Minutes-PC 1959/03/09~ ; ~ . :,~k ~~., . ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim, Califosnia March 9, 1959 p~ p~NBD gg(R1IAR MBBTING OP 1HB CITY PIANNING COMh1ISSI0N p~JQ~RNgp ggGUL-R MSHTING: - An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Plann3ng Commission was called to order at 2:00 0'Cloc's P.M. by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present. ~~: - Chairman Gauer, Commissioners; DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris, ~mmers, Thompson, Mungall. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2:15 0'Clock P.M. AB~L~: - Commissioaer Allred. lhis was an Adjourned Regular Meeting heid to consider the items not acted upon at the Meeting held on Monday, March 2, 1959. ~I~ ~~Tiyg - A Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2767 was ~ ~P ~~ Np, presented to the Commission. Mr. lbups as Hngineer 27b7 for the subdivider, Luxury Homes, 1557 West Common- wealth Avenue, Pullerton, California appeared before the Commission. This tract is located on the Bast side of Sunkist Street, South of Hast La Palma Avenue and contains 71 Sots. Mr. Toups objected to Condition 4, set up by the Bngineering Committee, whereby the parcel labeled "not a part of" must be improved by the subdivider. If this condition would be met the subdivider would have to move the house and they have no control over this property whatever. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, secondec! by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, it was movei that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2767 as Revised be approved, sabject to: 1, The completion of annexation proceedings. 2. Subject to state highway appro~~?, 3. That Untierhiil Avenue to be fully dedicated and improved including the North half, unless the City purchases the land to the North. 4, Tha'., the cul-de-sac be shortened using pie shaped lots at the end. 5. That homes in this development be limited to a minimum of 1350 square feet. 6, That pertineat piot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. -1- .---- ----_ _. .___..:__: ,~~. . , - - . . - .. - -- - - = ~.~ --- C~ - ~; _ -:,~_ C.~ ., ADJpURI`I~ RgG[TIAR MSHTING - CITY PIANNING (:`.l~YdI3SI0N - MARCH 9. 1959 - CONTINUSD: RBVISBD TBNTATIVB - MAP OP TRACT N0. 2767 ( Conti.nued) i i T. Require that should this aubdfviaioa be developed f as more thaa oae subdiviaion~ each succesaive au~63vision i thereof, shali be submitted in tentative form fnr approval. I• TffiVTATIVE MAP QP - A Teatative Map of Tract No. 2962 was preaeated to the Commisaion. 1RACT N0. 2962 Subdivider is t2~e Morago-Pulton Building Company, 6505 W3lahire Bouievard, Los Angeles, California. The tract is iocated on Cresceat Avenue, 1365 feet West of BrookhuraL Street. The tract contains 19 Iots. Upon a motion by Co~oisaiuner DuBois, secoaded by Commisaioner Mnngali and carried, it eras moved that Lhc Tentative Mep of Tract No. 2962 be approved, subject to; 1. Reclassif~cation to R-3. 2. ~at a 20 foot ailey be iastailed beh3nd Lota 14 through 1~. 3, That temporxry alley easem~nt aloag the west aide of Lot 11 to be shown as Lot A aad improved by the deveioper until such a time as Northerly alley can be extended Weaterly. 4, ltiat pertineat plot and building plans to be submitted ta the Citp Counc3i for review. ~. w2yti12c ~uni. iu25 bE.bd£~ision be Q2v216~24' fio II6T2 ~116t1 one subri±vision. each successive subdivision thereof, shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. RBVISBD TBNTATIVB -/~ Ttevised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2990 was presented to tYe MA.P OF TRACT N0. Commission. The subdivider is Chip t~asin, 12911 Belfast Street, 2990 Gardea Grove~ Califoraia. The tract is located on the West side af Dale Awenue, South of Ball Road and contains 15 lots. