Minutes-PC 1967/06/05REGULAR MHETING - A regular meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission was called
to order by Chairman Camp at 2:00 o'clcck P.M., a quorum being presento
, - COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer (who entered Council Chamber
at 2:10 P.M.), Herbst, Mungall, Rowland.
PRESENT - Assistant Development Services Director: Robert Mickelson
Zoning Supervisor: Ronald Thompson
Planning Supervisor: Ronald Grudzinsl~i
Deputy City Attorney: Furman Roberts
City Attorney: Joe Geisler
Office Engineer: Arthur:Daw
Associate Planner: Jack Christofferson
Associate Planner: Marvin Krieger
Assi:stant Planner: Charles Roberts
Planning Commission Secretary: Ann Krebs
ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner Allred led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
APPROVAL OF - The Minutes of the meeting of ~~1967 were approved with the
THE MINUTES following correction on motion by Commissioner Farano, seconded by
Commissioner Allred, and MOTION CARRIED:
Page 3449, paragraph 13, line 2, should read: °noted that a
soffit was part of a ceiling not a roof".
Commissioner Gauer entered the Council Chamber at 2:10 P.M.
VARIANCE N0. 1882 - PUBLIC HEARING. MRS. OPHELIA BLEDSOE, 200 East Mills Drive, Anaheim,
California, Owner; RAYMOND A. NORTON, 1234 Banyan Avenue, Anaheim,
California, Agent; requesting a variance to permit the CONSTRUCTION
(2) MINIMUM DISTANCE BEIWEEN BUILDINGS on property described as: A rectangularly shaped
parcel of land located at the southeast corner of Mills Drive and Claudina Street, and
having frontages of approximetely 58 feet on Mills Drive and approximately 140 feet on
Claudina Street, the easterly property line of subject property being approximaiely 91
feet east of the centerline of Claudina Street, and further described as 200 East Mills
Drive. Property presently classified R-2, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE.
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of subject
property, the uses established in close proximity, and the Report to the Commission.
The agent for the petitioner. indicated his presence to answer questionse
h7rs. Helen Sprinkle, 205 Mills Drive, appeared before the Commission in opposition and
urged'the Commission to consider the request for A:two=story building in a one-story area;
that she preferred similar structure to others in the area which were one-story, two-bedroom;
that since North Street was closed as a through street, e considerable traffic hazard existed
for this small street; that on,such a small lot two homes, one being two-story, was not the
highest and best use for the property; that she was opposed~to any additional apartment
development for the area, and to construct a new structure ad,jacent to a relatively old
structure would also 'be undesirable; that a parking problem exis~ed in the area already,
and to project additional automobiles would increase the traffic hazard; that the landscaped
center median of Mills Drive made the area a desirable residential area; however, she was
opposed to two-st'ory construction because of an invasion of privacy.
Discussion was held by the Commission, the Commission noting that the proposed request ~
was a reasonable land use for the area; that the waiver of the one-story height limitation ~-
would be of interest to the property to the south rather than that to the north; that
' . - ~ : ~ . ~ ;~
VARIANCE NOa 1882 - two-story construction was permissible by right.on.the north side
`'(Continued) of Mills Drive; furthermore; two-story, single-family residences
could be built.on.the R-1 properties - theiefore this two-story,
one-family:residence would be a compatible useo -
' Commissioner Rowland offered .esolution Noo PC67-116 and moved for its passage and adoption;'
seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to grant'Petition for~Variance Noe 1882, subject to
conditionso,'(See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campa.
Street, Los Angeles, Celifornia, Owner; ROBERT BRINDLE, 221 South
Euclid Street, Anaheim, California, Agent; requestinq a variance+to
as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land located at the northwest corner of Euclid Street
and Broadway and having frontages of approximately 460 feet on Euclid Street and approxi-
mately 610 feet on Broadway, and further described as 235 South Euclid Streeto Property
presently classified C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE.
Mr. Robert Brindle, agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission'and stated
that although they were now aware of the existing problem, it had not been considered at
the time'the request for a sign for the bank and market was submitted, and the-problem'of .
providing recognition for the other shops in the center would be accomplished if subject
petition were approved; that roof signs were being controlled by their company, and this
was rather unusual since many market tenants sequired signs above the parapet; th'at indi-
vidual signs were integrated within the developed buildings, and although an additional
free-stending sign could be constructed, they did not wish to construct a sign which might
interfere with the development of the property to .the north; that the requested sign ~aiiance
' was only 56 square feet,in excess of that:permitted-by Code and would extend below;the,~exist-
ing sign which:would be visible to oncoming_treffic;:and that the proposed'eetback'for those
buildings to the north would be approximately even or further.westerly to the bank setback<
Mr. Brindle, in response to Commission questioning, stated that the Sign Urdinance was'in
effect at the time the existing sign was erected; however, they did not sealize the success '
of the shopping center when the first signs were constructed, and it was necessary'now`to
give reco9nition to the smaller shops established in the center; that the directory sign be-
~ placed below the existing sign could be seen from a distance of approximately 200 feet
which was adequate to alert customers of the ,~ocation of the small shops;and that although
he realized an additional free-standing sign could be constructed because of the depth of !
the property, it was not in the best interest of the center to have too many free-standing ~
signs. . j
Zoning Supervisor Ronald Thompson stated that there must be a distance of 300 feet between
each'sign, and since subject property was a part of the commercial property northerly, an
additional sign.could be constructed along the Euclid Street frontage, as well as a free-
standing sign along the Broadway frontagee
No one appeared in~opposition to subject petition.
Discussion was held by the Commission relative to requiring that the owner stipulate to
iede'signing the existing sign to comply with the 350-square foot sign in the event the
'propos.ed sign was not satisfactory,and an additionel free-standing sign would be requestedo
Deputy City Attoiney'.Furman Roberts~advised the Commission that it would be dependent upon
the findings the Commission made in their resolution as to whether granting the variance
at thi's time might not'b'e desiiable or effective, and an additional free-standiny sign
would be necessary, then the sign now being epproved would have to be reduced to'meet Code
requirements; although this is not a condition, it would put the property owners and pro-
spective lessees on guard that additional signing might not be looked at with favorable
consideration in the event of a lot split of the property, and as a finding of fact in the
resolution this would.be a matter of public record in the event an additional 350-square
foot sign was requested because of.the inadequacy of the proposed signo
VARIANCE N0. 1883 - Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No~ PC67-117 and moved for its
(Continued) passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to grant
Petition for Variance No. 1883, with the finding that the petitioner
stipulated to reconstructing the sign as being approved to meet Code
requirements in the event said signing was unsuc,ae~sful and an additional request for a
free-standing sign was submitted to the Building Department since there was always the
possibility of requested waivers from the Sign Code, and that the proposed addition to
the existing sign would not be detrimental to the areae (.iee Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungail~ Rowland, Campo
VARIANCE N0. 1884 - PUBLIC }IEARING. ROBERT JOHNSON, 837 Nordica Lane, Anaheim, California,
Owner; requesting a variance to permit the CONSTRUCTION OF A 6-FOOT
CORNER I.OT on property~described as: An irregularly shaped parcel uz land located at the
southwest corner of Viking Avenue and Nordica Lane and having frontages of aoproximately
83 feet on Viking Avenue and approximately 82 feet on Nordica Lane, and further described
as 837 Nordica Laneo Property presently classified R-1, ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONEo
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of subject
property and uses established in close proximity, together with the Report to the Commission.
Mro Robert Johnson, the petitioner, inquired as to the type of problem the Traffic Depart-
ment feun~d regarding construction of the proposed wall since the wall was necessary t~
provi3e sid~ yard privacy which was normal to a corner lote
The Comr.:;r,t:s;, .~,,h•s ~ed Mre Johnson that the Traffic Engineer had indicat-~: i: problem would
No one appeared in opposition Lo subject petition.
Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. PC67-11E and moved £or its passage and adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Allred, to grant Petition for Variance Noo 1884, subject ~~.o condi-
tionso (See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campo
Commissioner Rowland left the Council Cl~amber at 2:30 PoMo
Gilbert Street, Anaheim, California, Owners; DAN L~ ROWLAND, 1000 West
La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting a variar.ce to
'~ '~` AND (2) MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES on property described as: An irregularly shaped
~~`a paresl of land having a frontage of approximately 154 feet on the west side of Gilbert
Street and having a maximum depth of approximately 300 feet, the southerly property line
"~ ~ being located approximately 200 feet north of the centerline of Ball Road, and further
~::-. :, s ,
~ described as 935 South Gilbert Street. Property presently classified C-1, GENERAL
~.~~,_: .
' Associate Plan~er Jack Chtistofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of subject
~ property, and the uses established in close proximity, together with the Report to•the
;:_:;_-:_' Commission.
l~re Richard Heffner, the petitioner, appeared befor~a the Commission and stated that it was
prcposed to enlarge the existing flower shop in the front and convert it into medical use,
~ ~'! squaring off the front of the building which necessitated the request for a variance; that .
;~.' the medical building to the north had a similar setback as the single-family homes were set ~
bac~ - theref.ore any dedication would be difficult to make in order to provide for later ~
i .
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' MINUIESy CITY PLANNING COMMIS~iC,'~, June 5, 1967 3460
~.,r, ..
`" VARIANCE NOe 188Z - wide~ing of Gilbert Street; that they were prc~osing to enlarge their
(Continued) clinic and office facilities - however the number of employes or
4 physician increase would be minimal, and additional rooms were neces-
~^' ~ sary for installation of equipment for treatment; furthermore, detailed
' ' graphs had been provided by the architect which were self-explanatory, indicating there
~ would be no necessity to provide for parking as required under normal physician offices;
~-~<=' and that.since the clinic would be o en from 8:00 AeMa to 10:00 P,Ma, the number of employees-
~;,\:;:; •; P
- doctors would be spread over the ent:'re fourteen hourso Furthermore, there were apartments
'X`:~~.' on the-north side of the street,whereas the Report to the Commission indicated there were
~~._,.,;,, single-family homeso
.,, :
Zoning Supervisor Ronald Thompson advised the Commission that Bruce Street, east and west,
F,:'~^r,'.~~~ was developed for apartments, but the north-south portion was developed for single-family
i`~ ~; usee
s-. '3_;
; In response to Commission questioning, Dro Heffner stated that if the Commission so desired,
~~ they would provide for heavier landscaping along the cul-de-sac portion of Bruce Street to
:i the rear of the property - however, they had been attempting to do this for some time and it
~ had been difficult to keep the plants alive; and that 61 parking stalls were proposed, and
' this was the existing parking lot to the rear of the structure which was established some
~' time agoo
Mre Thompson further inquired whether any additional physicians would be plani,ed for the
~, ,:` building, whereupon Dre Heffner stated there was a possibility of one or two, but this
.fi; would be only as a result of a study made of the areao
r ~! Commissioner Herbst noted there always seemed to be a shortage of parking spaces in medical
,~:.~-:'>%: centers and inquired why the petitioner was not providing for the spaces as required by Codeo
~rt ~'
~ Dre,I~effner stated that a~hysician made his hospital calls during the morning hours and
a ~ saw patients between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 P,M, in normal physician office facilities;
~. ,~ however, the proposed development would have the physicians and patients arriving over a
.:x,.:,,...;: ~pan of fourteen hours, thus eliminating any possibility of overcrowding of parkingo
Commissioner Herbst further noted this might be acceptable at the present time, but there
was the possibility the physicians would operate under regular hours, and then a shortage
of parking space would occure
Dra He£fner noted that even if there was a change in tenants,because of the design of the
buildinq there would not be an increase of individual doctors and it would notbe suitable
physicians` offices per seo Also, the maximum incr.ease of employees would be tive, and the
space proposed was to allow present employees to have more work room; furthermore, the total
number af employees would 27 - however, +,hese would be coming in overlapping shifts and not
all at the same timeo
Dro Heffner, in response to additional Commission questioning, noted that he had sttempted
- to acquire additional property; however, he had obtained all that was availabie, and
Mre Ryan was proposing to develop something else.(Ryan's property ad,jacent to subject
property), and he felt the parking proposed was adequate for a clinic type use, and if
°; the Gommission desired landscaping along the cul-de-sac of Bruce Street, he would develop
:; ita
. ~~..
