Minutes-PC 1960/09/19I
City Hall
Maheim, California
September 19, 1960
REGULAR l~ETING - A Regular Meeting of the Cfty Planning Commission was called to order at
2s05 0'Clock P.bl. by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present.
p~~ _~~IAAN GAUER, OONUilISSIONERSs Allred, DuBois, Mungall and Summers.
C~missioner Marcoux entered the meeting at 2s30 0'Clock P.M.; Commissioner
Hapgood entered the meeting at 2=45 0'Clock PoM.
HIINI]TES - The ldinutes of the Meeting of September 6, 1960, were approved with the
- follaring correctians=
Page 49 line 29 word ~tO~ repeated (tygographical error)o
Page 6, Iine 3 from bottom, "ite° should be "its°; also, vote not noted
on item 210
PRESENf - Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese
Planning Technician - Martin Kreidt
Assistant City Attorney - Joe Geisler
Planning Department Secretary - Shirley Taylor, Jean Page
I?EIUS 2 THROiX~I - Due to temporary absence of two Commissioners9 items 2 through 5 of Agenda
5 ON ~-GENDA vrere postponed until a late.r houro
VARIANCE NO 1294 - POBLIC HEARING• ~TITION submitted by JOFA1 PRINS, P.O. Box 2067, Anaheim,
California, requesting permission to OPERAiE A CHILDREN'S DANCE SiUDIO on
the property described ass An irregular shaped parcel with a depth of 219
fePt and an average width of 460 feet with a frontage of 450 feet on Brook-
hurst, and located on the southwest corner of Brookhurst Street and Crestwood
Lane, and further described as 1709 South Brookhurst Street. The property is
presently classified C-1, Neighborhood Commercial.
1[r. John Prins, the applicant, appeared before the Coa~nission and stated
that, although the appl{.cation mentioned that other tenants in the building
rrelcomed a dance studio, this appeared to be in error, f.~ that the tenant
in the beauty shop, south of the dance studio, had filed a protest.
Mtyra Wharton, 1711 So. Brookhurst, appeared in opposition to the dance
studio as it was being operated; she stated the noise was ob3ectionable to
her beauty shop customers, and presented a petition signed by several of
said custo~rso Mrse Wharton suggested that the walls of the dance studio
be soundproofed, and added that if this were done, she would have no
objection to the use. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED.
Commissioner Allred offered R~solution No. 69, Series 1960-61, and moved
for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, granting
Variance No. 1294, sub~ect to the following conditinn: Walls to be sound-
proofed, so as to eliminate the possibility of a nuisance.
The foregoing conditions were recited at the Meeting and are found to be a
necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the
safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheime
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
pyFSs CONaAISSIONERSs Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Mungall and Summers.
pBSII~iTs COMNIISSIONERS: Morris, Hapgood and Marcoux.
~ ~ ~
Gilbert Street, Garden Grove, Californta, requesting permission to OPERATE
A GIFI SHOP9 BARBEA SHOP AND A SPECIALYY SHOP on the property described ass
Two adjoining parcels; Parcel 1 being a-•a irregular shaped parcel with an
average Width of 650 feet and an average depth of 437 feet; its northerly
boundary being 348 feet south of the centerline of Katella Avenue and its
e~.;terly boundary heing 390 feet aest of the centerline of Harbor Boulevard.
Parcel 2 described as being a parcel i60 feet by 288 feet with a frontage of
160 feet on Katella Avenue and located on the south side of Katella Avenue;
its northeast corner being approximately 596 feet west of the southwest
corner of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avern~e, and its southerly boundary
3oining the northerly boundary of Parcel 1, and further described as 710
West Katella Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A, Residential
t Agriculturalo
No one appeared for or against the granting of the Varianceo THE HEARING
WAS CIASED. ?h~ proposed service shops were to be an integrated part of a
previwsly approved 1Lote1 and restaurant. ihey were incidental to the
primary use and related inrrardly to the motel guests and not to the highway
and the general public.
Commissioner DuBoi~ of:2~ed 8esolution Noo 70,.Serfes 1050-61, and moved for
its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, granting Variance
No. 1295, sub~ect to the follaring conditionss •
VAiRIANCE N0. 1296 -
Interdepartmental Co~ittee recomroendations:
1. Record Subdivision map in accordance with plot plan submitted, OR
2. Dedicate 60 feet from centerline of Katella (now existing - 40 feet)
3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in
accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the
City Engineer. ~
4. Payment of S2v00 per front foot for street lighting purposeso
5. Provision for drainage to be madeo `
The foregoing conditions were recited at the Meeting and are found to be
a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Maheim.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes
AYESa OOlilaIISSIONERS~ Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Mungall and Swmaers.
ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: lAorris, Hapgood and Marcowc.
PUBLIC HEARING. PETIiIq~I submitted by i0L! SERRA09 818 11M1~dena Street,
Anaheim9 California, requesting permission to WAIVE MINIM:~M REAR YARD
SEI1iACK REQUIRF~1? I'0 ~ER19IT A 19 F'OOT ENCROACFA~NT on t!:e p,~perty des-
cribed as: A parcel 60 feet by 100 feet with a frontage of 60 feet on
Modena Street and located on the east side of Modena Street between Glenoaks
and Glencrest Avenues; its northrrest corner being approximately 185 feet
south of the southeast corner of Modena Street and Glenoaks Avenue, and
further described as 818 ltodena Streeto The property is presently classi-
fied R-1, Single Family Residential.
No one appeared for or against the granting of this variance application.
THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. It was noted that the proposed encroachment would
still leave approximately trro-thirds of the required rear yard area, and
that its location and shape would provide an adequat~ r.eaa yard area.
