Minutes-PC 1960/11/07~ t ~ ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim, California November 7, 1960 REG(JLAR IY~ETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR l1~ETING - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2:00 0'Clock P.M., November 7, 1960, by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present. P~~T - CHAIRNIAN GAIJER: (~ISSIONERS: Allred,lNarcoux, Morris, Mungall, Swnmers. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2:30 P.M. ABSENT - CGWa(ISSIONERS: Noae. MINUTES - The Minutes of the Meeting of October 17, 1960 were approved as submitted. PRESENT - Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese Pianning Technician - Martin Krei.dt Assistant City Attorney - Joe Geisler Planning Department Secretary - Jean Page VARIAN(~ N0.1308 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by MqRKO E. BOiICH, 2134 West Rom- neya Diive, Maheim, California, for permission to WAIVE REAR YARD SET- BACK REQUIREA~Ni TO PERMIT ENCROACHMENT I'0 WI?HIN FIVE FEET OF REAR YARD PROPERiY LINE FOR T1~ PURPOSE OF ADDIiION i0 HOII~, on property described ass A Parcel 60 feet by 100 feet with a frontage of 60 feet on Romneya Drive and its northwest corner being 185 feet east of the southeast cor- ner of Lotus Avenue and Romneya Drive and further described as 2134 Romneya Drive. The property is presently classified R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT'IAL. Sub3ect petition ;vas held over from the meeting of October 17, 1960 to provide applicsnt ar. additional opportunity to verbally present his case to the Commission. Mr. Merez, 413 South Bristal, Anaheim, cor~tractor for the applicant, appeared before the Commission and described the proposed construction. Mr. Botfch, the a;,plicant, appeared before the Comr~iission and stated that the proposed construction would harmonize with the existing residence; that other front and rear y~r~ additions have been accomplished in the same area; and that an addition to the front, rather than the rear of the home, wovld be undesirable. . Commissioners Gauer and Mungall reviewed the opposition of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heater registered at the meeting of October 17, 1y60 against the subJect petition. TNE HEARING WAS CLOSED. 1'he Commission found and determined the following facts regarding the re- quest for variances 1. Petitioner requests a variance from Code, Section 18.24.030(3) which requires, for subject property, a 25 ft. rear yard but which presen~- ly has a 17 ft. rear yard, to permit encroa~hment of 12 faet into existing rear yard, in order to construct an addition to a family room to the ~ear of the existing residence. 2. The proposed addition would constitute an extension of the existing residence to within 5 feet of the rear property line or approximately 22 feet from an existin9 residence on the property abutting the rear of sub~ect property. 3. Opposition to the petition was registered at the meeting of October 17~ 1960. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 109, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to deny Variance No. 1306 request to waive rear yard setback requirement to per- mit encroachment to within 5 feet of rear yard property line for the -1- ~ ~'- : ~, ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, November 7, 1960, Continued~ Mrs. Calvin J. Andrew, 927 Nutwood Street, appeared before the Com- mission and stated that the subject property is indicated as R-3 on the General Plan. She presented a map p~rtraying the existing land uses in the surrounding area,and submitted a letter of opposition from the Sheivuood Forest Civic Association and two petitions of opposi- tion containing the signatures of 66 residents in the area. Mr. DeVore, in rebut+al, described the possible development of the proposed C-1 area. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. The Commission found and determined the following facts regarding the request for reclassification= 1. Petitioner requests a reclassification from R-A to R-3 on Parcel A(the nor'.herly 408 ft. of subject property) and C-1 on Parcel B (the southerly 224 ft. of subject property) to permit development of multiple family residential and neighborhood commercial uses respec- tively. 2. Sai~ reclassification is requested because petitioner is expand- ing the same type of development previously approved under Reclassi- fication No. F-59-60-79 to their easterly property line rather than the earlier proposed north-south streets and lot subdivision. 3. Sub~ect property abuts R-1 on the north, R-3 on the east, Trident Junior High School on the south across Ball Road9 and R-1 on the west across Nutwood Street, and is in proximity to Benito Juarez Elemen- tary School, St. Justin Martyr Elementary School, and Clara Barton Elementary School. 4. The proposed commercial development~ even if utilized for pro- fessional offices, would generate additional traffic which would be undesirable because of the proximity of existing schools. 5. Extensive commercial development exists at and 3.n close proximity to the nearby intersections of Brookhurst Avenue and Ball Road and -2- ~-------._--- - ------_- ----- @_ VARIANCE N0. 1308 - purpose of an addition to an existing home on the property located Continued at 2134 Romneya Drive. On roll call the foregoing resalution was passed by the following vote= AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERSi None. ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS= Hapgood. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by R. E. and MABLE OSTROOT, 1885 N0. 