Minutes-PC 1959/04/06~.-- - , . ~ ,~. ... ~ _ _ _,_-~-'~_ ~' ~ ~ ~'-- City Hali . j Aaahei,m; California ' April 6~ 1959 ' gBGUyI~R l1BgTING OF 1~ffi CITY PIANNTNG CQMMISSION 1BG~A~ J~Il~ - A Regnlar Meeting o£ the City Planning Commisaion was called to order at 2:17 0'C~ock P.M. by Cha3rman Gauer, a quorum being present. .. pA~~: - Ctraireaa Gauer~ Commiasionexa Alired~ Mauerhan~ 8ummere~ Mnagali. Commissioners Marris and Thompson entered the ~eeting at 2:20 0'Ciock P.M. Commissioner DuBois entered the aeeting at 2:32 0•Clock P.M, Commissioner Hapgood eniered the neeting aS 3:15 0'Ciock P.M. }~g: - ihe Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meetings of March 9~ 1959 acd llarch 16~ i959 were approved as priated by the addition on 'rage o oi 4~e nbire7 io~y ~autes under ;ract Na. 253~?, tra: the motioa was made by Commissioner Mauerhan. ~~(ASSgICATIQp - pBTITiOd~t submi.tted by BARL SPIRBS~ 10261 South Los Angeles ti0. F-58-59-72 Stzee4. Anaheim, Caiifornia~ as Owner, requesting tha4 the property described as 10261 South Los Angeles Street be reclassified from R-A, RRSIDBNTIAL AQtICULT[JRAL to M-1~ LI(~f MANUFACIVRING. At the raquest of the applicant, who at the present time ia i21. A motioa was made by Commissioner Mauerhaa, seconded by Cae~issioner S~mmers and carried~ that consideration of this reciassifitation be held uatil the meeting of•April 20~ 1959. VAR7A1~(B tip~ - PUBLIC HHARING. PBTITION submitted by DR. PRAN2 POHL, M.D., 1098 900 South Walaut, Anaheim~ California~ as Oxtner, requestiag pe=missioa to BNIARGB IDCISTING RBST HOMH on the p:operty des- .- cribed as 883 South Los Angelea StreeL. The propert~~ is presently classified R-1, SINGLB PAMILY RBSIDSNTIAL. An atto=neq, representing Dr. Pohl appeareQ before the Co~ission and stated that there ia a great lack of reat haaes in Orange CounYy aad for that reason they are requestiag an ezpansion of the preaeat faeiiities. There are, he stated apprwcimateiq 150 reat homea in Caiifornia aad these are over crorded due to the fact that oae peraon in every ten in California is otrer 65 yeass of ~ge~ he atated that the present hame is considered rrell kept anfl has been in operation aince 1954. He further stated that the dweliing at il0 Midway Manor ~rould not be uaed for a rest home purposes as requeated that it be eliminafed from the Variance applicatioa.. He fusther atated that ali persons 3n the r:st home wouid be amoulasory anfi tYtr~4 they do not have maay visitorb, posaibilityonly ans or two tara dnring the weet and not over three or four on Sunday. The zeqnest. he stated rvas that the deaired ealargemeat co4~d acc~odate a maximum of 45 patients. Mr. Lioyd Klein~ 126 Jlidway Manor, appeared before the Gommisaion and referred to the petitioa signed bq 46 property owners in the area oppoaiag the granLiag of this Varianee. Ye atated that these peopie signiag the petitioa have seen the operation of•thia rest home aad if theq liked it theq would have proteated same. He fn=ther stated that they vioieted zottiag proviaiona in Ma~reh by nsing 110 Midway Manor as a rest home and that oae petient had to be removed by ambulance from thia property aad that whea tteis condition was preseated to the fire depertment an in~ spectioa by the Aaaheim Bire Depertment atated that thia buiidiag nas not auitabie for such use. He nlso stated that parking ia -1- ~ 1 ~ ~ , ~ e ~ ~, _ _ - _ _-- __ __ -. . . __ _ __ ..._. __ .-- --------- ~ -- - ~~ ~ ~ ~ RBGUTAR 1~6BB'TIN6 OP ~B CITY PL1I~iII~ aO01ISSIQ~t - APRII. 6. 