Minutes-PC 1973/04/160 R C 0 MICROFII.MIuG SERVICE, IPIC.
..,,,~ . ~,.,
„ , ,,,, . , , ,
City Hall
Annheim, CaliPor.nie
Ap.ril 16, 7,973
RLGULl~R - A r9gulaz -aeetinc~ ef the Anal~eim C:LCy~ P].enni.nc7 Com~nienion aar
M~[:'PING ca.lled tU ardur by Chn~rmnn 5eymour et 2 i00 ~~.m. , m quorum
heinQ praQOnt.
~+RBSENT - CHAiRM1lN ~ 3aymatir.
- COMMI3SIOHER3~ Fernno, Gaudr, t{erbaL, Kaywoud, Rawl~nd.
A~S~NT •• COMMIS3ION~R9i Allr.dd
PFLSENT - A~biste~t Davolo~ment Sorvic~Te birer.tor: Ronald Thompeon
Aeeiatant City AtL•orn~y: John Daw'eori
Ueputy City Jlttorney: Frnnk Lowxy
C~ffica Engfneer~ .I~y Titus
Plenning 5up~rvi.aor: Don Mcqanic,.t
Loning 3upervfsor~ Gherlee Raberta
Asaistar~t Planner~ I'hilli.p Schwartze
Commi~sicn secrekary: Ann ~robs
Px,FDGE UF - Cammi~siofisr [~nrar,r~ la~ in the pledge of Allegiance ~o the
APPiti,VAL OF - Commisaioner Ka;-wood offered a motion to approve t.he minutae
THE MINUTES of ths, n~eeting of Marc}- 19, 1973, aecon~ied by Commisaioner
Gauer. and MOTION CP,RRTED, subjec~ to the following correctiuna:
i~. 73-149, p~ra. 9, should road: "Cammisaionoz Rowlanc5 offered
a motion, aecondad by Commis~ioner Kay~cood and
MO~'ION CAItRIED, that the Planning C~m-ni~6sion, in
cannACtion witki an exemption c7eclaratlon atatus
request, finde and determinos ttsat the propnsal
would have no si~gnif.i.cant environmente~l impact~ ~nd,
therefore, recommends to the City ~ouar,il that no
Envixortmental Impact SCn•toment ia neceesary."
Pg. 73-159, pAra. 7, ~+hould rsad: "CommtsQionor xay~roo~ offAred
n m4tion, n~conded Uy C~mmiseionar }-11red and M~TION
CARRtED, that the Ylanning Com~iseian, in conn~aCt'or-
with an exemption declaraCion sta~tua requeot, Pinda
and detarminee that the proposal would hr~~•e no signi~
ficant e~nvi.ronmental impact, and, therefore. recom-
menda to the City Council ~haL• no 1Er~viranmental
Irnpr~ct Statement ia necessary.
Pg. 73-].70, para. l, li~ie 9, should read: "enter4:ained the
'"eingle~ church" th~r.e 5undays :~nd had baptiem in
the pv~l"
Fy. 73-1~8, para. 1, ].inE 1, ~hould .ca~ad: "Mra. Ptiyllia Duncan,
agent fos the petit~oner...."
Pg. 73-187- Item 2, ~ara. h, line 5, shQUld read: "....uc~e.
Howav~r, fittal action should be defexzed until
April 2, 1973, for further information."
RS~ORT I30. 12 xNC. , nttention of v]illiam Stark, Proai~lent, Anaheim
Hilis, Inc., 380 Anaheim HiZls Read, Anahaim, Ca. 92806,
VARII~NCE N~. a45S Ownart proger.ty deRCribed ass An irrequ~drly-ahap~td
(R~t+DVE1:TISED) parcel o! lanc9 coneisting of e~ppi•oximat~2y 106 a~crea
~ havinq a frontaqe of apProximntely 4ST0 feet o:1 the
TB~I~SATIVE MAP OF 4outh e~ide oP t~ohl Rench 'Road, having a ma.xfmnn: depth
~RACT NOS. 8115, , cf approximatm].y 1995 Peet, and the eastorly 4oun~ary
8116, 8117, 8134, ' beiny approx:!~rcely 300 feat aes~ of ~the centerline o!
,~EVIS~N NOS •]+, Royal Oak ltoad. Prap~rty prasentLy cleaBified R-D1,
tdINUTES, CITY 1'LANNIN~~ COMMISSION, April .YG, 1973 73-2A1
TRACT NOS. Q115 8116 fi117 ANA Q).3C, REVI~IUN NO~. ~(Continuod _ _
~. ---~..._.L.-~.1_._....__L__..._ _. __., - .~_..... ._
500 Newport Center Drivt, Newpox:t Beach, C++. 92660.
CNGINEF.R~ VTN, 2301 Cam~iuw UX~v~, Irvine, Ca. y2G54.
Subject propozty i,e propoeed to U:• aub~liv~,liod i~+to
268 R-It-l0,U00 :one8 lotd~ I`ract No. 8.i1S - 74 ~Qt.~~
Trect No. 8116 - 5/ lota ~ Tract. No , 811'7 -• 6~3 l~te ~
nnd Tza~:t Nc. 8134 - 59 lota.
Subj~ct per.itiosi was ~nken oY! the ngenda of Novembor 13, 1.~72~ to be readvor-•
tiee~, anQ from the Apri.l. 2, 1973 m9eting at the requost of the~ pht~.tianer.
Chdi.rm~n Se5•mour noked that the patitionere hcd requcqted a four-week c~7tinu-
unce af the Environmontal Impuct It~sport, varian.:e and tx•nct.s.
Commiesioner '.cuywooa inquir.ad whother four woeks wae auf.ficient1 where~.~k~on
staff noCed thF continuanca requce~t wao to~- onl~• fa~r wooks.
Commio~j.uner Kaywaod oif~r~d R moCion, saconaefl by Commis~t~ner Gauer and
M~~ION (;ARRIED, to continuo r,onaidoxrstion oi' Environmental T.rnpact ItoporL• No.
12, Variance N~. 2455, ancl I'entative Map o~ Trnct ~Vos. al].5, 8116, F31].7, an~l
B134 ko th~ meeting of May ?4, 1973, as requeated by tlie ~e~itianer.,
Chafrman Seymour noCed that• he woul~ like tu di.scuss the field in~paction made
by the Planning Commisai~n this morning at Anaheiin Hills, and that Mr. Roland
Krueges liad slideR of th~ area aubstantiati.nq tiie concern regarding the drait-aqa
probloma affectiiiy ttie dow-,straam reaidenta where grading tiad occurred upatream
an Anah~im Hills. In eddition, A~:~istant City Attorr~ey John 1Daw~on wuuld liav4
further camm~nts reydz~iing 9rading and drainage in thi~ ara~s.
Mr. Roland Kruere.r, 561 Poralta Hi.ll~ ~~rive, appeared bef.~re thr-. Cammission
r~prASentir.g th~ keralta Hllls Hon~eownera Asdociation, noting that th~ purpo~e
af presenting the slides was ln ai~ppoxt of whxt tns City staff was planning to
recommenrl be r~qaire~i so that: new developmonte in the hiils would ~ake care of
the drainag~ but to ind ~ate the Y.ype of t.hing his oryanization would like to
avoi~ in the Santa Ana Canyan hill areas that it was true these problema could
be arroided by grading back, as r~epr.eaentatives o.f ~naheim Hills had indicated
tu the Commisnion on the field trip in the morning, and even thouyh Anahe~.A~
Hilla was taki.ng care of ~he drain3ge tn their t;racts, ~he problems which o~-
curred downstream of this were not tal:en care of.
Mr. Kru~qe.r tlzen preaentec~ a number o~ slides indicating the eroeion o:E a
natural drainage area and ita affect on the lower or dowristream reai~ential
area known as Peralta Hills.
Mr. Kxuege:, in summ~rizing, st.ated th~t the problems depicted by' ttie slide~.
could be taken ca•re of, but his organization did not fpel the City of Analieir~
h•~uld permit the c~eveloger to go in wiLhout a previcus plan for drainage
problems, because ir ane waiLed until a dev~lopment war~ completo to see what
wotild `~apper~, the developsX would be gone, therefore, fo~ the good of the entire
cnmmuiiity of Sa.--ta Ana Canyon, a. conc:ete drainage pla.n was n~eded.
Mr. ;Jameo }larig~c, Vi::e Preeident of An~aoim HiJ.la, appeared befaze the Commis-
sion and stated that based upoa thd tour which the Planning Commi~sion and
intexestec~ reaiden~s of the nzea had taken ~arlier in the day of the c~nt3re
drainaqe area, he had ju9~ one comments that in any hillside a-'ea there were
drainage aituntiona that muat be salved one way or the other~ that the City of
Anaheim for a long time was aNare of the ctrainAge situat3on in San~a Ana Canyon
and ~Cnew 1t would have to be taken aare of by aume type cf sCorm drainage. and
from his underatanding, the draindga waul.d be handlc~d iri accordance with the
City'~ n,aster drainaqe plan, and his company was prepared to a;eet any downetr~eam
drainage groblem.
M'LNUTLS, CITY ' iP1'~ "" COMMJ.SSIOti, npr~l 1G, a97:~ 73~212
Cha.irman 5oymour notad Chat P.r~m comnenta maQe by L•h• Cit.y L''nginear, the Ciruin-
a{~a lacil~ti~~ wuuld have Cu b~ insraJleA pri~r Cr~ e~ny ecldiL•lunal gradi.ngt
whereupon Mr. 8ari.~ia replie~ that he~ did nat ~hink that was part r~ the qufde-
lf.nae being aet fort•1i by the+ Ci.ty At.t~r,ney'e OPtice.
Cheirman Seymour request+~d t~iiat Mr. Daweon oxplain in d~tA1l. tho cantents o~
thy memoren.dum e~bniikted ta Cha~ Plaxin9.ci~ Commirsior~ ~n t.ho recommendataton-r that
wauld bo mude t~ the City c`oun~:~l ~~r adoption a; A~ril 17, 1973.
Mr. DewAOn adviadd 4he C~mmia~~ien that adAi~tian+~l capic:.~ of. tr~e memarandum wsre
available ~or ai~y intez•eeted clAValopdzs and ~er~ylne~r.a~ that the momoranclum aa~
e~rapoeal Co the City Council tor tltie er~t:ebliehment o!' a pcli~y whiah wae
A1fPoreriC than preaer.tly 0xieted 3A .~.t pertnined to drt-inage prubl.em~o siid thet
the mrmornndum w~~s prAOente~9 Co tha Planning GommisAior~ for thuir comment~ nr.d
sugge~tiona since the Commiselun ha~ dorie ~+xte~r.eivP atudy dnd revi.ew of the
drainaqe ~rublom.
Mr, ?~nwe~n tt1RO po.intad ~ut thmt all of tho NuggentivnA and changes in policy
ra~me~ ~bout b~caus~ of tt-o chanyo in thm doaisione of t•.he State of Callfornia
courts who formerly h~ld that iP ~r~i: did not divart wator, n~~e could p~ur :~11
the w•+tc~r. t.hey wt~nted h.a on t.he downstrae~m propexty owneX, how~~var, ~:hio wae now
chang~d :~~ thc+t the reaponeibilit.y ~1' cirr~inayo wae tha~ of the upratraam property
owne~, hawevor, the dawnetr.~am pronerty cwner rrau~.~~ hrsve to take reasonab~.a atd~s
to allow for the drain~ge on the loranr proparty, bu*_ ~11 tha coat ir~volve:d wauld
be borne by the upstre~m property owner, ther~afore~ it ~~as falt tt~at ac:.eas ox
dralnage easamente would hr~v~ to be ~rovided, but ff. the down3tream pro~erty
own~r did not- take maaeurus to accept the drainagQ, rhis then woul.d re:~ieve the
upstream proparty uwr~er o: ~ny drui~iage reaponsib3lity~ thett in tho filing of a
final tracl: mep, tl~e City Aktorney had givon the a~uggested wordage, and one ef
the things the c~urts had added wa~ ta the eff.ect thaC once a city accepted
water to the city street, whethar outside ar inoide, it was tk~F cicy's respon-
aibili.ty as to ~ome form of diainaga for diopooal t~ relieve other drninage,
th~refore, the city in t.l~e pruposed wor.dinq could not accept streeL•s until
drai.nage conetru:;tioi~ had taken place~
Mr. Dawaon tlien read the proposed stake~ments, noting that tl~is meant publ:.c
stree±a und street sytems would Tiot be r~ccepted by the City tintil after dzain-
a~e had been instatled.
Mr. Dawson then reac3 the revision to Condition No. 45 of the Interdapextm~ntal
Committae for Public Safety dnd Ganeral Wa].f.are standard recammendatians ~}nd
oxplained where the responsibility was cen~arad, no* only i.n the upstream lr~nd
owne.ra but the downstream land, which would apply ta botr the :E1at land and hi.tl
areas of the city and further es*_ablish dr.ainage districts iz~ all ux•ea~ of the
city bt~aed on nn acreage fee for the cost oi u~timato improvemeiits from beginning
to final dis~aaition, wi~h each doveloper being asaess~d eihher a drainage foe or
rec;uiring the installation of said improvements, and i.f impro+iements were placed
by ocie developur, he would he reimbureed by adjoining property ov~ner9 when their
property was developed.
Mr. Daws~n concluc~ed by stating t'hat what wae presented to the Planning Commi~-
aio;~ was not to be considered in r}1e natura of a publtc hearin3, but staff wan
~ust at*.empting to solv~ drainag;~ prcblems of both upper and ].ower property
owners and at the samP ~ime give the planninq Commisaion this informatinn bp-
cauae they had been deal~ng with this drainaqe probleui ancl were very familiar
wiCh it.
Commiasioner Rowland .inquized how this woul.d af€oct flat iand dev~].opment~
whereupon Mr. Daws~n strxted that th~ drainege fee for flat la»d would be con-
aiderably leas than the hiqh land areas, an3 each district m~y vaiy from or.e ~u
another, ranging from $900 to $1,500, the fee, of cour.ae, being based upon the
to~ography and the partic~lar needs ~f dxal.nage.
Commiesioner Gauer inqaized whotl~er a developer kould be reimbursed if he in-
etalled excessive tmprovementsi +ahezeupan Mr. Bawson etat:d that the required
improvements would be determined by icho Cl.ty Enqineer'e Offi.ce, Who would atata
~he type of drainage that would be needed, an~ !f a developer inatalled a 54-
ir.ch pipe, for inotance, instead of the required 36-inch pine, the developex
would be reimbursed f~r only tha 36-inch pipa.
MINUTF~, CI'PY PT,ANNItIG COMMi;~S:[Oh, April 16, 1973 73-213
Commieaianer Gaudr then obeazv~aci that thie wo~ld m~ee~n thdt a plan !or drei.nage
oP oach cnnyon wuuld hAVC tu be drawn eo th~C each pereon dHVA~.0~~11~ in tho
canyon w~uld know what and if he wou~d h~+ve to ~ay Por. drainaga ft+oe~ whwreupon
Mr. Dnwson etnte~d th+~t there wda a plan which had been finalited nnd acr.wpted
by the Qra.i~ye Cc~unty Fl.ood Control U1eCri.cC. ar~d whicli h~.fl becsn pr.ee~ntwd to the
City Councili an~1 thet th~~ r•lood CanY.roJ. District had made min~r chanqee which
d!t'+~ctod the clownetzeem la~nd only.
Commiesior~ar Herbsl• inquired wlietncr t.ho land c:oulci be c~~ndemnc.d if thA t~petrodm
pro~artic~e c9oveloped and Lhe ~ownetre~m nropertic~e refuracd ho ~runY right-of-way
tn the river lor. Lt~is c~i•a~ina.7e~ wFi~r.eupc~n Mr. ~dweon etated ~,t wue hopc~d '~hat the
lower psoperty owner wou],d dedicate di,nce tnis would t~e tor ~he prc~Cuctic~n of.
hio pro~oxty and wc~ild ae9lat them in :letezmining iP they hed e bettez plcsn for
drainnge lor,ation, howevnr, if the uity candemr-od !or the riqhC~of-way, than
the City would pla~e the •Jr.~inn,yo wher:~ they decided it w~s~ bfl~t, ancl this
mi.ght nnt bo where tho lower proport.~~ ow~er w~~u1d went it to be lccat~d, liow-
evor, the C~ty caiild still uac~ power of eminei~~ domain if. it fuund it n~cc+a~ary
L•o do so.
Commi~sioner Herbc~t the:~ inquirad whether thc~ owner of t.h~ ~ro~yrty through
which the drainage oc~currc~d would `iave t~ pay only whon h~ dc+vaainpod hir~ ~rop-
erty and not whilr it was dtill betng L19@(j £or. ~.n or~nge qrove, for inataricet
whar~upon Mr. Dawson ~tated that L•horo would k>e r~o definite perioc9 of time whon
the reimburaement agxeem~rit tern~.nated, but the Qzoperty uwner tlirough wh~.ch
the drainage in th.e lower area occurred woul~ *.~*. l~avd t.o Pr~y unti.l ha olanned
to develop }~is proporty Pc~r other than itfl or!.qinal u:xe.
Chairma.n Seymour inquir~3 of Office ~ngineer Jay Titu~+ to oxp~n.in thQ pos~ible
misunda.ratmnding regaxai.ng th~ fact th~t thp draic~age f8cilitles woulcl have L•a
be inatalled prfo.r to any more gradin3t +uher~up~n Mr. Titue atated that two
diffPrent sub~ecCa ha~d been r.lir~cu3sedt tihat drainage wae the generul policy of
tho City f'oc any deve].opment, and th~ ono he had mer-Lianed to the Commiasion
was in referetice t~, 'Pra• •. Nos. 811~ through 8117 and 813a, which wa~ sout2i ut
Nohl Ranck: Road and did not ~ppl.y to rsll 9rac31ng.
Chairman Seymnur '.hen .inquiz•Ed whether 4:h~ ropresentative of Anaheim !1i12a
un3erstood what was being d~.scu~sedr wh~ieupon Mr. Bari3ir. statQd hie company
was requeati., a continua:~ae of those tracts becauae CheS~ had to meet with the
City Attorney and Cfty Enginpnx regar~iing this.
Commissianer Gauer inquired hnw one cou:ld determind khat the.so drainago facilitie,a
were functional. if t}-ere was no rainr whereupon Fir. Uawsor, stated that was tt
problem which the Ci.ty E~igineer wculd have to resolve.
Mr. Krueger ~tated he would like to add something to hfa previous comments,
namely, rhat thc~ drainage distr.ict -oFerred to by Mr. pawsnn woulci ~e extxemely
exnensive for the Yeralta Eii11s area if it was bssed on acreaqe cha.rqes since
Peralta H111s had a one-acre mi.nimum estate ur one-fRmi.ly, wk~ile tha c~at for
th9 ~apstream area cauld be apportionod to four to five pr.aperty ownere per acret
that. nox•mall}~ there woulc? ~,e no drainage probler.~ in Ieralta lH111s be,cause of
the lower densityj acid *_1~at he dia n~t foel !t wae proper to pay fur ~ drainage
problem czeat:ed off a hill and at a fse which c~ne s~.nq] d-family hame !,n Pbrn.~. -
Hills would k~ave to bear r.ompared tu four to five oinyle-family homea upstrer'
Mr. Dawson 9t;ated that in his ~onversationa with Cit~ Attor.n~y Ja~ Geisler, t,..
~exalta ~tills azPa would praaen~. a different ptobl~m ~ince cer~.ain agreemante
were mnde upon annexation to the City of Ar~ahdim, anc7 Mr. Geixler st~ted th.at
if tk~e Peralta Hill~ peop].e int~nded to c~.ear up theiz own drainaq~ prolslem,
they ~vou:.d have to f~rm thair ~wn drainage diatrict to ehare their problem of
drainaget that this wa~s an exaeption to thie propoeaL~, but ~t thE eame tima
they were bac3ced by court decisldne, and the City would tcy everyth!::y ~oanvn-
ebl.y neceeeary to control this.
Mr. Barinic eta.ted there was one element of concern reqard±ng tha City Attorney'g
re~.ammendatione, but ovarall they wera in agr9ement with ahat tha City ~ras tryinq
to doJ tha~t his primary conr,ern wes tre degree of lossaz or gzeatE~z f].axibi3ity
of tihfe dccument beca~se, fer instancb, on0 100-acze parc:el in :he canyan plan-
ninq to dav~elop inight have to pnse through five di~ferenl: propertiea v+ith thr~e
dif~erent ~rainaye coursea be~ore xeaching ultimete di.spc-er.l, and in tl,e coureo
~ ~ ~
M:NUTL~fi, CITY 'I,ANNING CC~MMT:i5TnN, Apr.il 1G, 19'1' 73-'l14
Pi.ANN'INC`l''UMMISS7.ON_ANRt~P:IM }I7).,L:; 1rr~T,n '1R_LP (f:ontinuocl)
of dealyn of Ch~ dralnayo, sc~mv oC rh~ cl-•ninsgo oi` o~ie cou~'f:u miqTtt b~ rocluced,
wliile othere nigl~t bc~ increased, h,~wov~.~r, C}i~ ~~zapooed dor.~:mont would r~~r, qt.ve
the Ci.ty flexlb.ility from An erigineozlnq or plannina ntand~cint, pariicular.ly
when ana r_ould Ne~ fr.om eomu areao of 6~~arelta Hille whara throe lina~ wauld.
havo pnrallel ~l~ iinaqn caureer+, nnd many c~~ l-,ho trone would h~vo ta kie r.QmaveQ
, , ].ry tlie~ pi~~e.
Mr.•. D~sNeon 9t,ato~a LhnY. th~ C.ity Attox•n~y L-r.iFCl tu dre-w up tho cl~~~tnn~~nC au ~t11et.
i:: would ba broud unouyh, h~~waver., ttie duciimont di.d not eay thone dralnryo
lncil.tties had ~o be concz•eto pipes - thc:so could bn culvar.te, but tl-~ie waa~d
hr~vo tn be cic-tormi.ned Uy the Cit~y r•,ngin~~er., hut tho bur~IQr~ ~f ao domanyt:reCing
wcauld bti up t:o Y.hc~ upper dovc~l~~par.