60-61-38 West Ball Road, Maheim, California; CECIL C. DeVORE, 12351 Westmin- ster Avenue, Santa Ana, California, Authorized Agent; requesting that the property describsd as: Parcel A: A parcel 408 feet by 645 feet v~ith a frontage of 408 feet on Nutwood Street and located on the east side of Nutwood Street between Ball Road and Beacon Avenue; its south- west corner being approximately 224 feet north of the northeast corner of Ball Road and Nutwood Street. Parcel Bs A parcel 224 feet by 645 feet with a frontage of 224 feet on Nutwood Street and located on the northeast corner of Ball Road and Nutwood Street; also ad3oining Par- cel A on the s~uth, and further described as 1885 West Ball Road, be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to Parcel A, R-3, ' MIILTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, and Parcel B, G1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMER- CIAL. Mr. Cecil DeVore, authorized agent far the recorded owners, appeared before the Commission and explained the general background of the owners' previous attempts to reclassify the sub3ect property, which have led to their present intentions to develop the property as out- lined in the subject PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION from R-A to R-3 and C-1. a MINUiES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Novemter 7S 196C, Continueds RECLASSIFICATION - Huclid Avenue and Ball Road. N0. 60-61-38 6• The sub~ect property is indicated as R-3 on the General Plan. (Continued) 7. A letter of opposi~t~on submitted by the Sherwood Forest Civic" Association and twa petitions of opposition containing the signatures of 66 residents in the area were presented to the Commission. Commissioner Al:red offered Resolution No. 110, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Cortanissioner Summexs, recommend3ng to the City Council that Reclassification No. 60-61-38 for R-3, MULTIPLE FAldILY RESIDENTIALy be approved for Parcel A and B9 sub~ect to the following conditions: 1. Record Subdivision Map or;dedication of 53 feet from the Centerline of Sall Road (30 ft. existing), dedication of of 32 feet fro~ the centerline of Nutwood Street (20 ft. existing), preparation of street improvement plans and in- stallation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer on both Ball Road and Nutwood Street, and payment of $2.00 per front foot for etreet lighting purposes on both Ball Road and Nutwood Street. 2. Submiesion of standard R'~ deed restrictions with a height limitatiort to ane story. 3. •Submission of plot and building plans to City Council for review. 4. 180 day time ximitation on Items 19 29 and 3. The foregoing conditions were recited at the meeting and were found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolutiun was passed by the following vote: AYESe COMMISSIONERSs Ailred9 Gauer9 Marcoux9 Morris, Mungall, Summers. NOESi COMMISSIONERSi None. (Commissianer Hapgood abstained from votinga) ABSENTi COMMISSIONERS: None. VARIANCE N0. 1309 - PUBLIC HEARINGe PETITION submitted by R. E. and MABLE OSTROOT9 1883 West Ball Road, Maheim, California, for permission to waive Code requirements to permit construction of % carports and ' 26 garages in lieu of 119 garages as required by Code, on property described as: A parcel 408 feet by 645 feet with a frontage of 408 feet on Nutwood Street and located on the east side of Nutwood Street between Ball Road and Beacon Avenue; its southwest corner being approximately 224.feet north of the northeast corner of Ball Road and Nutwood Street, and further described as 1885 West Ball Road. The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. SubJect prop~rty was considered and recommended for reclassification in Reclassification No. 60•-61-38e Mr. Cecil DeVore, 12351 Westmineter Avenue, authorized agent 'for the recorded owners9 described the proposed construction and functfon of • aarportse Mx~. Betty Tingley, 939 Nutwood Street, ap~eared before the Co~ais- slon and stated that Mr. DeVore had indicated to the neighbors that garages, rather than carports, would be provided. . • • 3 . ~ ~ ~ ;~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, November 7, 1960, Continueds VARIP~S::e N0. 1309 - Mr. DeVore9 in rebuttal, stated that he originally proposed the (Con~inued) construction of carports. THE HEP.RING INAS CLOSED. The Commission found and determined the following facte regarding the request for variance= 1. Petitioner requests a variance from Code, Section 18.32.120(1), which requires 1~ parking spaces per dwelling unit in a garage, to permit construction of 93 (corrected number) carports. 2. Quality of the proposed plan and the surrounding property will not be depreciated by construction of the required 119 garages. 3. Residents from the surrounding area appeared,in opposition to the petition. ' Conunissioner Marcoux offexed Resolution No. 111, Series 1960-61 and moved for its passage and adoption9 seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to deny Variance No. 1309 request to waive Code requirements to per- mit construction of 93 carports and 26 garages in lieu of the re- quired 119 garages on the property located at 1885 West Ball Road. ~n roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Munga119 and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSs None. VARIA.NCE N0. 1310 - PllBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by HAROLD E. HULL, 300 West Ka- tella Ave~ue Anaheim9 California, for permission to OPERATE A RES- TAURANT WITH A COCKTAIL BARy on property'described as= A parcel 150 feet by 300 feet with a frontage of 150 feet on Ball Road and loca- ted on the north side of Ball Road between Brookhurst and Yardley Streets; its southeast corner being approximately 1140 feet west of the northwest corner of Brookhurst and Ball Road, and further des- cribed as 2295 West Ball Road. The property is presently classi- fied C-1, NEIGFIBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. Mr. Harold E. Hull, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and explained that he leased the sub3ect property with the under- standing that the property was zoned C-2, which would enable him to operate a restaurant and cocktail lounge. , Mrs. Virginia Hawell, 9731 Pandora Lane, ap~eared before "the Commis- sion and presented a petition of .