Minutes-PC 1973/04/020 R f, 0 MICROFILMI~G ~ERV!C:, ;Nr
~~~r.y Hn~.a
Hnah~im, ~alifornl.M
April Z, 1.~73
RF.GUT,AR - A reguln~r. rneeting oi ~ho Ann}ze~m C:lk}~ I~lenniny C:ommiAeion wae
hS~)rTINC: cRl lad to ord~+r by Cliairman 3eymour aL 2:UU p.m., a qu.ozum
bei nq presont.
k~RLSENT - GHATE2MAN : Saymaux.
- C~MtdISSInNERSs All.red, Gaur~r, Herbst.
ABS~NT ~ COMMI53IUNFnS: Fa,rr~no, Kaywc,od, Rowlsnd.
pRFE~ENT - Aaaietant qavel~pmnnt• 5~rvlce+s DirACtorc Rc~uald 'Phompraz~
Oeputy CiL•y Attorn~y: Frunk Lowry
Of f.ice ~nginRer: Jay T~tue
Aes siete.nt Planner, F'hl.lli~~ Scrwarkeo
Zon~.tig Snpervisor.s Charlee Robarte
Corn~niaei.on Seczctary F~ro tem; L' ee Aurge~s
PL~DtdE o~* - Cor+imi.ssiuner Gnuer led ir~ th~ Pledge of Alloginnce to th~
APPROVAI~ OF - Ccinminsioner A11rod afferod a motiun to apparuve the min~i~as
THE M of thn meeLing of March 5, 1973, ec+conded by Cornmic~aionar
. Ga ur,r and MU'PION CARRIED, aub ject to the following corrncClons :
pq ,•73-128, para. 13, Zine 4, inser;.: wn~ "noL•" to Uuild. ...
, ~ ;
Pg . 73-133, para. 2~ lin~ "F.ive per.sons, i~~cluciing attorr.e~y
oppc+[~ed (not 12)
pg, 73-14G, para. 1, line 19: $28L750 (i~ut $i8,500) t offerFd
$35,500 l'not. $35, 300;
Pg, 73•-142, Zaat para. : Mr. Lee Phel~s, agar~t...."~tatesl H, FI.
Mi.ller was building an in~~ua~rial_,~ark around it.
pg, 73-143, par~. 1, line 1; pmra. 3, line 3~ nnd para. 4, l.ine
2: Mr. Phelps (not t5iller)
C~tairmar~ St~ymour briafed the Commi~s.ion on a meekirig held Friday, ~tarch 30,
1973, h~ith U-•Hau1, whic:- was att~nded by CoAnmiasion~er F~arano, Councilman Thom,
and Plar-niny Supervisor pon McBaniel, at which meeting thF J-:~aul. tzuck recital
firm aa.viee3 they would be preuent at the Coucici.l meetinq of April 3, 1973, to
prote~:t revision of the Service Ststion Ordinance which did nor allow rental
rrucka on aervice station prnpcrty in connectiun w~.th servir,e fltation operation.
Durinq discus~ion the Commission n~~eQ that autom~bi~e rental agexiciea were ~ot
rec~uirr~3 to obtxairi a conditional use permit in order to store r.antaZ. autos,
whezeas serv~ce station opezatora would be sa xoquired if th~ new guidelinea
were adopted. Tlney furtt-er diecussed that ~~er.hapA any ator~ge of rQntal equi,~,-
ment (such as trallere) ehould b~ by conclitional v~e p~rmit ~n s~rvice station
properuy. The p resant ordinance permits truck rentc~I in connection :vith
service ats~tlon oper~~ion.
"---- INC., na
ai:tenti~n , William Stark, Presidont,
Anahc~l.m, CA. 92806,
im Hlillb Road
N0 H~.llo,
O~v:~~rt ,
Inc. , 38Q A,
pro~erty described as: X~n irregul~.xly-shaged
(READr~ ~'~'I~ED) pa~rcel of land cor~-otinq of appro:~imately 106 acres
~- havinq R fronL-age of approximacely 4570 :Feut on tho
TSN'T~1~''.VE MAP O~ oouth a.ide of Nohl Ranch Road, riaving a maximum da~kh
TRACT !IaS. 817.: , af app y T
roximAtely 1995 fset, and the eneterly
nterlin~ o~
f kh
81 ~ 4,
8115 beiztg .
e ce
approximately 300 f~et woet o
REVISx0~1 NOS. 1 Ru}~bl Oak Ru~-ci. Fr.oparty preadntly clasai.ffed R-A,
~ ~
TRAC'P NOS. ~115, 81iG~_HA17~AND 0J.34,._1R1~VI5ION NuS. 1~_lCont•~nu~d),____.~._._!
ANU (~) MINYMG~1 wIl)Ttl OF F'RIVa1Tl: 11CCE5AWt1Y '~0 E3'~'RBLISH
500 Newport Centar Ur!vm, Newpart goach, Cx. 97.66U.
ENGINGERs V'1`N, 23(~1 Campi~a Dxi~-e, I~'vlnc~, Cn. 9~6G4.
5ub ject pXaperGY is pra~oecd to be eubdiv~dod i~ito
268 R--H-10,000 zoned lote: ~Pract Nc. 8115 - 74 lotaj
Tr.act No. 8116 - 67 latel Tract No, 8117 - 6a lots;
Trar.t Nu. E1134 ~ 5y lots .
Suhj~ct: potltioi~ wae ~ak~an oPf the agun8a ot N~avember ].~, 197~, to be ze-
ChRirman 96ymour acivieed pereons in t:he auciionce thnt a request hr-~1 been
roc~~ ved from tho petitionex for. a two-week contiruance, ko th~ me~ti~q ot.
Apr.i.l ].6, 1.973.
Commiss.iunez Herbst ofYerad n;n~ti~n, ~econded by Commis~+ionar Allzecl and
MOTIGN CAR.RIED, to c•ontinu9 Gnvironmental T_mpact Keport No. 12, Variance No.
2455, ac~d Tentutive Map af 'Tr~c3. Nos. H115, 8116, 8117, and 8134, Revi~sion
Naa. 1, unti.l th~ n~c.etinq ~~~f A~r.il 16, 1973.
COfiD!'P~ONAI~ l)S~ - C(1NTINI:ED PUBJ~IC HEARI~lG. A.P.A. 101, P. 0. Bor. 396,
PERMIT NO. 1362 E]. Toro, Ca. 92630, Owner; rec~uesting pez~mie~sinn to
kfINTMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACF.S on property deecrib~~d as :
A re~~tar~gulariy-ahaF~ed parc~~A of lc~nd having a frontagQ of apZ~roximately 105
feet on the west aic3e oS Str,te r_~llege Boulevard, havir-g a maximum deptt~ af
appr.oximately 400 xoet, and being locatod ~pproximately 390 f~et north of the
centerl.ine of Conter Str~~t.. Yroperty preaet-tly cl.assified C-l, GEN1:itAL
COMMr. RCI AL ~ 7,Ot3E .
Subject petition v~as cuntinued fr~~m the meetinq ~f Dec~mber 2i, 1972, for the
submis~i~n of deve2opm~~t p].ana, and from the mAet:ing of March 19, 1~73, at
thE raquest of the ~etitione:r.
No one ap~ea.rec: in uppos.ttioii,
Altliough the Rep~rt to kbe Commisazon was not read at the public hearing, it
ie rr.ferred to and m~de a ps~zt; o~ the minutes.
Commassi~~ner Allxad offered u mot:i~n, seoanded by Commias~ioner Herbat nnd
MOTIC?N CARRICU, that th~ Pl.annincl Gomm~.ssiora, in connection with a.n ex~srnptior.
declazstian st~tu~ request, finds ~nd determinen that t.he p•roposal would hav~
no yi.gni£icant; r~rvironmantal impact, and, thereforQ, raaoa-mnnds tc the City
Counc.il ihat no Er~vi xor,u~antal Tmpact Statement ia necosaary.
MS:. Paul P.. Noi~le, I'r.esident ~f Associat.ed Propexty Administzatore, Inc.,
P. 0. Box s9G, L1 Toro, Calif~~rnia, agex-t f.or tho poti.t.i~ner, advised the
Cammisaion that Che numbar of ruo-ne 'n,ad been teduced to 60 ta xccommodate
maxe recreational araa and t~ incsearse ~he aize of the roome . He greaented
an artiat'~ renderl.ng ehowing the en~ry a.nd c~rculatfon for tzanh, fire, and
via~tox tr_affic.
l:ri rxnewQr to a queet~on by th~a Comm~.r~aion, Mr~ Noble a-dvined tyezc+ wauld not
be any kitch3n faciliti.~s in ~the complax~ hawever, if noaded, thare miaht be•
a. requesL at a l~ter dnte £or gmall electri.c platae in ~he xoome to enable
tenanta t.~ ~regnr.e coPfer~ or ~t~u for Cheir gu~ete. At Chie suggee~icn, the
Commieeion advia~,d i+ir, 1Vof~.lc thnt Code allowed 1Q1 0! t:ha units to be
efficiency uni.tc~.
--- - - --~----~-~
~ ~ ~
MINU`i'~:5, CT7'Y PI,ANNSNI, GOMM:SSION, Apr~~.l .'., 1973
COD1D1'1'IONAL USIs PF.RMTT NJ. _1:3G: (Continued)
Mr. NoL•].e advii~ad that ir kitr,h6n un3.ts w~rQ c9o~ired, he would reapply for
~~ermise.L.~i~ a~.ncN thin typo tznit m.ight tndl.tilein 1.hA accupancy l.ev~l.
CammicRl.unnr Rowl~nd antered t.l-e Counail. Chamber. at ~t15 p.m.
CnmmieRio~i6r Allrod ofYor.eu Resoli~~:i.on t~u. ~'u73-GA and tnovod fa.r lte- p+ie~~t~.ga
~nd ~~dogti.on tu ca;nnt Patition for C:ondi.•~.Ionri UAa ~~ermit No. 1:l"02 ~ublec~t
to condition~. (So~ R~ara~lution B<>cilc)
On xo.ll cal.l ~1-0 ~uregolnC,~ rarsol:xti~~n w~a ~AR196d by the f.alluwinq vote:
AYT'~ s CqMMISSIUNt;RS: Allred, Gi~u~r, Ne~rb~t, Se~ymour.
CommiaNic,ner Kaywood entered the C'ouncil CtiamUcr et 'ss20 p.r~•
'~^ ~ !~ COMPANY, attention cf A. L~. Rob~rtc:, 435 North St~te
Collegt Bau: Qvarc', Anahetm, Ct-. 92806, Owner; MARVIN F.
ElOPX1N5, U-Gtow-It Dov~lapm~nt. Corp., 9900 Lak~wood tloulevard, ~uit3 109,
Gowney, Ca. ~~024U, Agentt requer~ting WAT.VER OF (A) D12N:[MI;M BUiLDING ~~'PBACK
TO PERt4;T THE ~STAALI3FIM~NT OF A MINI-W}1REE;OUS~: P'ACIL7?.'Y an praperty described
aa: Rn irregularly~Hhaped ~arcel ~f. land can~i.st:i.ng uf aQproximatc~ly 6.6 acres
at the norGhwest corner of thQ interaecti~i~ of tlie Orange and R~.versid~ FreN-
ways and having a frontage o£ apr~.r~ximately 1120 £ee* ~n the youth side of
M~raloma Avenue. Pru~perty Frr~sently clasai£i~d R-A, AGk`.ICUIaTi1RAL, ?,ONE.
SuL jer..t Fatltion wa~ cnntitiued from th~ meekiiig of March 19, 1973, to rAsa.lve
engine~r:ing problem3.
No or~e appeared in oppoaition.
Although the Repozt: to the Commi~tai<>n vras not ~°~~ at the public hearinq, it is
referred to and made a par~ of ktie mi~iuteo.
Mr. Rob~rt Keeler, Cl-Stow-It Development: Cur~ , 9900 Lakewood Boul~vard, Oownpy,
representiny the ~wners, udvised the>. C'ommis~ion 1:ha4: revised plans had be~n
submitted indicatiiig lctridscaning a2ong the uorthe2'ly pr.~perty iine, and that in
accorciaiice with a stnff r~commendatian, a modifiecl (xzt.her ttian atandard) cixl-
de-sac ~ the t:~rminus of Sunehir~«~ way w~s acceptab~e.
~ ll,~-c.t.-,-c.~ ~~~cc.~~L~~J .