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried, it was moved that the Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2990 be approved, subject to: 1. lhat pertineat plot aad building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 2. Reqnire that this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each succesvive aubdivision thereof, shall be submitted in teatative form for approval. TBNTATIVS MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3364 was presented to the TRACT N0. 3364 Commission. ~e subdivider is Griffith Brothers, 822 "iiest Cenfier Street, Anaheim, California. ~e tract is located So~th of Bail Road on the Hast side of Nutwaod Street and the tract contains 12 lots. Upon a motion by Co~issioner Mauerhan, aeconded by Cummiasioner M.~agall and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3364 be approved, subject to: 1. ~at the frontage uf the iot marked " not a part of" on Nutrrood Street be dedicated and fully improved. 2, lhat pt.rtinent plot and buiiding plans be aubmitted to Lhe Git3~ Council for review. 3. Require that this subdivision be developed as more than oae subdivision, each succesaive aubdiviaion thereof, shali be snbm3tted ia tentative form for approvai, ;.3 - . --- -=- _ _.,__ ~ . .~ ~ ~ i f AD1~[TRIVBD RSGULAR MBBTING - CITY PIANNING CObAlI_SSY~3d - MAA~i 9, 1959 -~: RBVISBD TBNTATIVS MAP- A Revised Tentative Map of 1Yact Ho. 2938 ras presented to the OP ZRACT N0. 2938 Commissioa. ~e subdivider, Butler-Harbour Coastruction Co~pany, 9741 Lincoln Aveaue, Anaheim. California. ~e tract is located • on the North ~ide of West Broadxay 663 feet Mest of liagnolia • Avenue and contains 41 lots. __.~ t ~ Upon a motion bq Commissioner Morris. seconded by Coaissioaer Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that the Revised Tentative Map cf Tract No. 2938 be approved, subject to: 1. Approvai from the Orange Cuunty Flood Control District. 2. The dedicaYion and i.nstailation of curb, gnt~er aad paviag across Hdison easement betreen Tract No. 2832 and 2938. 3. That pertinent plor and buii~ing plan5 be snbaitted to the City Council for review. 4, Require that this subdivisioa be developed as ~ore than one subdivision~ each snccessive subdivision thereof, shall be submitted in teatative fora for approval. Note: 1Wo letters from adjacent property owners xere received, but not acted upon by the Comission. RfiCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by ROSFRT P. RAII.S, 9401 N0. F-58-59-65 Blanche, ~arden Grove, California. as Ci~mer, reqnestiag that ihe property described as being 1110 ~est La Pa2~ .°_verne be reclassif:ed f rom R-A, RBS:iDHNTIAL AQtICUL1URAL to C-1, I~I(#~tHOm C~lI~FCIAL. Dr. Ralls appeared before the Commission and stated that he desired to have his property recYassified to C-1, I~I(~O~Fi80~- COMNIBRCI.4L to permit him to uae it for professional offices, a coffee shop, a flower sho~ aad a pharuacy and also that the ~outh portion be permitted for establisbment of rest hoaes. In view of ~ye fact that the Anaheim ~3ospital is 3irectly across the street ez~d that this property is bisected by the Flood Control C.hannel. He believed that the above uses vere the ~st logicai. No one appeared in oppositioa to the granting of the prnposed reciassification. ~iB HBARING MiAS (:LOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thom~son, seconded by Ca~aissioaer Mozris and carried, it was moved that bp Resolutioa No. 1T8, Series 1958-59, thaf: ~the subject property be reco~eended for reclassification from R-A, RfiSIDF1i1Tl1: AC~ItIC[lL1URAL to C-2, NBIQiBORH00D COhAfSRCIAL and that thi: Crl reclassification extend only to the Northeriq boundary of the Flaad Contral Channel on the Westeriy portioa of the property snd oa the Basteriy portioa of the property, Sonth of the Flood Control Chanaei to the Southeriy boundary of the property and subject to: 1. That the property to be developed essential in accardance with the plot plan presented. 