Minutes-PC 1963/02/04erl '
C.~ ~ ~
City Hall
Anaheim, California
Pebruary 4, 1963
REGUTAR MBIiTING - A Regulaz Meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission war
called to order by Chairman Gauer at 2:00 0'Clock P.M., a quorum
being present.
CaMMISSIONIDRS: Alired, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley. E: A~*P~ ~'~ ~oS
Pr ~~~ .
pB3BNT - COP4dIS3I0NBRS: Hapgood, Perry.
pLHDGB OP ~ Commissioner Mungall led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag.
APPROVAL OF - The Minutes of the meeting of January 21, 1963, were approved as
MINUTES submitted.
PffitMIT N0. 325 Los Angeles 6, Caiifornia, Owner; requesting permission to BSTABLISH
A USHD CAR LdT AND PARKING LOT oa property described as: A rec-
icangular parcel of land at the northwest corner of Cypress and
Los Angeles 3treets. Property presentlq classified C-2, GffiVBRAL COhA~IffitCIAL, ZONH.
Subject petition was continued from the meetings of December 10, and December 27, 1962,
to permit the ccrrect readvertising and to permit the petitioner sufficient time to
submit revised plans.
Mr. R. W, gaull, 1~21 South Western Avenue, Los Angeles, Califoraia, representing the
petitioner, appeared be£ore the Commission and stated that although he had not been
present at the previous hearing, he had been informed that revised plans were requested
by the Commisaion; that subject property already coatained twa offices and the requi=e-
meKt of an additional office suggested by the Commission, would seem to overcrowd the
property; that the petitioner intends to blacktop and stripe the area, and provide an
anclosed trash storage area, but these would be the oalq improvements that were being
proposed; that there would be adequate space for parking and used car facilities on the
north side facing Los Angeles Street, and that the service statioa property would not
be utilized for parkii,g purposes. _ ,
CommissionPr Pebley stated that only one use should be proposed for the property front-
ing ori Los R.ngeles S4cet, since thit~ street wa5 rapidly developing with new structures,
the proposed servicP atai'•on and used car iot Nould be a means of permitting other
combinations of uses and thus degrading the eati,:e areap that the petitioner ahould
remove ail the junk and clean up the lot adjacent to the service station, and if the
used csr lot were approved, the "lube" rack and the car wsah ract would be used to
renovate any used car.
Cha3rman Gauer inquired whether anyone in the Council Chamber opposed subject petition,
ar.d received no reply.
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MINUTB3, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued:
CONDITIONAL USB - Commissioner Pebley offered Resolutatoa No. 618, Series 1962-63~
PBRMIT N0. 325 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner
Coatinued) Chaovs, to deny Petitioa for Coaditional Use Permit No, 325, based
on findings. (See R2solution Book.)
Commissioner Pebleq stated that one of the findings should be that the proposed
development would be incompatible with the developmeat of the surrounding propert3es
and in close proximity to subject property, because the general appearance of the
combination of a used car lot and a service station would deteriorate the area, and
that only oae use should be proposed fcr subject property.
Commissioner Chavo.s in seconding the motion, stated that one of the findings should be
stated as ia 3ection 18.64.03Q (2-b) except, that it would adversely affect the adjoin-
ing land uses.
Commissione~ Perry entered the Council Chamber at 2:15 P.M,
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foilowing vote;
AYBS: COhAlI89IONIDtS: Alired, Camp, Chavos, Gauer. Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley.
TRACT N0. 4936 Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California. BNGINBBR: W. S.
STSVHNSON, 1360 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California.
Sub3ect tract is located on the south s3de of La Palma Avenue,
1445 feet east of Dowling Awenue, and contains seven (7) proposed M-1, Light Maaufac-
turing, Zone, lots,
Zoning Coordinatoz Martin Kreidt, reviewed for the Commission the location of subject
tract, notiag that it was incorporated within the Northeast Industrial Area as
delimited by City Council Resolution No. 62R~335.
Commissioner Mungall offered a motioa to approve Tentative M~p of Tract No. 4936, sub-
ject to the following condition: ~
1. That Reclassification No. 61-62-69, as it pertains to subject property, must be
~ompleted prior io the issuance of ang building permit for any industrial develop-
ment on subject property.
Commissioner Marcoux seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIBD.
VARIANCE N0. 1546 - PUBLIC HBARING. RALPH ''+. MAAS, 118 South Los Angeles Street,
- Anaheim, California, Owner; r~qur~ting permission to CONSIRUCT A
3SRVICB STATION on property ~lescribed as; A rectangular parcel
of land having a frontage of 104 feet on the south side of Broadway, and a frontage of
148 feet on the east ~ide of Harbor Boulevard, and further described as 418~422 West
Braadway. Property presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLH FAMILY RHSIDBNTL4L, ZONB.
Mr. Ralph Maas, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that he was ~
making application for a var~ance, due to the fact that the backgsound of the develop- )
ment of subject property, fronting on two busy thoroughfares, the only practical 3
development of this corner parcel of property would be a service station, that the
structure would Ue compatible with other structures in the general vicinity; that the
proposed deveZopment would not be a hardship in the future development of that area;
that the petitioner proposed a different type of structure which wouid be modernistic
in design, and with planters to further enhance the property; that no body or fender
work would be done at the•service station; that no trailers would be parked on the I
service station property; that a service station presently existed on the northwest
corner of Harbor Boulevarfl and Broadway; and that he would dedicate additional ~
frontage on Harbor Boulevard for future street widening. ~
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MINUTB3, CITY PLANNING C06AfISSION, February 4, 1963, Continued: 1371
VARIANCB N0. 1546 ~ Commissioner Chavos asked the pe4itioner whether he considered
(Continued) there was a hardship in the development of subject property
which would warrant his filing for a variance, and the petitioner
replied, that any development of subject property other than
what was proposed xrould be impractical, since a parking problem would develop if
subject property were developed for business and prafessional offices;that a desirable
structure would not be practical because parking would be required on subject property,
thus reducing the quality and si~e of structure of the corner parcel, and the proposed
development would enhance the area because the structures on subject property were in
disrepair axi3 thus, cuuld not rent the homes to tenants which were desirable for the
area; and that he had owned one home eight (8) yeass and the other home two (2) years.
Commissioner Pebley inquired of the petitioner whether construction of the new City
facilitiea on Harbur Boulevard was instrumental in his necision to ourchase the
property and develop it as a service station. The Petitioner replied that at the time
he purchased subject property, no development plans for a public library or police
faciiity had been planned; and that he did not decide to construct the service station
soley because a librarq was being constructed on the opposite side of the street.
Dr. William Kelsey, 1121 Parkway, appeared before the Commission in opposition to
subject petition, and stated that he and his wife owned property two doors east of
subject propertyo that he ~pposed the proposed service station for four reasons:
(1) that the service station did not seem compatible to the new City facilities being
constructed on the west side of Harbor Boulevard, as weli as, structures on Broadway
with its many churches within two blocks of subject property, (2) that any structures
in close proximi~ty of the City facilities should be architecturally compatible, which
the proposed development did not show, (3) that the proposed service station would
increase an already hazardous traffic situation, aad with the opening of the library
facilitie~, many children would be using the facilities, which would further aggravate
the situaYion for both Harbor Boulevard and Broadway, and finally (4) that the
proposed service station would depreciate the value of property along Broadvray and
adjacent to subject property; and that the present zoning of the property for the
entire block was multiple family, which would lend itself very favorably with low-
medium siagle story apartments in close proximity to the churches, thus this would be
an oppo•rtunity to improve the entire area.
Mr. W. 8. Whitman. 518 South Los Angeles Street, appeared before the Commission in
opposition to subject petition, and stated that he owned the property imaediately adjacent to
suuj°:t propezty .^.n Broadway, that he also represented the property owner adjacent to
subject property on the Harbor Bouievard frontage, and stated that the pr~posed use
for subject property would not only be detrimeatal esthetically to the new City facil-
ities, but would prevent properties adjaceat to subject property fsom developing them
to their highest and best use as projected by their present zoning.
Chairman Gauer asked that there be a showing of hands in the Council Chamber, opposing
subject petition, and fifteen (15) persnas indicated their opposition.
A letter of opposition from Blra Haskett was read to the Commission.
