Minutes-PC 1962/08/06E` I
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City Hall
!~,naheim, California
At~g~t)t 6, 1962
°R~QJl~TING - A Regula= Meeting of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission was
• called to-order by Chairman Gauer at 2:00 0'Clock P.M., a quorum
being present.
COdAfISSICu'~RS: Camp, Chavos, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
ABSBNT• - CC1A9~lISSIONBRS: Alired, Hapgood.
pR~SENT - ZONING`COatDINATOR: Martin ftreidt.
INVOCATION - ReVereud:RoberL"8': Vaa, oP the Pirst Presbyterian Church, gave
the invocation.
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APPROVAL OF - The Minutes of the meeting of July 23,.1962, were approved with
MINUTBS the following correcfioa; Page 1094,.pasagraph 4,•line 1 should
be Aasistaat Planner, Marvin &rieger.' Page 1095, paragraph 6
should have Resolution No. 410-A. . .
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N0. 61-62-124 Lane. Anaheim, Califoraia, Owners; PRANg TURLBY or BILL &ISGBN,
9662 Barvest Lane, Anaheim, Califoraia;.requesting that property
described as: `A r.ectaagular parcel of 1and;100,'feet.plus or
minus by 300 feet pius or miuus~ with a froatage of. l0U feet plus-or miaus on the
south side of Ball Road, the northwest corner oF which•.is 477 feet plus•.or..minys east
of the southeast corner of Hall Road and~Beach Boulevard, aad fu=tfier described as
2944 Weat Ball Road, be reclassified f=om the R A, RBSIDSNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZQNB to
the R-3, MIJLTIPLS FAMILY RHSIDSNTIAL,',20NH to.permit the construction of two,etory
multiple family res'idential apartments. ~ _
Subject petitioa was coatinued from the~ meetings of Juae 25,; 1962 and July„9, 1962., .
in order to:permit the petitioner';time_to submit revised pla~s. ,.
Mr. James A. Allen the petifioner, appeared before the Commission aad stated that
his authorized agenL was suppoae to be preseat,to; aaswer aa~,questions the Commiasiou
might have,:but tbat he~was aot.in the Council Chambers;at.the present time and would
lite to have a temporary`~continuance untii his agent a3rrives.. , ,.
After..coasider~h.T.° time had`elapsed granting tlie petitioner time for his,;.~gent to.
appear, 'the pet3.Eioner then stated ,that l~e would; a~swer; any.,questions the Co-~+seion
might have. ~
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~ MINUTffi, CITY PIANNING Cp~AlISSION August 6, 1962, Continued:
RBCLA3SIPICATION - The Commission aoted that subjec! prnperty was bounded on the
N0. 61-62-124 east and on the west by R A, Resid~utial Agricultural property,
(CoaLinued) on the south by C-1, Neighborhood Commerciai; and that if
subsect pelitioa were approved a variance.xoqld have #o be fiied
ia order to permit two story construction withia 150 feet of
R-A, Reaidential Agricultural property.
The Commission further viewed the~reviaed plans as requested and noted a number of
discrepancies within the proposed plot plans; and that the piot plans barely met the
miaimum Code'standards-o~ R~3;'multiple'~amily develbpment.
Mr. Ailen~ the petitioner~ requested a coatiauance of subject petition in order to
allow the petitioaer aufficient time to file a variance to waive singie story
coastruction. ~
CommisaioAer Caarp offered a motion to reopen the hearing and continue the hearin~ of
Reciaeaificatioa No. 61-62-124, nntil the meeting of September 17~ 1962, in order to
ailox the petitioner aufficient time to advertise for a variance to waive aiagie atory
construction, and to advise the developer to modify the proposed developatent aad to .
bring in more complete plans showiag five elevationa, nore open space and a higher
type of liviag area~ showing iess crowded spaces i~ the proposed deveiopment.
Commissioner Perrq seconde3 the motion. MOrfION CARRIED.
N0. 62-63-2 Street, Aaaheim, Califoraia, Ormer; JOHIV D. V~1 DBR HHIDB,
924 North Buclid Street, Anaheim, Califoraia, Agent; requeating
that.property described as: Aa irregular parcel of land rith a
frontage of 259 feet pius or miaus~ oa Lhe west side of West Street aad a ~aximum
depth of 497 feet pius or iqiaus, tTae southeast corner of said pzopertp beiag 451 :eet
plus or'minue, north of the"northwest coraer of La palaa aad Meat Street, and further
described as 1133-1145 North weat St=eet; be reclasaified fron the R A~ RffiIDBNTIAL
a muitiple faiqiiy plaiined uait development. •
Sub3ect petition ~ras coatinued from the meetings of Juiy 9~ 1962 aad Julq 23~ 1962,
in urder to permit the Plaaniag Department an opporLunitq to readverLise aubject
peti9:ion~ and to preaeat a precise piaa covering property ia the viciaiLy of sub,~ect
Mr. John Voa Der Heide, agent fox the petitioners 1Nr. Martiaez, Nrs. Malters~ .
and Mr..& Mra. Hacker~ appeared before the Commisaioa aad atated that the propoaed
developaeaL xas !he beat posaible use for sub3ect property= that the ehLire
character of Lhe neighborhood rraa not single famiiy,'bat Naa auitiple ~aailq
development; aad that Mra. Malters aad Mr. aad Llra. Packer agreed to bave their
property reclassified but rrere aot cnrreatiq plaaning !o deveiop their psopertq
adjacent to Mr. Martiaez. '
It xas aoted tha•t in the previous hearing oppoaitYen ~raa read fros qtseheim llpmorial
Hospitai aad Aeverend Heber representing the d~urch being buiit to tbe aorth of
subject Propertp•
Mr. Roaald G'rudziaski, Aaaiatant Hlanner,.pseaented Piaar~iag Btudy ~8'-5~-4 to the
Com~.ission. Sai'd P1aaalag SLudy noted a siiture of siatle faeiiy a$d~•Aultiple ,
familp land u8es ia the area covered by aub,~ect Piantsing Studq. prOpe=liea;f0 th'e'.
aorth and east of the Study Area were zoned A-3;'witiple famiiq rebid~nt~ai;.ttiat
propertiea to the rrcst of the $tud~ /l,sea rere zoned R-l, aiugle faeilq seaidential; that
,propertiea Lo t}~e aouth of aludy Ares Mese pridariiy A-1~ aisrgie famiiq•reaideatiai.
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~~ MINUTBS, ~CITY PLANNIN~ C~ISSIOBI~ August 6, 1962, Coatinued:
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~` Reclassif3cation - However,there was a parcel of iand app;oximately 3:3 acres south
' No. 62-63-2 in~size on the southwest corae= of the iatersection of La Palma
~~'• (Cor.sinued) Avenue and West Street which was zoned C-1, Neighborhood
i withia the Studq Area had
~: ~:
I .,
'°"-'---- Conrmercial~ and that,the propert es
tentatively bcea projecYe~ for nlultipie family reaideatiai and
busiaeas aad professioaai office use.according to the Anaheim
Geaeral Piaa.
The xecomm.eadatioaa of the Plaaning Study iadiGated multiple faaily uae for pa=ceia
of property within the Studq Area, with the exception of ttle Lot'Study oa La Paloa
Avenue, should be developed for muitipie fasiiq use; it••was f~irt$er recoomeaded that
iota ruaaiag oa La Pa1ma Street be developed for busineae and'professionai officea, •
and that a circulation syatem ahown on B~chibit No. 3, which iadicated the tqpes of
safe access which would be needed to aerve the parcels of land erilhia the Study Area.
The Commisaioa noted thst no piaa had been submitted for Parcei Nos. 2 aad 3 ia
sub3ect petitioa; that the i.ummiasioa was reluctaat to graat anq =eciassificatia~n on
property fawliich m piot piana were being submitted.
Hir, Lyiia Thbmpaon~. 1650 Melis Lane, appeared before the Comnissioa ahd stated that he
rras negotiating for the purchase of the property Parcel No. 3, tha4 complete plot
plans had ~not been completed as of ttiis date.
11~e Commiasion diacuased the passibility of =ezoning Parcel No. 1, aad asked for
legal opinion of the representative of the Citq Attorney's Office. ~
Mr, Geisler, Aasistaqt City Attorney~ advised the Commission that if zoning of
propertp wae ta be graated oa sub3ect petition ail parcela would have !o be taken iato
consideratioa, that if multipie family development with two story was'beiag proposed
adjacent to R A~ =esidentia~ agriculturai property a variance Mouid have to be filed
ta ezaive singie sLory coastrvctioa; that although the hospitai'property to the south
of sub3ect p:operty ~-as classified R-A, said propertq was beiag utiiized for other
thaa R A purpoaes,and, therefore, the R:A use wouid no longer apply.
