Minutes-PC 1973/01/08~ota s At tlLe ~9.aea o! ti~ain8 it aas noC~d ~hat
thm mi+eting a~u Jnly 9. 1973 ,ra~d t9ta~ on
~vly 23 ~~.973 ~oxh h+ad ata~rted with pag~
73~4t19. .Tulq ~ : ~ -~09 -~ 73-437.
Ju2y 23, 73-409 ~ 73~44a.
, C'nll torn.i a
R, 19 )?
1- ltr.(~ULAR MEE~'r1NG ~^_: _~:t_i~ r+~vnnc~~r~~_.,^,___.._.__._...~..._-.-.--_I=,SZUN
RG ~IIi~AR - A requlnr me~ot.Lna of th.a Anahnim C.tCy Pl.anning C:um~niupien waa
t4P:l,TI.NC, aallod to or.3~r b,y Chairman :~Ay11Q111 aL• 2 r~.10 p.m. , a q~YOrum
L~a.ing prosanL-.
PRGS~:NT - CHA,RMANi Seymuur.
- CCMMISSIONERS: A1; red. Fararto, (ya~i~~.r, N erbat, Kaywood
(r:ntered at: '1:Q6 p.m.l , R~,w].and (sn~.ered at
?.:03 P.m.l
1'RF - Asoistant: D~velopmE~rit Sc~rvicH~ Director: Ronrtld Tltompeon
. Aaputy C:ity Attozn2y: Frank Lowry
Ofi'ice Enginee.r.: ~7ay Titue
planning SupFTVxg~r: Doa McDsniPl
Zaninq Supervisor: Charl.eg Rubert9
AasicYant Zon.ing 5upervisor.: Young
Gana "Ril.l
Commission Secxetary: Ann Kreb}
PLECGL: OF - Com i.s~~oner Gauer led in th~ Pledge uf A.1.].e~iunce to the
ApPF.OVAL OF - Commissj.one.r HNrb
TFIr _~It+UTF.S oY the meetinq o!'
i'arano and MOTIUt~
pg. 72»790, para.
at ~~fered a mo`.ic,n
Decc:mber 11, 197?.,
~ARRiF~D, ~ubjeGt t
7, line 3: iwords
a n~ed....
7 1~ rie 4 insert:
to approve the minutes
sECOnded by Commiesione~-
o the f.ollowiny correcl-.iona :
transposed) that waa_ was
t dra. , . , ~her.c~ "were" aclequate
facilities foY~ ca.rwashes,
pa>:a. 'l, lin~ 5, insezt: witli 30-40 ~ervice etations
r.losed in tha ci~, there~Ec~re, ..~~ ~
p9, ~~_~g~,, para. 1~ line 17, d.elete: "n~n-"r should be:
°complat~ly ol>Zc~cti.ve," ~ ^
zocK, Anaheim, Ca. 92806, Owner; req~esting WP.IJER C~P (A)
F`AMILY DW~LLING on property desc.ribed as: 1 r.ectangularly~sliaPed parcc:l of
land l~aving a f.ronta,qc; ~£ appr~-ximatoly 47 fc~e~ on the south s~.ue of Sycamare
atr.eet, haviny a tnaximum depth of spproximutely 17]. £eet, and being locai:cad
approximatel^f 74 f~et west of *_he centerlin~ of fiebina Strest. Property
presently cla~+sified R-3. ~4l%T,TIPLF-FAMILY RE5IDENTI,AL, 20~1E.
Subject pestition was continued from the meeting of Sepeember 1Q, 1972, for
submi.ssi.on of revieed plansp from ttie m~eting o£ October 18, 1972, fnr the
sixbm~ssj.on ~f an Fnvironmenta: Imgact ReF~ort~ s~nd from the mAetinq cf Novem-
bex 27, 1972, £or zevised plana.
Chairman Sey~noux noted that the petitiot-er haci again reqv.~sted a Eour-week
continuancQ in order tc complete the re~rised plany.
Commissioaier Allred ~ffered a mation, a~econded by Commi9eioner H~rbst gni~
MOTION ~ARRI~~, to continue cona!.deration o!'. Vaxiance No. 2~38 to the ma~ating
of FebruAry 5, 1973. as raque~sted k+y tihe peti.tioner.
MINU`l.'P;:J, CI'CY PL~ANNINi; COMM.I:i`..~TON, ~lr~nu~ry E)~ 1`.1~~3 73-1
FNVIRUNM~iJ7'AI. IM1'A(:T - VUE~I,~TC !'.C:ARIN~.. P'T,UYD A. (i1.OW1iR, ].5?.5 I:ttnt }.:dinyar ,
RF;F~OR'1` P~(l. fll ~r~n~ta Ana, Ca. ~170~ ~nc~ L1~~/1R L. FANICL,Y, 3').G Wnut F1nln~
.._._..------..._....-._.__..._.~.____ ~,u~atin, ('a. 926(3(1, llrvnet~t; n~)NAI,D W. IIOYL~F'S, 157]. We-etlt
CONC)i:TLONni, UtiL t;nr_e+3lA Avonua, Anahci.lm, r.:a. `!lt102, ]~gc+nt7 rvquest'.~.ng
PE;RM7T [~~~. 1369 permiaslon to L:5TA8GI37{ A FSUt7 5'1'UItAGE, t4AINTf:NANCF. AND
--.-- -_.--..___.~____.. Rk:pnlll I~ACILI'I'Y WII'N vdA.iVE:R ~;F RP:QUI IZECi EIJCI,i75URl: C>F
c?UTDO~R C15F.5 or~ ~rop~rt.y CIE'~AC:!'.~k)fl(~I a:~: l~n l.rrr:ytxlarly.°
nhnpe~ parce 1 ~~>: !-ind consi.~tii~y af. arproxiin~Ytely 6, fl'1 ar.re:; hav~ng n faron ta~ce
~1 M~,t,roximwtaly 258 F~nt o~ Y.t~o eouth ei.dc ~~~: C~+rri.tos AvFnuo, }-t+vincl a n-~~ximun
~e~~th of ~ppzoaimrtaly 1.,?00 feeh, and beinq locnte,d aPpt~oximatr,ly 95 f.oc~r. wcait.
ot tho centcrllnP of [.awie Skrc~ot. ryzop~+z'ty ~~ieeantly cla3nifi+td M-1, LI:~H'f
Cha~.rman s~ymc~ur natNd t.hat subject: ~.~c~titian k~ad ber~n incorrc~ct.ly advt~rtis e~a,
and tha C.l~y Attorn~!y's of.Yice was oi' the opiition ttint t.l~Q petition ~houl.d br~
r.orroctly ~advert.ioed ,~+,.rior. ;o cor,ai3c+zntion by the Plr~nnin~ CommieHton.
~,:ommiseionex c;auor ~ifer~d a mol-iar„ aer,ondecl by C'c,~nmis~ioner Allreci snd
MOT10N CAItRTI:D, tc continue r,onaidei:ation of. Env:i.ronmentr~l Tmp~sc?. Reporf: iJ o.
8] ~nd Conditiona:t Use Permit No. 13b9 to the tnFeting of ,7anv.ary 2::, 1973, to
a1~ow time for .~Y.aff te cor.sectl.y ndvart~~e subject petiti~n.
VARSANCP NC~. 2454 - CUN'PTNUrD Pi1DL~IC HJ.ARING. CHAR?~L~S V. Z'110MFSON, .L'3_a2 N~~rth
(READVER7'ISED) [4iller 5troeL, Anaheim, Ca. 92806, Uwnerj ~,~equcsLing ~AIVPR
as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel af l.and consi~Ling of approx.~.mntely 37 ,G20
feet having a frontage ~~f approximately 1.32 feet on the ea~r ~ide af Mill~r
Straet, hav5.nq a maxilnum ciepth of approximately ?.fl5 feeL, an~ t~P.ing i~~r,ated
approx:.mat.ely 397 feec nozth of lhe center'li.ne of Mira+loma Av•r.nue. Propa rty
pr.esently cla~sified M-1, LIGtiT INDU~TR~AL, 7CiNE.
Subject petition was continued from rhr~ December 27, ].972 mc~eting to all.ow
strsff time to rea3vertise r•:ub~ect pctition with the corzect 2ocat~on.
One peraon indicated her ~resence ir opposition.
Asnistant ZQning Supervisor Bill Yuuz~q revi~we~9 the location oP sul~ject
property, uscs es tabliahed in c1u4e proximiry, prc~vioua zc>niny action, axigt-
~.ng uses established on the property, and the reque~~t to ~~ermit continuef~ use
of a.rc~ident:ial striactsre for of.fice purpose~ t cantinued u:,e of a garaga fos
supply storaqe; and the addition of a sheet. metal buildin~~ of appr.oximately
4080 square feet to be located to ihe reax of the site; tltat the p~.~ns indicated
p~vi.ng the ent.tre site w~th the exception of ~ ld-foat la:~dscape strig ir~ the
frant ~f the resi.dencp; that there wauld b~ vehicular paric.ing for 12 ~~ehicles
on-site - five adjacent. to the north property line, two a3jacer-t to t2ie south
property line, and five s~ace~ adja~ent t•o th2 eaet proper.ty ~ine; and ttzat four
truck parking spaces on both yides of the prUpoaed wacehouse structur~ were
proposed, witti vehicular access being pravi3ed k~y an exisr..ing 20~foot wide
Grive ~t tYie soutli Fnd o~ the prope.rty and a 16••foot wide drivFway an th e
north side of t;iE residential ~L•r.uc~ure, cr approximat.ely 30 feet ~south of the
north proper.tx 11ne.
Mr. Young, i.n reviPwing the evaluarion, stateci that this continuEd uae o i a
nonconforming buildin~- ••~~^ beinq ~equested on an intexim basis ~ and futu re plaii~
proposed tha can~tru.:tion .' an induat•rial office building on the site s ometime
af.tE.r tho construction of tt~. •~arehouse~ that continued v~se of thp noncan£orm-
ing skructure on a temporary ba, is w~uld appec~r r~asonabl.e in ord~r ~o permit
the new conatructicn witho~at disruption of operatia7s, huwever, anotYier build-
ing would a~~pear to be suitabl~ far long-~.erm industrial usera, therefaze, the
Planniny Gommieaion miqht wiah to conaider a requiremE~it that in the avent
cor.atr.uct~.on of. new fecilities to replace the exiatinq sl:ructurP was proposed,
that snid new L•aciliti.as conform to the eetba~cy and land~scapinq xequizementa
of the M-1 Zone~ and thnt the petitioner was furthor req+sestinq w~iver of• *.he
6-foot ma3on.ry Mra11 to enc~oee the outdoor arorage azaa, proposiny i:~:.t~aA to
provide +~ sla~tted chainlink fence in lie~~ Lhereo£, a waivQr gxant•ed in Lhe
induetriaZ zon~ in 'the paet, reqairing that rhe alats be af :Edwood ur ~im.il~r
screening m+~teria+l.
MIN[i'TP::i~ (~.[TY PI,ANNTNi', CCIMMi:~8I0N~ ~ra.nuacy Sr .197'3 73-•:j
VAR.l.ANC'E: NO. 7.~154 (Co~it:inue~9)
Mr. Charihs 'fY~~mpeon, tho petit:ic~ner, inAJ.cat:c~d hi:~ prc~e~nc:~ ra ar~ew~r quon-
tione, and shon in r~apande ~~ Comml.seion queKtioning, atated that the exiat-•
1nc~ ntrucr_urc~ would b~~ pai.ntod nnd r.ofurhi:ahed.
F, l~+:t~>r of op~~c~qition was re~ad Uy Mr. Y~unq Yroin ti~e Or.e~nge County WntQr
Mrs. RoLc.ct Anqlc~, 13a1 Na: '_h M~.ller ~t:ree~G, appenrod i~nFOre tho Gc~mm.ir~csion
in opp~~it:ion anci rc~t~cl d lt~tt:or. of uppositiiin ~rom adjoin.inq :-ingle-f~mil,y
reaidentn oppuain9 the waivard and requestir~g camplisncc~ w~tn the M-1 c:oclo
i.n order to ~~xcacrve khQ indut~tr.~al inteqrity ~f the area (capy on E~le) ,
ar~d s,otod that the pct~.ti~ct~r's ~mployQe~, rfstt-er then parking on-ai.te, w~~rci
~urking on thE gtrF:et in fr.ont ciL lheir h~meFS, whlc'.i they did not a~~an do
7,ani.ng 3uper~~isar Charl.os Roberta, l.n rn+~r~onsr to Commi.t~eion yaaationiny,
stated that a.lthouc~h f.e did not k:~ow the cir.~.umst.ane~a a~ t~ possiL•.le vlc~lation,
it would app~ar tli~t 3om~c~~ie may hdvv repor~od a vlalation, ~nd tho pot~•ti~ner
wa~i cor~tacted to auv~.se him of the violaY.ton and L•o f.tle a~~ariance a~ ,~. met~n~
of. pexmittiny thi.a expunsiun encl eai~ting uea of the ~ropeXty.
Mr. Thompson, in rcbuttal, stuted thut when he purchL~ecl the pr.oporL•y, h~a waa
not aNare of r_~e tiact that thid was not M-1 praperty, howaver, he hud 'been
contacted k~y a ceprosentative oE tho ~ity that he wa~ i.n violnt'_on ot the
M-;. aito davel ~pment ~t,3n3ards, ~tnd this was thQ reasnn fur the variaiicr:
CNairman Seymour notec~ that tt-e M-1 Zane ciid not permit development in ~he
manner which presei~tly exiyted an L-he property.
Mr. Thompson noted tha~ the existing wall and fence were er~;cted L•o pr.otect
tho equipment s+•ozec! ~~n L-he premises.
Mrs. Ar.yle obse~ved that khe petitinner ha3 not maintaitied. the exi.rytir.q la~~~-
scaping an3 left it to die.
The Commi3aion inquired w}:et.her the petitioner proposed a steel frame building
at the zear, and if so, would it meet Cocie requirementa~ waulu thn ~arking be
to the r.ear o.£ t:~e fer~cet and how Long did the peL•itioner prapose to use th~
house as an offi~:e.
Mx. 4'hompson advised tiie c:omrnisst~n tY~at it was his intent to construct a metal
buil.ding in confcrmance with Code requirements e~na th.~t the plans~ indicated
14 pa:king spacea which w~u'ld b~ bot.h at tha rear and adjacent to tF-e setback
on the west property line. FLtirthermore, the house ~rould be used as an office
u~itil af.ter the pruposed bui.lding along the east pzorerty line was cunatructeel -
then they propos~c3 to tear down tl~e exi»ting house anci replacc: i.t wit:- a new
building, and this would be in about one and a half to t.wo year~.
The Commission tl~~en .inquired what use was planned for the new buildingr wheY'~-
upon Mr. Thomgoc~n ~G~tsd thaC they pl«nned ta ~tox~e trucks, tools and p].umhing
supglies and anyt;t~ng that was of any val.ue.
Ntr. Youn~ nated fc:r the Commi~tsion that tk~ere already existed a 6-foo~c masoa.ry
wAl.l alony the no::th, east and south ~rope.rty linea.
Mr. Roberta noted,• j.n reaponse t~ Commfssian qtieat~oning, that the letter iram
the Uranga County Water Dtatirict ae~ to p~osib~e effecta iipon Anaheim Lake,
miyht have bQen Qz'ompted 1~eca~tec: hoth the CitS• of Ana}ieim a*:d the County of
~~ranqg had tzied t:o make tlae lake as aa:~thetic~lly plessing as poasi.ble, and
thay might be cone:err~Ed tht~L• tnere wauld be aubstandard Landacaping or a use
tbdt would not ba cumpatible with the aesthetica which they wera trying to
Commiseionc~r Horbr~t. was of the opinj,or~ that the pz'~poaed use wa~ a compati.ble
use in the M~l ~oi~e, h.owevex, a 6-foo~ masonry wall shou7.d be required along
the+ weet pxo~or.ty line, set back 50 ~eet as roquir~d by CoQe, aince adJoining
proposty owners w~are complaining about the appearance of the front o£ tha
propertyt thst he di.d not. think it neca~saary to require r~movtsi of th~+ exietina
;ll :~, CITY I~AKN]N(; ('t~MMIS.;S1C)N. J~a;iua~y t3, 1~)7:~ 73-••1
V11k2'[ANC::_NC).T24 ~4 l~c~Ittint~c~~)
buxldl.nys for ~~+I~aut: l•1-x-~e year.~t tt~r~t'. 'lr-n~tsc:nr~in~3 ln h.he ir.u-:1: of C.1io ex.iqtitlg
lious~, yhoulci be rep].ante~ ancl maintain~ds t:hat by .r.t~c~uirlnq the~ wal]. tu br..
p1t,<:t~d at•. thij SO-foc~l- :~etbeck, th.ta wauld rE~movo t~hu ndcll.tio:~+~.1. c~yt of re-
Ic>c~.ticn at sucty t:ime a~a the exi.stin~ hou~c~ wnu removed anc~ rc,F~laccd with a
r~gul~r t~fflc:e bu~.ldi.nq, whir,h then wanl.d 1,e recZui.red to eat bsck 50 feo4~ .~nd
th:-t. tha petit_Lc:nHr e~~uld uAC i~Jl uut .0 fr+~~t of the r:equ~_tc~d 5U-Eoot so~5r+c:k
f.or par.k.inq j)U.Z'[-~OlL'3, whiln 10 f~et ehoul~9 Ue plant~d w.ith morn 1.nndacAping
in or3er t:hak L•he fror,t: ~otLnck excry~,t fc~r. t.h~ houre w~uld canf:ar-n t~~ the ~ite
devUlapi~r.nt sLai~darda of th~. ht-1 'Loti•c•.
Mr.. Thom~~R~~n :atate~ he hiicl no npp~~flltiou 9:~ iiripr~~viriq and complying wit.h khe
~etback +~r.'e~s.
CommiflRi.onar Hrx•byr. st~teci t~xot i.f r~iat,~ect propert_y w«~:c~ de~~e.lop~d in uccc~i:d-
anr.e with h.he rc~cummer~dutiic~ns i~eL•eeca a~ ~hat. waa propaaod on thr plot p.lnn,
i* wuuld be mor.e eompaCible wiYh chc~~ ~-rea, an~9 the }.~L•iti.~nr:r r.ould ~om~ty ~~.th
ttik Cocle c.:cept for sc~tbnck uf tlte exia*.ing sCr~actiire now orily ~0 te~~* trom i.he
pr.aF~er.ty line.
T11I1 HMARI*]G W1~S (:LUS3iD.
Commi.ssiener Rowland o£ferE~c~ a motiqri, :~econded by CommissietiRr. Al.lrec3 and
MOTx.ON CARRI~D, to f3n1 and de~ezmine Ghat ~he progooal woul~d ha~c~ no eignifi.-
cnnt ~nvironmental impact and, t:F1EjrP,POZ'~?, zecommends to tt~e City C:cunail that
~sxempti.~n declarati.on stNtus be granted.
Cosnmissloner tl~rbst offer.ed keuolut.ion No. PC'73-1 and r~oved for its pae~+~aiver
and adoption to grar~~ T?etition for Va.rianco No. 2454, in part, gran~in.y
of. tYie continsed use of the noncot~forming building for a period of twa yesrzi
untll the offi.ce structuxe waa remove3 and rEeplaced 4r~tF~ a Code-tYPe atructure
as sti.pulal:ed tu by the pctit~.o::~.rr L-hat waiver of. che required setback abv.tt-
ing an arLc~-i~1 str.eet is granted for a t~ertod o~ two years for. khat porL-ior~
of thc ex:~sting st:riirtur.e prt~sently pt'ojecti.ng into the required set.back, how-
ever, waivc:r of the wa11 in the front seCback ie denied on the ba31s tha.t the
petitioner :~tipulated to providiny the 50-f.oot st.ructural aetback f.or s~.fd
wal.lj that wai'ver of. the r.equired enc].osure for outdoor use9 ia den~.ed oii the
basis that. only a small porti.on of the west p.roper.ty line would require che
sulid masunry wb21 at the prc~~ent time, encompas3ing 40 ieet north of the
exlat.ing structure and 32 feet ~outh of the ex3.~ting structura, Logethe•r ~1zth
two s].~tted 3ates 2Q and 16 feeL• ~Ln widtb, which wer~ a13o rcqairsd to be aet
back 50 feet~ an3 subject. tc cor~ditior~s, wi~tlt the ad.ditional c~ndition requir-
ing the 6-foot maso~r.y wal.l to be con~itructed and set back ~iU f~t fx'om the
wPSt preper.ty line wii.h acces~:, qates to be s.latte~' and relocr.tes t:o 50 £ee~,
anci ttia't thP 10••foot setback adyacent to tlie Mi.ller Skr.~et fruntage stia2l bc:
fully landsc~aped, ir~cludiny irrigatf.en f~~c~litie:i, and aaid land~caping ~.o be
perpetually inaintained. (See Ttesolution B~ok)
On roll call the foregoin•3 resolut3on was ps~~~ed by the fol.lowing voke:
J~YBS: COMMISStONERS: Allred, Farano, Gaue~-, [ierbst, Rawland, Seymour.
NOE3 : COMMISSIONFRS : '.(aywood.
PERMIT t10. 1366 ATT_ON, c/o D& H Constzuction Conpany, P. a. Fiox 7y~d~
~~ Downey, Ca. 94041, Owner~ R. L. RRMET, E.C.D., INC., .1420
TENTATT~3i: MAP OI~ East Edinyer Avpnue, 5anta Ana, Ca. 9270"l, Agent? zaquest-
TRAC'1' NU. 9195 ing permis~ion to ESTABLISH A 97-UNTT, ONE AND TWO-8TORY
desc:tbed ae: Ar. irregtilarly-Rhaped parcel. of land consiating of approa~.~nately
9,02 acree, having a~rontage of approximstely 38Q fee: or. ~he e~at rtide of
t3utwoad Street, ?53 fe~et on the west Aicie of ~asy Wr~Y- ~~d hn~~nq ~ M~ximum
depth of appraxj.~nately 66~ feet. tt,e eoutheriy pro~erty lino k~eing l.ocntad
approximatel}7 9C~0 fe~et north of tt~e cAnterline of Kata11A Avarsue. Pxoperty
pr.as~nt~.y claeslfi~d R-A, A[:RI~UI.TUFAL, ZON~:.