Co~issioner Allred offered Resolution No. 71, Series 1960-61, and moved
for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Summers, granting
Variance No. 1296.
~ ~ :.' ~
~ ~~ i
VARIANCE N0. 1296 - On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote=
(Continued) ~
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Mungall and Summers.
ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSs Morris, Hapgood and Marcoux.
RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submit'ced by the City of Anaheim, requesting that
N0. F-60-61-29 the property described as= The property in the City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, containing approximately fifty (50) acres, more
or less, ]ying south of and along Anaheim Road, for a distance of appxoxi-
mafiely fifty (50) acres, more or less, lying south of and along Anaheim
Road, for a distance of approximately 660 feet west from and 1,0~0 feet
east from the intersection of Anaheim Road and Miller Street, more partic-
ulaxly described in Resolution Noa 6250 of the City Council of the City of
Anaheim, ado,~ted on August 30, 1960, in the following manners A strip of
land 50 feet in width along Anaheim Road and a strip of land 5(' feet in
width lying east of and contiguous to the portion of Parcel 3 to be deeded
to the City of Anaheim in accordance with paragraph No. 2 of the said
Resolution, and a strip of land 50 feet in width lying west of and contig-
uous to the portions of Parcels 1, 4 and 7 to be deeded to the City in
accordance with paragraph Noo 2 of the said Resolution shall be incorporated
in the P-L, PARKING-LANDSCAPING Zone; and The balance of the said property
shall be incorporated in the M-1, LIGHT-MANUFACTURING Zone~ The property is
presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL.
Mr. Edward Lo Compton, Jro, Assistant General Counsel of North Americ2n
Aviation, Inc., appeared before the Commission and siated that the company
had recently purchased and developed property on the south side of Anaheim
Road, east of Dowling Avenue, and this application was for development of a
research center on a 50 acre parcel along the south side of Anaheim Road
and approximately 1,OG0 feet east from the intersection of Anaheim Road and
Miller Street. Mro Compton then introduced Mr. H. G. Henry of the Autonetics
Division of North American Aviationy Inco, who presented artist's renderings
~howing the proposed developmente He outlined some of the types of work
which would be done at the research center. No one appeare~ ?n opposition
to the granting of the Reclassification. THE HEARING WAS .;LOSED.
Chairman Gauer noted that the Planning Department would like to have the
reasons given for the Commission°s decisions on each application. Gommis-
sioner Mungall sta~ad the reason for his motion to approve the sub3ect
application was that he believed the proposed use was well-suited to the
property and to its location. He noted that the sub3ect property was
located in the northeast industrial area .~s proposed by the Preliminary
General Plan.
Commissioner Mungall offe:ea Resolution No. 72, Series 1960-61, and moved
for its passage an~ adoption9 seconded by Commissioner Allred, recommending
to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-60-61-2'~ for M-1 and P-L,
LIGHT-MANUFAG7URING and PARKING-LANGSCAPING,be approved, sub3ect to the fol-
lowing conditions=
Interde}~artmental Committee recommehdations:
1. Dedicate 45 feet from centerline of Anaheim Road (now existing~ 20 ft.)
2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in
accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the
City Engineer at time of development.
3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes...at time
of developmente
4. Dedication of Miller Street.
5. Prepare street improvement plans of Miller Street and install .al:.
improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in
office of City Engineer AT TIN~ OF DEVELOPMENT, OR AT SUCH TIME as
Miller Street is dedicated and improved from LaPalma Avenue northerly.
~ • ~
~ V ~
~ ~
RECLASSIFICATION - These recommendations were read to the repx•~~ec:tatives of Autonetics. The ~
N0. F-60-61-29 foregoing conditions are found to be a ner,ess~iry prerequisite to the use of
(Continued) the oroperty in order to preserve the safety ano welfare of the Citizens of
Anahe:f m o ~
On roll ca21 the foregoing resolution w~s passed by the following vote:
AYES: COFAMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall and Summers.
ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood, and Morris.
2775 W. Wilberta Lane, Anaheim9 Califo•rnia, requesting permission to WAIVE
WALL on the property describec~ as: A parcel with an average width of 69
feet and a depth of 109 feet with a frontage of 80 feet on Wilberta L-ai,c
and located on the northwest corner of Wilberta Lane and Yana Drive, and
further describad as 2775 West Wilberta Lanee The property is presently
i•4rs. Despain appeared before the Commission and stated that the rear wall ~
on the sub~ect property was 60 feet in lengtho Chairman Gauer asked how ~
long ~khe wall haci been ug, and was informed construction was completed ~
approximately Saptember 1, 1959, and that no building permit was needed at i
that time accordir~g to the contractoro Commissioner Mungall stated that ;
notice was given ~y the City that the fence was in violation of City '
urdinance; however the notice was given after the fence was installed.
Chair:~a~ Gauer added that he felt the wall was necessary and was not
detrimental to any oneo No one appeared in opposition to the granting of
REASONSs Commissioner Allred stated his reasons for motion to approve this
application was that rear yards can be used to better advantage if enclosed,
and :he wall was already installed, and did not appear to be detrimental to ;
nearby propertiese
Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noo 73, Series 1960-61, and moved ~
for its passage and adoption~ seconded by Commissior~er Summers, granting ~
Variance Noo 1293, subject to the following condition:
Interdepartmental Committee recommendations
lo Install sidewalks on Wilbertao
The foregoing condition was xecited at the Meeting and is found to be a
necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the
safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim.
On roll call thP foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes
AYESs COMMISSI~IERS: Allred, Gauer9 Marcoux and Summers.
NOES: COMMISSIONERSs DuBois and Mungallo
ABSENT.~ COMMISSIONERS: Morris and Hapgood.
