Minutes-PC 1964/06/15~ v ~ • ~ City Hall i Anaheim, California ! June 15~ 1964 A eieuUinc? ~:~cE:I;:C CF Tu,e~ pn;eu~TU r.rTV Pi qNNiNG COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - A regular meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Mungall at 2:00 o'clock P.M., a quorum being present. PRESEN'I - ~~HAIRMAN: Mungall. - COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Rowland, Perry. ABSENT - COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. p~g~ - Zoning Coordinator: marii~l Xra;dt Deputy City Attorney: Furman Roberts Office Engineer: Arthur Daw Planning Commission Secretary: Ann Krebs Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt advised the Commission that the actions taken on the June 15, 1964~ meeting were the beginning of a program to reclassify all the non~conform- ing uses, such as the many service stations in the City not in the C-1, Neighborhood Com- mercial, Zone as was determined to be the most appropriate zone at the timp the definition of a service station and service station standards were adopted by the Commission and City Council, and that although most of the petitions for reclassification were recommended for approval unconditionally, the Commission might consider the reaffirmation of the Service Station Minimum Site Development Standards and the requirement thzt adequate trash storage areas be providedo Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts advised the Commission that a Resolution of Intent could be recommended, and if the property owner was desirous of obtaining the recommended C-1 2onin9, the minimum standards of the zone would be applied before the ordinance was read~ but that the Cnm~ission could not req~~ire trash storage areas as a condition of approval, since the u~se was already established, but the change in zoning would provide more flexibility to the land in the event the servi~.e station was removed) any C-1 use could be placed on the property provided all conditions of that zone were met. Discussion was held by the Commission as to the most appropriate steps to take in the con~ sideration of the petitions schedulEd to be heard, since this would probably be the method which would be used in all the future reclassification of parcels of land to place the~use af the parcels in question in their most appropriate zone. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CON9~AISSION~ NQ. 63-64-126 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Californiaj John A. Putnam, Po Oo Box 1233, Santa Barbara, California, Ownera The Planning Commission proposes the reclassification oi the following described property: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land at the northwest corner of Oranye Avenue and Knott Avenue, and having frontages of 149 feet on Orange Avenue and 147 f~et on Knott Avenue from the R-A~ RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, Z013E, to the C-1, NEIGEBOFeH00D COMN~4CIAL, 20NE~ to place an existing service station in the most appropriate zoneo Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificatione No one appeared to represent the property owner. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. THE FIEARING WAS CL'OSED. Commissioner Rowland offered Resoluti~n No. 1195, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissicner Camp, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 63-64-126 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Book..) On roll call the foregoint~ resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERS~ Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs None. ABSENT: COMM.ISSIONHRSs Gauer. - 2138 - ,_..__. . _~..~.-- ------- ---___.~ -- --~ - _ . _ _-~t , ~~ . . _. . =~ i • U ~ ~ - MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 213~~ RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLTC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE~ ANAHEI6l CIIYPLANRING COIu~[ISSION~ N0. 63-64-12'7" 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; David W. Roper, 716 South k~n~;~_~ c~.ee±~ n.;atio;m~ ~?tifornia, Owner: The Planninq Co~ission proposes the reciassification of the folloring described propertys A rectangvlarly shaped parcel of land at the northwest corner of Ball Road and Knott Avenue with frontag2s of 130 feet on Barl Road and 130 feet on Knott Avenue, from the C-3, t~AVY COIY~RCIAL, ZONE, deed restricted to service sta±ion use or any C-1 use ta the C-1, NEIGtIDORH00D C011Y~RCIAL, ZONE, ta place an existing service station in the most appropriate zone. Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property-and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassification. Mr. Do W, Roper~ 716 South Kenmore Street, appeared to state he conditionally opposed the proposed reclassification, but asked for further clarification of the service station definitione Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts advised Mr. Roper that although hi.s property had C-3 Zoning, it was limited to a service station or any C-1 usE, and that the proposed zoning would permit the service station in ~ts most appropriate zone together rith all other C-1 useso Mr. Kreidt stated that the City Council asked that the service station ordinance be enforced since the Council had passed the ordinance and that the proposed reclassification was to put the existing service station in the C-1 'one by rignt. Mr~ Roper then withdrew his oppositiono THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution ~]o0 1196, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded b;~ Commissioner Allred, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-127 be approved unconditionallye (See Resolution Booke) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Ro++landa NOES: • COMMISSIONERSt None. ABSENTi COMMISSIONERSs Gauer. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PIA[~IING COI~IIISSION, N0. 63-64-128 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; iNilliam ToMmsend, 1150 West lOth Street~ Santa Ana, California, Oemer. The Planning Co~ission pro- poses the reclassification of the folloaing described property: A tri- angularly shaped parcel of land at the southwest corner of Ball Road and Knott Avenue with said property backing up to the Pacific Hlectric Railroad rightwf-ray, from the R-A, RESIDEN'IIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONH to the C-1, NEIGtID0RH00D COaN+~RCIAL, ZONE, to place art existing drive-in restaurant in its most appropriate zone. Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the Qroposed reclassifi~atione lulr.. Kreidt further advised the Commission that the existing drive-in restaurant was establishe3 under Conditional Use Permit Noe 170, that Petition for Reciassification No. 59-60-58 has a Resolution of Intent for C-3, Heavy Commercial, Zone pending on subject property, but that no erdinance had been read, and that since subje~ct property v+as already developed, the reclassi- fication should be recommended for terminatiun to the City Council. No one. appeared to represent the property oxmer. