Minutes-PC 1959/05/04~
City Hall
May 4, 1959
Anaheim, Caiifnrnia
~~- _ ~~Isr DleeYiag of i~e Citg Planniag Co~ission was called to
arde.c at Z_I3 a'Qoc.t R.D[_ bg lfice ~hairman Thompson, a quorum
~ @~-
~ _ ~ ~ ~; Cammissioners DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris,
-~-~- g~~ ~I~.IL_ G~issioaer Aiired entered the meeting at
g~ Q.Q~ p~_ Q~.issioaer Hapgood entered the meeting at
~, ~Qocl~ g.ly_ Cc~.iss3oaer Alired retired f rom the meeting
: =.~ e_~e~~ct P.~'
A;S~s? - CN. ~ ~t1EiL
~ _ ~ 1~te~ of t~e Ad,jo~aed Begnlar Meeting of the April 20, 1459
s~e a~gea~ed rita i~e folloAriag changes; Page 3, lst paragraph,
~ ru~~ s~nold be °pxotestaat~`, instead of "Fs..~estance", the
~rd =a~ shonid 6e iasezted betweea only and the intersection,
~ m tLc Iast liae ef tI~i$ lst paragraph, the word should be
~~, +r~~ o€ "obsectioa". In the last paragraph on
g~ 3, i~e o~ozd sieouid 6e "Coastruct", i~stead of Constrict".
~ g~e g~ 2~d ~agfaph, the wo=d "as" should be changed to
~m~ a~rSl-
~~ - p~~ ~_ PELTTI~ snbmitted by R&LIABLB MUPPLBR
~~ g~, T1'~„ aa Iiliaois corpo=ation, c/o Lansburgh,
~~ yra.;wipr~ !05 Mrmtgome=y Street, Saa Fsancisco 4,
~}~f~i, as Itssee, reqnestiag permission ta SBLL AND
~ gg~~ ~ ANF} ACCESS~tIBS in existing building
--. +;.~ .......e.~+~ .~~itted as 406 North Los Angeles Street and
~~ r-r---a
~y~t~r dexaibe~ as ttre riortheast corner of I.os Angeles and
~~+~_ '~ g£~rtg is presently classified C-2, GHNHRAL
3c ase a~gr_ared €or or agaiast the gzaating of this Variance.
~ &~~ ifA3 CIASED-
g~ ~~~ ~ r.~...:«*oaer 6taaerhaa, seconded by Commissioner
~ais aod carried, it aras moved that by Resolution No. 210,
g,~s gg58-5g b~ gianted, sabject to:
~_ y~e a~d aeplace ezisting driveways attd sidewalks on Los
~s Street r~l~3e ~treet as required by the City
~'~at t~e ~ levei be Tcept xithin reasonable bounds.
'E~ese ai~ftati~s uot to eaceed those of the garage ,
~rr.s~lti~r iocateci direct2p ta t-~e South of the subject
3_ '~at ~e s~ to be P~a.~ =e1 to tae buiiding as shown on
~~ pzesea4ed and to be non illuminated.
~~ _ p~ ~_ pEPi9tIQ~i snbmitted by JAMSS AND MONICA
~~ ~p~ S~Ci Ifest Ye~ont Avemie, Anatieim, California, as
g~~ ~.~sc;+m~ ~ssior to ADD TO IDCISTING NBON SIGN
' •--° _- ~' ` v.: r:~ ~:~~ ~F vorment Avenue
~ ~c p~cc¢j .:2~:~.. w ~_ -
~et~~ g~aath pzLa aad ~ex~oat Avenue and further described as
y~ ses~ ~e~E 6~. ~ ~.=-~I~=~F 2s Frese~tly classified
~3~ ~ ~6~LY BE~IDII~FIAL•.
_ _~..J
M~ n11~OW WaLLL~u.u.T JY~! 111YLL~••~• ~~* ~g ~ a~3l~aat~
appear~ ~~ ~~„ fl~ si~~ t~rat Ise Iiad aa oId
honse an ~. ~g ~~~ ff~seIlg' an~ tlsat the house ~+onid
not ~toncm3~sii.Ilg~ ff~~A~ tt~ ~_ ~ ~aczeased tra€fic
condiSvras mm ~~a~tt ~ vomLEa a a££ ~a~r frnn the
Fliewa~~ ~ad t~r na~~sil tl~ffff~ .r ~~ga I!=xVe, 3C bC2leved
that the ~ m~r ffm~ tt~a.s ~ vmall~ Tse £or a. ~reice Statioa.
