Minutes-PC 1963/10/14c; , L~ ~~ '''~ ~ - J _. City Hall Anahe3m, California October 14, 1963 A REGULAR MEE';ING OF THE ANAHETM CJ7Y PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR'MEETING •• A Regular Meeting of the Anahe_~~`"ity ''lanning Commission was called to order by Chairman Mungall at 2:00 0'C1.ock YoM., a quorum.being-present. % PRESENT - CHAIRMAN: Mungall ' COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Pebley, Perry, Rowland. • i ABSENT - COMMISSIONERS: Sides PHESENT - Zoning Coordinator: Martin Kreidt Deputy City Attorne„y: Furman Roberts Office Hngineer: Art Daw Planning Department Stenographer Jacqueline Mo Sullivan.. INVOCATION - Commissioner ~~auer gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF - Commissioner Pebley led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flage Ai.,T,.EGTANCE AFPRbVAL OF - Minutes of the meeting of September 30, 1963 were approved with the 'TI~~MINUTES / following corrections: / Page 1802, paragraph one should read: Commissioner Rowland wondered whether the ioea of the iequirement of the 20-foot area designated as landscaped zone, 30~ ~f this area must be in green growing materials; however, this 30;96 need no•*. be c~,ntinuous acrass the front, and may be /at the option of the property o.vners. / Page 1802, add the following at the end of the page: ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Allred offered a motion to adjourn the meetingo Commissioner Perry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 5:48 peme CONTINUED RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. JOSEPH GLEASON, M. D., 6189 La Palma Avenue, Buena Park, N0. 63-64-28 and California, Owner; JACK J< STRICKLAND, AoI.A., 9012 Garden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove, California, Agent; property ~escribed as: A rectangular parcel CONDITIONAL USE of land with a frontage of 220 feet cn the east .•~de of Magnolia Avenue and a PERMIT N0, 468 deptr of 613 feet, the northerly boundary of sa,,: property being 366 feet south of the centerline of La Palma Avenue, and further described as 1020 North Magnolia Avenueo Property presently classified as C-1, NEIGHBOR- HOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL~ ZONH . REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE: CONSTRUCT A ONE AND TWO-STORY MULTIPLE EAMILY ._ . PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEI/HLOPMED':r WITH CARPORTS, WAIVER OF THE ONE-STORY HEIGHT LIMITATIONe Subject petitions were continued from the meeting of September 4, 1963, in order to allow the petitioner time to submit plot plans incorporating single story construction with 150 feet of single family development, reduction of the density to a maximum of 50 dwelling units, increasing the building separation to 25 feet, and further to increase the recreation area to 2G0 square feet per dwelling unit. ~ Mr. Ron Yeo, representing the owner, appeared before the Commission and stated the revised plans were in accordance with the Commission's recommendations of the September 4 meeting. The Commission reviewed the plans, and noted that a wall was indicated on the southerly property line, and asked the reprESentative if he would be willing to stipulat_ to a wall on the northerly and easterly property lines. The representative was in agreement with this request, and so stipulated. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~ ; THE I-IEARING WAS CLOSED. , ~ - 1803 - i ; ~ _ _.. _ __-~_ __ ~ _ _ __._ ..... . __ _ . _. _ ___... Q~!('. . HS . - -.- T _ . i : _ -.. ~ • ~._~ (~ ~.~ 't .~ ~...J MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Contin~ed: 1804 RECLASSIFICATION - The petitioner left the Council Chamber befare reading of the recommended N0..,63-64-28 and condztions, and Commissioner Chavos instructed the Secretary that the CONDITIONAL USE Petitioner was to be advised regarding these conditionsa FEH'irilT I~O. 468 Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noe 930, Series 1963-64, and (Continued) _ moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner.Gauer to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noe 63-64•28 be approved subject to conditionso (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolutian was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungail, Pebley, Perry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSc Sides C'ommissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 931, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland to grant Petition for Conditional llse Permit No. 468, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by thE fn71_!+w_Rg :.~~~: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebiey, Perry, Rowland NOESs COMMISSIODIERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides VARIANCE N0. 1586 - CONfi.JUED PUBLIC HEARING. WILSHIRE OIL COMPANY, 727 West Seventh Street, Los Angeles, California, Owner; GEORGE MURPHY, 9476 Pellet A WALK-UP RESTAURAA,T ANDrWAIVER~OFeREQUIRED PARKING,eAND FRONTSYARD SETBACKlon propertyLISH described as: An irregular portion of land having a frontage of 233 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue, and a frontage of 182 feet on the east side of West Street. Property presently classified as R-0, ONE FAMILY SUBURBAN, ZONE. Subject petition was continued from the meeting of September 4, 1963, in order to allow the petitioner sufficient time to submit revised plans incorporating a masonry wall, adequate parking facilities which mest Code requirement, and elevations incorporating other than metal construction, and building setback plans in ac~:ordance with Code requirementsa Zoning Coordinator, Martin Ktieidt, noted the petitiorner tiad submitted a written request for withdrawal of subject peti.tiono No one appeared in opposition ±u subja~t pP~~iiono THE }iEARING WAS CLOSED. _ Commissioner Camp offered a moti~,ia te recommend to the City Councii that all action on Petition for Variance No. 1586 be• te~rminated, since the petitioner had requested withdrawal of said petition until such time ~~s pending reclassification of the area was approved to Gl ~ NEIGFBG,?HOOD COMMERCIAL, ZrJPI];NG. Commissioner Gauer seconded the ~no~ion. MOTION CARRIED> CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC HEpRING. ARDMORE DEVELOPIu~M COMPANY, 1129 Westwood Boulevard, PERMIT N0. 485 Los Angeles 24, California, Owners; RAYMOND ROUGH~ 741 North Euclid Street, and Anaheim, California, Agent; .requestin TENTATIVH MAP OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPIu~NT By N~A~i~ OF A RE-SUBDIVISIONtOFEAN EXISTINGpR.-3NTRACT. TRACT N0. 5226 WAIVER OF THE (1) GARAGES TO CON~TRl1CT CARPORTS; (2) MINIMIIM SIDE YARD REQUIREA~AII'g; (3) MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIREN~PTI'S ON LOT NOS, 1 THROUGH 11; (4) MINIMUM LOT AREp pND WIDTH; and (5) ONE-STORY FiEIGHT LIMITATION WITHIN 150 FEET OF R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONED PROPERTY, on property described as Tract 2517, Lot Nose 1-11 and 15-52, and being located on the north and south side af Glenoaks Avenue, on the north and south side of Greenleaf Avenue, and on the east and west side of Fairhaven Streets The abovs desaribad property being westerly of Euclid Street, easterly of Chippewa Avenue, and north of the Orange County Flood Controle Property presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENfIAL, ZONEa ~ -~ ~ . ~ ~~ ' ;;'. l"~ t.~ ~ ~•--~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued: 1805 CONDITIONAL USE - Subject tract map: DEVELOPER: ARDMORE DEVELOPMEM COMPANY, 1.129 Wes.twoad PEAMIT N0. 485 Boulevard, Los Angeles 24, California~ ENGINEERs ENGINEERING SERVICE and CORPORATION, 1127 West Washingto~ Boulevasd, Los Angeles 15,.Galiforniaj TENTATIUE MAP OF proposes subject property for subdivision into 154 R-3, MULTIPLE.F.AMILY TRACT NOo 5226 RESIDENTIAL, ZONE lots> - .