Minutes-PC 1959/05/18~ City Hall May 18. 1959 Anaheim, California ADJOURNHD REGUTAR MBETING OP TIIB C:ITY PIANNING CQMMISSION ADJOURNBD R23GlJIAR MHETING - An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2:05 0•Cloct P.ll. by Vice Chairman Thcmpson, a quorum being present. PRHSENT - Vice Chairmaa ltiompsoa; Commissioners; Alired, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. ABSENT - Chairman Gauer, vice Cnairman Tnompa~on announced at the opening of the meeting ~.i stat~ag :~a: aa account of the lengtl: of the Agenda, consideration of Items 17 through 23 would be held over until an another Adjourned Regular Meeting to be held on Maq 25, 1959 and that those i~ the audience interested in these items should appear at that time. MINUT~S - The Minutes of 4he Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 27, 1959 and the Regular Meeting of May 4, 1959 were approved with certain changes. On Page 5 of the April 27, 1959 minutes, last paragraph the word should be "notice", instead of "record". In the minutes of 1Nay 4,~ 1959, on Page 4, under Reclassification No. F-58-59-~5, the vote was not recorded. Under Reclassificatioa No. F-58-59-89, on the 24th liae, the word Shc~ld be°impro~e"~ instead of "approve". On Page 5, under Reclassification No. F-58-59-9~, the •~ote was not recorded. SPHCIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITI~JN submitted by SOU1~iERN CALI~OItNIA N0. 34 DISTRICT QiURCH OF 1HE NAZARHNH ADVISORY BQARD, P.O. Box 3156, Santa Ana, Califoznia, as 0!Yner, re4~esti.ag ~ersi.~- sion to CONSTRUCT AND OPERA'i'S CHURCH AND SUNDAY 9(~IOUL UNIT on the pruperty des~ribed as a parcel 344 feet x 659 feet on th~ West side of Loara Street, approximately 1000 feet South of Broadway. The property is presently classified R A, RESIDBNT7AL AGRICULNRAL. Gerald Vanderburg, appeared before the Commission re- presenting the Nazarene Qsurch and stated that due to the Pa~tor of this Church being out of the City, he vras requesting an extension of one week on this hearing. T~is was gra~ted~ SPHCIAL US8 P~iMIT - PHTITION submitted by BDWARD D. ANDBRSON AND ~iiAt~77 D. N0. 35 ANDHRSON, 2770 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to OONSIItUCT ANID OPPRATB 1RAILER PARR described as 2770 West Lincoln Avenue. ~e p=operty is preserctly classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULT[TRAL. Mr. Sdwa:d D. Anderson, appeared before the Commi.ssion and stated that he believed he had nothing further to add other than that contained in the petition and th,e plans pre:~ented for tha p=oposed trailer park except he did have with hxm all of his neighbars surrounding the property who were in `nvor of graating this S~ecial Use Permit. No one ap~eared in opposition to the gr~tiag a: the Special Use Permit. THH HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motic+n by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commission~r Mauerhan and csrried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 219, Series 1958-59. that Special Use -1- ~ ~ I ADJOURNED RHG[JIAR MBBTING - CITY PIANNING COf~Q~tISSION - MAY 18, 1959 - CONTINULD: :~ SPHCIAL USfi PBRMIT - Permit No. 35 he granted, subject to: N0. 35 (Continued) 1. That street improvement plans and the instaliation of all improvements be made, including drainage . structure on Lincoln Avenue as per standard approved plans on file in the 9ffice of :he City Bngineer. 2. The paymer_t of $2,00 per front for street lighting purposes on Lincoln and Dale Avenues. 3. That sidewalks be installed on Dale p.venue. 1 SPHCIAL USfi PBRMIT - PUSZIC HBAR71.'G. PLSITION submitted by STANLBY ORR, dba } : NO. 36 MGNARCH TRA1L&L SALBS, 2156 Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim ~ California, purchasiag under contract, requesting per- ~ mission to fiSTABLISH HOUSB TR.9ILBF SALBS LOT on the property describe3 as 2156 Harbor Boulev:ard. The property ' is presently classified R-A, P.HSIDENTIAL AGRICULT[JRAL, i Mr. Stanley Orr, 2156 Harbor Baulevard, Anaheim, Califor- nia, appeared before the Commission and stated that March ':, 1958 he had been granted a.Variance No. 923 for this use on the same parcel of pro~erty, but at that time was unable to get the business started. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the i Special Use PermiY. Tf~ HBARING WAS CLOSBD. ; Upon a motion by rommissioner Morris, stsonded by i Commissioner Hapgood and carried, it was move3 that by i Resolution No. 220, Series 1958-59, that Special Use - Permit No. 36 be granted, subject to: } 1. The providing of 20 improved parking spaces. 9 . . 2. The dedication of 60 feet from the center line of ~ ~ Harbor Boulevard. ~ 3. The payment :o the City of Anaheim for existiag ~ pavi.ng to within 12' of the center line of Harbor Boulevard. ~ 4. Prepare street improvement plans and install aIl ~ improvements in accordance wi'th approved standard a plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer. ; 5. The payment of $2.00 per front for street lighting t ; purposes. . i j 6. All buildings and trailers shall be setback a mia- ~ ' imum of 50 feet from the property line on Harbor Boulevard, ' 7. The front 20 feet from the property line on Hai.,or Boulevard must be laadscaped. VARIANCB N0. 1108 - PUBLIC HEARING. PHTITION submitted by CARMEN SCALZO, i ; 1912 Rathy Lane, Anaheim, California, purchasing under ~ ~-=1+: =~., :£y::~o~+:g ~ZY67i55i6u iv ~;vivainiT~T f~idB vriuttiin ~ A AlOTBL on the property described as being on the East ; side of Aarbor Boulevard, 639 feet South of Cerritos ~ Ave3ue. The progerty is presently classified R-A, RBSIDHNfIAL AGRICULIURAL. ~2~ ~ . ~ ~ I i . ~ '--.-~ ,--. `_.-.__: ~- __: _ _ ,.~__.. ~~ ~ ~ ~J ~ ~ BBJ~A BBG[JL,R NEhTING - CITSi YIANNING COA9NISSION - MAY 18, 1959 - CONTINUED: YAHZ4aIC& [~Q. 1108 - Mr. Scalzo, as the applicant appeared before the E~^t=a.~~3 Com~ission aad stated that he be?ieved the application and plans presented described the use that he wanted to put the property to, namely a mot~7. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. TF~ HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon a motioa by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 221, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 11Q8 be approved, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in accordance with the plaas presented. 2. The dedication of 60 feet f.rom the center line of Harbor BoulFvaxd to the City af Anaheim 3. 1he payment to the City of Anaheim for existing paving to within 12' from the center line of Harbor Boulevard. 4. Prepare street improvement pians and instail all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans oc file in the Office of the City Bngineer. 5. Provide drainage for property to the West for Alro Street. 6. That any building erected have a setback of 50 feet f*om the property Zine and the front 20 feet of the property along Harbor Boulevard must be landscaped. QABFANCE NO. 1109 - PUBLIC HEARING. PBTITION submitted by WALTBR B. HEIRICR, 1100 Hermosa Drive, Anaheim, California, as Owner, re- questing permission to ESTABLISH LAWMCIWER AND KEY SHARPHAIING BUSINESS IN BXISTING GARAGH, a 24" x 30 SIGN TG ,^,H INCLUDSD on the property described as Lot ?.9 of Tract N^, 1691 City of Anaheim and further 9escribed as 1100 Hermosa Drive. The property is presently classified R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. `. ~t i 1 Mr, Walter B. Hetrick, as applicant appeared Uefore the Commission and stated that he wished to conduct this business at his residence and that he had most of his neighbors in favor of granting the Variance. Mr. G. H. Remp, 1112 La Palma Circle appeared before the Commission i.n oppasition to the granting of the Variance and stated that if this was granted it could open the way for others to apply for similar uses. Mrs. Katherine M. Dimoch, 1133 Hermosa Drive presented a letter in opposition to the granting of the ~/ariance and stated that this is strictiy a residential area and that the noise could be objectionable inasmuch as this would invoive the use of motors and heavy dnty equipment and testin~ of motors on power mowers and that children were naturally interested in motors and tools and this could involve hazzards to inem. 5ne iuriaer siaied inai business signs in a :esidential a;ea is not conducive to normal €amily living. ~IH HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner DuBois and ~arriea, it was moved that by Resolution No. 222, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1109 be deaied for the reason that this is presentiy strictly a residential area. -3- .. ._._.._ .. . . ~ ~ ~ ~,. ~ i i ~DJ~ ~ 1~ -~ g-Te~r~= CODAMIS$ION - MAY 18, 1959 - CONTINUHD: VARI~NC~ 7~iD_ ]77.D - ~?T~" ~AT~ PECITION submitted by HBLBN CORRIVHAU, ~II ~~Zare Street= Anaheim, California, as Owner, ~ ~ peffiissioa to OPffitATH A ONB OPERATOR BEAUTY ~~~ p=operty described as Lot 67 of Tract No. ~~.t"s.tg a£ daahei~ aad further described as 911 ~~Ias~ Street. 