Mr. r~ of~ ~~ , advised the Commission that the alope
adjacent to Miraloma Aven~a.e riid not be~.oxig t~ them, bur ~~+as Sr.ate ~~rned, and
it would be n~cessary to obtain permissiun foz• i"s usa. However, Mr. Ftok,~rts,
Zoning Supervisor, stai,ed thaL the embankmant slo~es ~f hlir~loma Avenue ace
owned 'ay the City of Ansheim rathex than the State, and that Condition No. 12
of. the Interdepartmontal Commlttee kecommendations suggest.ed that the. apP11-
cat~ts be required to plant and irr:lgate thesa slopes.
Discussfon was held L~y the (;ummi~sion relative ta tiho typo of landsc~pxn9 and
screeninq of the building roafs fror.i Miraluma Avenue.
Mr. Roberts advised tk~at iE denee landscaping wc~ero requeatod by the Planniii5
Commiasion :or Che ~op of the slopes, tlien the Superintende~it of Parkway Main-
tmnance or Dc~ve.topment SBTV~CAt3 Departa~er.t nt~sff wculd advier~ the p~titionez
as to what type of planta wauld do th~ screening jab.
The petitionar stlpulated tlint th~re would be eufficien~ ~lanti.ng ~lvng the
to~ of the alops to provi~e visual screaning.
Ir. answer to n qusry fz4m tho Cammi~~ior., Mr. Kealer replisd tha~ the color uf
th~ concre~:e block buiJclinge would be b~ige, not pai.ntod cnncroke blockn.
~ ~ ~
MINUTLS, ~'ITY !'LANNx:~G CONIMISSIQN, Apr1.:l ?•, .1973 73"~•g'~
V'ARi.hNCE TIQ. '2~3HS (Co»tinuo~l)
Thp petxt:.loner wac~ +~dv.f.aed t:hat nn.y eigning mue~C be in c~mr~llancM wl.t:ii tt~h
,iqri Ordinnnce, +~t whiah ti~aa~ Mr. 1C~46101 etated that ho wnr~ propoe~~ng +~n entry
eign anc~ cwo fre~-standing aiyn• ad,~acant to th4 froewe-~, and thr~L• he wnu.lli
not have any digning on tha Nal.l.e aifyacant to the PreeNey rl5lht'.-of-wAy.
Gapt., Marvi.n 1F. fic~~kine of the Hopk~.no Managrment C~m{~t-n•y, manngexa far U-~tovr-
Y t iJev~~ 1op nnnt Corp, ~ t+1~vl.ASc4 that t:hey wor~~ dee i~ou• aY }IAV:~R4 en*.rnr~cn wigz~t~
and two tr~c+way s~igns e~d no wall wlqne, et ahich tS.me h~ wae n~,vi~+ncl bq ~:he
Commisrion that twn 7x12-fonG froewey eiqne mny bo pexm'ltta~.l, but no nigns
wo~xld be al.lowed on tho bu~ltling adjacen+: to R:he £xm~oray.
t.ammis~ia~.ler Herbst of.Pered a mot.icn, secon~9~+d by Carnmieesione.x A.ll.rc~d and
MO'1'TOrt CARRTED, that the P.lt~n:iinq ('ommission, i.n cc~nnec~ion wlth An exempti.on
d~scl.d.r~ti.un 4*a~:us ~~queml., fin~ls end detormS.n~~ thut t.ha ~rapoeal would have
no ~i.gni.ficrnt anvironm4nta~ impact, and, ther.eforo, recommen8~ to Ghe C..ty
Council thaS: no Envirnnmentat Tmp~ct G~~t~:mant is nec~.~es~ry.
Cammir~si.ori~r Horbat oEi'.ozod Raao~u~tioii No. PC73-6S nnii mo~recl fuz i.t~ pau~ge9e
and Ac7option to gr.~nt Pe+t.iL-ion E~r V't~riance No. 24~85 aub jcact to cdnclit.iono .
(SeF R~solut~ion 8uok)
Uri rall csl]. i:-1~+ fe~x~yainy xaoolur_ion. was paane~d by Che ~ollowinc~ vot~e:
A'lESs GAMl4IS ,I~t~]~I2S: A1.1rACi,
14'~SEDIT: COMMTSaIUN~RSs I'...rano.
Afl:iTi~IN : CUMMISaI0NER5 t RnW1rltld.
Gau~r, Eierbx4., }:A'~/WOdCIr Seymour,
C~mmi.se~tonor Ruw3.und abatainell t~e~cmue~e of po~sible aonflict of interast, h~vir~g
c~c*_~d a~ ;~ consu).tant to Tmpcrial .Lnn~i Company i.n Che past.
£NVI;~ONMENTAL IMPACT - PUBT,ZC H~AR7NG. AN~HET'M H'[LLS, INC. , att~~nt.ion of. Nir.
4i~i+ORT NO, 9C Jamc4,a BarYSia, 3bU Anr+heim Hi.J.la Ro~d, Anahelm, Cn.
-""- ~~ 9::QOF~, ~)wnarj propnYty de~cribec~ as: An irr~egul~rly-
VARIANC~; NU. 2489 sha~aa parcel of lnncl coneiatinq of appraxJ.mately 83
"'-"-" `"^ ~ ar,res, hr~ving a.tir~r~tnqe af apprc~ximately ?@21 fee•~ on
TEf1TAT.LVE MI~P UF the nortl~ ei$e of Ca.nyon Rim Roacl, having a:n~ximunt
TRAC:7' NOS. 82?.0, de~th of aQproximatc~l~ 131U foet, and b~+ing locate~
8~22 ~ 9223
0221 ap~roxima.te:~~ 1974 fc~et eRSt of the cer~t~~rlinA of 1NOh1
~r ~ ~~ RancYi Raad. Praper.ty pres~ntl.y Cld[18~.~~.13C1 R-A, AGRI-
L''STARL~SH A 1'0'PAL C1F 229 RS-5QA0 x~)NEU LOT;i .
TENT7+TIt'E ZRACT REQU ESI'S: DEVRLOF~~'R: RICHARA L3. SMITEf, 17802 I'rv:lno Boul~ovard,
Tuni:in, Ca. 92680, P:NGINEER: VTN, ~:3U1 Campus
Driv~, Irvin~, Ca. 92664. SuUj~+c~ p~-o~,ert~ Ae Qx~--
pos~d ~t.o be. aubdiv.i.de3 inL-o 'l29 RS-SC~OU zoned lota :
Tra~~t N~o. 8220 - 63 loCa~ Z~ract No. t1221 - E1 lots;
Track :~o. £+222 - 41 lat~~ Tract. t3o, E122J - G~ lote.
~t~ pezaons indicateJ. their ~~r~~s~nae in appos~tion.
A~sistant P1annE+r Ph~.11i.~ Sahwartze K9V~f.1aOC1 the 1oco.tion of auk~jer,t gropez~y,
noti.ng ~hat it wms xone~ R-f~ undt~r Recl~esificatian No. 7G~-71-3:~ appro~~cd on
A~r.il 6, 1971. ~+.~td wae undovelape3t that a resolut~ion ot i.ntent for R-2 zoning
was approved by the City Counci~ on M~,y 30, 1972~ that tih~a pett~•ioner lssd sub-
~h1L•ted tract m~ps i.ndicmtlnq a propoa~al ~o ccnet~:u:.t a tata,l o~ 229 sin~l.e°
i z~:r._.ly reei:~~:n~i~-1 l~ts in tl~e four ~racts, to be levelaprod between Canyon Rim
~ioad and 'tl~e An~heim city liini~~ks to kha nor~;h ~ and Lot 25 0! Tz~sv'~ No. 6220
did not me~t :he rec~uire~ a-inimum 2ot yidth af 45 toet at• t.ho eetbaGk l.ine on
t~ cul_de_~+xc atreet~ that plot ~:lane indicated a total of 12 lote exceod~d thd
~ ~ ~
MTNUTL•.5, CL`fX I'l.ANMING CCIMMTSS70lV, ilprix :, 1`)73
r;~dV.T.p.()NM~NTI~I. 1:MFA•.;_' RC1~~7Tt'C NCJ. 90, VJ1RiAN(:L'' NO. ~4f3'-a, .eIND ".'FNTAT7Vl: MAP OF
'P RA ~; T M O 5. 8 2 2 0~.r8 2 2 1 t_. 81 ?. 2~ AN f) {~ 2 ti 3__( C a n~ i n u a d)_ .....__.~.._._.__.~___...~._._._._.._._._.,_
tn~ximiim ~~rmitL•~d l04 :ovezagc+ of ~59 i L•ltat waivor of t'i«~ r~c;ui~~e~~i ~cetbnck.
t~~f.w~on Clt~ front: pro e:r.'ty l~rta ar~Q c~eraraU waK E~ro~~c~a~~i; un ld loL•r~ lc,cated
r~n cul•-ci~-An,r, at:rer~tra, r~nd tht~r. we,ivr~r ot t:he x~aquix~!~mAnC the~t. ainyl~+-fnmily
r~ei.d~nt-;.31 ~t.xurtu~~c~ r.~ar on arcr. ri~l f1.~t~IlWi1VfS wcto ~~~rapo~ted on a lx lot~
(fo~ix i.n Trrict No. F322~ ~nd t~•~o in "~'r.zct: N~a. '3223) wh.lr~h diAo Ur~t.o ~:~ny~n
Rl.m ~:oad.
~1r. ,JamHa [~aria:ic, Vice Presidr.rnt, Anah~~i.ra Nlllo, Inr~., n~virod the Cs~mr~.iaUion
th~.t• this wes probnbly ~:tin moat uni.yur~ ~li'~)jP.C:~:. ~11U~ A.-~~th~~im tii~.1W hrci F~xoE7~.ac~d~
that tho proepectlve bu:ld~r, Riaharc: ::m1.th~ who hocl Uui.lt dovulc,~~mc,nka nt;
Tur.tla Rock and [ir.nadmore Nom~a, wn3 t~~rc~~~nt. t~ anr-MiAr c~uev~~i~ns; r-nd ~.hat
some at t.hc~ Commi.aHinner.s hav~ had a-i o;.>purtuni ty t~~ vi.e+w theee ao~f,~.onm4-~t~t, .
The projoct in c;u~::tion hdd i3~1 gros~~ ac~r~oe an3 W3E ~riyi.r~Jly ax-p~ovu~i by tti~
City Council as R-2, conyi:~.,:ing of 35U units. [towav~~r, it waa now uroi~ot~ed t:~~
clovelop to tha ttS-SU00 atand~rde an~:~ ~f~duce. the numbc,r. of unl.ta to 1.29, vr?-~h
waivers .
Mx. Uick Wi.r.n, Jice ~rorti.dont of. itichnrd B. Smith, lnc., w~Y:~ ~~e.•es~~nt tu anawez
qiiastions of tha ~ommission relative lo the dAVelcpm~,nt, advi.~ii~c7 ~i•r, f.xoor
plane would be ugt~d t~ r]bvolop the 229 }1G[lld6r also th.r~t Ura~l•~u:r~<~:3 w~~re xvai.l-
~~19 0~ the '1'urtla Rock proj~~~t•.
M*s. Mary E1-aen~~rf, ro~~resenting tha Sant~, Ana Canyon }io:ne Utiun~:~~e t~seoc:i.~~tan,
ap~eared in OjJj~OE~t~021 anc'i refex..rc~d. L•o th4 Environme~ntal Itnk~act R~:port c~.iting
the i:~crsaoa in popu] ai~:iun, tr.•a£fi.c pn~t.cs~n, ~tc.
Mr. eri.mn i. Bitt•.k.e, Pr~:sidc~nt uf the. Peralta Ei.il.ls tiame Ownerc~ AssncinL•:nn,
appoai°ed in opposit.i.on, al.t~o ret~rr~c1 to EIR 40 wliir,h noted t.he chai:qes ~o be
r.mh@e i.n the canyons an3 nat+ar,.~'1 c~rasr~lands of 1~ne :,itej the impa~t c~n wr~.ter
quaiity r~nd hyc:ro~ogy, ncting tYiot so~~me t~xtc ahe:n~.cals oz• oth~sr ~o'Ll~.itant~
ma.y enter the ot~~rm runo£f wc~ter~, f:c~m lawnc, re:iidential traeh and ini.~cel.la-
neou€~ cli.ppings ~oahd in gutt:r.r.• i1o~. lines= adv~:rs~ onvironm~ntr] impacts uf
nai.se, gaseous emissi~n, c]e-nand :E'ar. publa.~ u~il.i.tico, surfuce wa+:~r runoff,
and loss of some o~,en snace r~nd ~aildl~.fe. ldr. Esittke reque~.~t.ed th,-tt EIR 90,
Variance No. 2499 and Tentative Mat? ot Zract .7os. f,220, f3221, E3222, and 82'l3
be continued t,y tlie Commi::51CJ11 until eidequal.e ~7rOV~8j.UI18 wEre ma3~~ regprding
not on~.y the Fera].trs Hiils prea L~u4•. •t.h~ area L•p~ the~ aet, aca wpl.l..
