Minutes-PC 1959/10/05~ ::;~ . _____ --- -_m.s~. -- ~\ , ~ ~ ~ } ~ I ~ City Hall October 5, 1959 ' Anaheim~ California REGUI,AR MSSTING OP if~ CITY PIANNING CONASISSION ~~ RBGUTAR N~TING - A Regular Meeting of the City plann3ng Co~ission was called to order by Chairman Gauer at 2:04 0'Clock P.M., a quorum being present. pgESgNT - Chairman Gauer, Commisaioners; Allred, 3~uBoiso Mauerhan, Summers~ Mungall. Commissioner Morris entered the meeting at 2:25 0'Clock P.M, Commissioner Hapgood eatered the meeting at 2:30 0'Clock P.M. MINUTgg - The minutes of the ~-d,~ourned Regulax Meeting of September 21, 1959 were approved wi4h the follot7ing changes, Page 2, line 12, atrike ~ut the word "not", Page 4, paragraph S~ liae 3, chaage "it°t to '°if". Page 9, next to the ia~4 paragraph liae 6 insert the word "Eake" after "aot". TgNTpTIyg MAp - A tentative map of tract no. 3365 was preaented t~ the Comm3ssioa, pp ~~ The owner and subdivider is Giacomo Lugaro. The tract is ioc~ted 3365 N0 at the southweat corner of Crescent and Magnolia Aveaues and c~n~ains , 29 lots. This map Was held over at the request of the applicacet from the meeting of September 21, 1959. At the meeting of Septembe.*. 21, 1?59, this tract was considered under Reclasaification No. P-59-60-27 and denied by the Planning Commission. 11-e Commission considered this tract as a s3agle family resideatiai tract and approved same by a motion made by Commissioner Mauerhan and seconded by Commissioner Ailred, subject to: 1. That the approval of the fiood contr~l district be approved. 2. That the parcel marked "not a part of" be dedicatec; and i~proved. ~, That pertinent piot and buildiag plans be submitted :o the City Council for review. 4, Require that ahunldthis subdiviaion be d,eveloped as more than one subdiviaion, ea,ch subdiviaioa thereof shall be subma.tted 3n tentative form for .p~:roval. TBNTpTiyg Mpp - A teatative map of tract no. 33F7 was preaeated to the Commission. pp Tgp~ The owner and aubdivider is Robertaoa Iaveatment Corp. 2127 West N0. 3567 Ball Road, Anaheim, Califoraia. Thp tract is locgted south of Wagner Avenue and east of Piacentia Aveane and containa 87 R~1 lota. Upon a motion by Commiseioner N;.QUerl.aa, aeconded by Commissioner Summers and carzied, it was moved #hat the tentative map of tract no. 3567 be approved, aub,ject to~ ' 1. 1lsat ~lagaer Street be made a 45 foot half width street to conform to the county Arterial Highway Plan. 2. 9ub3eCt to aanexation to the Citp of Anaheim. 3. That pertinent ~lot and buiiding plans be submitted to #he City Council for review. • 4. Require that ahould thia su~diviaioii be develo,ped as more than one subdivision, each'subdiviaion thereof ahal:l be gubmitted in tentative form for approvai. _1_ ' t ~ ~~ ~ . REG[JLPA MSSTING - CITY PLANNING CdA~iSS~~1 " a~~ 5• l959 -(~'ff~: ~ TENTATIVB MAP - A teatative maP of tratt no. 3566 ras pre~eated to the Co~ission. OP TRACT 1Y-e owner and snbdivider is tLe Lobertsoa I~estment Corp., 2127 N0. 3566 West Bali Road, Ana~eim. Califormia- '~e tract is iocated soath of Wagner Avemae a~ east of Placeatiz sve~ a~ contains 84 R-'. lots. 'Ihis tract is directiy sw~th o€ '~ut IIOo-3567 and beza8 developed~ by the same subdivider aad on acc~nert of p~ae= A~°e beiag changed to a 45 foot half xidth st=eet, i~ uill be nece~Y to zeduce the depth on some of the 3.ots in ttus tract belo~ 1~D3 feet mat~n8 the area 7000 feet per lot. Upon a motion by Oo~missioaer ~_~~ ~~~ ~Y ~D~gsioner Allred and carried, it vPas ~eo~ed #!