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Tk~ HEARING WAS CLOSEDe Commissicner Alired offered Resolution Noo 1197, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoptic~, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 63-54-128 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the folloMing votes AYES= COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: CONUAISSIONERS: Nonee ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs Gauer. ~.' . T__~_ '__."__.' . ' -____ ._ ' ~. . . ___ . _. .. . . . ... . . _ _ i' i i . - , • i I , ' ~ •~ • , MINU'fES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2140 RECLASSIFICATION'- PUBLIC HEARINGe INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0. 63-64-129 204 Hast Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Californias Centr~lia School Distrfct, 6625 La Palma Avenue, Buena Park~ California~ Ownere~ The ~lanning Coinmision proposes the reclassification of the foiiowing described prope•rtys An "i" shaped, internally located parcel of land situated at the westernmost er.tremity of the C~ntralia Elementary School~ the southernmost boundary of said property being approxi~qately 340 feCt north of the~centerline of Lincoln Avenue and the western boundary of said property being a~proximate- ly 1322 feet west of the centerline of Western Avenue, from the C-1, IVEIGFBORHOOU COkJ,1ERCIAL, ZONE~ to the R-A, RESIDEIdfIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE~ to place the existing schaol propexty into the zone in which all school property is classified. Zo~ing Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificatione Mr, Kreidt further stated that subject property was reclassified under Reclassification Noo 56~57-71 prior to the acquisition of subject property as a portion of the Centralia 5cisooi siie, and L'nat the superintendent of the School Dist.rict stated that he could foresee no problems or difficulties arising from the proposed reclassificationa No one~appeared in opposition to subject petitiona Ti~ HEARING WAS CLOSEDe Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1198, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City Council that Petition ` for Reclassification No. 63-64-129 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Book.) ' On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos~ Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: Gauero RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0~ 63-64-130 204 Hast Lincoln Avenue9 Anaheim, Californias DeWald McDonald, 441 Loring Avenue, Los Angeles, Celifornia~ Ownero Property described ast A CONDITIONAL USE rectange+larly shaped parcel of land at the northwest corner of Lincoln PERMIT N0~ 578 Avenue tind ~Yestern Avenue, with frontages of 135 feet on Western Avenue and llfi f~et on Lincoln Avenueo Present classification of propertys C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE deed restricted to service station use, or any C-1 usea PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION: C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL~ ZONEa PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USEc Establish an existing service station within 75 feet of a single- family residence to the north as a conforming usee Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the sub~ect propeaty and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificationo No one appeared to represent the property ownera No one appeared in opposition to sub3ect petitionse THE HEARZNG WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 1199, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoptioa, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-130 be approved unconditionallyo (See Resolution Book'o) Oe ioll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOES~ CONLMISSIONERSs Nonee ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs Gauer. Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1200, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, that Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noo 578 be granted unconditionally. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES~ COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos~ Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NQESs COMMISSIONBRSs Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIOIVHRS: Gauera ..._ _._`~~„" ~ _ _.. _ ~ _ -- _ . R • ~ :~ ~ i ' ' ~, `. l ___. ,u~ ' U ~' ~ ~ ~ ~, MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2141 RECLASSIFICATION - PUBI:IC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE ANAFIEIM'CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0. 63-64'=131" 204~East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Californiae Arno H, Stovall~ ~ 1771 i~oneta Drive, Ventura, California, Owner. The Planninq Commission proposes the reclassification of the following described property: A rect~ngularly shaped parcel of land at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Western Avenue with frontages of 135 feet on Lincoln Avenue, and 135 feet on Western Avenue from the R-A~, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the C-1, NEIGkIDORH00D COMMERCIAL, ZONE, to place an existing service station in the most appropriate zoneo Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificationa Office Engineer Arthur Daw noted for the Commission that the existing dedication for Western Avenue was not to ultimate width, that no additional dedication was recommended at this time~ since the additional dedication would create a violation of the fire code due to the fact that the pump island wouid be cioser than IO feet from the property line, and that add3tione~. dedication could be obtained at such time as the property was redeveloped~ No one appeared to represent the property ownero No one appeared in opposition to subject petitione THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 1201, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to recommend to the City Counoil that Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-131 be approved unconditionallyo (See Resolution Book.) On roli call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred~ Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlar,do NOESe COMMISSIONERS: Noneo pgSENf: COMMISSIONERS: Gauero RECLASSIkICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo INITIATED BY TFIE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ NO< 63-64-132 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Californiao Jack Ao Ferguson, et al, c~o Don Lo Robertson, P, Oa Box 1845, Orbit Stations, Newport Beach, CONDITIONAL USE Califo~nia, Ownero Property described as: An irregularly shaped parcel PERMIT NOo °7 of land situated on the southwest corner of Orange Avenue and Western Avenue with frontages of approx3mately 118 feet on Orange Avenue and approximately 115 feet on Western Avenue. Present classification of propertys C-3, HEAVY COMMHRCIAL, ZONE deed restricted to service statior~ use, or any C-1 Zone useo PROPOSED CLASSIFICATIONs C-1, NEIGI-IBORHOOD COMMERCIAL~ ZONE~ PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE: Establish an existing service station within 75 feet of an R-A residence as a conforming useo Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject prope:ty and its development, together ~ with tRe purpose of the proposed :eclassificatione Mro Kreidt further stated that the existing service station was adjacent to the Western H~gh School and was established under Reclasstfication No. 60-61-43, and that the purpose of the conditional use permit was to per:ait the existing service station in the C-1 Zone within 75 feet of a residence where it was located at the intersection of two arterial highways, in order that the Commission might be able to review the site in order to dete.rmine if the use would be detrimental to the residence within 75 feet of the service stationo , No one appeared to represent the property owner. No one appeared in opposition to subject petitions. T1iE I~ARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No. 1202, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 63-64-132 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp~ Cha•vos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOES: COMMISSIONERS~ Noneo ABSEI;~: COMMISSIONERSs Gauer. _ _-- ~-_..