1he property is presently ~~s€~ $ Ir ~INGI.& FAMILY RSSIDHNTIAL. ML~ S~Iea Ccrriveaec, 911 Velare Street, Anaheim, c'~~£~a ~ the apgiicaat appeared before the ~'i++~~~i~TM*~ aad stated that due to conditions relating .~Fie~ husir~ad a.zd her two children she would like to ~ t5i~ varfaace graated. She had the signatures of ~- a£ t~s aeigfihars ia favor of granting the variance. a'm ~ appeared ia opposition to the granting of the ~~_ 1'ffE SEARING WAS CLOSED. ~mm a matiaa hg Co~i.ssioner Allred, seconded by ~~+~*~*`~+*~ Sapgood and carried, it was moved that Fiyg 13'es~c~****'~+** Na. 223, Series 1958-59, that Variance ffm_ ~PSff' i~ graated for a period of one year, with a a~¢`~• af tf~ Yariaace at the end of that period and £ur.tF~r ~ gtfpis2ated by the applicant. There would be ~~m oa the property advertising the beauty shop. Va~Ta'+~ 9VD_ Il~3 - PliffitI~' SE~BSIlWG_ P&1TTION submitted by STANDARD ~ CORPORATION, 8962 Wilshire Boulevard, ~~:T9~-ffs`IS~, Calife=aia, purchasing under contract, ~ pe~sssioa to WAIVE MINIMUM LOT SIZB AND ~~ H~ffIHS~I~iTS oa *he property described as ~.~ aa ~~*o T_~~ shaped parcei lying along I{nott ~„ agg=~mately 640 feet North of Cerritos Avenue, ~ g~t also f=oats oa Ceriitos livenue for a dis- ~ a£ HfiQ feet Easterly from Buena Park city limits. 'I~ gzage=tg is presently classified R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL ~L_ M~_ Htces &. Gibsoa appeared at the applicant before the c'~~~~+*r aad stated that the revised plans shows that tffi~ ~ge Qa Saott Avenue for an approximate depth of I6~ £e~t F_~ beea removed from the original description. T~ g~Iat F2aa aow shows this area as proposed commercial. ff~ ~T=**~~ that thep are building 700 homes in the ~~ amfi Ix~ pnt iit a pumping plant and force mains for ~„ tfierefare :~a order to justify the cost of this t~pg aeede~ mo~ Iaa~ to develop in the area. He e+*~~- ~ted that the houses in their surrounding ~_ T~Q ~ a m+..+m,+m of l000 square feet of which 7h~ w¢e thi~ size aad the balance would range up to ~ ~ £eet_ ~ ~~%*Rr ~tate~' that he uuderstood the ~Savanah School n'r~_~ Isa~ ~iled for a portion of this property along ~atc~ ~veaue. He aiso stated that they now own 20 ~ n€ t~ig property and have commitments to purchase 4~ ~~ ~=e makiag a total of 60 acres. He further ~~~ ~ noasr sizes couifl be cnecaed ai ine ~ Srnrsiag A¢thority. THB HBARING WAS CIASHD. 2~e s~ ~ partioa ~~f property aow under consideration ~ a~tica to tike City of Anaheim. With 60 acres *+**~*r*~' =t wag the opinioa of the Commission that there ~ Ti~ aa deviatioa f=om the 7200 square faa~ ioi as~ ~-~~f*~Pd and t~at with the minimum house size, -~ ...~ ~~ ~ ~ J ~ `_ ~ __i~~J _ r ~ Mr. Arthur M, Cumming~ ap~eared before the Conaission and stated that the pool is now in place and that the block wali in front was placed there ia error by the erector of the fence. He further stated that this fence will extend into the front yard a distance of 6' 6". His aeighbors are agreeable to this wall as it will protect children in the area and will not obstruct the view on the ;treet in any maanor. 1HB HBARING WAS CLOS~. Upon a mot?on bq Commissioner Alired, seconded by Co~issioner Mauerhan and carried~ it was moved that by Resolution No, 226, Seriea 1958-59~ that Variance Lro. 1113 L•e granted, °g_ ~.T~URPTBD RBGUTAR MggTING - CITY PIANNING COF9dISSION MAY 1~ 1959 CONTINUHD: VARIANCB N0. CContianed) 1225 sqsa~e icet aiso esiabli~shed atract of this size could be developed using these standards without refer- ence to other tracts in the particular area, In the application, they asked for a flat 1000 square foot of house size and lots of not less than 6000 sguare feet. Upon a uotion by Coxmissioner DuBois, seconded by Co~i.ssioner Mauerhan aad carried, it was moved that by Resolution No, 224~ Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1111 be denied. VARIANCS N0. 1112 - pUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted bq RICHARD G. AND DOROTHY A RWNER, 730 Cambria Avenue, Aaahei m~ California, as Oimer, r~questi:.e grzceissioa to CONSIItUCT r^.