Minutes-PC 1959/03/16~ ~ ~ ~
' c~ty xa1~ "
Anaheim, ~alifornaa
March i5, 1939
ppJpURNBD RBGUTAR MHSTING - An Adjourtted Regular Meeting of the City Plaaaiag ~saioa
was called to order at 2:06 0'Clock P.~. bq ~hairaan Gauer.
a quorum being present.
pRgSEA1T - Chairman Gauer; Commissioners Mauerhan, Morris, ~eers.
Thompson, Mungall. Commissioner DuBois entered ttII~e meeti~
at 2:15 0`Ciock P.M, ~Commissi~aer Ailred entered ~the
meeting at 2:35 0'Clock P.M. Commissioaer i~fapgaoil entered
the meeting at 2:50 0'Ciock Y.M.
MINUTSS - ~The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of I~arch 2. 1959 mere
~ approved with changes on Page 1, under Variance 3Jo. i095,
the word should be "proposed" instead of ^appose". Page
2 of the first line the word should be "~sseatisilg"
instead of "essential". Page 3 next to the 3ast pasagcaqoh.
~ the word should be "cul-de-sacs" instead of '°~aa-sie-sac~°_ ~
Yage 5, under Reclassification No. F-58-39-fi2, no wte ~
was recorded. The vote on the above resolulian reas ~.s ~
foilows: Ayes: Commissioners; DuBois, Ganes, ~d.
Mauerhaa, Morris, Sum~ers, Thompson, Mungali. 3soes: IlQa~e. ~
Absent: Allred.
N0. P-58-59-72 South Los Angeles 8treet, Anaheim, Cc.:3fcrnia, as Q~er.
requesting that the property deacribed as ~025~ Sonth LLoss
Angelea Street be reclassified from R-A, 3iHSID~
. The applicant~ Mr. Barl Spires appeared befose tbe ~
Commission with a request. that this reclassificatiaa be
poatponed until the first meeting in Aprii.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhaa, seeoaded bg
Comwissioner Thompson aad carried, it was move~i that ~
reciassification P-58-59-72 be postponed nntii tLe ~!ct-
ing of April 6, 1959.•
VARIANCE N0. iQ94 - P[TBLIC HBARING. PBTITIQN submitted bg J, N, ~~t,
5922 Highland, Yorba Linda, California, as Qv~er, requesting
permission to BRBCT A LIGHiBD SIGN ~1 RmP U3~ ffiSTm1G
BUILDING on the property described as 829 Sonth.-~cSi~fl-
The px~perty is presentiy classified F1, I~I~
Mr, J. N. Schroeder, appeared before tize ~vmmiss+io8 a~i
stated that he desired to erect a zedwood feace ratlee=
than an masonry wail at the rear of his propesty 5 feet
off the alley liae. He also stated he tivas tatia~g care of
the unauthorized uses tkat were being coaducted on t7ee
property. A discussion followed relative ta ~etver t~e
code called fos a fence or wall. The code refers both
tn a fence or wail but it had been the tnstaan to mioest
a~asonry wall rather than a wood fence an accannt of t6e
appearance of.such fences, if not kept up. ](s_ Phi!
Solomon as•the maaufacturer of the proposed si~ga, appeared
before the Commission and stated tl~at the prsposed si8n is ~
considerabiy smalier than thoae in the shopping area
directly to the South, that the sign wouid aot be f9ashiug ~
and that it would be indirectly lighted bccanae tbe ~ ~
- tubes would be inside a Piexigiass containes and ~at Le ~
believed such a sign would be in no waq detri~eatal ta
VpRIRNCH N0. 1094 - other properties in the area. 1HB HBARING WAS CL~~SHD.
~-- T°
Upon a motion by Commissioner Tt~ompson, seconded by
Commissioner Morris and carried, it was moved that Variance
No. 1094 be granted, subjtct ta:
1. 1lirning off the sign at 10:00 0'Clack P.M.
2, That a redwood fence 5 feet off the property line be
exected at the rear of the property.
The vote on the above resolution was as follows:
AYHS: COMMISSIONBRS: Morris, Summers, Thompson.
ppigg; COMM15SIONBRS: Gauer, Mauerhan, Mungali.
The Motion did not carry.