__.~__..._._.---._..----_.___-___._._....-------.----_~_.._.._____.,,--. ~i ~_. _ t i ' I y' • • ~ ~ [F ~ ~ , Ir/ T~j _ 1 ~ i MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2142 - ; RECLASSIFICATION - Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 1203, Series 1963-64, and NOo 63-(~4-132 mov2d for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, that Petition for Conditional Use Pexmit Noe 579 be granted unconditionally. ' CONDITIONAL USE (See Resolution Book.) PERMIT N0: 7 ' ' Continued) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSEM': COMMISSIONERS~ Gauero ~ RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARTNGo INITIATED BY TF~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0. fi3-64-133 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim. Califo.rniao John Hancock Mutual Life i Insurance Co.y c~o Richfield Oil Corporation, 555 South Flower, Lcs Angeles 17, California, Ownero The Planning Commission proposes th~ ~ iBCiebSii~Ccji.ivii vt ~iic iviiv:.'+:ly^ G~.°..4CT;~.'o4i ~,iT~~CT~'~!i I{ ro~t3nni~larlv $haqP.lj D87`CP.1 of land at the northeast corner of Bali Road and Knott Avenue with frontages of 125 feet on Ball Road and 125 feet on Knott Avenue, from the R~-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, 20NE to the C-1, NEIGIiB0RH00D COMMERCIAL~ 20NE, to place an existing service station in the most appropriate zone. Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its dPvelopment, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificationo Mr, Kreidt further stated that the existing service station was established while the property was under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange, and that no additional dedicaticn would be required for street widening at this timeo Mr, Go A, Mason, representing the Richfield Oil Company, appeared before the Gommission and inquired whether a conditional use permit was necessary and was informed there was no vari= ance or conditional use permit existing on the property, or was one necessary if the proposec reclassification was approveda No one appeared in opposition to sub3ect petition~ THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Chavos offered Resolution No~ 1204, Series I963~-64, and moved for its passage and adcption, seconded by Commissionex• Allred, to recommand to the City Counci.l that Petition for Reclassification Noo 6:~-64-133 b;- approved unconditionallyo (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlarido N9ESs COMMISSIONLRS: None. ABSENT: COMNISSIONHRSa Gauero RECLASSIFICATION •- PUBLIC HEARING~ INITIATED EY TFfE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0. 63-64-134 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaiieim, Califoxniao Signal Oil & Gas Company, Bo:c 17126, Foy Station, 1.os Angeles 17, California, Owner. The Planning Ccmmission proposes the reclassification of the following described propertys A rectangularly shaped parcel of land at the southeast corner of Ball Road and Knott Ave~ue with frontages of 140 feet on Ball Road and 140 feet on Knott Avenue, from the C-3, H£AVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE deed restricted to C-3 uses only to the C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COM- MERCIAL, ZONE, to place an existing service station in the most appropriate zone. Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt revipwed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificationo Mr. Kreidt further stated that the existing service station was established under Reclassifi- cation No. 57-58-12 and Uariance No. 817. Mr. Reese Nel=_on, representing the Signal Oil Company,appeared before the Commission and stated he opposed the change of reclassification since the property was purchased under the assumption that if the service station were not used, it could be used for other C-3 usesa Mr. Kreidt advised Mre Nelson that the surrounding property was classified in the C-1 Zone for a shopping center, that most of the C-3 uses were now being established in the light I industrial zone, and that it might be premature to assume that the C-2 uses would be applicab~e to subject propertye ' II ~ . . .. . --. __.....____ .---- - ._ _.. _..~..~,. _ -- . _.. ._~ ~ _ _ RECLASSIFICpTION - Mr. Nelson then stated that legai representatives would be present at N0. 63=64'=T34 the Council hearing of subject petition and would present the company's ~Cantiru~dr~ viewpoinL•s relatiive ~o tne cnange oi L'ne zonee The Conm~i.ssibn stated that although it seemed that the Commission was recommending lesser uses, this was not so since the pattern of zoning in an area would be taksn in consideration and tha-uses established in the C-3 Zone would not be applicable to the subject property or would i•t be compatible to the adjacent commercial development, and that at the Council consideration of subject petition, a determination may be tten made~ although it was the Commission's feeling that subject property should be zoned for C-1 useso THE F~ARING WAS CLOSEDe Cattar~issi~oner Chavos offered Resolution Noe 1205, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commis~ioner Perry, to recommend to the City Council tFat Petitian for Reclassification No. 63-64•-134 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution &ook.