Minutes-PC 1962/08/20~'
City Hall
qnaheim, California
August 20, 1962
RHGUTAR A~IItBTING - A Regular Meeting of the Aaaheim City Pianning Commission was
cailed to order by Chairman.Gauer at 2:00 0'Clock P.M., a quorum
being present. ,
COhAlI5SIONBRS; Camp, Chavos, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
nn ___~ a o p ~L~j c` ~L~~.
C,~CYJ~Q.P/~ f[v
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~ ~ - ZONING COORDINATOR: Martin I{reidt.
INVOCATION - Reverend Truett Stovall, Crescent Avenue, Southern Baptist Church,
gave the invocation.
PLBDGB OF - Commissioner Camp led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag.
APPxOVAL OP - The Minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1962, were approved with
MINUTBS the following correct3oa:
Page 1126, paragraph 10~ should be ABSHNT: Commissioaers: Rilred,
Page 1129, last paragraph should be PUB:.:C :~fiP.IA:G. J. NIffiS and
DO~tOTY D., DODGH, etc.
LHAR~ INC., etc.
S. BIARDI, etc,
. . .STANLHY G. ANDSkSON, etc. . ..
Page 1142, RHCIASSIPICATION N0. 62-63-15, paragraph 3, last liae
PBRMIT N0. 244 California, Owner; JaSEPH SINAY, 1361 Ridgecrest Drive, Beverly Hilis,
California, Agent; requesting permission to BSTABLISfi A MOTBL on
property described ase A parcel of land 102 feet by 359 feet with a
froatage of 102 feet on the south side of Lincola Avenue, the northeast ccrner of which
is 1;275 feet west of the southwest corner of Liacoln and Suclid Avenues, and further
described as 1800 Lincoln Avenue. Propertq presently classified as R-A, RHSIDBI~ITIAL
- 1149 -
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CQdVDITIONAL USE - Subject petition was continued from the meetings of May 28, 1962,
P~tMIT N0. 244 June 11, 1962 and June 25, 1962~ ia order to permit the pet3.tioner
(Oontinued) sufficieat time to submit revised plans.
Mr. gen Heias~ representative of the petitioner appeared before
the Commisaion and sLated that revised plans had been submitted; that what the petitioner
proposed was a high-ciass motei developmeat; that the developmeat wouid be unique in
the respect that the proposed development wouid accommodste saies represeatativea which were
the' Predomiaate type of personnel tteeding the acco~amodatioas in the area; that aa
easement had been received from property beiag developed immediatel'y to the east aad
south of sub,ject property which would permit ingress and egreas for traffic and
parkiag flow; and that the stetch as presented to the Commisaion indicated the front of
the proposed building with an ideatifyiag sign on the buildiag.
Commiasion iaquired of the petitioner what was projected for the aoutherly portion of
the aubject property; to which the petitioner replied tentatively it was set up for
future professional offices on the adjacent land.
The Commisaioa inquired whq revised plans did aot indicate single story as requested bq
the Commission at the meeting of Maq 28, 1962~ to which the petitioaer repiied that the
development of a~ one-atory buildiag was unfeasible because property values t+ere too
steep to conatruct other thaa two-storq; and that hardship wouid be created because of
the value of the land.
The Gommission inquired whether the petitioner had givea any consideration to the R-1~
8ingle Pamiiq Development adjacent 3o sub3ect property; Mr. Joseph Sinay~ ageat for
the petitioner appeared ~before the Commission and stated that a rather exclusive hotel
in Chicago offered simiiar facilities as were being pro,jected by the petitioaer; and
that conaideration was given by a five CS) foot aetback from the propertq line to the
R-1 property ad3aceat.
The Commiasioa iaquir~d of the Aeaiatant City Attoraeq, Jce Geisler~ whether sub,~ect
petition slnould have had ;: Varisace aince a'C.U.P. had ao restrictions in the Code
governing two-atory easements.
Mr. Geisler iaformed the Commisaioa that a Var3aace was not appiicable to eub3ect
petitioa; that if the Commiasion wiahed to hold aiagle-story to within one huadred
fiftq (150) feet of R-1~ thia ahouid be a condi'tion.
The Commisaion noted that the required thirtq-five (35) foot setback Lincoin pvenue
frontage was not complied with on the proposed plaas; and discussed the possibility
of continuing subject petitioa in order to have reviaed plaas indicate one-storq as
welil as a thirty-five (35) foot setbact.
Chairman Gauer asked the petitioner whether he would consider continuaace of subject
petition in order to revise plans to conform to Code requiremeats of one-story within
oae hundred fifty (150) feet of R-1 property and the required thirty-five (35) foot
seLbact; to which the architect for the petitioner stated thz.t it would be economically
unfeasible to revise plaas aad reduce said motei to siagle storq.
Coeamissioner Marcoux offered Resolutioa No. 452~ 3eries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, aeconded bq Commissioner Chavos, to deny Petition for
Conditioaai Use Permit No. 244~ on the bases of findiaga. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: COMAlIS3IONffitS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux~ Mungali, Pebiey, Perxy.
NQ83: Cd~4+lIS8I0NEltS: None.
AB9BNT: C9~AfISSION~tS: Alired~ H~pgood.
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MINUTBS, CIT7t PIANNING COhAdIS3I0N, August 20, 1962, Coatiaued: 1150
N0. 52-63-2 gtreet, Anaheim, California, Owner; JOHIV D. VON Dffit I~ffiIDB, 924
North ~ciid Street, Anaheim, California, Agent; rpquesting that
property described as; An irregular pa=eel of laad with a
frontage of 259 feet plus or minus, on the west side of West Street and a maximum depth
of 497 feet plus or eiaus, th~ son!hesst co:ae~ of said prap~.-ty tsziag 451 :eet ~lus or
miaus, north of the north-vest corner of La Palma and West Street, and fruther described
as 1135-1145 A..rth West Street, be reciassified from the R-A, RBSIDffiVTIAI. AQtICULTITRAL,
20N8, to R-3~ MU7~IpLB FAMILY RBSIDENTIAL, ZONE, ia erder to construct a multiple
fami.ly plaAned uait development.
3ubject petition was continued from tke meetiags of July 9, 1962, Jnly 23, 1962, and
August 6~ 1962, in order to permit the Planning Department time to readvertise subject
property; for the Planning Departmeat to present a precise plan; and for the petitioner
to preseat revised plans.covering all three parcels of property invnleed in subject
Mr. John D. Voa Der Heide, agent for the petitioners~ appeared before the Commission
and stated that he had nothing further to add for the Commission's consideration; and
that revised plans had been submitted in accordance with the request made by the
Commission; that no plans w~re presently being projected for parcel No. 2, but that the
owners of subsect property, Mr, and Mrs, Waltezs, wanted parcel Yo. 2 reclassiiied for
futcre protec~ion as K-3 developmeat.
The Commissioa discussed at length two-story construction on Parcei No. 3 which was
adjacent to R A propertq.
Mr. Von Der Heide then agreed that all coastruction would be one-story.^n Paicel No. 3.
The Commissioa reviewed plot plans and elevations of the proposed developmeat.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. ~153, Series 1962-63, aad moved for its
passage .~nd adoption, seconded bq Commiseioner Pebley, to sec~mmend to the City Council
that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-2 be approved subject to conditions. (9ee
Resolution Book).
The eonditions as atated ia tha keaolutioa Book were recited at the meetiag and were
found to be a aecessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and welfare of the citizeas of the Citp of Anaheim.
On roll call the forcgoin~ resolution was pasaed by the foilowing vote;
AYB3: COhMISSI~t3: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marc~ux, Muagaii, Pebley, Perrq,
AB3BNf: COhAtISSIONffit3: Alired, Hapgood.
~ ~ • --
PBRMIT N0. 277 William Reeves, 1015 Bast First Street, Santa pria:, California,
Owner; WILLIAM REBVBS, 1015 $ast Pirst Streefi, Santa pna, Cali-
fornia~ Agent; rei}aesting permiasion to BSTABLISH A HOPSRAU on
property described as; A rectanEular parcel of land 105 feet pius or minus by 400 feet
~ pYus or minus, with 105 feet plus or minus frontage on the east side of Buclid Street,
~ the southwet~t coraer of said property being 100 feet plus or minus, aorth of the north-
I east corner of Catherine Drive aad Baclid Street, and further described as 932 North
Buclid 3treet, property presentiq classified C-1, NBI(~iH0~RH00D CObAfIiRCIAL, 20N8.
Subject petition was continued from the aeeting of Augast 6, 1962, in order that
the Planning Department and the legal staff determiae the reasotts for barricade at
the end of Psanees Drive being r~moved subjec4 atreet ieadiag into the Alpha Beta
Shopping Center.
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MII~UTHS, CITY PIANNING C~SSION, August 20, 1962, Continued: 1151
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~' MINUTBS, CITY PIANA]ING CObV~lIS3ION~ August 20, 1962, Contiaued:
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pffitMIT NO. 284 9261 Greenwich 8'treet, Anaheim, California. Ownera; requesting
property described as: A rectaagular parcei of land 80 feet pYus
or minus by 285 feet piua or minus, with an 80 foot plus or minus frontage on the east
aide of Brookhurst 3tseet, the aoutheast corner of said pxoperty being 595 feet north
of the northeast corner of Oraage A'venue and Bsookhurst.Btreet. aad further described
as 420 South Srookhurat Street. Property preseatiy clsesified. Cr1~„ I~IGFIDOit~i00D
Sub,ject petition was continued from the meeting of Auguat 6, 1962, in order fio permit
tbe petitioaer sufficient 'time to aubmit rGvised plo,t plans.
Nx. Chun Jung, the petitioner~ appeared tiefore the Commissioa aad stated•he had
aothin~ further to add for the Commiasioa'e consideration. ~
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CONDITIONAL USH - Mr. I.eoaard $mith, 125 South Claudina Street, representative for
pHRMIT N0. 277 the petitioaer appeared before the Commissioa ~nd atated tHat he
(Contiaued) would lite to hear the recommeadations and findings by the
Plann3ng Department and the City Attorneq's Office.
pssistant City Attoraey, Joe Geisler, advised the Commiasioa that he had not received
informatioa to render a,legai oppiaion oa facts as compiied by the Planning Departmeat.
'r:~~ ~?,oning Coordinator, Martin Rreidt. presented the findiags of the Planning Department
"'° ` to the Commisaion,
Mr, James W. 3mith, 931 Dresden Street~ A:aaheim, appeared before the Commission and ~
' stated that he had a petition signed by fel per.soas ia the single family development
abu#ting Prances Drive, opposing the ~roposed I?cfbrau; that the proposed use wouid
create a traffic hazard by the iacrease of traffic flow through Prancea Drive to sub-
ject propertq; that a schooi was located within one-half block of the proposed busi-
ness; and that the Commission should consider denial of subject petition.
The Commission discussed the practicality of a street running through a parking lot of
a C-1 shopping area; that the children would lx jeopardized by the increase of traffic
flow through this parking area; that the proposed use was indicated to serve food as
well a~ liquor; that the plot pians indicated very little space for titchen facilities
or an area to prepare food; and that at the hearing oa August 6, 1962~ only one person
appeared ia opposition to subject petition. ,
Mr, James W. Smith, iaformed the Commission that the petitioa of protest was in
circulation at the time that the original hearing was scheduled; and that Mrs. Bloomquist
was the person appearing at the previous heariag, but she was unable to attend today
because of previous commitmen4s.