The Commission, however, noted that the six-foot masonry wall was not necessary to be
~ constructed since a three-foot wall already existed - however the planting of a minimum
af eight feet should be adequate to block the appearance of the parking areae
i;~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petition,
t:. _ .
;.' ,'
Commissi.nner. Farano offered Resolution Noe PC67-119 and moved for its passage ~s•.:: ~:option,
seconded..by Commissioner Mungall, to grant Petition for Variance Noe 1887 with •. ~ding
that:.the.proposed addition would provide for more room for working purooses ot . ~~>,~loyees
and that employee parki~g would be spread over a fourteen~hour period rather t;~ r.;~ncentrat-
ing during the 8:00 A,M. to 5:00 P.Me hours9 and subject to the additional cono ~~n of heavy
screen Iandscaping of a minimum of eight feet ad,jacent to the three-foot wall abuLCing the
cul-de-sac of Bruce Street along the we:;t property line. (See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Camp.
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VARIANCE N0~ 1887 - Commissioner Herbst stated that he voted "no" beceuse there were
(Continued) inadeouate parking provisions being made for the facility, and a
- ~ shortage could occur if•the facility changed to regular professional
offides rather than a clinic type facilitye
~xt;~` Commissioner Rowland returned to the Council Chamber at 2:53 PeM.
~; Commissioner Farano Ieft the Council Chamber at 2:53 PeMe
,..~.:,.- , •
ti ; t .' ~y;i
,.....-g, PERMTT NOe 943 2304, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, California, Owner; GLOBAL VAN LINES,
~~'~~ '" INCORPORATED, Noa.l Global Way, Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting
w...:; `;
.~permission .to'ESTABI:ISH A PARKING FACILITY on property described as:
An irregularly shaped parcel of land bounded on the south by Katella Way, on the east by
~ Manchester Avenue, and on the north and west by Katella Avenuea Property presently classi-
~~;;,., _ fied R-A9 AGRICULTURAL, ZONEo
~-` ,~ Mro John Sabosen~ Vice President in Charge of Operations of Global Van Lines, appeared
before the Commission and indicated he was available to answer questionso
y . .. .
~ ~ Mre S3bosen, in response to CommissYon.questioning, stated the company had acquired subject
#;F_,,.:,,_,`~ property on a month=to-month basis,from the Division of Highways; that the Division of
~' ~; Highways had previously stoxed their.'trailere, trucks, e.tco, on.that property9 and the
~, Global Van Lines Company had •,oiled'and graded the property since acquiring it and have
S a~ kept the trailers in a neat appearance; that the reason for using the property was in order
yf, u; to have quick access to the equipment; that the storage of equipment in the winter months
~~ u averaged betwee:~ 195 and 250 trailers, and the maximum during the summer months approxi-
,~';!,,,`.,`~ mately 20 ±railers; that the use of the main headquarters was for check-in and obtaining
orders to proceed to a specific destination; that the screening fence as suggested by the
~~ ~~~ Staff in the Report to the Commission would be rather expensive unless a firm lease of
7 seven to eight years was obtained from the Department of Highways - howevex, this was
;~+;~:`:;_;:~! impossible since they were renting on a month-to-month basis; and that one employee was
t~~ ~;' responsible for parking and,checking the trailers on a daily basise
~ ~ ry' .
~ q'~ The Commission noted that the maintenance of the property as it existed while being used
~ ' by Global Van Lines was much neater in appearance than when the State stored their vehicles
<i on the property; that the City was unabie to require the State to maintain their property;
and that the proposed use wouid be similar to that of the previous State useo
~`-;:~~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petitnon,
~ -'l
;:1 Commissioner Gauer offered Resolution No. PC67-120 and moved for its passage and adoption9
'i seconded by Commissioner Rowland,to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noo 943
unconditionallya (See Resolution Book)
+ ',~: On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
?"r ~
-~~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campa
PERMIT NO, 944_ California, Owner; requesting permission to MAIP7TAIN 7 MOBILE HOME
An irre9ularly shaped parcel of land with a frontage of approximately
150 feet on the east side of Anaheim Boulevard and having a maximum depth of approximately
460 feet, the northeriy boundary of.`.subject property bein,g approximately 780 feet south of
the centerline of Katella,Avenuey:and further described ~as 1914 South Anaheim Boulevardo
Property presently classified M-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, ZONE.
Commissioner Farano returned to the Council Chamber at 3:00 P,Ma
;; Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of subject
pr.oeerty and uses established in close proximity, as well as noting that in the Report to
*.'`I the Commission the expansion of the existing motel and the establishment of trailer
':f3t;-:';,` facilities wereapproved under Orange County Use Variance No~ 1825, in February 1955; that
the petitioner was using seven trailer spaces instead of the four approved, and subject i
`'j petition was to legalize these additional three spaceso ~.
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CONDITIONAL USE - Mro Francis Ricker, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
PERMIT NOe 944 noted he was unaware that his property had been reclassified to the
(Continued) M-1 Zone at the time it was annexed into the Cityo -
Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts noted that he l~ad contacted the
County of Orange regarding subject property's records, which indicated that at the time
the applica.tion was made for the motel, the request for four trailer spaces was indicated;
that this was granted with the trailer spaces indicated placed ad~acent to the railroad
tracks - however, upon visiting the property, the trailers were not located adjacent to
the railroad track right-of-way as depicted on the plot plan; and that these trailers were
located in various parts of the motel propertyo It wa~ also noted that problems ezisted
because of the manner in which these additional trailers were connected, and approval was
necessary from the Building Department before they could be usede
~ Mre Ricker then stated that it was his understanding that in 1955 he had asked to build
~ additional units and add trailer spaces; however, there were already four trailer spaces
~ on the property, and it was his assumption that the additional four were approved at that
~°" time; that he had been advised that the piping to the trailers was illegal althou9h 'these
;-~.:', ~,
•;.', ~; were inspected by the County - however, upon contact by the Building Department he had
- been advised th,t the trailer inspector had not actually inspected the piping - therefore
' he had illegal underground piping as well as being in violation of the Zoning Ordinance
~4 regarding,the number of trailers on the propertyo Furthermore,'for the past 13 years he
~ t; had been attempting to assist welfare cases foi churches and clubs to provide temporary
:r;~; . .:
'~ housing for.new people entering the City, arid in the majority of the cases he received
~ '' very little money, if any, for occupancy of these trailers, and that it was, his intent
3`:;,:;:,`:~r to comply with Code requirements for the three remaining trailers, as wel'_ as having the
:;. :., ~.w,;
"'`'' use of these trailers legalizedo
i '
~ ~,
~ s~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono
Zoning Supervisor Ronald Thompsor, advised the Commission that the four trailers originally
appxoved under the County have been brought up to Code recently, and if subject petition
is approved, this would legalize the other three trailers already on the property; however,
they would be required to meet Code as far as the Building Department was concerneda
Office Engineer Arthur Daw advised the Commission that Condition,Nose 1 and 2 were required
in accordanoe with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, and if the Commission
required this dedication it would mean the petitioner would have to request encroachment
into the publi.c right-of-way of the existing motela
The Commission then inquired of Mro Ricker whether or not he would comply with Condition
Nose 1 and 4-., whereupon Mr. Ricker stated this would be almost impossible because oi
the present location of the motel'itself, and until such time as Anaheim Boulevard was
actually widened, he did not:feel he ~ould afford the loss of income from these unitso
Ti~e Commission inquired of the Staff what other properties along the east side of Anaheim
Boulevard had dedicated for street widening purposes, and it was then determined that Keesee
Tanks was the only one that had dedicated for street widening purposes, all others having
developed without this dedicationo •
Mra Daw.suggested to the ~ommission that a two-week continuance be granted so that the
Engineering Department could complete a study of the properties along Anaheim Boulevard
to determi.ne what dedication was necessary and whether this would ever~be-widenedo
Commissioner Allred then explained to the petitioner that the possibility of dedication and
improvement actually taking place would be anywhere from 10 to 20 years, whereupon Mro Ricker
stated he,could not comply with Condition Noso 1 or 40
Mre Ra1ph Alexander, 1814 South Anaheim Boulevard, owner of the motel northerly of subject
property,,,advised the Commission that these trailers had existed for some time and upon
annexation into the City the petitioner had never realized the additional trailers were
not included; furthermore, if dedication..were required, this would go directly through
subject property's buildings as..well as his own, and that he felt th~ petitioner should
be given permission to continue the present use until such time as the property willkie more
intensely redeveloped, or when Orangewood Avenue was widened for an overpass of the 5anta
Ana Freewayo
Mro Thompson advised the Commission~.that if the Commission decided to waive the requirements
of Condition Noso 1 and 4 regarding dedication and sidewalks and driveways, a finding would
be necessary in the resolution.