MINU`fl:~; ~ CITX PIaANNlNC; CJMMZStiION ~ J~1l~l~xr% 0• 19'I:~ 73-~i
CONL~ITIOidAL UST F'FRMTT H~)._136G AND 'I'rN'PA'C1VN. MAP_O['~'L'FtAC7.' N().._01~~ (l:i>rlt.tnua~l)
TCN'1'A'1'1~~T TRACT REuUE5T: DLVET.~O1?F,li: L& 11 CQN~~'I'RUCTION rOP1f~11NY, 1J.G0')
Paramount Doulc~vs.d, ~JJWIl1.~y, Ca. ~.~4(.Ial• GN~°i~zTj~'~:
e.C,D. , lnc. ~]42~~ La.s~ Fd~.r,~cr Avanuc~. :3:.~;~n Ana,
Cn~, ~2707~ propoe~ing t.a ~uhCllvi<9~ »ub jact prc:,pci~L•~~
i~tito 97 PRp lote .
Ono pr~r.s~n indicate~d hc-t )~•rc~eenc~- ! n uppoaitian.
A~si~tanh loning S~aperv~.sor Bi.ll Young ry~vi~~+ed ktid ]~~catian ~£ sub_}uc~t prugort.y,
u~e3 c~si:abllFhed in close ~roxirnity, b~ckgr.o~ind, zoni.nR and h.t~Cozy on ChP
prcPorty, and tl~e condiiic-na of ay~~~x~uval, t:og~*t.'n~~r wit:h r~ Nropuea-.1 co essta~liflh
a 97-unit, o~~~ und two-story plannod rea.i.d~entinl devel.o.t~ir,ont compr~.sad af indi-
v.idual unita Lhat woul.d be attnchod .in inr,.r~:mr~nL•a of thrae to eix livir.g uniCe;
to form a"r.ow hou~e" t.ownho~ido-~t•.yp4 complex, with oach liviny unit ta la«~ devsl-
ope~l ~n ikc, own "postage .~t.amp" lot of ttpprox~mately 1760 ac~uarc te~t in area,
whic:h wuuld be relc3 uad~X ir~dividur~l ownnr~hi.p, while r,ammon ownfarnhip w~ul.d be
T:eld in t1~e comm~.n open arens rsn~~ c:entral. i'~cryntion far_11.1tiAS ) th+~t the auk~--
mitted plan:~ indicated li~~ing units wlti.ch w~.,ul.d be comprised of a tc~tuL of 25
t~.r~-Uedroom, one-~tory una.to t 2? Cwo-bedroom anc] fumiiy room living unf te ~ 23
three-bedro~~m unitss and `1.7 three-bedroon.~ ~nd family room units, howevc~r, thez•~
aFipeZr:r,d to be ~ome dlsc.re.panciea ~.n tr~e calculation by sCceL•£ and those ~ii1~-
m~ttad by the ~evalopeti reyarding the ~~nuar~ footflge of. theae unitss th+~~ thera
raerQ no two-•story units with:n 150 feeY. of any c~c+~~loped single-fami.ly zone
exce~.~t :Cor the R-A ptarcel ta tha wegt which had a reaolutior~ of intent to R-3
and zaas px'e~ent.ly bEing used as, a homa a.ite.; tllat all of the uni.ts were propac~ed
ta rear-on or side-on to the nerimete:r properCy lit.es, with no unit~ frotlting on
a ilF,d~.c.+tec~ atreet; that thc: }~urteZi~.ig treatment of Lhe ~IO jCGt. f.om ad joining
strFCt~ and properti~s was a 6-L•oat high, cit~cerattve wall ~nclosing the aite,
extendiny ~long th~~ north ;~r~perty ].ine ~+9~acent tc~ the ~:auttic~rn Pacific Railr~ad
right-of-way, ~eCting back fr.nm the Nutwood 5treet Crontaye 4.5 feet und at the
property line al~ny Easy W+ly and the aouth nnd ~ouC~~west pruperty line~t thaL- a
7-foot common walkway wa~ propose.d be~~v~en the wa11 und the private pa~.iost
that ttie t~atioe were prapu:sed to Uu improved with a var~.ety of r..aterials, such
a~ a G-foot inasn:~ry wall oi~ a woua f:e-~ce, ~:~r coen~i.nation of both - ot;~ers would
bP. apen, a»d yet okhers woiald have, landscay:~e materia? s to screen the priy~te
~~ati.os from the cuniu~on walkwayj h.hat no openinqs wer.e proposed iri the peript~eral
wall alcny t•ti~e vrast exceF.:. the fron*_ entrancE a`L- of Nutwood Street ar_d an
amerg~~cy dr?ve for f:ire c:~.~lipir~erit in thw center n£ the pzoject from thg Easy
Way frontnge; that L•here w:.uld bQ a minimun sethack for each uniL• along tho north
adjar.e~nt to th~ railroad right-of-way of 1Q fePt and a m~nimum a£ 1~~ feet adja-
cent to thcs R-1 and a:long Ea~y Fiay.
Mr. Youttg no::ed t.hat the veailculax access and circi~.lation proposed would be a
?5~foot wi.da, loop screet to serve the entix'e c~mplex, with on~~ r.ent>:al drive
ta be located on ~he Nutwood StreeL• frontage; that the rondway width wout~ be
26 feet at the intersection, comprised of L•wo 12-foot w'.de travelw~+yn spparated
with a:--f~ot wide planted mediani that a tc~tal of 2'1.7 parking spacea we.ca gra-
~osed, ~alth 39 of the unit3 to have attached two-car garages an~3 t?~e renainder
to tiav,~ one-car garages, wiL•h an a,dditiona.l o.pen space ad~acent to L•he garage
anc~ coveresd by tre111eesr that an addi.tional 27 open paiking sPa~ea arranged in
stalls were pro~os~d to be locatecl throuyhout the nLOject an~l adjx~c~nt ta the
~~ntrally loc~ted recreation~.l ~ri:a, niakino a parking ~rtio of 2.d spaces pEr
unit~ th~t un additione.l 1.a6 parH:inq spaces could be otitaint~d with tander~ par.k-
ing where garagea we~-e sek back 2C- feet from each of the privaCe drivee, l.ncreas-
ing the pzactical p7e.rking ratio tca ~~ver 3.3 parking sparee ~er dwelling unitt
that recrestior~al facilitie~ were proposed with private patios ;^anging from 250
to 300 aquarg fe~t ~r tha rear af os~:h living unit, with c~~ma~on paseive and
active racraatianal. a.reaa dispers~~d throughovt th~ >>roject l~y meAns ~f walkways
and land9amping t:trips Adja~ent: t+~ th~~ in3ividur~i units, a:.o a 15,000-square
:oot .recreationa:l a~ca, ay we11 aia a"tot lot" At the southe:Y'ly end of ~he
t xivate ~river ans3 th+si refuxe pir.k-up ~aa~ not itidicated on ±ne p].ac~s, however,
the petitioner had i.ndicated hie intent to have ~ndividual p.ick-up fr~~ each
ur~it, w~.th several pic:c-up pointa Co be located ~cijacent to the 25-faot wide
drives extending o~~er 100 feet in d~ptS~~ with no turn-around areax pr~~vid~ed,
thPreby forcing 'txash vr.hicles t:: haclc ~~ over 100 fent into a 25-f.o~t wide
d.riveway .
MINII'Ck:Sr C7,'1.'1' k'I~.INNItiC C.OMMIS:iION~ Tt~ilu9~y t3~ ]'.)7:i 73~•f~
C:~N?)1TT~'NAIa ITSF.1 P~i2M:[`P NO.__7.3G6.. AND...fFN'PA'P'l'VB. H~1P_~+1F',lCItACT N0. Ell~ti (!'unt.i.n~.iecl)
Mr. Yoi~r~g, in r.evic~;•riny t~Y~a t~velual:ion, notad z:tial. th~~ det~~i,tiy [>YUr~o9ed w~ra
, 4 dwAl l ing un.ire Per net ~acr.~e gxoatez• r.h:~.n th~ Cummieni.on c~+nt~lderc~d kho mrixi-•
mum inve. f.o~° or,':.t.mum develc~~.~ment of PRD's, and tn ac',c~i.tion, t.hc~ c.r~~nmi.uHion
mi~~ltl• wi i t::~ d+~torr.ii.r~o w}~nL•her ~ciequat'.e llviny ~~nvlz ,nu~~~nY. co,ild be ~~~r~.~nt~+inad
a*_ thc ~,~. ~~~oned d~~n~aity, .Ln additic.,n, ixlt:hough t.h~i 6-f;~c~t. wo:~~. ap~ear~ad tu
prov~d~ bufYorinq ad;~r.ce~ye t.o rar',i~le«t:i~~1 ~roC>~~t1~7v, ~~ i~-f:~~or. wnll ~n tti4~
n~rth pr~ti,err_y li.nc dic] not a;~p,~r:,r ta I:~rc,uidc~ an ~;£1'c+ct;i va s~~und ~~n~ ~sight
buY.fer, b~:,ing .nly 7 ta 'iO ie.•et ~ro,n the r~i].r~~o.d rJ~.,~hc-•ot-wny. t•he.rrsfor.~, tnd
Commi~eicn mzght r~lsh L•o c:onaid~r the ~.nmk~lnr.tic~n u~F r~ beim nnc9 wall ta a 1tsl.qht
of. fl i`~oC to improvice the+ liv~~bil.iky oi tU~+e~ un~f.as; kli~t a(i-toc~i: ~rr~tl wx,s alc+o
pro}~~ned adjucent to t:ho Ft-A parc:al, whi..l~ a concli : LC~R c.~f ap~~rovul of variancs~
p~o, 2').1.2 rc~quired nn 6-foot +~al.li anci *_het a r.on~li tlon of. 1:}~et r~e~l,vsai,'icAtion
requiLe3 a 6-foor. hlqh, s.lur~petun~o wall aA;r-cent ~u rhr:~ k-1 0-~ the south, encl
t~ny ~ubstitution wauld r.e~~uire a~mondment to t.hF Ci ty (:~-~unr.iJ. xa:n~~lutien af
Mr. Xaunq, in concl.us9.on, s~ot.ed that t- tn.3~jor r~uSn1: *o cansi.d~r wae t,he prc~pa~!al.
to have a 25-f.oot. pri.vato driv~ oFrvin~ tlai~ ~~ar:r.~~] , a~id ! t W~n at;Ptimpd Chat.
rollad eurb~ would be i.nstul.7cs~~, wllich wauld r.•edu~e tlic~ eFf~ct:ive width u£ tY~e
drivew~y t:o 22 to 24 feei:, therefore, tne C.~~mm9.s::i:~n ;n.iqf -.: wish tc~ conn.tder
whether an accdsd drive of thie widtt~ wa~ ~~uific~i.c~:,t t.c~ accommod~~te Che var.iuus I
typen of vehicular traffic ~al~ir.h r.~>>tZd bcs at~t~cik't~'to-~n•
M~. n.11}~~h Martin, re~r~~entinq Wulter Richar~ilson k Assa.~ciates, architecCe a-nd
plannar~s of tho pro~~:,ed ~,ro)ect, appear«•d L•r~t~c,r~~ tti~s c'ummis~ion ~nd atatc~~
that. khe Repc~rt, to tha Cc~mmi.~~~ton was vy~ry det~.iJ.+:d ~,nci cuniprQheneive, b~it ho
wou].d like to poin•~ out :>ome of ~ha dttYACt.~VN featuxe~; oP the pr~posed devob-•
opment about which same ~»o~le liviriy i n ad~o~.n;.nq lio~.n.~f~ would )iavo eome c4n~~ern,
or~e bei~g this a~~nyity p.roposecY ~at±a c~naiaPrdbl~ 1~~ss c:han previ.ous?y approve~3;
that ownership wou..d br.. slmilaz• 1:c~ tl~rat. of sinqle-.famj.l.~: unita, wi~*h ~ia~qle-
story un.its N].aT~neu whs-ro ~dj~cent t•.o sing].e-fr~mi.].y hc~:;,•:~s that ~ased on their.
past experienr.e on fift;y other projecLS, ther~ wc,ul.~.° `„e 2 to 2~ pe•xsonFi pc~r
unit compsred t~~ 3.5 persons fo: ~ine~le-.amily homesr hhat 14~ of tha mcrY.gai~e
valuc was consid+:r~:d ttZe rental a:~to pzoj~cted in the tii~~ighborhood oE S150r
th~t these «r;its were plar~nad ;.u be s~~ld at ;~35,Q~~, w:~ich would g? ve tt~e
Cnmmis9ian som~~ idea as to th~~ vr~lu~ c~f thense r~nits~ th~:-t he concur.r~d Mith
staff's recommendnc. cc~ndit3ons excegt for the tr.:zsh nic;c-•up, •^.i.ch cou.ld be
covcred Y,y the CC&R'S where pick-uF~ paintr; wo~xi~9 be ast~blished by maintanance
pexeannel who ~oul.d also place the tratth cane in tht~i.~ locarione and pick them
up from ther~e r.allectian p~ints lal•c~xt an3 tha~ c;ic~ amoui~t of tza,cfic the devel-
opment woul+~ gener~tr~ at peak. hour wot~l.a Y~re . 8 tri ps per dwelling unit or OU
peak-hour trips per. hour, one ~vexy 45 seconda, wtiifch the~~ £elt. w.a.. not Rigni-
Commissioner Gauer inquired wllether the develo~-er p.rop~~sed ta Fn.fnrcQ conform~
ance witn the est~blished CC&R's since he had ~een informed 1->v one lady that Che
CC&R's oci h~r development were never fi.nulized; whereupon IMr. Martin st~~~d
these would he much thF: sa~nP s~s ~art af tbe morkgdge - and proce~sec7 as an
obliyation against the property, such as a t.rix lien waH procoased.
Deputy C.ity Atturney Fza[.G. i,owi'y noteil th~At the nrclani~a~ian~ ~overning this
pxopoged developme~t woul: require L•hem to con.form ~v L•he r.equir~menta nf
various State commis~sions, :auch as the State Rea2 ~atate rommission, e"_c.
Mr. Walter Flueyge, 1616 South Nutwoo~ Sl.reet, appcared bef~rES thN Comm3Aaior
and et~.ated he had L•hree it~~~ nf' concern t~ pr~:~ent to the C~mmiesion: one
regardiny the requirement of an 8-F6G~ ~lall which waa s condition uf appravml
of tFie previous variancs prop~~s~al by Rinkdr Develcpment Corp~aretion~ th:~t: ho
had acquired 9 of the 10 acrea :Formezly ownpd by L-he Wj~~~g~as~near/thedpXapexC~f
wall aas proposed to be era~tied north o~ t}ieir homo,
line and adjacent to the accasg road to tk-ie p~~posdd deve~upmentt ~hat thoix
IIIABtHr bedroom was located nebr thie- accesuwdyp ahile the ~al.n bedroom alsu wun
on this aide and +v~s occupied k~y hi~ ~~ifQ's invr~•7•id father, and ~he nnise from
the praposed clev~lopment wau)d be an hdruesment. to them, therefore, ha would
request that the B~:Foot wa::l be made a cc~ndition of apQroval of aubject peti-
tion in the hopee that this would a~].ovlate tho no~lae fcrom v~hf.r.a.os uaing th~
acceeavay~ that although h~ knew the City Council appruved this raqui:eme~nt
in 19?0, r.e wanted ta ap3ak on thia :or ~he recox~, and then pxoceed~e~3 Ya rer~d
the c~ndit~on of mpproval of Vt~riance No. 2212: that anothez item af c~•ncnzn
M~NUTES, CITY k'T~ANNIWG C0~4MISST.ON, .7un:aazy 8, ly7l 73"~
COI~IDI'CIUNAT. USF: P1:RMI'P_.JC). 1366 11[~U 'Pk:N',i ,T:LVF. MAP OF '1'HACT_ NG._a19fi tCotltintied)
t.u him wae t.he fact thnt th~~y had rac~~i.ved Ch~+ir wr-ter f~r a numba~' uf yeo~'e
From a pum~? located nr thc E~~at. end af tih~o g•~-~cxc+ desv4lo~m~~nt, L•heroto.re, h~
woulcl r>>xggeat. tl~~t befor.r thair preeent aource of waaor. w~•.s t~c.uppe~d, ot:her
meAr~R fo: connocti.ny ~iic~ pr.oper.t:y with tha Anahoin wat•ar eyst~m bQ inac7ei and
t.hen ~~z~ceedecl to reac'~ part of the ngrusmant mado wlth the R~.r~Y.r~r Devr~lapmeriY.
Com~>Hny at th~e tlr,ia uC C1FGL'C~W whyn tho E~roperty wne e~old to that. organlzetian.
Chsirmr~r~ .::.ymc~ur nc,t.~.~d ~hat: ~~hie war a priveto, agreemenk vrhlrh "he C;ammi~a:on
coul.d cto noth.ing nt,uut.
Mi. ~'7uegge stated, h.isa Yeason tor brinqing it t~ the Commiseic>n'~ ai:tention
wAe t-e wuntad ih. mride a part a~ Che rerat~d. Yn ed..9~.tion, wny f.t hia undar.~
standinq that the strc~et w~~ul.d hr~ imf~rovo~ .in front ~f hi.~ prr.~por.ty~ whe-~upon
~fr. Yaunc~ ntated t:hxl• R C~~Tlu~.t3on ~Y aa:pzovsl of khr. zeclt~agifir,ation re*~uir~d
et:xeck impravement., howevar, i.he developer wrntocf relief £rom t:hat r~orr.io~ of
the R-A Qince he plnn~:4d to devPlop onl.y t11e PAU.
Nir. F'1.uQgge thar. atated thaY. y.f tha ~tr[+et wed nut improved, it woulci m~an a
port.ion of tno ~stzeet would remuin unn,iqh4:ly 1.n app~aranc:~ and create tratflr.
~FA2AXC~8 with thF: addition of t:~~~e v'~hicles on Nutwoad .3tzoet, ~nd tie folt thnt
the st.r~et ahoulc~ be imprcaved at th~ timF, the planned residential devcrl.aPmc~nt
was develo~~ed.
Mr~. ~3etty Mr~rqaardt., 1h65 South Dlutwood Str~~at, appeared t,efore th~: Conmisr,ion
nnd at•ated that shc: had prnt~:sted alrao~it overY r~ther devPlopment on eubjecl.
}~zoperty, but ~hf~ war~ now sati~fied ~+i.kh thQ denD ~ ty pr.opased, howevRr, h~x' t~ome
woul.d be dii'ectl,y ~cr~asR the atreet from the main driv~ways that sh~ cou.lc~ en-
visir~n .Loc~king out. of her front door at a loL- +~f traeh down thts drivewayt ~hat
it was her opinion that the:se trash container.o should be local•ed on inc~iv9.dua1
unit parcel~; that there was a i.raffic proble~a on Nutwoo~t Street, and over
2500 v~at;ic.les per day u~ed the streeY. pes a Crnffic counti. several ~eazs r~~:fo;
thut beca~se of trie apartment. complex ~n Katel.la Avenue, a9 well ae th~ one ~.o
the north on Nutwood Street, there were times when shF i~ad tc wai~ ten mlriutaa
t.o get o~at of her dr.iveway s that many pQO~1e used their driveways far p~+zki,x.~
purr,oeee t an3 t11at t.he Traffi.c Enyineer had adviaed her there was ~ pos~lb~.l.ity
thc~re wr~uld be no p~irking on NuCwood Stzee.t i.n the fut•ure.
[~1r. Yo~xnq, in .r.~sponse to Commi~sKion qu~e~tlA3liC~q~ stated that the wall wou7.d be
4 Peet , 6 irichas from the ultimate r~gYit-c~f-way line of Nutwood Strer~t, ho~~•ever,
the ].~ving UnitQ would r~et back in ~cr.ozdance with Code requirements-
Mro. Marqusrdt further noted that Nutwood St•xeet was very unsafe for. scho<~1
chil ~ren on b{.cXc1FS on the atr~et a.nd numezou~s cars pazked on bott~ ~idec af
the street, eve:n tk~ough ~her.e woul.d be ra ~aide enough street in xccordanc~~ wi
(;i1:}• requl.zementa, Nutwood Str~:et wat~ bFi.ng usod becaiise it was Y.'~e only str ~
'ae .ween E~.tclid and Braokl:urrtt Streat~ for accc~se t:o tY~e schools and L-he par~
thr: north, anc] there was a need for a bicycle path ~n the atraet or use of ~r
a': thn purkways .
t,r. Martin, in rel~uttal, stateda~~atwUU~arseem$exc9~sive sinceatheyPplannti :_
)£eet adjacerit to the x~A pr~p:. Y
aall around thcs ~:ntire developme»t~ thut there waa a signiflcant sepArntior:
betweQn the Fluagge property and any dev~lopment thai: would occur, and r.he ~~~••~ ~-
est poin'u was 60 feet fram t.he street, ther.eiore, a 6-foot hf.gY~ w~ll wou1~
app2ar *_.; ba adequ~ te; that. the dia•kanca baCween bui.ldinge L-o the enst was
approximately 4U feet for one 3u~~lext that the water source rei~ezre~l to w~;3 ~
mtttter of agreement witki ~he ~revioua property owner, as wAS .imp.rr~vPmenh of
the ~treet a requirem~nt of ti~o pxc:vioue suodivxsion~ that rt«r~n,.e ~nade
rQC~ardiz~g t•raah at th~ fr.ont entranco would be taken caze of i.n rhe. C~'&R'A
becauae th~a was ~:h.e front entra:~ce o~ this development, t~nd they. ~ov, did ~t
wa~nt an uneightly ap~c+aranae; •that he would li?.e to have Pazki~ng pr,i~ib~taa
elon.g the east• 61de oJ'. Nutwoad Stzeet since people would ha~~e tu wa1„ a uor.-
ei8~rable distance r~r.yway to reach ~:heir units beeauae :hey planned not to have
any opAnin~a in the~ wall an Nukwood Stree~r t ha t t h e n,nber of cr~..ldrer that
would bo qQit~:rated .rom tk-~~ proposed development wouwe ~~t :idd `:~ the ~-urd~n
of t:ie achocle or that Af ~ingle-family davelo2men* o= the ~ropErty; ar.d that
tih9 pedes~rian acaeeewa~y w~a permitted previously, but that w~~uld ha.ve compelled
peQple to p4t ~.oa cloae *~ ti•ha railromd right-of-aay, a,~d tk~~ p*opos~ed facility
would prav:.de more prAvucy.
