008, aad furtk:er described as two lo4s at the Soathxest corner of 7nc~lid Avenue and Catherine Drive, be rec3assf=ed fsus ~1. N6IC~Om COAMIBRCIAL to C-3, GEYBRAL ~eP~tL~AL. Mr. Shinn, Past President of the Buclid Property fla~g~ent, Iac•. cppeared bef<ire the Commission and stated that tbe proposed reclassi- fication is r~ portion of the developaeat of the 600 feet that is owned by them on Buclid Avenue. 17ie Company is deveiapiig cooser- cial uses along the fzontage oa Bnclid with the erectioa of llnltiple- Pamily Dwellings at the rear. It is proposed to erect a Serv3ce Station on Lots 8 and 9 and belxind the 3ervice Stution. tLeze riu be a C-1 buffer before reaching the R-3 deveiopseat. A discnssion was held among the Commission Meabers regardiag Yhe ases to ~fiich a Service Statioa may be put, it xas the feeling of ^^~"~~oaer Mauerhan, that maay Service Sta4ions were doing ~ajor repairs an cars and that they were beeomming repair garages althongh not specifically named as such. Upon a motion by Commissioner Allred; seconded riy Co~issioaer Mauerhan,that Reciassification 140. F-58-59-46 be recooended 4o the City Council for denial by Reso'lution No. 135, Se~ua 1958-59. The vote on thie matioa rvas as fa~lovs: AYSS: CONaSIBSIONffilS: f+kauerhaa. iior=is, 9u~e=s, w~sa• NOBS: COI~+IISSI01~ffiRS: Gauer, ~ompson. lkmoall. AHSENT: COARdISSIOI~iRS: DuBo3s. Hapgood. At the conclusioa of this action, Co~issioner ~pson saggested that Mr. Harding prepare a definiYion for a Sti,~per 3ervice Station which definitioa wouid speli out the persitted a~s. RHCIAS3IPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITIOH subwitted by S~D B~Ii~.4, 7122 ttest- No. P-58-59-47 minster Boulevard, Weatsinster,, Cal3fornia. Ai~T BIR~t, 8761 Bircher Street, Anaheim, California, and G. Groo*e;, ~771Y B1oe8~ Road, Anaheim~ California, as OMmers, and Cari Arthofer. 2156 Hczbor, Anaheim, Caiifornia, as i\nthorized Agmt, reqneatin~ that the property described as being: Parctl i(Baiaes ~==;:. ~ West 200 feetc of the Norih 250 fee: of Loi 1 in Block °A° of 1Yact No. 13~ as shosaa on a map recorded ia Boal~ 9, Pase 32 of llisce2l- aaeous Mapa~ records of Orange Count~, California; Partci 2 _q_ ~ - ~-._....~._..~ -~ . ---- -- - ~ - ~ - ,~ .-- ~ - _;~: i, _ _..._ ..: _. : _ . ~ ~ ~.~_~ ____ ._ ~ g~(;1TIAR MRATINC CITY PIANNING COA4dISSIOH - AI~NARY 5 1959 - CONfINUBD: ~ ''j~CI'ASSIPICATION - oIIla~~p =ecorded'in Book19,BPage 12„offM scellane us~Mapsghrecords ~ ''~io. ~~-58-59-47 ~ af Otange Couaty, IDCCEPT the West 200 feet of the North 250 feetf~ *r ~ (Con'Einue3? parcel 3(Groover p=operty). The So~th 200 feet of Lot 2~ Block I of Tract No. 13, Book 9, Page 12, Miscellaneous Maps~ and further described as the Southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue ~odC ipire S=reet, be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTU[tAL. p~gI~BQR1;ppD CpbAlIDtCIAL. Mrs, Chavos appeared before the Commission and sta•ted that she represented the home owners in Liacoln Park and this was the third time that she has appeared before the Commission on this Reclassi- fication. She stated that this was considered a strictly resi- dential area and that there are other properties in the area not presently soid, which could conceivably ask for commercial zoning also. A re:lassification was graated to Dr. Bumstead to the North of their tract. but the eommercial depth was limited and it is required by the owner to use the property next to that tract fo: R-1 development. She stated thaL the property owners on Hiawatha Street should be protected from any two-story development, as most ~ of these homes have living rooms in the rear and that any develop- ment an the subject property aext to Hiawatha Street should be . Single-Family Dwellings with houses of the same size and quality as those on Hiawatha Street. Mr. Tom Wells, President of the Lincola Park, Association, appeared befose the Commission and voiced their objection to the several plans that were presented especiaily with regard to an ailey back of Hiawatha Street~ on account of