Minutes-PC 1960/01/04~ \J ~ City Hall Anaheim, Cali:'ornia Jaauary 4, 19~ RBGUTAR MBETING OP 1HE CITY PIANNING COMMISS;rJ*i ' RBGtTL1R I~STING: -~ A Regulsr~M~eti~g of the Gity Planning Commission was called to ~ ordex bq (hairman Ga~er at 2:05 0'Clock P.M., a quorum being preaent. ~ pRH3HNT; - Cteairman Gauer; CoouGissioners: DuBo3s, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, 3ummers and Muugall. ° Mr. A1 Marc~ux appointed by the City Council to fili the unexpirr,d term of Mr. Joe Thompson whose term runs to Pebruary 10, 1963 was introduced to the members of the Commission present and to the other Commissioners when they appeared at the meeting. Commissioner Ailred entered the meetiny at 2:15 ' 0'Clock P.M. Coamissioner Ha~good entered the meeting at 2;45 O'Cloct P.M. MINUTBS: - 1t~~ minutes oE the Regular Meeting of December 29, 1959 were ap,-rovec~ as printed. Y/CRIANCB N0. 1184 PUBLIC FffiARING. PHTITION submitted by JAMHS D. COBB, 9342 Orizaba Avenue, Dowri?y, California, as Owner, requeating permission to WAIVB GARAGH RBQUIRBMHNTS TO PBRMIT BitBCTIQN OF 4 GA.RAGE3 INSTBAD OP 5, on the property described as being on the northwest cornes of Romneya Drive and Robin ~. Stseet ruaning 100 feet on Romneya and 60 feet oa Robia 3treet. 1he property is presently classified R-3, MULTIPLB ' PAMiLY RBSIDBNTIAL. ' No one appeared for or against the gramting of this Variance. ~ 1HE HHARING 1NAS CLOSAD. ~ This request was for a 4 Unit apartment with 4 garages. it ~. was the conaensus of opinion of the Commission that inasmuch ~ as ttxe code has been adopted requiring 1~ garagea per dweiling ~ unit the property in questioa could be developed with one ~ more garage and mett the code. ~ Coamiasioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 144, Seriea 1959-60. that Variance No. 1184 be deaied. This resoiution was aeconded ~ by Commissioner Morris and carried. 1t-e vote on the above resolution was as foilows: AYBS: COM~!].SSIONBR3: DuHr,ie, Gauer, Marr,oux, Morris, Su.~ners. NQHS: COMMI33IONHR3: Mqng8il. AASHNT: Cf+.alI3SIONBR3: ASlred and Hapgood. VARUNCB N0. 1185 PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitt~d by IA~JRA 0. WIBHALIC, 3629 ' Savanua 3treet, Anaheim~ California, as Owner, requestiag permission to CON3TRUCT 3BCOND SINGLB PAMILY DWBLLING ON R-A lo~ on the propert~~ :tescr:bed as being on the north ~ide of ~a~~~, prive'between :{nott Aveaue arid Holder Street and fiirther described as 3629 3avaana Drive. 17i~: property is . psesently classifi.ed R-A, RBSIDffiVTIAL AGRICULTVRAL. Mr. Jacobson of.the McDaaiei BngineeriAg Company appeared before the.Commisaion aad stated that there are no street improvemente in lhia tract at the preaent time and untii such time as other improvemeats are put in the street it would appear that aa arranQement shoald be made with the ]3nginaering Departmeat on thia matter. 1t18 HBAIiING WAS CIASBD. _1_ ~ ~ ~_ F ` _ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ---.~-_--~a. ._~_.._~ ~_..._~._. ___.,_ - - --- . . _ -.. ~a . :~, ~ .. . . -. ~, :_..-::r ~~.~:~a.-... - - ~ ~ i ~ ' ~ ~ ;:., ~ R~[iLIR 1~ETI11G - CITY PIANNING COh9~tI33I0N - JA1`NARY 4, 1959 - CnNTINUHD: ~VARIAlVCB N0. 1185 Comaiasioner S1~mmers offered Resolution No. 145, Series 1959-60, (OO~ifINUSD) that Variance No. 1185 be granted, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in accordance with the plan ~ preseated. 2. Sub3ect to approval of the Plood Control Dfstrict. 3. The dPdication ef 32 feet from the center line of existing street. 4. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Sngineer. 5. The puyment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 6. $25.:)0 per dwelling unit be collected as par: of the buildiag permit for park and recreation sites. 7. That the Bngineering Department be contacted by the applicant relative to improvements and at thia time determine when such improvements be installed. 1!-is resolution was seconded by Commissioner DuBois and csrried. 1he vote on the above resolution was as foliows: ~ AYBS: COMMISSIONBR3: Alired, DuHois, GauEr, Mazcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, S~mmers, Mungall. NOSS: COMMTSSIONBRS: None. ABSENT: COMMI3SIONSRS: Hapgood. t1ARIANC:S N0. 