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: A1fHSa COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs Noneo ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauero RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HHARINGo INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM GITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ NOa 63-64-135 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; Bert M. Lynn, c% Standard Oil Company, 225 Bush Street, SGn Francisco, California, CONDITIONAL USE Owner. Property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land PERMIT N0~ ~80 at the southwest corner of Ball Road and Western Avenue with frontages of 150 feet on Ball Road and 150 feet on YJestern Avenueo Present classification of property: C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE~ deed restricted to C-3 and C-1 useso PROPOSED CLASSIFICATIONt C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, ZONEo PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE: Establish an existing service station as a conforming use within 75 feet of a single-family residenceo Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificatione Mr. Kreidt further stated that the existing service station was established under Reclassi- ficati.on No. 56-57-36, and that no additional dedication would be recommended at this time, but wauld be required if the property was redevelopedo No one appeared to represent the property owner. No one appeared in opposition to subject petitionso THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Co~mnissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noa 1206, Series 1963-64, and moveZ for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to recomnend to the City Co~ancil that petition for 3eclassification Noe 63-64-135 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COAM~IISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlande NOES: COMMISSIONERSs Noneo ABSENfe COMMISSIONERSs Gauere Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 1207, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, that Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 580 be granted unconditionallye (See Resolution Booke) On roil call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSTGNERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOESi COMMISSIONERSe None. ABSENTs CCMMISSIONERS: Gauer. ~t E ~ 9 ' ~ ."' .. . .. . ..__.~-..__~_._"_""'__ .'_'_""'_._"'"'__.._...""~-' .~.~._....~.~-~---'_~ -. ...... . .. ... . .... ._...~ ~ . -~~_~. . . . . .. w -_.- -- ~ . I ' ; _ -. .. _ -. ~ ---- -- .__ _ -__.._.......... - --- . ~ ~ ;. ~ i ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2144 RECLASSIFICATIDN'=~PUBI:IC HEARING. INITIATHD BY TI-1E ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0. 63-64~=136 ' 204 E~;si: Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Californ3aq Arthur Hartelt~ 111 North " Gflliert Street, Anaheim, California, Ownero Property described as: CONDITIONAL U5E A rectangularly shaped parcei of land at the northwest corner of Lincoln PERMIT N0:'583~ Avenue and Gilbert Street with frontages of 135 feet on Lincoln A~enue and 110 feet on Gilbert Street. Present classification of property: R=A~ RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL~ ZONEe PROPOSED"CLASSIFICATION: C-1~ NEIGHBORHOCD COMMHRCIAL~ ZONE. PROPOSEII'CONDTTIONAL USE: Establish an existing service station as a conforming use in a C-1 Zone within 75 feet of a single-family residence. Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together wich the purpose of the proposed reclassificationo Mr, Kx•eidt further stated that two letters of ^~positio~ were received, and the Department contactnd the opposition to clarify the legal notice, and that it was assumed that their opposition was withdrawn if they did not appear to voice their oppositiono No one appeared to represent the property ownero No one appeared in opposition to subject petitionso TIiE HEARING WAS CLOSED~ Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No. 1208~ Series 1963-64~ and noved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissionar Rowland, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noa 63-64-136 be approved unconditionally~ (See Resol.ution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSZONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs Noneo ASSENTs COMMISSIONERSs Gauero Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1209, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, that Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 583 be granted unconditionallye (See Resolu~ion Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOES: , COMMISSIONERSs None. ABSENT; CO~~IMISSIONERS: Gauera RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo INITIA'fED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION! N0. 63-64-137 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Califoxniap Henry N. Stout, 4844 White- wood Avenue, Long Beach 8, California, Ownero The Planning Commission proposes the reclassification of the foliowing described propertys A rectangularl/ shaped parcel of land with a frontage of 45 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue and a depth of 88 feet~ the western bound~ery of said prop~rty being approximately 823 feet east of the centerline of Western avem~e~and further described as 3130 Wes+ Lincoln Avenue9 from the R-A, RESIDENfIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the C-1, NEIuHBORK00D COlRAERCIAL, ZONEy to place an existing service station in the most appropriate zon.~o Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassificatione Mr. Kreidt further stated that Reclassification Noa 63-64-138 cevered the property immediately aujacent to subject property~ and that the present uses were established under Variance Noo 9710 The Commission expressed the desire to have planted treewells as well as some landscaping in the front setback. No one appeared to represent the property owner. No one apFsared in opposition to subject petitiond THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noa 1210~ Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp to recommend to the City Council that °etition for Reclassification No. 63-64-137 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Book.) On' roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERS~ Allred, Camp, Chavos~ Mungall, Perry~ Rowland. NOESe CONNAISSIONERS: i~one. ABSEM s COMMISSIONERSs Ga~er. i / , --- ----- . - - _ _- -` ~ - ----~ _...~~ __..._ , ,~ ~; ~ ~ l ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2145 ! RECLASSIFICATION -`PUSLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ ~ N0. 63-64=T38_ 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; Ronald He Rhodes, , 3177 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owner, The Planning ; Commission proposes the reclassification of the following described i prope~ty= A rectangularly shaped parcel of land with a frontage of 45 feet on the south side of°Lincoln Avenue and a depth of 88 fpet~ the western boundary of said property being~778 feet east of the centerline of Western Avenue, and further described as 3136 West Lincoln Avenue9 from the R-A, RESIDENfIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the C-1~ NEIGHBORHOOD ~ COMMERGIAL, ZONE to place an existing service station in the most appropriate zone. i Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together ~ with the purpose of the proposed reclassificationa ~ Mr. Kreidt further stated that the existing commercial uses were estaplished under Variance ~ ivoa ii8so MrsoRona2d Rhodes, 9301 Thistle Road, appeared before the Commission and asked for clarifi- ~ cation of the property being reclassified since the property she owned was 3136, and the letter together with the notice indicated that the property was 3132 West Lincoln Avenue. Pl~anning Aide Charles Roberts advised the Commission that although the address was indicated ; as 3132 West Lincoln Avenue, the legal description of the property was correct, that the ! number indicated was wrong due to the fact that the zoning maps did not always indicate the ; accurate street number, and that upon making a field check~ it was determined that the property '. should be 3136 West Lincoln Avenue. ; i The Commission then advised Mrso Rhodes that when the reclassification proceedings were advertised for public hearing by the City Council the address would be correctly noted. Mrs. Rhodes then stated she was in favor of the proposed zoningo No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED, Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1211, Series 1963-64~ and moved for its paesage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noa 63-64-138 be approved unconditionaily. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votei AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOESs COMMISSIONERS: Nonee pgSHNT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauero RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEl+RING. INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, N0. 63-64-139 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; James White Oil Company~ 738 Ontario Boulevard, Ontario, California, Ownera property described as: CONDITIONAL USE A rectangularly shaped parcel of land at the northwest corner of Ball Road PERMIT N0. 581 and Western Avenue with frontages of 125 feet on Ball Road and approximately 1s0 feet on Western Avenueo Present classification of propertys C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL, ZONEy deed restricted to a service station or any R-3 usea PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION: C-1~ NEIGHBORHOOD COMNIERCIAL~ ZONEa PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE: Establish an existing service station as a conforming use in the C~1 Zone within 75 feet of a single-family residenceo i Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the sub3ect property and its development, together ! with the purpose of the proposed reclassificatione Mr. Kreidt further stated that the existing use was established under Reclassification No. 61-62-200 No one appeared to represent the property ownera No one appeared in oppusition to subject petitions. THE tiEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. 1212, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Chavos, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for F.eclassification No. 63-64-139 be approved unconditionally. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoi.ng resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES= COMMISSIONBRS: Allred~ Camp, Chavos, Mungall, perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSEM: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. --------~----- ------..._.. - ---- --__ ._.__ _~.- -~--------------- , i~ ~- . -~ -.-- -~ _ . . . _ . ~ ~ • _~ ,~ . ... ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2146 RECLASSIF3CATION'- Commissioner Camp offered Resolution Noo 1213, Series 1963-64, and moved N0. 63-64-I39 ' for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, that • Petition for Conditional Use permit Noo 581 be granted unconditionally. CANDITIONAL USE (See Resolution Booke) PERMIT N0:` 581 (Cr~ntinued) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votet AYESs CONWIISSIONERS: Ailred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES~ COMMISSIONERS: None. ASSENT: - COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. RECLASSI~FICRTIaN'-~PUBLIC k~ARING. INITIATHD BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ N0. 63•=64~1'4d` 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; Athruz~ Incorporated, ~ c~o E. So Hiler, 5317 Almira Road, South Gate~ California, Ownera CONDITIONAL' USE Property described as: A*ectangularly shaped parce~ of ~and at the PERNFIT N0:'S82' southeast corner of Western Avenue and Ball Road with frontages of 119 feet on Western Avenue and 126 .feet on Ball Roado Present classi- fication of property: C-3, HEAVY COIu9ulERCIAL, ZONE, deed restricted to service station use or any C-1 use. PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION~ C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL~ ZONE. PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE: Establish a proposed service station as a conforming use in the C-1 Zone within 75 feet of a single-family residence. Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt reviewed the subject property and its development, together with the purpose of the proposed reclassification. Mr. Kreidt further stated that the proposed service station property was reclassified on January 20, 1962, under Ordinance No. 1778, but that no development has taken placeo Mro Donald Dregger, representing the Shell Oil Company, appeared before the Commission and stated~it was his company°s intent to establish a service station within the near future, and that he had spent a great deal of time with the Planning and Engineering Departments in trying to resolve problems incurred in the proposed service station site developmente No one appeared in opposition to subject petitions. THH HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noa 1214, Series 1963-64~ and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-140 be approved unconditionaliya (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: A1lES: CONN7ISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, perry, Rowlando ~OESs COMMISSIONERSi None. ABSENT~ COMMISSIONERSs Gauer. Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1215, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, that Petition for Conditional Use Pexmit No. 582 be granted unconditionally. (See Resolution Book~) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allre~, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOESe COMMISSIONERS: Nonea ABSBNT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauera RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC [-IEARING. INITlATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, N0. 63-64-141 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; Harold I. Murray, Jr., et al, 911 North Brookhurst, Anaheim, California, Owner. The Planning Commission proposes the reclassification of the following described property: An irregularly shaped parcel of land at the southwest corner of Brookhurst Street anc] the Santa Ana Freeway, the northern boundary of said property being adjacent to and coinciding with the southern boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, the total area of said property being approximately 6 acres, and further described as 911 North Brookhurst Street, from the R-A, RESIDEt~ffIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the C-1~ NEIGFIDORHOOD COMMERCIAL, ZONE. 2oning Caordinator Martin Kreidt advised the Commission that the City Council had directed ' the Planning Commission to consider at a public hearing the reclassification of sub3ect ~ property to its most appropriate zone; that some problems existed because the use was i . _.__~~.._..._~----_---~------ -- _ __.-- .._.._.__.____~_ __ . _...