The Commisaion noted thatc accesa to the shopping area would be good for all the people
in the single family area abutting the ahopping ceater; that ciosing the stub atreet
would be a distinct disadvantage. ' .
Commiasioner Perry offered Resolution No. 454, aeries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, secoaded by Commiasioner Mungall~ to grant prtition for
Conditional Use Permit No, 277, sub,ject to conditions. (See Resolntiott Soot).
On roil call the foregoing reaolution was pasaed by the follorv9bg vote:
AYES: COhA~tI3SI0I~ERS: Camp, Mungali, Pebley, Perry.
NOHS: CObMIS3I0NBRS: Chavos, Gn;~er, Marcoux.
~ pBSBNT: CaMMISSI0AIDR5: Alired~ Hapgood.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIJINNING CQbAlISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued;
~ CONDITIONAL USB - Mr. Leonazd Smith~ 125 South Clsudiaa Street, repreaentative for
P*±RM3T IdQ. 27T the petitianer apgaarar2 be.`ore 4he Cammission and stated tfiat he
~ iContinued) would like to hear the recommeadations and findings by the
Plaaning Department and the City Attorneq*s Office.
~~ Assistant City Attorney, Joe Geisler, advised the Commissioa that he had noL received
' informatioxl to render a legal oppinion on facts as compiled by the Planniag Department.
~r „ 2oning Coordiaator~ Martin I{reidt~ presented the findings of the Planning Department
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Mr. Ch~tn Jung, the petitionex~ appeared beEose the Commission and atated•he had
nothing further to add for the Commisaion's coasideration. ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued:
CONDITIONAL USH - The Commission iriquired of the petitioner whether rest rooms were
PBRMIT N0, 284 adjaceat to the babquet rooms on the second floor; to which the
(Contiaued? petitioaer replied that all reat rooms were on the first floor
near t~e ki~cuea.
The Commission discussed at length the difference between a cocktaii lounge and a
Commiasioner Marcoux offered Resoiution No. 455, 3eries 1962-6s, and moved for its
passage aad adoption, ;onded by Cemmissioner Muqgall, to gran.t Petitioa for Coadi-
tional Use Permit No. ,4, subject to conditions. (See Resalutic;~ Book).
On roll cail the foregoing resoiution wAS passed by the foilowlag vote:
AYB3: CObMISSIONffit3: Camp, Chavos, Gauer~ Marcoux. MuagalY, Pebley~ Perry,
AB9ENT: COMAlISSIOI~BRS: Alired~ Hapgood.
RHCLA3SIPICATION - 1~IIt. and I~iS, VINCBNT L. BtJLJIS, 2130 West Ball Road, pnaheim,
N0. 62-63-15 California, Owaers; WILLIAM N. JOHIdSTON~ 10801 Dale Street,
3tanton, California~ Agent; requesting that property described
as: A rectaagular parcei of land with a froatage of 220 feet
pius or minus on the south side of Hall Road, and a depth of 440 feet plus or miaus,
the northeast coraer of said propertq bein~ 408 feet plus or miaus, weat of the soutb-
weat corner of Empire Street aad Bali Road, and further described as 2130 Weat Bail
Rcad L~ rec2assified €rom ~he C-1, NBIQiBCRH00D ~iHRiCAL, ZONE to the C-2, GBNHRAL
COMMffitCIAL, 20NS, to constract a proposed Ciass "A" hotel.
At the meetiag of Auguat 5, 1962 sub,~ect petitioa was voted oajbut for a want of a
ma,jor of five of the niae Commissioners, ~voting was heid over to the meeting of
Auguat 20, 1962.
Zoning Coordinator, Martin Kreidt~ reviewen Minutes of the Meeting of August 6, 1962,
on sub,~eat pet:[tioa.
Assiatant City Attoraey, Joe Geisler~ recomP•e•aded to the Commissioa that the motion be
reoffered and acted upon on sub3ect petition. Gonaiderable discuasioa was heid
regarding the reas~as for the Citq Couacil's re£u6al to grant the cocktaii louage,
Mr. Geisler advised the Coamisaion that gzantiag of a C-2~ zoae Nes neither aa approval
or disapprovai of the propoaed uae; that the Aicoholic Heverage Coatroi Committee did
not rule on a zoning petitioa of propertq~ but merely oa the application for the saie
of aicoholic beverages; thet any proLe.et regardiag the cloae proximity of schoois aad
churches to aub,~ect property wouid bv, coasidered by the.ABC.
The Commission also noted that the churches in cloae proximity to sub3ect propertq
did not appear before the Commiasioa in oppositioa to sub3ect petitioa.
Cammissiomer Perrq offered Resolution No. 456, Series 1962-63~ and moved for its
paseage and adoptioa, aecoaded by Commiasioner Pebely~ to recommead to the City
Council that Petitioa for Reclassification No. 62-63-15 be approved sab3ect to
coaditions. (8ee Resoiution Book).
The conditioas as stated in the Fesolution Book were recited at the meetinG and were
fouad to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and weifare of citizeas of the City of Anaheim.
On roil call the foregoiag reaolution was passed by the foliowing vote:
AYES: CObIIdISSIOh'ffitS: Camp~ Gauer~ Mungail, Pebieq Perry.
NO83: C(~9~lISSIOdJBR3: Chavos~ Marcoux.
A&~!ffi7T: COI~lISSIO1V~tSa Ailred, Hapgood.
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~:,. MINUTBB, CITY PLANNING COD9dIS3I0N, August 20, 1962, Contiaued:
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VARIANCB N0. 1516 - bUBLIC FffiARING. JOHIi B. HARTLING, 606 Buttoawoed Street,
Anaheim, California~ Owner; requesting permission to WAIVH RBAR
YARD SHTBACS RHQUIRBMENT on property described as: A rectangular
parcel of land with a 59 foot frontaae oa the east side of Buttonwood Street, and a
depth of 110 feet pius or minus, on the sc+uthwest corner of said property being 421
feet plus or minus, north of the noriheasi corner of Sycanore ayd Eu~toawoad Streets,
and `urther described as 606 Buttoagwood Street. Property presently classified R-1,
Mr. John H. Bartling, the petitioner, appeared before the Commissi.on aad stated that
he had aothing further to add for the Commission's consideratioa.
The Commission inquired of the petitioner what the footage was between the slab and
the wall; where upon~ the petitioner advised the Commission he was not sure of the
definite or the actual Qeasurem~at from ~he garage to the r.ear praperty line.
The Commission informed the petitioner that he would be limited to ten (10) feet from
the property line.
Commissioner Camp of£er2d Resolution No. A57, Series 1~62-63, aad moved for its
passa.ge and adoption, s~conded by Coamissioner Mungall, to grant Petition for Variance
No. 1516 subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roil call the foregoing sesolutioa was passed by the following vote;
AYH3: COhUSISSION~tS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
NOSS; C0t~4lI83IO1VBRS: None.
AB38NT: CQh9~tISSIOi~RS: Allred, Hapgood.
VARIANCB N0. 1517 - PUBLIC FIDARING. ~LMBR M. HOPP~ JR.~ 2231 Palmouth Avenue,
Aaaheim~ California, Owner; requesting permisaion to WAIVB RBAR
YARD SBTBACIC RBQUIRHMIiN~ on property described as: A rectangul,ar
parcel of land with a frontage o£ 60 feet om the north side of Falmouth Avenue, and a
depth of 100 feet, the southeast co=aer ef said property beiag 425 feet west of the
aorthwest corner of Brookhusst 8treet and Palmouth Aveaue, and further described as
2231 Falmouth Aveaue. Property preaently classified R-1, ONH Ai~iILY RBSIDBNTIAL, ZONB.
There was no one preaent in the Council Chambers to represent the petitioner.
Chairman Gauer inquired if ttiere was any opposition to sub,ject petition and rece~ved
ao repiy.
Commisaioner Mnngall offered Resolution No. 458, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
pasaage :.nd adoption, aeconded by Commissiones Pebley~ to'gsant.Fetition foc . .
Variance No. 1517, subject to conditions. (See Resolutioa Book).
On roli call the foregoing resointion was passed by the following vote:
pyBS; COM~AI3SIOI~RS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marconr Muneall, Pebley, Perry.
~~ ~~
MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING CiI~MISSION~ August 20, 1962~ Continued:
VARIANCS N0. 1518 - RONALD TATSUTA, 2807 Puritan P1ace, Anaheim, Califoraia, Ownes;
requeating permissioa to WAIVS MINIMUM BIIILDING SBPARATIO~i
R~QUIRBI~ffiNT on property descr3bed as: An irregular parcei of
land approximately 80 feet by 100 feet, at the northeast coraer of Puritan Place and
Rio Vista 3treet, and further deseribed as 2807 Puritaa Place. Pronerty oreseatly
ciassified R-1~ 01~ffi PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL, ZONB.
Mr. Roaald 3. Tatsuta, the petitioaer appeared before the Commissioa and stated he
had nothiag further to add for the Commission•s coasideration.
The Commission.inquired of the petitiorier what he planned to do with the propoaed
building, to which the petitioner replied the proposed structure would be used for
storage purp~ses and a dressing area adjLceat to the awimming pool.
The Commission viewed photographa submitted by the petitioaer indicating the amount
of masonry construction aiready erected,
Commissioner Marcoux offered Reaolution No. 459, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, aeconded by Commissioaer Pebley, to grant Petition for
Variance No. 13.18, suSject to co~ditions. (Bee Reaolution Book).
Oa roii cail the foregoing resaitttioa was passed by the followiag vote:
Camp~ Chavos, Gauer, Marcaux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
VARIANCB N0. 1519 - PUBLIC 1~ARING. LSWIS B. COOPffit~ 735 North Vitte 9treet, Aaaheim,
Califoraia, Owuer; requesting permission to WAIVS RBAR YARD
SBTBAQC RHQUIRBMIDNT on property described as: A rectangular
parcei of land with 60 foot plus or miaus, frontage on the west side of Vine Street,
and a depth of 102 feet pius or miaus, the aortheast eorner of said propertq being
300 feet piue or minue, south of the southwest corner of North Street and Vine 3tree;•,
an8 further deacribed ea 735 North Vine Street. Propertq preaentlq ciasaified R-1,
Mr. Lewia B. Cooper, the petitioaer, appeared before the Commiseion and stated he
had nothiag further to say for the Commieaion•s conaideration.
Comm3saioaer Camp offered Reaoiution No. 460~ Series 1962-63, and :oved for its
paseage and adoptioa, seconded bq Commiasioner Perry~ to graat Petition for Variance
No. 1519, sub,~ect to conditiona. •(3ee Resolutioa Book).
On roil cali the fosegoiag resoiutioa was paeaed by the foliowiag eote:
Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Muagaii~ Pebiey~ Pe=ry.