The Commisaion noted that Pakcei No. 2 had two (2) singie family residenees on iL; ;
that the plans preaented were for one pnrcei only~ but that ttre proposed use of
aubject pray,arty ~s prePerly o~qe ret-ich the Planniag Studq iadicated it should;be; and
that complete pians should be presented for Parcei Nos. 2 aaa 3 in order that.theq
might be coasidered by the CammisaioA before beiag recoanmended for app=oval or deaiai
to the City Councii. .
Commissioner Ca~mp offered a motion to reopen the hearing aad cantinue the,heariag of
Rec~.asgificatioa No. 62=63-2, untii.the,meeti,;rg of' Auguet 20,,1962, in osder to allow
the agent for the petitioaer sufficieat time to present plot pisas covering Parcei
Nos.•2 and 3, and that plot plaas be ia the Pianning Department'Office ao later than
9:00 0'Clock A.M. the Moadey, a week prior to the meeting of Auguat 20, 1962; that
revised piot plans indicate a twenty-Oae (21) foot =oadwaq, and tbat Parcel No. 2
iadicate existiag structures on said parcei. Commisaioner Perrq aeconded the motion.
~. CONDITIONAL USH - CONTINUBD PUBLIC HBARi1'~. ~' ~~'t"' 616 - 21st Piace.
~ pBRMIT N0. 271 `• Ssnta Monica, Califoraia~ Ormer; HBI.HN C• IANGpC~tD+ 1009 South
Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California, Agent; reqaesting
property descsibed as: An irregular pa=cel of land with a=oximate d.e th ofe700 f~et~
or~minus, on the_xest side of Har.bor Houlevard, with aa app P
.._t14e southeast coraer of.eaid property being approximately 565 feet north of the north-
~' west corner of Ball'Road.and Hasbor 8oulevard, aad further desc=ibed as 1009 3outh
-:, _' /• Harbor Bouievard. Property preseatly classified R-A~ RHSIDffi~T7AL AGRICULT~RAL, ZONB.
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~' MINUTHS, CITY PLANNING C(Y~lMISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued: 1126
~~ ~~ •
;. CONDITIONAL U3E - Subjeet pet,ition was continued from the meeting of July 23, 1962,
~ PBRMIT N0. 271 in order to permit #he petitioner sufficient time to submit ~
~...' (Continued), revised pluns. ~
~;, . ~
Mrs. Helen Yangford, agent.for the petitioner, appeared before the ~
~ Commissioa and stated that she wanted to give a face-lifting to the front of subject ~
propertyti that curbs and gutters would be put in; and that the place would be cleaaed
~:. up in general. ~, '
~`F~ The~Commisaion noted that space allotted for the trailers vaas between 900 feet and ••~
~ ' 1,064 square fEet; that requirements for each space in accordance with Code require- ~
'i ments for trailers was 2,400 square feet, and that the proposeci 400 feet represented
` Code regulations for cver-night. vacation Lrailer parking only. I
, The agent for the petitioner iaformed the Commission that new spaces would be used for j
over-night vacation trailer parking oniq. ~
4 ~~
~ Commisaioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 432, Series 1962-63, and moved for ita I
passage and adoptiori, seconded by Commissioner Pebley~ to graat Petition for
i: Conditional Uae Pertnit No. 271, subjecti to certain coaditioas. (See Resolutioa Book).
~: pa ioil call the foregoing reaolutioa was pa§sed by the fol].owing vote:
AYBS: C01~lI331ONffit9: Caap, Gauer, Marcouz,•M~agall, Peblep, Perry.
~ ABSSNT: COMdISSI0NBR3: Alired~ ~p,~1~C~,yoqo~t~• ~
r a ZJ
~ pHRMIT N0. 274 Nleatwood Bouley~rd~ Los Angelea 24, California, Owness; ROHBRT J.
~• COL83, 1129 Neatwood Boulevard~ Los Ange,lea 24~ Califoraia, Ageal:
, requestiag permisaioa to CONSZ1tUCT A PWiNBD UI'lIT DBVBLdPMffiiT cn
property~ described ase A parcel of land coatainiag 14 lo4s at tbe stub-eM of
Gramercy-Avenue, east of ~ippeMra Street, with frontages of 495 feet plus or miaas on
~! both sides of the atreet. Property preseatlq classified R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RffiI-
DENTIAL, 20~iB. .
8ub~ect petition rras contiaued from the meetiag of July 23, 1962, ia order to permit .
tbe petitioner sufficieat time to aubmit revised plans Mhich would ineorporate the
propoaed recommendatioas bq the Commiasion. .
Mr. Robert J. Colea, ageat for the petitioner, ap~;~ared before the'Commiasion aad ,
stated that revised piana had beea submitted with the proposed changes; the petitioner
then presented exhibita to the Commiasioa. -
~' .. .
~' The Coauaissioa noted that roct roof was being propoaed~and iaquired of the ageat for
the petitioner why shake soof had aot been proposed. ~
Mr. Coles advised•the Commission that under PHA granting of ioans~ the proposed -
development would requ3.xe the roak soof and that sbake roof was aot acceptaDie. I
, Upoa further questio n'i n g' by the CommiBaion regardiag the proposed development of
sub3ect propertq~ the ageat foz the petitioner adviaed the Commission that aeventy-five ~
(TS) per ceat or more.of the developmeat muat be soid before.buiidiag couid be etarfed; I
and that`a loaa for esid buildiag.would not be avaiiable uatil then.
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MINUTES, CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION, August 6~ 1962~ Continued:
PHRMIT N0. 274
(Con*inued) Commissioner Muagaii offered Resolut€oa No. 433~ Series 1962-62,
and moved for its passage and adoption, seeonden oy Commissioner
perry Lo grant Petitiop for Conditional Use Permit No. 274~ subject to conditions.
(See Resolution).
On roll cali the foregoiag resolution was passed by tse foilowing vote:
AYBS: COIYAtIS3I0NBR3: Camp, Chavos~ Gauer, Marcoux~ Mungall~.Pebley, Perrg.
ABSffiVT: COMMISSIONBRS: Allred, Hapgood.
N0. 62-63-5 Drive, Anaheim, California, Owner; xequeatiag that propertq
described as: A rectangular parcel of land 109 feet plus or minus
by 80 feet. pius or miaus at the southeast coraer of West Street
and Romneya Drive, and further described aa 1036 West Romneya Drive~ be reclassified
to convert a single family residence into a duplex.
Sub,ject petition was filed in connunctioa with Variaace No. iSlD ~
Subject petition was contiaued from ttr meeting of July 23, 196~, aiaCe there wAS no
one present to represent the petitioner ia the Couacii Chambe-~s.
Mr. Wesner the petitioner~ appeared before the Commissioa and stated that he
planned to construct two (2) roams aad a patio to the existing s3agle family resi-
dence; that in order to comply with Lhe proper aetting of the neighborhood~ the
garage on sub3ect propertq wouid have to be moved fifteen (15) feet to the aouth;
that the subject property was located in the older section of the city; and that he
was asking for a garage attachment to the home and a setback of thirLeen (13) feet
from the side yard of the c^rner lot to build said addition.
The Commissioa aoted that the General P2aa projecta sub3ect property as medium-densitq
residential development;and thatfhep]nt plans indicated approximately eight hundred
and ten (810) square feeL per each apartment being propoaed.
The Commission asked the petitioner whether any chaages were proposed for the
garage as it exieted.
Mx. L. L. ~ayer„2138 Victory, Coatractor fos the petitioaer iaformed the Commissioa
that oaly two,(2) Eeet oa the rear side of the garage exists; and tLat the same
two (2) feet setback from ~Test Street would remain.
Comnissionei Perrq offered Resolution No. 434~ 8eries 1962-63, aad moved for its
passage and'adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp. to recommead to the City Couacil
that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-5 be approved subject to conditions.
''(See Resolution Book).
The onditioas as stated in the Resolution Boot wese recited at tbe meeting apd
'were found to be a necessary prerequisit to the uae of the property ia order to
preserve the safety and weifare of the citizena of the City of Aaaheim.
AYBS: ~COA4NI3SIONBRS:- Cawp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungaii~ Yebley, Perrg.
ABSENT: C01~lI33IONBRS;i Ailred, Hapgood.
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Drive, qnaheim, California, Owner; requesting permission to
WAIVS RBAR AND SIDB YARD SBTBACK on property described as: q
rectaagular parcel of land 109 feet plus or miaus by 80 feet plus or minus~ at the
southeast corner of West Street aad Romneya Drive, and further described as 1036 We9't
Romneya Drive. The property presently classified R A, RBSIDffiVTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZOI~ffi.
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Reclassification No. 62-63-5.
. 5ubject petition rvas continued from the meetiag of July 23, 1962, in order to permit
the planning Department time to complete a Plaaning Study projected for the area in
which subject property was located.
