Minutes-PC 1959/06/08.~~ ~:,._.>..-~,-~.:,..,<,.n.,,.~~,,.,,,-.-....,.~~-.:rv.-- ._. ._ _ . ~--.r~.~, ~ ~ __. ~ _ _ --- --- -- - T. . ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ City Hall June 8, 1959 ' Anaheim, California ~ ~ ADJOURNHD RHGUTAR MHBTING OF ~Ii3 CITY PIAN[~iING (~MMISSION ~ i ~~ i ~ ADJOURNBD RfiGU~1R MHSTING: - An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning ~ Commission was calied to order at 2:15 O*Cloct P.M. , i by Vice ~airman Thompson, a quorum being present. ~ ;} ~ ~ p,ZHSSNT: - Vice Cliairman lhompson, Cormoissioners: DuBois, ; Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall. ~ ~ ABgBNT; - Commissioners: Allred, Gauer and Summers. ; 1 CHNTRALIA SCHOOL - 1Y-e first order of business was a request for DISTRICT approvai of a school site by the Centralia Schoo2 District. this school site No. 9 is located approx- imately 660 feet east of gaott Avenue and 990 feet ' south of Lincoln Avenue. Access to the property is by Danbrook Street with the possibility of future street extending westeriy to gnott Avenue. Mr. Glenn A. Dysinger Sr.~ as District Superintendant appeared befare the Commission and presented a plot plan showing the developmeat of this schooi property. It was pointed out that under the Anaheim Muaicipa3 Code public school buiidings shall have a building line setback of 60 feet from anp atree! or highway and a private access road for the loading and unloading of pupils shall be ~ provided. Atr. Dysinger stated that a loadiag and un- i loading zone would be provided, j Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by s Commissioner I~fungall and carried~ it was moved that &e ' a Commission go on record as approving School Site No. 9 of the Centralia School District ~ VARIANCB N0. 1118 - PUBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted by BOSS OVffitALL ~ CLBANERS, P. 0. Box 8, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to BRPAND OPERATION AS INDUSfRIAL = IAUNDRY and LINBN SUPPLY on the property described as ~ 7882 Huclid Aveaue and further described as the east ' side of Buclid Avenue between La Palma Avenue and 1 Romneya Drive. 1lse property is preseatly classified R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULNRAL. Mt. Robert Chambers of Boss Overali Cleaners appeased before the Commissioa and stated that they propose to take R small buildings nox on the property and iaclose them with a aew building and then tear down the old b~ildings. With this method they rrould be able to . keep operating while the new construction was under- ' way. The new building xill not take any more area tha.n the present structure and vrill improve the appearance of ; the ; roperty. ~ ~ No oae appeared in opposition to the granting of the ~ Variance. 1HS HBARING WAS CLOS~. ' i Commissioner Mauerhaa moved the adoption of the : ~ following Resolution No. 248 xhich xas seconded by ; Commissioner Morris. Resoived that Variance No. 1118 ~, be approved, subject to: ', 1. The erection of the building in accordance with the plans psesented. , -1- _.:~ AD_TdURNHD ~tBGUTAR MSBTING - CITY PIANNING CObAlISSION -_NNB 8. 1959 - CONTINUBD: VARIANCE N0. 1118 - 2. That the applicant stipulate that he would be (Continued) willing to dedicate up to 53 feet from the center liae of Huclid Avenue, if required for street widening with street improvemeats to be excluded. 1he vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYSS: CoMMISSIONBRS: DuBois. Hapgood, Mauechan, Morris, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COMMISSIONHRS: None. ABSffiVT:COMMISSIONffitS: Allred~ Gauer and Su~ers. RBCIASSIPICATION - F'JBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted by CffiVTRAL ~ N0. P-58-59-99 ~ BAPTIST CHURQi OP ORANGB COUNTY, c/o California ~ Baptist Conference, 510 South Second Avenue, Suite 11~ Covina, California, as Owner, McDaaiel 8ngineering Company, 222 Bast Center Street, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being a parcel approximatelq 330 feet north of Lincoln Avenue, 750 feet frontage on the west side of Magnolia, be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, NHIGHBORHOOD COt~1BRCIAL, AND R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RESIDBNTIAL. Mr. Jacobson of McDaaiel's L~:gineering Office appeared before the Commission and presented a revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2895, these changes were in accordance with the approval of the map which was approved on March 9, 1959 by the Commission. Mr. Wiley D. Bunn, At:orney for the Califorttia Baptist Confergnce appeared before the Commission and stated that it appeazs to him that the church is being deprived of a substantial right on account of the Flood Control Channel bisecting the property. HP stated that there is appasent reai hardship on