1186 PUHLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by BROADWAY VILIAGH OP ANAHHIM, 801 North Loara Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, s.~uesting permission to ALLCIW ON 3ALH LIQUOR AT PROPOSBD RH9TAURANT on the property described as being on the northwest corner of Buclid and Crescent Avenues. The property is presently classified C-1, NHIGI~ORHOOD COhA~ISRCIAL. t2r. Wi113am Perry, representative of Coldwell Bankers of Loa Angeles appeared before the Cossission and stated that they are negotiatiag with a responsible restaurant chain thet dea3res Lo build a coffee shop and restauraat with a cocktail lounge. This chain preaenLiy has some il restaurants with 1 in the West Covina Plaza Shopping Center. The conditions he stated would be substantially the same as for othe:° restaurants which are presently located on Huclid Avenue. Mr. H. C. Bryant, 554 North Pairhaven, appeared before the . Commissioa in opposition to the granting of the Variance and stated that Lhis is a neighborhood of homes located practically wiLhin a commercial area within 3/10 of s mile of a school. He further stated that he thought there was enough cocktail lounges in the area at the present time. Mr. W. J. Pranklin, 536 North Pairhaven, appeared before the Commisaion and stated that he concurred with the remarks made by Mr. Bryant that there were enough places where alcoholic beverages tha4 cou~~ be purcheaed at the present time. Mr. Perry again appeared before the Comm3ssion and stated that acrosa from Pairhaven will be the located Retail stores and that the property directly acrosa the street from the propoaed rasta,urant is preaently vacant and that he did not see why a well run reataurant should not be suitabie for the area. No -2- iffiAA /~ - CITY PIANNING CONIlNI3SION - JANUARY 4, 1959 - CONTINUBD: ~7A~& IiRD_ f286 plans were presented for the proposed restaurant and cocktail f~) lounge and the area involved per the desnription~covers onlq ~150 feet by 150 feet measured from the center lines of Huclid an~d Crescent Avenues. ' ~ Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 146, Series 1959-60, that Variance°No. 1186~be deaied. This resolution was seeonded by Eommissioaer Summers and carried. 'll~e vote on the above resoltrtion was as follow~: AYBS: COhA4ISSI0NBRS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. NOBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None. AB3BNT: COMMISSIONBRS: None. ~7A~ 1i~Y_ 2I8? PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by RUHY H. BURi::iTT, 1228 Ralston Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, re.questing per- mission to BXTBND 6 POOT PHNCS 5 PBST INTU PRONT YARD SBTHACR TO BNCLOSB PROPOSHD POOL on the porperty described as being on the east side of Ralston Street between Citron Lane and Riviera Street, and further described as 1228 Ralston Street. 1Yie property is presently classified R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RBSI- DBNTIAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. TH8 HHARING WAS CLOSED. ~o~issioner Morris offered Resolution No. 147, Series 1959-60, that Variance No. 1187 be granted subject to: I. The layout presented. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Allred and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as folloevs: AYHS: COMMISSIONBRS: Alired, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. NQBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None. AB3BNT: COMMISSIONBRS: None. .