Mr. ftuy~er Wi.leo7, xopraRenting Or.anqe~ UniPiad 5choul Di,~trict, ~r~quirod in
ralati~nohip to tha >chool Propc,rty i.n tha lower landP ~~rhbt would hnppen to ttie
echool. Aiat~~ct~ wher~*uE~c~n Mr, uaweon stdt~td ti~at l•he echoo!. pr.o~~rt•r .~oul.d be
pzotocted in a simi].ar mz+.~i»er, liowover, t~ha ~a~:hool would have to aor_~apl• the
draln~tge from thc uppe.r ls~~d ln tti~,~ aamo manr,er tis tl~e x~eaid~~ntu of Peraltn
I•lilla~ nnd that thb liigh schor~l aita at Ir~p~rial HJ.ghway arid Santn A-in C.anyc+n
Raad hsa a T•e+imburr~omarat agrenmont which the City had with one devo~opE~r and
the school. di~t~ricL•, nnd t11F~ dev~lopor wAS building drainage facilitioa thrauyh
the ~chool. aisr,ri.cr. gr~perty r~oin3 ~o tlie ziver, ancl t.he aqrdement atated Ctixt
theLA w~uld t~e r•~imbu:Ae~nan;: whon othe.r property ;.n t:he arc~a~ devolopecl.
;;omm~.ga.ioner. H~~'byt offer~d a motion, r~econded by Commissione~r Knywood and
MOT~QN CI:R1t2E^, to recommend t~ thQ City Council Y.he ~d4pt;.on of. the Gity
Council policy reyardinc,• drainagQ ~+9 ac:t ~orth in tlie memorandurc~ preprr.e~~ by
the City Attcrney'o office regarding cortifi~ation on tho tract map ~itle Aheet
by the City Clerk ~znd rev~.sion t.o CondiL•i.un No. 45 of the 7Cnterdepar.tmental
C'oMmittee for Public Safe~:y and G~neral hnlfare recomm~nciationN ae follow9:
A R~Gi1L~R h;F:E'YING ~r}i~~~or RE:LD ON THE D.AY ~F .__ r 19 ~
CnNC'! i'iON . "
That dr3.in.age af said property ~hall b~ clispused of in r. mnnner sat.is-
fnctc,:y t.o t.he ~ity Enginear. That necessary x'ighL•~o~-way for. o£feite
drainage facilities bE dedlca.ted to the City, or th~t all property
owne~a in~ro;ve3 have executed written rigtil-of--way ciedication to the
City, or 'chat the City Cot•*-cil will have initiated condemnation pra-
ce~dinqs for the acquisirlon of the zoquired drai.nage riqht-of-wa~~,
thb cost uf which ~hall be horne b~~ the derelop~r. The required
drainrg~ iacilitieu sha~l be oi a siae and Cype euiticiEnt to carry
runofE wnt~rs uriginating fk'osa highar properties sout:h c~f 5anta Anzi
Canyon Road through said praperty to v;ltimnte ~isposal ae appra:~ed by
the City Engi.naer. Said drainuge facilitl.ae stiall b~ tt~e f~.zet iten
o£ construction and ~hall be cor~strucY.ed and be f~unctivr.al from the
downstrea~m boundary of the pr.operty to the point o£ ultimate dis~,osal
pxior to tr-e ieauance of a building permfz, pxovidesd, how~~ver, that
builcl:.nq permi+ta, but not fina]. build~ng and occuFrncy pormita, raay
be iseued for model homeo not to axceed aix (6) in number in dny one
tsact. Drt~inr~qe 3i.etrirt r~imbureement agreements may be msde avAil-
ablo to the developere of said property uoon their req~eet."
REC~SS - Commiggionez Kaywoad of.fered a motion to recees the Neoti»g
for ~ivg ml.nutee to ellcw time fcx the Commiasion to be ~ub-
j~oe~r.~~ Por ~ court cgs~e. Th.e meoting re~es~sed at 2:40 p.m.
RECONVENE - Chairman Saymour recon~~ened t:~e maecing at 2:45 a.m.,
eell Commisezone:a except Allred beii~g prasent.
~ ~
"T~ ~15
R1~POItT N0. 8U _ __ _ F:osd, Anahui.m, Ce~. 42H06, O~vner. Proport~/ lacated eoiit~
h+~v:.nq a souY.herly
li.ne .
' of Santd Hna Canyun RoaQ aaet o! tt-~ N~~wport Fr.eoway an
exkendinc~ ~~rit4rly bwyund Mohlsz Drive to Wair Canyon,
bounda~y epproxirnataly alon~ the 9anrA ltnr- Mnuntaina ridga
Chair~een Say~mour not~ed thet a lAtter ws~ an lil~ lrom Anahairn [jl.lle askiny tar
en ±ndofinite pc~ntpun~iaent o~ aonoidaret~o~ a! Lnvironmontal Impacr Rapar.t No.
80, and tY~ut. Deputy City Attornoy l~raiik Lowry had e.ndition~tl :.nformatic~n rN-
gexdinq thia ulno.
Mr. Luwry then n~~ted that tht~ dat•s for tho e!lwctivgr~a~a tor Public I,awl q73,
a~so kr~own ae Ch+~1~L•ar 210G0 of the Publ~.c Rd~ources Cuae, wae Ayril °~ ,
thereby be~ing effoctive ae a r~sul.C oi' Tit]c 7'wa ~~f. th~ California Admin'. akr.+~-
tive Codc-, Sectic>ii 15.OF~9 now cumo into ePlent, whi.~h meant that in co~inectl.Un
wit}~ development whir,h h~cl not. had en Environmoretal Impar,t ReFurt (~ZR) t~ppraved
by L•1~.is tim~, no f:irthcsr action cc,ulA be taken is- cor~naction w.ich t'~at property
until the Clty Council appr.ovcd ari F.~IF: -~hie rieant tha~t +sny tzackn whf.ch hnd
appear~d baEor.~ the rlanniny Cc~mmisaion but hed not yot bc~gn wppr~vod by khe
City Council and un whic:h nn ~IR ha,d T~ut been made, could not bn dcto~l upen by
eithex th~ 1P1an~iing C~mmiesior. or t:hc~ City Council. .In~ eff~ct, Chie had to rlo
wit.h ?3IR No. DO whi.ch cover~d tl~e eintira Grant p.rapazty and Annhoim Hi~lr~, which
meant, aa t~e un~3~arstorr~ the law, a1: thia tima no Purther action cculd be takon
by Che Planning Commission or the C:ity C~unoil on any real proporty de~velapme~n~
on tlil.s 4000-aarQ ranch c~verou by ~;IR l~o. 80 nnt!.1 aftNr acl:ion had baen taken
by ::h4 P3.unning C~mmie$ ion and CiL-~~ Counci'L ndopting FIR No. a0 ~z eomething
aimilar ta the offrsct on Lt~e tutal pzoportiae ber.auee all tructa ar~d ever.ything
in the canyon had been phased. ar wF~re multiple g~:o je ~ts u~~dQr' 15.Q69, ai1~ as
a r.e9ult, boix~g "p,h~3eeci", bY r.hio t:hey a.'a£er.r.ec~ tu a a~a~ster GIR, nnd until euch
time a~ that maater Envir~nmental 7:mpac.t Report waa Adoptod by the ctty Council
coverinq tha entire pxoperty, nu f~arther City dct3.on wae ~egally p~-.aible.
Commisbioner Gauer noted that the Planning Commisaion had cop:tos of EYR No. 80
~c~ ~.nq~ired ~yhat coul.d be done.
Chairman 5eymour inquired what steps wou13 Mr. Lowry auggest to the Plaiini~ng
Mx~. Lowry nated ~that the, de~e.toper had Z'NC;UtlAt.6CI a c~ntinuanc=e of ~IR No. 80,
which woula ::ave tY.e p ffect as f.ar as thH rammission cvas concernec3 to deny any
further acti.on c,n an~ of the develapment projectd in ~che mrea that t-ad n~~t
nlzaady been approved prior to AFzil 5, 1973, thsrefore, he wauld auggebt that.
thi.s EIR be fil~d u-~ti7. c~nahoi~n Hills updat~d tk-a FIR witl: itiformation as
.re4ui red .
C~mmi~aoiorar i~:uywood inquired whFt}-er th~ ~ wnuld af.foct the continuance if the
Commiagion took action on It.em 1 of. the agenda wherein the Commtesian cantinued
it for. four weeks= whereupon Mr. Lowry replied affi.rmatively bac~upa the Commis-
yfon could not. take actian until after EIP No. 8U ~as aoT~coved, and thie would
also 3ffeot ttie several trac~cs which would be ~on~idered by the City Councl.l on
ApriZ 17, 1973, s+.nc~ the R~astc+c F.IR ha~l not been uppro~e3~ dnd i*_ waa his
understanding tha~ the City Attorney would edvise tlne City Couracil that th~re
wa8 a problem in i.aking action on tlioae ~r_ct•e at thie time.
Ch;irman Seymour inquired how long a conti~uanae would sta.fZ rec4mmead.
Planning Supcsrvisor pon MeD:ini.el. ac7visod 'c~:.e• Commisai.on that he haci talkad
earlier in tha dny w=th Mr. ~iu~ Bari~ic of Anaheim Ftills, And hP hAd indicated
that a twa-weak can't:invancc~ would be su.fficient.
Mr. Bariair. adviae3 thra Commission that two wee};a' time would be adequete.
C~mmiasioner Cduer offered a n~otion, secondc~a by Commi.eb~on~r Herbst nnd M~TION
CARRIEC, to continu~ conaideration af ~nv~.ronmental i~npact Raport No. 80 to the
moetinG of ApriJ. 30, 197~, ae requestad by the develo~ers of the prop~rty in
order to allrw time for su~plemantary inEarmntion to be submitted z6gardiny
storm drain facilities.
MTNUTF`~, CIPi P1'.,11NNING l:U[dM1~SI0N, Apr1.1 lEi, 1~)73 ~3`~Y~
'PENTATZVE M11P Gl~ - DGVEIaOPFRi CL71S3ZC A1:J1:LOk'MENT (:ORF,, 127~~0 Knott ~-veaue,
TRACT N03. 7617 Gerden Grove, Ca. 92G41. F.'NG INLERe Ror~al~3 W. Ma~~Cin &
AND '173i~ Tli1R0UGti A~ooci. aCe+g, Inc., 2212 Du ~~ont prive , Suito B , Irvinc,, C.e.
7734 9?.GS~. Subject property, lor nted on tha e~auth s ide o~ th~e
yU. ]~ 11ND TRl-CT Rivex~~ lc5e Fi~QOway norCh a ! 9a ntt- Ai~ a rnnyon Road ~ 1.5 mlle~
7735 1~Np 773G,
NU9 c~ant of zmperiel H~.ghw+sy, i• pr~pom~+d ~ox •ubdivini.on lnto
R~VI9xON NU. ~ eight tractp wi.th a total o.t' 397 R-- 1 zur-r~d Lota, ad follow~a:
-°r'"'-'~ ~~~ ~t'rnct N~a. 7b17, Revi~ion Na. 3, 0.59 acr9a - 44 ldke~
TrACC No. 7730, Revi~i~~n No. 3, 12 . 89 ecroe- - 57 1~to ~
Ttact Na. 7731., Ftevia.len No. 3, 10. 34 acr~.a - 44 lotm ~
Tract No. 7737. , REVie~ion tro. ~, 11 . 75 acr.e~ - S.L lote ~
Tract No. 77z3, R•i.eian No. 3, 12. 72 a~ree - 56 lota~
7`ract No. 7734, 1~ •ision No. 3, 13. J4 ucreo - 49 lots~
TrAat No. 77~5, :tevieio~- No. 2, 11_ 87 eares - S7 lot9t end
Trect N~. 7736, Revi~ion N~. 2, ~• 29 ac~~ee - 3y lote.
AnelaCant FlrxnnAr Philli~ :,chwartze reviawed the location ot eubjact praperty,
proviou~ zoi~ir,y action on the pr~pmz'ty, end t;~e propoasl to ei-bdivi.8e~ the
pxoparry c~~n~ieting ot etght tracts compr.tsinq Fl9 acros into :f41 R-•l. 2oned lote;
thet the PJ ~r~alin~ Commission on March 19, 1973, rocommand•~d a~~provnl of Gar~eral
plnn Am~ndmont No. 125 amenc~ing the Circulation F.lement ~o in~:~ir.ate the o~r~onsi~n
of Faizmonr Boulavarz acrose the Sdnta Ann River and tl-ie Rivc~rsi~9b Fro~wrsy thr.ough
che approvecY tract mapc~t thAt the apProved trect mape originally includad an
addltional 11. acres •to th2 wQet fox a total of 1.OU acres, h~wever, wirh thA exten-
~ion of E'dirmont ~3uulevard biaecLi.ng the property, thc~ r.evi~~d mape w~re euhmitt:ed
and du not reflect thQ westerly 11 acres~ artd that the numr~ar of 1a ts w~s ~ubse-
quantly reduced fsom 4SA to 397.
Mr. SchwAr~zo fiirther noted that a•t the Au9u~st l, 1972 , City Councl l meeting,
tho petit•ioner's aqent stipulat~d to limi.tin3 th~ 600U to 5500-nquaro foot lc,ta
to nu more than une at~~ry in hoight with thxee bedroonls and having 1''iS0-equare
foot h~mes and fuxther. indlcated the number of ~ats in thiA c.ategory would not
exce~d 36t - t.hese ~+tipulatio~i~ were all a conditlon o f apT.+rcval of the varian~,~j
~nc] that t11e currant trac~ m~~E~s indic.ated 137 lot.n, or 34,5l, of tht totul number
r,f lots rar,~ing ir~ :~ize fT~c~iii 60G0 to h500 square feet; 41 ln1;s, or 10.4t, ran9ed
in elze fr.m F~5o1 to 7199 squ~re feetj while 2.1~ lot8, or 55.1~, were 720(~ or
more square i~ec per l~~t~ that no t~ous6 plans had been aubmitted, Fsxecluding an
analy3l~ and avalua~ion of aames that the trn~t maps cor:forme~d with the Scenic
Corridor Uyerlay ~one i.n effect i~n thie pArticular arcat and that the existing
Suhdivison Ordinance as it a~plied to the ~csnic Corridor Zone wuuld r.equ~.rA a
b-fout higl~ eaz•then berm along the Sa.nta Ana Canyon Raad and the Rivereide Frae-
wey, wit.h the provi.sion of a 6-faot hi.~h mnaanxy wall whicki r.culd be cona~ructod
in li.eu of the berm where a harc3ship existed,. ,,T,~l since ther.e was a qrade 3i°fer-
ence k,etween aub ject propexty and S~nta Rna ;;anyon Road, an3 conaidering the fa::t
that the develo~pers of the tracts to the weat weze pe rmitted tn conetructi a 6-
fo~t wail rather thar. a berm, ~he Commiaeion may wish Co consider. the deve.l.oper's
proposal to ~.natall a 6-fo^'~ masonry wa1Z ulong 5anta Ana C~~riyon Road to be m~re
appropriate than the 6-foot high eaxthen bNrmj and that the devalof~er was proyid-
ing the 50-foot rear yard sekback along ~he frc~eway i n addi+:ion to the G-foot
i~iyii earth~3n bestm.
Mr. R~t~ Martin, representing the engineer, t-pp~ared before the Commiesion and
stated tha~ ~he revis~+d tract maps we:.e a~ubmittQd in ozder Lhat the~y wcauld re-
flect the fact ~hat Fairmont Boule~~ard h4d been s3opted ~e extendinq theough
aubject property, ~2:erefore, he would req ieeL approvsl of the tract mnpa becau~e
of thie revtction.
The t'ommission 1nZuired whether prc~•.-ision wae being rr•ade to compensAte foL the
cl>>nge in the ~iqht-of-way widkh for Fairmont Boulevard from 90 to lOC fe~et, and
wan. the homns sek br.ak euffic.ten~ly to take care of the 5-foat di fference~
whareupon Nr Mazti:~ replied trat his eng:neess had bean workinq with the City
Engineer to ~:alculate Che amcunt of property they would hav~ ta ded~lcata for
Fairmont •~-ulevardj that a portiar, of. the s~reet wou~d be acyiiired from the
adjoininq property awners, h~wQVer, chere wauld be no impzo~ement requi~ad Ay
the ~ity since developmant of Faixm.;nt B~ulevazd would not occur f~t aaothar
twonty years t and that the homea would be eet back 50 feet £som Fairrnont Beule-
vard as required by the SC Zone.
~ ~ ~
MiNUTGS, CITY pLANNTNG COMMI ,51c?N, A~ril 1.6, 1973 73-:17
TFN'~~TIVK MAP Qr TRAC'I' NOS, 761" RNU %73(~ THROUGFI 7734, R@:VISION N0. 3j At~f7
TRA~T NOa. 77:~5 ANp 7736, REVASION N~l. ~ (Continued~,_______ _T_,_._._
Commisei~nnr KayNC~otl inquirad whhther. tho clevRl.oper would mQat Cti~ 6S dBA sound
l~vel r.equirem~ nt out~~ioora and 45 ~98~'~ inAouret wh~reupon Mr. Mnrtin etated
throy werd t~war~r a! t.he City'S requiremente unQ th+xt the preamnt e~.ar-derde had
chenqad, thexo ~c~re, they were propuwi~ig R G-•t~ot hiqh maronzy wa].1 in addi~ion
to the G-toot Yzigh aarth~n be~rm adjac;ant tc~ tl~e P.raaMay in or.•c9or to moc~t the
~:'' dBA's Aa o• C-eblished by ti•~o Stuta Divieion ot Nighwaye.
Mze. Mary Dinndoz'i, ].3J. I.r+ Pe-x, ap~earerl bot~x'e thm Comminoian ~nc1 inquirad
wh~thei• the prc~poaecl d~v~lopn~c+nt waA aub~ec! to Che roqui.:~ement~ o£ an environ-
montal impact ~c'op~xt atl,~ly,
C~.puty C~.ty At.toxney l'rank L~:~wry a3vised tbc Cnnmieeion ~ni! Mrs. [~inndocf thAc
er~ onvirortmental im~~+act repo~~t t,ad wEtb11 approvad tox subjoct pr.vporty in
December, 1972 .
Zoniny Supervi. ~or Charle~ Rol~~zte noted thRt tt~o developor had suUmit~.Ad a
lott•er with Ch ~se ~:i•~ct re~risi.ons roquesting nn axetnption etetus from fi7.ing
an addir.ional ~n~ir.anmen~al impnct re~ort dince khere woulc] he no eignlfict+nt
ct~anges ovar t:2~a ori~in~slly-prop~~fled development, however, ~he Commisaion woultl
hav~ to clei:~rm in~ whether this waivar should b~ grm~nt:ed.
Mrs. Dtnndorf tl~en inqi~ized wh~ther the propoaed doveloptnont fe11 withi.n tlie
low~density de aignation of the Anaheim Gen~szal Pla,nt whezou~on Mlr. ~:~berts
not~d ~hat R-1 zoning had beon approWOd by the City Counci.l, howevez, ~~t thie
approval they had also appr~ved a vaxidnce as to si~e of lote~r and thnt t.he I
dev~loper had etipulatRd ut tha Cauncil hearinq L•hat there wou3.d be a maxinum
of 36~ of the lotg leas than 7200 ac,uare fdet.
Chairman Seymour noCad that the Planning ~ommissic~n, or~ M$y 8, 1972, approved
tha zoniny fo= R-1 but did not approve tha waivar~ requeated, and an MAy 31,
1972, ttle C'ity Council suste-in~~d the Planning Cammiusian action, but. at. a lator
re•-hoaric~g, t2~e City CoLnc~-~ z~pproved the variance in part.
Mx~s. Dinnd~rf then inqui.red bow this propusal wauld af~ect ti-e f.lood. p'lain
zoning recent 1y oatflblished by the Orange Coun~y Paard of Super.visorss whereupon
Mr.. Roberts n~ted that the Board of 5upervieors gatablished ~he fltiad plain
zoning for the properties within ;:he juriedictior~ cE the County of Ozange but
noh w~.thin th ~ City ~f Anaheimj a~cl that flood plain zoni.ng would not af.foct
subject prape xtY ~ntil or. unless the Cit~y af AnAheim adopted ~l.ood plain zoning.
Mr. Roger Wi.t ~on, repres~nting the Orange Uni£ir~d School District_, requeated to
oee L•he tx•act mape k~einq r.onsid~x~ec~s whereupon Mr, Roberts reviowed the mags
wa.th Mr. Wils on, and upon th~ conclueion of thie roviaw, Mr. Wilson r.oted that.
they pl~nn~d to purcha~e propprty on the south eide of '~he atreet frum subje~t
p~•operty for. a junior higti schoal si~e.
Commiss~oner Herbst statefl l~e had cal.culated tr,are would be 675 sc'~~ol childron
qennrated by the proposed ':.racta.
Commies:l.oner Ka.ywood lnquired why moro than ane-th~rd of tho lots were pro~osed
for lees thara 7200 sq~iaze feetr whereupon Chal+-man Seymaur r.oted th::ti the City
~`ouncil had appro'.-ed the waivers, even though thc~ Planning Commission h~d denied
them, tt~ozefore, the tract maps reflocted this apozoval.
Mr. Rubozts ~~viaed the Commiesion tha•t tt motian pertaininy to the eacempti.on
~tatue would have to fle t~ken by tl~a Commiesion pri.or to connidezation af the
tract maps.
Commissioner Herbat affored a motion, sacondod by Cot!~miaaioner Rowland ~nd
MOTI~N CARRIED (Comn~iesianez Kaywood voted "nn") • ta fiZd and deter.mine t2iat
in connAC.tion with en exemption declaration ~tatus requmat for Tract Nas. 7617,
and 7730 thrau~h 7736, that the zevised pro~,oaal wo~ald havP no siqnificant
environmenta 1 impact upon that establiahed under ~nvironmentul Zmpact ke~o:t No.