N0. F-60-61-19 1600 West Coast Highway9 Newport Beach, California; Rinker Development
Company, as Authorized Agent, Pa Oa Box 2025, Anaheim, California, request-
ing that the property described as: A parcel 467 feet by 640 feet with a
frontage o# 467 feet on Grand Avenue and located on the east side of Grand
Avenue between Lincoln and Crescent Avanues; its southwest corner being
approximately 830 feet north of the northeast corner of Lincoln and Grand
Avenues, be reclassified from R-A, P.ESIDENTIAL AGRICllLTURAL to R-3,
I ~
RECLASSIFICATION - Mro Harry Rinker appeared before the Commission representing the applicants,
N0. F~50-61=19 and stated that other R-~3 land in the subject area was being developede ~
i Continued Renderings were presented to the Commissiono A petition was presented ;
signed by 21 property owners in the City of Anaheim and 29 property owners ~
; in the city of B+~ena Pa.^k opposing this application. Reasons given were: ;
~~~wering of property values, aggravation of already overcrowded situation in ,
~ sctioolsa creation of severe traffic problem on Grand Avenue, a local street; ,
~f increase in noise, invasion of property, and increased taxeso
Mro Glen Dysinger appeared before the Commiss:~n and repea•ted his reasons ~
for opposition of the proposed reclassification which were given at the ~
first hearing on this application, September 6S 1960. He sdded that a ,
traff3c hazard would be created, that four streets had been put through :
from Western to Grand Avenue, and that these had become through-ways for ?
traffico Mra John Ortiz9 7944 Jackson Way, Buena Park, appeared before the j
Coaunission and also re~stated his ob3ections as given at the September 6, y
1960 Hearingo He cited the }ial'f-da~~ sess~ons now in use at the schools in ;
the district~ lNra Rinker said he wzis not aware of the ob3ection tc two- ~
story apartm.ents9 and therefore he ~~w ld requzst that, if granted, the ~
development would be limited to single-story. He added that they proposed ~
{o construct eight units to each lot; however9 with single-story there S
would be six units to each lot, one two-bedroom unit and five one-bedroom j
units, and they did not expect children would be occupying the smaller j
unitso He also added that the developers had found that their best rental s
package was to limit the two-bedroom apartmentso ;
Mro Russ Ford9 a representative of Advestors, Inc~, appeared before the ]
Commission and stated that property at the rear and across the street from :
the sub3ect property was vacant9 and it was expected that possibly it would 'r
go commercial in the futureo Ne pointed out that R-1 housing ad3acent to i
commercial prop2rty was not practical or proper, and that the acreage in
the area was high in cost~ Mra Rinker added that they would have to charge
at least $25,OOOo for homes on the subject property, and added that sewers
had not been available until recently; therefore the property was held
vacant because it was undevelopable~ He sa9.d that noise would be controlled
by the ownersa ,
Mro Ortiz again appeared before the Ccmmission to clarify the fact that the
st~bject property was not at the corner, bu~ north of Lincoln Avenue, and he
again requested denial of the applicationo THE HHARING WAS CLOSED. j
Commissioner Allred asked if the Commission could vote on the application 1
using singls-stor;~ rather than the rey^.aested two-story buildin9so Mr. Joe ',
Geisler, City Aitorney, stated that the City R-3 ordinance required that ;
any multiple dweliings within 150 feet of R-1 or R-A property be restricted ~
to single-gtory, which would limit the sub3ect property to one story. ;
Question was put to Mr. Glen Dysinger as to how many children would be
expected from each apartment 3~ the schools~ Mr. Dysinger said the Centralia
District was on a State Proa~am9 and this allowed one child per dwelling I
unit, whether one bedroom or two; therefore they would allow 95 children for $
the proposed single-story unitso It was pointed out that if the sub~ect
property were developed into single residences there wc~]d be approximately ~
35 houses, or State allowance for 35 childrene Mra Dysinger stated that ~
392 units in Buena Park had recently been approved for Rinker Development
Coe, and 211 apartments were approved on Orange Aveo which v.ere being ~
REASONS: Commissioner Allred stated he felt R-3 was a good use for the
land since there was C-l to the South and West of the .sub~ect propexty, and
he felt this R-3 would h~ a good buffero
Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, ~
recommending to t he City Council that Reclassification Noe F-60-61-19 for ;
R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, be approved9 subJect to approv.al of ~
plans by the City Council and Interdepartmontal Committee recoinmendations. '•
~ ,,_~ ~
~~ ~
___ ._. ~.
1~, ~'FTiY ~IN~ COA~4IISSION, September 19, 1960, CON7INUEDs
~F~'%~WFFd~D -'Ffie vate on the above resolution was as follows=
~. F-~-6fl-19
~Ccartn~) RYFS: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Mungall.
L'iOESs COMMISSIONERSs Gauer9 Marcoux and Summerse
~oe Geisler stated that a reclassification needs a ma3ority vote of at
Eeast five members of the Planning Commission for recommendation to the
Cfty Council; therefore Commissioner Allred moved that Reclassification
No. F-60-61-2.9 be held over until the next meeting, a~ong with Ten~ative
dtap of Tract No. 3909. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hapgood
a~ carried.