~1~~ n _ /~F-c_~~a
Mr. Ruland Kruegcr, rerr.e~entinq t.h~~ ~4~aa3~s~an Hoine Or~nare; Aesac3.at.ion,
nopearod in opposition, not.ing tlzat thEre houl.d bu an overl.oadiny of tschools,
and no provi.sion had been mad~: for. additiunal achoal site~s. tic~ also sai.d the
Santa Ana Car-yon Home Owners As:rociation was v+~rX conc~rned wi.t:h drainaqE
problema, wh~ch matters had l~eeti L~rouqtit to t.iie aktenti~~n of the City ir.
pre-~ious disc.uar~ions. He reRUe.e:t:ed Pn oppoz.4:unity L-ra meet ~with thc~ Comm•lsision
and take tY~em thr.ou,h the are~ 2irid 8110~7 tb.em vari.our~ pzoblem~; that hava occu~-
red. Ha stated that at some t.icne9 there was 9,OGU qalions of wate.r per minut~,
an~ some 2i),000 pounds of water x~~nning clown a narrow channelt t•hat some steps
shouid lze t~ke~i regardi.ng drain<<qe in the c~r.fon tsrea. M•r. Krueger also re-•
quested a continuancE of r~ubi6a+:: petitions to aive *.he Cc~nmisaion rxnd the re~t
of the citp a criance to study Y.l~~e ~oatter ~~ aatisfy the c:ity th~at. tihere w~re
no dangere involved, t~ protect noL• only the esci5ting but fu~tar~ reaadenta.
Mr. [iz~riaic stated that Anah~tm H:lllrt, Inc. had the ~a~ne concezri as rea~dcnts
that mastez ~~lana ha~-t been. pre;E~a.red f.or dev~l.opmr:r-t, ecb~als, r_ixculation,
and drainaget thaC •cha master ~lctn nf ddvelopment; advptad indicnL•od a~en~t:.ty
c~nsiderabl} gzoat~sz than now propos,ed? thdt: the PC ~one established 350 units
anci this had now k,een reduced t~c~ 729 unitc~, a density of 2.G unite per ac.ret
that a l~rge amour~t of opeii spm~ce in eithQr naYural or plantad was Froposodt
and rhat the actual net droa wa.~9 about 56 arrea. Mr, Bariaic atntesi that there
wae r~ood for additi~nal circula~i~~n po~nks in and aut or. Aneheim Hilas, and
they had worked wi,th the County on ~thia ma~tor~ that City staf.f had recomr.-ended
two additional eauamenta fur acceam po~nts be provided, and Anaheim Hilla con-
curred in ~hie racommendstii.anr end that mast. Af ~khe ~raffic now would feed out
at Imperial Poulevard oyit.o th~ :~iverside ~'reeway and Sn.nt,a Ana Canyon Road.
7n answer to t!ae ques~ion re].ative to echool~e, Mr. Barieic s~~tsd thae the
c3ranqe Unified Schaal District had baen o~fer~d A sitA for a pranosed junior
hiqh ~chu:+l, and Anaheim Hills ~was working with them on an r.ler~entary school
site. •
~ ~ ~
MLM~)Tk;:;, C'f'PY PL~AIJNING COT~MTSSLUN, Apci1 2, I973 '13-196
TRACT NpS_;822U~- H')..`~,~822~AND 8223~_ IConl:iituE+d) ~~_ ____.________.__._..._..._.._.._~_
'J.'tiii k'iF~l~1R1N:; WAS CL~USFD.
't,oni.~~y Sup~nrvier,r Chn.c~ea d:oberta remd es ietter ~~r concarn lrom the C~ty oP
Ozur~y~ z•dlativa to the im~7~ct oC tho pro,~osa~ pt~ojecte on echooln nncl tha~
cont~tc~~i•uti~n ehUUid b~~ gJ van t.c~ r.hn ult.imr~t~o exl:Qneion of Lemon StreUt.
L'ommi:~t~iunt~r Ga~ies uxpraai~~d t.he apln~ori th~+t mnny af. tt;e pL'oblamE ot concezn
tu ; h~r reaplo i.n thF arert c~hould be loo}c:~a .tnto b.~for~ Cne~ peCition9 un~9er
cor~e:i.dere~t:ic~n w~zr4 aF,provPd, and t}:at ha wne nat in fnvar ~t qranting any
waivere - thcj k73.'qptil.'l:y wr~s now x~~n~d T2-~.,
Chtsi.rman s~aymour ~dV1~r~d he I;a~'~ net.ico~l aAndbagging goiflg cn ir~ the are~t, dt:
wl~ich tim~ Mr•. L~r~rir~Sc ~tr~t:ad •chat_ rtome c~1° that wae ncG necroseary~ th~t tha
guliey-typa ~it:uati.~~n was cnu~~d by poriding.
Mz. Har~t Schox, r'epranent~t'lvc~ a~ Ar.ahci~n t~illa, advleed khe rc~n.c;cin f'c,x s~and-
begs wu9 that i~c•~ storm syet.on~ :~~~zd I:,ecn .inest•.allc~di that the~ Ci~.y had nut. ~~e-
ler~ear~ L'h~ ~~lt~nu.
City Engine~c~r Jay Titu~ P~dvised 1:J-~~t the C:.i~_y h+ad not held up olana -• thay hac4
only recently been aubmitL•e~ qnd ware ~low bEing ~~heokod. He furt•he.r ehntetl
it w1s th~s ~:i.t:y F.nginear's poait.'~c~r~ t.l~nt tha d~ainage f~cility ehQUld be in-
~tta]..l~d b~f~~rc ob*_aininy b•117.ding pextni'ta fo~• r,}ie ~ract.s.
Chai.xman :~c~ymour. s`atod t}-at an a tour of L•he Qito l~e notic:~d ho?.ee 4 faot
w.tde Fnc1 Ei 'keot de~p, ~•ind that, the C~mmio~sion shoutr~ meet with homeowners
gxoup~ aiid Mr.. aa:i.sic tu innpect the probLema, to Lndc~rstand them a li.ttle.
He also exprea6ed c:oncer.n reg~rdinc~ tha w+~.ivers being a~ked w~.th the F25-5000
~c,tiing and suggesLed th«t L-he ppt:i.tion~ :~E~ cont~.nued for. tl:e purpo~e of viaw-
i.rig the site and Pe.rRitting the davel.oger to rework th~* map s~~ ae to elitni;iato
wai vc r:~ .
Commi~~eiuner Rowla.~~ ~tated that the l~.nd was ~,e9.ng gra~e~ at a rupid ra*et
that ~he c~c~velopment ~aas a pretty good one, however, i•t wae Y-ie ~ptnion tnat
at some futt~re ~1afi.e t.k~e petitioner would ask f.or. increased density in 3no~h~s
praject area just be :au~e they had decreu~ed it in thl:, particular area, acid
~incr~ the,y ha~ se].ected the zon.iny characteristica fv.r.~ Anaheim tlil.ls flevel.op-
inr•:nt, they now muat abide with them. Commiar~i.oner Ro~r].and furthex stated
the only variance from the Code that h.a wouZcl pexmit was the side-on lot= that
tht re had not. been prov~n to be a L~ rds.ifp tc~ permit the other three vs~ri.ances~
and thRt tha potiti.ioner stlould conform t•~ the sita cievelopment ctandarcJ~~.
^ommiLS~.•.~ners All .ed ar,d Harbat ir.dicated agxenmcant wi.th Commier~ionQr Rowland.
T'.~e Con~miss•~on f•. r:ther s u~„¢„~d~~~e •si.ze o.f the house and mr~.ximum lot coverage
and were tsdvised by Mr. o~ R cTic~rd B. Smlth Com~any that to incrPase the
~3ize a£ *..he haur,e ro f:,ur or five bedroomo mc:dnt i.ncredsiny the flonr ares, and
the devel.oper wr~s also providing thr.en-cax gar.ages s thar r~ost of the yard apace
was i.n atriums sud rear yardst and that by the time the fina~ tract. m~p was
prep~,-od, it m,ay be pasaible to corr.~~ct ~omQ of rhe vallance requeats by ar-
ranging the ncuae on the lut diffo.r.ant~y,
Mr. Don Cozbe'ci:, architect fo.r Mc,rris & Lc~hr.bach ~.sr~ooiat:es, architecte fur.
Richard B. Sn.ith C~mp~tny, str~~sd on~ oi tha probl~ma was the mi*,imum setb+sche
Cammissioner Herbat remznded that when ~hP RS~5U00 z~ning was adoptc~d ].at~t year,
it hsd bAan four.d the coritracto a wsre abusing ztj that the streets were ~amm~:ci
with cars, children, etc.b ~nd thz+t now Anahe'~r1 Hi11e wae here to dovelop by
buildinq a larger home on a su-allpz lot - the samo problam the Commission hr.d
triod to dESlete previously.
Com:nisei.~iier Kaywood inquirad a~s tr~ uny mini-prsrks p? annod f.or 1~naheim Hi 1.1s
and wan advi4ed tho entry parke aa st Tsrtle Rock would noL• be p~anne.~ for
7#nraheim Hillst liowevea:~ a y or l0~ttcre nar!c would be buil.t.
Commieeioner Herbst atated that the potitiant~r dtd not ra~raaent ~ zrd6hip ty
hia r~queet xor waiverst that one or tw<~ lots could be ellminateu, _.he devel~_~,ti-
ment could be acco~r~plieh~d with ~ variance~ and ~hat thcs matker of ~and ase was
of conc:arn to th~ Commi~~ion.
~ ~~ ~
MINU'.-`Lr'~, CI'iY pl~ANNI.NG CUMt4:L:~3T.(1N, AY,r.i.l 2, 1!)73 "13-•.l~>7
FPIVlRqNtfl!;NTAt., TM1'AC;T Il[:I~C EtT 4dU. 9~1, VAh:IANCX~l N(7. :.~:. .. 41JD TI:NTRT7:VP: MAE' O~'
T fiA ~; 7` . N O S_. .. fi 2 2 0 L^ f.l 2:2 ~. ~,_8 _2~A N~ ti '1. %• ~-•__ (~: < ~ C:l n u h d)_._---~..~.,.~._._..._~__._ ...._...._..._.._
C~~mtni.rty~~.~n~r Seymour UL`f pTp(j a m~ ~ion ~~ auntl.nuc~ Aub jact FaCit.iane+ ~oi• t:wc~
w~c~k~, ~~~c~and~nCl by c;~~nm'.ae~l.onar ~~n'kai~'C. ThA moti.on P.ailod L~~cauxF. of c+ ut~
VOtA ( t.i1SOC~ ~~+AY~~~~ Ufld Ck1.r1A0 ~~f10YlEi~~ ~ .
Comn~i.es.i.on.~r G+~~~ar c~Pf~~r~ad a mot~.an, ne+condod by Commi~~~i~,~ntir lleru~C: and
Mc~TTON c:~FtR'L~G, that t.'ia Fl.annl.ng Cour~a~.fr~~,ion, Lix cr~nner.,tion wi.th th~ gili~Yy
oi Cnvir:c~nmenCal Im~.iact F~epr.,-0'. No. 9p, h~aE~ .~0vl.et~er,1 th~e ~lk ftevl~ta C;~mmit.t.ore'~
OL:atUtne~nt• t.~ Ht~t L'o1.'tti it'~ ~h~ir rcap~~'t:r tttc~7:e~FolcB, I:hO ATttihb.i.m Pl~~~:r-ir-g Corami~-
r~~.on r.acr>mm~:~,ta nfloptiue~ cyf ~nv~.r.~aram~~ntal. Impect Rc+Nozt No. 9C to thr L"it~
Cc>unc:~.]. a3 bein~i t'~e C~aur~cil.'s .w.'nvl.ronmer~t~al Imps~t Statemont (~a~nmtr~ai.~nnora
,;~~ywc~r~d an? Sv~ycnour ••rot~~9 "na" ~ C.~>mn~:~eoi~.~uor Fa~.•ano rias abeant?
t,;omml~-s.ur~er Grsuc~r or~carc~d Rasn:l~~l:t.~>n N~~. Pc:73-66 ana movo8 Por its pae~~a,e ~nd
a~opt.ic„~ tc~ grunt: P~.t:ltion ~or V+sr:li~~~cr~ No. 24H9, in ~urt~ 6elating Weiv~xe ~,
b, c. nnd P.ppr~ova.ny Waive~i c:t. (9eb R~o~~l,u~lon F~ook.)
