Minutes-PC 1960/05/23• • • -~.- _-T_
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City Hall
~ Anaheim, California
tday 23, 1960
WORK SESSION - A Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at
' 2z50 0'Clock P. M. by Vice Chairman Mungall, elected ~ust for this .
~ meeting, a quorum being present. ~
~ PRESENT - Commissioners: DuBois, Max•cr~ux, Mauerhan, Mungall and Summers. '
I Commissionerss Allred, Gauex, Hapgood, Morris. '
Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese {
! Assistant City Attorney - Joe Geisler
i City Engineer - Thornton Piersall '-
Office Engineer - A1 McDougall ~
j Planning Department Secretary - Irene Suaw ''
GENERAL PLAN - This Public Hearing was continued from the Planning Commission ~
~ CIRCllLATION meeting of April 18, 1960.
Mr. John Gilmore, Chairman of the Orange County Planning Commission
and Mr. Reese had met with the owners of paaaerty lying east of i
, Taylor St. to discuss the proposed extension of Anaheim Road from `
~ Taylor Street to the Imperiat greeway Right-of-Way.
Following discussions with the property owners, and with Mr. A1 Koch,
Orange County Highway Department and Mr. Piersall~ Anaheim City Engi- ;
neer, it was proposed that Anaheim Road be terminated near Taylor St. ;;
and be extended southerly to La Palma Avenue. Also, it was proposed
that La Palma Avenue be increased to a Primary frem JEfferson to the
Imperial Freeway. ~
This amendment would retain the parcels which extend from Orangethorpe ~
to the River in one piece, permit spur track service to the entire f
area and still provide for adequate traffic flow at ultimate develop-
ment. , .
Mr. Reese noted that no connections with Orangethorpe Avenue between
Richfield and the Imperial Freeway had been indicated. This was at
the request of the Santa Fe Railroad engineers who had advised of
adverse grade conditions in this area which malde it impractical to
have intersections. The railroad is ad~acent to tt~e highway and in
some cases up to 8 ft. above the highway.
Mr. Reese also noted that much of the northeast area was still in the j
County and that the proposals were being made following a joint study
by the Anaheim Planning and Engineering Departments and the Orange
County Planning and Road Departments. Only the areas specifically
within the present City limits are actually being adopted by the City
of Anahe3m.
Some of the principal items discussed during the study weres
1. Gilbert Street. It was noted that Gilbert is merely a series
of local subdivision streets within Anaheim City Limits and ~~
that it was impractical to propose its expansion to a Secon- ~
dary highway. County has agreed to omit Gilbert as a
Secondary between Eall Road and Orangethorpe. ~
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2. Cerritosa east of Placentia and Sunkist and south of Ball Rd.
It was proposed that these two Secondary highways tie together
north of the railroad track to efficiently serve the immediate
area and to provide an officient flow of traffic along this
right-of-way between the southeast and northeast areas.
3. Rio Vista Avenue between Wagner and Ball. This was indicated
on the plan as a long range proposal and represents the normal
spacing required between secondary hi9hways. There now exists
sand pits and sand pit operations which will prevent this from
taking place in the near future. However, it was felt that as
the Master Plan of Highways should anticipate the eventual
necessity of the tie between Rio Vista, a Secondary highway,
and Ball Road, a Primary Highway.
4. La Palma overcrossing at the Riverside Freewaya The original
agreement between the County and State in 1958 provided for
the Dowlinq interchange and for a frontage road along the
south side of the freeway between La Palma and Dowling. The
northeast 2-A Annexation by Anaheim and the subsequent indus-
trial activity in this area has made it obvious to all concerned
that there will soon be sufficient traffic volumes in this
area to warrant the La Palma overcrossing. This overcrossing
will provide for the efficient flow of east-west traffic be-
tween central Anaheim and points we::•~ and the northeast
Anaheim industrial area. Studies have been furnished by the
State indicating how this overcrossing might be accomplished
and the inclusion of this proposal on the Master Plan of High-
ways will be ti~e initial official step towards the eventual
design of this facility by the State as an integral part of
the Riverside Freeway--Orange Freeway interchange.