'OF - Mr. Rinker requested that Tentative Map of ?ract Nc+o 3909 be held over
~3 vntil the next meeti~go
IIfkL - PEIBE.FC HEARING. PETITIQN submitted by De E. SEIDLITZ, eti al., Hope, North
~ Dakota; Rinker Development Co,, P. 0~ Hox 2025, Anaheim, Calif. as Agent,
rec~esting that the property described as= Two adjoining parcels~ Parcel
! being near rectangular shaped, 330 feet by an average depth of 1175 feet;
it~ nartherly boundary varying between 165 feet and 200 feet south of the
centerline of Lincoln Avenue, P;rcel 2 baing a parcel 330 feet by 600 feet,
adjoining the westerly line of Parcel 1; its northerly boundary lying ?40
feet + south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, its easteriy line lying
955 feet + west of the southwest corner of Lincoln and Western Avenues,
btr. [tarry Rinker, representing the applican.t, appeared before the Commi~sion
and stated a different situation existed on this application than the one
,~ust considered by the Planning Commissiono He pointed out that there was
nQ R-I property adjoining, and that this reqL~st •Nas for two story, eight
vreit bufldings~ He added that there were school :ites on the West and
South of the subject property, and a chi~rch on tiie southeast. Mr. Dysinger
appeared briefly before the Commission and again srated his belief tha~
preperty on Lincoln Avenue should be comme7rcial, and he cited tne fact that
there was a drainage prob2em on this rroperty~ Nr, Rinker pointed out that
a portion of tha property 200 feet in depth would be held for commercial,
and they would have no ob~ectior~ to adding further depth, if required; how-
ever, they felt 2U0 feet would be sufficient. He added that the cumpany
fe~t one-bedroom apartments were overbui].t in the medium price bracket,
but these would well above the medium. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED.
bfr. Rinker po;~ted out that the Lincoln Avenue fxontage was 330 feet, and
that they could not ask to reclassify this now as they had no precise plans;
aFso, the property on the side abutting R-A would be limited to single
~iery. Joe Geisler recommended that if the applicant does not wish R-3 on
the ecrtire property~ tl~e resolution should state that a metes and bounds
legal description be furnished defining the R-1 portion. '
REASCRJ: Commissioner Mungall stated that the property was next to a high
school and in close proximity to Lincoln Avenue, therefore it was best
suited for R-3.
CommissionEr Mungall offered Resolution No. 74, Seri?s 1960-61, and mcved
for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissione~ DuBois, recommending
to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-6u-61-20 for R-3, Multiple
FamiFy Residential be approved, sub~ect to the following conditions=
!. Yhe filing of legal description by metes and bounds to clearly define
the portion of the sub3ect property to be zoned R-3.
2. Fnterdepartmental Committee requirementss
a. Record Subdivision Map.
b.. The payment of $25.00 per dwelliny uni.t, Park and Recreation fee
to be collected as part af the Duilding Permit.
c. 180 day time limit.
~...+ ~ . .. . _.._.w. -...
~, . -- _.
MItiUTES, :.ITY PLAHI~IING ~NI3SI04~1, September 19, 19f:c~, CONTINUED:
RECLASSIFICATIoId - The foregoing tanditions were recited at the Meeting and are found to be a
N0. F-60-61-20 necessary prerequisite ta the vse of the property in ordei to preserve the
(Continued) safety and xelfare of the Citizens o€ Artaheim.
On roll call the faregoin@ resolution was passed by the following vote=
pYESs 001BIISSIOHERSs Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall,
end Suamers_
pBSEN?s C~iISSIQ7ERSs Mvrris.
TENI'ATIVE MAR OF - A 4entative map of Tract No. 3886 Kas presented to the Commission.
TRAGT N0. 3886 SUBDIVIDERs RL'~l~R De-VELOAI~FIT CO•~ p•0. Box 2025, Maheim, Californfa.
Revised I'ract is locate3 on south side of Lincoln Avenue about 330 feet east of
Knott and ~~ntains 33 - Proposed R-3 lotso 'Ihis matter was continued from
the D~eting of Septe~er 6$ 1960.
:t xas moved by Commiss~or.er Allredy seconded by Commissioner Mungall,
and unaramously canied that 2entative Map of Tract No. 3886 be approved,
subject to:
Interdepartmental Committee reco~anendaticnsa
1. Subject to reclassi:ication.
2, $25,00 per dwelling emit Park and Recreation fee to be collected as
part af the Buildir.g Per~t.
3. First East liest Alleys south of Lincoln shall be commercial alleys
(siz foot cancrete}.
4. Aadius on i;nuckle intersection of "A" and "C° Street to be 50 feet
from cer-terline P.Z.
5, Approval be obtained from C3ty Eng:neer.'s office regarding drainage
facilities fraa subdfvision westerly~
6. Pertinent plot and bui2dfng plans to be submitted to City Council for
7. Req~aire that shoald this subdivision be developed as more than one
subdivision„ each subdiv:saon thereof shall be submitted 3n tentative
farm for apprwal.
?hese recomnendations were recfted at the Meeting.
SPECIN U8 PERMIT- PUSn~'HEAi22HG~a ~n~~issia~requesting permis~si~on tooOPERATE3A2 RIVATEt
gpCIAi, CLUB on the propertY described asj A parcel 190' by 645' with a
frontage of 190' on Ilestern Ave. between Lincoln and Orange Ave.~ its
northeast corner being aaproximately 605 ' south of the southwest corner
of Lincoln and ~lestern Avern~es, excepting a parcel 89' by 180' with e
frontage of 89' o~n Mestern Avenue and located on the west side of Western
Avenue bataeen Lincoln and Orange bvenuesj its northeast corner beirtg
approximately 705` south of the southwest corner of Lincoln and Western
Avem~es; and fcrther described as I45 South Western Avenue. The property
is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRZCiILTURAL.
I~ir. Victor Gro~-er ePpeared before the Commission and pointed out that the
existing house on the propertY Nas net to be moved, but converted to the
~oposed civb house. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the
~~t. ~p ~RIt7G YIAS CL,OSED. Commiesioner Marcoux inquired into
parking £acilities, and Ras informed that adequate parking would be pro-
REpSp~is Commissioner Allred stated his reason for the motion wae that
this xouZd be a good use for the land and would b^ compatible with uses
in the area.
