Minutes-PC 1965/05/10.. .~ _ ~ City Hali Anaheim, California May 10, 1965 A REGULAR MEETING OF TI-IE ANAFIEI61 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR fu1EETING - A regular meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Mungall at 2:00 p.m~, a quorum being present~ PRESENT - CHAIR~dAN: Mungall~ - COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland~ ABSENT ~- COMMISSIONERS: None~ PRESENT - Zoning Coordinator: Robert Mickelson Deputy City Attorney: Furman Roberts Off;ce Engineer: Arthur Daw _ Planning Commission Secretary: Ann Krebs Plann?ng Department Stenographer: Carolyn Grogg INVOCATION - Reverend Fred Dommer, Lamb of God Lutheran Church, gave the Invocatione PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner Camp ied the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flago APPROVAL OF TI~ ININUTES - The Minutes of the meeting of April 26, 19659 were approved as submittedo TENTATIVE MAp OF - GNNER AND SUBDIVIDER: EMPIRE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 6750 Van TRACT_N0~ 5958 Nuys Boulevard, Van Nuys, California~ SURVEYOR: Bradford, Neil 8 Associates, 125 South Claudina Street, Anaheim9 Californza. Subject tract is iocated approximately 1,356 feet easterly of Brookhurst Street and northeri;~ of Lincoln Avenue and contains 35 proposed R-3, Multiple- Family Residential, Zoned lots, Zoning Coordinator Robert Mickelson presented Tentative Map of Tract No~ 5958 to the Commission, noting that in order to obtain the release of the improvement bond for the developed portion of T:act Noa 5053, a new tract map was submitted, which would mean posting of an improvement bond of a lesser amount for any subsequent street i.mprovemente Office Engineer Arthur Daw noted for the Commission that a discrepancy existed between the northerly boundary (Alameda St:eet) of Tract No> 5053 and the present Tentative Map of Tract Noo 5958, this change being made in order to avoid the signature of the original owner of the propertyo Further, that the Engineering Department suggested that the developer stipulate to fuli street improvements for Alameda Street as a condition of approval, The representative ior the subdivider then stated they would stipulate to completion of street improvements being completed~ Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to approve Tentative Map of ?ract No. 5956, subject to the following conditions: (1) That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approvale (2) That a modified cul-de-sac be prov3ded at the terminus of Aladdin Drive, Bernice Street and Carol I'irive, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. (3) That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract Noa 5958 is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification Noo 62-63-91 and Conditional Use Permit No~ 396~ ~_ (4) bhat the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions shall be submitted to and approved ~~ y the City Attorney s Office prior to City Council approval of the final tract map, ~;~ and, further, that the approved Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions shall be ' recorded concurrently with the final tract mapa ~ ;) ' (5) That all street improvements originally required on Tract Noe 5053 be completed ~~ ~ as stipulated by the representative of the developersa '~~ "~ Commissioner Allred seconded the mution~ MOTION CARRIED~ '`s.7 . ~' i ! - 2573 w P " .. _.j 1 MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, N~ay 10, 1965 257q RECLASSIFICATION - CONTINUED PUBLIC FIEARINGo WILLIAM D~ PROCOPIOy 410 South Euclid Street, NOo 64-65-111 Suite 6, Anaheim, California, Owner; property descxibed as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land with a frontage of approximately 64 feet on the east VARIANCE NOe 1 97 side of Euclid Street and a maximum depth of approximately 100 feet9 the southern boundary of said property being approximately 160 feet north of j AREA DEVELOPMENT the centerlinE ;;F Alomar Avenues and further descrikied as 624 South Euclid PLAN N0~ 20 Street~ Property presently classified R-l9 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE~ GENERAL PLAN REQI~;TED CLASSIFICATION: C-1 AMENDMENT N0. 58 r~ENERAL G~11N~RCIAL, ZONH,. _ REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVER OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPING IN FRONT SETBACKo ~ Subject Reclassification Noo 64-65-111 and Variance Noo 1697 were continued fram the meeting ~ of April 129 1965~ in order to allow the Planning Staff time to prepare and advertise an area development plan. . Associate Planner Ronald Thompson appeared before the Commission and presented sub,ject Area Development Plan No„ 20 as follows: BACKGROUND ~ Area Development Plan Noo 20 is part of the continuing City-wide program for studying situations of residential homes fronting-on arterial highways~ The subject properties are ~ the residential lots fronting on the east side of Euclid Street on either side of Alomar Avenue9 south of the intersection of Oran9e Avenue and Euclid Streeto At the public hearing of Aprii 12, 1965, tt~e Planning Commission directed the Planning Department to prepare and advertise an area development pian encompassing the above mentioned R-1 lots~ The area development pian has been prepared and the •-2sults a:e as follows: FINDINGSt 1~ Subject propert3es are presently developed for iow-density, single-family residential land usea 2o The iand uses surrounding subject properties consist of: (See land use quarter section map Noo 48 and 55y and Exhib~t A)o ao North - Comme:cial office buiidin9s bo East - Occupied, good quality single-family residential homes co South - Undeveioped R-1 zoned parcels do West - A cemetery, commercial office building, undeveloped C-1 zoned property and a serv±ce station 3o Subject properties front-on a primary highway which is presently carrying 28,600 vehicles per day9 and is pro,~ected to carry 40,600 vehicles per day within the next 10 yearso 4, Vehicular access needs of sub,ject properties are served by 20-foot wide alleys to the rear of the lotso Said alleys provide access and circulation northerly and southerly from Alomar Avenue and easterly to and from A1~y Streeto The residential area to the east of subject properties have vehicular access to Alvy Street, except for one loto (See Exhibit A) ~ 5= Due tu the existing and projected vehicular capacity of Euclid Street, additional access points would reduce the highway's capacity to function efficiently, as well as create additional traffic hazardso 6o The parcels have be~n ~eveloped with curbs9 gutters, sidewalks, street trees, and a parkway of approximately 12 feet in widthe Euclid Street is classified as a primary highway on the Circulation Element of the General Plan with a dedicated half-width of 50 feet (53 feet required for primary)o 7o All seven of the parcels of subject property are less than 70 feet in width with lot depths of 100 feeto 8. The General Plan has projected a large area for commercial land use less than a mile north of subject properties which would seem to negate any necessity for additional commercial land use in such close proximityo If sub~ect properties are considered favorably for com- mercial land use, then the General Plan Amendment would indicate the area along Euclid Street which could reasonably be expected to develop in a similar mannero e ;, MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N, May 10, 1965 2575 RECLASSIFICATION - kLTERN.ATIVES FOR CONSIDERATION: ._____~~----------------- N0~64_¢5-111 __ 1.. Retention of subject~r~erties ror iow=density single-familv land useo VARIANCE N0~_!(~Q7 Cue to the s~~~ of the parcels, their location on a F•rimary arterial, AREA DEVELOPA~ NT the surrounding land use, it is not likely that future environment PLAN NO~, 20 __ will enhance subject properties and encourage their retention for (Continued) single-family land use, unless a concerted effort could be undertaken by both the City and the private property owners to provide pro~tection for these existing residential uses and insure a good environment in the futu*e, 2. Pe~-use of subiect oroqerties for hiqhway related commercial or commercial-professional office useo Proposals of this natu:e would not be in line with the concept of °'planned unified commercial centers" upon which the Commercial Elemer.t of ihe General Plan is basede Uses of this type have been histo:ical?y ar,d economically better located in the central core of the community or in close proximity to outlying commercial concentra- tions such as regional or community shopping centers or commercial oftice centers„ CONCLUSIONSs The main .:esidenti~i-highway conf:ict occurs in areas where single-family dwellings front-on, side•-on snd/oz have vehicular access on arterial highwayso Owner~-zesidents or tenants in these partzcular cases are in an unfortunate position~, They watch the construction of needed street widenings and have to face the impact of heavier t:affic volumes, roise vibration and not least of ~'ti the difficulties of vehicular access to and from their homeso From these circumstances home owners c~nclude that their particular property is no longer suitable for low-density or sir.gle-famiiy residentiel use~ At the same time, they observe that the environ- ment is being depreciated~ Further, ±he highway value is also being reduced as its capacity to function efficientiy is limited as venicles are permitted to back out of driveways and obstruct the normal flow of traffica The danger of life and property under these conditions is greater than in those instances where conflicts do not exist, The consequences o£ these conditions induce people to auggest a land .:se alternative to low density~, This alternative takes ~he form of a request for either non-residentiai or multiple- family use> This ?atter proposa: is truly one to conjure with, and probabiy can best be answer- ed with a o~estion, If the area is unsuitable for one family, what iogic or justification can one use to indicate that it would be p:oper to intensify the situation by ailowing a greater number of f3a~iiies to be exposed to the same undesirable conditions? In other cases reiief takes the form of a reauest for commercial land useo If the City ignores the question of true need for commercial uses, which should be demonstratedy it would still have to recognize that such types of development produce problems of their owne Conmercial uses are heavier traffic ger.erators than residential useso In a situation such as Area Develop- ment Plan No~ 20 presents, commer~ial uses would more than likely iead to greater problems of poor access and excessive hignway conflicts and congestion, The other 3spects of "strip" com- merical uses involve economic9 fiscaiy and esthetic considerations that are well knowne The Planning Department9 in studying situations of residential homes fronting on arteriai highways, is attempti^g to analyze measures that could be employed throughout the City to minimize the problems confronting these areas to assure their livabillty, and at the same time encourage development that wiil not impede the traffic carrying capacity of the City streets~ A number of techniques could be employed to give protection to these existing residential useso For example, the City's Zoning Ordinance does not permit high fences, walls or hedges in residential front yardse This maintains a pleasant open feeling on residential streets as well as preserving light and air~ In the case of highway frontage residential lots, however, six-foot high walls and fences could be allowed six to ten feet from the front property line, or as a:ubstitute, to permit dense landscaping to a similar heighta Regulation of height would be necessary, to permit full visibility at an intersection of a driveway and the front property lineo Walls, fences, landscaping or a combination of these