-._ Continue ~„_,,,r , Mro Robert Lesser, one of the owners of the Ardmore.Ge.velopment Company, appeared before the Commission and stated.the revisrid.plans before..the Commiesion incorporated the addition of firebreaks, adequate.distance between buildings, proposed a reduction of units from 150 to a total of 142 dwelling•units, and further stated their.purpose was to create a planned townhouse development.that would be an asset to the communitye . The City Attorney's office advised that a perpetual maintenance fund could be incorporated into..the CCBRs which guaranteed the tenants9 who shared an "in common'.' maintenance.of..these areas, at least a minimum level of maintenanceo Under this agreement, provision for separate ownership of individual townhouse, patio, and carport area would be included>. Mro Lesser further stated, after discussion with the planning staff, a 20-foot_ded3cated alley was proposed, which would pr~vide adequate ingress and egress at the rear as well as the front, and.was now indicated on the planso ... Mro Ray Rough, agent for the petitioner, was also present and recounted the effort put forth k~y th? Plannin; P?`+ar+inor+ 2,~,a thP ~o+iti~ne*; in his oninion,__z~esulied in a olan_which_would be satisfactory to the Commission and an asset to the communityo Mro Don L, Von Trotha, 1812 Wo Catalpa, was present and stated he had formerly signed a petitionj opposing subject development, but at this time wished to withdraw his vote of opposition~ since ! reviewing the plans with Mro Rough several days prior to this meeting, found they represented ~ a.satisfactory developmente However, Mro Von Trotha further stated a 6-foot masonry wall shouldi be constructed along the northerly property lineo ~ THE }iEARING WAS CLOSEDo ; Commissioner Perry asked the petitioner, if he would be willing to agree to the addition of a ~ 1~-foot s~;~.o of concrete to all existing curbs throughout the development to which the ~ petitioner did agree, and so stipulateda ~ Commissioner Chavos questioned the advisability of the requested waivers, and further stated the zoning of the R•~3 was "in name only",as a conditional use permit is not intended to be a substitute for zoningo Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt noted the CC&Rs which had been reviewed by the City Attorney's office, insured maintenance of tiie common area, and added it would be safe to waive the items involved since a substitute safeguard was provided, and further stated it was his understanding this had been resolved with the City Attorney's officeo Commissioner Pebley initiated a discussion concerning fire protection and questioned what provisions were made, if any, and also inquired how other tenants would be protected in such a situationo lieputy City Attorney Furman Roberts~advised this ~vas handled by making a provision in the CC&Rs that one insurance policy be obtained by the association to cover all units, and that the tenants were protected by '.he rebuilding rules governed by the State Laws> The Commission agreed they would depend o~i the City Attorney's office to handle this problem, and reque~ted that the City Attorney investigate the possibility of rental if a fire did occuro The Commission further noted their duty was to decide whether the proposed development should be constructed on the iand in questione Commissioner Perry offered Resolution Noo 932, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, and further qualified his motion with the statement, that although this proposed development had low density, he felt this type of development would be desirable in this particular area, and added the following condition, tha: 18 inches of concrete be installed behind the existing curbs of subject property; Commissioner Camp seconded the motion, subject to conditionse (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Ailred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perry NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Chavos, Pebley, Rowland nuccnrr. r^lIAeMT$STONF.RS: ~iAaA . . .... .« ,.,.. . . ........... . ..... . . __ .~~ .__- .,._.,.e_~.__._. ~ - --_ __ _...._ . _ ._ . --_ ~. _. MINUTES, ClTY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Cantinued: 1806 CONDITIONAL USE - In Voting "NO" Commissioners Chavos, Pebley, and .ROwland qual.i~ied_their PF,.B~GIT iV0< 485 vote, with the statement that the proposed•-develop~n~ut.was.~~~°+~~.in Qne and of the prime axeas of Anaheim~ lccated within 1~4 mile•af _the.Braadway. TENTA.TIVE MAP OF shopping center, and its development was not in.the.bes~ in:texssts af the TBI~Cf.NOo 5226 public health, safety and general welfare, that the advisah9.13ty..a£..the (Caritinueci) ,_ requested waivers was questioned, that•the zoning of .the g-.3,..was. "in..name -. only" as a conditional tise permit was not .intended-:to. be..a .substitute for zoning, and that this was a sub-standard R-3, and does not meet the neces- saz;y R-3 standardso The:~Commission reviewed the Interdepartmental Committee and Planning Department recommendations ~ of..the tentative mapo . . . . ... . .... . Commissioner Perry offered a motion to approve Tentative Map of..Trac~ Noo..522fi,..subj.ect to_. th~.following conditions: (1) That should this subdivision he de.vEloped.as mese than one . sesbdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in t~nta.tivs-.foam..£ar. apprava],;.... (2)~that the approval of Revision Noo 1, Tentative Map.of Tr.ac•t.Noo 522li,.3s granted suhject to.the approval of Conditional.Use Permit Noo 485; (3).that-i,he Condi:tions; Cdvena'nts, and F,e~~tsictions shall be submitted to and approved by the City A.ttorne.y=s office.pxiar. to.City Council approval of the final tract map, and further, that the approved Covenants, Conditions, and• Restrictions shall be recorded concurrently.with the Final Tract. Map<.- .. ..... ......... .. Commissioner Gauer seconded t~ie motione MOTION CARRIED with-Com~nissioners,Chavos, Pebley, „_..., _._ ., ,._~, . _. ,~..,,~~ ! _. _ _ a-'u'u, nunra~u- vu~tUy irv o CONDITIONAL USE - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGo FREDRICK Ca AND JEANNE HOWARD, 1.45 South Western ~ PERMIT NOe 467 Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners; GAIL Se SIMS, Lincoln.West Profes- ~ and sional Mall, 1782 West Lincoln Avenue, Sui.te G, Apaheim,.Calif.arnia,..Agent; i TENTATII/E.MAP OF requesting permission to CONSTRUCT A TWO-STORY MUI:TIPLE FAMILY PLANNED- ~ TRACT N0,~5299 RESIDENfIAL DEVELOPMENT WITH CARPORTS - WAIVE.ONE-STORY E~IGHT.LIIu4ITATION p on property described asi An L-shaped parcel of la~d with a frontage af ; 99 feet on the west side of Western Avenue, and a maximum depth of 645 feet, ~ the northerly boundary of said property being 672 feet south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, and further described as 145 South Western Avenuee Property presently classified as ~ R-3, MUI:TTPLE' FAMII.Y RESIDENfIAL, ZONE. ~ ~ ~• SUBJECT TRACT: located on the west side of Western Avenue approximately 606 feet south of ~ the centerline of Linco2n Avenue, and covering approximately 205 acres, is ' proposed for subdivision into eleven R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE g lotso ; e .. 