Minutes-PC 1969/06/02~3~; t~~~~.it'~tt+,~K~~-!{..:'4~ ~~~kt^ G.,,pyy~,fi eM~4~r.r~ny,''~~:4w"~,~~'~-`~.'~'~? t"A'''-.R~.~,- syr"9 1~ ..j C,~~. ~~7 ~r.. ~ ` '"t* ..,.l.~_ C n . y °d, ' ..,~.,h4 F . .,.., ,.r..t,.. ~-.::'~ ~ :,r. . '.; ..i:.. '~:a . ; .. :, . . .. . . ' .. . . . ~ ... . .~~ . .. , . .-.-~ ~.. . .. ~ ' ~ . . . • City Hall _ Anaheim, California June 2, 1969 A REGUTAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR'MEETING - A regular meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Co~ission was called to order by Chairman Allred at 2:OQ o'clock P.M:, a quorum being _ present. PRESENT - CHAIRMAN: Allred. - COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Camp. ABSENT - COMMISSIONERS: None. PRESENT - Assistant Development Services Director: Ronald Thompson Assistant City Attorney: John Dawson Office Engineer: Jay Titus Zoning Supervisor: Charles Roberts Assistant 2oning Supervisor; Pat Brown Planning Commission Secretary pro tem: Lee Burgess PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner Herbst led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF - Correction of the minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1969: THE MINUTES page 4508, next to last paragraph, second sentence, delete "Rancho La Paz", insert "one in the Pla~~entia lndustrial District..." ~ On motion by Commissioner Farano, seconded by Co~nissioner Thom, minutes were approved as corrected. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE N0. 2064 - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. MAX H. RESNICK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 16200 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, California, Owner; MESA LAND COMPANY, P. 0. Box 901, La Habra, California, Agent; requesting WAIVERS OF (1') MINIMUM FLOOR AREA, (2) BUILDING HEIGHT, (3) REQUIRED LANDSCAPING IN.THE FRONT SETBACK, (4) MINIMUM'SETBACK FROM INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE, (5) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS, (6) PIINIMUM WIDTH OF PEDESTRIAN PASSAGEWAY, (7) MINIMUM NUMBER OF COVERED PARKING SPACES, (8) MTNIMUM WIDTH OF PARKING SPACE, AND (9) ADEQUATE SCREENING OF PARKING FACILITIES FROM THE ADJACENT STREET, TO ESTABLISH A 151-UNIT, TWO-STORY MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT on property described as: An irregularly shaped pa::uel of land, comprising two lots, located at the southeast corner of Glenoaks Avenue and Greenleaf Avenue and having approximate frontages of 500 feet on Glenoaks Avenue and .770 feet on Greenleaf Avenue. Property presently classified R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE, Subject petition was continued from the meeting of March 10, 1969, at the request of the petitioner. Zoning Supervisor Charles Roberts advised the Commission that a letter had been received from the petitioner requesting termination of subject petition. Commissioner Herbst offered a motion to terminate all proceedings on Petition for Variance No. 2064, as requested by the petitioner. Commissioner Rowland seconded the motion. MOTION,CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. HARE T. KISHIYAMA, 16507 Gramercy Place, N0. 68-69-89 Gardena, California, Owner; WILLIAM PHELPS, 914 East Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent; property described as: A rectangularly VARIANCE N0, 2081 shaped parcel af land having a frontage of approximately 99 feet on the west side of Western Avenue and a maximum depth of approximately 642 feet, being located approximately 930 feet south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue. Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE. REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVERS OF (1) MAXIMUM HEIGHT WITHIN 150 FEET OF AN R-A ZONE, (2) MINIMUM SETBACK FROM AN ALLEY, (3) MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK, (4) ADEQUATE ACCESS FOR FIRE AND TRASH VEHICLES, AND (5) LIVING UNITS NOT WZTHIN 200 FEET OF A STANDARD STREET, TO ESTABLISH A 40-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX. 4534 ~. _ ... - : - : ,:.,:..~, . ,. _.. - ~,~~ ~ !~ ___. _---,.~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 ~ 4535 RECLASSIFICATION - Subject:petitions were confinued from the meeting of May 5, 1969, N0. 68-69-89 to allow time for the petitioner to submit revised plans incorporating adequate circulation which would meet with the approval of the Fire VARIANCE N0. 2081 Department. (Continued) Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the location of subject property, indicating that revised plans had been submitted and analyzed by staff and the Assistant Fire Chief, which plans now indicate a passageway between the units located just west of the proposed cul-de-sac from Western Avenue, and a rearrangement of the carport area at the rear of the praperty to provide:better vehicular accessibility and access to the.units which are located within the interior of the'property. These modifications now provide adequate access for fire fighting equipmene and personnel, and the need for ~ Variance No. 4(Section 18.28.050(9-a) has been eliminated. Mr. William Phelps, ag;.at for the petitioner, was present to answer any questions. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED, Commissioner Farano offered Resolution No. PC69-117 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassi- fication No. 68-69-89 be approved, subject to conditions, (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None, Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. PC69-118 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, to approve Petition for Variance No. 2087, waivers 1, 2, 3 and 5, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom; Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. .. . . . . ~ ~ . ~ i RECLASSIFICATION - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. RAYMOND SPEHAR, 913 Paloma Place, Fullerton, N0. 68-69-68 California, Owner; property described as: An irregularly shaped parcel containing a total of approximately 80 acres of land located generally t CONDITIONAL USE east of Imperial Highway, south of Esperanza Road and north of the f PERMIT N0. 1090 Santa Ana River and the proposed route of the Riverside Freeway, more ; particularly descriUed as: Parcel 1- An irregularly shaped parcel ~ containing approximately 30 acres of land having approximate frontages of S00 feet along the north side of the Sa,nta Ana River, 1,500 feet along the east side of ~ Imperial Highway, and 1,100 feet along the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad south of Esperanza Road, and Parcel 2- An irregularly shaped parcel containin a ~ asres of land havin a 8 pproximately 50 Ana River and 1,500gfeetralongttherAtchgsoo~fTOpeka &eSar.aa~Fe Railroadhsouth of Esperanza ~ Road and being located from approximately °t+ft '.eet to approximately 2,700 feet east of i Imperial Highway, Property presently class~ .ed COUNTY A1, GENERAL AGRICULTURAL, DISTRICT. ~ REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: PARCEL 1- C-1, GENERAL COMAfERCIAL, ZONE. PARCEL 2- R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE: ESTABLISH A TRAILER PARK, WITH WAIVER OF REQUIRED SETBACK ON PARCEL 2 ONLY. Subject petitions were continued from the meetings of March 24 and April 21, 1969, pending a decision of the Loca1 Agency Formation Commission regarding the boundaries between Anaheim and Yorba Linda north of the Santa Ana River and east of Imperial Highway. AssistanC Zoning Supervisor Pat Brows reviewed the request, noting the petitioner proposes reclassification of approximately 30 acres located in the westerly portion of subject property from County A1 to City of Anaheim C-1 for Parcel 1, and approximately 50 acres in the eastern portion from County A1 to R-A for Parcel 2. The petitioner also requests a conditional use permit to establish a mobile home park on the easterly 50 acres of subject property (Parcel 2). ~Ty~i ~ ~~: i j ~ : ` ~ C'' ~~.~ Y x ~ ~ ~~~ t tf ~'~~ .. ~, , ~ >.: :k ~ 7•, ; 4, .j~. c~ d',.7,.y.ti ~ES~ 1 . ~~~~ ~~. ~ . . . . ~ M~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 4536 RECLASSIFICATION - Zoning Supervisor Charles Roberts suggested that the Comm±ssion N0. 