75~ and, 'che refor~e, xecommends tc+ the City ^_.ouncil that no r~dclitional Environ-
mental Tmpac t Statement ~rre necessary.
MTNUTI;:i~ CITY PI~ANNIN(r COMMT5SION, Apr.il. ]G, 1~173 ~~-71~3
TENTIITTVL l111P OF 'fR~CT NO:i. /G17 AND 7730 THROUGH 7734, REsVIStON Nl'1. :iJ ANO
TRACT N09. 7~~5 ANU 7736, kEVI5IOt1 N0. 2 (Cor~tl.nu~d`~__.__"__.,__~_~~____
nftice 1~ngi.naer Je-y Titus raqueated tha~C tho recommended c~~~di~lonr~ of tho
L•raots bofot•e tho Commieaion aortaininy to drainaq~ nhuuld ret`laot tt~e amond~d
r.equl rom~nt, ea~ recommondod by the f:ity Attarney and ndnp~ed by t:h~ Ylanning
C~mmieeion thie dete l~ sub~ec~ tracta were approvoa.
Mr. Roberta in~uir.ed whother the Commiesion A1RO wiuhed ~ in line wir.h Fr4vio~.~e
A~tinn Celc9n by tha Planniny C~mmisai.on on Lhe pzo~erty k~ thH Weat - to roq~~i.re
sound-atCAniidtion, auch ay u 6-fo~t hiqh eerthe~n baz•m and e G-foot hiqh ducoro.~
Ci.v~ mnaor~ry wa11 affoctinc~ ~11 lots adjacent to the Rivareido I'reeway in ~zdor
ta meet the requixed 65-45 dBA'g as es~tabliehed by thn Oranga County Hoa1~h
De~~artmentr whozeupan C.}~airman Seymour not4~d thAt. the developer had atipulatod
to sound~etter.uaCion i-o~uirements pz•ovi~ualy estab~iahQd by the Plunn~ng C'ommia-
aion on the proporky t~ thc~ wesL~ an~ theL• zevisod Conditi.on N~. a5 be substi-
tuted far the c4r~a.innqo c:ond~iti.on on those t.T.drt^ ~ E thfl Commiesion rpprovod
subject trt~.;te~.
Commis:aione.r Gduex otfpred a motion, aecondad by Commianion~:r. NorbRt and MOT10N
CARRIxu (Cocrtmieeionor Knywood voting "no" and Co~rmieQianer Allred bair-y absant) ,
t~ aF~prova Tantative Map of Tract No. 7617, Revision No. 3, subject to the
f~llowinc~ condiL~.nnn:
(13 That ahnuld thid subd.iviyion be develepod +~s moro than one aub-
div~eion~ aach ~ubdivis•l~n thar.oo~' shall ba eubmitr:ed in tpnta-
tive form for approvr~l.
(2) That all lote with~n this tract ahal.l be ~ervod by uncierground
ut+ ~.itiea .
(3) nat e fi.nal tract map of subject nropert-X shall be ~ubmitted
to and approvQd by the ~ity C~unc~il and then be recorded in the
o~f.ice of the Orange Connty R~corc~~r.
(4) That street namea sha:' be apprnved by che City uf Anaheim pr.ior
to ap~roval of a final tract: map.
(S) That tha owner(s) of. subject property shall. pay to the C.ity or
Anaheim t'.~e anpropriate park and racreation i.n^lieu feas as
determined to be appr.onriate by the City Courcil, sai.3 f.ees to
bo paid nt the time the building permit ie iseued.
(6) That drainage ~f s~id property ehull be dispoaed of in a c~~anner
satisfactory to tlie Citp Fngineer. That necossary .right-of.-way
for off.s~.te druinage Facilities bo dedicsted to thQ City, or th~t
all property owners involved have executed wr.itten right-oF-way
dedicntian to the City, or tha~ thd City Cauncil will have init.i-
ated condemnat.ion proceedings for the acquisition of the required
draina3e right-~f-way, the coet of whi~h ehall be bdrn~ by the
developer. The required drainage faci.li;;iea ahall be of a size
~snd type sufficient to carry runcff waters originating from
hig}ior Qrop9rtiea south of SanL•a 2~na Canyon Rord thruiigh said
property ~o ultimate dispcsal as approv~ed by tihe City Enyineer.
S,iid drai.~age facil.iti.es shal]. bA the fi.rEh. ikom ~f c~ne~ruction
and ah~ll be con»tructed and be functiona.l from tho dcwnatrean
boundary of Che property to the poin~ of ultimaCe diaposal Frior
to igauxnce of a building gera~it, provided, huwev~r, that build-
ing pArmite, but not finel buildinq snd occupancy permits, may
be iseued for model homes not to excAed aix (6) in number in any
onu tract. Drainage dist~:.lct reimbureemont aqreoments ma~ be
madu uv'esil~ble~ tu the deve.lQQers of c~aid property upon their
(7) That qrAdinq, excavation, Rr~d all otlier aonetruction activities
shall be canduc~ed in such a mannQr ou ae to minimizo thn posoi-
bility of any ai.lt ori.qinating froar this pr~jact b~ir ~ carried
i.nto the Santrs Ana River by sL•orm wa,ter origine~ting frum or
Elowinq through thia pzoject.
~ ~ ~
MINUTFi9, CTTa PUAN~!ING COMMI5~ION, April 16, 1973
Z'P+NTA1'IVE MAP U@' TRAC'1' N03. '1617 ANU 7 730 'PHA.OUCoFI '773~4 ~ REVISTUN NU. 3 ~ ANU
'fRA(:T NC~S. ; 735 AN~ 77:3~~~ RLVT9T.ON_ N0. 2 (Contlnued) ~_^,~, ,~_,~_.._~
r(B) '1'hat roenonable landecn~iny, including irrigetior~ taciliti~d,
ehAll be inpta~lled 3n tho meclisn and tha unpdvdd por~ion ot thA
north e+icYo oL thb 3Knta Ana c:enyon Road riyht-of-way !.-i nc:c:~~ra-
a-~ce w_r.h the rflquir.omonr.o of the ParkHa~y Mnintont+nce Sapezin-
tondenL•. E~oll.owi-, : inutallat.i.or~ end acco~tar.ce, the c'iry of
An3heim ehall ae+sumo 'the a•Qeponeibility !or taainCennnce of sai11
(a) Ttiak the City C~uncil reaervee the riqht to 3eleto or ~m~ancl ttie
naeump~.ion ~f lnnddcape matntonnnce in thc+ ovAnt Cour~cil policy
(101 Tti~et tki~ rehlculnz acc:esa rightA, except nt etreeC and/ur al.ley
opnn'_nge, tn St~nta Aria C:anycn Rorsd ahall be do~icated ta the
i;1Y.y oP Anaheim.
(11) Thak tho cievelopRar shall obtain a fav~r~bl~ flood ha~ard 1~ttc~x
acr.aptable tc tho C~.ty of Anahei.m fr.om nc~: Ornnge C~unty rl.ood
Control Diatric~.
Comrni~.sioner Cautr offere~ a motion, aeuondc~d by CommisFione.r lierbat and [dUTION
CARP.IED (Commiac~ioner Kn~~wood voting "no" and Comm.issiuner Allrad ~einq absent),
to apprave Tentat.iva Map of xract No. 7730, Revisi~n 1No. ], s~ibject. to L-he
following conditionas
(1) That ehould thie subdivision be dsveloped as more Lheri one ~ub-
divieion, each subdiviaion thero~f ah811 be aubmltted in tenta-
tive Porm for approvul.
(2) That all. ~ote within this tract aha11 be s~zved ~y urcderground
(3y That a final track map of subj~ct property r~hall l~e eubmitted
to an~3 z~pproved b~ the Cii:y Coui~cil ttnd than be recorded in the
office of the Oranqe Coiinty R~corder.
(4) That street r.ame~ shall bE approvpd. Ly tlie City of Annheim prior
to appr.oval of a fir.al~ tract map.
(5) That the owner(s) ot aubject praper_ty r~hall pay to the City of
Aaaheim the approprlate park and recrea~i.on in-lteu L'eae a~
determined to be appror.riste by 'the City Cauncil, sa~.d £oer~ to
be paid at L•he time the building permi.t is issued.
(6) That drainage of said propzrty shall be dispoee~i of in a manner
satie ractory to the City ~.nqineer. That ne~.aseaz;~ .rl.ght-~of-•way
for off~xts drainage facilities be dedi.cated to the City, or that
all property owners i.nv~lved have exac~te~i written right-of-way
dr~dication to th~ City, or t;rxat the City C.ouncil will havo initi-
a~ed condemnati.on pr~ceedings f~r the acquie.ttion of tno required
dratnage right-of-way, tlie cost of which ahall be b~rne by the
developer. The required dratinaie facl.litiea shall be o~ a size
and type sufficient to carry suno£f watora originating froA~
hi~ghor prcpertiee gouth ~f SRnta Ana Cany~n Road thrauqh se~id
praperty to ult.imate disposal as apgroved by thQ City Enqineer.
SAid drair,ago facili.ty.e~ shall UP. the firat item aF constr.uction
and sha~ll be conatructed and b~ kunc:tjonal fr~m the downstzeam
boundary o~ ~ha property to th~e point of ultimdte dieposal. prior
',•,o iseuahcA of a building permit~ provided, hawevei, that bui.ld-
ing permits, but not final huildi.ng and oc.aupancy permits, may
be tssuod fox model homes not to exc.eed ~ix (G) in numbar in uny
one tract. Dre~inag~ district reimburAementi agroe~mente may be
mede av~ilabie Co the developsr~ o~ 8d~d prope~:ty upon theix~
requeat. lhia ahall also incluc?e satietacttiry ~Y•ovsrrion for
dispaa~sl of 8rainage of "~i" Stseet.
(7) The+t qra~ing, exceva*_ion, and all oth~ar conatruati~a~ activities
ehall bu conducted in auch a manner eo Ae to rninimixcs the poeai-
bility af any eliC ar~.~inetlx~~~ froca thie p.ro~ect ba~ng carz.ied
lnto the Santa AnR Rivez hy storm water or3~ln~tinq frqm or
flowing thxough thia pso~ect.
- - - - ~
~ ~ ~
MiNUTE`~, CI'PY PLANNYNr., COMMLSSIOt7, Apr::l 15~ 1973 ~3~Z20
9'[•;~lT)1TIV~ MAP OF TRArT NOS. 7617 AND 7730 T}IROUGH 7'7~4, 12I;VIt~I6l~ NO. 3; ANO
'PFtACT NO:~. 773~_AND ~736L RFVI3:Ltlti. N0. 2.~~ontin~~eC1~__y,___ .~.~..~..__
(l)1 Thc~t r.oaaona~ble landecapiny, i~~clL~dinq l.rrignti:l.on facil:ltic~e,
Ahall be !.nr~tallod in tt~e mecllan and the unps~'~d }~ort.ion ot ttie~
~ior.tr. Nido c~f t;he Sdnt:a ?-na Ca~iyon Road riyhL•-uf.-wny 1.n eccor.A•-
dnce+ v-lth Lhe requiremnntu ~f t.hr~ P~.rkwt~y Maintenance Superi n-
rond~ent. Fc,Ilnwj.nc~ inAtal.le-tion and accepthnc<~, tha ritv o~
Anat-ei~m s~~ ~ll r,asumo the ro~pona:.bility P.~r mt~intenni7ce of e:alc~
land.HCapii ~.
(9) ~rhat the City Cour~cil reservea the rlghr. to cl~lute ~r amend the
ac~$umption of Iandacape ma~r-tenaneo in thA ~vent C~unc~.l polir.~+
(1Q! That thb vehica~.ar flC~eBA righte, axce~t at rr.ree~t and/ur e1~oy
oper,inye, to Santa An~z Canyon Road el~+~11 be d~dicat~d to the
City of Anaheim.
(11) ThAt thA davelop~r ehall obtain ~ fevorab7.s f~c7ad hazard l~tter
acceptable to the C:i.ty of Anuhc~im frou- Chc+ l~ranga County Flood
Contr.~]. District.
;J.2) That a xeft-t.urn pack.+~t fo1 oantbound Santa Ana anyon 1Road
L•rsffi~ aha11 ba providad nt *.he intoz•s~cti.on of Saiitu Ana
Cenyon koaci and "L" 5tredt.
(13) Thdt in aacor.dance wltt~ tho Anuheim Municip~l Codo, a 6-foot
hiyh, landscaped, eartY.~n berm SY~al]. be provi~3ed .adjacent t~
the north line of. Tzact Nu. 7730, Revision N~. 3.
(14) That ~rior to C.ity t,ounci7. approval of the final tract map, Gh~
aWnez(R} of subjec.t. propert}r shail su}amit ~I~na }'or City Counci~.
review and approvr~l ahowiny the steps which shal ~ ba~ te~kc~n by th~
develuper to raduco ~he noise levol genermtod by frreway traffic
to 65 dIIA's i~i the r.oar yarde of tho late ad}acnnt to tlie River-
stde Freeway and to ~'F5 dBA's inside the home~ ;with windows and
daors closed) OIl th~~~:~e lats se st.ipulated to by the peti~~.ioner.
The sound-attenu3t•ion devicea shall include ae a m~nimu:n a 6-•foot
high earthen berm topped by a 6-Eoot high decorative :~iasonxy wall
with gar.es far maintenance accesg on er~ch lot SLJIlg the ra+ar of•
the lota abutting the fra~way, plus whataver acldicional me~.rsures
are necessary S:o achieve che levela etated above. These plans
shall he cortiFiod ~y a recognized acou~tical axpert atipui.ati.nq
that t'~e pxoposed saunc2-att~:.uation meiisures will achievE the
levels atai:ed abova.
Commissioner Gauor aEfered a motion, seconde3 by Gomm~.~sioner Iierbst r~rid MO'.^ION
CARRIED (Commiasioner :;aywood vottng "na" and (:ommi.ssicn~r Allzed baing absent),
tp ~,pprove Tentative Map of Tract No. 7731, Rev{.sion N~. 3, sub~ect to ~:he
fallawi.ng conditions;
(i,) That aho~il~ thig aubdivi,.ton be developad as mc,se than ane sub-
c~ivision, each subdivir~ior~ thereof 911A~~. b~z ~ubmitted in tentA-
tive form for aFp.r.oval.
(2? That ~+11 lc~t~ witt~in thia trdct shAll be se.r• +d ry un~3ergrou:~u
( 3) Tt~at a Pina1 :.ra~t map of ~ub jecti property shall be su:~mitted
to and approve~ by the Ci~ty Covnc:il and then be i_corded fn the
affice of the Oranq~ County Rocordar.
(4) That street names ahall be approved bg the Clty of Anaheim ~.ri.or
to xppraval oP a~inal tract map.
(5) That tho owner(s) of ~uh;~ct prnpezty shn11 pay to tha C~.ty of
Anah~im the appropr~nke park and recrea~tion in-lieu fees as
determ~ned to hfl appronr•iato Uy the City Counc l., aaid feea to
be peid at the time tho lauilding ~ermit ie ias~.~d.
(6) That ~1zalnage uf eaid property ahall be diapos~l o~ in a mar~ner
satis~ectory to the City Enqineax. That necAeeary rignt-of-way
!or offeitd drainage facilltiea oe deAicated tu th~ CitX, or that
all property ownere involv+~c~ hava axecuted svr.' :t~n r~ght-:~`-way
desli.cati~n ~to ths City, ar that the City Councll w l11 t.aro initi-
ated c~ndemna~ion proceedinga ~or Lhe acquioi.tlon c~£ the required
~ ~
TRA(`T NU5. 7735 AND 7736, RI:VT~ION N0. 2 (Continued) _ _~w_.,__
drninag~~ riyht-of-way, tho coat ot which ahel.l be borne by the
devel.op~r. The roquirod d.r~-inaqe faci.li.tf.ee sY~a.ll be oP. a a~.~a
end t~~pc~ suf~icienC L•o carr.y runoff watara oriyinati~ig ~rnm
hlqhax p1•opertiee. a~u.t.h c~f Snnta Ana Canyon Road tlirouqh ndid
properry to u1Cl.mnte Ai.aposal my npproved by the City 1:7nyi~iear.
Said drainr.ga f.ecitltlea r~ha71 bo the Plrat ltem oP conetructior~
ari3 shall be aon~t.ructecl dnd bo functional Pr.om t.he ~]ownntroam
bounddr.y oP tho pr.~~perl•y tu the point af ultimate disp~~al ptior
t:n i~nunncr~ oP a b»i.l.ding p~rmit, ~+rovided, hawever, t;~dt buil.d-
iny p~r.mita, but nc>t ~ina-1 building and occupancy pormits, m~y
be iaeuad for m~Qel homes n4t ~o AXr,At~a sl.x (f~~ i.n namber ~.~i gnY
ona trac~. Drafr~a:,~e dietrir.k r.eimbureo:nant agr.ePment~ may bc
anade avRilab~e tn t.ho 3evel.~pe~rs ~,f saici ~rnperty upon their.
t7) mhat gr.ad~ng, excav~~.tiun, and al~ othar cor.etructior, activitias
shall be conducted i.n such a mnnri~r su aq L-o minirnize the possi-
Dility of` any sSlt ori.ginating frum this pro~ect being carriad
into tho `~anta Ar.A R.i vdr by storm :atar ori•;~inat:ing Prom or
Plowing throuc~h 'chia project.
(8) That tho d~v~loper sh~111 obtuln a favorable f1o~:d hazard lettor
a~~ceptsble to tt~o Cit~~ of Anaheitn from the Orang~ County ['lood
Contr.~l D.iqtrict.
(9) Tht~t in accordance ~~ritt•, the '~~ahpim Munir,ipal. Code, a 6-foot hiyh,
landacaped, eart'hen bez.n G`~all be provided adjacent to the n~rth
linr. uf Tract No. 7731, 'aviaion No. 3.
(1Q) That pr~.or to City Counc.ll approvai of the final tract map, the
awnei•(o) of ~ubject prr.pE~rty shall submit plans for ~ity Gcuncil
revie~a and appro~val ahowl»g the s4.c~p~ which ~hnll be taken by khe
develc~per to reduce the noise level yenerated b~ freewr~y tr.affic
to 65 dBA's in fhe rear ya.rda of the lots ad3acerir. to the River-
side Fr.eew~y and to 45 dBA's ineide the home3 (with winduwR and
doors closed) on ChPSe lots as s#.ipulated to by the petitioner.
Tlie sound-attanuation devicE~s sna~ii inciucia a~ a~inimur;, a 5-f~::::
high ear.then berm topped by a 6-foot high decorative masonry wall
with gate~ for maintenat~ce accesa on each lot al.ony the rear of
t.he lots abutting the ~reeway, pluo whatever additional measures
are neceosar.y to achi~ve thN J.eve~.s stated above. Theae p1Ano
ahall be certified by a recognized acouatical ex~ert stipulating
that the pXOposed sound-attenuati.on mea~eures vrill. achieve thp
levels statE:d abave.
Commissioner Gauer offered a motion, secunde~i by CUmmissi.oner I~erbPt and MUT10tJ
CARRTED (Commissioner Kaywood voti.ng "no" and Commissioner AJ.lrpd bein,q abssnt),
to approve Tentative Map of Trac:t No. 7732, Reviaion No. 3, subject to the
following condiL•ions:
(1} 'l'liat 3hould this suhdivision be developed ga more than one sub-
division, each subdi~.~isian thereof shall. be subrt;itted ir. tenta-
t~ve form f~r. apprc~a~.
(2) That all lots tvithin thie tract: shall be served by underground
utill.t~.es .
(3) That a fi.nal tract map of a~lbject proporty ahall be aubmi~ted
ta and approved. b~r th~ c''_ty Council and then be zecor~,ed in the
office oi the Oran~e ~ounY.y Fecozder.
(4) That street names shal.l be approved by t.he City of Anahoim prior
to approval. of a ~inal trac` map.
(5) That the ownar(s) ~i sab ject property shall pay to th~ City of
Anaheim the appropr~ate park and recreati~n in-11eu fees nA
detormined to be appropriate by th~ Cxty Co:~ncil, said fees to
Ue gaid at the time 'the building ~ermi~ is issued.
~ ~ ~
M7NU'f1.S, CiTY PI,A~1NINf, COMMIS5:[ON, Apri]. 16, 1973 73~~1Z2
'P~tiTATTVE MAr OF' 'f4iAC'P ~IOS. 7617 AND 7730 THROUGH 7734, kri:VLSION N~~. {~ ANU
TRAC'f N09 . 7! 35 AN[)_7736~_ RF.VISION tVO.?__,__SCantinu~~1L_.,_._.______- -_.._. -
(6; That drnin~y~ of ea•!d prop~rty n1~~11 be di.ypoeed oi' in a munr,or
satisPAC:tu,:y t.o the City Englne~nr. That neoaer~rry x~ic~ht-of-w!sy
fax~ oftsit~ dralnage fAC111t1Ne be dediceted t:n tlio r.i~y, or tt~at
all proporty ov!ners tnvolved l~av~ exacuted r~ritten right-o£-way
dodicxt•ion L•~7 L•he City, or thut tlie C:ty Co~.~noi.l wil.l h~ve initi-
athd condemnation j>roc~edingo for th~ aaquicl.tion of thn raqua.r.ed
drai.nay~~ ri.ght~-oP-wr~y, t.11~ aost oE whioh ehel.l ho borne by the
dov9luper. Th~~ r~~~;itirPd draina~7e faoll.iti~~ ehn3.1 k,e of a eiz~
nnd tyre c~u~Pici~nt to carry ranof'£ w~tere ori~7~.neting Lrcm
hiyher pr~~perties AUll1:t1 vt Sc~nta~ Rr~a Car~}~~n Roa~ thruugh s~aid
property to ultimato diap~eaY ae approv~d by ::::w G1.ty Engi~eer.