Iie f~tuthes ~i~cd it~,.. H~ Hm~ ae~~ ffi*~ ~i Petroiecrm
HIId :0~2S.u ~ZSS '~f3i.L'- e '~"..~ ~'rC~ ~Q«""a+r i..'~...~ r~.o...w .~.."~~: :~ ~
O~caer ~ g~r~stl.~ .Dn~t ~eut~ aff f~ ~y~t QscFEnT aPPeased
befar~ 33~e ~.~san~m ~l ~tttb~ ~ LieLitirm si~ed bY 49
ttBG(JLAR MBBrYNG L`I~ ~~~ "~^~nOJY -~G w„ Il7IDl1 ~. ntnlairrlttwr~
`;~ : ,
VARIANCB N0. - No :one $ppea~e3 ffma m~ ~ t~ ~: af tisis Qaziance.
i16G Ti~s '~:'r""~ = ~ ~-
Diss„F~~+*~ a~ ~cd •*mn~^~ tEm Cffi~ ~ af agmrtaents by
the .day aad ~ w~k a~S ~~.~~ ~ mfuaed tlmt theze
1S IlO ~DT*~i~tsst~t~ ~~~7.$ Gd7~R~ ~~~ CXCCpL~ th'dt
the r~atal nm3rs ~~a~ sami~cfl ~ that the 2icense
fee goAPxa3mg ~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ faetor. The
applicant waas ~ thn g~py ~ a nTt~~ fee_
Upon a~++~~~*+ ~ 2~m.mm~ ~„ ~a~de~ 6g Co~issioner
~I1~42S.6 ~II$ Lft'*'~*~~,~ IIik 9~ ~'C-~$ ~ ~ ~CSQltitiOII NO. 211 ~
~ez3~s 1~$-38„ W~ ~in_ IlD~ H~ ~ for the enlargement
of the ~$n~a ~ it~ ~g wmtTa tt~ va=dfag as shoa~n in
the ~a,tismr.p_
VARIANCB N0. - piTffi3C ~_ ~~~g (~ FABB, I245i E1 Rey
1107 ~laze, cGar~a ~s ~=.g~„ ~ ~., ~-~*-~~ Fe~~ion
to CON51$II~T -~. ~~~ t~ gca~xt?' described as 500
feet ~a~t ao~ ~mx ~~ ti~ ~tTn side cfr Sateiia
A~venne_ ;`~ gs~~ n$ ~Il~ rrl~~~~ 8-A~ BESIDENTr=:-
AGRI~'rrm~;r. _
No one 1~EH2~'$ ff¢~r ~~~tt t~ ~ af tLis Qariance.
1HH ~iG iVB~ ~_
1~is 3~ a~nY~Il„ ~ mff 4~ uamts im the lli~eglaad area.
Upoa a~o+~*+* d~ ~.~"aa~ ~Il„ se~crm~°~ 6p Com~ssioner
Mauerhaa ~.ad ~.. ntt vu~s ~ t5s~ ~ce No. I207 be
grante3, ~ub,~t ~D~
1. 3he ~errrm.~ mff t~ ~ sm aco~daace vitii the
=~nfl_ ~~na ~„ .
2.. 'J~1~ 33~'L t~D ~~~iffi ~2 1~ ~II.' ~S~tCa~
3. 3he ~ss~a~ mff 6iD ff~tt ffs~ it~ c~s Iiae of Satel2a Avenue
ta the 45i~ ¢ff ~
4. ~r~~ane ~ a~ao~ ~~~ ~~~e aad iastall aIl
3mp~ a~n ~~ wmt8'a ~tpra~ staadard plans on
f3.7~ 3~n ~ ~ffam~ ~ff t~¢ ~fittpg &u~eer_
3. ~e ~a~me~ ¢ff ~_~ ~S ffa~tt ffaa~ ffar gtreet Iighting
RBCIASSIPICATION - ~ITBL~C ~_ ~TI+'CRL~i ~tttt~ ~g ~Tr'~ C_ Bl~ DCCYtIS'~ B.
