Minutes-PC 1959/04/20City Ha1T April 20~ 1959 Aaaheim, Caiifornia • ApJWRi~D R~i JL1R llffifIl~'i OF Tcffi CIT7 PIANNING COhAfISSION ADJOOAI~ RBbUi/1R l~II~iG - Aa Adjonrned Heguiar Meeting of the City Planning Cooission ras called by Vice Chafrmaa Thompson at 2:05 0'Cloct Y.M., a qnc=ua being pr±seat. ~ pRRS@iT - Vice t]iair~aa ~oapsoa, Commissioners; Alired~ 'DuBois, /lorsis, Sh~oers, Muagail. Commissioner Hapgood e~asered the meeting a~ 2:40 O•Clock P.M. AHgBNr - (bsissioners Gauer aad Mauerhan. MINO~S -~e llimites uf the kegular Meeting of A~ril 6~ 1956 ~rere an~roved ag ~ranted v~ith ehanges on Page 1~ - seveath iine from the bottom, insert the word "not" betreen "have° and "protested." On Page 4, undes~ Reclassification No. F-58-59-68, sixth iine "adheared." RSCL1S5IpICATIQ1i - P~BLIC ffiARII~FGG. P73TETION submitted bq BARL SPIRHS~ 10261 N0: F-58-39-72 5aath Los Angeles Street, Anaheim~ Califoraia, as Owaer, _ requesting t~at the property described ss 10261 3outh Los Angeles Street be reclasgified from R~A~ RESIDBNTIAL A(7tICQL1URAL 10 M-1~ LI(~iT MANUPACTURING, Ifr. Spires. appeared before the Commission and stated that he is iaterested in getting M-1 zoaing for his property. ~ He r.2so stated that he would possibly consider a ~3edical or Dental dffice for his propertq. No o~ appeared ia oppositioa to the grantiag of this reclassification. but a letter was received from Mrs. Dumcan Yarers. 240 Bvelyn Dr3ve~ Anaheim, California~ portestiag the reclassifica43on of the property to M-l. Her reasons for opposiag the reciassification were that she felt that there vras enough M-1 across the street and :be fact that the Subject properLy bacted up to a ne~ 8 3 snbdivasioa now presently being developed, 1HB HSARING il(AS CLOSBD. A motioa by Coaaissioner Morris~ it was moved that Heclassification No. P-58-59-?2 be recommeaded to the City Coimcil foz aQpro~~11 to M-1, auh1ect to the f3ling of Deed Restrictions and Hngiaeering Requirements. This aotioa failed for tack of a second. ~~ ^- w~:~aa xs :sd~ h; Cac~;siaa2r L`~Bc:s~ s2ca:d~d bq Comissioner Alired aad carried~ that Reclasaification No. F-58-Sa-T2 be recommended to the Citq Couacii by Resolntion No. 198fffor reclasaification from R-A, RffiIDffi~fIAL AQtICOLTURAL to C-1~ NBIC~ORHOOD CQMMBRCxAL, snbject to: 1. ~ie filing of staadar~i Crl Deed Restric#?ons ci the " City of Aaahein. 2. 1be dedication of 53 feet from the centerline of Loa Angeles to the City of Anaheim. 3, prepare street iaprovement piana and remove and inatail all iaprovemeats in accordance w:tth approved a:~= _°•~ ~?ans on file ia the Office of the City _~ Sagiaeer. -1- ,~.~ ~` . ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ -- '~ -. - ~ =_:e ADJCi[~tl~ffiD RB(~TIAR M88TING - CITF PLIAIlVING tX!-~ISSION - APRII. Z0. 1959 -~: RBCIASSIPIGTI(7td - 4. Yaqaent af =2.00 per froat fooi for street lighting N0. P-38-59-72 purposes. (Contiaued) S~ 1liat a 90 ~ay ti~ ~~-_: ba ~: fa: :ht ~cco~Iist~ meat of the above zeqnire~ts. ~ VARIANCS N0. 1104 - pUBLIC HBARING. PEfITI~i siab~itted by J k~(~ULTIO~i , ~'~.