-at t~e teatarive map of tract 3567 be approved, snbject to: 1. That a Variance be filed on Lots 8 auesi 9 ~hi:ch aze slightly under 70 faet in ~vidlth. 2. ~t a y~iaace }~e filed on the lots ~.ich wi.ii onlp have 7000 square feet. 3. That an Bast lYest Street in this tract be eztended easterly to the trac! bonndarY. 4. Subject to affiezation to tbe CYt~ of Analneia. 5. That perti.aent p1oY affi bai~~-+ o plaas b~ sab~tted to the City Council fos re~ier. 6. Require that sttoald tbis snbdiRS~i°° be ueve~°ped as more than one subdivision, eac.~ stibdiRai~ ~=~O¢ ~_~ be gu~tted in icentative form for appsoRl- VARIANCB N0. 1152- P'UBLIC I~ARING. YETITI~ s+b~t~ b7 ~~~ 946 Hampstead Street. Anaheim, Califcrnia. as O~r. ae~~ De~gsion to OYBRATB A Ii~ l~t ~ A(~D YI~ 6 6~&STS II~AD ~ TFffi ItflQIIIRBD 3 on the pzoperty descr3laed xs beia6 °~ t~e e~ u~ of Hampstead Street between Ball Hoad affi (~o~ A ~~t ;~ssified K i~as 946 Hampstead Street. ~e propert7 3INGL8 PAMILY P$SIDBNTIAL- Mrs. Una M. ldutachler, a~peared mefore tbr C~asioa as appiicant and stated that she Lad imen cam~anctiaL a Bmeat b°~ for aged people at this address for so~e t3ae. bat d~ t° the c~an8~ ~ the Anatseim Ordiaance ~ere ahe nse~ to ~eep 6 soests abe rould n°K have to reduce the number to 3 rhith ronld mloe it inposa=bu for her to continue to ~ operate. Stie ataYed tbst ~all of Her Bmests ren a~balatory as xe- quired by the CotmtY ~~ ~~t ~~°¢ h~r application tha enflorsemtnY of i? propsrt7 a~ers in t~ area ia favoz of granting the reqnest also a letter fram ~r- Anth~Y S. ~rlin eadors3ng tht haee aad the oper+ti~n °f same• D~g• ~ts~ler further atated Lhat tM bnildia8 ronld 1x ioept a* pses~a¢ ag a=esidential property with no siga affi wald not be detri~ental to other properties in the area. lLra. P. C. llitzate, 932 H~psttsd Stieet stated that she wae the oivaer of several proPer4ies on H~ps~~ street and aouid have no objectioa to tbe oir3mnce pra~3ded that the ~i~I~ ~~ ataq as a residential t~pe ba~ldin6 nth m~B~• CIASBD. Commiseioner Ailred offered ltesalatian l~o- ?2. Series 1959-60~ that ~ariance No. 13.52 be gsanted. rit~h the s~P°~~~ that the . present appearanee of tLe ~1°'' "'O ~u ~~~ued and that there wili be no sign of aay mitimre uecte~ on ~ p=~~g' This resolution ~as seooads~3 bf l~sai~= ~~=g _~ ~-~,.,,_ . . . . .._... _.. - - . . i ! ~~ . ' ~~~ 'E - ---- -- ~-- ~ ~ ~ ' ; I ggGUTAEt MBHTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - OCTOBfiR 5 I959 - aDNTINUBD: VpRIANCB N0. 1152 - The vote on the above resolution was as follows: (CONTINUHD) AYBS: CONA~tISSI0NHR3: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Manerhaa, 1lorris, Summers, M~vgail. . NOHS: CObMI3SI0NIDR3: None. AB9HNT; CONA4ISSIONffit3: Hapgood. VpgIpNCH N0. 1154 - PUBLIC HBAFtING. PBTITION submitted by Fitnivu i.uecn, ei~8 ~ o" California, as Lessee, reqnestiag p aheim A t , n , Stree dbed r e h tL B ~ ~ l ~ Ball Bua txe a b Street rookhurs of B side west s being on the a ribed as 1219 Brookhurst St=eet. d esc and Katella Avenue and further classified C-1, NBIGF~CYtHOm (A~~C~- ', tl y The property is presea Harry Raisely appeared before the Cowmission as Af.tozaey for the NIr in b , eer applicant and stated that it is customary to serve wine and eciaity and that this yonid d is a s f p oo restaurants svhere Italian be table service only and there would be ao~bar in eonnection xith the operation. THB HBARING WAS CLOSSD. I Commisa3oner Morris offered Resolution No. 73, 3eries 1959-60, granting Variance No. 1154, subject to: 1. The inatellation of si3ewalks on Broothurst Street. ' This reaolution was aecoaded by Commisaioner DuBois and carried. ypRIpNCB N0. 