1954 - CONFINUBD: VARIAIdCB N0. - a pzoblees aad there is no oartinB on the property so the viaitors 1098 use tbe street and the drive-wys across the street for turning (Continued) and in so tnrn'sn8 oFtm tiw~s rnn oa the lawa of the opposite propertp affi daa~ge saae, 1Ec~ Heary A. Nang. 107 McArthur Manor appeared befoze tbe Cbe~ission a~ stated that the proper:q pre~eatly has rs#zictioas 2i~ited to s3agle familq uee. It •vas fouad upon esaaiffitinm 4f 2he d~ed restrictioas that thie pargicniar lot 28 of 17ract No. 1194 xas not included ia the deed resfrictions. lEr. 1[ang also stated that it is his feeling that tBe gronnd ras toa s~ail to accoaodate 45 people and that he did not believe tut Doctos ~s loiag to run this rest home hiaself but ras interested ia selliag the property to some prospective bnyer. Mrs. lluy Y. baner, 114 Midxay Maaor appeared before the Caoission aad stated that there is a traffie oondition and tLat tLe ~rses have lights oa all nig~t ~ the bnil~* o at 110 ilidrsy Dsanor. Mrs. Cheriot ~ e__ ,.. ~ .+.-. .~~ ....~...t:~_ .^. oF ±~affir $ niilJC a~ra aia. iw.i aw:E.. ...... .. comes froa across Los Angeles 3tzeet aad is caused by people in the apariaent Loase paztiag tLeir cars oa the street adjoin~ t~is pzoper'i7. _ tstrs. Irene (~esiick, former owner of the rest ho~e appeared before the Comissioa and stated that there is pienty of roos for enlarge~eat oa the property. T!~ HBARIIiG 11AS CLO~. IIpon a notion by Co~aissioner ~o~pson, secoaded bq ~ommissioner Morris, it was ~oved that Variance No. 1098 be graated according to the layont prese~ted~ this aotion did not carry, ~ A second ~ation ~as ude by CaOissioner Ailred, seconded by Co~i.ssioner ~o~psoa aad c9rried. it ~+as movtd that by Aesointian No. 187z Series 1938-59 that Variaace No. 1(~98 be • granted for tLe constrnction of mit ao. 1 additioa oaly and ~ that a nini~mn~ of 6 off-street partin8 spaces be provided oa #he property. itBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC ~I18II~1G. PElTTIm'1 snb~a~ted by TIBTL COi~iS1RUCTION N0. P-58-59-68 Ca0PAN1t, 11900 Gilbert Street. ~en Grove, Califoznia~ as p~ener, garry S, Binker, 119^..J' Giibert Stre~et, Garden Grove ~ Califoraia, as Ant~eorized Ageat. sequesting that the properSy described as being Lflts 1. 2~ 47, 48 aad 49 of Tsact 3240 in the City of AnaLeia. and farther described as 1584 gateila Avem~e, be reclassified froa R-1. SII~FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL to R-3, MJLT~LH FMQLY BffiIDiffiiTlAL. ~e Tietz Constrnction Caapany, appeased before the Commisaioa and aiso John Phipps. 11341 Lateila Avenue and it was feit that there ~ere so~e conditions ~ict- eouid be recoaciled if the toeo opposiag parties get togeY.F~er aad discuss eame. It was ~$3=.:l=='l ~t~=.± +^~ ±.~ s.: :~nn nnt 3ho~£ ps4bxems and that the raclassification be ]uld over uatil later ia the meeting. VARIANCB N0. - P[JBL'[C ~118I2~. PffiITIQ~i snboitted by J. T. J. C~V5IRUCTION 1099 CatPatATI~t, 1530 tnaries Aveme, Los Aageies 63, Caiifornia~ pnrchasing nnder ca~tract, reqnesting permission to WAIVB 70• paoa~rn~c,e a~o~~rr av r~rs is tbrou~n zo and 41 through 43 an the propertY deacribed as Teatative Tract No. 3149 aad further destribed as 660' North of Bali betweea Trident aad Nutwood, ~e propert~ is presentiy eiassified A-A, RBSIDffidTIAL AGAICQLIURl1L. ZLia covers 6 lots in Tract 2io. 3149 rrhich due to the cut up of the laad wuld on17 Lsvc 67.3 feet €rontage instead of 70 fee#. Upon a aotion by Oo~issia~er.ltauerhaa. aeconded bq Commisaioner llungall and carried, it ras ~oved that by•Reaolution No. 188 +lhst 1/ariance i~o. 1099 be gzanted for g wait-er ~a 6~ota 4o a _2r RBGI,ZAR MBHTING ~ CITY PIA~"AING CQhA1ISSI0N - ApRIL 6, 1959 - CONi'INU~: VARIANCS N0. 1099 (Continued) frontage of 67.3 feet instead of 70 feet as required by the Code. Consideratioa was then given to the Tentative l~fap of Tract No. 3149 covered by the above Variance. Upon a motion by ~ommissioaP: DuBois, secoaded by Commissioner Alired and carried~ it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3149 be approved~ subject to: 1. That pertinent plot and building pians be submitted to the City CQUncii for review. 