\ 1 ~ ~ ~ t 1 I ~BYA~ NO. I288 PUBLIC tiBARING. PBTITION submitted by WALTBR B. HAUPTMAN, 11611 Town & Country Drive, Garden Grove, California, as Ownex, re- questing p~rmis~ion to BUILD A MOT~3L AND SBRVICH STATION on the property uescribed as being on the :~outh side of Ratella beginning 195 feet west of Haster Street and ~unning 265 feet west and 20U feet deep and further described as 120 West Katella Avenue. The prope=ty is presently classified R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. Jack Shipiey representing the applicant appeared before the Commission and presented a rendering of the proposed motel to be erected on the property. In checking the Variance request it was found that a request was made for a motel and the service station, but the description furnished with the application covered only that portion of the property to be devoted to the motel so that another variance will have to be filed for the property requested for si,ch service station. TF~ FIDARING WA3 CLOSBD. Commissioner Morr3s offered Resolution No. 148, Series 1959-60, that Variance No. 1188 be granted subject to the plot plan aad rendering presented for the motel only aid further sub3ect to: -3- `~ - 1,~ ~ ~__..~..~ ~ R.HQJLAR MBSTING - CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION - JANUARY 4 1959 - CONTINUgD: ~V~RIANCS N0: 1388 ~-- 1.~ The~dedi~ation of 60 feet from the ~center line of Katella _,(C~ITINUBD) Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 2. Prepare street improvement plans aad installf all improvements in accordance-with the approved~~standard pians on file in the office of the City Bagineer. 3. ~e payment o€ $2.00 per front foot for street lightia~ pnrposes. ~ This resolution was secoaded by Commissioner Marcoux and carried. The vote oa Lhe above resolutioa was as follows: ~ AYBS: COI~AlISSIONffitS: Allred, DnBois, Gauer~ Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. NQBS: CODII~tISSI0NHR3; None. ABSHNT: COF4dI3SI0N~tS: None. RBCIAS3IFIGTION PUBLIC HBNRING. PBTITION submitt~d by MARIO MBRCURIO, P. 0. ~ ~ N0. P-59-60-66 Box 252, Fullerton, California, as Owner, Craig Grainger, 125 ~ South Claudina Street~ Anaheim, Caiifornia, as Authorized Ageat. requestiag that the property described as being on 4he i aorth side of Hast Anaheim Road between Dowling Avenue and ~ Miller Road be reclassified from R A, RHSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTIIRING, ~ Mr. Craig Grainger appeared before the Commission as Authorized i Agent for the applicant and stated that he had at the present time a possible purchaser of this property for a manufacturing I' use, but that it required rezoazng, he further stated that ~ the entire area is proposed for M-1 uses and that the property I directly west is presentiq zoned as M-1. T!~ HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Comcaissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 146 R Series 1959-60, ~ that Reclassification No. F-59-60-66 be recommended to the CiLy i ~ouacil for reclassificatioa from R A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to ~ M-t, LIGE~f MANUFACTURING with a 50 foot P-L zoae on Anaheim Road and sc~bject to the folYOwing conditioas: , 1. That approval be obtained from the Orange County Flood Control District. 2. That tihere be a dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Anaheim Road to the City of Anaheim. 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install a11 ~~provementa in accordance with standard approved plans on f:le in the office of the City Hngineer. 4. The paymeat of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. S. That there be a 90 daq time limit for the accomplishment of the above conditions. 1]~is resolution was seconded by Commissioaer Alired and carried. ~e vote on the above resolution was as follows; AYB9: Cd~AIISSIONffitS: Alired~ DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers,.Mungall. NOB3: CQ1~fISSI~i~t3; None. ABSBNT: OONAII3SIOI+BRS: None. -4- a ~ / / , , . : ~ _ _ ~ ~ _ c:~ ~ '~ ~ R~(~1JIAR MBBTING - CITY.PLANNIIIG. CQl~9dISSION - JANUARY 4. .1959 - O~1TINfQ~ ~ 'gBCSAS$IPICATIdN ~" YUBLIC I~3A1tING. PBTITION submitted by l~. &. f~S. AI1.IIQ ~F. ~ """N0, 2+-59-50-'6T `'"635 ~South Grove Avenue, Anaheim, Cal3foraia, as Q~ers, 1[r. ~ John H. ginney, Jr., 1441 South Los Angeles Street, Aoabesa, j -• California, as Authorized ~lgent. requesYing that the prnpc='Ly , •- ` described-as being oa the west side of Los Angeles Street °~- between Midway Drive aad deaII end and fnrther descri6ed as "1441 South Los Angeles Stseet be reciassified frae B-~1, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to M-1, LIGHT kANQPl1CIURII~_ Mrs. Heary appeared before the Commi~ssioa and stateri that she had nothing to say except that she ~visbed to ai~ep the pruperty to John H, Rinney Jr. in or~ex that fie coo3d expand his sheet metai business. ~~.Z~iG IOAS QA6ID_ Commissioner Mauerhaa offered Resolution 3ia. 149 ~Scries 1959-60. that Reclassification No. F-59-60-67 be reco~ended to the Citg Council for approval for reclassification from R-~1, Eesidential Agricuitural to M-1, Light Manufacturing, smb,ject to: 1, That before the hearing set by the City Council tbe appiicant present a p1oL pian showing hrnr tLe alley and stree4 wili be improved. 