A second motion was made by Commissioner Morris, seconded
by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, that Variance No. 1094
be granted by Resolution No. 182, subject to:
1. Tlirning off the sign at 10:00 0'Clock P,M.
2. That a 6 foot masonry wall be erected on the rear
property line.
SBRpICS N0. 1 INC., Nation-wide Safti-Brake Centers,
16443 Bosque Drive, Bucino, California, as Lessee, re-
questing permission to Q~IANGB PHRMITTBD LOCATION OP
PROPOSBD LIQiTED SIGN on the property described as 1623
West Lincoln Avenue._ The property is presentiy classified
Mr, Ya1e Royce, appeared before the Commission and stated
that the prPSent location of their siga was hidden by other
signs directly to the Bast and that he would like permission
to bring it out to the property line. He presented photo-
graphs showing the prob]~em which he has with the present
location of the sign:-_1HH HBARING WAS CLOSHD.
dJpon a motion ty Commissioner Allred, seconded by
Commissioner Summers and carried, it was moved that by
Resolution No. 183, Series 1958-59, that Variance No.
1097 be granted, to permit the present sign on the property
to be relocated on the property line according to the plans
9Q0 South Walnut, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requeating
permission to BNIARGH BXISTING RBST HOMH oa the property
described as 883 South Los Angeles Sireet. 3'he property
ia presently classified R-1, 5INGLH-PAMILY RSSIDHNTIAL.
Mr. Stanley M. Rosen, appeared before~the Commission as
Attorney for the applicant, Dr. Pranz Pohl , and atated
that he had been calied in to this situation by Dr. Pohl
only this morning and had no time to iook into the matter
and prepare a case for the Dactor. He stated that he had
called on the neighbors in the area as far as posaible
since he was cailed into the matter, bui was oaly to con-
tact some 3 or 4 of the property owners aad he was asking
for a postpoaement of the hearing until the meeting of
Aprii 6. 1959.
Mr. Lloyd S. Rleia, 126 Midway Mannor~ appeared before the
Commission and stated that appiicant has had time to get
legal counsei as the notices were sent out some three
weeks ago and that he and his neighbors were present w3th
him and were hereby proteating the poatponement of thia
hearing. Commissioner Thompson stated that it had been
, . . , , , ~r - --_~ _---._ _
~ ~' ~
ADJd[Rt1~D R~GfTIAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING Ct'•%d~i;€~aT;:Y ~.•';:+r:tt 16, 1959 - CCHVTINUBD:
QABIANC~ NO. I098 - the poiicy of r,;;. i.oa:~c~ r;~;.;:,: s:aexe an applicant requests
CCoatinned) postponement t;~ ~; .,..,;s ;z:s ~siv:lege and made a motion,
secoAded by Comn~ ~:,;+ao:;~:,; r,1„red an~1 tarried~ that the
applicant be granted a postponement until the meetiag of
Aprii 6, 1959.
N0. 28 1604 South Medina Drive, Anaheim~ California, purchasing
under contract, requesting permiasion to CONV~tT IDCISTING
WARBHOUSB POR USE AS A QiURCH on the property described as
9372 Orange Avenue and Lot 20 of Tract 796 Orange County.
The property is presently classified R A, RBSIDHNTIAL-
~ The Rev. George R. Heaps appeared before the Comminsion and
stated that they were acquiring at the rear of the original
pxoperty so that they now have approximately 1-1/3 a~-res.
He stated that the preseat warehouse ~uiiding is ~:: thie
property and in all probability will semain there aa~t tkat
~ their use of the property which will be oniy Sispdays ar.d
one eveniag in the week should not be detrimentai to uther
properties in the area. It is their intentsion to build a
church and keep as a church with a membership of 100, when
this figuer is reached the building will remain as a
church and they will find another location to start another
church, inasmuch as their memberships are limited to 100
persons per church.
Mrs. Robert Pugh, 2453 West Orange, appeared before the
Commission with a petition with additioaal signatures
protesting the granting of this Special-Use Permit. She
stated that the granting of a permit for this church is
not in the best interests of this residential neighborhood
at Orange Avenue and Webster Street are narrow streets and
will create a traffic problem. She further stated that
the homes in the area run from $17,000 to $50,000 in
valuation and that wi4h five churches in the~immediate
area no other church should be necessary and all of the ~
other churches have facilities for eacpansion and that she
hoped the Commission would maiatain the present high
standards of property values in the area.