1155 - The vote on the above resolution was as folloxa: ~' ~e1~~ AYB3: CONAlI3SIONffitS: Mo==is, Summers, MuunBa1~PB NOBS: COMMI33IONHR3: Noae. pgggNT; COMMI3SIOAIDRS: None. I PUBLIC HBARIhG. PBTITION submitted by GHORGB G• GRBt~tOY, 1021 3onth ~ H1 Molino Aveaue. Pasadena 5. California~ as Orvaer, reqaesting permission to OPHRATB A MOTBL, 1tBST~-~-I'~T AI~ID COC,~TAIL BNR on thr preperty deacribed as being oa the west side of Harbor Aonlevard between Ball Road and Ratella Aveaue and further descri;ed as 1401 South Harbor Houlevarc±. The propertq is preseatly class+•~ied R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGAICUI:JRAL. This variance was first considered uader no. 1028 and Sraated for a motel, reataurant and cocktail bar in September of 1958. At the ead of the 6 months period an extensioa was granted of 6 montha more, bat now that the yeara' period has expired, it became necessarY to fiie for a new variance. Conditioas in the meantime have not changed so a Resolution No. 75, 3eriea 1959-60 was offered by Comussioner Aiued ~ granting this Variaace, sub,~ect to: i l. 7.he dedica4ion of 60 feet from the center line of Harbor ! Boulevard to the City of Aaaheim for street rideniag. 2. 1he preparation of improvemeat plans and the installatioa of all improvementa in accorr:ance with standard approved pla:~s on fiie in the office of the City BnBineer. 3. The erectioa of the buiidiag esseatiaily in conforsit~ r,ith the plans presented. This resoiutioa was seconded by Commissioner Manerhan and cazzied. -3- i ~ ~ i ^_ ~...:. - -- ~-_ ~: ~ . (-1 ~ ~~'~~~ ~~~~ ~. RHG[JLAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING CQhA1I3SI0N -~'TOBSR 5, 1959 - CONTINUBD: . ~ ; ~ I VARIANCS N0. 1155 - The vote on the above resolution was as follows: !, (~~~gD) AY_°:~: COD4fISSIONBRS: Alized, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. '; NOHS: COhNlI3SIONIDR3: None, ~ AB3BNT:COh4ril(SSIONHR3: None VARIAL7CH N0. 1156 - PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTITION submitted by SWSNTSR CONSIRUCTION COh~ANY, , INC., 1570 Nest ~mac I.ane, Anaheim, California, Pur~hasing under contract, re9uestinq pezmission to WAIVB MINIMUM FRONT AND RBAR ypgD SH'TgpCg RHQUIRBMffiVTS on the property described as being on the east side of Hnciid Avenue between Romneya Drive and Arlington Avenue and further described as Lot 15, Tract 3396. The property is presently clasaified R-3, MULTTPLB FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. On account of the applicant not being present. This Variance was held over until later in the meeting and the applicant notified by telephone to appear. $PHCIAL USB - PUSI.IC HBARII3G• PIlTITION submitied by MRS. CARRIB B. CARDSNAS, p~tMIT N0. 