Minutes-PC 1959/01/08, .~ ~
!'~f '.~f P~ Z~TIN(: ~tDINANCB AND MAP
~ @f ~Y. JAN[TARY 8, 1959
~: SL ~~~,!,y~• ~~ ~~bIISR~tHIIt~
~ aa+wl ~ A~
(bai~aa 6~er, (7o~issioaers; Hapgood,ldauerhaa, Summers~ TYiompson,
affi llmgala_ ~taffc 6ordoa 3teea. CDict Reese(in at 11:20 A.M.)
A~qT: t~o~ssiaaersc B-lired, DaBois, Morris.
'ffit lfeeting ~aas caEled to a~d~er at 4:30 A.M.
1. lbtina by r~:«+•+~~ ~soa. seconded ~p Commissioner Mauerhan and carried that
pyanai~ Sltafg aate a fazt~er stndp of us:s permitted in the M-1, M-2 and M-3
I~tistri.al Zoeta.
2. 9a0(!.!b-Cra 7aad Re~ulations
A_ Fraet ~ard
1. Each lot ia tfie R1-C and R-D Zones shall have a front yard
atmding, ezcept for access drives and walks, across the
fall vddth of the subject property, of a depth of not less
tLaa t~ent~five (25) feet; provided, that where a precise
pian 3,s appzoved for the development of five f5) or more
~ adjoiaiug lots, fronting oa the same street~ the required
fanat ~azd for some Iots may be rednced to twenty (20)
~-~, ~~ •*..:~- °°~:..e~ fze~t yasd o€ 8!!Ch lOt3 shall have a
depth of aot iess than twentq-five (25) feet. No credit
sffi11 be givea in ascertaining such average of more than
thi=t~ f3t?) feet for any one lot. In the case of a corner
lot, also a pazd of not less than ten (!0) feet in width,
alo~g tIre aLntting side street. Por cul de sacs, see
Stctioa 9~0.6.D; for curving or irregular street line,
see Sectioa 9200.6.B.
2_ ~ecz sIIaii be ao structures located in a required front
Faa~ or ia a reqnired side qard abutting a street.
~~- .
3. 920~.11-~4 Iat Atea snd Di~msions
~~ ~ ~}fllll~R~Qj~g
'~e ~+•+~ Fat dimmensions shall be:
lfini~ ~adth: S~eventy C70) feet for iaterior lots
fxmating upon a major. primazy or secondary street;
sizt~ (6Q) feet for alI other interinr lots;
scventgsevea and ano-haif (77~) feet for corner
lots froniing upon a major, primary or secondary
st=eet; sistp-sis C66) feet for all other corner lots.
ltiaim: dep3a: One hundred (100) feet.
4. 9200.~l-g--6 ~Iiai~ ~ln~r A=eas of Drelling IIait
1liai~ Floor llrea: Not less thaa tweive hundred tweatq-five
(1225) sqaur feet of first aad second storq fioor area,
, ~,,:-~ : ` ------.. 1
=-~'='-=•°` '
L} ~ = ~~
4. 9200.R1-D-6 Minimum Floor Area of Dreili~ IIait ((bnti~oed)
exclusive of basmm4, attic, garaae sgace and accessory
buildings; provided, tLat in all sabd"adsioas ia this • ~
zone approved after tLe effectise date of :IIis ardinance, I
tbe minimtm fioor arca of not aor~ t~an ttimtp~five per i
ceat L2~) af tbe ~el~a~g ranits an socb sondivisioa 4
may be redneed to a minism floor area pes oait of aot
less thaa ox t~ (1pppD aqoare feet, if a~ Qrecise plan
has been approced fos tLe d~s~elopment of snch snpdivision
showiag the loution of snch ~aellin6 ~its with ihe
reduced floor area. 1do dreiling mit Delor the norma; minimum
of tweive bnndzed trientg-fi~e (1?25 square feei of fioor
area shali have more tLan t~ao (2) bed=oos,g.