°ANY, T12 9e~th 3tsnton A~re~e. An~6eisa Cal~fornia~ ! ss Leasee~ zes~uesting prr~o3ssioa to StBf.T A 10• z 2d~ fi~(~iAItY SUBDIVISZS~d SZQ7 on the proper4y Qeseribed as the Bouthrnest eorner of L~sr-o:.a anQ Dale Ayemes sad i fur:her desarsoed aa being on tLe Sonth'tdiYe of Linco2a AVCIILiP., ~ 112 ±te: liest of IIiale Avs~e. ~te property ia ' pr~aea.ly c3essified R-~A, R~IDBNTfAL AL~tI(~L1i9tAL.. No one appeared for or against tbe grantiag of this Variaace. ~ ~ARING MAS CiA6~. _ Upoa a motion by Coaissioner Allred, aecoaded by Commisaioaer DuHois, it ras aoved tLat by Aesointioa No. 199 that Variaace I~.i. 110~ ~e gr~nted, snbject .to: 1. The niae cunditions for snch te~porary directional as established by the City Conncil. 2. That the persit ~e granted for a period of 6 moaths or ieas, if the ha~es are aold before the exQiratioa of the siz ~onth period. 3. ~at a depoait of a 5100 be placed to tLa Director of Public liarks for Meed Control ttnder tLe aiga,and any balanee to be retnrned to tbe appiitant rhea the aign is remaved. • SPBCIAL USH PBRMIT - PUBLIC }~ARING. PHT2TI~1 snbdtted by AV1S ArID RTii N0. 29 TltOVAlAN, 351 Idorth Leaoa Street, daaleei=, California, purchasing uader eontract, requesting pemiasion to ' COd~I31RUCT AND OP~A78 A 1l~1UAitY on the psoperty described as a parcel 216 feet alang tLe North side of La Pa1ma beginning at a point appro~i~atel~ 150 feet ~ast of Buclid Avern~e. ~e prapertp is preseatly clasaified R-A. P.BSIDffidTIA'e. AL~I(~fL1i164L. ~ Mr. Bill Troutaaa, appeared before tLe Co~iaeioa aad sLated that be beiieved Lis case ~eas ca~pleteiy cavered f~n the application. No o~ appeared fn oppositton to the granLing of this Specisi Use Per~it. ~ H~ABII~IG ./AS ~ CLOSBD. Upoa a moiion by Comiasioner ~rs. aeconded by . ~ommiasiones 1~~~11 snd cs~aried~ i# ~s aa~ed that by Reaa]:ation No. 200, that S~ecial IIse Pesait No. 29 - ~ be g~anted, subject to: 1. lhat the bui2ding be erected ia aceor~ce rith.•a ry~,_.; _ readering and Piot Plan presented. 2. That aidexal~e be installed oa La'Palaa sad Enelid ~ Avenues. ' 3. That a payaent of 52.00 per frant foot for atreet lightj.ttg purpoaes be saAe bor both Is PaLa aad Bueiid Avee~ea. SPBCIAL U88 PBRMIT - PUBLIC I•IDARING. .PBTITIQ~I sn6aitted by BDMIIi ~ALY. ~ N0. 30 2433 Lincoin Avem~e. Aaahei~, Caiifornis, ss Orner, -~ -~. ~ '`~~..__W..__ _ -- _.._ _ _ .. ._..__. _ _. . _ _ ----._._ _ - ------- -- - __ ----- --- ~._.r~.---r- --~------~. .~~ i ~J~~p p$~~ ~ING CITY pIANNING C~fISSION ~ ApR2L 20. 1959 - CONTINUBD: SpBCIAL Ud8 PBRMIT - requestiag peraGisaion to CON81ltUCT AND OPBRATE A MORTUARY ON the property described ae 2433 Weat Y.iacoin N0. 30 {~oatiaeted? Aveaue. The property is preaently clasmified Crl. NgIG'ii8~Ft00D CGP~iffitCIAL. Mr. 8dwin Daly~ appeared before the Commiasion and :t the apglication exQiaias the propoaed use of d tl~ : . e ;ta the property that plans and a rendoring have beea sub- mitE>>. He further atated thaL he had been in toueh with'the lraffic department of the City 8ngineer aad had fouud out that oaiy right Luras out wouid be per- mitted on Liacoln Avenue. He also stated that there are othes commerciai uses in the erea~ that a two- ranLed a Variance directiy Weat of his l was t • g e ory mo at property and that his presenL ::.~wer shop has been ia exiatance for some time, Mr. .