51 10081 Stanton Avenue, Anaheim, Californl.a, as Owner, reqnesting permiesion to OPHRATB A 40 UNIT MOBIY.H HOMB PARR oa the property described as being on the weat side of Stanton Avenue between Ball Road and Stanton citq limics aad further described as 10081 3tanton Avenue. The property is preseatly classified R-A, RBSIDSNPIAL AGRICULIURAL. Mr. Arthur Lewis as Architect for the proposed trailer park appeared before the Commisaion and stated that he had desigaed several trailer parka in the Anaheim area and that this oae would be high clesa and he believed it would not be detrimental to any propertiea in the area, An endorsement of the petition to grant the variance was aigned by 6 property owners in the area. 1HE IiBA~ING WAS CL09ED. Commisaioner Alired offered Resolution No. 75, Series 1959-60, granting Special Use Permit No. S1 for a Mobile Home Park, aubject to: 1, Placing a coaaecting street 29 feet wide along the south aide of the property. 2. That ~he entrance to the park from Stanton Avenue have a minimum roadway of 30 feet. 3. That~the trailer park be built as per the plans presented wittr the above changea. 4. Prepare street improvement plans and instail all improvements in accordance with atandard approved plans oa file in the office of the City Bngineer at the entrance to the park oa Stanton Aveaue. This resolutioa was aeconded by Co~isaioner Hapgood and carried. The vote oa the above resolution was as foilowa: AYB9: COhAfI33I0I~t9: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Hapgood, Summera, Mungali. NOBB: CO~4+lIS3I0PIDR3: None. . A28BNT:COA4IISSIOIVHR3: Noae. RHCIASSIPICATION - PUBL7C HBARING. PHTITION submit ted by STBVS CANNON~ 2863 Ball N0. P-59-60-16 Road, Anaheim, California, as Owner, Win Horden, 1011 West Center Street, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Authorized Agent, re- queating that the property described as beiag on the north side of Ball Road between Dale Aveaue and Stanxon Avenue and further -4- ---...___ ~ - ,---..-~__~ - -: -- _ _ ---._ _._ _ , g~~ggl~~pN - described as 2863 West Bail Road be reclassified from 1~I0. F-59-60-1b R-A, RESIDBNTIAL AQtICULTIJltAL to R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL. 4~IN~D) No one appeared before the Commission with reference to the proposed reclassification except oae property owner Siving directly north of the subject praperty. A p'_aa has been pr?pared by the Planning Department for the all the properties between llaie Anenue and uaymoni Sireei which wili require the consent of all owners in this area. On aecount of no one being present at the hearing for the applicants„ a motion was made by Comnissioeer Mauerhan, seconded by Com- missioner Allred and carried that the hearing be continued til November 2, 1959 and that all interested parties again be notified fo this continued hearing on this date. ~SSIFICATION - FUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by ALBBRT HBMLBR, 1472 South NO. F-59-60-25 Buclid Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that the property described as being on the east side of Buclid Avenue between Cerritos and Palm Lane and further described as 1472 South 8uclid be reclassified from R-A, RRSIDBNTIAL AQtICULTURAL to C-1, NEIGHBC~tHWD COd~A~IBRCIAL. This is t'e Albert Hemler property at 1472 Soutln Buclid Avenue, Anaheim, California upon which a two-thirds majority was not obtained at the previous meeting either for or agrti.nst the proposed reclassification. Commissioner Morris offered a Resolution that Reclassification No. F-59-60-25 be denied. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYSS: CoNIMISSIONBRS: Ailred, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers. Npgg; CCIMMISSIONffitS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, !dungall. ABSBNT: COhV+(ISSIONHRS: None. On account of not getting a two-thirds majority of the total Commissioz, this reclassification again will come before the Comr~ission at the meeting of October 26, 1959. ~ I I 1 i RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HSARING. YHTITION submitted by RALPH B, and PRANCBS E. NO. F-59~60•-33 CQATS, 4078 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, California, as Owner, Bay Coast Builders, Inc., 12021 Westminster Avenue, Santa Ana, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the west side of Dickel Street between La Palma Avenue and La Verne Street and further described as 941 North Dickei Street be reclassified from R-1, SINGLS PAMILY RHSIDSNTIAL to R-2, ZWO PAMILY RBSIDRNTIAL. Mr. Coats as applicant appeared before the Commission and stated that he desired to buiid an additional house on the front of the property and that he proposed selling his home in Los Angeles and moving to Anaheim. Mr, ~enneth Laq as Attorney for the property owners in the area presented a petition with 28 signatures against the pro- posed reclassification stating that he believed it would break down the nature and character of the area, that there is a parking problem at the present time in this area when events are being carried on at the La Palma Park, also that other reclassifications will be requested in the area and that from the present pians presented no garages are proposed to be erected. This small garage type house erected was on the rear of the property during the war, wnich was permitted with the stipulation that eventually a la=ger house would be put on the front of the -5- ' `J ~~ ~ ~ gBG~iAR MBgTING - CITY PLANNTNG CObA~lI3SI0N - OCTOBHEt 5, 1459 - CONTIDNBD: ~ 1 -i-- ----------~~ ~...~ -------____...-., ,a. - , . . ., _... .. ~.__ .. . __._...... ~es _=..- :~ , ~ } . m ~ ~ ,'~ ~ ; ; ~~ ~-(•~' E~III~III~G C~QSSIOPJ - OCTOBBR 5. 1959 - CONTINUHll: £xoat of the property and the smail garage house eonverted g~1„ g,~,~.m. 3~ tn a grsage. Co~i.s§ioner 3u~ers offered Resolution No. 76, U~ Series i959-60, that Reclassification No. P-59-60-33 be zeca~nded to the Citq Councii for denial. ~fs resolntion rras seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. ~c vote on the above resolution was as follows; ~: +~*S3Z~3: A22red, BuBois, Cts~er. Hapgood~ Mauerhan, • Mosris, S1~mmers~ Mungall. l~,ge CO!lI33IO~RS: None. ~ AB~ip:(AINISSI~ffit3: None. -~IC HBARING. PHTITI~i submitted by NICHOLAS J. DOVALT_S, 920 g~„ ~-~ 3onth ltagnolia Avenne, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that the property described as beiag on the west side of Kaott /Lvemce betpeen Ball Road and Cerritos~Avenue 4G0 feet north of Cerritos-Avemie be =eclassified from R-A, RT.9IDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL m c-a, c~. ca-~tc~u.. Ne one appeared for or against the grantiag of this reclassification. 