Minutes-PC 1975/05/050 R L' 0 MICROfILMING SERVICE, ~~~..
.. ,. , .. ,
~ City H~
Anahel m, Cslifor~tia
MaY 5 , 1 ~~75
ADJOURI3B;D - An ad,~o•..rned regular me~oti.ng o.C i,ho Anahoim C~t;/ ~TOMaing'UL9 ~~`'jnnthe3Counoil
R~(3UI~AR onllad Lu order by Chairman ElE+ '~,~ a•± 7:1a P• Y
~~~(~ Chamber, a quorum being prose:ii,.
l'N1E;IF~NT - OHA7RMAN: Fierbsi;
CODMiIISSIC~RS: Farano, Gauer, Johnson~ King, Morley, Tolar
pag~;~' •• COtu~IISSIONEFt~: Nono
ALSO PNI~SI~NT - Kt-ow].ton T'orne~ld Redevelopa~ent Agenoy Direotor
Ronald 'Phompaon Devolopment Servioes Dir~eotor
Maloolm Slnughtoi• Deputy City Attorney
Chri.si;ie~n Hogenbirk Assisi,ant Hedevelopment Agency Diroato,•
Charles Roberts Zoning SuUervisor
Ron Coni:rerae Assooiate Planner
Petrioia Soanlan Planning Commi:aion Soorota:y
Nir. Knowltion Fernald prA~ented the sub,~ect itom for disaussion and desoribed the propased
oxpandod redevelopment boundar:tes. He reported that a Pro,jeot Area ~ommitt~e w~ss preseni:ly
being Sormed and the.t everyone within the pro,jeot bound~ries had been notified.
Commissioner Farano oxpressod deep oonaerr~ thnt the people with~.n ttie pro~eat aree bo given
overy oppor~tunity to under°tand tY~e pr~gram and provlde input tc prevant frustrati.ons. He
noted thai;, realizi.ng how long it had taken the Planning Coaw~lssi.on i;o understand the pr~oeed-
ings , he fel~t that i;Yie oitizoris wight requiro e~ littlo longor and that , in his opinion , the
five weeks left beforo the final publia he~ring was not enough time, even for a simpler projeot
than redevelapment.
Commissioner King indioat.od that he felt the people should probably be able 1;o vote on the
pro~eot at ttie polls. Commisstoner Iierbst added that if. tho program was initiated by City
government it oould ohange with the whims and desires uf the oleated offiaials; howevor, if
the people voted for it to be a oertsin way it would probably be e~ more stable pro~eat.
Commissioner Tolar questioned where the i•~development funds would bo spent end indioated the~t
i;he Planning Commi~sion had been very expliait in their past eotians to limit Beta to providiiig
transportetion oorridor9 only. Thereupon, Mr. Fernald indioated that the Redevelopmont Agency
aooepted oomplete resporisibil~~y to look at the pro;jeot area and arrive at a schedule of items
to be inuluded.
The Plannin~ Commission ooncurred lii a clarifioation of their past aotions rdge~rding Beta, th~t
they intended to furthor support Alpha by approving Beta to provide transportation oorridors
only; er.d that they were not in agreeu~ent with the time Lable being pre3ented with respeat to
Beta at this timo.
Mr. Slaughter exp].ained that tne Pro~eot Area Committee oould not be formed withou~ a
prelimint~ry plan defining the pro~oot aree, whioh ~as the metter bofore the Commi~sion at thia
time; end that if the mei;ter was a b~sllot issue, the entire City oi' Anahadn would be voting on
it when the daoision rightfully belonged with the people in the pro;}eot area only.
%'~-251a 5/5/75
~ ~ ~
MI:MITI~S ~ CI'1'~f PLANNIrK3 OQbmdTS5I0N, May 5, 1975 75-2~1 ~,
Commi.:iyiotier Johnoon queetioned K~hy Alp'~a oou:ld not bo expanded to inolude oorridore , and
Mr. Slaughter advia~d thst by reopening A1pha wi~th esn amendmoclt, ii; u~ay be opeti for legel
attook and, ad.litionel~.~, tha amount spent in adv4rtising arid glving legal notioe to the
lcidividuals wlthir~ tho pro~aut area `NULI.LCI ~9 9Ub3~i9~11~-tr~],1~~ greai;~r.
Conwiissioner f~auer noted •th~ abse»oe of. diec~uasion in the pro~eo'•, ai•ea regarding a r.ew City
Hall, wY~1oh he felt was s vory esaenl;isl itc~m.
Disouasiun was hc~7.d rege-rding the tax ic~uremeni; proBl'am, sal.o of bonds , et~.