68-69-68 continue subject reclassification and conditional use permit for the June 30, 1969 meeting in order to complete studies: ¢ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 1090 Coimnissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner (Continued) Rowland, to continue Petitions for Reclassification No. 68-69-68 and Conditional Use Permit No. 1090 to June 30, 1969, to allow time fpr necessary studies to be completed. MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC HEARING. FIRST AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, P. 0. Box 267, Santa PERMIT N0. 1115 Ana, California, Owner; HARRY KNISELY, 1741 5outh Euclid Street, Suite B, Anaheim, California, Agent; requesting permission to ESTABLISH A TRAILER PARK on prop~rty described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 19 acres at the southwest corner of Crescent Avenue and Gilbert Street, having approximate frontages of 1,300 feet on Crescent Avenue and 629 feet on Gilbert Street, Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Bro~,~n reviewed the location of subject property, uses established in close proximity, existing zoning and the proposal to establish a 152-space, adult mobile home park. The plans indicate a 20-foot wide, landscaped setback along Gilbert Street, a 17-foot setback along Crescent Avenue, with 8-foot high masonry walls to the rear of these setbacks; an 8-foot masonry wall is also proposed along the west boundary of subject property. Immediately adjacent to the north and west walls, within the interior, a 5-foot wide planter,area is indicated to be planted with trees on 20-foot centers; a 30-foot wide perimeter street is proposed adjacent to these planters. The petitioner has indicated with this street design, the mobile homes will be kepC as far as possible from adjacent R-1 homes; plans show that a chainlink fence is located along the south property line separating subject property from the Orange County Flood Control District channel. A 50-foot wide, divided entranceway from Gilbert Street has been indicated in the central part of the eastern porti,on of the property; emergency fire access only has been shown to Crescent Avenue, which will cause ao apparent problem according to the City Traffic Engineer. Approximately 11.2 trailer spaces per net acre is the density of this proposal. Studies made by the Trailer Coach Association indicate that multiple-family residential areas are most appropriate for the location of mobile home parks rather than in commer- cially or industrially oriented areas. Mr. Harry Knisely, 1741 South Euclid Street, Anaheim, agent for the petitioner, appeared to comment on the application. He noted for the Commission that the property on the General Plan is indicated R-3; Ehat the Orange County F1ood Control channel and City golf course would act as natural buffers for this development. Mr. Bud Nagel, 2432 Glencrest, Anaheim, appeared in opposition. He advised the Commission that in 1955 when he purchased his home, the area Was surrounded by orange groves; that now there is a golf course, two shopping areas, elementary school, junior and senior high schools. The area has been built for residential living; a mobile home dweller has a different type of living, not permanent. He does not believe that the single-family residence is compatible with the mobile home park. Mr. LeRoy Campbell, 2433 Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, appeared in opposition. He and his ne;.ghbors feel the intrusiori of mobile ham~~ parks into residential neighborhoods is not warranted, and requests a 30-day continuanc:e so that the plans and facts may be reviewed. He presented a petition with 49 names reque+sting a postponement. Mr. Robert Leonard, 534 North Hampton Str.eet, appeared in opposition, stating he was concerned with overcrowding of the schools, and requesting information as to what assur- ance property owners have that a mobile home park would be built. Mr. Knisely advised the opponents and the Commission that the park would be an all adult park; the density is less than required under the R-3 zone. Compatibility lies totally in the design; an 8-foot wall, setbacks, planter area and an interior1~ treet. Anyone driving down Crescent would not know wha[ was behind the wall. He ft~rCher stated that statistics indicate a mobile home park dweller lives in a mobile home park longer than an R-1 home dweller, and contributes more to the City in terms of taxes. Coaunissioner Gauer suggested to the public attend:ng the meeting that they visit a good mobile home park, see how it is run; most people who live in an adult park are retired, do not want the responsibilities of a single-family home, Commissioner Camp stated that when the opponents secure the information they desire, after reviewing the plans, that both the applicant and opponents should present their case at a public.hearing; that if opponents request a 30-day extension, it should be granted. ~- : < . ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ `~, ;~= MINUTES, Y PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2 69 4537 • . ,;"; CONDITIONAL USE - THE HEARING WAS,CLOSED. ~'''k PERMIT'N0. 1115 (Continued) Commissioner Gauer offered a motion for continuance of Conditional .' Use .Permit No. 1115 for 30 days. ;;;~~ ., ~ ~ . ' ~ . ~ ~ , ~ .:yl~ Mr. Knisel offered to ost the 50 a eal fee in order that the Y P $ pp petition could be '~~. =r;?~ forwarded to the City Council, and in the meantime the plans could be reviewed by the ;~;;~,! opponents . ;i, : ^<~, ~~~sr Commissioner Gauer withdrew his motion. f~ ` Commissioner Farano offered a motion to deny Conditional Use Permit No. 1115, seconded ~ '~" by Commissioner Gauer. ~ ;~: .~,. ' On roll call the vote was as follows: va+~~ ;:_,r ~ ~• ''' '~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Camp. ' _ P:-;!;'~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. ~;'y~' '' ` ~r ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ : ` ~ In voting "no", Coamiissioner Herbst indicated he believed this mobile home park to be '~" a good development for the City; the Commission has an obli ation to ex edite the g p petition; '~ ;:;;`'~ a delay should not be necessary and especially when considering the present money market. '-`;i'i Commissio~er Thom in voting "no" indicated that the eo le si nin the P P S g petition were not =-"^~,~' necessarily opposed to the application, but wanted time to review the plans; he does not ~„+;~°y feel the Coimnission should hold u the ro ect and P p j give the people time to appeal. `-`S~ , ~ The motion lost by a four to three vote. ' ~ ; ~ '~ ~ i ' Con¢nissioner Gauer offered Resolution No. PC69-119 and moved for its passage and adoption, , ~:- . r ;ti ',..:~~ seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to recommend to the City Council approval of Petition ''~`•~ ~ for Conditional Use Permit No. 1115, and accept Mr. Knisely's offer of $SO appeal fee. '~ (See Resolution Book) ~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: . , t AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer, Herbst, Thom, Allred, Rowland. %~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS; Camp, Farano. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ` 't . . . . ~ ~ ,;t~ i~i;~ Mr. Roberts advised the Commission that staff recommends an additional condition be placed in the resolution: that a 6-foot chainlink fence satisfactory to the Flood Control District be provided along the south boundary. The normal requirement is to require a 6-foot masonry wall around the entire park; however, a chainlink fence could capitalize on the view of the golf course. ~ Al.so, underground utilities must be provided. 'r The Commission suggested that development standards for mobile home parks be reviewed, and Assistant Director Ronald Thompson indicated that a study would be made on site e development standards. . . ~ In voting "no" (second motion), Commis•sioner Camp indicated this was one of the better ~' park plans to come to the Commission. ; ~",,,;', In voting "no" (second motion), Commissioner Farano indicated this was a good park devel- ~.:._.