The petitioner, in rebuttal stated that Dz. Kel~ey might not be aware of the =esidents
thinking from the standpoint of construction of rental'property on the cornes'of a
heavily traveled throughfare; that the schooi located xn the area was being relocated
and the property was being quoted as having a value of one-half million dollars which
would be a prohibitive price to construct apartments and derive any income from ihe
propesty as it was improved, and that he cculd not improve subject property because
the cost would be prohibitive.
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MINUTB3, CITY PLAHIVING COMMISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued: 1372
VARLINCH N0. 1546 - Chairman Gauer asked Deputy Assistant City Attorney, Purman
(Continued) Ruberts, to read the State Code covering the State Planning Act
which granted the City authority to designate or create "civic
districts" around public buildiags and grouads, since the ~
Planning Commission had already requested the'Planning Department to make a study aad
recoma~end the requirements for ihe area encompassed by Chestnut Street on the north,
Helena SYreet on the east, Water Street on the south, aad Citran Street on the west,
which might be incorporated into a policy to be adopted by the Commission and the City
Council comparable to the Disneyland Policy.
Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt, advised the Commission that the petitioner had been
advised by ietter that the proper petition to process would be either a petition for
Reclassification or for Conditional Use Permit, but that the petitioner elected to
f 'a under a Variance.
~ommissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 619, Series 1962~63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commisaioner Chavos, to deny Yetition for
Variance No. 1546, based on findings. (See Resolution Book.)
In stating the findings, Commissioner Marcoux stated that the use was incompatible with
the developmeni of property on the south side of Broadway and the public facilities on
Harbor Boulevard. Commissioner Chavos stateu that two findings should state that
°'no variance shall be approved which wuuld have the effect of granting a special
privilege not shared by other property in the same zone and vicinity"; and that the
proposed i~enerai Plan proposed business and professional development of subject
On roll call the foregoiuag resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYBS: C~A4ISSIONffitS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
VARIANCB N0. 1547 -• PUBLIC HBARING. BMIL B. MAZANEC, 1302 West Center Street,
Anaheim, California, Owner; requesting permission to PERMIT A-3
VBHICULAR ACCHSS PRQ:4 THS SIRBST on property described as: A rectangular parcel of
land havin~~ a frontage of 55 feet on the south side of Center Street and a depth of
152 feet, the eastern boundary of said property being approximately 85 feet west of the
centerline of Cherry St.-eet, and further described as 1302 West Center Street, to
establish a two-story ::ve unit apartment building. Property presently classified as
Mr. %enneth Lae, attorney for the petitioner; appeared before the Commission and sta:ed
that subject property had been prevzously secommended for multiple family development
by the Commission, but the City Council ruled that subject property should remain as
Genesal Commercial, because of many pessons opposing the change; that since that time
only one commerr.ial bui-iding on the south §ide of Center Street had been established;
that subject pioperty was not useful as commercial development because the traffic
flow was along Lincoln Avenue; that a request for a variance for redvction of the side
yard was needed because the proposed development would require six (6) garages and
only five (5) could be constructed at the rear; and that access to Cepter Street would
be required for the one garage proposed for the front portion of subject property; and
that the proposed use was the best possible land use that could be projected for
subject property.
Upon verification by Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt, a~ to whether or not Mr. Lae
was the authorized representative of the petitioner, Mr. Mazanec stipulated in the
Council Chaiaber that he was,
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MINUTB3, CITY PLANNING COhAlISSION, Pebruary 4. 1963, Continued: 1373
VARIANCB N0. 1547 - Chairman Gauer inquired if there was anyone in the Council
(Continued~ Chamber opposing subject petition, and received no reply,
The Commission discussed the compatibility of the proposed use noting that subject
property is projected on the proposed General Plan as multiple family development;
that t5e proposed use would not be iegally valid according to the Code, but it might
be possible to initiate a petition for reclassi£icatioa of subject property along with
two parcels on either sidE for R-3, MultiYle Pamily Residential, Zone.
Commissioner Camp offered Resol.ution No. 620; Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Pei~ley, to grant Petition for
Vaxiance No. 1547 subjecY to conditions. (See Resolution Book.)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYHS: COhMISSIONBRS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry,
RBQUBST TO INITIATB - Commissioner Camp offered a motion to instruct the Planning
RBCLA3SIFICATION Department to initiate proceedings in behalf of the Planning
PROCBBDINGS Commission to set for public hearing a petition for
reclassification of property described as 1302, 1310, and
1318 West Center Street from the C-2, General Commercial,
Zone to the R-3~ Multiple Pamily Residential, Zone. Commissioner Pebley seconded the
PffitMIT N0. 355 fornia, Owner; requestiag permission to OPBRATB A DANCS INSIRUCTION
STUDIO AND THE OPHRATION OP A HOFBRAU on property described as;
A rectangular parcel of land having a frontage of 85 feet on the
east side of Stat° Coilege Boulevard and a depth of 97 feet, the northern boundary of
said property being approximately 220 feet south of the centerline of Sycamore Street,
ann iurtner described as 424 and 4~8 North State College Boulevard, Praperty presently
A letter was read to the Commission in which the petitionei requested a two week
contiauance of subject petitioa.
Chairman Gauer inquired if there was anyone in the Council Chamber opposing subject
petition, before he would entestain a motion for continuance.
Mr. John Craven, 423 South Redwood Drive, appeared before the Commission in opposition
to subject petition, and stated that his home was located directly behind the proposed
hofbrau and dance studio; that rie had become aware of the subject petition through a
public notice being posted on subject property; that the noise emanating from
"jukeboxes" and cars being parked until late hours would be detrimental
ta the health of the single family development abutting subject property; that although
subject property was zened for neighborhood commercial use, the use proposed would not
be compatible with the other use• in this small shopping area; that having a children's
dance studio adjacent to a hofb.:, would be an undesirable situation £or children;
that a laundry or bakery or a similar type of commercial venture would be more
practical; and that the building had been constructed oa the property line, which he
felt was also an infringe~ent on his property rights,
Commissioner Chavos stated that although subject properby was zoned for ne.ighborhood
commercial uses, the proposed uses could be protested by Mr. Craven, since children
would be in close proximity tc a"hofbrau".
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MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued;
CONDITIONAL USE ~ The Commission discussed whether or not the request of the
PffittdIT N0. 355 petitioner for a two week continuance should be considered, or
(Continued) whether or not the Commission wished to consider subject petition
at this hearing, and if it were considered, some discussion
should be done relstive to the compatibility of the propased uses.
Commissioner perry stated that since there had been opposition and there seemed t~ be
some doubt as to the compaiibility of the proposed use, the Commission should consider
subject petition on this date, and that although the proposed uses were commercial
uses, a hofbrau adjacent to a childrea*s dance studio was undesirable.
Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No, 621, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commi~sioner All:ed, to deny Petition for
Conditional Use Pc:rmit No. 355, based on findings. (See Resolution Book.)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote;
AYE3: COH4~IISSION~tS: Allred, Camp, Chs:vos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, perry,
AB3BNf: COhAtIgSIONBRS: Hapgood.
CONDITIONf-L U3S - PUBLIC HEAItING. GORDON L. HODGH, 18681 Crescent Drive, Anaheim,
PffitMIT NO. 356 California, Owner; NBIL REITMAN, 10582 West Ratella Avenue,
Anaheim, Cali fornia, Agent; requesting permis~ion to CONS7RUCT A
97~UNIT DELUXH MOTffi, on property described as: A rectangular
parcel of land with a frontage of 125 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, and a
depth of approximately 600 feet, the western boundary of said property being 669 feet
east of the centerline of Dale Avenue, and further described as 2748 West Lincoln
Avenue, property presently classified as R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AQtICULTURAL, ZONH.
Chaisman Gauer inquired if there was anyone in the Council Chamber representing the
petitioner and received no reply.
Mr. Asthur Hormaxi, 1916 West Lincoln Avenue, appeared before the Commission and
asked whether the plot plans submitted by the petitioner incorporated kitchen fa-
cilit3es,if the plans did incorporate kitchen facilities, he w:uld oppose any such
2oning Coordinator Martin Kreidt, informed Mr. Horman, that the plans as presented
did not indicate kitchen facilities.