Commissianer Allred offered Resolution No. 75, Series 1960»61~ and m~ved
for its ~+assage and adcgtion, secoac~ed by Commissioner Marcoux, granting
Special L~se Ae~mit No, 82s sub~eci.to the following conditionsi
-`~--_ .._ -.----.,~-- .
~ .. --- - ~ ~.~ ~ -
SPECIAL USE PERMIT - 1 e Adequate of f-street par::ing to be provided an ~ sv~~ztt Am~1=Y5a
N0. 82 No on-street parking permi;*~~••
. (ContinuedL_ 2o Sub~ect property to be enclosed with a ma~nn?y ~r~71 ~lt $u~h ~~,^
and if9 residential development takes ~laa~a
3. Interdepartmental Committee recot~endatirns~
ao Dedicate 45 feet from centerline (a~d~ta ~A'~) .
be Prepare street improvetaent plans and 3nst~71 ~T111 m~sn~~
in accordance with approved standard ~1an.s an ~~Cnt~ ~
of the City Engineer.
co Payment of $2000 per front foot ~na~ ~t ~~
The foregoing conditions :~ere recited at the lle~ting ~~~~~~
necessary prerequisite to the use oi the nroperty 3n ~x'tt~o~1~
safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheimn
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed ~y i~3ie'Fn'~--~~*~~
AYESc COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, i~a~gn~l, ~nee ~"n'_~np
and Sum~eers ~
NOo 83 Post Noe 31730 106 No~ Philadelphia Sto, AnahBim9 Ea1i~b~ ~ L~
mission to CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A MEE'I'IAiG iiAl7. ?D ~~~
on the property described ass A parcel 100° by 397°.~ ~~amrC~ aE
100° on Sycamore Street and located on the northe~st ~s m'~ ~
and Orange Streets; and further described as BDB ~ast s,~ ~~
property is presently classified M-19 LIGHI' MANII~~l7&~=
Mr, Ray Malonee appeared before the Commission r~*~**+~~ ~~
of Foreign Wars, and stated the organization had 3~ean 1ani~~ ffmr ~ tti~
for a suitable location in the city for fhe ~r~ns$8 ~~
getting too far away from the city's centsal s~~t3ane ~~~
presented to the Commission~ signed by approximat~7,y ~D ~~
in the vicinity9 protesting the granting of t~ ~er.ssi~ mn ~ a_aaun~
that traffic using the alley and streets would ~atje ~ m~ ~~~
that Sycamore Street is narrow would effect a ~s~i~i~ fi~ 11~d~ am~
hours; the possibility of loud and profane language., ~v~ ma'~ ~n
the parking lot disturbing the peace and comf~t ~-*~~ro ~~
only partial paving on the alley, the existing ~ust n~ ~~
Mrso Ruth Ao Hohenhaus, owner of the building ~zrnss ~~t fi~ ~
sub~ect property, appeared ~efore the Commissian $nd ~~~~ ~
year ago M-1 zoning had bg~placed on the sub~e~t ~rng-Er,~y.e ~~~
she protested the night hours and the bar ~a~313~ti:~s ~~~
requested that the Commission consider all i-i~e 3-~~ ~3 d}~sy tft~ ~
tiono Mro Malonee stated the bar would be ~Dr ~*~*-~-- ~s'~y, ~~
liquor would be sold other times, a~id ~rould be 1i~+~ 3ao ~~ ~
per month onlyo He added zhat only passenger ~ars -+Knv7sl H~ u~ ii~
parking facilities, and invited a check of t3~e ~u13.~ ~~~~
any disturbances ha~,e been recorded from the V~ ~V< 3n ~~
pointed out that the building would be masonry m~~ ~~
would have very few windo+us9 therefore noise ~+nnlid ~~ tiw ~~
As to the traffic hazard, he said all meetings .~vnv1~ ~~fi~Il~H ~~
and if the building were rented to other grnnpsy ti~ ~r ~~
not be usedn Commissiener Marcoux inquired 3i ~`7V,~~1. ~lt ao[~ ~ 1~
owned property at West Sto and La Palma Aveo Y~ro '~~~ ~~7 ~Y9 ~
but that the property was too small to meet par~a~ ~Y----'^'~ ~
still develop with the type of ineeting hall f3tey *~~~~_ ~~~
proposed structure would not be as high 3n ~1ev~tiDn ~~~'
___._..__.----_~-._.._._.._.-----..._._________._.-..___..---- ----.-
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e~ _
~ ~ ~
SPECIAL USE PERMIT- Joe Geisler stated requirements for commercial'alleys such as gutters, etc., a
N0. 83 ~Continued) were so required because this was a heavier use than already existed. He ~
added that the building permit would require sidewalks, etc., and th~ ;
~ ~
alley must be improved, and that these were standard requirementse ~ st ;
of maintenance of alley would be assumed by the Cityo The City did qp~
put in any alleys at its own expense, artd the Interdepartmental Committe~
recommended that a commercial type alley replace the existing alley. ••
Commissi'oner DuBois offered Resolution No~ 76, Series 1960-61, and moved
for its passage and adoption., seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, granting
Special Use Permit Noa 83, sub3ect to the following conditions:
1~ 10-.foot landscaped setback to be provided.