a jog in the street at this point where traffic would be comming out onto Bmpire Street with poor visibility. Mr. Carl Anthofer, as Authorized Agent for the three property owners appeared ±eF~re the Commission and stated that as a compromise~ if the property against Lincoln Avenue was rezoned for comAerci~l C-'-,for a depth of 250 feet, they would put the baiance of the property into P-1, Parking with a block wall having a minimum height of 3 feet along HmPire Street with no access or no ingress from Southerlyrboundary ofhParcelc2 and1Parcel~3in h~ h~RI1vG WASe CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan; seconded by Commissioner Alired and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 136.~ Series 1958-59~ th3t Reciassification No. F-58-59-47 be recommended to the City Council for reclassification from R-A, RBSIDRNTIAL AGRICULT~RAL to C-1. NHIC~ORHOOD COD9~IBRCIAL~ for a depth of 250 feet from Lincoln Avenue and that the baiance of the property be reclassified to Y-1, PARRING, with Deed Restrictions limitir.g the property to this use, and having no ingress or egress on Hmpire Street, and 61f~ thmasonrylwailfalonggthe Sonth lineeof~Parcels12 andg3t and a also subject +,o: ~ 1, The filiag of standard C-1, Deed Restrictians of the City cf pnaheim. 2, The fiiing of Deed Restrictions limiting the P-1, Parking 2one to Parking oniy. 3. Dedicate to the City of Aaaheim Lot A on Bmpire Street. q, Dedicate to the City of Anaheim 32 feet from the center line of Bmpire Street. S. Install sidewaiks on Bmpire Street. 6, prepare street improvement pians on Liacoin and install all improvements in accordance wirn the approved standa=d plans nn file in the Office of t::e Ciay Hagineer. 7, Reiocate irrigation line along Bmpire Street, i:f necessary. -$- *-~_. .__...___.._______....._._.__._...__._....-. ._,_ .,_.._..._._._. ___.r._---------------- ----._.... ___ .- . ---~ ~ _"'_ ~ . . ~-~. . . . ~. ~ ~ ` --'~ RHGULAR MHBTENG - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY S. 1959 - CONTINUBD RBCIASSIPICATION ~ 8. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes, Na. P-58-59-4? (Continued) 9. The time limit of 90 days to be set for the completion of the above requirem~nts. The vote on the above resolqtion was as follows: AYHS: CObPfISSIONHRS: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris. Summers, Thompson, Mungall. :vOBS: None. ABSBNT: DuBois. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by AMCG BUILDING AND INVBSTMHNT, No, F-58-59-48 INC., 700 West Orangewood, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Owner, McDaniel Bngineering Company, 222 East Center S4reet, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being the Bast 338.72 feet of Lot 24 of Anaheim Investment Company's Tract~ in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of Calif- ornia, as shown on a map thezeof recorded in Book 7, Pages 33 and 34, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, and further described as South side of Ball Road, 220 feet East of Palm Isne be reclass:iied from R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to R-3, MULTIPLB-PAMILY RSSIAHNTIAL, Mr. McDaniel of McDaniel Hngineering Company, appeared before the Commissian as Authorized Agent for the applicant. He stated that the subject property froats on Ball Road, a majoz street and that a tract is presently being developed on the North side of Ball Road is R-3, MULTIPi.B-FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. The property immediately to the South of the subject property is presently in use as a school site. No one appeared in opposition to th2 granting of the reclassification. '~'}~ HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Cororaissioner Thompson; seconded by Commissioner Mauer.han and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 137, that the Commission recommend to the City Council~ that the subject property be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL-AGRICULTORH to R-3, V~T !