The Commission reviewed the plot plans and noted that theoretically elec*ric plates
could be used in motels, which would not constitute kitchen facilities, but the
Commission wished to be able to distinguish batween motels without kitchen facilities
antl those with facilities; that if kitchen facilities were proposed, many stipu-
lations would have to be considered as to diposal of waste, and other sanitary
The Commission also noted that the pl~ns di3 not iada.cate adequate trash storage
areas, proposed an inadequate turn around a~rea for trs.~h truck pickup or fire
equipment, and inadequate ingress and ~gress to the area; and that the height should
be limited to one story within 150 feet of the single family development to the south
of subject property.
Commissioner Camp offered a motion to reopen the hearing and continue Petition for '
Conditional Use Permit No. 356 to the meeting of March 18, 1963, in order to permit
the petitione= 3ufficient time to submit revised plans which would indicate adequate
ingress and egresa, adeq~ate turn nround area, adequat:• tra~h storage areas, and
revision of elevations to indica~e the hei~hth lima.tation of one story within 150
feet of the single family development to the south. Commissioner Chavos seconded the
motion, requesting that the petitioner be advi~ed of' the requested revisions and date
the petition would be heard. MOT?ON CARRIBD.
MINUT~.4, CITY PLANNING CQ~4lI3SION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued:
PBRMIT N0. 358 Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, California, Owners; POItRgST and
ffiSIB HOLIDAY, 512 South Jeffersoa, Pullertoa, Califor~ia, Agents;
requeating permission to HSTAHLISH A H01~ffi POR BLDffitLY AMHUTATaRY
P.'+RSONS on property described as; An irregular parcel of land haeing a frontage of
100 feet oa the west side of Brookhurst Street aad a depth of 254 feet~ the southeast
corner of said property being approximately 470 fezt north of the centerline of
Satel3a Avenue, and further described as 1745 South Brookhurst Street. Property
presently classified as R A, RBSIDENTIAL AC,RICULUTUML, 20I~.
Mr. Forrest Holiday~ agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commissioa aad
stated that the proposed development of subject property would be for the use of
ambulatory patients or residents; that no mental patients would be using the
facilities; that subject property was large enough to expand to accommodate approxi-
mately ten (10) persons; that a decorative masoary wall would be constructed to give
privacy, but would not be so constructed as to present a walied-in look; and that the
front portion would be landscaped and planted with grass.
The Commission aoted that subject property had a six (6) foot masonry wall, and
inquired whether the petitioner proposed ta improve the entire frontage with land-
scaping, to which the agent replied in the affirmative.
C~mmiasioner Perry inquired whether subject property was being leased, and if so,
what was the length of the lease. The agent replied that he had planned to purchase
snbject property if the proposed qse were approved.
Chairman Gauer Yaquired whether anyone in the Council Chamber opposed subject
petition, and received no reply.
Commisaioner Pebley offered Resolutioa No. 622~ Series 1962-03, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to grant Petition for
Conditionai Use Permit No. 358, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Boot.)
On roll call the foregoing•resolution was passed by tke following vote:
AYB3: CQhMIS3I0N8RS: Alired, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall~ Pebley, Perry.
A8,4BNf: COh9~lISSIONBR3: Hapgood.
PBAMIT N0. 359 A. C. WARRBN, p, 0. Hox 606, La Habra, California, Owner;
Duffy Motor Hotels, Inc., 9412 Royal Palm Boulevard~ Gardea
Grove, California, Lessee; requestiag pe.rmiss3.on to pffitMIT TIiH
described as: A rectangular parcel of land having a frontage of 308 feet on the west
side of Harbor Boulevard~ and having a frontage of 605 feet on the south side of
Katella Avenue, aad further described as 640 West gatella Avenue. Property presently
Mr. Richard B, Duffy, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated he would reserve his comments and answer questions Lhe Commission might have.
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MIPNTB3, CITY PLANNING C0~lMISSION~ Pebruary 4~ 1963, Coatinued:
CONDITIONAL USB - The Coaimission reviewed the plot plans ttoting that the iiquor
PffitMIT N0. 359 store was prnposed to face onto Harbor Houlevard; that ~he
(Continued) proposed use would not be eom~+atible to uses defined in the
Disneyland Policy approved by the City Council and the Commission,
and inquired of the agent for the petitioner his renso~;s for
proposing the liquor store in front o£ the motel instead of incorporating the store
with the other shops.
Mr. Duffy replied, that the liquor store was proposed at the location iadicated to
provide a buffec between the motel and the heavily traveled Harbor Boulevard noise;
and that it would be impractical to have a motel on Harbor Boulevard because the noise
would disrup; the rest of motel patruns.
The Commission then stated that commercial development fronting on Harbor Boulevard
which was in general agreement with the Disneyland Policy was one of the problems
facing the Commission; and that the use would be projected toward other than motel
patrons for whom the use should be intended,
Mr. Duffy then replied that few mo:els derive much business from the motel patrons, and
that it was necessary to have outside patronage to mage the use a going operation.
The Commission continued the discussion of the uses permitted in the Disneqland area,
the compatibility of the proposed uses, and indicated that the proposed liquor store
was incompatible in its proposed location since it would be encouraging the transient
trade rather than the visitors to the Disneyland area; that if subject petitioa y~rere
approved, the relocation of the liquor store wauld be required, and it could be
patterned after the method used in the Disneyland Hotel where a liquor store was locabed
within the drug store; and that if the liquor store were permitted to be located on
Harbor Boulevard, this would set a precedent for future commercial development not
compatible to the Disneyland area.
Commissioaer Chavos asked that a revised legal Ue submitted which would incorporate
only the property pzoposed for development, that revised plans should be submitted
which would indicate the relocation of the liquor store being incorporated in the
retail store area fronting on Ratella Avenue, and not being located on Harbor Boule-
vard; and that other petitioners were required to bring revised plans before being
Chairman Gauer inquired if tP,ere was anyone in the Council Chamber opposing subject
petition, and received no reply.
7.oning Coordinator Martin Rreidt, informed the Commission that in the approval of the
original plans for thE motel in Variance No. 1278, the liquor store was loca•ted where
the proposed manager's apartment, lobby and office were located on subject plot plaa;
and that under the original proposal, the plans were under two separate owners,
whereas there was only one owner presently indicated.
The Commission discussed the untidy appearance of the trash storage areas around the
kitchen facilities, and that the petitioner needed a new storage treatment to improVe
this tight area and hide from general view all trash storage areas.
Commissioner Pebley left the Council Chamber at 3:40 P,M,
Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 623, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissionez Camp to grant Petition for C~nditiona.t
Use Permit No. 359, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book.)
MINUTB3, CITY PIANNING COB9~lISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963~ Continued:
CONDITIONAL USE - Commissioner Alired in offering the approval of subject petition '
PffitMIT N0. 359 stipulated that the proposed liquor store be relocated aAd made an
CCon:inued) intregal part of the motel operatioa and shops and directed toward
the hotel guests as stipulated in the Disneyland Policy for
commercial retail facilities.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYHS: CQl~4~lISSI01~ffiitS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Perry.
NOB3: COI~lI3SIOI~tS: Noae.
ASS~NT: COMAlI3SIONffitS: Hapgood, Pebley.
~C&S~ Commissioner Alired offered a motion to recess the meeting for ten minutes,
Commissioner Marcoux seconded the motion. MOTdON CARRIBD.
The meeting recessed at 3;50 P.M.
RBCONVffiVB Chairman Gauer reconvened the meeting at 4:02 P.M. All members being
present, except Commissioner Hapgood.
PBRMIT N0. 360 Costa Mesa, California, Owners; JOFiN A. MAURICB, 1801 Newport
Avenue, Costa Mesa, California, Agent; requesting permission to
described as: A rectangular parcel of land having a frontage of 212 feet on the south
side of Ball Road and a depth of 200 feet, the eastern boundary of said property being
appraximately 195 feet west of the centeriine of Dale Avenue, and further described as
2820 Bail Road. Property presently classified as C-1, NHIGHBOitH00D CCIMNBRCIAL, ZONH.
Mr. John A. Maurice, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated he had nothing fusther to add for the Commission~s consideration, but that he
would be glad to answer any questions.
The Cummission nnted that when subject property was reclassified, the plot plans did
not indicate air-conditioning units on the roof of the structurep that the appearance
of the air-conditioning units was rather unsightly, and inquired of the agent for the
petitioner whether or not he proposed to enclose the units.