Mr. Rudolph Wesner, the petitioner appeared before the Commissioa and stated he had
M nothing further to add for the Commission's consideratioa.
Commissioaer Marcoux offered Resolution No. 435, 3eries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoptioa, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to grant Petition for Variaace
No. 1510, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolation was passed bq the following vote:
AY83: COI~AIISSIOIJBRS: Camp~ Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley~ Perrq.
TENTATIVS MAP OF - SUBDIVIDBR: B, B. AKINS CO., 237 South Tlistin Street, Oraage, ~ ~
1RACT N0. 4801 Califoraia. BNGIN88R: M~DANIffi. ENGII~ffiBRING COt~ANY, 222 8ast
Lincoln Avenue~ Anaheim, California, Sub,ject traet is located
on the south side of Broadway~ 40 feet west of 8o-pire Street and coatains 8 R-1, ~
one family resideatial lots,
Mr. Jacobsoa, repreaenting McDaniel Engineering Con~panq, appeared before the
Commission and stated He had nothing further to commeat for the Commission's consid-
' eration.
The Commission viewed the plot plans and aoted that said lotsin Tentative Tract No.
4801 were of shaliow depth~ and that a fifty-four (54) foot dedicaxion of street
marked "A", with a forty-sevea (47) cul-de-sac in radius were acceptable to the
Interdepartmental Committee.
Commissioaer Chavos offered a motion to approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 4801, ~
aubject to the following coaditioa::
1. xequirement thst shouid this subdivision be developed as more thaa one sub-
division, each subdiviaion thereof shaii be submitted in, Lentative form for -
Comatissioner Camp secoaded the motion.. MOTION CARRIBD,
VARIANCB N0. 1513 - pUHLIC FffiARING. TED 8VER8TT HARICBR, 1832 South Moua4aia View I
Avenue, Anaheim, Califoraia, Owner; STANLBY L. ROSHN, 318 West
- Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Gsiiforaia, pgent; requesting per-
property described as: A rectattgular parcel of laad 62 feet, plus os miaus, by 337
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, MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING C0~4~IISSION, August 6, 1962, Contiaued:
VARIANCE N0. 1513 - feet plus or minus, with a frontage of 62 feet plus or miaus of
(Continued) ~the east side of Mountain View Avenue, the northwest corner of
._ :.:
. said propertq being 322 feet plus or minus, south of the south-
east corner of Mountain View Avenue and ~atella Avenne, and
. further described as•1832 South Moun~sin View Avenue. Property presently classified
~ Subject petition should be revised to eiiminate any aeed for storage or commercial ~
construction; that the use of the property should be solely for warenouse use only;
that the need for set back as required was requested to be eliminated because of the
~ continued use of residences on subject propertp; that the construction of a warehouse -----
would be for the use of school su lies which would be the `
. pp prime use for subject
property; that the eatire balance oF the ?ote would be black topped to provide
parking facilities. •
xhe Commissiou noted that from the morning field observation split of subject
property would create a landlocked parcel having ao frontage on Manchester Avenue and
no frontage on Mountain View Avenue, and that access would only be through the
parcel to the north; and tha± the layout has shown oa Exhibit No. 1 did not provide
ingress or egress to the proposed warehouse for the loading and unloading of trucks.
The petitioner stated that access would be through Manchester Avenue; that tbe use of
the warehouse would be confined, and that usage of large trucks would not be nece8sary;
and that property would be conveyed to Mr. Pinto for leaseing to the warehause.
Upon being further questioned bq the Commission, the petitioner stated that
Mr. Pinto owned the shopping center ttirough which access would be made to the north;
.that lack parking facilities ia the shopping center•wili still ailow access; and that
the proposed development would benefiL• the area.
The Commission noted that subject development would overload subject property.
Mr. Mo;ris Pinto, 1813 South Manchester Avenue~ owner of the existiag building,
appeared.before the Commission, and stated that the necessary parking.spaces on
Manchester Avenue wauld be redesigned to give the petitioner access to subject prop-
erty of seventy-five (75) feet.
~ '"he Commisaioa expreased dissatisfaction with plot laas as ia8icated that arkia
. aad lraffic resented a p ~ p g
p problem; that property was presently landlacked~ that if the
Manchester A~enue property were to be deveiope3 it would have to have aacesa through
the Pinto property; and that revised plaas should be submitted to the Planning
Department~ which would confor~n with Engineering requiremettts. ~
The petitioner then asked the Commission for continuance of subject petition.
The Commission noted that the petitioaer had submitted an ineomplete petition and
was informed by the Planning Department representative that sub,ject petition was
incomplete, but that the petitioner insisted on having his petition accepted and fiied.
Commissioner Pebley offered a motion to coatinue Petition for Variaace No, 1513 to
the mee4ing of 3eptember 5, 1962, in order to permit the petitioner sufficient time
to present revised plot plans. ' •
Comnission Chavos seconded the motion. MOTI~1 CARRIBD. ~
~~~C, J~~ `
VARIANCB N0. 1514 - A J. NIELS and DO D.-~FiE~1434 W~stmont Drive, Anaheim,
California, Owner; requesting permission to WpYVB LOT WIDTH
AND SIDH YARD RBQUIRBI~NTS on property described as: A
rectangular parcel of land 85 feet plus or minus by 160 f~et plus or minus, with an
85 foot plus or minua froatage on the south side of Westmoat Drive, the northeast
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~ ~~, MINUTHS, CITY PLANNING CONAlISSIdN, August 6, 1962, Continued:
VARIANCB N0. 1514 - corner of said property being 88 feet plus or minus, west of
(Coatinued) the southwest cornes of Bsenthaven Avenue and Westmont Drive,
. and further described as 1428 Westmont Drive. Property
presentlq classified as R-0, ONB PAMILY SUBURBAN, 20NB.
Mr, J. Niels Boege, the petitioner, appeared i~efore the Commission and stated that
there was only 85 feet left for subject iot on the east side of propertq, and that
there was no requiremeat of a 90 foot lot width aL the time subject house was built
on the ivest portion of the pro~erty.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 436, Series 1962-63~ and moved for its
passage and adoption~ seconded by Commissionei Mungall, to grant Petition for
Variance No, 1514, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing.resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYHS: COI~A~tIS3I0I~RS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perrq.
AB3BNT: CON9~lISSIOATBRS: Allred, Hapgood.
~' . ~
CONDITIONAL US8 -~~L an!~NG COMPANY, c/o William Reeves, 1015 Bast Pirst
PffitMIT NO. 277 Street•, Santa Ana, California, Owner; WILLIAM RHSVHS~ 1015 Bast
'" First Street, Santa Ana., California, Agent; requesting permission
to BSTA3LISH A HOPBRAU on proper~y described as: A rectanguiar parcei oi Iand i~5 feet
plus or minus by 400 feet pius or minus, with 105 feet plus or minus frontage on the
east side of Huclid Street, the southwest corner of said property being 100 feet plus
or minus, north of the northeast corner of Catherine Drive aad Buclid Street,.and ,
further described as 932 North Buclid Street. Property presently classified C-1~
Mr. William Reeves, agent for the petitioner appeared before the Commission and
stated he had no further comments for the Commission's cppsideration.
The Coamission noted a substandard parking provision, but upon checking the piot plans
fifty-three (53) parking spaces were noted, and that said proposed use by its use on
subject property ofan 18 by 36 foot building, the need for additional parking would not
be necessary.
Mrs. William B2oomquist, 1526 West Prances Drive, appeared before the Commission in
opposition to subject petition, and stated that there were many busiaesses ia the
shopping center; that parking facilities were always czowded especially with the
Chicken Pie Shop in the shoppiag center; that a barricade had been erected at the end .
of Prances Drive which had been torn down to allow sutomobiles ingress aad egress
into the shopping center; that said basricaded street was not a dedicated street; and
that for five (5) ,.ass property owners on Frances Drive abutting barricaded stub-end
opposed the•removal of the.barranade; and that she opposed the small Hofbrau adjaceat
to a family barber shop and bakery as not being compatible with so maay children
using the shopping center.
The Commission diecussed the reasons for removal of ~the barricade and.the poasibility
of the erection of a six (6) foot masonrq wall across 4he stub-end of Prances Drive
to the west.
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i MINUTBS~ CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION, August 6, 1962, Contiaued: 1131
CONDITIONAL USH - Mr. Leonard SmiLh, 125 South Claudiaa, appeared before the
P~tMIIT N0. 277 C~mmission aad stated that there was in existence a mutual traffic
(Continued) ea~ement through the entire shopping ceater; that property on the
w~sL end of the street was owned by two different people; and
that three different easements were recorded over it.