On rol.l c~~.1.1 tt~e f~c.r~+g~•i.nq r.A~alutt~~i wnfl pa~:~ecl b,y Che f~~llowin~ vut:ei
n,Y£;.;: CUMM.LSSIO!J5~I35a ~Allxed, Ut~uer, He~x•b$t, Kaywood, RuW1~~nd.
NC+P;S: COMMI~SIOlIEIti: Se~yteuur.
ADS!~N'i : COMMI~SIC+NERR s Parano.
~;om:n.i~~:~lonAr K~ywoo~. ~-ec~uect~d tha.t the aondition for the }ract mcaps perta.ining
tc, t.he spec:tal brochar~ bc+ hr,anda<! t:o roqiYir.~~ that .~c',g~iAE o.f the brochure ba
p.n~r.ea in t;~e c,~n~°~ga and kitr.hen ~~f. eacll h~n~a.
rommJ.~:al.oner Rowland oPfHr~~d a moti.on, secondQd by Cc~mmis~ioner Gauez and
ptc~'t'ION uARRIIsD ~Comm~.-ssic~nerr~ Soym~ur ~n3 Allred •,oting "na" and Commissionor
~'a~-+ana boiiiq ab,ent) , ta rs~prove TE3nt.~:lt:ive Map of. Tract t~o. 8220 aub~ect to
che fo1].~~+i na cnaiditione :
(1) 'T'hat the approve-1 of Tentative MaQ oi 'rr.act No, 827.0 is grantad
sut,l~ct: r.o the App.roval of Var..ance No. ~4~39 and Reclaeaifir.ation
No. 71-72-44,
(~) That. a2~ould th1~ subd3.vi.sion be davelopc~l .~~ more than ono sub-
divinian, each subdivi~~.on the.•.eaF ehall be submitted fn ten~a-
tive fc,rm foz approval.
(3) That all lats witMiri this tr.~c1: Ehal~. be ser~ad by underground
{i,j That a final tract map o: subjeot property aha11 be aubmitted
te and appraver~ by tho Ci~y CoLncil and then be recorded in the
office of the Orange County Recarder.
(5) That any proQosed covenanta, can4itions, and restri::t•ione ahall
be submitted ta and approved by the City Attorney'c~ Gf.£i.ce prior
to City Cov.ncil approval of ~h~ fin~l tract map, and, further,
that the r~pproved cov~enants, ~onditione, and ~:e. trict~oiis aha7.1
be recorded concurrently wi~h the £it~al e- t~.t map.
(G) That street namos shall be approvc~d by thQ City Af Anaheim prior
to approval of a~ina1 tract map.
(7) That the owner(s) nz sub~ject pr~per~y ahall ~~y to the City oP
Anah~im the t+ppropriate park and recreati~.. ~n-lieu fees ae
detArmined to be appropziate by the City Council, ~aid Fe~s to
be paicl at the time the builc:ing pezmit ie isaued.
(Ei) That dr.ainage o~ said P=oPezty sha11 b~ @iapo~eci of in a r,anner
satiefnator.y to Che City Enqineer and shall include conetxuctio»
of drainage tacilitie~ of a size nnd type aufficient to carry
rur~aff wfltexe originatir~g from higher proQertiee~ eouth of Senta
Ana Canpon Road thraugh ea~.d property to ixlt.immL•e dtspoea]. ae
appzoved ~y the City Enqin~ear. Rel,mb~irsement aqi•demento mAy be
made Available ta the developers~ r~f ea±d properCy upon th~ir
(9) That gxading, oxcavation, and all other canetructinn activi'_ies
~hall be conducced in euch A mttnner so as to mic~imize tha poaai-
bility of any eilt origir,atir-q i'r~m thie project beinq cmrried
inta tha 9a~ta Ar.a River by storm watar originatinc~ fs'am or
llawing throngh this project.
~ ~ ~
M'iNUTES, C~TY PLANNING CQMMI58'lOt~, A[~x'i.l. 1, 1973 ~~'1~~
'PEtACT NUS, 8221~~ 82~'.l. 8222~ANf1 822~ C~nCi,nttt3d~_._,_ _ __,_,_._.,,_.,
(10) That C~ny<~n R7.m Raad Qhal.l. be Pully improved from Notil Ranch
Road xo Ciltl~ auptozn boun~ery of Trect No. N272. Said imprave-
mentd el~a:ll be~ oonatructod prior t.o ~r ~oncurrer~L•1y w~th the
inprovement.o ror khie txr~at.
(~1) 'i. at fire bceak~ phnl.l be provxdud uH raaquirad Rnd ap}~rovod 'Ty
the Fire ~:r,ioP..
(12y mhnt prio:~ t;o e-ppr.oval o~ the fina]. truct: map, fi~nal epeci!'ic
plane st~alll be aubmtCted and approved in accurdanito with pro-
visione o1` thM PC, Plnnitefl Cammunity, 2ong.
(l~) That a~~e~inl br~churop ehall be ~rep~red for the puzpoae oY
inatru~ting proapa+ctive purchamera of thPed humes on the pzo~ez
maintanance r~nd w+~teacing of landecapad elapds ~ and ca~:lee~ at thu
br+~cl.~uro ahall be poated in Cho garage ancS kitchen of e,xch hausa.
(14) :.,t a G-f~~ot, dacozr~tive, ~peawo.rk wall ehe~ll be+ s:~natruate~~
at the *op oP alnpe dC1;~8C011~ to Can}~~n Rim Rottd o;~ 'at Nas. .l,
7, 8, bnd E;3. Reaeonablc+ lani;schping, includl.ng irriyatior.
fac~lities, eha~l be instAl.lc~d r~ithi.n tha elope art~ae nf each
lot aajacent r.o tha xoadwny~ and in the atre«st. paz'kwt~ys. Plans
for sai.d la.ndscaning eha].1 be submitL•ed to and subject ta the
rspp.roval of tli~ ~'arkway Maintenanc~ Superir.~:endont. ~`ollowing
inetallatior~ and acceptance, the pr.operty crwner ahall aeuume
reaponaibility gor maintdnence of eaid ]tndscaPing ~o the lot
11nee, reqardleas of the iccation of th~a walls. The C~ty of
Anaheim shal:l a9sume i•esp~naib111L•y £or maintonance of land-
scaping in t1Ae Cunyon Rim Road right-of-way•
(15) Ttiat the vehicular accesa rights, except at etreet encl/or alley
opPnings, to C:anyon Rim Road shall ba dedicz~t4d to the City of
Commissioner. Row?.and offE+red a motion, seconded by CommiRSioner Gauex• and
kOTION CARRTEU (Commiseioners ~eymou.r and Allred voting "no" az~d CUmmiRaionez
Farano being absont), to approve ~ent.ative Ma~ of Tract No. 8221 subject ta
the fcllowing c;onditione:
('iy That the appraval of TenL•ati~e Map o~ Tract No. 8221 ia granted
~ubject to the a~~proval of. Vuri+~nce No. 2489 and Reclasaification
No. 71-72-44 and the completi.on of a~nnvxation.
(2) That shouid this «ubdivisir~n be dc~veloped as mora than onc~ sub-
diviaion, eACh su~~di~ielon ~.t~~reof shall be aubmitted in t~nta-
tive form fc:r appruval.
(3) That all 3.ote within tkeia tract shall be eesved by undPrqround
(4) That a final traot map of subj~ct ~roperty sha~ll be s~ii~mitte~d
to and approved by the Ci.ty Counci.l an3 then be recorfled i.n the
ofYico of ~he Orange r_ounty itecorc~~r.
(5} That any propos~ad covenants, conditiona, and raetrickione shxll
be aubmitted ~o and approved by the City Attorney's C~ffi~e prior
to City Council approval af the final tract mep, anc' furthez•,
tY-et the approved covene~nts, cond~tions, and rentziu~i~na ehall
be record~ed concuxrently with. the final tract mdp.
t5) ThaC etrs~ot namew ~hall. be approved by the Gity o~ Anah~im prior
tQ ~pprowa~ o! A final tr~;ct map.
(7) ThAt thR awn~r.t~) ot eubject propert~r aha11 ps,y to the ~i.ty oL
Anaheim the app*opriate pa.rk an8 r~crention in-lieu feea ae
determined to be appropriaL•e by the City Council, emid fece to
b~ pai8 at tha tima the building perm± t ie in~uecl.
~ ~ ~
'ri7NlJTF.S, CI'I'Y PLArINJN ~ COMMT3:iION, ApXil Z, 1973 73'~~~
T~tA(:T_NOS. A220~_0~'t1~,82a~. ANA s3223..~.~Continu6dj.~____ -- _~_M,_,____ __._
(8) That drainxg~ ox A+~id prap~rty Ahall. be diaposed of ~.n A mannor
oatiet'accary ~o t:» Clty Enqincer and s~hell trxclude canAtructiun
of drei.r~age Pe-~ilitiee of. a s.t~e anci L•ypo a~ifficient• to carry
zunof~ watera originar.iug l:rom h.f.yhHr propez•tiea south oE 5antb
1--~a Gany~~ Road throuc7li said propszty to u].tiiTAtM di~posal An
approved b}r tt~o City ~nyi.nt~ar, 12eitinburaement agr~erchnta may be
mn~e a•vt+11ab1F to the devr~luprre nP eaid pr~p~rty upon tt~eir
(9) That c~ruding, uxunvdtion, a~nd a11 other corigt~rucl-i~n act.`~.:1L~.9A
shu11 bo conduc~ted in ~auch a manner so As *_o mi.nimizo tha pa4ei-
biliry aP ~sny ~ill: originetin~ f.rom this proj~,ct boinq cArrled
:~~tu tha Santr~ Ann Rivar by nturm watoc origir~ar_iny fru~n or
f,.~w:ing th•rouqh thia !project.
( 10) That ~anyan R~tn Ruad ehal l be ~ul.ly iniprov~d from tVahl Ranch
Road to the oastc,rn boundary o£ thia traat. S~id icnprovemente
shall be conetructell priar to ~i~ concurrently wit:~ the impruve~
n~e~ts fox this trPCt.
(11) That the fu].1 i:ravQled way c~f Larkrldg~~ Stre~t ahall be cnn-
~tructed prior tcn or concurrently with the imp.covemente for
this ~ract.
(12) That fira bre~aks et~a11 be provided ae required and sppxoved by
the Fir~ ChictP.
(13) 7Chat prior to ap~pzoval of the final tract map, final spec•lfic
plans sr,all be eubmitted and approved iri ac:cordanco with pro-
visiana ~f the PC, Plenned Comn~unity, 2one.
(14) That spec~~il brochures shall be pr.eparec~ for the purnoee of
i~~structing proapectivA purchas~rs af. these homes or~ the proper
maint3na,nce and w~+tering of. landscaped e].opes, and copies of the
bruchur9 shall be pnatod in the garage an3 kitr,hen of each house.
(15) That a 6-foot, dec~rative, openwork wa7.1 ahal.l be constructed
at ~he top of alope adjacent tc Canyon Rim Rodd an LoC Nua. 1,
2, 3, 4, S, an21 6. ReaeonablE landecapinq, includinq irzigation
fa~ilitiss, shall be installed ~rithin the slnpe arean of each
lot adjacer-t to the roa.dwaye and in the str.eet parkways. Plens
for s~id landacnping shalY he submitted to ~nd ~ubjcr.t tu L-he
approval of the Parkway Maintenance Sun~rintendon~. Following
i.nstallation and acceptanca, tliz propexty ownez stiall asaume
responsibility for maintenance of said landacaping to tho lat
liiiea~ regardlees of tha location ot the walle. The City ~f
Anaheim shall assume reepoz~elhility for maint4nance of larid-
scaQing in the Canyon Rim RoRd right-of-way.
(15) '~hat the vehicu.lar Acceas r~yhta, except aC etreet und/or eslley
openings, to CanYon Rim Road shall be 2~edicaL•ed to Che Clty of
f17) That prior to the approval o£ Tentative Map of Trac:t No. 8221,
~h,e ownez(s) of eub~ect pxoperfy aha11 mAke an izrevocablp
affer to do3lcate an e~a.eement for riding and hiking trail
purposes over thet ~ortion of subject pruperty over which the
Four Cornere Pipe t~ine Compan~+ has an easementi for pipe J.ii~~s
and incidental pt-rpoaea ugon the date of approval uf this
tentative tract mAp. ~aid affer to dedicete ahall b~ ixrevoc-
able for a period of twen tx ye~-rs an8 may be accept~sd by the
City of Anaheim a-t ~uch time es it is datermined th~a~ deve].op-
ment of suc}i facil,ities would be in the baet intere+ste o~ the
City of Anaheim. Sei.d lrravocab~e oP£c~r to ~icdi.cato eha11 be
recorded concuYrentiy with the final tract m~sp.