2, Require that should this subdivision be developed a$ aore than cne subdivision, each subdivision thereof should be submitted in Centative form for approval. TTI~~t Yni~inii~.o ?iC. - Fual,i~ Fiani~ihv. '~~TIiava~ aiiiiriu'i.~24' by 'eu~, a ivTi$, nt,ivri n. 1100 SAHR, 427 South Ohio Street. Anaheim. California. as Owners, requesting permission to BUILD A 700 SQUARH FOOT SINGLB FAUIILY DWBLLING AS A SSCOND UNIT on the property described as Lot 17, Block "B" of Tract No. 238 in the City of Anahei~ and further described as 427 South Ohio Street. The property is presently classified R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. No onP appeared for or against th±s Variaace, aiH F~ARING WAS CL03BD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Summers, seconded by Covmissioner Aiired and carried, it ivas moved that bp R~solution No. 189, Series Z958-59 that Variance No, 1100 be granted, subject to: l. The erection of the building in canformance xith the plans presented. VAR1ANCh N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by VAL~lONTB BDi!ffitPRISBS, 1101 202~ 34th Street~ Manhattan Beach, California~ requesting permission to WAIVE WIDTH RHQU~T ON LOTS 9 AAID 18 AAID TO WAIVH ARBA RBQUIRBhtffiNTS ON IATS 10 through 18 on the property described as Tentative Tract Na. 3139 Citq of Anaheim and further described as beiag oa both sides of Catalpa Avenue between Nutwood and Wiehita Streets. The property is presentiy classified R-A~ RBSIDHNTIAL AQiICULTURAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of Yhis Varianze. ~IB HHARING 1W1S CLUSBD. On account of the present development in the area and to conform with alignment of Catalpa Stre~t. it is necessary that the Southerly tie* lots be 34Q faa: da~p, ho::~~r a fzaa.age a: ?~ feet have been maiatained oa these lots. Upon a motion by Commisaioner Morris, secoaded bq Co~issioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 190, Series 1958-59 that Variance No. 1101 be graated. TBNTATIVB MAP - A Tentatiee Map of Tract No. 3139 was presented to the OP 1~tACT Commi.seion. The subdivider, Vaimonte Hnterprises, 20'L~ 34th N0. 3135~ Street, Manhattan Beseh, California. The tract =a located 1058 feet South of West La Palma Avenue on Cataipa Street just South of the new Catholic High 3chool and contains 18 R-1 lots. Upon a motion by Commisaioaer Morris, actonded bq Coemi.ssioner Hapgood and carried~ it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3139 be approved, subject to; 1. That pertinent piot and building pians be submitted to the City Couttcil fos review. . ~ 2. Require that should lhis subdivisioa be developed as @ore than one aubdiviaion, each subdivisfon thereof shali be eubmitted in teatative form for spproval. ~ ~ _3 ~ •-- - ww , . . . ~ :~ ~ RBGUTAR MBBTING -.CITY PIANNING CUhlMISSION - APRIL 6. 1959 - CONTINU~: VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC NBARING. PBTITION submitted by ORANGSWOOD DBVffi.QPMBNT 1102 COM~ANY~ 63@3 W313hire Boulevard, Los Ang^les~ California, requesting permission *o construct aad operate car wash facilities on "Parcel A", and construct and operate on "Parcel B"~ small commercial service atores~ on the property des- cribed as "Parcel A" 130 feet South of gateila Avenue on the Bast side of Harbor Boulevar9. "Pareel B" on the South side of Batella Avenue, 160 feet Bast of I~arbor Boulevard. The property is presently classifi.ed R-A~ RESIDBNTIAL AGRiC'JLTURAL. ~ ~ i ~ i Mr. Harry %neisiq, appeared before the Commission and Rtated that Parcr.l ";~" is proposed to be developed for a car wash and that Farcel "A" is to be developed with stores to consist of a beauty parlor, barber shop~ combination dra~g and liquor store. He presented renderings showing the proposed buildings to be esected on these sites. 