~nicf drainage fa~:ili.ties ehal.l k,o tho firn~ .itam o~ cuns*ruction
and utinll bs conetrzicted and bo functtonal fro-n the duwnstzeum
boundary of the pr~pc~rty c.o th~ Foia~t: af ultimato dis}~~ea1 prior
to ieeuance of u building p~~mit, pruvided, ho~evc:r, tYixt bui.ld-
ing perml.ts, b~it not fi.nul bui~.ditig and cccu~ancy permits, may
bo issued for model homQS not to exc.oed aix !~~? in numbQr in any
or~n t.ract. l~r.ainagQ distri.ck r4i.mbursement agrc~~mynts may b9
made availablc~ tu the deveZupars c E ~aic9 pruperty upo~~ their
(7) That grac3ing, excavution, and all other con~truction z+ctivit~ad
~hr~ll be conducted in sucl~ a manner so rs to minimize ttie poesi--
bility of uny si.].t originating from thia pr.oject be~:~q ~ arried
into th~ S~nta Ana RivPr by Storm waker originatinq fz~om or
Plowing through thia g~roject.
(e) ThRt the d~velope.r shall abtain a favoiaale Ll~aa haz3t:. letter
acc~ptable to the City of AnAheim fznm the Orange Count,y l~lood
Cant•rol Diat;rict.
(9) That in accor.dance with the nnaheim Municipal Code, a 6-foot high,
landKC:~ped, ea.r~hen berm yhall be px'ovided adjacent to th~ nortri
line of Tract No. 7732, Re~i,sion N~. ~.
(10) Th_~t prior to C~.ty Council approval. of the firial tract map, the
owner.(s) of subject preperty ~ha11 submit gl~ns for City Council
reviaw an3 approval showinq the ste~e which shall be takEn by the
dc:ve7oper tc: r.educe the naise Zeve.l. genersk~d by freeway traffic
to 65 ctBA's in the rear yarda o.f. tha lo~s adjaoent to Ll~e River-
eide Freeway and ia 45 dBA's inside the homea (with windnws and
doors ciosed) on these ].ots a9 stipulated ~o by the ~~titiorigr.
The sound-attenuation dovlces .s~hal.l ir-clude as a minimum a 6•-foct
high earthen berm t~pped by a ci-foot high decorative masonry wall
with gates For maintenanoe acco3s on eac}z lot alc~ng the rear o£
the lur~ abutting ~he froeway, plus whatever additior-al meaeure5
are necesaary to aahieve the le~~els stated above. Thase plana
ahall be certified by a racogni:.~~' acouatical exper.t stipulating
that the propor~ed snund-attenuation measurea will achieve the
levels atated above.
Coinmissi.oner Gauer offerad a moCion, seconded k~y Commiaeioner Fl~:rbst and MOTION
CARRIEU (Con~micsioner Kaywoad votirig "na" and Commisaioner Allrecl being absent) ,
ta a~prove 7entative Map of Tract No. 77~3, Re~viaion No. 3, subject to the
followinq conditions:
( 1) That should th Ls suk~divieion ba developec3 as more than one sub-
diviaiott, each subdiviaior~ tchereof shall be submitted in tenta-
tive form for approval.
(2) That al]. lots within thie trACt qhall be served by underground
(3) That a ~inal traat map oP eubjaGt pzoperty shr~ll be aubmtttad to
ancl appravec] by the City Council and then be recorded in the
of~ice of the Crange County Recorder,
(Q) 7hat skre~t names ehall be approved by the City of Anaheim prior
to approval of a Pir.al tract map.
(S) That the own~r(s) of subje~t property shall pay to the City o£
Anaheim the appropriato park and recr9atton in-lieu feee ae
detarminod to ba $ppropriate ioy the City Council, eaid feee t~
b~ paid at c.ha time ~.ha building permi~ ie is~ued,
~ ~ ~
MihIUTL~, CITY ISLAt3NINC: C4MMJfSSTON. T,pril 16, 1973 ~~~~~~3
T~NT?-TIVL~ MRP OF TRACT NG9. 7617 ANA 77.jQ THROllt,~l 773A, RF.VIf3iON N0. 3~ 11ND
TRACT NOS._ 7.735._AN~ 7736`_REVIGION N0. 2_1Cont~nved~_.,._,_. ,_._.r _~._
(6) Th~t. drninaye of eaid p. roper~y ehall tse dl~poadA ~ f ir- +~ mantilor
ert,iolACtary ta the City l~nginaer. mhet neGapsary riqht-oP.-Way
f~~r uifslte drainac~o L'e~~~ltt.lew be dedioAtsQ to CYa City, c+r L•hat.
ctl pz~perty oan~rs invol~•~d hevA nxecuL•od Hritt~n ri,ht-of-way
dedlca~ion to the City, or Chat t.hes City Council will het~A .ini.rJ,-
ated c~~f~cir,mnnt:lon pr.oceedinge for the acquieitian ot th~ z~qi~ired
drainage right--or-way, 2.he ca~t ot wh.ich uhell bo borrie by tt~e
deveYoper. Thd r.Nq~iired drainage geciiit.les ah+~ll be ot a aize
and typa euffici.ei~t to cerry rur.ot! watera originating Prom
hiyher pra~ertiea s~~sth of San~ta ~~a Can~on Ruad through aaid
pro~erty to ultimatc~ diapoeal ae approved 'ay ttia l:ity Enqineer.
Sa±~t ~irainago far.ilitiQe eYial.l be the~ fixat .itom of connlru;:l•ion
end ehmll be conetruatad and l;e functi~-nal Lxom ehe downAfreain
boundary of thd proper.t} to the poiciL oP ultim~tta diupoaal priur
ta iaeuance of a buildir~g pezmit, providad, horaaver, t11at k~uild-
1ng pormit„ b~~~ ziot f~.nsl build.i.ng dnd acc:u~anc~• permi~o, may
be ~sauQd for Rud~l homen n~~t to QxcRad eix (fi) i~~ number in any
ono trnc~. UratnagQ diatrict rei.mhursement ac~roomente may bo
m~+dc+ a~~ail.abls to the developers of eaid propArly u~on th01r
(7) 7.`haL gra~lr.~i;, excavut~.on, and a.ll. oCher ~.onstruction activitiQs
~hall be c~nducLad in auch a man-~ar so aa to minimize the po~ai-
hil~.ty of any si1r. originatlny from thi.~ pr.oject b~in.y aarriecl
inta the Santa An~ River by storm w~rer origi:~atinq from or
P.lowi~~g through this pzo~ect.
(8) That xeaeonable. landRCaping, including .irrfg~tlon facilii:ias,
s~hall be installed in the me3lan an3 the unpaved pu~.~L1.on of• the
n~orth eide of. the Santa Ana Canyon Roac3 righ~-ol-wrey in accord-
ance witti the requir~ment•s of kha Parkway Maintenance Supertn-
tendent. Following in~t~sllation and acceptance, the City of
Anuhei:n sl~c~ll aesume the responsi.billty for meintenance of naid
(~j~ That the City Council reserveA the right to delote ~~r amend the
asaumption ~f landscape main±enance in the event Coun~il policy
(l0) That the vehicular acce~s rights, except at s~reet anci/or alley
op~enings, ta Santa Rna Canyon ttoad shall be dedicate~d tn the
City of Anaheim.
(11) 'fhat the 3eveloper shall obtain a favorablp fl.ood hazard letter
acceptable to the City of Anaheim from the ~range County I'lood
Cantrol Diatx~ict.
Commisaioner Gauer off~tad a motion, seconded by Cammieaionar Horbet ar.d MO'fION
CRRF.IE;D (Commissic+ner iCaywood voting "no" and Commisaionex A]lxed being absent),
tc appro•~e Tentative Map flf Tract No. 7734, Revision No. 3, subject to the
followi.ng condit~ons:
{.1) That AhouXd this aubdivision be developed as moro than one su}a-
division, esch subdit~l.sion thex•e~f shall be ~ubnitted in tanta-
t~.ve ~orm for appzoval.
(2) That s11 lote within this tract sha.l.l be served 'ny i~nderground
(3) That a r~inal tract map of subject property 9na11 be aubmittsc~
to and apnroved by the City Gounci~l and then be recorded in the
office ot the Orarsqe County Recorder.
(4) That straet namoe shall be approvod by the CiCy of Anahaim pzinr
ta apgrovAl of a final tiract map.
(5) That the ~wner(s) of aubjACt proQerty shall nay to tha City of
Anaheim the approFriate parJc and racxeatiar. in~lieu f~es ~++s
determinod t~ be appropriate by the City Co~xncil~ gaid feae to
be pnid a~ the tyme the buildinq permit is inaued.
~ ~ ~
NlINl3TG3, CITY FI,AiVN~Nc; COMM7S8ION, nprll l6, 197~
'PRACT NO~ . 7~35 ANA,_773y_R~VISIC~1~ No:_ 2. _(Gontinued~____,___. _ •
(6) Thdt draint~gs ~f eeid proport,y shell be din~~oeod of ~.n a mnnnor
snCiefactory L•o the City Enyinaer. That neces~enry rigrit-ol-w~v
i`.ar OtL~MS.tQ diainaya facil~ltiee be dediceCed to the Clty, or tha~
e'll ptoperty uv+nora invulved hav~ mx~aaut~ed written riqht-o~-N+~y
d~,dlcation t~ t.he Ciry, a.r ti:at the C1Cy Counc~l ,ti].1 t~avn in.tti~
atec9 condomnati n pror,eedfng~ for thc aequieition of ~h~ r~~~ai r.ea
Arainaye ri~~ht-•of-way, t.he ~ost of whi.ch ehall bt~ b~or~~d b~/ khe,
devolopAr. The requirad drainac~e ~ecili~ioe shxll be ot a elze
t+nd type eu~~ici~r-t to carry runc~P watere originating from
higher proper.tien eau4h ~f ranta Ana Cxn~•un RoMd t;hroug~ ~t~~i.,t
pro~erty Co u~tim~te di~Noan.l as nporoved by Che Ci.ty Lr~~ina~=~r.
5eid drainag~ ~acilltiea ahall bA the first i~em o~ co~etr.ucti.on
and ~hall bo ~:otiiatructod and be tunctional fr.om tho downstrearn
buuncia.ry of tlid prupet:ty ta the point aP ul~imute dj.sposal. ~r~.or
kc~ iaauance o~ a bui131ng permi.t, prauidpc~, huwever~ that build-
.ing permite, but nat. finn~ buildi.nc,~ and occuponcy pe.rmlts, may
be isou~~d for mocitil homos uot t:c~ exceed six (6) ln num~er i.n ~ny
~ne trsct. Dr.ainage 3i.etrict reim~uroemant ac~reomerit~ :nay bc~
made ava.ilable to tho dHVelop~rs of s~id property upon th~ir
requa k. Thia ehall include provi~f.onn f.or dlsposal of drainag~
~ f "A" Streef. und "C" Str.ec:t at tY~e nart:}- trrsc~t bounQary e~xLis-
f~~.:tor•y to ~he City Cnqineez.
(7) Tlzat grading, excavati~n, and all oth~r crnetruction nakivitieb
sha11 be conducted i.n such : manner $o as tu minimize thP pnasi--
bili.ty of any silt originatir,q from thie~ pro~}ect. Ueing carried
inta thc+ Sunt~ Ana riivar by storm ~•iatas originating from or
flowinq khruuqh this proier.t.
(S) T.hat xeason~wle landscaping, fncl.uding irrigation faclliti~s~
~hall be install.ed in the median nnd the~ unpaveci partion of the
north side ~f tha Si-ntct Ant~ Canyon Road right-of--way a.rt ac.:o.rd-
ance with the rc~quirements of the Parkway Maintenanca Super..in-
tendent. Fo'llowing .instollati~n and acceptar-ce, ttie City of
Annheim sha11 aRSUme the responainil.ity for malntenance of said
(9) That the City C~uncil z'esPrve3 the right to de.leke or ~mend the
asoumQtion of ].andscape maint:enance in tlie event Counail poli.cy
(10) 'fha~t Ch~ vchicular accesa rights, excep~ at- street and/or alley
openii:ys, to Sar-ta Ana Canxon Road shall be dedicatad to th3
City of Anaheim.
(11) That the developer shall obta~.n a fa't•.,reh'le flooa Y azard letter
acce~7tabLu to the City o~ Anaheini from the Orange County Flaod
Control Di.strict.
t12) That a'left-~urn pocket fcoz eastbound Santa Aria Canyon Road
traffic shull be provide3 at the intersaction of Santa Ana
Canyoa Road and "A" Street-.
Commiasioner Gauor o£fered a motion, seconded by Commie~ioner Hsrbst and MOTION
CARRIED (CommiSbioner Kayw~o~ voting "no" anc~ Commissioner Allrsd being absent),
to approve Tentative Ma~p of Tract Nc,. 7735, Revi~ion No. 2, subje~t to the
following condition~~
(1) That slould this subdiviaion t,e developed as more than one aub-
c:iv~sion, c~ach aubdivislon tlzeraof sltall bs eubi~,ititod in tenta-
tive form for epproval.
(2) That all lots within cliie tract ahall bc oervod by unZerqxound
(3) That e finnl tract map of subjoct propez~=y ehall be~ submitted to
ancl approved by the City Co>>ncil and then he rucorded in ;:he
~f~ice of the Orange County Recarder~
(4) That atrent names ahall bb approved by the City uf Anat~aim prinr
to approval c~f a fin+sl traat map.
MINi17'r3, CITY PT,ANNI:N~; COh1N1T5SInN, 74pX~1 1G, 1973
TF,ACT N05. 77J5 AND 773G~ RF.,VZSION NO~r2 ~Contin.ued~ _~_ ~__^...~.,`__
(51 That tho aNn~+r(e) o£ bub~ect ~ropert.y s1~aI1 pay to th~~ C~L•y of
Ar~aheim khe dF,pt•opria~e pmrk sr-d rocr~+ation in-:lieu Pdee a~
daterminec`. tU be mpproprie~.o by the City Counci.l, eeid Yeue ~u
b~ pai~1 at Che tima kl~d buil~iinq pexmit is iu~uad.
i5) That drnineqe oP sai.~ pro~erty ehell b6 dls~oeed o~ in a mann~r
ot+ti~fector,y tA the City 'rT.ny~i.nA~r. '1`hat naeeaeary ri~ht-of-~way
!or otte.ite drainsga faci.litiea bo deciiceted to the City, or th~r
all pruper+_y uwnfire involved have exocute~l ~+ritten ~iyht-~f-wtsy
deiii.cati~n to t1ic~ ~iL•y, oz tk:nt t.he City Coun~i2. will havo lniti•-
ate,d cond~~mnatioi~ pr.flceudinge Lc~r th~a ncqui.nition of tt~e ra~ui red
drainnge rigtit-of-wa.y, the conL• ~~f wt~.ich dhal:l be borne by the
devetope•c. Tha req~aireb dr3lna•~e f~;ciliticc ~he~l.l bo of ~+ nize
anQ Lypo sugPiciont to carry run4ff waterR originatir~g fzum
hiyhor. }~roperties south of Santa An~n Canyon Ro~d thro~3gh ~aid
property to ultimate diep~eal as approvad by the City Er~ginoar.
~si.d drai.nag~a ra~~litie~a ahall bo the firA~ itc~m ~~f vonetrur.tion
and at~all be conatr~cted an3 be functional fran- tho ~9nwnatraam
boundary of tlie proparky to tho point of ultimr~te ciiepoeel prioY
to iccc~uance of a building pcrmit, pr.ovi,7ed, hAwever. thnt bu.ild-
ing pPxmits, but not final buildi.ng and occu~ancy permi*s, may
ba I.saued .foz model h~~mea not to excead six (6) in numbrar in r+.ny
one: tract. Drainaqe diat•ri.ct reimb~traement aqreomentR may be
-nado avnilAble to the develo~ars of said proparty upon the±r
(7) 'Phat grad~ng, exaavat3on, And all other con~tructicin act~vitioa
sha11 ~e conduct~e8 in such a manner sa as to minimize tihe poeyi-
bility of• ~ny ailt originr.ting irom tt~is projecL• belnq ~arri3d
int.o ths 5anta Ana River by ~torm water originattng irom ~r
fl.owiny thcaugl- thi» pro~ecL•.
(f3) That res~sonable landacaping, includiny irr:igation facilitl.ea,
shsll be 1nst~llod in the mediAn an~ the ~xnpaved portion of t:~N
north si.de of t.he Santa Ana Canyon Road right-a~-~-ey in accor.d-
ance with the requi.rement~ of the Parkway Main~cdnance Superin-
tendent. Followiny installation and acr_~Ftance, the CiL•y o£
Anaheim atiall at~sume the reqponAibilit•y for ~naintanancP of sai3
(9) Thati the City Council re~ervea Che right to del.ote or amend th~
assumptiar, uf landscr~pe maintenance in the event C~uncil polj.cy
charwges .
(10) That. the ~~ehicular access rights, except at ytree* and/or alZey
openings, to ~a:•ta Ana Canyon RaPC: shall be dedica~ted ta the
City of Anaheim.
(11) '~hat the developar ah~l~ obtain a favorable flood h~azazd letker
acceptable tu the C:ity of Anaheim from the Orange County F.load
Control i3latri.ct.
(12) That ~n acco~danr.e with the Anuhctm Munfcipsl c:ode, a 6-foat high,
landsct~.peclr earthon berm shall. be ~rovided adjacent to tt~e north
li.ne of Tract t4o. 7735, Revision No. 2.
(13) That prioz to C3ty Council approval of th~ final tract map, tha
owneX(s) of subject prc-~ezty sh~ll subm:t plans for City Council
reviaw and appr~val ahowi.ng the stepg which 911A~1 bs ta;can by tha
developer to reciuce the noiae level generated by freoNay traffic
tn 65 dBA's in the rear yar.3s of the lota adjmc nt ko the F.ivor-~
side Freeway ancl tn 45 8BA's insidb the home~ lwith windowa an~l
3oora cloeed) on these lete as :.tipulated tU by the pe~~tioner.
The eound-attenuatii~n devices shall include as d mi..num a 6-foot
hiqh ear~h~n berm topped by a 6-foot high decormtive ma~onry wall
~~~ith qatee for maintenance accesa on each lot alonq the~ raa~r of
tr,e lots ab~~tting the freeway, pl.us whatever additionel mc:aeures
ar~ n~ceasazy to achieve the levels stated above. Theae plans
ahall b~ certifiod by a recogniaeo ecoustical expext atipulatinq
that the p:.opoacd sound-attenuatio:~ mea-sures will achieve the
levels staL•e3 above.
~ ~ ~
~r:tl 16, 1~.D73 7:~~- ~Zti
TGN7.'ATIVr MA" OP' '~1tACT NOS. 7G7.? ANn 7730 TtlRQU~:1 7734, RF.VISION l~U. 3; AND
T RACT N OS~ 7 7 3 5 AN 0 7 7.3 G~_R1'!V S S t ON _ N 0~?__ ( C o n t i n u a d) ,_______r_.~_~__~___._--.-.--•--•
CammLs3lor-e~r Gauor oftored +i motiun, aecondec9 by Commiec;ioi,ur Nerbet c~i~d MUTION
~F~gR[t;p ;Commis:iion~r Ka~ywood voting "no" and Cumminsiunar Allr.ecl buli~g absent) ,
to eppr~ ~ TPntatlva Me~~ oP Tract No. 7736, KQVision No. 2, ~ub~ect to the
fc~llnw,~~,, con~litionec
(1) Thnt s~hould tt~1r~ rub.liviei~n be clnv~lopc~d r~s mo~o thnn ~na aub-
dlvi.ai.on, nach ~ubdividlan thereof ehall be eubmittucl in tenta•-
~.{,uP form ~oi• ap~~roval.
(Z) That all iote withi.n thiH tract c~liall. ha ~ervod by undor.9r~und
utili tiers.
(3) Thnt a final Cract mn~~ af e~tbject proC»rt.y Aha'12 be bubmltt~d to
and appzovad by 'tl.e City Cauncil dnd th~n b~ rucordec] .in the
ot~lcc af. the Orango Cou~~~y kacorder.
(4) ThaC s4reot nam~~a aha:ll be ap~rove~ bY the Clty o£ Anr~hcim ~rior
to AppXUVtlL of a final t.raal: map.
(5) That t}-e ownoz(s) c~f Dzab;i+acL• pz'opert~/ ahal]. pay to the City of
Anaheim khe a~Propr ia*e pa r k ~ r~ c] r.ecre-~ti~n in-l.ieu fee~e ae
doterminod to be appi'uPsiata by Lhe CitY ~'~uncil, aaid fee~ t~~
b8 paid at t:he t.lme thc~ building p~rmit i:: iaaued.
(Fj That drainage of ~~ai.d pr.~~erry shal.l be ciisposPd of in a mar.nez
iar.isfactary to tY~~ City Fngineor. Tk-ut nec^:~sarY xlght-~f-WaY
For ofPa~.te drt~inag~ faciliti.es be derlicateb to the City, or that
all pr.~perty OW[l4'LS involve:i ht~vo a:cec~xted wri~:t.en riqht-of-wny
dedicT..'.i~n to the City, cr that kh~ City Cuuncil ~+il~ hav~ initi-
atad cond~mnatio~i proccedinga for l•'.-e acqlisttion of the rec~~`i~red
drainage riqht-of-wny, the+ cost of which shall bo barne by
developer• Ttie required draina3e facil.ities shall bp af a si.ze
ar~d type suffi.ci.ent to c~rry runof.f waters originating Erom
hiyher prapertiss south oi Santa Anu Czn~/on Koad th~•ough eaid
property to ultimate d:is~~osa.l a~ approved by Che Ci.t.y Snyinee:.