____ _------. _ _ ' -..... , .. . .. ____.. _ ~ ~. ... ,._ ;' U ~ • MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2147 RECLAS3IFICATION - established under the County; that street improvements for the frontage NOe 63-64-T41 ~ road and Sequoia Avenue were not installed; that it was being recommended Continued ~` that when the owner of subject property K~~ ready for commercial zoning, these improvements would be required; that the City Engineer would prepare engineering plans for the improvement of the frontage road, and the im- provements would be installed at the time the City scheduled ~:he improvements for the east side of the frontage road and Sequoia Avenue, at whici~ time the property owner of subject property would 6e required to pay, thereby saving a considerable amount of money if improve- ments were placed under one bid, and that the frontage road would be a necessity to the entire residential area abutting to the west of subject propertyo Mro Jo L, Murray, 724 North Citron, appeared before the Commission representing the property owners and stated they were in accord with the proposed reclassification, but objected to the proposed conditions, namely, the sidewalks and the masonry wall for the west property line; that at the time subject property was being considered for annexation to the City of Anaheim, discussion was held between the County and the City of Anaheim and it was determined that sidewaiks and the masonry wall were not necessary; that the sidewalks9 in his estimation, were unnecessary because all the people used the sidewalks within the shopping area, and up to.the present time they had received no complaints from the single-family property owners adjacent to the west, therefore the masonry wall would be unnecessary, but that if the Commission felt said wall was necessary, he would agree to its construction, provided the property owners paid half the cost; that he was in favor of the street improveroents, and that he hoped that the City would erect a traffic signal at Sequoia and Brookhurst to reduce the number of accidents and near accidents which occurred each day when cars were attompting to enter the shopping centero The Comroission advised Mre Murray that it was a Code requirement that a masonry wall be constructed to separate the commercial ingress and egress and parking facilities from the single-family developments; that trees and treewells together with additional landscaping~ would be a considerable improvement to 'che stiopping area; that although the existing home known as the Stanton House was there prior to the single-family subdivision, the use had changed, and that since a school was now located adjace~.~ to the south of subject property, sidewalks should be there for children to keep them from using the street when walkingo Office Engineer Arthur Daw, in response to Commission questioning, stated that the City had agreed to preparing and scheduling the improvements on the northerly side of Sequoia Avenue, easterly side of the frontage road and along the school site; that if the school was not willing to participate with the City in the installation of the street improvements at the time the City proposed the improvement, the City would still install the improvements, and that a waiver of the sidewalks might be granted by the City Council provided, however, that no trees were planted in the sidewalk area, although low shrubs were permitted~ In response to a comment by Mre Murray relative to the City beautifying the off-ramp road, Mr. Kreidt stated that when the street impruvements were put in, the Department of Parkway Maintenance maintained a schedule for verious areas to have landscaped treatment which would greatly enhance subject property if this type of improvement were installedo Mro Daw advised Mro Murray that the approximate cost for c~sb and gutter was $1070 per square footo THH HEARING WAS CI.OSED. Discuesion was continued by the Commission on the possibility of requiring the masonry wall and the sidewalks. Commissioner Perry offered Resolution Noa 1216, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No< 63-64-141 be approved, subject to the requirement of all improve- ments and street trees for 5equoia Avenue and the frontage road being installed, provision for adequate trash storage areas, together with a finding that a masonry wall was a Code requirement, although subject property has been operating as its present use since its annexation from the Countya (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos~ Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSEKf: COMMISSIONERSs Gauer. RECOMMENDATION TO - Comraissioner Perry offered a motion to recommend to the City Council that TF1E CITY COUNCIL when public hearing was held on Reclassification No. 63-64-141, that temporary waiver of the required sidewalks be made until such time as the City of Anaheim may require said sidewalks to be installed. Commissioner Camp seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo _ ____._-v_- -- ------- -- -- - ~ ----- ~ ~ ~~ o MINUiES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON, Juno 15, 1964 2148 REPORTS AND - ITEM N0. 1 RECOMMENDATIONS Appointment of Commissioner to Parks and Recreation Co~nissione Commissioner Camp offered a motion to app~~int Commissioner Rowl~^d as a representative of the Planning Commission to the Parks and Pecreation Commission, stating that since Commis- sioner Rowland had taken such an active interest in the beautification of the City, together with his interest in park improvements~ he was, in his opinion, the most logical choicee Commissioner Allred seconded the motione MOTION CARRIHD, ITEM N0~ 2 Shell Oil Company commentary regarding Service Station Site Development Standards, and Definition of a Service Stationo Mra Donald Dregger, representing the Shell Oil Company, appeared before the Commission and r ~ y, • y • C 5..~ C1..iS i.Gltl~iiiillCi11.81~ t{~lC City f-vr thEir ~~rwar~ aFiNTOHL~i ii~ es~ablishing uili7i~uuGl .~civabe J441.1GIS Site Development Standards; that the Commission was to be congratulated in their forthright manner in providing an equitable document for the City, the service station operators, and the oil companies; that this was a giant step forward and would be the basis upon which the oil companies, and his company in particular, would develop future marketing plans for service s±ations throughout the country, and that it was his pleasure to relay the appreciation of the industry he represented, since this was seldom doneo Chairman Mungall then stated the City Planning Commission also wished to compliment the She11.0i1 Company in the construction of the ranch style service stations; because of their esthetic compatibility to surrounding development, less objection was ?