1HB H&1RING 1VAS CIASBD. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Coamissioner Morris and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 191~ Series 1958-59 that Vaziance No. 1102 be approved. subject to: 1. The dedication of 60 feet from the centerline af Kateila Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 2, prepare ,treet improvement pians and install aii im- provemenfis in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the Office o£ the City Bngineer on gatella Avenue. 3, The payment of $2,00 per front foot for street ligh#~ng purposes on Katella Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. RHCU-SSIFICATION - The Co~ittee having considered this petiiion among tnem- N0. P-58-59-68 selves now returned before the Commission and stated that they would like to see thia application for reclassification changed to a Special-Use Permit whereby certain conditioas would be attached to the granting of the Special-Use Permit which must be adhear to by the preseat owner or ali future owners. This was agreeable to the Attorney, Mr. Sneisly for the Tietz Construction Company and to the property owners representative in the arPa. The Commission was advised by Attoraep Hardy that this reelassification could be changed to a Special-Use Pesmit. ~iR HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Alired and carried~ it ~ras moved that by Resolution No. 192, Series 1958-59 that Special-Use Permit No, 34 be granted, subject to the followiag conditions: 1, That the resident3.a1 anQearanee of the buildings ae presently coastructed be ma3ntained. 2. ~at the parking area to be at the rear of the buildiags froating on Batella Avenue as ~own by plans presented. 3. That the buildings be !+aed :~r Huaineas and Profeasional Offices os a combination of residents and offices. 4. That the ten foot driveway on the Bast boundary of the ~ property be eliminated, 5. ~at a 6 foot masonry wall be erected on Lot 49 or next to anq R-1 property. VARIANCH N0. - FUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by JAMBS A. LIBffitIO, 1103 616 West Commomveaith, Puilerton~ Califoraia, as Owner, re- questing permissioa to WAIVB MINIMt1M LOT SIZB RBQUJRBMHNT aa the property described as being Tract No. 3116 and fur.ther des- _~ ~ ~ ~ _.i.a!.~-_ep,.n."c+xx..: ~~u'i.": ~ ~ ~ . . _ ._. --~ . RBGULAIt MBSTING - CITY FIANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 6. 1959 - CONTINUBD: i YARIAHCE IdO. - cribed as 200 feet East of the centerline of Magaolia 1103 Ave~ue on the 3outh side of Broadwaq Street. The properLy I (Continued) is preaentiy ciassified C-1, I~I(~(YtH00D C01~4dffitCIAL. ~ This Varfance covers a requeat for a waiver on Lota 1 to 5 I in Tract No. 31Io from 70 feet to b9.27 feet. ~he lots do~ however, contain 16~280 square feet. Upon a motion by Commisaioner Mauerhan~ seconded bq ~ Commissioner Thompsoa and carried, it was moved that ~ 'ri.riaiite ivo, ii~3 oe gran4ed 'oy &esoiuiion ro, 293~ series 1958-59. ; ~ RBCL\SSIf~ICATION - PUSLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by JUANITA MILIS, ~ N0, ~'-58-59-74 1068 Lomita Street, Anaheim, California~ as Owner~ requesting j that the property described 1068 Lomita Street~ be reclassified ; f rom R-1, SINGLfi PAMILY RHSIDn'EiT3RL io C-i, iv~it~~I00D i c~pxcT4~. ; Mr. Allen Duniap~ 1143 Claredge Drive appeared before the Commiasion and presented a petition containing 34 namea of property owners in the area protesting the granting of this reclassification. Due to the increase in traffic, the fact that no parking facilities are available and that house fronta on Lomita streefi which has several vacant homes at the present time and if granted possibly other