~ MULTIPLB-FAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL, subject to: AYK: AI.I~R~p~~~n~R NA'~~~~ 1. The filing of R-3 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim. ~1R Yf~MAM~ t4~RR~s~4owM~ai, TN•N's+N AMi~~+"~~A4~- 2. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Ball Road to the City of Anaheiia. ~ Ne6i: NoNL' AB~~T~ ~aO1~ 3. The dedication of 32 feet from the center line of Paim Lane to the City of Anaheim. 4, The preparation of street improvement plans and 3nstaila- tion of all improvements, in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the Office of the City Bngineer. 5. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street iighting purposes. 6. That a 90-day tima limit be set for the completion of the above requirements. NTATIVB MAP OP - A tentative map of Tract No. 2802 was presented to the Commission. RACT N0. 2802 Subd;viders, Amco $uilding and Investment, Inc., 700 West Orange- wood Avenue, Anaheim, California. The tract is located on the South side of Ball Road 220 feet Bast of the center line of Palm Lane and containa 16 lota. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson; seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved that the teatative map of Tract No. 2802 be approved, aubject to: -6- ~J ~ ~` R~GULAYGhIBSTIh'G - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - JANUqRy 5 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~BNTATTVB MAP OP- 1. That Loara Street be made 64 feet. TItACE N0. 2802 (Continued) 2, That it be subject to clearance with utility department regarding pole line easement locations and overhang ease- ments if necessary. 3, That adequate provisions be made for drainage to West on Palm Lane. 4. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 5, Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each successive aubdivision thereof be submitted in tentative form for approval. 6. Subject to reclassification from R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL-AGRICULTURH to R-3, MULTIPLB-PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by BARL & FLOY D81v'NBY, 16572 N0. P-58-59-49 North Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that the property described as being all that certain real prop~rty situated 3n the Rar.cha 3a.-, Jcan Cd,j6il de Santa Ana, County oF Orange, State of Caiifornia, described as follows: The Westerly 2/3rds of Lot 3 of Orange Grove Acres, as shown on a map recorded in Hook 6, Page 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, and further described as 16572 North Street, be rec7.assified from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to M-1, LIGHT MAN[TPACTURE. Mr, Richard Morley, 8671 Sunkist Street, as representative of the Morley Truck Lines appeared before the Commission and presented a plot plan and elevation of the proposed development for this pzoperty. Access to the property from the Riverside Preeway wouid be bv ~:iy of Grove Street. !;o one appeared in opposition in the granting of the reclassification, T'~i HBARING WAS CLOSBD, Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris~ seconded by Commissioner Hr.;;good and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 138, Series 1958-59, that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the subject groperty be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDSNTIAL, to M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTIJRING, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in conformity with the plans presented. 2. The tledication of 53 feet from the center line of La , • Palmz~ Avenue be made to the City of Anaheim. 3, Prepure st=eet improvements and install all improvements in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Hngineer. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 5. That a 90-day time limit be set for the accomplishment o£ the above requirements. The vote oa the above resolution was as follows: AYBS: COMMIS3IONBRS: Alired, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall, NOBS: COMMIS6IONBRS: None. ABSBNT: COb1MISSIONBRS; DuBois. ~7_ ~J ~ ~ RBG[TIAR 1~ING - CIITY PL1IddII~1G ~OQSSI~ - JAIiffARY 5. 