~eieg expressed> Mr.. Dregger further complimented the Planning Department in their complete cooperation, at all times~ in the admini.stration of the Code requirementse Mro Dregger further stated that it was their intent to reconstruct the service station at the southwest corner of Lincoln and Western Avenues, and inquired if any additional dedica- tion might be requiredo Office Engineer Arthur Daw advised the Commission of the requirement that additional dedication be obtained at the time redevelopment of the property was proposed, since the fire.code did not permit the location of the pump islands within ten feet of the property lineo Mro Dregger then stated they would investigate the possibility of relocating tfie pump islandso ITEM N0~ 3 Reclassification Noo 62-63-112 - approval of revised plans - Dowling property located between Orangethorpe and Crowther Avenues easterly of Dowling Streeto Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt advised the Commission that when Tentative Map of Tract Noo 5623 was approved, the plans approved by the City Council under subject reclassification were no longer applicable, and that the developer had s~ated revised plans would be submitted~ but that accurate revised plans had not been received by the department in order that said plans might be reviewed for report and recommendatian to the Commission ITEM NOe 4 Conditional Use Permit No, 526 Lincoln West Professional Mall, 1780 West Lincoln Avenue - Request for waiver of the requirement of landscaping 3butting the single-family homes to the southo 2oning Coordinatc: Martin Kreidt read a letter from Mro David Wo Hook, requesting that since a six-foot masonry wall was constructed adjacent to the single-family homes, it was his opinion that landscaping was no longer necessaryo The Commission .reviewed their original action and reviewed the plot plans approvedo i i ~ , 3 i 1 1 i 3 I Commissioner Chavos felt that if any waiver was to be considered favorably on subject property, ~ that either the property owners affected be notified, or set the requested waiver for public i hearingo Commissioner Allred offered a motion to deny the request for the waiver of the eight-foot ~ strip of landscaping in Conditional Use Permit Noo 526, and the petitioner was to be advised that the interpretation of the Commission in Condition No. 3 of Resolution Nuo 1017~ Series 1963-64, was that trees in treewolls six to ten feet in height were to be planted to form the eight-foot strip in order to provide adequate screening of the commercial development from the -----------.._._.._.....--- _. ; _ _._. _ . _~~...- , --r ~ _ i • `~ ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 2149 REPORTS AND - ITEM NO., 4(Continued) RECOMMENDATIONS residential development, and that all landscaping plans were to be submitted to the Superin- tendent of Parkway Maintenance and Development Reviaw for approvalo Commissioner Perry seconded the motion. MOTION CRRRIED. 1TEM NOo 5 Termination of V'ariance Nos. 575, 744, 817, 971, and 1183, and Reclassification No. 59-60-580 Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt advised the Commission that in the Commission`s recommenda- tion of reclassification of properties covered in Variance Noso 575, 744, 817, 971, and 1183 and Reclassification Noo 59-60-58, it would be in order to terminate the foregoing petitions which would become effective at the time the proper*.y became reclassifiedo Commissianer Perry offered Resolution Noo 1217, Series 1963-64, and moved for its passage and adop~ion, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, to terminate Variance Noso 575, 744, 817, 971, and 1183, based on the fact that reciassification of the proper+.ies was recommended to the City Councilo (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlanda NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSEM : COMMISSIONERS: Gauer~ Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noo 1218, Series 1963-64, and moved for i.ts passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to recommeti~d to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No~ 59-60~58 be terminated based on the fact that reclassification pro- ceedings have never been completed, that a drive-in restaurant was established on the property and that reclassification to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone was recommended to the City Council in Reclassification Noo 63-64-1280 (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Perry, Rowlando NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSEM s COMMISSIONERSs Gauero ITEM NO~~ Conditional Use Permit Noo 147 ~ Christian Center Church - Approval of revised planso Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt presented revised plans for the Commission's consideration and read the request of the Reverent Ralph Wilkersono Mr. David Lobbie, 7932 Lamson Street, Garden Grove, appeared before the Commission and reviewed the problems the church had, together with the requested a~aproval of revised plansa Mro Kreidt then read the repo^ts and recommendations of the Planning and Engineering Depart- ments, noting that the City Engineer requested that concrete sidewalks were required to be constructed in accordance with Plan Noa 5519, approved by the City Engineer March 21, 1963a a , ~,~ Mro Lobbie then indicated for the Commission why the proposed plz.n varied with Plan No. { 9519 originally approvedo ' 3 Commissioner Camp offered a motion to approve Revision Noo 1 of Exhibit Nos~ 1 and 2, i recommending that revisions be made to Plan No. 5519 incorporat'ing changes indicated on j said revision, whicr indicated the reduction of the original landscaping and that the ~ petitioner petition the City Council on the temporary use of an existing dwelling until the f education building is completed. Commissioner perry seconded i;he motion MOTION CARRIED. i I'fEM NOo 7 f Reclassification Noo 63-64-102 - Clarification of the established setbacks on the west side of Magnolia Avenue between Westhaven and Stonybrook Drives~ ! Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt read the Council action on the reclassification proceedinys of Re~lassification No. 63-64-102 and presented statistics on the existing setbacks on the west side of Magnolia Avenue betwe~n Westhaven and Stonybrook Drives, noting that the Com- mission might wish to advise the City Council that the minimum setback be 25 feet~ since this was the setback presently existing. . _...---....____...______.._ --- - ---~.~,:. ~ -- ~. ~. ~ • ;'. .:. ..~ _.. .. , ___...__.__.. . _---- --.,.....~.,...,~ . ------- - -_ _ _ (~.} ;~ ~ . MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1964 215~ ' REPORTS AND - ITEM NOe 7(Continued) BECOMMENDATIONS Commissioner Rowland offered a motion to recommend to the City Council that the minimum setback on the west side of Magnolia Avenue between Westhaven and Stonybrook Drives be 25 feet, and that the study made in behalf of the Planning Commission be brought to their attention. Commissioner Camp seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo ITEM N0. 8 Joint Meeting with City Council regarding the amendment to the Cotronercial Recreation Land Use Policy for the establishment of height standardse Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt advised the Commission that the City Council requested a meeting with the Planning Commiss~on regarding the possibility of amending the Commercial Recreation Land Use Policy to include the establishment of height standards and that the meeting was scheduled for June 23, 1964, at 1Oz00 a.mo Only two Commissioners indicated they would be able to attend the meeting, the others stating that previous commitments prevented their attending, and suggested that possibly June 30 might be more aproposo Commissioner Camp, Chavos, Mungall, Pe.:ry, and Rowland indicated they would be available, Commissioner Allred stating that since the Commission was to meet with the Orange County Planning Commission the previous day, he was uncertain whether he could make both meetingso Mr. Kreidt then stated that he would advise the City Council on June 16 that the Commission could have a quorum for June 30, but only two Commissioners could make the June 23 meating, and that the Department would then advise the Commission if a change was agreed to by the Councilo ITEM N0. 