~ ~
~RAC'T NOS:~822C~, F3221, 8222, ANb 8223 (Conti.~u~d)_~._~__._._.. .~..-.-..~---------~
Comminnionox Ro~J,and oftere~ a motion, aacu-ided by Commiesion<sr Gnuar +-r~d
MOTION C1~P.RI~D (Gommi,oa9.unera 9csymour anc] A11red ~~c+ttr~q "n~" and ~mmiosioner
Farano boing nbean2:), Co epnrove Tentativ~3 Ma~~ ot Truct No. A22Z nub~ect ta
fiha ~o).lowl.ng canclitioixe s
(1) 7Phdt the approval ot 'Penta:iv~ Mt~p o~ 'Pzect t3a. Ei22« i.p qrantc~d
Auhjecr. to Che appruval of Ve.rianco ~1~. 2409 dnd R~clar~eification
No. 71-72-4~{ .
(2) Thbt should thi.a oubdivieion be developc~a a~ more tha.n ore ~ub•-
div.iaion, ear.'.t ~t~bdlvislun LliereoP skiall be s~abma.ttpo ln CQnta-
tive for.m for rar~ge~val.
( 3) That all. .l.ats withir~ thie tract rahall be sezv~d by t1IlC~RZ'~JY't~llilC~
(4) 'Phat a finul tract ~nap ot aubject propert.y sha.ll be aubmic.tod
to ~nd approved by t11e City Counai.,l and ~hen be recarda~ in the
of.fir.~e of t;Y~~ ~rung~ Gounty R~cor~9~r.
(~'•) Tha~ any propoPed conven~+nt•s, conditiono, and re~etrictior~s ehall
be submitted to und r-.pproved by the ~.ity bttorney's Of.tice prior.
to CiCy Councxl appro~-a]. of tho f..inal tr~ict map, and, further.,
that the Approve~i covenante, c~nditione, and restriction~ eriall
be r.ecorded concurrently with the final t.ract map.
(6) '.Chat HtrQet namea sha11 bc~ approv~d by L•he City of Anaheim pripr
ta approval of a fi.nai tra~t inap.
(7) Th~~.t tha owner(s) of subjeck property sh~ell pa~ to tha Ci.ty of
Ana:~eim the apFropria~e park and recreatian in--7Li.eu Leoe as
determined to be appropriate by the City C~uncil, said fees to
be pa3Q at che t:i.me the buildtng Fermit ia is3ued.
(8a That d:-ainAqa of ar~id property shall be disposed of in a mani~er
sati~fa~~ory to the City Engineer attd st-all include cor~struction
of drainaye faci2itieA af a aiz° and type sufficient to carry
runofF water~ ~riginn~ting r'rom h.t.gher. proFertiee south of Santa
Ana CanyoT~ ~uad througti ~aid propFrty ~a ~altimato dieposal ~s
approved f~;~ the City lsngi.nePr. Reimbuz~aement agr.eements may be
made avaa'la!~1e to t:he devcloz~ers of sai.d propar.t•~ upon their
(9) That qrading, ^xcavaL•ion, and all othex constructior, activ~t2.eb
ahall be condu:tad in such a manner so as to minimize the nn9~ci-
bility of any silt uriqin~t~ng from 'ch~.s pr~ject bsing carried
into ~he Santa Ana River by srorm wSter originating From or
flowing L•hrough L.hiH pro ject.
(10) That Canyon Rim Road aha11 be fu].ly i.mproved f.rom N~h:l Ranch
Road to th2 e,astern boundary of Z'ract No. 8?.21. Said ; mprove-
ments shall be congrructad prior t~ or concurrer.tly with the
improvoments for thi~~ tract.
(11) That fire breaka shall be provided ae required and appro~~ed by
tne ~'ire Chi~f.
(12) That a blaiikat easemant for street and public utility purposes
ehall ba granted to the Gity ~E Anaheim fcr pueaible £uture
streete to be ex~ended to thc~ adjacent property to the narth
(th~ extent of g+aid blanka•;: dasement. shall be as approved by
the City Enqineer), and a~aand in an amount and form satisi•ac-
tory to the C~ty ehall ho posted to guarantee the i.nstallatlon
of aeic! s~reet improvemente. wh ~n the prUperty over whi.ch Daid
blankpt easement a~ctenda ie d.9veloped, Pxeciue atreet ~~.iqnmants
ahall ho determined and the portiona of the lalanket easement nut
required for thQ etreeta aha11 be of no effect.
~ ~
MTNUTF.S, CZTY L~LANNINC Cl~MM7~:~IUN, Apr3.1 2„ 1973 73-201
---- --~- - _____~_______.._._._.______.________..---
xRl-C'~ 1i0~_. _022Q~ 8221i_822,;~, AlV13 0223 Cont lnue.l
(13) Thnt. pY'i~~r t.,, apprc~vnl o~ the finn] trnc~.. map~ final op~~ciPic
~1.en,a ehall bc~ surmitted and upt~roved in ucc:ordanue wi.th pr.o-
vieiona of t:he YC, ~'lnnnmd Community, ?,~ne.
(L4~ That• spocial b.r~chur~ue whaa.'1 ba praparec; Cor t.ho pur.poea of
inetXUCtir.g proepeo~ire~ puruha~ers at thyse tiom~e on thA prapor
maintonance and wa~erin,y of lr.-nd~c+~y,od BlOj~@f{, and aop~.es of tha
brochuro :ihall ba p~g"-dd ~.r- ttie g~rage and kitchc~n oP aach houn~.
i15) Thot priu.r t~ ths a-1?Pxova~ o! Tdntativ~ Map nf Tract No. 8222,
tY~o owne~'(s) of eubJect p.r4~erty ehall. make nn irrevoce-b1E~
oFf~~r. t~~ dadicnta ~n easnme~nt for riding and hiking trail
~~~:rE~ogea ovir. that portion of eu~ ject property ov~r whir.h the
Foui~ Corn£r.s Pipe Linc~ C;ompany h+~a An et-~iement L•ur pipc+ ].i.nes
~xnd inci~r-r~ta1 piirr~usna up~n the date oT approvnl uf L•hl.o
tent.a~ive tXact map , ..nid oEfer to de~licate sha11 bo ir.rc~voa-
able for a peiiod o~ t'denty yoara ax~d may ba acr.ept:ac~ by t:hcs
City uf Anahei.m a* Ruc.h ti.m~ Ae i.t i.s deLermined t~iat d~vF.~lop~
mont of such fac~liti~s would be in the best lntereeta of the
City o.t AnahElm. Said ~YYHVQCdI'~l.Q offer tc, dodi.cat~ shal.l. be
r~co.rcied c:oncurrentl~,~ h' it:h tho ~ir~al traat mar~.
C~mm~.s~loner kc~wlaud c~f.~oro~t +a motion, eecunded by Commiaeion~r Gnu~sr +anQ
MOTION CARRIED (Commisaionexe Soyr:our and Al~red votinq "no" and Cammiaeioner
Farano beinq ak,aen~.) , to ap~r~~~vo 'Pantr~Ctve tlap ~f Tract N~ 9223 Subj~,::t to
the fc~llowlnq conditions:
(1) '!'hat rhe apprr~val. ~f Tontnhive Ma~ of Tract No. H223 ia qrantod
aub}ec:t to the a~;~prt~val af Varia~ca No. 2~3H9 and Rec:la:~sificatfon
No. 71-72-44,
(2) '.chat s.nould thir, subclivision k+e developed as mor.e than one s«b-
d~.V~9~()Il~ aach subdiviai~n thereof ~hall be submitted in tenta-
tive farm for 2~pprov~~..
(3) 'Phat all J.ota within thi~ trac~ s'hall be ser.ved by und~rgr.ound
(4) That a f'9.na1 tract map of oub~ect prop~rty ~ha11 be submitted
to c-nd approved lay tl~e City ~ouncil and then be recorded in tbe
office of tt~e Orazige County Recorder.
(5) That any praposed r.ovenanta, c:onditions~e anc3 reatrietiona shall
be aubmitte.d to ~a~ti~ ;ppr~ve3 by L•he Ci~y Attorne~~'s Offire pri.~r
to Ci~y C~~unc:l +ipprovsl o°. the final tract rnap,~ and, further,
that ~he :~pprove~3 cov~nants, con~itiona, ancl restri.ctions shall
be r~cordF:d conc~irr~nt:ly wlth the final trac': map.
(6) That streer, name:~ shall be approv~d by t;~e City of Anaheim Fri.or
ta appro~~al of a. finul i:zact map.
(7) That the owner(a~) of aubject propeYty shal? pay }~ the City of
Anaheim the ap~2'c~priato pArk an3 recreation in-iieu fe~a as
dotermi.ned to be approgria-Ce by the City C~uncil, said fees to
be pai:d aC the time ~h~ buildinq permi.t ia isaued.
( 8) Th~at drsir.age of aaicS prop~+rty sl~all T~e diaposed of in a mannc~r
er~tisfactiory to 1:ho City Engineer and sha11 include con.structi.an
oP dz~inage Eaci].i~.ias ~f a aSze and type eu~~icient to carry
tuno~f watere origin~ting from hiqh~sr pxdpertl.es ffiouti~ of Santa
Ana Canyon Road ~hrough eai.d p~d~+erty to ulti:n~x~e dispcssal ae
appravec~ by tha Citv ~ngineer. ReimDursement aqreemgnta may b~
m~de available to thA developor$ oP eaid pxoparty upon their
~ ~
MxNU'l'T9, C1'PY PLA.NNING CQMMT.Sa I~)N, Apz11 2, 19'-3
'PitACT. NO:~. E12?0, E3'21~ 83?.~_ AND 8223 Continued ~__,~ __~
_ ~. _ _ S.._.._._._. ____~.
(91 Tihttt yradir.q, c+xct-vatiar., and n].1 othor conetruction activitiao
~ha.l] bo conduct~d i n euch a nannea: mo ae to min~.mizo tha pa~+si-
bi.lity oP rlny ~ilt ori~innt•i.ng ~rom k.hia pru.yr,ct bainq car~ie~d
i.r+to ;,hr ~3snr_a Hna Rlvaz by a~ortn wat~r ortginal:.ing f.rom or
Plawl.ng through ' hin pro;;sck.
(l.C) 'Chat C~nyon Itlm Rond eha11 ba fully impr.oved fs°om Nohl Itxnch
Road to tha oustorn bavn~l~+r:~ af Tract No. 8221.. 3aid inlarove-
menre ~hall. be conb~rur,Yad prior ku or cunr:uz•r:jntly with L•l~e
imaravc+manta f.or thi.N 4rnct.
(J.!) The.t th~~ full tr.;v~lc~d way o" Larkridgo Str.eet~. ~sha11 bo coii-
c~tzuct~d prlc~x• to or concurr.ontl~~ wi9~h tho improvam+~nts Por.
tltie tr.act.
(12) That fira liroake ah~a.lz h~ providFd an roqu.l.xod nnd appr.~aved by
the~ F'ire~ Chtaf.
!13) That prior *_o appraval rf tI19 fira]. t:raat map, final n~ecific
pl.a~s ~hall Ue submitred and agprove~a in accor.dan~a with pro-
vieions of. tha PC, Plannod Cornmunity, Zona.
(~4) That eF>ecial. brochures Ahnil be prepArQd .for t.ho purpar~e of
lnstructing pro~pc~<~tive purot~aaers of L•he~e homes on Lhe propRr
maintc~nance and wrlterinq of landscaped slopes, and copiea af the
hrochuros sha12. tse postod i n the yarane anct kitchen vf eacli houeo.
(15) That a 6-foot, ciecorative, openwcrk wall shall be const~ructad
at the t:op of nlope adjacent tn c:Anyon ftim Road oii Lot Nas. X
and 34 thr~uyr 64. Keaaonnk~l~ landscmping, inclu~~ing irriqutiun
facilities, sha12 be instal].ec~ w3.chin ~the Ntu~:Q areas of each
lot adjacer~t to t.he roadwaya aiid in tlye street oarkways. Pla~~.s
fo~_ said landscapir-q ahal.l be :sub-nitted to a.nd subject tr t.he
approval of the Pnrkway Maintenance Superintondent. Fc:l wing
i.natallation and acc~ptanccs, tha proparty owner ~liall assun~e
respo;~aibi.lity fc,r mainCanar~ce of said landsaaping to the lot
linea, regardless o: tltie loaation of the w411s. Tho City of
Ana~lieim ahall assu-ne respons.ibility t.or m,.inter,anae of land-
scaping i.n the Canyon Rim RoaB right-o~-way.
