Minutes-PC 1960/06/27~ ~ - ~ _ _ ' ' ~~, ~~1 __; , ~ •. ~ . . . ~~ ' . ; . S .. ' ~ ~ City Hall ~ ;~ Anaheim, California June 27, ?.960 . ADJOURNED EieGULAR N~ETING OF TI-IE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Ad~ourned Regu:ar Meeting - An Ad~ourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2s10 0'Clock P. M. by Vice Chairman Morris, a quorum being present. PRESENT i `: - Vice Chairman Morrise Commissioners: Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Mungall and Swnmers. Commissioner Allred 1 entered the meeting at 2:25 0°Clock Pe Me ; ABSENT - ~ommissionRr DuBois and ~~auere '~ r PRESENf - Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese ~~ Planning Technician - Gordon Steen ii Representing City Attorney - Phil Robertson '~~ Planning Department Secretary - Irene Shaw REC,.ASSIFICAiION - PUBLIC FIEARII~e PETITION submitted by EARL SPIRES, No. F-59-60-100 10261 So Los Angeles Sto9 Anaheim, California, requesting that the property described ass An irregular parcel with ~' an average depth of 215° and a frontage of 312' on Los Angeles Ste and lucated on the west side of Los Angeles St.; its southeast corner being approximately 325' north of the north west corner of Los Angeles St. ti.' and Midway Dro be reclassified from C-1 to C-3e A gentleman from McDaniel Engo Coo presented a lettor to the i Commissioners from Nlr. McMahon9 Attorney, for Mr. Spires. There was no one in the audience opposing this Reclassification: , THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. i Commissioner Fiungall offered Resolution No. 289, Series 1959=60 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, recommending to the City Council ' that Reclassification No. F-59-60-1009 for C-3, EiEAVY COMMERCIAL9 be approved sub~ect ta the.following conditions= ~ 1. Solid 6' block wali along westerly property line. ~ 2o Development in accordance with plans presented. ; ~ ~ 30 Frovision for 20 off-street parking spaces for employees. ; r 4e Suitable landscaping on Los Angeles - front 20' for landscaping. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preservE the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On roll Call the foregoing resolution was passed by the followfng votes AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood, F:~:coux, Mauerhan, Morris; l~ungall and Swnmers. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs None. ABSENT: CaMMISSIONERSe DuBois and Gauer. Commissioner Allred entered the meeting Just as the vote wa~ being taken and declined to vote, as he did not hear any of the discussiono. -1- << tr b i f 1 ~ ~ L.11I C1.N1\IY1IYl] ~.UMM1JJ1ll1Y ~ JUIYL L/n 1`lOV ~ Reclassification - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by DANNY R. 8 GLORIk :.- No. F-59-60-112 WARSCFIALL, 1271 FoothiliBlvdo, Lemon Heights, Calife, reque~sting that the property dQSCribed ass A parcel 572° x 820° with a frontage of Sao~ on S~anton Aveo and located on the southeast corner of Stantor.. ei~~ ~range Avenues, also described as 600 S. Stanton ~:ree be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to C-1, NEIGFIDORHOOD C~MN~RCIALe Idr. Hughes, the intended purchaser, was present. There was no one in the audience opposing ~his keclassification. THE f~ARING WAS CLOSEDo .,.;~ ~ , ,` ~ Mr. Ray Youny of Cliff Wolfe and Assqciates was present, and represented the applicant. He stated that they had presented a plan for a high class type of construction of shopping centere They felt it would be an improvement and a service to the area. Commissioner I~auerhan offered Resolution Noo 290, Series 1959-60, and moved for its paasage and adoption9 seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, reco~tl~dfng to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-212, for C-1, I~IGHBORHOOU CO1Nt~RCIAL, be approved subject to the fallowing conditions~ 1. Development in accordance with plans presented. ~. 6' landsq~ping along Stanton and 10° landscaping on Orange. 3e 6' block wall on the east and swth borderse 4. Dedication of 45° from centerline of Orange Aveo 5. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements on Orange Ave. and Stantor: Aveoy in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City I:ngineer. 6. Payment of S2o00 per front fta for street lighting purposes... on BOTH STREETSo 7. Provide drainage structuxe on Orange Ave. crossing Stanton Ave. to the westa 8. 90.day time limit on items Noo 4, 5, 6, and 7~ The foregoirg conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the pro~erty in order to preserve the safety and rrelfare of the Citizens of Anaheimo On roll call the foregoing rssolution was passed by the following votes AYESs COD9KISSIONERSs Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall and Swnmerso NOESs COMMISSIONERS: None. AB~Ms COMbIISSIOI~RSs DuBois and Gauero RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC 1~ARING. PETITIOli submitted by CARRIE P. McCLURE, No. F-59-60-113 1648 E. Center Ste, knaheim, Calif., requesttng that the property described as= A parcel 277' x 585' with a frontage of 585' on Euclid Ave. and 2ocated on the northeast corner of Euclid Ave. and Broadway be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to G1, I~IGEBORHOOD CONI~RCIAL, and C-3 (Restricted to Service Station or any other C-1 useo) A[r. Ray Spehar represented th~ applicant. 