9 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Planning Commission regarding the Hill and Canyon General Plano Zoning Coordinator Martin Kreidt advised the Commission that the Commission was to meet with the Orange County Planning Commission at a joint meeting starting with dinner at 5=00 o'clock pomo, June 29, 19640 ITEM N0. 10 Proposed Program for tree preservation in parkways of•the City. Zoning Coordinator FAartin Kreidt inquired of the Commission whether any action was to be taken by their body regarding the proposed motion to initiate a tree preservation program together with a street tree ordinance, after their m~eting with the Public Works Director and the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenancea Letters were read from Mro Walter Fluegge and Juanita Cavannaugh, together with a memorandum from the Director of Public Workso Commissioner Rowland~ in commenting on the correspondence, stated that a tree should not be removed unless it is beyond repairf that although he had a great deal of respect for the Di*ector of Public Works, the removal of the trees was left to the 3udgment of one person, even though Mro Piersall was the most conscientious person, and inquired of Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts the number of ~udgments which the City had lost due to persons being injured by raised sidewalks where trees had roots growing under theme Mr. Roberts sta.ted he did not have figures of the number, but that it was a concern which Mr. Piersall had in his position relative to the amount of insurance, the cos~ of the repair to the sidewalks and the curbs, since this was under his jurisdiction to maintain the side- walks in good condition, and that during a discussion with him, Mr. Piersall felt he was taking all factors under consideration before approval of the removal of any was given. Commissioner Rowland then expressed the opinion that if a Commission were appointed, land- scape architects, tree surgeons, botonists~ agronomists, and the traffic engineer should be on the Commission; that this group need not meet every month~ since the removal of a tree was not so urgent that it could not be left up ~~ntil the next meeting, and that of all the Directors of._Public Works he had met within the ~tate and outside the State~ Mr. Piersall was the finest Directar he had ever met. Commissioner Chavos was of the opiniun that a precise report should be made to the Director of Public Works on the condition of any tree before recommendation for its removal be made. _.._.-~.~___._...._......~.__._ -_ _...._.._.. ------.._...._ -------•----- --_-._ ~ ~ - --- - _ _._-, ~ ' T ' ~ - " ~~ _ - ~ ~ ~ • \'.. •~) V MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 15, 1~64 ~ ~ REPORTS AND - ITEM N0. 10 (Continued) 2151 Mr. Roberts then stated that the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenas:~., ;• ~s i~,::~~~:+tr:i th2 removal of the trees with the Director of Public Works; that many factors ha;~ ~.,~!:~r co~;sidered since the removal of a tree encompassed several departments, such as Property Maintenar.ce, Streets and Sanitation, Electrical Division, and the Parkway Maintenance, and these departmental requests were also taken into consideration. Commissioner Perry stated the trees and tree planting were a part of Planning,andtheirremoval should be giveri serious consideration; that the tree ordinances of othex cities should be studied together with their approach to the preservation of trees, and that after all this information was obtained, the Planning Department, together with the Director of Public Works, should draft an ordinance which would be more apropos for the City's tree preservation problem, but that no immediate action should be contemplated until adequate data had been revieweda . Commissioner Camp stated he was in agreement with Commissioner Perry's statemento Mr. Kreidt then asked the Commission to give the Staff some idea of the Commission's thinking of the problem, that the ordinance of the City of Pomona would be sent to the Commission together with a future meeting packet, and that adequate time should be given the Staff to conduct the investigation with other citiesa Commissioner Rowla;3 then stated that although it might be difficult to draft a strept tree ordinance with unusual standards, that he had been working on this problem for a number of years in an attempt to resolve the preservation of the trees in the City, that presently the sight from La Palma Stadium during the day made one proud of the beauty of the City, but th?~ beauty would not be a part of the City long if the trees were removed at the rate the program was set for, and that the Cities of Pomona, Pasadena, and Ojai had street tree ordinances, that these should be consulted, together with discussions with their Planning Departments, to determine how their street tree preservation problems were resolved, and that it was his feeling that if a collective decision was made by a commis- sion, a more equitable solution might be found to preserve the beautiful old trees in the Cityo Commissioner Rowland also stated he was desirous of learning from the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance the reason why the six Karab trees were removed from Alberta Streeto Commissioner Rowland then offered a motion directing the Planning Department to assemble all data and material relative to compiling a street tree ordinance, and the possibility of presenting to tha City Council factual data for the appointment of a street trec~ commis- sion consisting of a landscape architect, tree surgeon, a botonist, a agronomist, and the traffic eng'ineer to determine whether a tree or numbers of trees~warrant being removed, and that a report be submitted to the Commissiono Commissioner Perry seconded the motione MOTION CARRIED. RECESS , -.There being no more public business to consider, Commissioner Perry offered a motion to recess the meeting for dinner, and to reconvene at 7s00 pome for a work session to review Title 18 for the R-A, R-2, R-3, PRD, C-1, and NRC sections of the Anaheim Municipal Codeo Commissioner Allred seconded the motione MOTION CARRIED. The meeting recessed at 4:55 o'c3ock pemo . RHCONVENE - Chairman Mungall reconvened the Commission meeting at 7~00 o'clock pomo, ali commissioners being present with ihe exception of Commissioner Gauero WORK SESSION - Planning Coordinator Allan Shoff reviewed the meetings held with the TITLE 18 Board of Realtors, Chamber of Commerce and other interestad groups, together with suggested changes made at the last public hearinge AATOURNMENf - The meeting adjourned at 9:30 o'clock pemo Respectfully submitted, ANN KREBS, Secretary Anaheim Planning Commission _~ / _, .-