Mr. Maurice, stated that air-conditioning had not been originally psojected for the
shopping center, and later it was decided to air-condition the shops; that he agreed
*_hat the units atop the roof of the structure were not a presentable sight, and that
after the roof had been repaired the air-conditioning units would be enclosed by his
Chairman Gauer inquired whether there was anyone in the Council Chamber opposing sub-
ject petition, and received no reply.
Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 624, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Pebley to grant Petition for Conditional
Use Permit No. 350, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book.)
On roll cai? the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYffi: COMMI33IONBRS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
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PBRMIT N0. 361 Avenue ~ Anaheim, California, n•;~ers; 'tLTER M, sn:: ni ~ T': JO EL3.IOTT,
1210 West 3antu Clara, 9an#a Ana~ i:aliforn.ia„ r~ge•n+:~.; requesting
permisaicn te: ~~^NSTRUCT. n 7W0-STORY ~?IAH.'•iSD-'~RVi;'• MULTIl~LS PAMiLY
°, aiDffi~TIAL UNIT - WAI1B 01~ffi-STG~Y NSSG.HT LIMITATION oa pro~e.~~:r ~luscribed as; An L-
shapec~ parcel of land haviag a frantsge of 99 feet on :he iwest ~si.c~~: of Western Avenue,
and a depth of 642 feet, the northeril baundarp of said pr~,pert~ tring ap~roximatel~
672 feet soiith of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, and further dirscsibed as 145 South
Y~estern Avenue. Prope=;~y Preseutly classified as R-A, RBSIDHN7'IA:L AQtICULT[JRAL, ZONS
r:R-y Multipe Famxly ~iesidential, 2one, pencting).
Mxs. Jeaiu:e Howard, one of the owners appeared b:fore the Comm~lssioa aAd stated s~he
na~~ r_~thing further to add for the Commission's cozsi3eration.
Cn:.i.rman, G~uer inqaized whether Lhere was anyaae ia the Council Chamber opp~sing
sL~;e:,t pet.ttion, and received no reply.
The Commission reviewed the piot plaas and nci~eu that the plans incorporated the
suggested changes made at tht+ time subject property was ~•ecommencded for reclassi:iicatim
in Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-19.
Commiasioner Pebley offered Resolution No. 625, Serie.s 1962-63, and moved for it:i
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allr~ed, to grant Tet?.tion for
C~:33tional Use Permit No. 361, subject to conditi.ons, (8ee l:es~:.~tion Book.)
P~MIT N0. 365 3treet, A~aheim~ California, Owner; HARRY L. JBNKINS, 15104 Bast
' Rosecsans Boulevard, La Mtrada, Califor~ia, Agent; requesting
prrmission to OPffitATS A FIDr\LTH STUDIO (~CO,IDITIONING EXCffitCI3BS i-t~l'i
37~AM BATH3) oa propezty described as: A rectar~qular parcel of land having a frontage
o~ 740 feet on the north side of ~sescent Avenue, and a frontage of 620 feet on tbe
west side of Euclid Street, and further described as 603 North Buclid Street. P~operty
presently classified. as C-1, NBIGHPARHOOD CObAffiRCIAL,. Z01~ffi and C-2, G,.at~Rpi CO!%MffitI::Ai:,
Mr. Harry L. Jenkias, agent 'or the petitionez, appeazed Gefore the Cor.mission and
stated tha•e the psoposeilL~eaith studir, would be airailar tu aae he had been operating i:~
La Mirada.
Chairm:~ Gauer i~quira~d whether -:h~re wa.s anyone in the Council Chamber opposiag subject
retition~ a,~d received no repiy. •
Comaissioner Chavos ~ ated that thA proposed stea~e baths were a C-3, Heavy C~wuerical,
Zoned use; that t~e conditior.al us,~ per;sit w.s not written to bypass the 2oning
Urdinance, but as a supplemeat to the Zoniuiy Ordinance, and to grant aubjeet pet3tion's
~-3 use in a Neigriborhaod Commercial 2one xould t~e in violation of the ZoniAg Code,
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MINUTffi, CITY PIAIdNING CQ69dIS3I0N, February 4, 1963, Continued;
~ONIDITIONAL USB - Ia #rying to clarify the petitioner~s legal description as it
PBRMIT I~O. 365 pertained to the proposed use, Depty Assistant City Attorney,
(Continued) Purman Roberts, stated that the shopping center was ulready
developed, and that by reference to a specific shop within the
shopping center would sufficiently cover the legal description.
_..2 Commission inquired of the ageat for the petitioner whether he had already begun
installation of the health studio, to which Mr. Jenkins replied that the equ3p~ent had
been ozde~~ed and delivered and was only being stored on subject property.
Commissioner Camp noted taat although the use might be properly classified in the
Anahe3m );:tnicipal Code, the Commission would not normally approve a h'eavy coromercial
use for Neighborhood Commercial developm~:nt, but that the proposed use was a more
compatible use than other heavy commerciai uses, aad, therefore, he thought the use
could be approved under a Conditional Use Permit.
Commissioner Camp oifered Resolution No. 626, 3eries 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adop+ion, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, ta grant Petitioa for
Conditional Use Per~r,It No. 365, sub,ject to conditions. (:•ee Resolution Book.)
On roll call the faregoing resolution was passed by the _ullowiag vote:
A!'BS: CQMMISSIO.iBRB: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungail, Pebley~ perry.
ABSBNT: COh9rII3SI0Nffit3: Hapgood.
Commissioner Chavos Qua_ified l:is negative vote by stating that the proposed use of
steam baths was classified as C-3, Heavy Commercial, Zone and was pr.ojected in the
C:^1, Neighborhoad Commercial, Zone which would adversely affect th2 establishment of
nsher uses not compatible ia the Neighborhood Commercial development.
RHCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC i~RIIi~. C. S. BAiSM$1ti~L, 3427 West Orange Avenue and
N0. 62-63-63 M,':NCIL P. BHLL, 3424 West Orsnge Avenue, Anaheim; California,
L~-~~rs; WILiIAM BSNZ, 12117 Gneise, Downey, California, Agent;
;;~questing that paope*cy dEficribed as: 1W~ PORTIONS: "A" and
"H", Portion •'A" beiag an I~-shapec! parcel of lanC having c frontage of 314 feet, plus
or minus, on the easY si3e of guott I.venuef and a fr~n•`age c~ 4fia feet, plus ~~ minus,
on the nurth side of Orange Ave:nue, except the ~authwesterly 203 fe~t bq 195 feet.
portion "A" 3s made of a part r>f Pa:rcel No.. 1 a~nd all of Parc~,~l No. 2, Portion "B"
:s a rectengular parcei of lanct hav.ing a fr~intage of 195 fee~ ~~n the east side of
%nott Avenue and a frontage of 203 feet ca •~he nor.th side of Osange Avenue. Poxtion
"B" being contuine3 in Parcel No. 1, ~ad £uzther flescribed as 3423•-3427 Ml~st Orange
Aveaue be reclassified from the ,t A, Re.;;:xntial Agricu].tural, Zone tc R-3, Multiple
Fami.'.y Residential, Zone for Portaon "A" a.ud C--1, Neighbonc~~.:l Commerc~.aly Zoae for
Portioa "B" to develop a two-stor.y plar.ne.i-~*,;.t dev~;lapment on a~ortion "A".
3ubject petition was fileu ia coajunctic. w;ch Conditionai Use Permit No. 354.
Mr. William Benz, agen*. for the petitioners, appeared before the Commis~ion~ and
stated that he had :~othing further to add for the Commission's coasideration, Uut
that he would be glad tn ansxer any questions the Commission might have.
Ttie Commission reviewed the pios plano and noted that the petitioners projected a
400 foot long building; that a stiu::ture of thzs length should be divided into several
tailG.Ings sinte sucl~ a long building has the appearance of a"barracks-type"
:~uiiding wh.ich would not appeal to prospective tenants; and that although the Sand
use was compatibie, the pro~~sed structurP ti~ould not be compatible.
Mr. Benz stated that there were foux passageways between the structures, although
the plot plan did not iad~cate them, which weulct serve the tenants' use in reaching
the p~oposed garages.
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MINUTES, CITY PLANNYNG C(Y~UlISSZON~ Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued:
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' 1380 !