3 Subject petition and Tentative Map Kere continued from the meeting of September 4, 1963, ~ 3n order that the petitioners might submit revised plans and approved CCBRs to the City ~ Attorney's officeo ~ Mro Leo Sims, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated there had ; been liaison between the Planning Department and the petitionera However, the suggestion ; made by the Planning Commission and the Planning Department for the installation of a street ~ to provide a primary access into the easterly portion of subject property from Western Avenue, ~ to eliminate the use of alleys for ingress and egress, was deemed undesirable Ly the petitionero ; Therefore, the petitioner felt if the aforementioned solution was e requirement, the proposed ~ development would be abandoned. Consequently, neither revised plans nor CCBRs were submitted ~ for Commission consideratione I ~ The agent also noted that the units as outlined on thc original plans met the approval of ~. prospective tenants, since they had expressed an interest in the rental of the proposed develop- ~ mente The Commission stated it was possible these tenants would not have any specific opinion concerning alley access since many do park their cars in an alley, but it is the Commission°s ~ duty to do u~hat they feel is best for the Cityo No one appeared in opposition to subject petitione ; THE HEARING WA~~ CI,OSEDa Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution Noe 933, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and ' adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland to deny Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noo 467, based on the facts that the Commission after reviewing the same set of plans a second time„ together with a field investigation of the area, determined the petitioner did not provide adequate ingress and egress for pedestrians and vehicles, that tha proposed development does not meet the necessary R-3 requirements and was inadequate from a planning standpoint, and that the petitioner omitted the necessary CCBRso (See Resolution Booke) ' . , ' ;~ . --~---~ - _ _, .._..---- ----- ~,...T..,~,,.-..~_~ ----•~ _ . ~-' C~ ~ c;:> ~ i • .. . . ;. . a ( -~ F ;. _ ~ ~ ~~ - f; l + ~~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued 1807 ; CONDITIONAL USE - On roll call the foregoing.resolution was passed by the following.vate:.. PERMIT NOo 467 artd AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Ailred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, TENfATIVE MAP OF Pebley, Perry, Rowland TRACT NOo 5299 (Continued) NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: Sides Mro Sims appeared before the Commission and requested withdrawal of the tract map at this time, and inquired the possibility of the submission of a tract map at a later date, which would.perhaps provide for subdivision of air spaceo The agent was advised this was possible, but that no future commitments would be made at this time> Comroissioner Allred o'fered a motion to recommend to the City Council that all action.an Tentative Map of Tract Noo 5299 be terminated, because the petitioner had requested with- drawal of said tracta Commissioner Camp seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED, RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC 1-1~ARINGo LACNIL INCo, 7051 Monroe Avenue, Buena..P.ask, Califotaia, N0. 63-64-46 Owners; WOODY JOHNSON, 224 West Fifth Stseet, Santa Ana, Califarnia., Agent; requesting that property described as:. A rectangular.parcel of ~land having a frontage of 33U feet on the soutn side or.iincoin nvenuE, and.a depth of 252 feet, the eastern.boundary of said property being appr.oximately 365 feet_ west of the centerline of Westchester Drive be reclassified from the R-A, RBSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, ZONE to construct.a.shopping.centero Woody Johnson, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the eommission-and.discussion.folluwed immediately concerning i:he possibility of Bella Vista being open to pxouide.adequate.ingress and egresso The owner was present, and he stated he owned a.1•1 ten acres-or.iginally, but dedicated and sold the rear 2~ acreso The owner further stated he did not feel it was his resaonsibility to put the street ine Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt noted when this development was approved, he understood at some time that Bella Vista Street would become a through street, otherwise the westerly end of the street would not have %aan stubbed, but would instead have been cul-de-saced. Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to continue Petition for Reclassification No. 63-64-46 to the meeting of November 13, 1963, in order that the petitioner might be allowed the opportunity of consulting with the Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department to attempt to find a solution regarding ingress and egress from Bella Vista Street opening onto Lincoln, that the parking layout as proposed be reviewed, and that the +.raffic problem also be considered. Commissioner Allred seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEDo RECESS: Commissioner Pebley offered a motion to recess the meeting for ten minuteso Co,nmissioner Allred seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo The meeting recessed at 4:12 pomo RECONVENE: Chairman Mungall reconvened the meeting at 4:25 p~ma, all Commissioners being present except Commissioner Sidese _________._._.__--~ ----- -- ___._-..._--. _ ____ _ ---.----__..__ ..._....._. ____._~_ ~ ' _.: ~. ___ _ _ ~ T- T s _ I `~ .:,.,~ ' ~ t ~' ', ~ } `...) - ~ ~~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued 1308 RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo AL ROBERTS PiYMOUTH, INCo, 10080 Garden Grove Boulevard, N0. 63-64-33 Garden Grove, California, Owners; ALBERT Do ROBERTS, 10080 Garden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove, California, Agent; requesting that property described as: Ar. "L" shaped parcel of land having a frontage of 170 feet on the west side of Los Angeles Street and an averege depth of 150 feet, the south2astern cor~rer of said p•roperty being approximately 195 feet north of the centerline of Sall Road, and further described as 1125 South Los Angeles Street, be reciassified from the C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD 'COh~4~IERCIAL, ZONE to the C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE to establish a used car agency as a conforming useo Mro A1 Roberts, owner of subject property, appeared before the Commission and stated the lot had been improved considerably with landscaping, installation of a new sign, and tF~e painting of the premisese Mr, Roberts further stated the original purpose was to create a new foreign car agency at this location, but this idea had been reconsidered since the sales of foreign cars had fallen offo Therefore, it would be a"used car lot" at present, and tAat three and one-half years were left on ihe present lease on subject propertyo The Commission in their review of subject petition felt that the present operation was a satisfactory and successful operation, from the City's standpoint, and that the petitioner would be iequired to appear before the Commission if he proposed any other use on subject property, T(-IE HEARING WAS CLO5ED, Commissioner Camp offered Resolution Noo 934, Series ]963-h4; and moved for it=_ ~assay„ ard adoption, seconded by Commissioner Pebley, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-33 be approved on the original plans presented, restricting subject property to a"used automobile agency only", that any repair or other servicing incidental thereto would not be permitted, without priox approval of the City Council, and that a 6-foot strip of land, proposed for reclassification to the P-L, PARKING LANDSCAPING, ZOIJE be land- scaped in accordance with planse (See Resolution Booko) On roll czll the foregoing resolution was passed by the follotiroing vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSEM: COMMISSIQNERSs Sides RECLASSIFICA7ION - PUBLIC 1~AkINGo HERMAN He BRUNS, 1102 South Los Angeles Street, N0. 