2, A minimam of 77 parkfng spaces to be provided in accordance with open
parking space dimensions on file in the Planning Departmente :
3. Inter6~partmental Committee recommendationsa ~
ae Remove and remodel improvements on Sycamore Sto ,
bo Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in ;
the alley ~nd on Sycamore Street~ '
ce Dedicata 32 feet from centerline of Sycamore Streeto
do Irrigation line to be ze-located and protected in conformance with
the Anaheim Union Water Coo and City of Anaheim specificationsa ;
ee 90-day time limit~ ~
The foregoing conditi.ons were recited at the Meeting and are found•to be !
a necessary prerequisite to the use of the praperty in order to preserve
the safety and •Nelfare of the Citizens of Anaheim~. '
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois9 Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall,
and Summers~
N0. F-60-61-25 Owner, 6505 Wilshire Blvd~, Los An~eles9 California;.John Fe Rothman, as ~
Authorized Agent, 1741 So< Euclid Ave'., Anaheim, Calif~, requesting that ~
the property described ass A parcel 736 feet by 805 feet with a frontage
of 736 feet on Ball Road and located on the south side of Ball Road; its ~
northeast corner being approximately 580 feet west of the intersection of ~
Ball Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad Spurs Excepting a parcel 284 +
feet by 429 feet with a frontage of 284 feet on Ball Road and located on i
the south side of Ball Road; 3ts northeast corner being approximately 1030 A
feet west of the intersection of Ball Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad ~
Spur; be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to R-3, MULTIPLE ~
Mr. John Rothman appeared before the Planning Commissicn as agent for the
applicant, and pointed out the proposed medium density for the sub~ect
property on the Proposed General Plan mapo He called attention to the
mu.ltiple housing units in the area9 plus schools and the neighborhood park,
said the proposed apartments would be of the garc~en type, catering to
families, with a large number of three-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments,
of which there was a shortage in tha citya Forty per cent of the proposed
units would be three-bedroom, and the total development would take three to
five years. He pointed out that anything over two-story development would
exceod what is permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, therefore they would
submit a varfance application at the time they wished to davelop above the
limit. Some of the units would be studio apartments with tvro stories to
each unit, he added; and there would be individual recreational facilities
for different types of apartmentso Parking for 274 apartments would be
375 spaces providedo When the high-rise portion was to be developed~ they
would yo underground with their parkingo A thirty-foot drive would surround.
the property, and they expected to place heavy landscaping to make it even
more attractive.
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MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, September 19, 1960, Continued:
RECLASSIFICATION - The Disneyland Hotel development was used as a guide insofar as the layout
N0. F-60-61-25 was concerned, and they had tried to incorporate the spacious feeling of that
(Continued) hotel. THE HEARING WAS CLO~ED. It was pointed out that garages and school
fences would be on three sides of the property, and the north side would
probably be walled ina
REASONs This would.help needed development for quality apartments in the
area, and would be a suitable use for the propertya
Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution Noo 77, Series 1960-51, and moved
for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, recommending
to the City Council that Reclassification No~ F•60-61-25 for R-39 MULTIPLE
FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, be approved, subject to the following conditions:
Interdepartmental Committee recommendations:
lo Record Subdivision Map ~R
a. Dedicate 53 feet from centerline of Ball Road (existing 30').
b. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in
accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of
the City Engineero
c. Pay $2. per front foot for street lightinge
2. $~5.00 per dwelling unit Park and Recreation fee to be collected as
part of the Building Permito
3. 180-day time limito
4e Development substantially in conformity to plans pr~sentedo
The foregoing conditions were recited at the Meeting and are found to be
a necessary prerequisite to the use of tha property in order to preserve
the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheimo
On roll call ths foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote~
AYESi CONPAISSIONERSj Allred, DuBois, Gauer9 Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall
and Summers.
N0. F-60-61-26 Clancy Street, Dawney, California; Feter Palm ae Authorized Agent, 1500
East Center'Street, Anaheim, Calife, requesting that the property described
as~ A parcel 69 feet by 295 feet with a frontage of 69 fQet on Harbor
Boalevard and located on the west side of Harbor Boulevsrd between Orange-
wood and Chapnan Avenc~es; ita northeast corner being approximetely 348
feet south of the southwest corner of Orangewood Avenue and Harbor Boule-
vard, and further described as 2125 Harbo: Boulevard, be reclassified from
There wae no opposition to the granting of the Reclassificatione iHE
;iEARING WAS CLOSEDe It was pointed out to Mra Palm who was present repre-
senting the applicant9 that the plans showed only 55 feet eetback, whereas
they would need a 60 foot aetback to provide adeqvete landscaping and
REA.SONSi This +vould be a loglcal use of the property and compatible with
surrounding useae
Commissioner Alired offered Resolution No. 789 Series 1960-61, and moved
for its paesage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, recommen-
d±ng to the City Council that Reclassification Noe F-60-61-26 be approved,
subJect to the following conditions:
1. Pians as presented, with an additional five foot building setback and
20 feet of landscaping along Harbor Boulevard.
~ 2. Interdepartmental Committee recommendations.
a. Prepare straet improvement plans and inetall ail improvements in
,~e•. ;
~-~ accordance with approved atanderd plans on file in the office of
the City Engineero
b. Pay $2.00 per front foot for street lightir~g purposes.
c. 90-day time limi~.