RHCIASSIPICATION - The Co~omission noted that tLe Code required ten (10) feet between
N0. 62-63-63 buildings; that a restaurant and cocktail lounge had been turned
(Continued) down recently within a Heavy Commercial Zoned area~ aad that a
~ service station might be a more logical uae for the corner
Froperty, since a liquor license would be required, and might not
be approved since subject property was located within 600 feet
of Orax~geview Jr. High Schoal.
Mr. Benz then stated that ^ne of the oil companies has bid for the coraer property, and
they would tate this uader consideration before any plaas could be submitted for the
development of the praposed commercial property.
Chairman Gauer inquired tvhether there was auyoae in the Council Chamber opposiag
sub~ect petition, and received no reply.
The Ccommission continued the discussion of the 400 foot long building; that the
petitioners be required to submit revised plot plans iacorporating the required ten
(10) feet between buiidings not just wn:ikways as were being proposed; that at the same
time plot plans be submitted which would indicate the proposed development for the
proposed commereial corner; and that plans as submitted were insufficient for the
Commission to make a decision:, and that the plot plans did not project any second
story elevations on the gnott Avenue froatage.
The Commission further discuased the possibility of requiring deed restrictions on the
commercial frontage if aay projected sale of liquor or hofbrau were approved.
Mr. C. S. Baumstark, oae of the owners, appeared before the Co~ission, and stated
that when subje~t prope=ty was proposed last year for neighborhood commercia]. use~ he
did not approve of a cocktail bar, and would not permit oae now if requested; and that
subject proper*y had been tied up for almost a year and une-ha1f, and he would do
anything the Commission desired to develop subject property to its highest and best
Commissioner Aiired offered a motion to reopen the hearing aad continue Petition for
Keclassification No. 62-63-53, to the meeting of Pebruary 18~ 19•', ia order to allow
the petitioners sufficient time to present revised piot pians wh,.:.l~ indicated changes
in elevations.separation of the long bu:ldings into two or three units; elevations for
the two-story constxuction proposed and plans For the development oi t:~ propoaed
commercial zoaed property. Commissioner Chavos seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIBD.
P3RMIT N0. 354 MANCIL P. BBLL, 3424 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California,
Owners; WILLIAM BSNZ, 1'L117 Gneise, Downey, California, Ageat;
requesting permission to CONSIRUCT A 1W0-STORY PLANNED-UNIT
bNLTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL DBVBLOPMHNT on property described as: Portion "A", an
L~shaped parcel of land having a frontage of 314 feet, plus or miaus, oa the east side
of Rnott Avenue, and a frontage of 469 feet, plus or minus~ on the north side of Orange
Avenue, except the• southwesterly 203 feet bp 195 feet. Pfoperty presently clasaified
as R-A, Residentiai Agriculturai~ Zone.
Subject petition was filed in coajunction with Petition for Reclassification
No. 62-63-63.
Mr. Nilliam Benz, agent for the petitioners appeared before the Co~ission, aad
stated that he would like to have subject petitior. heard at the same time as the
petitioa for Reclassification No. 62-63-63.
Commissioner Camp cffereQ a motioa to coutinue Petition for. Conditional Use Permit No. 354
to the meeti'ng of Pebruazy 18, 1963, in order to permit the petitioner s sufficieat time
to submit revised plans, and also that it be heard in coajunction with Petition for
Reclassification No. 62-63-63, Commissioner Alired secm ded the motion. MOTION
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M?.NUTffi, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Pebruary 4, 1963, Ccnf.inued: 1381
RBCB33 - Commissioner Chavos offered a motion to recess the meeting for dinner and
to reconvene at 7:00 0'Clock P.M.. Commissioner Perry seconded the motion.
Meeting recessed at 5:00 0'Clock P.M.
RECONVBNB - Chairman Gauer reconveaed the meeting at 7:00 0'Clock P,M. All
Commissioners, except Commissia~er Hapgood, being present.
NC. 62-63-64 Boulevard, Van Nuys, California, Owners; r2questiag that
property described as: ltvo rectang~lar portions of land. Portion
"A" having a frontage of 333 fAet on the south side of Lincoln
Avenue, and a depth of 255 feet. Portion "B" ha.ving a width of 333 feet, and a depth
of 1,019 feet. '~he northern boundary of Portion "B" b2ing adjacent to the southern
boundary of portion "A". The eastern boundary of Portions "A" and "B" being agproxi-
mately 660 feet west of ':he centerline of Beach Boulevard be reciassified from the
R-A, R~~sidential Agricultural, Zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone for
Portioii "A", and R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential, 2one for Portion "B", to permit the
establ:~shment of a two-story planned-unit muitiple family resideatial development on
portio~i "A".
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Petition for Conditional Use
Permit No. 357 and Tentative Map of Tract No. 4230.
Zoning Coordinator Martin ICreidt, read a letter from the petitioner requesting a two-
week continuance of subject petition,
Chairman Gauer asked if anyone in the Council Chamber opposed subject petition.
Mrs. A. W. Pile, 30b4 West Lawn, appeared before the Ca;9mission and stated that she
was opposed to the plans as presented as they seemed nebulous and were not a develop-
ment which would do credit to the City; and that she also opposed two story construction.
Commissiaaer Mnngall offered a motion to continue Pe#ition for Reciassification
No. 62-63-64, until the meetiag of Pebruary 18, 1963, requested by the petitioner.
Commissioner Marcoux seconded the motion. MOTION CAfiRIED.
PERMIT N0. 357 Boulevarcl, Van Nuys, California, Owners; requesting that property
described as: Portion "B" having a width of 333 feet, and a
depth of 1,019 feet. The northern boundary of Portion "B" being
adjacent to the southern boundary of Portion "A". The eastern boundary of Portion "B"
being sspproximately 660 feet west of the centerline of Beach Boulevard~ to permit the
constructior. of a two-story planned~unit multiple family residential development and
the waiver of the single story height limitation for Portion "B". Property presently
classified as R-A, Residential Agricultural, Zone.
Subject petition was filed in conjuncLi~n with Reclassification No. 62-63-64 and
Tentative Map of Tract No. 4230.
A letter was read to the Commission requesting that subject petition be continued to
the meeting of February 18, 1963, so that it might be hoard in conjunction with
Peti#ion for Reclassification No, 62-63-64.
Commissioner Mungall offered a motion to continue Petit~on for Conditional Use
Yermit No.357, to the meeting of Pebruary 18, 19G:5, in order that it might be heard in
coajunction with Petition for Reclassificatiorc iVo. 62-63-64. Commissioner Marcoux
seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
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MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING COhAdIS:;IONBR, Pebruary 4, 1963, Coatinued:
TRACT N0. 4230 Boulevard, Van Nuys, California, Subject tract is located on the
south side of Lincoln Avenue approximata:ly 660 feet west of Beach
Boulevard, and coatains 33 proposed R-3, ~lultiple Family, and one
proposed C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, "Lone iots.
Subject tract was fil~;d in conjunction with Petstion for Reclassification No. 62-63-64
and Conditional Use t:smi:• No. 357.
A letter was read requestiag that subject tract be coutinued to the meeting of
Pebruary 18, 1963, so that it might be heard in conjunction with the Petition for
Reclassification No. 62-63-64 and Conditionai Use Permit No. 357.
Commissioner Mungall offered a mation to continue Tentative Map of TracL No. 4230
to the meeting of February 18, 1963~ in order that it might be hear3 in conjunction
with petitions for Reclassification No. 62-63-64 and Conditional U~: Permit No. 357.
Commissioner Marcoux seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIHD.
N0. 62-63-65 California, Owner; RICHARD IAYNB TOM, A.I.A., 1665 West Ratella
~ Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting that property
described as: A rectangular parcel of land having a frontage of
120 feet on the north side of Katella Avenue, and a depth of 339 feet, the eastern
boundary of said property being approximately 375 feet west of the centerline of
Sayless Street, and further described as 1573 West Katella pvenue be reclassified
from the R-0; One Family Suburban, Zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone to
establish a one-story professional office building in canjunctiun with fihe maint~nance
of an existing residence at the rear of subject property.
Chairman Gauer inquired whether there was anyone ia the Council Chamber representing
the petitioner, and receiaed no reply.
Mrs. Wiliiam McClain, 1585 West Kateila Avenue, appeared before the Commission and
stated she was in favor of the proposed reciasaification.
Chairman Gauer inquired whether there was anyone in the Councii Chamber opposing
subject petition, and received no repiy.