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CONDITIONAL USE •- Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noo PC67-121 and moved for its
PERMIT NOa 944 passage and adoption, seconded by Commissior.er Mungall, to grant
(ContiFlUed) Petition for Cond'itional Use Permit No, 944, subject to payment of
street light and street tree fees, trash storage areas, fire hydrants,
$25000 per trailer space, development in conrormance with the Uniform
Building Code nf the City of Anaheim, and the finding thet the requested use was only
legalizing. an existing situation and not an expansion of an existing use; and the fact
that dedication as required by the City would create a hardship on the property owner
because the Tight=of-way line would cut through a portion of the existing motelo (See
Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campo
PERMIT NOe.947 Anaheim, California, Owner; MARTIN KREIDT, 600 Marjan &treet, Anaheim,
California, Agent; requesting permission to ESTABLISH A DAY SCHOOL IN
M.4XIMUM PERMITTED SIGN AREA on property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of
land having a frontage of approximately 260 feet on the north side of Ball Road and having
a maximum depth of approximately 618 feet, the westerly property line of subject property
being approximately 140 feet east of the centerline of Hampstead Street9 and further des-
cribed as 1421 West Ball Roado Property presently classified R-A9 AGRICULTURAL, ZONEo
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of the property,
the uses established in close proximity, as well as the Report to the Commissiono
Martin Kreidt,.agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and noted that the
present enrollment of the school was 102, and it was estimated to increase the enrollment
by 10 students; that the proposed expansion was not for expansion of enrollment - only to
make the existing students more comfortable by provi.'ing better facili~ties, as well as
expanding _the Sunday School facilitieso
Mre Kreidt also noted that the multi-purpose building would be the third phase of develop-
ment9 and it wes hoped the Commission would approve this along with the second phase of
development9 and that it was i~oped to have a membership of approximately 500 people in
the churcho
No one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono
Discussion was held by the C'ommission relative to the propused slgn, it being determined
that because the R-A Zone permitted only 20 square feet and did not provide for signing
of churches and school faciiities, the waiver was a technicality and should be grantedo
Commissioner Gauer offered Resolution No, PC67-122 and moved for its passage an~ adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit Noe 947,
subject to.conditions and the finding that the requested sign waiver was a technicality
due to the fact that the R-A Zone permitted schools and churches but did not provide for
signing of the property; therefore, this was a technicality and should be grantedo
{See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Fararo, Gauer, Rerbst, Munga119 Rowland9 Campo
NOa 66-67-77_ Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; proposing that property described
as: An irregularly shaped parcel of land located at the northeast
cornez of Romneya Drive and Maplewood Street and having frontages of
approximately 440 feet on Romneya Drive and approximately 220 feet on Maplewood Street be
reclassified.from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the R-1, ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONEa
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviev~ed subject petition, the location of subject
property and uses established in close pr~ximity, noting that as a result of a recent
request for a house move-on and demolition of the existing structure on one of these lots,
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, 1967
RECLASSIFICATION - it was the opinion of the Staff that all of the 3464
N0; 66~6~~7~ 2,_ considered non-conforming would be more a
(Continued; Properties which were
therefore the rezoning would faciiitate anyrfutureeadditions,lstruc-
turai chanqes, or private redevelopment of the property,
No one appeared to represent the property owners,
No one appeared in opposition to subject petition,
Office Ergineer A:thur Daw advised the Commission that Condition Nose
amended to include Maplewood Street~
3 and 4 should be
Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No~ PC67-1
seconded by Comm•'ssioner Farano 23 and moved for its passa
sification Noo 66-6?-72 be a ' to recommend to the City Council that PetitionaforaReclasn~ ~
Street to Condition Nos, Pp1O~ed, subject tc conditions and the addition of Maplewood
3 and 40 (See Resolution Book)
On ro?1 call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES; COMMIgSIONERc;: .411red Farano Gauer Herbst Mun alI
AB5EP:T: COMNjISSIONERS: Noneo ' 9 ~ R~Wland, Camp, '
N0~ 66~6~~,.6~ NEARING. BARBqR,q Wp(~ES, 1215 South Empire Streetq Anaheim9
_._,..._ California, and ROBERT HqRKE
Owners; ~,gpgir ~ 2440 Normandie Place9 Anaheim, California,
pERMIT NO_ qqg Street, Los Angeles, California, Agent;
irregularl property describedSasth A~ower
y shaped parcel of Iand located at the northwest corner of
Lincoln Avenue and East Street and having frontages of a
and further described4asf1103~and11109nEastnLincolnaAvenuee Pro ert
pproximatel 135 feet onpEast1Street,
P y presently cla;sified
Associate ?lanner Jack Ch.istofferson reviewed subject
property and the uses established in close
petition, the location of subject
proximity, as well a~ the Report to the Cormnissiono
The aoent for the petitionersindicated his
presence to answer questionso
No one appeared in opposition to subject petitionso
It was noted by the Commission that the existing service station site would now
fied to its most a
w~uld astablish thepsizelofethenservicetstationumore in conformancenwithrserviY b° thelwest
sites as approved witt,in the City,
ce station
Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution Noa PC67-124 and moved for its
seconded by ~o~jssioner Allred
siFication No, 66~67-67 be a ' to recommend to the City Council that PetitionaforaReclasn~
On roll c~12 the fore oin resolutionswaseCassedCbnditionsa (See Resolution Book)
g 9 P
AYES: COM~,9IgSI0NERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbste following vote:
NOES: CONMISSIONERS: Noneo ~ Mungall, Rowland
Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution Noo PC67-125 and moved for its
seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to
subject to conditions and the amendment to Condition No, passage and adoption,
grant Petiition for Conditional Use Permi.t Noo 945
in accordance with the Site Development Standards of the C-
5 to include dense •ndscaping
?ines and an additional condition that lighting of tlie service stati
away from the residential uses est~ablis; 1 Zone along the west property
On i~~.; caii the foregoing resolution y~ a0 ihe westo ~~ shall be directed
(See Resolution Book1
AYES: COh71v;'jSIONL•RS: Allred, Farano ~ sed by the following vot
rJOES: GUhIMISSIONERS: Noneo ' s Herbst, Mungall, Rowl
- ~ ~.
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3465 1
NOe 66-67-71- Circle, Anaheim, California, Owner; Jo W. MCMICHAEL, 454 "A" Valencia '
Drive, Fullerton,.California, Agent; property described as: A rectangu-
VARIANCE.NOa..1885 larly shaped parcel of land having a frontage of approximately 318 feet ~
~`f on the south side of South Street and having a maximum depth of approxi- ~
TENTATIVE MAP OF inately 630 feet, the westerl;F boundary of subject property being approxi- ~
TRACT N0.,.6412 ,. mately 350 feet east of the centerline of State College Boulevardo
property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTUNAL, ZONEo
Fullerton, California, ENGINEER: Anacal Engineering Company,
a 222 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Californiaa Subject tract,
located on the south side of South St+reet, east of State College
Boulevard and containing approximately 4084 acres, is proposed
' for subdivision into 24 R-1 Zoned.lotso
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson:reviewed subject petitions and tract, the location of
subject property, the uses established in close proximity, and the Report to the Commissiono
Mro Calvin Queyrel, representirg the engineer of the proposed development, appeared before
the Commission.and noted that Mre McMichael, the developer, was also the developer of the
tract ~;. East and South Streets which was developed with single-family homes in the $35,000
price range; that now he wanted to develop subject property in a lower price range; that a
hardship existed on the property in the fact that 6,000-square foot lots•were developed
12 years ago'to the north and south of subject property, and the property to the west was
being developed for commercial uses - however, he doubted whether the properties fronting
along StatA College Boulevard would be developed for single-family use since the trend of
develoome~:~ •vas commercial northerly of the property; that because of the unusual depth of
the property, it was proposed to develop with 50-foot wide lots approximately. 129 feet deep,
and the square footage would be comparable to that of the tracts developed in close proximity;
and that if the Commission desired they would provide access to property to the west for
circulation,.but at the Interdepartmental Meeting he thought it was agreed to have the street
~cul-de•-aac as proposeda
Commissioner Herbst expressed the opinion that the oniy hardship he could see was the fact
that 12 years ago the City permitted 6,000-square foot lots and now 7,200-square foot lots
were required, and it was his opinion that subject property should be developed accordingly
since it was proven several years ago that there was inadequate recreation area on the
6,000-square.foot lot; that the only thing that had to be done was to eliminate one lot
from both sides of the street in order to accomplish this 7,200 square feeta
Mra Queyrel also noted that they had attempted to purchase the property to the east, but
the asking price w3s too high to develop for single-family residential use, and that the
property to the west was priced for commercial usesa
F ;~ No one appeared in opposition to subject petitions. ~
~ ~:
9~i ~ :~
~~, ,~ Discussion was held by the Commissien relative to what constituted a variance, and whether ,~
; the petitioner had an undue hardsh.~~ due~ to the fact that 6,000-square foot lots had been
''~ developed to.the north and southe ~
ti ~ ~
Commissioner Mungall offered Resoluti~n Voe PC67-126 and moved for its passage and adoption,
~~ seconded by Cummissioner Gauer, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassi-
3 a; fication Noo 66-67-71 be a
,;~ pproved, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book)
~~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was
~ passed by the following vote:
5~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campo ~
~ :~
1 Commissioner tdungall offered Resolution Noo PC67-127 and moved for its passage and adoption,
+a seconded by Commissioner Farano, to grant Petition for Variance No. 1885 on the basis that
~~~; to deny said petition would be den in the ri hts ~ +
subject to conditionse (SeP Resolution Book)9 granted property ir. close proximity, and ~ .s
~ flV~f ~ ~ ~4 '~
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RECLAS8IFICATION - On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
NOo 66-67-7i
- AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred9 Farano, Gauer, Herbsty- Mungall,
VARIANCE NOD 1885 Rowland, Campo ,
TR,4CT NO a . 641.2 ~
(Continued). Commissioner Allred offered a motion to approve Tentative Map of Tract
Noe 6412, subject to the following conditions:
lo That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract Noo 6412 is granted
subject to the approval of Reclassification Noe 66-67-71 and
Variance Noa I885o
2o That should this subdivision be developed as more than one
subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submi.tted
in tentative form for approvalo
3e That the vehicular access rights, except at street and~or
alley openings, to South Street shall be dedicated to the
City of Anaheimo
Commissioner. Mungall seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDe
VARIANCE NOe 1886 - PUBLIC HEARING. ALBERT KEVORKIAN, 11621 Heathcliff Drive, Santa Ana,
California, Ovuner; DANIEL COHEN, P.Oo Box 1845, Santa Ana, California,
Agent; requesting permission to SPLIT A PARCEL OF LAND INTO FOUR PARCELS,
on property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcei of land (app.roximately 106 feet by
329 feet) located at the west end of and abutting Julianna Street, the southerly boundary of
subject property being approximately 340 feet north of the centerline of La Palma Avenueo
Property presently classified R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE, ~~
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of subject
property and:the-uses established in close proximity, previous zoning actions, and th'e
Report to:the Commissiono
Mro Daniel Coheny agent for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and noted that
the existing parcel had access to the cul-de-sac of Julianna Street; that under a previous
petition the petitioner attempted to obtain a variance - however considerable opposition
was presented by property owners due to the fact that the petitioner planned two-st^ry
construction, although subject property was zoned R-3; that now they were proposing to
~~bdivide the northeriy portion into two R-1 iots and move on two single-family homes;
that it was planned to develop the alley to the north of these two single-family lots to
a width of 20 feet,, and Julianna Street would also be improved; that the division of the
northerly property would be comparable to single-family subdivision lots in the area; that
there was no definite plan of development for the property to the south; that he was in
negotiation to have access rights to the property from the southerly cul-de-sac street; and
that the drainage easement might be abated if the alley and street were put ine
The Commission expressed concern relative to the fact that no plans of development were
presented for the southerly property although a request was made to subdivide it into
two substandard width lots, and at the time of development of the Qrogerty it would be
very difficult to develop and more variancesmight be reouestede
Mro Cohen stated that wtien.development di.d occur or if new owners had the property,they would
have better ideas on development and may want to develop the parcel as onea
The Commission further felt that subject petition should be approved only for the northerly
division of the lots for placement of the single-family homes; however, the southerly portion
should be retained as one parcel in order that less difficulty would be presented and fewer
variances.would be reguired if no lot split was approveda
Mr. Cohen;noted that the prospective owners were planning to put R-i homes there9 and loans
would be granted on separate parcels - however loans with'the Savings & Loan Associations
were very difficult to obtain for R-3 unless developed with fourplexes, and because of the
legality of the description of the property, the legal subdivision was necessary at this
time in order to obtain these loanse •
Considerable discussion was then held by the Cortunission, the petitioner's agent and the
Staff relative to the method of dividing the southerly portione
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VAPIANCE N0, 1886.•= Mrso Dorothy Parsons, 700 West Julianna Street, appeared before the
(Continued) Commission and inguired whether or not the petitioner`s request for
relocation of two homes on the northerly p*operty would also include
the alley to the xeare
The Commission replied in the affirmative: that the alley would be improved to the rear
of subject property along the northerly boundary lineo
Further discussion was held regarding the drainage ditch along the westerly boundary of
subject property, it being noted that any home placed on the property would have to be
set back at least five feet from the property lineo
Deputy City Attorney Furman Roberts advised the Commission that subject petition could be
approved in part9 permitting subdivision of the northe:•ly parcel i.nto two lots and holding
any subdivision of the southerly parcel until development plans were submittedo
Commassioner Rowland offered Resolution Noe PC67-128 and moved for its passage and adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to grant Petition for Variance Noo 1886 in part, approving
subdivision of the parcel northerly of the extension of Julianna Street, and denial of the
subdivision of the southerly parcel on the basis that development plans were not submitted,
and no plans of deveiopment were contemplated, subject to conditionsa (See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, F3rano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campo
AMENDMENT NOe 94 Lincoin Avenue, Anaheim, California; proposing an amendment to the
Circulation Elemer.+. Highway Rights-of-Way of the General Plan-Table
of Exceptions to establish Convention Way between West Street and
Harbor Boulevard as a primary hiqhway with 110-foot width, said
General P1an Amendment known as Noe 940
Associate Planner Marvin Krieger reviewed General Plan Amendment Noa 94 as follows:
la Subject street is located south of Katella Avenue at the southern
er.tremity of the Convention Center property and northerly of Orangewood
Street, presently running from West Street on the west to Harbor Boulevard
on the east<
2o Convention Way is at present designated as a standard secondary arterial
stseet, with a half-width of 45 feet on the Circulation Element Highway
3o The street will provide circulation for the Convention Center itself,
plus some 40 acres to lts south within the Commercial Recreation Area~
4e In order to assist in the control of vehicular traffic anci enhance the
Convention Center landscaping, a raised median is being incorporated in
the design of said street, making a half-width of 55 feet necessary
instead of the presently designated 45 feete
5o The estabiishment on the General Plan of the width of subject street
will assist property owners fronting on said street to properly plan
for the development of their propertyo
Approval of General P1an Amendment No. 94, retaining Convention Way
between West Stree't and Harbor Boulevard as a secondary arterial street,
6ut iisting it on the Table of Exceptions and the Circulation Elemer,t
Highway Rights-of-Way as having a half-width of 55 feeto"
No one appeared in opposition to subject General Plan Amendment.