63-64-47 Anaheim, California, and JAMES La BERNIER 8 DAVID A KOHL, 2631 West and Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles 6, California, Owners; So Vo,HUNSAKER CONDITIONAL USE 8 SONS, 15855 East Edna Place, Irwindale, California, Agente Property PERMIT NOo 489 described as:~ A rectangular parcel of land approximately 816 feet ny 186 feet, having a frontage of 717 feet on the south side of Clifton Avenue, the westerly boundary of said property being approximately 330 feet east of the centerline of Los Argeles Street, and further described as 11C? South Los Angeles Streeta Property presently classified as M-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, ZONEo REQLJESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-3~ MUi.TIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL~ ZONEe REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE: CONSTRUCT A MULTIPLE FAMILY PLANNED RESIDEM'IAL DEVELOPIWEM WITH CARPORTS • WAIVE MINIMUM SPACE BETWEEN STRi1CTURESe Mro Walter Nickel, representi.ng the agent for the petitioner, stated that the propoee9 develop- ment would be an unusually attractiva compliment to an area which has been very well developed and excellently maintainedo He staced they had entered inio discussion with the City Planning Staff during the @esign stage, and had endeavored to incorporate into the desigrt those qualities which the staff had considered most desirable with current studies of planned residential areas> The distance between buildings rear to rear is planned at 15 feet, the distance required by the City Ordinance if the buildings were separated by lot lineso These buildings would have patios in the front and no doors at the rear of the buildings. These areas would be shielded by landscape planting and access would be restricted to utility, service and emerge~cy personnei onlyo Offset parking facilities being provided were slightly in excess of two per residential unit, which exceeds the Ordinance requiremento An accessway through the center of the plan was proposed which was not designated as an alley~ The proposed development would Tequire that cars come into the parking area directly from the st.reet rather than going through the alleyo Mr. Nickel further stated that if subject property were to remain as M-1~ LIGHT INDUSTRIAL~ ZONE~ tha± ;ndu~trial traffic :vould ba vsi~g str2ets naa being cansidered as residentiale No one appe~r~d in opposition to subject petitiona ' ~THE HEP.RIiv!; ~YpS CLOSEDo `s i I 7 r i ~ r ---------- , ; _ . 'i , i • : ;,~ . ~ ~ l i ,' ,. ~ `. _) ` \_~ ~ 6 MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued i809 ~ i ~ ~ ~ RECLASSIFICATION - The Commission reviewed the plans and discussed the possibili~y of access ~ N0. 63-64-47 from the street or alleyo The Commission determined any vehicular access ~ and to subject property must be from Clifton Avenue since the property was CONDITIONAL USE bounded on the west by commercial zoning, on the east by a railroad, and ~ PERMIT N0~ 489 on the south by industrial property presently under development, thus i (Ccntinued) preventing access to the subject propertyo The Commission further stated, ! dedication of the 20-fuot alley would be at the option of the developere ; Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noo 935, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to recommend to the City Cuuncii that Pet£tion for ~ Reclassification Noe 63-64-47, be approved, subject to conditionso (See RQSOlution Bonk<) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Febley, Perry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ' ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides i ~ Commissioner Camp offered Resolution Noo 936, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noe 489, be approved su~ject to conditionsa (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: ; AYES: COMMISSTONERS: Allred Cam Chavos Gauer Mun all Peble Perr Rowland e P~ r ~ 9 ~ Yr Y~ ~ i , NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ~ ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides ~ CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC F~ARINGa CLEMENTINE PROPERTIES, 420 South Beverly Drive, PERMIT NO,. 487 Beverly Hills, California, Owners; CARL Oa OLDENKOTT, 213 Evergreen Street~ Anaheim, California, Agent; reauesting permission to ESTABLISH A CLUBHOUSE, BAR, RESTAURANT~ BEER GARDEN~ DANCING~ AND TFIE CONTINUOUS llSE OF OFFICE SPACE on property described as: A rectanaular parcel of land having a frontage of 246 feet on the east side of Clementine Strect and a dtpth of 254 feet, the southern boundary of said property being approximately 420 feet north of the centerline of Katella Avenue, and further described as 1742 South Clementine Streeto Pro~erty presently classified as M-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, ZONEo Mre Carl Oldenkott, ?13 North Evergreen Street, Anaheim, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and requested use of the existing building for a private club and their guestso The club was a German-American associatiun, a non-profit orgarization, consisting of 410 members who paid $4e00 plus $1050 dues each monthe They would use the present building, and the kitchen facilities would be newo The buildine~ would be open only Saturday nights and one evening a month for meetings during the weeko The club was incorporated in 1960 and consists of only local membErs, the members presently meeting at the Buena Park £lks Lodgeo New members must be vc., hed for by the old~r members before active-membership was permitted in the clubo The Commission stated the M-1 use contemplated was not compatible with the Harticular develop- ment at this locationo Melodyland Theater traffic flow, in and out of the parking lot and ~into Katella Avenue, thereby creating a heavy flow of traffico Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts, in response to the Commission's questions advi:,ed that all reasonable conditions can be attached to a conditional use permit which ~.:ould give suffi- cient control on the proposed operation, and that there was not a great deal of difference in a variance insafar as its practical application was cvncernedo The Ccmmission noted when they were out in the field and had observed subject property, they ~ did not fully understand the scope of the proposed operationo However, since hearing the explanation by the agent, they suggested continuing s»bject petition until the next Commission meeting, at which time another field trip would be undertaken to the property. The Commission directed the Planning Department to check with the Elks Club in Buena Park concerning past activities of this club, and report findings at the next meeting. ' No one appeared in opposition to subject pei:ition~ € THE E~ARING WAS CLOSEDo ,~ -_ .~ _~ ~ ~. ___._ _..._ _ _ ._..___._.'"~/ ~ . .. ._ _ . . . ' ' . .. . i I ' ~ . ~ ._._..--- ~ _~ ~'~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ N(INUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN, October 14, 1963, Continued 1810 CONDITIONAL USE - Commissioner Camp oifered a motion to reopen the hearing and continue PERMIT NOo 487 Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noo 487 to the meeting.af.October..28, ~,Continued) 1963, in order that the Planning Department might have tirtu:.to..inuestigate the Buena Park Elks Lodge concer.ni.ng past activities.of.the..cluh,..and to provide the Coromission an additional opportunity fox a sacond.f.ield.;tsip . to view subject propertya Commi.ss:oner Perry seconded the motiono . MOTION CARRIED, CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC HEARINGe DOMINIC & YVONP.~ JANBON, 6722 Miller, Placentia, PERMIT NOa 488 California, Owners; Co Lo PHARRIS, 117 Evelyn Drive, Anaheim, California, Agesit; requesting permission to EXCAVATE AND REMOVE SAND AND G.