'Lhere ~ras no one in the audienGe opposing this reclassification. Pians were presented to the Commissione ?E~ f~EARING WAS CLOSED. _- 2 _ / ! ( ~ ! ~ RECLASSIFICATION - Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 291, Series 1959-60, No. F-59-60-113 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Co~issioner (Continuecl) Hapgood, reco~ending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-113, for G1 and C-3 Restricted to Service station ;. _ or any other C-1 use beapprwed subject to the following conditionss } lo Development in accordaace xith precise plan of development as offered; by applicante ~ 2. Sidewalks on Broadway and Euclid. 3. Payment of $2.00 per faont ft. fcr street lighting purposes on both streQtse 4o Dedication of 45' from centerline of Broadway. 5a 100' aunimum setbacka 6e Landscape as indicated in Precise Plan. 7. Filing of C-1 and G-3 Deed Restrictions. 80 90-day time limit on items No. 2, 3, 4, and 7e The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizans of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoi~g resolution was passed by the follcwing vote= AYES: COIdMISSIONERS: Allr~d, Hapgood, flarcowc, Mauerhan, Morris, D~ungall and Su~ners. NOES: COI~MISSIONERSs Noneo ABSENi'= COMMISSIONERSa DuBois and Gauer. RECI.ASSIFICATION - PUBLIC E~ARING. PETI1'ION submitted by M. L. 8 D. S. McALISTER, No•~ F-59-60-114 8645 Ea Florence Ave., Downey, Calif., requesting that the property descxibed ass A parcel 85' x 125' with a frontage of 85' on Center St. and located on the south side of Center St. betnreen Bush and Rose Sts., its northeast corner being 100' vrest of the souttnrest corner of Center and Rose Stso, be reclassified from R-3 to C-1. Mr. Davis of Downey represented the applica~.t. He stated small retail businesses are proposed for this site. There was no one in the avdience opposing this Reclassificationo THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 292, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Summers, reco~nmending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-114, for ~-1, t~IGHB0RH00D COI~RCIA, be approved, subject to the following conditions= 1. Replace sidewalko 2, Payment of $2<00 per front ft. for street lighting purposes. 3. Developiaent in accorslance with plans presented. 4. C-1 Deed Restrictions. 5. 90-Day time li~~"bn items No. 1, 2, and 4. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and rrelfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. O,z roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the follaring votes pYES: CONWlISSIONERSs Allred, Hapgoad, Marcoux, l+Iauerhan, Morris, 1Eungall and Summers. HOESs CON4~IISSIOI~RS: None, ABSENTs CONWlISSIQt~RSs DuBois and Gauer. - 3 - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ADJOlJR21ED REGULAR lu¢ETING - CI?Y PLANNII3G CQIdMISSION - JUNE 27 1960 - GONTINUEDt . ~ Ff"+Sn::`''Y-keC""~C.'^'~'a""~'e.!~ .i..~`..;~' , ,Y ,.. ..~ .. . ._..'!YS~c-.--mr.-.mron.. .c.: . ... ._.~... ~ ...... .i. ... .,..._. ......~ .... . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ w f ~ . ~ f .'ti'c 7 ADJOURNED REGULAR NIEETING - CITY PLANNII~ COMMISSION -:NNE 27, 1960 - CONfINUEDs ~ ~ RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC k~ARINGo PETITION submitted by Bo 8 W. PRODITCTIONS CORP.? : ~ Noe F-59-60-115 1890 Benedict Canyon Dr~, Beverly Hills, Calife, requesting tha~ i the property described as: A parcel 635'x~1295' with a frontage ', of 635' on Harbos Blvdo a~d located on the northeast corner of ~~ Harbor Blvdo and Chapman Aveo be reclassified from R-Ato G2. 't i x ~; Stuart Whitman9 represented the applicant and stated that they are ~ also developers of the property to the north where the White Front ~ ~ Store is to 1~ builto Plans were submitted. s ;~ There was no on~ in the audience opposing this Reclassification. 's ~ THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDe Mre Steen stated that the project is somewhat shy on parking spaces and that, however, there would be ample parking if property to the north were considered a parto Ye ~uggested the possibility of tying the two pxoJects togeti~er to guarantee ample parking in the fut~are e , Lyle Wheeler stated that ~nder the lease with the White Front Develo~nt_ this entire project has the use of the parking, so it can be considered as oneo ~ : 7his was satisfactoxy to the Commissiono ; i } ~ Commissio-e~ Mungall offered Resolution Noo 293, Series 1959-60, and moved for ite passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner ~ Haogood, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-1149 for C-29 GENERAL CONOu~RCIAL, be approved, subject ; to the following conditions= _ 1. Developrttent in accordance with plans presenteda 2. Dedication of 60° from centerline of Harbor Blvd. 3o Dedication of 53° from centerline of Chapmano 4e Preparation af street improvement plans and installation of a11 improvements on BOTH streets in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. 