~pposition containing 16 signatures of residents in the area. THE HE~IRING WAS CLOSED. The Commission found and determined the following facts regardir~g the request for variance: 1. Petitioner requests variance from Code, Section 18.40.010, which makes no provision for on-sale liquor use,~.to permit sale of alcoholic beverages. 2. Sub3ect property was granted Variance No. 1216 by Resolution No. 158, Series 1959-60, to permit conetruction of a theatre. - 3. Sub~ect building proposed for restaurant and cocktail lounge is physically related to ~he motion picture theatre. 4. Sub~ect property abuts R-1 on the west and south across Bal}. Road. 5. A petition of opposition containing signatures of 16 residerrts in the area was submitted to the Commission. Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 112, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoptlon, seconded by Comm4ssioner Marcoux, - 4 - -~., ~ ~ • iIINITlES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~1, November 7, 1960, Continueda VARIANC~ N0. 1310 - to deny Variance No. 1310 to operate a restaurant with a cocktail (Continued) bar on the property locatea at 2295 West Ball Road. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote= AYESj COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, and Swnmers. NOES: COMMISSI~1ERSj None. ABSENT= COMMISSIONERS: None. VARIANCE N0. 1312 - PIJBLIC HEARING. PE7ITZON submitted by RICHARD A HERMANN, 454 Arro- yo Drive, Laguna Beach, California, for permiseion to WAIVE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENT TO PERMIT CONS7RUCTION OF DWELLING CONTAIN- ING 927 SQUAR~ FEHT on the property described as= A parcel 50 feet by 114 feet with a frontage of 50 feet on Topeka Street and located ~ on the west side of Topeka Street between North Street and La Palma Avenue; its southea~;t corner.being approximately 150 feet north of the northwest corner of North and 'iapeka Streets, and farthes des- cribed as 815 Tap~ka Street. The property is presently classified R-2, TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. IPIr. Richard Hermann, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated his need for the sub3ect variance to protect hie invest- ment, ~~wing to the small size of the R-2 lot. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. The ~ommission found and determined the following facts regarding the request for variance: 1. Petitioner requests a variance from Code, Section 18.80.080, which requires that a proposed single family dwe~:ing must have not less than 19225 square feet of livable floor area, in order to construct a second dwelling unit having 927 square feet livable floor area upon an existing R-2 lot. 2. The livsble floor area nf the proposed dwelling is 273 square feet short of the code requirement. 3. No one appeared in oppo~ition to the petition. Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 113, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Swnmers, to grant Variance Na. 1312, subJect to.the following condition: 1. Replacement of damaged and/or hazardous sidewalks. The foregoing condition was recited at the meeting and was found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of tYie citizens of Anaheim. Or. roll call the forPgoing resolution was passed by the following votes pYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer9 Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, and Summers. NOESs COMMISSIONEe~Ss None. pBSENTs COMMISSIONERS: None. ~IO. 1313 - AISLIC HEe1RTNG. PETITION subm:tted by ROBERI DAVID HAMPTON JR.~ 2016 West Broadway, Anahefm, California, Applicant; DAVID M. WINN, Owner, for permission to WAIVE C-2 STORAGE LIM?TATION, on property described as= An irregular shaped parcel with a frontage of 100 feet on Manchester Boulevard and an average depth of 193 feet and located on the northerly side o{ Manchester Boulevard; ite south- easterly corrfer being approximately 310 feet east of the north- - 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s. ~- i . i- in- 9e- ~_ is ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COWIMISSION, November 79 1960, Continueds SPECIAL USE PERMIT - A motion was offered by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Co~mnission- N0. 97 (Continued) er Hapgood and carried, that the case be continued until the meeting ~ of November ~'IT,. 1960, so that the Planning D~partment may conduct a study in respect to the proposed density of the area indicated on the Genera.i Plan. SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC ~1EARING. PETITION submitted by WILLIAM H. and FINI V. VAN N0. 88 NAiTA, 3401 Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton, California, Owner, for per- mission .to OPERATE A NURSERY HOME IN AN R-0 ZONE on the property des- cribed as= A parcel 150 feet by 336 feet rovith a frontage of 150 feet on Katella Avenue and located on the . orth side of Katel~,a Avenue be- tween Bayless and Carn~lian Streets; its southeast corner being approximately 560 feet west of the northwest corner of Bayless Street and Katella Avenue, and further described as 1597 Katella Avenue. The prop.erty is presently clas~ified R-0, RESIDENTII~L SUBURBAN. Mrs. Fini Van Natta, the co-petitioner, appeared before the Commis- sion, and explainera the function of, and the StatE requirements for, the proposed nursery school. Mr. Howard Bryan, 11712 Carnelian, appeared before the Commission, and requested the construction of a six foot wall where the sub3ect property abuts his property. Mr. William Van Natta, the co-petttioner, appeared before the Com- . mission, and agzeed to conform with all conditiona that the Commis- sion reviewed. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. . Ths Commission found and determined the following facts regarding ~ the reruested special use permits 1. The peti~ioner requests a Special Use Permit for which provision is made in Code, Section 18.64.020 (1-b) to establish a nursery school. 2. Sub3ect property, presently zoned R-0, abuts a private school on the east and R-1 on the north and west sides. 