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RECLASSIFICATION - The foregoing conditions were recited at the Meeting and are found to be
N0. F-60-61-26 a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve th
(Continued) safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheimo
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes
AYES: CONWIISSIONERSs Allred9 DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux9 Mungall
and Summerso
e ~
N0. F-60-61-27 Californiaa requesting that the property described as: A parcel 70 £eet by '
150 feet with a frontage of 70 feet on North Street and located on tb~ north
side of Nc*th Street between Orange and East Streets9 its southwest corner
being approximately 180 feet east of the northeast corner of North and
~ Orange Streets; and further described as 907 East North Street, be
Mr. Frank Zaludek appeared before the Commission and stated he signed a
blank application for rezoning, and the bu3lder, Harmony Homes9 filled out
the form incorrectly9 in that Mr~ Zaludek ad been aware that the sub~ect
property was zoned R-1 when he purchased it, but was later informed by the
Planning and Building Departments t}iat it was R-3o Mr~ A.. Ao Rich~ 909
East North Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition to the
granting of the proposed rezoninge He stated the question had come up
abouic three years before, and was turned down; and new homes in the area
being constructed were all R-1~ He added that he disliked the possibility
of.R-3 going in right next to his home~ Mro Don Cameron, 917 East North
Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition to the granting of
the proposed reclassificationo It was pointed out that t~a city zoning map
showed R-3 on one side of the sub3ect property and R•-A on the other sideo
A letter was read from Nlro and Mrs~ W~ D~ Pritchard9 805 East North Street,
opposing the proposed R-3 zoningo It was noted that the proposal was for
three individual structuresy each of which was under the minimum dwelling
unit size of 1225 square feet required by Code.
The applicant stated he was told that the minimum dwelling unit size was
700 square feet for one bedroom and 800 square feet for two bedroom unitsa
Mro Reese explained these minimums pertained to multi ~.e dwelling unit
structures onlyo It was further noted that the Harmo~iy-~iomes plot plan
indicated distances between structures and yard areas which were substandarda
Commissioner Mungall ~ffered Resolution Noo 80, Series 1960-61, and moved
for its pasaage and adoptiony seconded by Commissioner DnBois9 recommending
to the City Council that Reclassification No„ F-60-61-27 for R-3, MULTIPLE
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois~ Gauer9 Hapgood9 Marcoux9 Mungall
and Summerso
N0. F-60-61-28 Anaheim, California, requesting that the property described as: Parcel ls
A parcel 177 fe2t by 360 feet wii~+a frontage of 360 feet on Wagner Street
and located on the south side of Wagner Street between Sunkist Street and
Placentia Avenue; its northeast corner being approximately 160 feet west
of the southwQet corner of Wagner and 5unkist S~reets; Parcel 2s A
parcel 160 feet by 177 feet with a frontage of 160 feet on Wagner Street
and located on the southwest corner of Wagner an~ Sunkist Streetsp and
further described as 2346 - 2400 Wagner Street, be reclassified from R-A,
C-3, HEAVY COMN~RCIAL (Parcel 2~0
~~ ....~.~.,__....___.. , _ ,
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~ v ~
RECLASSIFICATION - No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Reclassificationo
N0. F-60-61-28 Attention was called to the fact that no development had taken place near
(Continued) the subject property as yeto The Staff Reports were reado Mr. Krogman
pointed out that the Planning Commissi~n had this date approved application
for a research center which would brirng employees to the City desiring
estate type homes, and this subject acea would be more desirable for
quality housingo Mr. Krogman stated that the future home owners might
protest this type of development, and therefore he believed this was the
proper time to begin zoning actiono THE HEARING WAS CL0.SEDo
Doubt was expressed as to whether the proposed development was adequate
in size and scope of services offered to adequately serve the ultimate
residents of the areae
It was noted that there is no commercial or multiple family residential
developmenL anyphere in the area and that the first development would set
a precedent for additional requests~ N[ro Allred noted that this area was
different from the rest of the City in that, as yet, it had no uses which
were incompatible with fine residences9 and it presented an opportunity to
protect and maintain the residential pattern which had been started. It
was noted that the sub3ect property is only 197 feet deep and would estab-
lish a precedent for other strip cotnmercial requests. Also, the establish-
ment of a gas station on one corner would bring requests for stations on
the other corners and would open the door to Heavy Coaunercial uses, which
would be better located on the major thoroughfares such as Ball, Placentia
and Maheim-Olive Roada
REASONs Commissioner Allred stated he felt this application Nas premature.
Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noe 79, Series 1960-61, and moved '
for its passage and adop'tion9 seconded by Commissioner DuBois, recommending ;
to the City Council that Reclassification Noo F-60-61-28 for C-ly NEIGHBOR- ;
HOOD CO~+N~RCIAL, and C-3, HEAVY CONIH~RCIAL, be deniedo
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: i
AYESs COk1tISSIONERSs Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall E
and Summers. ;
=JOES: (~plh-~IISSIONERSs Nonee ?
TENTATIVE MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract Noo 3912 was presented to the Commissiono Sub-
TRAGT NOe 3912 div3ders Cal-Vue Investment, Inco, 700 W~ Orangewood, Anaheim9 Califa
The tract is located 997031 feet south of La Palma and 243 feet east of
Placentia, and contains 29 - Proposed R-1 lotso
A letter from the Anaheim-Sunkist Civic Association9 Mrso Ro M. Nicolai,
secretary, was read, noting that the organizatfon had no ob~ection to the
map as proposed, providing the single family residences to be constructed
within its boundaries v-ovld be in confosnity with the floor area require- ,
ment of 1525 square feet m3.nimum, as required by Ordinance Noo 1299,
and that they be comparable in size,quality and design with the homes
immediately to the North and East>
It aas moved by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood,
and unanimously carried9 that Tentative Map of Tract Noe 3912 be approved,
subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations: .
1. Abandon alley shown on westerly tract boundary and re-align to East,
ad~acent to rrest tract boundary.
2. Pertinent plot and building plans to be submitted to City Council for
3. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than ane
subdivisiony each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative
form for approval.
~^ ,.:.
TENTATIVE MAP OF - A Tentative Map of tx•'::+ ': .-.... as presented to the Commission. Su -
TTv,'JT N0. 38?,2 divider: R. Ho Grar,.: '' ~'.~::ti %+:~+79 1565 Brookhurst, Anaheim9 Calif. .