IVO. R-S8-59-86 C~t$1Ty 1'~C1Z ~}nstl$s ~~~ ~, CaSz£oR**a~ aS (~enCtS
r$quesiiag ~a~ tt8~ g~mg~rattg~ ~-H~ ~~+a~ a parce2 I05
fe~t x 37.D_31 ff~ ~ tt~ 3fi¢tt~ c~t af East Stxeet and
3tomnera ~ri~ amS ff~ ~~]~~ Ma=ih Ea.ct Street be
reci.a~s3~~d ffa~ ~Il„ ~~ ~B~H ffi~ifIAL tn Cr3, HFAVY
~- --
~' ~ ~
RBCIASSIFICATION - property owners in the area oppqsing the granting af this
N0. P-58-59-86 reclassification. He further stated that he rea3ized t.~at
(Continued) Anaheim was growing and that the peopxe went aloag ia t.~e
ares when the shoppieg center was granted at the SonY3ieas#
corner of Romneya Drive and North Hast Street altlsongh t3~q
oppose a service station on this property which was a3so ~
and further that he did not believe a service stati~on ~eas ne~
in this ar~a as there are nine within the radius of a~ha9.f mmile_
The property owr~er of the lot directly in back of t3~e sni~jeet
pr.operty sp7eared before the Commission and stated t.hat e~r~eataa~~p
this corner will be commprciai and that it would tend Ya briag
up the valuation of the other properties in the area. ]E.c. Dict
Connors, representative of the Geaeral Petroleum Corposatiom
stated they proposed to buiid a service statian on tr,.- ~rM.=,
that the present home is old occupied bp tL'e Garaetts aad ~hat
a service station would be the best use of the corner as i4
would be open on both sides and traffic eould be see~ $sam 'ba2'h
directions. He further stated that they would be wiiiing t~
erect a wall surrounding ihe service statioa. Mrs. Carnso,
1235 Best Romneya Drive, appeared before the Commissiaa affi
stated that 4hey oppose the granting of the reclassificatiom
due to the noise, lights, etc. and would perfer ~o see ~t~a.s
corner developed with professional offices. THB ~~Y~.S
Upon a motion by Commisaioner Maue:nan, seconded by C~oissiamer
Morris and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 123, Series
1958-59 that Reclassification Na. P-58-59-86 be denied as ~e 3ost
afte= street dedications would only be 150 feet long z 3AD feet
in 3epth and it was believed that a better use conid "oe fwm~
for this corner, 3uch as a medical - center.
N0. F-58-59-87 P. KITCt~L, dba ~an Juan Fanch, P. 0. Box 31~ Pu33erton,
California, as Owners, requesting that the property descsi~e+l
as beiag a parcei 1330 feet x 2600 feet, bounded on t~e 3~losth
by Anaheim Street and on the South bq La Palma Avenue jast Bast
of Dowling Street and further described as Lot Y6 ia ~iock Y
of the Kraemer Tract be reclassified fxam R-A, RBSID~
No one appeared for or against the granting of this ret3assffiea-
tion and in view of t~e fact that at the previaus ~~~tiag a
request was made that the planning stai£ prepare a tem~pre~asi~.:.
plan for this whole area to be comp2~ted ~ith+n 4i1 ~ays.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhaa, seconded bq (30~-
missioner Aiired and carried, that this application be hel~
over for 90 days.
RfiCU13SYr3CATI0'd - No ane appeared fa: o: a;sinst :k° gsazetiag of ~his zeciassifi-
N0. P-SS-59-88 cation. 1IiB HBARING WAS CLOSBD.
In view of the fact that the subject property is bounGed em t~e
Hast by C-1 and by R-3 on the North and Wesl~. a motiou 9ras ms~de
by Commissioner Mauerhan, aeconded by Commissioner Ha~d aad
carried that by Resolution No. 214, Seriea 1958-39 the (bmm~sioa
recommend to the City Council that Reciassifization ~lo. F-58-S'3-88
be Spj?SDV°_d, 8lIbJBCt t0:
1. The dedication of 47 feet from the center line of Cresoe~st
Avenue to the City of Anaheim.
