Minutes-PC 1959/07/13.. .-~----_ __.. .. _._ _. _ ~~ ~ ~-- - City Hall July ,13; 1959 Anaheim, California RHGUTAR MHBTING OF ~B CITY PIANNING CObAtISSION RAGUTAR MBSTING - A Regulaz Meeting of the City Planning Commzssion was called to order at '2:05'0`Clo~k P.M. by Chairmaa Gauer, a quarum being present. pRgggNT; - Chairman Gauer; Commissioners; DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungali. I-BggNT; - Commissioner Allred. MINUTBg; - The minutes of th. Adjourned Regular Meeting of Juae 29,,~959 were approved with one change. On Page 10, the second and vote should have been recorded. This correction wiIl be made. HI(3~ SCHOAL - Mr. Ken Wines, Administrative Assistant of the Anaheim iTnion High gITES; Schc~oi District appeared befare the Commission and stated that the~y had already stazted condennation proceedings on the 3 sites proposed for senior high schools and the 1 site proposed for a junior high school, He further stated that when these schools are developed they will Ue carrying a maximum i oad of pupils. ,1HB H~ARING WAS CIASBD. A motion was made bq Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioaer ~ompson and carried, that the Commission approve t'•= 3 sites for senior high schoois and the 1 site for a junior high school as shown on the map which becomes a part of the record together with the exact descriptions of the four properties. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC H3ti1tING. PBTITION submitted by JUANITA MILLS~ 1068 I.oaita 1126 Street, Anaheim, California~ as Owner, requesting permission to . OPffitATB A BBAUTY SHOP IN THE HOMH, ALSO BRSCT A 2' x 4' SIGN on the property described as the east side of Lomita Street between La Palma Avenue and Claredge Drive and further described as 1068 Lomita Street. The property is presentiy classified R-1, SINGLB PAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL. • lMr, Lay appeared as Attorney for the applicant and stated that the applicant desires to use ths..s property for a one operator beauty palor with off-street pa~:king provided from La Palma Avznue and not from Lomita and that she would be wiiling to do without a sign if necessary. Mrs. C. Verweei~ 1232 West La Palma Avenue appeared before the Commission and stated that she was in favor of granting the Variance and could see no difficuity for in- creased traffic oa Lomita Street. The resident, directly across the street aiso appeared before the Commission and stated that she could see no objection to this use of the propertq and that it would serve the neighbors in the area. Mrs. M. Woodsoa, 1053 Lomita Place appeared before the Commission and presented a petition containing 27 names of property owners ia opposition to the granting of the Variance. She st.ated that other business on La Palma Avartue are in a group by themselves aad that this would be an intrusion into a residentiai area. 1he petition preseated by the appiicaat contained the names of 23 persons in fxvor of granting tk-e Variaace. ~iB HBARING WAS CIASHD. Commissioner lhompson offered Resolucion No. 8, Series 1959r60 be gra~ted, subject to: 1. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line on West La Palma Avenue to ths City of Anaheim and providing of off-street ' parking oa La Palma Avenue with the entrance to the beautq parlor to be from La Palma Avenue. ' -1- ~ ~ . ' i ~ .. ~ ..~ - t . ' ;, . ~. ~ _l ~ ~ ~ RBGUTAR M88TING - CITY PIANNING COihAlISSION - JULY 13. 1S59 - CONTINUBD: VARIANCB N0. - 1!-e vote on thig r,eso~.ut~.an was as follow.s: 1126 AYES: COhAfISSIONffitS: DuBois, Gauer, Summers, Thompson, NOBS: COMMISSIONBRS: Mauerhaa, Morris, Muagall. ABSHNT: C'1MMISSIONBRS: Aiired and Hapgood. RHCLASSIFICATION - PiJBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by C. S. DRUMMOND, c% William N0. F-58-59-113 T, McManus, 514 South Brook.