CONDITYONAL USE - PUBLIC F~ARING. MAURICS PINTO, 1813 8outh Mancheater~ Anaheim~
PffitMIT N0. 28S Califoraia~ Owner; ROHSRT J. SMITH, 632 ~filde place,,Anaheim,
Califorriia, Ageat; requesting permission to BSTABLISH A HOPHRAU
on property de8cribed ae: An irregularly sha{ied parcei of iand
approxiwstely 56 feet by 340 feet, with a frontage of 56 feet plus or minus, on the
east side of Mountain View RoaQ~ and 6~ feet piqs or minu8, on tb~e weat side of
Mancheater Avenue, the northweat coraer of sa?~!_property beiug 325 feet south of the
soathweat corner of Rateila Aveaue and Moun~ain View Road, aad further deacribed as
1813 "C" 3outh Mattcherster Avenue. Property preSeatiy, cl~assifieii C-1, NHIGHHORHOOD
- , , . , _. , . . ~ .. ~ -- ---
f r ----
~ ~ . ~ ~
hiINUTB3, CITY PI!-NNIFi~ Cai~iISSION, August 20, 19b2, Con~inued:
CO?~ITIONAL U3B - Mr. Robert J. Smith, agent for the petitioaer, appeared before 4he
PBRMIT N0. 285 Commission and stated Lhat the last time subject property was
(Contiaued) pre~?nted before the Cowmi.asion z:ome misrepresentations were made
by Mr. Frant, the owner of the trailer park; ihat Mr. Prank stated
+he trait~~s eourt was 60 feet.from sub,ject nrooerty, but by
measurement was 276 feet; that the chiidren in the neighborhood only amouated to nine
and of the nine, five were temporarilyliviag with graadparents ia the area; that the
noise from the proposed hofbrau would be no more than the noise emanatiag from the
Preeway; and that the trailer court held dances on Satuzday, and noises from the dances did not
interfere with anyone in the neighborhood.
Mr. Charles Prank, spokesman for ~the Plantation Mobile Park Residents, appeared before
the Commiasion and stated that he wished to olarify his statment made at the hearing of
Conditional Use Permit No. 239 re~arding parkiag as being a mis-statement, and t-e wpuld
clarify it by statiag that the petitioner might reqnire an area for parking, which
would be 60 feet from the mobile park property; that the mobile park abutting subject
propertq was the best type of mobi]e park living facilities offered in the City of
Anaheim; that the caliber of people residing in the mobile park~ were the type
desired for the City of Anaheim; that the main concern of the res:dents of the mobile
park was the proposed hofbrau which represented a beer garden which would be located
only 180 feet from the bedrooms of resideats of trailers in the area; that one
trailer was valued at ten thousand dollars ($10,000); and that the proposed use was
incompatible to the trailer park itseif.
Miss Nell Brown, Manager of the Plantation Mobile Bstatea, 1835 South Manchester,
appeared before the Commission and stated she wished to clarify the so-called dances
that were held at the trailer court, by stating that said daaces were held once every
two weeks ia the recreational facilities of the trailer area club house; that the
ciub house remained opea uatil midaight on those evenings, but generally cloged by
50:00 0'Clock P,M, because residents of the trailer court left t7~e recreational
facilities by that time; thati at the time the petitioaer proposed a shopping area
adjacent to the trailer court, everyone feit that it wouid up-grade the area and would
off.er facilities for them, but when said commerciai facili~ies were coastructed
ingresa:~nd egress to the psoperty was virtually eiiminated from the traiier park
,~arEa,, ~.tlc~ the commercial facilitiea did not face oato the t~ailer park as was
r eZT: '
~P o]~,~., .
:. Mr.f~M: L. Perry, Orange County Sheriff's Uffice~ appeared before the Commission in
oppobition to subject petition and stated he was only objectiag to the operation of
the hofbrau in cloae proximitq to sieeping quartera of maay eideriq people; aad that
a great deai of noise wouid emsnate at the time customera of tbe hofbrau would be
departing at ciosiag houra which was conaiderable after midnight; and that said
noise would be ob3ectionable ae we11 as a detriment to the generai heaith of the peopie
13ving in the trailer park area.
Mr. Maurice Piato, the petitioner, appeared before the Commisaion aad reiterated the
basea for refiling for a hofbrau.type tavern; that the propoaed uae wouid not be a
haadicap to the neighberir~g mobiie park residence; that he had apent one hundred eighty-
five thousand doilars (~185,000.) ott the buildiag area improviag the azea by:`.Lhe.
conatruction of said buiiding; that he would aot allow anyone to be noiey or rotii~dy~in the
propoaed hofbrau tavern; and that the Commisaion was a body available to protect,the:;
iatereat of the City of Anaheim ia which hia investment of property itt refereace`to
texea re~i~E'stnted a coasiderabie amouat of moaey in comparison to the traiie= park
area.,,,, ..;;.. _
The Coamisaion inquired of the petitioner whether he had aa economic eurvey made of the
area covered by hia propertq; to which the petitioner atated he had not, but if one was
needed he could have made; and that Lhe rentai of the buiiding would be handled by
Cal-State for offices ia the building, which were divereified aad deaigned for the
coavenience of the area. ~,
,~ _
_. _ . ....__-- --- - --- „
~ ~ ~ ~
MINUTBg, CITY pI~1NNING COf~lISSION, August 20, 1962, Coatinued:
CONDITIONAL USB - The Commissiori also noted tHat the txailer park peopie would be
pffitMIT N0. 285 the only R-i residents who wouid patroaize the petitioaexs
(Coatinued) property; and that they seem to be the ones who were opposed to
•~ - ~ the propoaed uae of the property. .
Commiasioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 461, Series 1962-63, a~id moved for its
passage and adoptioa, §econded by Commissioner Cmnp, to deay Petition for Conditional
Use Permit No. 285~ ba§ed on findinga. ~3ee Resolution•Book).
On roll ca11 the foregoing resoiutio.. was passed by the foliawing vote:
pyBS; CONMISSIONHRS: CamP+ Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
ppg~; COhRd15SI0NffitS: None.
AgggNT; COhaIISSI01~ffiRS: Allred, Hapgood.
pffitMIT N0. 286 Aaaheim~ California~ ,Owuer; A1~1AI~ffiIM MOOSB LODGB 1853, 133} North
Los Aiigeles, California, Agent; requesting pexmission to
ggVffitpGB$ on property deacribed as: An irregular psrcel of iand bounded on the north-
east oa Manchester Avenue, and south bq Katella Aveaue and the freeway proper+.y, and
on the wes4 by Haster 3treet, aad further described as 1731 South Manchester Street.
4rogertq presently ciassified R-A, RBSIDENT~L AQtICULTURAL, ZONH.
Mr. James Hocos~ representing the Adaheii4 Moose Lodge, agent for the petitioner,
appeared before the Commissioa aad stated that the propoaed use of subject property
would be an improvement to the iocation as aow existed.
The Commission inquired of the agent for ttne petitiaaer t~hether the large facilities
would be open to the pubiic; to which the petitioner replied that the large
facilities would be apen to members and their guests only.
The agent for the petitioner stated that he was handiing the proposed use with
limited funds; tliat a11 he propoaed to do wa's to beauxifq the outaide and iaside in ordar
to preseat a presentable place for large meetings ead fuactions; that he had a three-
year lease; sad that all signs wouid be removed with onlq oae ideatifyiag said property
as the L.O.O.M.
After coasiderabie discussion was heid bq the Commission regardiag the recommeadations ~
of the Iaterdepartmentsi Committee,•it was aoted that the proposed improvementa were
coasiderabiy more than the Mooae Lodge could afford; to whicb the petitioner atated
he wouid aot like to go oa record ae approviag anq o£ the propoaed improvemeats for
the property ownera; tbat in aii litlihood,if the property owner were required to
make aii said improvementa,the iease would be breken for the Mooae aince it
represented a coasiderabie iavestm~nt by the property owaer.
The Commisaion also noted that the propoaed developmeat of Preewaq property might
eacroach oa sub3ect propert~. The Commissioa inqnired of the Planaing Departmeat
whether they had definite piaas o£ the route of this proposed deveiopment= and upoa
receipt of the information from the Pianniug Dspartment~ the Coam:saion asce=tsiaed
that the propoaed Preeway development would not iaterfere with aay of the buildiaga
oa aub3ect groperty.
Commissioner Yebley offered Reaolutioa No. 462~ Series 1962-63~ aad moved for ita
passage aad adoptioa, seconded by ~ommieaioner Perry, to grs,~-t petition for
Conditionai Uae Yermit No. 286, aub,~ect to coadi43uns. (See Reaolutioa Boot).
Oa roii cali the foregoiag resolutian was passed bq the followii~ vote:
pygg; C0~@lISSIO[JBR3: Caap, CL~~os, Gauer~ Mareoux~ Mungail, Pebleq, Perrq.
~, `~ ,,; ~, pgggl~T; COIYMI98IONIDt9: Aiired. Hepgood.
,` ----------~---r-----------..__._._r_ . - . _ _ - - •
.. .._. `T~=~*_t -..__.. -~J,; ,. ~.: ,.i . , ~ ~_.~~.~
CONIDITIONAL USE - CARL SARCFIDR, 1200 North Harbor, Anaheim, Califoraia, Owner;
PffitMIT N0. 287 requesting permission to CON3TRUCP A DRIVB-IN RBSTAURANT AND WAIVB
PARRING STALL SIZB on prope=ty described as: A rectangular
parcel of land 250 feet by 220 feet at the northeast corner of
Harbor Boulevard and Romneya Drive, and further described as 1200 North Harbor
~3oulevard, Property presently ciassified C-2, GBNBRpL COI~Al~tCIAL, ZONB, and M-1~
Mr. Carl garcher, the petitioaer, appeared before the Commission and stated that he
had nothiag further to add for the Commission's coasideration, but that the
arch3tect for the proposed drivet-in was ia the Coe:,acil Chamber and would review the
plo# plans for the Commission.
Mr. Hugh B. Bauer, 109 North Resh Street, architect r"or the petitioner, appeared before
the Commission and stated that the petitioner had been operating a restaurant in the
vicinity of the proposed location for the past seventeen years; that angular parking
stalls for the present operation were less than the proposed 9 feet by 19 feet parking
spaces;andthathe felt waiver of the 10 feet bq 20 feet Code requirements would not
jeopardize automobile parking around the proposed restaurant.
The Commission inquired of the petitioner whether air-conditioning would be located on
the roof of the proposed building; to which the petitioner replied in the affirmative.
CorimxssionPr Caap affered Resolution No. 463, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage aad adoption, secoaded by Commissioaer Marcoux, to grant Petition for
Con3itianal Use Permit No. 287, subject to coaditions. (See Resolutioa Book).
On xoll call the for.egoisrg resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: COhUlISSIONHRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley~ Perry.
ABSBNT: COMMISSION~tS: Alired, Hapgood.
PIDtMIT N0. 288 COMpANY,. 1825 East Center Street, Anaheim, Caiifornia, Owners;
requesting perm~ssion to CON3TRUCT A SBRVIGB STATION on property
described as: p rectangular parcel of land 195 feet by 193 feet,
at the sauthwest corner ~f Ball Road and Dale Street. Property presently classified
Mr. Neweil Little, representing one of the petitioners, appeared before the Commission ~ ~
and stated that the Walker Oil Company was new to Orange County; that ten (10) service
statioas were located in Orange County of which three (3) are located in Anaheim; that ~ '
`' the neighboring propertq owners were aot in oppositioa to subject petition; and that ~
~' he had letters from ad3acent property ownera to this affect. . ~
~ . ,
~ { .