7 3 t~
I~TP~UTL•'v; (`I7'X PT,71NNiNG C'OMMiSS[.i)N, J~ttiu~`~ry (~, 1973
C:)ND1T:fOt~ ~L USI: _f`-iN!1'1:'I, Nr),. .~3til5 NHU~'PH.M'1'A'L'TVF9~MAP c)F~'~ ftH.C:'P NU. 07.:~_6 iC~~nL•inurc~l
~r;~~: ~iF:nkcNr., wA~ c;r,c> ,rt,.
Commi.an..r~nnr All~.~ecl, r.~~i'~rr.•ina l.o ~he ~rablv,m pr.c~tae:n~oc7 b~ ML~. ~'.liaegge zeg+~zd-
Anq pra~~•l.tl£ncj wat:er for tF~~ n~•A nnrcel, l.n~{uire~d wndCher anv r~uti~3eq..enC ~:ur-
~ha~~~~• ~~' t:t~~~ F~x'c~F>axty tvould not inherit i:hc COiI(3'~t.LOIlE1 c~f. apT:~r.~~va1 c.r agroe-
~nont r~~qnrd~ng t.hc^ aour.cr~ 01: wat~r.
Mac. Ur11e~~r~n~IL•o, ~epresuni.inq ~& H Canstruatio~~ C~R~Nnr~Y~ lOGO% Par;.imount
Bou~flvnrd, Dc~wn~ti'. ar'pe:~„ed befor.e the Commiue'..ore, rstat.i;~y ho w~~s thc~ goucrnl
ecrnCz•actur fc~r kl~e projr.ct and wea re~~~Gnsibl~ tur. t.~~~ ~'~urchae~~ of ~ubject
pr~~pf rt_y frorn tl~~~ ;t~~l.toz De~velapniont Company, whc~ wns l.he: p~,r4:y :,~aking thAS~e
agre~amenta ~~rit:h Mr ;•`Zu~~~-~ej tha~*. ho had mad~.t a v~r~~ ~_hc~r.ouqh i..nvestiig++tiori ot
~he cnntrovtirhy zo~ur.dl.ny thr~so agr.eaR~ante~ cr~nt af.t•~r approval ~~f. the 217-unik
t;~c-r'hmf~nt c:omplc~x ~.~•~~ ~.,l.,ta~.iled, f.ly~re w~re~ snnl• out by Sn~a~ t~.r. Dsvolopmnnt
~;~rn~~aixy xn.: ;Ri.r~kox P•~~ulopmenG Com~:r~ny r.o •.nill~.on•-doll.ar bui.l~in.re r6garc~~.nc1
tlie }~ur.~.:he~.~~ <>i Chis ~~r.~op~r.ty, nnd ~tis c~r,~pany he repr~e~enke~ had enterad into
ea~,row on ~ztatcymAnr_e mad~ 'hy ~hc~lter and Rinker, with thr~ e~a~row r.epreset~ting
a fep ~S.m~~.l~~ ~ti~le whi~::ti wa.s given tc~ thom, and no r;ond~.tiaii~ or CC~R'e~ were
imposocl, nQr wc~rA +~~iy :~t.ai:e~menL-~s mncYe r~.garding Chese ayrer.rne.ni:c~ betwE~n Mdsars.
~:i~~ogg~, and RinkEr~ t.hat tho buyel agr~a~d to accept Rinker' ~~~bliyat~ on tu Mr.
Clue,yg~a, the~r.~for.•e, th.ts was a per.:ionr~l mnktar bAtween Rink~~.r, Shelter and
Flu~qgt~, and hi~s compaziy was trying to f~rco ShQlter' a hand f'or. what they
,.g:reed tc~ with 6lr. !'luegye.
C;ommiasi.c~ner F'aiano noted r.hak the Commiseiun could do very littler regardiny
w~ter zic}ht:~ since 3.t was }~is und~ar~tandin,y t:~at where~er watehravarse coutd
involvcsd, the developer ~ver wlli~.:Yi these riyhts would have to
not ~ut oft the wat:el: supply.
ptx. Lawry advised tho Comcr.iss:.~n and intereeted pez•aone that thir~ was a priva~e
mRCter and h~id no bearing on tha zoninq +~otion which waa not involtled in lawE
•lnvo~ving watez rights - tti:.s was between the ownexs and Mr. I'luegge, huwever,
tho wall along the qou.th a~id the st•ree~t improvemant was part of the zaclassi-
fic~tl~n, ana betore suhjzct property could be developed, this would have L•o
be provi.ded.
Nlr. Young noted that the e-foot wa].1 wae not required as part of the recla~ei-
f.icatior- bu was part of Vari.anca Na. 2212 approved after. the 227-unit apart-
ment complex was appraved, and which Mr. Rinker had prosented.
Mr. Dellesanaro stated that ther.e weze throe different types of wrsJ.ls, anit ha
just wantod to cnake tY~e walls apsthetically e+ttractive~ Furth~rmnre, in r~gard
to the t.ras:~ problem, he would like ta atate that he was chairman ~f the txash
and axnitati,~n committee in Duwney, ai~d the way th~y had reaolved the problem
of tr.aah collection in areas where a non-dedi~ated street exiated, t`.ie s~ub-
divider could pr.ovide his orrn traeh coll~ction, or z-s Lowney had - they h+~d
small scootera whl.ci~ went up ~~~d down all~ve and people could scooc out thair
bins to the front of their garuges where the pick-up was made, hcwever, Anahaim
did not have similar equipment; that thaza wae only one ar.ea A~.vr~g the loop
atreet wh3ra trash could not be piclced tap, and eincc~ there were ~nany great~ bnlte
in this ~roject, the maintenance man would be th~~e three tir~es a week, ancl he
cou~.d take care of ~he matL•er of plz~cing the trash bins ir- the propex mrea Par
co~~ection~ and that this could b~ ua~d a r~+~;uirement in the CC&R't~ to ht~vc+ the
mui.nten~+nae m~n placP ~.he barrels or trash bine in Lhe common area for pick-up.
t~r.. Lowry notecl that Anaheim had a standard c1auR+e j•'~ t' W$S~availabl~ahif~t~ oally
etated tliat trash pick-up was a requir~ment, a~d d caQy
builder want~d a ~opy•
Chairman Seymour obeerved tha~ eince the builder haderkid~~ihPcwouldDlwke~to
rmqarding th~ ncootar operatios~ for trtorF. p.'ick-up, p ~ atated
explain hnw much it coat ~ncl ita opora~ion~ wl-,9reupun Mr. Dellesdndi~
thak t,he cost was S50 per unit nnc! m che-rge of 51.60 per month pez dwfllling
unit could be chttrged, or they could be leasnd to tlie Yiomeowraers asoociati~n,
hawevor, it wns bet*a.r to purchaee the ~anite outriqht }.t one time f4r bettar
nvailability tu takQ care of traeh and r~ave money, a~P Well ae givi.nq rc~afdenta
moro trmeh campacLe+~ility with mo~ified bina, an~ ~t wauld a~so elimin~te
epillover and pick-up, and use of theea acootexe was as quick and eff~cY.ive aa
commeacia: pick-up.
NII.IQU7'~S~ CITY PT~ANNII~2G COMMTS,1Jh~ :Ja~~2uTY 8~ ].y73 73--9
COND:CTIONAL~ USE YFRMT'P NU._.1'.~66 AND T~N7'A~rzvL MAP OP' TRT~CT NG._8156 (Cunti.r~ueA)
Commid~~.on~:r Farano lnquirad whokhAr en op~niny wad pro~,o~ed on the east wall -
wae it i.ntan~9Ad Lu have a wxlkway frote Easy way~ whear~upon Mr. Mt~rtin stated
that ttieir fir~.t concezn when ~raNing Che p:lane wag to ~~ovide an emargmnry
dCC~HII f.ar. fir.e, hoWeve~, c+t.eff hac3 indicated th1.e vraa not n~~essary aince they
did not wAn1: tzafflc t:c~ 9o througi~ the praj~cL•, but they did p~nn podEatXinn
accQeewaye ainc~~ t.hcy Felt F~aci6otrian aaceee wne rn~re pleasing than hav~.ng
chil.dren walk or rid~ r~long the railroad r,i.g}~t..U~_way to go to scttou, - th.i.e,
t11en, wou].d givo them acr.~ss Co N~it~aood St*e~at.
Mr.. Y~~ung not.ed Chat there apl~e~ix•~d ta aA ec+me ecrifueion in the st~ten+er.t made
!~y Mr. Mar.tin Y~qCmUAA it woe his under~tnnding that s~margency t1C'4~SiE1 ehoul.d be
provided, hpr-eve:r, not a rogular acc~Ad~ whereupon Mr. Martin sLated therA was
ono arc~a whe~'e thirl emergency accees could be pruviaed ar~d lndiaAtFd o~~ the
tract r~~a~ i s.y l.ocation, ti~rhicU waR appruximately 80 feat sout:h of the co.rner of
E:<~y Way t+na C~QStwood Lnne.
Comtr.;.ssioner Kaywood t}ien i.nquired what: pzaviaions were: made to bnffer train
saundg for th~se unita near the ra1.LL~aci ~rac:ks -• cou1Q aii al.ley or street be
pL~ovi.de3 there ~.o hol.p buffer thn no~se~?
Mr~ Martin statec3 that the length of a car ~vas not auff~.ciant for. sound-
attsn~iatian k~y moving thc dwelling units in farther, alth~ugh he waa nut an
accour~tical engineer, nnd that the r.uilroad was not a very busy one.
Com-nisaionc~r Kay~+ood then inc7uired aa to hora msnX L•raina par day used the
tXack~ whereupon 2oning Sup~rvi.sor Char].eg R~bertc~ flteted t:his had com~ up the
Las~t t:tme 3ubJect pro~,erty waa considered, and he thought aomeane haci atated
there were six trains pzr clay.
Mre. Mar.quc~rdt advi.aed the Commisaion thare were four traina a da,yo one ~r
1G:00 a.m., one at 10:0U p.m., aiie during the n~.gl~t, an9 sometimes one in th~
afterno:~n or npproximately three to four por dayp ~ahereupan Mr. Martin atated
th~t ~he~ daveloppr had indic~te3 there were thrQe trains per. aay.
Commissior-er Allred inquired as to the dietance between the access road and
the R~A parcel to the southJ whereugon Mr. Flueyge stated that the house was
aboiit 10 feet from the at.r.eetc, and th~.s was the main entrance ta the project.
C~~mm~aeiorier Allrod khen noted ~hat the Commission in the past had r.equired a
landscaped buffer strip adjacent to the wall xnd the roadway; ~urthermore, it
was his op.inion th,~t a unlYOrm 6-f~at wali wauld be be~te~ than an 8-foo*_ wall
for qiven tireas= whereupon Mr. Martin stated that there wa~s space f~~r some
landscapinq adjacant ta the wall, and there wouid be a 2-•foot landscaped median
i.n the acce.seway~ th~~t there would be 6 feet between the wall and the street to
~rovide tait~ la.ndacaping, k-owevez, if. the PLanning C~mmissian was consideri.ng
shifting the ~ccesaway farther to the north, there would be a traffic c~nf.tict
betweeri the proposed pr.:lvate straet and Fola~m Strest.
CommiAaioner Allred offRZed a mntion, sec:onded by Co:n~nlsefon Gauer and MOR'IC~N
CARRI~D, to find and determine tlaat ~hE proposal would have no siqnifi.cant
environmQntal impact and, therefore, the Planning Commis~ion recommends to the
City Counci~. that exemption declaraticn status be gran'_ed.
CommissionAr A2lraci offored R~solution No. PC73-2 and moved for ita pt~ssa9e
und adoption to grant Petiti~n for Conditional Use Permit No. .t366, granting
tVaivers 1-a, 1-k~, 1•-~c, and 1-d on the bssis tha~c simi.lar. PRD'a had been granted
aimilar waiverx in the past~ that Waiver 1-e wae qxanted on the basia that thera
woUld be n~ accesa to tY-e strest whexe a 6-foot wall was proposed, therQfore,
11no-o~-aight would nat be requiredt that the p,t:itioa~er stipulttted to provid-
ing e- 6-foot wide lastidacape bu£~er etrip adjac_,1~t to the 6-foat maeonry wall
prop~sed ~~n the ea~~th side of the ar,cess xoad, aeparating oubject property from
the Yt-A parcol to the Douth, and subject to co~iditions, ~menaing Conditicn No.
10 to rc+quire that the square foot~-qe nf the floor area ahall be in conformance
wi~h the a~qunr~ fout.age ao clepicted on Exhibit No. 1~ dnd that a 6-fao~ land-
gcape bu~'Cei ~stxip, .including l.rri~ation tacilities, ahall re provided a3jaceut
to the r.~~y~ire~! 6-foot wall along thd ~.t-A parcel td the eouth bAtwe~:- che
privat9 stzaat nnd s~-i.c] wall. tsee Resolution Hook)
MZNU'CES, CI't'Y 1~'f,ANNING CUMMl'SSION, .7nnunr.y B, 1`37J 7:f- lU
CONpT7':'.ONAL USE_ PE.itMIT NU. 13b6 ANU TEN7'ATIVL MAI~ OL' TRACT h0. 819G ('ontin:x~c1)
PriorAt'o roil. ca11, Commieeionc~r. Gnuer inquire~l ~ah~ather thH City ~vuu111 dovc,lop
the Akreet whc~ra H~rx•eet: declic+stion hac9 accurre,d~ v~hmxoup~n Mr. T.'~tue e~tatc:d Y.t~at
in a z~~~~aesificcet.ior. ectinn, tho develoner provi~Xed the straet improvement.e.
Commi.seionoz• KaywooA ~axpresaed concexn tt-at an egr.eement made betweon t~ao
par.t:ae tur~ied uut to be ;~ust n pi+~ce oP peper~ whera~upon Cummi.a»i.onar Allred
nntrd these eqr9emenkA wo~zld have to b~~ workc~3 out bet~oen the duv~laper nnd
Mr. Fi.uegge eince it• weP aom~thing tha Cammiseion could not act upon.
On roll caLl the ~orag~i.ng r~s~luticn :~~s paRa~d by the folluwinQ voCe:
AYFS: CODIM2SSIUNERS: Allrod, P'arano, t;audr, lierbet~ KAywoo~l, Row~.xnd,
Commi~eior~mi AllrFad affcred r. m~ti~n~ sec~ndad by 4ommies:toner Gav~r' rir~d tdOTTON
CARRICD, to a~.~provo Tentati~fl Mep of Tr~ct N0. ~1S1G, ~uhject to thr foLlo~a~.iiq
c~~nditions ~
(11 Thr-t the ~tppr~val of Tontativa Map at 'Pract No. 819G is granted
e~ubjsct ta thc app.rov~l of R.e::r~-e~RiFication No. 68~59-fl5 aad
Cnnditional Use Parmi.t No. 136f,.
(2) That should this aubdi.viefon hd dc~v~loped as mora tlinn one eub-
diviaion, Qech eubdivis:on tho.reof shall be aubmittad in tanta-
tive Lorm C~r npproval.
(3) '1'hat all lot~: wi~htn thio tract shall be served by undorground
(4) That a final ~raat map o~ aubject propert~ aiiall ba suhmitred
to and approved by the Ci.ty Caunci.l and then ba rocorded in the
office of t.he Oranye Cou.nty Ftecorder.
(5) That any pr.~pooed covenan•t:s, condiL•iona, ar~al refltirictions shall
be submi.tted to ar-d approved by the t'ity Attorx~ey's Office pri~r
to C:lty Council approval of the final tract map, and, r"urther,
that the rppr.ovec~ covenanGa, conditior:s, and restrictions shall
be recorded concurrently with the final tract map.
(6) That drainaqe of subject• property ahall ba dieposed uf in a
manner that is satiyfactory to the Cfty ~ngineer.
(7) That a street knuckle bp provi.ded at the ir.tezsection of
Crestwood Lane and Easy Way in accordance with the raquix~ments
of the City Engineer..
(8) That pr.iAr to filing the final tract map, tbe applicant ahall
submit to the City Attrrney 'o.r approval or denial a comple*_e
aynopsis of the p,ropusEd fur~ctioning of the operating corpora-
tion, including bu~ not iimi~od 'o the arCi~lea of incorpora-
tion bylawrs, proposo3 methoda of managament, banding t~ ~nsure
maintenan of common pr.opc~r~y and btiiildinge, and such othar
infor~.~at!. ~s the City Attorney may desire to protect thR
City, i.ts itizens, and the purr.hasers or tha projec~.
(9) That a 6-foat rac:sonxy wa'll anal.l be conatructed along the so•,:th
f.nd west praperty ],ir~er~ where adjacent to R-1 and R-A xoned
(10) Tha~ thF• owner(s) o.f subject properky ahall pay t~ the City of
Anaheim the appropxiata park and recreation in-lieu fees as
deter:nined *o bp appx.opriata by the City Council, said faes tu
be pnid at the tx.me the buildin.7 permit ia iasued.
(l.l) That a 6-foot wid~ laiid~cape buPfaz' ot.rip, i.ncluding izrigation
facilitie~, ahall be provide3 on the soutih eSde of the accessway
frum NutWOO3 Str~4t proposAd to be acijacent to the req,uired 6-foot
masonry wall eeparatinq the R-A parcel from thA acceeaw~~valLofathe
s~capinq plans to be submitte~d to and eub~ect to the app
Development Servicee Depar~mentt an3 ~that provlaiona eha~Il be made
for perpetual ~ssint~r,ance of said landecapinq, as s~ipulated to by
the developer.
M1,NUTi,S, CITY PLANNIN~~ COMMTSSION, ,7anuazy 8, 1973
CUNIIITI~t~AI, USL_YRRMIT N~~_ 1366 ANll TLNTAT:lVE MAP OF TkACT_NO. 8196 (Cc~ntinuedl
Con~misei.oner Kaywood ofPared Rc+3olution No. YC73~3 nnd m~ved ~or i.te paesaye
an~ adoption t~ t.erminsta ell, pzooeedingr on Varie.n.cr No. 207fi c>n the haeia
that new c]ovelnz~menk ple~no ~ubmitted under Cond~t.ianal UAe F~ermit No. 136G
neyated th~e wsivere reyuasted undar naid VAX'~AIlC9. (See Reautul:lon Book)
On rall ca1.1 t:ha lo.r.~egoir-g resa].ution waA pasn~d by t•P~e tollowi.nq vat~x
AYESs COMMISSIONNRS: Allred, lrar.ano, Gauer~ Ho;bet, KA]Ilr~pB~ Rawa+~nd,
NC)LS : COMM'ISS'iOP~EKS s Non~s .
Commiae.ioner Kaywood otFarACi RHaulutinn N~. PC73-4 and moved f'or ita paseago
and adopti.on to tc+rmi.nato +s11 proce~dinge on Variance Na. 22~2 on thA baeia
thni; ~~velopmor~t ~~ R1).9 ht~bmiCted with Gondit:i.onal tiiae Pormit No. 1366 neqrsted
waivQr.~~ requesta3 undex Variance Mo. 2212. t~ee Fesolut,l~n Do~k2
On ro].1 call the for.egoi.nq resoluti.on w+~s pR9flHf~ hy Che tollowiny vo~ec
AYES: COMtQIS3i:::ERS: Allrac~, Farano, Gauer, NQrbst, Kmywoad, Rawland,
kE~tMI'f. NO. 1363 Santu Ana, Ca. 92701, OwnErj HERBERT MOSS,
!~- ~Lreat, {i700, Santa Ana, Ca. 92701, Aq~ntt requesting
PARKING SPACES on proper.ty dee~ribed ar~: An ixregularly-shnped parcel of land
c~nQieting of a~proximately .i~ a:;ras havir.q a f.:cntage of approxi.mately 102
£eet on the we~t aid~ of Beach Boulevard and 5C fA~t an th~ soath side of IIall
Road, having a maximum depth o£ approxima.koly 230 feet and being 1oc~ted
approximately 230 feet south of thR cent~r~ine of 13a11 Road. Pro~erty presontly
classified C~-1, GLNERAL COMMEk2CIAL, 70NE.
i~o one a~peared in opposition. I
Rlthough the Repuzt to thQ Commis:;ion was not rpad at the ;~ublic hearing, Lt is ~
refei•rec'. to and made a part of the minutea.
Chaxzm,~n Seymour requaeted that the agent for the petit..ionez• confine hia comments
to the requested parking waiver.
Mr. Y.erba~r.t Mosa, agent £or the pett.tianer, appeared before tY~e Comm? ssian and
atated th~ce was a commertt in the Report to the CommiAr~~on r~gardi.ng the Rppr.o-
priaker_ess o~ a bepr ha.r at this location, snd the othor concern was whsther ur
n,ot waiver of the required ?arking should be qranted~ that i.f oniy commercial
uses were established in the+ shoppinq center, th~n the existinq 46 spucas would
b~a adequate. but because the parklnq requirementa for a beer bar were qreat.9r,
this was the reaeon for a parkinq shortage~ anc7 that thore was no rQOm on the
parcel to prav~ide additional park~ng, and the onl,y altex'native would be tc
reduce the siz~ of the huildinq, howaver, thia still would nat provida additional
Chairman Seymaur noted thaL if the gtruct~ire wer3 reducc~in eize, per*~aps tbe
parktng waiver •rtet~].d not be neededf wherAUp~n Mr. Moas etated Lhat there sti.ll
would be the ~ame number of commerc~nl uuits, the eame number of businesses,
and t.he same number of parking stalls~ that the parcel was odd-s}iaped and wae
a diatreesed parcelr that thay IiAd trisd very hard t~ get the maxl.mum number
of parking spacos, at~d he did not think ~hezg would be any hardehip or handicap
if the wmiv~nr were gr•.n;.ed~ and then in reeponae to quoatianinq by Cammieei.~ner
Gauer, stated there w:.~ul3 be nu hard liquor sald, and t~e wauld etipulut.a thezo
would be :~o "aQu].t only" enteztainmont in this facility, thnt th~.a w~uld be a
facility where families could gather, but ther~ aae nut +sm much business from
that saurcv ae ti~ey wot~.ld likat tha~t he could nnt base theiz Anahe;..n ali5ntele
at another location becdLa° ".:~, "=re not in n commercl~a~l urea ~ ancl that they
hQped to maka thie an ett~active ~a~cility since thdre Nere a numbar of epart-
mont unita severAl hundred fect to the west.