can be immensely effect- ive in screening out the noise, dirt, and constant awarene~s of heavy traffic, and can make the front yard usabley private, and safe for childrene It would be imperative that a coordi- nated wall and landscape treatment be used for each block frontage if this technique is to be effective and create an attractive a~,pearance for the streete The above described technique would have to be designed to meet a special need, and along with other ideas that are currently under study, may provide a means of creating a private livable residential environment along a busy highwayo ., ,~ ' € ,. MINUTES, CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2576 RECLASSIFICATION - RECOMN~NDATIONS: N0~ 64-65-111 The reclassificat.ion of subject properties for commercial land use covered VARIANCE NOo 1697 under Area Development Plan No. 20 may be premature at the present timeo If subject properties are considered favorably for commercial land use, AREA DEVELOPA~NT the Planning Commission may wish to consider the follow_ng: PLAN NOo 20 (Continued) la That the subject properties under Area Development Plan No~ 20 be reclassified from R-1, One-Family Residential, Zone to the C-0, Commercial Office, Zone as depicted on either Exhibit B or Co 2o That the alleys at the rear of subject properties be retained sub- stantially as they presently exist in order to provide through circulation for vehicles, trash collection, and fire protectione 3. Prohibit parking in front of subject properties and require all pa:king in the rear of subject propertieso If Exhibit B(utilization of existing structures) is adopted, 90 degree parking should be re- qui=ed., This would help keep commercial traffic through the residential areas at a minimumo Exhibit C depicts commercial land use with removal of the existing structuresa Parking areas under this alternative should also be designed so as not to funnel commercial traffic through the existing residential area to the east> 4o All development proposals within the bounds of Area Development Plan Noo 20 shall be subject to review by the Development Review Committeeo Mro Harry Knisely, Attorney representing the petitioner, appeared before the Conunission and reviewed the proposed conversion of single-family home into a dental office, noting that all recent development in that area had been commercial. Mre Joe Bradiey, 707 Alvy Street, appeared before the Commission to review his reasons for objection to subject petition, stating that it would be hazardous for the children in the area; further, that a similar request was denied by the Commission three or four years ago, and that no changes had taken place to warrant the proposed reclassificationo Mro Robert Panek, owner of property at 630 South Euclid, appeared before the Commission to present a chart showing the daily traffic flow of cars on Euclid Street between Ball Road and Broadway Street for the years of 1963 and 1964, noting that an official count had not been made as of yet for 1965, stating that some 1,000,000 cars passed before subject proper- ties yearly, Mr, Panek further stated that he had originally purchased his property with the intention of using it as his permanent residence, but had since found it to be unsafe for his children and decided to buy elsewhere, and renting his property on Euclid Street~ that he had trouble keeping subject property rented as people moved in and out because of the commo- tion created by the traffic on Euclid Streets and that, in conclusion, he found subject property no longer suitable for residential use because of the foregoing facts. Mi•s~ Barbara Flanagan, 605 South Alvy Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition to sub~ect petition, stating she was concerned about the added traffic congestion that would result in the alley at the rear af sub~ect property if commercial zoning were approved. In response to Mr, Knisely's question concerning deed restrictions on subject property, Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts advised that this was a private matter between the R-1 waspnotYboundTby saidhdeedtrestrictionst~ Mr,rKnisely further statedPthatdthe~property owners along Euclid Street were in favor of commercial zoning and that the property would be used by one dentist and two dental assistants, which would not cause an added traffic problem, and then proposed that the alley be blocked off to prevent any traffic hazardso Mrse Eleanor Giblin, 616 South Euclid Street, appeared before the Commission in favor of subiect petition, stating that the office building next door to her property was a great improvement over the vacant property that used to be there, and that the proposed dental office would be an asset to the neighborhood. Zoning Coordinator Robert Mickelson advised the Commission of a letter received from Mrsa - Giblin, requesting that she be permitted to use her residence for her accounting businesse ~; In response to Commission questioning, Mr. Mickelson further stated that it would be undesir- able to block off sub,~ect alley to prohi.bit return of commercial traffic to Alvy Street and _ still maintain access to a new home loca;:ed in that vicinity~ and that to create a hammer- head at the end of the alley would require takin9 soma property from the last lot, with a ~1 ~ '' ~ resultant traffic conflict being too clo~a to Euclid~ Orange, Alomar and Alvy Str~etso 1 MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2577 RECLASSIFICATION - The Commission expressed their concern over strip comrt!ercial zoning - NO_ 64_65_ill ~ that if subject request was approved, the same would happen across the strret, and to the south, further noting that from past experience in VARIANCE N0,~1697 this community, the traffic congestion would be too great as people would AREA DEVELOPh~NT not go up into the alley to find parking spar,e on the norti~ end. PLAN N0~ 20 _~ In rebuttal, Mr~ Knisely stated that Dr~ Procopio had a clientele which (Continued) had been built up over the years and, therefcre, would not cause a traffic congestion~ In response to the Commission`s question concerning the proposed development next door to ~ his client relative to Mrs. Giblin's request to establish an accounting office in her residencey Mr, Knisely stated that she would not have clients calling at her business - , therefore, would not affect the traffic flow. Commissioner Gauer stated that possibly Anaheim should consider six-foot masonry walls in front of residences fronting on heavily traveled streets which would provide a safe place for children to play, etc~, such as that employed by other areas~ Commissioner Herbst stated a precedent for commercial had already been started when the real estate office across the street from subject property was established; that upon driving down Euclid Street in this particular block, it was apparent commercial uses had already started on both sides of the street; and that Euclid Street would soon become one of the County~s main thoroughfares~ THE i-~ARING WAS CLOSED. In response to Commission ouestioning, Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts stated that a recommendation could be made to the City Council to include C-0 Zoning within the request for C-1 and that no development could be made unless an area development plan were approved; that it was further determined that a residential structure could not be used in the C-0 Zone without the approval of a conditional use permito Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to deny C-1 Zoning, but to consider C-0 Zoning along with approval of a conditionai use permit, in order to provide a basis for regulating the use~ The motion died for lack of a secondo _~ Commissioner Ailred discussed land assembly of the various R-1 parcels, wherein a group of homeowners could combine and sell their land to be used for commercial development, noting that it had been considered in the past, but that it had never deveioped; and further, that subject properties presPnted an ideal situation. Commissioner Gauer offered Resolution No~1512A, ;eries 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 64-65-lllbe disapproved, based on the fact that a common alley vrould serve both residential and commercial uses; that access rights were denied subject property; that utilization of a residence with complete conversion to commercial-type structure wc,iid be detrimental; and that land assembly of parcels might be a better means of providing the development of the property, making it more compatibleo (See Resolution Book~) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None~ In denying subject petition, Commissioner Camp stated that he did not approve recommending disapproval of C-1 Eor subject property since the owners were not given alternatives in this particular area which were different from other places in the City; that he felt they were only prolonging a problam; and that the property owners should be instructed or given some guidance on what they could ultimately do with their properties to develop them to their highest and best uses. Commissioners Herbst and Mungall stated that they, too, agreed with Commissioner Camp, but since a lesser zone was not presently the answer, alternative development plans should be suggested to these property ownerso ~`;~ T In response to Commission questions in relation to a lesser zone being permitted as a lesser ~_ use, Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts advised there could be no development in the C-0 ; Zone of less than 20,000 square feet without approval of an area development plan, and at ~~ ~• this point they were not considering an ordinance, but rather a resolution of intent, and :„~ that the use should not be allowed until conditions are ~ is passed and a conditional use proven upon. After the ordinance permit approved, at that time tnere could be C-0 uses allowed, ,~ i _._ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 ~ 2578 RECLASSIFICATION •- Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1613, Series 1964-65, and NOa 64-65-111 moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to deny Petition for Variance Noo 1697. (See Resolution Book.) VARIANCE N0. 1697 On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AREA DEVELOPA~NT PLAN NOo 20 AYES: --------,. COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, (Continued) Rowland. NOES: CONVuIISSIONERS: Nonee ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None, Commissioner :,llred offered Resolution No. 1614, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage .~;y~T and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Area Development Plan Noo 20 be disapprovede (See Resolution Book.) ~ , On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the fallowing vote: aYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowlande NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nonea ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ' CommissionEr Perry offered Resolution No. 1615, Series 1964-65, and muved for its passage , and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland~ to recommend to the City Council that General Plan Amendment Noo 58 be disapproved. (See Resolution Book.