2. That standard C-1 Deed Restrictions be placcd on the property, approved by the City A~torney. I 3. That a 6 foot ~nasonry wall be erected along 1`.he Westerly line of the property. 4, That street improvemeat pians be prepared and a11 improvements be instalied in accordance rith standazd - plans on file ~n the office of the City Eogineer on Mest La Palma aad North Wesf. Street. -3- -- . -. - . . ---~ ~.J ~ ~ - ~ V pDJ~URNBD RgGUIpR MBBTING - CITY PIANNING COI~Mfi83TON ~MARQi 9, 1959_- CONTINUBD: .\ ~ [ _ __ __. R i i RHCIASSIPICATIO~ - 5, That a 40 ~+ay time li~it be set £or the accompliehment. N0. F-58-59-65 of tne above reqt~ir~e~a~nts. (Continued) The vote or. the above resolution was as foliowas pYSg: COMMISSIONBRG: DuBois, Gauer~ Mauerhan, Morrio, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOH3: COMMISSIONffitS: None. ' ABSBNT: COMMISSIONBR: Alired. NOT VOTING: C~4dISSxONffit: liapgood. RHCLASSIPICATION - PUBLIC H&4.RING. PBTITION submit•ted vy CBNTRAL HAPI4T CHUA~ c/o The Califor-iia Baptist Conferen~e, 530 L~NTY N0. P-58-59-66 , OP ORANGB CO South Second Avenue, Covina, Caliioraia, a$ Ownes aad IdcDANIffi ENGINBffitING COMPANY, 222 ~ast Center Street, Anaheim, Cai:fornia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property deacribed as Lot 1 af Tentative Tsact Nr~. 2895 be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, NBIGHHORHCflD COMMffitCIAL and Lots 2 through 11 of Tentative Tract No. 2895 be reclasaified from R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTfJfZAL to R-3, MULTIPLH PAM.ILY RHSIDBNTIAL and further described as the Weat side of Maga~lia Avenue, 300 :eet North of Lincoln Avenue, Mr. A. R. McDaniel, as Bngineer for the property owner, appeared before the Commission and stated that with the Plood Control Channel going through the property it wa^ believe that the pro- perty South of the Channel shessld be permitted for cuwnercial and one tier of lots on the South side of the ~roposed extension of Yale Avenue be permitted fo= R-3, MULTIPLB Pa.idILY RF.SIDBNTIAL dweilings. Mr. R. Hardin, 2648 Yale Avenue, presented a petition urith 165 names oppos3ng the granting ~~f this reclassification for the foilowing reasons. 1) That !.t wou id lowez the property value of their homes. 2) That mass population in a limited area will over crowd our schoois. 3) lhat the R-3 presently approved is more than se~ffi.cient for the area. 4) 1Yiis being in general a home owners area it should remaia single fami:.y. 5) Traffic and parking problems wiil arise creating s nuiaance to the Home owners within this area. He aiso stated that he moved to Anaheim to get auburban type of livir,g. He also preseate4 a map showiag the propoae3 R-3 reclassificatioas under consideration in this area an3 sLated that accorciing to real estate atatistics in Anaheim there is vacancy in apartment Unita of 18 to 20 per- cent at the present time. Mrs. Leslie V1iet, 2649 Bruce Avenuet appeared before the Commissicn and atated that ahe was interested in ':heir school district which in the Aaaheim Buli~etin of Mareh 4, 1954 showed that the Magnolia Schooi Dietr3..:t containa 1616.4 developed acrea and 602.3 acrea of uadeveloped property and that with multiple family dwe113ngs the school popu2atioa wouid grPatiq increase. Mr. H. 3. Oakden~ 2645 Brnce Avenue, appeared before the Commiasion and stated that the Plood Control Chaanei av ahown on the man was aot in its proper ::cation and ~compiained about dirt condition which they get on Yale Avenue after a r~in , atorm. Mr. McDaniei anawered these objectiona by sayin;~. 