- -..o~s.s~~w - --- -
M,~. un~~s, cx~rY r~,hnNxri~; cor~MZSSION, :Tdnua~y ~, ly'~s 73-•12
(;UNDZTSC)NAL _179C PN:ItMI7' Nn. 13~>3 (Continued)
c:ht~i rmar. Sr~ymour !.~~~ui red as t~ who awned the odd~-ahared parcel - th~^ ama ~ 1
~trr.a eurronntilnq th~ e~orvice statlon al.ta~ ~,~hnrEU~~on Aasix~r.n.nt 'Luning yuper-
vieor Nill. Youn~~ atated that thr~, oxi.ating ~erv~.ce stat~on hud Y~een expande8
,anc3 inc~luded thiN ama11 gort~.on idontified na ~nr„dI]L'.
~r~j~, HrARING wns CLO~L;D.
~;;ommic+aion~r Kaywoa~l nute.d that t!~e ser~tinq ca~ncity of th~ b~~r ber. wac~ 52
:seats, and if oach peroo:~ cnme inclivicz~tal.ly by sutomohilo. with only 45 Fark-
ing spac~~ therr~ would noc i~~a epaco left ~or th~ cu~C~~mNrr~ af the ot.ho~^
~ommezcial stor~~; wheratypon Mx. Moss etatu~i thay ha~ never 1371~N1''~l~i1G@fI f.ull
~~ocupancy of kh~ir xacillCiesr *.hat thia pr~pertiy wae u~_ tli~ boundary c~f
i4nahai~a and Stanton, wiL•h e~ mobilehomo eaZes Lot acl)ACOnt to them~ wlille no
on-r~tre~t parking was pArmittud on F3each Bouleva.rd.
t'ummisHioner Ka,ywoosi t:hen etated that tho petitiunar ha~ not d~mot~etrr~t~c9 arty
i•~aeon for gr~.nL•ing ~.~atvar of lhe requir.ed parking, particular3y when one saw
there were more seate in tha bar facilit~r chan t~ay'kinc~ sNAC9st whereupon ~dr.
Moae statRd it i•~aJ ~~~en their ~X~SE17C~9-'1GP, thnt threo to four p~+r.~s~r~c~ came in
a-iQ automobilc~, there:ore, L•hie asaumption af inaufficient pa.rking bueed upon
thd propooed s~atin~ woul.d be incorrect..
Cha~rmari Sc~ym~vr i_nquired whnt the sq~ir-re footagP o~' the ~th.appine~ cente: w~uld
haive to be reduced in arder tc meet parki.nq reqeaire~ei~tat whor.eupon Mr. Mos~
st:ut.e~j that siticE, ther~ was a shortage of 8 parking spaco5, it wou13 mean a
re~duction of approximate].~ 10U0 square f.eat to ~meot Cudu parking rec~uiremonts.
Chairmar- Sc.ym.our i_nqui.r ~d whether the F~srkinq r.equirett~ents wQre bas~d on square
Yo~tage of L•11e bar. or or, the ~ntire ~ommercial facilitY= whc~roupon Mr. Y~ung
at~~t.ed that L•h~a calculations ~rere m3de or- commPrcial uso for all exr.ept. thQ
bee~x bar, which had a grgater parking requirement ata~n~ard,
Commissioi,er K.aywood offered a muti~n, seconded by Commiseir,ner Rowland and
MOTION CARRIt,:~, ~hat th~ Planninc, Cammission find3 an@ determines that the
pro~~USal would i;ave no signi£icant environment.al impact, and, therafore, recom-
men~t3 to thf: City i:ouncil that sxen~~tion declaration ata~us be granted.
Commise~.onor HerY,st off.ared Resolut~.~n No. Pc:73-5 and maeed _'or its pasgage and
adoptian L-c~ gran~ Petition £or Canclitional Use Permit No. 1363, granti~~g waiver
of tlzc7 required parkiny on tha basis Lhbt this wr~s a haxde~hip parcel and diffi-
culk *_u de,velop, subje.:t ta oonditiona, and the stip~~latiun by tho ~etitioner
that there would be no h~r~ liquor sold nor ~xould th$re be any "eQult only"
~ntertainmant. (Se~ Resolution Book)
Prior to roll call, Commi.ssioner Kaywnoa observed that since th1.s was a dis-
trFSS~d parcel, she wouYd assame that the petitioner owned t.he en~ire parc~l~y~d
inc~udir.~g tihe service ~tatian site, nnd tt-at aubjact ~roperty had b~en n~P
orig3.n~~l~y for a mobilehome s~les lokJ wh~reupon Mr. MoFe ~tated that the
Y~ropert.y under cons.iderati_on today wRS being sold to ac~othez partnership~ and
the only reason .it was fi.led under Gulf G_1 was becauLe they wera stiil the
legai owners to date.
Commisaioner Kaywood et~ted that thia left a haruship paxcel c:reatec] l~y ~he
petit.i~ner. and should not be the basis l:or anpr~val af waivers.
On roll cai7. the foreqoinq reaolu'_'_on waa passed by the fo].lowSng vote:
AYE`~: COMM~:SSIONERS: Farano, ti~erbat, Rowlandl, Seymoux.
NOES: GOMMISSiO[JERSx Allred~ Gauer, Ka~ywood.
tAINUTF;:i, CL7'Y PI,ANtJINf~ COMM155'.UN, Janu~ry A, ]97:3 73-].3
VAItIANC~ h~'~. 246! - T~ULI~IC ItFAR1NG. DF: WITT R. L~F., G'i AT., l'. O. Aox 369~3,
___~__...__.,_.--••------_-• ~neheim, Ca. N2AU~, dwnr~ri P.R1'HUR ~inw~o~~K, Y. O. Box 3i,~~9,
Anahel.m, Ca. 92H03, Aci~nt• ~ ruquo:~ting wAIVf:R OF (A) LOCA-
~plpt~ !.)i~ M IlII,I.itfiARU WI7'N1N '15 N'F.ET ON' A ltF.SIbENT7AL 5'PRUC'1'URE AND ~B) MINIMUM
BII~I~DOARti un pzope~r. Cy dasr. r.' ~~•~ ax ~ 1- r.ectangu].urly-shupod, parcel o~ ,land
havinq r~ f.rontaqe of. c~pproximutoly 177 ~ect or. tt~~o aouth elde oP I~lnr~nln
Avenuo, hav~ ng a me~imum ~flpth o.. approxi~zr.rtely 1f1~ Pae~t•, ~nd be~n.t lor~L•e8
et che sout.heaut r~orner ai' Ftnync+li.r~ and Lincoln ~~~anuar~. Pr.o~erty E.raaent.ly
claeeifiod C-i, +FNF.RAI. CO"AMEFCIRL, 7.ON~.
,10 one a~~pe+~r.ed i.ri ~ppa°.i.r_ic ~~.
A1th~uyh CL~~ Report tu th~e Commfe~i~n wa~s n~~~ read at tho publlc hoering, it ie
refexx•e~d Co and madc~ a parC of t.he minu~oe.
Mr. Artt~ur t~ancuck, +~gent far. tho p~titic~ner, appeared be£ora thr+ Commi.ssian
u-~d »tat:e.l that t~he Rnport ca the Commission st.ated the~ir pro~oeal nnd the
rear~on fuY• a dir~r.tional siqn whictt would eliminarr. :eft turne from Magna]ia
Avonu~: !-~to khc~ir parking lat.
Commi~s.ic.~~er Hnrl~sc inqt~ii~ed whr~t. reacr.l.on w~~u?d th~.r~ be if evnry oeher raal
eetato :~i'f~ca in Anaheim prapoHQC1 aim~.lar dignzna ~.f s~xbjecY. petition wore
nppr.ovedi whereu~rc.n Mr. Hancock etated that .if thoy had a 30-fout easement,
thon pQrhr~pe khey would h~•ve the ~ame prok~le~n, but if ~iot, thon there woul.3
be no re'~aon for ~ rec~uasC such AR they pr.oposec?.
Commigsion~x Herbat s~tated tl:at it was h.i~~ oginio.~ +approval of e~~b~ect Fetitinn
would eetab.li~l~ a dist:.inct pzacedent f~.r oi:her roqueats for uf.f-eite si.gning.
~ommi~siona~r A~lzed si:ated he cottld not reca.ll granting a~imilar o~f-siCe ai.yn
in Ariaheimr wt~ureupon ~ommisr~ionar Gauer atat~d thi~ would apply t~ raAl. eatate
oftices s.ince he cauld recnll of ut ].c:a~-t oi~e that 1~ad baer nppr.oved, xnd that
waH a dire~tiona] aign f4r ~he "Off eraadway" on th~ Grand Hotel pr.operty.
Commiesioner Kaywood lnquired wk~athor the petitioner formerly wne loch~ d at
t.he irttersecti~n of Lincoln and Magn~lia Avenuesr whereupon Mr. Hancoc~ s*ated
that ~hc:y had bepn at that inta~DQCt~OIY ~ur a numbe.r of yearts but did n~~t own
the property, however, they thouqht by having ri 30-fooC eaAe~-ient it would be a
means of entering the parkin9 lot.
Cont:inued diacussion w~s held by tho Commi.seinn reg•r,Xdlrig the sizo of the aign,
wnethpr. or not a smaller sign should be considerQd, and thQ Paot that 1-naheim
wae a~reac~y clutt:ered with too many signs.
Commisaioner Rowland waa of tha_ op.inion 't:iat this woulfi be ~ p~~~r p2.annirt~
eoncept to diract cars to an r~ccese point on a major arteriat, ~makln~; it a very
ha.^..irdou9 traffi cc~nflict.
Chei.rman seymour asked f.or. the traffic: coi:nt for both Linculn aiic! Magnolla
Avenueg at t}iat inter.3ectiozi.
Mr. Al Ft~;dmond, represe~~ting the ~~titioner, aPpeared be`'ore the Commieaion and
3tated there was s traffic jam ~~ Magnolin Avenue duririg che buey time of the
day when pa4ple +~ere r.oming h~me from work, anil with the Routh'bound ~.ra~fic it
was almost in~possible for pnople ~o pull out from the petitic~ner's parkinq lot
to make a left turn to go south, ^re~+i.ir~g a ver.y }Lazar.duas situation, thArefore,
they ~hou.~ht thi~ sign would relie~~~ eome of t:he +tzaffic: jami that they had
purcha»ed Lhis easement uf£ I.i.ncnln Avenua with wlnat was prc~oeed in mind; and
that al.thc.~:3h qmployeea oi t~neir company would be using th;ls ea,aem~nt, thA
custoniera and potentisl cuat~mere were nat ak~are of it.
Tho Commisaion inq~.~' re~ whether tho petitioner could provide a directional si~n
i~n the park:.ng are ~:0 3lrect people tu the Llnco.lr. Avenue ~xi~t.
Mr.. Redmond stated that the trash collactcr came into their pr.~~perty thraugh
thE+ bach of the lot or from Lincoln Ave~nuo,
MTNLI'PE5, CT'1'Y f`I,ANN]:N<3 CON.MI9f3IAP1 , Jdtlusl'y EI, 1.9'13
VARIANC'i~: NO. 2467 (Cuntinuo:l)
Chairtr.~n S~ym~~ur :Lnq~~irRd w1~eL•hor tha pc~t.itionr,r. ~c~.lt the ~l.rc~ctional aign on
thet easem~nt w~,uld brin~~ tr.attic l.hr.ou,yh Chc, intereoction of x,inc~ln erid
Mii~noll.e+ Rvonu~s Lather.' t.han havi ng p~ople mt~,ka a right turn onko Maqnoli+~
Avenue, eincr. he l~acl etop~.ed at thut tntorHOr.~tion, and tho ofPiae wae quit~
vir~ lblo Zt that ir-to rs~ct~on~ whc• ~ ~:~upar~ Mr. A.~nifm~nd atated thet the pruperty
wes visible i f ~no we~ re com± ng tx~om ttio nor!.li, but f.r~m th9 o~~~oei.to end, s
~•ohicl~ w~u.ld hava t~ clonr tho seivice at.A;.+.on Nite befora the of~i.ce cou1C
he~ aeen~ ARCI it t~o wae not in fhe~ .righ.-curn lane, he coul~ not turn right~
nnd that tt~~~y junt wanted ncmc, kfnd o! a direr.tional ai.q~, not ner.c-searily
~na ar~ larqe a.s wAS boing proE~u~~e~d, ~~:on though Fe woald profer r_hec eizu ~
he did not wAnt tu eatablieh u preaadent., bu~: he Pe~t L-hor.e s,rars a nec+d fur
uo:na typo ~i oignin~ for thet e~sement.
c;hairman Seymour inqulrod whot•lier the netitianyr felt that the servico l:tation
woul~ p~ acc~ a larqo sign rahi.ch could ef~'ecL-ively bl.ock out ttn,y »iqnin~ on the
eafl~~ment~ wher~u~on Mr. Rodmond qtrtad t:hat lt CP111d bo eaon if the locat-ion
of thP s1~n w: ~~ld ~nor_ be out of lin~-of•-diqhk.
OP.fica Engineer Jay TiCUS no~nd f.or the Co-nmission that th~ latoet. averaga~ daily
tr.aff.ic count in 197 1~J.ong Lii~~~ 1n A~-enu~ etk that intArsoct.ian wtto 28, `.i^^
vehicleg and ~ri Magr~ol.i.n Avenuo 2:i,8U0 vehlc.lea.
Mr. Redmond then ~t~ted r.har, ha would A~pr~ciate it if the C'.~mmisr~io~y would
give favorabl~~ conaideratic:n t~ their caqu~ast since it would t~elp to alloviate
the traffic problem.
Commiseioner Kayw~~d ~AS o£ the opinian that there were already Loo many eigris,
anc3 ~_he proposed aign wuuld not be visi.bl9 ar~ one drove a~st on Li :oln ~.venu~
unless it waa e vQry larye sign, thexef.ore, approval af. ~ub~oct peti lon would
establiah a;~recedenL, howc+vAr, she would lika t;o compliment th~ ~~9titi.unor.•
about retaii~inq the la~:ye trae on the prem;.s~~e becauae it .L*~~ ~_• _t~~
a.~/.aw.~V.G~ I~.n~ ~l.R..~t,..
Camrnissioner Allred itidicated he wou~d abt-tain Lr.om voting since h~ was the
f~rmQr own~:r of the property on which the real estate of.f<_ce was located.
Commission~:r K.aywood oifer.ed Raaoluti~ ~ n.. PC7.,-6 hnd moved. for itca passage
and adoption to deny Petition for Variance No. 24G7 on the k~asis that the
petitianer's eAtabliehment w~e a3equa±~ly aigned at the present time, an~ to
apprc~ve an off••locat~~n siqn of the ex~.etin3 use would eatahliah an under~ir-
able preceda~nt with szmilaz requeata ~E~ing exgeated f,~- off-site aigriii~g; that
there were no exceprional or extraordi~iary circumatances or c~nditions agplic-
c~ble to the proper~y ar ita inten~ed ufie that did not npply general_ y to the
pzonert,y or class o f use in t:he generaZ ~~icini.ty and zor.e J and that the re-
ques~6d variance was not nc~c~eaary for tYe preservation and Enjoyment of a
Pubstantial pr.oper.ty right possessed by other properties in the same v!.^in~.tv
and zone and denied to the prup~rty in ~aestion. (See Resolutian Boak)
On roll cell the foregoing reeolution was paesAd by the followin~ voto:
AYES: COKMISSIaNERS; Farana, ~auez, Nerbst, Naywood, Rowland, Seymdur.
RECESS - ~.:hairinan Seycnour ddc7.arNd a ten-minute recesa at 3:55 p. sr.~
RECONVENE - Cha~rman Seymour res~ortvened the meeting at 4:OS p.m.,
all. CcmmiasionAxa boi.nq present.
M.tNU'1'~:5, CT'1'Y PLANNINC~ ('OMML:3S70N, ,:~anurry A, ].973 73-].5
CC1N1)I'1.'1'UNAI, USE - PUHI~IC Fll:)1fZING. RAYCO~ INC.~ 3200 Weit~t Mark~+t F:x'eot~
Pk:itl~!I'I' r10. 1365 Akron, ~h~.o 4Q313, Owriexr ~'ACiP'~C OU'1~DUOR AbVI:RT:ISINC:, 1740
_______~..._._____.__.._ Nnrvn Skr.ec~t, GoR Anyuloe, C:e. ~0031, Ag~n-_~ Y'OQtlO0t111Q
~erm:aa.tun 1:o F.STAli7,I~fi A BITaI.~OARr ItAVING A DISPLAY ?+R~;A
'LN L;aC[~:SS 0~` 300 SQUARE FE~T on proparly deecr!bea ~o: An irregularly-~l~nped
parce.l oE land r.onel.et.i.ny of c-ppr~xinataly one acr~, liaving a fr.i~nL•ag~ of
approrimately ].`'~0 fr~ct oii tha north Atc~a af LlncQln Avenue, havinq m m~xicrum
depth ~C ~s(~[~roximatel.y 201. ioet and Dc+.i~~g locntc~d at th~ northeaNt cozner oP
~uclid S~reet and i.i.ricoln Avenue. Proport~~ prerently clde~sir:ic~d C-3~ lIG/1VY
No on~~ •ppcaz'od in ogpositiun.
Althouc~h Che kte~ort ta the Commiaeion wAS no~ rar-d at thA puUlic lienr.inq, it
iA roPezr.ed to and macte +s pert of the minutes.
Mr. ;ray Y,ingry, represonting Pacifia Out:door Adve,rtieiny, agerit ior the peti- I
ttonPr, appear.ad bef~re the Ccmmission xnd explainod the: typa ot :.ign or bill-
,~oaxd proposed, as woll t~e the outdoor. a.dvort~' ~:tn~i at_andar.3s in whicii thF±y ha~+
a~.~.hor paintt~d bulletinr~ or. poater panels~ khat tt~~y wera vo.ry pYOUd o' tlieiL~
indusY.ry and th~ cr~iftamen and crafta employ~d to improve these b~llbonrda
every dnyt tl~at th~y had a n,~t±onal organizntion anct had ~+orked vnry haz•d to
Qstablish the bESauti.fi.car.ior: ~~= which ~•~ou1~9 rc+tnove sign~ or billboar!~s placed
in rural Areas - ane drenbaing ut the enL•rance of Yosemi.te 1'arkj that tt-e~y
wer.H r,he vict:lma o~ today's ecoloqy fad ln everyL•i~~^; .~ne read and hesrdi that
there wag a difforence l~e~-Y. :en a reqular comm~rcial billboard and sometk~ing
th~t advertised othera, su~-k- as joi.nin~ tha ~heritf'~ d~~pxrtment, "Smoke,y th~
bear", eY.c. j th:~t the City of Anah~:i.m had a very goor~ control'ting devicp,
Permitting billboards with ` i 200 feet of sii arterial interaec~.i~nr thak laset
week they romuved a latge billboar.d r~t the cuz•i-er rf I,incoln Avenue and Dale
Str~ats that at one time they hr+d 1° poster panela, however, now th9y had only
7 poster ~anels and a few painCe~3 p~tnel.:~~ that x~ome rf the billbaarda had been
r~,,,U.••d in ordar that they could have L~srgei :,illboards approved by cond.itional
sae permit, and i.t wao impo.rtant to replace thosc: they had rem~-•edr that the
copy on the bil.J.boards rotated every thirty daya, and it was ~ery important
~o r_heir market7 that in the ~:valu~-tion of the Raport t.o t:ie Commiseion wher~i~~
vtaff ~.ndicat~d a 300-sqiare t•~ot billboard wae perm.it*..ed by Code, while the
onp that was proposed was 133$ gre.ater in area than Code w:~ul3 permit, r.a'aever,
the signs they pror~~sed. were somewhat confusing in aize, r~amely, 30a ar.c', 700
sY~xare :cet, hawever, height of the eiqn was not that much greaterr that staff
also indi.cated this prop~sal was overdevelopment o£ the interaection, :-owsver,
~hey did n~t require any parking, po].ice, or. fire protactfon, therefore, the
only thi.n,q would be visu~.1 overdPVelopmon'; that al:hough they propoaed two
c]itferent size panel.s, it was intend.~3 t- ~lar_e something ~n the back of. the
propused larger sie~n to ccver u~ L-he un ~.ractive appearance; that etaff also
indicated a 36-inch column proposed to suppor.t this b17Llk:oard would have some
visual intrusiun on traffi.c, however, there was a curve at tr+at inCersection
which v~ould eliminate a~iy line-of-sight problema that ~ata£f's concern reqard3ng
an ~bandoned drive approach on State property could be reaolved very esailys
that the aign c~uld not be aeen from the freeway even though i.t was located
xather clo~ely to the fre~way property; that the billboazd proposed complied
in every respect excepS: for its sizei that the pr~perty was very ualuable and,
therafore, warrant.ed the type of sign they prc~poaed~ and thaM there were rio
residenc~s that woul~ b~: affected b}• the s~gn, nor was the property fiilly devel-
oped and impro~~~d, which would be done if the proposed bil.Lboard were aporoved,
slnc~ they propoaed to r~move the existing s'gnR.
Commisaian~:r Kayw~ad reviewQd the 1/~M~rrr~ PresPn~l•1 located nt the inter-
sPCtion of I,incoln Avenue and Euclid 5treet and canr_luded by statir.~ sho waa
oppoae3 to permitking bil].boarde larger than Coiie ~~ermitted.