The Co~eission noted there r.rae ll0 proteat to the proposed service station; and that the c orner ~
where the proposed service statian was to be ioca~ed was zoned C-1, Neighborhood ~
CommerGial. • ~
Commisaioner pebley o£~ared Rraolution No. 464, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded bp ~ommissioner Mungall, to grant PetiLion for
Cond3tioaal Use Permit No. 288, suu,~ect to conditions. (See Resolu4ioa Book), i
On roll cali the foregoing reaolutloa was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: C01~9~fI3SI0I~lt3: Camp, Cha~•os, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
AB9BNT: CQF9~II3SION~4S: Aii:ed, HapC~od.
, ; ..;
\, ~;; :
. .. ~--~- ---~::..~-....~_..-_-~-_-.-- ,. ._ _ , ,. '• .' _ . ,P.:.--- --: - . - __. ~ .. . _
~ ~, ~ f, :; ~'
MINUTSS, CITY PIANNING COhA~fISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued: 1158
CONDITIONi.L USH -'PUBLI~ F"..,e~V..ING. Fi~RMAN PRBBSB, 2:43 '~te~~ Broe~-way, Anaheim,
PHRMIT Np, 289 California, Owner; DAVID W. HOOg, 16(i~ i~•~xi;h Bush 8treet.
~ Santa Ana, Califoraia, Agent; requestia~ permisaion to COZ4 'GRUf.T A
pLANNHD 7?ROPHSSIONAL Cffi~Tffit on property deacribed as: /.~1n
L-sha~;~d ~:P~cei oi iand with a 213 :aat plus cx r~ians fren*.age o^_ the so~#h side of
Lincoln Avenue. and a debth af 627 feet plu~ or ai»us, the northesgt corner of said
propertq beiag approxi~~>;c:ly 950 feet, west,, of the southwest coraer of Linco.in Avenue
and Huclid 3treet. :ro~erty presea:•iy classified R A~ RBSIDBNTIAL AGRIC~7LTtRiAT,, Z(k`tiT"'.
Mr. Da•rid Hook~ agent f~~: ti~n ~+<-~`3.tioner, apgeared befor.^ the Commissiori snd stiated
he lu~d bothing f.urther to add i^r the Commission*s consideration, but would be glad
#s; ::xawer aay questions.
Mr. Thomas 0'lirien, 1789 Brea:wc~od. ?lace, appeared befoxe •~,~.e Commission in ~g,9osition
to subject petition, represent:ing a group of residents an Bres;::vood Place, s.nd stated
to the Commission that the group was opposed to subject petit:ion because pL:,: pYan3
iadicate3 only the front 2U0 feet of subject property whereas subjec: p~opert~y
c~~ver~d 527 fee~t; th:.t the rear of proper:y wae adja.ent to Brentwood Place; th~3'c the
Coadicionai Use Permit should cover the entire proper~y; and that 17 of the ~L
pro~r.rty owners on F-entwood Place had signed a petition of oppositioa.
The Comc~issioa..inquired of the petitioner whether
the property immediate:;' ar at soe~e future date.
Mr. Hook informed the Commis~3on that future plans ir.5icated a single s,#ory
construction type of inedical-p~rafessional office bui.l3ing which would be part n.f a
projected compiex of buildings covering professioi~si, fime arts, law, and a.aedicai
building; that according to plot plans curren•: construction would co~ver 400 :e°t
which would leave 216 feet for future expans.ion.
Mr. Pxa:,~ Kimball, 1758 Brcntwood Ylace, appe~reu x•`.'~:~. t5e Co.amis,eion ir. oppc,si~`:~.n
to subjec: petition and stafied that the Brentwoo•,. ?:.,~.ce resT.dents ~aould ).ike to see
plans for the entire area; ~ea~F two story construction would. objec~tionablu; that th~
Commissi-on ~.:hould limit construction to sa.agle stary with `.andscap:tng to separate
the professional offices frca th~a single family residenceson Brentwood Place as weli
as Bmbassy StrAei, that t.*.~ proposed use was not objectionable to fihe group, but tha~
deed restr.~ctions sh~uld .Limit construction and uses to professional offices only
with dedicaiicn :ights o~.° Bmbassy Street c..°d~ in ordes to prevent acc~ss to Bmbasay
Str.eet; a~.~d that drawing+~ and pians shoald b~ snbmitted covering the e~.~tire portion
of subject property with futuxe intention3 of constr~+c;ian on said propecty.
Mr. Hook i.:, rebuttal, stated that the development of subj~ec~t property wouid be to
areate fuus (4) buildings with individi~ality; that the praperty wou7.d be single story
conetruction with no more than 14,OQ0 square feet per Luildiu,~; a::d that plot pians
for the medical building wouid ~ much more comriP• and would have tn be individually
planned te confor.~m to the occupank of each por.tion of the bi:ilding.
Assi.stant City Atto=ney J'oe Geisler advised the Commission that the Commissi~~: ~^~wld
approve the e.-.tire parcel of propertq a~ith conditions on th~~ rear portion of the
property; and t:~~t if any additioa was coa+emplated for the rcar ~artion, thut an
oChe= Cor;~titio=~ai r3se P~ermit wouid have ic be filed ~„nd adverts.s::d for puLiic heari~.6.
Commissia:~er Gh~vos of£ered Resolution No. 465, Series 1952-63, an.r. moved for its
passage ancl a:~~~ption, secondedt by Commissioner Pebley, `to g:.ant r~:tition for
Conditiona2 Us~ PezWit n~. 289, aubject to conditinns. CBee Res~lution Book).
_, ~
F:: :
` . -.
€ °' -~'
I! _ . ~
~; l
s` I
MINU7.'ES~, CITY PIANNING COI~lISSION, Angust 20, J.962, Coatir.sed: 1160
RBCBS3; Co~;,nissioner Mungall offered a motion to secess the meeting of the
P:lanning Commission to reconvene at 7:U0 P.M., seconded by Commissioner
Meetino adjo: ~d at 5;05 P.M.
~3CON;~Bl~: Chairmaa Gauer reconv°ne the Flanaing Commi.ssion meeting at 7:02 p.M.
C;.smissioners A11red and Hapgood were absent.
. r J7iL3G iT:!ARIA'G.
CONDITIONAL USH - y:GNAL OIL AND GAS COMPANY, 1010 Wilshire Boul.evard, Los Angeles,
PffitMIT N0. 29f- :7, Califosnia, Owners; Ted Cruchley, 624 Has~ Svergreen Street,
Nonrovia, California~ Agent; requesting permission TO CONSTRUCT
AN AUTOMATIC CRR WASH o:t property described as: An irregularly
ahaped parcel of laad at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and State College
Boalevard, ha~ing a frontage of 195 feet on Lincoln Avenue and 180 feet on State
Coliege Boulevt~rd. Property presently ciassified C-1, I+~IQiBGRH00D COMMffitCAL, 20Nii
Mr. Ted Cruchley~ agen~: for the petitioner, appeared ~efore the Coouoission and stated
that t:.e Qa~itioner intends :o build a moder» structure; that said structure would be
1a.rdscaped and that the property would be black-topped.
fhe Commission noted that with the type of busiaess being propo~ed it might be to the
peta.tioaers a~vaatctge to have an eight (8) foet wail abu:#ing the property line to
the west which would help to elimiAS:~ unsightlisess and racks which might be stored
and maintain privacy for tihe residential area abutting subject property to the west.
Th~~ CG11ID~8830A further d:~scusaed the thirty-five (35) foot setback and black-topping
am rue11 as the eight (8) foot wall oa the alley liae of subject propert~~, together
with iandscaping along State College Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue rights-of-way of
subject property.
Comaiseion.:r Perry offered Resolution No. 46E~. Ser_e3 1862-63, and m~ved for its
passarse attd adopt3on, seconded by Com~^.ieaione.: i;amp, to grr.at P~~ition fr: ~onditional
iJse Pte~ai~ No. 290, subject to conditions. (See i.aooiut3~n Book).
Oa roli caii the foregoing reaolutioa was passed by the fol7~owring t~ote:
pYB9: CONMISSIONHRS: Camp~ Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungi~il, FebS.ey, Perry.
NUBS: COMA4I3SI011ffit8: Non~.
AS9IINT: COHAlIS,1•IONffitS: Alired, Fiapgood.
~ONDITIONAL U9B - PUBLIC I~ARING. M. H. HULBTT, 701 NorLh Weat idtreet~ Anaheim,
P~tMIT N0. 'l91 California~ Owner; reques#inq.p~rsoission to BSTABLISH SALBS AI3D
described as: An irregular parcel, of iand ~vith 138 feet plus or
minus, frontage oa the south side of Lincola Av;~sue~ aad aa approximate depth of
250 feet~ the northeast coraer of said being appra:simate..y 88 feet west of the south•-
west c~rner of Me:.chester Ave~,~e and Liacoln Avanue, and £~irt:lex described as 1520
West Ltncoln A+:enue. Froperty pres~ntly ciass3fied M-1, LIQ3 MANUPACTURING, ZCmB.
Mr. J. W. Cro~ve, 701 Nfneteeath 8treet,, repreaettti,ng the ~etit,aar,~:, a~peared before
the Ccmmi.~sion and stated he hAd~ riot~i:[tf~t fusthts to say f~r tfle Comm?~ssion's cor,sider-
ation. ~
" ~ -' ~..~
4_,.. ;...: ~.:.:: ~'.~. .
CONDITIONAL USB - The Commissxon reviewed plot p1aAS on subject petition.
PffitMIT N0. 291
(Continued) THH ~ffiARING WAS CLOSBn.
The Commission inquired ~: tne representative for the petitioner
whether he planned to use the rear portion of subject property for parking purposes
and ii the rear prcperty would be cleaned up; to which the representative for the
petitioner replied that the building had been vacant and the owner did not know that
the area was n'sed ~y other people for storage purposes; that the property would be
cieaned up'and that the rear property would be black topped.
Upon inquiry by the Commission whether the petitioner pianned to black to.p the
entire rear of subject property, the represeatative for the petitioner replied, they
planned to black top the area covering six (6) parking stalis; that the building had
been empty for two months; and that in osder to continue business the petitioner
would have to enhance the business propexty.
The Commission noted that the City Council had granted a request for an interim
business license to allow the requested use to operate for a period of sixty (60) days
pending Commission'and Council actioas oni subject Conditionai Use Permit.
Coarmi~sioner Marcoux o~'fered Resolution No. 467, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungali, to grant Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No. 291, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roil call the foregoing resolutioa was passed by the foliowing vote:
AYE3: COhAlISSIONERS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebicy, Perry.
NOBS : COhA~I I3S I ONHRS : None .
AH3HNT: CObA~IISSIONHRS: Ailred, Hapgood.
Commissiotter Marcoux left the Council Chambers at 7:20 k.M. stating that as :: ~-uling
Bider of the Prestyterian Church of Anaheim he would refrain from discussion of the
following petition.
PBRMIT N0. 292 Broadway, Anaheim, Californ~a, Owners; JOHN M. KENT, 560 California
Pederal Buildiag, Huclid ~ Cresceat, Anaheim~ Califoraia, Agent;
CHURCH, AND WAIVB PARRING RBQUIRBMHNTS on property described as; A T-shaped parcel of
land~~vith a 148 foot frontage on the east side of Helena Street, 370 foot frontage ori
the south 'side of Broadway, and a 148 foot frontage on the west side of Clementine
3treet. Property presently classified R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL, ZONB.