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GENERAL PLAN - Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. PC67-129 and moved for its
AMENDMENT N0. 94 passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Farano, to recommend to
(Continued) the City Council that General Plan Amendment No. 94 be approved, estab-
lishing Convention Way between West Street and Harbor Boulevard as a
seconaary arterial street on the Table of Exceptions of the Circulation
Element, Highway Rights-of-Way as having a haif-width of 55 feet. (See Resoiution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the foliowing vote:
AYES: OOMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Campe
RECESS - Commissioner Herbst offered a motion co recess the meeting for
ten minutes. Commissioner Farano seconded the motion. MOTION
CARRIED. The meeting recessed at 4:15 P.M.
RECONVENE - Chairman Camp reconvened the meetin9 at 4:32 P.M., all Commissioners
except Commissioner Herbst being present.
RECOMMEt4DATI0NS Conditional Use Permit No. 791 - Establish.a private recreationalfacility-
(Talceta, et.al-Robert Martin) - 2535 West-Lincoln Avenue.
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson presented supplemental plans for Conditional Use
Permit No. 791, requesting installation of a"Superslide" as being a facility complimentary
to the existing recreational facility; that the petitioner was proposing to provide 72
parking spaces on a parc=l 76 feet wide adjacent to subject property, immediately easterly -
however, said parcel was not originally considered in Conditional Use Permit No. 791; and
that if the Commission considered the proposed:request to permit installation of the "Super-
slide", a recorded document stipulating the reservation of the property to the east for
parking purposes should be filed with the Building and Planning Departments prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. PC67-133 and moved for its passage and adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Farano, to amend:Resolution No. 1877, Series 1965-E6, dated
December 20, 1965, Finding No. l, to include as part of the recreational facility a"Super-
slide" on the basis that the development was substantially in accordance with the original
conditional use, and subject to landscaping of the new parking area in accordance with the
C-1 Site Development Standards, together with the recordation of a document stipulating to
the reservation of the property to the east for parking purposes, said document to be
approved as to form by the City Attorney and filed with the Building and Planning Departments
prior to the issuance of the building permit. (See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
ITEM N0. 2
Review of Orange County Tentative Parcel Maps within the
Anaheim Planning Area.
Associate Planner Marvin Krieger reviewed for the Commission their action on February 27,
1967 and the City Council's action on March 7, 1967 relative to a request to the Orange
County Planning Commission to submit all minor subdivisions (parcel maps) in addition to
other subdivisions within the potential area of the city's expansion to the City of Anaheim
for consideration and comment; that said parcel maps were now being received for review and
comment; that both the Anaheim and Hill and Canyon General Plans indicate the desired densi-
ties and plans of future development for adjacent County areas; that the City had a complete
set of approved street standarde including hillside street standards; that the Santa Ana
Canyon Access Point Study has been jointly approved by the City of Anaheim, the County of
Orange and the State Division of Highways, said approved study along with the Hill and
Canyon General Plan provided for the development of adequate vehicular circulation within
the Santa Ana Canyon Area; and that parcel maps within the City had been su~cessfully
handled administratively for the past several years.
Mr. Krieger also noted that if these parcel maps showed any decided variances from the
Plan, they would normally be taken before the Interdepartmental Committee for Public Safety
and General Welfare for comments and recommendations to the Commission and City Council
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RE~MMENDATIONS - ITEM N0. 2 (Continued)
for further action, and'that the Staff recommended that Orange County tentative parcel map
reviews be,handled as an administrative matter by the Development Services Department
in conjunction with the Engineering llivision of Public Works.
Commissioner Mungall offered a motion to recommend to the City Council that consideration
be given to directing the Development Services Department,in conjunction with the Engineer-
ing Division of Public Works, to process as an administrative matter all Orange Cou~,ty
µ~ ~,~, tentative parcel maps submitted~for review and comment. Commissioner Farano seconded the
' ~ motion. MOI'ION CARRIED,
~r ~' ITEM N0. 3
~ Conditional Use Permit No. 356 (Hodge) - Establish a
~ `~ g7-unit motel on property on the south side of Lincoln
" ~~ Avenue; approximately 675 feet east of the centerline
:t=- ;z of Dale Avenue - 2748 West Lincoln Avenue.
~- ,;, ::
; Zoning Supervisor Ronald Thompson advised the Commission that a request had been received
,, i from the agent of Mr. Gordon Hodge requesting that Conditional Use Permit No. 356 be
; ` terminated on the basis that development of this 97-unit motel had been abandoned, and
~,,:::,;~ that the Subdivision Improvement Bond No. 93-53-97, therefore, be released.
~~,' .. ~:
Mra Thompson further reviewed the number of extensi,ons af time requested foricompletion of
Gonditional Use Permit No. 356, and the fact that Reclassification No. 66-67-30, to
establish a..94-unit motel and coffee shop in the C-1, General Commercial, Zone had been
recommend'ed for appro'val by the Planning Commis'sion in Resolution No. PC66-116.
Commissioner Allred offere.d Resolution No. PC67-135 and moved for its passage and adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Gauer, to terminate all proceedings on Conditional Use Permit No.
356. (See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoi•ng resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
ITEM N0. 4
Reclassification No. 63-64-62(5) - Approval of plans
for fi30 South Webster Street.
~Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed the development plans submitted by the
developer for property at 830 South Webster Street, noting that although the City Council
had estab].ished a coverage of 18 dwelling units per net residential acre, subject plans
were developed with an lE-unit apartment, or coverage of 26 units per net residential
acre. The history of the other development plans approved for properties along Webster
Street was also reviewed as depicted on the Report to the Commission, together with the
fact that the Staff recommended in view of the fact that the applicant had been well aware
of the governing resolution, thatapproval of these plans would, therefore, seem to discrimi-
nate against other property owners who have been held to the required 18 dwelling units per
net residential acre, and plans should not be approved.
Zoning Supervisor Ronald Thompson advised the Commission that the developer of the property
had been advised that Reports and Racommendations would be considered at the evening session
and he had intended to appear and present his views.
Chairman Camp then stated that further considerata.on by the Commission should be continued
until.the evening session. (See page 3479)
ITEM N0. 5
Orange.County Use Variance No. UV-6857
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company - Requesting an
amendment to permit the elimination of the require-
ment fur dedication and improvement of Batavia Street
in connection with the continued use of a hea,ry equipmront
stdrage and maintenance yard in the M1 Light Industrial
Y,`~ Associate Planner Jack Christofferson presentsd~Urange County Use Variance No. UV-5867
to the Commission, noting that subject property would be within the jurisdiction of the
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RECQtrVuIENDATIONS - ITEM N0. 9 (Continued)
Cii+~ of Orange in the event of annexation; that the stoxage and maintenance y~xd n~d
been in ex4.~tence for a number of years; and that the Traffic Department wa~ o~f~•zh~~
'opinion tha:t any problem involved in the widening of Batavia Fcr~et ahou3d 6e a c!>n:s~d^ra-
tion of the City of 0~^ungee
Cotranissioner Allred offered a motion to receive ~rr3 file Orange Cour,ty Ur,e \'a;:5;.arsce Noa
UV-5d67> Commissiorner Rowland seconded the motion, MOTICIN CARRIEDa
7TEM N0~ 6
~.ity of Stanton•~Variance Noo V-67-11 - To permit the
c~ar~strUCtion of a two-story, 58-unit apartmert c?evela~ne^~t
:ri;,h w~ivers of setback from the R-1 propert+;, ;building
~he;.nht to setback ratio, and density requirement.s - Property
loco+.ed on the east side of Magnolfa Avenue, approximatel~,+
~85 :~eet north of Katella Av~nuee
Associate Planner Ja:~ic Christofferson reviewed the F~2posed variar.~~e af tb,e City of
Stant~n, noting that~~uaivers were requested t~~ permit constructio~ of a two-story
structure 34 feet from the R-1 property instead of tize 5G•-foot requiremesit; construction
33 feet from the rear yard instead of the required 50 feet; and the squ-3re footage of
the unit frr~:n 2,000 feet to 1,96;; square feet; and that subject pro;,er'cy located on the
east sidQ of Magnolia Avenue, approximately 285 feet north of Katel.la Avenue was approxi-
mately 2,50~ feet south of the City of Anaheim citj+ limits, and the property was zoned
Commissioner t~~.:r,gali~offered a motion to receive and file City af. Stanton Varia~yce No.
V-67-l1e Com,missianer llllred seconded the motione MOTION CARkIEDo
ADJOURNMENT FOR DINNER - Commissioner Mu~gail offered a motion to ~djourn for•dinnera
Commissioner Allred seconded the rnotione ,MG;.ION sARcTED.
The meeting adjcurned at 4:45 P.M.
~~N~~ Chairman Camp r~~:;t•~:.~ned the mee'.ing afi 7:05 P,M., all
Commissioners 's,e:l.~y present except Comn;.issioner He.xbst.
N0. 66-67-?0 ~alifornia, Owner; FRANK ~AY, 1856 West 17th Street, Santa.Ana,
California, Agent; property described as: A rectangularly shaped
CONDiTiO~~AL USE parcel of land iiaving a frontage of approxi;nateiy 75 feet on the east
r,~RMIT ~W . 946 side of East Street and a depth of approximaiely 271 feet, the north-
west corner of this parcei aeir,.g approzimately 405 feet south of the
centerline of La Palma Avenue,and further described as 736 North East
Streete Property presently clas~=ified R-1, ONE-FAM,LI:Y RESIDEM'IAL, ZONE.
As~ociate Planner Jack Gn:isto.ferson aeviewed the location of snbject property, the petition
and ttie uses es~tablished in close pr8ximity,-together'with the Repart to the'Cominissicno
Mr~. Chr'_•toffersan also noted that General Plan Amendmen~ N:,e 9Q wc~~ld have to !?e considered
in conjunctinn w;th sucject petition as ad~pted by the City Council; however, this was still
pe,nding befc~re the Ci.ty Council.
Mre grank Gay, ~ger.t for the petitioner, appeared before t}ie Commission and stated he was
avail~b? to aaswer questions. '
The Commiss3on inquired whether or not he intended ta res~de in th_= yuest house, if he
intended tu convert the large structure in the fronc, and the type of business office
proposed fc~..r subject property.
Mra Gay, in response to Commissi.on questioni,ng, stated tiat it was not necessary to use the
guest house for living purposes -•t.hat it could be used .;~~ a storage space; that the only
conversion proposed would be interior; and that a speci~l. bookke=ping service was being
provided - therefore the need for a small directional sign was al1 that was necessary.