(16) That the v~h~cular access zights, exce~t at str~et and/or alley
openings, to C~nyon 12im Ro~d shall bn dedicatea to t.he City af
(17) Tha} a bond in an amount ar,~' ~orm s~ntisfa~.tory to •the Ci.ty~ o~
An~neim ^t~a~.l be posi.ed witu the City of Tnaheim to guarantee
removal of landscapinq and imrr~v amenta HtitY~~.n hhe future right-
of~way af ~rande Viata 5treet.
RBCES5 - Chairma~n ~eymour rece~sad khe mee.ing at 4:10 p.m.
RECONt/GNE - Chairman Seyn~our r~convened the meeting at 4:20 p.m.,
'~ ~~~~ all Cammissior!ezs ba{ ng prae~nt.
~ ~
MINUZ~~S, CI7'Y F~LHNNING C~)MMItiSI.ON, April 2, 1973 ~~~~~~i
CONDYTIUNAG U5~ - PUBLIC FIRARING. ANTiNETM }I~1.L9, IHt' , att9-ikt~n of ,1ame~
PF,RMIT llo. 1393 T.. B$r•1eic;, 380 Annhe~n~ Hille Roali, AnAh~im, Ca. ~)280fi,
~ ~~ ~~ Ownmr~ recfuentlny puxml.e~ion tu EST4PLI8H A 6-UNTT PLANN6ri
W'[TH ~ALES OF'~'TCE AND HOML D~l;tinna.fl,C S rL~'~ CFNTE}t on property C1l18C7'~lipQ ae i
An lrr.~egul.arly-rherad percc~l ~f l~nd .locatad un thr~ north r+1ao ~i' C:,;~,1on Rim
Roed, hnviny w n~eximum d~pth ot npproximat.ely 2].0 teat, and baing lacatod
eppz~~ximata.ly 2N79 !'c~~t eAat .~f the cent.erli.ne of Nohl Ranch kioad. PropHrt•y
preaontly c].saaftied R-A, AGRICUL'PURAL, 20Nr.
No une apponra~~ ~n appoeitl~n,
Rlthough Lhd Rapurt to the CommiHeion wa-s not r•ee~d nt. t.he pt~blic haarinq~ i.t in
rnferrefd to and mado a psrt of thc+ minuteo.
Mr. Dlck Winn, Vice Presi~ient c~f P.lct-ard B, 5mit}-, Inc„ brie~ed the Commieai~ri
an thc3 uee, to eAtabliRh n 5-unit plann~d zeaidenkiel 8evelopment to be usec9 a~
~1 mode 1 ho~r~ cum~lax, s ta~ing t1~at tha garage t~ r ono uni t would bu tha sal ae
u~fice Mnd the houae tha decorating aule~s centar tar tho pxopo~e+d four tentot.ive
tacacfis .
In answor to e quesY.iori from Cammie~ioner Rawl+~nd, Mr. Wj n;r~ adviaad tha~ thezo
would ba no w~iver reques~s Axcopk for the tt~o lote osi which Che ei.do-~n
variancu hed be~en appr~ved unc9ar. Varianco Nc~. ?489 P~r 'r:^a~ct r3o. 8223.
The Commienion wan advised that the six modols propused wc~uld b~ ix~ con£ormni-ce
wikh tha conditlana ~f Tent~ttive Map of Tract :ta. 82'I.3i trist oi~Q iot woul.d be
!~J.ack~oppod to provide parking for prospeotive buyer~, h~wover 3f.tar the homeo
wer9 sold, the, blacktop woul~l be remuved and a homu built.
~~mmi~p'_oner kowland offerec~ Resolution No. PC73-57 and moved for ita pa~saqe
and adoption L•a grant Petition for Conditional Use Permit_ No. 13a3 with tt:c
unde.rHtun~inq that no waivers would be rHquired c~xcept th~= eide-on waiver
~pproved in Ver~ ~nce No. 248~). (5ee Resalution Pook~
On ro 11 c;~ll. the ~azegoing r~solut~un waa pasoed by the f~~llowiny vota,
AYES: COMDIISSIdNEkS; Allred, Parano, Gauer, HexbRtr ICaywoo~l, Rowlincl.
NOES: C~NiMISSiUt7ERS: Sevmour.
:[n vot.ing "na", C'~~mmi.ssioner Seymour indl~rated that. ne could not app,.ove thia
app:4ica~ian until some satisfactory answ~sra h+~d b~~~n furniahed relative to
drainage problsms.
Cr~mmissi.oner Kaywo~d suggested that the ~ommission view the drair-age Aituatior~
in Ana~hcim Hilla, at wtti.ch suggestion Comm~.ssianer A11red noted *hat. unla~s
the applicant cauld preaent a renderi.lg to ahow thc housev on the praperty,
wher~ the dzainays goes, and how it aats t.here, thE px~nblem would not be :.oived.
Commiseiandr Farano stated tliat Mr. E~arnes (of the Peralta Hi~.la Hlomeowner.s
A~sociatio~) had Qtated some damage had tak~n placet that no actiont+ o.r recom-
mendatione had been taken in regard tv a letter rer,eived from Mr. Barn9s, and
a serioua consequence could result if 9tatemanta madQ by him ~rer.e true.
Offic~ Enpinee:: 3ay 'fitue stated that the 3xea in 1:he propoaed traa~s wae1~
samo clrainaqo areA as the txact ln which Mr. Barneii resid;~es.
The Cc~mmiseinn :.ni~cated agr~emen*. that tho mozninq seasi.on on Apri~ i6, 197:~~
ehould commonce at 9:00 a.m. , an~. ~rranqemente ahauld b~ made with Mr. 3arlsic
sa w~s:l ae thn hompownars group~ .'..n thn Snnta Ana Canyon area for a tour atart-
ing f r.om Cit;• ::~! ~ at 11 :00 a.m.
~ ~ ~
t4'~Ni1T~S, CITY PL,~-NNINfi COMMIf38TON, April "s, 1~7:~ 73-~0
CUNPITIONAL I1~~ - P[IHI~IC NaARxNd. ~'MC C'.ORPDRATION, attontl~a flt Y~'ra~nk Kex~',
i~ERMiT N0. 138~ Menaqer, 1400 Nnrth 9urtan Place~ Anat~elm, Cs. 9~806, ~rnorj
~~~Mr requ~eetinq psa•mi~rinr- to CONTiNUE JTORAGE 1-ND H~IiDLIN~ OP'
4'WQ POUNDS Qt~' C'L113S "C" FXPL06IV~S FUR US~: IN 'rttL+ M71I~CIF~L^
'PURF AND TE3TING OY' ELECTRO••MLCtiANZC1-L' DEVIC~9 on grrperty deacribad ae: A~'~
:lrrQgularly-Af~ap~+d pnro~l af l~nncl oone:lstinq o! appr.oxin~at~:ly .7 a;;res, having
~s lront•.aqe of s~pxaximeroly 32 fe~t on thm euuth ~ide of thn csul~•~u-ae~c of
9urtan Plso~e, huving s maxi.mum d~pth of approximaCely 2n0 l.eet, isnti be~ing
locatarl ep~roximately 450 Puet aouth o! the cen~ozline of Vi.a 1~i~rCc~n ~trest,
Praperky pra~ankly r.lsass.giod M-1, T.ICH'fi INDUSTRIi-T., ZONE,
No ~~~n a~pearAd in agpoeition.
Althauyh the+ Raporl: to the CommJ.esian wue not read at t:he public ho~arinq, it ie
reffered to mnd mado a part of the minui:ee.
Mr. Fr.ank ~terr, Manaq~r of FMC :'orporation, 140U No~t1i l~urtan r1~cd, Anal~elm,
waca uvalleble to answer que~tions of the Comn-iseion, ata tin~ that hd wiahod to
conti.nue t•.he nctl.vity ot etoray~ dnd handli,. ~ of r~ emall ai;ount ~£ C1 dss ".;"
expln~rivee ir, the M-1 zone~ that th~y were atar~d in An axploeion-prvof ahamrer
within a concreke vault~ that. the toets~ were controllec~ within e.afety ohamb~rg~
and that the metoziala we~-~ r_ontzoll~d by i.nventory e~~d uee cnntx~~7. documentn,
anc~ the storage af fl~~~.061~VEiH waa •ln•.:.uder' in e hor,ded a:ea wi~h ~ecur:ty-typa
Commiseioner Kaywood o~Eered a metinn, nec~nded lxy rummiat~ionwr F.owlnnd, nnd
MOTION CARRIEU, tltat thc "lanni.ng Commission, in conr~ectinM with an ~xc~mption
Declaration Statua reqiieat, f.i.nds und d4teaman9t~ thttt the pro~osal v~oulcl have
no aign.ificant envi~r~nme,~tnl impac~, and therefnre, recomme-r.da ca thE+, City
Council thar no Er~vir~nmontz~l Impar.t Statc~mant i~ na~easaxy.
t;oini„is~ioner Rowlurrd offered Res~lutio~ Nu. pG73-68 nnd movg.i for its psesaqe
and~ adoptl.on to gznnt Petit3.on for Cou3itior.al rJee Perm~t No. 1382 s~~jeat t~
conditions. (See ~tesolution Ba~h)
On rol.l eall the foreqoina, re~solution ~vaa naosed hy the foll~winq ~•ote:
A~YES: COMMISSI NERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbat, Kaywood, Rowland,
NOE~ : COMMISS 1:ONE RS : None .
AMErUMENT Tp miiLE 18, - Commiseioner ~.auer oifered RaaoI.ut~.or. Nc. PC73-69
ANAHEYM MUNICIPAL CUDE and m~ved for its paesaqe and adop ~ion tu recommend
~ ~ to ttie Cit} Coui~cil m~-endmF~nta to Ti.t1E~ 3.~i, x,onittg,
rel.attve to stozage of exnlo3tves ae fr~l].o~rs:
ADD: "Section 18.~4~150 The fltazage of C].ess "C" csxk:los~.ves maX be
permitted in any zone sub~ect to tha c~nditior.:s
con~a~ned ln the~ Uniform Fire Coc~e but in no
event shall guah storage exceed 20 pourids."
AMENL~: "Sectior. 18.64,020(re) ro read} "Exploe,ive, StoraqP af Clasa "A"
and "F3" and Storage of Clase "C"
in excesa of 20 pounda."
(See Resulutlon Bcok?
On roll cell th~ Poregoi7q resolutlon waa pasaed by the followi.ng vute :
AY~S: COMMISSIAN~RS; Allred, Fazano, Gauar, Herbat, Kaywood, Rcwland,
~ ~
MTNU'CF:S, C7TY PI,ANNiDiG COMMI.,S7:GN, Apr.il Z, 1~173 73-1~5
RLPOR'f.~ 71N1) - 1:TEM N0. 1
Z~n1ny Supervisor (;hnrles Rokdrte ndvisod the Gommie9ion thoL• n let•k~r had
b~en r.eceivad Pram Mr. tl. f~. Ooborna, C't-~e:i -~riyinaor of. L•he O~sngo County
Flood Contzc~l L~intrict rvlarive to the E~roE~osed extann.ion of e bicycle trail
wiChin tho Cit_y nL` hnehAim ared requosting a dF:to~'m7.nrat:l~an i~ thnxn wculd be
any el.gni.flcriit effect ~n the e~»vir~~nmti~r~t Pt~m Aua~~ a trnil, and wher.her tho
trail ls in aonfarmance w~.th th~~ City':t uvera~l GA'.~era:l. l~.lAn.
Commieaiuner S oymour off.or~+d a mok.ion, r~acor.dc,d t,y Co-nn~iritzioner Keywood, to
forward R.~aolut•J.on No. PC73-70 to th~~ Ar.an,qe C~»nty F'l~od i:ontro]. Dietrict:
advioinq that tlie propo~nd blcycl.e trail £xum ~cii~;gex t~~ I.incol.n Avanuea
follo~ing~ ~he Santa And ~ti~iox i~ in conformanc:Q with the ~ropos~d Gnneza.l
plar of i•:he Ci t.y ot Anahei~~, and that. tlia propased trail will have no ~igni-
fican!- c~i'fe~t on ~:h~ gnv~.r4nment.
VARIADIC:I: NU. 27.67 -(L. V. Host~ri.~k - Mldwasy Trdilor
Sal.ea.) -- Property locat~d at th~~ iiorttiwe~t r.orner of
Midw,iy Drivo and T~natieim t3ou1«var.d - l~~qur~st f.or an
extE~n~sion of tim~.