requests miglst be received from these properties. He further stated that there is other commercial property available in the area. Mrs, Juanita Miils~ 1068 Lomita Street, as the Applica~t, appeared before the Commisaion and stated that she woui: provide off-street parting on `he property aad that there would be only one operator and it is true that the house faces :amita Street~ but that possibly arraagemeats couid be made to provide the pnrking coming in frc~m I.a Yalma Avenue. Upen a motion by Commisaioner Morris, deconded by Commiasioner Allred and carried~ it was moved that Reclassification No. 74 be denied. The vote on the above reclassification was as follows: AYHS: COFAfISSIONBRS: Filired~ DuBois. Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan~ Morris, Summers~ Thompson~ Muagal2. NQBS: CObAlISSIONffitS: None. ABSHNT: COI~A~II3SIONBA3: None. /~a¢~p~6~ A furthet motion was made by Commis one= Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Ailred and carrie ~ that the applicant be permitted ta file for a sw~t without aay • additional fee at which time the property could be reatricled to this one use only and that the applicant be directed to file plans showing how off-street parking wouid be provided. RHCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC FIDARING. PBTITION submitted by JAMBS A, & QWCB C. N0. F-58-59-75 LIBBRIO AND J09HPH C. & MARY B. LIBffitIO, 616 Weat Commomvcaith, Pulierton; California, as Ownera~ JAMBS A. LIBBRIO, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property deacribed as being Tract No. 311G and further deacribed as 200 feet Bast of the centeriine of Magnolia Avenue on the South sids of Broadway Street be reclassified from C-1, NSIGFIDCRHOOD COhAlHRCIAL to R-3~ MULTIPLB PAMILY RESIDBNTIAL for Lots 1 through 5 inclusive of Tract No. 3116 and Lot 6 to remain C-1 ~ NHIQiBCgtH00D COMMffitCIAL. -g- ~ ~ ~. `~.~ EB~S l~II~ - CI1R PIAHIVING C~fISSION - APRIL 6. 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~~a~IEICAITOli - Mr. James A. Liberio, appeared before the Commisaion as the 1~. ~58-59-?5 applicant aad stated that he would like to construct two- (Goatinoed) story apartment buildings oa these lots in Tract No.'3116 and that the property is presently ciassified as C-1~ I~IQ~I00~ COMMBRCIAL which would allow two-story buildinga. A geatlemen represeating property owners to the East stated that the~* desired to see oniq one-story dweilings erected on the propezty. As shown on the map of 3316 there is a 55 foot strip mf land betwee.~ thc single faaily residents at the Ba~st aad the subject ~rop:Artq xhich has been retained by the ormer of the proper*~r directly to the SoutF, It was felt 4Lat with this >ufFer between the R-1 and the R-3 that txo-story dweilings ::ould be permitted. THB HEARINu WAS CLOS~. IIpon a motioa by Co~issioaer Mauerhan, seconded by Com- aissioner Morris and carried~ it +vas moved that the Co~issioa recommend to the City Couacil that Reclasaification No. F-58-59-?5 be approved~ ehaaging the zone :rom C-1~ 1~I(~~tH00D C0~41ffitCIAL to R-3, MULTIYLB PAMIL.Y RBSIDBHTIAL, subject to: 1. The dedicatioa of 45 feet on Broadway from the centerline to Magnolia Avenue. 2, The dedicaLion of 50 feet on Magnolia Avenue from tk.~.e centerline to Broadway Street. 3, Prepare street improvements plans and instail:ail improvemeats i~ aceordance with approved standard plans oa file ia the Offiee of the City Bngineer on bath etreets Broadxay and Magnolia. 4. The payment of E2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on both streets. 