~ ~ .t7' . _.,
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MI+N'Wa~S, CI.T'1 I~LANNING COMMISSION, June 5, 1967 3471
?sCLASSIFICA7I0N°- Assistant Development Services Director Robert Mickelson inquired
NOa 66-67-70 wl~ether.~or not he intended to hire people #or this bookkeeping service,
whgteupon Mr. Gay stated that piesently there were three girls and two;,
CONDITIONAL•USE aiore would be hired using,office equipment end a`filing systemo
(Contiyi~ed), N.lrr Alickelson neted that the reason he questioned the petitioner's agent
. was becaus~ he wished to establish that this couTd not be establisfied.
undF~r a'home occupation permit.
Zc~ning Supervisor Ronpld Thompson advi~^d the Commission that it was the intention of ~the
~ p~~titioner's agent to fill in the swi~ +'ig pool in the rear and redevelop the property for
~ x+Arking in the rear.
No u:?e appe~red in opposition to subject petitiohsa
The ~.ommission inquired of Ci.ty At~:orney Joe Geisler whether or not this permit could be
allowed without reclas'sificaiib: ,since it seemed to be an interim use.
Mra Geisier st~:ed that the usP could not be Pstablisheci in the R-1 Zone since it was a
C-1 use.
Furthar discussion was h'eld by the Commission relative to ~eneral Plan Amendment No. 90,
which h.ad been rECammended ~to the City Council, projecting the deep lots alon9 the east
side of East Street between tNilhelmina Street on the south and La Palma Avenue on the
north for medium density use, and the proposed use would be contrary to the recommendations
made by the Commissior:; therefore the Cnmmission should not act on this petition until the
Council had received the Commission's rec:ommendation on the Front-On Study, and that if
aation were taken by ;.i1e Commission on this date, and the Cc.:unission acted in accordance
with their :.commendatic•ns on the General Plan, cubject petition ~rould have to be denied.
aAr..Thompson.advised the ~ortimission that General P1an Amendment No. 90 had been before
the City Council on Wednesday;~.May 31 and had bee.n continued until the me•eting of August 2
for the.purpose of allowing the Commission time.to complete the Front-0n Study'with their,
report and'recommendations. ' ~
The Commission.further noted that the medium.density residential development for the
property had met wl~th the,,approval of ihe property owners in the area, and the proposed
use was contrary to the original appr~val.
Commissionez Mungall offered a motioii to re-open the hear~ng and.continue'P.etitions f~~
Reclassification ~lo. 66-67-70 and Condikional Use Permit P!o. y46 to the meeting of P.ugust 14,
1967, in order to a11ow time to receive the reactio;: of thc~ C.ity Council regarding General
Plan Amendment :lo. 40. Commissioner Allred s~oonded the not~en. MOTION CAEtRI~D.
N0. 66-67-56 Califcsrnia, Owner; property described as: A rectant~ularly sha~ped
. parcel of land located „t the nprthwest corner of Crone Avenu:: and
VARIANCE N0. 188$ Euclid Street and having fro,nta~es o~ approximately 53 feet on Crone
Avenue and approximately lI2 feet on Euclid Street, the wester~y
Qroperty .line of subjett prrperty being approximately 116 fee.t w~st
of the cen~erline of Euclid Street, and further describec as i'~J~ i~esc
Crcne Avenue. Property presently classified R-1, ONE-FAMILY 3cSIDENTIAL,
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject pe:ition, the loGation of subject
property, and uses established in close proximity, as well as the Report to ~nP-Commission,
emphasizing the fact that the petitioner now pro~oses to convert the entire structure for
commercial uses; however, Section 18.40.050 of the Anaheim Muncipal Code provi~ies for
limited commercial uses of residential structures, and that the Traffic Engineer~wss con-
cerned that if subject petition were approved, any ingress or egress to Euclid Street in
close proximity to a signalized intersection would create a serious traffic hazard and
impair the efficiancy o~ this signalized intersection a~id was strongly opposed ~o any
access onto Euclid Street - therefore if no access was permitted, this w~uld eliminate
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' 3472
RECLASSIFICATIOPI - p„~king in the rear yard, reducing the number of
Parking spaces required;
N0. 66-67-66 and that if j
G1 Zonin were
• 9 granted, this would permit a 25-foot high,
~ 240-square foot
ig ''~"";
n to be erected on subject property which could be
VARIANCE N0..1888 detrimental to the residential'
uses established to the west and ~outhwest,
(Continued) as well as to the east.
• Mrs. Genowefa Hurley, the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and
stated that because of refinancin
9 Problem ,
s regarding subject property it was difficult to
i utilize sub'ect
] property or rent subj+;ct property as a residential ~
use; that the financial
, firm stated that the residence could never be considered for residential
it "
purposes beccause
was in the center of commercial ases; that because of the ambulances leaving the int
section of Eu
' ~~
omar Streets, a}~roximately 800 feet to the north, it was difficult
to get any rest due to the fact she w
d A
nights, and these ambulances were going by all
day lony; that it was aii.ficult to plan for the futu
i '
re s
nce she was unable t'o sell her
property; that her home and.the three lots immedia±Qly to the w
of t
were all that remained
e tract originally developed around Euclid Street
which had not been c
ted to
al uses; and that it was necessary to have access to Euclid Street because of a
traffic problem at the si
d i
ntersection of Crone Avenue an~ Euclid Street.
MTS• Royston 717 South A1
the reyuest ~or C-1 uses ~ Stieet, appeared before the Commission in oppositibn to the
proposed for subject
property, and inquired whether the uses pro-
proposed under the C-1 Zone could not also be re
er the C-0 Zone, since C-0 uses
have been established in the area which were m
ore compatible to the residential uses
adjacent to the C-O uses; that stie realized that th
use because of
e property was no longer residential in
the traffic along Euclid Street, but th
e was still opposed to any C-1
uses, because the heavier uses permitted in that
zone were not compatible with the resi-
dential uses.
Zoning Supervisor Ronald Thompson advised Mrs. RoyGton that the C-0 Zone required
20,d00 square feet or a
n area development plan, and the C-1 Zone request was advertised
because the petitioner requested it; however
ere was no need for any additional retail
Establisnmen~cs on Euclid Street; whereupon Mrs. Ro
n s
ed that subject property could
e developed with~ a~: one-story office building for business'a
professional usesa
Discussion was held by the Commission'and the staff relative to the types of uses ~
in the C-1 Zone and the limited
es of t
e C-0 Zone as well as the fact that 'if.tfierCil
zoning were approved, the.structure could b
e rem~ved and any uses of that zone could be
developed on the property.
The Commission was further concerned with the statment made by the Cii:y Traffic Enginee,r
relative to the extreme hazard which vuould result if access were granted to Euclid Street,
because the intersection of Crone Ayenue and Euclid Street was signalized, and that if no
access were permitted the petitioner would be considerably short of the required number of
parking spaces.together with the fact that signing tivould be incompatible with the residential
uses to the west and east, as well as developing a completely asphalted front yard>
Commissioner Farano offered Resolution No. PC67-130, and moved for its passage ar.d adootion,
seconded by Cormnissioner Gauer to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassifi-
cation No. 66-67-66 be disappioved on the basis that a severe traffic hazard would be created
if access were permitted to Euclid Street, due to the short distance between the proposed
driveway and the signalized intersection; that four cars would be required tu back out onto
Euclid Street, creating further hazaids; that if access to Euclid Street were prohibited
six parking stalls would be unusaAle, thereby reducing the parking provisions to well below
Code minimums; that the Site Development Standards of the C-1 Zone requires a side yard set-
back area to be landscaped; howeve;, the petitioner propos2s parking in the side yard as
weil as the rear yard and the front yard; and that if the C-1 Zoning were approved a 25-foot
high illuminated sign,approximately 340 square feet,could be erected which would be detri-
mental to the residential area to the west and east.(See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resoluti.on was passed by the following vote:
A~S~ COMMISSIONL.R3: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
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RECL6SSIFICATION = Cocr,~issionar Allred oPPered Resolution No. PC67-131, and moved.for
N0: 66-67-66 .its passage and adoption, seaonded.by Aommissioner Mungall, to deny
Eetition Por Varianae No. 1888, on the besis that the raquested waiversare
VARIANCE N0. 1888 not neaesse,ry to allow the petitioner to en~oy use of the property
(Continued) • because properties in alose proaimity would be denied a privilege that
wes being aYforded the petitioner; that a severe traffic hazard would
be oreated.'if aoaess were peTmitted to Eualid Street, and if said access to Euolid Street
aere prohibited the waiver oP the parki.ng requirements would be Purther inareased by siz
parking stalls reduoing the requirements for parking to well below minimum, and iP develop-
mettt were to ooour as plot plans indioated, this would result in a situation aontrary to
the intent of.dovelopment oY residentiel converions to commeroiel uses, sinoe the home would
be surrounded.with aonorete and asphalt, virtuelly no landscaping, and inadequate parking
arrangement.(See Resoluti~n Book).
;:::': ';~ On r~ll call, the Poregoing resolution.was passed by the followi
ng vote:
1 .
,'i;,, AYFS: COMlA.ISSIOI~RS; ;~tlred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
~ ~~~, . .
~ ,a ABSENT: GCe~ISSIONERS: .~ Herb~t. .
AMf~NDl~Nr N0. 91 Linooln Avenue, Anaheim, CaliPornia to aonsider an amendment to the
General Plan in the genaral~area of Ball Road on ~;he south, East Street
on the aest, Vermont Avenue.on the north, and State College Boulevard
on the east., encompassing land uses in said area.
Assistant Planner Charles:Roberts presented General Plan Amendment No. 91, as follows:
"The purpose of Gene.ral,Plan Amendment No. 91 is to ezemine the.area northerly of Ball Road
in the vic'snity of Stata College Boulevard to determine whether the aharc~.oter of the area
has ohanged to anp appraaiable degree sinoe the General~Plan was adopted. This eaamination
will be speoiPioelly oonoerned with the questioa oP ahether low-medium or medium density
residential land uses~ere appropriate f~~ a portion of the studq area at this time.
The Planning Cou~ission may wish to evalu,ate the s3tuation aad either reaffirm the ezisting
land use polioy Por this arsa, or amend ii in aaoordanoe with the approaoh that will most
alosely represent the desired development oY the Citq.
'1• The broed area oP oonoern in the proposed amendmant is that ar~3a bounded by Vermont
Avenue, East Street, Ball Road, and State College Boulevard.
2. The speaifia aonsidoration in this oase is to determine whether a portion of the
presently designated low-density residential are~ is now appropriete for low-medi,3m
or medium density residentisl uses.
3. The General Plan presently rePleots the Yollowing land uses Por the study area: a)
A aommunity park in tha northeastern seotor; b) An elementary s~hool ad,jacent to the
park site; a) A~unior high sohool in the northWestern seotor; d) General Industriel
in the southern.seator; e) Neighborhood aommeroial ot the intersE~otion of Ball Road
and State College 3oulevard; and Y) Low density residentiel for the remainder of
the area.
4. General Plan pro3eations ad~aoent to the study area oonsist of: a) West and south:
General Industrial; b)-North and east: Primarily low density residentiel with,the
eaoeption.oP neighborhood oommeraial and low-medium density_ residential symbols
northea§terl'y o4 the interseotion of Ball Road and State College Boulevard.