1959 -~: RBCIASSIPICATION - P[JBLIC HBl1BI1iG. PErlZTQt subitted by FRAl~ J. & PFARL S. N0. P-58-59-50 9Q~Rl1l1I~1, 957 Ha~pstead Street, AaaLeiw, Ca2ifornia, as OKner, reqnestivg tbat tLe propertT described as being Lot 21, Tract 1421, and furtLer described as 957 Hmpstead Stzeet, Aaaheim, California, be reclassified froe 8-i, SII~GLB-FA1~LY RBSIDffi~irIAL, to G-1, NBI(~HOm C~!!B[CIAL. llr. Frant !l. Schne~aa, 95T Sa~stead Street. as applicant appeared before tbe ~~~«on and stated that he rishes to co:sduct a Radio and I~levision repair bnsiness at this address aad build on to tLe back of this garage as sho~m on the p2ans rhich are part of tffi applicatioa_ lir_ H. B. Horsington, 951 Ha~pstead Street, appeazed before the ~ovission, and stated tbat he oans the property nrst door aad tLat be opposed tbe reclassification of this property, bat ~ould be rilliag to see a Variance granted for a specific ose, bat that tLe property should not be rezoned froa H-1_ llr_ P. C. YittJ~, 432 Haspstead Street, appeared before tLe ~'~i~~oa, ~ ebjetted to the retlassification of the property to co~eraal ose_ In vier of the objections made by propertp o~cners in tbe area, it ~as eoved by Cc+~issioner 1ho~son; seco~ed by Cc~issioner Hapgood and carried, that Reclassification *io_ F-58-54-50 be caacelled aad the applicant be permitted to zeadvertase aader ~asiaace procedure. At ti~is poiat tt~e Cb~ssion adjonraed for a 10 ~innte =ecess. SPHCIAL USH- YiTBLIC ~lAII~. P~TlTIQ~I sa~itted b9 ~ SOiTl~tN BAPTISf PBRMIT N0. 1-59 C~~, 622 Iiorth Giibert Street, A~it, California, requesting pexmission ta c7@'ISl3LZd' ALL4IIT(8I~( A1~D SU~IDAY 9CH0~. BUIIIDINGS on the property destribed ass All that certaia real property situated in tLe p~M'~+^ I.os Coymtes, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as siaara on a llap recorded in Book 51, Yage 10 of llisce»>+~+~+~ !(aps, records of Orange Couaty. - California, described as follorss Yarcei 1: The Nozth 2 acres of the ifest tu~lf of tbe Soath~est qnarter of the Northeast qnarter of Section 7, 'ib~msbip 4 Sarth, Range 10 West, S.B.B & M. ~cxplting therefrm an oadivided o~-half interest in and to the ~ontL 10 +Feet oL' tLe follariagz Coaeacing at a point in the West line of the NortLeast qoarter af said Sectioa 7, distant Northeast qaarY~er of uid Section 7, distant North 0~ 46* 50" West 461_87 feet fzaa tbe Soattanest corner of the Northeast qnarter of said Section 7; t~eace North S8~ 31~ 40" Sast 255.60 feet to the true poi~ of laegi~; thence North 1~ 28* 20" West 30.00 fcet; tLence Y~ortL 88~ 31` 40" Fast 20.00 feet; thence Sonth 1~ 28• 20° Yrst 10_00 feet to the tzne point of beginning~ ~IAID F[At~B ~IBID ss 622 Gilbert Street. 1lee property is presently classified B-1, SII~'[E FAfQLY RFSIDFNfIAL. Revere~ Trnett Sborail appea=ed befo:e the Co~ission, and sltated re L3ve oat gco~m tLe Qmrch ~nd ~nday Schooi facilities tbat ezisYed tw ~ears ago_ ~ey rxed aore bai2diags for Stimday School nse a~ desire to baild aaother atiditoriua. Per- mission ras given hT ibe (:ity Cot~acil to ~ove ia a bui:ding which is nor on tLe p:+opert7, b~at on uconnY of the fact tbat all (~nrclies have been re~o~r.! fraa all mnes. Speciai IIse Permit rould be necessary to ose this ~+_-~~~ which has beea moved in aad erect fnrtLer baildings oa t3e p=operty. No one apgeared in objection to objecting to the 3peeial IIse Pezait. ~ 2~1lAI31~ !/~ Q!~_ Upon a aotion b9 (bmissioner ~ers; sesonded by Commissioner Hapgood, aad carried, it ~ras ~oved iffit by Resolntion No. 139, Seriea 1958-59, Y~a: 5~ecial t~ Yes~t lYa. 3 be grauted, sub3.~ct to: 1. ~e dediatioa of 32 feet froa t~e center line of Gilbert Street for street ~ddeaing to the City of Anaheim. 2_ ~at tl~e boi2dine line set back be 43 feet 8~ ~o~±_+^_ or {~e Plot Plar~ Pnsmted- \ ~ i -~8- ~ i i - • , - ~ J~ ~ ~ RBGUTAIt MBBTING - CITY PLANNING (~MMISSION - JANUAitY 5. 