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votee A~S~ COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland~ NOES: COMMISSIONERSs None, AHSENTs COMMISSIONERSs Noneo V.4RIANCE NO 170 - PUBLIC HEARINGa M. R. INVESTMENT COMPANY, LOWELL A, ELLER~ PRESIDENT~ 1851 West Imperial Highway, Suite 3, Los Angeles 47, California, Owner; E. BRIESEMEISTER, [-IEATH AND COMPpNy~ 3225 Lacy Street, Los Angeles, ~ California, Agent; requesting a waiver of maximum height and property line location of a free-standing sign on property described ass A triangularly shaped parcel of land located ' at the southeast corner o.f Lincoln Avenue and Manchester Avenue, with frontages of approxi- _ mately 183 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue and a side of Manchester Avenue, and further described as 1440 WestXLincoln ABenueet Propertyorth presently classified C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONEa Mre E, Briesemeister, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and reviewed subject request, stating that the requested height waiver was necessary to maintain proper identification of subject property because of its proximity to the freeway, and that the traffic,btherefore~makingditYatnecessity~thattitrbecidentified fromdthenma,~orUthoroughfares as well as the freeway. i In response to Commission questioning as to how many people would attempt to leave the free- ~ way to patronize subject service station, since there were no off-ramps at that particular site, Mr. Briesemeister stated that it was a common with a particular station because of credit cards andrvariousfother~reasonsprandrthatdthe proposed sign would enable them to do so by directing them from the freeway. ~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. THE I-lEARING WAS CLOSED. ~i ~ Discussion was held by the Camnission relative to the newly adopted Sign Ordinance in which it was determined that as a result of public hearings held over several months in which sign ordinance experts participa{ed, it was found to be a snund ordinance, and that it was the opinion of the Commission that it should remain as is withput granting innumerable waivers from the Codee Commi.ssioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1616, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to deny Petition for Variance No. 1702, based on the fact that the raquested variance would not serve the purpose for which a variance is intended~ that the Sign Ordinance had been fully tes~ed and was found to be a sound ordinance~ and that the petitioner was requesting not one, but three different waivers of the principal parts of the newly adopted Sign Ordinance. (See Resolution Booke) On roll call the forcgoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESt CO,WutISSIONERSs Allred~ Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowlanda NOES~ COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENTe COMMISSIQIJERS: Nonee ~ :+1INUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2g~g CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC IiEARINGa CLARENCE H~ MINERY, 1002 South Shelton, Santa Ana, PERMIT N0~ 703 California, Owner; JAMES J. WOODS, 3067 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting permission to establish a guest home for the aged on property described as: An irregularly shaped parcel of land with a frontage of approximately 180 feet on the east side of Stinson Street and a maximum depth of approximately 123 feet, the curved northern boundary of said property is coincident with the southern boundary of the Orange County Flood Control District channel°s southern boundary9 and the southern boundary of said property is approximately 647 feet south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, and further described as 134-142 South Stinson Streeto Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE (Resolution of Intent to reclassify to R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE pending)< Mro James J~ Woods, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and reviewed the proposed~developments noting that subject property had a resolution of intent tc re- classify to the R-3, Multiple-Family Residential, Zoney and at the time the resolution of intent had been approved, a 20-foot alley was required on the southerly boundary of ,ubject property; that the petitioner was no longer desirous of having the alley because of the hardship it might create for elderly people living in the proposed guest home; that if the City determir,ed it was necessary to have an alley to serve the deep lots to the east, a 20•-foot easement couid be provided, but that plans could be revised to relocate the structures in order to provide said easement~ Zoning Coordinator Robert Mickelson advised the Commission that dedication for the 20-foot alley had already been obtained by the City of Anaheim, and it would be necessary to request abandonment~procedures througi~ pubiic hearing before the City Council, and that a bond had been posted for the compietion of said alley by the petitioner~ Office Engineer Arthur Daw advised the Commission that at the time subject property had teen 3pproved for muitiple-family residential development, plans of development had not beer, s~bmir±ed for the property to the east, and the City felt it was preferable to have an alley to se*ve tnt deep lo:s if property to the east was developed for multiple-family residential puz•poses to provide adeouate fire protection and secondary circulation; furthery that ail that was necessary for the completion of the resolution of intent to rezone subject property to the R•-3 Zone was completion of the improvements of the alley, since all other requirements had been met. The Commission was of the opinion that the properties to the east of subject property could not develop unless a secondary access was provided, and that if an ailey was provided, this .vould permit the petitioner to have his trash storage areas along the alley which might be a more des~rable method of handling trash~ Mr~ Woods stated that if the Commission was desirous of having an alley, they would accept it as a condition of approval of subjer,t petition. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition~ THE I~ARING WAS CLOSED„ Mr, Mickelson advised the Commission that all that was necessary as far as revision te plans was to require as a condition of approval that the structures be relocated northerly approxi-~ mately 20 feet to accommodate the alley, since there was adequate space between the proposed structures to pr~vide for this additional 20 feet. Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No~ 1617, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded 6y Commissioner Gauer, to grant Petition £or Conditional UsF i'ei^+it. Noa 703, suUject to relocation of the proposed structures northerly to provide fc,:• an alley on tiie south property line, and conditions~ (See Resolution Book~) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: A1'ES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIO^:ERS: Noneo RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING~ UNION BANK, 760 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, N0~ 64-65-126 California, Owner; ALVARO ALVAREZ, 11420 Court, Apartment No~ 6, Stanton, California, Agent; property described as: An irregularly shaped VARIANCE N0. 1703 parcei of land with a frontage of approximately 59 feet on the east side of Knott Street and a maximum depth of approximately 150 feet, the northern GENERAL PLAN boundary of said property is coincident with the southern boundary of the AN~NDMENT NU,. 56 Carbon Creek flood control channei, and the southern boundary is approxi•- mately 300 feet north of the centerline of Rome Avenue, and further des- cribed as 722 South Knott Street~ MINUTES, CITY PLANDIING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2580 RECLASSIFICRTIOD! - Property presently classified R-1, ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONEo NOo 64-65-126 REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE. VARIANCE NO„ 1703 REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVER OF TI?" FOLiOWING: ~1) MINIMUM SETBACK GENERAL PLAN ABUTTING R-1 ZONED PROPERTY, AND (2) MAXIMUM AIuIENDN~NT N0~ 56 STRUCTURE l~IGHT WITHIN 150 FEET OF R-1 ZONED (Continued) PROPERTY. No one appeared to represen± the petitionero Mro William Pierce, 3429 Rome Avenue, appeared bEfore the Commission in opposition to subject petition and steted subject piuperty wa= located within an R-1 tract only four years old; that a cul-de-sac alley existed to the southeast of subject property which was utilized by residents since their gzrages were located on the ailey; and that if subject petition were granted, this woulc set a precedent for development of commercial uses along Knot.t Street in an area not noN• so developedo The Commission advised the opposition the pet?tioner was proposing to utilize subject property for living purposes as well as a beauty shop, and that parking was proposed at the rear, but this would create some problem because of a drainge ditch which existed there~ Mr~ Pierce then stated the property owner adjacent to subject property did not oppose the proposed reclassificat~on because this would be an opening wedge for a request by him to rezone his pro;:ertyy but that the adjacent property owners were not desirous of heving any commercial intru:;ior. into the residential area, since this would be detrimental to :he entire a~e-a.. Mr, Pierca further presented a petition signed by 46 property owners opposing subject petition~ THF HEARIKG WAS CLOSED., Ciscussion w3s held by the Commission, and it was noted by Commissioner Camp that subject proper±y could not be classifi=d in the same category as the properties previously con- sidered by the Commission on Euclid Street, because adjacent properties on the east, west ~ and south were single-family residential developments. _ Commissioner Camp offered rTesoluticn P'o., 1618, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage - and adoption9 seconded by Commissioner Allred~ to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 64-65-126 be disapproved, based on the fact that it would set an undesirable precedent for commercial uses in a residential area, and that subject p;operty was surrounded on three sides, and was a part of a single-family tract, and that any ccmmercial use of the property and the adjacent alley would be detrimental to the single•-family residential environment of the area. (See Resolution Book,) On roll cail the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. ~ NOESo COMMISSIONERS: Nonea ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nonee ~ Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 1619, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to deny Petition for Variance No. 1703, based , on the fact there were no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the propertyy and the use would be incompatible to the area. (See Resolution Book~) i `~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nonea p • I Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1620, Series 1964-65, and mo•/ed for its passage ~• and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to recommend to the City Council that General Plan Amendment t4oe 56 be disapproved, (See Resolution Book.) I` ;. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: , - ':~~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland.. ~ _ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. '.y5~ * '.i .r~ t ~ ~ ` j 1 / MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMh;ISSION, May 10, 1965 2581 REi;LASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. JAMES STANFORD AND ANNA L. MORRIS, 1624 East Nutwood, I~O.,Y64-65-123 Anaheim, California, Owners; LARRY F. KLANG, 7814 East Firestone Boulevard, Downey9 California, A9ent; requesting that property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land with a frontage of approximately 40 feet on the south side of Orange Avenue and a maximum depi;h of approximately 128 feet, the western boundary of said property being approximately 230 feet east of the centerline of Brookhurst Street, be reclassified from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, to the C-1, GENERAL COMNERCIAL, ZONE, to utilize subject property for access purposes and parking in conjunction with a shopping center on property adjacent to the east. Mro Larry Klang, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated it was ...