Minutes-PC 1975/10/29U R C 0 MICROFILMING SERVICE, INt;. ~ ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim~ Cal(forniA QciohE~r 2~, 1975 RECL'LI1R MEET I N~ OF TNE AHANE I M C I TY PLIINN 1 tIG Cl1MMl SS I ~M RFGUI.~R - A re~ul.~r mect(ng of thc Anahc~m Clty Planninct Commisslon was called to MEETiN~ order hy f,h~lrman Pr~ Temporc Morlcy ot 1:3~ p.m. In the Councll Chamber~ a ~u~rum beinq present. PRC.SFNT - CH/11 RM~-J PR~I TEMP~RE : Mor I ey - CnMMI~SI~~![RS: 9arnes~ Ilerhst~ Johnson~ King, TolAr (who Icft the mecting at 3:2~ p.m.) ARSF.MT - C~MM I 55 I ~r~F.RS : Fa ranc~ AI.S~ PRF.SE~IT~ Frank Lowry Haul Sinaer blck Kamphefner Jay T(tus Annika Cant;lahtt Allan Daum Patric~a .°c:anlan Deputy Clty Attorney Tr~ffic ~ngineer Park Super(ntenclenC Office EngineFr Zoning Supervlsor Assistant Zanin~ Supervisor Planning Commisslon S~cret~ry PLEDGE OF - Commissiener Johnson lecl in the Pledge of Alleyiance t~ the Flac1 af the ALLEGIANCE Unltcd States of amerir.a. APPRQVAL OF - Commissioner Kinc~ offered a motlon~ s~conded by Commissioner Tolar and THE MIFIIlTFS MQTI~H C/1RRIEb, that tt,e minutes of tlie re~ular meetin~s of the Planning Commissi~n hel~l on Sertemher 29 and Octoher 13~ 1475, and the minutes of the ad~nurned re~ular meetinn held on October G, 1h75, be ~nd hereby are approvecl, as submitted. ENVIRQPIMEI•lTI1L IMPACT - C~NTINI~E~ PURLIC HEARIIIG. RAYMOND SPEHAR~ 913 Paloma Place~ RFPOR7 N~. 15~ Fullerton, Ca. 92fi35 (Uwner); WILLIAM C. F1C ~ULL~CH~~SCr~ibedmasg ~' Drive, Newport Beach, Ca. 926fiQ (Ayent). Property RECLASSIFICATI~~I F1n trregul<~rly-shaped parcel of iand consistinn of aQproximately N~. ~y_~(,_z ,1.1 acr•es located at the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue an~1 Irnperl~) Hfghway, having approximate frontages ~f ~08 i'eet VARIANf~ N0. z733 on the north sicle Qf La Palma Avenue and 365 'eet on the east side nf Imper(ai Highway, having a maximum depth of approximztely 7~3 feet. Property presently classiffeci RS-A--i3,~»0(SC) RESIDFIJTIAI_/AGRICULTUFAL - SCEPIIC CORRID~R OVFRLAY) ZONE. RE2~ESTED CLASSIFICl1T1~~i: CL(SC) (C0~1MF~CIAI.~ LIMI7ED - SCE~~IC C~RRIDOR OVERLAY) ZOfJE REQUESTED VARIArlCF~ SfTBACY.~FAlD)(C)RPR~HIB!TEO~R~OFSMOU~TFD EQu1PMF!ITRfTnBCONSTRUCI' A COMMF.Rf, i AI. SNOPP I~IG CENTER. The subJec:t ltems were continuc~d from the meetinq of September 3, 1975, for the submission of additiona~ envfronmental impact Informatlon; from the meetinq of September 29~ 1975~ at the request of tfie petitioner; and fr~m the meetina of Qctober 13, 1~75, to be considered in conJuncti~n with EIR No. 15h which was submltted on Octoher 2~ 1975. No one Indicated their presence in ~ppnsition t~ the suL]sct Iter+s. Although Clie St~ff Repart t~ the Plannine~ Commisslon dated October 29, 1975~ was not read at the public hearln~, sald Staff Report is reFerred to and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Raymond Spehar~ the petitloner~ appearcd before the Planninq Commission and stated the additlonal environmental impact fnfarmat!on hAd been filed for consicieration at this meettng~ and he was available t~ answer que~stians regarcl(ng the proposal. 75-~9a ~ ~ o MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ October 7.9~ Ig15 75-~+99 ENVIRQNMCNTAL 1~1P11CT REPORT N0: 1,_,_~6~RECLASSIFICATION NO,~'~ 76-2. VARIANC~ N0. 2733 (Cn~t.) THE PUBLI C HE11R I NG W11S CI.OS[D. Coim-Isslonar Johnson inquirecl concern(n~ the pr~pose~l enclosure of the roof-m~unted equlpment~ notiny th~~t a box-type enclosure of sald equlpment would not be satisfactory. In respanse, -~~. W~111nm C. McCulloch~ the actent for th~ pelltloner, statecl the roof- mountod equlpment would he alr-conditloning unitR; that a slatted waodcn gcrean would be Nrovidc~~ over the ~qulpment to fully screen It from ovsrl~ead and siclc virw(ng; Ch~t the slats would also provlcle a means ta clrculAte alr ar~~und the equlpn~ent; ~ncl that there wauld be a number of nlr-conditioning units slncc ther~• were scveral buildtngs proposed. Commissloner Nerhst note~l thak, although the Plannlncl Commissinn rr.co~nlxed thar. the {.