3. Ad3acent properiy owner requested construction of a 6 foot mason- ry wall on the westerly property line. ~• 4. Petitioner is sub~ect to requirements and supervision of the State of Galifornia Welfare Agency. 5. No one ap~reared in opposition to the petition. Commissioner Allred offered Resolution IVo. 115, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Comm3ssioner Hap- good, to grant Special Ose Permit No. 88, sub3ect to the following conditionsj l. Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall on the west ~roperty line of sub3ect property to within 25 feet af the front property line. 2. The provision and paving of parking area in accordance with the requirements of ~he Code. 3. Aedication of 60 feet from centerline of Katella Avenue. 4. Preparation of street improvement plans and the installation of all improvements in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineex~. 5. ?ayment of ~2.00 per faont f~ot for street lighting purposes. The foregoing conditic.~s were recited at the meeting and were found to be a necassary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preser.ve the safety and w~lfare of the citizens of Maheim. - 7- s. ~ 's f j t` ..~.. •'A -... . ' ^_~.. __.__ __. .._ .. _. . ....~T___..___ - _-.._.._...___~.""__ _ "" . __' _'_'__' ~. ... _ . . _ ~~ i ~ ~. . :_ , ~ ~ ~ I M7NUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, November 7, 1960, Continued= SPECIAL USE PERMIT - On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the fo.llowing . N0. SB ~Continued) vote= AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, . Mungall, and Swnmers. . , ' NOESa COMMISSIONERS: None. I ~ ABSENT= COMMISSIONERSs None. _' SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by SAINT BONIFACE CHURCH, 505 NQ. 89 West Center Street, Anaheim, California, Authorized Agent; ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCFiBISHOP OF LOS ANGELES, 1531 West Ninth Street, Los . ~ Angeles 15= Calffornia, Owner, for permiseion to ERECT CHURCH BUILD- ING MID CONSTRUCT 7 ADDI?IONAL CLASS ROQMS FOR PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, on the property described asa A parcel 341 feet by 430 feet with a frontage of 430:fBet on Center Street and located on the northwest z corner of Center Street and Harbor- Boulevard. The property is pre- sently classified C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL and P-1, PARKING. ~ Father Quatannens, representative of the petitioners, appeared be- for.e the Commiss3on and described the proposed redevelopment. THE.HEARING WAS CLOSED. The Commission found and determined the following facts i•egarding the requcsted special use permits 1. Petitioners request Special Use Permit for which provision is made in Code, Section 18.64.020 (1-c and f) for the construc- tion of a new church and additional class rooms for an existing ~ church school. ~ 2. Curb cuts, landscaping, and all existing bui~.dings are not shown . on plot plan submitted by the petit;oners. Because of the 7 ft. 2 in. setback along Chartres Street of the proposed school addi- tion, landscaping of this strip would appear to benefit the pro- posed development. 3. The plot plan does not indicate proposed parking. Code Section 18.04.030(5) would require for the sub3ect property that one ^n-';{ng space for every 10 seats in the church be provided. The seating capac3ty of the proposad church is not indicated. On a Special Use Permit No. 78, for the expansion of a church located at the northeast corn~r, of Broadway and Citron, the Commission stipulated a provision for parking at the ratio of one space per 5 seats in the church or per 40 square feet of floor area in the n~ain sanctuary. Provision for all such parking was te be made witF.i.n 300 feet nf the sub~ect property. 4. No one appeared in opposition to :he petition. Commissioner PAarcoux offered Resolution la~.,. 116, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to grant Special U~e Permit No. 89, sub3ect to the following condi- tions: 1. Provision of landscapina in the proposed 7 foot setback along Chartres Street. 2. Provision of adequate parking facilities. 3. Dedication of 45 ft. from centerline of Harbor Boulevard. 4. Replacement of damaged and/or hazardous sidewalks on Janss Street. 5. Inetallation of street lighting on exterior streets a= required by the Utilities Department of the City of Anaheim. 6. The abandonment nf the sewer sasement and the plugging of the -.....w I ~ ~ - 8 _ I S~ ` i ~- ~ -.._ _ ..._~ --- ..__ _ .._._ . _ ___..__. r , ... . ~ -- _ _ ~ . ,: • ¢ . • , ~ ~ . . t ;', . ~ ~ ' , . 5 y. . . "„~~ ._._..._... ~ _.__.. .. _ ,. P . 'MY . . 1 ~ ~~~,~~~'~~~~~ c ~ ' MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, November 7, 1960, Continueds i SPECIAL USE PERMJT - sewer at the east property line of Janss Street. ~ N0. 89 ~Continued) The foregoiny conditions were recited at the meeting and were found ~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order ~ ° to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Anaheim. On roll cali the foregoing resolution was passed by the following ~ votes AYESt OOMMISSIONERSe Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, ~ Mungall, an~l Summers. ` NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None• ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF N0. 90 ~ LAT?ER DAY SAINTS,c/oHugh J. Sorenson, Bishop, 825 South Westchester • Drive, Anaheim, California~ Lessee; HIROJI HATANAKA, 4014 Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owner, for permission to ERECT A CHURCH ~ BUILDING on property described as= A parcel 198 feet on Orange Ave- nue and loca~ed on the south side of Orange Avenue between Knott 1 Avenue and Holder Street; its northwest corner being approximately ~ 630 feet east of the southeast corner of Holder Street and Orange Avenue, and fuxther described as 4014 West Orange Avenne. The pro- pe~r~ty~is'presently classified,as R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. i ~ ,. :; , • t • ~ Bishop Sorensen, representative of the petitioners, appeared before a . the Commission and described the proposed development. ~ THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. ~ The Commission found and determined tha following facts rogarding the xequested special use permits . 