5.. The study area oontains a total of 170.38 sares. The various usss presently
eaisting inolude: a) The 17.2 aore nommunity park with eapension proposed for
9.5 additional aores; b) The elementary snhool ad~aoent to the park oaaupies
4.98 acres; a) The proposed 3unior high sohool site at the southeast oorner of
Vermont Avenue and East Street oovers 18.1 aares; d) Tsvo single family residential i
subdivisions are developed on 33.01 aores; e) One industrisl Pirm has developed ~
2.02 eares; and f) The remaining area is primarily undeveloped. y.:
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GE2~RE~L PLAN - 6. The land uses sui~rounding the study area inalude: a) North: Low
Ak~END~~NT I~O. 91 density,'single Yemily residential area; b),YVest: Light industrial
Continued) uses; d) South: Light industrisl uses and beasnt land; d) East:
Low densi*y, single PamiTq and low medium density, multiple Pamily
residential uses, a aommeroial shopping aenter, and a small emount
of vaoant land.
7. Ia studying this proposed amendment it was neoessary to attempt to arrive at
_ logioal reasons why higher density residentiel developments might be appropriate
Por the area. The most logiaal conolusion would seem to be that with higt.ar density
residential uses located as olose to an industriel area as this proposal would allow,
a greater ttumber of'the labor forae aould be concentrated closer to their ~obs.
8. YVhen questioning vehether a multiple femily i,rend has been established in this
general area, it would seem thst thereis no suoh indicetion unless, however, the
Planning Commission oonstrues the low-medium density on the east side of State ~
College Boulevard to be a trend. If the consensus is that a'~rerid~ has been
established, the point must be•considered es to whether the multigle femily
influenae should eatend aaross State College Boulevard.
9. As mentioned previously; all the study area that is not designated for'industrial
use is either presently de'veloped or pro,jeoteil f.or low density residentiel use.
If low-medium.or medium density residentiel is approved in this area, a multiple
family environment aill be'inter3eoted into a predominantly single femily area.
Past requests for multiple family zoning in the East Anaheim area have met with
strong opposition from the homeoavners in thet area.
Tvvo situations have been studied as possible alternatives to ahat is presently refleated
~ oa the General P1an. In both elternatives, one basia assw:ption has been made. The
1j assumption is that the City still desires to retain the same approaimate amount of land
for.;industry ia this area as is refleated on the Gener.sl Plan. The reason for this
_ assumption is that the industriel dasignation within the study area i.s part oY the "southeast
- i.ndustrial area", and it has been.assiimed thst it is the City's desire to retain th~~
;';°~y "southeast industrial area" tor industrisl uses. .
fihe ePYeot that this ass~ptioa has had upon the ezhibits Yor both alternatives is that
either the low-medium.or medium density symbol would•not pro~eat into t~a industrial
symbol, but would replace a portion of the low density symbol.
A. Ezhibit "A" rafleots loa-medium density residentiel slong the west side of State
College Boulevard,.between the ao~unity park and the industrial designation to
the south. This type o4 proposal aould permit multiple Pamily dwellings to a
mazimum oY 18 units per net res.ida~~tial sore.
'!."'~'!>i~' B. Ezhibit "B" rePleots medium density residential 3n the seme location desoribed
r.,;~ in Ezhibit "A". A mazimum of 36 dwelling units per net residential aare would
x°::~_:'~ be permitted if this ezhibit represents the land use policy oP the City for
r .
~ this loaatioa.
t ~, •
~. ~~
} t In tha event that the Planning Co~ission fee13 that either of the exhibits represents
t~ n:j the desired lattd use policy for this area, the inoreased burden upon eduoational and
+~ ; reoreational fsailities would either be non-existen•L or negligible.
~, F. .,
y~«~~ i "tiONCIdT$ION: ,
~ ,.
~~f '~ Atter oonsidering the information applioable to the situation at hand it a
,~ 'A, , ppears that
~+~••--• there has not been a substantial ohan to the charaoter of the stud area that would
~t}, a 8~' y
, , Warrant amending the statement of lhnd use poliay by.introduaing multiple family
-~'--!~ developmeat into the area: '
~t'~~~.n'~.'J~ , . . .
~ ~ A:Lthough there is no indioation of a trend toward multiple fami.ly uses, the Planning
-,;;;,,,*~~ Co~ission may ~ish to determine whether higher density residentisl uses are more
~`;: appropriate Yor the area than the presently.projeated low density uses. In msking
this determination, tha Co~ission should aonsider tWO very important poi.nts:
~~; ~
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~'INC,'PES, CITY pI,ANN2~ COI~ISSION, June 5, 1967
~' ~~ - 1• Is it the desire of the City to retain the integrity of the
~h~ IvO. 91 "southeast industrial area"? The positiott of the City thus
(Gontinued) Yar has been to pro,jeat the future needn Yur 3ndustriel aoreage,
and then make provision Yor the preserxr~tion oY this needed land.
2• T: it is the City's desire to retain the southeast area Yor
industry, the Commission should oonsider what affeats in amettdment
to the industrisl land use symbol me,y have. 2f low-medium or
'~:edium density residential is aonsidered appropriate, attd is
introduoed into this area, the end result may be that there mould
be further enaroeohment of residentiel uses into the industrial
area and the City's industriel land oould be depleted."
1~'g- Ann Madison, representing the petitioners, the engineer, and the developer, appeared
be£ore the Commission and stated that in her opinion the area had ohanged drematiaallg
sinoe the General Plan was adepted in 1963, and higher density should be granted in order
to provide wider type of housing whioh is in demand as was eapressed by the Advaaoed
Mortgage Corporation in their reoent quarterly report. This survey indioated a demand Por
housing in Orange Coutttp, the highest in the U. S. as compared with 16 other areas; that
employment figures in the Couttty were due Por the biggest gains-more than any other area
in the oountry; and that General Plan Amendment No. 91 should be approved to establish
this higher density.
Considersble disoussion was then held by the Commission relative to the Yaat that in the
Commission's opinion no land use ahange had taken plaoe in the area to warrant oonsidera-
tion oY a general plan amendment pro,jeating higher densities for the area sinoe it was
their 4pin3,on that the single story multiple fam9,ly development surrounding the commeroial
development on the northeast side of State College Boulevard only acted as a buffer ~etween
the commeroial development and the single Yemily development to the north and east and did
not set a preaedent for simi7.ar high densi`ty use of vaaant land in the study area. Hovever,
further study oould be given to the low density abutting the industrial uses to provide some
type oP buYfering from the undesirable noises and dust emanating from the industrial u:res;
Purthermore, the establiehment oP higher density~WOUld not aot as a buPYer.
Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. p~67-132, and moved for its
adoption, seoonded by Commissioner Allred to reaommend to the City CounoilSthat General
plan Amettdment No. 91 be disapproved on the basis that no land use change had taken plaae
to aarrant aonsideration oP exfiibits prepared by the staff ahiah did not present an acoeptable
alterne,tive to the established General Plan. (See Resolution Book)
On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
~~5~ C~11~I~CSSIOI~RS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
~~: COI~d.ISS201~RS: None.
AFs3EN'?': COE~lLtSSIONERS: Herbst.
Chairme,n Camp stated that it Wss his opinion that further study should be made of the a,rea
beoause of the miature of industrial and residential uses, in order that aoma type of a
buPfer strip could be developed.
1Q0. 66-6?-68 pF SEV~H ~Y A~,rISTS~ 9~5 South State College Bouleverd, Ana,heim,
Californie. C. MICHAEL, INCORPORATED~ 8501 Bolsa Avenue, Midmay City,
Oalifornis; requesting that property desaribed as: Portion No. l: An
irregularly she,ped paroel of land oontaining approaimately 7.4 acres looated htron-""-and west
oY a paroel at the northweat oorner oP State Co]:lege Boulevard and Ba11 Road and havinR
fro~tages oi anproximately 477 ~eet on Ball Road and a,pproximately 150 feet on State College
Boulevard, the northerly property line being approxim8tely 353 feet north of the centerline
of Ball F.oad. ?orti= ?: ~ irregularly shaped parcel of land containing approximately
37.6 aores and having a frontage on the west side of State College Boulevard of approximately
1,964 feet and a mazimum depth of approximately 1,229 feet, the northerly property line being
approsima~ely 2,317 feet n.orth of the centerline of Ball Road be reolassified from the R-A,
AGRIGii~LURAL ZONE to the M-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, ZONE on Portion No, 1, and R-2, ML'L,TTpLE
F`~T-'~ ~ESmENTIAL, ZONE on Portion No. 2. -
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MIN'u''!'ES, CI'i'!% PLANN.~~N("x C0~6ISSION, Sune 5, 1967 3476
REC~ASSIFICATION - Assoaiate Planner Taak Christoffersan, reviewed sub3eot petition,
N0. 66-67-68 locatio~ oP sub~eot property, uses established in close proximity,
(Coatinued) and the Report t~ the Commission.
M:~s. Ann Madison, representing the petitioners, the engineer, and the developer, appeared
before the Gommission,aad stated that the Portior_ No. 2 was designated for R-2, and would be
ideal for residential uses because of the proximity of schools, pexks, churches, and the
Yreeway; that this inorease in density would not overcrowd the school and park Yacilities;
that +he R-2 Zone permitted 18 dwelling units per net residential aare, however, they were
proposing only 6 units per acre; this Would enable the developer to provide a medium cost
home to meet the needs of the average working man who is the forgotten man in the home
industrg which has been oatering to junior executives and exeautives; that more property
tases, sales tax, gasoline tax, eta. would be generated iP this development for residentiel
use was approved, and would supply housing for the working man close to his employment;
that State College Boulevard would be widened which would improve the area; that the
southeast industrial area needed the proposed development for survival; that the 40-acre
paroel to the east might be put on the market and annexed into the City if subject petition
were approved; that in order to retain the industrirsl environment along Ball Road a portion
of subject propertq was being proposed.Yor M-1 use; that the M-1 Zone site development
standa^ds required a speoific setbao~ from any residential use; that the developer and the
engineer of the proposed development were available to answer any teahnical questions; and
that any aontinuanoe would work a hardship on the developer beoause of a tentative 30-day
~_;:<-;;"`~Tll A letter £rom E. Fi. Sargent Company, immediately adjeaent to subject property, opposing
'~' "~ residential uses in alose
proximity, was read to the Commission.
~ r .~'
y~„Y ,~ The Commission inquired of the staff what the squere footage of the lots on the east side
~ of State College Boulevard were.
k~ '
r--°A Zoning Supervisor Ronal~~ Thompson advised the Commission that the R-1 lots on the east side
~, .. ...._
, of State College Boulevard were 7200 square Yeet F.nd on the northwest side where Turin
` Avenue stubbed :i.nto subject property a number of the lots were 6000 square feet.
~ y
Com.9i.ssioaer Gauer expressed the desire to maintain lots in this area between 6000 and
`~ 7200 aquare Yeet.
< ~'•~,'~:i
j'„, ;;y Commissioner Rowland noted that +.hs General Plan, as currently amended, projeots a popu-
3ation for the nomnunity of 250,000 people; that most of the City's capital improvements
planning £or publio utilities, edur,ational and park requireiments was based on this figure,
'r.'.~' and if this was not the feelina cP the City, then the General Plan should be am3nded to
K refloct ang change; that no Pvidenoe had been submitted to tiie Co~ission regarding this
~ ;' ahange other than the desire or hope that some type of dev~3lopment would occur, however,
t.,.,.,£ no need was proven; that the Gar.era,1 Plo,n in th~s =,;x: ~iuular area should now be ccnsidered
~ 's~ at its present low density; that ~,h~ Commi.ssion would not consider any ahange until defin-
~~}_ ;r':~ itive studies were made whioh woul i.nclioate that the General Plan should be ar.ything ot'..Zer
4,'_: ,:i than depicted; that no community ob,,:~.otives, goals, values have been changed up to this
Fti 'u time that indicate the City `s low !i•~Fr.,~i ~y provision in the Anaheim Municipsl Code are
c; aot what the communi.ty is interestecl in as oommunity standards and values; that the fact
~,~i the ao~*m+~n~ty did not have a£ull r~t~gej of real estate values is quite simple in the fact
~1,~, that the City would never again h~sv~e r~3a1 inexpensive properties; that the City must pro-
vide faailities for manu!'aaturir.g e~nc? aorimeraial enterprises:which the City was capable
~ ;; of supplying these demands; that th~3 City hes set standards which are best for the
~ t x.