1Sff. HBARING 11AS (~.OSHD. IIQo¢ a sotioa by Co~iss~oner Alired, seconded by Commissioner ~Ttrwi and carried, it rr~ras moved that this reclassification be contirn;ed uatii the next meeting as the applicaats had not appeared before the Conrmiasion and presented any reasons why-it s5euid be graated other than.those contained in the appiication, aad it xas found that the off-street paricing was insnff~cient for the size of the deeelopmeat. - EQBLIC ffi~11RING. PBTZTiON submitted bq'G80R(~: N. and MARY JHFFffi,L ~,~~ Ml~TrS, 825 ~est Broad~ay, Aaaheim~ California~ as Owner. Marc sffire~rs, 1p1iD ilest Center Street. Anaheim~ Califa:nia~ as /iatharized Aga:t, reqnestiag that the propertq-described as being tt~ aoztin~est coxner of Lincoin Aveaue and Stantoa Avemre be =eei~saified frod R~1. RHSIDBNT7AL AGRICULTURAL to C-3, FIDAYY ODB~~IAL, oa eoraer saQ"Cr2. NBTG~iB~tH00II'CCI~4~1ffitC7xCL. oa "the t~Yance. !tr_ lluc Andrera appeared as Authorized Ageat for the appiicattt aad stated that the applicaLioa~dces cover quite compietely the proposed nse of the iand. He further stated that the.n~ucleus af the proposed a~oppiag center wouYd be a ma,jor markel: lic o~e appeued in oppoaition to the grant3ng of the re- cItaaificition. T~ I~ARING WAS CIASHD. (;o~ssioner Alised offered Reaolution No. 77 recommending to thc C~t7 Ceuatil thst Reclassification No. P-~9-60-36 be approved for C-3 at the aorthr~eat corner of Lincoln Avenue and Staatoa Aveane xi2h a depth of 16S feet on Lincoln and a depth of IZO feet oa Stanton Avenue aad tYsat the balance of the sattject property be reclassified to C-1, NBIG~ORHOOD CObAlBRCIAL, snbject to: 2_ ~e erectioa of the building easentialiq as shown oa the nn8eriag pre9ented and the plo~t plan furniahed. 2_ ~at there be a dedication of 55 feet on 8tantoa Avenue to the City of Anaheim. " 3~ ~at isproveaeats be submitted and the iastalSation of all i~p=ove~eats made in accordaace with approved atandard plans oa file ia the office of the City Bagiaeer on both Liacoln aad Staaton Aveaues. ~ -6- __ ~_;,,..r. .. ._ . _ ----- . ,. ,;~L ,. ~ _~~,.~.~-------°'._ ~ .._ :.~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ . gg~~L~R MggTIN(3 - CITY PIANNING CObA1ISSION - OCT~Bffit 5 1959 - CONTINUHD: I . R~~~~pI~pT=~~ _ 4. That there be a gapment of ~2.00 per frout foot for street t ~~ N0. F-~4-oG-3o ~ s. 1ig~:i~ p's*?oses on both stree (CONTINUBD) ~ 5. That Crl Deed Restrictions be pxaced on the property approved by the Citq Attorney. i 6. Zhat C-3 Deed Restrictions be placed on the property r to a Service ~tation on2y. ~ iimiting the use of the corae da t:We limit be set for the accomplishment of the 7. That 90 Y ~ above conditions This resolution was seconde~ by Comnissioaer DuBois and carried. I1 The vote oa the above resolution was as follows: i pygg; COI~ldI3SI0I~R3: Allred, DuSois,^Gauer, Hapgood, ~131ICII13II~ MOLLl`3~ .~`UmIDe+.7t inuu~yc.+a. ppgg; COI~4dISSIONffitS: None pggg~: CONNlISSIOI~IDRS: None RBCIA33IPICATION PUBLIC I~BARING. PBTtTION submitted by JIM A. HORSLBY, 1301 Calif aheim A ~ ,~i ' N0, P-59-60-37 . n Rosewood, as Authorized S~ta Ana, California 14422 Harbor Boulevard, erty described as being on the Agent, requesting that the prop st side of Aose Street between Center Street and Sroadway we and further described as 211 and 215 South Rose Street be AMILY RBSIDBNTIAL to R-3, ML'LTIPLH reclassified from R-2, 1W0 P PAMILY RHSIDHNTIAL. '~ Dlr, Horsley the owner appeared before the Commission and stated ~ t these two iots are preseatly in Avocados v~hich is a use th d ~ a own somewhat out of place in this area. He proposes to take a and erect a two muitiple familq dwellings, one on t t ree y ~ the each lot. He furlher stated that directly south of his proper the zoning is R-3. Multipie