~ F opment; that the Commission should formalize development standards for the treatment of ~' mobile home parks. i ;: ; VARIANCE N0. 2085 - PUBLIC HEARING. HUGAS CORPORATION, 1786 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, i., i ~ California, Owner; ERNEST F. PELITIER, 1786 West Lincoln Avenue, ~ Anaheim, California, Agent; r.equesting TvAIVER OF MAXIMUM HEIGHT TO { ESTABLISH A 60-FOOT HIGH, FREE-STANDING SIGN on property described as: An irregularly ~-. ~ shaped parcel of land located at the northwesC corner of Riverdale Avenue and Jefferson ~ Street, having approximate frontages of 209 feet on Riverdale Avenue and 164 feet on 4 Jefferson Street, Property classified C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE. •1 Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the petition, noting that the request was to erect a 60-foot high, 198-square foot, free-standing sign at the southeast corner of ; the subject property; that the applicants indicate this height is necessary to provide ` adequate advertising exposure to the Riverside Preeway located some 600 feet from subject property. He also noted that the primary consideration of the Planning Commission was - 1irl~,'r.'~'~o imrR ~ b~CK~.~~~/~~S rvi~ aC ~"~, 'TP~~~"~E'H~/~SA.'~~T~a'~l..)eCt,~~{~L"~~~1~£~~ ~ ,(~'~ ~ .. . ... ..uU e .. , ..• ,z Yf .' '3 T ~ ~Sxt.b~ ~. f.rv c'ti '' 3 "' ~' i 3,. ~ ~5~ v .'~? s°'.M ~i :ra F .^~ .. .,_ , . ~., ~ MINUTES,_CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 4538,: VARIANCE N0. 2085 -.whether the applicants have created this probiem by establishing the ,(Continued) . service station:at this'location, and whether such,a sign could;'.prove to be a.deleterious visual intrusion Co residents'of the-multiple- family and single-family residences located'to the south and'souEhwest.;.'~,~' The applicant appeared before the Coaimission and indicated the variance,was to prevent ixitrusion of"the light into the homes; the request was for a freeway=oriented;sign,;the ' sole purpose for convenience and service to the:traveler coming.through'thaE.area:and would not be detrimental to the,people in the area. He further indicated that'consider= ing`the.site location; a sign of this height was very essential to ttie'business, the sign would face the freeway and river. - ~.,.' In discussion, the Commissioners advised that this is not a freeway-oriented service.' station; such s,+tation.would be located at.the off-ramp;'and a sign 60 feet high~was not necessary. He was f.urther advised that there was no,hardship involved. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC69-120 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, to deny Petition for Variance No. 2085 since this is not a freeway-oriented service station and a precedent would be set for other businesses in the area to request 60-foot signs and adjacent to R-l property. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Camp. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. Commissioner Camp left~the Council Chamber at 3:20 P.M. , VARIANCE N0. 2092 - PUBLIC HEARING. DOWNEY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOQIATION,.P. O. Box 3760 , Fullerton, California, Owner; requesting WAIVER OF FRONT YARD:SET- `' <: BACKS TO PERMIT ESTABLISHMENT OF 8 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS on property described as: Eight R-l zoned lots l ated o ' oc al ng-the easterly boundary of Tract No,,6820 located on the north side oE Lincoln Avenue, approximaEely 810.feet east of the centerline of Rio Vista Street. Property presently classified R-1, ONE-FAMILY ZON , E. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the subject property, indicating the o surr unding land uses include undeveloped R-2-S000 zoned land to the north and west~ a nd existing R-1 subdivisions to the east and south; further that the variance in question applies to nine lots (36 through 44) of Tract No. 6820, which comprise the eastern portion of Tract 6820 and are adjacent to an existing R-1 tract: He further advised th e Commission that plans indicate the developer proposes to construct residen- tiaT structures with a 20-fo t f o ront setback from the street right-of-way, whereas Code in the R-1 zone requires a minimum 25-foot setback Th ~ . e ro ert in P P y question is zoned R-1; whereas the remaining 39 lots of this tract were zoned R-2-5000 and the majority h ~ , ave been developed with 20-foot setbacks which would be consistent with what is proposed for subject i l s ~ n ne ot . The requested 5 feet in the front setback of these nine lots ` creates a 5-foot deeper rear yard for each parcel and provides more open space for the R-l + properties to the east. t Mr. Richard Long, Director of Housing for powney Savings & Loan Association, the applicant was rese t ~ , p n . I Mr. W.-E. Hiner, 227 Kingsley Street, appeared and advised the Commission he had not the opportunity to review the plans ho ~ ; wever, he noted the-homes were on.smaller lots than on adjoining property (Tract 4412) where h Ye ides f e s , and,that the homes and lots both are being constructed smaller; that values are decreasing He further e t .t . r ques ed that an 8- £oot wall be installed. i ; ` . ' The Commissioners suggested that Mr. Hiner and Mr. Long work out the solution to the 8- foot ll' ~ ` wa since this was not a part of the requested variance. ~ f THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. ~ ' ~ Cotmnissioner Gauer offered Resolution No. PC69-121 and moved for its passage and adoption, ( seconded by Commissio F a ner ar no, to grant Petition for Variance No. 2092, subject to ' conditions. (See Resolution Book) , P~~ ~c~r~ ~ ~ . .. .. ~y~PL', ,r,.'Y~`.~. i .,~ ° lk -iY' x }7~X~'.a~. '' ~f' ~~r~ '' ~w.Y 'Ct'~~E',FV ~F.G..~ w s+~ ^~' ~ ~ ;d~ • ~' y~,~.V ~3tvxrs"'Y''.vS~al'~c~~ '~ .c. r 'l ya : + - ~+f` a". ,. 9'.r~'.1~.-•~~'.r ~A _r i ~ ~ u r i - . ~1 _ t yC~, . . Y7 . . \' ' t 1 . . ~ .. . ----^-~-~_•,~ ~ . MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~-June,2,~1969 ~~ 4539 .VARIANCE N0: 2092 - Oa roll;cali Che foregoing resolution was passed h^~• the fflllowing vote: ;"(Continued) AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Caatp, Commissioner-Camp returned to the Council Chambez at 3:30 P.M. % VARIANCE.NO. 2094 - PUBLIC HEARING. FRANK JOHN HERTEL, 6216 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, California, Owner; INCOME PROPERTY SPECIALISTS, INC,, 524 West TENTATIVB MAP OF Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, California, Agent; property described TRACT N0, 6984 as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land with a frontage of approxi- mately 330 feet on the north side of Orangewood Avenue`and a depth of approximately 630 feet, being located approximately 1,660 feet east of the centerline of Haster Street. Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. REQUESTED VARIANCE: `WAIVERS OF (1) MAXIMUM HEiGHT WITHIN 150 FEET OF R-A, (2) MINIMUM LOT WIDTH, AND (3) MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM SIDE PROPERTY LINE, TO ESTABLISH AN 18-LOT, FOURPLEX SUBDIVISION (72 UNITS). TENTATIVE TRACT REQUEST: DEVELOPER: INCOME PROPERTY SPECIALISTS, INC., 524 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, California. ENGINEER: Anacal Engineering Company, 222 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; proposing 18 R-3 zoned lots. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat B~eown revie~:ed the request, indicating the petitioner proposes to establish 18 multi-family faurplexes on property located on the north side of Orangewood, east of Haster, on property presently zoned R-A, with a resolution of intent to R-3. The surrounding land uses indicate an existing mobile home park to the north, multiple-family to the east and wes~, and a single-family tract and homes and church on property to the south. The applicant is proposing 18 R-3 lots, fourplexes on each, three onc-story apartment units in the £ront of each lot, with a fourth unit located over the five carports at the rear and adjacent to the alleys. The developer has indicated that the width of 65.2 feet on 16 of the 18 lots (Code requires 70 feet) would better subdivide the original parcel; that lot areas exceed the Code mir.imum requirements. Mr. David Stone, a~ent for Income Property Specialists, Inc., 524 West Coimnonweaith Avenue, Fullerton, was present. He advised the Commission that the only existing R-1 is approximately 105 feet to the proposed setback and affects one unit of the propoaed development, which unit is located above the carports at the rear of the southeasternmost lot. He further indicated that with the proposed reduction of lot width that the devel- opment would have larger widths than developmente on either aide; they are propoaing 72 units or about 76% of capacity which allows the developer to maintain the character of development in the area. Mr. Stone adviaed the Commisaion that development would be aimilar to that on the weat. No one appeared in opposition to aub3ect petitions, THF, HEARING WAS CLOSED, Commissioner Rowland offered Reeolution No, PC69-122 and moved for its passage and adop- tion, seconded by Commissioner Herbst, to grant Petition for Variance No. 2094, noting that because of the location, size and shape of thp property, it was difficult to develop in any other way, with the provision that waiver No, 1 be approved in part; that there be no.two-story R-3 development within 150 feet of the R-1 at Spinnaker. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution cvas passed by the following vote; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COM~iISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. . .' _ , '~vx« . ~~ ~ } k ~, rJc r- ~ ~-r~t~'r~'t~ ~"r ~ .3 ~ r f a~ .. d ~ ,~ : ` ~ r A n~ ^h'tiiCft ;~iri ,J:s~ .. :=-~~.7~ rt~ , Fk~ y ~',>~ai'J Y .:r r ~ .,I c ••,~: MINUTES;~TY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2,"oi969 ~~ 4540 VARIANCE N0. 2094 - Commissioner,Camp offered a motion to approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 6984, seconded by Commissioner Rowland, and MOTION CARRIED, TENTATIVE MAP OF , subject to the follow'ing conditions: TRACT.NO. 6984 (Continued) 1, That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof sha11 be submitted in , tentative form for approval. 2. That tiie approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 6984 is granted subject to the approval of Reclassification No. 68-69-77 and Variance No. 2094. 3. That street "A" shall be recorded as Nautical Street. 4. That ali.lots within this tract shall be served by underground utilities. 5. That public utility easements shall be provided as required by the Director of Public Utilities. CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC HEARING. G. SYDNEY BARTON, 611 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, PERMIT N0. 1116 California, Owner; requesting permission to ESTABLISH A TRAILER PARK FOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLES on property described as: A rectangularly shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 9 acres, having a frontage of approximately 660 feet on the west side of West Street and a maximum depth of approximately 620 feet, being located approximately 660 feet south of the centerline of Ball Road. Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the petition, surrounding land uses and request, noting that on May 19, 1969, the Planning Commission had recommended approval of a similar request for property located at the southeast corner of Ball Road and Walnut Street contingent upori a five-year time limitation which was subject to review and either an extension of time or termination of the use. Subject request is essentially the same proposal, to establish a 280-space travel trailer park. The applicant, Mr. G. Sydney Barton, and Mr. G. Vernon Schupp, Vice President, Park Management Associates, 1052 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, were present and showed render- ings of the proposed development which would include recreatioa facilities, a club house, quarters for a manager and assistant manager who would be residents of the park. The applicant indicated the park to be compatible with and attractive to the surrounding area, no mobile homes but strictly travel trai3ers. The park would be for both adult and children and self-contained, and it is not anticipated that guests would be of a permanent nature. No one appeared in opposition to subject petit:ion. THE HEARIN~ WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Thom offered Resolution No. PC69-123 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 1116 based on prior need for this type of facility, that a five-year time limit be established, after which time the use shall be reviewed for an additional period of time or termination, and subject to conditions, including underground utilities. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. RECESS - A motion was made and seconded to recess the meeting for ten minutes. MOTION CAFRIED. The meeting recessed at 4:00 P.M. RECONVENE - Chairman Allrerl reconvened the meeting at 4:10 P.M., all Commissioners being present. - 5:: .ne: i ` . .... . .,. ~. . v h ~ ~ ...._, . .. _ . . . _ . _ `4 ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 4541 CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC HEARING. VOGE, INC., 7601 Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles, PERMIT N0: 1118 California, Owner; ROBERT ORR, 336 North Central, Glendale, California, Agent; requesting permission for ON-SALE LIQUOR IN AN EXISTING RESTAURANT on property described as: An irregularly shaped parcel of land at the southwest corner of State College Boulevard and South Street, having approximate frontages of 200 feet on South Street and 170 feet on State College Boulevard, and further described as 801 South State College Boulevard. Property presently classified C-1, GENERAL COt~SERCIAL, ZONE. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the location of subject property, uses established in close proximity, existing zoning, noting that the property was ~oned C-l in June, 1960, with deed restrictions, and that in October, 1967, the City Council had amended these deed restrictions to permit a restaurant. Further, at the time the Planning Commission reco~nended approval (.Iune 17, 1968) of Conditional Use Permit No. 1034 which permitted on-sale beer and wine in conjunction with the existing restaurant, the general manager of the Amigos Restaurant stated, "There would be no intent to later request on-sale liquor since no t~ar was incorporated in the plans, and it Was not their intent to sell liquor". Plans submitted indicate a proposed bar area (8.6% of total gross floor area) which will be screened from the main dining area (26% for food preparation, 65% for main dining and counter areas). Mr. Robert Orr, 336 North Central, Glendale, agent for the applicant was present. He advised the Commission that the Amigos Restaurant had no intention of serving liquor at the time the general manager made the original application; that they would still rather not put in liquor. However, this is a new restaurant chain, and in the process of emerg- ing have found that people today consider it a dinner house and want alcoholic beverages, that all six units now in operation are being changed to serve liquor, and that the public in general want on-sale liquor in restaurants. Co~mnissioner Gauer advised the applicant that had the Commission known on-sale liquor would now,be requested, permisaion for establishment of the restaurant would not have been grantad; the coam~unity has not changed, same residents in the area. Mr. Orr atated it is an economic hardship not to serve liquor, that it is possible to become a successful reataurant faster with liquor being served, the quality of food has improved, that it was necessary to make a profit and cater to the wants of the public. In answer Co a query from the Coamiiasion, Mr. Orr advised this would be a regular bar, not a aervice bar, but a bar with atuols. No one appeared in oppoaition to subject petition. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Thom offered Resolution No. PC69-124 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commiaeioner Gauer, to deny Petition for Conditional Uae Permit No. 1118. Coarmisaioner Thom, in making the motion, noted ;.tiat on June17, 1968, the general manager had indicated there was no intent at a later date to requeat on-sale liquor, and that there were many reatauranta with only beer and wine. (See Reaolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution wae pasaed by the following vote; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbat, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMhIISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. CONDITIONAL BSE - PUBLIC HEARING. CEI3TURY PROPERTIES, 2000 Westwood Boulevard, I,os PERMIT N0. 1119 Angelea, California, Owner; ROBERT ORR, 336 North Central, Glendale, California, Agent; requeating permisaion for ON-SALE LIQUOR IN A PROPOSED RESTAURANT on property deacribed as: A rectangularly ahaped parcel of land having a frontage of approximately 97 feet on the east aide of Beach Boulevard and a maximum depth of approximately 302 feet, being located approximately 1,230 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, Property presently classified C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE. Asaiatant Zoning Sunervisor Pat Brown reviewed the subject petition which requests permisaion for on-sale liquor in a propoaed restaurant, noting the aurrounding lan3 us~s were com~aercial, existing mobile home park, proposed "Farmera Market" and an existing aingle-family residential tract. Subject property was rezoned to C-1 in March, 1969, and a conditianal uee permit to permit on-sale beer and wine incidental to the aerving of food, wae approved in December, 1968. Plana aubmitted indicate a bar (16'~%), food preparation (27.6%) and dining area (56%), and the bar area to be ecreened from the main dining area. Mr. Robert Orr, 336 North Central, Glendale, agent for the applicant wae preaent. He adviaed the restauranY. originally propoaed the eale of beer and wine only, but as in the ,~ , ; . :: .: . . . ~: :t ~ MINUTES,~TY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2~969 . ~ 4542 CONDITIONAL:USE - case with Conditional Use Permit No. 1118, the serving of alcoholic PERMIT N0. 1119 beverages was-more desirable to the public. (Continued) No one appeared in opposition to aubject petition. THE HEARIN6 WAS CLOSED. 'Commissioner Rowland offered Resolution No. PC69-125 and moved for its passage and edoption, secanded by Commissioner Camp, to grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit No,. 1119, indicating that; no previous commitment had been given for the sale of hard liquor:at this.location; business is separated from the single-family h~mes by heavily traveled Beach Boulevard, and the buildiag is designed with a cocktail lounge and ~ acreened from the restauranf. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the followino vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Rlone. ' RECLASSIFICATION - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. HORACE MORLOCK, 264 Granada Avenue, NO> 68-69-88 Long Beach, and GEORGE COLLMAN, 16651 Yorba Linda Boulevard, Yorba Linda, Californi4, Owners; ALFRED EDELSOHN, 237 East Olive, Suite VARIANCE N0. 2090 501, Burbank, California, Agent; property described as: An irregu- larly shaped parcel of approximately 7.86 acres of land situated TENTATIVE MAP OF north and west of the northwest corner of Orchard Drive and Orange- TRACT N0. 6978 thorpe Avenue, having frontages of approximately 264 feet on Orange- thorpe Avenue and 264 feet on Orchard Drive, the easterly boundary of said parcel being approximately 400 feet west of the centerline of Orchard Drive, and the southerly boundary being approximately 835 feet north of the centerline of Orangethorpe Avenue. Property preaently classified COUNTY A1, AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-2-5000, ONE-FAMILY, ZONE. REQUESTED VARZANCE: WAIVER FOR 4 LOTS OF A 49-LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY SUBDIVISION OF THE REQUIREMENT TNAT RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES BE ORIENTED TO REAR ON AN ARTERIAL HIGHWAY. TENTATIVE TRACT R5i2UEST: DEVELOPER: ALFRED EDELSOHN, 237 East Olive, Suite 501, Burbank, California. ENGINEER: Millet-King & Associates, Inc., 511 South Brookhurst Street, Fullerton, California; proposing 49 R-2-5000 zoned lots. Subject reclasaification was continued f:om the meeting of May 5, 1969, to allow time for the petitioner to submit a tract map and variance petition requesting waiver to permit side-on lots. Annexation proceedings to the City of Anaheim are now in process. Subject petitions were reviewed by Aasistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown, indicating the property was now in Orange County and was nropoaed to subdivide into 49 R-2-5000 zoned lots. Zoning Supervisor Charles Roberts advised the Commission that the applicant has sub- mitted a revised tentative layout which would comply with the thinking of the Inter- departmental Committee; that a ~ul-de-sac street has been provided at the southerly terminus of the street. Mr, Alfred Edelsohn, agent for the owners, was present to answer any questions of the Commiasion, No one appeared in oppositor, to s Ject petitions,. THE HEARIi4G WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Camp offered Resolution No. PC69-126 and moved for its passage and adop- tion, aeconded by Commissioner Thom, to recommend to the City Council approvaT of Reclassification No. 68-69-88, subject to conditions. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, kowland, T.hom, A1Zred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABS~N1'.; COMMISSIONERS: None. i * .~, ...1 t~... ~, ~,..."''' 1'-. ~~~T1~`v~SN ~ ~t~~v~ -,,f' Y. ;Y 1x ' ..S~ -: 4, t r S~r" ~ u~,r.~,.. ~~ tx ~ ~fr,_.i_-~ z- "' .~ S~~ .,;Zl, T . ~` ~ ,::~ 4'i .t ,~: ~ ~ (~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION; June 2, 1969 4543 RECLASSIFICATION - Co~aisaioner Herbst offered Reaolution No. PC69-127 and moved for NO„ 68-69-88 ita passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Thom, to grant Petition for Variance No. 2090; that:~roperty be developed in VARIANCE N0. 2090 accordance with plana on file, Exhi•bit No. 1; since there definitely is a hardahip involved, the property muat have a road into it, TENTATIVE MAP OF aubject to a new tract map. (See Reaolution Book) TRACT N0. 6978 (Continued) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERSt Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. @a ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. Co~issioner Thom offered a motion to approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 6978, seconded by Commissioner Gamp., and MOTION CARRIED, subject to the applicant being advised that fhe wall should be measured fiom tfie highest grade level and the following conditions: 1. That should this subdiviaion be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdiviaion thereof ahall be aubmitted in tentative form for approval. 2. That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 6978 is granted subject to the approval of Reclassification No, 68-69-88 and Varisnce No. 2090. 3. That in accordance with City Council policy, a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed on the south property line separating subject tract and Orangethorpe Avenue and on the east property line separating Lot Nos. 26 and 27 and Orchard Drive, except that corner Lot Nos_ 26 and 27 shall be stepped down to a height of thirty inches in the front yard setback. Reasonable landscaping, including irrigation facilitiea, ahall be inatalied in the uncemented portion of the arterial highway parkway the full distance of said wall, plans for said landscap- ing to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenan~.e. Following installation and acceptance, the City of Anaheim shall assume the ^esponsibility for maintenance of said landscaping. 4, That all lots within,this tract shall be served by ur.derground utili[ies. 5. That the vehicular access righta, except at street and/or alley openings to Orchard Drive, shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. 