1. That the Pioad Coatrol Chaanel location was c~rrect on the map. 2, That the passage of mud into Yale Avenae wouid be re- lieved with the devslopment of Yale Avenue to Magmalia Avenue. 3. That the Plood Controi Chanaei.was uader coastruction $ome three milea to the YVest, but he was unabie to say when the channel would go in at thia particular location. 4. That tne tract to the West wi4h aii dead-end atr~~ta reatricts traffic -4- ~ ; } l S F ! i ~ rt ----- .--.-,;._~ -- ------ a e .~ i . e ~ ~ - s ~ ,~~. . . ~:< ,+,;1 ~c,_- _-----_ _ _ C) ~._ _ __.. .. __.._.~ _....._......._.______.' -..--------- ~ t•.~ ~~ } ADJOURNBD RHGITLAR MBBTING , - CITY PLANNING COMM03SION - MARCH 9, 1959 ~ CONTINUHD: ~ 1 ASCIASSIFICATION - circulation for fire and other servicea. 5. He agreed that ~ N0. F-S8-59-66 the aubdivider would hold any.lots down to one atory dwellings ! (Contiaued) abutting R-1 property. THH HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Commissioaer !!orria remarked that he believed there was a hard- ~ ~ ship shown on thia parcei of property, due to the 2.ocatioa of ~ the Plood Control Channel, also that the subdivider of their i tract doea have within hia tract aome R-3, Multiple Pamily , zoning. He also atated that aome of the lots on Yale Avenue back up to commercial property which could be more detrimental than R-3. He further stated as is shown that multiple family dwellings do not produce the school load than aingle family dr~~ellings do and that if there ia eny over loading of their schools ia this district, it will be producP by the develop- mc:nt: of the single family tract to the West, Tract 3045 con- taining 151 single family dwelliaga and that the buildiag of 10 R-3 dwellings in comparision with this tract wouid have Sittle bearing on the school aituation. Whereupon he made a motion ihat reclassi.`ication no. P-58-59-66 be recommended to the City Councii by Resolution No, 179 for reclasaification £rom R-A, RHSIDSNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-3, MULTYPLB PAMILY R.HSIDHNTIAL, for the property North of the Plood Control Channel and to C-1, NHIGHHORHOOD COMMBRCIAL for that property 3outh of the Fiood Control Channel and subject to the following conditions. 1, That standard G 1 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim be piaced on the property. 2. That standard R-3 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim be placed on the property, with the limitation that any dweliings erected next to single family resi- dential psoperties be held to one story only. 3. That there be a dedication of 53 feet from the center line of l~agnolia Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 4. That street improvements Qlans be pzepared and the installation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on fiie in the Office of the City Sngineer, 5. Subject to the approval to the Plood Control District. 6. The payment of $2,00 per front foot for street iighting purpoaes. 7. That Yale Avenue be extended Basterly to Magnolia and dedicated and fully improved. 8. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplidhment of the above conditions. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYSS: COMMISSIONBRS: DuHois, Gauer, Hapgood, Maueshan, Morris, S~mmers, Thompson, Mungall. NOSS: COMMISSIONBR3: None. ABSBNT:COAAtISBiONBR: Allred. R&CIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTiTION submitted by IA ROY A. & MILDRHD S, N0. F-58-59-67 TURNBR, 305 North Cypresa, Pullerton, California, as Owner, Voorheis-Trindle & Nelson, Inc., 9358 Weatminster Avenue, Weatminster, Califosnia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being Parcel A, the Horthesat corner of Broadway and Dale; Parcei B, the Northwest corner of Broadway and Magnolia, be reclasaified from R-A, RSSIDENTIAL AGRICULTt1RAL o -S- ---- -r ......... .... ~ i ' ,::iJ" • 4:'. ~. " ..__ ~~ _-_-_ ~ ~ ~~ ;'. ~,Fi_~&+Sffit g~QIAR_MEETING - CZTY PIANNING COM~tISSION - MARCH 9, 1959 - CONTINUBD: g~~TTp~ .. to C-1, NBIQiBORH00D COMMffitCIAL. r !~. ~58-59-67 ~ ~~) Mr. La Roy Turner appeared befoie the Gommission, as the applicant aad stated that they had owned these properties for a long time an3 han looked forward to sometime being able.to use them for commercial uses. Question as to whether he had b aay uses in miad at the present time, his answer was negative. 5 Mr. Fred.Heisslex, also appeared before the Commission and j stated Lhat the other three corners do have commercial uses. No one appeared in opposition to the graating of the reclassit'ication. THB HBARING WAS CLASBD. Upoa a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Co~issioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that by Resolutioa No. 180, °~eries 1958-59, that Commercial use for ParceJ "A" be denied and that on Parcel "B" the frontage on Magnolia Avenue be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICUL- NItAL to C-1, N$IGHBORHOOD COhA1ffitCIAL £or a depth of 200°, subject to: 2. Die filing of C-1 Deed Re~irictions of the City of Anaheim. 2, The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Magaolia Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 3, The dedication of 45 feet from the center line of Broadway to the City of Anaheim. 4. That stFeet improvement plans be prepared and all improvements be instailed in accordance with approved standard plans on fiie in the office of the City Engineer for both Dtagnolia and Broadway. 5. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street iighting purposes on both Magnolia and Broadway. 6. That a 90 day time lioit be set for the accomplishment of the abuve conditic~s. The vote on the above rasolution was as foilows: A1BS: CONAiISSIONffitS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOIsS; COhAiISSIONffitS: None. pBggNT; COU9dI3SI0Nffit: Allred. g~*AggIgICATI~i - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by TIBTZ CONSTAUCTION 1~D_ ~58-59-68 ~~ANY, 11900 Giibert Street, Garden Grove, California, s Owner, Harry 'S. Rinker, 1i900 Gilbert Street~ Garden Grove~ Caiiforaia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being Lots 1, 2,~47, 48, and 49 of Tract 3240 in the City of Anaheim~ and further described as 1584 Kateila Avenue, be reciassified from R-1, SINGLB-PAMILY RHSIDBNCIAL to R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSIDSNTIAL. Mr, J~ha phipps, 11134 Astella Avenue appeared before the Commission and requested that this reclassification he taken off calendar inasmuch as the no:ice received was incorrect, said aotice had specified R-3 when C-1 was the request necessary. Mr, Harry Bneisiy, as Attorney for the Tietz Construction Company appeared beofre the Commission and stated that he waated the reclaasification to be handled in a 1ega1 manaer, therefore he would consent to a readvertiaement of the legal notice. z t i -6- ~ - t ; ` .__._ -- _...___..__.. ~ __ . ~ -- -- --- - - _.~.