Mr. John M. ~eat, ageat for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated
that the proposed buiYding as submitted ia plot plaas to the Commission was needed to
provide.adaquate facilities for the present members and for a charch school and feilow-
ship facilities; that the present facilities were inadaquate; that the average
attendan~cs each Sunday was eieven hundred (1,100) persons for three services; that
Sunday ichool atxendaace was about seven hundred (7); that parking faciiities for
church members attendance was a problem, because Code requirements as written in the
Code today were difficult to abide by with a dow::town church; that present parking
facilities for .~embers has proven to be adaquate because the church was located near the
ciCy parking lots which were not in use on Sunday, and'that he would be glad to answer any
questions the Commission might have.
The Comaission inquired of the ageat for the petitioner, whether the church had
attempted to acquire property adjacent to the church for parking purposes.
... .~.i... ~'..~~,~. S _r_... ..
.r. ~ - ~
MINUTB3, CITY PIANNING CObAlISSION, AugLSt 20, 2962, Continued: 1161
~ ~ l_/
MINUT83, CIT7t PLANNING C~SSION, August ~0, 1962, Continued:
` C'~TDITIONAL USH - Mr. geat replied that the purchase of property in the dowatown
P~RMIT iV~; 292 area specificaliy for parting facilities was too great an expense
(Con~.ntied) for the church.
The Coetmission informed the petitioner that the Commission and
the Council:required suFficieat Qarting s2ace fos a new church and that none ~ra.s be±ng
ptovided by the present pet3tioner.
Mr. Beat advised the Commis~ioa tliat the proposed facilities were not intended for
pro~ected future growth, but for use of the present members oniq.
: The.Commis§ion noted that it was up to the Cownissiua to grant a specific v~aiver from
psrking Code requirements; that fhe buiidings adjaceat to the caurch were being
removed for the new facilities; that the petitioner stated the present use of the
- buildings were being used to capacity by the church members; and that they would like
~ to have a ruling by the City Attorney representative regardiag parking requirements
for the church.
The Commission discc.ssed at length the parking probleos preseated to churches in the
downtown area, and F~sked Mr. Geisler whether the Code requiremeat Code Section
18.04.030 could be i.nterpreted to exempt downtown cknrches from this Code parkiag
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Mr. Geisler advised the Commission that the Code stated, so long as the existing
structure remained the same as it was when the Ordinance was adopted, no parking
~equirements need be provided, but when an addition was added to an exi~ting church
the structural change would be affected by Code parking regulatians, but this did not
prohiEit the Commission the right to waive what it felt shonld be granted to ;he
church in :he matter of parking requirements.
Mrs. Anna Pietrok, 512 {;est Chestaut Street, appeared before the Commissioa in
opposition to the waiviag of parking requirements of subject petition and stated that,
with the many apartments beiag constrt~ction in close proxiaity to subject property
that were required to provide off-stseet parking~ she felt that any proposed aew
structures to the church should also be ;equired to provide sufficieat off-street
parking; that parking in the streets had become increasingly heavy not only oa
Sundays but also during :he week; And that she preseated a petition signed by tyrenty-
eight (28) people living in close proximity to subject church opposing the waiving
of parking requirements of the church.
Mrs. B13zabeth Potrin, 307 Weat Hroadway, appeared before the Commission and. stated
that she was not oppased to the buiiding of the proposed additioa to the church~ but
haviag lived across the street from subject property for 12 years, the parking
problem had become almost imposaible with parking even in the driveway of her
property; and that gomethiag should be done for adaquate parking facil3ties for
attending church members.
Mr. ~ent in rebuttal stated that the church did aot eacourage members to violate
iaws; fihat said violatioa should be a Police Department problem with tickets beiag
issued to violators of any illegal parking.
After considerable discussion by the Commisaion and Mr. Geisler regardibg waiver
of parking requirements as provided under Code regulations, with Mr. Geisier
stating that Conditional Uae Permit gave the Commission aad Council a~sthority to
grant'any. variation from the Code interpretatioa; aad that these parking requirements
were being discussed ia the Attorney's office st the present .::Me.
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~ MINUTB3, CITY PLANNING C.OMdISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued:
CONDITIONAL USH - Commissianer Mungall offered Resolution No. 468, Ser:i^g 1962-63,
PBRMIT N0, 292 and moved for irs passage aad adoption, seconded bp C~mmissioner
;Continued) Pebley, to grant Petition for Coaditional Use Permit No. 292,
snbject to co;~ditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing r~s4Yution was passed by the iollowiag vote:
AYBS: CONAIISSIONHR3: Camp, Gauer, Mungall~ Pebiey~ Perry.
ASSBNT: COMMISSIONIItS: Allred~ Hapgood, Marcoux.
Commissioner Marcoux returned to the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M.
PBRMIT N0. 293 Hi11s, California, Owner; LLOYD H. MOUNT, 421 Bast Sroadway,
Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting petmission to CONSTRUCT
A PLANNED-UNIT DSVBLOPMHNT on property described as: A rectangular
parcel of la~d with a frontage of 571 feet plus or minus, on the east side of gnott
Avenue, and a depth of 612 feet plus or minus~ the northwest corner of said property
being 378 feet plus or minus, south of the sdutheast corner of Lincola and a;.nott
Avenues. Property presentiq classified C-1, I~ffiIGHBORHOOD CO6MBRCIAL, ZO~VB.
Mr. Lloyd B. Mount, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated that subject property ~,rds zoned C-1,Neighborhood Commercial, without
deed restrictions which wouid allow the construction of apartmeats ia the area; that
he was appearing before the Commission with the requests to construct a planned-
garden type apartment unit and requesting a waiver of a rear yard setback requirement;
the construction of carports ir. lieu of garages ia order to utilize parking facilities;
that two renderings were before the Commissioa, one done by the architect and an
other done by the artist to indicate the side waik facilities, recreation facilities
and parkiag areas, which was indicated on the second drawinp,; and that the proposed
development would be a single story garden-type apastment, which would be a very
definit as~et for the.City of Anaheim.
The Commission i~iquired whether the petitioner was aware of a stub street to the
east of subject property which would have to be dedicated to pass through subject
property to facilitate traffic flow from the R-3 development to the east.
The petitioner replied 4hat he was u.naware of a stub street existing to the east and
that 3evelopment of a stub street through the property would only apply if the tract
were being applied to subject property, but that if a two story building were used
on subject propeaty and only one buildit;g were erected said stub street would not
have to cross over subject property as an access street to ICnott Avenue. ~
Assistant City Attorney, Joe Geisler, stated that the iaterpretation of C-l or
Multipie Faa~ily development in a Gi zone wa.s permissible, but i~ two story were
~ _ beiag c~nstructed that the R-3 uses wouid be subject to the conditions of the zone, ;
which would be single story construction within a one hundred aad.fiftq (150) feet
of R-A, Residential Agricultural property, which was on both the easteriq and westeriy
F°' boundaries of subject property.
~ Mr. Mount stated that subject property would be retained as one parcel of-property '
? whether it developed as R-3 or C-1.
~ Mr. Myron Meyers, 7973 Beveriq Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, appeared before
the Commissioa in opposition to subject petition and stated that he was
~ the attorney, the owners of the property abutting to the north of subject property
that• his c2ients were not strictly opposed to the method o£ development~ but if
~ subject development were approved the constructioa of a masonry wall to separate the . ~
c~~ercial shopping.:center from the p;oposed resideatiai development shouid be one
~ - of ~he stipulations and conditions of grantiag a subject petition.
~ e
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C~VDTIONAI. USB - Zoning Coordinator ~~ b4artin Kreidt ~ gave a brief re'sumc+ of the
PffitMIT N0. 293 original tract in question, aamely, Tract No. 3886 showiag the
j (Continued) layout of the stub street; that deeds of easements across the R-A
I property to the ailey abutting to the south of subject property
connecting with Canoga Place was given by the property o~rner
~ separating subject property and the R-3 p=operty to the east. ,
The Commisaion reviewed the Plaaning Study and renderings in said Plaffiing Study
regarding Tract No. 3886. .
The Commission inquired of the petitioner whether h. would be willing to extead
Del Monte Drive through subject property to Rnott Avenue,building apartcents on the
south side of the extended Del Monte Drive, and a planned-unit development to the
north of extended Lel Monte Drive which would improve the cizculation element from
the existing R-3 to the east to Knott Avenue~ to which the petitioner replied that,
this couid be done,but that he did not particularly like two story ssnd would
prefer that itremain single story garden-type constraction; that at the time the
whole block of subject property and the property to the north was rezoaed to C-1,
it was possible that the Commission had considered the extension of Del Monte Drive,
but that it was not made a condition of the xezoning of subject property to a zone
whicn would allow either commercial or muliiple family dwelliag; that ail the
petitioner was asking of the Co~nission was a permit to construct the garden-tqpe
apartmeats aad that conditions had not chaaged from the time of the original zoning
unti2 the present time.
I The Commission inquired of the Zoning Coordinator, the date of the originai
reclassification of subject propertyrand was informed. it was originally submitted
in 1957; after which the Commission noted that conditions attd ideas had chaaged
~ regarAinz zoning of property; that Del Monte Drive should be considered or required
as a dedacated street; that the petitioner should submit revised plans indicating
said dedication of stub street through subject property, and plans for the northerly
portion of the property for planned-unit development; that possibly the
~~ommission should initiate reclassification of aubject property to R-3; and that the
petitioner should meet with the Planning Department for suggestions in revising said
Commissioner Yebley offered a motion to reopen the hearing aad continue Petition for
Conditionai Use Permit No. 293, to the meetiag of September 5, 1962, in order to
permit the petitioaer time to submit revised plans, Commission Chavos secoaded
- the rtiotion.
PBRMIT N.O. 295 Anaheim, California, and HIROJI and PU3AYI HATANAKA~ 4678
~ La Pa1ma, Dairyland, Cal3fornia,~Ov,ners; BISHOP HUGH J. S~tHNSBN,
825 South Westchester Drive, Aaaheim, Califoraia, Agent;
requeatsng ,,~.rmission to CON3TAUCT A CHURCH BUILDING on property described as:
A rectangc].r,c parcel of land with a 201 foot plus or minua frontage on the south side
of Orange i~ es~~ue, and a depth of 6S4 f~eet pias or minus, the northwest corner of
said propei •,~ being 789 feet, east of the ceuterliae of Hoider Street~ and furthe.r
described a,,:3890 Oraitae Avenue. Pruperty presently elassifiea R A, RESIDBNTIAL
Subject rt•~~ues~: was originally filed under Coaditionai Use Permit No. 272, which
eovered a;portion of subject property, and Special Use Permit No. 90~ whicli ~overs
the xresterl; portioa of subject property; Spesial Use .Permit No. 90 haviag expired
becau:se conditions had not been complied with within the required 180 days.
Bishop Hugh J. Sorensen, ageat for the petitioaer, appeared before the Cosaisaioa
and stated that he had nothing further to say to the Commissioa for their consideration.
The Commisaion inquired of Assistant City Attorney, Joe Geisler, whether they should
act on Speciax Use Permit No, 90 and Conditionai Use Permit No. 272.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING CObAdISSION, August 20~ 1962, Coatiuued; 1164
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MINUTSS, CITY PIA2iNING C~SION~ August 20, 1962, Continued:
r ``
CONDITIONAL USB - Mr. Geisler advised the Commission that it would be advantageous
pBRMIT N0. 295 to them to disregard both petitions and act on subject petition
(Contintxed) only; that upon completion of action on subject petition
separate motions should be made for the termination of both
petitions filed on separate parcels of subject pro~:erty.
Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No. 469, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, to grant Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No. 295, subject to cottditioas. (See Resolutioa Baok).
On roll cali the foregoing resoiution was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: COD4(IS3IOIVHRS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
pB3SNT; COMMISSI01~ffiRS: Allred, Hapgood.
SPSCIAL USH - Commissioner Perry offered a motioa to terminate all proceedings
pffitMIT Np, 90 on Speciai Use Permit 90, since the 180 day time limitation had
expired. Commissioner Marcoux seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIBD.
CONDITIONAL USB - Commissioner Perry offered a motion to terminate all proceediags
pBRMIT N0, 272 on Conditional Use Permit No. 272, since Conditional Use Yermit
No. 295 superseded all action on subject petition. Commissioner
Marcoux seconded the motzon. MOTION CA1tRIBD.
: pffitMIT N0. 296 et a1, 174Z-D 3outh 8uclid Street, Anaheim~ Califosnia, Owners;
~` ROBBRT B. JOHNSON, 1741-D South 8uclid Street, Anaheim, California,
~ Ageat; requesting permission to BSTABLISH A COCRTAIL LOUNGB on
~. ~ property described as:'A rectangular parcel of land with a 350 foot frontage on the
~" south side of Ratella Avenue and a depth of 205 feet, the northeast corner of said
;. property being 135 feet west of the southwest corner of Rateila Avenue and Haster
; 3treet, and further described as 130 West Katella Aveaue. Property presently
Mr. Robert B. Johnson, agent for the petitioners, appeared before the Commission and
stated he had nothing further to say. other than, the building was designed for thP.
~• cocktail lounge and a uew motel; that screens were beii-g manufactured to hide the
~ air-conditioning units oa the property.
; The Commission iaquired of.Assistant City Attorney, Joe Geisler, what the difference
~ was regarding subject petition of a cocktail lounge and c,.e previously heard.
~ _ D{r, Geisler stated t`:at whea the original Conditional Use Pe,rmit on a cocktail lounge
was heasd by the Counci]ythe only objections were to the close proximity of churches
aad schools which would be basically questioned by the Alcoholic Beverage Control
Board; that the Alcoholic Severage Control Board might very possibly consider that
specific approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the City of Anaheim wouid indicate
that the City of Anaheim felt that a cocktail lounge wculd be good in the proposed
location under that Conditional Use Permit; and that subject Conditional Use Permit
could not be considered in the same catagory as that previously rejected by the
Council. ~.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 470, Series 1962-63, and moved for its passa$e
and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to grant Petition for Conditioaal Use
permit No. 296, subject to conditions. (3ee Resolution Book)..
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COAIDITIONAL USB - On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following
PffitMIT N0. 296 vote:
AYBS: COhMISSI01~tS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer~ Marcoux, Mungali,
Pebley, Perry.
AB.cENT: COhU~fI3SI01~RS: A'.lred, Hapgood.
CONDITIONAL USE - SLBANOR A. MANION, 1309 South Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, Cali-
PffitMIT N0. 297 fornia, Owner; requestiag permission to CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO
A NURSBRY SCHOOL on property described as; A rectangular parcel
of land with a lU5 foot frontage on the west side of Brookhurst
Street, and a depth of 150 feet, the northeast corner of said property being
approximate2y 950 feet, sauth of the southwest corner of Baii Road and Brookhurst Street,
and further described as 1309 South Brookhurst Street. Property pzesently classified
Miss 8leaaor A. Manion, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that
off-street parking was not aeeded because employees in the nursery walked to work
since they lived in the vicinity of the nursery school; that parking was not
allowed in the nursery school area; aad that street widening was provided at the time
the property was rezoned to C-1.
A letter was read from Mrs. L. B. Crumly, 10172 Hearth Lane, requesting that a masorrry
wail be oae of the cou~ditions in graating subject petition to minimize the noise of
50 children proposed for the nursery; and that only a woodea fence now separated
subject property from her property.
Miss Manion stated that Mrs. Crumly operated a smail aursery school adjoining subject
property; that upon completion of the proposed addition, the play area would be
separated by a building from the property abutting to the west which'should act as a
barrier to any noise emanating from the number of'children in the nursery,
Mr. Howard Bates, 10176 Hearth Lane~ appeared before the Commission and stated that he was
not opposed to subject petition, and 4hat the noise would be no more objeetionable
than usual from a busy street; and that the fence abutting his property was satisfactory.
Coc~issioner Perry offered Resolution No. 472, 5eries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos~ to grant Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No, 297, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoiag resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYB9: COI~lIS3ION~tS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry,
NOES: COh9~lISSIOdJBRS: None. ' _
AHSHNT: COhAlISSIOIV~tS: Ailred~ Hapgood.
Commissioaer Pebley left the Council Chamber at 9:15 p,M.
N0. 61-62-114 San Jaciato, California, Owaers; HAUPTMAN-ISAAC, 1741 3outh
Buciid Street, Anaheim, California, Agents; requesting that
property described as; A rectaagular parcel of laad 330 feet
plus or minus~ by 610 feet plus or minus, with a frontage of 330 feet plus or minus. on
the south side of Ball Road~ the aorthwest coraer of said propertq being 625 f.eet plus
or minus, easb of the southeast corner of Holder Street and Ball Road, and further
described as 3730 West Bali Road, be reclassified from the R A, RHSIDENTIAL A(3tICULNRAL
ZONB, to the R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL; ZONS, ia order to construct a garden-type
apaztment deveiopment on subject property. ~
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MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING COh4lI3SION, August 20, 1962, Coatinued; 1166
RHCLASSIPICATION - Subjeet petition was filed in conjunctioa with Conditianal Use
N0. 61~62-124 • Permit No. 251.
Mr. R. S. Johnson, ageat for the petitioner, appeared before the
Commiseion and s~ated that nearly a year had been spent on
revisions and changes in plaas to subject property; that a set of plans had been
circuiated a~vong the adjoining progerty or.Te*s ±n the area; tkat veluable ?nformatiea
had been gained by the circulation of plaa:, and new plans were then drawn; that he
met with owners in the area with the plot nlans as preseuted with subject petition, and
received varied opinions regarding subject plans; that nearly 1,000 square feet was
projected for a two bedroom apartment; aad that sixty-two (62) units were being
proposed for the eatire parcel of Iand with extensive landscaping being projected.
Mrs. Thomas Wocker, 1330 Orange Street, appeared before the Commission and stated that
she was a resident of the Brentwood Park Tract No. 3501 adjoining subject property; and
read a letter of opposition from the Westridge Home Owners Association which indicated
granting of subject rezoning would be spot zoning, and in an undesirab'le
location since it would encroach on single £amily residentiai development in the area.
Mr. Robert Mann, 1215 South Premont Street, appeared before the Commission in oppositioa
to subject petition~ and stated the rear of his property was adjacent to subject
property and that he opposed the zoning of this particular piece of propertq because it
abutted an R-1 zoned tract; that the C~neral Ptan indicates subject property for
single family development of low-density homes; that 116 single family homes were
erected north of subject property, which were loc~ted in Buena Park; that approximateiy
a year ago subject property had been recommended for R-1, under Tract No. 4239; that
a Variance had been filed in conjunction with said Tentative Tract Map, but was
withdrawn before the City Council could act on the Tentative Tract aad the Variance.
Mr. Brock, 1219 Premont Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition to subject
petitioa and stated tha' Mr. R. B. Johnson, agent for the petitioner, had submitted
plans to a group of resi~2nts at his home; that the original pians had been submitted
to tkeae also; that in a four and one-half (4~) hour session subject plans were
discussed which he felt were not in accordance with R-3 development; that subject
property was completelq surrbunded by siagle family homes; that the ailey way directly
behind his propertv would be used for a trash truck pickup for the proposed muitiple
family deve?.o7mert*.; that traffic conditions on Premont Street were overloaded at
present; a-~~c' tha4 the proposed construction of a multiple family uait development would
further tax fr~ffic conditions in the area~ because peopie living on streets to the
west of Premont Street, use Premoat Street to go to the shopping ceater east of
Premont Street.
Chairman Gauer asked if any persons in the Council Chambers were in opposition to
subject petition, and fifteen (15) persoas stood up in opposition.
Mr. James Reel, 1336 Oriole Street, :Ppresenting the fifteen (15) persons in the
Couneil Ctiambers, and stated that snbject propertq was completeiy surrounded by
tract ;~ome~; that pictures as presented by the petitioner did not represent the true
archi:e~ctual feeling;~hat subject petition would discourage further construction of
single fsmily homes prior to the construction of Cerritos School; that aubject
development would agaia overload the schools; and that homes surrouttding subject .
property covered a square foot area of 6,200 to 7,400 square feet as opposed to
1,000 square feet praposed for the two bedroom apartment developmeat.
Mr. William Wesley, 1247 Berkley Street, appeared before the Commission and stated
that his proper*.y was abuttiag the southwest corner of subject property; that he and
h~s neighbor would suffer a great loss in property value, but that he was not opposed
to subject development provided that a masonry wall would be constructed surrounding
subject prope;ty. ~
Mr. Johnson, in rebuttal, stated that at the meeting held at Mr. Brock's home, at
which time renderings were shown to neighboring property owners, he feit that the
proposed development had received favorable consideration; that many individual factors
on the exterior of the buildings, too numerous to mention, were indicated in great
detail on the small renderings; that a twenty-five (25) foot driveway was proposed in
the enciosed area; that since numerous children were in the tract development abutting
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COIi9dISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued: 1167
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MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING ~OhAIISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued: 1168
1 RBCIASSIPICATION - subject property, rie would prefer having construction of a aasonry
~ N0. 61-62-114 wall prior to any construction being considered in the proposed
(Continued) development which would psevent the children from going over to
the building site. ~~
I ~
' The Commission diseussed the proposed development and subject property in conjunction ~
~ with the preliminary Generai Pian which projected subject property for low-densitq ~
single family development; and that all property surrounding subject property was
dedeloped for single family residences~ .
Commissioner Camp stated that he had seen a similar development in Santa Ana as
presented by the renderings which would be a desirable R-3 development, but was
undesirable for developmei~t in the area•proposed by subject petition, aad that it was ~
an incompatible land use projecting multiple f~mily development in a low-density
family development: ~
Commissioner Camp bffered Resolution No. 473, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City
Council t}eat Petition for Reciassification No. 61-62-114 be denied on the bases of
findings, (See Resolution Book).
On roil call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYB3: COhAtI;iSIONB1tS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux~ Mungall, Perry.
AHSBNT: COMMISSIONBRS: Alired, Hapgood, Pebley.
PBRMIT N0. 251 San Jacinto, Cal3fornia, Owners; HAUPTMAN-ISAAC, 1741 Sout1~
Huclid 3treet, Anaheim, California~ Agents;.requesting permissioa
to CONSTRUCT A PLANN&D-UNIT DBVHLOPMHNT oa proparty described as;
A rectangular parcei of land 330 feet. plus or minus, by 610 feet plus or minus with
a frontage of 330 feet plus or minus, on the south side of Ball Road, the northwest
corner of said property being 625 feet plus or minus, east of the southeast corner of
Holder Street and Ball Road~ and further described as 3730 West Ball Road. Property
presently classified R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZONH.