Sub~ect r.oque~t wae cont.inu~~d fr.om the meeti.n~ of Mnrch 19, 1973.
Zoning ~uper••ieor Char'.~~s Rc~bex'ts adviaed the Commi.[~sion ~hat upon a. recent
inspe~tion it appoaxed ~iere wFre now f.our damp :ttat•iond ~n the site, wllmreaa
o-~l.y ~hre~~ h~ d been 3pr_ ve3. Farthex, thixt a~par.ent].y vehiclas other than
pi:~kup trucks ware bein9 sol.d fi.,m the ~ito, anr] that ot.h.ec ~vehiclea~ whetn~r
t.liey were for aale or fo.r s~~~rage, were 1.ccat•ed on Yhe ~roperty.
Mr. I3ostwi~k, son of thP applicant, was pzesent and informed the Commidsi..n
there w~~re on ly thrce dump s±ations, how~v,:z, theres was a sanitary con~iection
fro-n the mobilahome usecl ar~ an off.ice, Ana that the us~,d v~hiclee located on
the property were t~kan iii on trade and were ncw fc,r salo.
Mr. Bostwick was advised Ci~at he had n~t b~~en gr.antcad ~ut'.:ority Lo sell used
camper trucks , mobilRhomes ur trucks on the pzanerty~ tc. which he replled
that ~~me recor.ditioning was rPqutred on t~radr.^in c.amper equipment hef.ure `t
cou].cl be whole~ealed out to a dealer. He was Eur.ther. advised that he :~as
grur~tecY autharity to servica only veh~.r~a es whic:l: nf: so1d.
The Con;mission diacuss~d the appearancF ox ~~ie ~. ..op::rt:~ • 7.andscaping which
had not been completed according to pla~rs ~ubm:.".t.Fd, and the ~nmber ef. ~ ~_
cles parked around the mobilehome us~d as an of:i:,H, ar~.: that L•he appiicant
h~d t,eer4 grttnted a privilege not granted ~. c~ v`.hers ~:'~ ..ch ~inc the u~~ ~~ f tiie
mobi.lehoine as a sale~s offic~ ior permat..:nt u::. for a peri:.•c. ~~f one y~ - orily,
a.nd some pr~visian slaoul~l be made for con ~t•ructic~n of a~~:r.m~~,zen+~. iar. .ity.
Mr. Bost•~rick indicated a largo shed .sdjac~:nt t.o the pr~ rty was being uaed
for ~tor~age of workmen's too19 and ecluipment; tY~at: pre~,r.nY. pians were to
~rhtlr~:; ~;-~ business at tl,e present location; :anc1 L•hat a1tY.ouyh •:here was rxo
contr;.ct. or gu~rr..tee frota the suppliex, all ~rt~ilexr~ rau~~'- be purc.ha~ec] by
iiim rakher t..~tt c+y.• roneignm~nt. HP further i~d~.ca±ed th~~:: dCZ1A3~~9G, the
busines-s had no:. t.:~en succesc~ful, anc3 he ~vonlcl have ~o ~•~~nlinue tn z~:quest
permission for use of the m~bileF~c~me a~ a salas offic~ c~n ~x temporary basis.
Commiss•loner ~arano suggeated tnat the conditlanal use permit be renewe~j to
aid the appl icant in :nakir~q a auccess uf thc~ ~:enture, huwever, he questio:~ed
the app?.ican t's clesire to alter 'tha pz'emises ~.n3 make them presentablet tha`
he snauld be given another s~xty to nin~ty day•~ to improve the prcpexty, and
if this were cione, he al~ould be gxantad permis~ion for a~nothQx year..
Commissio*.e~ Herbst o£ferec~ A motion, seconded by Commissioner Farano and
MOTION CARRIED, to approve the requested one-year ::xtansion to July 20, 1973,
with an ad3itionnl extension to Jul;~~ 197d, with the further pzov~Qion that.
landscaping be installed from t;he front ~z tY~e offica to the 9ldawalk~ that
there be no parking of trnl2era within 10 feeC of the office= and thr.t ahould
ha wiah to se21 used un~.ts on thP pXOpHrty, he apply thrcuqh a conditional
use permit ~r variancn for th~~ use.
~ ~
I'C~M N0, 3
REQUESZ' FOR FENC~ CUNSTR(~CT.'cUIJ - P.roperty located
at thu southenet r,urner ~f Chartrea and Tonoke- Str.aetca.
M~~. Coorqe Hr~j~oeh, ~QO Nor~h Rtate Coll.aye Boulc+waxc~, ~-aat-c~tm, advie~ad the
~:omminaion of. tha neceeoity oY lor~aing tl~e ~~.roparty luc:ated nt the ~eouthaart
vo.rnor of Char.trot~ Strayt end Top~ke Str.eat w.lt2~ i~ 6~foot r,hainlink frnce+ on
the north, wAer. anel e~outh prapur.ty lince, wi~Ch lnckabla yatee on drivowsyd
rxam C_artxaa Streat• And tho el.ley ~o tiio eo~.ith, i a nr.der to ~ravide parking
~or c~rn~~.oyeoe nnd cuaComere durinq bUEi~hOI~H houx~s, aith ~he aroa locked dur-
ing the nigait•. ALAC~~ Chat nt timen aom~ cr~ra ~~ou.Y~1 romain paxked ovarn~.~ht.
Commisal~~ler tidrbet of~orod m m~tion, sec~nded by Commieaioner Allrad and
MOTION ~ARRIED, '~c, deny L•hin request on rho baeis that thr~ prc~poeed uae we~ul~f
be consid~rnd att~r.ago and not traneient ~arking and vrould, thorafore, not be
permitted ir~ th~ P-1 ?.one, and to c~uggest t11c~ appL.icant apply for thfs uet, by
me ana o f a w~ ~3•~.,~.,,4..~,'~~c'/ ~*,u-~~~t•{-~I.~yrL~-C.,i ~.
PERMI'P NO. 13'75 (Anuheim Meinorial. Nospital) -
Proparty lacated at the nart,hwest cornex oY La Qalm~
Avanue and West SY.r~et - Rc~queoc for approval of.
'evl8ed plana.
Zoning 9upexvisor Chsrlea Roberts advi.sed the C~mmiabi~i~ thxt Anzhc~im Memozial
HoApital had oubmit.ted revised pl.ann i.ndica.tinq a pxoposal to relocate and
reallyn the pro~osed 7-story building and ta i.nclude in their devel.~pment
proposal Lombard nxive and two odd:i.tfonal R-1 zane3 lota which had recetitly
been acquiredi that the zRVised plaans propooed to relocato the builc]~nr~ ~o
within 25 feet of acid o.rient the n~.~row side L•o La Falma Avenuei that the
waivsr. caf maxfmnm bui.ldtnc height w~thin 300 fPet cf z single-family r~siclQn•-
tit-1 zone boundary Advertiaed in 4:he agproved Conditional Uae Permit No. 1375
had apF>lied to the tw~~ recentlY-acqtiired pr.operkies; and that pazking spaces
would be incre;sed fr.c~m 653 to 'i?.7., ~.39 ~paces ovcr the 583 s~aces requirad,
~ommis~ionex Saymour offered a mation, saconaed by Cummissioner Allrod and
MUTIOH CARRIED, to approve ra~~ised plana tndicr~ting that t.he revised plans
are suba±antisily in canformanc~ wi.th the intent of the Commissian's apprnval
~f Coniiiriottia~ Use Permit No. 1375. (c:om:nif~sioner Fcow]and abstained ir~m
voting . )
Mr. Ed Neff from the Anaheim Street ar.d Sanitation UiviGi.un was present to
$nawer any questioiie relativ~i to a study made of 25 cities in Soithexn ::xlifrr-
nia regardin~ refuse collection from cluater housing developments. It~ms 31s-
ouosed t:y the CummisAion included:
1. Exist.~ng r.efuae collect•ion ratds ar.e base~d on the use of maximum capacity
2.. F~reaent e utptnent requirea cert~in mir.imum operating area in order to be
used safe~,y and economically.
3. Refusa collpction fram dc~velc~inents incorporating dead-end dz.~res and road-
way!s with inadequate ~urning xadii i~ hazardous anZ costly.
4. Smallar, more maneuve.r.eble equipment is avai.labl.e For purchase.
5. The City's obliqation to provide refuse cellection aervice or~ priva-te road-
~,rays is limit~d to th~~os dreas where aclequate ac:ceea is prov;.dad.
h. Aomestic r.e:us4 collection and removal systems cf a more aophiet~.cete@
nature than is preaent~y u9ed ai•e non-Exiatgnt, and no fuxther reiindu~ent
is anticipated.
~ ~
MINUZ'I;S, CT.TY PG}1NNING COMMIS:;TUD , A~~xil 2, 19'!3 'r'~-2~'7
ITF.M NQ. 5 (Cc~ntint~4d)
r, cumbin~t~on uf the follawiny Pnctora haa mad~ rofuso collec~ti.on in cluetnz
houninq re~faont.ial arnae ditlicult and he-zardouas
1. The uoe ~P lnrga COZLN~:~~.Otl vehiclee to prov~de rhe moot economicel ~ervico
2. Pro•~ieian af min.imum ereae for vntiiciiJ.ar. tx•afPic
3. Congeat~d vehicular cc,ndit:ion
4. 1RApidly incr~asi.ny residential ref. iee g~norA*.lon
5. Chi.ldron and pudeat•rian ue~ of rondwAys
6. Abaence of buaic tec2tnol~gionl, 3~reakthrouqttF in reeidential rofvse xemuvsl
met.hode .
Further ~ieciission w~~ held by the Plar-ning C~mmies~i•.,n ~+3 fo1l~~ws:
FARANOs 'Lt is impractical to use ~ma].l~r vehicles, it i~ i.rnnractical that
thezo ar~ no curr~nt far.thccrminy improvenien~s tn trash collection tochnoloqy.
We hnva conetrur,tt~~ly no oltornatives p.reoant~d. 'rhex~ wag aom4 oxploration
ae to wlta~. alternativea woze posai.bl~. We had kwo or throe augr,QSL•ioi-s that I
would ].ike the op~ortunity to c:halwenge, ~aying khere is no modern te,chn~luqy
that ie go ng to be abla to help us take cdre of trash. I wc+ulcl say can9truc-
tively there are no alternativae.
RUWI,Ar1L: Y~u could very simply r.edu~•:e the accident incidence rnte by 30$ by
on~ simple expac?ien-.1 requirinn th~it the trash be pack~d in either Fapyr or
~lastic. Wa have on our buoks an or.din~nce that says ~.io one in the City of
Anahaim will use ar~ything but pJ.aati.c L•rasti containera. The inference ia t}iat
~ve are not goinq to us~ 55-gallon drums. i just can't balieve that we hava
exhausted the compromises :~t combination, Che thinga tt?.at ar~e availnble to us.
The turnin~ r.adius ia excesa~~~e frc+m the sta.ndpGtnt that we provide the turnin~
radius atid they dnn't use it that• way. All we are doin.q 13 comm.tttinq mo:e
pr.operty to a land uae that ia perm~nenl• at the c~xgenae of disposaUle i.tr_ms.
You az~e cotr~mitting lar.ge stationary objocts tnat are limi.ted iri lar.d Y:or t2~e
b~nef.it of disposable ite[ns that are vehicl~s.
GAU~R: Our biyqest problem is to see khat thoy get the trash outJ wh~tever
vrorks i.s alriqht with me.
ROWLAND: The alternaLives have not been explored as far as .I'-n concernec:.
There ar.e no al.ternatives ~xcept L-Y-e one that is praposeci, z~nd that is to pro-
vide standard st•reet sectior~s, and then the Engi~~eering Divlsion g~t~ in thei~
.Licks on this, xhey set up star-dards which are essentit~l.ly standard r~treet
sections with grades that are specif.±ed. The fact that you huve s~andard curb
and gutter. section~, cer~ter]Line radiu~ se,:, so everythin~ ia b~ck to where we
were. The minute you go for thta you t~ave standar.d street sections ~hroughaut
thE c~7mmunity. Maybe that is the only ~,~ay to go, I car;not believe i~ or accopt
it personally. The less r~pace we devote to the ~ars, the better oEf we are.
KAYWOOD: I want to disaqree. As long as we are liv'ing with the car. and m~ving
vehicles, we juat have i:o make space for i.~~. The ~tandard street section ia the
way tc~ do ik, and ~ve have to tafie j_nto acaount }~ th~t we do have movl.r.g
vans as biy as t}ie sanitation truck, and in a itew araa you have them coming in
all the time. In an apa~tment or condominium ar~a you are gQii~q to have them
mora th~n once. 'rhe del~very trucks come on a pretty regular basis, and then
you have ttie fire and emergency trucka. The bott~ecl wxter tru~ke a.re huge. i
think we have tc~ have the aizP p:.reets that ~will accommodate ~h~m.