Mr. Clifford Slvailow, 9622 Webster Street, Owner of the
property directiy Southeriy of the property proposed to
be acquired by the church on Webster, appeared bsfore the
Commission, relative to some type of water easement on
this property and ques:ioned whether a feac~ would be
erected on the South property liae next to his property.
He stat~d that it was his understanding that Johnson in-
tended to tear down the warehouse. Mr. Heaps, again
appeared before the Commission and stated that they were
willing to put the block wall on the Southerly bouadary
of ~heir property. THE HBARING WAS CLOSHD.
_ ~
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thampson, seconded by
Commissioner Hapgood and carried, it was moved that by
Resolution No. 184, Series 1958-59, that 8pecial-Use
Permit No. 28 be granted, subject to:
1~ The origxnal conditions contained in Resolution No.
143, under 3pecial-Use Permit No. 3-59.
PIO_ ~58-59-71 920 South Magnolia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as ~wner,
requesting that the property described as beiag 8961
Western Avenue, be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDENTIAL
~.y.LH~ ~~339~ ~x - QTY PIAPATING COIrQdISSION - MARQi 16, 1959 - CONTINUBD:
- Mr. Nicholas Dovalis, Owner of the property at the
DiA ~~-~B-7/Il Northwest corner of Western and Lincoln Avenues stated
Q~mm~D thaL he uaderstood that the Bngineering Committee were
reQuesting that the property owner deed 58 feet from the
ceater Ii.ne of Western Avenue to the City of Anaheim for
sfxeet widening. Fie stated that Western Avenue is pro-
posed as a 90 foot Right-of-Way and while they were willing
tc deed 45* half width, he did not believe that it was fair
ta request the extra 13 feet as this wouid make the lot un-
s~rita6le for the use requested for service station purposes.
The City Attorney appeared before the Commission and presented
a map showing the alignment of Western Avenue from Baii
Eoad North to Buena Park and stated that on account of the
deQeiopment across the street it would be impossible to
get the full width of the right-of-way, tiierefore with
this uadeveloped land on the West they urould like to get
th~ fu11 58 feet, however he finaily agreed they would
accept 45 feet and at some later date try to get the 45
feet from the Bast side of the street which probabiy
meaa the removing of dwellings.
IIpoa a motion bq Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Mauerhan, it was moved that by Resoiution No.
I85r Series 1958-59, that the Commission recommend to the
Citg Council that Reclassification No. P-58-59-71 be
approved to F3, HBAVY COMMBRCIAL, subject to:
i. The erection of the service station in accordance with
the Piot Plan presented.
~. uc ~oyu.2ua 'vi y~,vv j52P ii7iiTiiII~ i80c t7ti iinc:Oln nIIa
Atestern for street lighting purposes.
3. The_ filing of standard C-3 Deed ltestsictions limiting
the use of the propez:y for a service station only.
4. That street improvement pl~ans and the installatxon of
ali improvements in accort.ance with approved standard
plans oa file in the of~`i~:e of the City Bngineer be
made by the applicant.
~. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplish-
meat of the above requirements.
The property owner, Mr. Dovalis stipulated that he would be
wiiling to deed 45 feet from the center line of Western
The voie on the aSeve resolution was as foilows:
~1iBSc CON4~lISSIflN~15: Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson.
NCES~ C0I~0~lISSION~tS: Gauer, Alired, Hapgood, Mungall.
6s a result of this vote the Commission deciined to approve
titis proposed reclassification.
- E[TBLIC HPARING. PBTITION submitted by J, H. MULVBY, 1627
3/m_ ~~-~-'77.~ "~° Bast Ceater Street, Anaheim~ California, as Owner,
requesting that the property described as being 1621-29
E~st Center Street be reclassified from R-3, MULTIPLB-
No one appeared for or against this proposed reciasaification.