The Comaission discussed the possibility of approving a residence on Neighborhood
Commercial, Zoned property as being a aon-conforming use, whether a time Simitation
should be stipulated for use of the existing structure as a residence and requiring
that no commercial use can be made for the residence.
'11:e Commission reviewed the plot plans and noted that the front elevations presented
a very attractive building,
Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 627, Seriet~ 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry., to recommend to the City
Council that Petition for Reclassifica~ion Ko. 62-63-65 be approved, subject to
conditions. (See Resoiution Book.)
Commissioner Allred stipulated that there be a time limitation of three years for the
non-conforming use of the existing home as a residence, subject to review and possible
renewal at the end of the time limitation.
The coaditions as stated in the Resolution Book were recitQd at the meeting and were
found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ,
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MINTUHS, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Pebsuary 4, 1963, Continued: 1383
RBCIASSIPICATION - On roll call the foregois~g resolution was passed by the following
N0. 62-63-65 vote;
AYRS: COhA~IISSIONffitS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
AHSBNT: COhMiSSIONffitS: Hapgood.
N0. 62-63-66 California, Owner; MOitT GRBSN, 600 North Buciid Avenue, Anaheim,
California, ABent; requesting that property described as: An
irregular parcel of land having a frontage of 42? feet on the
south side of Hall Road and a frontage of 440 feet on the east side of Buclid Street,
said property ha~ing a depth of 587 feet along the Ball Road frontage. and a depth of
574 feet along the Huclid Stxeet frontage be reclassified from the R A, Residential
Agricultural, Zone to the R-3, Multiple Family Residential, Zone to permit the
establishment of a two-story pianned-unit multiple family residential development.
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No. 362.
Mr. Roger W. Pannier, the petitioner, appeared before the Commissioa and stated that
he had submitted a letter clarifying his reasons for filing subject petition.
Upon haviag the letter read to the Commission, Mr. Panaier stated he would reserve
any other comments.
Mrs. James Bloom, 1722 West Paiais Road, ap~eared in opposition to subject petition,
and stated that the proposed densi•ty for the area would increase an already cr~wded
condition in the schools with double sessions, churches, public facilities if the
proposed multiple family deveiopment were approved, since money had to be projected
far in advance to take care of the influx of people to the area; that traffic
conditions would become more hazardous; and that he opposed two-story construction
because it would t~e an ir.-~asion of the privacy of the homes in the single family
subdivisions to the south of sut•ject property.
The Commissioz noted for Mr. Bloom's attention that the Anaheim Municipal Code
prohibits two-story construction within 150 feet of any single family dwelling; that
the request for two-story construction was based on the fact that subject property
abutted residential agriculturai property on the east and the south; and that any
singl~~ family d.~wellings located in the area were at least 600 feet distant from the
proposed muit:ple family development.
The Commission also noted that the plot plan.s submitted were the first received by
them whic:i met the approval of all concerned.
2'he petitioner, in rebuttai, stated that he had ueen trying Eor a number of years
~o project something which would be beneficiai to the area and the City; that he was
~~x~sed ta stYip commercial development with Yhe possibie establishment of some type _
J' an alcoholic beverage establishment, and high rise office buildings would present
r;~re problems than the type of development he proposed, and further stated that he
tioped that the Palm trees located in the parking area of Paim Lane would be retained,
!~y the City since the trees were a landscaped asset to the area.
Chairman Gauer reviewed for Mr. Sloom the proposed uses for subjAct property as
proposed on the Generai Plan, which indicated multiple family development, and that
considerable time and study had been expended by the Commission and the Planning
Department to propose the best possibie land use for any given area ~.n the City of
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MINUTB3, CITY PLANNING C(~F4IISSION, Pebruarq 4, 1963, Continued:
RHCLAS3IPICATION - Commissioner Pebley atated that he was a lifetime resideat of the
N0. 62-63-66 City. and was a member of the school board for seven years; 4hat
(Continued) many new residents moved into the single family developments
which necessitated haviag double sessions for children who
attended schooi with his children for eight years.
Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No, 628, Series 1962-63, and moved for its passage
and adoption, seconded by Co~issioner Alired, to recommead to the City Council that
Petition for Reciassification No. 62-63-66 be approved, sub,ject~to conditions.
(See Resolution Book.)
Commissioner Alired in seconding the motion asked that a finding be made to recommend
that every effort be made by the City Council to permit the paim trees to remain in
the parkway of Paim Lane.
The conditions as stated in the Resolution Book were recited at the meeting and were
found to be a necessarp prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserv~c
the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
On roll call the foregoiag resoiution was passed by the following vote:
AYH3: COhAtIS3I0N1BR3: Alired, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, fMarcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry.
CONDITIONAL USB - PUS;.IC HBARING. ROGffii W. PANNIBR, 1650 West Ball R~ad, Anaheim,
pHRMIT N0. 362 California, Owner; MORT QtBEN, 600 North Buclid 3+.reet, Anaheim,
California, Agent; requesting permission to CONSiRUCT A 1W0-STORY
LIMITATION, AND PHRMIT CARFORTS on property described as: An irreguiar parcei of land
having a frontage of 427 feet on the south side of Ball Road, and a frontage of 440
feet on the east side of Buclid Street, said property having a depth of 587 feet along
the Ball Road frontage, and a depth of 574 feet aloag the Euclid Street frontage.
property presentiy ciassified as R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AQtICUL1VRAL, Z~NB.
Subject petition is filed in conjunctioa with Petition for Reciassification No. 62-63-66.
Mr. Roger W. Pannier, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that
all statements a~de in the hearing of the reclassificatioa of subject property were
applicable io sub,ject petitioa.
Mr. James Bloom, 17i2 West Palais Road, appeared in opposition to subject petition,
and asked that plot plans indicated type "A" and "B" and wished to have them ciarified.
Mr. Pannier stated that Type "A" structuzes were singie story aad Type "B" structures
were txo story.
Mr. Bloom then sfated that he opposed tlYe waives of the o"ne story construction; that
this would be an encroachmeat to the privacy of single family residences; and that
the two story construction should be relocated on the Huclid Street frontage to
preserve th~ privacy of the rear yards of the ~ingle fam~ly homes.
The Commission again stated that subject petition was constructing two story adjacent
to residentiai agriculturai,land; that if #tA•~ two story structures were being proposed
within 150 feet of single family residences, then they would have to be relocated, but
that it was more thaa the minimum 150 feet to the nearest single family developments
both to the west and to the south of subject property.
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MINUTES, CIT3i PLANNING CQ1~lISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued:
COAIDITIONAL USB - Commissioner Pebley offered Resolution No. 629~ Series 1962-63~
PERMIT.NO. 362 and moved for its passage aad adoption~ seconded by Commissioner
(Cont~aued) Mungali, to grant Petition for Conditional Use permit No. 362~
subject to coaditioas. (See Resoiutioa Book.)
On roll call the foregoiag resolution xras passed by the following vote:
AYB4: COMA~I33IOI~lt3: lLlired, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Muagail, Pebleq~ Perry.
NQB3: COhII~tI3SI0NBit9: None.
N0. 62-63-67 Circle, Buena Park, Califoraia, Owners; ROBBRT SRAMSR, 115 3outh
Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles 12, California, Ageat; requesting
that.propertq described as: A rectanguiar parcel of land having
a frontage of 305 feet ~n the n~rth side of Bali Road~ and a frontage of 366 feet on
the west side of Dale Avenue, and further described as 2801 West Ball Road be
reclassified from the R-A, Residential Agricuitural, Zone to the R-3, Multiple Pamily
Residential~ Zone for Parcel "A" and C-1, Neighborhood Comaercial, Zone for Parcel'
Subject petition was filed in coajunction with Petition for Conditional Use
Permit No. 363,
Mr. Robert gramer, agent for the petitioners, appeared before tfie Commissioa and
stated he would like to reserve his co~nents until later.
Mr. Robert McGonagle, 2822 Elmlawn Drive, appeared before the Commission, and stated
he was acting as the spokesman for residents in the single family development to the
west of subject property who were protestiag the proposed two-storq multiple family '
residential development; that two-story construction would be encroaching on the privacq
of the single family homes, and if the plans proposed to extend Blmlawn Drive, this
would increase the traffic hazards for the children of the'area; and that he had a
petition signed by 25 persons who opposed two-atory construction. I'
The Commission upon review~.ng the plot plans noted for the opposition that two story
construction was not proposed within 150 feet of the single famiiy development, that
the waive~ of one-story construction was due to the fact that subject property was
within 150 feet of residential agricuiturai property.