~tA.VEL.on p•roperty described as: A rectangular parcel of i.and having.a froi;tage;of 693 feet on the east side of Miller Street and a dept'~ of 629 feet, the southerly boundary of said property being approximately 796 feet north of the centerline of Anaheim Road, ~.nd further described as 6722 Mi?lero Property presently classified as R•A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICLiLTURAL, ZONEo Mro Robert BD Holland, 7.33 West Chapman, Orange, attorney, representing Mro Ca L, Pharris, the potential purchaser of this property, appeared before the Commission, and presented two petitions in support of subject peLition with signatures of seven property owness.in close psoximity .to subject propertye Mr> Pharris stated the development of this particular.lA.acre parcel is compatible with the zonin9 and use of the remaining land in the.ar.eao.-N1a, Pharnis cnntemplated that use of the property vrould be through the existing pit, and would. not ccune. out. onto Mil,lEr Road, but would use the ingress and egress which he.now hada•.-Na adrii.tiona.l.tra£fic would:be. qenerated other than what was presently cominq from the existinq send pite He furthex stated the petitioner was in agreement w~th the recommendations of the staff; however,..regarding Inter- departmental Committee and Planning llepartment Recommendation.Noo 11, he would.like to suggest a~.change to a 2o1-foot slope on the east side only, and Recommendation Noo.20, shaul.d.be.amended by the addition of the following: "That the applicant shall selease.bv a.document.satisfactorv to the public aaencv involved. etco" Mro Pharris would post..a bond assuring the City that when the east side of Miller Street was developed, he would pay for the 693 feet along this parcel, as well as his acceptance of other recommendationso , Mre Howard Wo Crooke, Orange County Water District, appeared and discussed his concern with the eventual refilling of the hole and percolation of the water into the holeo He suggested that the pit be set back on the east line adjacent to the Water District property by 50 feet, and the slope be 1-foot vertical to 2-feet horizontale Any residual material such as clay and silt should go in the northerly hole and that the water will not go thrcugh ~lay and silt, and solidifies and sets up, which he wished to avoido Two letters from the Orange County Water District and the Orange County Flood Control District were read at the meetingo These letters included recommended conditions in the event subject petition was aaproved, and were inco2porated under the Interdepartmental Committee and Planning Department recommendations~ Mre James Duncan, 6862 Miller Street, stated he did not th9nk the pit was compatible with the industrial area of Autonetics, and that a heavy fiow of traffic already existed on Miller and Anaheim Roadso Mr~ Ea Co Finster, 6822 Miller Street, stated the dust would be a detrimento Mre 3ames Sparks, 146 Annette, Placentia, stated he had been in the sand business over 20 years, anc3 that sand operations fn Ozange County were diminishing and this operation was necessarye Mro Tony Lopez, 15965 Eo Linda Vista, stated the noise and dust were undesirable~ Tu.E HEpRTNG WAS CLOSED. The Commission held a discussion concerning the period of time required to complete the digging of the sand pit improvements of Anaheim Road to Dowling, the problem of dust and noise, etca, and stated the private roads would have to be wetted down when in use to keep the dust down, and the pit must be completely fenced and screened by plantings~ Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noe 937, Series 1963-64, and moved fer its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noe 488, subject to conditions that have been read and reread, including recommendations ~s outlined by the Orange County Flood ControJ. and also by the Orange County Water Department, subject to Interdepartmental Committee and Planning Department recommendationse (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: ~ AYES: NOES: + { ABSENT: ~ ~ \ _~t COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Rowland COMMISSIONERS: None COMMISSIONERS: Sides ~ '~ ~ (~ ~~ ~ (~ ) ~ ~ -~ - MINt1TES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued 1811 ~ONDITTONAL USE - Commissin~ar Camp qualified his "AYE" vote on the basis this would.be PERMIT N0~ 468 approximately a three-year operation, and further stated, if it were a ,~Continued~_ permanent operation, he would have been against ito REGESS: Commissioner Camp offered a motion to recess the meeting for ten minutese Commissioner Rowland seconded the Motiono MOTION CARRIEDo The meeting recessed at 5:55 pomo RECONVENE: Chairman Mungall reconvened the meeting at 6:05 pamo, all Commissioners being present except Commissioner Sideso kECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING~ ALLEN 6o BARDWELL, c/~ Leonard Smith, 125-D South. N0~ 63-64-42 Claudina Street, Anaheim, Ca:~:ornia, a~uner; LEONARD SMITEl, 125-D South and Claudina Street, Anaheim, California, Agent; property described as: VARIANCE NOa 1604 A rectangular parcel of land i~aving a frontage of 165 feet on the north side of Ball Road and a depth of 219 feet, the easterly boundary of said property being approximately 170 feet west of Webster StTeet, and further described as 2501 West Ball Road~ Property presently classified as R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL~ ZONE., REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-3; MUL~IPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAT.; 7_ONE:• REQUESTED VARIANCE: CONSTRUCT A 27-UNIT APARTMEM BUILDING WITH WAIVER OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) ONE-STORY HEIGHT LIMITATION, (2) SIDE YARD REQUIREMEIJT, AND (3) 1~ SPACES IN A GARAGE, TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF CARPORTS~ Mro Leonard Smith, 125 South Claudina Street, pnaheim, agent for the petitioner appeared before the Commission and presented a petition with signatures of 27 property owners in support of the proposed developmente ~dra Kenneth Jensen, 922 Webster Street,appeared before the Commission and opposed the two-story construction on the basis that the proposed apartment house would be within 65 feet from his patio window, and would therefore be an invasion of privacy, and further stated he was opposed to the proposed carport locationso Mro Jack DeVon, 918 South Texella Court, stated that the apartment building would lower property value, and since the proposed development is within 150 feet of the R-1, ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE, the occupants would have full view through •the picture window into his home~ Mro Martin Royale, 906 South Texella Court, sta~ed he did not feel it was the right atmosphere to rear children with an apartment house adjacent to the back yardo Mrs. M, Wendell, 910 South Texella Court, stated she would lose her privacy, the use of her yard and patio, and also objected to the noise which would result from the apartment tenantso One letier with two signatures in opposition to subject petition was read at the meetingo The Commission discussed the feasibility of reducing the.two•-story height limitation to one- ~tory, thereby meeting Code requirementse However, the petitionex stated, fo.r financial reasons, single story construction would not be feasiblea THE fiEARING WAS CLOSED, Commis~ioner Chavos offered a motion to continue subject petition for four weeks to provide the petitionertime to submit revised plans incorporating one-story construction; however, the peti±ioner stated the two-story proposed was the only possible way of developing subject property for economic reasons, particular.ly since the price of the land was so higho However, Commissioner Chavos stated the price of the land should not determine whether a person met Code requirement or not, and that the zoning code should apply to one and alle Thereupon, Commis- sioner Chavos withdiew his motion for continuancea Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 938, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noa 63-64-42 be disapprove(~ based on the facts that the property is adjacent to single family homes on the west, ant3 that this is potential R-3 property, but the petitioner had not met the necessary requirement regarding the height limitation within 150 ~{ ieet of any R-A, RESIDEMIAL AGRYCUiTURNi, ZOIVE, or R-1, ONH FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE, and z that the ~eitioner stated he could not construct one-story on this property for iinancial ~ reasonse (See Resolution Booko) , r~ ~ i i i , _ _. _ . .