6. That pedestrian and vehicular access rights to Orangethorpe Avenue shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. 7. That the north-south street shall be cul-de-saced north of Orangethorpe Avenue. 8. That retaining walls as are deemed necessary for the regrading of Orangethorpe Aven~e shall be conatructed on the south property line separating subject property and Orangethorpe Avenue, as required Sy the City Engineer. 9. That drainage facilities shall be constructed as required by the City Engineer. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. JERRY VICTOR MALER, 390 Camino Monte Vista, Palm NO, 08-69-96 Springs, California, Owner; R. S. MC MICHAEL, 469-A West Valencia Drive, Fullerton, California, Agent; property described as: A VARIANCE N0. 2091 rectangularly shaped parcel of land having a frontage of approximately 260 feet on the north side of l,incoln Avenue and a maximum depth of approximately 330 feet, being located approximately 540 feet west of the centerline of Gilbert 5treet., and further described as 2441 ~dest Lincoln Avenue. Property preaently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIA:.~ ZONE. REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVERS OF (1) MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR CARPORTS AND (2) LIVING UNITS LOCATED MORE THAN 200 FEET FROM A STANDARD ~ STREET, TO ESTABLISH A 52-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX.. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the sub,ject petition, existing and surrounding land uses and ?nning. Plana iry~icate a proposal to develop a 52-. , two- story apartment, with two 2t1-foot wide accessways on the nast and west sides 'he property, peripheral drives surrounding the properi;~ with covered carporC6; a'L" '+ story structures are a minimum of 150 feet from the R-1 tract ta the south. D ~ would be approximately 32.5 dwelling units per net acre. Further, the Prelimi~ ~ . - , , ~ s,~,,,- ;.. . . . . ,. ,,: _: .._. , . . : _ :. , ~,.;_..... :. -. . . . . , , -:_ ts_. .. .. .. . _ : 3yd ;~p"~`F^rlt~~2~~~. 'S ~" ~ .~ ~ ~k~ h ~R'~~. ~. a~~ an r ~> +~i j$,3~ 7 ,'; t 5~,'a. : r ~ ...w I ~ . . 5.~.- ,.. ~ :,:~.~, s, ~ ~: ~";~ ~ t ~ `~ ~ ~ '~I - . . ~, - . . ~ .. . . . ~ ~ ~ . MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969' 4544 RECLASSIFICATION - General Pla*.i-1969 indicates this area appropriate for multiple-family N0. 68-69-96 residenti~.l usea, VARIANCE NO_ 2091 Mr. Bob McMichael, agent, was preaent to answer questions, (Continued) No one appeared in oppoaiti.on to subject petition. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Farano offered Resolution No. PC69-128 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, to reco~nend to the City Council approval of Reclassifica- tion No. 68-69-96, subject to conditiona, with the added con•`:tion that underground utili- tiea ahould be provided. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing reaolution was pasaed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS; None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. Commisaioner Camp offered Reaolution No. PC69-129 and moved for its passage and adoption, aeconded by Co~issioner Thom, to grant Petition for Variance No, 2091, subject to conditiona. (See Reaolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None,. ABSENT: COMMISSZONERS: None,. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. ANN PRENTICE, 547 South Hel_na Street, BERNIECE N0. 68-69-65 MEIER, 3041 Miraloma Avenue, and FRED MEIER, 2500 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners; ROBERT F. WALDRON, 2020 North Broadway, VARIANCE N0. 2049 Suite 207, Santa Ana, California, Agent; property described as: Portion A- An irregularly shaped parcel generally located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Aven~.ie and Sunkist Street, having approxi- mate frontages of 15 feet on Lincoln Avenue and 124 feet on Sunkist Street, and Portion B- An irregularly shaped parcel generally abutting Portion A, having a frontage of approxi- mately 370 feet on Sunkist Street and a maximum depth of approximately 630 feet, the northerly boundary abutting the proposed Orange Freeway on-ramp, Property presently classified R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE., REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION; PORTIUN A- C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE_ PORTION B- R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE.. REQUESTED VARIANCE: PORTION B ONLY - WAiVERS OF (1) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS, (2) MINIMUM NUMBER OF COVERED PARKING STALLS, (3) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ON A SITE, (4) MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM A BUILDING TO A DEDICATED STREET, AND (5) MINIMUM SETBACK FROM A SIDE PROPERTY LINE, TO BSTABLISH A 122-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the subject petition and requested variances. The plans indicate 122 one and two-story apartments are proposed, that carport structures have been indicated along the entire south and east property lines, and a 27-forjt peripheral drive adjacent to these carports surrounds the property, with two ingress and cat~es', pointa on Sunkiat Street. The southern portion is propoaed for development with single••~tnry within 150 feet of the single-family zoned propertiea to the south and east. Mr. Robert Waldron, agent for the applicant, and Mr. M. Douglas, developer, 524 East Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, were preaent. Mr. Douglas advised the Commission that 24 two-bedroom and 98 one-bedroom apartments would be constructed; that they have. con- formed to the single-story requirement of 150 feet from R-1 property; the total square footage is far above the maximum requirements for R-3; full recreation facilities would be provided. Garages were proposed on Che property line to act as a buffer. Further, that the property was adjacent to an on-ramp, making it undesirable for commercial. The proposed development would be an adult complex and not prove detrimental to adjacent properties. In response to query, the Commissinners were advised that the house on the corner would be removed by the State or by the developer of the service station; a small portion of the property is being sold back to the owner so that he would have better access to the property; the size is sufficient for a aervice station; that the State has purchased accesa rights down to the last 50 feet. Further, the Commission were advised that an ,^^,,.~• ~ ~ , - ~ - - _ ,: . - - ~ _ , e;.. ; ,,; , -. ., . .: ,~ ~ . , : :: . . <.., ~ ,. ~, , ~ _ ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 4545 RECLASSIFICATION - applicai-ion will be made for a conditional use permit for a service NO.. 68-69-65 station if the remaining property is actually rezoned R-3 and develops first. VARIANCE N0. 2049 (Continued) I~rs. Thomas Avery, 2512 Westport Drive, appeared in opposition. Homes in the tract have been nicely developed, and the apartment developer has provided no atreet parking. No guarantee can be made that apart- ment complex will remain a11 adults. r~:,~s:. ~;~K::'; Mr. Waldron advised that the State appraisal experts have indicated the highest and best ~'4'~:< uses of the property are as propoaed. ;r"`.?: ;: °~`'~; Ann Madison, 600 South Harbor Boulevard, advised that the State has agreed to sell back rr:~: *+-•~ to the property awner enough property to make the site large enough for a service station ~;`' ' site. ~~-~ ~~~=;* ~^?;:':~3 THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. x%' ~ x~ In discuasion, the Commission noted that the parcel ia surrounded on three sides by R-1; ~~:;,,;~, that the property owners abutting this property are entitled to the same protection as .