Mr. Yasugi gubo, 1370 Baker Street, Costa Mesa, appeared before the Commission and
stated that he represented the Orange County Buddist Church; that a church was
being pianned for the propertq to the north of sub3ect property; and that the Church
wouid not be opposed to the multiple famiiy residential development, if the developers
of, subject property did not oppose the construction of the Buddist Temple.
Mr. V. L. Dauser, 2880 West Ba11 Road, appeared before the Coauoissio~~ and asked that
the petitioaer indicate to iaterested persons the possibie changes the Commissioa _
would like to sugg~:st to make the multiple family 3evelopmeat compatib:le.
The Commission indicated that the proposed partialiy dedicated alley separating the
muitiple family developments to the west of subject propertq aad fronting on Ball
Road, shouid be extended through sub3ect property to Dale Avenue to serve both the
siagle family development to the west and the proposed multiple fawily development;
and that the ailey should also separate the proposed commercial development from the
multipie familq deveiopment.
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MINUTB3, CITY PLANNIIVG CO~hAlI$SICYd~ Pebruary 4, 1963~ Continued:
RECLASSIPICATION - Purther discussion was held as to any additonal requirements
N0. 62-63-67 needed for approval and whether subject petitioners should
(Contiaued) submit revised plans indicating all the chaages prior to the
public hearing before the Citq Couacil.
Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No. 630, Series 1962-63, and moved for its
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to recommend to the City
Couacil that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-67 be approved subject to
conditions. (See Resolution S~ok,)
Commissioner Perry in offering the resolution atated that reviseri plans be submitted
to the Planaing Department for Development Review incorporating a dedicated alley
connecting with the aliey to the west of subject propertq~to separate the commerciai
and multiple family development; and that a six (6) foo# masoa*~ ~11 ylsa ~
constructed abuttiag to the south of the proposed alley to provide a buffer between
the commercial gad multiple family developments.
The conditions as stated in the Resolution Book wpre recited at the meeting and were
found to be a necessary prerequisite to the nse of the property ia order to preserve
the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
On,roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the followiag vote:
AYffi: COAM ISSIONHRS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungali, Pebley, Perry,
PffitMIT M0. 363 Cirlce, Buena Park, California, pwners; ROBBRT RRAMffit, 115 Sout~
Los Angeles Street~ Los Angeles 12, California, Agent; requesting
as: .h rectangular parcel of land having a frontage of 305 feet on the north side of
Ba.ll Road, and a frontage of 366 feet on the west side of Dale Aveaue, and further
.i.;scrib~ed as 2801 West Ball Road, property presently classified as R-A, Aesidential
qgricultural, Zone. •
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Petition for Reclassification No, 62-63-67,
Mr. Robert Kramer, agent for the petitioners, appeared before the Commission and
stated that he had nothing further to add for the Commission~s coasideration.
The petitioa sigaed by 25 persoas living in close proximity to subject propertq was
read iadicating oppositioa to the two-story construc4ion proposed for the multiple
family development.
Commissioner perry offered Resolution No. 631, Series 1962-63, aad moved for its -
passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Muagail, to grant Petition for
Conditional Use Permit No. 363, subject to conditions. (5ee Resolutioa Book.)
On roii call the foregoing resolutioa was passed by the following vote;
AYBS: COhMISSIONBRS: Alired, Camp, Chavos, Gauer~ Marcoux, Muagall, Pebley, perry,
~! V ~
MINi1TB3, CITY PLAHI~TING COhUlISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Contiaued;
• \~
1387 I
NO. 62-63-68 Ansheim~ California, Owners; RAY HUppQltD,1271 Tropicana Lane,
Saata Ana, California~ Agent; requesting that pxoperty described
as: An irregular parcel of laad approximately 12S feet by 150
feet with a 56 foo4 frontage on the north side of the cul-de-sac of Hilda Street,
between Maverick Avenue and Wagner Avenue, the westera boundary of said property being
682 feet east of the centerline of Sunkist Street, and further described as 2606
Wagner 3treet be reclassified from the R A, Residential Agricultural, 2one, and R-1,
One Pamily Residential, Zone.
Subject petition was filed in conjunction with Variaace No, 1548.
Mr. Ray Hufford, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated
he had nothing to add for the Commission's consideration, but wouid be gi~d to ans!~e*
any questioas.
Mr. Wilbur Holmes, 991 Hilda Street~ appeared before the Commission opposing subject
petition and stated that he had purchased the home adjoining subject property to the
south, and asked that plans be explained ia more detail.
The agent for the petitioner then explained what was being proposed uttder subject
Art Daw of the Bngiaeering Department, advised the Commission that the State of
California nev~r gave a permanent access right to Wagner Avenue, but has given only
a tea (10) foot easement, and that he would check with the State Right-of-Way Depart-
men4 for further verification.
Mr. Holmes upon viewing the plot plans stated that nothing definite had been proposed
for construction; that if more definite plans for access to Wagner Avenue were presented,
he might reconsider 'r,is opposition; that the proposed garages would be offset and spoil
the effect of the cul-de-sac; and that his home was directly to the south of the
proposed alley which would rur.. aloagside the bedrooms of his home thus creating a
Mr. William Pranzen, 996 Hilda 3treet, appeared before the Commission, in opposition
to subject petition and stated, that when he purchased subject property it had been
understood that only one home would be on subject property; that subject property would
be in violatioa of the Code which required a 70 £oot frontage at the setback on the
cul-de--sac and #he proposed plaas do not indicate the 70 feet; that no mention was made
as to the disposal of the structure on subject property whether a 1ot spiit would be
effected; and that the existing home and the proposed home wouid not be in conformance
with the Code requirements for the area.
Ns. Hufford in rebuttal, stated that subject property was a por.*.i.on of the tract
~riginally developed by the Marjan Corporation; that the only reason subject property
nad not been turned into two lots at that time, wao because the state had planned to
purchase the property as part of an ~verpasa projected in conjunction wi~h the proposad
Orange lreeway, and that all laadscspiag would i~e in conformance with thP. balance of
the cul-de-sac.
The Commission stated that there seemed to be no reason for holding this portion
from the balance of the tract, and inquired whether the petitioner purchased the parcel
of land after the tract had been developed.
Mr. Hufford replied that he had purchased subject pr.~perty from the developer,
Covmissioner Camp stated that sub,ject lot was used as a parking lot to the models on
th: cul-de-sac on Hilda Street; that the Code requires property to be constructed in
the area of not less than 1,525 square feet whereas the proposed structure would be
1,800 square feet; that the setback line was 60 feet instead of the required 70 feet;
that the developer who had the subdivision still owned 4he lot, and should be
required to tear down the old home and rep].ace it with only one home for the eatire lot;and
that no hardship had been shown which would indicate that the property shouJ,d be
split in the manner proposed. .
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MINUTBS, CITY PLANNING CObAlI3SION, Pebruary 4, 1963; Continued:
RBCIA3SIPICATION - Commissioner Chavos inquired wbether subject property could be
N0. 62-63-68 rezoned to R-1, and if it remained R A, could they later claim a
(Continued) hardship or should the Commission consider the rezoniag of subject
property only.
Commissioner Pebley stated thafi i£ subject property were to rc~nia as R-A, Residentiel
Agricultural, at some later date~when possibiy a different Commission were hearing it,
they could again claim a hardship aad it could be approved which would nullify any action
the Commission might take•in denying the:petitii~n~nd that the Commission should now
consider the rezoning of subject property.
Commissioner Pebley offered Resolution No. 632, Serias 1962-63, and mot~ed for its
passage and adoption,seconded by Commissior.er Camp, to recoiamend to the City Council
that Petition for Reclassification No. 62-63-b8 be approved subjeci io candi4ions.
(See Resolution Book.)
The conditions as stated in the Resolution Book were recited at the meeting and were
found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve
the safety and general weifare of the Ci•tizens of the City of Anaheim.