Commiesioner Rowla-:d offere3 a mo+:ion, seconded by Commi~taioner Fa~rano anc~
MOTION CARRIED, that ~tYAe Planning Commisei.nn f±nde and determine~ that the
proposal wou'ld have no significant environmental impact, and, therefore,
reaomm~nda to the City Council that exemptian declaration status be qrantad.
MT.NII'CGS, C~TY PLAKNING C~MhC:;S,.UN, ;lbtiunr.y H, 1973 73•-lf,
COI~UxTIOIvAL USf: PGRMLT~~O. ].36'i (Cor.ti.~lued)
c;omml.saionor Gbuer or.reraa Re,a~lution N~. PC7:1~7 ~nd moved for. i.te pe-eeaqe ancY
adoptl,un L•o deny Pc~tit~i.on fur Candi.tion~l Use P~rmit No. ].:#f~!i on t•hn beaio that
the Anah6im Municip~^~1 Code pravided for udnquetA ~igning wlth billbuarde a~
J00 squar9 fe+a~t pnrmii:t~d, and no r3vi~t~nca r~f t~nrllghip w~r AubmltL•ed ta aa-rrant:
lavoxablQ cone~ideration ~2 ~ aign morA tha~ twice the r1.ze per.mittAQ by Codet
snd lhat epproval ~~ the petition wc~ulc3 a:atdb7.ieh an undesireble ~r•acedont foz
aim.ilar r.e~quA~•te a-r i.ntereectione wher.a bil.lt~aarcl~ ere p+n~rmi.t:ted, which woulc9
creatA a clutr,~r.sd appcai~snce an~:l di,otrACtic~n uP. m~~tir.le+t:M' vie~w on haa-vi.ly
trave.leA arterialr+. (See Rosolutlon I3oo~.)
On r.oll cal.l. the faregoing rdr.o].uLi~~ wae paeaed by h1+a t'o.llawinq vota:
AYESt COMMI357ANERS: Allred, F~reno, Gauer, llerbat, Kaywoofl, Rowland,
Sey~.nour .
NOE.`~a : COMMIS5TONERS t NU~1~~ .
~~~~ ~ 1026~, `.;anta Ana, Cu. 92711, ~wnexj INCOME PROPERTX
Sr:RVIC':S, 1095 North Main Street, ~iuite D, Oranqe, Ca.
~2G67, Aqent~ requesting WAIV~R OI' MAHltdUM AI~LOWAB[,G AAFF~
OF .a WALL :;tGN on proY~erty descrlbc~d as: An irregulr~r.iy••shapa~l parc.el of land
constatir~~ of. appr~xi.matr].y 4.3 acr.ea l~svir~g ~a l:ron.tnge of ~ppr.oximately 47~
faet on the souk2~ a3.da of r,lanoak~ A~/~nue and npprux~mc~•~oly 750 feet on the
norY.h eide of Grear.ieaf AvFi~ue, and having a maximum ilepth of approximat~ly
466 feet, the .~astQrl.y p-~.perty line being approximat.~ay ] 220 fe~~t wesc of t1iA
r.enterline of Chippew+~ A~ ~ue. Property pr.efiFntly class3fied R-3, MULTIPLE-
No one appeared ir. upposih~.on~
A1tY-ough the Report to the Commissi.on was no': r.ead at t.he public hearing, it is
referred to and made a part af the mi.nutes.
Mr. Bob Olsen of Income Propo~' y Servicea , 1095 t~orth Main Street., Orange,
agent for. the patitione.r, appeared befor~ the Comm.liislc~n and statad he x~p~~-
sented the lessee of the propertyt ;:hat t.*~~~ ~ign had byen on Lhe buildinq sinae
it was ~:oneCructed, and the pri.mary object r.,f th~, re~queat f.or ro+~ent{.on of t' e
sig» wa~ becauxe of thP ge~graph:lc locati~on of t.l-e pr.opez'ty at the terminu~ oE
Gleno~ks and Greenl.eaf Avanues; that t:he :~treets w~eres not high'_y trsveled, and
most of tY~e prospECt•lve t.enanta would be ai~: ng thP ad•~RCe:r ~reAwa.y; and that
the cur.rent siqn uf 6 x 22 feet was mount«:d on o^.e pnd uf one of the bui7~' ~:~.
Commis~ioner Gauer obaerved that aftez vi ew±nq th~ .>>.rr:~ .~~ Faint CompF y sigii
an West Lircoln Avenue with the myriad of siyn~~~ ~_~n it, .f C~~ ~~ not ae pny
harm in permi.ttinq this ciqr. to remain.
Commis~ioner Allred steted that granting s~ib~e~:'t ~el:iti^~ . oLl~i be granting
the petit'oner A=i.gk~t not e~~joyed by other 3par~km~nt devalopments, a],though
th~ r~.r.:; oner had the right to rFquest granti~g r..he ai~;n p~esently existing.
Commisaio-,er Farano off.erad a motion, ~econded l~y Comn~iq~ion~r Kaywood ~nd
MOTIOh CAARIED tiliat tihe Pla~~ning Comcnission fitias and de~termines tt~at tl.e
pzoposal would have no siqniticant environmenta:: i.mpmct, and, theref~re,
recommends to the City Council thac exemption declaration statua be qrante~.
Commie~ioner Allred ofEexed Rasolut~.on Na. PC73-~1 nnd mnved for its passaqe
and adoptio:~ to deny Petition for Variance No. 2465 ox- tha basis thRt qranting
subject p~ti~.fon would be gxatiting a privilege not enjoyed by other apartment
compZaxos who also desir~d to advert~se their faci.~sties~ that the siqn wae
freeway-oriented, nnd aisning as permitted by the Ansheim Municipal Code w~e
adequate tn provide for directional eigning rather than as proposeds and that
there M~ere no exc~iptional ~,r extraord~n~ry circumatancea ar condit~ana applic-
able tn the property invo~ved or to the intended use that 3id not g~nerally
apply to property ar.d cl aas oI use in the san~e vicinity and zone. (Sse
A.osolution Hook)
MIPIU'A'E,S~ CTTY PI~ANNING CUMMI3Ei70N, Ja~~uary 8, .1973 ~~'~•~1
VARIANCE NO. 2~3GS (rontinuacl)
On r.~~ 1 call. t.he forego~.ng ree~olution v+ae pA6tS~fC~ by the fa~~.~wing vota:
AYGS: CqMMYC~SIONGRS: A11ro~1, P'are~~a, Gaueyr, F1ur3.Ht, Icaywaod, Rowland,
~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Cerritue, Ca. 90701, Ownezt 11~)~TE~TTFR RFA~,TY, 413 3outh
Drookt~urat Street, Anaa~eim~ Ca. 92804, Aqr_r~tt requcsting
TO ESTAALISti A CAtt CARE CENTER or- proporty describt~d a~: A rectangulrarlv-Bhe~ped
Narcel o: approximately .32 ttcr~e loceted at the nortt~wect cor~ier of ~~a Palma
Avenue and t:ucli.d Str.aet ~nd havinq approximate ~r.ont.agee of 127 f~et ~n t.he
north s.ido o~ I.a Palma Hvenue enci L30 feet on th~ west aidH of Euclid St;r9et.
Proparty pr.oannt~.y claesifie3 C-?,, GI:N~RAL CGMMERCIA.L, ZON'E.
One pexsan indic.ited her prosence tn oppoeition.
Ar~siacant 2oninc~ 5upe.rvieor E3111 Young reviewed L•he locat~~n nf sub joc;~ property,
use~ eotablished i.n close proximity, previous zoning actior~ on tha pr.operty. and
the propoaal t~ egtab'ish a Midae mufkler shop pzoviding apecialty sutomutive
sezvices, auch as the repnir and r~plac4ment af brakes. mufflers, ~nd shock
ab~+orbers, and then recapped the ~ubmltted plana iri reference to t}-e mannar in
which the bui.ldii~g was oriented, thu type ~f. materinle to be used, and the
r~umber ar~d wi3th oP. overh~ara dooro.
Mr. Young contir,ued to review th~; pr<>posal by atating thet '.:he ~~AhiculAr acc~ss
and ai.rculation waa pro~ased by tw~ 25-foot ~vide driveways~ one on ruclid ~tr.eot
and ~he other on T~a Palma Avenue, bot;h dr.ives exteniiing a~ong the front of tl~e
building an~t t.hen were reducad to 24 feet in width along the west eide o£ tho
buildina toward the rear of tho building, with the drive widening ta 27 :Eeet,
however, the refu~e are~ encroached j.i7t0 this 27-foot wide por~ion, there~y
reducfnq tlie effectivE widt}i of the dr.iveway at the re~r of the building L•o
18 fee~t that a total of 9 parking spaces wpro indiGateci adjacent to the eouth
prop~rty line to the rear of a 1Q-foo't wide la~ndscap9d planter, said pl.anter
a.lso extended acroas khe Euclid Str~et fr.ontaqey an8 thAt uz~der the retail
parking standarda of the Anaheim Municipal Cade, a total of 20 pazking s~aces
would be r.equired, Xesalting in 11 dpaLes, or 45~ de£iciency from Code parkinq
Mr. Yr~ung, in reviewi.ng the evaluation, stated that when the Planning Commiatsion
in 1962 ini.tiated reclaso~.ficatian tu the C-1 Zone af the properties extendinq
along the n~rth sj.de of La Palma Avenue from Euclid Street to Onondaqa, this
indicatod the Ccmmiseion's aoncern for compatibility ~f land l"13E8 with the
residential lsnd us~es in the immediaY.e vicinity tc the north and wests that
subject property was lncated at the intersection of two arterials and had be~n
deve].oped with a service atation prior to its destruction by fire iii 1969, and
thi.s might be considered axteniiatinq circumstances which would indicate thP
acceptability of more intenaive use uf subject property than the C-1 Zorie
normaliy pe.rmitted, however, the C~mmisslon might wish te consi.dez• three facturs
in the determination of whethsr the physical facility proposed would adequately
pro-ride far khe intended 3ervices, namaly, a) muffler shops and other a~to care
t~pe facilities were largely depend~nt ~ipon a hiah volume customer turnover for
succesaful operationA, and yet th~ applicant was pruposiilg a 45~ def.iaiency in
parking area for the facility, whi~h would apgear to be incor-sistent with tho
nature of th~ operaticni b) auto service bais were oziented towar3a La Palma
Rvenue, and openings into the work arc~a of suto repair Facillties presanted an
unsightly view to motoris*_s and the gen~ral publi~~ and c) the location of tt-e
propoaed trash atornqe area not ~nly restricted autom.~bile acveos to the reax
of the facility, but was inefficient for trash pick-up and ahould be more
properly p:laced on the front of the build~nq adjacent to the 30-foot wid~
Mr. Bob Hostetiter, 413 South Brookhurat Street, repreaentinq the agent f.or the
p~titioner, appnaxed before ~he Commiasion and st~ted he r~greaented ba~h the
petitioner and the lesaee of t~e propert3-J that accordinq to tho contractor of
¢ho pr.oposed devolopment, tha additional parking, as ecaggested by staff, could
MiVUT~E, C.t'I'Y PJ,ANNING CdMM.IyStON, ~7anu~ary 8, 1973
VARIANCE N0. 2469 (C~ntinued?
be provirXed~ thAC the parking p1;~: pz~~onted with thd extiibits w~p wliat. tF~ey
refarred to AH ttie Call.Pornie Pl+~n xar Mic~as MuPfler 3ho~e, anA 1r oxhAi• Midaa
et~ope t:hraughout tho countr~p a maximum o~ 1U ~Krking epac~s r.pperar~d to ba
sdeyuato~ thar. Mr. N3tion, the contract~r, etAtod tho additionbl pnrking cauld
k~e prov~ded at. the zoar oP the etruuture~, wit.h 5 p+sre~llol opacod ad,~naan~ to
the buildiug, with nn additionel 3 perki:~q ap~cea in t.ha bays on Chx ineida~,
thexefotn, they waulfi ati.pu~.ata to embnding the ~1ane to tnke cuXe af the
parking c~e pr~viausly etntedi thAt ~.hA operntion ,.t 410 Nor.th Anahoim Houl.evard,
whera Midde M~xff.le.r .rc+s locatod tor e r~umber of yeRrs, taok ~nly 25 mi~~ute~ for
the remova.l ancl rup~acement of va~'iot~e items proposad Co ba rdp~eceds t.hnt ~,ince
'.hore wero roLeil etoree to the wASt, they WerH a~temptiny tu me•lnta~.n the oon~
fiqure~tion of s eatbach with the exieti~tg ~etL•ack~ tbAt to s+~tiefy oye appua~l,
thoy prop~sed alu-npcttor~e; thet thoy prc+pAaed t~ r6locate rho tra~sh qtoragw erea
to the norh.hwc~t c~zner oP the prope~rtyt and that he wattld requeoc fnvorab.le
~ondidAration of sub ject petit.ion aub ject to pr~viciing additi.onal p+~rk~.nc~.
1Mre . NAl.eri r1A'I yhbara, R27 f~deo Road, Fullertan, apr,earad baPorr~ thw Commic~r~ion
in opposition and r,r,atod shc urae ihc ot+nor of property Co t110 nosth wherw th~
nur~ery wr~s l.ocated and to tiie w~st where t}i~z pool supply compnny wa9 loca~:ed,
an~ then ree~d a leL-ter ~rc~parad by her. atturnc+y (aapy on fil~s) expreeginq e~n-
cern regardx~ig an alley pro~oned far aba~-danment to the weaC aP subjact propexty
by tha owner af bath ~ubjact property e~nd tho pzoperty abuttir~g tha alley to the
west, sincQ she needed the eccoao to the al.loy frum har property to the »orth
bacattae i~ h~d been available to har Par many yoars~ tha~ if the patitioner did
not contemp],ate us.~ng any portion of ::he alloy axcept for ingreert and egrwee,
ohe would not be opposod to the request, but if iL• was the petitianes's intent
ta acqui.re a poxtior~ of khe t+11ey to be usod solely by the~ petitioner, then eho
was opposed to VariancF No. 2468 on Che basis th~t Code parking ohould he met.
Mrs. Neighbors ~urther sLated Rhe w~e awara ofi the f~c~ tha~ abandon-nent wae
not befote the Commissiono but. ghe did want to know if tlie propoae~d xequest
had any ~eari~g on the abandonr~ent.
Mz. Hostetter adwiaed the Commiealon that the abandonment had n~thing to do with
the request no:: befor.e the Gommiesion~ where pon Mrs. Neiyhbore inquxred whc~ hAd
zequaeted the abrsndoriment.
Mr. tioatettex repliecl that the ~toctor to the wegt had requested the abandonment,
but he no longer had an option on the property under consideration today, 'there-
fore, did not own both parcela.
tiffice Engineer Jay Titua advised the Commi.rsaion that the abandonment request
was scheduled for public hoarinq be:Eobe the CitX Coun il on Janua~:y 15, 1973,
and was entirel,y seoarate from any oonsideration of the peti.tian before t11e
Commissioner KaywAOd inquired whether tl:e building could be shifted so that the
service bays now ~riented toward La Falma Avenue would be facing the commRrcial
us es .
Mr. Ron Nation, 2011 Wsst xat~lla Avenue, contraator cf tlie pzc~paded structure,
appeared befoxe the Cammiss~.on and gtr~ted that they had plotted tne loamtion of
the sTrcucture so that it would aliqn with the buildings to the weat, and that
thep could not relocate the buildinqa Aa su.qgested, :~owerer, theu planned faecia
panels on the top and glass wir.dows simi~.ar to the phof.ograph presentad.
Co~ {saioner A11red notdd ~-har nhe p]~ans indicated only ~?::ass was pr~p~sed for
).- oapiny and inquir~~d whether any ~dditional.shrubL+ery or trees wRre planned,
ar~~ why couldn't landacapinq standards as agpliad to ser~rice etations be re-
quired for subject pr~aerty.
7.oning Supervisor Ch4.._es Roberte sta~~ed he conld aee ito reason why the peti-
tioner could not meet the landacaping raquirementa of the servfce station
standazds, bLt subject Froper~y wa~s zoned C-2, and that zane had no aetaack
requirements or landscaping ~e~ wa~a required in the C-1 2one, howevez, i~ the
Commission coneidered d1)pX'OVAL of subject petition, the landac~ping requizement
could be made a condition ~€ approval, And thia would msan a minimum of 3 fesst
of landscaping in the front setb~c:k for bot:- La Palma Avonue and Euclid Stree~.
PLANN:ING CpMMT3SIUN, JanuurY N, 1.~173 ~
'3~ '
VARIAIJCE NU_ 24G8 (Continued)
Chetr:nan ~o~~mcur inquirad whatihez i.i:n ~:~~=~'~~°= ~'.~~• ""Y ~~nnr~~tS.tic7ll tu praviil--
inq lendncapinq in accordance wiCh the C-1 'l.oner wi'ior~upor- Mr. N~~t.t~~n st.ate~]
Lhey ccul.d e+t;.i.pul~~a to provl(91c~g ahxubb~ry.
Commieaiottnr ~'arano offerr,d +s motion~ seconded by Commie~~ioci~r Ka.ywc~ucl ancX
MOTTON CARRI~u, t1~at the Planninct L'~mmieaion find~ and doturminar~ that L•I~~~e
pr.opoeal. w~uld have n~ pigniticent e~nvl~ronmental impr~cL•, RKI~, thAC~if<~ru,
roaommon8e tn the Cit:y Counc~l thAt ox~eaiption dc~r.lax:st.ian st:oL•us be ~rr~ritad.
Cammioei~~ner A11rad ofterad Reialution No. ~C73-9 ~and m<~'rc,d for i.ts ~~.-~d~yo
nng e9opti~n L•o grant Pe~.itian fAZ Varisnce No. 246H, aubjoc~t 't•o the tindi.ng
thnt tho po~.itione.r stiQulated ta Frovidf.ng adc'~i.ti~~nrxl landscr~pln~~, i.nc.lud.ir~y
ehrubberyt that the pdtitioner et~puZatad that ndditional ~arkir~g cculcl Y.~~-
provi~3ed to thc+ rear wiMh parelYel pnrklny and within th~ r~1'.luc:t.i~r~ i.tr~c~lf,
making a C~tal ot 26 par.king a~:e-caet and eubject ta cc~nditi~.~,ns, a~nc~~ncii~~~g
Condition No. 3 to require relocatic+n of the rraoh Rtc~r:sqe a~~ea to the ~nut;h°
wes~ cor.ner of the Luildinq and Cendit.ioh Nc~. il to reguire that nddiC!oneJ.
parking shall be provided to t'h~ ree-r of thn pi~a~~osed ~tru:~CurE+. ( ie~
Re~olution Aaok)
nn roll cull the for~goinn reaol~ztion wde pabr~eii by t:1~Q f.ollo~+inq vr~t~~ :
AXFS: COMM:[SSIANF.RS: A13.red, F~szano, Gr~uer, tioc~l~st,, liaywc~c~ci, Ra~a],~nd,
Chairma.~~ Seymour left the Council Chamber at 4:46 p.m. ,~:l~ai.x~~~an pro ten~
Kaywond assuming the chair.
N0 380 Flnaheim Hi].ls Road, .Ana~heini, Ca• 91t3~?Gr Ow:~err
REPORT GRANT COMPANY OF CAI~IFORNII\, r./o ?ar. f7i4ker.son, 15b5
CONGITIONAT, USE South Brockhurst Street, P~nai-.ai.m, ~:,~•• r~~804, Agentj
PERMIT N0. 1368
~ .
propoxing to ESTASLISH AN f34-C!1~Y
L D~VEL()F tnl~N'f i~I"C§i ~~I2aYVER O~' (A!
WIDTH, (D) MZNZMUM DIS'I'APt ~1: n~~rwr~:r- QU3LDINGS, 11kJD ~E~
:t-P. ZOt
! rx~agularly-~ha~a~c? PA7:Ci:1
d ~:
on property dr~acz~.berl as :
approximately 14 aare~ 'naving ~ fr~~ritage of ap~za~:ir~~~t~ly
of. lan
1419 feeti on the north si~e of Nohl Ranch Road, t~iav~:iticJ a• ma:cimun~ dQpth o~
u± tli~•
i ~~
^ ::'i5U fee
approximately 1187 fe~t, an~ being located appr.c~xin».h.e1y
cen~erl.ine of Anaheim Hills Roacl.
hur~t Str~:eL-
piclcerson, 166a SqUtill I~:
Ca. 92804. ciwGZi7L'• ~H.: V'I•:1 ,?.3U1 Caw~~': s Dzive,
Irvine, Cd. 94f~64~ ~ 7ropusi.~ay tn auladivl.de A),4-acxe
parcel into 8~1 F~RP (i'-2) lnt:~.
N~ one z-ppear~ci in oppoeiti.on.
Although the Rep..~rt to the Commisaian w~,s not. re~d at rhe pub:lic he~r.ir~g, :i.C
is referrod to and made a part of th~; m~.nixt.gr;c.
Deputy City 1#ttorney Frank Lawry advi~e~d •r,he ~ommi~,sion the~^c M~~s ii pro'~Ls~o in
aonnection with the matter, although nut a concexn o£ the Coanmis~io~Yr b~s't S'i:
would be th,~ zecammendation of Che Cihy Ec~e~ineer, City At~~~~.rney~- +~~~d ~~~Y
ManaqAr that if the Commisaion d.sterm3.r~os subject ~eti~ion b~ apprUV~cl, ~t~.it
a proper legal description incl.usle t.z~ae~aaes an cezt~in C~ty of An~:hei<< l.s~a4
and gra~ir-g parmits.
Mr. Ron Dickereon, repre~senting Gr.ant CoruPany of California, a,~~eAYBd be~~orn
the Commiss `.on and stated the tr.+~ct before the Ccmmission via.e n git~- C~l~ri An~1
then rt~viewed tYle ataf.E's remer.k~- r~gart~iny clari__~.tion af recseationdl
~ ~
M.CtiUTF:S, CITY PI,ANN:~D~G C(iMM13SI0N,. ":•rr-i~.Ary C~, 1973 ~3'?0
T~:~T~:IVi: `:R:' n~ ~tRAr~r Ncl. 744~3. il~:~"LSION NO. 1 (C'ontinuo~9)
vohicl.om by stat:'_ny ttiat wh~~n tho CCtR'A wor.o wr.ir.t~r~, th~y w~uld i~~r,;ludo pro-
hibition oP. ove.rnlgh;, pur~Ciny op zecroationel vahiaJ.ea on tho proparty, and
L•r,c+ oi:forcemPnL• vehiclc wou111 be tho homdov-nere ngwociation.