this property. He stated theq are willing to keep lots 2-5 as single story structures, with lots 6 to 8 multiple story. He further described the dilemma that the church was facing due to secured creditors and unsecured creditors all of whom will eventualiq be paid by the church. Mr. Robert H. Harinpton, 2644 Yale Avenue, appeared before the Commission in opposition to the grantiag of the reclassification and preseated a petition containing 29 names of property owners living on Yale Avenue and read a long letter giving the reasons why they oppose the reclassification. N,rs. Marion Syaith, 2656 Yale Avenue, appeared before the Co~ission and stated that they moved to Yale Avenue to be is a resi-. dential area and that she was a school teacher and the chiidren from multiple family dweilings did not compare with those reared in single famiiy residences. Mr, Robert Welis, Pastor of the Church appeazed before the Commission and stated that it was not economicailq possible to d~~velop this property as R-1. He further stated that he talked to Mr. Pierce, developer of the tract to the west and found tLat he did not think the development would be detrimen`-al and that he was also in favor of seeing Yale Avenue extended to the east. Mr. Welis also took exception to the statement of lNrs. Marion Smith, the teacher who cast a reflection upon the children that live in apartments. He also ex- plained that the church has a school aad theq are very much interested in traffic conditions and theq do not believe that there will be aay trouble from this standpoint. Mr. Jacobson appeared before the Commission a second time and stated: 1. That there -2- ~~~` ~,l -----.__ _,..._ - --------- ~ ~ . ~_. _ -- - _+ ~` ~,7 ~ 1 f ~ I ~ pD_TOUANBD RHG{TIAR MBSTING - CITY PLANNING COhAlISSION - JU13B 8, 1959 - CONTINUBD: RBCIASSIPICATION - would be oniy one lot in the tract that would be N0. P-58-59-99 against multiple family residential. 2. That with (Continued) the Piood Control Chaanel the property is not suitable for R-1 development. 3. That Yale Avenue extension was put in at the request of the City Bngineering Department. 4. That the traffic on Yale Avenue to Magaolia would more likely be from the single family tract rather than for the multiple family =esidents to go along Yale Avenue to Dale Avenue. 5. That all the houses on Yale Avenae back up to a proposed commercial development. THH HBARING WA3 CLOSBD. Coma~issioner Mauerhan moved the adoption of Resolution No. 249 which was seconded by Commissioner Morris, Resolve3 that the Commission recommend to the City Council that Reciassification No. F-58-59-99 be ap~roved, subject to: 1. TYie placing on the property of C-1 and R-3 Deed Restrictioas, th~ Deed Restrictions among other conditions shall specify that on the R-3 property any multiple family dwellings erected shall be limited to one story in height. 2. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Magnoiia Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Hngineer. 4. Subject to Flood Control District approval. 5. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Magnolia Avenue. 6. Bxtend Yale Avenue easteriy to Magnolia Avenue and dedicate and fully improve. 7. That a subdivision map be filed. 8. That a 180 day time limit be set fo= the accomplishment of the above conditions. RBC7ASSIPIGITION - PUBLIC ~IBARING. PBTITION submitted by ROBBRTA WHBER, N0. P-58-59-101 8111 Hast Central, Garden Grove, Califoraia, as Owner, requesting that the property described as being oa the south half of the west half of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Las Bolsas, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as said section is shown on a map re- corded in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. BXCBPT the south 554 feet and further described as 2200 South Loara Street be reclasaified from R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to R-3, MULTIPLS PAMILY RHSIDHNTIAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this reclassification. TEffi HBARING WAS CLOSHD. ~,`Y~ f lhis reclassification was set for a hearing at this time becauae of an error in description under Reclassi- fication No. P-58-59-59 at which time it was ass~med '! that this property was included. j -3- . ~, . --- --___..__.~. __ _ _.._.__..__.. ._...._.... __. _ - -•~ - - ~'. i • ..r~s~.u~.r-~.a:~-..;r.,.o.z.-..-,r.:~,;.~..~»~v,:.:.,.-e,:. .. ~:~::,~.n~:~.-w:azm..•,W.._;•'S,•aC7y°,•~n~at;sr.a.~tA:.Rfe~ra~.swnec~~x+ua..y---..... ,,.,...... ~ 3~ bE~'ilP~s - CITY PIANNING CODM4ISSION -,]1TDTH 2, 1959 - CONTINUBD: •E1,~Q'„8PD~1.~'T: - 1he meeting adjourned until Monday, June 8, 1959 at 2:00 0'Clock P.M, to complete the items not covered at this meeting. ,,~~ , Respectfully s~5mitted, R. . MUNGALL, ecretary ~ F _ 4 •1 z ~ t . ; 1 ~ ~ ~