2. Prepare street improvement plans and insYall a13. im-
provements in accordance with approved standard piaas m
_...-r---..~ ------------- -- -- ----•-•----•--- ---Tg __ . _ _ __ _.
- ,...,~
3. The payment of $2,00 per front foot for street lighting
4. That a time limit of 90 days be set for the accomplishment
of the above conditions.
N0. F-58-59-89 NASAMURA, 2623 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim~ California, as
Owners, Richard Layne Tom, 9642 Stoaybrook Drive, Anaheim
California, as Authorized Agent. requesting that the property
described as being a parcel 630 feet x 300 feet (excluding the
Southeast portian of Lot 125 feet x 125 feet) on the VJest side
of Magnolia Avenue between Lincola Avenue and Cres~ent Avenue
and further descirbed as 109-119 North Magnolia Avenue be re-
R~C~ "~IPIGA'x'ION - 2. (continued)
Nc~. F-58-59-88 file in the Office of the City Bngineer.
Mr. Richard L. 1bm, 9642 Stoneybrook Drive, AnaHeiin, California
appeared as the Authorized Agent for the property owner and
stated that he wished to erect a buiiding on Magnolia Avenue
and stock same with materials that wili complement the pres~nt
nursery now ia existance on Liacoln Avenue, such as a Lawn-
mower shop, flower shop, etc. The buiiding with its garden
type entrance courts and susrounding landscaping, he believed
would approve th: inmediate aeighborhood estheticaliy. Sxterior
lighting of the landscaping and building would also be planned.
No one appeared in opposition to the ~ranting of the reclassi- $
ficatior.. T'riH HBARING WAS CtASED, a
Upon a motion by Commissioner Ailred, seconded by Commissioner ~
Morris and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 215, that `
Reclassification No. F-58-59-89 be recommended to the City Council :,
for reclassification from R-A, RBSIDRNDIAL AGRICULTURAL t~ ~2, 5
GffiVBRAL COhAfBRCIAL~ subject to: ~
1. The dedication of 53 feat from the center line of Magnolia ~
Avenue to the City of Anaheim.
2. prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements
3n accozdance with approved standard plans on file in the
Office of the City Bagiaeer on troth Magnolia Avenue and ~
Lincoln Avenue, j
3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting ~
purposes on Magnolia Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. ~
4. The approval af the Flood CAntrol Gie,trict must be approved
be£ore any building permits are issued.
S, That a 90 day time limit be granted for the Accomplishment
of the above conditions.
6. The buiiding to be erected in accordance with the pians
presented, I
7. That aff-atreet ~arking be reqvire3 ss pravided in the
code for C-2~ GSNBRAL COt~4!BRCIAL. i
The vote on the above re~olution was as follows: `
AYBS: COh4r1ISSI0NffitS: Allred, DuBois, Mauerhan, Mo:ris, Summers, ~
Mungall. ~
-4 !
;~: ~:. _.. _~ ------- - , ~- -- -~
~ ~ , '~_
R~:IASSIFICATION NOBS: WI~R~IISSIONffit5: Hapgood, Thompson.
NO. F-58-59-90 11062 Paye Street, Garden Grove, California, as C>~ners, re~
questing that the property described as beine 29i6 Lincaln
Avenue be reclassified from A-A, RBSIDHNTiA'L-AGRiGULNRP.L to
Mr. Reams stated that he believed the rcqueat was fu!ly
outlined in the petition.
Mr. Carl Bird, operator of t~e Motel to ':he Bast appeai~d
before the Commission in favor of granting the reciassification
and that an expansion of the present Mote:l is planned which
wouid be helped greatly by having a restattraat aext to same.
No one appeared in opposition to the petition. THB HFARING
Commissioner Morris offered a motion that a~1 classificatioa
for a depth of 190 feet be granted which kould take care of the
uses requested.
This motion was withdrawn and a secead motion was made by
Commissioner A11red, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood that by
Resolution No. 218, Reclassification No. F-58-59-90 be denied
without prejudice until the Planning Staff studied what could
be the best use for the rear of these long parcels, which have
depths of over 1300 feet.