5. lhat a 90 daq time limit be placed for the accomplishment of the above conditiona. ~e vote oa the above resolution was as follows: ~ A7~S: C~IISSION~tS: DuBois~ Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Mauerhan~ 3ummers, Thompson. NOBS: COIW~IISSIOAffitS: A11red, :~.ungall. AHSEN'T: C70FQ~iISSIONBRS: None. tffiAS~ICATI~i - P[TBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by GBORGB A. FffiNRY~ et ai, PD_ ~.5~-59-76 2749 Bast Second 3treet, Iang Beach 3, California~ as Owner~ Doa L, Gesier; 8686 Bridgeport Avenue~ Anaheim. California~ as Authorized Agent, requesting that the propeity described as being oa the West side of Velare from Orange to Conley and tro parceis on khe Bast side of Magnoiia approximately 780' Sonth of Orange, be reclassified fr~m R-A~ RSSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTIIItAI. to R-3~ MULTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL. . j ~I Mr. T. F. Hamm, 9611 Magaolia Avenue atated that he origiffilly protested the reclassification of Mr. George A. Heary's propertq aad now wiahea to protest.again siace the xho2e area is now under coasideration. He stated that he orned 10 acres of propertq direcLly across the street on Nagnolia Azrem~e and that the intrusioa of R-3, multiple dreilings xould affect his pr~perty to a material degree. 6tr. Lester Jones, 2829 Orange Avenue appeared before the Comission and staled that they originaily protested two- story muitipie dtMeliings in the area now that they are being considered ~or oalq oae-atory they would not protest. -6- ~ ~ ~ 4a S ~ _._.--.-.: ~_"_"'_"'._.._ _._..._.._ _.-i ~ ~ V RHGULAR MBSfINiG - C_TlY P3~ (~~I~ - AE'~IL 6. Y459 -~c RBCIASSIPICATION - ?Er. ~ir8,e9 ~ess, ~3fl Velsa~s spo~t ia fs~or of g=antiag tl~e N0. P-58-59-7b ~~r~_~:c3u"" ,'T`+.c ~-_-'*..~sE~a' `~- =-- %_ .~'..2 way:i .~`+i'.o^~L~'~°ss (Continued) .stated t'~hatt ~eS oss~asaHa9 a~c~d g-3 an tbc Soa~hez~ portiam af 4~eia pam~esit8. ~tt ~t t~eg wold not be bnilding at t~e ~1t tta~e_ Atrr. E. ~s, ~i3 `'eIl=se ~ ti~st he ~as in favar of R-3, simg~,e at~aS- '~ ~lSI~ l~a Q~9. ~pon a ~c#aam 4oy (]o~asim~s ~a, xca~led bT ;:.~ ~" .~ ..~_ ~_, = _ ---- =± *r.e Commisssasti re~ fbo t~e E.atg (~f tLat ~eclasaification No. g-38-SJ-76 be ag~a+osed €mr ~agt~ sLorT, oaltiPle fa~ily d~vea ~~ an t~e s~~It ~es :+~*,••*~ ia this re- tlassifataticm, ~~t ib~ 3. '3~e ffa8i~ ~F ~3 Dee~ ~ao.s Ii~itiag tlez pruperties ta cme-siboap ia mei~t. • 2. ~e ~ia,~alt3,~ af 3'L ffeeft fz~ tbe ~mRerli~ of Velare Stseet. 3. '3+he ~acsitaaa ~ 33 feet €z~ tir cmterliae of Dla~olia gvrse~e. - 4. 4~e aen~r~aAa#n~ m~ si~wlf5 om YeIa=e Street. 5. Ps~epe~e staeett ~. P~ms aad ;,•~1t ac~.I i~tprovem~~.s sffi ~s+~a¢r ~t~ a~gmsed sta~ard plaas oa fiflt am t~s OE€sme of ~e R~2s ~*~~ on ~lia Avemte. 5. ~e ~y~mit ~~2_~ pes €r+cat faot fcr stseet Il3gLti.ao IImspu,ses ~ 9Eagmiss ~~~e s~ Yeta=e Street. 7. '$ia4 a 9ID ~p tame 3isit be gEzced far tbe ucoeplish~eeat o~' t~e a~wse ~itimms_ '3+he vc-te em tt~e a~se ~lstiks ~u. f96 ras as €ollars: ~: ~~~s~ ~~.~t~y, ~~Sa ~iLtls ~•~Yb"""~ ., rrrr~..~+a~ ~~ .~rS~ ~~af ~14 ~~ ~~ ~~ RBCLASSIPICATI~I - ~Q$':~!'Cifli~C_ ~jp~.~ ~DBLIC ~7n~_ ~ s~tted b~ JiD58H D. L~D JR.. N0. P-58-5S~T? 3?w~ ~~ e~~ ~~_~ t~a~c..~:~~ ;. n...d~. s 77G3~fr.3i(Y ~~ y49 ~St Ala~il/n ~~ (~yS~ ((~ly~p~a~ SS ~tt2~10~].Zl~ ~,'~L !C~ ~ LbG ~COQa~ dCSCSab!'d as ~eiag 'Y1~tz4sse ~it ~_ 3372 fna~ Boclid ta ~oasa appra~ate3~ 99D feet ~ a~ t~e o~teriiae of !i Palm Ave~e be ~''~;gied f~ ~, ~'IIAL !1[~ti[~'IiFAAL to t'rl, t~CII~i. aod! Yr3~ J~dIlP7~-FAI~.Y BESI- DBDT~YAL. ldr. 3Qeia ~El, 1572 ~ise ~e. appared befase t6e ~iam a~ atated ~t sra~ke faiiT ha~es roaid bact up t.a t~e tiatt asd tffit tL~ey tlad mDt belse~e ythit aaie ~^~~TCi21 ~r $ 3„ ~lti.ple fa~ay ~~?