Said urainage fncilit:ie~ shall be t.he first: item of cc~nstruction
anu shal]. be constructed and ~~ ~Gi~~iofaultimatehdiapo9alrprioi
boundary of the pruper{y ~.o the P rovided, however, ktxat build-
to issuance of a build_ng peru~it, p
~,ilg r~r.mits, ~ut no~~ final building and occupancy Fermit•.s, maX
t~e isnued for t~odei hom~s not to Exceefl six l6) in nrxmbu.r in anY
one tract. Drai.nagc: 31st.ricf. Xeimburc~:ment ayreemc~nts may ?~e
made availahle to rhe dFVClopeXe~ of said property upon t:heir
(7) That gxading, r.xcavat.~.on, and all other constr.uctio~~ activities
~hall be conducte3 ~ti 3uch a~~~1nnor 3o us to tainimi::e the poasi-
hility of any sil.t originatinc~ frcm thig pr.o~ect beiny carrisd
into the 5an~.a Ana Rivpr by at~xm water ori.girating from or
flowi.ng thro~ioh this pro jec~t.
(8, accopta'bl~kto+therCitylofoAnaheim fromrthe~Orange County Floodr
Gr,ntrol Dis~rict.
(9) That in accordance with the Anaheim ~lunicipal Code, a 6-foot high,
landscaped, eaz~hen berm sha21 be ~rovided adjacent to the r.oz•th
13ne of Tract No. 773G, Revtsion N~• 2
(lU) That prior to City Council apc~roval of the final tract map, tho
owner(:~) of sub~ect property shall submit plans for City Council
review and appraval ~+howinq the ateps whi.~.h s`-a.ll be taken by the
deve].oper to reduce the noise level genPrated by freQway trts£fic:
to 55 d}3A's in the reax yarc~e ,~f the lots adj~cont to the R~.v~r-
ide t:~a homea ~with wi.nlowe and
side Fresway ~~nd to 45 d8A° e ir~•~
do~rs cloaed) on theae lnta as stipulated to by the petitioner..
The souncl-attanuation dAVices sha].1. include as a ml.nimum a 6-foflt
hic~h earth?n berm •,:appe~3 bY 8 6-foat high deaorativa maaonry wr~ll
wlth gatea Yor maintenance acceae nn each lat alonq tho re~-r of
che lota abutt.inq the freeway. plus whatevex a3di.tional meaauree
are nbceasary to acl-ieve the levols stated abo~-e. These plane
shall be certified by a recoqriize~ acoustical experr. sti~ulat~.nq
that the propog~d soun~-a~tanuation measures wi.ll achieva ~he
Xeveis stated above.
~ ~ ~
MItJU'i`T~5, CZTY PI~ANNI.N G COMMX:i~3Tl~N, A~rtl J~6, 1973 ~3 22 ~
ENVTRbNME:N'1'Ai, IN~P1~C'1~ - PUktI,IC Hls'1RIN~;. TH~ ~7C CARTH'~ CQMPA,Nit, aL•Y.ent.ion ot
kEPOtt'r NU. ~~ Luqa-io R. ~'ullo.i-, 2535 Weat I~a P~lmd Avc~n-in, Anaheim,
~.__..~.._~~~ -•-- --°' ra. 92flU1, ond Ft~NRY F. ?~tiD ~TH~I, C. DLL ~IUAGIP, 2~191
RECI~ASSIFTCA7ION ~lohler [~ri.va, Ana~hr.~m, Ca. 9ZAOG, Uwnara. 'NGI;~~ER~
N0. 72~73~3~' J~nnlnye Enyineor~.ny Compa~:y. 4419 Van Nuyv o~lsvard,
~ +~~ ~ Sherm~~~ Onk~, Ca. 9:.40.3. Yroperty drtdcrib~d sa ~ 71n
VHRIANCE N0. 2497. i.x•re~~ularly-elia~ed p~r.r.~~l af land ~ons:sting ot np(~roxi-
-"-"~~--~-` ~~ met;c+J.y 35 xcroa, hav.l.rig \ PI'Ul1tdCJtl o! npproximately 697
'PENT:~TI~)r MAA Oi' i:~ot on th~, eouCh ~.ide oE ~nnte Ana Canyon Raad, hnvinc~
TRACT NO. 4 177 a maxlmum dAatih oP ep~ raxime+tely 1ti00 3'eat , and beinq
"~`-~ ~~ M~ ~~~~~~ ~~catad epproximatel.y 3~70 ~eaC oda~f: of L•ha c:entarlina
of Anah~im Ui1_a riaad. Nrora~:t~, pr.•eeunt.ly c1.ns~i~i~G
R-A, AGRICUI.Tpk~1L, 20Nk:.
kEQUESI': D CI,ASS I r 1 CATTON : R- 1, nN~-PAMI LY KE3I~l:N'PIAI, ~ 20NE .
:~c~ven pa.r~ona indica t:ed thelr pre~enco xn ~ppoeition.
Chairman Scaymaur notod thu+ the Plxnni.nq ~:~mmi.!e~ion in a wnrk assei.on ~+~w eo
many claubts a.nci que~tionn ir tnie pr.op<~eal that L-he Co-nmiasi.on felt it would
serve tl-e beat. internat.:3 of all ~o contirauc~ thte fnr r.•eviei~~ne of tht~ tract
m witli some guidan~~~ being given by the Planniny CommiRelon, h~ . ever, if the
ma iori.ty of the Commi.s~;ior. was not in favor o~ this, thQn tlie pt~blic hearinq
would b4 i"!lu.
Commise~one= Herbst not~:d that ~ne of the fi.ret ~things thHt would hr~vo to be
rr.yolved was t~.: fact that th~ achool d+,:{tricr. weA in the otate ~f neg:~tiation
t~r half. of tite propert:y, 2:herefare, Che Commiagion could nok ho13 s haari.ng
un '_ar~d ~tiat was beiny negotiaCed.
Commi:~sionars Gauer, Kaywood, and P'uran~ ?.ndlcat~ed they concurred wiCl~ the
pr.tivic+us gtatdm~nts.
Commin~LOaiar Ftowl.and r~tate~l he :vou]d abatain from voting since The MeCarthy
Company had ~~cen a clinnt of his in the. p~dt.
Mr Euyene ~uller, repreaentinq Clie de~~c~' oper, indir.ated his presence to the
Coc~nisaion and asked for quic~ar~cr, in +rhat revisions ahould ba made.
Ciiaixman 5eymour noted ttiat he would e~~ho tho nentimen~s of ~_he Commission
roy~.rQing reyt.sicn of: the kr.ar_t man.
Commie.3ioner Kaywood noted that slie Wculd like L•U h_~/e an addendum to the
Environmental zi~ipact Report: L-hat v~rovlil indtcute samethi.ng regardiag alternatl.ves
as to low density.
Commlasioner Rowla.nd note~~ that there ~~ere many areas of this tract map in which
the manner .~t was designed wltich had n~~t heen accepta~le to the City of Anaheim
for thirt~ -f1vE y~urs, and he did not £oPl t}ie City of Anaheim would accept half.-
etrpets from this developer since L-11ey wc~re not accepted from hundreda uf other
cYevalopers in the ~iky, ther~fore, he would recommeria that the arcinitec~ deeign
around half-streets, reconyider high denaity f:ronting ac.roES the street. from
low density~ and that the fe~linqE ox th~ :lanning Commisaion wou2d b~ aimil~r
to Y.hose ~.s set fozth ii~ the Rep~st L•c Lhe Ca~missi~n.
G~mm~.tsa±onex L~~:bst »oted he would suggagt that the ~etback alor-g :.~a~ta Ana
Canycn Road be maintain~d since h~ dld not feel any developar or devr:lopmEnt
ehould infringe upon thie requis•ed aetbaci:.
Commigsioner I:aywo~d offered a motion, seconded by C~c-miasione.r. Her.bat and
MOTYON C2~RRIFD (Commi:~sioner Rowland ~bstairi' nq) to c~ntinue con~~.daration o£
G+nvironmAntal 7m~~act ~aport No. 9:i, Reclas~ificatian No. 72-73-3~, Varianc~
No. '149.:', and Tenta~ive M~p ~f Trac~. N~. 4777 to the meeting of May 14, 1973,
in o,' r for t.e devplap~r r.o redesign the tract in accordance with euggestions
m~ae by the Commiwsion.
~ ~ ~
MI:NUTt:S, C'tTY PI,ANNING COMMT.SSTON, Apr:il 16, 1973 73-i:2C~
C~?NUiTIONAL USF. - PUFiLI(; HEAP'LNG. TNF MC CAFtTtiY COMPANY, attention uf ~ugd-ih
pFItMIT NO. 1~A6 lt. ~'uiler, 1535 West l.a Palm~ Avenue, Anaheir~, Cd. '.~:~~~~-,
M Ownary r.~e~uostinq permir~io;~ tc ESTABLSSH A 4-t1NI'P PL~ANDIED
WITH :~AI,I:s uFFiCF, on proporty clmecrl.bed ao i An i.zroqularly-nhnped perael o_*
!and conR.iH~•:.nq oP apProximd~ely .ne acre eppzoximataly G50 f;oot r~outho~'ly of
Santa Ana Canyon Road, havinq n maximum ~epkh uf +-gproximetely 170 foet~ ai~d
boiny 1~cnted ap~.~r~x.i.mxtgly 140 1iee~t wet~t o! the eRr~terli:~o o~ Mot~los~ Drivu.
YropArtf pr.esAntly clanaiP.isd R-A, AGRICULTURAt,, 7.ONF.
Ch~irm~~i Seymour notec9 tt~aY. ~inc;o the ~revious item had been conrinuad Eor four
weeka and eub~e~at potiL•ton wee tiod in wi.Ch the pcopoe~el, that ? t aleo be
(;omtnisseia~tcr Kaywood oPfered a motion, eoconded by Commiseioner He+rbot ancl
MOTIUN CAR127E1) (Commiet~ioner. Rowland abstaininy) t~ coritinuc conai~er~tior~ of
F~etition for c:ondlti~znal Uee Permit: No. 1.3y6 to tho moot ing af Dtav 14, 1973,
eince tho ~r.evi.ous patition which wnulc~ effec:t oubJect petitinn wac+ e'leo
NO. 72-73-~12
PU[~LIC 1{EARII~G. GiJISEPPL l~OmARO, 20'). Ec11o AvAnue, ktlnhA.lm,
Ca. 92801, Cwner j property dascri.bed ue ~ A reatangular7y-
etaaped parcc~l of lnnd condiating c>f ~pproximatoly .4 ~cr~s,
haviny A ft~ontage of appzox. ~natoly 100 feet• on tho ~auuth
~;ide of Lincoln Avenue, havtng a maxiinum depth of aPpzoxi-
mataly 194 f~at, ai~d hei~ig loc~ted approximately 365 feet
west of rhe catiCerline of MagnoJ.ia Avanue. Proporty pre~ently clar~sified R-A,
One person indicated his pres~nce i.n appo~ition.
7~ssistant Planner Phi.llxp a^hwaztze revietved the location of 3ubjer.t Qropsrty,
uses es~ablished in close pro~cimity, xnd t.he Qropoaal tu consL-ruct a two-story
qeneral office L~~ilcling c~ntaiiiing apnroximately 10,000 Kc~uare feet of floor
area, of which thare would be a?proximat~,ly ~600 squar~ fPet of ~entable spaca
un the ground flo~z and appr~xi~.iat-P1y 600q squarP feet un the seaond floorj
that the pxoposed bui.lding was apprnximately 90 feet wide snd AO f.eet deeg with
~ maxicnum overall height nf 26 ~eot and would be set back appr.oximately 55 feet
from the north ~roperty 11ne (Liricoln Avenuel, 10 fee} from the east property
line, 55 feet from the south property line, and 0 fee~ ~rom the weet proparty
line adjacent to -.~ puklic alleyr that the buiidinq was propospd to tiave a por-
tio.i of the secona fl~or constructed over the drivewr~y which ~rould provide
access to ttie parkin3 areae j that the exterior of the buildir.g would be cc~n••
structed of. stucco i.n an off-whito cclor and k~ave windows on ttie north, eas .,
and south eievations anlys and that lanciscapinq wo~1d conaiak of perimeter
plani:ing~ a t•.: 5~i feet widc~ on the north, east, anc~ south property lines, with
aclditi.o-~al 1-~ndscaging adyacent to ~he narth and 5outh si~es of the bu:llding
and numeraus la?:dsca~ed st.rlps sepai:.t~.ng the ~~arking staZls.
Hr. Sclnwartze, :.n reviewing the eva.luation, n~ted that the Ai~ahRim General Piaa
indicated mu2*iple-family re~iden~ial use as bEing appropriate for the proper-
ties truntirag on the south ~ide of Lincoln Avenue from Magnolia 7~venue wast to
the fiood control chanr.el, liawevgr, existing usas in the azea included a a~r~vice
station, an automub3.Ye repair ehop, ~nd s motel; that tha ~raposad siae aetback
of 10 foet wauld allow a buildi.nq he~ght ~f one-half the di.~stance, or 5:eet~
that the proposed building height w~.s 23 f.aet, which would require approval of'
a waivex ~1iicE tne ~.buttinq property was zoned R-As that• rather than provxde
~umper blocke ir. oarking apaces, th.e eubmitted plane ind~cated an aclditional
2~ feet ~f landscapinq in iront of a~l parkinq spacest that•. the second floo~
Nxtended ov~r S park~ng spacee and the arl~eway running ~rom front to rear on
aub ject propezty ~ that the overhQad cl.earance of: approximatel.y ?.0 feet was
ndequate for automobiles but not far trnatl coll8ction or fize trucks, however,
bath the Fire Departn~^nt and the ~anitation Capertment had indicated these would I
be no need for thPir vj~h+~-1es to ei~ter. the property thzough the cnverad drivewayt
~ ~ ~
MINUTI:S, CITY 1~LANNING ~OMMIyNTON, Rr~r~,l 16, 1973 ~3-ZZ9
R£CLi1'iSIP'ZCATION N0. 72_ 73^42 30.ND VAriIANC1C ~lU. w494 (Conti nued)
thr-t cireula~ion wae prp~-ided on-aite, with ecceob via on~~ 3rivewa~ an Lincoln
Avunuo e~id h~ o openlnye to the a~.t~xy Ca the weet of cubje~:t•. pxop~rtys that in
orclex *., •.: ~li.za ~hc pro~oeed plan, the petition~r. mux~ ~cquire the riqhtN to
the ~n:-toot• I~ulAing etri~ aoparnti nq Aub~ect property facm tho al.ley to kha
wr,etl and thnt affic~ uoe ueuelly roquirod 9 parkinq eFa~ee pAr X000 aquere
leet o! grog• fl~or c+res, an~ thers baJ.ng nppruximsta.'.y li),OUO squere~ feAt. oP
yrosa t:loor. eret+, 40 p~rking spac~~s weXa roquirod and wera being pcopooed.
Mr. Uon Watorn, repr~oenting I,rRoy R090 G Aauooia~t~s, erct~itoct !or the ~ropoqad
c9AVdlopment, ii~c9lcaro~l hin pr.aeonc~r ~o annv~or quest.iona.
r1r. WilJ.iem Marks. 26J.2 WeeC Lin~o~rt Aver.ue, a~p~~xred befor.e ~t;a Commiaalan in
onpoeit:on, nakinq that ho opara~ted a r.ommorciml boarding kennel. a~ljacc~r~r to
suUject ~roper.ty *.o tho eaAtt that 2~~~th eub)ect proporty an~i hie ~~xopur.ty u~ad
a doub].e dri.veway, altt,uuc~h inctividue-J.ly owned~ and that if the propoaud struc~
turo wauld bN developod, becc-uae ot tha 1~CQt~Oh rf e large utility pole sepnrat~
ing h:ls driveway and th~t ad~oininq pra~t~rty, it ~ould mctan ho would hRVe to re--
locate hio drivowAy iF the locntio*a o~ the ~ulLdinq aere on the pro~,~rty ~.ine.
Mr. Wat:e: ~ obe~arved that t2-e prapaeoed atrucluro wo~ild ba wit:hin Che proparty
linr~, 1~ning loaated 10 feet Lrom the aAet property line, an~ thc;n ryviewod the
plan3 wit_h the oppasitlnn.
Mr. Wntc+rs noted that. ha caiild ncC underntand whnt the problem waulcl be eince
they had a tr~lephono co-npuny easam~nC alrng their property line, and tho preoer~t
driveway •, ie useci by both ownera, but the~ telephona pol.e w~n in the c~nter of
the ~ir~vaw~+y.
Mz. Marke noted tha' aincu his properxy wae sn clo~e to t'~A Me~gnoli+s A•~anu~
inter.aection, b~ing n.ly 250 foet tram •.~tie MmRnolia Avenue r~ignal light, the
drivewr~y woulc~ be barely wide en~t~gt~ because of the t.eZephone pole .loc~tl.on,
howeve•r, when a double driveway weis u~ed, thero wus na prablem. rurthermoro,
hia primary eoncern was ~F~o fact that ho thuught the build~.nq would ba proposed
immedit+taly un the property l.ine rs4•her than being sot 1~A fieot in.
Mx. Watexs inc~uir~d of the 'ammiss ion whc~ther thc: ~-faor high wall would be
requirod to the ~5-foot set.s~ack xt i.~i~-coln Avenue~ whEreupan ZUning Supervi.ncr
r_har.les Roberts n4ted that the wall would have to b~ stepped down to 3U i~r~ches
in tiie Pront 35-foot s~tback.
Commissioner Kaywood inquirad whether th~ propo~eG 40 paricing [~p~ces would bc~
adequate, ~vhether the ppt.itioner t~ad t+ny tenants, and wh~~ther they 'wFre aritici -
patin3 having detital. and medical o£ficee~ whereupon Mr. Waters sxated that they
h,~d cnnt~idered medical and dental offices, hawover, becaus^. af ~he parking
pzoblem, it wss 3ecided nat to pezmiL thase Cypes of off ic~s.
Co..i:nissionex' Farano offer.~d a mution, ne~ond~d by Commiss~oner Kaywood and
MOTION CARt2IED, that the Planning Commioaioi:, in connection with an exemption
dec~.aratian st.atus requ~at, finds and detrirmine~ that the propo~al would have
no significant envir.r~nmental imract, and., therefora, racommenda to the Cit
Counr.3.i that no ~,nvironmental Imp~ct Statoment i.s iiecessary.
Commiesioner :Ierbst effer.c~d Reso?_ ut.ion No. PC73-71 ana moved for its passag~
and adoption to rec:ommencl i:~ 'ch~ Cit•.y Couneil that Peti tior. for Recl~ttsifica-
tion No. 72-73-42 be approve~.i, siabJect to conditiuns. (See Resoluti~n t3ook)
Un roll ca11 the foregoing rasolution wae passed by the fo].lowing vota:
AYES: COMMISSTONERS: Farano, Gauar, Herbst, Kayaood, Rowlan~3, Seym~~ur.
C~mmissianer Farano offered '~ese~uti~n No. PC73-72 t~nd moved ~or its passage
an9 adoption t.o gxant Petitiun for Variance No. 2494 aub ject to conditions.
(Se~ Res~lution B~ok)
An r.oll call the f~reqoing rssol ution wus passed by the fallow~ng vote:
,pyE;,; ~~:::~"TSSIat~ERS: Farano, Ga-uarr Harbat, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour.
~ ~
MTNCiTEJ, CTTY PL,Ai~NING COMM.IS ~~ON, April 16, ].973 13-•230
N0. 72-73-41 Resh Street, Aneh4lm, Ca. 92H0~~~ Owiioxoi JOSF.PN C.
M S'CI~PHENSOrJ, 822 Wept• ~1nde Way, At~ahetm, Ce. y2803, Agent~
VAIRIANCE NO. 2493 property doocriR~ad axi A rectanyularly-~he~e~ Farcel of
~~ IAlld aon~siatinq of apprux.imately .4 acr~s, havinq a fx•ontnge
of epproximatel.y 98 feet o~i tho woet aide ~! CiCron 9trc+ot,
tiav~.ng a meximum depth of ax~proximetely ~94 fuet, ~+nc~ beinq loonted appraxi matoly
16Q feet north oQ th~ centarlinA of I~t~ Verne 5tredt. Propexty preeently cle~sei-
Tvelvo paraona inc:ic~zted tl~o:.r prosf~nco in op~c~nition.
Aosiatant ~lant~er Nhillip schwartco zoview~d th~ locat~on o! oubjesct property,
u~+ys e~taUliehed in clase proxir~ity, xnd the proposal tc> c.onatruct n g~.ngl~-
atory, 1l)-unit apsrtmen~ r.omplex compoaeii of t:hrea bui_ldinga, with plane indi-
cat.ing 7 two-bedroom units linvinq 854 equare feo} each ancl 3 an~-budroom unita
t~avitig 740 ~tquare feet or-chs that huildinga wculd Ao con.~truct.ed of. stucco with
al-inqle .roofs~ that a two-~xnit building 24 PQet x 72 £e~t. wns proposod to be
located parulleJ. to and appr~ximat@ly 7 feet fr~m the WPSt or .rear. propazty
linet that two 4-unit bai.ldinyc+ wFre i~XOposed parallel to tha nnrth and aouth
property li.nea, with tlie northerly building s~t Unck approxlmately 7 f~eti ~.hat
th~~ southsx•ly butldinq w~s set back n~proximately 6.8 fecC from the south
property lire v~i.th ttttA~: ad garagee proposod sdjacent to :~i~d facing the property
line; thaL- a 15--foot L•r :~t setback from Citzon St•reeL• war~ being pr.ovidodJ thut
all c~pen ~~tback ~reas with the exception of the ir;.~nt aetback were ahown as
beinq utiJ.~.~ed for private patioe; Lhat the dirstance betwee ~ tho rear units and
th~ fzont :u~i~iings waa propased at approximataly 13 ieet, while 20 f~eL was
requiredj that the two fr~nt buzldinga a~ ahown on the 4~LAR9 were separ.at.ad y
i7 feet, whereas COdP, would roquire 34 feot~ that the, e~fective distance between
the pa~ ~l.lel nvi.ldings was further roduced by t.hree Z~rivata patioa of apprc~xi-
mately 7x12 f~et io~a~~a to thc+ front of. thQ aoutherly buil.ding~ that a caverage
of 58.8s was propoaed on thia paresl, wherea~ Code would pezmit a maximum of
55~t that ].4 garage pArkin~ spacea wer~ nraF~o~ed with vehicular. access to the
garages to bQ pruv±ded by utilizinq an existing 27-foot wide drive which was
part of and now beis~g used to pzovide 8CC8S3 to the 12 yaraqea of the apaxtments
loctsted on the abuttinq R-3 property to the aouth; tt~ . a pedestrian acceac~ ta
the apar*menta was provide:l at two pointes the main accesR £rom the strset
being b~~tauen the two buildings facinq Ci*ron Stree~~ and the ather. acceas b~9.ng
from the garage ~rea at: u point near the rcar and south ai~;e of the complex
between the rear bui.ld.ing ar~d the sautherly building; that the Lrash bin anclo-
sur.e and ].aundry facili t}r were also ].ocated at L•his goint; that landscaping was
prop~sed in all setback ar.eas, and 6-foot mascnry walla were nropused alony the
noa•th and wes t property lineD - these wall~ also extendiriy to :he buiJ.ding to
create patios; and that some grape. yc tei2cing waa propoaed on the eaet and
south elevativn3 to c~nclose the patiu areas.