~.. _.~.._.._...__..-- .. ~-----'------..~ -- --_-------. ~ _ _......,..._..._.._.- - --"-- -'`~ ;i , ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ i ~ . ~ry . .. ....... . . : ~ ._ -.._ _, _ .. 1 j ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ • MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued 1812 RECLASSIFICATION - On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following uote: N0~ 63-64-42 and AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Car~p, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, VARIANCE NOo 1604 Pebley, Perry, Rowland Continued) NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSEAR': COMMISSIONflRS: Sides Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution No, 939, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Gauer to deny Petition for Variance Noe 1604, hased on the evidence presented before the Commission, neither a hardship nor any othe.x conditions that comply with variance requirements were shown, and that opposition was presented concern- ing the proposed carport locationa (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMI~SIONCRS: Si~es __ REC..LASSJ_EIC9?'_LON-._~!~BT Tr. t~cornir c~y~ ~~TLcn~ _.il&' :925t Lii7C0itl Avenue, i+naneim, ~alirornia, NOo 63~54-43 Owner; requesting that property described as: A rectangular parcel of. land having a depth of 109 feet, the nortnern boundary of said property being approximately 135 feet south of the centerline of Sycamore Street, and further described as 417' North Harbor Boulevard be reclassified from the R•-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZOIJE to the C-1, NEIGFBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, ZONE to permit certain limited commercial uses. Mr. Harry Knisely, representing the petitioner, appeared before the Commission, and stated that the present uses and architecture were compatible with the neighborhood, that the requested ' uses would also be compatible, that the proposed C-1 uses selected were compatible land uses with the traffic problems being kept in mind, that the petitioner was of the opinion that there wa:: no traffic problem at the present time, and that there would be no traffic problem in the future if the proposed reclassification was approvede Mra George Baxter, 412 North Harbor, presented a petition signed by 18 property owners oppos- ing subject petition, and stated that the area in which subject property was located was residential, and that commercial development such as stores would change the residential environment by its architecture, which would be an undesirable effecto Mr~ and Mrs. Harry Urbigrit, 415 North Harbor, stated that they were opposed to any additional e~croachment of commercial uses in the aseae Mrs. Emma Meger, 416 North Pine Street, stated that she had picked up trash cnntinually from the beauty parlor, and that she opposed any additional commercial development in the area, because the existing beauty parlor had insufficient parking facilities and any expansion of these facilities would only create an additional problemo Mrso Buchet't, 330 North Pine, stated that the proposed reclassification constituted an incom- patible land use, and that commercial zoning would create a traffic hazard. Mr. Knisely, in rebuttai, repeated that the proposed reclassification would be limited to particular C~•1 uses only, and that these uses would not increase the traffic or interfere with the character of the neighborhoodo THE HEARING WAS CLOSED, The Commission noted that in areas where similar development had taken place, such as South Harbor Boulevard, the commerci3l developments which had removed the existing residential structures and replacEd them with commercial structures were successful, that when the existing residences had been remodeled, the type qf commercial development utilizing these structure=_ had a detrimental effect on the Citye The Commission also felt that the proposed commercial development would be an incompatible land use and not in the best interests of the City, and that sufficient office space was available throughout the City for the proposed commercial uses, which would be more satisfactory~, ~ ,1 s i ; < <, -.~: i ~ ----- --- , ~ i ~ ~ I .~ _. ."__._... ~-~ t ~ ~ ~~~~ • .,., MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 14, 1963, Continued 1813 RECLASSIFICATION - Coe,missioner Camp offered Resolution No. 940, Series 1963-64, and moved N0:.63-64-43 for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner GaUer, to.recorts- ,~,Continued) mend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No..63-64-43 be disapproved, based on the findings-that the proposed land use v~ould ' be incompatible to the area, that the.proposed.use•wouLd..be-.considered a further encroachment of commercial development into this residenti.al axea,...that.}zaxking :acilities were inadequate, and that the heavy flow of traffic presently existing..on Harbor Bou~levard would have a further traffic problem if the proposed uses were permitted. (See Resolution Book,) ... . . On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following- vote:• ~- AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungail, Pebley, Perry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo CLIFFORD J. LABORDE, et al, 478 West Robexta, Fullerton, N0. 63-64-44 California, Owners; Jo Jo AUSILIO, 6022.San Larenzo Dri~e,. Buena.Park, and California, Agent; property described as: A rectangular parcel of .land VARIAI~E N0~ 1605 having a frontage of 211 feet on the west side of Harbor.B.o.ulevard-and a uepti 'vi 23o ieet, tlte nvrinern ooundary oi said property being approximately 685 feet south of the centerline of South Street, and further described as 861 South Harbor Boulevardo Property presently classified as R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL~ ZONEo REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDEMIAL, ZONHo REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVE ONE-STORY HEIGHT LIMITATION AND SIDE YARD SET'BACK REQUIREMENT~ TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 35-UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING WITH CARPORTSo Mro John Ausilio, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated a 35~-unit apartment building, as proposed, would be compatible to the area as there_are apari:- ments to the west and south of subject property~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Discussion was held by the Commission concerning ingress and egress from Harbor Boulevard and Bellewe Drive, access to a dedicated alley for only seven units, a wall on the west side of the proposed 30-foot drive, off street guest parking spaces, and the traffic problem existing on Harbor Boulevard, and the proposed two-story height limitation within 150 feet of single family developmento Commissioner Chavos offered a motion to continue subject petition to provide the petitioner an opportunity to review the plans and perhaps revise them for a better development, Commissioner Perry also made a motion at this time, whereupon Commissioner Chavos withdrew his motiono Commissioner Perry offered Resolution Noe 941, Series 1963•-64, and moved for ~.ts passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, to reco:nmend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-44 be approved, subject to construction of a 6-foot masonry wall at the westerly end of the proposed 30-foot drive, except for a walkway, prior to final building inspection, as stipulated to by the petitioner, and that vehicular access rights to Bellevue Drive from the proposed 30-foot drive shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides € :. ~ ,~ i ~ t € ~ -,~ _. .... ----- -_____-.