*.;:rst~ Aaaheim, California~ as Owner, William T, McManus~ 514 South Brookhurst Street~ Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the east side of Brookhurst Street between Oranoe Avenue and Broadway Street and further described as 500 South Brookhurst Street be reclassified from C-1~ NBIC~ORHOOD COhAlBRCIAL to M-1, LIQiT MANUFACTURING. Mr, Kent appeared as Attorney for the appiicant and stated that the use proposed is more of a commercial nature as an agency and that the•~ are not interested in getting an hi~l classification ia :he area~ but would like to know how the matter can be handled, The Secretary advised the Commission that after talkiag with Mr. Joe Geisler~ Aasistant City Attorney~ it was his feeling that the applicant be requested to withdraw the reclassification and file for a Variance which would take less time than attempting to chaage the code to include this use under C-2, 1HB I~BARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that the applicant be permitted to withdraw the reciassification petition and refile for a Variance with no additionai fee. RIICLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HHARING, PBTITiON submitted by S. Q. R. LAND CO~ANY, 202 s NO. F-58-59-119 West Center Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, William P. Webb, I 407 ~alifornia Bank Building, Anaheim~ California, as Auti-orized ; Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the ~ northeast corner of Paim Street and Bail Road be reciassified from R A, RESIDENTIAL-AQtICULTURAL to G2, GHNBRAL CObAfffitCIAL. ' , Mr. Bill Webb appeared as Attorney for the applicant and stated that this property has been lying dormant for many years and is not presently producing en.ugh citrus to pay for the taxes involved. He presented a tentative plan which he stated was purely tentative and they did not want to be held to this pian which he psesented as it was only a study of the area, Mr. Webb was questioned that why he had ~pplied for a C-2, Generai Commercial while it was felt by the Commission that all uses that they might care to place upon this property would come in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial classi- fication. He stated that they would be willing to accept a C-1 classification. Mr. 1a. G. Hartman, 422 West Ball Road~ owner of the north haif of the tract, directly to the west~ stated that cocunercial development on this property would be a benefit to the whc~le area, Mr. H. B. Schamp, 227 West Ball Road at the corner of Cambridge Street appeared in opposition to the granting of the reclassification and stated that he was being squeezed on each side by commercial development and that :~e was against C-2, General Commercial in any residential azea. Mr. J. B, Mi1.1er~ 302 West Ball Road stated that C-2 is not an appropriate classification for the area and that C-1 would be very much more desirable, Mr. Rideout of 1042 Cambridge Street appeared before the Com- mission and questioned whetfier Clifton Street would be continued into this proper4y. It was pointed out that on proposed tentative study Clifton Street was extended and had an outlet at Ball Road, oui this being oni.y a teutative study no determination could be made at this time as to waether Cliftoi! Street would be continued. Mrs. J. H. Weanberg, 212 Camdon Avenue appeared before the Com- mission and stated that she understood a school and park had been proposed for this pecticular site and suggested that the applicants come back when they have a definition plan for the development of the property. Mrs. M. G. Hartman also appeared before the t;ommission attd stated that there are many residents in the area in favor of granting the reciassification who were not able to come to the afternoon meeting, ~iB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. _2_ (~ ~ ~ ~ C~ RBGULAR MHSfING - CITY PIANNING CQMMTSSION -~ULY 13 `1959 - CONTINUED; RECIASSIFICATION - Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 9, Series 1959-60, that N0. P-38-54-119 the Commission recommend to the City Coqncil that the subjert (Glontinued) property be reclassified from R A, RSSIDHNTIAL AQtICULTORAL to C-1, NBIQiBCRH00D CQbff~tCIAL, sub3ect to: 1. The filing of staadard C-1 Deed Restrictions o£ the City of Anaheim approved by'the City Attorney. 2. That as the applicant stipulated a minimum of 50 feet wuuld be maintained as a buffer next to the R-1 residential. 3, That there be a dedication of 53 feet on Ball Road. 4. That there be a dedication of. 2 additional feet on Palm Street. 5. Prepare sicreet improvement pians and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans oa file in the office of the City Bagineer both Bali Road and Palm Street. 6. That there be a payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on both streets. 7. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplishment of i;he above conditions or such other time as the City Council may specify. ' This Resolution No. 9 was seconded by Coaimissioner Thompson and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as fol'ows: AYBS: COD9~tISSIONSRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan~ Morris, Summers~ Th~mpson, Mungall. NOES: COMh1ISSI0NBRS: None, ABSHNT:COMMISSIONBRS: Alired, RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by R. L. COONS~ 111 West Blm NO. F-58-59-120 Street. Anaheim, California, as U~vner, requesting that that property de.~cribed as being on the south side of Broadway between South Ciaudina and South Philadelphia Street and further described as Lots 1 to 7, Block M of Center Tract be reclassified from R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL to C-1, NSIGf~0RH00D CQMMHRCIAL with uses limited to those shown in the proposed C-7, BUSINHSS and PRO- PBSSIONAL OPPICB ZONB. Mr, Rector L. Coons, 111 West Bim Street, Anaheim, appear~3 before the Commission and stated that he had contacted all the owners in this block except one and they were in favor of reclassification oi !~~e or~perty from R-3 to C-1 with uses Simited to those shown in the proposed C-7 zone in the new ordinance„ He further stated that Bast Broadway is slowing changing from a Multiple Pamily Residential District to the type of commercial suggested, namely business and professional offices and that this transition has already started at the northwest corner of Broadway and Loara and in the 300 biock on the south side of Broadway. ~ 1 E ~ ~ ,~ No one appeared in opposition to the grantiag of the reclassification. %~ TItS III3~iI'~Ii:^v Ti7AS CLOSBD. 3 Commissioner AuBois offered Resolution No. 10, Series 1959-60, that ~ the subject properties, namely Lots 1 to 7 inclusive of Biock M of center tract be reclassified from R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSIPHNT7AL , -3- .~ ~ ~ ~ --~-----, ----.... ------- -------- ---- - ------- ----- ~ ~. - ------ -----__ _.---- ~ C.~ ~~ E-~ ~ RBGULAR MH&T! NG - CITY PLANNING C0~9dISS~Di -,j~~H.B D~ Il~ -~ RBCIASSIPIJ-TION - to C-1, NHIC~~D~ ~r9II, ~ ft~a~ ~ Il IIee~ B'estrictioas N0. P-58-59-120 be filed on t2i~se ~srs Ila~ikc~ tt~ ms~s ta those proposed (Continued? in the new C-7 zone aad ~~~tt ft~: 1. The replacemea~ ~f s~B~ ~ mti*r~ II,~~ Cxandina and r Broadway and tiie ~m ¢m ~g ~~ at such a time as liaea~es ~x+e ~€'~a tb~ mg tJ~ese propezties for the new classi~'3za~. This resolution ~cas ~ ~g ~~ ~~ ~ ~azried, The vote on the abeRe ~sn~sftflmm w~s ~s ffmll~i c~z AYBS: Cd~9dISSI~: ID~, ~¢~W ~ac~,, b~erhaa, Morris~ ~=~ ~ ~' ' - NQBS: COhAfISSI@ffitS: ~I~~ ABSffiYT;Cd~lI5SI0~ffit~: mnn,.~ RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. ~T~1 ~nfimm~ Eog EL~Pffi'dE Off t1RSIN N. HAFtTTfAN N0. P-58-59-121 and AHIVA L. HAR~AN, ~e,o~a~ ~~¢$, D~ice Gale ga~tmaa, Administrator and ~aersc~nr.~ ~ -Y~tt ~IlIl ~a~, gaa;heim, California, - as Autncrized Ageat, rag~ f~ft tt~ paag~t~ desGribed as being on the north si~de m~' ~aIl.Il ~~traMeem 8art~er Boulevazd and South Balm ~YreE~ ~e ~n~~iFn~ ffau~ ~~, C~L COMh~.'RCIAL to C-3, HBAVY COt~CII~II.., Mr. M, G. Iiartmaa ap~eax+~l fi~fr'~ae if~ ~mmnssiem a~ tIte app~icant and stated trst ~e 3a~eade~. ~m poIl~ a. ~g 9~simess ia, the area as shown on pipt ~laa. '~ ~,~r ~~~is p=operty i.s undeveloped at t3ie ~+re~~ ~~e ~71~ aft daes ha~ aa exi.sting oid gazage aad it is g~z~g,m~e~l 11~ ~ f~as aa~ as boat storage if found necessary, ~th~a+~f0r~, ~ aommIlaIl ~n~ itrs ga,~¢e tlie whole area that he owns reclassif'tied ~c ~„ ~~ ~rci~S~ Co~nissioner ldauer~aa ~'fF~ ~mDm~ IIia_ ~]'i~ ti~xt ttte subject property be reco~mende~ ibo tB~ Q~tt~ ~a fos recSassificati_on from C-2, ~~~nT 2'O1~CII4~ ibm ~, ~Q~ff 4~.Tgi,, subject to: 1. 1he constrnc#ion r~ ~~+~n~t~ ~ g~m y-y~~t a„~ garbor gQUlevard, 2, •,ua dedicatian ~af 33 ff~tt ffa~ #~ eea;~r Ilsae of HazL~or to U~e Citv of Anaheim. 3. ~e gaymeat ~o£ $2.~D g~s ffammtt ff~tt ffe~ stxeet Iighting purposes on mth Palm ,aad SaxHwra 4. lhat there be a~9D ~a~v ~a~ Ils~itt ffm~ it~ accvmglishmeat of the above coadi#i,onsa 1Y-is i:~_3~tion ~s ~eanma~ ~p ~mm~a Sapgoo~ and caZried. The vote on the a~ove ~~ca~nrtt~ a~s ~ fcc~Il3aa~s: AYSS: COhfldISSI~: Il'l~ans,~ ~„ ~i~, Nfaner~ra, Summers, NQBS: C~9dIS$3U11T~.~'~ ~SaS~ pdp~Il]Lw ABSBP7T: COI~MfISSI~d~°.S: 9-a n „~ NOTB: It would ~ppear ~att ~ mff ~~ 3 rerlassificaticn wixh- out some restricti~e ~vnsamms as ft,m it~ ms~s ~euz~ possibly persit a nnmber of up.zs ~vhi~ +~e ~aitg ~ff ~smm'~a1cP an.t desire ia this area, f i ~ ~ t ~ i i ~~ ~,, - -~ -- ~- ~~ ~. -Q~ ~ ' g i ~