°.. K. Smith, 217 Monument 8treet~ appeared before t~e Commissioa and presented a petition containing 43 namea of psotestance ia the area most of whom reaide af 4:~e South side of Lincoln Aveaue up to Lincola Aveaue and a wali ea backia h i g om r with the coaLiaou~ly on their rear lot liaes. He stabed that with ~ right hsnd turae oniy the interaectioa of Magnolia assd iineoin Aveaues will be tied up everyti~ae there is a funerai procesaion aad for this reason he was objeetion to the Speciai Use Permit. ' Mr. Hartiet~ 141 North Gilbert9 appeared before the Commisaion protesting tLe propoaed use, and atated • that he feit it wouid depreciate hia property and they wouid like to subdivide their property. It was brought ' out by questioaing that they do have aa "L" ahaped piece of property surrouading the aervice atatioa at the .• corner of Gilbert Street with froatage on Lincoin Aveaue as well a8 on Magnolia Avenue. Qaeationed as to whlthes It they wouid subdivide the propexty on Liacoia Avenue. ded to use this for commerciel i t ea a was atated that they purpoeea. Mr. Daly ia rebuttai stated that liis neighbors on both sides have commerciai property aad that the mortuary wili not be kno•~vn a$ a mortuary or t will known as a ehapel and that.the b • u funeral parlor, iawa governing morLuariea in Caiifornia are verq atric:. He further atated theL the development would be owned aad operated by local people and not by any outside intereata. THH HBARII3G WAS CLOSBD. _ Upon a motioa by Commiasioner Alired, seconded bq l;ommisaioner DuBois and cariied~ it was moved that by Reaoiution No. 2p1~ 6eries 1958-S9p that Special Use Permit No. 30 be granted, eub3ect to: :. The erectioa of the building in accordance with the P1ot Pien and rendesing preseated. 2. Frepare atreet improvem~at plaas and iastali ali improvemeats i[: accor6gace with approved standard plana on fiie in the Office of tihe City Bngineer. 3. 1he paymeat of $2.00 per front foot for street . lighting purpoaea. gPBCIAL U9B PBRMIT - PUBLIC FffiARING. PHT3TION aubmitted by CLYDB PBARMAN. 7713 Bsat Fourth Piace, DoameY+ Caiiforaia. purchasing N0. 31 undes contract~ requeating permisaion to QOIdSRRICT AND ppgRpTg p~tAILffit pARK on the property describtd as being on the BouLh side of.La Palma Aveaue between (irove ead Dowling 6treeta. The property is preseatly ~3_ \ ` \ ~ , %_ i _-._. _~~~~~ • '~_..'_~..°.~ 1 i ADJ~b"hHR1IAR_M88TING - CITY PIANNING CQhA9ISSI0N - AFRIL 20. 1959 - CONTINUBD: bpBCIAL U38 PSRMTT - classified R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULSZIRAL. N0. 31 SConlinued) Mr. Dick Pearman~ appeared before thE Commiagion as apokesman for hia father, Ciyde Pearman and atated tt~at . the trailer park proyoaed would be one of the fiaeak in Caiifornia and oaly aduits would be catered to snd many of theae would be retired people. There would be 90 foot entrance into the raiier park from I,a Palma Av~aue wh9,cfl wouid be landscaped and there wouid be parking at thc entrance for gueata. He further atated that.main roada wouid be 26 feet in width and others be 24 feet width with asphalt paving and that a 5 foot wall wouid be erected entirelq around the eite and that each iot wouid have at ieast 2500 aquare feet. Mr. Leater L. Lcv, :1bi;orney of Pullerioa, appeared before the Commiasion~ repreaenting the property owners of 240 acres approximately ia the area. He presented a petition againat the propoaed Speciai Uae termit on the grounda that "we feel a atudy o£ the entire area should be made first~ a master plaa shoald be dra~t up, spot zoning is daagerous aad couid 3eopardize propexty vaiues~ it:-was our uAderatanding at the