Minutes-PC 1959/08/03/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ _~ City Hall August 3, 1959 Anaheim, California RBGUTAR MBBTING OP THB CITY PIANNING CahA4ISSION RBGUTAR MBBTING: - A Regu2ar Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order hy Vice Chairman Thompson at 2:19 O'Clock P.M., a quorum being present. pRBSHNT; - Vice Chairman Thompson; Commissioners; DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers and Muagall. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2:50 0'Clock P.M. ABSHNT: - Chairman f'ar.er and Commissioner Allred. MINUTHS: - The mizutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of July 20, 1959 Nere apgroved with certains corzections. 1. Under Reclassi~ fication No. F-59-60-2, the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Under Reclassification No. F~59-60-3, Item No. 6 of Conditions should read; buildings on lots abutting Citron Street to be one story. Under'Reclassi- fication No.~F-59-60-5, this resolution was seconded by Co~ni:;sioner Morris and on the vote Commissioner DuBois and Commissioner Mauerhan voted "aye". Under Tentative Map of Tract No. 3493 should read; subject to the approval of engineering requirements. RBCIASSIFICATION W PUBLIC HAARING. PSTITION submitted by ASSFafBLY OF GOD OF N0. P-59-60-•4 ANAHHIM, P. d. Box 148, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Owner, Wayne Ft. Davidson, P. O. Box 148, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the noY~h side of Broadway Street between Buclid Avenue and Brosdview Street and further described as 1759 West Broadway Street be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL A~RICULTURAL ,*.o C-1, NSIQiBQRH00D CDMMFRCIAL. The Reverend Mr. Davidson, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church appeared before the Commission and stated that they desired to formulate a joint plan wi1:h the adjoining owner Mr. Korn io the west and that action tle seld in abeyance until such a tiae as their plans coul..~i be consnmmated. Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, secoaded by Commi.ssioner Morris and carried, it was moved that this Reclassification No. P-59-60-4 be held over until the meeting of September 8, 1959. RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted bq ORA B. & EVBLYN L. N0. F-59-60-6 HARDACRfi, et a1, 1022 ~agaolia Arenue, Aaaheia, California; as Owner, requesting that the property described as bzing on the east side of Magnolia Avenue between La Palma and Crescent Avenues and further described as 1012 Magnolia Avenue be reclassified from R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL to C~1, NSIGHBORHOOD COMMBRCIAL. Mr. Hardacre, appeared for the applicaat on this reclassi~ fication and stated that he is the owner of lot 2, but was representing lots 1 to 6 inclusive. He further stated that a variance had been granted on lot 1 for an accountiag office and stated that it is proposed on lot 2 to have an insurance office, lot 3, the use had aot been determined yet, lot 4, is proposed for a variety store, lot 5, is proposed for a real estate office and lot 6 is proposed for a specialty print shop. -1- I ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,% V ~ ~ 8~t6IAR MFsHfING _--_CITY PIANNING CQMMISSION - AUGUST 3, 1959 - OpNTINUED: °.~..".:w.FZ~TI~: - ho one appeared in opposition to the grantiag of this 1~f0. ~59-60-6 reclassification. 1HH HBARING WAS CLOSBD. (Continued) It was believed by the Commission these dwellings still constitt?ted good single famiiy living units and that if this reclassification was granted the balance of the homes would also request this same zoning within a short time. It was pointed out at the heariag that there is a great deal of heavy trucking using Msgnolia Avenue coming off the Riverside Freeway, if this condition exists, it appears that some action could be taken to prevent the street being used for trucking purposes. Comm.issioner Morris offered Resolution No. 18, Series 1959-60 to deny Reclassification No. F-59-60-6, this resolution was seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYHSs C~IMISSIONffitS: DnBois, Manerhan, ~torris, Summers, 2hompson, Mungall. NOBS: CQMUlISSIONffitS: None. ABSBNT: COI~AlISSIONBRS: Allred, Ga;:er, Hapgood. RBCL9SSEFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by PRANK & IDA R. BASILS, PW. F-59-60-7 . 