In respoase to a legal clarification of the removal of a barricade as well as the
constructioa of a six (6) foot masoary wall being coastructed at the stub-ead of
Frances Dsiv~:: to eliminate ingress and egress to the shopping center, Mr, Geir•ler
stated that~.Whether or not a wall were built,.it would require at least two p:soparty
owners'request to build said masonry wail; that a wall was not ordinarily built ia a
street maintained by the city; that it was ordiaarily built on private property and
maintained bq said property ownera; that whether or not the city could barricade
Prances Drive was a question, since said parcel was on propertq abutting a dedicated
street snd a property which abuts upon a dedicated street would ordinarily be given
normal access to the street; that to take said access awaq from Prancec Drive would
invite court actioa if the rights of access to the street were eliminated or denied;
tha~ sii streets were avaiiable to aimost ail forms of traffic.
Mr. 3mith then informed the Commission that a portion of the shopping center was
owned by the developer of the subdfvision, aad that the barricade was theze oaly as
a safety measure until the ahopping center had been developed.
The Commissioa noteil that the proposed use wauid be enciosed in a 436 square foot
urea; that with the kitchen facilities, womea and men's rooms added there would not
be much apace left for the serving of food; that a parkiag problem would exiat in a
shopping center~ which in its original inceptioa did aot have to take into consider-
ation a parking problem as present day aituations required; and t~: partiag facili-
ties would be taxed to its maximum with the possibil±±~ ui oae car for each customer
in the propoaed establishment.
Zoning Coordinator Aiartin greidt, advised the Commissioa that the Ylaaniag Department
was concerned with the problems of accesa to the various shopping centers and areas
in the community; that many com~luints and aggravatioas had beea received by the
Department; and that a two week continuaace would be appreciated in order to
favestigate the street barricade remo~al problem.
Commisaioner Marcoux offered a motioa to continue Petition for Conditioaal Uae
~esnit No, 277, to the meeting of Auguat 20, 1962, ia order to permit the Plannit~g
Department sufficient time to check the tract map invoived ia the building of the
shoppit~g eenter; and fo~ the legal department to verifq legaiitq of removing said
barricade at the weat s4ub-end of Prances Drive. Commissioaer Chavos aeconded the
CONDITIONAL USE -~D~~ ad SIiiHLD3 ~ LTY COMPANY~ 831 South Manchester Avenue,
PffitMIT N0. 278 Anaheim~ Califoraia~ Owners; pAiM MUSIC ST[FDI03~ 924 South
Suclid Avenue, Anaheim, Califoraia; requesting permission to
MUSIC 3TQitB oa propertq deacribed as: A.rectanguiar parcel of
laad 264 feet plus or minus bq 344 feet plus or miaus~ with a 344 foot pius or miaus
froatage on the east aide of 8uclid Street, the s,outhwest corner of sai.d property
beiug 150 feet north of the northeast coraer of Ba11 Road aad Buclid Street~ aad
further des~cribed as 924 South Suclid 6treet. Pruperty preaently claesified C-1,
Mr. Norman N. Winare aad Mr. Theodore R. Shu.ltz, ageata for the petitioaera appeared
before the Commission and stated that they felt that :they were weil qualified to
operate said dance instructioa studio; that they empioq only the beat of teachera,
that they give recitala; that the bulk of their students came fron "word of mouth"~
aad recommeadations from atudeats themseivea. (The ageats thea aubcaitted pictures
of other inatruclion studios and recitals and.their maaq activitiea in con3unction
with the dance atudios).
. ~' ._ ..
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. s:;'.,:;ic'.
PffitMIT NO. 278
Commissioner Perry
passage and adoptio
Conditional Use Per
On roll cali the fo
pBRMIT N0. 282
201 feet plus or mi
140 feet, the soutk
the northeast corne
presently ciassifie
Mr. Carl Heinz, Jr,
stated that he had
the Council Chambe~
proposed establishi
the serving of inea:
heiu!; and that the ~
Mr. Rudy Bauer, ap~
separate area for i
which were submitt~
made of a similar :
through July 3rd a
were facilities fo.
petitioa of 26 par
restaurant busi~es
experience of park
Mr. LeRoy Rose, ar
Commission and sta
dining facilities
The Commission not
that from observat
facilities adjoini
in order.
Commissioner Marcc
passage and adopt9
Conditional Use Pe
, ,,, . .,., . , . ,_. ~
~`". .. _ __ , . . .. _ ~ _ __._ .
MINUTBS, CITSf PLANNING COhAlISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued: 1133
CONDITIONAL USH - On ro11 cail the foregoing resolutioa was passed by the following
pBRMIT N0. 282 vote:
pYBS: CObV~tISSIOAffitS: Camp, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley,
ABSBNT: CONAlISSIONffitS: Allred, Hapgood. !
Commissioner C a m p qualified his vote by statiag that the proposed parking facilities ~
were substantially less than Code requirements; that the Commission should not deviate ~
from the parkittg reqairements, but that requirements shouid be set up for the proposed ~
type of establishment for future reference; and that if the ageat for the petitioaer
would submit findiags relative to surveys taken at similar facilities, it would i
greatly aid the Planning Commission and Planning Department in checking plans as well i
as renising Code requirements.
CONDITIONAL USE -^GOC~~ ~NG an Qi~JN CH(KN JUNG; 9261 Greenwich Street,
pffitMIT N0. 284 Anaheim, California, Owners; requesting permission to COI~i3ZRUCT A
RBSTAURANT and COCgTAIL LOUNGE on property described as: A
rectangular parcel of land 80 feet plus or minus by 285 feet plus
or minus, with an 80 foot plus or minus frontage on the east side ,
of Brookhurst Street, the southeast corner of said property being 595 feet north of
the northeast corner of Orange Avenue and Brookhurst Street, and further described a.
420 South Brookhurst Street. Propertq presently classified C-1, NBIGHBORHOOD
Mr. Chun Jung, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated he had
nothin~ further to add for the Commission's consideration.
The Commission noted that the proposed development was a very presentable building.
Commissioner Perry offered a motion to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit
No. 284~ subject to conditions, seconded hy Commissioner Camp.
The Commission then noted that the plot plans did aot indicate the bar area or the
seating capacity for the dining area.
The petitioner stated that the architect had not finished all the plot plans, and
that it would be a week before said plans could be submitted to the Planniag Depart-
The Commission informed the petitioner that revised or completed plot plans must be in
the Planning Department no later than 9:00 0'Clock A.M„ Moadaq, August 13, 1962, in
order to consider subject petition at the August 20, 1962 hearing.
Commissioners Perry and Camp withdrew their motion.an d second.
Commissioner Pebley offered a motion to reopen the hearing and continue Petition for
Condittonal Use Yermit No. 284 to the meeting of August 20, 1962, in order to allow
the petitioners sufficient time to submit compieted plot plaas. Commissioner Perry
seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIBD.
``l ~ ~ ~.:.,
MINUTBS, CITY Pf.ANNING CC1ASlISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued•
N0. 62-63-10 Soulevard, Southgate, California, Oxmers; requesting th¢~t property
described as; An irreguiarly shaped parcel of land witL a 55 foot
plus or minus frontage on the north side of Sycamore Street, and a
depth of 320 feet, the southwest corner of said propertp being apprcximatelq 445 feet
east of the northeast corner of Century Drive and Sycamnre Street, and further
described as 1637 Bast Sycamore Street, be reclassified from the R A, RBSIDBNTIAL
AQtICULTURAL, ZON&, to the R-3, MULTIPLS FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL, 20NH in order to permit
construction of four (4) additional apartments on subject property.
3ubject petition was filed in conjuaction with Vaciance No. 1512,
Mr. Charles S. Blardi, the petitioner, appeared beiare the Commission and stated that
there is vacant land abutting the R-3, development aL~i that parking requirements of
garages with existing apartments was not part of the Aaaheim Ordinance when the
existing apartments were built; and that the~ u n i t s to be built would have garages.
The Commission iaquired of the petitioner whether he proposed to build garages for the
older section of the apartme,.t building, to which the petitionc~r replied, it would be
diffir;,lt to build the required sixteen (16) garages, and that it would be difficult to
construct this number under Code requirements in the area provided for by parking
spaces now.
The petitioner Was a3ked by the Commission whether Fie would put in carports in lieu of
garages to whicLi he replied in the affirmative.
Commissioner Pebley left the Councii Chambers at 4:45 P.M.
Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 439, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City
Council that Petition for Reclassification Nr, 62-63-10 be approved subject to
conditions. (See Resoiutioa Book).
The conditions as stated in the Resolution Book were recited at the meetiag and were
found to be a necessary preren,uisite 4o the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
On roll cail the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, perry.