FEE FOR MULTIPLS - The Bngineering Committee recummended :hat t~2 Planning;
FA6tILY UNITS AND Commission study fees to be charged f:~r :.iulti!aie Family
11tAILER PARg LOTS Residential Units and Trailer Park lat.s in connection with
the Park and Recreation site charg~s pr~sentiy assc:ssed on
single family residential lots.
It was the opinion of the Conmission that t,is was a I~A~i 's
matter in view of past court decision.s and oi?~era nov; pc :~d•Eng.
A motion was made by Commissio:ier Morris, secoAded by ~
Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, that the Commission request ~
that on or before the meeting of June 2, 1959 that an opi.^.i.on ':
be obtained from the City Attorney regarding the legality of ~
such charges and how they can be accomplished., i
TENTATIVH MAP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3398 was presented to the Commissi.on. t
OF TRACT This tract covers the property considered i.n the Reclassification ~
N0, 3398 No. P-~8-59-88. The subdivider is Ixving November and Russell
J. Loascio, 742 North Resh Street, Anaheim, California.
A motian was made by Commissioner DuBois, seconded bq
Commissioner Summers and carried that the Tentative Map of
Tract No. 3398 be approved, subject to:
1. The reclassification of the property.
2, Provide a bnmper curb alo*tg the So~th side of the ailey
continious to Crescent Avenue to protect concrete block
wall to be constructed parallel to Crescent Avenue:.
3. Aecordation to be contingent upon the installation of
impsovements on Glencrest Avenue and Chippewa Street to
Crescent to piovide access to the pro~erty.
~ .I
•. _ _.__ _ ,._ ----- •- -
~ -~ ------------- -~---- -..-~~",~ -~"~
~ ~ ~
~-°'B ~'.~ ~%i. g.~IBI~AFII~ L'OMMISSION - MAY 4, 2959 - CONTIfiUED:
'~3~~s~ e13:' - ~_ Fi~i width ailty to be provided at the rear of lots 1
~ 1t '~~ tfirou~Y[ 5.
S~_ 7~..'~
Q~D ~_ Fe=tiaent plot ~.:!3 building plans 4o be presented to the
Citp Councii _`or .review:
C_ Requ~~e that should this s.b~^:i~~gif~~i be dev:I~?; ~3 ~s mo~?
tlr~u.oae subdivision, eacb ac:~eas?v~ subdivision thereoi
sSor~.i3 be submitted ir tentatitre form fnr approval.
'II~IlQE: ~ - ~~°~etiv~: Map of T:act No. 3396 •ras presented to the
~`'1~'6:Q' r..amms`,~ti~a. The sut~divider is Roa :avestment Company,
~t,_ ~".~?A~, 2',T26 b,~a2itsl Drive, Az~aheim, Califori.ia. The tract is :~catecl
at tBe .~*c~t.llpAa~' eorn~°r of North Buclid Avenue and Romr::. ~a
ilrive ar•i consists of 23 - R-3 lots anc". 5- Crl lots.
llpoa a matioa by Caamis,sioner Mauer.han, secondad by
~ssioner Summers and carried, it was voted to approve t:te
Teatatitn~ Map of Trac+t No. 3396, snbject to:
t_ A,aiey not shown in reor of lots i5 thraugh ?3 due to thn
i.•.~ention of the City Counc:31 to eliminate said alley,;on
pr~rvi~~us ReclasQ~fication No, r-SS-59-31 a~d t.ract map.
~_ ~bj~c~~ to r,eclassification.
~_ Time 1imi.t to be al•tered. on reclas~ifiCation to be
conti ;aeat apon recor3atio:x of suu3ivision map. ~
~~ Fncrea~ ~:~l+:h of tur•n.-aronad at Northerly ead of alley.
~. Pe=tiaent r,lot ,and building plans be submitted to C?ty
Gov.ncii for reviev;.
G. Requi=e that ssowlti th.:s subdz~ision be developed .s
mor.e thaa oae subd'ivision, eac!a subdivision thereof
shall kti submi.tteo in te~ntative form for approval.