~YCB NSCflSSARY Ta BNCIASg SWIbAlING POOL IN fiRONT YARD SB'!'BACg ARBA on the property described as Lot 43 of Tract No. 2296 City of Anaheim and further described as 730 Caa~rsa Avenue. Tae property is presentiq classified R-1, SIN6LB FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. Mr. Richard Rouner, appeared before the Commission and stated that the application and stated that the applica- tion and plot plaa described the fence he desired to ~rect to enclose his swimming pool which will extend into the front yard, a distance of 7~ feet. This building has a 32 foot front yard setback~ so there is only a 17 foot rear yard which is not sufficient to accomodate a swimming pooi, No objectioas werc raised by any of the neighbors in the area, TH8 HgARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Alired and car*ied, it ~vas moved that hy Resolution No„ 225, Series 1958-59, that Variance No, 1112 be graated. VARIANCB N0. 1113 - ppBLIC HgpRIN~~ pgTITION submitted by ARTHUR M. CUMMINGS, 2435 Nest Broadwaq, Anaheiac, California~ as Owner, re- questing permissioa to CONS~tUCT PENCB AROUND Pc"JL IN FRONT YARD SBTBA(~ ARBA, on the propertq described as Lot 61, Tract No. 1940, City of Anaheim and fnrther described as 2435 West Broadway, The property is pre- sently classified R-1, SINGLS PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAT.. . 9 ~ ; ~__ ._i ~ i AD~~URIVBD RBG[TIAR MHETING - CITY PIANNING (~NAfISSION IdAY 18 1959 r~: RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBNRING. PBTITION submitted by TZETZ 4n[~Te~ir~rr~ ri'v. r-5$-5~7-68 COMPANY, 7.1900 Gi2bert Street, Gazden &rove, t~3i{omu, ys Owner~ Harry S. Rinker, 11900 Gilbert Street, Gardea gro~, California, as Authorized Agent. 1he property afgecte~i by this proceeliug ?a located at 1584 Batelia Avenue, w*+a*~.~~, California aad is des~ribed as ;3~gs~~, ~~ :~;g~ ~is 3~ t, 47, 48 and 49 of Tract No. 324p, as recorde3 i~ Baa~ ,;13, ~a~es i. 2, and 3 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange Canaty, Calafuraiz. Mr. Harry Rnisely appeared before the Commission ~rith reference to this reclassification which yyas returned to the Planaing o~+~+«;oa by the City Council for a recommendat.ion as a Reclassificatian and not as a Special Use Permit as previousiy graated_ It ~cas stated by Mr. Snisely that deed restrictions ~aonid be placed oa eack parcei of property stating that the buildi.ng s~n1d be nsed for business and professional offices or for resident-office combinations only and that there wouid be no retaii saies usn the premises. 1HB HBARING WAS C~S~. Upoa a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Ca~aissio~ner DuBois and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No_ ?27, Series 1958-59 that Reclassification No, F-58-59-58 be reco~eaded to the City Council for reclassification from $-;, Siugie paail' Residential to C-1, Neighborhood Co~ercial, snbject to: 1, That the resideatial appearance of the buildings as presmtl~ constrncted be maintained, 2. That the parking area to be at the rear of the baiixiiug frontiag on gateila Avenue as shown by Y~ piaas Qresented_ 3. That the buildings be used for business aad professio~ai oftices or a combination of residence and ofiite: 4. That the 10 foot drive-way on the East bonadry of tLe property be eliminated. 5. That a 6 foot masonry wall be erected on Lot 49 or ~t fia a~ R-1 property. _ 1he vote on the above resolution was as follors; AYBS: COhAtISSION~tS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood, llaaerLan, 16oais, S~mmers, Thompson, Mnngall. NOBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None. ABSSNT:C~MMISSIONBRS: Gauer, ?ICATYON - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITI~i submitted bp lIARQIII~ H_. pl~i~i Jg_, 3-59-91 9911 Stvallow Lane, Garden Grove, Califbrnia, as (~r, maries B. Prank, 433 West Center Street, Anaheim, California, as Antbor_ ized pgent, rec~uesting that the property described as having 420 feet frontage along the North side of South Street and ~ further described as 1615 Bast South Street be reclassified fra~ R-0, RSSIDBNTIAL SUBURBAN to R-1, SINGLE PAI~LY RES~_~'±'*!r _ This is parcel of land origiaaily owned by Mr. Pani !1. gu].ie~ pn Rggt CCL':~ .