~~ necessary t~o•have additional parking for the proposed smali shopping center since plans of development indicated a larger structure was needed; therefore, more parking requirement was neededs and in response to Commission questioning, stated the property was proposed to be ~ i~sed for ingress and egress and parking in conjurction with the overall development of the shopping centero No one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono THE I-IEARING WAS CLOSED~ Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noo 1621~ Series 1964-65~ and moved for its passage and ado~tion, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No. 64-65•-123 be approved, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Booko) On roll call the foregoin.g resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nonee RECLASS<"ICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. BYRON Ae AND LUETTA F. DAHL, 1600 Crone Avenue, Anaheim, NO_ 64-65•~127,Y_ California, Owners; JAMES A. BAKER, 411 South Ohio Street, Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting that property described as: A rectangularly ; shaped parcPl of land located at the southwest corner of Harbor Boulevard and South Street, with frontages of approximately 183 feet on the west side of Harbor Boule- _ vard and approximately 200 feet on the south side of South Street, and further described as 504 West South Streets be re;.iassified from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, to the C-1, GEIJERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE~ ~ Mro James Baker, agent for the petitioner, appeared before tne Coremission and described the location of subject pruperty, together with the fact that a portion of the original property ~ ; was being considered as the next scheduled item on the agenda for church purposes; that the petitioner did not propose any plans for Commission consideration, but was desirous of having ~ ~ commercial zoning on the propertyo ,~ ~ :.I ~ Mr~ Bert Wilson, 714 South Janss Street, appeared before the Commission and stated that l since a traffic light had been installed at the intersection of South and Harbor Boulevard, s ~ South Street was now heavily traveled; that many of the small homes on Harbor Boulevard ~ were converting to commercial uses; and that if the proposed reclassification were aoproved, th:s would mean an encroachment into the R-1 homes to the west of Harbor Boulevard which ~ would mean employees of the commercial developments would be parking on residential streets~ ~ No one else appeared in opposition to subject petition~ THE I-~ARING WAS CLOSED~ ~ I ~ The Commission discussed the fact that the petitioner had not submitted plans of development ; ; for subject property; that since the petitioner was proposing commercial uses for the area, ! any plans for the area should be submitted to the Commission in order that the Commission ~.. might determine whether or not they wouid be compatible with the established commercial s• development in the area; that the General Plan indicated commercial office use for the area, and since a number of churches existed in the area, the Commercial Office Zone was a more aporopriate zone for the areae ~; Mr. Baker stated the petitioner hoped to have a restaurant or a service station on subject - property, but was desirous of havinq something that would be compatible with the church ;~ _' being proposed adjacent to the west. *~ Mr. Byron Dahl, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated he had owned _`~ ~ subject property for 25 years, and it was his intention to keep it until he could realize ~ ~ a greater profit; that the First Christian Church wanted only a portion of the property i i because of financial reasons; that he had been approached by several prospective com;nercial ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOPJ, May 10, 1965 25g2 ,'j ~ +~ , C•~ ' F ~ t' RECLASSIFICATION - developers for his property, but nothing had materialized because he N0._64-65-127 had suggested waiting until the City had approved commercial zoning (Continued~- for the property, and if Co:~~ercial Office Zone was approved for sub.ject property, ihis would limit the uses for his property, and he was desirous oi having more free~om to develop his property without limitations~ Chairman Mungall reopened the hearingo Mre Wilson again appeared before the Commission and stated a service station at that corner would be detrimental, and thai a restaurant would add to the traffic congestion in the areao The Commissicn stated that under the C-0 Zone a restaurant was permitted as an incidental use to the office building, but this would not be similar to the walk-up type restaurant; that granting of a blanket C-1 Zone might have a detrimental effect on the entire area if plans of development were not considered by the Commission, and inquired of the petitioner whether he was willing to consider a continuance of the reclassification in order to submit plans of development for his propertyo Zoning Coordi•nator Robert Mickelson advised the Commission the C-1 Zone had site development standards which could control development of the property. The Commission was of the opinion that it would be best that plans be submitted to the Commission for consideration, and that the petitioner would have to submit plans if he proposed a service station or a walk-up restaurant in conjunction with the conditional use permit because of the close proximity to the R-1 properties. Mro Dahl stated he had no definite plans for the property since he was desirous of having some commitment on the zoning from the City before plans were submitted. The Commission then suggested that if the petitioner was desirous of having a C-1 use, plans would have to be submitted ~;o the Commission before any decision could be made by the Commission:. Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to continue consideration of Reclassification No~ 64•-65-127 to the meeting of June 7, 1965, in order to allow the petitioner time to submit development plans for subject property~ Commissioner Perry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL USE - PUSLIC HEARYNG. BYRON A. AND LUETTA F. DAHL, 1600 Crone Avenue, Anaheim, PERMIT N0. 702 California, Owners; JAMES A. BAKER, 411 Snuth Ohio Street, Anaheim, California, Agerit; requestin9 permission to establish a church, with waivers for maximum height of a building structure adjocent to a residential zone and minimum front yard setback requirements on property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land with a irontage of approximately 352 feet on the south side of South Street and a maximum depth of approximately 308 feet, the eastern boundary of said property being approximately 235 feet irom the centerline of Harbor Boulevard,. Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONEo Mro James A. Baker, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and stated that the First Christian Church had purchased the property from the petitioner, and it was planned to relocate the church presently on Broadway to tha proposed loca.tion because large facil:ties were needed, and it was more economical to start a new church, rather to expand the existing church structure, and that the proposed locaticn would be ideal for their churrh; that in addition to South Street, there were two addit;.onal streets through the R-3 tract to the south which would afford means of exiting from the church property after church services, thereby alleviating some of ti~e heavily congested traffic on South Street; that the plans submitted were not the finai plans, but were sample elevations of what was being proposed to the church for adoption; and that the architect would be available to answer questions. Mro Robert Bolling, architect for the proposed church, appeared before the Commission and reviewed the colored rendering submitted for Commission consideration as a typical type church for subject property, and that upon maximum development of the property the concept presented would be the final one, although it was planned to have the developmeni done in stages; parking was indicated on the exterior periphery of the property and would meet Code; and in response to Commission questioning, stated the plan presented was a schematic type of the proposed development, but would be two-story, ,.~ Mra Bert Wilson, 714 South Janss Street, appeared before the Commission and stated he was ~- glad to see the church was going to be occupying subject property, but it was hoped adequate ~ ~, parking was going to be required by the Commission in order that the adiacent residential ~~ ~ streets would not have to contend with cars parking in front their homes, MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2583 CONDITIONAL USE - Mr. Baker stated they had a reciprocal, verbal agreement with the PERMIT NOo 702 Masonic Lodge to the rear of the property for utilization of their (Contir,ued)~+ parking in the event the parking facilities for the church which were being provided were inadequate. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. 1622, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 702, subject to conditions~ (See Resolution Book.) the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. None> None. Commissioner Perry offered a motion to recess for ten minutes. Commissioner Camp seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIEDe The meeting recessed at 4:00 p,mo Chairman Mungall reconvened the meeting at 4:15 p.m., all Commissioners with the exception of Commissioner Cemp being present~ CONDITIONAL 'JSE •- PUBLIC N~ARINGo ANGELO AND CARL ZABY, 1401 East 51st Street, Los PERh1IT N0~ F95r Angeles, California, Owners; ROBERT MARTIN, 1881 Mitcheli, Suite 32A, Santa Ana, California, Agent; requesting permission to establish a billboard in the shape of a fuil-sized jet fighter aircraft, advert~sing "Movieland of the Air" on property described as: An "L" shaped parcel of land lying east and south of a service station located on the southeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue, subject oroperty having frontages of approximately 75 feet on Harbor Boulevard and approxima~aly 240 feet on Katella Avenue. Property presently classified R•-A~ AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. Mre Robert Martin, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and reviewed the proposed use of subject property, noting that the "Movielznd of the Air" was located in Santa Anao Mr~ Martin further stated that the requirement of payment of street lights for subject property would amount to $1,200, to which the petitioner was opposed since a proposed rental sign was on a 60-day cancellation basis, and use of the proNerty was to augment payment of taxes on subject property, and that at the time Katella Avenur was widened and paved, his client had installed sewers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, etc~ along the entire frontage of their property which at that time consisted of two parcels, and only a portion of the parcels was being used, whereas the property on the north side of Katella Avenue had only sidewalks installed on the develaped parcels~ Mr. Martin further stated they were attempting to negotiate with a local firm known as "Palley" to relocate the Movieland Theatre of the Air to Anaheim, but that it was necessary to have some assistance from the City in order to acquire adequate advertising for their development~ Mr. Richard Robinson,2202 North Cotter Street, Santa Ana, appeared before the Commission and stated the Movieland Theatre of the Air was established in Santa Ana in December uf 1963, and one of the most difficult problems experienced by visitors to their display was attempting to find their display, since the confusion seemed to be that everyone thought the display was at the Fullerton Hirport, and this was the basic reason for requesting out of~theeSantankna CounDysAe=Po~d Anethetnearwfuturee their de~elopmentdwouldnhaveltohts relocate, and it was their desire to locate in the City of Anaheim, if a proper location could be found; further, that the petitioner and he were opposed to any type of billboards - that they were planning to use fighter planes similar to those used by the Blue Angels, which would have a dynamic impact and would be a definite asset to the Disneyland Area since it would be similar to a"Fantasyland", and it was hoped the Commission would favorably consider subject petitiono No one appeared in opposition to subject petitione TNE f-~ARING WAS CLOSED,. In response to Commission questioning relative to the reason why the proposed sign did not qualify under the new Sign and Billboard Ordinance, Zoning Ceordi.nator Robert Mickelson stated that under the Sign Ordinance, the sign was so far removed fram ihe prooerty being c . r MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2584 CONDITIONAL USE - advertised, that it could not qualify as a directional sign, and a PERMIT N0. 