Sabject petition was f3.led ia conjunction with Reclassification No. 61-62-114.
Mr. R. S. J:,hnson, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated
he had nothing further to add for the Commission*s consideration.
Commissioner Marcoux offered Resoiution No. 474, ~~ries 1962-63~ and moved for its
passage aad adoption, seconded by Commissioner Pe:cry~ to deny Petition for Coaditional
Use Permit No. 251, based on findings. (3ee.Resolution Book)..
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the followiag vote;
AYBS: COhAlISSIONffitS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Perry.
NQBS: COMMI'6SION~t3: None. ~
ABSBNT: COhM ISSIONBRS: Alired, Hapgood, Pebleq.
RBC.BSS: Commissioner Marcoux moved that the meeting recess for ten (1Q) miautes,
seconded by Commissioner Camp. Meeting receased at 9:45 P.M.
RHCONVENS: Commissioner Gauer reconvene the m~etiaq at 9:55 P.M. Commissioners
Allred, Hapgood and Pebley being absent.
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MII~[JTSS, CITY PIANNING COA4aI83ZON, 9ngisst 20, 1962~ Continv.ed: 1169
N0. 62-63-18 Fullertoa, California,'Owners; requesting that property described
as: A rectangular parcel of laad with a fzontage of 664 feet
plus or minus, oa thE north side of Lincoin Aveaue, and a depth
266 feet plus or minus, the southwest Corner of said property being 640 feet ~lus or
minus~ east of the northeast corner of Giibert Street and Liacoln Ave;~ue, be
reclassified from R-A, RHSI9BNTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZONH, to the C-1~ PRiIGHB~ltH00D
Cd~II~ffitCIAL~ Z^'~, to establish strip commercial stores.
Mr. Bud Havenhurst, 905 Harbor Boalevard, Puilerton, agent for the petitioner,
appeared before the Commissioa and stated tbat a twenty (20) foot alley would be
dedicated to the City of Anaheim if subject petition were approved; and that piaas
would be in conformance with the trend to C-1 development in the area.
The Commission inquired o fihe pgti.tioner if he planned tc process the Terttative Tract' Map
as submitted to which the petitioner replied in the affirmative.
The Commission viewed the Tentative Tract Map as submitted, and noted that it was not
in accordance with the C-1 requirements of 50~, parking space being alotted; that the
preliminary General Plan proposed subject property aad abutting property for
coimmercial purposes limiting it to business and professional offices only; and that
the petitioners request was for retaii sales stores.
The Commission inquired of the petitioner whether he pianned to conform with the
preliminary General Plun; to which the petitioner replied that he prefered to have
only retail sales stores for the proposed development of subject property.
Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution No. 475, 3eries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to recommead to the City
Council that Petitioa for Reclasaification No. 62-63-18 be denied on the bases of
findiags. (See Resolution Book).
On roll call the foregoing resolutioa was passed by the following vote:
AY85: CQbAlISSIONBR:.: Camp, Chavos~ Gauer, Marcoux, Mungail, Perry.
I~OSS: (~4:lIS3IONERS: None.
ABSffiVT: COMMISSIOI~ItS: Alired, Hapgood,~Pebley.
N0. 62-63-19 Anaheim, Caiiforaia, and PSt~t M, and HB1TY JO ffi.LIOTT~ 1210
We$t Santa Clara~ Santa Ana, Califoraia~ Owners; requesting
that proper3y described as: An L-shaped parcei of iand with a
100 foat plua or minus~fr~antage, on the weat eide of Nleatern Aveaue~ and a depth of
645 feet pius or miaus, the northeast cor~2r of said property being 605 feet plus or
minus,'south of the southviest coraer of Lincoin aad Western Avenues, and fu=thes
described as 145 3outh Western Aveaue be reclassified from the R-A, RaSIDHNfIAL
twentp-three (23) uai4 multiple family developmeat.
Mr. Peter M. Blliott, r.epresentiag the owne~a~ aplPeared before the Commisaion and
stated that subje'ct propertp was surrounded by F<-3 multiple family zoniag; that
aub~ect uae wouid be the oniy normal deveiopmeat of subject property; that two of xhe
owners of sub3ect property wouid.reside on the existing resideace; and that he had
renderings ~itich he proposed to submit to the Commissioa indica#itlg the propoaed
development for aubject property~ and that the Architect was in the Chamber to answer
any questions.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COhA{ISSION, August 20, 1962, Contiaued: 1170
RBCLASSIPICATION - Mrs. Iris M. Gorin, 3134 West Olinda Lane, appeared before the
N0. 62-63-19 Commission in opposition to t;ubject petition and read a ietter
(Coatinu2d) of opposition to the Commiss+ion which was then submitted for the
files, and added that she further petitioned the Commissioa to
require single story apartmeats for the proposed developmeat; and
that the construction of high-density multiple family of subject property would add
to the congestion of the eiementary schooi in the area.
Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution No. 476, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to recommead to the City
Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-1a be approved subject to
conditions. (See Resolution Book).
The conditions as stated in the Resolution Book were recited at the meeting and were
found to be a necessa=y prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and welfare of the citizens of the Ci#y of Anaheim.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foliowing vote:
pYBS: COMI~fISSIONffitS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Perry.
ABSBNT: COh4dISSIONBRS: Allred, Hapgood, Perry.
Assistant City Attorney, Joe Geisler, stated that a Conditional Use Permit should
have been filed in conjunction with §ubject petition since subject petition consisted
of more than ten (10) multiple family units which constituted a planned-unit
development; that he felt that the City Council would not act upon subject petition
until a Conditional Use Permit had been filed aad acted upon by the Commission.
N0. 62-63-20 Anaheim, California, Owner; LLOYD H. MOUNT, 421 Bast Broadway,
Anaheim, California, Agent; requss#xng that property described
as: An L-shaped parcel of land at the southeast corner of
Dale and Orange Avenues, with an 800 foot froatage on Orange Avenue, and a bS5 foot
frontage on Dale Avenue, and further.described as 2760 West Orange Aven~e, be
reciassified from the R-A, RSSIDffiVTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZONH to the R-3, MULTIrLB
PAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL, 2~VB to establish a single siory muitiple family residential
Subject petition was filed :.n conjunctiun with Condi~ional Use Permit No. 294.
Mr. Lioyd B. Mount, agent for the petitioaer, appeared before the Commission and
submitted readerings of the proposed plan for development with copies of both
elevation and plot plans; and stated that revisions o;~ the renderings indicated that
the number of units were cut down and a recreation area was desi;;ned for the units
eliminated; that he didn`t consider it necessarily an R-3 type development, that i~t
should be considered R-1~ because ~esquare footage per apartment dwelling was more
than that was required of such a development, since each unit consisted of o30
square feet; that the general trend in Southern California as well as in Lhe nation as
a whole fa.vored the proposed ~type of dewelopment in order to reduce land use costs;
that it was economi~:ally impracticsl to develop land in and around Anaheim for low-
density homes because of the high land prices being paid and asked for; that the
reason the area in Southern California shoMed more multiple family units being
constructed than single family units was because of the aforementioned land use cost;
and that developers were t:ying to provide living accommodations for the many people
moving into this area which wouid provide housing in the low-medium price range to
satisfy people moving into Orange County who plan to ~rork in the industry in the area;
that most of Southern Califoraia was like Manhatten Isiand becauae ii was building up
so f+~st that prices would never go down; and that low-density deveiopment would be
a thing of the past in the very near future.
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MINUTSS, CITY PIANNING C.'Y~AlISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued; 1171
ItHCIA3SIPICATION - Mr. Harold Raab, 2T41 West Orange Avenue, appeared before the
N0. 62-63-20 Co~mission in opposition ~to subject petition~ representittg
(Continued) siztq-five (65) home orvners adjacent and in close proximity to
subject property and stated that subject property was surrouaded by
low-density siagle famiiy homes; that the preliminary General
Plan indicat2d and proposed subjec* groperty for Sow-density homes; that plot plan.s
indicated prinate streets in the development, and he was aurious to know who would
maintain these priVate streets; that said streets were substandard in comparisoa to
standard primarp and secondarq streets ia the City; that although the agents for the
petitioner stated'that lots were sold for $20,000 an acre, this being divided by
4 which was normal family lo1S per acre, would amount to $5,000 plus about $1,600
for miscellaneous improvements would be a far ery from the amount thp petitioner
stated, as the basis for high cost of homes ranging from $25,000 to $35,000.00.
Mr, Brwin Rodin~ki; 700 South Was~o, appeared before the Commission in oppositioa to
sub3ect petition and rsesented a petii,ion signed bq 45 residents of abbuting properties
which abutted subject property, and stated that 25 persons were the Council Chambers
in opposition to subject petition; said petition stated that if subject property was
to be considered rezoned, the reclassification should be to an R-1 zone in keeping
with :he surrounding residential community.
Mr. Mount, in rebuttal state~ that whenever,R-3 development was proposed for a
predominately low-density development; that residents in that vicinity generai
opposed such reciassification, but that the area was weli suited for the type of
development as proposed since it abutted on streets th~.t carried heavq traffic.
Commissioner Yerry offered Resolution No. 477, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage aad adoption~ 3ecanded by Commissioner Mungall~ to recommend to the City
Council that Petitioa for Reclassification No. 62-63-20 be denied on the bases of
findings. (See Reaolution Book).
On roll call t.he foregoing resolution was passed by the followiag vote:
AYffi: COhAtIS3I0AffitS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungail, Perry.
ABSBNT: CQhAlIS3IONffitS: Alired. Hapgood, Pebely.
PffitMIT N0. 294 Anaheim. California, Owner; LLOYD 8, MOUNT, 421 Hast Broadway,
Aneheim, California, Agent; reques~ing permisaion to CONSIRUCT
BAC'S RHQUIRBMENT an property described as: An L-shaped parcei of land at the south-
east of Dale and Or+ange Avenuesf with an 800 foot frontage oa Orange Avenue~ and a
65S foot froatage on Dale Avenue~ and further deacribed as 2760 Weat Orange Aveaue.
property presentiy classified R A, RBSIDBNTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZOI~ffi.
Sub3ect petition was filed in conjunction with Reclassification No. 62-63-2U.
~ ~ ,i ~
, ,:
Mr. Llqyd B. Mount, ageat for the petitioner, appeared befure the Commissio~a and
stated he aothine further to add for the Commission~s consideration,
TFffi FffiARING WAS CI.06~.
Commissioner Perry offered Resolutioa No. 498, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded bq Commisa:ioner Meiagail, to deny Petition for
Conditionai Use Permit No. 294, on the bases of findings. (See Reaolution Book).
Oa roii cail the foregoing reaolution was pasaed by the following vote:
AYBS: CONA4ISSSONS1tS:. Camp~ Chavos~ Gauer, Marcoux, Fiungaii, Perrq.
ABSHNT: COhAiI3SI0NER3: .Alired, Hapgood; Pebiey.
Commir,sioner Pebley returned to the Council Chamber at 10~41 P. M.