time of asuiexatioas,at thie area would be zoned for industrial use and orderly, deeelopment of the area under a Master Pian is more profitable both to the City aad the propert~ ownera." He further•stated that he ia not convinced that a Lrailer park~~a bad~ but a Master Pian ahouid be made of the area an¢;that it is possible that auch a use might jepasdize goo¢ manufactur- ' iag property. He further atated tlxat apur trnckage•can be obtained to the nroperties in this area and requested tuat thia Special Uae Permit be denied untii:a Master Pian for the entire area 3s deveioped. Ttiere 3a no water available in the area aufficent ~o serve'the property ' ow~ere snd a development auch as a traiier park... Mr Pearmaa in rebutal stated that the railroad spar propoaed is aowhere aear the subject property and that as faF as water is concerned they could put in their ovtn weli. THB HBARING WAS CL03HD. ~ • • The Commiasioa ia conaidering the Special Uae Permit fouad that there are no sewera available in tyis area and tha~• while the applicant for the trailer past.did bave a leLter from the Chief of the Countq of Orange, Divisioa of Sanitation stating that aeptic tanka and sub lateral syatema would be satiafactory uatii sewera rrere avaiiable~ such a system to serve 198 traiiera might not be flesi.re- able. ' \ \ i Jpon a motion by Commisaiaaer Alired~ seconded by Commisaioner Hapgood and cassied~ it was moved that~by Reaolution No. 202~ 3eriea 1938-54~ that t~peciai Uae Permit No. 31 be denied without preJudice unt31 a. Msater Pian of the area is completed and that the , Planaing DeoartmenY be given a period of 3 months ia order to mske such a study. ' SP~CIAL U8B PBRMIT - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION eubmitS:ed by LBO PK,BHDIdAN; N0, 32 2018 Coldwater Canyoa, Beverly Hiiis. Caiifo~n'ia, as Oxmer~ requeatiag permiesioa to CON8IRUCT A CONVBN'~ION SXHIHITION BUILDING on the property described as 1601 South Manchester Avenue. 'T~a property ia preeentiy ciaasified R-A, RBSIbHNTI~:L AC~[tICULTURAL. Mr. Lto Preedman appeared before the Commiasion and ~reaented a rendering and Plot Plan of the propoaed -4- -^-~ ~ ~ `~ : . ~ ~t 1 QpTOl~tIDD SB(~IAR 1~BTIl~s - CI17t PIANNING CQAdI83I0N - APRIL ?10. 1959 - CONTINUSD: 1 ~ ~BQIIL U~ 48R11IT IiD. 32 ~ ~Co~tifitseus _ deveiopaeat of a conventioa hali sad appurtenance thereto. He siated taat the Coaveation ha12 would ~ ~„u-~~~~~ ~~~fl }hg Chertesho~zee ~loto* Hotei on the south pa;~el o€ propertq. He atated further that the North pareel at the rear of.the Robershaw-Puitoa pmperty rould be uaed oniy fbr paiting and that these wuid be aceess to tliis conventioa hail property from Harbor Bouievard aad Sateila Avenue'and that a road could coaaect fro,n the North property bq running under the 8diaon Compaay high.liae acroas the3x ;ight-of-way. The North property xouid aiso have aceesa from South Mancheater Aveaue. He fuzther atated that const'ruction would atart in about 6 sontha aad that the deveiopjnent wouid be acsoapiiatned by~private fiuaaciag with s~o atock promation. He aiso atated thgt he beiieved that some arrengement ahould be eade xith the City wherebq the City could control ta a~reat eatent the uae of the ConVeation haii. Dlr, J, Leatham, ALtoiaey fos;Ant~.ony Pbbis~ Ine.. atated that a year or ttro ago Aq;tioriq'Poois rkqueate4 the use of