~i~~22~ o'u~a iAiFi3 nOL ].IIC1tld2Q 1II thC Oi1g1ffij application of this property in the area from R-0, BESIDIIPITAI, ~U9L~~4:? tc R-1, SINGLE FninliY Rra'iwsuvttlsL. Upon a motion by Commissioner korris, seconded by Ca~issicoer Hapgood aad carried, it was moved that by Resolntiam I~o. ?2g~ Series 1958-59, that Reclassification No. R58-59-9i be re- commended to the City Cauncil for reciassification fzm ;t-0, -6- `L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ r''~ ,~ - -~- -- • ; . ' ~ i', ;_ ~ ~. L\ ~ ~ ~F i ~ ADJOURNBD RBGUTAR MBETING - CITY PIANNING COI~IISSION - MAY 18~ 1959 - CONTINUHD: ' RHCIASSIPICATION - Residential Suburban to R-1, 'Singie Pamiiy Residentiai, subject 1V(7. P-~2f-5"v-9i io: (Continued) 1. That ali lots on Hast South Street have areas of 8000 square feet. 2. That ail home:, erected on Bast South Street have a minimum of 1500 square feet of livable area. 3. That a dedication of 32 feet be made from the center line of South Street. 4. Payment to the City of Aaaheim for existing pavement. 5. Pzepare street improvement plans and instali all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on fil~ in the Office of the City Bngineer. 6. The payment ~2.00 per froat foot for street lighting pur- poses. ~ ~ 7, lhat a 180 day time limit be set for the accomplishment of conditions 3 through 6 inclusive. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by R. B. OSTROOT, 1885 West N0. F-58-59~92 Ball Road, Anaheim, California, as Owner, McDaniel Engineering Company, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property ' described as being a parcel on the Bast side of Nutwood Street, 256 feet North of Ball Road be reclassified from R A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to R-3~ MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSID~iTIAL. Mr. D. A. Scheinost appeared before the Commission and stated that the zoning on the master plan shows that this property is potential R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential. In the layout of their tract, none of the lots wili face Nutwood 6treet. These lots will be sold to individual buiiders with architectural restrictions. A representative of Robert Grant, developer of the Singel Pamily. Tract to the North appeared before the Commissioa and stated that they are planning $18,000 homes for this tract and had no objection to the rezoniag of Tract 3413 to R-3 lots and no objection to txo story buildings being built on this development next to their dwellings. Mr. Aibert H. Alex, 1903 Beacon Avenae appeared before the Commission and read a letter concerning their• opposition to this reclassification with reference to height limitatioas setbacl~s aad vehicle traffic pattern. It was stated that the multiple units have no thru street and this means that all traffic will funnel out to Nutwood Street, however the tract map shows that there is a alley ali around the subject property with two outlets from the ailey to Ball Road. Mr. Sheldon Andrews, 927 Nutwood Street, appeared before the Commission and stated that he moved to Anaheim from Los P,ngeles to p=ovide a safe area for his chiidren and he feit that traffic conditioas that would be generated by these muitiple family dwellings would render this area uasafe. He aiso wanted to ffiow what would be done mith the properties to the left on Ball Road. Woaid it be strip commerciai? 1N=. Ostroot~ Owner of fihe property stated that they had kept the property on lot in depth on Bail Road and this wili be sold to someone, but for what use he could not say. Mrs. Richard Lower of the S6erwood Forest Civic Association appeared before the Commission and stated that the peopie oa Nutwood Street had asked their co-oneration and help in opposing this reclassifica- tion. She stated that between Nutwood and Eapire on Ball Road there are at the present time 408 apartments and it does not appear that more are necessary. bir. Scheinost aga3n appeared before the Commission and stated thaY Nutwood Street wouid be a 64 foot roadwap with a 36 foot travel way which with the aileqs in the tract aad the tract to the Bast shouid be abie to take care of all traffic without any conjestion. THB HBARING WAS CLOSHD. -7- ruertmaoraocY ros-c«r!~lntyp6s52£!S4"12'x _ . . ~.•••".~•.