~, others; that they feel the project of apartment development would have a tendency to ,;~, devaluaCe the homes. The Commission further stated that the higheat and best use for - the property would be R-2-5000, provided it does not devaluate the adjoining property. w; x ? ~ In answer to a queation from the developer, the Commission advised that R-2-5000 zoning A,~.:::1~ would not have to be re-advertised. ~~ Mr. Douglas indicated they had studied the ossibilit of ~, p y putting in a 4-unit complex, ~~. ~ a street down the side of the property, and would be happy to cooperate to get the garages ~'~;?;`;~ ti~;.~; off the property line. ;.; ~_,:<,: ~;;<:~L~ Co~isaioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC69-130 and moved for its passage and adoption, '''''~'t~ aeconded by Commissioner Gauer, to recommend to the Cit Councildisa roval ^~ P~tition for ~;`.`.; ~`sd" Y PP ~„~~_,_: Reclasaificatioa No. 68-69-65 since the property is abutted on two sides by R-1. C-1 a:'a~M;~`% zoning should be denied until such time as entire property can be submitted for re- R,£'~"'~^;~ ~`Y,,,~ evaluation, and to aee if it could be developed as R-2-5000. Tne property in question ~t~~ is different from that acroas the street since this ia surround,ed on two sides by R-1. ~~'r~„{t (See Resolution Book) ~~~M~~(~~1 ~ ~ `'^ ~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: ~~'"N`~~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer, Farano, Herbst, Rowland. '•'`'%'~`~`~,~,~j NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Th •~r, Allred. t`::~~;'"ii;A( !':'- ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ,S;i~i "~~ti`v Y~ In voting "yes", Coimnissioner Rowland indicated this was not consistent with the way the a;~;,~„y Commission has been handling R-3 in the past. ~ '"c~ ~ In voting "no", Commissioner Allred indicated he felt the property should be developed as '~"'' shown with buffer. :':~Lr~: .Y~~; ;;; ,~• Co~nissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC69-131 and moved for its passage and adoprion, ~~ seconded by Commisaioner Farano, to deny Petition for Variance No. 2049. (See Resolution sv - Book) '' -"~ ~'~'~~~%.'~? ~ On roll call the fore oin resolution was ~.;;~~~,,~ S g passed by the following vote: ;~+; ~; ~ r;:~..,y~~` AYES: COMMISSTONERS: Gauer, Farano, Herbst, Rowland. ~'Y'r°~~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Thom, Allred, i%::~'- j~i ~:~°~pi~~~.~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. 6i,4.'"~yv;f1`y. ~~ ,s.; Assistant Development Servicea Director Ronald Thompson advised the Commission that the ~~a~` staff would look into the matter of the ~•.bove for 150-foat buffering in the multiple- Y~~,;~ family zones. ~ ~,... - : .. ~°'- - ~ - ~ ~ , ~ ~ MINUTES; CITY PLANNING COMMISSION,:June 2, 1969 4546 RECLASSIFICATION -: PUBLIC HEARING. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS, 9707 Magnolia Avenue, N0. 68-69-97 Riverside, California, Owner; APOLLO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, 1104 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, California, Agent; property VARIANCE N0. 2093 described,as; Portion A- Ar..?rregularly sliaped parcel of land generally.situated at the northwest corner of Ball Road and Sunkist -CONDITIONAL USE Street, having frontages of-approximately 395 feet on Ball Road and PERMIT'N0: 1117 470 feet on Sunkiat Street; Portion B- A rectangularly shaped parcel of land'generally abutting Portion A to the southeast, having a frontage of 70 feet,on Sa11 Roud and a maximum depth of approximately 150 feet; and Portion C- A 150x150-foot parcel located at the northwest corner of Sunkist Street and Ball Road. Property presently classified COUNTY A1, GENERAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: PORTION A- R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDINTIAL, ZONE„ PORTIONS B AND C- C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE. REQUESTED VARIANCE: PORTION A- TJAIVERS OF (1) MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT LdITHIN 150 FEET OF SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES, (2) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS, (3) MINIMUM DISTA.NCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY LINES, (4) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MAIN ~3UI'LDINGS ON A BUILDING SITE, (5) MINIMUM NUMBER OF COVERED PARKING STALLS, AND (6) MAXIMUM DISTANCE TO A DEDICATED STREET, TO ESTABLISH A 196-UNIT ONE AND TWO-STORY APARTMENT COMPLEX. REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE: PORTION C- ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION WITtiIN 75 FEET OF A RESIDENTIAL ZONE. Asaistant Zoning Supervisor Pat Brown reviewed the petitions, requested variances, surrounding land uses, existing zoning on the three parcels of property. An annexation request has been approved by LAFCO; however, the City Council has not taken action as of the hearing date of these petitions. The plans indicate a convenience market on Portion H; a 196-unit apartment complex on Portion A; and a service sCation on Portion C. An internal private drive will separate two apartment complexes with carports to be built along the weat and north property lines and adjacent to the convenience mar~Cet and service station sitea. Commissioner Herbst left the Council Chamber at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Ra1ph Jensen, Executive Vice President, Apollo Development Cor.poration, agent for the petitioner, and Mr. Kermit Dorius, architect, presented slides of the proposed development. Mr. Herbst returned to the Council Chamber at 5:35 P.M. The development of apartments consists of 124 one-bedroom; 16 two-bedroom, two-bath; and 56 two-bedroom, one-bath apartments. Co~issioner Gauer left the Council Chamber at 5:40 P.M. Mr. Joseph Grafuea, 1103 Chaucer Street, appeared in opposition. In his remarks he stated that a similar parcel was recently zoned R-1, believing a precedent had been established by the Commission; many of the owners in the adjacent tract, Suburbia Homes, purchased homes from $28,000 to $38,000; he indicated that the Apollo Development Corporation were also the developers of Suburbia Homes and the homeowners were advised that single-family homes, not apartments, were to be conatructed adjacent to their homes; he urged the Commission to conaider the undeveloped property as suitable for R-1, or as a minimum R-2-5000. Mr. Grafues presented a petition with signatures of 150 residents who opposed the development. Mr. Charles W. 0'Brien, 2504 East Whidby Lane, resident of the Sunshine Home Tract, appeared in opposition to subject petitions. He stated that during the past week he contacted over 50 owners in all, and all were unanimous in their opposition; they would have no objection to .R-3 southerly of Ball Road; Mr. Gettelsohn has delayed purchase of property at the northeast corner of Ball Road and Sunkist Street because construction of apartments would seriously affect the sale of R-1 homes. Mrs.'Carla Windaor, 2312 Clifpark Way, appeared in opposition. She stated that they would not have paid so much money for a.single-family home had they been advised apart- ments were to be constructed; further, that as late as March, they were told by Apollo Development that single-family were going on this property. Mr; Dean Moore, 2424 Clifpark Way, appeared in opposition. He indicated that developers to~.d him about a month ago that the property may be developed with apartments. He rer.ueats that a masonry block wall be installed. •v.+nw... ~.~~~ - .. .9„ . .ru_ . . .: . _._ .:., .,..... . _ . . . . .. . . MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 ~" 4547 RECLASSIFICATTON - Ann Madison, 600 South Harbor Boulevard, realtor, appeared before NO« 68-69-97 the Commission, stating that when the property to the north was rezoned to.R-2-5000, it was because it could act as a buffer. VARIANCE N0, 2093 John Caran, 2545 Gelid Avenue, appeared in opposition. H~ stated CONDIxIONAL USE that Sunkiat has become a residential street, and he and others PERMIT N0. 