1. Petitioners request Special Use Permit for which provision is made in Code, Section 18.64.020 ~1-c), for the construction of a new church building. ~_ __ . _ _ ~ 2. Sub~ect property abutts an elementary school site on the west, ~ R-A on the east, R-1 an the south and R•-1 on the north across Orange AvenuE> ~{ 3. Proposed parkin9 for approximately 150 cars and proposed set- backs are adequate. 4. No one appeared in opposition to the petition. Commissioner Allred offared Resolution No. 117, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Com~aissioner Hapgood, to grant Special Use Pera~.t No. 90, sub~ect to the following conditionss 1. Provision of a six (6) ft. masonry wall along the southerly pro- perty line. 2. Development substantially in accordance with the plot plans as presented. 3. Dedication of 45 ft. from centerline of Orar~ge Avenue. 4. Preparation of street improvements end installation of all im- provements in accordance with approved standard p.lans on file in the office of the City Enginear. 5. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. . -9- c~ _. _.~.._...._..___. ._.__. ____.__ _. ._ ..__--._. __ .. _ .... . . ._ __..--- __ .. _ _._._ _ ___..___ . _ .. -- . ___.. _. __ ~ _ _ . . . . ~~ -- . -- --_ _._., ~ . ~ • ~ , 1dINUTES, CITY PL;i~NING COMMISSION, November 79 1960, Continuede SPECIAi USE PER'AIT - The foregoing conditions were recited at the meeting and were found N0. 50 ~Contin;aed to be a necessary prerequisite to the vse of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following ~ • votes AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Ailred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcovx, Morris, Mungall, and Summers. N~ESs COMMISSIONERS: None. AB:eNT: CUMb1ISSI0NERSs i7one. RECLASSIFICATION - PUB;.IC HEARING. PETITION submitted by WILLIAM iCRA1CHR, 9935 Santa N0. 60-61-39 Moni.ca Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif., Owner, DR. CARL E. REMELIN, R~J5 South Main, Santa Ana, California, Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described ass A paresl 64 feet by 105 feet with a frontage of 105 feet on Lincoln Avenue and located on the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Broadview Street, and further described ~ as 1R60 West Lincoln Avenue be reclassified from R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL to C-1, NEIGFIBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (Professional Use). Dr. Karl Remelin, authorized agent for the recorded owner, appeared before the Commission and reviewed a July, 1956 amendment to t,is deed which henceforth permitted his home to be used for business purposes,and he discussed the traffic and the commercial situation along Lincoln Avenue. Mr. John Harris9 1850 West Embassy Avenue, representative of the ~ Lincoln Park Civic Association, presented a letter of opposition to the Commission, which made reference to a January, 1957 denied ' Petition for ~ariance. The denied petition had requested that the ~ home east of the sub~ect property on Lincoln Avenue be allowed for } use as a professional office. Mr. Harris stated that the change of ~ deed to which Dr. Remelin made reference was illegal. Mrs. John Harris, 1850 West Embassy Avenue, appeared before the Com- ' mission and stated that the sub3ect property was an entrance way to the tract,that another doctor was intending to make the same re- i quest if this reclassification wexe successful, and that granting ~ of the sub~ect petition would b~, detrimental to abutti,ng properties ~ on Broadview Street. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. j The Commission found and determined the following facts regarding the A~tition for Reclassification: 1. Petitioner requests reclassification of sub~ect propesty from R-1 to C-1, limited to professional office use, in order to utilize existing residence for professional offices. 2. The granting of the subject petit3on would constitute an encroach- ment of C-1 into R-1 residential area. 3. A letter of opposition, together with verbal oppositi.o~, was re- corded against the sub3ect P~etition for R•eclassification. 4. In accordance with the denial of Variance No. 671, Resolution No. 3670, on Dec. 11, 1956, the subject Aetition for Reclassi- fication is deemed potentially detrimental to the svrrounding reeidential area. ~ Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 118, Series 1960-61, and moved fer it~ passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mar- coux to deny Reclassification No. 60-61-39 request for C-1, PRO- FESS~ONAL~USE; for the property lacated at 1860 West Lincolr. Avenue. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed :yy the followi:;g vrites ~ V 11II~UI'Eg, CIIy pIJ1t~1ING (~4NISSION, November 7, 1960, Continued= RECIASSIFICATION N0. 60-61-39 t'~nti!.~_ RECIASSIFICATIOI~i N0. 60-F1-40 ~... pYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, and Summers. NOESz COMMISSIONERS: None. AHSENTa COMMISSIONERS: None. - RJBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by RACHEL VALENZUELA~ 220 North Citron Street, Anaheim, California, Ownerf WALTER E. SMITH, 1180 North Lcs Angeles Street, Maheim, California, Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as= A parcel 50 feet by 130 feet with a frontage of 50 feet on Swan Street and located on the xest side of Swan Street and extending to Homer Street, between Romneya Drive and Los Mgeles Street; its southeast corner being approximately l0U feet north of the northwesterly corner of Los Angeles and Swan Streets, and further described as 1113 Swan Street, be reclassified from R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL to C-1, NEIGFIDORHOOD COMMERCIAL. 