Gommia~iGner tieiUet. inqul.ze~d h~w t1iiR could be ~ntorcad without•. tAking !.t ~o
c~urt since tht~ City of )-nahPi-n cnt~ld not enf.or.:e a pr~.vatn re~trickion.
Mr. Dlal~oraon utated that wlten thuxa royulet~.una wera written in ~he CC&R'e
the homeownarr~ resuci.ation would be rdeponaJ.ble foz the entarcement of ~hum~
thaC thro~,gh kheir saJ.es a~pr.oach they woul~ dC9V~AA proepective pu.rch+aeNr~ af
ha~nee that r.c~cxeatianal vehicie~ would noL• be purmitted, .~nd they wcutci atternpt
noL to hr:ll to peapl.a having ~auh vetii.cl~o, mltho-xqh they could not prohiblt
1:hem trom purchasing later ~n, tho CC&R'e wauld prohibit antl discouraycs ttais.
M~. Tom Martin, repreeentinq V~PN. appeare~d beforo tho Cominier~loa and (leecribed
che+ site p1Rn, notinq tlits ~ua an (i4--unit PP.U with accesd from Nahl ~~~nch Roa~
~r. two location~, dL• the laup atroeL• end the zecreational entran~,, t1,,~ thp
gnl~ c~urse was alonq the nor.thArly and wpateriy property I~11~A with the c:lub-
huu~o on the easr. aido af. tlic proparty, and ell th~a unita would be fairway-
ar.ir~n~:~d units or oric~nted towar~s Oek Canyon Park, which was a City dedicate~d,
publi •: par.k, thue those wo~.~ld be ~ark-ariented unita~ that they were tYying t~
maximizo t.he numb~r uf itnits with view lota~ and that the recroatianal Paaility
was planned but not exlctly d~eigned ae yet.
Chr~ixman pro h.em Kuywood noted that with the view of the Co~nhoueQS toward the
ycalf co~i.rc;a, what wau'ld the view be of the guesto at the go1F course of the
pzopased home~aj whezeupon t~,:. Dicker.son preeented picCure~ of the unita as
th~y faced rhe gulf aoixrse, noting that the gAra~ges wer.e orientec~ tvward the
streett that the site plan indicated two ta throA unitc~ per each lot, making
then~ dup].exes ur triplexes of single or two-atozy conatz•uction.
Ctiairman pr.o tem Kaywood noted L•hat the pldns indicated b~drooms pluo a den und
inquired whether thp 3en would be c~nverted into a bedroornj wb.exoupon Mr.
Martfn sta~ed it would depend upoii the floor plan~ but *_hey would ba marketing
this as a den, and he did nat ~eel that• beca~is~ of t.he pr.ice range that it would
be a lasqe fam.ily-orienY.ed type of development, and in reaponse to questioning
by ~ommi.gi.oner Kaywood, stated that the price ranqe would be between the middlo
$30,~00 t~ khe middle S4U,000.
Chairmati p.~o tem Kaywood inquired wtiethar therE: was any way tc p:event the roome~
bei.ng c~r.verted to bedroams~ whereupon Mr. Mtirtin atated that there was none~
since there waa a door that would enab~e them to close the room off; that one
f.l.oor plan ha3 the den cn the first floor. which would bP less desizable for
a bedroom. •
Mr. Martln, in response to a question by Commi.selona7•tierbst, atated that the
guest parking wa3 proposed to the rear uf 1:he unita - 42 off-stz•a~t parking
spaces - or approximately one-half per unit. 7n addition, there would be no
on-stroet paxking, and thQre wae an atteinpt to pxesent a more earthen•-type of
envi:onment witti bay paxking and rolled curbr that he was opposed to a public
strQet, ar.d he was trying to avoid he-ving a public street in this development.
ChairmAn pro tem Kaywood inquired what would pzevent res•ldents or guests in thfs
dev~lopment trom parkfng on the sidewalk them~selves if there were rolled curbs.
Mz•. DickeYS~.n atated th3t thay would have continuoue roY~ed cu.rba rather than
indenture.; for dzi~~eway approaches.
Commissioner Herbat abserved that the Commission had vinit9d aimil~r facilities
and fouiic7 cars pull~d up right ontia ~he s~.dbwuik, and hQ could see the eame
thing happeninq in thlt~ development, Rince peaFle di~d not wxnt to walk if they
could park anywherp~ and there wae no way to pull up into a driv:::=_' ancY park
in their garaqes~ then they wuuld be pa~rking on the sidewalk.
Mr. Dicker~sun repliec~ that he felt the rolled curb would pxovent thie.
MI~U'PES, ~iTY PL}1NNTNG (:UMNI9S~ON, JenuRry H, 1973 73-2~
TFNTATIVE M1-P O:' TRACT N0. 7444~ RE'VI9TON N0._„~.l ~Cantinued~,^,~
Cornmienionar Herb,~t sCnted he waw more cuncerr~aQ wlt.h the unit•A that were faced
~r-to the street~ whc~reupon Nlr. Dickeraon etaked they had tries ta avai.d th.is,
ar~~l whare th~re wearo anqloe, thurn auuld I~e s~mo eetb~ck adjacent t~ e garayu.
'•.enistent Zonii-g Su~ezvteor 1Bill. Young notad that the rencYex•ing poetod on the~
wull diffarorl ~rom r.hdt ~~rhich stat! t;ad reviewed in tl~e Iteport to the Commiesian
and then prenentod an ~-ltezne-tC axhib.l.t.
Mr. Mer~in nut.ad thet tho}r nad updated their eite plan bue not the renderint'
betor~ r.ha Gommisei~n.
Mz. Younq then reviewed tho plan eubmitked for aonei.daration after the P,epoxt
to tho Commiedior, wan ~~+ritten, noting the ~it~er.ences.
Chaizman Qre+ t~e~a ~:mywood notod that Grant Company wae e~skit~q for 6-1.0 foot
setbaaks when thA ozdiaance req+atred a 25~foot set.back, rnd now the devalo~+Ar
was ox~opoeing 0-5 foot aetbnck.
Mr. Diclcereon stated thsy wera not tryinq to r.reatA more density but knew with
their plan of development tt-ere ~rou~cl not be an exceasive amount: of. etreek gFeed.
Mr. Martin noted that tt~a ~ero sotback lot &id n~i~ hava the bu~lding perpendicu-
lar tc thcs atre4t, and it way mure tt~an 6 to ].0 feet a1: the m!d-point of the
drivaway, and the point of a.ngle would bo up tc 18 feQt.
Commisai,~ _r Herbe~ expres~e~i concern tliat th.era was no a~•ailabla off-etreet
parking, and people wou].d pa.rk t}ieir vehiclas on L-he atzoet, wliich was n4t
deairnble for a deve'logment o~ thia eiZe.
Mr, Uickerson repll~d that 'hcy had adher~d to the ane-'`~alf pa~kinq apace ~er
uni*_ for of:f-stzeet parking, and th~y wanted to have more greetz arese rnthar
than any more parking.
Chairman pro te:a Kaywood noted that when 50~ af the units had three and. Eour
be3rooms and the den could b~ converted to a bedroam, this would mean a four to
five-bedzoom unit, and with that many bedrooms, thare t~ou].d be insufficient
parking with the number of p~Xking apaoes prnpa3ed because of the numbez of
veh.a.clea each unit would have.
Mr. D~ckeraon r•.oted tha~ t'hQy had ~he a~ilit5~ to increase their off-street
Mr. Davia Lawrence, representing Co/Data Corp., appeared ~efore tha Commi~aion
and no*.ea that the setback could ba usable sQace tor gueat parkin~„ and they
wariteci to minimize the amoun~ of gpa~e between the garage door to the drivaway
to deter garking, juat ae *_hey hac] purpoaely narrowed the stieet.
Chairman pro tom Kaywoud noted tli~t ~he Commission had vi~±wed similar develop-
ments and found that people drove over the pa:kwag and parked on tY~e bide~valkg,
theref~re, this would be expectgd in the ~>Lopusecl development.
Continued di~cuss~.on wae held by the Commiseion relatfv~ to the rolled curbs,
inadequat~ p~erking on-site, and thei.r previaue views of other developmex~ts
proposed in a aimilar manner.
Mr. Lawrence nnted that he l:ad worked with oth~r citi.ee nnd had proposgd a
eimilar• type of r.olled curb and nxrrow road system trXing to deter on-atreet
parkinq, inc],uding this into a greater qr.een are~.
Commiasioner Herbat nnted he was c~ncerned ~rith the private drive, and if
parkinq on-street was left to the homeownera Reuociatian, this would bacome a
problem, wnd eventually they would ask the City ~o ta-ke over maintenance of
the ytreet a~ a dedicated etxeat.
Lengtliy diaeuaeion wne held by the arch-*_ect, developer end the Commiesion
rega~diaq cu-•br~ ana adequate pdrkinq nnd Retbauk of the strLOtuses. and if
a~lequate parkinq wae not proviued in the nillside area nn~d on-xtraet parking
wae prohibited, this wAUld resu~t in ~e~~ple perking or, the atrpet and side,walk.
MINUTES, CITY PL~ANNING C'OMMIS~ION, January ti, 1973 ~3'7~
TF;NTATxVF MAP OI' TRAC7' N0. 7444~R~VtSIOt3 N0. 1 _(_C_an~lnue~~_ _.,r„
CommJ.auionex Rc~wlan~i notmd thaL- Grant Com~dn;~ af Calltorni.a I~n~d built Bra~dford
Placa, a tawnh~uee ooncopt etruot.urn of 600 unita, and, thQretoro, t:he Commie-
eion would laok. to Grant Company o~ Cnlil~znia Por st~tiaticJS that wera mean-
ingful, ns~d naw Gra~nt CompAn,y of Ca.lifornla was aeki~ ~.~ the Comm! a~ton +v'-et ~he;/
v~ant~ed, but einca Gre,nt r.ompany of Cal~tnr.nid wor.e build~ra wi.th eomn exparienoe,
~-tta~t did they ldel ahould ba prnvided.
Mr. Dickexeon repliad th~t• Dradfaxd Place wa~ a minimum houeiny situetion whero
lhey foun[! peopla using their parking a~are. ok 24 ~ex~ unlt for pool t.~nblos,
eta. i that ha wae not in merketiny r.eaearch~ xhai: the s~tuation was not ~imi~,e+r
i.n the gropoead developmont to that of Bradford Plaae einee thoy were propos.lnq
only 84 unita, end t1i~ pricc of the uniL•e ~wae aor»ldarably hiyher than ofhur
townhoubes in ri.naheim, and ono would never finii ~he type of reoi~fenta in the
Anahetm der-eXoFmer-t that ~ras found nt Bradford P1Aae.
Comn~issianei RawlBnd naL•ed that th~ petiL•ianer would not nttain tho mark~~ing
aoa1R if they were ov4reat•iinatad by 25a and inqul.red whc~ra the dQ:-elopez hnd
dov~).ope~d their populati.on starietica L•het wc:ul.d aup~oxt r.hoee att~Yements ninca
the City had some~ experience in parkinq patterns, and t2-m petitioner. must nave
heard the Plannir~g Commiedion expresa thSiz cancarn rogardinq parkinq, t}iere-
fore, he would eugqest that tha develop~x make some m9aninqPul atatem~n~:s so
that thc Commisaion c:ould use it fur aupporting data, and he would aixgqest to
the potitionar Chat he havo some marketii~g ciata dnd reeearch.
tiir. Giakerson stated that if hd had unticipated the questi.en preaented by the
~ommiaoion, r.tie Grant Company would have n~ade dnta available f~r the Commi.aeion
to review, hc~wev~ar, he would zequest that +aub~~ct patition r-ot: be c~ntinued for
~aid datx raince they had prea~er~tod devel~pment plans and 2:he plans weres
Commiesioner Rowland notQd that tne pl:~ns wer~ vsry adaptir~ble since p~rking
coutd be provi ded in so~~~.e of the green areae wY-icn might be sacrificed, however,
he would requeet that the s ~atiatics .requeat:ed be doaum~enL•ed and presentecl to
the Plann.i,~g rummissi~n ~ince the Corc~miesion was asking theee questian~.
1Mr. Dickerson s~tated that hs would asKUrQ t.ho Commisnion that thAy would provide
adequate parkinq.
Commissioner Rowland nated ~ha~ th~ develope: could never pxovide emerganca
services on a full-kime basi~ wlth tho preaent setug, however, the plan b~fore
the Com~isaion had great merit.
Commir~sioner Gauer inc~uired why standarda cauld noti be developed which woulc~
be Rcceptable t~ the Commission so that the constant discussion of parking need
not be a lengthy diacuasion at each hearlr~~ of Anaheim Hilla projects, and i£
people wanted that type of liviny environmen•~, then parhaps the Commisaion
should a~prove it.
Commiasioner Rowland noted, in r~eac~onse, tliat the Planning Comm~HSion had dAtez-
mined it wa~s necesas~ry ta pxovide covered parking for. 2~ cara whe,re 12 units or
less per. acre of planned reaidential 3evelopments wgre planncsd, and that they
wanted to provide an exaell~nt environmer~L for this type of development, however,
he did not m~xke thcs field trip in wh~.ch tk~e Gommiesion f.aund conditiona *_hat
were undeairable, and he did not know wheth~r this wa~t a pr2valent con3i'ti~~n
alI ui the ~ime.
Chairman pro tem Kaywood notPd that the prop~ae3 devetopmer~t waiiZd havP r~a on-
etreet parki.ng mvAilable, therefozN, psrkinq wou's8 hav,9 to be provldod on the
aite, and that a double gar.aqe was r.ot aufficient for a four or five-bedr.oom
apartment unit.
Comnissioner Rowlan8 then stated he was willfng to accept the requttement of
2~i spacea per unit as beinq ad~quate since ona muet recoqnize people did some
ratiher weird ~thinq~ with automobiles, how9ver, he did nat went to mnka it totml- '
ly ±mpossible to get aroundj that Bradfard plece did not ha~ve tiiqh standards o£
'CENTATIVG~MAr OF TRAC'P_NU. 74A4,_ REVZS7QD1 NU. 1 i~'ontinued~_~_~_
e:noni.ti.es, and goinq through their Alleyq, one could t'i nd oome rather inczedi-•
t 7,e parking eitu~ti~ne, but na ano wae eve ~ blc,ckud cc,mplotoly .
Choirman pro L•em Keywood lnquired what would happei~ if f.ira trucke conld not
got thraughi whrreupon Commlaeion!~r RaHla~id ~taCed that dex'.yninq a project
ehould no~ be cumplr~te~.y araund emeryency 9ltuatione.
Cummisai.oner G+suer ny+~in reitnratdd r.ho facC triat t.he~ Commiesian ~ape+nt moxe~
t1.mn on pazking for P;tD's, t:herePore, they should detsrm.ine wh~ther 3 ur ?.-~
epaaea w~e ddequate ~e~r un~.~, and minca the petitioner wr~a providing 2~a apa:oe
ana had cho aUility ta provide more, the Commleaion ah~~~ld ~nake thi.s a candi-
tion of t~pproval.
Ccmmit+sioner Hexbst natAd rh?~t ~ne of tt~e probl~~ms facinq the Commission wae
the fe~ct that devalopmonte of thia type wora bec~ming more end more before the
Commisaion wi.th almost no ofP-atrser parking, arid they did not• even provide
any on-sL-z•eak p~rking, r.herefore~ ~~ might be naoee~ary to requiro parkiny
accordinq to ~lie: r-umbQr oP boc~roomE propnaed bv r~qui.ring ade1i.tionAl perking
for encPi badroom abova a gl.ven nua~t,er 9i.nco in fi.his ar~a wliorr•~ no p~~bllc
transportation who available, with many tnenagera, oacri nne wou.ld havp L•u have
h~.e own f.orm of trrsn~portation, but i;n addition, one ~nust aleo conaider p~'ovid-
ing apace Eor gu~~t p~i~kinq, either off or on-straet., ~i.tice the propoaad 49
spacea in r.i~is pxt~ject would be used t~y resident9 of the praject, thor.efore,
he would auggest Chat adequatQ prrkinq be one of t.he conditions of appzoval,
aa well as ttie market stucly referrEd Lo by Commie~foner Rowlar~d - otherwiao,
thia item shoul4 be continuad, and if the pat.itir;n was favorably conDidered,
than the Commiseian should have to make a v~luad judqment of. the ~tudy i.n order
th~t r~sc:ommendatic~n could be made to the City Council for r.onAideration.
b''urther cons~.der.ation wou.ld be L•he fact that once the daveloper nold thASe aa
units, it would not be hi.s pr.oblem but would become the City's prAblpm.
Comm3.ssioner Rowland expressgd the hope that L•he tiameow.aers ass~ciatlon would
be aDle to admi.nis~~r all of t1~e ~robl ,~ns which the Commiasion could for.eeee.
Commissior~er r,l:~Xed not•ed t.t~at he had recently vi.sited a PRD in Sacramento
wt-ere they r,ad a parking problem, however. he did not obeerve parking on the
sidewalks and di.d not s+~e anything out. of line, however, it was po~sible that
if the ct-~il~iren of. the~, resi lents grew older, tho parkinq prablern c~uld bec~me
m~re sNVere.
Commiasioner Herbst note~ that the only way to arrive at ~hi~ property was by
vehial.e becaiiae there was no public transporta~ion, anu thie waa ~he reason
why p~rking was a much greater problem.
Chair~:an pro tem Kaywood then reviewed the n~imb$r of b~drooms ~hat c~uld be
a~iticipated even though the developer indica*_ed some ~£ the dens wExe not
r~Fidily adaptable f.or bedrooms, and even though this .vas not reflpcted an the
map used, soinething would hsve to be done to modify the potenY.ial parking
pxoblem, since it could be expected that ineui€icient garage~ would be builc
to take care of a11 of the cars.
Mr. Dickersan then $uqgested that the Comn~isnion not c~ntinue sunject pPtit~.on
but make approval subject to presenting parking data to the Planning Commission~
whereupon C~mmissioner Herba+~ stated `hat ona ~f the inputs that the Grant
Company co~.d givo the Co~mission on i.:•..: apartments or homea having five bed-
roams waa how many care woul.d thia generate - this might g~ve the Comrnisaion a
better insiqht to ~he parking situaL•ion.
Mr. D~.ckerson ncted that they 'wsr.e provsdl.ng 2~y spaces per unitr whereup~n
Commissioner Rowlanc~ Yzotecl that of 84 units, 62 had mare ihan two bedrua:ns,
and assuming thi~ would qenerate more vehiclea, he would augg2st that the
petitionar pravide an ad8ltional 32 parking spaces in some of the green areas,
with develo~menL of the qreen areas in suGk~ a manner that if park±ng preblema
were experi.enced, ~heae areas cou~d be readily cc+nverted wit•hout a maseive
~uY.lay of capita~l, and this ahoiild be a requirement in the CC&R's aince this
would provide 3 narkinq spacee per unit for ehoAe havir~~ more than two bedrooms.
MxNU4'I:a, CITY P1~11NN II7G CnMMTtiS.T.ON, January f3, .19"° 73-24
T~.N'I~.TIVF.' MAP 01* TRACT NO. 7444, R~VISION NO. :~ _ lCant~.nu~~d) ~ ._,
The Commisaian continu~!d diecusRion ot the propnaal - wheLh9r or not ±t nhould
~e cor.tinue~~ f.az rovieed plano to rofloct addition~]. ~arki.ng and tha tact thet
the Senit~atlan Do~artm~nt etnted that the L•zash compactore wr~re not d4 worknblN
flN 8CjV9Ct~SQC~.
Cmm~il~+r~ioner Rowlnnd offer~d It~esoluL•ion Nc. FC;73-10 and movod far ite ~~aesage
and adoption to acc:ept Environmentnl. Iinprct Roport No. 7fl ancl reaomu-ancl C~ ~_h~
City Council t:hat it• be ndoptod ~+9 the ~!.ty Counail'e Environmeni.~xl Impect
Statem:~nt. (S~o Rasolution Book)
On rnll ca11 thr: f.or~gninq rosolut.ton wae paased by the Polluwing voL•e:
AYES: COMMJSSTONERS: Allre3, Far3no, Gau<er, Her.~st, Kuywood, Row~and.
HtijGiv.ii ~u:'~UTCt~r\NH:RSe SHVfiOUr.
C~mmis~ioner ~;~~wland ofLare~l Rosolutian No. PC73-11 r~nd moved fur it~ passagt:
and adopti.vi~ l;o urant Petitl.on for Con~ii.tionr~l t.laP Per:nit N~~. ].368, t~ubjoct to
fi.ndiiiga that the doveloper ~ropoaad ge-r.ays serbacks less than or grQatez t~htln
the r.equired 6-10 foot garage aetbscke, bur lexs t:ian 25 fac~' requizo~ of sub-
divial~~~~^ having •~cceas drives perpendtcul.ar t~ a publlc aLr.FC:t, however, no
waiver ha~l been rrr~ueste~~ f~~r or adverti aed as the st.reat propa~~d for circu-
lation was a privato stroet., that the doveloper stipulate~d to providing bon~:-
ing to lr~sure impravement uf parking spaces Eor an additi.onal 31 parking
spacea wi thin the oF~eri areae in the event of evidance of need for adc9.it.i.onal
parking arpaaJ that the petitionex stipu.tated to greparing ct e~acial parking
etudy to ascertxin tl;a normal parking demands experienced by the dHVeloper in
s~milar farms oF ~9evelopm~nt, said study to be aubmitted to the Pl.anning
Commisaion for consideration prior to the filir~g of a final tr.act map; and
~ubject to conditions, w~t.h the addo3 c.ondltions ~h1r. the tract map aha11 be
reviaed to reflect *h~: potential of 31 additionat parking apaces withi.n apen
areas thro~ighout the~ tract in the avent of future needs, and that a bond in
an amount and form sat.iafac~.ory to the CiMv of 1~r.~heim shall be posted to
guarantee the improvement of saici parking ~pacesJ that th~e boundaries of the
tract map shall be rev3sed to indicate no qradinq or construction would be per-
formed on adjaining City of Anaheim p•ropErtiea, or in xlternate, an agreement
sha].I .~e entered inta in s~ manner and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim
and approved by thp Cf.ty At.torney's office as to any grading which may encroach
onto City property .~djaining ~aid tract prior t~ tile introduction of a final
txact map; and that tho d~ve~oper initiate a special par.king atudy to ascertain
the norma~ parking demands as experienced by the developer i~i tiiese farms af
devE.lopment, said study Co be submit.ted to the Plzntiing Commission for consldara-
tion prior to the filinq o£ a firial tract map as ar.ipulaLed to by the petitioner.