1117 purchased homes in the area because it was a residential area: (Continued) The applic ant su~gested•that the petitions be postponed in order that they might meet with residents in the area to review the plans. Mr. Don Artoffer, salesman for Suburbia Homes, advised that every person who purchased a home was told that apartments at the location were a possibility. THE HEARING WAS CI.OSED. The Commission discussed the new General Plan and the current designation on the plan for thia property. Commisaioner Aerbet offered Reaciution No. PC69-132 and moved for its passage and adoption ~~'' , seconded by Commissioner Thow; co recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassi- `°~ fication No. 68-69-97 be disapproved, indicating that the property to the east has been `;~ rezoned to R-1 and property to the north and west is R-2-5000 and R-1; that requested zoning would be incompatible, particularly with commercial at the corner; the service `'i atation across the street was there when the property was annexed into the city; and a "~ service station is not necessary on subject property. Continuance of the R-2-5000 to `' `~ Ball Road would be the logical step. Residents in the area purchased homes and the `~ , developer should not come back and request apartment development on property adjoining the single-family homes. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMI5SIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC69-133 and moved for its passage and adoption , seconded by Commisaioner Thom, to deny Petition for Variance No. 2093. (See Resolution ~ Book) ; ;.>; On roll call the foregoing reaolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Alired. NOES: COMMISSIOI~RS: None. ~ ; ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. Commissioner Herbat offered Resolution No. PC69-134 and moved for its passage and adoption , aeconded by Commisaioner Thom, to deny Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 1117 . (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES; COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ , ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. i Commissioner Herbst left the Council Chamber at 6:30 P.M. ANAH^cIM GENERAL PLAN - PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE CITY PLANNIlv~ COMMISSION, 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California; to consider the Public Facilities Element of the Anaheim General Plan. Asaistant DevelopmPnt Servicea Director Ronald Thompson advised that six segments of the Public Facilitiea Element of the Generai Plan have been completed, were mailed to the Commissioners, and were ready for their review. Commiasioner Rowland offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Camp, to defer any action on these six aegments of the General Plan until the meeting of June 18, 1969. MOTION CARRIED. ^-~'~,'~`•7e"°-.~ .~ L "1n .. T:.,+ ~~..- r :,r~ ...~ .::. _ ~ x ; r-..~.. . +x: "f "~'*: _, .. . . '... _.~~ . ~. ~ ~ , MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, June 2, 1969 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS :~ 4548 - ITEM N0. 1 Orange County Changes of Zone 66-24 and 66-26, Two parcels of land located on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road approxi- mately two (2) milea east of Imperial Highway, proposing a change from the 80-AR-10,000 "Agricultural Residential" District to the 100-C1-10,000 "Local Businesa" Diatrict, Zoning Supervisor Charles Roberts presented Orange County Case Nos, ZC 66-2~+ and ZC 66-26 to the Planning Commission, reviewing the location of the property under consideration, requested zoning, noting that the westernmost parcel consist~.ng of 4.3 acres is under agricultural uae; that the easternmost parcel consisting of 3 acres is developed with a service atation, a cafe, and four single-family residencea. Mr. Roberts further noted the following: 1. On.e of the major proposals of the Hill and Canyon General Plan which wss adopted in 1965 was to encourage the establishment of a large number of smaller hillside shopping centera, with emphasis placed upon the convenience of neighborhood shopping facilities located within a sh.ort diatance of most homes. The neighborhood center will require 2 to 3 acres for ita developm.~nt. That in addition to the neighborhood center, one Community Shopping Center is proposed on the Hill and Canyon General Plan, 2. The Hill and Canyon General Plan does not encourage "strip" commercial development along any o£ the circulat~on facilities, particularly along Santa Ana Canyon Road„ Both the State of California and the County of Orange have declared Santa Ana Canyon Road a "scenic highway", 3. The City of Anaheim has approved zequests for commercial zoning on approximately 50 acres along the canyon road (34 acres at Santa Ana Canyon Road and Imperial Highway, and 16 acres at 4]alnut Canyon Road and San•ta Ana Canyon Road). The County of Orange has approved commercial zon£ng on 7 acres immediately west of subject parcels. 4. At the preaent time., both parcela in question have access to Santa Ana Canyon Road. However, according to Exhibit 7 of the study of Accesa ~points along Santa Ana Canyon Road (adopted by the City, County, and State), neither of the parcels will have direct access to this arterial highway when .the property is redeveloped. Access point number 9 is located just wester4y of the two pacc~ls. Therefore, this access poin[ would have to be developed with appropriate internal airculatipn facilities being designed to serve all of the parcela 6etween accesa points 9 a~d 10. Commiasioner Camp offered a motio.n, aecon8ed by Commiasioner Farano, and MOTION CARRIED, to recommend to the City Council that 'xhe Orange County Flanning Commission be urged to deny Orange County Changea of Zone 66-24 and 66-26, since 57 acres of land have already been zoned for commercial purposea along Santa Ana Canyon Road between Imperial Highway and subject parcels, and it won-l,d appear that approval of an additional 7.3 acres would over-saturate the area. Additlanally, the proposal would not be conaiatent with the Hill and Canyon General Plan in that appxoval would eskablish 15 acres of contiguous parcela in the commercial zone, and neither of the parcela will have direct access to Santa Ana Canyon Road when the property ie redeveloped. ITEM N0. 2 InterpreCation of the Siga Ordinance, Zoning Supervisor Charles Roberte dietributed a memorandum to the Planning Commisaion re: Interpretation of the Sign Ordinance,. This diacussion, due to Variance No. 2086, relative to an exiating statue on the Bob's Big Boy restaurant at Euelid and Lincoln Avenue, would be concerned with interpretation by the Planning Commieaion of the Sign Ordinance as it pertaina to trademarka, embleme, atatues, images, aculptures. The Development Services Department has conaidered auch etatuea as being aigns; however, the Commiasion mus.*. decide if thie ie not a aign, but merely a etatue. The only difference between ttiis type of atructure and a aign is it is three-dimensional. For example, the "Standard Oil Man", the iJnion 76 "Ball", the "Big Boy" reetaurant, the three-dimenaional figure is a trademark of the place of buainees, and ahould be considered a aign. It was the concenaus of opinion of the Commisaion that Bob's Big Boy restaurant, having been denied Variance No. 2086, hae the right to appeal this decision. Commisaioner Farano offered a motion, seconded by Commiasioner Camp, that an inter retation be made that auch structures, "statues",be considered signs under our Sign Ordinance. MOTION CARRIED. i 'i?4 •?`~f a. :aa -. .~ . ,- ~v~ , . . . .,.. . .. . "Th.,. F ' ~;;k k ~,~. c; ,y ~ .-f<ti 5~ - .~u r ~ s .. w.-n, z..'es'vta n- rotava ~`~ ~ a9 Yi:.:, ~ {~ ~ ~ 4 a ! ~ `MINUTES, CITY~ PIA ~ NN IIVG COMMISSION; June,?2, 1969. • 4549~ ~ } '- ~ADJOURNMENT ,• .; ~ ~ r ;,: ~There being no'further businese toidiscuss,;.Commis$ioner Rowland , .. . ~ ` - ~ , , offered'a moEion to ad ourn` the uieetin ~ r ~ g: rComu.tssioner'.Thon, _ ': :' seconded the morion ;MOTa'~t~_:CARRIED. L The meeting adjourned~ at fii45 P,lt.'' , ;..: ` . , :: . :. ~ .. .: Reapectfully submirced,, ;~ ~~ ~~~~ ` ` LEE BURGESS,,Se ~ttary pro tem Anaheim Cit Pl~ i Co~i ~ y n ng asioq, - ~ ~ - . . . . ~ ~ . . Y ~}~ . . ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ , l ~~ . . . . ~ .' ~; . ~ . ~ ' ~ ' . `4 ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ • {~ ~ ' . ~~`'lk~ . . . 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