~+~ ~~ aeae~ is tme area. ~ fnrt3~er stated tmat 4~e Hraa~~ 9ilYa6r Las erected 56 sp~rY~ents aad are aa tme ~ooess aE erecYitg 2A4 aose. Be ~reeeale~d a ysettiikaoa ~ 1~'2 sa~es of prmperty amers in t3~e as+~ pxobestasg 43e g~o~se.d zeclsssifitatian. Dfr. L. preAesict Pasl~, tbvis, ~7ilifoc~ia appaxed for tbe applicaat =Q- - a ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ RBGUTAR blSBTTNG - CIT'Y PIANNING CQNAlISSION - APRIL 6 1959 - C~ITIIQO~: ~~- jtBCIASSIPxCATION - and &~ated that there are sti11 a great many pen~,le N0. P-38-59-7? moving iato Orange County and the r.eed is still g~1t ffmx (Coatinued) ~ultipie fsaily units. He further atateQ th~~ ~ese ]L~s ~a3Il3 be sold t6 builders and that they propose to ~r~esi s~i ff~dt masonry viaii oa the North side of the praperl~ aez~ t~re ~e aliey aiso that ao apaztmenta wouid be erect.~d ~er it~ garagea so that the distaace tsom the presea# ~ 1~r~op~~9 liae wouid be 55 feet and therefore the 13ne af sa~stt 3mtl~ the R-1 rear properties won7.d be such 2hat p=ivazy a~nLa~ 3~e protected. TE1H HBAAINiG WAS CIASBD. Uj7N4 6 WV ~ivL ~~ w^r~r~i ~.aia ~A~PT ~AI7~[~an~ ~L~Y4GY ~ Comm3ssioner Thompson and carried~ it raas moved ~ha! mP Reaolution No. 197~ that the Commiasion secommrad tte it~ City Ccuncil that Reclasa3fication No. P 3B-3~-'~ ~~ for C-1 and R-3 as shown on the map of Teatat3ve ~~'~ No. 3372~ subject to: 1. ~e filing of R-3 Deed Restrictions siipn3ni3~ig ~~~~ conditioas that no apartments ahall ~e bni3~ ~s ~9 garages. 2. The dedicatioa of 53 feet from the center3iae ~~~ndl Aveaue. 3. The dedication of 32 feet from the eenter3ine ~' IIm~s+• Street. 4. The pay~ent of $2.00 per f ront f oot f or ~tt ~ purpases. 5. Prepare stseet improvemen,t plans aad 'T+~" a~l.3rm' provementa in accordaace wi:h apprfl9ed ±~adar~d ~Ila~$ a~ fiie in the Office of the City Bn~ineer. 6. That a subdiviaion map be fiied. 7, That a 90 day time limit be set for the =r+-^^~^"'~'"""'~ of the above coaditioas. The vote on the above reaolution rres as fa33ams: AYBS: CohNfISSIONBRS: DuBois, Ga~uer, HapgooII, ~ Thompsoa~ Mungall. NOHS: CQ~tISSION~tS: Alired, Utorris, ~u~ers. AHSHNT: COMMISSIONffitS: None. THN~iiv'n ~"hnP - ~:a.-.t»:i:•s "".s;. ^f '!ti'+!rf Np, i392 tvas presmte3 ibo ttm2 - pp qgp~ Commisaion. The subdivider, JOSSPH D. BOPSgfD,~., ~~~ N0. 3372 Crescent Avenue, Anaheim~ Califoraia. 3Rie !a-~ 3s ~i1be~ betweea Loara Street ar.~S FucYid Avenue jns* Son~h m~ ~ Catherine Dsive. Proposed 2 G~1 lots and Z3 $-3 ~s. ! f Upon a motion by CommissionNr MunBall, ~eaoadeQ 4~y i Co~issioner Mauerhaa and carried. it rcas mwr,3 3~att #~e . Tentative Map of ZYact No. 3372 i~e approvzII, ~b,ja..~ ~= l. That a atreet be 64 feet in w3dth. 2, That Dresden Street be 60 feet in width. ~ 3. Subject to the approvai of the rec].$ssi'Fizatsmia- i i 4. That conaideration be given to the 33mi~at~cm aef $~xess ! on Auclid Avenue for Zota 24 aad 2i. ~ -8- { , : ~ D -- 3 ~ - -.._ .._.... _. - - ----i---- - -- - -- . . - ----- -- ...__ _ _ ~tr :~'' ) `RBG[JLAR MBHTING - CITY PIANNING CObAlIS3ION - APRIL 6~ 1959 - CONTINUSD: 1BNTATIVH IdAP - 5. That pertinent piot and building plans be submitted OP TRACT to the City Councii for review. N0. 3372 6. Require that shouid this aubdivisioa be developed as ~ more than oae subdivisioa~ each subdivision thereof shali be aubmitted ia tetttative form for appravai. 7. That a 6 foot masonry wali be erected along the North side of the subject property. RBCIASSIFICATION -. PUBLIC HBP.RING. PHTITION submitted by MRS. JOSIS MAIMSIROM~ N0. P-58-59-78 206 South Thalia Street, Anaheim, California~ as Owner, I~4tS. WILLIAM D. MC INTYRB, as Authorized AgPnt, requesting ~hat the property described as beiag a portioa of Lots 11 and 12, Block 2 of Bggabroad's Subdivision and furthes deacribed as 206 South Thalia Street, be reciassified from ~-2~ ~"-..°P:~°..T. .^.~"•4"..E.°,C*.:..T :C .°.=1~ S: wT..4=OP~.