9831 Bnott Avenue, Aaaheim, California, as Owner, Claude ' Raymond, 9821 Gamble Avenue, Garden Grove, California, as Authorized Agent; requesting that the property described as being on the west side of I{nott Avenue between Savanna and Ball Road aad further described as 9811•-9831 Rnott Aeenue, be reciassified from R A, RHSIDSNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, with Variance to C-1, NBIGI~IDORHOOD COMMHRCIAL. Mr. Claude Raymond, 9821 Gamble Avenue, Garden Grove, Cailfornia, appeared for the ~roperty owner, as Authorized Agent and stated that the store at the corner of Savanna Street and Rnott Avenue had been there for 30 years, but that they proposed to use the south portion of the property for the erection of 5 new stores. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the reclassification. THH HBpRING WAS CLOSHD. The Commission in considering this reclassification fouad that there were 8{. acres presently zoned there C-1 at the sontheast corner of Ball Road and Anott Avenue and the fact that on the east side of Knott Avenue there is a gronp of very large, well built homes which might be depreciated with the intsusion of small margina]. stores directly across the street. Co~issioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 19, Series 1959-60, that Reclassification No. P-59-60-7 be denied. T'his resouution was seconded by Commissioner DuBois and carried. The vote on the ab~ve resoliition was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSIONBRS: IhtBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Slummers, Thompson, Mungall. NbBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None. ~ ABSENT: C0~7MISSIONBRS: Allred and Gauer. EIFECATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by JOHN B. & FLORHNCH L. i9-b0-8 MURRAY, 894 Buclid Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, Louis E. Disinger, 1815 West La Palma, Anaheim, California, -2_ ~~ l ., ~f l~~ j ,- . ~~ ~~ _ ,~gg ~,~ ~~i'i~ - AIIQ~ST 3• I954 - C~VTIIVUED: ~~~~~ _ ~ ~y~~ ~1tw ~stiag that the property described ~~. 5~~$ ~~~ ~ 1~e e~s~ side c€ Euclid betweea Crescent Avenue (Continue8) ~ Ys TaY~ ~s'~e. ~=~I~=r3ea iram T.-~., RSSIDEKTL4L i~s C Il. RTEC~HOOD COl~4dffitCIAL. Aex_ H~mas ~~. IlffL~ ~lest Ia Palma Avenue, Anaheim, ~yffm~~ ~m~ as ~mtttcrized Agent for the p=operty ~$ ~~~ tS~tr t~ee petitioa ~+as self expianatory. ~~~~~.itioa to the graating of the se~Ilassaffn¢~1Sn~ '~E &~8I1WG ~S Q.O~.'D. ,~ , -~- ~~rIl tltat t.~ris pazcel was surrounded on 3 ssaa~s ~ ~,",nn~ ~ Il 2oae p=opertY• ~a~s IImE~mns a€fered Resolntioa No. 20, Series 3~~~p ~ t~ tIte Gitp Councii taat the subject ~~~ fie a~.~ ~ied from R-A. RESIDHNTIAL AGRICULIURAL ~ ~ Il~ ~ ~CIAI., subject to: ~. ~.~:~~v~ ac£ ~ feet 4o the City of Anaheim on B~xcDs~ ~~- ~. ~~p z,m~=~~ent pians and install all im- ~,~s n~a accaxdaace with approved standard plans ~~rn~ nm tl~e Q£€ice of "+e City Hngineer. ~. ~~,~p ~~2_aQ ptc frant foot for street lighting ~$- ~_ ~~ ~~ r~ Dee~ Nestrictions app=oved by the ~~ ~g~ Be Fl~ace~ oa the propertq. ~. .~~ ~~~. r*,~ l~im=t i~e given for the accomplishment ~$ tt~s a&miQe aeq~sisemeats. ~~~ ~~e afi~e sesoIution was as follows: ~~- ~~e lluHois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, S~rs, lhompsoa, Mungall. ~5_ ~~II4S~S: Name. ~$_ ~~~g: ItT7red and Gauer. RBCIASSIPICATI~Q - N0. F-59-60-~ ~y~ ~_ g~Qi sahmitted by VALJACARL, INC., g,. ~_ ~~gIl~ ~ah~, CaLifomia, as Owner, Burt C. Lowen, ~. ~_ ~ y~sIl~ ~m, Caiiforni.a~ as Authorized Agent, ,,,.