~~,ti F oom~*~+~*+~ty; that the R-2 5000 Zone request is poor and an impossible vehicle to obtain,
«;;•:;y sinae it is speoificaliy designed to relieve the density in established R-3 properties
~~ y' not Yrom R-A to R-2 and then R-2 5000 as is being requested by the petitioner; that until
~,a ~t the City reaches maaimum develogment of the undeveloped properties in the community between
`~,=`~'' now attd 50 ears Prom now the estsblished values as de icted on the General Plan mi ht
~,,,., ~;~:~. Y , p' g
ahange, but this has not bee;+, evidenced in the past four years sinae the General Plan
e,;::~>:; ~ was adopted.
Commissioner Gauer inquirsd why medium or high density was proposed betmeen two low density
subdivisions, sinae the existing General Plan did not re£leat this, and until further evidence
was submi.tted this low density designation should remain.
Mrs. Me,dison, in response to Commissioner Gauer's question, stated it was her opinion that
the area nad changed since 1963, wi.th an increase in~volume and speedo£ traffic on St~s College
Boulevard, subjeat property was more suitable for higher density than low density and the
s'~'rt( SuR~'~e~'"~{~i2b 'tff '3~'d~Nj 'n ~ u {, i _~ ~r1~^'~ ~`.f'9F`~.k'R.;4a 4, ; r < '-»n.c.4t' ^^q'°4~
.. ~ r~ .: ^ ; .. ,. ~.
1 ~_.._ _..'_"_ ~. _.._"` _'_"" ""'_ '
O t,~ . ~ ~~ ~~
. ~.
RECiASSIFICATION - reeson that the R-2 5000 Zone was requested was beoause it was muoh more
?G0. 66-67-68 aompetible with the established single family subdivision to the north-
(Gontinued) west; that the petitioners £elt they should be allowed the R-2 5000 sinae
they were proposing to develop a higher quelitg home than those existir_g
immediately to the north and west, however, M-1 should be retained along
Ball Road.
~ Co~issioner Farano noted thst the number of R-3 developments on the east side of State
~'>; _:• :. College Bonlevard were minimal as oompared to the R-1 development, and that one could not
t,,: `:•::;~; transpose a£ew lots now developed for R-3 as setting a precedent when oompared with the
~`' kind of acreage whioh the Commission was now aonsidering.
~ 7; Mrs. Madison further stated that the majority of the lots on the west ~ide of State Gollege
;~< -
~ ~ Boulevard were 6000 square feet; that eoonomics did plsy a,part in this project since the
; property has been vacant for a long time; that anq developer of subject property will have
,~:;.., ,~" work something out besides com 1 in wi.th the strict interpretation.of the 7200 square foot
P Y~ B
, ~~ lot required in the R-1 Zone; that the large landowners in that area would not dispose of
;?: °F their properties for R-1 use; that aoreage aost was too high, sinoe the developer must
~ realize a profit, and he must construat a house that the average worker oould afYord to buy;
~,: .~~ that the large landowners wanted $30,000 per eare which amounted to approximately $9500 for
~ each R-1 lot, and with this lot cost it would be necessary to construci~ a$40,000 home,
' . w
the average worker oould not afford to buy; and that some consideration should be
~i given to the average worker. Ftzrthermore, many people preferred a smaller lot, although
~,T : they did not want aondominium-type development.
s~ ~' Gommissioner Gauer noted that the R-2 5000 Zone was established by the City as an alternative
'~ ,;
ti ~,
; to developing properties approved f~or ~t-3 Zoning, however, he felt this zoning was a sub-
~ terfuge to zoning requirements for single family homes; and that the developer who had started
~ <
~' this type of development has oompleted some of the homes, whiah were not considered less ~
~~ ~} expensive even though they were buiiding them on 5000 square foot lots. ~
~~ V~ Gommissioner Rowland further noted that the Commission wes ooncerned with the relative ~
~t f
~ density in relationship to the General Plan; that since 1963 the Commission had considered j
t?±.=. :."'
~ over 90 amendments, many of whiah had been adopted, therefore, this was not indiaative that ~
;` the City did nut recognize dramatia changes in the City; and the General Plan was not static- ~
~ owever, whenever any signifiaant changes had taken place in the community and had been ;
~i demonstrated that the chanve would continue, the General Plan then would refleati this. ~
~~ P.fter considerable discussion by the Commission and the sta£f regarding the possibility of
~ ;=i
~` requiring that a study be me,de to determine what type of bu£fering should be provided
,:~,, between .residential uses ~.:zd industrial uses, the staff indioated that beaause of previous
speaial studies which ~ne staff had undertaken, any further study for buffering would take
a considerable time - more than the petitioners or the developer wanted.
Commissioner Farano offered a motion to reoommend to the City Council that Petition £or
Reclassifioation No. 66-67-68 be approved Por Portion No. 1(~G-1), and denied for Portior
L .
No. 2
`,:: :: : ~
A£ter further disoussion by the Gommissian as to whether or not the petitioner snould
, : submit revised plans indioating some type of buffering between tha residentiel and industrial
r;;.;;._ ;<" use, Commissioner Farano withdrew his motion.
Zhe engineer and developer of subjeot property iridicated they aould have nevised plans
beYore the Commission within two weeks; hoviever, the StafY advised the Gommission that
they had a polioy that revised plans must be submitted to the Interdepar$mental Committee
for Publia Safety and~General YPelYare for,review and reoommendations before being oonsidered
by the Commission, arid that these p7.ans must be in the department no later than Friday.
The agent for;.the petitioner,after further.disoussion with those she represented,asked that
the Commi.ssiott,aontinue Reolassifioation No. 66-67-G8..to the meeting of June 19, 1967. I`?
Co~issioner.Farano offered s motion to reopen .the'hearing and oontinue Petition for
RealassiPiaation No. 66-67-68 to.the..meeting,oP:June 19, 1967 to be saheduled for the
aYternoon meeting in order to allow the'developer-engineer time to submit revised plans
indioating e method of buPYering the residential uses from the industriel uses.
Commissioner Allred seaottded the motion. 'MOTION CARRIED. ~ '
. i, '
~ ;
~ . ., . `... . , ~ J,
N0.,66-67-69 ADVENTISTS AND HENiiY WAGNER, 975 South State College Boulevard, Anaheim,
California, Cwners; C. MICHAEL, INCORPORATED, 8501 Bolsa Avenue,
I'ENTATIVE MAF OF Midway City, California, Agent; requesting that property described as:
TRACT NOe 6409 Portion Noe 1: An irregularly shaped parcel, of land containing approxi-
matel>/ 7e4 acres located north and west of a parcel at the nort'hwest
corner of State Coilege Boulevard and Ball Road and having frontages of
approximately 477 feet on Ball Road and approximately 1~0 feet on State College Boulevard,
the northerly property line being approx3mately 953 feet north of the centerline of Ball
Road; Portion No. 2: An irregularly shaped parce2 of land containing approximately 37e6
acres and havin9 a frontage on the west side of State College Boulevard of approximately
1,964 feet and a maximum dept•h of approximately 1,229 feet, the northerly property line
being approximately 2,317 feet north of the centerline of Ball i~oad be reclassified from
tt~e .R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the M-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, ZONE for Portion Noo 1, and
R-2. 5000, ONE-F1~MILY ZONE for Porti~n No. 2.
Subject trac~t, lacated north ~nd west of the northwest corner of State College Boulevard
and Ball Roed and containing apgroximately 45 acres, is proposed for subdivision into 6
M-1 Zoned lots and 230 R-2 5000 Zoned lots.
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson reviewed subject petition, the location of subject
property, land uses ~stablished in close proximity covered by the General Plan Amendment
Noe 91, and previous action for a portion of subject property by the Planning Commission
and City Council.
Mrs, Ann Madison, representing the petitionersand developer, appeared before the Commission
and stated that since Petition for Reclassification No. 66-67-68 had been continued, she
requested that subject petition also be continued until June 19, 1967, and that all the
previous statements made under Reclassification,No. 66-67-68 applied to subject petitiono
Considerable discussion was then held by the Commission relative to the establishment of
some type of buffer between the industrial portion and the residential portion, and at
its conclusion, Commissioner Rowland stated that it was not the Commission's position to
design concept plans, and any buffering plans should be submitted by the petitionere
A letter from E. H. Sargent 8 Company expressing concern and opposition to the proposed
Reclassification Nos. 66-67-68 and 66-67-69 was read to the Commission.
Mr. Rusty Roquet, 948 South Peregrine Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition
and stated it was his opinion that concessions other than the property owner's desire for
a set pribe for his property should be considered in long-range plans for undeveloped
property since the proposed development would be a drastic deviation from good planning,
and the City should not allow property owners to realize their gains by circumventing
recognized, established Code requirements as well as the General Plane
After considerable discussion relative to the possibility of studying changes of uses for
Portion Noo 2, to determine whether this should be a higher density on the General Plan,
the type of buffering ~hat should be required, or whether the General Plan should be
retained, together with the fact that only one industrial development had occurred on
the north side of Ball Road between East Street on the west and State College Boulevard
on the east, since not only was the City to consider the implications of residential uses
abutting industrial uses, the same type of consideration should be given to developed,
industrial uses adjacent to residential uses.
Assistant Development Services Director Robert Mickelson noted that if svbject petitions
were continued, any studying the Staff would have to do would be dependent upon what the
Commission recommended their intent was, and its completion was dependent upon the depth
of any studies since the Staff had many other studies and projects under consideration
at the present time which could not be completed within two weeks, possibly not even
four weeks.
Chairman Camp noted that the Commission should study this in order to find some solution
which might be workable.
Commissioner Rowland again expressed the feeling that it was not up to the Commission to
design alternati~e methods since this should be a problem far anyone who was desixous
of developing his property, ana subject petitions should be continued until such time
as the developer could resolve some of the buffering problems; therefore, any General
Plan Amendment consideration should be considered only after subject petition wa~s thoroughly
~~ ',
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•~ ~
~' N0, 66-67-69 City Attorney Joe Geisler advised the ~ 347g
_~~1_ hp~herhe Commission's plan for revision~~ission pendent
1'ENTATIVE 9 densit that it was de
TRqCp N~ ~P ~F Plan Amendment WasWeen the R-1 and M_ 9arding bufferir
~ ~"""=-64~ _ 3n order, 1 to ascertain whether af a slightly.'