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ADJOURNHD R&~[JIAR MSHTII~G - CITY PI11HIiINF ~ItIISSIf~ - 1~1~ 16. 19~9_=~~+'~__
RBCIASS~PICATION - This reciassificatS~a a~ers E75 feet ia deptII oF t~e
N0. F-58-59-73 property at 36Z7 East Oe•~ea~ St:eet ~ich ras 6raated a
(Continued) oariaaee by i~tie P~asmi~ ~a~ssiaa ~3ier n~ir's 2067.
bnt wbich ~cas smt bact ta 3~e Domaasaon bf the City
~ Conncii with !~e :egoest ltint at be oc~side~ed ss a
~j' reclassi:i~~.~_
.'~ Upoa a motion by Go~ssiaoer D6~ris, secaoded DT
.tA Co~issioner ~ a~ a~ttie~, i[ rns ao~ed thaY Dy
~ Resolntien No. 18a6~ 5eries 1958-59, ~at sc~ ~ icaiion
P No. R58-59-73 be seoo~em~e3 to tt~ QEp tbancil for
' approval ~ tbe xane a~ tbe pxogrzts for a deptn
,~l~ of lli fcet fsc~ ~-3~ ~ursrvr~ ~ B~AL to
~6 Crl, NHI~ ~CIAL. smb.Dect to t~e origiLtl
_. coaditions specifie~d ~er ghe ~'ari='~'P- ~_ 2067,
Or whith ~vere:
~ 1. Tbe dediotiaan of 53 fee~ 1c0 tme 4~tg of laabeia froa
the cea#tr 3ssse ~m East Omter SQseet.
2. ~e iastallatava of ~a~'t~_
3. ~e payaent of $2.0~ pes frant foot for stze~t
li8htin8 ParPoses.
THNTATIVB MAP OP - A Teatative Jgap of '1Yut IlGo. 2965 ras g:esented to the
TRACT N0. 2965 Commissiom. ~e ~imider.'~e ~te t~anT. 120I
North Bntiid 1lv~enae, AmLeirm, (3]ifemis. me tract is
located on tLe lYest sade of ~clid. Ptoz'tL aod Sonth
Romneya Drive_ ~e !a tLe amiqae d~selaQ~eat ia lot
sizes of this par~eel tLe streets aal ot~er faci3iries
rCmainitfir p~t2 aDriVitc O~tLSL1~~ t~G f0220~I~ lC--
COIDCnd8t10IIS lYtiC ~~G ~ ?bC ~7~'Ct2Q$ Q70SiLL!'C-
1. t'~at t7sis be fiit6 33 a t~eo-iat 3~aa'z~c~iua_
2. Dedication as~ imp=ove~mtt of a 64 sireet ia =*~nt
i with iioameyFi Dsi~e =mnia6 Essterlg to tL~ lfest
3. 1l~e dedius~s~a of a d*~:~,~+ ~ase~ent gmt the end of
Rou~eya Drive at the i0es~t=a bomdary' ~tL~er1Y a~
1lesterly over stite omed prope~tT-
UpOII 8 mOt10m ~(S+n~~~iewr ejj,a+~~ yCCO~ ~
COIDID1551Q~t:i ~IS iL$ GZSiLl~. lt ~S ffii!d tb].L
Tentaiive llap of 2Yact bQo. 2965 be ap~o~ed. sobJ~ct to
the above x+eca~e~atims of ~e ~in~ C~iitee
with an additionai ooaditim A~. ~, thaL tBe Citp Caancil
determine tt~e amo~mt of pap~mt to be vade oa t1~at portioa
of this tsatt ns~ for ~-3 pa~ases to ltbe fuad far the
acqnisition of Part aud ltecreatim sites_
T9NTATIVS MAP OP - A Tentative ]dap o£ IYUt IIQo_ 3116 ~s preseated tc the
TRACT N0. 3116 Commission. '~e snbdivi~er, James ~ ~iberio. 626 lkst
Commomeealt~ slveaoe, r'YiiYerton. f~Sifaaaia_ 1~e tr.~ct is
located af tl~t ~out~c~.st :r.a~ : ~ ~= a--~= '-=
Broadway Street and comtaias 5 lots as s~o~ oa t3~e
Tentative flap. ~ prnperty is p:esmtl~ z~ed as C-i.
,'1~I(#iBOdtHO~ ~Q[AL-
Upon a motion by Ooa~ia~iaoer l~aa. seoonded bT
Commissioaer ~rs and prrieal. it ~ces ooted tbai the
Tentative IWtp of ~ract dis. 3E16 be sppzo~ed, saDject to:
1. ~St H Osri aM~ b!' Om~ilO!'Q f0r IOt l~tnS.