(Se~ Resolv.tion Eook)
On ro~l call the foreqoing resolution was uasaed by the followi.ng vote:
AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: Rllred, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland.
NOES; COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Far.~rio.
Commisyioner Rowland ozfaren a m~~tion, seconded by Ccmnisgione.r Gauer and
MOTION CAF.RIED (Commiasioners Ka~wood ar,d Farano vati.ng "no" and Commissioner
Sey:nour being absent), to approv~ Tentative Map of Tract No. 7444, Revision
No. 1, aubjeat to the following conditions:
(1) That thc approval of 'Pantative Map o£ Tract No. 7444, Rpvislon No. 1,
is granted aubject to the ap~roval of ReclasRif:lcation No. 71-72-44
and Conditionel Uae Permit No. 136f3.
(2) That should this subdxr.isian be developed as more than one sub-
diviaion~ each aubdivision thereof sha11 be aubmitted in tenCative
form for approval.
(3i That al.l lota within this tract shalJ. be 9ervad by underground
'fEN:I'A'P'L_ " r~nr_or 9'RAC'P NC. 74441~HI:VIS:CON N4~1. ~Contir~uodL. _____,_._
(4) That tt-e vehiculnr dCCQ6y .r~yhtr~, uxcept ~t c~tr~at an~l/or. all~y
<~pt~nings, Lc, Nohl Ranch R<~ud eliall l~e declicnked ~:o th~ C1ty of
(5) '~hat tho owneri:~! of subje~ct pruporty elinll pay to the City ~f
Annho~m thc~ approprinCe ~~t~rk and r.ecreation in-li.eu f~ae et~ deter-
miried to be appropri.t~te by t.hc~ ~.~y Counci.i, Haid feee to bo i~nid
at the timo tlie t~uild.ing pormlt ia lesuad.
{~,) That any covenanta,. conditio•~s, and rostrictione shAll }~e sula-
mi tt~d k.o nnd a~~proved by Lhe Ci ly ~ttorney' ~t U f f 1 cc prior 1:o Ci ty
Council A~~JIOVtIl o.f *he i•.i.nal txc~ct map, enc~, fur~_her, thaC thfl
approv~d covetaanta, conclitions, and r.csatzictions aha11 ba r.ocor~]ed
concur.r~ntly wi.th tt-a final tract ma~.
('1) ~'hat a f.~.~lII~ tract mop of aubiact ~>rc,pr,zty shall be sUbmittad to
and a~,pioved by thc City Counc~.] anu the~i be zecordEd in the of.Elce
of t:he Orangc County Rer,c+rder.
(9) That prior to fiJ.ing thH fin+s.l l•ract map, tha ap~~licant shnl].
s~ubmit to ~he City AttornPy for npproval or d~nial A completE
synopr~i» o.f t1zQ proposed functioning ~f t~~e operating corporation,
incluclinq but. nct: limitad to the nrticles of incorpor.atl.on bylawb,
pro}~osed methad:~ of managoment, bottding to inaure main~enance of
common proper~y and bui].dfngs, and euch ~ther information Ra the
Ci ty A~tozney m~-y desire to proL•ect the CitY, ite citizens, and,
the p irc.hasers of t.ha pro jeGt.
(9) 'That at•reet nart:es shal.l be approved by the City of Ar-aheim prior
to sppruval of a final tract map.
(10) Th%~t gradi;-g, excavation, and ~11 o±hox' constructior- activities
shall be ^~'zducted in such a mar.nPr so a~ to minimize the possi-
bility of any yilt oziginating froT this project being carrled
into the ~anta Ana River by storm vater aY~iqina*~rig fr.om or flow~
ing through thia project.
(11) '"hat drainage o~ sa~.d propezL•y shall be diaposed of in a r.:dnner
sat~.sfartory to the City Engineer and shall include r.onstruction
oE drainaga faci].ities ~f a siae and typs suff.lcle~~t to carrv
run~ff wate•rs originating from h•lgher propertiea south of Santa
An3 Canyon I:oad tt~rough ~ald prapPrty to u].timate disposal as
approved by the City Engineer. Reimbursement. agxeements may bp
made available to the developars af suid ~roperry u~on th~ir
(12) That the t.ract map shall be revise~3 to reflect the potontisl for
31 addttional. parking s~acea within open areax thr~ughout the tract
in the event of f.uture needs, and tit~%.~ a t,ond in an amount and form
sa~isfactury to L•he City of Anaheim shall be posted to ctuarantaa
the improvement of said parking spa~:es in the event ot a detarmina-
tion of parking sh~z•tAqes.
( l.3) That tha boundar.ies ot the tract map ahall k~e reviead to indict~te
that no grading or u~natruation would be performed o~.~ adjuining
Cit.~• ~f Anahezm properties, or in tho alternate, that an agreement
be entered into i.n a manner and form sati.s£actory to tY~e City of
Anaheim an@ approved by the City Att-arney's of.fict as to any grad-
ing wh~.ch may encroach onto Cit•y propQrty ad~oining said tract prior
to 'the introduction of a final tract map.
(~4) That a special parking stiudy be conducted ta ~scer.tain tho ~ermal
parkinq demands as experiecicEd by the develo~er in t.hese forms of
d~velopment, sRid c~tudy to be aubmi.tt~d to the Plannii~g Commission
for conaidezation prior to the filing of a final tract map.
[~1CNUT1'~:i~ CL'CY f'1,ANNING (':171'^1.1:i:~IC)Ni .iritlu; R'y !3~ 197.f " j'''C~
C~INDITIONAL USl? -{'UE~I~I~ HGARItiCI. ~'AitRxE P. MC C1,UR):, 33t302 McCluro prlva,
PERM'[T t7p. J.3E~ N~+wbArty 3pringe, Ce~. `):355, UMrnc+r: !iAFt()LU L. WLIRICII,
__...__...-----.--•._~^_. 1yF30 Beacon Avenuc, Anaheim, Ca. 9'1.8Q'1., Aye~~t; roquueting
'1'I~ASit STORA~:r AREAS an pxopf,r.ty d~acr.'b~~cl a~s A r~ctanqt•larly^BFId[~~3Cj porkion
of ~n ].arger pnr.ce]. of. c+~~Frc~ximeCOly .57 er.re~ of l.nn~, nnid porti.on conaietiny
of a~~p.roxlm+.~Le ly 9720 ayunro Yur~t, hav7 ny ~+ f.rc~nk,uyo of approxir.iaLc~ ly f,U feot
on tho south aid~ of Lin<:olr. A~~enue, having a mnximuni de~th <~F approximet-el.y
1G4 f.eet, and hoin~ LOCLIt~~ at tne eouChorly tnr-ninu~s uf l.vergreon street.
FroparL•y pres~nt.l.y clavf~ified C-1, GF,NE:RAL COMMeKCIAL, ZONE.
T~~u persoiis ii~dJ.catt~cl the.ir proeon::e in oP~o~itio:~.
Aa~siotlnt- Lor~i~~y Supervieor I~ill Young rc+v~ewed tho loc~tton ~f s"'n~~ct. I
t.~ropercy, uses ostabli~}iec3 i.n r.].oad prox~.mlty~ pleVlol+n ~nr~lr~y nr..t.ion er~ the
~r.opurty, nnd ~:he prok~usal L•o establish +~ A-nall. an~.mal voter.inary hospitr~l on ~I
the w~atcr.ly 60 f~et of subject par~:~l, wi.th the eaate+'l.y 96 Pect ta l~e sub-
d.1.v+.ded at a lnt.er c!at~t ~hat plnn5 indicatn tne prc,poe~od fucili.ty would b~ ~
one-ator_y r~tr.ur,turc 13 1:~c~t' i~ hei~ht, conetructec~ of et.ucc~ed con~~rt~te blo~_k
e~nd hav.ir~q a yra~e floor aro;:. ai approx.tmakaly 11,090 sqLar~ fe~tt ~hat- titie
buil.diny wafl pr.ot~o4e~3 to b~~ locuted npp"oxir~.at•cly 53~ feoL b~hind t.ho f'ront.
groperty ).ino and adjacont to the wa3t.erly property line, the rear. of the
bu~Lldinq being 4G f.c~et f.rom tlie southerly prope~ty lin~ ad~ar.ar.t to a davol.-
oped .residen*ial i:ractj t~.hat ~lavstionc~ ir:dicnted th,~ main entry to the build-
~,ny wc '~ be an arch~d ope~ing bos-eath a 5pani :h-dtyle canupy extending aver
tha front portion of t'ne biaildi.ngt t.hnt no wind~wa or ~ther openings werQ
indi~~ated on Che oast, ~cuth or nort•h elevaY.iuna, Exca~ting a so1~d metal door
at thF ac~uth En3 oE t:he bu~lding, wbiah would ba improved with g1+~sQ blocke
far c~unliqht in~a the i.nter,;.or of. the buildinn; ~hat tha plano alsso in3icatpd
the ma~ority oP thE: ir~t4rior of thQ builciing would be de~~oted to ~~arcir, ~sncl
exa~ninlnq labora':ories for 4.he animalt~, with a small isolr~tion urt~a in the
r~ ~r oE the bu~.ldi.ng; that vehicular accese an 1 parking w~s proposoed to Ue
p,~~ide~ by a 2C-f~c~Y_ wide :3riv~way locate3 4 feet from the easte~'ly pr~perty
la.nc~ and exter~ding the `.u'_.1 length of t:he pxop~x~:Y~ with a 4-fo~t o~ide planter
are%- shown adjacont to the eaeterly ~roperty linc:, how~ver., thi3 w<~uld restrict
*.r e dri.vew3y width between the bu~ lding and planting area La 18 P~~e*_ in width,
wherear~ Code would require a 2Q-£oot wid+:, clear access drivc~ t~ be provided;
that a total of 9 on-site varkinq 3pdCE'~9 were pr.oposad, S iri tYie fr.ont of the
building and A to the rear, whereas general comm^_xcial atancl~+rla would req•~zre
e, total of ;.l Kpaces, thezefore, tlie petitioner had reque~ted a waiver af this
requ ement; th:;t. tF,e front: 7 feet of tYie p~rael was pr.opor~ed to be ful~y
landscapea w:Lth a 4-foot wide planter area extending along `_he entire lei~gth
of the westerly property llne, excepti.ng for t.he b~lilding area; thut. the plant:-
~ng area would also exL•end alonq the southerly propert,y line which was proposad
to be laridscaped with 15-gallan tr~es on 15-~o~t cent •_s :n order to screen the
facility from the adjoi.rsing residenti.al propertisst thzt a trash storage area
approximately ~1 feet x e feet was shor~n immediately to th~ r_ear of the pr.apoAad
facil.t.ty, hawever, a 2~-f.oot por.tion oi the enclosed area was propoaed to be
partiticned for use or s~orage oP ~xygen tanks~ raducing the ef.fectiva s~.ze af
the tzaeh storage area to approximaL•ely 4 ieet x 6 f~et, r~hereas Code wuuld
re~{~iire a 6 x 8-foot ~raGh storage area~ and that the trash storaye area and
axygen tank area w4s proposec? to be tul.ly enclosed, aeparated by a 4-inch thick,
concrete block wall r~ofed with mi~9ion tile ao~i equipped with automatic
sprinkler h~ads to prevent the pcss:ibility of explo:!ion and fira from th9
oxygen tanks
Mr. Young, in revfaw.Lng the evaluation~ noted that animal hoepitats were per-
m~.tted in the C-1 2one supjact to requl.red showinqe that the use would not ba
detrimental to the adjoining araa, and the petitioner ha3 atipulated that thr~
proposed facility would be ef aound-~soof constructten with a car.*ra11y-located
air conditi~ner and that no out~tooz runs wa~ild be ~rovided for the animals.
Zn addit?on, the petitioner had stipu:a'.:ed tt.at any poseible odors would be
eliminated by circula~ing ai.r through the cantral. air-conditioning facility
throuqh two eharcoal filters whfch were intended to raduce tlio p~~asibi~.ity of
obnoxieus odoraj that Purther sound and odor buffering was proposed by locating
the facility 46 feet fram che cloeas:. ad~nininy residentiial property, ~rith a
6-foot masonry wall to be located :djacent to said property lines abuttinq
roeidential praperties and tho planting o£ a 4-foot w:ld~ plar-ter str+p with
trees on 15-foot centers, therefoxe, the Commieaion miqht wieh to cor~sider
thego improvementa to satiafy the requiretaenta af a~aequate b~utfexiny fr.om
adjoining land ticses.
~ CI`I'X t~1.ANNING CuMNiISSZON, Jenuhr.y f3, X977 '13-17
CONDI'1'IJNAI~_U~i: PLR~11'_' No. _1.364 (Conkinu4d)
Mr. Nar.old hoir.ich, agonr tor th~ potit.ioner, nppe~s~d boi'ora thA C~~r~mLaei.on
Nnd et.~tc~'I t:hat it• we-a propc,oed to hnve omployoe ~~er.king i.n Ch~ rear., there-
f.nre, theru wnuld b~j ].it.t.le tr.affic; probleme, nnd the 18-Poot wid~ a~:cae~s
9r~va would be more than ACI~QUA1:0~ that the total number. uf 9 par.kin~i Bp~~dA
wa~n ~nor.~ the-n a6oquate si.ncc~ tho cu~t.omera woiild k-e arri.viny on an n~point;ment
-~ao1.a Qnly~ that. kruNh pick-up wc,ulci bo in hha front, t•her.et~re, thwre would
b~ nd ner~d Por a tr. ~aeh truck ru heva accose to the renr at the pr.~>pexi:y t and
thnn rovi~aed tho mianr~er .in which tho buildinq wn~s goinq to ba ~•onatructa~.
Mr. Ar.t 5hipkoy, 4?9 wt~sL• Linculn n~~onae, appreeraa beforo thc CommieHion.
zepreeentinq ~+nather k~creon, stati.i~g tie own~d propexty t~~ ~:h~3 w~~t~ and he
wae coiicarnad wt~ethaL or nat. there would be any ouCdooz :loc r.unA and whnt
wax beiny propose~d with posc~lUle obnoxi~ue~ c~dore~ and thrr. lnquir9d wh~-thar
tha oxy~ert tank ar3e wuuld bA locked so thdt knm~s~:•i.ny wo~~1d n~t occuL.
Mr. Wnirich, in rrbuttial, stntad that .it v~as tf~eir intant '•~'p~e~JwitllpZe,/~R*A.
ti,va mr~deur~e oo that thv oxyynn tenk area w~u1d not be L•amp..
Cammiaeiciior Fareno offc~xed r~ motion, shcondAd by ~~mmie~iorier Rowland rsnd
MOTION CARR.IEp, finding and d,:termining thnk thb propoeal would have no
s iynf f.icant anvi ronmental impact rsnd, theze foro, recomm~:nda to the City
~:.ouncil. that exQmption d~cl.aration at•atu~ bc~ qrantad.
Commigaioner Herbst of.fored Resolution ~lo. PC73-12 and moved for itA pa~snqe
and adop*_ion to qrant Petitiun for Cond.itior.o.l Use pgr~it No. 1364ointmentt
t~ the petiti~nez'~ sti~,ulating that ttia operntion wau18 ba Uy app
only, and the proposed parking would be moz~ t.han adoquatot that L-ho peti-
rioner stipulated. tliat e~nployees would be parking itt the renr of the atr.u~ turc:,
thezeby reducing poss3ble traffic c~nflicts tu the rear, that the peti.tiener
furtl~er atipvlated that trash wauld be placeil on the c~irb f~r pick-•up, elimi-
nating the naed for large trash trucks enterfng tha pr~misesen~tanks~wouldfbo
large trneh recepcacles; that the p4titione r rtipulated oxy ~
locked, and to ~,rave~nt explo~ion i.n the evcnt oF ~~YP., automatic spri.nklers
would be ~rovided= that the petitione~ iurther stlpula~ed there w::uld be n~
ou~daor doq xcne or. out3oor maint~nancei and eub:jsct to conditions, with the
ad~'ed r,ondition tha;gtstieu] ated Lo by thedpet~t~ on~rr ~(See R~solutionigo~kl
tenance o£ anfmals P
nn roll cal] the foregoing resolution was passecl by the following vote:
A`~ES: COMMZS~IONERS: AJ.l.xed, Faranu, ~3uer, Herbst, Y.aywood, Rowland.
VARIAN~E NO. 2466 - PUBL7C HEARIIvG. KAYC.O, INC. , r./o Kiely Corp., p• `~• B~X
°~r ~- 3qg0, Anaheim, Ca. 926C>3, Ownert KIPLX CORP. , 2110 East
Kat•~lla Aven~Q, A~iaheim, Ca- 92806, Agent.j req~.esting
OFYZCE BUILDTNG IN A MANU1'ACTURING 'LONE on pXOp~.ty deacribed as: An ir.regu-
i.arly-ah~~ped parce~ of ?an3 consisting of ~;~proximately 2.69 acrea having a
frontaqe oP appror.imately 190 feet an the ~outh side of Katella A~~Qnue, having
a maxi'~num depth of approxima~ely 496 feeL- andbe!.ng located approximately 435
feet east of the centerline of 5t:~te ~ollege Bo:a'.eyard. Property presently
classified M-1, LIGH; TNBU~TRIAL, T~ONE•
Na one apFeared in apposition.
A~thuugh t;he R~port to the Commiasion was not reod at the n~iblic he+ar~r.g, At
~d referrsd to ai~d r~ade a part of the minuhoa,
Mr. Riciiard BradehAw, represontinq the ~q~nt for. the petitf~ner, appeared bofor.e
the Commisa~.~n dnd ,ioted ~hat the Report to tlie Commi~saion wars basically their
requeat, anQ they found no ab~ection to ~ho zecomnendad cunditions of approval.
MINU'1'ES, CITY FLANNTNi+ CJMMISS1oN, Janunzy H, 1.973 ~'"28
V~'1RIANCE tvC). 2d6G (Continuf~d)
Comm.l.ealoner Allred inqu.trod wha~: t•lia nat.ur~ c~P th• bu+inoea wauld be us to
a proteooions7. offira buildingi rthe.r~upon Mr. oj'ndeliaw UtiNtAtl thc-t tliis woul~a
be e ye»nr+~l. of~.1c~~ buildi.ng foz~ whi~h they hopad to attr~cl tonante of gecidrel
b~ioinAas dAaZinc~ with induetry, and that t1~sy h~d nut concetv~d ttidt tt~ie
~ropoeel would ettrect medi.cnl office tenents bnr.~u+~d a~' Gh~e location of thM
gzoporty which was unP~~' +:ab1o £ar t:hat typb c~~ businuse,
Cammie~ionhr Allr.~d ,_>f'E~ r.od A moCion, ^ecandod hay Commip~loner. [~arano and
MOTION CARRIEb, Co ~,cic2 nd dd~ezmi-~e that the pxopo~el would ht-vo -~o aig.ii-
ficant environ~a~nt... .? ~v~.:~ct an3 , theref~re, ~'acammende to the City Council
that exemp~:ian dac...~ ati,~n ~tet ue bQ grant .
Commi.aoionex Herbe< <~fte.red Ror; olution No. PC7~-I3 and mavAd f.or it.s pae~age
and adapti~n ta q~:~~~:. Petition Eor Ve-rionoA :Vo. 2466, aubjact to cnndition~s
, ..~ ,..... . ,.,.~Y ~:* 1,., c~anNrally
ai~~I i-I~y ~Li~u~~i.i~~~~ vC i.l~n E+vi.- Ci.Gi~ei i.iiai, iE+iii.ox VlI.1V4~~ .....
availebl,~ to phyR~ i.cians and dar tista due to ite lncetion. (5ao Resol.ution eouk)
On roll cell the• fcaregoin.~ r.eso].ution wr.n pa~~Ad by the foll~~wi.~ng voL•c-s
AYES: COMMISSIONL•'RS: Ailrec3, Farano, G~uer, Herbst, Kaywocd, Rowland.
N0. 72~73-29 Anaheim, ~a. 92801, Owneri ART SY.IF'1cEY, 420 West Linc~l.n
A~~e:~ue, An ah~im, Ca. 92805, Aqant~ raqueghing t:^st ~~roperty
d~+acr.ibQd as: An irregularly-~heped parcel of ldnd con-
sisting of App~oximately .4c1 a~:res having a£zontega af approximately 131 fe9t
on thy riortt~ aido of Ball R~,aa •~j.th a maximum depth of appruximately 1~S feet
and beinq located at the t:orthwear, coxno~ og BnJ.l Road and Palm 5tr0et, be
reclaseified from the k-A~ AGR7CULTUFtAL, 70NE to the C-2, GEt3~:FAL COMMERCIAI~,
ZQN1. .
Commi~aeioner Rowl~.i~d left ~t~e Council Chambe~r at 5 s50 ~.~.m. , stating that becrsuse
of• pcaAibTe conflic~ of inter~ st with aubeor~uent public heaY.ings, he would
absent himsolf from ~he Counci 1 Chamber.
No one apgeAr.c+d in oppasition.
Alth~ ~gh the ReNvrt ~o the Conim.tasion was not rend at thp pub; ic hearing, it
i.s referred to and mP~ie a part ~~f. the minstes.