VARIANCB N0. 1512 -~~~ .J~S. BIARDI, 4925 Firestone Boulevard, Southgate,
California, Owners; requesting permission to WAIVB SIDB YARD SHT-
An irregularly shaped parcel of land with a 55 foot plus or minus frontage on the north
side of Sycamore Street and a depth of 320 feet~ the southwest corner of said property
being approximately 445 feet east of the northeast corner of Ceatury Drive and Sycamore
Street, and further described as 1635 Hast Sycamore Street. Present classification of
subject property R-A, RBSIDBNTIA*.,AGRICULTURAL, 20NH.
Mr. Charles S. Blardi, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that
he had nothing further to add for the Commission's consideration.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COhU~IISSION~ August 6, 1962, Cotttinued;
VARIAN'' N0. 1512 - Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 440, Series 1962-63,
• tCoat.~ued) and moved for its passage and adoptioa, seconded by Commissioner
- Ch~vos, 4o grant Petition for VBxiance No, 1512, subjeet to
~: . [ conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed bq the foilowing vote:
pYB3; COMMISSIOI~RS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Perry.
ABSENT: C01~4(ISSIONSRS: Allred, Hapgood, Pebley.
RBCIABSIFICATION -~5~~ T~ ~ G.~ 239 West Orangewood Avenue, Anaheim, California,
N0. 62-b3-il Owner; T~IAITS-WITTHNBSRG COMPANY, 50750 Bixel Street, Los Angelea
17, California, Agent; requesting that property described as: A
660 foot square parcel of land with a frontage on the north side of
Orangewood Avenue, the southeast corner of said property being 630 feet west of the
northwest corner of Haster Street and Orangewood Avenue, and further deacribed as
239 West Orangewood Avenue~ be reclassified from the R;A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, 20d~,
to the R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 20NH to construct a garden-type apartment
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No. 279.
Commissioner Pebley returned to the Council Chambers at 4:50 P.M.
Mr., Wiiliam Vicker, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated that he had nothing to say in support of the application, Mut that he would
like to introduce Mr. Rudin who would answer any questions the Commission might have.
Mr. Aldy Gage, 2000 Bast Wilshir.e Street, Fullerton, appeared before the Commission
- aad stated that he was an interested partq in the proposed multiple family development
but had no objections to it.
The Commission noted that the plot pians as submitted was the finest concept of a
• planned unit deve.lopmeat complex.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 441, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Pebleq, to recommend to the City
Council, that Yetition for Reclassification No. 62--63-11, be approved subject to
conditions. (See Resolution Book).
The conditions as stated in the Resolution Book were recited at the meeting a~ were
found to be a necessary prerequisite to th~ use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and weifare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
On roil cail the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYS3: COt~NI3SI0I~RS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
ABSBNT: COI~AMI3SIONBRS: Allred, Hapgood. •
o °
CONDITIONAL USH - STS~. ANDBRSON 239 West Orangewood Avenue~ Anaheim, Cali-
PERMIT N0. 279 ~fornia, Owner; TWAITS-WITTBNBBRG, 50750 Bixel 3treet, Los Angeles
17, California, Agents; requesting permission to CONSIRUCT A
PLANNSD UNIT DBVBLOPMSNT on property described as: A 660 foot
square parcel of laad with a frontage on the north side of Orangewood Avenue, the
''; southeast corner of said property being 630 feet_wes~ of the northwest corner of
Haster 3treet and Orangewood Avenue~ and further described as 239 West Orangewood
Avenue, Property presently classified R A, RHSIDBNTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZONH.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING CODAtISSION,.August 6, 1962, Continued:
CONDITIONAL USH - Subject petition was filed ia conjunc4ion with Reclassification
~~ItMIT N0. 279 No. b2-63-x1,
(Continued) .
Mr. William Vicker, agent for the petitianer, appeared before the
Commission and stated he had nothing further to add for the
Commisaioa~s consideration.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolutioa No. 442, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Pebley, to graat Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No. 279, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: CQhA4ISSI0NBRS: Camp~ Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
AB3BNT: COhAfIS3I0I~ffiEtS: Allred, Hapgood.
RHCBSS - Coaimissioner Marcoux offered a motion to recess the meeting at 5:00 P.M.,
and to reconvene at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Camp seconded the motion.
RBCONVBNB Chairman Gauer reconvened the meetiag at 7:05 P.M,; those absent xere
Allred and Hapgood.
N0. 62-63-12 California, Owner; requesting that property described as; An
irregularly shaped parcel of land with a 55 foot plus or minus
frontage oa the north side of Broadway~ and a depth of 303 feet
plus or minus, the southwest corner of said property being 133 £eet plus or minus,
east of the northeast corner of Brentwood Place and Broadway, and further described
as 1769 West Broadway be reclassified from the R A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONB,
to the R-3, MU*.TIPLE FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL, ZONH~ to construct a plaaned unit development.
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No. 280.
Mr. Wayne Davidson, the petitioner appeared before the Coamission snd stated that
subject application wa. in the interest of good planning; that subject property was in
a transition zone; that with a church in the area of single family development to the
west a traffic problem wa~ being created which would grow with the coamunity center
pians by the church; anrl that the frontage elevat'ion would be the only thing viewed
from Broadway with adaq,uate off-street parking being pr;~vided.
l+k. John Zahaxsen, 246 Brentwood Place, appeared before the Commissicn and stated he
opposed subject petition; that his property was directly west of subject propertq;
that he was appearing in behalf of the residents on Brentwood Place; that 22 property
owners appeared with him in oppositioa in the Counc:il Chambers; that he had a
petition signed by 38 property owners; that the preposed development would be
incompatible with the residential development area; that the homes on Brentwood piace
consisted of lots of more thaa 10,000 square feet; that a totai of ~70,000 was
represented in the R-1 development; that there were no apartments located in the
viciaity of Broadwaq and Bali Road; and that the proposed development was contrary
with the planned and best use of the land.
Mr.,Phillip Holts, 252 Brentwood Piace, appeared before the Commisaion ia opposition
to subject petition and stated that.he had recentiq purchased a home and had been
assured be the real estate agent that the property wauid remaia R-A and R-1, single
fauily development.
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MIPNTBS, CITY PLANNING C01~9`SISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued: 1137
RBCIASSIFICATION - Mr. Richard M. Grove, 1767 Brentwood Place, appeared before the
N0. 62-63-12 Commission in opposition to subject petition and stated that
iContinued) the single development was a well planned residentiai area; that
at the time he purchased his property he had made a careful
inspection of the zoaing problems of Anaheim; that the Anaheim
Zoaing Ordinance was high in comparison with other cities of comparable size; that a
church was not considered ar. incompatible iand use in a residentiai area to warrant
construction of a high density development a s a buffer zone to said church; that tlie
church could expand and use all the property in the area; that according to the
General P1an there should not be more than seven (7) dwellings per acre of iand; and
that subject property was too small a parcel of land for high density development and
should be left for single family development only.
Mr. Robert 'Trivison, 231 Brentwood Place, appeared before the Commission in opposition
to sabject petition, and .tated that he would sum up for the opposition with:
1. That the present zoning of the area was a well~conceived plan which provided a
xesidential area which attracted the p!opie to Anaheim and into a coauaunity of
high-value homes.
2. That the area as it was presently zoned did not present a coagestion in traffic
3, That the homes were purchased by the present owners on the assumption that the
area was a compatibie living area land use.
4. That a change in zones would change the living habits and values of property as
well as being an incompatible land use. . ~
Mr. Davidson, in rebuttal, stated that he appreciated the fine attitude of all the
people in the neighboshood; that development that was proposed for subject property wou]d not
be that large to detract from the adjoining property; tha4 he felt that the proposed
use was the best land use; and that there would be single family homes at the rear
of three-quarters of an acre.
The Commission noted that the petitioner l,ad purchased subject property from the
church; that his own home was on it; that at the time it was purchased it was
R• 1; and that there was no particular hardship in the area involved to warrant a
change in zoning.
Reverend Puttram, pastor of the church in the area abutting subject property, appeared
before the Commission and stated that the church property was completely separated from
the petitioner*s iand; and that the church had one and one-half acres for expansion.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 443, Series 1962-63~ and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City
Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-12 be denied on the bases of
the findiags. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foilowing vote:
AYBS: COMhIISSIONBRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Peb]ey~ Perry.
ABSBNT: COMMISSION~tS: Allred~ Hapgood.
p~tMIT N0. 280 California, Owner; requesting permission to CONSTRUCT A PLANNBD-
U!VIT GROUP HOUSING on propexty described as: An irregularly
shaped parcel of land with a 65 foot plus or miaus frontage on the
P!'I ~.~'~~
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'.MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COMMISSI~I, Augast 6, 1962, Continued: 1138
CONIDITIONAL USB - north side of Broadway and a depth of 303 feet plus or minus, the
PBRMIT N0. 280 southwest corner of said property being 133 feet pius or minus,
(Continuea) east of the northeast corner of Brentwood Place and Broadway, and
further lescribed as 1769 West Broadway. Property presently ~~~
Sub3ect petition was filed in conjunction with Reclassification Na. 62-63-12,
Mr. Wayne R. Davidsoa, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated '
that he had nothing further to add for the Commission's consideration. •
Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 444, Series 1962-63, and moved for its ~
passage and adoption, seconded by Commisaioner Chavos, to deny Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No. 280, on the bases of findings. (&ee Resolution Book).