1959 - SPECIAL USB- 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all Pa"FtMIT 130.1-59 improvements in accordance reith appm~ed st~a**~ pl~ (Continued) on file ia the Office of the City ~"++~r_ 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street Sig~ purposes. SPBCIAL USB- PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted b; L. q. HOSIYIC[, ],28a2 PBRMYT N0. 2-59 Midway Drive, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Owner, reqaestiag ~~ mission to CONVffitT PRBSBNT RBSIDBNCE A1tEA 1Y1 ~ SP'~CE ~ CONPORM WITH SURROUNDING iJrsE, on the property destribed as J. Piscus Subdivision, Tract 419, B2ock 5, Iat S, and #c~ described ss 10402 South Dickel Street, (Houses ~ri7.1 3~e z~ f rom area) . 11ie proper~tq is presentYy classi#ied ~~. ,~S3- DSNTIAL-AGRICULTURAL. ~ Mr. Bostwick, as applicant appeared before the Oo~icm, aa:l stated that he had nothing further to add otber than Si~aY cc~- ~ tained in the plans presented. No one appeared in oppasition i3 the grantivg af t.t~e ~ec9a~ ~ Use Permit. 1Y~B HBARIN('~ WAS CLOSF.D. ~ Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgoad; ~caz~.ie~t ~ t?c-~~tr^°°~~ E Mauerhar.~, and carried, it was moved that by Besolrtiom I~. 19D, K Series 1958-59, that Special IIse Permit Ho. 4 be gxaated, ~~¢ to: ~ k 1. That curb and sidewalk repairs b~ 'ade, if fa~d t~n ~e necessary at the time the bnildin¢ neait is ~'aait3 ~c+ ~ move the existing dtaeilings. SPBCIAL USB - PUBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted by JA1~S HB9Z`5, 16W1 ~rh E ' PBRMIT N0. 3-59 Mediaa Drive, Anaheim, Califoraia, pnrchasing tmder ~ract. requesting permission to CONVERT ~CISTING iiA8E800SE ~ BFS~L i PROPffi.T1 POR USB AS CHURQi, on the property described as a33 t~ ' : t certain reai propertq situated in tbe Cnmty of Orra~e, S1ate o~ California, described as folloxs: Parcel 1. Y.ot ?.1 af 3Yatt F~- - 796, as shown on a map recorded in Book 24, Page 28 of ~~tea~~~ ~ Maps, records of Orange County, Caiifornia. Euept Yi~e 1Qest 3i~ ' 6 feet thereof for road purposes oniS. Pazcel 2. An ~nda.v~ ~ 1/44th interest in the pumping plant located on Lvt 42 in sa~~ ~ Tract No. 796, together with an undivided 1/44tbs ~-~T~ ~ and to the pipe line from said p~ping plaat snpp1y3a8 ~ t~ ~ the property described in Parcel 1 hereia aad otLer proptrt~ ~ in said Tract No. 796, and further described as 9372 tiraog~ ~seaoe- The property is presently classified ~~, RFCmm~az Ar~ea~~a~ ~ ~ :~r. Glea H. Benton, 2443 West Orange Avenue, appeared 3~es`are 3~ i ` Commi.ssion and presented a ietter together ~eith a aetatiam rs3m- ? ~ taining 96 names opposing #he use of this wareboase ba>>?~+ a as a ~ churcia, formeriy used by an Hlectrical Co~ractor for saay;m7s, ~ ~ while in county territory. He stated tl~at the t~ai3di~ is a4 ~ ugly looking structure, xhich if used as a tharch ~ei13 ~rtai~i~ ~} from the $16,000 to $35,000 homes in the azea, as ~e12 as creat3m~ i a possibie traffic hazzard on O~ange Avemie, ~~ch is a naa+o~ " 2 scm ~d street. The Reverend Heaps appeared before ttsr Oo~.ss ~ ritated what they intended to do to the inside of the ~~~ a S to make it useable for church purposes namely, tLe pnYtitig i4 cff i a new fioor, toilet facilities aad a~+ roof and ~ faasls j are avilabie to beautifq the outside of the building_ ]frs- ~s f • appeared before the Co~ission aad stated tbat tt~ey 3~ave ~~''~ ? E building in Bell and with the iwproveaents lLey 2mve s~ded, 1~ ( `r building is now worth $60,000. Th~°y l~ave only eight faa33es a~m ( r - would be atteadiag this church so Lo traffic ~rQ ~n3a~ me i €' created on Orange Avenue, and tihe building vaald ~t ~+e a~~ sa - ~ ~ support over fifty meabers. ~1C dp*~~+~2ios+ 35 kao~~ as #ae ~ Church of Jesus Christ. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _9' ¢ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ? i ~ i ~ ~ _ _-. .---~-- ~ - __ ~ ~ -~-- - 10~ / ~`_~ ~ ~ RHGUTAR MBBTING - CITY PIAIVNING CObAlISSION - J~NARY 5, 1959 - CONTINUBD: 9PECIAL USH - In view of the many changes suggested to the interior of the PBRMIT N0. 