, (Continued) lNr, Mickelson further advised ~eneral
necessary if an additiona that a minimum o
Commi 1 General Plan AmendmentW~ Weeks would be ~
offered a motion to
and TentativeFMran~ Was considered,
for the ~p °f Tract No, ~ontinue Petition for
:-a developeT_en ln 6409 to the meetin Reclassification No,
the industrial a 9 eer to submit 9 of June 19 66-67_69
:~, CARRIED, ~d Tesidential ~ revised plans which showed1ad~9 ln order to allow
~:~ seso Commissioner Alired secon equate bufferin time
ded the motion, g between
_a (Continued)
"-'----- Reclassification No, 63-64~62(5)
Associate Planner Jack
~`, iteclassification No, ~hristofferson a
~ required 63-64- 9ein reviewed for the Co
development Wit 62~ in which Conditi ~lssion
~ when plans for h 18 dWellin °~ No~ 10 0{ the past action on
' sented to the Commisspo~nt for Lot No,ug~ttWOer net residential~acre~n °{ Tn
`'~, °Per net residential ' the lots northerl tent No~ 64R-200
y indicated Y of sub• °r buildin site; that
`"~' i°9 ~f the a acre or 18 dWelling units on the ~ect prapert
'°` forementioned buildin site"• buildin YtWere pre-
~'fi; further reco resolution Was ' that since the Co 9 site rather
';;;K; mmended to the Cit somewhat confusin ~lssion recognized the wordn
., ing units residentia Y ~OUncil 9, they approved said
~;, that the ~ptr net 1 acre that Condition No, 10 be amended Plans
,,* the Plannin Y ~ouncil in Resolution~Nohereby deletin to read ' but
L~ 9 Commission on 65R-465 amended1ConditioncNot~ ° 18 dwell-
have June ~~ r buildin ~~.
coveraeVelop~d or had develo ment2' 1965; that subsequent to I~ as 9 site ,
'"~' these 9e' that the.petitioner was wells apProved which said a recommended by
``~`'l Plans would aware Aliedendment other parcels
_-~ ment ~ therefore have com with
s~ plans which have ~ Seem to discriminateea9overnin the amende~
:~ the Staff, on the basiseen limited to 7.g 9 resolution, and a
gainst other PProvai of
~~r-,' ment plans, °{ the foregoin dWelling units er net residentialW cre• develup-
g findings,recortunended disapproval of ° and that
~E .
'~ ~'~~ Ron Martin g• the deveiop_
. en ineer for the
,t;~ the petitioner was aware Petitioner, a )
,.j dwelling units that the Cit PAeared before the Co j
originai ~ per net residential a~ieCouncil had amended ~lssion and noted that
~ Pproval and buildin ° hoWever their resolution to reoei.re 18
.iaa financing because 9°~ Webster y a Problem existed b
+i?~~ 1~9 to maximize thef the 80,~K financing usualleet; no other develo eYond zoni~
Ament wes 5 since the
more than Profits for the Y 9ranted for four lexes• Y
`'? 17 units were Petitioner p 9rantc~ an
~RF3~6'~'62~5))on which deve]oped on the ~ but 80,~ financin ' that he was not try-
be obtained if financin prOPerty, such as was 9 Was °btainable only if
coverage Was i~ 9 had been approved; that financi~ posed on 9
obtain at toda ~ units or pr~ Lot ~o,
a~d Planned Y S tlghtened mone less, but this was considerabla ~~ basis could
ta build one-stor Y market; that the Y more difficult to
be a blend in of the three d Y ~onstruction with theesame~architectureired
to be successfull evelo ments• the center
these Y develo p ~ that it was his So that Aarcel
people can finance and' the % coverage increase belief that if this would
y developmento must be Webster Street were
Chairman provided by the City so that
Camp noted that unaler the
the petitioner was requestin Present covera
lot was develo 9 18 units• 9e only 15 units would be
with i ped ~o acc.ess to yyebster~wo ld b pO~ ~• Martin noted
~9ress from the nort e asked since circulation W permitted, and
would be 13_15 h and hen the interior
units of one- yg~onstructionsouth and y for ould be
stor the ~iensit Provided
Assistant Deve? the center
planned to °Pment Services Parcel
develop these a Director Robert Mickelson inquired whether
s individual lots,
Mr. Martin noted the developer
since the that the first two
develo eQ woan cortunitment was based o~~ the north and
P lth the oth that south) would be individuall
er two as a requirement.; however
Mr, i~ickelson single unit. . the interior Y developed
noted if lot could be
problem; however al~l the lots w
developed because thee difficult ere combined a
Y would be encounterednwithlthe State Mathere would be no
easements, and if ~enter parcel would have
the lots could be these easements were not ~O access P Act if individually
sold off later a filed to the parking facilities except as
nd then the Prior to the issuance of
Commissioner Rowland in Center parcel would have no a buildin -
stated that if a 9uired how 9 Permit,
recorded this would access.
document were submitteaern the Commgssion• '
to the Cit ' Whereupon ~., Mickelson
Y which would insure that the
; '.'
h7".f,"' ~~3`v 5~xy~'~n ~~x`.~'fc 5~~~,'~~ m ~~i,9"p.? . 1"? ~ ~ ?r '"`p~'~^.^ {'(. ~N'M .. a r~m^ . ati i ~ .~ ~ r'~ -{ <~'aw,
{ ~., 1
~ ~
r, ~ ~
{E~;:. ,, -
RECLASSTFICATION - City Attorney Jo~a Geis,ler advised the Commission that it was dependent
~ N0. f~ -67- 9 r uppn the Commissian"s Qlan for revision regarding buffering of a slightly.
+'',~"'.'~ higher den~.ity be~tween the R-1 and M-i to ascertain whether a General
~:{;~.,: . TENTATIVE MAP OF Pian Amend.men~ was 9.n ordera
r`i;4.``-~, ` TRACT N~. 6409
, (Contin~ued) Mr, M,i.ckelson fu,.rther advised that a minimum of two weeks would be
~+~_"' necerasary Sf an additional General PLan Amendment was considereda
y Commissiorr~r Fa~rano of.fered a motion to continue Petition for Recl.assificatior. Noo 66-67-69
?-,;~ ;,- and Tentat~iv~ A"3p of T'ract Noa 6409 to the meeting of June 19, i967, in order to allow time
~• for the deve3,oper-er~gineer to submit revised plans which showed adequate buffering between
S ., ~::~_;
~.; - the industrial and sesidential uses~ Commissioner Alired seconded the motione MOTION
`i'; :
,. . 1
~ .r,; , ;.:;;
'i~• <: - '
r ;::.
REPORTS AND ITEM N0. 4(Continued)
RECOMMENDATIONS Reclassification Noo 63-64-62(5)
Associate Planner Jack Christofferson again reviewed for the Commission the past action on
Reclassification No. 63-64-62, in which Condition Noo 10 of Resolution of Tntent Noe 64R-200
required development with 18 dwelling units per net residential acre or buildin4 site; that
when plans for development for Lot No. 9, two lots northerly of subject property,were pre-
sented to the Commission, they indicated 18 dwelling units on the building site rather than
"per net residential acre or buildina site"; that since the Commission recognized the word-
ing of the aforementioned resolution was somewhat confusing, they approved said plans, but
further recommended to the City Council that Condition Noa 10 be amended to read "18 dwell-
ing units per net residential acre", thereby deleting all reference to "or building site";
that the City Council in Resolution Noa 65R-465 amended Condition No. 10 as recommended by
the Planning Commission on June 22, 1965; that subsequent to said amendment other parcels
have developed or had development plans approved which have complied with the amended
coverage; that the petitioner was well aware of the 9overning resolution, and approval of
these plans would, therefore, seem to discriminate against other property owners' develop-
ment plans which have been limited to 18 dwelling units per net residential acre; and that
the Staff, on the basis of the foregoing findings,recommended disapproval of the develop-
ment plansa
Mr.e Ron Martin, engineer for the petitioner, appeared before the Commission and noted that
the petitioner was aware that the City Council had amended their resolution to require 18
dwelling units per net residential acre; however, a problem existed beyond zoning since the
oxiginai approval and building on Webster Street; no other development was granted any
financing because of the Bd,~K financing usually granted for fourplexes; that he was not try-
ing to maximize the profits for the petitioner, but 80~ financing was obtainable only if
more than 17 units were developed on the property, such as was proposed on Lot Noe 9
(R63•-64-62(5))on which financing had been approved; that financing on a 70;b basis could
be obtained if coverage was i7 units or less, but this was considerably more difficult to
obtain at today's tightened money market; that the petitioner had acquired the center parcel
and planned to build one-story construction with the same architecture so that this would
be a blend in of the three developments; that it was his belief that if Webster Street were
to be successfully developed, the % covera9e increase must be provided by the City so that
these people can finance any developmento
„ '~ Chairman Camp noted that under the present coverage only 15 units would be permitted, and
~ ;
~' ~ the petitioner was requesting 18 units; 'whereupon Mr. Martin noted that when the interior
` lot was developed no access to Webster would be asked since circulation would be provided
' with ingress from the north and egress to the south and the density for the center parcel
~ would be 13-15 units of one-story constructione
~ ~ Assistant Development Services Director Robert Mickelson inquired whether the developer I
>: ~ planned to develop these as individual lots. i
~ i
Mr. Martin noted that the first two (to the north and south) would be individually developed
'~' since the loan commitment was based on that requirement; however, the interior lot could be
~,, _ developed with the other two as a single unita '
~ Mra Mickelson noted if all the lots were combined as one building site, there would be no
problem; however, some difficulty would be encountered with the State Map Act if individually
developed because the center parcel would have no access to the parking facilities except as
_-' easements, and if these easements were not filed prior to the issuance of a building permit,
*~ the lots could be sold off later and then the center parcel would have no access.
!,.4;c.;r ,
,,~~ Commissioner Rowland inquired how this would concern the Commission; whereupon Mro Mickelson
stated that if a recorded document were submitted to the City which would insure that the
~' '
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~': R
~?~ ~.;, s 1Z , p n,- a :_.c
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center parcel had access to their parking areas through ingress-egress of the two outer
parcels, then this easement would go with any sale of the land at a later date and should
be a requirement of the City; and that if separate ioans were issued for each parcel -
with~second and third trust deeds - the property could go through foreclosure with any
number of:changes in ownership; however, if the easement document was filed with the
County Recorder, the center parcel would neaer be denied access to the parking facilities,
thus a combination of the parcels would be the same as a PRDa However, if'developed as
individual'parcel no easements wouid be required.
~~a`!~ Mro Martin noted that they would record a document for access to the center parcel if the
;~ Commission so desireda
~, Commissioner Allred offered a motion to approve development plans for Reclassification
~, No. 63-64-62(5) which proposed 18 dwelling units per building site, on the basis that the
~ second lot to the north would be developed similar to the proposed development plans, and
,: ~,
'° that the developer indicated that the center parcel would also be developed when obtained,
:_'; .~ thus making this a unified developmento Commissioner Mungall seconded the motiona
Considerable discussion was then .held by thp Staff and the Commission as to whether or
not a new resolution should be passed because the plans did deviate from the density
permitted when the City Council amended Condition No. 10 in Resolution Noe 65R-465a
City Attorney Joseph Geisler advised the Commission that the Commission could pass a
resolution finding and determining that since by resolution the Commission did recommend
a change deleting reference to "building site" in Resolution No. 64R-200, but with the
basic authority to deviate therefrom for special circumstances, approval of the development
could be made if the development were a deviation which is logical and proper under the
circumstances. However, he was certain that under the first resolution it was the in:ent
of the City Council that it.be 18 units per net residential acre or building site, beca~se
in the discussion by the City Council it was pointed out all these lots could be developed
with 18 units per building site; however, some of the larger units should be controlled
requiring 18 units per net residential acre, and that perhaps this was the original intent
of the City Council.
Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noa PC67-134 and moved for its passage and adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Mungall, to approve development plans submitted for Reclassifica-
tion No. 63-64-62(5) which proposed 18 dwelling units per building site,on the basis that
the deviation was logical and proper because of px~oposed and approved development plans
which would ultimately be a unified three-lot apartment complex, subject to the recorda-
tion of a document approved by the City Attorney establishing easement rights acrass the
northerly and southerly properties, in order to assure ingress and egress for the center
parcel, if developed as a unified development. (See Resolution Book)
On xoli call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Mungall, Rowland, Campa
ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Mungall
of.fered a motion to adjourn the meetinge Commissioner Allred
seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ANN KREBS, Secretary r
Anaheim City Planning Commission
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