In rb~ponao i;o que:~tioiiing by the Plsnning Cormnis3lon, Mr. Slaughi;or advi;~od that it appeared
tha1; the Planning Co~unission wes ~s:~uming th~t the niae , h:igh ri.se build:l.ng3 , c~to. , would be
ooming into i;ho City rogardles3 of t:1e rodevelupment pro~eoi; arens.
~ommi3sioner T'arsno indioe,tad that a gc d, - olid public relatioi~s progrem ahould be under~Laken
prior i~o tho Planr' Commission voi;ing on the paaka~e pr~sented at thifl meeti.ng end, without
it, he would not, in fevor of the proJoal; area, e-s Prasented, but w~u7.d only oupport the
oorridors aspaot,, iie further euggesl~ed that the City prepe,re a"pr~ospeotus" ou~tlinin~ the
liobilii;ies of the Citiy, e~o.
In responoe to quentioning by the Planning CommlSSion, Mr, Fornald indioai;ed that if the
Planning Commiselon did noi~ adopt the prell.minary plan, as proposed, et this meei;ing, the
,ieedlines to assure the freeaing of taxAS, eto., oti the propextieo within the pr~o,leot boundaries
for the ndxt fisoal year would not be poseibl~ an~ +.hat was the reaso~~. for the timing suggeste~l.
Commisaioner Farano then notad tYiat he would favor d91e•,•ing aduption of the prelirainary plan
1;o be able ~o eduoate tho publio first.
Commisabner Gauer n~~ed that he would not vote for BAta beoause nothing t~ad bc~An d.one with
pro~eot A1pha to ciate.
Yursuant to furthe~~ disou3sion, ~dr. Slaughi;er advi~ed tliat, if th legiol~,°ive body seleai;ed.
a pro~eot area, it was mandai;ory upon the PianniYig Commiasion to formulate a preliminary plan
for the projeoi~ area~
Commiss3.oner Tolar noted that ii ho voted for the preliminary plan at this meeting, it would
be no edmission that he favor~ed Beta.
Commissioner Herbsl; offered Resolui;ion No. PC75-96 and moved for it3 paesaBe snd adopti.on,
that tho Ant~heim City Ylann:.ng Commission does hereby furmu:Late the Redevelopment Pro~eot
Beta Pr9liminary Plan, e~ set forth in Exhibit A and f.U,the^ desoribed in the Staff Report
to the Plannliig Coromission dated May 2, 1975 (documen~cs an file in the Offiae of the Ylanning
Department), said Preliminary Plan being for ~thA purpose of studying Redevelopment Pro~eot
Beta to supply transportation oorridors to Redevalopment Pre~eot Alpha (downtown area).(Seo
Resolution Book)
Commissioner Farano noted that ~the ma~ority of the Plann3ng Commisyio~~ Yelt thet the prelim-
inary plsn, se presented, did not represent what Beta should be, and thet tho f~~regoirsg,
reao].ution ahould in no way nons~iru or ma~n approval of' Bete.
In res~onse, Mr. I~'ernald indioated aome oonoerns with respeot to the bonding aounsel ~.n I
viewing these minutes and th9 resolution ainoe tho language wou~.~ be viewed in e ~rii;ioel eye,
po9sibly ~oopmrdizing the sale+ of bonds; and Mr. Sla~ghter lndioated thet it appeared the ,
Planning Gommie3ion might bs pre~udiaing the 13sue bef~ro the study whioh would preoede ~the
eotual edoption of the preiiminarv plei..
Commissioner Fereno furthar noted thet the edopti~n of the foregoing reaclutlor. wes for feoi~-
finding only. 5/7/75
7~- 251b
~ ~ ~
NIINUT~S, (1TTY PIJINNINC OOMMT~3ION ~ May S, 1975 7`i-'l_!Tlo
On r~~7' ~a7.'~., t,tio foregoinR re~o~.utioti wac~ pasaed by the followl.ng voLe:
p'y~S ; CONQ~ITu570N~CR5 r l~'ARATVO , KIN(3 ~ MOEiIIC7[ ~'f OLAN ~ fff~RDST
ABS~N'1' : CON~dT ~:iIOPffCRS : NONr
ADJOUitNMt~V'P - 7't~ero Ueing r:o furtti~~r ~U3~lld~:3 to dlsou~s, Commlosioner Kii-K nffAred a
moi,ion, 3ooc:ruled by (Jununls:siu~ie~i• 13u~•;~:~1,, e~iid MU'PION CAftRIILU, i.he-t the
mo~ting b~~ ~ ,,Journed.
'1'he meetirig ad,~aurnod ot 9:30 p.m.
Respoctfully ~ubm!tted,
Patricia B. Soan'lan, f3eor~~bary