3-59 church, a motion was made by Commissioner Mungall; seconded by (Continued) Commiss.ioner Thompson and carried, that the buildinR inspector furaish the Commission with a report as to the condition of the buiiding and its suitability for the proposed use before the meeting of January 19~ 1959. SPSCIAL USE - PUSLIi. HBARING. PHTITION submitted by PACIPIC PARR INC., PBRMIT N0. 4-59 California Curporation, 9681 HaleBUlani Drive, Garden Grove, Caiifornia, as Owner, requesting permission to BSTABLISH A DRIVB- IN DAIRY with Paste~±r:zation being d~ne on premises, on the pro- perty described as all that certain .real property situated in the County of Orange, Sta~e of Califo.r.nia, described as follows: Parcel 1. The South 132 feet of the North 264 feet of the Sast 10 acres of the South 20 acres of the ~outheast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M. Bxcepting Therefrom yhat portioa iacluded within Tract No. 2928, as shown on a map recorded in Book 95, Pages 13, 14 and 15 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2. A non-exclusive easement for road purposes over the Hasterly 340.82 feet of the Southerly 24.00 feet of the Nor4heriy 144,00 feet of the South 20 acres of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 18, Township 4 ~outh, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M. Hxcepting from said Parcei 2, _ that portion lying within Brookhurst Street, Aiso Bxcepting from said Parcel 2, the Southerly 12.00 fee2, and further described as 501 South Brookhurst. The property is presently classified R-A. bir. Jaseph Sahagen, President o: the Pacific Far6, Iac., appearad before the Commission and stated they want~d to use this propertq for a Drive-In Dairy, selling milk, and other dairy items and that on ei#her side of the subject property there are st the present time commerciai uses on the iand. No one appearzd in opposition to the grantir.g of the Special Use Permit. THB HBARING WAS CTASBD. ~~MN~~~rw~[~ 9tC~-+V'~s sY MAtssq Upon a motion by Commissioner Summers, it was moved that by Resolution No. 141, Series 1958-59, Special U:,e Permit No. 6 be granted, snbject tc: 1. The dedication of 60 feet on Brookhurst Street from the center line. 2. Prepare street improvements plans and install ail impro:~ements in accordance with approved standard plans on fiie in the Office of the City Bngineer. 3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting pnrposes. The bond is up for the improvements on Items 1 and 2, these to be omitted from the resolution. TSNTATIVB MAP OP - A tentative map.of Tract No. 2222 was presented to the Commission. TRACT N0. 2222 This tract was heid over from the meeting of December 15, 1958, at the request of the subdivider. No release has yet been re- ceived and no one appeared at this meeting with reference to the tract. The motion was made by Commissioner Summers; seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried, that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2222 be heid over to the next meeting. T~NTATIVB MAP OP - A tentative map of Tract No. 2371 was presented to t•he TRACT N0. 2371 Commi»aion. The subdivider, the Associates Funding Inc., 12863 Palm Street, Garden Grove, California. The tract is located South of Tract 3312 on IIast La Palma Avenue and 255 feet North of Bast Sycamore Street and contains Nine R-3 Lots. -10- . ~ _ ~ _ .,.. ,.. . ~.:.. >t i . ~ ~ t~ ~~ r-- r -- --------- -..____.._~._ ----- _ = . , : -- ` ~ ~ ~ ~ RHGULIR MBBTING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ JANUARY 5, 1959 - CONTIANBD: TBNTATIVH FfAP OP - Upon a motion by Commissioner Mnngall; seconded by Commissioner 1'RACT N4. 2371 A11red~ and carried, it w~s moved that the Tentatiee Map of Tract 2371 be approved,subject to; l. Apartments to be designed with only onP driveway. 2. Garages to be in the rear of lots. 3, pertinent plot and building plans to be submi2ted to the City Council for rcview, 4. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more thaa one subdivision, each subdivision thereof, shall be submitted in tentative form for approvai, RBVISBD TBNTATIVB - A revised tentative map of Tract No. 2701 was presented to the MAP OP TRACT Commiasion. The subdivider is, Buccola Investment Company, N0. 