~.,. __- - --~- . . a, :; - x. --~----- -- ' _ ~ --- , . , . _ -- : -- ~~ ~ ~~ I AD OiTRNBD 1RB(~JLI11t l~BTII~ - CIZY PL~G COOLISSI~ - MARCH 9 1959 - CONTINUBD: ~ RBCIA3SIPICATIQAI - Upo~ a touia~ bf ~o~issi°ner ~°~PsO~~ secoaded by I N0. P-58-59-68 Co~issioner BaPBood ~d car=ied. it was moved that Re- f (Contiaued) eiassificatiam POo_ F-~5-~4-68 lx readvertised for the mceting , of 11pri1 6, 1959. I RHCIASSIPICATI~I - PUBLIC ~1lRIA1G, PEITTION submittefl by HLIZAH81li D. CHAMIB N0. P-58-59-b9 aad 80~ D• &lR~FS~g. =4=° =~Q=~ ~~i~ Pacific Palisades. Calafornia. as Amers, Eiizabeth D. Chamie, 1419 North Amalfi, paeific Palisades, Ca2i~fosnia. as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property descri'?~:;1 as beiag 8291 East Lincoln Avenue, ~e reclassifie8 fr~ C-3. ~AV7[ COl-A~RCIAL+ with Deed Restrictions. Dae to the fact tLat t~e o++aer of Lhe property Mrs. Chamie is at tLe present tiae incapautated due to aa operation. A ~otiom~ Yas aade b~ Commissioner Morris, secoaded by Commissioner 1Lo~son tLat consaderatio~ ~f this reclassification be post- pone~ umtil the ficst ~eeting ia June. RBCLASSIFICATION - ~IJ~.IC ~1RI3-G. PETI17Cl~ snbmitted by RPUGIO ~ ALBBRT GUANDADO, N0. F-58-59-70 as Qmers, Glen Z• Tbmlia+ 6644 Lincoin Avenue, Anaheim, alifcrnia, as AntLozized Agent~ requesting tuat the property ~~i~ as b~ing Lot ~g, Tract 403 and fu=ther described as 6p feet llest of Hardiag 6II the South side of Liacoln Avenue, be reciassified fram R-A. RHSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, I~I(~0~ Om~RCil4L . Nr. =aalin, as zepceseatative for Lhe applicaat appeared before tLe Co~issioa and stated that he wanted shis property set3assifie3 'G~ C-1 aa~ be Fez~itted to move xn a small office buil,ding aadi use saae as a Real Hstate office, Upon a aotion by Coaosissioner H(orris~ seconde3 by Commissioner. gapgoo3 aad earried, it rras moved that by Resolution No, 181, Series 195&-59, tLat Reclassification No. F-58-59-70 be ra- co~ended to tLe City Canncil for reclassification from R-A, ~B,~7AL /IL7ti(~LT[IItAY. to C-x, I~IGFIDORHOOD Ca41S1tCIAL, gpbjKt t0: 1, ILe set bad to 35 feet. same as other bui2dings to the llest. 2, ibe rear of tLe baiiding in the front of the alley to be black toped for off-street parking. 3, ~e pata~ent of $2.00 per froat foot for street lighting pnrposes. 4. T~t a 90 day tiae limit to be set for the accomplishment of tLe above conditions. ~e vote on t6e above zesolntioa ras as follows: AygS: ~~lIISSi~g: DnBois, Gaaer. Hapgood, Mauerhan~ Morris, Summers, Thoepson~ btungaii. p~S: ~OQSSIQ~ffit3: None. ABSffi~lT: OdlIISSI~: ~iired. p~J~: 1~~ fieeting adjourned at 4:35 O'Cioct P.M. xespectfuliq submitted, ~ t y ` n. ~. ~i'~:I.L, cr 'arp _7_ ~ ~ _ ~.-_...___...._-. -,::. - - --- - -- - ----- ~-- - ~ u '~ ~ . . . I .. ' - . ~ :.::r`.~ ~ •'N AnJoURNBn 1tEG[rr.AR ld&sTIA1GG - CITY ~~IDl~ - Af~ ~ TBNTATIVB MAP OP - A Tentati.ve 7a~p m~ '~ ~. ~~ v~ ~ ba+ t5~e Coffissioa . TRACT N0. 2895 SUbdi~3.dera ':~+,= ' Ba~ ~. --~1''L~„ 9~Sexms Calif ornia. ~~ as Ii~ ~ ft~ i~ ~de vf Magaolia Aveaue appraai~attx~3~y 7d~ gie~it ~tm¢i~ aff IInm~m ~_ liie traet .contains 33 IIm~s -, ~+11 mff a~ua~ ~~ for g 3 aad I for C-1. Upon a mot3Dn ~g ~ H~ ~rP Tig- Ca:issioner Hapgood and cazr~3, stt w~ ~ riw ~uv~ t~e Teatative blag of Tract No. 2,$H3 ~ub.D~tt tdm~ 1. Recla~si~ficatta~nm~ 2, F1ood GoaYsal ID3~n~ ~~ 3. 20 feet a11~ ~~~m~'a`~ ~ IIats IQ~ aad II aad behind 3.ots l6 ~ ~(0_ ' 4. Alley behiad IIso~$ ~ t~ ~ tf~ ~~ 5. Fee;~ for ~^^~~3fima m&' ~.e~ ~~ ate~ for R-3 portion to fl~e ~m.~ ~rg t~ ~~g c~~,+,...-~n_ 6. Pertiaen# ~]mt ~nd ~'n~ a ~ tl~ ~ ~tted to City 'Co~i.l ffms *~~+~ 7. That a~i ~~ont fl~Ilat-c a~IlIL $e ~~'~ffi ~tt ffi~ ~ a€ LotS 2-S. 8. I.ots 2-3 ~a ~e ~+~ wmtt~ ~w~nn~ ~ aff ~Ilg I stozg. 9. _~8egttas ~a.~ ~nm~3 ~;hfls ~da~a.~~**~ ~ ~Tcsped as ~ore than one ~aDUaa;=;"~,,, ~~a~~ t~reat stra2l 6e suvmiixe3 3n ~saw~ am~ a~ ~g~amsme_ NN-- ~-~- --$__