1Rr. Walter Smith, authorized agent for the recorded owner, appear- ed before the Commission and 'nriefly discussed the proposed de-" velopment and the possible implicatinns of the Orange County Board of Supervisors' study of the Justice and Administration Sub-Center for Anaheim-Fullerton. ihe Commission discussed the perogative of the Council to determine any possible conflict with the Orange County Building Program Study. TFIE HEARING WAS CLOSHD. The Co~nission found and determined the following facts regarding the ~etition for •eclassification= 1. Petitioner requests reclassifica`ion of sub3ect property from R-3 to C-1 in order to construct offices for legal services. 2. A Resolution of Intent for reclassification to C-1 is pending on the property one lot north of the sub3ect property. 3. Sub3ect property abuts Court House across Homer Street on the west, R-3 on the north, P-1 and C-2 across 9wan Street on the east, and coamercial on the south. 4. No one appeared in opposition to the petition. ,\. 1 I~ Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 119~ Series 1960-61~ and movad for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Morris, recommerding to the City Council that :teclassification No. 60-61-40 for C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMi~RCIAL, be approved sub~ect to the follow- inq conditions: 1. Development substantially in accordance with plot p:~ans present- ed. 2. Granting of fee title to the westerly hal~' of Swan Street,~~hich is 20 feet in width from the centerline of the street, to '•hE City of Maheim. 3. Dedication of 32 feet $rom centerline of Homer Street. 4. Payment of $2.u0 per front foot for street lighting purposes for both Swan and Homex Streets. ~ 5. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements :n accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 6. 90 day time lia~itation on Items 2 through 5. The foregoing conditions r~ere recited at the meeting and were found - 11 - f ~ ~ ~~~ . D'~ .. . •. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, CII'Y PIANNING C~A~NIISSION, November 7, 1960, Continued: , RECLASSIFICATION - to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in ar~er N0. 60-61-40 to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Maheim. (Continued) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the folla•,ing ~ vote: ' i - AYESs ()O~IISSIONERSs Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungal:, and Summerse NOES: (~pN~ITSSIONERSs None~ I ABSENT: CAAQNISSZONERSs None. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. Ph'iITI~I submitted by CARL ARTHOFER, 2184 Haxbor N0. 60-61-41 Boulevard, Madeim, ~a lifornia, Owner,requesting that the property described ass A parcel 100 feet by 100 feet with a frontage of 100 feet on Wilken Way and located on the north side of Wilken Way betwean Harbor Boulevard and I'iara Street; its southwest corner being approximately 140 feet east of the northeast corner of Har- bor Boulevard and lNilken Way, and further descrSbed as 511 Wilken Way be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD (X~RCIAL. Mr. Carl Arthofer, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and described the proposed construction of an office building. The Commission discussed the proposed plot plan. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. I'he Comnission found and determined the following facts regarding the Pietition for Reclassifications 1. Petitioner requests reclassification of subject property from f R-A to C-1 in order to develop a twrstory office building. t 2. ?he amended plot plan submitted by thr petitioner indicates ~ that a corner of the proposed office bvilding will abut the sidewalk. 3. Sub3ect property abuts commercial use. _ 4. No one appeared in opp,qsition to the petition. Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 120, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. 60-61-41 for C-1, NEIGE~ORHOOD CONA¢RCIAL, be approved subject - to the fol;owing conditionss ~,1, 1. Filing of standard C-1 deed restr:cti~ons with the additional ~ , provision limiting use to business or professional offices. 2. Development in accordance with amended plans as presented which provide for 31.99 ft. access asea to parking. 3. Provision of 21 parking spaces as per Code requirement. Tha foregoing conditions were recited at the neeting and were found ~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Maheim. - On roll call the forQgoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYE^: ~ISSIJN}iRS: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Mar~oux, Morris 1Ltuungall, and Swnmers. NOES: OOI~IIISSIONHRSs None. pBSENT: CONWISSI~IEttS: None. - 12 - - --- -r--- --- - - ------------ -- ------- - -- ._-.. . ~ :t ~ 3 ~ ' ~ ~ ~y , j ~ i ori. • i i ~o- is ibed ~_ s- RECLASSIFICATION - age .aud adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, recommending to N0. 60-61-42 the City Council that Reclassifi&ation No. 60-61-42 for R-3, MUL- (Continued) TIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, be approved sub3ect to the following con- dit ions= 1. Record Subdivision Map, ors dedicate 45 ft. from centerline of Orangewood (30 ft. existing), dedicate 57 ft. from centerline of Kest Street (30 ft. existing), prepare street improvement plans and install all improveraents in accordancp with approved stancAard plans on file in office of City Engineer for West Street, irtatall sidewalks on Orangewood, payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on both streets. 2. 180 day time limitation on Item #l.and 5. 3. ihat the property be developed substaritially in aCcordance with the plans outlined in the brochure ;~nd in accordance wii:h the Code requirements. 