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ADjOURNBD RBG[TIAR MHBTING - CITY PJ,P?9P:Iivii COddMISSION - MAY 18, 1959, CONTINUBD: 1 f ic'ni;ia~33r3Cf~TYdiv - upon a moiion by Commissioner i.;orris, seconded by Commissioner N0. F-58-SS-92 Alired, it was moved that by Resolution No. 229, Series 1958-59 (Continued) that Reclassification No. F-58-59-92 be denied. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: ' AYBS: COMMISSIONBRS: Allred, DuBois, Morris, Summers. NOES: CoMMI3SI0NBRS: Hapgood, Mauerhan, 1Y-ompson, Mungall. ~ ~ j ABSHNT:COD4fISSIONBR: Gauer, i The motion did not carry. f TBNTATIVB MAP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3413 was presented to the ~ OF TRACT Commission. The subdividcr is D. A. 3cheinost, 1]281 Chspman ~ ~ N0. 3413 Avenue, Garden Grove, California. The Tract is located n~az 3 the 8outheast corner of Ball Road and Nutwood Street, 1he rract i contains 17 proposed R-3 lots. ~ After the action on the reclassification, Mr. Scheinost requested permission from the Commission to withdraw the Tentative Map of ; Tract No. 3413. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Summers and cazried, it was moved that the applicant be permitted to withdraw the Tentative Map of Tract 2413. ~ ~ RHCLASSIPICATION - PUIILIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by HUQi W. WARDBN, Box 133, ~ N0. P-58-59-93 Pullerton, California, as Owner, A. B. Arnold, 2435 West First ~anta Ana, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the ' property described as being a parcel on the Bast side of Haster ~ Street, 650 feet North of Orangewood Avenue be reclassified ; from R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-3, MULTIPLE PAMILY RBSIDffiITIAL. No one appeared against this reclassification and the Authorized .~ Agent, A. B. Arnold for the applicant stated that the reclassifica- tion really speaks for itself on the account of the situation of the property adjoined as it is on the North by a Trailer Park and the close proximity to the Santa Ana Preeway with commercial ~ development along the freeway makes the property best suited for i R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential. THH HEARING WAS Q.OSED. ; t Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commi.ssioaer ' Mungall and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 2?0, % $eries 1958-59, that Reclassification No. P-58-59-~~3 be re- ~ commended to the City Council for reclassificatien from R~A, 5 RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURe\L to R-3, MULTIPLE PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL, t subject to: ~ ~ 1. The filing of a subdivision map. • ~ 2. ?he dedication of 45 feet from the center line of Haster ~ Streec to the City of Anaheim. ' 3, Prepare street improvement plans and install aIl improvements ~ in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the t ()ffx~e 4f the City Hngineer. i 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting ! purposes. I 5. That 180 day time limit be set for the accompiishment ~ conditions. i 6. That Deed ReEtrictions be fileu ior R-3, as standard with the City of Anaheim _8_ _ I ~ ~~~ --- ~ ~ -- ~.. _ ------~--------------. ._-._....~_ __-__ - --,------- , , "~.. _ . _ . . . ..___ ~ ~ ~ ~ ADJOURIV~ RBGUTAR MHBTIPiG - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - MAY 18, 1959 - CONTINUHD: ; TffidTATIVB MAP •~• A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3419 was presented to the OF TRACf Commission. The subdivider is J. Franklin, 18191 Romelle NO. 3419 Avenue, Tustin, California. The Tract is located on the Hast sirie of Haster Street, 1304 feet South of Katella Avenue. The Tract contains 17 proposed R-3 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3419 be approved, subjecY to: 1. The rrclassification of the property to R-3, i f 2. That pertinent plot and building plans be ~ubmitted to the ~ l ~ City Council for review. ~~-~r ~ 3. Require that should this subdivision as more than one subdi- ! vision, each subdivision thereof shall be submittefl in '•. tentative form for approval. ADJWRPIASB1DTi' - Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and carried, it was moved to adjourn this meeting until i 2:00 O'Clock P.M, on May 25, 1959. The ti.me of this adjournment was 5:14 0'Clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~• R. , UIVG~-LL, retary . ,