On roli call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
VAR7ANCH N0. 1548 - HHMLOCK T9RRAC8 INC., 1605 Bast South Street, knaheim, Cali-
fornia, Owner; RAY HUPPORD, 1271 Tro~icana Laae, Santa Ana,
California, Agent; requesting permission to ~tBATB A LOT ON A
property described as: An irregular parcel of land approximately 125 feet by 150 feet
with a 56 foot frontage on the north side of the cul-de-sac of Hilda Street, between
Maverick and Wagner Avenues, the western boundary of said property being 682 feet east
of the centerline of Sunkist 3treet and further dascribed as 2606 Wagner Avenue.
Property pi~sently classified as R A, Residential Agriculturai, Zane and R-1, One
Pamily Resideatial, Zone.
Mr. Ray Hufford, agent for the petitioner appeared before the Cormnission aad stated
that ail statements made under the petition for reclussification appiied to subject
petition; that the variance was filed because they had been unabie to obtain a
building permit to construct a house on the cul-de-sac portion of the property; and
that the structure,oa the northern portion of subject property would remain.
Mr, Wilbur Holmes, 991 Hilda Street, appeared before the Commission and stated h?.s
opposition to the proposed variance was identicai as th e statements made under the
petition for reciassification. - • -
Mr. William Pranzen, 996 Hilda Street, appeared before the Commission and stated his
opposition to subject variance was identical as the statements made under the pe:ition
for reclassification.
Commissioner Camp stated that subject petition did not show any hardship, since subject
property had been held out by the developer for a parking lot w~~n prospective buyers
visited the modeis on Iiilda Street; and that the developer still owned the Sot, which
should adhere to all Code regulations in that :he ald home should be semoved and
replaced with a home comparable in design to 4he other homes located on the ~u1-de-sac.
F .~ J
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VARIANCS N0. 1548 - Commissioner All=ed offered Resoiution No. 633, 3eries 1962-63~
(Continued) and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner
Chavos, to deny Petition !'or Variance No. 6148. based on
findings. (See Reaolutioa Book.)
' In offesing and seconding the resolution, Commissioners Alired aad Chavos atated that
the granting of sub3ect petition would be granting a special privilege aot shared by
other propertq in the same zone and viciaity; and that the division of subject
property wouid be an incompatible lot ditrisioa, and wo41d be detrimental to the
propertq adjacent to subject property. ,
Oa roli call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foilowing vote:
AYBS: C0I~9~AISSIONBRS: .Alired, Camp, Q}avos~ Gauer, A;arcoux, Muagall, Pebley, Perry, j
ABSBNT: Ctl~lISSION~tS: Hapgood. ;
RHPORTS AND ITBM N0. 1 Orange County Tentative Map of TYact No. 5019, located
RHCOh~dffi~iDATIONS at the northeast corner of Coronado and Blue Gum Straets~
northeast of Anahei4, proposing 38 R-l, One Pamily
Residential, Zone, lots.
Zoning Coordinator !Nartin Kreidt, presented Orange ~ounty Tentative Map of Tract
No. 5019, to ttie Planning Commission, aad noted that subject subdivision was composed
of approximatel! ten (10) acres located in the Northeast Industriai Area, and
proposed 38 R-1, ~ne Pamily Residentiai, 2one, lots.
Mr. &reidt further stated that upon an analysis preseated for the Northeast Industrial
Area, the City Council in Resolution No. 62R-335, adopted the proposed industrial
zoning for the area designated as the Northeast Industrial A*ea, and Pinding No. 8 of
said resolution stated;
"That any trailer parks established in the Northeast Area as a result of
actions preceding this report should be coasidered legal non-conforming
uses, and that no furth~ar resideatial uses, including trailer parks or
expansion of trailer parks previousiy approved should be oermitted in
the Northeast IndustriaS. Area."
Finding No. 5 of said resolution aiso refers to the establisbmeat of residential uses
in the Northeast Industria7 Area as follows:
"That the County of Orange should be requested to establish industrial
zoning, which nrohibits all res3dential uses, on ali areas lying w3.thin
their jurisdic4ion in the above described areas and to establish
staadards of. property development similar to those of the P-L, PARKING-
Commissioner Marcoux offered a motion to recommend to the Orange County Plaaniag
Commission that Tentative Map of Tract No. 5019 be disapproved, based on the fact that
said development would be an encroachment of reaidential use in an industrial
development. Commissioner Chavos seconded the motion, requestiag that a copy of City
Council Resoiution No, 62R-335~ said resolution designating the area referred to as
the Northeast Industriai Area, be submitted to the Orange County Planning Commission
for their perusal in determining their deciaion on sub,~act tract. Commissioaer
Chavos seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
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MINUTBS, CITY PIANNING COA9.IISSION, February 4, i963, Continued; . :13a9
MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMQAISSION, February 4, 1963, Continued:
nePORTS AND - ITEM N0. 2....
(Continued) Orange County Use Variance No. 5097 - Locate a temporary directional
advertising sign for a period of six months in the A-1, General
Agricultural District located at the northwest corner of Chapman Avenue
and Haster Street.
Zoning Ceordinator Martin Kreidt, reviewed for the Planning.Commission the location of
the proposed advertising fiign, and noted that City Conncil.Policy No. 501, regulated the
distance for signs within the City limits for 65 feet, but that the proposed location was
outside the ~urisdiction of the City of Anaheimo
Commissioner Mungall offered a motion to acknowledaa rec~ipt of Orange County Use Variance
Non 5097, and to advise the Orange County Planning Commission that the Anaheim Planning
Commission had no comment in reference to sub~ect Use Varianceo Com~rissioner Perry
seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~
AND VARIANCH N0. 1538 - Ishmael ~zman and Sarah Guzman, 9331 Cerritos
MISCELLANEOUS Avenue. RE: Resolution No. 558, Series 1962-63, Condition No. 4.
Zoning Coordinatoi Martin Kreidt reviewed for the Commission subject petition, and stated
thatCondition ~o. 4 required that sub~ectproper::y be reclassified from the R-A, Residential
Agricultural, Zone to the R-1, One Fa:nily Residential, Zone within six months o: prior to
Final Buildin~ Inspection; tha± the letter stated that final building inspection would
take place before sub3ect property had been reclassified, and.that sub3ect property was
being heard for reclas~if3.cation at the February 18, 1963 Commission meeting, but it would
be at least three months until all legal proceedings had transpired, and that within sixty
days the petitioner would require final building inspection, and occupancy of the new
structure would not be made available if reclassification of subject property would be
delayed through public hearing, and that it was requested that the deletion of that portion
stating: "or prior to Final Building Inspection, whichever occurs first" be made to the
Commissioner Camp offered a motion to delete from Condition Noe 4 of Resolut?on No. 558,
Series 1962-63, dated Decembex I0, 1962 that portion ~tating: "or paior to Final
Building Inspection, whichever occurs first" and to notify the petitio:~er tlirough a cor-
rected resolution of this change. Commissioner Perry seconded the motion.. MOTION CARRIED.
ITEM N0. 2
Correspondence - Nutwood Ball Civic Association
A letter signed by Mrs. Mary E. Andrews,. presi~?ent of crte Nutwood Ball Civic Association,
was read to the Commission, in which Mrs. Pndrews expressed sincere appreciation for the
Planning Commission's thoughtful consideration given te the residents in the area with
respect to Petition fox• Conditional Use Permit No. 346.
Chairman Gauer directec~ that the letter be filed.
ITEM N0. 3
A letter received from the Sants Fe Railroad, signed by Mr. L. J. LeRoy, Industrial Agent
in which he stated that upon a cursary insp~ection of the proposed General Plan, he felt
it was a well drafted document £or the future development di the City, and would be a
great aid in the railroad submitting industrial properties in the Anaheim area for industrial
Chairman Gauer directed the Commission Secretary read the letter at the ner.t public hearing
of the proposed General ~'lan.
I'IEM N0. 4
A letter of thanks was read to the Commission from Mrs. Eugene Hapgood, expressing her
thanks for all the kind aonsideration given by the Commission to the family during their
re.ent bereavement.
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MINUTFS, CITY PLANNING COI~AlISSION, Pebruary 4, 1963, Continued: 1391
ADJOURNMBNT - There being no further business to diacuss, Commissioner Marcoux offered
a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Chavos seconded the
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 ~*Clock P..M,
Respectfully submitted,
~iill/~'I/ r~i~r~
ANN KRBBS, Secretary 3T~~Q
Anaheim Planning Commission
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