On roil call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foilowing vote:
AYHS: CObA1ISSI0NBRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer~ Marcoux, Mangall, Pebley, Perry. ;
ABSHNf: COh-~tISSI0N8RS: Alired~ Hapgood. { ~
RBCIASSIFICATION - nBI~~YZ~tMA~4~North Crescent Heights, Hollywood 46, California, ~
N0. 62~63-13 Otn,ne*; LeRoy Rose, 2127-D West Bali Road, Anaheim, California,
Agent; requesting that proper,ty described as: A rectangular
parcel of land at the .southeast corner of Buclid and Pampas Lane,
with a 100foot plus or minus frontage on Buclid Avenue, and 276 feet on Pampas Lane .
be re~lassified,from the C-1, NBIGHBaRH00D C~+lMHRCIAL, ZONB, (with plantiag area) to
C-1, NHIQiB0RH00D CObMffitCIAL, ZONH (without planting area).
Mr. LeRoy Rose, agent for the,petitioner. appeared before~the Commission and stated
that waiver of planting was no4 for the entire building but onlq that a portion on
Pampas Lane was requested ; that said request for. removai of the six (6) foot pianting
strip w~s needed because the owner of subject.property propoaed to build to the
property line,thus eliminating said pianting,strip on pampas I:ane; and that the
builders planned to,put a planting stzip as a buffer.zone abutting the parking areas
as requested. '
The Commission noted that.the planting strip waiver was being requested along Pampas Lane,
to which the agent for the petitioner ,seplied,that oaly a portion of said etrip was being
reguested for waiver, that as he.understood it the six (6) foot planting strip was
required as a buffes zoae for parking areas; and the Commission then 3nformed.the
petitioner that the plaating strip was, usually required for besutification of the
property in general.
Mr. L: B. Meyer, 1309 Moraga Street, a real estate broker, member of the Board of
Realtors of Anaheim, appeared before the Commission and stated that he represented
the Board of Realto;s who opposed waiver of the planting strip; attd tliat the original
plan of landscaping was passed by:the Commission in 7:959 aind shopid re~main as is, ,
Mr. William Bayzerman; the peLitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that
the architect was to build a 180 foot by 80 foot builuing abutting the pzopertq
line, but that they were not in favor of:eatire;removal of the'planting strip; that ~
there would be aa ,18 foot setback oa Buclid P..2nue, but. that they did not feei tbat
sn 18 foot setback on.a minor street such as Pampas`Laae was desirable; and that
the proposed'landscaping of six (6) feet would`not particularly enhance the beauty
~f the area:: .
THH I3$.4RING WA3 CLQSSD..... . _
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MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING C01~41ISSION, August 6, 19d2, Continued:
~ ~
RHCIASSIPICATION - T1ie Commission noted that the trash area was directly behind
N0. 62-63-13 the building with access from Pampas Lane; that usually the
(Continued) icrash area was behind the parking areas; that only 420 square
feet would be lost if said six (6) foot landscaping requirement
would be enforced; that people or residents in the area had
to abide by the precise plan to which the petitioner should be forced to abide also;
and that said landscaping was for beautification of the prope=ty abutting or across
said proposed commercial development and abutting the multiple family development to
the east.
Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 445, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commi.ssioner Chavos, to recommend to the City
Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-13, be disapproved on the bases
of findings. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
pyBS: COMMISSIONIIRS: Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
pgSgNT; CONIl~IIS~SIONB1tS: Allred, Hapgood.
N0. 62-63-14 Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners; requesting that
property described as: An L-shaped parcel of land with a
frontage of 197 feet plus or minus on the south side of
Orangewood Avenue, and a depth of 1,060 feet pius or minus, the north w est corner
of said pzoperty being 610 feet east of the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue
and Haster Street be reclassified from the R~A~,dRBS DBNTIAasden type multiple$family
housing project.
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No, 281.
Mr. Harr.y Knisely, attorney for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated that many elevations were provided in the plot plans,with a recreation area
being provided on each end of subject development; that a high density development
should be near a public play area; that the proposed development would be Sike ranch-
style homes;that single story was being proposed; that the proposed development
would be under on~ ownership; and that the roofs would be of slate or rock.
Mr. George Jeffries, representing the architect, appeared before the Commission and
stated that the developer was trying to present a new approach to placing people
in the area while maintaining a garden-type project; that in order to soive the
parking problem, . a driv e down the center of the proposed development was
eliminated and a peripheral dsive around the proposed development was substituted;
that they met the twenty-one (21) foot requisement for roadways; and that by .
presenting the proposed plot plans, twenty (20) parking spaces could be eliminated.
Chairman Gauer asked if there was any opposition in the Council Chambers, uad
seven (7) persons stood up in opposition.
Mr. John C. Hamilton,2203 Vern Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition
to subject petition stated that as a homeowaer he felt he had a right to protect
his home;at the time he buiit his home he check both the zoning and the schools in
the area and felt that the area would be low density with privately owned homes;
that the City Planners had spent a great deal of time in formulating a Master Plan,
which designated subject area or subject property as low density; that in a
ma3azine cntit?.ed ".°.p~rt~?r_* H?wc~', an articie was written stating that Anaheim
would be'~Sastered'with apartments, and that the many requests for muitiple family
=ezoning just seem to be evident.
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MINUTffi, CITY PIANNING COI`A~IISSION, AuBast 6, 1962, Continued;
RgCLpSSiPICATION - Mrs. Nancq Small, 108 Cliffw~~d Stre•:t, appeared before the ~
N0. 62-63-14 Commission in oppositioa to subjecc petitioa and stated that
CContinued) she represeated a number of r~sidents on Cliffwood 3treet, ~
which abutted the property, although she did not live within the -
300 foot area; that she had met with the Park aad Recreation ,
Commission numerous times; aad that f=om discussions and talks it would be some time
before the prnposed park area would be developed; that schoois in the area were i
extremely congested at the present time; thaL with a high density development being ~
proposed for the area, the school problem would be greatly magnified; that the ~olice
and Pire protection facilities would be taxed with a high densitq develc,pment; aad ti
that as a homeowner she petitioned the Commissioa to seriously consider theae j
factars in cansidering subject Petition. i
h!=. Clifford Rothrock, 2160 Spinnaka Street, appeared before the Commission in i
opposition to subject petition and stated that he agaia was appealing to the Commis-
ion to consider limiting multiple developments to the north of Orangex~od Avenue; that i
recreatioaai facilities we=e ueing taxed now because facilities were limited to
the childsen in the area; and that the proposed development was incompatible to the ~
laad use as it existed south of Oraagewood Aveaue, wlsich was primarilq single family {
i^_ rebuttal, the attorney for the petitioner stated that the subject property was
originally proposed on the General Plan as R-3; and that sub3ect property abuts R-3
The Commission again reiterated their atand on "holding the line" of multipie iamilr
developmeat as having the southerly boundary of the north side of Orangewood Avenue;
that with current condemnatioa proceedinga inatituted by the Citq ia reference to the
p=oposed city park plan for the area immediately adjacent to subject property,
subject property should remain in the low density single fawily zoae,
Commissioner Marcoux offe=ed Resolution No. 446, 3eries 1962-63, aad moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos~ to recommead .to the City
Couacil that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-14 be disapproved on the bases
of findinga. (See ResoSution Book).
On r~ll call the foregoiag resolution was passed by the foiiowing vote:
pygg; CONMI3SIONBRS: Camp, Chavos~ Gauer, Marcoux~ Mungail~ Pebiey, Perry.
ppg3; C069dIS3I0NSRS: None.
pggBNT; COD4+lISSIONBRS: Allred~ Hapgood.
pBRMIT N0. 281 Hatella Avenue~ Anaheim, Califoraia, Owners; requeating permission
to CONSZRUCT A PIANNBD UNIT DBVBLOPN~INT on p=ope=ty de.scribed as:
pn L-shaped parcei of laad,with a frontage of 19? feet plus or
minus on the south side of Orangewood Aveaue, and a depth of 1,060 feet pius or miaus,
the northwest corner of said property being 610 feet east of the southeast corner of
Orangewood Avenue aad liaster Street. Propertq presently classified R A, RffiIDBNPIAL
Sub3ect petition was filed in con3unction with Reclasaif3.cat,iae-lio. u2-63-14.