their p=operfiY.oa Hsrbor Boulevasd for a diaplay of Lheir poois and whiie the Piaaliiag Cbmmiaeion graated the ux, as sppea! to the Citq Coupe3,l made bq Mr. Preedmaa a~ subsequeat action bp the Citq Coudcil deaied them the uae of their property. A court act3oa upheid the City Councii, but the case is stiii under apppai. He further stated that he wouid !ike to see this application held up for six moaths on account of the court action pettdiag. He further stated that he had beea in touch with Mr. $oemaker of Dianeyiand aad th~at theq do not endorae the developaeat but do not oppose same. Mr. Leatham further s`•a:23 t~: '.: ~3s ag=a-'~a :he=e is a nee~ for coavention facilitiea so~aerrhere ia the area. ~~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. Bob Harma of the Saga Mote1 ataLed that the~,r property rouid back up to the pro~bsed parkiag lot aad thgt auch a nae Iate at night couid disturb the occupante of hia motel. Nr. Robert Hliiott. Saiea Manager for. Aathony Poois~ stated that ~(onderboxi proposed auch a,deai.amounting to s1S,000,000.00 for a coaventioa hali cen#er ~ad that he bad heard of about three more. He was iaformed that Uiia xss Lhe first fozmal application for auch uae ia the area. 1~ ~ARING.WAS.CLOSH4. . ~Jpoa a aotion by Commiesioaer Summera~ aecoaded by Commiaaioner Hapgood aad cerried it was mqved that by Resolutioa No. 203, 3eries 1958-59. that,3~ecial Uae Permit No. 32 be graated for the North aad 3outli parcels shown on the.]ayout, the North parcel 4o be used for paxking only and provided that thia iot caa.have accesa irom the 3o~th aad subject to; 1. Buiidiag to be erected in confonmity With the Readering and Pict Pian preaeated. 2. Prepare street improvemeat.pians:and instaii ali improtrements in accordance with sAproqed ataadard piana in the Offiee of tbe Citq Hagineer on Alro Aveaue aad the North 3outh 3t.reet withia the No:theriq parcei. ~ 3, n~+s~+=ate •_ bQ foot et=eet along 4he {~eateriy boundary of the Northeriq parcei and acrosa the Bdisoa Compaay right-of-way. -5- ~ . ~ ~ _ . . .,.,.~ ~ ~ 11s~ Da~3dsoa appea~ befoxe tme Go~fisRfoa aad stated t~t or3 ~~a~ ttie paapezts ;+r~~~ ia Tract No. 1988 ras mo~ecmded £9s s~aiwY fo~ H-3 by tht Fianning Cooissiam ~s a~se~rati~ dmied 6~ the Citg Couacii. ~e~ ase aon ~i~3a~ tor tiais pxopezi~ aa8 iae properiy directi~ !a !be 3a~ti sa~a~ t3caagh to Broadxay.~ He s,tated tbe~ aor pc+ogosed 1bo pat s rsli op slong the re~r bo~rT liae a~ t~e East side. La~e ao alieya xhich Mere objeebed to b~ tLe reridests o~i~iaalY~y ia Tract No. 2369 directi~ to tme Bast a~d teep an! dreilings do~ra to one ator~ tioea+e Srs a~t ai~le f~ii~ na~dent3sl. Mr. Dean Porell, ~D9 Os11~ Street, sppnsed t+efore the ~sd,oa a~ p~+eseated a pet:£tfnn ooatainiag 39 nsaes c~ p~oQert~ w~ea m~ille~ aad /lrcmer Streets protestiag t:~e *+M'=~fiotia of tbese p~a~sties sa¢ atated that ~iie a~a~le fadi~ e7.tfi~ple ~~~ *~~ ne:t to thefr R-1 rr~te~ a~ tr ~~r- ..h~ i~aa1.1~ t~ w1~ ~-f ~afQe~o ae~tipie ~~'~a m t~e l~es'tai~ Zot wala maf~e for a Poor app~raaoe i~+~cti as t~e Cr~ to thc lfest aloag Broo-~nrst Stceet roald pc~babl~ oal~ be devtloped tdth aer-sDox~ oorrerei~ baf3d3~s. bfx. To~ A. Qnails. Sfl9 Villr~ Sta+eet a~.lsrs sppeesed befa~e • tAe Co~ission -Q~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~`'~ ~nTAiRI~ ~GIJIl-S ;~ - CTf".