Minutes-PC 1959/01/16CITY PIANNING COt~4dI33I0N W~tK SHSSION
1 pRHSBNT: Si Hisner, Planaiag Consultant
I Gene Hardy, Att~rney
;j Gordon Steen and Bnnals Ives.
Chairman Gauer, Commissioners Hapgood, Mauerhan, Sumieers, Thompaon and
Mungall. Commissioner DuBois present from 10:20 0'Clock A.M, to
3:25 0`Clock P.M.
; ABSffi1T: Commissioners Allred and Morris.
The Meeting was called to order at 9:30 0•Clock A.M.
1. In view of ietters received from owners of Industrial property it was the
opinion of the Commission that M-3 uses could be allowed in M-2 and that
M-2 uses be allow in M-1 if the standards set up couid be fullfilled.
The letter from Mr. Cooper, owner of property Bast of Walnut Street and
extending Westerly to the railroad tracks South of West Santa Ana Street
requesting a widening of Lhe M-1 uses was ceasidered. It was the con-
census of the Commission that this parcel should remain as M-1 untii a
preciae plan for deveiopment was presented to the Commission at which
time consideration would be given Lo the uses involved.
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2. In view of the subdivider's complaints that signs permitted on the subdivision~~,r/.
were nat large enough, ~w. B:sae: sugg2sled t:sat rather lhaa a12ow lszger 'r
sigas that 60 square feet that more signs be permitted on the tract property
depending upon the size of the tract for 30 of less lots 2- signs containing
60 square feet. 31 to 49 lots 4- signs containing 60 square feet.
50 and over - 2 additional signs for each 25 additigpal lots - Adopted.
a, Mr. Pishman of Lin-Brook Hardware Company appeared before the Commissicn and
discussed th~ problems that he had with reference to their property .nd how
their property and how they iatended to comply with the new propo;,ed zoning.
The Chairman thanked him for appearing.
4, Mr. William Remland, owner of property at the Northeast corner of Stanton
Avenue and Orange Avenue appeared before the Commissio:i protesting~the R-3
Zoning shown on the map. After discussiun this waa chaaged on the map to
C-6 by motinn of Commissioner Mauerhan~ seconded "oy Commissioner Hapgood
and carried.
5. Mr, Johnson~ property owuer at the Northeast corner af Ball Road and
Nutwood Street appeared before the Comaisaion and protested R-1 2oning
on bia property. On a motion by Commiasioner Mauerhaa, seconded by Commissioner
Thompaon and carried, Lhis was changed to R-3 on the ~aap.
6. Mrs. Audrey Warnoff, owaer of property on West eide of South Los Angeles Street
• appeared before the ~',ommission aad protested the R-3 Zoning. Origiaally the
zoning was C-1 but tract was developed as R-3 with many business uaes now in
the area.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Summers~ seconded by Commisaioner Thompaon aad
carried the frontage on Vouth Los Angelea Street and on both sides of Winaton
Road to Iris Street be :haaged to C-7 on the map and that the property on both
sidea of Hiil Place rema3n as R-3, This was sochanged on the map.
7. Mr. Dick Reese of the Planning Staff preaeated reviaed Parking Requirements
based on the number of apaces per 1000 aquare feet of grosa floor area for
each of the "C" and "M" zonea.
Upon a motion by Cocnoaiasioner Mauerhaa, seconded by Cammissioner Hapgood
and carried, ihese changea wili be incorporated in the Ordiaance.
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8. The Northeast coraer of Huclid and Broadraay is shown on the map as ~7.
Upoa a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, secoaded by Commissioner Hapgood and
carried, it was voted to Sease this property in C-7 at the present time.
9. ~e North 10 acres 'Aesterly from the railroad tracks, South 3ide of Broads:ay
and going Westerly to Loara Street was placed in M-1 upon a motion by Commissioner
Mauerhaa, seconded by Commissioaer DuBois and carried.
10. The gopshoi parcel just South of Catherine Drive extending from Buclid Avenue
to Loara Street was placed in Cr6 for a depth of 270 feet from Huclid Avenue~
thea the balance to the Bast was placed in R-3, except for the frontage on
Loara Street, which was placed in R-2, by a motion of Commissioner 1liompsoa.
seconded by Commissioner Mauerhon and carried.
11. 1he Northeast corner of North Str~at and West Street and some of the properties
to the North along North West Street requested R-3.