5. 9200.R1-~7 Yard Regulations
A. Pront Yard
1. Bach lot in tLe iti-D 7,ooe shall ffive a froni pard
extentiiag, ezc.ept for ucess dri~s and araiks ~
across the fnll ~th of tbe snb,ject Pzoperty, of
a depth of not less tl~aa t~e~entg-five (25) feet;
provided, tlaat d~ere a precise Plam is apPrnved for
the developmeat of fioe (5) or nore adjoiniag lots,
fronti.ng on the saae strtet. tLe =equired front yard
for so~e lots say be rednced to trenty (Zp?feet~ €f the
average front yard of sush lots shali bave depth of not
less than tirentp-five (25) feet. No credit shall be
81vea in ascerta3aing sach a~erage of tore tLaa thirtq(30)
:g2~ _`~_ ~~ ~+~~_ ~a ~i.e csa~t ai r corner ioi. aiso a
yard of n„t lcss tLan ~ea (1~) feet ia ridth. along the
abuttting side strcet. For cal de sacs, see Section 9200.6,D;
for curving s~r irsegoiar sixeet line~ yee ~e~tioa 9200.68.
2• T~ere sball be no stractnres located in a reqnired front
yard or in a reqaired side yard abnttix~g a street.
Wheaever a precise plan for aay land 3s approved, or a variance or coaditioaai
use permit granted, an iadication to tLat effect shall be u~le upoa the
zoaing map. ~
I~enever the Councii or the tb~issiom deess it advisable it nay reqnire any
applicant far rezoniag, reclassificatio~. vari~ee or coaditioaa2 use permit
to file a precise plan shoxing the msumer ia ~.ich the sabject p=operty
is to be used and the location of structares t6ereon.
Not Adopted.
An erea which provides for the mervicang o€ notor ~ehicles~ intladiag the
sale of gasoline and lnbricaats, the sale aad i~~»'t3on of tues, batteries
aad other merchaadise and sappL'aes related to tLe sez~icing of motor trehciles;
the malciag of minor repairs ~Lich ue m~~~~ ;..r„4.e.~ ~~ operation
of a filling atation; the a~
~~B ~gdeat of rLeels, and tire repairs,
b~t not includiag bodq aad fender wr~, Yire zeqppi~g, ~a,jor =epairs~
mechaaical overhauls os the generu garage baaiaess~ onless snch nse is
specificallq perm3tted in the m~.
-~ ~
~l ~ ~
4. C-8- Commercial Recreation Zone - C-8-2
Take out "buildinga" in second sentence and substitute °area.°
10. Dan Ha:nhard owner of property on Hast side of Buclid Avemie sppeazed and ~
requested C-7 on the front of his property and R-3 at the rear. ~
Taken under advisement.
11. Mrs. Fuguay, owner of property at ihe Southeast coraer of Western Aveane
and Ball Road appeared and raquested C-6 Zoning on this property for a
Service Station, .
Commission grar_ted as there is C-6 directiy across the stcreet to the rest.
Work Session closed at 12;00 P.M. and recesse3 until 1:30 P.M. }
12. Mr. Reese pr~.:sented parking ratios from a survey of var?ous shopp.ing centers i
similar to the Sroadway Center, which were found to range fro~ 2.5 to 3,3 to 1. ?
The Commission adopted a ratio of 3:1 for the C-4 Zone. j
13. Letter from South Pacific Railroad relative to uses in the !~!!-1 Zone considered. ;
14. G~7 Zone a 10 foot landscaping requirement on periferies in such zcne adopted. ;
15. Set-backs adopted of 50 feet from the property line on Harbor Bonlevard and ~
35 feet on Bali Road, i
16. Drive-in and walkup restaurants and resiaurants with cocttail bars to be
in:iuded in F2 Zone, i
Zhe Commission adjourned at 4:03 0'Clock P.M, to Januarq 16. 1959 at 9:30 O'Cloct A.M.
R. W. , Secr azy
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