~~'~ DI~F - ~ T2IIL3LIVC Mup uf Tract Nc. 3397 was presented to the
~'~.V1C.II' Co~mvis~ioa. T,7e subidivdec ,is Sunny i;omes, Inc. ~ 343~ Vi~ Oporto,
~ID. ~.'~71 lYe+~o=t Bea;:h, Caiiforaia. ',fhe tract is located between Sast
3~a: .nua ~t.~eet an~. Fr..t Sou:h Street, just Basterly of
7rsa.ct Nos. 1696 and 14~8 and ror».ains .S; - R-1 ].ots.
~ motiaa was ms.:e by Commissioner Mauc~han, seconded by
~o~ission~r ~uEois anZ car:ied that ::~ TPatat?~e Map of
Tract No_ 3397 be approved, sebject to: .
P. ~t.~n~tz one lot to provide 70-ft, fronte~ge fe•• remainiiag
2. Fronta,ge of "not a part of" on Santa Ar_a Street tr~ be
cedicated aad fu21q impraved.
~_ ~ettzaent plot anQ bui?.ding pluns be subR•itted to the
Citp Couacil for review,
4. Aequsre that should this subdiv:lsion be developed
as more than one subdivision, each sabdivision thereof
snali be submitted ia tentative form for approvai.
'~'~E !~& - ~ Teutative Map of Tract No. 2775 was presented to.the
d".~ '~(C¢' Eommissioa. The~ subdivider is Park Viliage Home, P.O. Rox
~:b- ~.717.~ 6Q~, eiaaheim, California. 1he tract is ioca:ed on the Hast
side of Daie Avernie approximately 500 feet North of 7incoin
~veaue and coatains 85 - R-1 lots.
-6- ~
_.._. __. ._ _ _._._ . .
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. ,_._~... .._.... .. ...__. . .._... .._...
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~ ~
RIiGUTAR ldHSTIlVG - CiTY P71~IQHY1~ QQ~~~I -~H ~„ ]L~ - C~Pft[1BD
TBNTATIVB MAP - A motio¢t a~s m~ ~~ r~n~-^~^¢„ seco~ed bp
OF TRACT Comm3ssiamea ~.Il ~~,•~*'mc~ ttS~~ i~e Teatatiae Map oE
NO, 2775 TracY No_ ~5 me ~„ ~,j~~ iim~
1. Per~~ ~tt ~&ma.Il~Smg ~~~ 6e su6mitted to the City
Co~mcsl ~~c ~maxav_
2. Reqni=+E 7~att s~mmIl~ itbsas ~n~cm Ue devtlopen as more
t~aa sm~ ~am;~~m••~„ ~~fia~sssaa thereof shall be
snbffi~~ed nm ~nitattaRe ffm~ ff~¢ ..c~*'*+Q~T.
KBRSTBN - Resolutiom ~7u_ 2.Ilr7 am~s @~a~ae~ l~+g 1tffie ~'itg Attorney to cover
RHCIA5S~FICATION the Berst~en g~x+ag~rs~, ~it ft~ ~~~e" cn*~*+Pr of Nortli Citroa
N0. 217 Street aa~ ~Yes~ II~ hD~ A~+~ ~s ~e Sas beea a fanlfg
descr3ptiam m~ tt~as ~a~a1~g_
IJpon a;a~t~ ~ mmm~~~^~•T ~„ seconded bp
Commi~si~x ~~ ~¢~sssecIl„ ait was maQed tTmt Aesolntioa
N'. 217 ~e s~s~~3 ..~! ~_~,.++-_'c ~...,'"^.~ CY r.B_° ~tt_r ~ S~:
for Jtme ~, Il~ 8~ ~nIlg ~¶*~~ m it~e fies~I~atioa Ifo. ZI7.
19~e vote ~m ~e ~me Hi~sra1IImtt*~ Lfim~ ~17! wag as fol2crsz
AYB.S: ~~II~,S. ]~mnss ~„ Rtaiwrhan~ Morris.
9~s~r ~m~ Mnaga2l.
NQfiS: ~~5= ~.
AB5ID~1T:~~S: d~IIIlaeafl ~ ~.
ADJ~JRNA~IT: The meeting ,adjem~ stt ~=a"~ID mt(CIl~ Lp,yU_
a i
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