Mr. Schwartze, in reviewing Che evaluation, noted that the Anaheim C,enezal Plan
design~ted this area as being appropriete for low-dengtty residential land uses;
trat ~.tie propused 14 garages supplied morQ covered spaco than the 10 spucas
required by Code, howaver, the tctal number of parking apaces was on~ short;
that coverage was proposed at 58.~~i ~hich exceeded the Code-permitted 55~, and
±f 4 carports were elimi.natPd in favor of a~~n oarking, ttie coverage would be
dec:reased to 54.G5; that variouR patioa were pzoposed at 7 feet wide, whereas
Code r.equired an 8-foot minimum w:idt.}~ in order to be acceptable aR usable
recreation opace; and that ~he locxti~n of the traeh b~n was not acceptabl~s
to the SRnitntion D•lvision ~ince a trash col~ectior~ trwck cauld noC n~~gotiate
the narrow driveway at t},e weat oide of the abutting pzoperty, par~icular~~• as
there ~:as no corn~r cut-off..
-ir. Joseph Stephenaun, ager-t for the petitioneX, sp,~aazed before the Commisaion
and in3lcated his psee~nce to anawer c~uestions.
RECILASSIFICA'1'Z~N N~~._ 12-'1:i-41 AND V7IRIANCE N0. 2493 (CUnt~nued)
Chatrmnn So,ym~~ ;r notnd tliet: eubject. prc+perk.y waA in thd R-0 Zone, howevex, the
peti.tionor w„e pxopos~ng a very hsa~~y d~nsity, nnd, sa~~.tc91.y, why wes the
pe~itione~ r.equentiny all oP thoo~ waivors~ wha.r'upon Mr. Stephen~o» statad
tl~at he owned ChA corner lot •outh ot ~ub~ect ~ropei'ty whic:h was uonod R-3 i.n
19~2 and where ho had conatxi~cted thr~~ 3-unit apartment buil~iinye wiL•h u~7-
foot clriv~wuy at thre r~ari that he wn~ ~~ropoeinq L•o align the xd~ainie-g proper.ty
Ar~d mnk~~ full uae nf the ~roperty by tsking ac_.eee to the qarege~s txom the 27-
7 ot drivQway~ that the ddN~h ot subjec~ pxopr,.rty wea tl~e eame e~e l•h~+ Property
to the aouth, tio~rover, the Nidtli of the lot wae somewhe.t nnxrower..
Th~e CommiASlon notad ttiat t`~s peCiti~nor wae pruponing 10 unite~ on a emaller
parce.l. tt~an that on the RouLh on which h~a had on.ly pro~or~~d 9 unitAt ~iher~upor.
Mr. ytaph~n~on R~ataA tt-ac they were planning ta uae the e~ame driveNey !'ar
subject prop~rty, LhpreforN, theX ~•r~ ab].e to get moXO ur~ita on the pxoperty.
Commiesic,naz• Herb~t ~tatod thxt i£ ~he petitioner wero roquiruh to provid9 the+
clriveway, Ch~n the de~el~pment could nevar b3 for 7.~7 uni.tr~, theroforo~ i~ tr~o
Commie~sion aa].owad common uso of t}:e dxivowxy~ there wr~s no r~asan then foz~
all the roqi~est~ed watvexe.
Chairman Seymour obaer.vod that the potition~r k~ad lG$ l~sa lnnd than tYiat wl:ich lie
had dcsveZaped h.o tha eouth, yet he w~a aehing for morQ uaiits on tho property.
Mr. ~tephenaun, in response ta Gornmission questic~ning, r~oted that thero wao a
aingla-~Edmi.'ly homr. to th~s north of subjoct pr.operty.
Chairma~i Soymour nated that subj6ct prop~rt•y was b~clc3ng up to e~ll R-C homes an
Winter Street•, as well as an R-~O home to the north.
Mrs. Ruth Mount, 929 Nerth Citron S~reet, appeared before the Caa~mi~sAior~ in
opposition, stating that sl~e owned tt~p adjoining progerty to the north, and
s2re was very much opposed to hoav3er denaity f~r aiiblect property eince thore
alraady exist~d a vexy serious parking problF,m du~: ro two churche3 beinc~ built
within one block, and ~he would hate to see tan families overloakinq hez fence
onto hsr propertyr that all the neighbors to tha west and along Citron Street
were oppused to any further multiple-•family encroachmeiit into the azea sinca
they had purchased their homes to live in tltom ar.d did net want L•o have heavy
d9nsity units i.n the areai and t11at if ettbject petition .i~re approved~ then the
Commission ~hou13 consider reclassifying al1 of the adjoining properties to R-3.
Mr. Mal Lockwaod, 916 Winter Street, appeared before the Commission in opposition
and stated his home was directly to the ~+eat of' the pz~posed dQVelopment; that
they had movea int.o their home 18 yaara ago and ha.d to figh~ '•ir. Stephenson i~n
1962 wher. R-3 z4T-ing had been approved on the corner of Ci:.ro~: and La Verne
Streets; that all of the people an 4linter Street w.~re opposed to further multiple-
-family enc.roachment into Lhe area because of the in;:n-:nt •~rafi~c nnd parkina
prob2em on the stree~k, particulazl.y~ since there already was a parking problem
with ttie churche~ and existing p~+artmanfiai that it was difficult to aee t•3f£ic
coming down Citron Skreet becaus~ of all of the on-street parkina; that ~~e
tanants of the existinq F-3 ~~'~~~~zady parked on the streetj that to ~:prove
eubject petition would add mor.e vehicles to an already untennb~.e aitLa~i.onj and
that if subject pe:.ikion WC~"C ~prc+ve~, he would 1ik~ to see that the Cade aet~
backs be maintained.
Mr. Richard Brubal:er, 943 Nor~h Citron Street, appeared before the Commisaion
in opposition and stated that they had l~.ved in Nor_walk in ~ houair.g tsacr and
had never seen ao much. as a spaxrok in thPix rousing tract, thgrefore, L•hey had
purchased their one-half acre parcel in order to enjoy a somewhut..rural a•tmas~
phera, and to appro:e ~ievelapment of the apartmeni:s wuulcl deetroy thia xuz~a;
Mrs. S. ~. ~Sadley, 93Z Nor.h Citron Streat, bppeared befor.e the Commisaipn i;i
oppoaition, noting ttiat her home wae two doore north o~ subj~ct proportyi that
s~l of the reaidents ot the aroa preferr.ed to have single-fam~ly homea on
subject propertys tha~ she did not object to the chuxcr parking aince thie
occurred only on weaketida, but if another apartment dev~lopment were approved,
thia wculd affect aa already aeri~ss parklny problem.
~ ~
MINUTEt3, CITY FLANNING COMI4ISSIOtJ, April. 16, 1J73 13-~~~
1~ECLASSIP'I~ATION N0. 72-73-41 AN~ V7-RTANCP~ N0. 24.- j (Cantl.iiu~d)
MrN. tiownrd Oleon, 912 Nnrth c:.itr.an Straet, appc~ar~d bePoro tha Commieaior~ in
oppoaiti.on, noting her prop~~rty wae di.rsct.ly tt~ tl~e onst oP subje~:t proportyt
that aho had pur.r.hased h~r c}~:oporty in 1y47 and wc-ntQc2 to livo there to ra~x
her ahildran nnd remain there t:}~e regt oF thoiz li.ve~t ttiat theey would hate to
havo to be upzootod and aRll t.lita propert:y iP e~ubject ~~r~peXty wore davalq~ed
for R•^3 purpa~u:i; that they wore alXeady confror~ted with e+ pxrking problam~ a~r~d
alie ~elt th. :: r.he slxe of t.he unit woul.d cause mur~ con~oaCion nf peop7.e pdrk-
1nq si.nce eon~r~ wera already pArkirig in h~r ctrivawey, and ehe waa concornad with
Nhat would hapPon to the valuaL•ion of tha preporty if eu6}ect proporty w~•re
e,ppcoved f~r R--J~ ~+nd then inquirec~ what the General Pla~n pro;}ACtedr whex'~upon
Mze. Olson wae adviRed that low danRfty wiia pro~ectc~d on khe General 1'lan.
Mr~. Oln+~n l•tian statnd L-hdL thare wero alramdy ~roblema with the ewo-gtory
,~partmeiita on Northgake I,ar,e with unpleasnr-t living environment being lniected
into ttie area.
Mr.. Cly~e Arown, 937 North Winter S~Creet, appeared ~efor.e tho Cammissi~n ennd
9catiod he was. opposad to R-3 zoning wit•h al'L thr~ waivera rzquasted t~ince tchis
would crsate nn i.ncrea~~ in treffic confunion.
Mr. Art Hough, 905 Winter Stre~et, apperxrad U8P01'O the Commi~asion in~ opposition
dn~i stated that he h+~d alao opposod th~ px'evioua R-3 3avoloPment wh.l.ch tha
Planninq ~ommiasion deni.od anci tho ~ity Gounci.l had approved, however, wi.Cl~ all
o.E' ~ho waiverd UR~hCJ r.equa~ted, this would add to C1-~e con~uRion.
In rebuttal, Mr. Stephon~an noted that ne did not feel tie should bo penalized
f.or devel~~pmQnt of tho proporty becauae of the two ~hurche9 that wore Iocated
in thRt area which had na purki.ng Paciliti.o», ~sinca thi~ croited coneiderable
psrki,nc~ pr~blemst that traffic on Nort•.h Ci.fixon Street was very buey~ ar~d ~0
mor9 units would not ado tu the traffic problem alresdy exi~ting.
Chalrman Seymour noted that perhaps thesA 10 units would not add to L•he ~raffic
problom, however~ appruviny sut~jact petition would be tantam~unt to eatablishinq
t~ oroc~dent whe: f~y adjoinin~ propert-.y uwno~g would be requesting R-3 zoning, as
Mr. Steph~nson noted that he :~ad l.ive~l on RorLh Streat far 15 years, and the
traffic had inc~ea~ed so mucYi tliat he had to move, one of the reasonR boing
that there were no through :,tr.e~ts in the ttrea bfltween Harbor Boul~ ard a~~c3
Euclid Street otYier than Citzon Streefi., and t.raf£ic would have to be gzeater
because of. both the high school t.o the south and the supFrmarket to the north.
Commis~ioner ~:aywood noted on a field inspectian of ~ubject propertyr adjoining
property to the south, havin~~, ~r CC ~Lt~~~~u9h the alley, it appeared that the
masonry wali had b;er- brokenf' w~i~rQUpon Mr. 5tephenson stated ~hat there were
two e'3er.ly women who had viiitar.e aara which they had trouble Luznirig and con-
sistently il~xmpea into the wall., 3amaging it, and th~c the wall had been con--
structed originally without reinforcement, however., he was hopei'ul of r~moving
ihe wall and replacing it with gazages it subjact petition wex'e ~~pproved.
Cornmisaioner Gauer observed thut the Pl~nning Commisaion had consistently
attemptecl to reta.in this a..,.s f^r R--O us~s, and that any oth~r use o~he•r thar.
R-~ w~uld be too inten~e u:~e of. the property - although the City Council had
~:anted ~nore intense u~~e ior the c~rner property, he did not feel the Commi~-
r~ion had changed theiz min3s aa to tha L•ype of uRea that shoutd ~~ established
in TI'13.3 area.
Coaimiasioner HPrbst was of the apinion that subject petitiar. should be recom-
manded to tt~e City Council for. denial with a very strong recommendation as ta
the .-.easons fcr denia3..
Flr. Stephenson advised tlie Commiasion that he was not the owner of t.h~ property
under consideration and haa built thg a~artmez~t~ t~ the acutti of sv~~ ject
Commisaioner R~wland inquired of sttsf~ whekner tihe appltcant had a preliminnry
meeting writh btaff before preparinq the planai whoreupan Mr. Sch~rartzd etatod
that ataff laad met w±th tt-ce petitiondr and hn~3 appriaed r.im of ~11 thn waivers
roqueated, therefore; he had a full understan3ing ai t:-e wraiver.s whi.ch wore
hAfor.•e the Commiasion.
~ ~
MINUTES, CITY PL7INNING COMMIS~ION, Apti]. 16~ 1973 73-7.33
RECI~A3SIf"iCA~'ICJN NO. 72-73~-41 ANA VARIANCE N0. 1q93 {Cnntinuecl)
Comm~seioner t~~rb~t oftered n motion, a~~condad by Commi~eioner K~~wpod and
MOTZQN CARRIEU, thet the Plnni~ing Commisalon, ~.n connecki.an M1th ar. exemption
d~clmratinn at~tue r~queaC~ xinda az-d determl.ne~ tha~ Che ~zopoeal would have
e aignitir,ant envlronmental lmpact and, tt~aroloro, r~commend~ to the City
C.ounoil Lhat pri.or to coneideration c+~ thm rselaseitiaation khat the petitionar
be cmqufred t~ flle a~i Erivironm~3nta1 2mpact R~+purt.
Commiesioner HorbE~. offer.dc5 P.eeolution No, r~73-73 and mov~3 for ita paeeage
and bdoptian to rcc~mmend to Che City Caunr.i.1~ the-t Petltion for keclneei.t'ica-tion
No. l2-73-41 bo dia~ppxoved slnce tho ariginal R-3 zaniug approveil ~~n tho prap-
orty to the south wae spot zoning, +~nd Ap~.rovxl of Aub;~~ct ~ietitiun would ~at•ab-
l.i.eh n grecodanL- to filinq of req~e~tA for R-3 zoning of the tt-O propoit.iea to
the north~ that oubjoct proparty wae euzzounded on the i~orth, wont•, and ~ast
with R-0 ~onad pzop9i~ty, and tt1A9A propezty ownor~ were en~iL-l~b ta L-he pro~:oc-
tion of the zoninq re et~tdbliehod end n~ c'lop.ictdd on the Anaheim Gc~norni k~l~in~
and that thG ~xiating a11oy from which the pc~titioner. propasad to havc~ accnsti
tn tl~~ gnragee was alyd~dy toc nazrow to permit an ad3ltianal 10 unita 1iAVing
acc:ess. (Sea Reaolution Book)
On r~ll cnll the foregoiny raeolutior~ was paseed by the fi~llowing vo~.d:
AYEs: COMMXBSIONE~RS: Farano, G~suer~ NHYWSt, haywucd, Ro~wlan~i, Sbymour.
Commissior.er Kaywood o£fered Reeolutiun ~a. PC73-~74 and m~ved for its passage
And adoption to deny keti*_ion for Variance No. Z493 on the. basis thak the
Cvmmiasion had recommended denial af tho reclaeoi,`i:ation, and impleme~~e.ation
of the petition would not be p~esible ur~der the ~~ ~.sti.ng zoning, ,nc1 t.hat the
~e:ti.~ioner ha3 not submitted sube~anti.atinq evidence tha~ eaid va~lanr,a was
necesa~ry far tho enjoyn~ent of a Hiabstaritial praperty right onjoyed by oth~re
and not enjo~ed by bimself. (See Resolution Book)
On rol? aall the f.crec~oing resolution was paeaed by the fotlohing voi:Q:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbat, Kaywood, Row].and, SNymour.
RECCSS - Chairman Sepmour declared a ten-minute recess at ~3:00 p.m.
RkCONVEI~R - Chai~:maz~ Seymour reconven~d. the mee*tn7 at 4:.10 p.m. , all
Comm.issioner~ except Allred beinq preser.t.
NO. 72-73-4U Avenue, A-•...he?m, Ca. 92802, Ownerst SOUTHWEST LEASING CORP.,
attention of wi'_li~m L. Snel.ling, Vice Prea.ident, 3S0 Ncrth
CONDITI~NAL U8~ Ca.ion DYi~.~~, i'~~ vH.rly iiil~.d, ~a. 962.10, Ager,t; proper.ty
PERMIT N0. 1~87 described ~:t An i.r.requlwrly-ahaped parael ~€ lancl consiat-
J ing oE a~. ~xisnately .47 mcreA having frontages of anpraxi-
mately 15_ P~:et on the southwt.et s~de of Nlanchester .Nvenue,
approxi.mately 30 feet on the suu~h 31de o.f I~atella Way, and approxim~*ely ~.68
feet on tho oagt side of Mountain Vi~w Ave~ue, ~;eing the snizt•he&st corner of
Mountain '~iew Avenue and Ka1:Flla Wsy. Pr~p~rty presently class~.fied R-A,
No one appeaz~~d in o~+posi.tion.
Althnugti the Repoz•t to the Commiasion aas r.o~ x•ead at the public he~sring, it
1s referxed to xnd made a part o~ the minuteR.
MINUTLS, CII'Y PLANNING CQMMISSI013, April l6, 1973 7'-~234
RL~CI.A5SIFICATlUN tJ0..72-73-40 AND CONDITIONAL_U3E ~ERHTT Nh. 1387 (ConL:nuod)
Mr, William snel~.ing, ngene for the petitione+r, a~pear~ed belaro ~he Cor~m3~aion
at~d note~d thst sul~ject pro~~erty wae nn odd•-nhapecY paraal, t~owmver, it. wa~ ver,y
woll puited !or thHir naec9e, and the walv~z ot the z'ec~uizaeA wall r~d~a~cent to
the aba,ndoned home wae being Y'QQU89t:dd nince it ~ts~ their in~ent to ~+aquire~ Che
property in ~~~9 becauso tho ownor of the hamr roeiQ~d in ~t~s Ea~t.
2oning Suporvlsor Chxrlae Rok~nrte notE~d Por Che Commisoian t:)te~ ^tetfC had
raceived a laY.tea• the p:evioue we~k i.~~ '•-hich the p~tittaner heQ ~tated they
would conetr~sc~ c.he 6-foo`_ maAOnry ~-+i1, hawever, t~r. wan ~now pro~o~ing waivc~r
of said wnll.
Mr. Snel.ling not.ed *.hat thAr~ wae cc~ lderabJ.e didcus.ion ~otwaen eka~! and
hie arr.liitect, however., i.f rhe F~ -•:~ni~~g ~ummis~idn roquired the wAll, thoil it
would be constructed, but it w~~.a their. intent to ec~uirr th~o aCjoining property.
Commieaionex Farano inquir~c~ +ie tu the r~nma ~f t.he campany propoeoc9 ti~ be
lor.ate8 on sub3ect property and whettiez the comE~any w~s licenoad L•o Hel7.
automobilest whereupcn Mi~. ~nelliny ~-t•c+ted th~-t they ha.6 r,ot bAAn licaneed,
however, they had bc-e» negotfat.ing for ~uch lic~i~ea for the paet five yeare.
Commissi~nar E'arano then inq~ ~.red what the peti.tian~r meant by "wholec+a~inq
dnd leaeing" j wherc~upon Mr. SnE~lling sta~ed that whFr -~n automobile wae ret.urned
to them, they were c~till thQ ~wner of the aut~mobi7 , and many people Uroiiqht i.n
thair uaed cars, and u~fortu»atoly v~hen they liad to e~ell these care, they would
have to sell ther~ thraugh a i-o-sale Permit.
Commissioner Fargno inquir.ed whet}der othe~r ttian rontzl or leased cars wotiild be
received at eubjaat pr~perty; wti9reupon Mr. Snelling replied negatively, n~ti.ng
that it would nat be ~r.~ctical.
Commisaioner rarano then inquired wh~ther tho peti.tioz~er woula stiNulr~te that
anly rented and leased cars owned by them would be ~old from thia prooertyl
whereupon Mr. snelling sa stipulated.
Mr. Snel7.ing stated that he would pref~r not havi.nq this stipulr~tlon at~achc.d
to the approvsl of the nroposed use 3~IlC@ ~.` ~iiey came under the jurisdiction
of the State tk-ey would be pQrmitted Ly the StatQ to sell theae cars receive3
from customers.
Comtr.issloner Facano statod Y.har if Y,he pet~.tiorser wr:re licenaed bf the State,
he could obtain used cars from ~nl.l new cax lota, making this ~ used car lot
rather than a who.lesale aqc~ncy, therefare, he would prefer haviny the atiQulation
of th.a pQtttiuner that only rental or lea~ed cars wou].d be sold on this prop~r.ty.
c'ommissioner Kaywood offered a n.o~ion, seconcied by Com~r+tasionpr. Gau~sr and
MOTION CARRIRD, that the P1ann:Lnq G~mmission, ~n cannection with an exemption
decla.ratior- Utatus requeat, finds and determines that the proposal would have
nu s3gnificant environmental impact, and. therezoreo recon~mends to tl~e City
C~uncil th~k rio Environmental Impac*_ St;atement is iiecessary.