Mr. Art Sh~pkey, ageii~ °o~: tY!e pe~itioner, appeared before rhe Commiss3on and
noted that although he was no~ opposed to paylr.g for ~treet improyement and
street li.qhtb alonq Paln~ 5txeet~ it was his opinion tlnat c~aid street ahould
be abandoned ~!nce there was not a great deal lsft of the triang].e betwesn
Harbor Boulevar~. and Palm Street and the traffic could nor. h3ve access to Palm
S~reet in one i~irection due to heavy traffic e.lonq Ba?.1 Road.
Commissinnei Hez~bat inquired o£ Office ~nqineer JAy Titus what the City's plans
were for Harbor Boulevard and Pa~.m Streeti wh~~reupon t+.r. Titua stated th~t
thc~re were projections ior wideni.^.y ::~.~nor Boutevz~rd ~n the future, A1L•houqh he
had no scheduled time, but th r~re was no plan £cr improving Palm Street and knew
o~ no p~nn Co abandon said st zeet. however, with the conditian recommended by
staff fox dedication. it woul d apPear it was intende~] tc rc+tdih Palm street for
txaffic circulation.
Mr. Shipke~- nuted *_hat thay planned ta aaquire a suffxcient am~unt of pr^perty
fr.om tha petitiont-r so ~~hat at the time Harbor Boulev~rd was widened, they
would be able ro relocate th~ ~serv{ ce E~tation and provi3a for that portion
bdin3 taken Eor street wideninq purpoae,~.
Mr. Titus noted that the rigtit-of-way on Palm Street from Ball Roac~ to Harbor
Bculevard kou~.d require ar~ a3di.tional 74 feet for ~treet widsninq pur.poses.
~ir. Shipkey, in rer~ponse t~ questior.in~ by the Commiesion, noted that they
owr.e3 the bal~nce of the tri anqle except for t~e Kattlor proparty, and ~hay
were sttempti.ng tio prcv~ide svtficient gr~perty ~or. that cornert t~hat +~pproxi-
matel.y two yeara agn Humble ~i1 Company hed b~en granted per:ni~~ to romo~fel
~ ~
MINU'PES, CI'tY PLANNING COMMISSION, i~ln~iary H, ].973 7~"Z9
11E:C1,ASSIFICA'T'ION Nd._'2-73-29 (Continu~c9?
their ott~t•ion, haMnver, khie coulcl no': Ue acr.ompllshecl until de,~lic~+tio~~ tor
o~reu~ widpr.tnq of HnrLor BouLevarA was qiven ta tho City, therc+foro, ad~~itioi~al
eyuare t'ootaqe woul.d lie neadad farthe~r o~-~t on Hall Road f.or eaid remodeliny ot
the se,rvice etet~ion.
Commiae.ion~ur Allred cEferou a motion, eoaandnd by Commincianer Herbat and
MOTION CARRIE!?, to find anr] dokexmin~ that tt~e propo~al Woi~ld l~ave~ rin siqni-
~'i.c~nt envirnnmantal i.mpact nnd, hheretore~ recomm~snc7s to ~the City r.,ounci.l
that: Nxtimption Cieclarr~ti~n etdtu~ be grantud.
Commi~oi.oner Allred off.erad ite~~olution Nc. PC7~-14 and move~' fox~ itn pansrge
rtnd ad~ption to rac~mmend t,~ t:he City Council that Pet.i.L•ian f~~r Rc+c~ln6Aificati~n
No. 72-73-29 k~c~ approved, GubjQCt t.o conci.itione, with the added conditi.on that
C~ndition Nos. 4 anci 5 ahnl.l be compli~d with prl.us to finsl b~~i.ldin~~ and
,nnina inepections, (Seu Rer~ol.ution B~ok)
On roll call the foraqoing rasolution waa ~~awsed by tho follow:i„g vote:
AYkS : COMMISSIONERS: A11rc~3, F~-rano~ Gaue•r, '.ierbet, Kaywoo~l.
Npgg: COMMZ38I0NGRS: None.
AII5Ei3Tt COMM."r,SSIONk.RSt Rowland, seymoux•.
N0. 77.-73-30
AnehAim, Ca. 92805, Owaerei properL•y cleecribed as: A
rectangul,A~ly-ot~aped parcel of land hr+ving a f.rontage of
approximaL•c~ly 115 fec+t on the weRt sido of Lemon Straet,
huv;ng a maximum deptF of u~~proa;imntely 215 feet and ueing
locatod at the 90L1ttIW~9t. cor.ner of Lemon and Santa Ana
Stroets. ProperL•y preeently claESifaed R-2, MULTIf~LE-
No one appeared in uppoaition.
Although the Report to thP C~mmiss:.an was nat r~,ad at the public heari.ng, it
ia referred to and made a part of the nninuteo.
Mr. Gail Vazy, 720 North Cla~id3.n~ Str~et, one of the petltioners, appe~red
bcsfor~ the Commission indicati~ng his presence to anc+we~ questions.
Commissioner Allred was o.E the o~inion that the propoaed uae should b~ e:closed
wi.tli a 6-foot masonxy wall for not only aesthetic puzpases but for the ~~r~tectio
of people ~arking their recre~.tiona.~ vehiclea an the property.
P1r. V~ry noted ~that the Anaheim Truck and Trxnafer ComQan;- had a similar 6-fuot
mar~onry wall and children wrote alY types of unpleesant remarks on said wall, an
hc+ would not NArit r,o have this happen to the wall he would const.ruct, tberefore,
~Ye wd$ Q: ~~po~ing to pxovide a chainlink ~AIlCB with elata.
Commiasioner. Gauer was of the opitaion that che wall shauld be raquirad along
Lemon Stzeet ~snd adjacont to the houee= whereupon Mz. Very stcted that there
were no iioueea in that a.rea excent to the south.
Commissioner Kerbat noted that if recreational veh..cAee were pzopoaed ta be
szore~ on 8i1bj6Ct property, then the corner ehou~d hava a cut-off and plante~
wl.th a tseQ and ~oa ahrube so that people could have proper line-of-~ig2it when
turni.ng the corner of Lemon and Santa Ana Streats, and by doiny tnis, tliers
would be only or~e parking ~tall lost.
Mr. Vary ~ote8 that he pxoFosed a 5-foot planting area all aroommissionercHerbet
however, thiE ~rould be on the inaide of tha fenacy whereupoii
note~ that the landmcapinq ahould be provided on the outeide.
MINU'fES, CI~fY PLANNIHC, COMMISSIUN, Jt~nnar.y 8, L9'l3 i~•-~0
RECLAS9IFICAT30DI N~). 72-73-3O._r.rvh CUNDITIONAL USE ('ERMIT_N~J. 13(~7 ICon~inued)
Commiesioner Far~no lnyuixec] whc~t:.her c.he por~unA pe+x'king .n tl;ei.r travol
traile.r pdrk wauld heve Lo open up the gate, bec~use lie c~ulcl R~~o i.f ho had tp
park 1~io travPl trailer it woulcl m«~an N~arking on the otree-t, c~p~ning up tho
gat•o and then ~winglnq i.nto tho op~oe~te lar-a of i.raffic in ordar ta gein accpaec
thraugh L•he qato, an9 thie cnUld cr.odtF~ tt craftJ.c ~rablem.
Mr. Va~ry ce~l.ied that thay had not encou~~tored that pzoblmm ~+L• thoir trnvc~l
trailex etur~gA are+a 1oc~tod in Cu11arC~~i and inquirod why a 6-ioc~t mneonry wal.l
was n~t. raquired af the Pr.oeaell Comj~any wher~ they ~level.up~~ in the~ M-1 7ono,
and hid prorarL•y wan zoncid R-2.
The Commieaion advieed Mr. Vz~ry i:hat th~ Pla~ining Cumm•l.seion dic] n~t: qra~t. the
Prc~asell petition, however, ttio City Counci' hnd granted it for M-1.
Ch~ir.man ~+ro rAm Kaywood noced that tha sta~f r.ecommonc3ad a 25-30 wicie drive
in ordor to accommodate the trailersi whereupotil Mr. Vury etatad thae +ie n+~d
R hou~e tr~iler 22 feet lony and hod nevor had any problem making r.hf~ turn int~
tt-e facili.ty.
Continued didcu~aion was lif~ld l,etwe~n tlie Commisaion m»d the petitlone~ regazd-
~.ng Ghe 6~foot maeonry wa'l1 require~nPnt and ahrubbery, eA well as the problems
Chat miyht be encounterAd by paryonF~ planninq to park t?~eir C~.ailar.s on subiect
pr.operty .
Mr. Youi~q gr.aphically i.LluotratAd how a f:lexibl.e ar rolling yai:e could L•e
p.rovl. ded.
Commiesiondr E'~rc.nu noted thar: the average eiza of a racxeational vehicle or
a travel trailc-~ wad 35 to 40 feet, and thie being pulled by an auL-omobile
woulcl be con4ldez'ab~.y mora thar. 40 feAt.
Mr. ~lary rep11e3 that they pro~oaed to ha~ve primarily campera rath~r tihan
tralter~, and this center section wo~,~d be sot aside for trailer.s only.
Gom-nissioner Gauer was of the opinion that a wall would not be requi.red along
the Pressell property or alor,g the west property 11ne, however, it ahr.uld be
resquired along the aouth, east and nor.th property linea.
Commiesic•ner Herbst inquired what the traffic count was on Santa Ana Streeti
wheroupon ~ffir,e Engineer Jay mitus state~l that the average on Lemon 3treet
was 4500 vehicles per day, whi1F that on Santa Ana S~creet was 6200 vehicles
~er day, and both atreets were very n:;rrow strpets.
Commiasioner Herbsf: offere~ a mofiion, seconded by Commiss~oner Faran~ ancl
MOT7CON CARRIED, to find and der.ermine that the proposal would have no siyn:~
f~cant ~nvironmental impact and, th~drnfc~re, r_ecommends to the Ci.ty Council
that exemption declaration status be granted.
Commtssioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC73-1~5 z~nd moved far its pas~age
and adoption to rocommend to the City Council that Petitlon for Reclassification
No, 72-'13--30 be appr~ved, subJect t~ conditions. (See Reeoluti.on Aook)
On roll ca?.1 the forego~ng resolution was passed by tlie followinq vote:
AYES: COMMIS~~QN~RS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywoud.
ABSEN9': CdMPlI~SIdNERS: Rowland, Seymouz.
Com~issioner Farano of£ered a moticn tc~ deny Petit~.on far Conditional Use Permit
rlo. 1367 on tho baaie that the locatfon o£ the p.ropertf dici not ler9 itaelf to
the propoae3 uae~ that the present widths of Leu~un and Santa Ana Streets aad
the conditian o~ the traftic would present a very -"" aacesa for vehicles
antezing th9 propo~ed travel trailer storage are. ~eby creatiing rx traffic
hazard, not only dr.tering b~~ a~so ~.eaving the fi , aince tl~e facility
would be 2ocked snd it wauld ndcesaitatR parking ~~ •~creationnl vehicles
be~ore opening eai.d gate.
MLNUTF~,, CITY P1.~ANNIN~ G~)MM.IS5ION, Junuai:y E1, 19'13 ~J'31
rtCCI~A:3STF[CATIUN NO. _ 7.2-73-3U AND CONDTT:iONA1~ C'SI: ~Ei~M7; D!O. 7.367 (Conlinuud)
'J'he .forequiny mo~iorz loet l~y a v~to of t:wo "+~yea" (Commi~eianara Farano and
K.aywuod) and thrac+ "noe~" (Commlr~ei~nare hllr.ed, Gauer, anA Hex~bet) .
C:uinmiticaionor HerbAt ofTer~d Reaolution N~. I r.;73-•16 and rnovad ror its ~aean~;:+
and e+do~Cior- to q..enk . Atit.ior~ for Conclitional Uso Permit Nc, 136'l, i.n part,
yranting W+sivur 1-a, in pnrt, porn ~ tting coneCruction af a cheinlink fcan,:o
alonq th~ west rr.opaxty lina whNre the property ahutted indiistrlal dav~lupment, ,
liowovpz, x•aq~li ~iny the 6-to~t maeonr.y wa11. alvng the en~e k, o~~uth and noTL-h
prop~arty linen j thar_ ~~ai.ver of tho minimum sotba4l: t~ dA-~ied on the baals that
the l~nclecc-~ing atr.ip ptopoeed r.o be l.ocatod iusida the :unce ahould be lacated
out~ide aE tho 6-foot maeonry .~all set back 5 fHO~ in arder to provido vieibil.ity
to motoriota~ and eub~ect to conditions in addition to th~se rpcomm9ndeii ~.hat
a 6-faot masonr.y wall b~ consCructAd alony the south, north and enat prop~rty
lineot that bubjac~ prop~rty ahall bc ae~aio~oa subetanti~s]..ly in accordanco
~;~ith ple~s an~9 sPaci fi.r.r~tic.na on fil~ with the City ui• Anlheim, merked ~xhibit
Na. 1, provi~9ed, however, tliat thF inyres~-egr.eas on I,emon ~trset nesr Sa„i,a
Ana S*_reet be do~atedt thnt the requirdd 6-foat maoocizX w~ll be locaked 5 feet
tnsido of the ~x~oparty lin~, and the propoac~d landscrping ehall be ~~lan*_ed in
tho r~quired 5-fook l~ca] strc~et :~tback, lsee Reaolu*ion daok)
On iull c~ll the forogoing r.edo.lutian ~ar~ ~BAAeCj by t1~e following vote:
A7f:S: CONMISSTON~RS: Allred, Gauer, Herbst..
AF1SrNT: C~MMISSIONERS: Etow~an3, Seymour.
AMENDNiENTS 7'O I'TTL~ 18, ~ CONTINUED PUALIC HEARING. Init3ated by tho Anahoim
ANANEIM MUI~IC:IPAL CODC City Planninq Commiesion, 2U4 East Lincoln Avenua,
- Anaheim, Ca. 92805s pro»osir~y amendmenta t~ Title 18,
ChaptQr 18.57, PC, Planned Cammunity Zone, to e~ttabli.s
a zoning p~an or element and ~1J. planned zeaidential
~lev~lopments shall be considered under a cond.itional
a.se permit.
S~~bject amendment was continuefl from the meetings of Auguat 21 and Septeraber 18,
1972, for further review.
Zoning Supecvisor pon McDaniel presen±ed the amsndment to Title 18, PC tione,
noting for the Comm±asion that n~ chanqea 2iad been ma.~9e to what was previou~lX
recommended~ that staff wa3 r.urrently studying the Offect.ivenea~ of creati.ng
new hill~ide z~neg, and prelimiriarily it would appear that submisslon o.t the
genezttl plan of d~~velopment tnrosgh the Planned Commun.ity Zc.ne re<~uirea that
clase attention bo paid ta hillside aspacts of development, while specific
zoney used to i.mplement the general p.lan of development. had not been hillstde
zones, the developments that had been approved apparently weze satisfactoryi
that the c~r~ditional use permil procedure was requf.zed for approvT]. of ~~lanned
residenti.al developmenta and provided an additional vehicie for review of
spec:.fic devel.opments t.o guarantee their. compliance with aacQptable site
development techniques; and that it wov.ld ap~~ear appropriate ku apprave rhe
p.roposed amendmer.ts to the PC Zonp with the un3erata~nding that ~he developmer.t
of hillside zones w3s under study, and at such time a~ the zones were finalized,
they wou2d be incorporat~d into cne Zoning Ordinance fur uso *_hrouqhout the
Hill and Canyon Area.
Commissioner Faxana was of L•he opinion that the Cummission ahould not c;onsider
the groposed amend~ents to the PC Zone until a full Comcni4r~i.o~~ was presenc.
Co!~miasioner Farana offered a mat~on, sscanded b,y Commissioner Herbst a•.d
MOTION CARRI~D, ~o continue considera~ion of am~ndments to `Sitle 13, PC Zor.e,
tc the meeting o£ 3anuary ~2, 1973, far a fu11 Commiasion.
MINU9`F:S, CI:Y Pi.ANNI.NG CUMMIySIQN, JnnunxY ~, 1973
REPOFIT,; AP~p ~ 1T~M N0~ 1
RECOMM~ND7ITIONB VAHIANCL, NU, 2352 - F~qu~Ht for tcer.mina-t1.on.
Ae~eiatant zor~ing SuperviAOZ Hi11 Y~uriq ~eviowed ~.hc! locn~ti~n uf sub joct
propc~rt,y, upee AetQbli~thed in CLOPP~ proximity, the approval ar' n ysxn ehop
in ~:onjunction with n reesic~ontial ues, gr4nte~3 un May ]..1, 197:t, nut:ny t.hat
no aond.ttiunc~ hafi Dc+~n met e~id thnt thi~ peti~ion~:r hed requaok~+d termi.nat{~ •~•
Commiee~ioner Fereno of.te +d kogolut.ton t~o. PC73-17 nnd moved i~r. ite pae9aga
and nduption to terminat~ ull ~,~.:ncoac:Sngb of Variance N~~. 73S'l ari the baain
thaC the petitioner no lonyc~r intencled to excrc.iar~ ttlt+ ric~ht;~ ~ranted. (Se~
Rut+olution 0ooki
On ro1]. cdll 1:h~ foregoing reaolutian was passed by the fulluwing vr,te,
AYESs COMMISSIONERS; A11red, F'nrau~, Gauer., Horbst, Kaywoud.
ClOES: COMM?:~CI(11.~F.jiC, Nnne.
AASF.PITs COMMIS5IQNERS: Rowlar-d, Seyn~our.
~-`~` ~~ Iiobert Hail Mazda L~ealerahipi •• Requoet £or clari~.i.ca-
tian of conditiuna oE avpzovul - Rot~olution No. PC72-337 -
property locatod on the southwest sida of Mancheeter
Avenue, approximately 6G0 feet• north af Orang~woad AvNiiue.
As~istant 2oninq Supervieor Fi~.ll Y~~ung nn*_ed that the agent fox the petiticner
wi.shed to address the Platinin~ Commtssion for clarificstion of ~he I~lanniny
Commission's action on Conditional i;~p~ Pnrmit N~. 1361 in ra~8rence to the
requlred waJ.l and ].andscapinq.
Mr. Robert Ha11, 155% West Lincoln Avenue, agent f~r the petitioner and
representing the Mazda xutomokile d~.al.ership, appeared bef.ore the Commiasion
and sl.atgd that aft~sr hnving .'evi~~~ved the conditions recommenc~ed in the Reoozt
to the Commission arid ca1~~~1:~C_`n9 tY~e coat of. complyi.ng with same~ he rr3q~sest:~d
clari~icati~n of the Coinmissi.on's intent in requiring ~. wAll slong the north
ptoperty ].ine, aince a wall '~y ie°t in height alzeady exi~ted adjacent to und
on the properCy line of Western Dadge an3 Trophy Company and Ponderosa Mobile-
kiome Estates property for a distance ~of .1G0 feek= that if an additior~al wall
were req~:ired, he woulc3 requesz that it be waived. In addition, the requir.e-
cnent of 15-qallon trees a~ong the pe~ipYiery o€ the prnperty agFearod ta be a~~
excessive cost of almost S3,U00 if treeo were planted nlong the antixe peri-
phery of. the property, requeating that he bo permitted to plant smaller. trees
Deputy City At~:orney Frank Lowry advie.ed the Plar~ning Commission and Mr. HaJ.l
that the conditions of wppro~-al of. Conditional Use Permit No. 1~6~ had been
attack~ed at a du].y advertised public hebrinn, and if modificattons of condi-
Lions was contemplated, tha.t this would have to be accomplish~,d at another
advertispd pub:ic heari.ngr h~wever, clarificatioi~ of the intQr~t of the Comaiia-
sian could be made.
niscussion was held by tr~ Commieaion as to their inter-t in granting subject
petiL-ion and the condztions requestea for clarification, and upon its cnncl.u-
sion, tlie Commission datermi.ned that it was their intgnt that the existir~g
wall for a distar~ce of 160 feet along the north pzoperty line, ac~ indicated
on photographA submitted by the petitione~, met tne S.ntent o£ the Cammissior.
±~ Y~~uiri,~y a i+iv21 r~lonq the north property linet a.nd thaY. Cond~ition iJo. ~ 3
o£ Resolution No. PC72-337, ae read by the Commisaion Secrettry, required
tha~~. 15-gallon tree~t on 20-foot cent~rs were or.ly zequirod al.ong the north
and west boundary lines af that partion a.f ~he property proposed La be deve~-
oped with the automobile sales ayer.cy, not around the entire oer±meter of the
property ar~ ~ras intexpreted by the agent for the petitionnr.
~ ~
MINUTE3, i:.LTY F1~ANN.LNG COMMT98ION, .T~~nuary 0, 'y'73 73"~3
ITEM N0. 2 (Conti.nued)
Cummi.n~i~nqr tierbet otf@~ed a mation, sacanded by c:ammi~xion Fexano rnd MOTIAN
GARRi~D (Commieei~naru Rnwlan~ and sey~mour b~inq abeent) , tc~ alhrify ttc~
Planning Cammi.aaion's in'tonr al' CondikioY~ No, S in Reaolut~lon No. PC7R-337,
qrenting Conditionwl Upe l~c~r-ait Nn. ~.363. on Dscember ;t7, 1977, thut tha+ oxidt~
inq Ka•ll• 11ong th4 nozti~ psoperty ~inm can~tructed by wa~tern Be-dgd anr! TzdP~Y
Company and PondAZOae~ MoDilehcm~ Eetataa, AA depictRd b~y ~~hotogr+~pha eubmitGed
by tho a,gent !or the petittc~ner,, m~t the intnnt e! thy Plnnni.ng Comm.ission for
<s wa11 a7.ong tha i6~-P~ot ~ortion ui the north pro~,er.ty lina.
l~DJOURNML~NT ~'lher4 being nr lurthor k~ueinG+;s to c~iscuaa, Commlp~sianer.
' !iork~st ~tPeresd e mo~ion to adjuurn th~ moet~iroy.
Commi~~ioner AJ.lra~d secar-(le~l tho moti~n. MATION CAkRtED.
Thtl ~~c+atiaq ad~~uzncd ~t u:55 p.m.
RASpectPul.ly subm3.tCod,
li~~ ,
ANN KREbS, Soczetaxy
Anaheim City Ylanninq Con~miesion