~'•:ia.i a^~HSiDci.iiew. Mrs. June M. Mc Iatyre, 917 West Sycamore Street, Anaheim~ California appeared for Mss. Josie Malmstrom, the applicant and stated that r1rs. Malmstrom~ a reaident at 206 South Thalia Street for some 50 years has through state en- croachment twice on her property caused a hardship. She further atated that the rezaning of th+.s property to R•1 would reuder the adjoiaing small state property of dubious value for comniereiai uses and that the existing C-2 re- gulationa gives it aa inflated value which it could not support without the C-2 potentcial of Lots 11 and 12. 3he further otated that the extremely smali cul-de-sac at tine end of Thalia Street and tL~ lack of adequate parking facilities render further business detrelppmen# undeair~eable without the addition of Lots 11 and 12, She further atated that if the subject property was rezoned to R-1 she felt that the state ahould give them the first opportuni+y to purchase this samil commercial lot and therefore keep Mrs. Malmstrom~s privacy from beiag invaded. Mr: Gerald Reese of the State of California stated that the state opposes the reclassifica- t3,on from G2 to R-1 inasmuch as it could devaluate the state property preaently classified as C-2 and that regardleas of Lhe zoni.ng it would be necessary for the state to put this lot up at pub7.ic suetioa. Mr. Lloyd gleia~ Owner of the property directly South of the Maimstrom property appeared before the Commission and questioned what would happen to his property pr~sently zoned F2 being next to R-1. ~iB HBAFtING WAS CLOSBT~. Upon a motion by Commisaioner ~mmers~ aeconded by Comm.issiuaer Hapgood aad car'ried, it was moved that 4he Cormnissioa =ecommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. P-58-59-78 be approved fo: ckiinge from C-2~ GBNBRAL COD4dBRCIAL to R-1~ SINGLB-FAMILY RBSIDENTIAL, i~t ~~~ ~~°Jk9 The vote on the above reaolu:ion was as foilows: AYBS; CObMISSI0IVBRS: Alired~ DuBois~ Gauer, Hapgood~ Morris, Summers, Thompaon~ Mungail. NOBS: Ct~MMISSIONBRS: Mauerhan. AB3BNT: COMM.I33IONHtS: Nune. 1BN~!-TIVB MAP - A Teatative Map of Tract No, 3371 was preaented to the OP TRACT Commissiot}. The aubdivider is ¢he MARJAN DBVBLOPMSNT N0. 3371 COMPANY, 9562 Ball Road~ Anaheim~ California. The tract ia located between South Street ead La Pa1ma Avenue~ Weat of -9- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~~ ~ ~ .~ E ~ ~ ,~ HB(~lIAR I~BTING - CITY P7ANNING 00~9dI9SI0N - ApRIL 6, 1959 - CONTINUBD: 18N~-TI?+8 1~ - af Verde Street and c~ntaias 122 R-1 lota. ~ ~ACP ~. ~~~I Upoa a aotion bq Commisaioner Mu:igail, secanfltd by C(7o~timied) Com~esion~t Wauerh~n aad carrieQ~ it was moved that the . Teatative Afap of Tract No, 3371 be appsoved~ sub,~ect to; ' ; 1. That pertineat piot aad building plana be aubmitbed ' tb the Citq'Couacii for review. 2. Require that should thia aubdiviaion be developed as more ~ thaa oae aubdiviaioa, each atibdiviaion thereof suail be t submitted in teatative form for approval. ~ T@FII~TIj-E 1MP - A Ttatative Map of Tract No. 3381 was preeented to the 0~ 1~!-CT Commission. The subdivider is the Ch3p Development N0. 3381 Corporatioa, 12911 Belfast Street,Garden Grove~ Caiifornia, 1lie tract is located ,ju3t South of the Riveraide Preeway and Bast of Baxter 3treet and coataina 26 R-1 1ois. ~ Upon a motioa bq Commisaioner Muagali, seconded by Comuissioner Allred aad carried, it was moved that the ~ Tentative Map of Tract No. 3381 be approved~ subject to; ~ 1. Approval bq the State Highvray Departmeat. ~ 1 2. Tha4 a street be estended Basterly to tract boundary. ,+ 3,; That pertinent piot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. ; 4. Require that should thSs subdivisior. be developed as xore :~°.:. ca2 s;::33~isiono eac7 subdivision inereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. i i l1~.~itlD~Tr: The meeting adjouraed at 6:26 0'Cloct P,M. ~ Respectfuli aubmitted, R. . ~ Se r tarq • -10- f ~ ~ \ ------ ~ - - - -- ----- --_ _ ~. -• ;---^--