F~ ~. :J: Th~ larger th~: trurk~ 4:he larger t.he strea'a are go.ing to have to be.
SEYMOUR: I have an a ~rnat.ive to prnpose, and 2~.^_kirig ao:r.ethfng ~lse, I will
pr~pdae it in the for f a r~.:ommE~ndntion . o~~~, that w~ set a atan~~ard. tt-~at
is ~afe with fir~, tha; meaiis 27-faot radius. ~1s far ae traeh truck turn-
arounds are concer.ned, set a standard of a 38-fuo~ radius. If a davelo;~es ia
a.eking for a radius o£ laee than 3~: feek in areas where trash *ruckn mast anter,
~ ~ ~
MINt1TES, CIT'Y P1.At7NING COMMIS ~IUN, Apr.il 2, 19"13 'l.3-:tUd
ITEM N0. 5 (Continuelf)
thsn th~ recommendakion would bo that tl~ere ba x separnt.e Fon N~~ up to co~vor
tha a~dded gxpanao of, pruvi~inq t.r.anh col.leat:ion aorvic~r Tor rcuch e~9ove,lo~mRnt:.
I! the develop~ar wankq t.~ opt to havo ~ omaller re~Aiue thc~n i.t+ ~'lOC•6~BBAXy for
ttaeh trucke, the~n 1Rt t~im be praparod to pry the i.ncr.•aaoa lh ~»ii~: of. hr:ndl~.nc.~
Chat traah. In thaae dovdlepmenta whera he r~+tur~e~ t.o me~t t.ha nC+~~~ctara c~f 38
~aet, thsn they comm un~]«~x the etnr-~1t~rd Lee sHt ~aE7 by thee Cit.y.
KAxW00D~ When yru e~nak o! the dav~nloper PHYinc~ moro on t~.h~ 27 f:ec~r, you dx.~r
l•alking a~bout the t.enan~e payi.ng mnr~,.
SEYMOUK: The consumAr ia going to ~.~ny mora L'Oy111C(1).0A73. 'Pha txc,me ow~ner.', the
PUU, he ie goi.ng Lo pay for i;:~
KAYWC~GD: If thay don't kn~~r about th•.!: in advance yc.~u ara g~~ir.y t.c~ have the
moving vane in every day, not ovnry wc~ek. Then the t.urn•-arcunU ha-~ to be~ 3t3•-
foot radius.
FARANQ: A ntrAet with ~ 38-foat rncliua ie not: quinq t.o hr~n~l~.e ~ moving van.
Thay rsro gel:ti.nq trai].era now t.hat nro 45 feFt lang, ~and y~u g~~t: an~~t:h~~ :.~~ leot•
or no for tho txa~~tor. The Iqgal l.'_mi.t ~n mc,3t ~t~tov n~~~~ i~ ~o'i feet, ancl th~:y
raro r.lgh~k up to i~L-.
GAUEIt: How are y~~u going to iaake the Y.eiiant P3y7
NE~NF: Mr~st pay in tneir utility bill.
ROWLANDa Anc~ther ar~3~ that has not been explar~d, and :it doe:~ a:xi:aC, zind taat
ie when yau provide tnesa tighter r~.rnir~y radius, you ~.c~u.ld ~~r~ h.he r.ast E~ciudrely
baok to che devalaper, wo~~lr~ rP to have him provici~, the mt~ciAt~r~ical ~>quipm~;zt un
a onc~-time ba~is thdt IL takas tu cio thaC, whnteve:x it. ~.rskNr:~ r.o cnai~ie~uver ir~sic~e~ ~
it then becomes ~he property af the develQ~er.
SEYMnUR: Is ther.o anything i].lagal about this rec::>rnm~ct~clist'on?
LOWRY: We would have to change o~:r ordinanao but i~ i~ l~: ~~a..' a L- ut I b~~;li~v~
there is r~ methoct of accomplishi.ng what you ar~ tx•y in<x to a,c. c.vmplish. We wou'ld
havQ ta amand the~ oxdinanceo as thay exisi: at• tha ~rc~.i+:nT: .:a.tn~~. T.herP 's rio
provision tho wa5• th.e orainar.ce is wriYCen. I th•li:k. :~'c :~s h?~f~aai.5le to arc~mpllsh
your ob3octivQ. I t~ncierstand your intex~,t. Thl.s S.s sic~t goir~<~ ro ~e ~:asy, it ~.R
not caing to be {~011.1-irally popular.
FARANO: The oth~~r zilternative would be~ that i:~, give t1~k: i.~N~rolapez an a},t~;rr~a-
tive that ia sat:lr~fa~.ctor.y to the Planning Comm~.s~iion ,:~.^.d r.::i.r.~ Councfl. it hw wani.s
strpets smaller tt~an thr 38 feet. If he has an 'lc~ca •~~~-d ',-e: wnnts ~a fU:rczi~.h L•hR
additior-al meana or he can dexive a way ~f accomg~:l.i~hi.i~.g tkif~s with~aut cc~,tinq
everybody a proh:ibitive a:nount uf monay, giwa h.~rn th~-~ oppo~:tunit~~ ~ca exp3.ore l~is
own ingenuicy, y::ve the peop~e the opportu~t3t.y t:o use tti~~~.r own in~7enui~ty.
RC+'AT,AVll: If for some reason tha City Cou~~c~.J. fw~el~ 3.t a.}:~r:toluLE~y ilE!Gf3fi~3d'Cy to
adc,p~ thie~ 33 it is, no natter wl:at our r.~r.r.~m:I1@T14~3ti.q118 nr~. I would aay 7i.ve
serious oonaiderfition to chxnging ~11 Engin~~erix~.c;~ Di.viaiun requiremeril-~ fc~•r
stanc~ard curb se~~tioris and stmndard drainac;~ syr.~tem. If }~ou c~n't u~e a rolled
curb or a modifl~ed curb section i.n a NUD, i.t ma;.a~ i+~ ~~irtually impc~eeihl.~. to
hav~ n PUD as thQy are being devolopec~ lc,c:a~lly. Y~i~• iie~rd all tfao fli~~xibil:l.ty
yo~S can yQt in ~he des~yn of theee if yoa ilor~'t ha~•e a ynodified r..u.rb +~t~c~~.~on~ i,t
i.s ~.mpractical to Qut a aldawalk d.izectly !~~r.hir.d, a curk,, but wJ.ti~ a tnadil:Lecl
curh section otharwise you haNe a dee~ dc?%r~nr~si.an t~c~ mu..e up f.c,~: r.he~•~ curh
sect~on. With a modified curL aection ei lot p:' thinc~s ar~ par.;s:lbie ~tt-n~ ~re~ noi:
pos~ible with a standard curb section.
SEYM~Utt: I thi.nk that by qiving the bul.l~ic~r u amaller ':urn:ny x~ac~iu.s ~~ou' xr~-
goinq to give him the opportunity tu f i~c^:c~ase th.e denei ty and ~yctt in ~lwo a~ur4
unite. If we wa»t to save eome grec~n ~:paw~, then it ie~ up t:7 '~~s tc> h~].ci thn
l±ne. I don'L• think i.t is a p~oper trr~.de, aff - arcpt;alt rsther ~ha~n d~anm•lt•y.
There ehould be no greater denBity than 3.E tr,~~ ra~iue wer.+ 3~ f~~et.
ROWLAND: mhe developer ia moze s•:~~h~.a~i.cat~,cf than they woz'~ m coup'le y~snx's
ago, they hav•e a mor9 difficult t;lra~ sa~l].l.ng a~aakaqe and mu;~t, ~her~f.or~, be
more reaponsible than we give then: cred:.t foz~ on zs aay•-".~~-aa~Y basir~.
~ ~ ~
M.L[J~1.''ES, ('x'PY FL.~MN1N~+ COMMi~S7~~'R, ~+pr:ll 7~ 1973 ~~"20y
TTF:M NO. 5 ~Continued)
CARANr~s Suggaat tha-t Ne prascribe etandr~rc3 strecat aecti~ns of 38 tdw~, and ~.t
tlio cfe~velopaz wante 27 Eeet, he ha~ to (a) meint++in auftic.tent land hb h~• gieen
i n opc,n e~,ace and not r.~min~t.ted in ~nore+ densit}~ ~ anc] (b) 1•~r Iter ta ha-vA ~uccee~-
Fu.l ~neune of eati~r.fying thn Ci ty Counail, Planning Cu~nmieeion and Chs Cit~y unA
Enql~noerinq ~r.om a Pea~tbili.ty ~ta-ndpaint, of a succoseFul. way n~ k~a~dling traeh
AC~BER'PS s My ~inderetxnding c~f ~rhet lhw P1anr,inq Cummiaoion is eeyi ng in ti~at you
wou~d be making a zecommancicnt.ion to the City Council that the ote'~de~rd tnr an
area wher.e~ trash vohialeo have ta got int~~ has tn ba ~s minimum 39- Paot rndi~le~,
but Qo en skterna.ttvo tr~ thmt, khe~ develonor at h.lo uwn optian cen go a:~ead and
~xovide eomath:ing l.esd thnn tha.t down ta ds low +as 27-Yoot r.adiu~ turn-around
if ha wi,zi F~xovid~ ~ome atinfncCory merno by whl.ch trash collectia~n ~:an be
STsYMOUI~: IntierenL ia that I beliova it becomee incumbent ~hat we st.ructure xhc~
ordinnnce ta permit this duul f~e typo a~rrangament where tlie ar~~~ l.h~~t choode
or. A1oct to u~e ~.he ema~lez radiuo and thoretoro craate the problea~, ~~y Por the
pzl.vi2eg~e oi cloinq that,
LI~WRX: Aa Charlie hae phrased it, there wouldn't be the need foz th~ 3ua1 fee
i.f.` the deve,lepez is L-o fuzni.oh tho pro~f. '
CEYMOUR: Yes, there would, becauoe the bu~~.lders are yoinq to be unable to
.f»xni~ii pr~~of. The anus is on the back oP. the dPVelopcsr to demonetrr o~ow ho
iy r~oi.ng ta ztrasicae traah celiecti.on. If hcs doos not have an aIt•ernative of
pny ing a i~~.~,:,~r price E.o arrange that trash collecti.on, t1~an in faot he, hag no
alternative:.: at all. The ordinance has to be amended. to permit that.
tt~1t~ST: I can nee one thing wrong w.i.th adding an addiL•ion~l fee. L~;+ually ~he
3e ala~,er is ane that buildr~ and leaves t~wn, ar leaven the araa. '-e uan say,
OK, we' 11 pay ttie higher f:~e, and he put~ it in the CC&R's ~r whatever. He r~e17.
the unit off arid he is long gotie. It w~u1~ ba inherent on people buying to eake
over an this ar~d it may not be to their b^_F~t liking, and I think ~t~rt what you
st~rted with f::.rst off; that if given tl-.e alternative either-er_, that he hns to
do i.t or hd paya a higher f.ea, ~ha~. ls the route he is going to take. He i~
going ~ o ~A~r, wo will pay the hi.yi-er fee. Wpien he sells off tI1P. property and
leaves, h.^_ could care leas.
rA~tANO: Z think i*_ requires mure inqenuity for h~m tu deviae a means.
HERBST: He is going to have to demonst-rate to us when ha comea up ~w.ith a 54-
L•oot turn-around that h~ has a way to hacidle his trash, or he ia going to have
to bulld a standard sectioi~.
RUDERTS: hlay I augg~st that we hold thib off two more weeks and let ua c~me up
with alternate wording that reflecta what we r~ave b~~en talking about Y.ere tcday.
~Phat wou13 give I'rank znd ~d a chance to look at what the or_clinance says and
then bring it be-ck to you.
FARAN4: Isn't there anyone in this whole country who has de~viged a beLte.r
metho~ o~ trash pickup'?
NEFF: This ie the Newport recommendatiot- that we hav~e put in fx'~nt of you.
ADJOU~ZNM~~.+~r - There heinq no fuxth~sr busine~s to disr,uea, Commisaioner.
~ Herbst offared a motioii, sec4x~ded by Commis~s:.~ner Rowland
r~nd hlAT.~~N CARRYED, to adjourn the mFetinq to a work ac~ssion
on Apzil 12, 1y73~ 7~'~r'L''
The meet•inq adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
iteapectftilly euk~mitted,
~~-~-- ,~~.u. ..~-~~
L~e B~irgess, ~crQtary pxo tem
~naheim City Plannir.g Commi.eainn