2. 17~at t1u PropertT be sob]Kt ta rect=~fication oz
modification of '++~*? e ~ee~! =ests~ctiaos vfiich
no residentia2 nse_
3. 1Le deflicatio~ o€ 45 feet oa Broa~aT aad tbe ir
prc~ement of tfie ~~ize fr0ataae fra~ lfa~aolia Avemie
~ . ~
. ; _~ -
. ~,.
a ~ ~ ~`~
TENTATIVB MAP OP - 3, (Continued) _
1RACE N0. 3116 to the West boundary of traet No. 2440. ~
(Coatinued) '
4. T.Ye dedication of 53 feet on MagAC13a aad t~-e
improvement of the entire fronYage ~sam 8s+aa~hpap tt~
the South right-of-way line af _ll~y. !
5. 8xtend ailey Basterly and Southerl~ ~a 8racadwag.
6. That the City Council m~:ke: a determiaa#9um as tb~ tt~e
fee to be collected for acquisition a# ~as~ amd
Recreation sites. ,
7. That pertinent plot and building plans ~e ~~
to the City Council for review.
8. Require that should this subdivision ~e ~e~aeIl~o~ xs
more than one subdivision, eacb snccessiare ~a~=^~
thereof should be submitted ia fentati~ ffmxm ff~s
RBVISED TENfATIVB MAP - A Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2534 acas ~m~ tb~
OF TRACT N0. 2534 the Commission. 1lie subdivider, Doyle aad ~+*~~~s. ~3n
South Manchester Avenue~ Anaheim, Califarnia. '~na ttaa~tt
is iocated at the Northeast corner af Buc7.'srd .~&v~e am~
Hall Road and contains 15 lots as rev3seQ_ '~is rm~gp as
revised extends to Juno Aveaue Westerly ~o ~e~eatit ~SCStt
and was presented with an overlay showiag ~ha~t tt~e ava~Itffi ~
the rear lot line of lot 12 to have m~~~*~^-~^ aag '~19 feett.
Robert Street has been changed to 64 frnt i~a aci~lt~.
Upon a motion by Commissioner, secoaaea ~y ~~s
Hapgood and carried, it was moved that ~d 'IIfem~altd~e
Map of Tract No. 2534 be approved, aubjert ~o:
1. Permitting Juno Avenue io be extea~drll ~c ~bestt
$treet with a 7 foot parkway on the ~nntth sadle ~ff tt~
street and the aormal 12 foot par]aray ~m tt~e 3loa~ffi
side of the street in order tc get a aci~~ xff ~ ff~tt
at the rear of lot 12.
2, That the property be subject to rec].as$iffarcatta~cm ~
modi:ication of existiag deed restri=~imas_
3. That pertinent plot and buildiag ~3aaa ~~ttCe~ tt~
the City Council for resriew.
M1. Require that should thia subdivi~iom 3ae ~e~aqp~ as
more than one subdivision, eacl~ snceessiu~e sa~avasnmm
thereof should be submifited in tentative ff~ ffos a~amva~Il_
S. That the City Council di~termine t3~e #re tbo ~~
for the acquisition of Pack ana Beczves43a~n aatbes.
gpTffi,Ip pARR l.,VNBXATION - At the Adjourned Regular Meeting of ~e ~Ca1y ~Ilammn;
Commission held oa Mondaq, February 15, ~.95~, ~e
Commission considered an area at the Nor~.s~ ~~
Hrookhurst Street and Batella Avenue, r.oas3.atn~ ~ff ~Il-~1B
acres for possible annexation to t.be ~City af a~'~~^^- ~
a motion by Commisaioc~r ~mmers, secomded ~g ~masn,~mes
Hapgood and carried, it was recommeaded ~at tt~e Can~y
Council consider this area for annexati~ea tm tt~e ~~tP ~
Anaheim and that it be known as the ~ate].;La ~ia~ Amam~i~am..
SPHCIAL-USB PBRMIT - At the requeat of the applicant, a~oti:nm a~ms ~a~e dvy~ ~
N0. 27 Commiasioner Mungall, aeconded by Coamiss3umes ~as am~
carried, that permission be graated t~ gsa~dsav ~ ~
Uae Permit No. 27.
-6- ~
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- The Meeting adjourned at 4:45 0'Clock P.M, j
Respecfully submitted,
R. . LL, Se tary
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