5o Payment of $2000 per front £to for street lighting pruposes... on BOTH streetso 6o Provision for drainage from northerly development and discharging of said drainage on Chapman Aveo, east of Harbor Blvd. 7. 90-Day time limit on items No. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheime On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the follawing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs,Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan Morris, MurLqall and Summers. NOESs COMMISSIOP~ERS: None.- ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSs DuBois and Gauer. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. ACTION initiated by the CITY ~OUNCIL of the City of No. F-59-60-116 Anaheim requesting that the property described as being the nor#3~ side of Winston Rd. between Iris St. and Los Mgeles St., also described as Lots 1-3 8 10-19 of Tract No. 3203 be reclassified fzvm C-1 to R-3, Mr. V. Harbor of Iris St., a teacher in an Anaheim School, spoke in favor of the reclassification. He read the minutes of City Councii dated March 1957 and they stated dwellings. At 'this time, he read two definitions of the word dwelling. He also stated there ~vas to be a buffer wall betwe~n the R-1 and the commercial property. Ne pointed out they do no•t have sufficient off street parking for commercial. - 4 - ; i , ; ~ 3 I i ~ ~ ~ ' .,~ RECLASSIFICAI'ION - Mr. Harbor also stated that if two cars are parked on Iris and No. F-59-60-116 two cars try to pass, they have a hard time. There is also (Continued) going to be a school and the children need protection from the traffic. There were 5 people in the audiencsin favor of the reclassification. 14 were in opposition. ~ Mr. Pharis stated that there is an easement at his property and also the type businesses whfch would go in, such as, Notary Pablic etc. don°t have a mass of traffic. When this property was bought it was bought as C-1. Mrs. Warnoff, S. Los Angeles St. She stated the wall had been waived and also the type of co~struction was all right so long as it wasn't retail sales. We bought these as C-1. Mr. D. Richmon of Hill P1. stated if he had wanted a~rtments on R-3 he could have bought them on the zone. He said that if this zone was removed it would be like robbing him. R. D. Rousch also spoke explaining that he would suffer a financial loss if the property wculd revert 'to R~3 zoningo ~ ' Mrs. D. Hollenhouse, who owns Lots 10, 13 and 14 said that they purchased their property as C-1 and that under the pioposed zoning map they were considered as C-6: Mr. Harbor again spoke and said that many of the people in favor of C-1 do not actually live in the area. Mr. Balbman of Iris St. presented some pictures ~ of the residential area and also the apartments, he was for R-3. THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 294, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-116 for R••3 on lots No. 1~ 15 and 16 only which abut Iris St., for R-3 be approved. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall. NOESs COMMISSIONERS: Summers. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS:. DvEois and Gauer. I'ENTATIVE MAPS OF - Applicant requested these be held over until further notice. TRACT No. 3822 $ 3823 REVISED TENTATIVE - Developer: Buccola Inv. Co., 3700 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, MAP OF TRACT Calif. The tract is located 174.11' south of North St. on the No. 3794 west side of West St. and contains 21 proposed R-1 lots. These are actually R-0 lots. The dead end street is planned to go on west, this has quite an opportunity to either turn north or south. Commissioner Mungall made a motion that Revised Tentative Map of Trct No. 3794 be approved sub3ect to the following conditions: - 5 - ~ ~ ~ ., ~ ~ , ~~ ~ . AA70URNED REGULAR b1EETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -rJUNE 279_1~iti0 = CONTINUED: , ~ ~_ ~ ~ ` ., ~ ~ ~ ADJ~URNED REGULAR N~ETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -'JUNE 27. 19G0 - CONTINUED: , i REVISED iENTATIVE - 1. Eliminate stub street southerly; proposea easement shown on 61AP OF iRACT west tract boundary to be temporary until property to the west No. 3794 is developed. (Continued) 2. Pertinent plot and building plans to be submitted to City Council for review. 3. Require that should this subdiyision be developed as moxe than one subdivision, each-subdivision thereof shall be submitted in , tentative form for approval. , This motion was seconded by Commissioner Allred and carried. ~p~[L~~ _ Located along Orangethorpe Ave. east of Dowling. ORANGEIHORPE p,N1~gpTipr( Commissioner Allred moved that the Dowling - Orangethorpe 4nnexation be iecommended to the City Co~ncil for approval, seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. NORTHEAST - East of Jefferson and south of Orangethorpe. AN[~XATION No. 3 Commissioner Mungall moved that the Northeast Annex~tion No. 3 be recommended to the City Councilfoi approval, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried. ADJOUR:~M - The meeting adjourned at 3=55 0'Clock P. M. Respectfully submitted, ~ ,~~~ ~o ~ RICHARD REESE, Secretary -6-