695_ directional sign was to indicate the area of regional importance, (Continued) such as a park; that the Billboard Ordinance, which was designed in cooperation with the billboard display people, proposed a standard advertising copy with modular panels; that the proposed sign was not located at the intersection of two arterial streets to qualify for location; and that it was not in the proper zone, although the petition had been submitted prior to the effective date of the Billboard_Ordinance, the Commission might wish to consider handling the request under a conditional use permit~ - Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts advised the Commission that guide signs could not ~.~~ ~ be any larger than 24 square feet, even if the location being proposed was considered ~ an area of least importanceo :'y ~ ' The Commission then discussed the fact that it had been the City°s desire to li ' mit the j types of signs for the Commercial~Recreation Area to signs for the actual business estab- ~ lishments in the area, and to approve the advertisement in that area of businesses outside '~ i the area would set a precedent for similar requests to the City for the location of all types of signs in the Commercial-Recreation Area. Further, that when Disneyland first ~~ opened, the Carnation Milk Company had requested permission to establish a sign across C ~ ' the road from the Disneyland entrance, and it was stated at that time it was not the E, desire of the Cit to have an t ~•I- Y y ype of sign that did not pertain to the uses established .I in the area.~ E ~1 Commissioner Gauer offerad Resolution No, 1623, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded b~~ Commissioner Herbst, to deny Petition for Conditional Use Permit ~ Noo 695, based on the fact that the proposed use does not qualify under the Sign and Bill- f bo,::'d Ordinance of +he City of Anaheim; that the use does not relate to the existing j! businesses establir,hed in the area; and that the use would adversely affect the adjoin- ~i in~ land uses alraady established in the area. (See Resolution Booko) I On roll call che foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allredy Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. '~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ~I ABSENT: COMMISSIONE RS: Campo RECLASSIFIGATION - PIIBLIC HEARING~ TNOMAS R~ COUGHLIN, PRESIDENT, KRIC ENTERPRISES, NO,. 64-65_I25~_ INCQRPORATED, 405-A West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owner; requesting that property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land located at the southwest corner of Harbor Bc~:evard and Wilkin Way, with frontages of approximately 290 feet on the south side of Wilkin Way and approxi- mately 1G2 feet on the Nest side of Narbor Boulevard, the southern boundary of said property is coincident with the Anaheim-Garden Grove city '_imits line, be reclassified from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, to the C-3, I~AVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE~ Mre Harry Knisely, attorney for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and noted for the Commission that the proposed development was approved some months ago for property approximately 500 feet north of the proposed location, and that in addition to the original use, a coffee shop was now being proposed; that the restaurant was part of a national chain; and that the proposed metal paneis would be porcelainized. Conmissioner Camp returned to the Council Chamber at 4:26 p.mo No one appeared in opposition to subject petition~ THE I-~ARING WAS CLOSED~ Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No~ 1624, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption., seconded by Cortur.issioner Perry, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No~ 64•-65-125 be approved, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland, Mungall~ NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOh, May 10, 1965 2585 CONDITIONAL L'SE • PUBLIC HEqRING., EI;WARD LEWIS AND PAULINA M~ JONESY 1105 East Katella PERMIT NO.,_699_ Avenue, Anaheimy California, Owners; PAUL N~TFIELD, 4924 Elsinore Avenue, Orange, California, Agent; requesting permission to establish sn autamotive test and repair facility on property described as: A rectangulariy shaped parcel of land of approximately 3~47 acres, with a frontage of approxi- mately 240 feet on the north side of Katella Avenue and a maximum depth of approximately 630 feet, the wes* boundary of said property being approximately 720 feet from the center- line of Lewis Street, and further described as i105 Ezst Katella Avenue.. Property presently classified M-1, LIGI'T INDUSTRIAL, ZONE.. Mr.. Paul Hatfieldi agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and reviewed the proposed use of subject property, noting that a comparatively new concept for testing engines to determine causes for their failure wa; being proposedy ar9 that the proposed use would be compatibie with existing uses and proposed uses to be established in close proxim:ty to subject property: In response ±o Com~ission questionin9, Mr, Hatfield stated that the proposed use would be a facility for both retail and industrial industry; that the use wouid not create any additiona? traffic than that which wou~d ~•e generated by other industrial development; and that the work sched~le wou:d not add more than i25 cars per sixteen-hour day. Mr, Fred Lowell, representing the Southern Pacific Railroad, appe3red before the Commission in opposition to the proposed use and stated that since the properties to the south of Katella Avenue were proposed for other than industrial use, it was i~oped no further intru- sion into the industrial deveiopmeni of the balance of the lands in the Southeast Industrial Area would 'ue approved by the City; that although the General Plan indicated a large portion of area was de~•elop3ble for industria! purposes, or that said land was 3vailable, this was not true - th~t most of the iand had been developed; that Southern Pacific Railroad still had 97 acres of industrial land to be developed; and th3t th~ re3son tt~~y h.ad been able to interest pote~tial industrial iand buyers from the East was because the ~ity in the past had held firm in the position that the Southeast Industriai Area would be developed for that purpose on:y„ Letters of opposition from Genersl Foods Corporation and Southern Pacific Rai!road Company were read to the CoRmission~ TI-lE HEARING WAS C~OSED.. In res~onse to CoR~rt:ission questionir.g relative to indicating developed indus±rial p.operties on the Generai Plary Zonir.g Coordin~tor P.obert Mickelson advised the Commission the Genezal plan was r.ot designed to indicate er.isting development since it was genera~ in charactez~ that this was the functior, of the zor.inq maps in the dep~rtment.; and that the department had a map of the Sou~heast Industriai Area on which was depicted ~he properties developed for industri.31 uses with the n3mes of the various companies9 and said map was available to anyor,e who asked about the area, or asked for a map of the are3~ Discussion was he?d by the Commission as to the compatibility of the proposed use, and the f~ct that the use was more retail than industrial in character, and that the CorrTission had n!air.tained the poiicy in maintaining the area for industrial development„ Commissioner Perry offered Resolution No. 1625, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoptiony seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to deny Petition for Condition~l Use Permit No~ 699, based on the fact that the proposed use was retail commercial in character, that the use was incompatible to the ;~ses a~re3dy established in the area, and that the Southeast Industrial Area should be maintained for industrial development~ (See Resolution Book,) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, CampY Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None, RECLASSIFICATIO~ ~• PUBLIC NFqRING~ JONN F~ AND MARY R. KIRSCN, 103 Beckley Circle.; Palm N0~ 64-65•-i1Q~_ Springs, California, Owners; h~DAN?EL ENGINEERING COMPANY, P„ 0, Box 3668y Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting that property described as: An "L" shaped parcel of land of approximately 14..2 acres, with a frontage of approximately 76 feet on the south side of South Street and a maximum depth of approximately 1,295 feet, the westernmost boundary being approximately 661 feet east of the centei•Iiiie of South State Coilege Roulevard and the eastern boundary being approximately 1,322 feet east of the centerline of South State Gollege Boulevard, and fuither described as 2?35 Fa;(. So~:!t~ Street9 be reclassified from the R~A, AGRICULTURAL~ ZONE, to the R-1, UNE-FAMiLY RESIDEIJTIAL, ZONE ~ MI~UTES, CITY PLA~NING COMMISSION, May i0, 1965 2586 ReCLASSIFICATION - The petitioners indicated their presence to answer questions~ N0~ 64•-65W119 (Continued) ~ A'o one appeared in opposition to subject petition, TNE I-~ARING WAS CLOSED. Zoning Coordinator Robert Mickelson advised the Commission that subject petition was a condition of approval of Revision Noo 4 of Tentative Map of Tract No~ 5611~ Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noo 1626, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage ' and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to recommend to the City Council that Petition ~~~ for Reclassification No,. 64-65-119 be approvedo (See Resolution Booko) ~ On roll cali the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: . AYESo COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland, Mungall~ NOESs COMMISSIONERSe Nonea AESENT: COMMISSIONERS: None~ RECLASSIFICATIO~~ -• PUBLIC FFARING. FRA~K K,. KROGMAN, 2338 Wagner Avenue9 Anaheim, N0~ b4~F5•124___ Californi.a, Owner; property desc*ibed as: Portions "A" and "B" - A rectanoulariy shaped parcel of Iand of zpproximately 2~61 acres, CONDITIONAL USE located at the southwest corner of Wagner Avenue and S~nkist Street, ?ERMIT NO~.