2. That theze be an alley at the south side of Iot 6 in order that there may be circulation for cars and tracts. 3. That street improvement plans and the installatioa of improvements in accordance with the apprnved standard plans on file in the office of tI~e City Pngineer he ~ade. 4. That there be a payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 5. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accaspiisbaent of th~e above conditions. 1t-is resalution was seconded bq Co~issioner Allred and carried. The vote on the above resolutioa rvas as foiloxs: AYBS: C~AMISSIOI~R3: Alired, DuBois, Ganer. Hapgood, llarcom~.- Morris, Summers, Mnngall. NOH3: COMAtI3SI0NHRS: None. pBSgNT• ~OA9~dI3SI0NBR3: None. I~A~~K ~~ RHCIASSIPICATION PUBLIC HBARING. PB:ITION submitted by RI~D 3. ~JtID, c!o .NO::'P-SS•60-68 Leonard 3mith Rea~ Bstate, 125 South Clandioa Street, Anaheaa. California, as Oxmer, Leonar~ Smith Real Hssate, saae add~ress. as Authorized Agent, requesLing thaY the propert~ descri~ as being oa Lhe north side of Wilshire Avem~e betreen Lincoln Avenue aad Loara Strect and further described as 280 3iorth Wilehire Avenue be reclassified from R-~-, R84IDII11~dAL A[~tIQlL'L~ItAL ~to C-1, NIBQiBORH00B Cq~!ffitCId1L. Mr. Leonard Smith appeared as Authoriud Agent ~or the applicaat I. and stated that on the la;~uY the eaterior liaes of tLe bnildi; ' as shown wi11 be maintained although there xfiil be chanaes oa ~tfie-interior. It is proposed that lOn feet fra~ the rear-property line ttrat the building~be increased to two storus ia 6eig~t to ~, provide more off street parkiag than conid be realiied b~ puttiag the buiidings all on one floor. If aecessary a puapet ~ra].1 rauld : be piaced at the north end which wouS~d campletely screm aa~ viev of the properties to the aorth from this building. _{z s i ~ t )~ / f ._'_~~~ . . . wv_L ~..-_. ~.~~~~~~ a . . ~. . ^ . . .i I 1r ' ' ' ~ ...__~__ _..,--.._. .._ ~' ----.~._ ~ . .. ~ _ ~--. __ .._ .. ~ ~ ~ RHGUTAR MHHTING -_CITY PIANNING C(Y~AlISSTON - J~IUARY _4_L 1959 - CONTINUBD: "°RBQA33IFICRTTON Mr. J. R. Schley, 1415 Birchmont Avenue appeared before the N0. P-59-60~68 Commission and stated that he had called the Planniag Department (CONTIN[lED as late as the morning of the meeting and there was no elevation of the proposed bui.iding availatle showing tne two story structure, he further stated th~t he would like to see this building kept down to one story with the same restrictions-that were appiied to the bnilding to the west. The elevation was presented to the Planning Department late in the marning ef the meeting and Mr. Schley had an opportnnity at the meeting to look over the plan. Dr. Bauchelle, 1416 Birchmont Avenne appezred before the Comm~saion and stated that the residents of this tract were pieased with the buildings to the west and that the same deed restrictions should be maintained on the new structures that applied to the ones already ouilt. THH HHARING WAS CLOSBB. Commissioner Allred offered Resalution No. 148 ~ Series 1959-60, that Reclassification No. F-59-60-68 be approved subject to: 1. 17ie erection of the building 3n accordance with the plans presented. 2. That the two story section be Simited to a distance of 100 feet from the north property line. 3. That sidewalks be installed on Wiishire Avenue. 