4. That a wall be installed on the north and east property lines, • in conformance with R-3 code requirements, where it abuts R-A and R-1 properties, and on the south and west eides of the tract 5 feet from the property line. 5. Filing of standard R-3 deed restrictions. The foregoing conditions were recited at the meeting and were found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the oropezty 3n order to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution was defeated by the followinr vote: Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Sumraers~ A motion was offered by Commissioner Marcoux, seconded by Commis- sioner Mungall and carried, that the case be continued until the meeting of December 5~ 1960 to provide Tietz Construction Company an opportunity to prepare and present plans for the ultimate de- velopment of the entire property including area north of the sub3ect property. TENiATIV~° MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 4001 was presented to the Commission. TRACT N0. 4001 The Subdivider is TIETZ CONSTRUCTIONS 00., 11900 Gilbert Street, Gardett Grove, California. The tract is located on the northeast corner of West Street and Orangewood Avenue and contains 55 pro- " posed R-3 lots, and was presented in con3unction with Reclassifi- cation No. 60-61-42. ANr. Richard Guthrie, representative for the Tietz Co~struction Com- pany~ rsauested that consideration of the map of Tentative Tract No. 4001 be continued until the meeting of December 5, 1960, in ~onjunction with Reclassification No. 60-61-42. A motion was offered by Commissioner Marcoux, seconded by Commis- sioner Mungall and carried, •that ccnsideration Of tha Map of Tenta- tive Tract No. 4001 be continued until the meeting of December 5, 1960, and that the subdivider prepare and submit plans for the ultimate development of ttie entire praperty including area north of the sub~ect tract. t ~ ~ ~ _i _ ~ -- ~ MINUTES, CIiX PIANNING COMMISSION, November 7, 1960, Conti*~ued= I ~ TENTATIVE 1dAP OF - A Tentative Map of 1'ract No. 3987 was presented to the Co.mm3ssion. ~ ~ TRACt N0. 3987 The Subdivider is MARIO NIERCURIO, P. 0. Box 232, Fullerton, Calif. ~ The tract is located on tho north side of Anaheim Road ar~proximate- ~ ly 1600 feet east of Dowling Avenue and contains 20 proposed N-i ~ ;lots. ~ A representative of the subdivider :vas present. ihe Commi~sion ~ . discnssed the layout of the tentati•~e tract. ~ The Commission found and deter.m:ned the folJ.owing facts regardino the tentative trect map= 1. Sub3ect tract fronts an Anaheim Rob;l appcoximnthl.y 1630 feet = east of Dowling Street. 2. Sub3ect property is zoned P• L a16ng .Ai~a~ie:^% Road. The reinain- ; der of the property is pzesently zoned M-.: ~ 3. Proposed layout meets co~e requirements for industrial subdi- ~ vi"sions. ' ` 4. No one appeared :n opposition to the tentativc, ;xact. ~ A motion aras offered by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commis- ; sioner Sucamers and carried, that Tentative Map of 7ract No. 3987 ~ be approved, subJect to the following conditions: ~ 2. Sub~ect~to flood control approval. 's ;~ 2. Pertinent plot x~d uuilding plans to be submitted to City ~ ' Council fos :~v~ew. 3. Require that sheuld this subdivisio~~ be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivis!.on thereof ahall be s>>b- ~ f mitted in tantative form for ap?rova;. r € ~ TENTATIVH MAP OF - A Tentative Mar of Tract No. b~88 was presented to the Cor.unission. ~ TRACT N0. 3988 The Suk,divider i~ ir'wttTO Nc~RCURIO, P. 0. Eax 252, Fullerton, Calif. , The tract ~s located on 'na :~or•t~ side of Anaheim Road approximate- ~ ly 2500 feet east of Dowling Avenue and ~ontains 12 proposed M-1 ~ :~ lots. A representative of the subdivider was present. The Cc:.mnissiot., -~ discussed the layout of the tentatlve tract. The Commis,ion found and cieterrair,ad the fol:o::ing facts regardi~9 the tentative tract map: 1. Sub~ect tract fronts on Anaheim Road appxoximately 2133 feet east of Dowling Street. ~, 2. Sub~ect property is zoned P-L along Anaheim Road. The remain- `~ der of the property is presently zoned M-1. ,+~ 3. Proposed layout meets code requirements for i~dustrial s~!bdi- visions. 4. No one appeared in opposition to the tentative tract. ~ A motion was offered by Cortunissioner Mungall, secondec? by Cotnm:`.s- ~ sioner Marcoux and carried,that Tentative Map of Traci No. s>8fi be approved, sub~ect to the following conditionss t~ 1. Sub~ect to flood control approval. ~ 2. Pertinent plot and building plans to be submitted to the City ~ Council~for review. 3. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. -7.5- ----~g - ---------~-_-____.__-_.._-__._-___ ._ . - - _'__-' ~ . ~ I '~ J ~ ,~ r- ~: ~ Yia'.'~T'e°~ ClTY PIANNING C01lMISSION, November 7, 1960, Cont_i~~ued: ~I.-4'tTANCE N0. 1311 - PUBLIG 'ntARING. PETF''IQN submitted by JAMF.3 D. ROSo, 21I8 West ' =vr.est Lane, Anaheim, C,al: fornia, Owr:_r, f~r p~armi~ssion ta WAIVE ~ RHAR YARD SETBACK R~QUIREbieNT TO PF.itMIT ENCROa.CHMENT TO Wl';::IN 14 FEC'i' OF REAR PROI?ERTY LINc FOR THa ADDITION OF' A FAMILY ROOM. ~ r~o~.~erty describe~3 n,.ss /: parcel 63 feet by 1.17 feet with .i i. .,~t- age oi 53 feet on cores'c ianu and located on the souti: side of Forest Lane bet:y~,er. Garden .l~_ive ana l~alias Drive; its northw.ast ' cori~er being a~-~r~::?rt~a:ely 133 feet sas'•: oi the southeast corner of Garden ~rtve and forss± Lane ar.d further ~~GC::ibe,~ as 2118 West Fe~est Lane: 7he pr~psrty is presently c:ar;sifi~~~? R-i, SINC;.t FAMILY RESIDtNTIAL. Mr. James Ross, ih~' petitioner, was not present. fhe G~~nniission discussed the proposed addition. THE 'O_ARING WAS CL~1S~~. The Commission found end determinad ti~e following fs_ts regarding tka {equest for variance: \.. 1. Petitioner requests a variance from Code, Sectian 18.24.030(3}, whi~:h requires for sub~ect property a 25 ft. rear yar., to pera.{t encroachnent of 11 ft. into requir~~d rear yard in or.der to c~nsi.r.~ct an additlon tn the back of an «xisting residen- tial structura. 2. Existing ree: y~rd .s 44 ft. in depth. PropcSe.d addition wouic occapy apE,roximately 12~ percent of re~uired rear yard. 3. There are additi~nal areas available on the rear of the pro- perty Y.hich woul:d campensate for the proposed encroachment. 4. Although Ordinance No. 957 requires installation of sidew9lks, no sidewalks have been constructed to cate in this tract. 5. No ~:ne apneared in 8pposi:ion to the petition. .