__00_ with fzontages oF approximately 642 feet on the south side of Waqner Avenue ~nd approximately 178 Feet on the west side of Sunkist Street, GENERAL PLAN and further described as 23A0•-2350 Wagner Avenue~ Property presently AMENDAdENT ~'0~, 5? classified R-A; AGRICULTURAL, ZONE~ REQUESTED CLASSI=ICATION: C-:9 GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONEo fcEQUESTED CONDlTIONAi USE: TO ESTABI.ISH A CONV.4LESCENT YOSPITAL WITH WAI4'ER OF MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT WITHIN 150 FEET OF AN R-i ZONE AND SCREEN PLANTING AL.ONG SOUTH BOUNDARY OF PORTION "B" describcd as: A rectanguiarly shaped par.cel of land with a froniage of approximately ~ 350 feet o~i the south side of Wagner Avenue, and a maximum depth of _ approximately 178 feet, the eastern boundary of said property beirg - 3pproximateiy 191 feet west of the centerline of Sunk;st Street~ Mro Frank Krogman, the petitionery appeared before the Commission and stated that h(r. Finn Konsmo would present the proposed convalescent i~osoital plans„ Mr.. Finn Konsmo, 2033 West 17th Street, Santa Ana, appeared before the Commission and presented a colored rendering of the proposed convalescent hospital, noting that patients would be transported from hospitals to the proposed structure; that the proposed develop- ment would be facing on the rear of the homes to the north; and that very little traffic wou~d emanate from the proposed use. In response to Chairman Mungail`s request for opposition, a showing of hands indicated 17 persons were present opposing subject petition~ Mr~ George W~tsony 2426 Lisbeih Avenue, appeared before the Commission as one of the spokes•- men for the oppositiony and siated the proposed reclassification was not in conformance with ±he General Plan land use designation and constitutes spot zoning; that the surrounding area was entirely residential and agricultural in development; that the property owners in the area purchased their properties under the premise that the area would continue to be resi~- dential and cort~pietely removed from commercial intrusion; that the depreciatien in value of the surrounding established properties would be affected by the proposed commercial intrusion, said homes ranging in va2ue from 525,000 to $55,000; that additional traffic would be generated by the commercial activities in close proximity to two elementary, one junior high scheol, and one high school now under construction, creating undue hazards to children walking to and from school; and that he had a petition sig.~ed by 414 property owners opposing subject reciassificationo Mro Konsmo stated, in his opinion, the proposed development could not be considered commercial ~.~ in nature; that the proposed convalescent hospital would be for elderly people; that the ~;` place would be an assety not a detriment, to the area; that a similar development had been c constructed in Santa Ana over oppositior similar to that being presented at the hearing, but was now proving to increase, rather than decrease, the values of tt~e property; that a {`* number of professional people had indicated their interest in the area fo: possible office ~J establishmenty that since the high school was being constructed in close proximity~ lhis ~~~ "'~ would be a hindrance rather than an asset to the area; and that he was interested only in ~b obtaining the conditional use permit, but had no interest in a change of zoning for the i.; I property since a convalescent hospital was a permitted use ~mder a conditional use permit,. ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2gg~ RECLASSI:ICATIOri• Ms, Rusty Roouet, 948 South Peregrine Street, appeared before the NO_ 64~.65_124___ Commission in opposition and stated that streets now dead-er.d on subject property`s south property line which presented quite a hazard ~ONDlTIONAL USE to children who cross the streets and play in the :>treets tivhich would PERMIT NO ;~00'_ normaily be cul-de-saced streets; that some time ago he had contacted McDaniel Engineering Company for an R~-1 layout of subject property and GENERAL PLAN had presented it to the petitioner, said layout indicated eight lots AMENDN~NT NO _5? could be deve?oped ailowing the existing residence remain on a size (Continuedl loi which would normally be occupied by two single•-famiiy homes; that 2,300 single-family homes had been developed in the surrounding area, and with a recent parcel of fourteen acres having been approved for subdivicion into 5? R-1 iotsY this brought the total to 86% of the land in the area having been developed foz P.•1 purposes; and since ±he pat±ern of development had been established in the 3re3 fo~ R-1 development, to grant subject petition would set ~ precedent for the remaining undeveloped properties to request simiiar commercial uses., Mr.. Watson agsin ~ppe3red before the CoR~ission and stated a number of phys~cians lived in the area and were =.:so opposed to the comme:ciai development; that 3 height waiver was being reque_=tedy 3r.d since his pr.ope~±y would be one of ih.ose affected by the proposed height, he wo~1d h3ve no priv~acy ~e his rea: yard, .as would many of the other lots in the tract opposite the proposed deveiopner.t, In response to Commissior: auestionir,g rel3tive to the height variance, Zoning Coordinator Robert Micke:son advised tr.e Commission the G•1 Zone form~:a for determ?ning the height of structu•res adjacent to R•i pzoperty was ~wo~to--one, and the p:ans indiceted a 15-foot, 6•-irtch struc±ure whicr wo:l~ be 2C feet fror.; the sou±h property ~ine, or the A-1 to the south, c= ±he w3iver o.' t.he height _Lm:.*ation wa; ~~•~.ii:ed Mr~ Ed ~:sy; 993 So~th Leiaa;ie; 3ppe3:ed before ~he Commission and =.Y.a~ed that sir,ce his propertv ba_ked on to Sunkist Stzeet; 3ny C-i Zoning whicn mioh± be granted subject property shouid be e^uii:y ~or.sidezed fo. othe: properties adjacent to Sunkist S±reet, and that to conside: 3p~ipV31 OF com~e:c~3i zonina in en 3:e3 DIlID9T_:V deveioped for residential pur poses wou:d be cont,a:y *_o tne residentia; integrity of !he 3rea, <ince ~he pe+.i±ioner proposes C-i ior the entire parcel, with deveiopment pi3ns for the cente~ portion of the property only, thereby le~vino th~~ e~ste~i~~ and westerly portiors cf the property for future development, 3nd that the homes p~.chased by the property owners wouid be there for a number oE years to come, whereas the hospital might deteziorate and become vacant in less time.. In response to cuestioning by the petitioner :e:ative to permitting 3 conditional use permit in the R-A Zones Mr~ Mickeison stated it had been the Cortunission°s policy in the past to reauire rec:assific3tion of any property on which any comR~erci3l uses were being proposed, aithough techrica.ly the proposed convalescent hospital was a permitted use in the R-A Zone~ Expression by the peopie opposin9 subject petitions indicated they were not interested in ar.y type of development for =ubject propezty other than residFntiai. In response to M:. ~rogman s s+,~temen± that he intended ±o build offices for dentists and doctors on one parcel o_' his property, the Comnission advised Mr Krogman the use he pro- posed was 3 commercial use; therefore, the reclassifica±ion of suoject properiy would again be in order„ Mrs„ Barbara Sin;c., :006 South Ambridge, appeared before the Commission and sta*_ed if the petitioner felt having R-1 homes ~djacent to the school was detrimental, it would be much more detrimental,3s f~~ 3=_ noises f:om children,to the convalescent hospital, THE f-!EARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner PPrry offered Resoiution ~~o~ 1627, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissior.er Ga~er, to recommend to the City Councii that Petition for Reclassification ~o. 64-65-124 be disapproved, based on the fact that subject property is located in the center of rZ-1 subdivision development, and the pzoposed use would be in•- compatible to the primary use est3biished; that subject property was developable into eight to ten single-family residential zoned lots; and that the proposed reclassification of sub•• ject property was not necessary or desirable for the orderly development of the community~ (See Resolution Book.,) ~ On roll cail the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: ' AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Aiir2d, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry~ kowland<, ~ NOES: CIMMISSIONERS: None: ,,,t~ ABScNT: CUMMISSIONERS: None~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNiNG CO~dMISSION, M3y l0y 1965 2588 RECLASSIF7~ATION •~• Commissioner 411red offered Resoiution No~ 1628, Series 1964-65, and N0. 6~65~-~24___ moved for it:, passage and adoptiony seconded by Commissioner Camp, to deny Petition for Conditional Use Permit No~ 700, based on tt.~ CONDITIONAL USE fact that Lhe p=oposed use would adversely affect the adjoining land PERMIT_KO_ 70v^__ uses and ti~e growth and development of tne area; that the proposed use was incompatible with the existing uses in the areag and that the GENERAL PLAN granting oi the conditional use permit wouid be detrimenta? to the AN~NDMENT N0~ 5? peace, healthy safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City (Continued) of Anaheim. (See Resolution Book~) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, perry, Row:and, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None•, Commissioner Gauer offered Resolution No~ 1629, Series I964-65, and moved for its passage and adoptior; seconded by CoR~issionex Nerbst, to recomn;end to the City Council that General Plan Amendment No~ 57 be dis3pproved~ (See Resolution Rook.) On ;oil r,311 ±he foregoing resoiution was p~ssed by the fol.iowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, ~owland.. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nore~ ABSENT: COMM.TSSIONERS~ ~one. VARIANCE [~~0__1689 CO~TINUED Pi.BiIC k'E.4RING.. FRANK AND LORF.TTA N. KROGMAN, 2338 Wagner Street, Ar.sheim9 Ceiiforni., G~nrersg ?AMES E, GRAb'ES, 6849 Live Oak, Beii Gardens, Califo:nia, Agent; reauesting permissi.on to waive the iollowing Code provisions: (;; numbe_ of free =_t:3ndino signs within ?00 feet of another, and iotal number of *ree standino signs on one parcely and (2; pe;mitted iecation of free•- standing signs (ctoser to pxope:ty :ine th.ar, 40% of widtt; of pazcel) on property described as: An irregul3riy shaped pi_cei oi isnd ;ocated west and south o_' tne service station site iocated at the soL:hwest corr.er o.' La Paima snd hl:gno:ia .Avenues~ subject property having fror,tages of 3pproxim3tely i05 feet on the south side of La Pslma Avenue and approximateiy 458 feet or. the west side of Magnolia Avenue, the western boundary of said property beir.g ipproxim3teiy 290 _°eet ~est of tF:e centerline of Magno:i~ Aver~ue, and further described as :027 Norch N:agnolia Avenue property present'_y classified C•-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONF, Subject peti±ion w3s co~tinued from the meetings of March 29 and Ap_ii 26, 1965, in order to provide the pet=tioner s~~°fic~ent t3Te to submit revised plans wh:ch resolve the parking problem., No one appearad to represent the petitioner. No revised plans were submitted, TF~E HEARING WAS CLOSED . Commissioner Rowi3r,d offered Resoiution No. i630, Series 1964•-65, and moved for its passage and adoptiony seconded by Commissione: Alired, to deny Petition fo* Variance No. 1689y based on the f3ct that i` su~,;ec`. variance were granted, it would reduce the existing available parkings further comoour.ding an exist.inc viclationy arn'_ that the propos~~l v3rianc.e w~s in confiict w:th the new Sig~ Ordinar.ce. !See Resoiution Book,.) ~ ~ _ , ~~ * ~ '~ ~ I On roll caii the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: CO.MMISSIONERS; Alired, Campy Gauer, Herbst, Mur.g~~ll., Ferzy, Rowisnd„ NQES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None~ VARIANCE ~~0~1701 •- PUBLIC HEARING~, NUGH A. AND DOROTI-~Y M„ EDMOA~SON, 884 South Oakland Avenue, Pasadena, California, Owners; WILLIAM A„ EARKEF2, 1012 Lincoln, Fullerton, California, Agent; req.~esting w3iver of the following: (i) minimum d'zstance ~etween free•-standing signs, (21 number of si ns street frontage, (3) maximum height of a free••standing sign, and (4) maximumtareanofneach face of a free•-standing sign, on property described as: A triangularly shaped parcel of land of approximately 5.6 acres located at the northeast corner of Narbor Boulevard and Manchester Avenuey and bounded on the northe3st by ihe Santa Ana Freeway right•-of•way, with frontages of approximately 760 feet on the east side of Narbor Boulevard and approximately 605 feet on the north side of Manchester Avenue, and further descri.bed as 138G South Harbor Boulevard~, Property Present:y classified R•-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONF, ~ ~,iNUTES, CITY PLANNING C~MMISSION, May 10, 1965 2589 E• .