µr, garry gnisely, attorneq for the petitioaer, appeared before the Commisaion and
stated he had nothing further to add for the Commission's consideratioa.
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MINUTHS, CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued:
CONDITIONAL USH - Commissioner Marcoux, offered Resolutioa No. 447, a°ries 1962-63,
PffitMIT N0. 281 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner
(Continued) Chavos, to deny Petition for Conditional Use Fermit No. 281,
based on findings. CSee Resolution Book).
On roll cali the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AXBB: COhA~tISSIONBRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, t~arcoux, Muagall, Pebley, Perry.
N0. 62-63-15 Road, Anaheim, California, Owners; WILLIAM N. JOdiNSTON, 10801
Da2e Street, Stanton, California, Agent; requesting that
~ property described as: A rectangular parcel of land with a
frontage of 220 feet plus or minus on the south side of Ball Road, and a depth of
440 fPet plus or minus, the northeast corner of said property being 408 feet pius oz
minus, west of the southwest corner of Bmpire Stzeet and Ba21 Road, and further
described as 2130 West Ball Road be reciassified from the C-1, NBIGHBORHOOD CObA!ffiZCIAL,
ZONH to the C-2, GSNHRAL.COhAlHRCIAL, ZONB, to construct a proposed Class "A" hotel.
Mr. Harry Knisely, attorney for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated this was a procedural question, that plans had been approved by the Council on
all but one portion of the petition.
Mrs. Mary Andrews, Pzesident of the Nutwood-Ball Civic Association, appeared before
the Commission in opposition subject petition; and stated that they were not opposed
to C-1 or C-2 uses but only to the inciusion of a cocktaii iow~ge on said property;
that subject property was 394 feet from an existing parochial grammer school with a
church adjoining said school, and also a public school; that the subject property
was directly across the stseet to the north of a Methodist Church; that the proposed
sale of liquor was prohibited by the Aicoholic Beverage Control Board within 600 fee:
from schools; and that upon contacting Mr. Moran of the Alcoholic Beverage Controia
Board, rie stated that the approximate distance for granting an on-sale liquor license
was 600 feet rrom schools.
Mr. Kniseiy, in rebuttal~ stated that the rule of 600 feet was not the law, but
would only be followed when a protest was filed on any petition for a liquor Sicense;
and that a cocktail lounge facility was something that was usually a part of any
}iotel in the county.
The Commission inquired of the Assistant City Attoraey, Joe Geisler, why the Council
denied the Conditional Use Permit as approved by the Commission.
Mr. Geisier stated that he did not recali thb exact circu~58tances, but that with the
granting of a Conditional Use Permit, it would indicate approval by the City Council of all
cocktaii lounges throughout the city; that perhaps the Council 2hought that the zone
which allowed said cocktail lounge would aot be a specific action oa the cocktail
lounge itself; but that the action of the Council would not be a stamp of approval or
disapproval on the cocktail lounge; and that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
could grant or deny the application for a license with its close proximiiy to a
school or church. •
Commissioner Chavos stated that although he had approved the original Reclassification
and Conditional Use Permit for a cocktaii lounge~ at the time he did not realize it
was so c.lose to a church and school; that the petitioner did not present a valid argument
for changing of zone from C-1 to C-2; and that he felt it should be left as C-1.
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MINUTBS, CITY PUUVNING COhAtISSION, August 6, 1962•, Continued:
RHCIASSIPICATION - The Commission inquired of the Assistaat City Attorneq~ whether
N0. 62-b3-15 a stipulatioa could be made in granting of subject petition to
(Continued) limit the use to a cocktail lounge, to which Mr. Geisler replied,
that said restriction could be made, but he did not feel '
that any forms of restrictions should be attached to
a petitiun of this type.
The Commissioa nobed thatat the time the originai petition was granted by the Commission,
it was a feeling that the use would be primarily for restaurant purposes only~ and the
cocktaii louage would be incidentai to the serving of food; aad that if liquor were
served it would have to obtain the A.B.C. Board approval cf a•license.
Commissission Perry affered a motion to recommend to the City Council that Petition for
Reclassification No. 62-63-15 be approved, subject to conditions; that the use as
proposed would be compatible to a hotel; that a hotel or motel offeriag restaurant
services would be of a higher caliber of business; and that the proposed use would be
compatible and more desirable than manq that were in Anaheim. Commissioner Pebiey
seconded the motion. .
The Commission inquired of Mr. Geisler whether the approval of subject petftion would
prohibit the use of the property for a beer parlor by the petitioaer. Whereupon,
Mr, Geisier advised the Commission that approving of subject petition for a C-2
zoning wauid be a broad approval of almost any type of sale of liquor by the petitioner.
Co~issioner Perry then requested that a deed restriction be placed on subject property
limiting its use to a cocktail lounge in connection with the restaurant.
Mr. Geisler then informed the Commission that it would be advisable to restrict the
use to the things which the Commission did not want as a use rathar than limiting its
nse ta a cockt:.i2 lounge, which eronld then give the Couacil the righi to restrict or
disapprove of a cocktaii lounge.
On roll cail the vote was as follows:
AYHS: COhAfISSIONBRS: Camp, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
~ NQHS: COhAlISSIONBRS: Chavos, Gauer~ Marcoux.
ABSBNT: COhAlISSIONBRS: Allred, Hapgood.
Por want of a majority of vote of five, the voting of Petitioa for Reclassification
No. 62-63-15 was held over to the meetiag of August 20, 1962 in order to consider
approval or denial of subject petition.
~ j~'
N0. 62-63-16 California, Owner; M& M DHVELOPMBNT COMPANY; 250 5onth La Cienega
Boulevard~ Beverly H±lls, Californ:.a, Agent; requesting that
property descriDed as: A rectangular parcel of laad with a 330
foot frontage on the west side of Haster Street, and a depth of 630 feet~ the~southeast
corner of said property being 310 feet north of the no:thwest corner of Orangewood
Avenue and Haster Street, and further described as 11355 Haster Street be reciassified
Z01~ to develop a garden-type apartment project. •
Subject petition was filed in coajunction with Conditionai Use Permit Na. 283.
Mr. R. R. Rodin~ representing the M& M Developmeat Company, appeared before the
Commissioa and stated that his company was presently developing a five (S) acre
parcel of property on the northwest corner of Orangewood Avenue and Haster Street which
was almost completed; that he was workiag with Mr. Vicker for the rezoaing of sub3ect
property; that he would be happy to answer any questioas the Commission might have.
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MINUTHS, CITY PIANNING COMMISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued: 1143
RBCLASSIPICATION - The Commissioa noted that the proposed plaaned uait development
N0. 62-63-16 oa viewing plot plans~ graphically illustrated the
tContinued) generai objectives of a planned unit develdpment as desired by
the Commission and the Plasming Department.
Commissioner Pebley offered :?solution No. 448, S~~ies 1962-63, aad moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to recoaimend to the City Couneil
that Petition f or Reclassification No. 62-63~16 be approved subject to conditions.
(See Resolution Book).
The conditions as stated in the Reaolution Book were recited at the meeting and were
found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and weifare of the citize~is of the City of Anaheim.
On roll cali the foregoing resolution was passed by the foZl,~wing vote:
AYHS: COMMISSIONBRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcous, MungaYl, Pebley, Perry.
PBRMIT N0. 283 California, Owner; M& M DHVBLOPMHNT COI~ANY, 250 Sonth La Ciencga
Boulevard, Beverly Hilis, California, Agent; requesting permission ;
to CONSIRUCT A PIANNHD UNIT DBVSLOPMBNf on property described as:
A rectaagular parcel of lAnd with a 330 foot froatage on the west side of Haster j
Street, a depth of 630 feet, the southeast coraer of said property besng 310 feet j
north of the northwest corner of Oraagewood Avenue aad H~aster Street, and further '
described as 11355 Haster Street. Property presently e].assified R A, RBSIDHNTIAL 1
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Reclassificstion No. 62-63-16.
M~. R. R. Rodin, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commissioa stating he
had nothing further to add for the Commission's consideration.
I Commissioner Pebley offered Resoiutioa No. 449~ Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to granf Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No. 283, subject to conditioas. (See R°solution Book).
On roll cail the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYSS: COMhIISSIONBRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
ABSBNT: CahAlISSIOAIHRS: Alired, Ha~good.
NO. 62-63-17 SL04N, 1015 North Acacia Street, Anaheim. California, Ownera;
ROiVALD and RAYMOND WOOD~ 2280 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa,
California, Agents; requesting that property described as:
A 125 foot square parcel of land at the northwest corner of La Palma and Acacia
Street be reciassified from the R A, RBSIDSNTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZONB to the R-3,
MULTIPLE PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL~ ZONfi to construct a multiple family development.
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Variance No. 1515.