The tract is IOC8t2:' '=•, .. '=!"• l~v:,riue, 659075 feet north of Ball Road,
~ and contains 32 - PrL~:rs:c:,~,..•: io~so
A study was presented indicating the need for a stub street to the South
to provide for the future development of the practically landlocked area.
Mro Grant appeared before the Commission a~,d stated this was a smaller
subdivision than is usually developed by him, and that he had tried to
purchase the ad~oining property but it was not for saleo It was moved by
Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Cortunissioner Marcoux9 and unanimously
carried that Tentative Map of Tract Noa 3822 be held over until the meeting
of October 3, 1960, to permit additional review by the Interdepartmental
TENTATIVE MAP OF - A Tentativr Map of Tract Noo 3941 was presented to the Commissiono Sub-
TRACT NOo 3941 divider: Tietz Construction Company, 11900 Gilbert Street, Garden Grove,
Californiao The tract is located at the southwest corner of Harbor Boule-
vard and Katella Avenue, and contains 9- R-A lotso
It was pointed out that
the Planning Commission
Recreational Zoneo
the property alre~dy approved by
~.~ to the proposed Commercial
It was moved by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner Mungall,
and unanimously carried that Tentative Map of Tract Noo 3941 be approved~
sub~ect ta Interdepartmental Committee recommendationsa
1. Drainage easement to be provided from future street to Wsst Street
until ultimate street pattern is develope~ to Niest and/or South; two
~) vear time limito
2, Recommend 100•-foot right-of-way with 80 foot ro2dbed with standard
curb, gutter9 etco
3o Pertinent plot and building plans to be submitted to City Council for
4o Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one
su~division, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative
form for approvalo
TENTATIVE MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract Noo 3946 was presented to the Commissi:+n. Sub-
TRACT NOe 3946 dividers Hal Roaf, 1741 Soo Euclid Ave~9 Anaheim9 Califo The tract is
located approximately 400 feet north of Orangewood Aveo and 300 feet east
of Euclid Aveo9 and contains 27 - Proposed R-1 lotsa
A letter was read from the Orange County Flood Control District, recommen-
ding that for the safety of vehicular traffic, a normal street width and
right-of-way be required along the channel ricaht»of-way, which 3s along
the northwesterly tract boundary~ It was noted that the Flood Control
Distric± recommendation pertained to traffic and not to possible flooding.
It was moved by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, anc
ur+animously carried to approve Tentative Map of Tract Noe 3946, sub~ect tc
Interdepartmen~al Committee recommendationsa
1. Extend "A" Street southerlye ,
2e 10-foot roadway on southerly boundary to be abandoned; also, 10-foo*.
roadway on easterly boundary to be abandoned.
3o Pertinent plot and building plans to be submitted to City Council for
4o Require that should this subdivision be develo}~ad as more than one
subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative
form for appro~~alo
Amendment to Circularion Element of the General Plan -"Highway Rights-of-
Way"o Mro Reese appeared before the Commission and stated the Master ?lan
of Highways as adopted had two items in need of change:
ti ~__~_.---r-- ---.. ___
- ~ - ----~ ~
PUBLIC HEARING - Beach Boulevard= Total right-of-way remains the samea However9 the State
(Continued) has amended their detail to show 92 feet on the East and 40 feet on the
West, rather than 91 feet and 41 feet respectivelyo
Los Anqeles Streets The standard was measured from the centerline of con-
struction rather than the monumented centerlineo The total right-of-way
and dedication is unchangedo They are merely changing the point from which
it is raeasurede
It was moved by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Cortunissioner Summers, and
carried that changes relative to Beach Boulevard and Los Mgeles Stseet as
recommended by the Planning Department be approved by Resolution No. 82,
Series 1960-610
PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Code, Article IX, Chapter 2, Section 9200.13, "Unclassified
It was moved by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Commissioner Summers, and
carried that this hearing be continued until the meeting of October 3, 1960
to permit a review by the C3ty Manager and City Attorney.
RECLASSIFICATION - Ce B. NEIGHBORSe Resolution,amending original Planning Commission resolu- ,
N0. F-60-61-2 tion to clarify extent of C-1 and R-3 Zones.
It was moved by Commissioner Munga119 seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, i
and carried that a new Resolution, No~ 81, Series 1960-61, amending the
original Plannfng Commission Resolution and clarifying the extent of C-1
and R~3 Zones with complete and separate legal descriptions for each parcel, !
be adopted by the.Planning Commissiono
PLANNING DIRECTOR'S- 1. Consideration of "Supplement to Petition" formo
RECOMU~NDATIONS Following a review and discussion9 it was moved by Commissioner
Alired, seconded by Commissioner Summers, and carrie ~hat the
"Supplement to Petiti.on" form be approvedo
2o Policy Meeting with City Councile
A letter from the City Manager was read, indicating acceptance from
the Gity Council of a policy meeting with the Planning Commission,
and suggesting that the meeting be held Monday, September 26, 1960
at 1s30 PoMa in the Council Chambera This date met with the approval
of the Planning Commission, and said Policy Meeting so scheduled.
3o Southern California Planning Congress Meeting, October 13, 1960.
Attention`was called to the fact that Anaheim will be host city
at said meetingo
CORRESPONDENCE - A letter from Mrso Mary Nicolai, secretary, Anaheim-Sunkist Civic Assoc-
iation, was read to the Commission, expressing the Associatioa's deep
appreciation of the Commission°s consideration of matters pertaining to
developments in that'area of the Cityo
AA70URNMENT - The Meet3ng ad~ourned at 5s55 0°Clock PoMe
Respectfully submitted,
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