~ P7ASII~•~~ -/1~~ ~D. Z45S1 -_~: BP~CIAL "tJSB P8B1[IT - 4. I~ress aad e~cess to me East be psovided. i~c3. 32 ~'~ = _- =; s= =_ ='= =~`~- CCoatinued) ~~ S. 7r.~t~ ~~t lights en a21 praposed affi dediubM r3~t-af-ua~s. SPBCIAL UQB P8RIIIT - PI~iI'~ Hfpltt~. ffi!II~ aaBafitted by TBAIL8R7AI~ID PARg, N0. 33 ' 3Zi 8~st Bail Eoad, aa O~er. re~eestinB Pe~issioa to AL~t /1~ D@~066 ffiS!~ '~s*rs~ Y/IAY AS SPBCIFIBD BY ' tIPPLICARI' m t~e ~Sapezt~ dasac~bed as 1211 Aazbor Boa;~ud~ me property is p~eseatlT c2asaified R-A, Bffi~~TAY. A~L. po o~e spp~sed fcr os a`aiast t6e graating of tLis ~c3a1 IIse Pmiit. 'ffi ~ x#S CFAS~. ~i.s ~eciai iTae Pesi; cosess tbe iapro~ve~eat of a~ existing trziler ~art l~ed at Ball 3aad aad Sarbor BoulevarQ. IIpoa a soti,m bf ~ssimer Allzed, secoaded by Cc~ssicoer lbais a~d aaried, it ras soved that by YesolQtim ~io. 2~4. Slrsies 2956-59. tltat Special IIse Peait Bo. 33 be gs~ed, srbjett toc ~ ;. 7(atiag tiese Yapxvae~ea~ as a~o~m on the Plot P3aa p~. 2. ~e dediotaca af S3 feet €rad ~ cmterline of Baii ~wd a~ as sod'nficd b~ tlee 1~ty Bagiat~r. 3. me dedisata~ of 6~0 fer' Esaa tife cmter2ine of Qs:~~ ~s -~_ ~_.. ~!af~~e t~ rt+~ c!~ tv ~• ~ 4. prepart s~t i~paa~e~eat p~isns a~ffi i~ns#ail ali • 3spx~o~ts aa bath Hall ~ced and Harbor Bonlevasd. ~QASSIFI~ITI~I - P~.IC ~IIZII~. ~ ~tted bZ ~Y DAVIDSON N0. P-S8~S9-79 A1~ID S~lC ~O. et al,, S1Z4 Or,~est ~sfQe~ Los ~eies ~i~ f~lifo~is. as timer~ seQ[eestia~ that the property ~ibed ~,s bei~ Lats 3 aad 6 of Bloct B of gact 3io. ]3 ~ t~e tYt~ of At~Leis iad fasther deacribed a~ i~ettieeB ~~ a~d Oca~e sppxosfaately 33S feet SaBt o£ ~coo~ursE ~eet be ~3s-~f~ed fxoa R-A, R8SID8N- . TIl1L ~~~L t~u lE~-~3~ ~L8 FAILILY R83IDBNPTAL. `_ ~ _ _,_....__~. ~ ~ _ , ~~ • i ~ - ' i _ ~~ ~ OUANBD RBGUTAR 1lSBTING - CITY ~IANNING ~O~B~ ~ 4\ ~ ~.. ~ f RBCIASaIFIGTION - pro*estiag ~e ~ a~' tt~ N0. P-38-S9-79 Mr. Davidaoa sgai~n zg~ea~ff mrH'~e ~e ¢eoo~~~ (Continued) sad ststed ~Y ~ritEh ~ ~nsa~lt ss a ~RI`a= artPr~ ~e ~ ~ ~ -r~-.~:~ ~ ~ ,~..c~ IIuff~ betareen ~C-1 aad ~he s~ ffmm2t8~ ~ ~ pertiee. ~ ~II11G t~ ~ Upon a motinm '.b~y ~.ss3~ N1~as. ~ nR~' Comoiasione3 d111~1! aa~! ~¢¢o~+. idt was saae~ t~at bg Reaolution 3~io_ ZD54 ~ ~a ~ ~~~"~~~~tioa No. P-SB-39-7~ ~e ~m3~.. The vote an the $'ba~us ~ wm~ ms ~rax AYSS: Cd~SID'l~t~» ~3Lmat1., FD~OS.~ ~ma~,. Dfo~rs~. 9u~. '~, ~- NOBS: C~I~JSS~= 1~m~ ABSffi0Ts - ~~' ~ "''~'-"~" RBCLAS3IPICATION - PUBLIC ~°aT~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~gr N0. P-58-59~80 8832 Staairom .~~~ ~ R'aIIHffm~w ~s ~~ !d. I. Rich~aad, 53D~ ID~ ~„ B~~ ~ i~- Calif ornia, as .~n~ ~p ~ t~at t~c property ~ ~ ~ ~`5'~ ~n ~oomue Et reclaseifi~d ~ram ~ ~ ~ C-3 , ~BAI-Y ~C~.. Idr. AiCbmBna ~3D2 ~ ~a ~ ~,. C~Tffo~fa appeared 'be~'axt ~s ~ a~s ~sx~ ~eat for Lydia lt. Dss3s» ~~ a$' t85s ~:~mii aitted t~at Mra. Davis p~ tL'hs ~~~ Er~ LsaceIa. Avenue ivori~ amd se'.L21 ~e ~nuaa s a+~s s`m L~ saa ~itt aer owatr had ~he gmn,prz~yy m~ ~ao ~„ ~ff CO~CF1tI.. No one appearr.d 3~a ~arm Ym i~e ~ c£ tH~s reciaasificeal3~m,. '~ ~ ~ ~_ Queatioaed ~ ~ ~Il2t~a8~ ~se ~ ~geat relqc~aatly s~~ ~ tl~s ~ttpg wes ~~.L p~t uatil l~SD aad xLmL ast fE~ gmemm~t tt~e Aa~d s#~L ~ aoL beea f311efl a~_ Upon a mo~ivn ~g 4~o~o~.s2~ ~Ilsadf, ~ tig Co~issiomer 9ioss3$ ~aC ~. a3t wns so.ve~ t$tt IIg Reaolutioa sVo. ~Db~ 9Q3ts Il~S~^ ~ m~-r•~~fcatfoa No, P-~~~4 ~e ~ea3~ff ~~tt ~ap t~n~~~ that tLe property 3~ ~t a~tem~heu~ ff~ t$he ~m aff ~2Qf~s at t2u preseat ~3a amt! ttH~ sg~Ilaa~ 1ta~ mm gSsas tc yreseat ~'ar t~e ~ aff tt~e p~m~tig. Z41e voie _on ~e a'fi~s ~ w~ ~s ff~t AYBS: Co~: m~ffa~. ~ ~ ~s~ ~. ~. ~~- NOBS: COIiY~B~ ~.. A~SBtiT: _ ~ +mffi ~ R~CL'AQBIPICATION - PUBZIC ~I4~1G. ~ ~ 1b~ .I~~ ~~: N0. P~38~S4~81 2411 West 73*+*~^~~+ ~w ~~eL~$as~~w ss Owacr, se9nes#3~B ~ ~ ~'~' ~ ~ ~~ a porti~ ~ 3~a~ 3~ s~ ~~ ad £mtmer . descrined a~ m~e"a~g ~n ~e wi~rs¢ a`n~ ~ wea~ a'~ ~ppoai~e 3-3aya~d dl~ Tbe mmr~a~ ffsnon ~~ R~IDHN'lIAL ~II.. Stn ~. ~ ~' &BSID~iTI11L. 7 ~ _ ~e _ __ _. ~' t"+~ V ~ ~ t ~~ ~ ~ ADJOURNIDD RBGfJIAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING COI~fISSION - APRIL 20. 1959 - COiVTINU~: RBCIASSIPIGTIOi~i - Mr. Jerry Maler, appeared before the Cwmiasioa aad N0. F-58-59-81 atated that this lot ia of peculisr shspe aad tbat the (Cbntir-ued) best use of the properLy wouid be Lo improve it for aingie 8tory, muitipie family uniRa. Mr. H. !l. Nyhus, 603 South Weat 9treet~ OwnPr of the property i~sediately ad,~acent,appeared before 4rie Cowmiasion and statedi that he ob3ected to the multi~le familq developaeat ia this . ares. Yr.asmuch ss the area ia aii aing}e faail~ reaidentiai at the preaeaL time and ia developed to m great extent with very fiae homea. Tf~ HBARING'1PAS CIA58D. Commissioner Alired stated that in view of the other development in the area, he feit that thia pzoperty covld also be developed with e aingie family resideat:. in . keepiag with the othera oa South West etree~~ a~ offered a motioa that Reciasaifieeiion No. P-58-59-81 be denied, this wae aeconded bq Commissioaer Norria and cazzied by Resolutioa No, 207 1T-e vote on the above resolution was as folioxa: AYES: COhDrIISSIONBRS: Alired~ DuBois~ Hapgood, korris, Summers~ lhompson, Mungall. • NOBS: CObAlISSIONBRS: None. AH3BNT: CI~fISSI0N8RS: Gauer, Mauerhan. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION subaitted by RICHARD N. POIBNTZ. N0. P-58-59-82 423 parkway~ Anaheim, California~ as Owner~ ~oha.M. Lent. 118 $outh Los Angelea 5treet~ Aaaheim~ California, ns Authorized Agent~ requea~ting that the pro~ rtp describe3--• as being a portioa of Lot No. 1 ia Tract No. 1071 and further described as the Soutt}east corner of Pal= a~.- North 6treets be reciasaified+from R-0~ RBSIDBNfIAL SUBURBAN to Gl. NBIC~iB0itH00D CONOd$RCIAL. Mr. John M, gent~ as Attorney appeared for the applicant aad atated that this propoaed reciassifieation has three posaible isauea. (1) The v!3lization of land which ia bare at the preaent time snd to a large ezteat unimproved. (2) Whether the developmeat would be a detrimeax to 4he other propertiea in the area. (3) Mhether this would be aa opea3ag wedge on the Bast side of Pala 3treet for other people to ask for eommercial uses. He atsted that the applicant has owned thia property three yeara and has a reeidence on the South oa the iot faeing onto Parkway. He further stated that the propoaed Medical Deatal Office wduld have entrances and ezists only from North Street aad none fr~ Pals Street and that there wouid no emergencq aervice or aabulance cails diatrubiag the property ownera and that the appiicant ' would certainly not waat to put anythiag next to his home that would devaiuate his own propertq. Mra. Paye Cotler~ Owner of the propertq oa the West aide of Pxla 8treet~ appeared before the Commission aaid sta.ted tbat she was ia favor of the reciassification, that she did . not think tt~ia peticular use would be detrimentai to the area. Mr. Roger geliq~ 407 ParMny~ appeared before the Commiseion and atated: (1) The intruaion of commerciai uaea would teaG to devalnate the property in the area. (2) W&iie iL would aot neaessarip d-1ve : vfedge it-to further rectasai:ica.iaaa cn t2x Esst ~?