Chairman ^vauer asked the~audience whether any one was in the Council Chambers to
represent the petitioner, and received no answer.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COhAMISSION, August 6, 1962, Continued:
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RHCIASSIPICATION - Assistant Planner, Marvia Krieger, advised the Commission that
N0. 62-63-17 upon checking the plot plans he noted that the proposed use
(Continued) would not fit the subject propertq after dedication of the
required number of feet for La Palita Avenue was made; that he
had telephoned the petitioner and advised him of this discre~-
ancy~ and that the petitioner requested a two week continuance in order to submit
revised piot plans.
The Commission discussed the possibility of continuing subject petition for two weeks
in order that the petitioner might represent himself, or whether the Commission
should consider iand use in coajunction with subject petition.
Chairman Gauer asked for aay opposition to subject petition, and five people in the
Couacil Chambers stood up in opposition to subject petitioa.
Mr. Tom Perry, 1020 Wanda Drive, appeared before the Commission in opposition to
subject petition, aad stated that he wishedtoexpress the appreciation of the
residents of the community to the City Officials for the many improvements ia schoo7.
facilities constructed in the area; that the proposed petitioa was incompatible to
the single family resideatial use of the area; that there were no multiple dwellings
in the square block area surrounding subject property; and that the petition he
presented cantaiaed 9096 of the residents of the area adjoining subject property
opposing a two story development in a square block abutting single family zoned
The Commission reviewed the plot plans and discussed multiple family development in
an R-1 area; that two story multiple family units were objectionable; and that
according to the General Plan subject property was proposed for R-1 development.
Commisaion Pebley offered Resolution No. 450, Series 1962~-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, to recommend to the City
Council that Petition for Reciassificati on No. 62-63-17 be disapproved based oa --
findings. (See Resolution Book).
On roll cail the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: COhAfISSIONHRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Muagali, Pebley, Perry.
NOHS: COI~AfI3SI0NffitS: Nune.
SLQAN, 1015 North Acacia Street, Anaheim, California, Owners;
RONALD G. WOOD aad RAYMOND G, WOOD, 2280 Newport Boulevard,
Costa Mesa, California, Agent; requesting permissioa to CONSIRUCT A PLANNBD UNIT
DEVHLOFMHNT AND WAIVB 1W0 STOitY HHIGHT LIMITATION on property described as: A 125
foot square parcel of land at the northwest co=ner of La Palma pveaue and Acacia
Street. Property presently classified R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, 20N8.
Subject petitior~ was filed in coajunction with Reclassification No. 62-63-17.
The Commission noted that no one represented the petitioners in the Council Chambers;
and that the Planning Department had advised the petitioners 4hat plot plans as
submitted would not fit subject properfy after dedication of La Palma Avenue.
Mr. Tom perry, 1020 Wanda Drive, appeared before the Commission and stated hsa
opposition to subject petition the same as Reclassification No. 62-63-17.
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MINUfES, CITY Pi.ANNING COMMISSION, August 6, 1962, Continueds 1146
Daange County Use Variance No. 50225 Joseph Tirrell, Petftionerf
property located on: South Side of Coronado Street approximately
80Q feet west of Dowlin9 Street, north~ast of Anaheim. Present
use of propertys Sin91e family dwelling.
Assistant Planner Marvin Krieger presented a special report to the Commission which
had been prepared by the Planning Department relative to subject variance.
The Commission reviewed the location of subject property as it related to the M-1,
Light Industrial, Zone in Anaheim as well as the findings and reco~endations made
by the Planning Department.
Commissioner Mungall offered a motion to advise the Orange County Planning Commission
the followings
1. That the section of the County in which subject llse Variance was lxated was
pro3ected as a Light Industrial area as part of the Anah.im General °lan, and
was recommended to the City Council and adopted by the Council for M-1, Light
Industrial, Zone in Resolution No. 62-R-335.
2. That the proposed automobile repair garage was acceptable in the M-1, Light
Industrial~ Zone under a Conditional Use Permit procedure.
3o That the plot plan depicted the location of an existing dwelling which was to
remain on the property after construction of the automobile repair garage was
completed; and that said dwelling use was not permitted under the M-1 section
of the Anaheim Zoning Ordinance, and was considered to be a non-conforming use.
4. ''hat the parking arrangement shown on the plot plan would necessitate vehicles
backing out of the northern most parking stalls to pass into the public Right-
and based on the aforementioned findings that the Anaheim Planning Commission recommends
the following:
1. That the garage structure be of a permanent nature and not to be constructed
of corrugated metal.
2. That the use of the dwelling unit for re~idential purposes be discourageds
that the possibility of a time limit upon dwelling usage seemed in order,
or a stipulation made that the house be converted into an office for the repair
garagef and that, in any case, the residential use of the dwelling structure
should be prohibited.
3. That a stipulation or requirement nf an enclosed storage for both new and
used auto parts be stated at this time in the event that such storage was
contemplated at a later date. ' • -
4. That a stipulation for the construction of a six {6) fo~t masonry wall around
sub3ect property be made to insure compatibility with future uses in the area.
5. That consideration of a parking arrangement be made which would not entail
the backing-up of vehicles into a public Right-Of-Way.
6. That~ although setbacks and landscaping were required only on arterial high-
ways, the City attempted to encourage a highway beautification on all streets;
and that since Coronado Street would be an important connector in the northeast
industrial area, some provision should be made for landscaping.
Comraissioner Perry seconded the mo~ion. MOTION CARRIED.
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Orange County Use Variance No. 5005
Assistant Planner Marvin Krieger read a letter from Mr. Robert Dedic, Roquet Realty
Company, setting forth his reasons why he felt sub~ect Use Variance should be favorably
considered by the Orange County Board of Supervisors.
The Commission reviewed the location of sub3ect property a_~ it related to the
Industrial proposals on the General Plan and reviewed the praposed new M-l, Zone.
Commissioner Camp offered a motion to advise the Orange County Boaxd of Supervisors
of the following:
1. That the section of the County ir, which si~bject Use Variance was located was
projected as a Light Industrial area as part of the Anaheim General Plan,
and was recommended to the City Council and adopted by the Council for Light
Industrial use in Resolution No. 62-R-335.
2. Under the proposed M-1 zoning now pending before the Planning Commission, that
Light Equipment Storage or Rental is a permitted use under the Outdoor Uses
section. Heavy Equipment Rental is a permitted use in the M-2 Zone, but would
be permitted in the M-1 Zone by Conditional lise Permft, and would therefore,
be considered a proper use for this location if corobined with the site devel-
opment standards as set forth in Section 18.52.060.
If this use were to be granted, the Commission recommends the following conditions:
1. That dedication of a forty-five (45) foat half width of Anaheim Road be provided.
2a Provision of an open structural setback area extending the full width of sub-
~ect property, said setback area to be fifty (50) feet in depth, measured
from the new highway Right-Of-Way line.
(a) Front twenty (20) feet of said setback area to be landscaped with lawn,
trees, shrubs or plant materials and permanently maintained in a neat
and orderly manner.
(b) Rear Thirty (30) feet to be used for automobile parking, but if not so
utilized, the entire fifty (50) feet to be ?andscaped and maintained.
(c) If sidewalks are not required, landscaping to be extended to the rear
of the curb.
(d) Sub3ect property to be enclosed, except for access drives with a solid
masonry wall not less than six (6) feet in height.
(e) Off-street parking spaces to be provided on the rental yard portion on
the basis of one space for every two maximum contemplated number of
~ amployees that will be employed upon the site at any one time, or one
space per 2,500 square feet of lot area, whichever is the greater.
(f) All outdoor storage to be maintained in a neat and sightly manner, and
to be adequately screened from tha abutting arterial highway.
Commissioner Chavos seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
CORRESPONDENCE - Southern California Planning Congress
AND August 9~ 1962
Zoning.Coordinator Martin Kreidt reminded the Commission of the
monthly meeting of the Southern California Planning Congress and
inquired who of the Commissioners would attend. Commissioners Chavos, Gauer,
Marcoux.~ Mungall, Pebley and Perry 3ndiceted they would attend the meeting.
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MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COA~uIiSSION, August 6, 1962, Continuedi 1148
CORRESPONDENCE ,- Commissioner Marcoux requested a discussion and review by the
AND Commission on the progress being made on the pro3ects which the
MISCELLANEOUS Commission would have to recommend to the City Council.
A discussion was held relative to the progress of work on the. General Plan~ Title
Eighteen amendments, Center City Study, and the llrban Renewal Committee, and other.
Zoning projects and the approximate dates at which time the Commission might expect
to receive recommendations from the Ylanning Department.
ADJOURNN~Nf - There being no further business to transact, Commissioner Chavos offered
a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Camp seconded the motion.
The meeting ad~ourned at 9s25 0'Clock P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ANN KREBS, Sec~etary
Anaheim Planning Commission