Mr. Reese noted, this segment of the circulation element had been
under study for over a year by the City Planning and Engineering
Departments and that it basically represents the Highway Rights-
of-Way Cross Sections approved by the City Council. The study re-
vealed, however, that in some instances it was impractical to attempt
to accomplish a standard right-of-way, even on a long term basis,
because of existing developments. In establishing a list of excep-
tions to the standard rights-of-way in these developed areas every
attempt had been made to establish an ultimate cross section in the
laast possible width while at the same time assuring adequate right-
of~way to handle future traffic volumes in an efficieni and safe
The list of proposed exceptions and a series of diagrams were pre-
sented to the Commission for review and consideration. The diagrams
illustrate, for each of the exceptions, the existing and proposed
ultimate right=of-waY•
It was noted that wherever possible the required travel lanes and
left turn median had been accomplished in the existing right-of-way
and that in some casee this would eventually involve either the re-
duction of park way widths or the limitation of parking in some
cases during peak traffic hours and in other cases on a full time
basis. In some instances, such as Center Street and probably Los
Angeles Street. where
the maintenance of street parking seems to be imperative, the accom-
plishment of four traffic lanes plus a left turn median could only
be accomplished by providing the median at important intersections
only since it would~involve the restriction of parking near the
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It was noted that Harbor Blvd. (Palm) from Vermont north to the Los
Angeles Street intersection will be one of our most important north-
south arteries and that all possible efforts should be directed towards
accomplishing an efficient Primary throughfare. It was noted, the
minimum requirements for this would be four travel lanes, two parking
lanes and a left turn median. The proposed ultimate right-of-way was
based on minimum traffic lanes, minimum parking lanes, rainimum left
turn median and minimvm parkway widths. The total of these minimums,
however, still requires an increased right-of-way of 10 ft. on each
side of the monumented centerline. It was also noted, that with the
exception of the areas immediately ad3acent to Center St. almost all
existing structures were located well back from the existing right-of-
way lines and that the increase of 10 feet would not seriously affect
;.he use of these properties. The Commission noted that slnce Palm
Street was such an important artery that its character would probably
change in a similar manner to Broadway in the City of Santa Ana and
that as the transformation took place, the additional dedication would
certainly be a reasonable requirement. It was also noted that as the
transformation took place, precise plans should be prepared and
adopted so that alleys could be provided to the rear of all properties
thus eliminating all possible curb breaks, in order to maintain the
future right-of-way in an efficient traffic carrying condition.
Commissioner Marcoux noted, that in the north Anaheim industrial area,
Patt Street, which connects to the Riverside Freeway,was concentrating
a considerable amount of traffic on Commercial St. between Patt and
Lemon and proposed that Commercial St. be added to the plan at the
same proposed right-of-way as Patt St.
It rras noted, that Rio Vista St. south of Wagner was listed as an
exception but that since the ultimate design would depend on both the
rehabilitation of that area from its present sand pit condition and
on the final design of the Orange Freeway--Ball Rd. interchange. No
proposed right-of-way or diagram had been prepared at this timc
No diagram was prepared for Lewis St. since it is an 80 ft. right-of-
rray and there would be no cnange in the present standards of construc-
There was no detail on Broadway since it will remain as is and was
listed as an exce,ption only because the monumented centerline varies.
;:,e special study on Los Angeles St. was discussed with thP Commission.
Commissioner Mauerhan stated that he felt that widening should be
accomplished ::herever possible. He noted, that although the street
is largely developed that in many cases the development does not
represent actual commercial structures. Residences being used for
commercial purposes and automobile sales lots were cited as two ex-
ampi.es of this.
?he two plans fulfill the requirements of the County for the adoption
1. A Master Plan of Highways in conformance to the County's Plan.
2. The establistucsnt of ultimate rights-of-way to provide for these
arterial highways.
In addition to the two plans,there is a reyuired Official Policy
Statement that there will be reasonable denial of access to all ar-
terial highways in order to p•reserve their traffic carrying capacity.
This is generally interpreted to mean no residential subdivision access
except at intersections and reasonable limitati.on of commercial and
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industrial access whereever possible. It does not prevent, however,
the allowance of access to these highways in unusual or hardship cir~
cwastances. The Commission instructed the City Attorney to prepaze a
statement of palfcy which could be reviewed and recommended for adop-
tion along with the two plans and list of exceptions at the June 6,
1960 meeting.
On a motion by Commission Marcoux and seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan,
it was moved and approved, that the Public Hearing be continued to the
' June 6, 1960 Planning Commission Meeting for final consideration.
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 4s40 0'Clock P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
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