~c~r~ t~tr t~e gzopertg described as being Tract 2114, ~$ ~,n ~ ~r.a~ified £zom R-1, SINGI.& FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL tt~ ~ 3, M~B._'ff'?~g~ FBD~LF HESIDFNTIAL. ~,~ ~em IIcr Qr ~~,s; the gr2utiag vf ~chis a+re~~ff~~~- '~ ~ING INAS CLOSED. ~nmm~a ~s effered Hesolution No. 21, Series 1959~60, ~g ~~iw~ recommend to the City Council that the ~~g ~t~„ mame2g Iots 20 and 21 of Tract 2114 be ~~ g~ ~~ g_r~ g'Qt(~ FAMILY RESIDffiVTIAL to R-3, ~~.~rn~rie g~~gg,ff g~i, as per the agreement between ~~ $~~~ x~ra~r aa~ gtaaley W. Wiiliams, represeatative ~~,~~*~s ~ Tract 244I which borders the tract no. ~nr4~ ~ ~e mcxsCYa. ~y~ ~~as seconded bp Commissioner Hapgood and ¢assfi~c~- ~ i_~ ~ ~ 1 ~- \ ~ t~ .. ` ~ ~ # RHGUTAR MSBTING - CITY PIANNING CONAfISSI~T - AD[iQST 3, ?959 - tw-''SI'Il~s PWCI113SIzICATZQ*I - ~e vote on the above resolution ~as ~s €olloocs_ N0. F-59-60-9 AYBS: C0~9~lISSIOI~RS: DaBois, ~ood. DEaaesD~an, 6~esris, (Continued) ~~ers. ~no~so~e ~aEl- NQES: C:L~AlIS'~I(Y~1tS: None. ABSBNT: CONAlISSIOI~RS: Ailred and Gaaer. RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. YETITI~i snbmitted bg HlIL A. € I.[l[FISE N0. F-58-59-105 FIS~&CC, 318 North Placentia Aveaue, ~mm, CaFifosaia, as Owner, Raymond Spehar, as Aut'~ari~ed A~at, seqoestaag that the property desaib~ed as being a11 it~at cesfaia 2aad situated in t~e State of California, Doanty of Orange, described as follows: 3he ~st 2~ feet of tffi s~~h 131.02 feet of the north~est qnarter af ~ne mari~est qdarter of Sectioa 12, To~enship 4 9oat~, ~aage 10 Yest, S.B.B.& M. and further des[ribe3 es 318 IIQn~r4h P'~_*~~a Avenue and also HAROID HAAS~, 4t)4 ~Tozth Placentia Aveffie, as Owner of the ~rest 220 feet of the soath 192.~3 feet o€ the north 528.98 feet of the nosth~aest quarter of tffi noriawest quarter of Sc~tian 32, t~,r~`=~ 4 S :`.4, -s.,s- =~ West, S. B. B. & M., and fnrther ~es=ribed a` ~i34 Koath Placentia Avenue, that bolh be reclassified fram R-9, RBSIDBNT7AI. AQtICQI.I4RAI. to C-1, 1~IC,~O~ OmOE~CIAI and R-1, SINGI.E FAMILY R£SIIDI-1~1TI~lL. Mr. Ray Spehar appeared before tLe Co~ssion aad state~ that this reclassification 3iad been postponed fr~ a previous meeting in order to 9aark oat a plan oi dese2op~t for the whole area. fivo pians ~ere prepased moq~t~e Ylaaaiag of f ice staf f, one showing commercial ~ning oa tlee sub.tect property for a depth of 220 feet fao~ tLe ceMer line of Placentia Avenue with an ailey snsro~aling ~ prapertY- The secoad plan, knrnm as No_ 2 sho~aed the des~lop~ec~t of the subject property as B-3, SLIIy4~le Family ltesicleatial. Comiaissioner Morris offered Besolutian 180_ 22, Series 2459~-60, ltiat the Commission reco~nd to tLe City t~*sr+~ that the subject property be reclassifie3 to C-1, Neighbo:Ieood Co~ercial in accordance avith plan No_ 1, for a depth oE 220 feet from the ce~t..r iiae of ~orth Placentia Aveme aad subject to: 1. The dedication to the Citg of 31nat~eein of 53 feeY fzc~ the center line of Placentia Ave~e. 2. prepare street i~rovement Q3ans a~ i..~ta~' ~I! improvements in accordance mth ~^~+°*d plans on file in the office of the City P~gineer. 3. The paqment of 52.U0 per #i~t +Foot foz street 2igbting purposes. 4. Dedicate and improve far eztension of 2i! foot ;lteg northerly and resterly aiong tLe north, soath pzapeztp line. 5. That standard ~1 Deed ~8estrictioas appro~ed hT ihe City Attomey be placed an the property. 6. That a 90 day time li.mit be set fos ~fie accamplisi~ent of the above conditions. The vote on the abo~.~ resolntioa vds u s~llwis: AYES: CO~MI5SIONFRS: DnBois, Hap~ood, ~erhaa~ ~6orzis, ~~ers, '~!