2701 3700 Newport Blvd., Newport Seac1~, California. The tract is located 825 feet North of Ball Road on the West side of Brookhuralt Street, contains 36 R-3 Lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan; seconded by Commissioner Mungall and carried, it was moved that the revised tentative map of tract ~701 be approved, subject to: 1. That access be provided in the rear of lots 1 to 4. 2, Garages to be constructed in the rear of l~ts. 3. Only one driveway per 1ot, 4. VanCouver Drive :o be 48} feet. 5. Omit small parcel at the southwest corner of Tract. 6. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. If 7. Require that~this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each successive subdivision thereof, shall be submitted in tentative form for approva.l. RH!-I3~ T9I~TATTYA - A revised tentative map of Tract No. 334B was presented to thP DlAP OP TRACT Commission. ~'he subdivider is, George M. Holstein and Sons, N0. 3348. 166 Bast i7th ~~treet, Costa Mesa, California. ThE tract is iocated on the North side of Cerritos Avenue~ 717 feet west of Huclid Aeenue, contains 58 R-1 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall; aeconded bp Commissioner Hepgood and carried, it was moved that the revised tentative map of tract no. 3348 be apQroved, aubject to:. 1. That the Slue line be changed to lot lines. 2, The dedication of 45 feet on Cerritos Avenue from the center line of the street. 3, Subjest to ciearence of the Utility Department re- garding pole line essement and locatioas and overhang easements, if aecessarq. 4, i~e=tinent plot and building plane to be submitte~! to the City Cou~cil for review. S. Require that this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivieion, each su~cessive subdivision thereof~ shall be subm3tted in tentative form for approval. -11- ~~l i I I ~:- . '?>~~ . . . . . ~-'~~~~ • . . ~1 ~ ~ I + ~ 11~II~'s - CITY PIANNIAiG C:OI~4~IISSION - J~'NARY 5, Y959 - CONTIWHD: j 1 G~ATIQ~i~ IIQO'LT - Coasideration was given to a petition filed by residents i ~~ a*~4i'~'~~ af 4range Aveaiae, Knott Avenue, and Ball Road requesting ; consent to start proceedings for the annexation to the City ~ of Anaheim of certain territory preseatly contiguous to the Citq, said annexation to be known as the Rnott-Orange ' Anaexation, consisting of 75 acres. ' Inasmuch, as this annexation will close the existing gap between the Cities of Anaheim and Buena Park, a motion y+as made by Commissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried that the City Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the ;above territory known as the Rnott-Orange Annexation be considered for annexation to the City of Anaheim. ~,'+'~oN OP ~iOTT - Consi3eration was given to a petition filed by,residents 4~ gI~SATION of 8nott Avenue, Brady Street, Sa~anna Street, Ball Road and Cerritos Avenue requesting consent to start proceedings for the Annexation to the City of Anaheim of certain territory to b~ kaown as the Rnott-Cerritos Annexation consisting of 212 acres. Iaasmuch as Yr.is annexation will close the existing gap between the Ci•ties of Buena Park, Cypress and Stanton, a motion was made by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner A11red and carried that the City Planning Co~nissioa recommend to the City Council that the above territory known as the Knott-Cerritos Annexation be considered for annexation to the City of Anaheim. ~ LE(~TS - A discussion was held by the Commis~ion on the subjer,t of signai ligh4s at Five Points. This subject was brought up by Commissioner Summers, who stated that signals were proposed for this intersection some f~ur or five years ago, but as yet nothing had been done to install same, Upon a motion by Commisaioner Summers, seconded by Co~n- missioner Thompson and carried, it was moved that the City Councii be asked to consider the in.;tallation of signai iights at this intersection. ~ b~IIiG' ADJO[IItl~ AT 5:45 O'CLOCK P.M. -12- ~ ' A b ~_.,~,_.~, ._.. .~ • Respectfuily submitted, . ~~' ~ R. . MUNGALL, S etary