^~ • ~f Palat Street~ it migttt be'hard ~o deny a person _ applyiag for same. (3) 1'hat he has five chiidren and he fel# that thm traffic coaditiona might be detriaeatal -8- - - ~ r.-.._ _._._~-! ~,.._ C~ . ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ AD~OURIQBD RBGITIAA hffiBTING - CITY PIANNING COF9~lISSION ~ AYRIL 20. 1959 - CONTINUHD: BCYASSIPICATIdN - and the cars coming ia aad out of North 3treet would N0. P-58-59-82 obstrucL vision snd might possibiy iajure childrea. <Coatinued) ~ ' ~ Nr. ~I. H. 8e~iliard~ 73~ Nosth Heleaa Street, appeared before the Commiasioq aad''ata"ted that th~s area was laid out in 1940 as strictly a residential #rac~ and that • theq tnew that the North side of Parkway were doubie froatage lots 157 feet deep bq 108 feet width, but they were definiteiq kept iarge so that they wauld provide for the erection of fine hnmes, NTilhelsina Street was the atreet left for access to the tract and all other sYreets were buiit tvith cul-de-sacs. He also presented a,petitioa contaiaing the signat~s~es of ti5 property owaers in the area which is as he stated :Ls 99 ~ercent of the owners. Mrs. V. Pattersoa~ 401 W. Alberta Street~ appeared before the Commission and atated that this area is oae of Aaaheim's best reaidential areas and that this request could be an opening of a wedge for sim3'-::r uses along the Bast side of Palm 8treet. Mr, J. B. Axien owner of the property at 726 North Paim stated that sumors have been spreadiag that he inteaded to lease his property for a Real Satate Office which he said was not #sue, but that he had leased it for a year as a residence. He stated, how- ever, that the traffic coaditions on Paim Street with 24~000 to 25,000 cars passing each 24 hours did not ~ make for good residentia~ Jiving. He further atated that his propertq should be worth $18,000~ but he could only get a loan of $10,000 on it. Mrs. Patterson stated that a normal loan of $12,500 could be obtained for this propertq. Mr. Bent again appeared before the Commissioa and stated ' that,off-atreet parking was provided on the property and that the Commissioa aad City Council could stop any further encroachment of professional usea on the Hast eide of Paim 3treet if they so desired. TFffi HBARING WqS CIASAD. Upoa a motion bq Commissioner DuBois~ seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and carried it was voted to deny, bq Resolution No. 209~ Series 1958-59 keclassificatioa No. P-58-59-82 from R-0~ RBSIDBNTIAL SUBURBAN to C-1, NBI(~iB0itH00D COi~~ffitCL1L. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYES: COlMlISSIONBRS: Ali=ed, DaBois, Hapgood, Morris, ~ „r~~rs~ t'ha~s3n~ ~a:ngall. NOHS: COF9~9ISSION~S: None. ABSHNT: C0~4~lISSIOIVBRS: Gauer and Mauerhan. ADJOURNAlBNT - The Meeting adjourned at 6:25 0`Clock P.M, until 2:00 0'Clock P.M, on Monday, Aprii 2'1~ 1959 to conaider the beiance of the A~enda. Aespectfu tted, r t R. . MUNGALL~ etary -9-