+_T~~+, DmmgaaE_ -4- -- - - .._ ____ ^~__-----___~._----- - - - ~a ~, . D'I~. . - / r l , ~ ~ RBGUTAR MHBTING - CI'CY PIANNING CQMMISSION - AUC~JST 3, 1959 - CONT3NUBD: RBCZASSIPICATION N0. P-58-59-1p5 NOSS: COhAIISSIONBEtS: None. ABSHNT: COhMISSIONBitS: Allred and Gauer VARIANCH N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTIT.LON submitted by GARRISON LOUIS HVANS, D.C., 1136 2545 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, Purchasing unde; contrat*, requestiag permission to PRACTI.^.H (}iIROPRACTIC TRBAITffiNT, %~Ray will also be used on ttie property described as being on the north sidx~ of Orange Avenue between Gain Street aad 4ron Street, and further desc=ibed as 2545 Orange Avenue. The propertq is presently classified R-1, SINGLH PAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL. Mr. R. W. Walton, 2565 Roven Avenue, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition containing 46 names of property owners in the area opposing the granting of this variance. He stated the area.is presently R-1 and tIta# the intrusion of a commercial use could devaluate theii ~+=operty and would lead to the encouragement of other similar uses. Mr. Spencer Scott, representating the Federal Saviags and Loan Associatian appeared before the Commission and requested that it be denied. He stated that they have an investa~: af $387,000 in homes in the area and that the intrusion of a commercial use could. jeopardize tneir investment, he al.so presented a copy of Declaration of Restrictions placed on the property by the subuivider stating that the land shall be used for residentiai purposes only. He further stated that the area is residential and shouid 5e preserved as such and that there are other areas where this type of commercial use could be established. Dr. Bvans, as the applicant, appeared before the Commission aad stated that he did not realize there woul3 be any opposition to the petition and stated that as far as parking was concerned that had been provided for by the Saint Pauls Presbyterian Church on their properfiy so that there would be conjestion at the home where his services would be given. THB HHARING WAS CLOSBD. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 23, Series 1959-60, that Variance No. 1136 be denied. This resolution wxs secor.ded by C~odmissioner Surmners and carried. 1he vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Alorris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOflS: COMMISSIONBRS: Noae. ABSHNT: COMMISSIONBRS: Allred and Gauer. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC HPARING. PHTITION submitted by ROBBRTSON INVHSIT~NT 1137 CORPGRATION, 2127 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California, as Lessee, requesting permission MAINTAIN !. TBMPORARY SUBDIVISIQN DIRBC'TIONAL SIGN on the property describeti as being on the souttw side of Center Street between Bvelyn Drive and Bvergreea Strer.t and further described as 1608 Hast Center Street. The propcrty is presently classified C-1, NBIQiB0RH00B COMMffitCIAL. No one a~~peared for or against the granting of this variance. 1HE F:it3ARING WAS Ci.OSHD. This subdivision directional si.gn was the first request for Traci: No. 2893, containing 8.l new homes. This tract is located on P]lacentia Aveaue,one mile aouth of Cen-~er Stieet. -5-~ .;~i; J~. ~ ~ i , ~ ~ RHGl1IATc MHBTING ~ CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - AUGUST_3: 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~ VARIANCB N0. - Commissioner Summers offered Resolution No. 24, Series 1959-60, 1137 that ~aziance Ho. 1137 be granted, subject to: (Continued) 1. The nine conditions established by the City Councii for such directional signs, also that 2 inch letters be placed in a lower corner of the sign, showing the Variance No. and expiration date. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYHS: COMMISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None ABSHNT: COhAlISSIONBRS: Allred and Gauer. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by PARK VILIAGB HOMHS, 1138 2763 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Applicant, Pat W. Carter, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to BRBCT A Tffi~fPORARY SUBDIVISION DIRBCTIONAL SIGN on the property described as being on the east side of Brookhurst Street between Ball Road and Oraage Avenue and further described as 930 South Brookhurst Street. The property is presently tlassified C-1, NHIGHBORHOOD COMMEttCIAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this variance. 1HB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. This is a temporary directional sign to direct prospective purchasers to the Park Village Homes with models on Lincoln Avenue west of Brookhurst. Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 25, Series 1959-60, that Variance No. 1138 be granted, subject to: 1. The nine conditions established by the City Council for such directional signs, also that 2 inch letters be painted in a lower corner of the sign, showing the Variance No, and expiration date. 11iis resolution was seconded by CownissionPr Mauerhan and carried. Th~ vote on the above resolution was as follows: pYB3: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois, Hapgood, Mauexhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COMMISSIONSRS: None. ABSBNT: COMMISSIONHRS: Allred and Gauer. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION su3mitted by GHORGIA CARR, 126 Hast 1139 130th Street, Hawthorne, California~ Purchasing under contract, requesting permission to BRBCT A 20 UNIT MOTBL on the property described as being on the south side of Lincoln Avenue between Stanton Avenue and Western Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A, RSSIDHNSIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mrs. Georgia Carr, as applicant appeared before the Commission and stated that she plans to use the west half of her property for this 20 unit motel and will eventually place another 20 unit motel on the east half of the property. No one appeared in oppositioa to the granting of the Variance. THH HHARING WAS CLOSHD. -6- ___ .___...._ ~..~.. _. . . . . . as+Rrrau ~tart~~ _~Ty PIpNNING CObA~IISSION - AUG[JST 3~ 1959- COIVTINUED: - A Resolution No. 26, Series 1959~b0 was offered by Commissioner Mauerhan, that Variance No. 1139 be granted for a 20 unit motel on the west half of the subject property, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in accordance with plans presented. 2, That street improvement and the installation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer be installed on lincoln Avenue 3, That there be a payment of $2.00 per front for street lighting purposes. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOES: COh9~fISSI0IVERS: None. ABSBNT: COMMISSIONBRS: ASlred and Gauer. E 45 - PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTITION submitted by CSNTRAL QiURCH OF QiRiST, 1590 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to ADD CTASS RG'OMS AND A IARGSR AUDITORIUM on the property described as being on the south side of Ball Road between Euclid Avenue and Walnut Street and further described as 1590 West Ball Road. The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDHNTIAL AG~2ICULTURAL. The Reverend Mr. Dixon of the Church of Christ appeared before the Commission and stated that this property was acquired in 1956 for religious purposes at which time such use was allowable in the R-A zone. The present building on the property is now being used for class rooms and an auditorium was erected as a temporary place for meeting, iater to be used for class rooms or a recreational hall. These present facilities, he stated are insufficient for present means and our intentions are to make additions as demands come and financial sbility permits and the next addition will be for a class room for sunday school space with the second addition a larger audi- torium. A piot plan was presented showing the proposed class rooms and the future assembly building with the off-street parking for the 101 cars. He further stated that they have a possa.bility of purchasing the additional half acre at the rear of their property, which they propose to do, No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Special Use Permit. THB HBARING WAS CLOSED, ~ommissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 27, Series 1959-60, granting Special Use Permit No. 45, subject to: 1. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Ball Road to the City of Anaheim. 2, That street improvement pians be prepared and the in- stallation of all improvements in accordance with approved staadard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer be accompiished. 3. Tttat there be a payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. -7- ~_.._. ~_~ ~ ~ ., ° ; ~~ ( ' ~ '` --~ ._ ' gg(~~ ~HgITNG - aTy PIAHI~IING OO~~SSIQJ - AO(~ST 3 1959 - C~ITINUED: SPBCIAL USE - 4. ~at the City Coanul set_ Special Use Permit No. 43 for pHRMIT N0. 45 revier as no elevations or proposed buildings were (Continued) p=esented to the Yla~ing Co~issi~n. ~is zesolation w'as seconded b9 Commissionez Mauerhan and carried. ThP vote on the above resolution was as follows: py~: (,'WQgSId~S: DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, ~~ers, Thompson, Mungail. N~S: ~~SSLO[~RS: Noze AgSQTp: CO~IISSIOi~tS: Al.lred and Gauer ~pTIVg ~p - A Tentativt: Map of Tract ho. 2446 was presented to the OF TRACr Commission. ~e tract is located on the south side of N0. 2446 Cerr~tos betreen Paclid Avenae and Ninth Street just east of and abntting Tentative Tract Map No. 3446. The snbdivider is Griffith B=others, 922 I~Iest Center Street, Anaheia, California aad contains 117 R-7 lots. Upon a ~otion by Co~issioner ltauerhan, seconded by ~S~yo~r ~-~-a2~ a~ ~-~z±ed, it was moved that the Tentative Tract No. 2446 be approved, subject to: i. 17ie filing of a variance for lot vridths oa Iots 37 and 38. 2. That perti~nt plot a~ buildiag plans be submitted to the City Council for revier. 3. Beqnire that should this ~nbdivision be developed as more than one snbdivisioa, each subdivision thereof shall be snt~itted in tentative form for approval. THNTATIVE IdAP - A Tentatiae Map of 1Yact No. 3446 was presented to the OF TRACf Co~issfam- ~is tra'-'* is located south of Cerritos between N0. 3446 Fuclid Avemie and 1Yact No. 2446. 1he subdivider is Griffith BrotLezs, 922 llest Center Street. Anaheim, California. The tract contains 42 R-1 lots. 1(rs. Maddoz of Melis Lane and several neighbors appeared before the Co~aission xith reference to the type of homes that ronld be bnilt on the south side of Mells Lane. She stated lhat they had definite =estrictions on Mells Lane, that thep anst have 1600 square faot minimum of livable area in their ho~es rith a~iaimu of 35 to 50 foot f=ont yard set bacts. /lr. Griffith stated that he plaffied to built houses in 1Yact 2446 aad 3446 containing 1360 to 1~50 square feet. ~e lots in this ~ract do have a xidth of 90 feet, but the d,eptlns range fraa 80 to 84 feet. A qnestion rss raised by Counissioner Mauerhan regarding lfells Laae aad Cris Avenue, rihereby this would make two openings onto Enclid Avem~e. a heavy tsaffic street having a separation of only 274 feet. Mells Laae and Cris Avenue donld carry a very considerable amount of traffic to Suclid Aaem~e £roa Tract Ho. 2446 fraa the residents who did not vrish to nse Cerritos Avem~e. It was believed that the Tract shouid be stndied further to see if this traffic condition could be eiiainated. Coaissioner llauerhan eoved to hold over the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3446 until the next meeting for further study. ~is sotion rss secondea by Co~issioner 3~mmexs and carried. _~ \\ ,, RBGUTAR MHHTYNG - CITY pIANNING CaWNIISSION - AUGUST 3, 1959 - CQVTINUED: DY1~ WATBR COI~ANY - A representative of