--- ~ i • ~ .~ ~~, ~ ,~ ~ MII3UTES, CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ON, October 14, 19b3, Continued 1814 RECLASSIFICATION - Com~nissioner CaRp offered Resolution Noo 942, Series 1963-64, and.moved N0. 63-64-44 for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commiss.ioner Perry., to.gxant and Petition for Variance Noe 1605, that the request for wai~er n£.tk~e. VRRIANCE NOe 1605 structural height limitation of one•-story within 150 feet of R-A,. ,~ontinued) RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONED property be denied, based on the..f.ac_t.. that the proposed two-story construation was•within 150 .fee~t n£ single.. ~-~ family development, that the vehicular access rights to Selle~rue Drive from the proposed 30-foot drive be dedicated to the City of Anaheim, and .that a b-#aot.masanry wall at the westerly end of the proposed 30-foot drive, except for a walkway, be constructed as stipulated by the petitioner> (See Resolution Booko.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: CCLMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley,.Pexry, Rowland NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides REG'LASSIFICATION - PUBLIC FIEARINGo INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION~ NOe 63-64-45 204 East Lincoln P,venue, Anaheim, California, proposing that nroperty described as: i+n irregular parcei of iand covering approximaieiy 127 acres, said property being located.easterly of_Sunkist Street, northerly of Lincoln Avenue and westerly of Lingsley Street, and further divided into Portions "A, "B", and "C"e PORTION A being a rectangular shaped portion of land having frontages of 480 feet on the east side of Rio Vista Street, and 410 feet on the north side of.Lincoln Avenue. PORTION B being a rectangular portion of land having frontages of 165 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and 180 feet on the west side of Rio Vista Streeto PORTION C being described as the remainder of the property located within the boundaries of the Riverview Annexation Noo 2 be reclassified from the R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, and C-1, NEIG[-IBORHOOD COMIu~RCIAL, ZONES, Fiy Interim Ordinance to the C-1, NEIGf~0RH00D COMMERCIAL, ZONE on PORTIONS "A" and "B", and R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE on PORTION "C"e Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed for the Commission the location of subject'property, ; further noting subject property had been annexed to the City of Anaheim under the Riverview Annexation Noe 2, effective October 24, 1963, and that the most appropriate zones for the newly annexed territory were identical to those zones applied through an Emergency Ordinance ~ ~ by the City Councile ¢ , , Mrso Claudia Peters, 2645 Carnival Street, appeared before the Commission and stated that she i felt that the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vista Street should be beautified with land- ~ scaping and trees, and inquired if it, was the Commission's responsibility to see that land- ~ scaping and treewells were placed on the service station site at this locationo The Commission advised Mrso Peters that it was not their responsibility to require landscaping ~ and trees in this instance, because the commercial zoning on the aforementioned property had ; been granted by the County. i Mr> Walter Fa Waldren, 2020 North Broadway, Santa Ana, representing Earl Dahlman, 14611 East Lincoln Avenue, appeared before the Commis~ion and stated that his client was the owner of 20 acres of land at Lincoln Avenue and Sunkist Street, that he was presently in the process of preparing an application to file a petition for reclassification of the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Sunkist Street for C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, ZONE to be used as a service station s3te, and that the property had been under an interim lease with Standard Oil Company for approximately 2-~ years. Mr. Co C> Neeley, 502 Stehley Street, stated that the homeowners, in reviewing the history of the zoning of the asea, had moved to this location upon being informed that the area was residential, that his own experience, between the time he had purchased his home and the time he had moved into it, was to see a shopping center approved for the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue, and that he considered the R-A coning ambiguouso Mr, Clark Winger, 8471 Rio Vista, stated he was aiso speaking in behalf of Mr. Dinklero Mr. Winger further stated that he was the owner of 40 acres of land in the heart of the newly annexed property, that it was his opinion that the land should be held in the agricultural zone as long as possible, that Mr. Neeley and several other pressure groups werA quite persuasive with the County concerning the rezoning of the property to R-1, ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL., ZONING, that he and Mro Dinkler had lived on their property for forty and fifty years respectively, and were not anxious to move, that they were of the opinion that the City should not arbitrarilyzone property in advance of any real need, and that last year his taxes had been increased by 25~ as a direct result of the rezoning to R-le I ___ _----,-._----~------------~-----._...._~__--_-______:- _---------~.. r ~: ~k _.. . __ _ _ -.. - _ - MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Octooer 14, 1963, Continued 1815 RECLASSIFICATION - Mro D. Ca Hopp, 8551 Kings Street, Hr.aheim, stated he was in favor of N0. 63-64-45 the R-A, RESIDENPIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, and did not consider.it.fair ,~Continued) to have men like Mr. Winger and•Mr. Dinkler•,. being jsopaadized,by.heavy taxes after they have lived on the same•~soperty fo* forty an3 f.ifty years. THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDa The Commission held a discussion relative to the evidence presented to.them.and stated_they were in accord with unfair taxes being assessed on property after the proparty.ownpr.had lived on the property so many years, that they were in favor of.holding the.R-A,.RESIDE~TTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, where it presently existed, and further cortunented if it.were. ta.be. changed, it would be necessary for any property owner to appear before the Commission and Council to request approval for a reclassification of his property.. Commissioner Camp offered Resolution Noo 943, Series 1963-64 and moved.for its passage.and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 63-64-45 be approved. (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the follou~ing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley, Perry,.Rowland NuES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Sides TENTATIVE MAP OF - DEVELOPER: STANLEY E. BELL, 2500 W. Orangethorpe, Suite G, Ful:erton, I'RACT N0. 