^'.~-~ ;~ ' . VARIANCE i:0~i?O1 •- Mr William Barkery agent for the petitioner, appeared before the (Continued) Commission and reviewed the requested variances from the recently passed Sign Ordinancey and in response to Commission questioning, stated a great deal of the anticipated business wouid come from pre- registration at otner Noward Johnson motels throughout the country~ Discussion was held bv the Comm3ssion relative to the number of sign variances being requested on an ordinar,ce which the City had spent considerable time in drafting in conjunction with the California sign and hillboard industryy plus the fact that if the Commission continued granting waivers of the Sign Ordinancey this wouid become the rule rather than the exr,eption~ that when the original request for a motel was considered by the Cart~:r.issiony it had beer. determined no exits would be permitted from Manchester Avenue because of Lhe reductior. of traffic lanes imrt,ediat?ly adjacent from Marichester Avenuey and the fact that subiec± property was located near the off•-ramp of the Santa Ana Freeway. Zoning Coord?nator Robert Mickelson reviewed the previousiy approved conditional use permit for the mot,~l ~r.d the conditions of approval attached thex•eto,. It was further noted by !~1., Mickelson that the Direcior of Public Works was anticipating constzuction of zn isl3nd from Manchester Avenue to the toe of the slope of Harbor Boulevard which wosid prevent any left-h3nd turns from the southbound traffic from Harbor Boulevard coming into Manchester Avenue. The Corr~mission then reviewed ine reauested sign variances, noting that request No~ 1 for a freeway sign w3s r,orsidered reason~hie; the request for the waiver of the distance between si~ns and the raximum area of ~ free-standing sign would still be ~equired, but that the requirement c~ the w.3ive: of *_he r.umber of free-standin9 signs permitted couid not be granted since it was }he opir,ion o' the Commission that all entr~nce sign=_ comoiy with Section 18,62 of the Ananein: Municipal Code, No one 3~,pe~:ed ir oopoaition to sub~ect peti~ion~ :'~ EIEARING W.4S CLOSED. ComJris~ione: Row:and offered Resolut:on No., i631, Series 1964-65y and mcved for its passage and adoption; seconded by Co;runissioner Gaue*, to gran~ waiver of tne maximum height of a f;ee-siand~ng s~gr., waive: oi the msrimum area cf each face of a free•-standing sign, and waiver ef the distance beiween a iree s;anding sign and 3 roof sign, but to deny the request for waive: o: the numbe: of iree standing signs permitted, in Variance No., 1701. (See Resoiution Fook..~~ On ro'_; caii tne fcre~oing :eso:..tior was passed by the fol:owing vote: AYE.~: COMMIS~IONEt:S: .4lired, CaR:p, Gauei•, Herbst, M~ngali, Perxy; Row'_and~ ROES: COMMISSIONERS; None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None RECLASSI=ICATIOI~ - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATEU B`! TI-IE CITY PLANNIf~G COMMISSION, NO.. 64~65WiiC Y_ 204 Eas± Lincoln Avenue, Anahein, California; DOROii-~t1GpSSETT, et al, 6i7 South Birch Street, Santa Ana; CHARLES E~ BEVER, 17592 Peralta Hills Drive, An~heim; WALTER A„ BEIER, 17592 Peralta Hills Drive, Anaheim; JAMES K. ROHISON, 1'532 Perait3 Nilis Drive, Hnaheim; and JACOB E., PRICE, 12545 Elmview Drive, Riverside, Caliiornia, property owners; proposing t.hat property described as: An irregularly snaped p.a:cei of Iand lecated south of the Santa Ana Car,yon Road and west of Peralta f'?ils Drive, witn rrortages of approximateiy 733 feet on Santa Ana Canyon Road and approximately i,?30 feet or. Peralta Hilis Drive, the eastern and southern boundaries of subject property are coincident to ~he present Anaheim city limits in this are:,, the western boundary of approximately 855 feet iies in a general northwesterly direction, be reclassified from the R-A, AGRICUI.TURAL, ZONE, to the R-F, RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, ZONE., Subject petition was continued from the meeting of April 12, 1965, in order to allow the principal property ov er time to study the proposed zone change~ Mr, Charles Bever, one of the property owr.ersY appeared before the Con•,mission and stated ; he owned six of the approximateiv i' acres being proposed for reciassification; that he had contacted McDaniel Er.gineerir.g Company in an attempt to deveiop his properiy for later saie, and some diffic~~lty was being encountered bec~use of the iestrictions of t.he R••E Zone; , that he ^ea~ized the R-A Zor.e was a holding zone aY. the time the property was annexed intc ~ the City, 3nd that the most como-~rabie zoning in the City with that in the County was the R-E Zone, which was :a±er estabiished by the City. ~ ~ :~~~TES, CITY PLA~[1ING C~MMISSION, May ~0, 1965 2590 RECLASSIFICATION - tdr, Bevez• further stated that membe:s oi the McDanie: Engineering N, ~~4~~ I10 Company h3d been in consultation with the Planning Division in an (Continued~ attempt to deveiop the propertyy and one of the members oi the City Staff reviewed the property with a member of the McDaniel Engineering Company and determined it wouid be impossible to develop the area under the present R-E Code; tnat ne was attempting to maintain the rurai atmosphere of one•-acre estates aiready established; that beczuse of the steepness of the terrain, it would be impossible to establish said property under the R•~E Zone; that since the Planning Division was con~ide~ing r,he R-H Zone which would permit development of certain properties in the residentiai hiilside areay it was suggested the Commission consider a continuance until said zone was presented for the Commission's conside*ation at pubiic hearing~ Ir, response to Comr,iission questioning, Mr~ Bever stated the psrcels fronting along the freeway we•re also having difficulty mairlt3ining the R-E Zone concept since they were attempting to realize as much as possible from their parcels of iand- .3r.d that the main probiem they had encountered was access from the individual sites in order to maintain and improve the streets in accordance with the zone requirements. It was roted by ±he Com~iss?or. Mr Bever w,as propo=ing fl.etibi!ity in the street standards and that the R•E Zone rea_~ires one ~~•re; and the proposed R•-H Zone had a maximum of 40,000 squere feet as av3:13b1e ;ot size which ceuid ~e either more or :ess considering the steep- ness of tlie hillside or. which it was be~ng proposedy a~;d the drainage necessary; that the R•E Zone -reouired a minimum i?5••foot lot width and specific setbacks. Mr. Allen K. Jer,nir.gs, 8492 Or3ngeacre Drive, appe3:ed before the Corr~r~ission and stated he wished to commend the Ci±y in maintaining a rU2'31 atmosphe_e for a portion of the hill- side a:ea; th.a~. th~ F-F Zor.e wes primeziiy designed foi the peral*_a Hills Are7 since it was simiiaz in recuirements as the Coun~y Zone E-1; th~t the Peral`a Hills Area had requested consideratior~ of ~nrer;atior. into the City w~hich was presently un~:er sLUdy by the City Mar.ager`s depa~ rment~ :r.~ ~~_9ed t; ~t. the Cor,_ --;;'o:. •_u,.=i~e: i.3:r.!,ai;~'_r.r *_te R E Zone fo: sa~~ect prope;ty After consider~ble discuss:cn betweer. t.he Comm:ission and r~embeis of the Pianning Staff and interested persons in the Council Ch3rt~ber, the Co:r:ni~s•:ion stated that since the R•-E Zone had been estabiished for those properties in the Feralta F!iiis Area, subject property should be rezoned to R• E, and at the time the properties were to be developed if any probiems arose, these couid be nardLed; rather th3r conti~uance of subject petition untii such time as ihe R°H Zone became an ordinance. TNE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Comr,;issionez Gauer offered 9eso:utior. No ib~2, Series 1964•-65, and moved for its p3ssage and adoption; secor,ded by Cor~,~;issioner Camp, to .ecommend ±o ±he City Council that Petition fo= Reclassification No 64•65•1:0 be apprcved for R-E Zor,ing, based on the fact that the City of Anaheim has estabiished the R-E Zone ~or ar azea in which sutject p*operty was located, and had giver. al~ p=operty owners the assurance these properties would be retained in their semi-rural atmosphere. !See Resolution Book-,i On roli ca?~ the foregoing resolu±ior. was passed 'oy the foliowica vote: AYES: COMMISSIONEii~~ Aiiredy Camp, Gauer, He_bst, Munoa:l, Perry, Rowlard. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Ncne. ABSENT: COMMISSIO~'ERS: None: CONUITIONAL 'JSE • PUBLIC FEARING„ WILSHIRE OIL COMPANY, 666 East 1?th Street~ Santa Ana, PERMIT N0.__?Oi California, Owner; Hd~NARD K. LARSEN, i022 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Californi3, Agentp requesting permission to establish an additional structure for minor automotive repair services in conjunction with an existing service station, with the following waivers: (1) three-foot screen pianting strip, (2) six-foot wail at rear of planting strip, (3) maximum height 2imit within 150 feet of single-family residential zone, and (4i minimum required parking spaces, on property des• cribed as: An irregularly shaped percel of land located at the southeast corner of La Palma Avenue and West Stzeet, with frontages of approximately 145 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue and I?0 feet on the east side of West Street, and further de=cribed as 1022 West La Paima Avenue, Property presentiy classified C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE, Mra Howard Larseny agent fo: the petitioner, appeared before the Corrunission and reviewed the proposed construction of an additional structure on a service station site, The Commission expressed concern that the petitioner was request4ng a use which was ~ eliminated from the Service Station Site Development Standards and might set a plecedent „a~ for simi.lar req~~ests by other service stations~. ~ ~- ~ k ~ ~. ~ MINUTES. CFT~ pLF~NNING COMMISSIONy May l0y 1965 2591 6 ~ CONDITIONAL USE -• Mro La~sen stated that because tha;e was sufficient room to place the ~ PERMIT NO., 70I additional structure, and the fact that subject property was separated (Continued) from residential uses by the flood control channel and the Water Districty ~ the situation was entirely different from that of other service stationso Further, that the request for waiver from the height limit within 150 feet of single~-family zesidential zone boundary was because a small strip adjacent to the flood control channel had remained R~O, and was undevelopable, and therefore was a technicality. ~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petitiona ; ~ . THE HEARING WAS CI,OSED~ i ~<4 ~~ Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No> 1633, Series 1964~-65, and moved for its passage ~ ~ and-~adoptiorr; seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit ~~~~ No~ 701, based on the fact that the granting of the conditional use permit would not set a precedent for similar development of other service stations because of the adequacy of size and its location ad~acent to the flood control channel, and conditions, (See Resolution I Book~) ~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: . ~ -. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbsty Mungall, Perry, Rowland~ .I NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None, * ~ TI-IE FOLLOWING PETITIONS WERE CONSIDERED AS ONE ITEM BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: RECLASSIFICATION ~ PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY TNE CITY PLANNII~G COMMISSION, 204 East NO_ 64~-65-!20~ Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; CLAUDE G~ AND GENEVIEVE M~ CROSBY, 113i1 Chapman Avenue~ Garden Grove, California, Owners; property described CONDITIONAi ~SE as: An irregular~y shaped parcel of land located at the northwest corne* PERMIT N0:_ 696 of li3rbor Boulevard and La Paima Avenue, with frontages of approximately 174 feet on the west side of Harbor Boulevard snd approximately 107 feet or the north side of La Palma Avenue, and furiher described as 1001-1013 Harbor Boulevard and 103•-105 La Palma Avenue,. Property pzesently classified C-3y HEAVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE, deed restricted to service station sites or any C-i, NEIGI-~ORHOOD COMMER- CIAL, ZONE uses~ PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION: Gi, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE. PROPOSED CONUITIONAL USE; PERMIT THE OPERATION OF AN ESTABLISHEU SERVICE STATION WITNIN 75 FEET OF A STRUCTURE IN AN R•-A ZONEo RECLASSIFICAI uN - PUBLIC 1-lEARING, INITIATED BY THE CITY PLANNJNG COMMISSION, 204 East N0,~64_65_121___ Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; LANA CORr'ORATION, 200 North F[arbor Boulevard, Anaheimy California, Owner; property described as: An CUNDITIONAL USE irregulasly shaped parcel of land located at the southwest corner of PERMIT N0,_ 697_ Harbor Boulevard and La Palma Avenue, with frontages of approximately 145 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue and approximately 140 feet on the west side of Harbor Boulevard, and further described as 959 North Harbor Boulevard~ Property presently classified C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE, and R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE. PROPOSED CLtiSSIFICATION: C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL~ ZONE„ PP.OPOSED CONDITIO~AL USE: PERMIT OPERATION OF AN EXISTING SERVICE STATION WITHIN 75 FEET OF R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL,ZONED PROPERTY~ RECLASSIFICATION •- PUBLIC I-IEARING~ INITIATED BY TI-+E CITY PLANNING CCPdMISSION, 204 East N0~ 64-65_122 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; JOSEPH M~ ANTON, 1016 West Pioneer Drive, Anaheim, California, Owner; property described as: An irregularly CONDITIONAL USE shaped parcel of land located at t.he southeast corner of Harbor Boulevard PERMIT NO_ 698 and La Palma Avenun, with frontages of approximately 103 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue and approximately 114 feet on the west side of Harbor Bo~levard, and further described as 950 North Harbor Boulevard~ Property presently classifi.ed C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL, ZONE, deed restricted to service stations and/or C•-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, ZONE, uses only. PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION: C•-19 GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE~ PROPOSED COtJDITIONAL USE: PERMIT OPERATION OF AN EXISTIIJG SERVICE STATION WITHIN 75 FEET OF A RESIDENTIAL ZONE. MINUTES, CITY PLANNIn~G COMMISSIO~y M3y i0, 1955 (Continueol 2gg2 RECLASSTFICATION RECLASSIFICATION RECLASSIFICATION NO_ 64r`65 -1~0 __ N0.__~4~65~' l~i _v N0 ~ 64•-65-i22 CONDITIO~AL USE CONDITIONAL USE S CCNDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 96 PERMIT NO,. 6g7 PERMIT NO„ 698 ._~r..._~.~_--____-----____-----°-------~--~------ ----------------------------------- No one appeared to rep=esent the property owners~ No one appe~red :n opposition to subject petitions.~ THE [-~.ARING WAS CLOSED: Commissioner Row;and offe:ed Resoiution No. i634, Serie=_ 1964-65, an~9 moved for its passage and adopt~~nY seconded by Cor~unissioner Gauer, to recommend to the City Councii that Petition for Reclassification No, 64•65•~120 be approved, unconditionaliy~ (See Resolution Book~) On roll c3i: the foregoing resolution was passed by the foliowing vote: AYES: CON~MISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland., NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None, Commissioner Rowiand offered Resoiution No, ;635, Series i964-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissione: 1?e:bst, to gran*. Petiticn for Conditional Use Permit N~.~ 696, uncondition~ily., (See Rese:ution Book.) Or roll c~ll the ferego_ng ieaolution w3s p3ssed by the foiiowing vote: AYES: COMNISSIOVERS: ALired, Can:p; Gaue;, F;e:bst, Mung311, Perry, Rowland. AOES: COMM?SSIUNERS: None,. ABSENT: CON~MISSIO~~ERS: Ivone~ Commissioner Camp offered Resoiu±ion No. 16?6; Series 1964-65, ~nd moved for its passage and adoption, secor,ded by Conn;iss~one: Pe*ry, to :ecoR~~iend to the G:ty Counci; that Petition for Rec~iassificat'_on ho~ 64•65-i2i be approved, unconditionally, (See P.esolutior, Book,.} On ro11 c3i1 ±ne foregoir.g reso~utior. w3s passed by the followin9 vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS. AllredY C.mp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMN!ISSIOPiERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None~ Commissioner Rowl3nd offered Resoiution ~o i637, ceries 1964~65, and moved for its passage and adopti.on, seconded by Commissioner ~erbst, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noo 697, unconditionaliy.: (See Resolution Book~) Or, roll call the foreooing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Aiired, Camp, Gauer, N.erbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowi3nd, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None„ Commissioner Camp ofCeied Resoiution No:. 1638, Series 1964-65, and moved for its passage and adopiion, seconded by Commissioner Allred, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassification No: 64•-65~i22 be approved, unconditionaliy. (See Resolution Book,) On roll cali the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Campy Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. Corr~r~issioner Herbst offe:ed Resoiution No~ 1639, Seriea 1964•-65, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Cortvnissioner Camp, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 698, unconditional~y~ (See Resoiution Book~) On roIl call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None, ~ . . ,~ } MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2593 REPORTS AND ~- ITEM N0~ 1 RECOMMENDATIONS Residential-Hiilside - 10,000, 20,000, 40,000 •- Zone. Planning Coordinator Ronald Grudzinski submitted preliminary drafts of the Residential-Hillside Zone for the Commission's consideration, and suggested to the Commission that since the May 24, 1965 public hearing was considerably short, it would be a good time to review in detail said zone~ Discussion was held by the Commission relative to holding a work session immediately after the public hearing rather than at a 7:00 o'clock session~ It was then determined to hold the work session relative to the Residential-Hillside Zone immediateZy following the public hearing scheduled for the May 2d, 1965, meeting~ , ITEM N0~ 2 Orange County Use Variance No~ 5545 - Establishment of a wholesale ~ nursery and landscape business office and storage yard in the A-1, General Agricultural District on the east side of Batavia Street, approximately 600 feet south of Fletcher Road in the northwest Orange areao -. Zoning Coordinator Robert fdickelson presented Orange County Use Variance No~ 5545 for the Commission''s consideration, noting the proposed use of the property or the easj side of Batavia Street southerly of Fletcher Road in the northu:~st Orange area for a wholesale nursery and landscape business o:fice and storage yard, It was also noted by Mr~ Mickelson that the existing use was a chicken ranch, and that the single-family dwelling on the premises would remain as a residence for the proprie~or of the proposed use~ Commissioner Perry offered a motion to receive and file Orange County Use Variance No, 5545~ Commissioner Rowland seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo ~i ITEM NO__3 Orange County Use Variance No~ 5546 - Albert H~ Bircher, Petitioner, : proposing to construct a market building on the suutheast corner of Brookhurst Street and Catalina Avenue in the R-1, Single-Family Residence District~ s ~ ~ Zoning Coordinator Robert. Mickelson presented Orang~~ County Use Variance No. 5546 to the F'. _, Commission, noting the location of subject property and the fact that both the County of ~~ - Orange and the deveioper contacted the City of Anaheim relative io access to Catalina Avenue, Office Engineer Arthur Daw stated that dedication for the south side of Catalina Avenue, ~~ together with completion of street improvement of the parkway and sidewalks, wou]d be I necessary,. ~', , Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to recommend to the City Council that the Orange County Planning Conunission be urged to considei the requirement of street dedication and compietion ~ of street improvements such as the parkway and sidewalks cn the south side of Catalina Avenue in Orange County Use Variance No. 5546, if the petitioner proposes to utilize 4 Catalina Avenue for access purposes, Commissioner Camp seconded the motion.. N!OTTON CARRIEll i I ITEM N0~ d Orange County Use Variance No. 5553 - C~ Ve Taormina, Petitioner, proposing to establish a truck storage yard with gasoline pump islands . and gasoline storage tanks in connection therewith, at the northwest corner of Blue Gum and Coronado Streets in the northeast industrial ~ area of Anaheim~ .I I. Zoning Coordinator Robert Mickelson presented Orange County Use Variance No~ 5553 to the ~ Commission, noting the location and proposed use of subject piooerty, i ,,, In response to Commission auestioning relative to requirements of the City of Anaheim M•-1 ,:~ Zone, and the fact that the type of use proposed might present an undesirable appearance 4 if a chain link fence was proposed, Mr. Mickelson stated that only a 5-foot chain link fence ~~ was proposed, that access to Blue Gum Street was proposed with a 40~foot drive. and that ar, ~' office building vas proposed to be located 53 feet from the centerline of Plue Gum Street~ Commissioner Rowland offered a motion to recommend to the City Council that the Orange County ,".; Planning Commission be urged to require that the proposed truck storage yard under Orange County Use Variance No~ 5553 conform to all site development standards of the City of Anaheim ' M•-1, Light Industrialy Zone, including the 50-foot parkin9 and landscapinn setback; further, :~ - that a 6-foot masonry wall surrounding the storage area also be required in order to shield *~ from view the appearance of a truck storage area~ Commissioner Allred seconded the motion. ~ ~ MOTION CARRIED, ~, F d` ~ ,~ ~ MINUTESY CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, May 10, 1965 2594 REPORTS AND •- ITEM NO„ 5 RECOMIu~NDATIONS Orange County Tentative Map of I'ract Noo 5925 •- located northeasterly (Continued) of the Imperial Freeway between Yorba Linda Boulevard and Orangethorpe Avenue in the Yorba Linda areao Subject tract proposes subdivision of approximately 14 acres into 38 singie-family residential Zoned lots~ Zoning Coardinator Robert Mickelson reviewed the location of Orange County Tentative Map of Tract Noe 5925, noting it was ouiside of the jurisdiction of the City of Anaheim in the Yorba Linda areay and praposed subdivision of 14 acres into 38 single-family residential zoned lots, said subdivision being in conformance with other development to the west and south of subject property~ Commissioner Gauer offered a motion to receive and file Orange County Tentative Map of ~,;. Tract No~ 5925a Corr~nissioner Camp seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIEDo ADJOURrlMENT - There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Camp offe*ed a motion to adjourn the meeting~ Commissioner Herbst seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIED. ' The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p~m~ Respectfully submitted, ANN KREBS, Secretary ~ Anaheim Planning Commission :j ' ~~~ ~ ~~ `t ~ i .~ ;I ~ ~ h b. ..._. .!~`1 A { S