Pamilq Resideatial. No one appeared in opposit3on to the r eclassificatioa. TH8 ~ , HBARING WAS CIASBD. l Commisaioner Aiired offered Resolution No. 78. Series 1959-60, ~ P-59-60-37 be recommended to the that the Reclasaifieatioa No. Citq Council for approval for change from R-2 to R-3, sub3ect to: 1. ~~t R_3 ~~d Reatrictiona be piaced on the property , approved bq the City Attorneq. zediaaace for the R-3 That a 2 + n i r e . ai lot property for the to lied be apP 8emoved aad replaced k~be eade nl 1liat the preaeat curb an= 3 b ~ ~ . also the treea in the p Y , ~ 4. That a 40 day time iimit be set for the accompiiahment of the ~ above coaditioas. ~ i ~ RHCIA83IPICATION - PUHLIC HHARING. 293TI1~V~~t I ~n oln Atrenue~ Anaheim TCalifornia, I { N0. P-59-60-38 . NALTBR H. Di1PP, i as ~Dwaera, zeques4ing that the property described as being a~ I betweea Dale Avenue aad ~tantoa w ~ the south side of Lincqin Aveaue nd further deseribed as 2922 Lo 2930 C~L i A A a j ~ Avenue a HBAVY C-3 o be reelaseified from C-l~ NffiGfiBON~O~ ~ j !, ~ CONIl~Iffi'tCIAL. ` ' ~ ~ Mr, Haroid Duff appeared before the Commission and atated that ~ ertq directly east has C-3 zoning and he would lite the ~I o it p the pr y same zoning ca hie P=~P~rtY• He stated that previouslq the C o- I . Council had deaied him a Cr2 on aecount of a bar that was pr ertp disectiq to the east ro th ""°'~~ . p e p poaed on his property. Nox d a reatauraat aad bar on their C-3 property. ~ haa piace _7_ ~ _ ..\ ~ ~ ~_~i`-_~ ~_~.~._~~~_ ~..-.___'_.~_ . . ~__~~~~~__.__ Y~~..-~~ ... . ~~ i i i I I C^~ ~ ~ RHGUTAR M88TiNG - CITY PLANNING COMYIISSION - OC70Bffit S, 19i9 -(DNTI+~WID RHCLASSIFIL'A1':~:id • HBARING WAS CIA9HD. N0. P-59-4.;:..:~:~ (CONTINU~~; ~-a~eissioner Alired made a motion, sec~adeff by ~ssiamer Deo~ris '".:.;.t this reclassificatioa be held over untii Ocbober 26, 1959 .-~, 3asertain what zoning to what extend t~e G-3 ~vaa =~~~~ an t':a i~roperty directiq to the east. VARIANCB N0. 1i_~b ~• iYir. S~rentek after being coatacted by telephA~: appeax~"d oeiore iae Commission aad stated that be had ueceived ~±~^!'a appravai for the entering to his garages aa t1Yis puticalar lat from Arliag~oa Street. It is proposed to pnt a siagle stor~ triplex on this iot which is at the end of a cul-~e-su street kaown as Dresden Piace. Due to the natnre of the ]at, it appears to be a hardship and after discussion Commissioner Alired offered Resolution No. 7~. Series 1959-60, that Vaziance d~o_ Y136 tae approved as per the sketch presented. This resolution was seconded by Co~nissioner Hapgood a~- uaied- 1Yie vote on the above resolution was as foiloxs: pyBg; COMMISSIONBR3: Ailred, DnBois, Ganer, Hapgood. Dlaaerbaa. Morris, Summers, Mungall. NOBS: CONMISSIONSRS: None. pHBENT: CODII^tISSIONffit3: Naae. ANAFffiIM CITY - A lettp; ,.:s received from Ii. L. Pranzea, Assistsa* .~.~e=sate~t SQiOpL DIg1RICT of th2 Anaheim 3ehool District requestiag approvil of a site fos a elo~entary schooi located on the north si3e of Nidw~ Dri~e approximately 175 feet west of Los Angeies Street aad conta3a1n8 8.53 acres. Upoa a motion by Co~isaioner l~nermin. secm~ded b7 • Commissioner Allred aad carried, it was movrd ttiat tLe Oo~ussiaa approve this site for a schocl from a laad ase stac~dpoiat- pDJp~~g~; - The meeting ad,journed at 4:45 0`Clock P.b. Respectfully snbmitted. . Gf~f~c- R. W. A~?!NGALL, Secre! I G~ ~ ` _8_ ~ (~-~