the i~ke_Water Company appeazed before the Commission and stated that he had aa emergency condition in Tract 2705 inasmuch as tbe presens ueii fiad gone bad and they desired to opea up a ne~o well whicli they had available and he would like a Use Vaziance. Upon the advise of Attorney Joe Geisler, it was =nled that the Commission at this meeting could make no action npc~ a use variance inasmuch as a formal application had aot been made and had not been advertised as require3 ~by law, therefore the correspondence on this matter xas referred to the City Council oa an eme;gency basis for them to take action as they saw fit. ORANGH COUNTY - Consideration was given to a request for a recommendation PIANNING COhIIriISSION from the Orange County Planning Commissioa regarding the reclassification on both sides of North Brookhurst Street, some ?^0 feet north of Lincoln Avenue. ltiis reclassification wouid include approxi~a.tely 28 homes ~ich it is proposed to turn into C-1, Neighborhood Commercial. ~e lots involved are from 104 to 107 feet in depth xhich certaiuly could aot provide the required parking for commercial use. A motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhan, secoaded by Commissioner Morris and carried. that tLe Commission request a detailed plan for the development of these units for commercial uses, if rhe Urange County Planning Staff had such a plan, upon tl.~~e receopt of such a plan, if available the Comm.ission wou1C thea give a recommendation, 1~QRARY DIRHCTIONAL- The Bngineering Committee requested that the Planning SIGNS Commission recoomend to the Citq Council a procedure whereby temporazy directional signs be haadled directly by the Building Deparfinent without the necessity of requesting a Variance and thus reduce the work ioad and time involved by the Planning Commissioa and City Council in processing such applications. A Resolution No. 28, Series 1959-60 was off~red by Commissioaer Mauerhaa, that the Planning Co~issi.oa recommend to the City Council the adoption of the following couditions for such temporary directional signs: A, That a application accompanied by a sketch with a$25.00 fee for site inspection be made to the Building Department. S. Sign Requirements: 1. The size of such signs to be 10' s 25* maximum. 2. That such sign be at least 6' above gzound level. 3. 11iat there be a maximum time limit of 6 mcnths for such signs. 4. That the name of the sign company be on the sign. 5. That permit number and expisation be painted ia 2 inch letters oa a loxer corner of the sign. 6. 11~at such sigas be set bact 25 feet f=om aay street intersection. 7, ~at such signs be set back a minimum of 10 feet from aay right of way line not at an intersection. C. That upoa approval of such application a;25.00 permit fee be charged accompanied by a non..libility affidavit and a right-of-veay access for coatro! of Weed Control and Siga Rt waral, s;:~h affida~i: :a ';~° yra~ ~^. f2BOZ OF *he -9- ~ ~~ ~ ~f ~ . -- . _...--~ - =.... - _ - _ _ _ ~l _ ~~ ~ -~ j .. i F gg,C'UTAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - AUGUST 3 1959 -~.~TI~~~ ~ i TBMpORARY DIRHCTIONAL- C. City and s~.gned by the property owner or his si~g authorized agent. (Continued) D. That a deposit of $100 for sign be made to the City for the guarentee of weed control and sign removal. E. That there be a maximum of 3 temporary signs per any tract development. g, Zhat no permits shali be issued to advertise any tract not in the City of Anaheim. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and carried. ' The vote on the above resolution was as foilows: ~ pygg; COMMISSIONffitS: DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, ; Summers, Thompson, Mungall. : NOHS: CONMISSIONERS: None ~ pg38NT: COMMISSIONffitS: Allred and Gauer. ~ ~J~~~gp~T - The meeting adjourned at 6:35 0'Ciock P.M. Respectfu sub 'tted, D R. W. MUNGALL, retary -10-