Upon a motion by Comwiasioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and
carried, it was voted to leave these properties in R-1-B.
12. The area in the triangle bounded by Southwest Street, Bali Road and Maachester
Avenue was placed in C-A catagory upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan,
seconded vy Commissioner Mungall and carried.
13. Mr. Fred Law appeared before the Commission relative to his property on the
Hast side of Stanton Avenue just North of the Remland property at the Northeast
coraer of Oraage and Stanton Avenues.
Upon a motion by Commission Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and
carried, it was voted to include the Ia.w propesty in C-5.
14. The area on Paim Btreet from Water Street to Vermont Avenue was considered.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded bp Commissioner Mauerhan.
and carried, it was voted to 1. Place the Northeast, Narthwest and Southeast
corners of South palm and Water Streets in C-7; alon the two properties at
the Northeast corner of South Palm Street and Vermont Avenue in F7; also the
West side of South Palm Street from South Street to a point approximately 330
feet North of Hampshire Avenue an.d having a depth of app::oximately 230 feet in
15., South Palm 3treet South to Bali Road oa West side to C-6 and the Southeast
corner af Vermont and South Ralm Street to C-6 to the County Agricultural
Offices and the County property as G7.
This was done by a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner
Mauerhan and carried.
16. The lot lying along the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad tracks running ~
worth from Sycamore Street approximately 100 ft, wide and 428 ft. long is not ~
suitable for any residentiai usa and 13es along an aliey. ;
Upon a motioa by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioaer Thompsoa and ~
carried, this lot tieas placed in M-1 on the map. @
17. Mr. Don Barnhart again appeared before th~ Commission relative to the property ~
on the Bast side of South Huclid Aveaue at the 3outh City limit. Aftes ~
discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner
Mauerhaa and carried !:hat tha.s property be shown on the map as C-7 for. a ~
depth of 160 fet. with R-3 at the rear, A further motion ivas made bq Commissioner ~
Summers, seconded by Commissioner Mungall that the R-3 be restricted to only ~
one story aext to any single family dwelling, but that on the North and South
sides where the properties are undeveloped, that two stories be permitted if
alleys are placed at the rear of the lots.
18. The Commission outiined the industrial areas on the map placing ail iand
South of Bali Road in the M-2 Zone, except that portion Hast of Placentia and
North of Orangewood in the M-3 2one, 1he preseat M-2 at the NorLh end of the
ciLy into M-3 and the present, the preseat M~1 North of Orangethorpe to M-2 and
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the baiance to r~;r as M-1 ia this erea.
T6ese ~haages rere adop:~d upon a motion by Gommissioner Mar:+~ ;.~:*:: :.c ;: r.+~<3
~ r„~;~Q;oner gapgood and carried.
19. At a poiat on the Fast side of North Placentia 275 ft. 8onth of Hast La
pa~/~~e aad rnnning southeriy a distance of approximateiy 650 ft, and
i ffiving a 3epth of 275 ft, ras placed ia ~7.
~ IIpon a~otioa bY W~issioner Thompson, seconded bq Commisaioner Mungall
~ and carried.
! 2p, pn the llrest side of North Placentia Aveaue Northeriy from Bast Center Street
~ ws piaced ia C-7 for a distance of approximately 400 ft, with an average
depth of approsmately 250 ft.
Dpon a=otiaa by Comaissioner Mauerhan, secoaded by Commissioner Thompson
a~ urried.
21_ lbe azea at tLe Southxest eo=ner of ~outh Street and South Placentia Avenue
ws requested bq the psopertq owners to be cia~sified as C-7 as far as
1lorage Avenue.
Dpon i sotion by (7omaissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and
carried. it ~ras eoved to leave the area as R-1 untii a plan for development
raa presented, ezcept that portioa preseatly classified as R-3.
22. ~e Huarte lot nezt to the Service Station at the Northwest corner of Placentia
and pezmoat Avennes was =equested to be rezoned to C-1 to provide stores
for oatr~s to the City Yark across the street.
IIpon a~otion by Co~issioner ~mners. seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and
cazried, it ws voted to leave as presentiq zoned until pians for development
mere availabie.
j A~otion vas sade to adjourn by Commi.ssioner Hapgood to January 19, 1959 at
R. W. GALL, c etary
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