4. That there be a paymeat of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 5. That the deed restrictions estabiished on Reclassification No. P-58-59-51 be applied exceFt tlaat under No. 6 no bui3ding shall be er~cted~to exceed a height of two stories or~20 feet which ever is the lesser within 100 feet oF the north pxoperty line. . The vote on the above resoiution was as follows: i 4 AYBS: COMMISSION&R3: A1lr2d, DuHois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, f Mauerhan, Morris; Summers, Mnagall, z NOSS: CObA~IIS3I0NBRS: None. ' ASSBNT: CON4~lIS3IONERS: Naae, i This resolution was secondeC by Commissioner Hapgood and carried. RBVI3BD TBNTATIVB A Revised Tenfiative Map af Tract No. 3390 was presented to MAP OP TRACT the Commission. 1he tract is located on the west side af N0. 3390 Rio Vxsta between La Palma Avenue and Anaheim Olive Road. The subdivider is Luxury Hodes, 1557 West Commonwealth Avenue, Pullerton, California and contains 120 R-1 lots. Commissioner Hapgood moved that Tract No. 3390 be apgroved, seconded by Comm3ssioner A].lred and carried, subject to: 1. 1t-at "Not A Part Of" at the southeast corner be made a lot in the subdivision or the right-of-way easements and im- provements be provided fronting on "Not A Part Of". 2. That "F" Street be 64 feet in width. 3. "B", "H" and "H" Streets to be 60 feet in width. 4. Subject to State Highway approval. I ' i ~/~ ~ Y ~ i / --- --. -- --- -'. ' ~_- ----- - _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ RBQTIAR MBSTING - CITY.PIANNING COhA~IISS_ION -_ JAI~N?~RY 4s 1954 - CONTINUHD: ~ RBpI3HD TSN'~-TIVB ~ 5. 'Pertinent plot and building plans~to be submitted to the MAP.OF TRACT City Council for review. N0,"3390 (C~TIN[TSD ~ 6. ~Require tha~t shouid this subdivision bE de~veloped as m_re ~ - - than one svbdivision,ea~h snbdivi~ion there shall be sub- mitted in tentative form for approval. ~• ~~RBpi3BD TBNiATIVS ~ A Revised Tentative Map uf Tract No. 3535 was presented to MlLp UP'TRACT the Commission. This tract is located 660 feet east and 660 ~ "'.NO.'3S3S ~feet north of Haster Street and Orangewood Avenue and contains 29 R-3 1ots. The subdivider is Jay Pranklin, 18191 ~tomelie Drive, 7Ustin, California. Commissioner Morris moved that the Revised Map of Tract No. 3535 s, be approved, s~conded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, ; subject to: ~ 1. Thst pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the j City Council for review. ; 2, Require that should this subdivision be develope¢ as more ~ than one subdivision, each subdividion thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. j ~TBNTATIVE MAY A Tentative Map o£ Tract No. 3649 was presented to ~the Coaimissioa:•~ ~ . OF TRACT 1he tract is located on the east side of Magnolia 394 feet north $ N0. 3649 , of Orange Avenue. The subdivider is C. P. MiddlebFOOk, 1798 West :~ Orange Av~nue, Anaheim, CaliFornia and contains 15 R-1 lots. j ~ ~ Commissioner Morris offered a i~ tion that the Tentative Map ~ of Tract No. 3645 be a , se_~nded by Commi~sioner Mungall •; pproved and carried, subject to: 1, That "Not A Part Of" nt th~ northwest corner be a lot in the subdivisicn or ri~.yt~of-way easements and improvements be provided fronting o,i "Not A Paxt Of". 2. Reqaire that should this subdivision tx developed as more than oae subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. 3. 11iat pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. TENTATIVB MAP A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3653 was F~resented to the Commission. OF TRACT This tract is located on the east side of Acacia Street, 660 feet N0. 3653 ~orth of Romneya Drive and contains 20 R-1 lots. The s~bdivider is ~ the Chip Development Co., 12911 Belfast Drive, Garden Gr.ove, Calif. ~ i Commissioner Muagall mo~ed that the Tentative Map of Tract No. ; 3653 be approved, seconded by Commissioner Maqerhan aad carried, I subject to: 1. The conditions outlined in the 5tate Highway Letter dated ~ ~ IIecember 18, 1959, ~ copy of which was sent to the developer. 2. That pertinent plot and building pZans be submitted to the I ' City Council for review. 3. Require that• should this subdivision be developed as more than ~ one subdivision, eaah subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for ~pproval. ADJOURPA4BNT 1he meeting adjourned a~ 3;45 0'Clock P.M. Respe uily ubmitted, 7 R. •. MUNGALL, cretary