~ Commissioner Mor..is offered Resolution No. 121. Series 1960-61, and n;oved for its passage and adoption, secondEd by Commissioner Marcc:;~x, to grant Variance No. 1311, s~~b9~act to the fallowing condi ;.i on.s= ' i 1. Deve:opment substantially in accordan:,e with plans presented. ; 2. lnstallotion of sidewalks in accordance with the requiremen•ts ! ~f Ordinat~ce N.c. 957. ? I 7he :oreg~ing cor;d:tions were ;.ecited at the meetinq and were I found to be a riecessary RrerequSsite to the uEQ of the property in o:;der to preserve the safety and welfar~ of the r,i•:izens o£ , Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution w~,s passed by th~ following votes AYES: COMINISSIONERSs Allred, Gat~er~ Hapgood, Marcoux, Nforris, Nhmgall, and Summers. NOESs COMMISSIONERSs Pione. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. CORRESPONDF~iCE - Item 1= ORANGE COUNTY USE VARIANCE N0. 468As t ~ ~ ~ , __..~~.,,----•--~: ~_.--- A letter from the Orange County Planning Commissaon was read to 3 the Commission regarding Orange County Variance No~ 4683. It was po~nted out that the cub3ect ar2a Ss indi:ated as industrial * use on the General Plan~ that the industrial de•velopruent of the ! - 16 - ~ 1 i ~ 3 , , __..._ _..---._.._- --------_..---_.___.____,__. ---....._.._ _._.._______ ~ ~ ~ . _...._ _ __ . - _ . . . _ _ _.._ __....._i :~ ~ ~ ~ ' .~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, November 7v 1960y Continueds , CORRESP6NDENCE - Item 1: Orange County Use Variance No. 4683 (Continued): (Centinued) sub3ect property is not anticipated in the near future, and that the proposed construction may constitute a valid interim use. A,motion was offered by Commissiones Morris, seconded by Commis- sioner Marcoux and carried, that the Planning Department transmit to the Orange County Planning Commission a recommendation that Orange County Variance No. 4663 be approved on the basis of the aforementioned findings. Item 2s BUENA PARK TENTATIVE TRACT rAA~ N0. 3997. A letter received from the City of Buena Park was read to the Commission requesting recommendations regarding Tentative Tract No. 3997. It was noted that the sub~ect tract is located on the north side of Orangewood Avenue to the westerly citv limits of the City of Anaheim; that the proposed street is 52 ::et in width, which is 8 feet short of the P.naheim Code requi:-:•-ent; that :he proposed corner lots are 66 feet in width and~e:;cept for the cul-de-sac lots, the rer~ainder are 60 feet in width3 that the Anaheim Municipal Code requires a minimum width of ?0 feet for R-l lots and the proposed lot areas are in excess of the Maheirn requirements of 7200 square feet for R-1; and that although the setback from the centerline nf Orange Avenue is indicated as 44~ feet, the 3.^, f~ot t~~~el_ ::•i~:h is in h?rmony with the Anaheim Code. A motion was offered by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commis- sioner Allred and csrr.ied, that the Planning Department transmit to the City of Buena Park a recommendation that the proposed Tentative Map of Tract No. 3997 be denied because of the afore- mentioned discrepancies with the Anaheim Municipal Code. Item 3~ BUENA PARK ZONE CHANGE N0. Z-183s A letter from the City of Buena Park was read to the Commis- sion requesting recommendations regarding Zone Changc No. Z-183. It was noted by the Commission that the location of the sub~ect property is not in ciose proximity to the Anaheim City Limits. Chaixman Ganer requested that the Planning Department transmit a letter to the City of Buena Park indicating the aforementioned finding and expressing the Commission`s aopreciation for the cooperation of the Buena Park Planning Commission. ACTING PLANNING - 1. SoutheY•n California Planning Conyress Dinner Meeting sche- DIRECTOR'S REPORTS duled for November 10, 1960~ to be held in Fontana, Cal3f. AND RELUMMENDATIONS 2. Trailei• Park Ord. Acting Planning Director Reese distributed copies of the proposed ordinance, which contain the amendmt~nts considered necessary a': the public hearing conducted on Febru- ary 29, 1960. He requested that the Commission study the ordinance. as submitted by the Plannin9 Department and City Attorney , so that it may be set for public hearing. 3. Land Use Study of Knott AvaR~ae, between Lincoln and Orange Avenues. Acting Plannin9 L~rector Reese displayed maps and briefly d~scribed the zoning and land use of the area. He stated tha': a preliminary plan study had been prepared by the Planning staff and that if the Commission desired farther study, tne matter should be referred to the City Council in order t~,at they may initiate a:,tudy and request recommenda- tions for a Precise Plan Study by the Commission. 1 a ~ ~ - 17 - ~~ MINUTES, CITY,PLANNING COMMISSION, Novetnber 7, 1960, Continued: ACTING PLANNING D?RECTOR'S - 4. Notice of Meeting, with the County of Orange Highway De- REPORTS 8 RECOMMENDASIONS pdrtment and the State Division of Highways relative to (Continued) the Los Mgeles Regional Transportation Study, scheduled for November 10, 1960 at 2=30 P.°A. in the County Health • Building, Santa Ana. Chairman Gauer requested that Com- missioners Allred and Morris attend the meeting if poss- ible as official representatives of the An~heim Planning Comnission. 5. Planning Technician Martin Kreidt distributed ccpies of proposed variance and reclassification pe•tition forms, and requested that the Commission study the forms and rt~ake recommendatians at the meeting of November 21, 1960. • 6, Appointment Planning Commission Secretary. A motion was offered by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Allred and carried, that Jean Page be appointed as Se- cretary of the Planning Commission. 7. Ordinance No. 1512 providing for Compensation for Plan- ning Commission Members adopted by t~,e City Council becoming effective on November 17, 1960, was presented. ADJOURNMENT - The Neeting was adjourned at 5:30 0°Clock P•M• ___ Respec'.fully submitted, l~/ ~' ~- ~/ J PAGE, Secreta - 18 - ,. -- -----~- ---- ~J ~ ~ ~