Commi.ssioner Fa~-ano offered Reaolut=on No. PC73-75 and moved f~r its passage
and adop~ion to recommend to the C~ry Council that Petiti~n for Recl~eaificat.ion
Np, 72-73-~3G be approved, suk~ject tu tiie etipulat3.on tihat the applic:ant woulr~
aell no uther v~~hicles than those tk:at wou~d be rcnted or leaood or tho~e cars
oriqinally owned by the peL•itioner at t•he time of the qranting of. thie petition
and r+ubjeck to cond.iti_ons. (See Resalution Book)
On ro'll call the f_oregoing resolut-ion was pasard by the f.ol.lowing vote:
AYFS: COMMISSIONERB: Farano, Gauer, Her.bst, Kaywood, Ro~•rlarid, Scymour.
ABSl'sC7T: COMMI55ti~N~RS: A11red.
Gommzasioner Farano offered Resolution No. DC73-7o and moved for ite Qassaye
and adoption to grant Periti~~ for Conditiona]. Use Permit tio. 1387, in paxt,
~on; i:::, ::H~va:. c,L 4i~e rr_quirad maeonry wall ebattinq a rzeidertial zonet trat
the p~tit:i.oner skipulatpd to construction thareof.i and ~uk+jec*_ ta c~nditions,
~itn ~.he aclded condition that tYlere would be only thoge vehic2.ea would be so~d
wn:ch wr~., rente~ or leased or. those cara originally owne+d b.y t:he petitioner at
tiha `im.~ of grantinq of thts petition. (See A.e$aluti.o~ Paak~
MIKU1'F,S~ CLTY pLANN.LNG COMMISSION, Apri.l lli~ 1973 73`~ jr
RFCT~ASSIFICA'L`ION N0._72_73-40 Al~b CONDITIONA.L U~~ Pi:RMI'C ~~. 1307 lContinued)
un roll call tha lnzagoing reuelution ~sns pr~~eed by the Yoll.c~v~inq vot~:
AYL~Si COMMISSTONF.R' • Fareno, Gnuer, liorbat, Ka,ywaod, Rnwland~ Seymc,ur.
A[13FNTs COMMI~:SIUNLR3~ Allre,'.
VARId1N~F N0. 248U ~• PUBLIC HF.ARING. FIIGHLANU PROfiN:R'~'T~S, INC. , at4ontion af
~ ~~ ~ Cha~zlee C. Stamk~ach, 4885 ;suat 51.nd Place, Lo~ Angelos, (7a.
9004Q, Owncr~ ro~ueating WTTVC;R U1' (A) Rk:QUIR.F.MENT THAT A
L1U~LQINGS on pro~r,rty descr.ibad asa An ir.reqularly-ehapoc~ parcel ~fi land
coti~ieting ~f +~pproxi~eateJ.y 1.4 acre~, hn~ing a~r.o ject~,~ frontage af approxi-
matnly ~5U feeC on the 9out.t~weat si3e af Ma~chestor AVPIlUN, huving a mxximum
depCh of approxl-nately 560 fQeY., and beixia lucated appro;ciinately 1200 feet
southea~ati of the aonteiline o£ Kat:;l).a h~ay. Property pre:;ontly claseifted
On~ person i.nciicatad }~in preeence in con~itional oppoeition.
~~asietant Plenner Phillip Schwartze reviewed th~ ].ocation of subject pr.opertp,
usa~ eBtabl~.shed .ln claf~e proximit.y, noting that apparently at yome timo .it~ the
past aub ject property wa~ ao].d aep~~rately fr~m the large parcel which f'rcnr_ed
on Ma+ncheater Avanue, and a parcel map was not filad ~-ith tt~~e City, consaqu¢~ntlv,
tho l~t was nut a legal paroelj that. submi~ ed plana indicat.ed a pruposal to
constrtict two aingle-story warehouee buildinga h,zving a total tlaor r~r.ea of
32,3?'1 uquare f::et, Building "A" be9.ng 60x170 feet -~nd would be located immedi-
atel}r to tho eout.her~et ~-nd norYheast property .tine~ and would ~e locaL•ed 2.5 feet
from t;~e R~-A zonnd pro~erty on whiah a mobilehome psrk had been developed~ tliat
Bui~.dine~ "B", a 7.OOx120-foot building, would be located adjacent to tnp northwest
and northe~~t psoporty lines and w~~uld be locatecl 23 feet fr.om the R-A zoned
property with ths mobilehame park developed to the weati that the buildinyD were
proposRd to be construct~d of painted concrete "tilt up" walls, with Buildinc.~ "A"
having ar, overall height of 26 feet, 9 inches abo~e grarle along the southea~t
pioperty .line, w~hile the other walls would have a r~aximum height of 25 feet, 3
inchesr th~t Bt;,ilciinq "F3" would have a wa11 of approximately 26 fee~ in height
alonq the east st~d north ~roperty lines, with tho remaining wa].l.s ha~iny vary-
ir.g heights to as lit~le .~s 23 feet above gradet tha* Buialing "A's" nortt~ eleva-
L'~OR and Buildi.ny "e's" south e~evation woul~: have ~~erti~al lift doors 16 feet
wide x la feet hi~h in addition to regulation '°man" doors; that vehicular access
was provided to thesa builc~ings by one 3U-£oot wfde access easement from
M.~nchaster Avenue Loading to ttie cexite= uf the proparty, and par};ing wnuld be
adjacent to khe aauth and ~~est property lines in addition to 8 stalls propased
in front of IIuilding "R" , malcing a total of. ~4 sL•alls proposed, whereas 33 stal.la ~
would be rPq~irad based on th~~ 1/Z000 squar.e feet of gross floor area.
Mr. Schwar?.ze, in r.eviRwing the evaluation~ noted that based on the location of
Auilding "~3", Code •~ould allow a height af 20 feet at a disCar-ce from the west--
t~rly line ~f frum 2~ to 40 feet, nnd the petitioner proposed a he~-ght of 23 fc~et
at a diat. ~.e oi L3 ,ee~ from the xesideiitial boundary to the we~t; that the plans
also indic~~ed thie 2.{-foot area would be lands-~aped with a grouping of trees
nlony the 86 foot l~ngth of tiie build~ng parallel *_o the R-A zoned propertyr
that the hui~;ht of Buil~tic~y "A" located along the sout:~aast property line wou].d
be limited to zoro faet because it was pronosed Lo abut the adjacea~t R-A bound-
ary, and although Che ab~~tting property was in the R-A Zone, it was actually
used fox industrial pur~ ses; that this same 26-foot high buildiny would be
lar_ated 25 feet from the 1R-A zoned mobilehome park to th~ sou~h, whareae Ccc~e
Would alJ.ow a h~ight of 20 feet at ~ distance from the southerl}~ line of from
~0 Lo ~0 ~~etr tlixt the building walls were oriented approximately 45 degrees
Cn the ao~xtherl.y property line, with only the poirit being 25 feet frou- the
boun3ary 11net that the plans inciicated one tree in the ~arking area naar th~r
building cornez~ that the pet:ltioner had submitted documents which pur.ported to
p8tAD1S8il crosa easements for tt~e use ~f the 30-foot wide strip for ingress and
eg~oss tu MEnchester Avenue from subject property. said easement strig ahowing
on the plsns submitted~ und thut the peti~ionor had indicated the height waivera
were nocassdry in ord9r to assLre adaquate internal working heighta in the two
b~ildinqe foi the purpc~es intended.
~ ~ ~
MTNUTE'7, CI'PY PI.nNNiNG CbMMI~SIQN, npxil 16, 1973 73-23G
VI-RIA.NCE NO. 2488 (Cuntinuedl
Mr. Char.l~s Staml~aah, nqent for the petit:loner, intlir.ated hie proeence to
~ne~w~az queat.ione nnd etnt.ed that. tha~ architact Kati Mlao ~roannt to answnr any
t.mahnicul questione which L~1H Commiaeion roiqht hnve.
Mr. t~land~n Tromnl ne, attorr~op zepr~a~nting Mrree Johanna Furbock, appAared be-
Lore the Commi~ei.an, r-oting CI-at• hie c11enC res~ded in Europe and had a.long-
term leae~e f.oz her. property t, Addrosnagr~ph-Mult.igraph Corporati,an~ tha+t iC
wnuld appnar the propceed development would be an impr~~ement and advan~~c~c~oiin
~o the edJ~ining pr~nc~rtio:~r thut it wa~ his underetanding th8t iti wae ~lnnnr~d
tn uue tflAF30 buildir~ga far wall cov~ring dtor.a~, ~t dnd then ~'OC~UAAI:t~Q permiaslon
to x•eview tha plans for sub~or.t propor.ty, whexarapon plane+ ~-ere ptusan~ed ta
Mr. Tromaine tn rEViQw.
C~mmisgi~nez Herbst not~cl that thare nppemrod to be ar-ee,mer.t running thx~~ugh
thia pzo~arry to the ea:t~ whoreupan rir. Stambach nc d that tha piec~ of
pr~perty wae origicially purchased, and Mr. C. W. Nolson conet.ructed a bai~l~ing
on the prop~rty und lQased t-~e building back a~ a ef.uro buitdinq, and whan the
balencc+ of tt~H propdrty wad sold to ~tiqhland Progartie~, a porE~etual easement
ot 15 taet wae yranted= that granL•fl of Pase~monC war~ t~xitten H1.th Addro~sogra~h-
Multigrnph Corporation, ~nd ha thauyht trie gy-esnte of eeooment hrd been cecorded
v~han L•he sz~le to Mr.. Groe~ had been reco.rcYed, ho~reyer, Condition Na. 11 requixad
that thie re t~ken care of, and they wauld eubmit th~eAr qrnnt• of` easemante to
the i;ity Attorney's Uffice t~ clear u~ thie probZom.
Mr. Tremaine noted thut the title insurance rdg~rt lnflicatod the e~sement wad
gra~tad, therefore, he thought it hAd bc~9n rec:rded, anci hm was aomewhat oun-
cerned rogazding thie, however, if a condil•.inn of approval wae the recordation
of the easement, then this would Lake care or tha eaearn~an~ ~roblam.
Mr. Tremaine f~~rther noted that he would wi~hQraw any oppoAttion he had .indicated
mighr: be ~resented upun reviewiriq the plana.
Daputy ~~J.ty Attoz~riey E"~-r.k Lowry advided the G~mmiu~tion thr~t the City Attorney' e
OtEico was vitally interest•Ad in L•his propAZ;:y rlr-ce 4.hi~ was an ~ll~gal lot
split since the lot should rievar havo boen said off, tharefore, it is il~egal
and the C11:y Attorney's Offi.ce would make ~ure and would enfc~xce tl:e easement
to the grantee.
Commxssipner Farano off.ered a mo~ion, secon~ledl by Cammiseioner Kaywcocl and
MOTION CARRIF.D, that the PZanning ~ommission, in conn6ction with Rn exemption
decla~ration status reques~t, finds and determineo that the propasai would have
no eignif3cant envirormenta.l lmpact, and, theretore, recommends ~o the City
Council that no Env? xonmental Tmpac~t St~tem~ent i s neceesary.
Commissioner Gauer of`_ezed Resolution No. PC73-77 end mAVed for if.s paseaqe
nnd a@option to granr Petition for Varinnae No. 2d88, subject ~~ conditi.ons.
i~ee Reaolution Book)
~n rol:. ca1.1 the fnregoiny ret~olution was pasFc~d b•~ the foliowing vote:
~-YES: COMMTSSIGNERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, KaXwo~d, Ruwland, Seymaur.
~ ~
M'tNUTES, CITX PL~4NNING COMM1tiSIAN, April aCi, 1973 73-237
c:hrirman Sayrt~our. inc~uite~± whethe.i~ anyone we~re p~o~ent in oppasit.t~n tc~ Vr.rianco
No~. 2490 and 2A9i, the following patitioee r.oy~rdinq alqre~, and upon rrcc~iving
no r~~pon~e, atuta4 that tha Commisnion woulCt hoe-r the peti~ione t~a~~thsr •inno
the+y w9re by the •ama ~>etltioner, end i~eeicnlly ao~~hred tha .nme r+eque~~ted vr~iv~er~.
VARIANCL N~, 2491 - PiIHL'iC I~E).KZNG. ItTL11N~IC RICHR'IELU, '1713Ei We~t L,incoln
+~ ~ ~ Av~nue, l~nnheim, Gn. 97.~•04, Lea.e~ej YNR COrt!'ANY, 1A20 ~aet
Varmont l~vonuo, Anahei-n, CA. 92405, Rgnnt~ requeeting
CON"TI2tICT TNREE "S~L:' 3L~RVF:" 3IGN~ on prc+perty d~ecri~ied aB ~ A rect•ang~~lerly-
eha~ed [~dLr.@], of ~.And r_~naieting of apFr~xima~t:ely .37 ~cxen, haviny trontagee
oF approximatel~ 127 f'eot on Ll~o soutli sicio of La Palma Avnnuc, and r~gproximatp].y
].27 ~eet or~ ~he ~+~et eic5e af Euc].id 5tre~t a~nd bci.ny lacated ttt tlie .:outhwASt
coi~uer o! ~.e Ya1ma Avenue and Lucl•ld 5treHt. pr.eperty preesntly claesified
VARTANCF. N0. 2a90 -• F[1B.LIC :iEA1tING. ATLADITIC R]'.CtIFTELit, 1785 Wost Linculn
~ ~ A~enuo, AnRheim, Ca. 928Q4, I~eseeet YBR COMPANX, 102Q Ea~t
varmonr Avenud, P,n~hPim, Ca. 92£iq5, Agent; rec~uestiny
EREC:T F'OUR. "SELT' 5~:RVE" SIG~IS on pr~pc+rty do~c:'.bed as : A rectangular.ly-rshaped
parcel of• land conaisting of appr~~xi.mAtoly .5 acrA~, having frontagc~s uf ap-
proximatel.y 147 £eet on thp north airle af La Palma Avcsnun and appr~ximately 147
feet on the anst aide of State C~lleqe Bou~evard, arid bo~ny locute:3 at the
northeast corner of Le Palma Avenua and State CollNya Auuleva~~l. Property
px~eeently ctassified C-.l, GCNERAL COMMF,RCIAL, ZON~.
No une appeared ir. cpposition.
".l~hough the Repor~ to the Coaimiaeion wa~ noL rsad at the public hearinq, i.t ia
refPrrod to and ma3e a part. of tPie mi.nutes.
Mr. Ron Gunder~c~n, repre£enting the PBR Cam~,any, agent for the petitioner,
indicated his pr.ESence ta answer queeti~ns.
Cummissioner Farano inquirec! why the peCiti.~n~r was pr.opa~ing tw~ signa only
3 feEt apa.rt advertising "self serve" t whereupoti P4r. :,underson stated that
~here would bE people at two differont pumpe needing ta pump gasolir~e and know
the price of gasoline.
ComrniESioner Herbs~ reviewdd the plot plan wi.th t:he aqPnt, and ~~pon ite conclu-
sion, stated t.hat the agent hxcl agreed ta rpm~ve one o~' the signs at ~he post.
Commiasioner Kqywaod inquirect wh~r i.t was nec;essa~y to havc five signa at th~e
service atation locatec3 at La Palma Avanue and State College Boulevard; whereu,pon
Mr. Gunderson atated that all islandg waulct be aeJ.f--3erve iylands, and a traffic
surveg indicated they wou13 need this r.umber of ~~g~7.5'~.
Comrnissioner Herbst inquired whethpr or not At1ar.Y.~.c Richfielcl intendad to
have all of thair sexvice stationc as s~elf-aPrve; wher~eupon Mr. Gunder~on
r~plied negatively.
Commiaeione•r. Farano ~bserved that t.be Planning Commiss~.on in the past had
agreed *_c allo~: ona price sign at the c~rner oP eac'1 service station so that
everybociy would know t-he pYice, and now not unly was the petitioner proposing
"self aerve" :~slands Lut t~~is in~lu3ed a pri.ce ~tiyn at every is]_and, and
inquirpd whether this was necessary~ whereupon M~. ~under.son replind that
from their experience tnis was cansidered a"peoples' convenience".
2oning Superviaor Charl.es Roberta, in reaponse t.a Commissian c{uestioning,
note8 tliat when the first Mobil 011 Company sel£••s~rve sign tiad be~n ap~ :oved.
the.t also included the price si.qn.
Commiesioner R~wland offere8 a motior., secon~ied by Commissioner Seym~ur and
MOTIQN CAItRIED, that the Planning Commission, in connection with ~n exem}~tion
decl;z•att~n sL•atus requerst, fir.dn an ' determinea fihat the proposai would 11ave
no significant envizonmental in~ra..;: and, t~erefore, recommend~ •ta the Ci~y
i'ouncil that no Environmental Impact 5tatement is neceesary.
Commi.cssionc~x Rowland offered a motion to grsnt Petiti~n fur Variance Nos. 2491
and 2490 subject to conditions,
On roll call }he foregoing motion 1o~t by a tie, with Commi !Q~or~es•s R.owland~
Seymour, and °O votiny "aye" and Commisaioners EiQrt;::t, ~w~ ", and Gauer
voting "no".
~ ~ ~
M1NU2'E3, C7TY PLAIiNING COMMI33IC~N, A[~xil i6, 1973
VAFtI)-!VCE NOS. 249.1 ANU 249Q (Cu~itinuod)
Cont~nuad c~l.e::useic+n wa~ he.ld by the Co~r~ni.aqion relative ~:o the+ aign requeetg
before t~.he CommlAO•lonr p.rKVioue ac.tion ~r~ r~imilar re~u9atP f~r ~elt-eer~:c+
eiyn~t the poe~ibility that approv+~l oP eubJRCt pbtittona woul.d ~at~blieh n
r~recedc+nt f~r nll othez ne~~-aarvo stntl.~an~ to xeqaoat price aiqna on encY,
pump~ tha* tho 0.11 campantc+R wpre b~iny y..anCmd +x privll~y~~ :3c~ied oCher
busir.ee+eoa be~cauea ~f lhc mxnn~r. in which th~y diaplAyad kitoir matari~.lo and
their ei~,ning, esnd kha oi.l compr~nia~s w~re mnkiny n total dieASter out ox CI:~
City's Siyn Ordinnnc~, arc.t nnd +~p~n concluaion of the dtacuss'_on by tha
Commiesi.an, Cammiegion4r Gauex offA~'tld Reao~ution No. Pr.;73-70 end mave8 for ite
paseaqe and adoption t~ d~~ Petition tor Variance No. 2491 on tl~e hnris tt~at
one ~+rice ni~,n at. Y.lir,+ irle~ntiti,catian pole o~ AAGFI service atation ~as adaqu+~ta>
tht~t the~ pelit~oner had n~t aubmittdd subr~tanti4tS.nq ovidenao ~hat n htirdship
would exiot if oub~ect pHt~.ti~n v~ere deniod ar thet x subat~ntial right would
ba der~ied Fnim .i.f a4bject ~+~tit.fun wdre ~9eniad~ and thdt if tha price rii.~1n rrnru
spprovad and the etation was convort-ed to "fu1J. oazvo" ine'tead of "a~lf sez~•e",
thooe price siyns w~uld remain, tt~ereby cr~ACi!~q an ndeeixeble a~F~eArance in
~he eAxvice :.L•ation. (Se~ Reaolution Book.~
On rall call the f.or~c~oinq reaolution wda pasead by the followiny votei
1' r.•ano, Gauer, Hdrb~L•, /+ ~n.~'f\
c:OMMISSTbNE~R~: ' Se i,~our.
r y'
C:omm~~aiottez Rowl.and offerod a motiun, seconCled by Commie+eionar Saymoiir and
MO'fION CARRI~;D, thlt thc+ Pl.~nning (:i~~~~m1.a~ior~, ir. conne~~t.a.on wi.r.h sn exemption
declsratian ~tatuK requFSt, finde and detez~~inse that th~ propoaal. wouJ.3 nave
n~ significant environmenY.al impact and, ti~arefare, zecommenda to the Cir.y
C~uncil t11aL no Erivi ~-onmer-tal Impact Statement. i.r~ neaes~ary.
CommissiozYex Gauer of.fered Resolutiori fto. F'C'/3-79 and moved for its paosa,ge
and ~cioption to d~ny Petit;ion for Va} arico No. 24_90 ori the basia th~t ~:~cs ~~r~.~P
elgn a1: tha iden~iFi.catlor, p~le of Eact- sc~rvSce etation was adequatet thu*_ the
t~~tiY.ioner had n~t submi.t.ted hub~tantiating evi3~n~e that a hardehi~ would
~=xi~t lf subject petition wera dez>ied or that a eubstantial xight would be
rienie~ him if e~ib~ect p~titior. were clenied; and thut i£ th~ price eign were
,~pUroved a:~ .*.he Atation wa~ ~onve~~i~~d tc~ "full sor.ve" znsteud of "sel£ serve",
t:.he~e price signs would remain, there~y craatiny an undpsiz~ble apr.ear~nae in
t:he service stati.on. (See Resolution Bouk)
Gr, roll c311 the fo.reg~ing resoli~tion war~ pae~ed by the follcwing vote:
/} wo •
AYES: COMMZSSIOh':E2S: arano Gauez, Herbst,
NO~S: COMMISStONERS: ~ ~ N" , S~ymour.
RHPORT~ ANll - 7'L'EM NO. 1
'Loning Su~ezvis~~r Chr~rlc~s Itoberts r.e:viewed. the findizgF of th~ FQp~rt to thi~
Commission relati.ve to t.he Ueorfield Channel, not~nq thnti ,tt n,ad b~en cor.-•
atzuctQd by tht~ dcvelopers o£ Tra -t t.os. 5825 And 5827 f the-t sinc.8 the channn_1
waa a major facil.i.ty, i~ waB ~etc~rmine~I .i*_ aha~al@ be r~~•ned sn~: maintainad by
th~ F1oocY Control D~atrict, however, it had bc~en c~netructed in two eQpr.rate
incremPnts and the d~.atrict refuaod to t-ccep~ it unCil it wns compl.otwd in
isca ent3.cety and in a condit:lon acceptable to thems th~t the entire fa.;ility
wau now can~ploted and tho CitY wra ir roceiot of` a lettcsr f.xoia th~ Gic~tri~~
aqreeing td acceptance of the channel, requeetlnq th~t thi~s be accompliehed
by tw~~ findings from th~ An~heim Ci.ty Planninq Con+miRalon, namoly, tha~t 'thn
diatrict's acquieition of thA L'i.ty's rights in the chAnnel wes in c~nformance
with the Clty'~ m8o;+tec~ ~c+r~er~-l Pl~n, and triat thi~ acc~Liaiti.~n woulc9• huve r,a
signific~.nt m3v~+rse e ffect on th~s e.nvironment.