5345 California. ENGINEER: Hal Raab Surveying Company, 10568 Magnolia Avenue, Suite i10, Anaheim, California. Subject tract, located on the east side of Sunkist Street, approximately 296 feet south of South Street, and covering approximately 208 acres, is proposed for subdivision into twelve (12) R-1, ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE lotse Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt presented the tract map to the Commission, and reviewed the location of subject tract, together with the previous zoning action on adjacent properties. Mr. Ceci1 Ryals, 3325 Charlan Avenue, Santa Ana, representing the developer, appeared before the Commission to answer questionso Commissioner Camp offered a rc~otion to approve Tentative Map of Tract No> 5345 subject to the following conditions: lo That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. 2a That the vehicular access rights, except at street and~or alley . openings to Sunkist Street, shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheimo Commissioner Chavos seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. REPORTS AND - ITDUI NDo 1 REODMMENDATIONS Reclassification Noa 63-64-17 and Revis2d Tentative Map of Tract Noso 5267, 5268, 52699 and 5270 - DEMLER FARMS~ INCo9 1400 North Acacia Street - Re- consideration of Revision No< ~ of said Tracts, and plot plano The Planning Commission received the Council minutes on subject petition during the morning review sessione Commissioner Chavos offered a motion to continue subject petition to the October 2R, 1963 meeting to provide adequate time to review the Council minutes and the staff recommendations9 after which the Commission then would be able to render a decision. Cotmnissioner Rowland seconded the motion~ No one iroted on this motiony therefore9 the motion died~ --_ - _~---- ----~_---------.- ----------, ~t f l ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION, October 149 1963, Continued 1816 RF.PQRTS AND - ITFM FAo 1~continued) REODMMENDIKTIONS Ted Fish, agent for the petitioner, stated they had been before t he Commission several times in the past, that the revised maps had been submitted for the Commission's review, that the City Council had given tentative approval, and that he was hopeful a decision could be made at this meeting. Furman Roberts, Deputy City Attorney, explained when a substantial change in plans is made, that the City Attorney's office recommends that such a revision should be referred to the Planning Commission for a report to determine whether the proposed land use is proper. Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to approve sub3ect petition. Commissioner Pebley seconded the motion and qua7.if ied his action by stating he had seen the plans, was present when City Council tentatively approved this petition, that Mre Demler agre~d to move the hatchery, that the M-1 industrialists originaily against the reclassification ha~ withdrawn their vote of opposition, with the exception of one or two, and that the R-1 residents were in favor of subject petition. The vote was as follows: AYES: ODMMISSIONERSt Camp, Gauer, Pebleye NDES= OODMIIISSIONERSa Allred, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. njS'$inilvi wi.uiiiv.cilviiu5e - .~`L•iauV^v$. ~ ABSENT: ODNWIISSIONERSs Sides. Commissioner Allred, Chavos, and Perry qualified their vote by stating they did not have sufficient time to xead the Council minutes or review the Department recommendationse THE MOTION DID NOT CARRYo Coimnissioner Camp then offered a motion to continue sub3ect petition to the October 28, 1963, meeting to allow adequate time for a review of the information they had received. Commissioner Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIID> ITFM NOo 2- VARIATION OF THE P-L~ PARKING LANDSCAPING~ ZONE ON SOUTH LOS ANGELES STREETo Zoning Coo•rdinator, Martin Kreidt, advised that Mr. Owne of the Owne Company, who controls the northerly three parcelr; on the east side of Los Angeles Street, south of Bal! Road, stated he would endorse re.:lassification of the property to C-1, Neighborhood Ccmmercial, Zone, with appropriate conditional use permits as necessary, except for a 50-foot building setback and a reclassif ication of the 50-foot P-L, Parking Landscaping, Zone to C-1, Neigh- borhood Commercial, Zone, except for the front six feet of landscaping zone. The Commission discussed the possibility of advertising and initiating hearings on this, of exploring methods for resolving both the landscaping and the zoning problem, providing greater flexibility of landscaping with a minimum six foot strip of landscaping. Mr. Kreidt advised if no action were taken by the Commission at this meeting, the properties would remain M-1, and a 50-foot P-L Zone. Commissioner Rowland offered a motion to continue the Commissioner's discussion until the meeting of October 28, 1963, at which time the aforementioned items.would be discussed in detail. Commissioner Camp seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIID. ITF1J1 NDo 3- VARIANCE NOo 1587 - 412 South Olive Street. A requirement for approval af subject petition in Condition No. 3 of Resolution No. 817, Series 1963-64, which stipulated that development plans when ready be submitted to the Planning Commiss ~n for consideration and~or approvale Commissioner Chavos inquired if these plans had been reviewed by the staff. Zoning Coordinator, Martin Kreicit advised that plans had been reviewed and were in accordance ' with the Commission's recommendationso '. Commissioner Camp offered a motion to approve Variance No. 1587~ Commissioner Pebley seconded ' the motion. MOTION CARRIID. r _ _ . . _. _.___ ____. ..-._.~..-------r----------~--- . . .yh~_._ . _ .._. . . . . . ~.-'_. . . . ~t . . . . Yy{ ~ (((` ~ V ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~) ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNIIVG ODMMISSION, Octoher 14, 1963, Continued 1817 REPORTS AND R=00MMENDATIONS - Continued ITFM NOo 4- ODNDITIONAL USE PERMIT AAo 380 - ~nange County Buddist Templeo Ball Road and Iia1e f+venue. Zoning Coordinator, Martin Kreidt, advised that the parking, as shown, met Code requirements, that the petitioner had met all other necessary provisions of the Code, and asked that the Cormnission consider approval of t:is xevised planso Commissioner Perry offered a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 380. Commissioner Rowland seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIID. ITD~1 NJo 5- OONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AAa 401 - 3067 West Orange Avenue. Zoning Coordinator, Martin Kreidt~ stated that the petitioner had requested a six-months extension of time for the rest home on this property. Commissionex Allred offered a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 401. Commissioner Gauer seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIIDo ____--- __._ _.__ .._ __ ITFM N0. 6- VARIANCE N0. 1559 - Pinkham Industrial property. Zoning Coordinator, Martin Kreidt, stated that the developers of the industrial tract, located at Orangethorpe and Lemon Street had requested a one-year extension of time for the completion of conditions in Resolution No. 700, Series 1962-63. However, Mr. Kreidt advised that according to Code, only a six months extension may be approved, and if any additional time was required the petitioner must request this. Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to approve Variance No. 1559 for a six months extension of time to April 23, 1964. Commissioner Chavos seconded the motiode N~TION CARRIIDe ADJOURNMENTt There being no further bu'siness to discuss, Cormnissioner Perry offered a motion to ad~ourn the meeting. Commissioner Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIID. The meeting adjourned at 8=21 o!clock.pem. RESPEGTFULLY SUBMITTID, AOQU NE SULLIVAN ' PLANN DEPARTMENT STENOGRAPHER ~ i /} , ---.._.__ ---------- .. . ___-----~ y' ~ ---•-- _ ----•--- _.~-.-~--,__---- _ __ ___-___-._, , . _....__ _ ; _. _ _. . -