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MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING CO~.lSSION, August ~ 1962, Coatinil~,S:
1 ~~
~'~ ~ N0.••b2-63-21 Anaheim, Califor~fia. Owners; MANCO DBVBLOPI~NT COMPANY, 160
Gui id La 8 A'artmeat No 1 Anaheim California Agent•
, .~:`.
n a n ~ p
requeating that'property described ae : A reetangular parcel of
land with a 55 foot froatage on tHe west side of Harbor Boulevard, and a depth of
i~9'feet plus or minus, the northeast corner of said property being 162 feet plus or
p~inus, seuLh af the south~aest corner La Verae Street and Harbor Boulevard, and
further described as 841 North Harbor BoulevarcY be reclassified from the R-l, ONH
pAMlyy R&SIDHNTIAL, ZONS, to the C-1, I~ffiIGHB~IOOB CaAAfffitCIAL, 20NB to eatablish
general office space in an existing residence.
Mr. Loran Covingtoa, a~gent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated that sabject pr6perty was purchased for the purpose of using it for office
space only; that noth€ng would be stored in the buildiag; and trucks wouid not be
using the building for delivery purposes or.pickup purposes; and that he would
revamp the front of subject property to present a fascia appearance other than a
Mr. Pred Rush, 902 Jade Way~ appeared before the Commission and stated that he did
not oppose the proposed use of subject property, that all property in adjacent to
said property needed easily accessible parking area; that when he had obtained
permission to convert an abuttiag residence to commercial use, he was required to
provide parking facilities, and that he wanted the petitioner to provide a similar
parking space for his clientele; thaY the ailey was only 15 feet wide and parkiag of
six cars would be simost impossibie if said alley was used~which the petitione•r
proposed as parking area.
The 2oning Coordinator~ Martin Breidt~ informed the Commission that there was no
acceas,from the front of subject property to the rear; that four (4) spaces were
prbposed off the alley which would require the removal of the fence in the rear to
gain access to said spaces; and that there were two (2) spaces abutting an existing
driee on the south side of subject property which 'led iato an existiag oae~car
The Commission inquired of the petitioner whether he pianned to remove the existing
garage; to which the petitioner replied that he hesitated removing said garage;
that the petitioner felt that adaquate parking was being provided for the type of
busiaess he proposed; and ~at he doubted that all parking as was proposed would be
used at one time during the course of business hours.
The Commission noted that a fifteea (15) foo4 aileq to the rear of subject property
would be somewhat narrow to allow parting of six (6) cars as well as enteriag and
leaving said parking spaces; that it was possible that with C-1 zoning subject
petitioner's business would increase thus creating a shortage of parking space.
The Commissioaer inquired of the petitioner whether he was willing to restxict use
of sub3ect property to businesa apd professional use only, which would then reduee
the number of spaees required for parking purposes, rather tSan A regular C-1 which
required SO% of the lot being reaerved for parking purposes; to which the petitioner
replied in the affirmative.
Commissioaer Camp offered Resolution No. 479.~3eries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to recommead to the City
Council that Petition for P.eclassification No. 62-63-21 be approved subject to
conditiona. '(aee Reaolution Book).
The conditions as atated in the Resolution Book were recited at the meeting and were
found to be a necessarg'.prerequi9ite to uae of the property in order to preserve the
safetq and welfare of the:citi~ena of the City of Anaheim.
On roli call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foliowing vote:
pyB3; COMMISSIONffitS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux~ Mungall,`Pebiey, Perry.
~ r~
j~~'' ' ABSHNT: COU4dISSI01~ffiltS: Alired, Hapgood.
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MINUTBS, CITY PTANNING C~AlISSION, August 20, 1942, Continued; 1173
N0. 62-63-22 Aaaheim, California~ pivners; requeating that property described
as: A rectangular parcel of land 134 feet plus or miaas by 65
feet plus or minus, at the northeast coraer of Carnelian 3treet
and Ratel~a Aveaue, and fqrther described as 1794 Carnelian Street
be reclassified from the R-1, OI~ PAMILY RESIDBNTIAL, ZQNH to the C-2, 1~ffiIGHB(~tHO~
COhA~!ffitCIAL, 20NB to establish a real estate office and professional offices,
Mr. John WhiLe, representiag the petitioaer, appeared before the Commission aad etated
that the petitiener aeeded the spece for himself 3a order to function itt his business;
that the oalp change woulcl be dressing up the exterior of subject property as it
appeared from gatella Avenue; that the trend along gatel•la Aveaue was professional and
buainess use; that subjeet property detracted from the subdivision as a.home now
existed; that although deed restrictions were on the homes, it would be financially
uafeasible to attempt ta obtaia a loan for the construction of a professional type o'i
building; that if the propoaed reclassification were granted sub,ject property would
preseat att attractive enterance into the subdivision tract to the north; and that no
traffic would be pro,jected for Carnelian Street since parking facilities and ingress
and egress would be on Batella Avenue.
The Comm38siott aoted that•subject property had been up before for consideration by the
Commission under aaother rrciasaificatiott; that it had been withdrawn bp the petitioner
because one of the Interdepartmental Recommendationa was the requirement of dedicatioa
on Katella Avenue, which wouid have required the removal of the existing single family resi-
dence;and that with the pro,jected wideniag of Batelia Avenue. the existing home would
be encroaching on the projected widened Katella Avenue.
Idr. Larry Thomas, 1773 Carnelian Street, appeared before the Commission ia oppoaition
to sub3ect petition and stated the existing home was 50 feet• fraa the centerline of Katella
Avenue; that with the proposed wideaiag of gateila Aveaue the home wouid be on the
right-of-way.l3ne.;,;.that there were 52 offices on gateiia pvenue, 22 of which were
vacaat; tbat when sub,ject propertq was previousiy before the Commigaion; a pet~.tion of
pro4eat coaLaiaiag`39-signatures from residents in the subdiviaioa tract to the west
and north of'~iub,~ect property was filed;. that approximateiy 150 offices were under
conatruction; and that he couid see no logScai reason for qsing a aingie fami~y
resideace for the type of busineas project bq the petiitioaer with so many pre sed and
vacant offices available; that the home was a very charming home aad that he wc,uld
like to aee it remain ae a aingie family residence.
Mr. White in rebuttal, s!ated thet he fe2! that sub,ject deveiopment was the proper
tqpe for aubject property~ because it fronted oa Batelia Aveaue~ a very bueq thorough -
fare; aad that he was awa~ of the aixty (60) feet dedication of property whea
Katella Aveaue was pr~poded for wideniag,
Tfffi F~ARING WAS CL0.4BD. •
The Commiasion aoted'that the recommeadation of the 8ngineeriag Department required _
improveaeQte being mad~ inmediateiy and dedicatioa of right-of-way for 1Catella Aveaue '
as one of the stipulations in graating or recommending approval of aub,~ect petitioa.
Commiesioner Chavos offesed Aeaolutioa No. 480~ Seriea 1962-63, and moved for ita paa~
sage aad adoption, aeconded by Commisaiotter Mungall to recommead to the City Couacii -
that petitioa for Reclasaifieatioa No. 62-63-22 be diaspproved on the bases of findiaga.
(See Reaolution 8oot).
Ott roll caii tl~e foregoing reaoiution was paeaed bq the followiag vote:
AYBS: C01~AlI9SIOI~IDEtS: Camp~ Chavoe, Gauer, Marcoux, Muagail~ Pebley, Perrq.
NOB3: COF4tISSI~IBItS: Node. ,
ABSBNT: COi~1IS3I01~IffitS: Alired, Hapgoo~. ~
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MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, August 20, 1962, Continued: 1174
5ub3ect hearing was conti~ued from the meeting of August 6, 1962
in order that the Planning~Department might complete research on suh3ect.amendment...
Planning Director Richard Reese, appeared before the Commission and reviewed
the items being amended, some of wliich had been covered in a work session. Mr.
Reese also advised the Commission that the Chamber of Commerce and ihe Board of
Realtors~had spent a great deal of time in making a study of the problems that
were apparent in the Code regulations.
Letters were read from both the Chamber of Comanerce and the Board of Realtors
approving the preposed amendment and additions to both M-1 and M-2 Zonese
Commissioner Camp offared ResoZution Noe 481, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passaae and adoption, seconded by Gommi'ssioner Chavos,to recomiaend to the..City.Council
that the proposed changes to Title 18, Chapter 18052 relating to M-1, Light Manufacturing
uses be adoptad.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the £oLlowing..vote:
AYES: COhaAISSIONERSs Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley~ Perry.
~~ Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution No. 482~ Series 1962-63, and moved•for
its.passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry~ to recommend to the City f
Council that the proposed changes to Title 18~ Chapter 1856, relating to M-2, Heavy
Manufacturing uses be adopted.
On ro11 call the foregoing reso3ution was pasaed by the following vo~te~
AYES: COMMISSIONHRS~ Camp, Chavos~ Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
Coromissioner Pebley offered a motion to directthe C~mmission Secretary to write letters
of thanks to the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Realtors thanking them for the
effort and time taken by their Industrlal Commi.ttees in assieting the Anaheim Planning
Department formulate the amendments snd additions to Title 18, Chapter 18.52 and ~ ,
18.56 relating to M-1 and M-2~ Light and Heavy Manufacuring, 2ones. Commisaioner ~
Chavos eecnnded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
RECOMMENDATIONS Amendment to Resolution No. 410, Serias 1961-62, relating to the -
Disneyland Area.
Planning Director Richard Raese, appeared before tha Coamiission and reviewed trie pro-
poaed change to sub~ect emendlnent, and distributed•copies for the Coromission's use.
Comnissioner Camp of#ered a r~otion to adopt the proposed amendment to Resolution ~
No. 410, Commissioneir Pebley eeconded the motiai. MOT.ION CARRIED.
ITEM N0. 2~ .
,, ~' ; •.
, ;,
~,,~,;, Plan~aing'Director Richard Reese~ appeared before the Comnaission and informed the,
,~~kP,~~a; Commission that a set of parking standards were compiled ior the Commission's review,
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~~ MINU'f~S~ GITY PLANNING COMMISSION, August 20y 1462~ Continueds
. REPORT$ AND - Item•No. 2 (Gontinued)
which seemed to coincide with the•pro~osed••parking requiraments as .
projected at work sessions held-by..~he Coi~pnission. Mr. Reese then
~. submitted the parking layouts.to aach of the Commissieners•fnr the.ir
review., .,.
~, rsments and their vari-
~ ~ Tlie Comtnfssion discus'sed ttie various layouts for parkiag rec~ii ~x~~~
~ . ation to the Co~aission's reCent adop'ted resolutioa-on•}aaxkiri9--s8Q
~ Commissioner Chavos offbred Resolution No. 483; 5erfes No. 1962-63, and moved for its
E passagA and,adoption, se~onded by Commissiones Perry,~to r'eco~mend to the City Council
~ that parking standards as represented in the 8x1~3bi~.••A-••1ie• aPPxoy~-
On roll call the foregoing re§olution was passad•by the.fallowing votes
AYES: COMMISSIONNERS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall~ Pebley~ Perry.
ITEM N0. 3,
FOR CHRISTIAN CENTER CHIIFi~H,. •1341••West La Palma-Aveb
~ A letier requesting an extension of 180 days for-the complet3op of conditions..in the
sub3ect petition:wa's read to the Comonission.•
Commissioner Mungall, offered a motion to approve extension of .180 days on Conditioal
Uee Permit No. 147; seconded by Commissioner-Marcoux. b10Ti0N CARRIE~.
ADJOURI~IIEDIT - There`being no further business to transact, Comdnissioner °srry offered
a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Camp. MOTION
?he me9ting ad3ourned'at 11i25 0'Clock P~ W.
ResppctfulTy submitted~
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