MIN~ITI:S, CI'PY PLANNING CUMMISSLON, A~ri]. 16, 197_1 73••23~a
ITEM N(). 1 fContinu~d)
Commianiano~ Y.aywn~d o~feted Rea~~l.utior~ No. PC:73••80 r~r~~i movad for its ~aaHago
t~r-3 adoption to Pir-d r~nd dc*t;armine tliat t.ho -~ropased acquiaitio:i by tho Ur.un9e
County Flood Control p~.strict oP tho Oeerfiel~i Channel ln~atod botwoei~ 9:h~
Rivaraidc~ Freew~}~ arid t.he San~n Ann River wao< of UeHx'field ~txe<~t war~ i.n
conf~rmanc~ wit~i thu r~.~ty of. Andi~-ei.m' ~ ad~ptt~d cyc~noz•a.l Plnr~, ~nd thaL ~.hi.:;
aaguieit•ion woul.d have no siqnii'icant aclvr~i•~~d oif.ect. an Ch~ ~r.nviranment.
(See Raec~lutiori Bo~k)
On rull ca'1 tha tozogoing rec~olution wHS pnsr~ed by tlio fo:lowing vot:e:
AYES; COMMISSIONfsRS; Far.nno, C~u~jr., H~xb~C, Kayw~ud, Rowlond, S6ymouz.
1-fiSF~f]'.C: COMMISSiOtJERS: A1J.rAd.
ITEM N0. ?.
COi~uI4`IONhI~ USE PERMI'I~ N0. 13iU (F,ermnd~ Cor.norati on) -
pr~;~pt:rty lacate3 or. the south ~ide of Ke~~clla Av~•nuo,
apt~roxi.matoly ?HO feet wQet oS: the contarlin~~ ~3f. ~tate
t;olloge Houlevard - Requc~R t for. cl.uri fioation o?~
Condit'_on No. 3 of Re:~o'lu*i.an [~o, pr.73-1..3 dated
Jxtiuary ?.? , 1~' ~ 3.
~oning Supei~isor Charler~ Rober.t.:c pr.esented Condit.tonal Use N~rmi~ No. ].37U,
notad the location of the pr~P~xtY. ttie germitted uee as a x~etaiY.runt in the
I~-]. ZonE~ grunted under Conditional Uso Permit No. 1370, noting that Condition
No. 3 of the resolu~tio~i requ~.red, "That• ~~ pargetual ea5c~ment agreemc~nt with
~ha awn~ of the ac-rvice statiun ~ropc~i~ty to the east, provlding for ci.rcula-
tion uf trash trucks fr.om on~: parcel tu the other, shall be eubmitted to nc~;
Cj.ty Attorney's Office for rovi~w anfl approva.l~ tYs~n be filed and recorded in
the office of the Orange C~ux-ty Rec~rder"; that tlie ap~2icant had requesL•ed
clar.ificatlon of thic condition and w~.shcd t.o determine ~.f :Lt was the Coinmis-
sion's intent to requize :s perp~tual easement agreempiit or an acces& <~qreementj
i-.hal. khe ap~licant ha~ submi.t.ted an access agr~ement :s.igned by agents of ~he
Sandman Motel. a~d K.ermz~ia Corporat~.on, the ~wners of the s~rvice s~ .ti~ n site;
t•hat in the opinion af tt-e C; ty Attornoy' ~ Office, this ciocument did not meet
the requir.ement of Section 1E3.5'1.060 wtzich waa the :;tandard b~si~ for Condition
No. 3 of Condi.tional Use Permit No. 1370, and tlie ci.ry Attariiey'~ Offi.ce would
request an interpretation to kn~w if it was the Comm~_._aion's inLent to aai/e
the r.equirenients of 5`ction 18.52.060, sinap it was the applic4n~'s con*_ention
that he underatn~d tYs~ P;.anning Commission action roqvired only an access case-
ment, not a recorded easement.
Chairman Seymour noted that khere was n~ doubt in the Commisaion'S mi:id that
th~y had never varied in the past from r.r~e Gity's requizement of gerpetual
eGsements f.o~ access.
Mr. Ray Chermak, representing Kermada Corporation, appeared hefore tl~e Commis--
,~ion and stated that he coul.d not r.ecall. a~ything being mentioned at the pul~li.c
hearirg regarciiny a perpetual. Pasement, and they had obtained an accer~s eas~-
mc:nt from Kermada Corporatiori and +-~:e Sandmar~ i~;otel; and that tlie I:ermada
Corp4ration,in anticipation of this agreement, had pzovidea a 40-foot opAni~i9
in the masonry wall.
Deputy Cit}r Attorney ~'rank Lawry adwi~ed the C;ommiasion that the requirement was
explained to Mr. Chermak ~hat u~~_ess an eaqemen~ was recorded, this access eaae-
ment could be cancel.led by agr .<<ent of the parties, wlitreas it would be ex-
tremPly lifficul.t; for a perpet,.~l easement :.o be removed since title of the
property wculd be clouded, and that this was a staridard conditian used wherein
mut~aal dCCt?3y was requir?d, xnd since this was paxt of ~he Zoning Ordinance, it
could be watved, tliereFore, was it the intent of the Comtni~aicn ~o waive this
etandard r~~quirement.
ChaSrma~n Sayn~our n~ted that as long as he had ra~~n on the Commission this
condition had never been wai.ved.
Mr. Chermak not^d that the,y would be unabl.e to obtain thoir building Qermit
until tihe p~-petual ~asQment had been recorded, and this might take some time
to cl~ar the IeQa~ depart~n~ent of Kermacla Corporatian.
Commisaionpr Seymour o~fered a motior~, aeconded. by Commiasioner Far.ana r,nd
MOTTON CAI2RTED, to find ~+~d ~3etermine tha~ Condj.tton No. 3 fi~ 3te9o2.utio;~ No.
PC73~1~, requirl.n~ a. pezpetual easement, wae tiic~ intent ~~ the Planning
C~mmis~ion in approving conditiond for Condi~:i.onal LT»e Pez~mit No. I370.
~ ~
!ld.~)a,U2~~('.~) ) !'or e tempornr.y fzec+wny cnnst.r.ucYion
oflir~+ a~~d e! t~rage yard to be J.ucatod at the 9 outh-
whet cornor c. Rio ','i.ute tfnd i,.incoln Aven«o.
7.onin~l Suporvie:;~ C:hai.le~a Robet~~s reviatv9d thA lacation af sub~ect pro~er~y,
u3os u~~eb.lin't-ed in c.luyo proxlmi ty, and thn r~~~~uaKt +:o e~~ ~°+I~Lieh c~ Camgc~rury
( 1~-2U mc.nthe) IltlAVy equipm~n t s toxaye yai ~ rtn~.~ O LI:~LN Lo lae us~Ad dul~ing t;F~e
constzuction o~ tlia ~r~~~yA Fr~c~way, turtVt~; noting tTiet tl~t~ aubmi~ttoA p1A119
i.ndicatec] ~~~ropoea.l Co cone~t:•n~:t a G-!oc _ high ctiain'_1.nk fanre aruund ~ubJact:
proporty with acrec~ning on tha P~n~•~e z-ci;ar,onl tc, itS.o Vistn dnd L,i ncoln y-vanue~
that yates ae+r~~ p?:ok~osed Ln Cho ce:utnr ~ f~ thu property Prcnki.i~~7 on Linr.o ln
Av~nue~ appr.oximnt~~?.y 340 CeE~t ~-Q~Y. of ciia oer~~ice.+ etntion nike, ae yato t:o pro-
vidc, ~ccc+ss to thc+ t r~oway rf.ght.-o~-tvny~ tliat the applicanh also pr~~~osed to
n:tor.o "ralli~ig atoah" a*_ Ti~gk~t nnd or, waek~nde an tho Cit-.y <~wned propert}
locat::~d ~cuth of t,iricoln A•~enue, adjACent to Santa Anr~ [t~vor~ and ~hat s r.aff
wan rc~que~t.i~-q t}~o Comtniseii~n k~ cc~nsi.dc+r what;her tt~.o ruque~t complind ~aith
Section 18.04,U20(5).
c:hai ~~n Seymour not:r,d tl~r~~: tno Comml.asion wno concerna~l AI~GUt the ~ropot~ed
lo~~arion nnd i~iqui~~~.d why ±t w~~+ nut propos~c' ::o he lo~atad in tt~~ ~uuthaaq~
7.nr1~.t3t•rial nr.~a.
~1r. Ed Rlchey, Proiect ~tanuqer tor `!aeger Conatruction Company, cc~r.ract~r.e
£or t:Yie fxeewt~y ~~ro}er.t:, a~%p~nred bcfore tho Gommis:aion and rhnpondinq •=ry
ntiracx'uus quesr.ions by +-he Co:nmissio~i, etar.ad the f:nllcwing~
7.. They l~ad luoked ,. otht~r 3itc3 nl~ng 9n11 R~ad ana t:he fr~ew~.y riqht-~°,way
and L~~ ~alma Av• ue anci determiaod thin sita would hav~ th~ l.~sQer -.ftiect
on pro~erty ownurs, as well a~ being mora conver.ir.:it f~r them .
?. '1'h~ pro}~~,sed site was ~el~ct.ed bec•:xuQe af itn e~slez acceaQ ~o th~- `,~„row
pit an.l ~he sttie of the F'i.ve-Cuve P~+r.k wherc. Cwo million }~aYdn ot mat~ri~2,
r.lirough ~~rrang~m_ntc~ ~ei•~t~ the Or.any~ cou:,ty Floorl C'onkrol Dis trir:t ;~nd ti~e
Oran9e ,rity Watcr Di~trir.t, wou13 be mov~d tc the f.r~ewa: s ilet a~d t}iat
equipmer,t. wou1~3 bo reacli ly availnble *.o cl~an and wosp the :a treeks of
debris, ~s well ub Y.tie utlli.tie~ '~aing av~{lable for t:he o~ Pi ce :iite.
3. It wa~ lioped Lo r:UII1p~.etE.' tha_ proje~.t in .l6 ~~.unL-h~, however, !-he cont:ract
calle.] foz comp).etiox: in ~.i+~ month:a. anu ' njt~ lf not co-npletad within 17'~
h}p?lt}lA, tt~ey would be as ~essed a penaity of yE~SO par d~y for each day in
exr.e~:~ ~~f t.~~e t1mQ liml~ation.
4. The contr.act aln~~ requtred a mlximum o£ 90 dBA's 5U feeL from the Street,
which would be enfor~•. d by 4he 'tate, wh:ll.e truck~ would be rnuf.fl~~ d to
less ii~ accord: ~lce with State requirements.
. The hours oi ope i:ation wo~:ld be 7• 00 a.m. to 3:30 p.n. , with large tz'ucks
movi.ng ch~ stec~l beams and pre-forrn~~d 12x40-Poot bri.dye pane 1s fror.: the
Riversld plant to ~arritira arout,a .0::30 a.m.
6. The sCceJ b~ -.s and pre-`.oxmrd ~anels would be °dead storaae " in t~e tri-
anyle por~:ir~n, althaugh the triangle would c~o~ be ua~d at th e pres ont t.ime,
be~ ng plac.~• .i th4r.e anc~ rFmov^d by meane of heavy boo:r. ::rar.cs , liuwever, 3. L
was intendecf to take as much as ponslb!.o ~f the panels directly to t}i~
building s1.te, oinr,6 1l. brid~ea would. have to be builr. I.: add' ~ic~n, there
w~uld be i~itermittent night work ,~rimAriiy ak the 57/91 fre~way iri,c~rchanne
sinca this wouid have to be cloae~ at niqhc f~~r co,~stru~.ti~~_ purpo~es, rnd
there rrould be tltro~-wacak intervals wltigre work woukd be at night• I7ui. ther^
would be no nig:it wUrk at :.he Cri.angle ~ortion.
'. In erser to alZaviate anf L-rafflc con~lict of making lelt-tuzno on Lincoln
Avenv~ to tliie ~ite, eincp t:~e ~.~~aent right-oi~w«y woul.d `ae reloca':ed some
d+.stance norClic~rly, iC w,s ~2ar,;:ed to mako leEt-turng at th-r eignal at R3~
4~ista r.nd I.inccln Aven•~zs and entering the si~a from Rio Vis~a Street v1~ ~
riqht ~t.urn, exitinc~ t~ '~inc~3.n Averun, aleo mAking a riqh*. turn.
~ ~ ~
MTNU'PL•:5, CI'1'Y F1~ANNIN~ c. ~t]:SS:ff7N, Apr.i 1 1(i, 1573 73-241
ITLM NC~. 3 (Continue+dl
~. Thfl Diviaion ~>f iilyhwayc~ woril ii Ahor.tly ios~ir~ a~~amphle~t to I~~r: qiv~in t~.o all
t-.hc~ r~r~~n iowldentA inf<~rmir~y tl~om of rl~e conetruction wl.~h a numbei <~1.
dotrsils aa to the n~ise, du~,t, ~t~~. pr~hl~+mo, Mnd aekJ.nq Ctte..~ ~t~r khuir
it-dul,yence dui~lny l-hlr~ conetr~tir_~:i~~n t ~ri.o~l.
9, That a batch pYant waulrl bu locz~l'.a, ~ t:hc+ fre~+way zight.-of-w+~y at~ NH11
Rca3 whic:h wu~ld bu in opc~raCior~ 2. houre a day, rsnd Ghat thuC Ait~ wns
not Aulficienh.ly largh e,no~4t- r.c a~commodaf.e th~, propoE-xl now t~~aYorA tho
~:om~i ~a ion .
Crr-e ti.dordblo c:un~:~r.n ~rsc~ exi~r.~sse<i by t.h~+ CommieBion uy t:o thu ofi:c~ct the
vur..tour~ trucke, bull~uze~rd, boom crana~s, dti~.:t, n~~igo, nnd ,y~nerul nui.eailcee
thia w+o~ild cr~aCa <in ~h~ re~idonte u.E the t~ir.yl.~-fnmily hom~s t30111'Tl of t.he
trinngulax. ~c~rL•ion.
D~•E~uty City AL•torney Fxank Lo4rry siated that tho Commisriiun ,,;+e r~~quirecl to
~1eCr~rmin~ whether th~ requost c~mplied wlth Soction L~,04.~::~(5) of t•ho
Analieim Muni~:iPal Code, u~d tiiat anything t:he :;tata did sup~rKeclod anyChiny a
Ci.ty woul.cl bN c~r~•~c~rnerl about.
C~mmiBaic~n~r Gauez c~ff~~red a motion, aeconded by Cummieaionor Her.bsc and MUT7ON
CARR7FI:, t:hat the rc?qu~~~t to e3~~bliah a temporary freeway conatrticr~.on c~fi'ice
and storagQ yurd at tho sc~tl~~rtot coxner of Pio Vista S::reot and I.,inco.~n F~ven~.~~
mct the intnnt cf SecL•i~n 19.04.U20(5) ~+a eet furth in the Anahoim Muniripnl
~~d,., (Ral.l cezll was takAn un ttie forecJoing motinn which carri~d ~nt~nimously
after Commissicner I'ar~nn changed hi~ "rio" votN t~, aye°. C~mmisa3ioner l~llra3
was abserit.)
IT~M NC~. 4
ANi1:NllMENT 'r0 RFSOLU'PIGN NO, PC7'1-155 -
Re<ir_vclc~pment Projeat "Al~.~ha".
DepuY.y C7 r.~~ ttorney ":~ank Lowry r.ot.c•d tl~at due tc a cleric~~L error ~n Fe~olu-
tion No. t~r72-255, thP Planniny CommiSSion recommcnc:ed th~ ~~duo*ion of Projeat
Boundaries far r+ndevelapment I~rcject. Area "Al.pha" j that it was th~ intenfi and
~.urpose of the Plu~ ~~ing Commission to adopt the ~rojoct Boundariert +'c~r. Fted.~vet-
~pment Project Area "Alpha", however, Lhe P3.anninq Commi~sion had on'iv r.ecom-
mer~~ed that these bound~•:iea be adopte<i ta the City Council, wr.ereas the HAalth
and Safet~y Cade of the Stak.e ~f Culifornia, Section 33322, required that in the
redeveloQmFnt proces5 tha selectian of a~roject urea and f.~rmulation ~f a pre-
liminary pl.an for its development be est:ablished by the Ansheim City P'la~~ning
Commission, therefore, hz woulcl recommPnd that Resolur.ion No. PC72-i5~ ba
amendeii nunr, pro tunc ~s per tt-e resolution s,bmitted.
Commi:~si.oner RowJ.and of.£eY~ad Rosolur' ~n No. PC73-Cil ~nd moved for its passage
and loption to atr,~nd Reao~uti.on N. FC72-255, nunc ~ro tunc, eetabliat~ing the
boundaries of R~devel~pment Fr.oject Arep. "~lF~h~".
On roll ca11 the fore~cing i~~solut3on was pa4sed bY the followinq vo*.e:
AYES: CGbiMISS10NRR5: I'arano, Gauer, '~exb~t, Kayw~~~~d, Rowland, :3eymaur.
?TEM N0, 5
c'OMMFRCIAL RECREA'PION, 20NE - Pro~osal to establ'sh
a reataurank at tha nor•Lhwost cornar of Ba~l Roaci
and Weat StraeL•.
Zoning Supervi.sc~r Charles Pob-~rts presented build.ing permit plac-s fo.r Cocnmiasi~n
rn~~~.eW of a praposal tr ea ~abliah a restaurant on mo'tel propdrky l.ccated norLh
nd wext of the narthw3at corner oE Wea ~ Street a~,d Ba~l Road, n~ting that the
C-R zone per~,~itt.od '~oth a motel and a restaurant as a matker af. right, however,
the plana ind..aa~od tY:~ canstr~~ctlan a£ a new bulldl.ng ha~ing ~he appearance of
a railroad depot, ~sinq two pullman car~ azd tw4 cahaosea as th~, dininq rcoms
for the restaurant~ and tk~n+t th~ matter had been diacuseed witt- t~~+ City Att~~r-
ne~y an~d an opinion a~ade c.hat inecfar ae ~oni.r~g wa~ concernea, the railrnad caza
~ ~ ~
MINUTEB, ~'T'PY PLAN?111G COMMSS:.~ION, Apx'il 1~, .19'~'~ 73-242
IT~M NO. 5 !: ~ntin~~,r.d)
coulA ~us11P,y uo Luildinqe. : ~ix'thertnaxF~, i.n di~ouosing thu a~ettAr with thw
Build._ng Diviaton, it wns fel.t thnt t:he railLOad r.ar~s coulc~ not bo ccns~.clered
buil.dings ineaf~r aa the Unifosm :.~u1ldf~:g Code Nas concern~~, and thet the
Chiof Ruildir,~~ IrAPpr..t.ar x•ecammenQed thet i£ tho intQrpietation waA mada that
tho railraad oare ehoulsl bn ~ ~18~rQd en buil9:ngs ineat.ar ae the uae v-aH
eone~rnad, tha car.n shou~d be+ ,. ' act~d no cloeer than 1U teet tu any ~raverty
line or n.riy oth~+r buildinq.
~~omMiesioner. Seymour offarod r motion~ 9@COllc~flQ by Commie~~i~ner Fnrano ni~d
MO'1'70N CARRIED, t~~ flnd nnd detuzmine that t.hu to~r rnil~.c,aci r,ar.~ be coneidermd
os buildingA t tnat aA b~i.ldir.ys thoy muet me~ek all t.h~ zequi. xnmAn _n of kho C-tt
Zon~~ c~nd n,.~wt c~m~ly witt~ tho atandarda of Ct~c. t3uildiny Cnd~ i•~~~d tha~ anid
on~a ehnll. Ue lac~tdd no c:1.os~ex than 10 Poat f.rom thc pr~pexCy line or t~n~+
~~the~: bui.lding.
1'TL•'M NO. fi
Zonlnq sup~rvi<soz• Cli:~r.lora ltoherta ad~~ised ~hQ Commi~aion t:hat thn Sanit:ation
Diviaion had t:dvis~d him ti~e}~ wor~ rnab.le to r,omplete+ the 3.n~or.mation thA 4atnmis-
aion r.~quesr~:~3 at ~h~ir ~~revi.our~ wark ~esinn regr~rding tr~.ah trur,k turn-arounct
areao nncl rF~que~ted thrst ttai.b be dafer.i:-:cl far anc~th2r two weekn.
Commissioner S~ymour oPferfld a ~notion, ~econdod by C.mmies±.onor Kaywaod and
lAOR~toN CAR1tIED, tn defer considera*ion of tr~eh truch turn-around 8~'P.AH to ..hN
meeting ~f Agr.il 30, 197?, Ks requu~t:ucl by thu 9an+.tation Y~~vi~rion of the Fublic
Works Uepartm~nt.
AUJOUkNltENT - Tl~ere be~ng na further buainane to dlscues, Cammiesioner
" ~ 1ROwlancl offe~ed % motiou ta a~9~ourn the mcet3.ng,
Commissi.o;ier. 5~ymuux~ secc.~nde$ t-hc motion. MO'fI0~1 CARRIEb.
The meeting adjouri~.eci c~t 5:45 p.m.
Reaper.L•fu11y atxbmi.tted,
/ ~~ i
C ~L• ~?~I,% ~~ G~it/...i
ANN KREBS, Secretary
nnaheim City F~lanaing C ~i~missiori