•roposed scrroninc~ was the chea{,est way of enclosing thr roof-mountecl equlpment~ the normal requlrement was that the e~uipment be In the roof As p~3rt of the structure and not Just. screened; that, with anly a slatked ericlosure, he c~~ild foresee prnblems In the very near future witVi simllnr requests; and that lie was desirous of seeing some plans of the proposed enclosure~ (nasmuch as none were avaflahle for Commission revlew at thl~ time. Ther~eupon~ Mr. McCulloch stlpulated to submittal of the proposed ~nclosure of thr. roof~ mc~unted equlpment~ sald plans t~ be submltted t~ the Planning Department for rev(ew and approval prlor to the issu~+nce of a butiding permit. In response to que:st(onin~ by Commisslorer 7olar. Mr, Spehar state~l his Intentia+~s for the development of tlie entire three acres of property immadiatcly south on La Palma and zoned CL was for a motel; that they had no intentions af developing said property uthF~rwise; that the eight acres of property Immedlately to the north was presentiy in escrow and the developer of that property was avallable for questioning (f deemed approprlate. Thereup~n~ Cormnissloner Herbst reminded the r~presentatives present (n connection with rhe above-m~ntioned pr~perty to tl~e north wh(ch was adJacent to the Atchison~ Topeka b Santa Fe Railroad~ that the design for development of the proper•ty should very carefully take into consideratlon the railroad and the noise th~refrom. Cortmissioner Tolar not~d that Commisslone:r Herbst had expressed aome concern in the past that perhaps the subJect locatiun was not appropriate for a ma,~or shopp(ng center~ such as the one being proposed; whereupon, Commissioner Herbst not~d that atr.hough there possibly was r+o~ a need for a shoppinq center at the sub,ject loation~ he had analyzed the Froperty and formulated the opinlon that it was probably a better location than the ather shopoing centers tn the generAl area, since the subjecr. property was more acc~shebwasasatlsfiednin k,~ping with the growth desired along La Palma Avenue and~ therefo~e~ his own mind that the shn~piny center was appropriate; and that, hawever, he did have some concerns about the proposed signing in the Scenic Corridor, Comm~ssioner Tolar mdde an observatio~ that the areposed plans tndicated the signing on the indlviduai stores erould be in conform~~nc~ with the Code stand~rds and, other than the proposed monument-type sign~ with two d(splay surfaces, no other signing was proposed; that he highly favored the propased signing and would consider changing the Code to permit monurrent-type signirg with twa display surfaces in the Scenic Corridor, since he did not like to see so many requests for watvers of the Stgn Ot'dinance. Commissioner King noted that he concurred. The Planning Commission entered into further discussinn concernino the required enclosure of roof-maunted equipment, during which it w~s generally agreed that since the property was located in the Scenic Carridor~ although there were no buildin~s s~tuated ahove it~ ths ~nclo.ure of said equipment was mandatory; that the petitioner• could submit tlie precise plans for revlew and apprnval of the Planning Department staff; however, if there were an•/ problems w(th approvina said precise plans administratively, then the matter could be ref~erred to the Planning Commission for review, etc, Commlssioner Barnes q~~estione~ the sound buffering proposed alo^q the west side of Street "A" adJacent to the existing mobilehome park; and Mr, McCulloch st~ted that the landscaping along tlie street would be vcry dense or the same as that proposed along the north property Itne. Commissloner Johnson offered a motion, ~conded by Cnmmissioner iCi~ig and MOTION CARR~ne~n (Commissioner Farano beine~ atssent)~ that Environmental Impact Report No. 156, havin~ consldered this date by the Anaheim City Pl~nnin~ Commisslon and evldence~ both written and ora{~ having been presented to supplement said draft Elfi No. 15E~, the Planning Commission belSeves thet sald draft EtR No. 15~ does conform to the City and State Guldeilnes and the Statr, of Ca11Fornia Environmental Quality Act and, b~s~d upon such~ ~ ~ • MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMI5SION, October 29~ 1975 75-500 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO _ iSE~~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 75"7~'z~ VARIANCE N0. 27~3 ~Cont.) Informatlon~ d~es hoi•csby r~sr.ommend o the Clty Council that tl~ey certlfy s~id EIR Is In compllance wlth sald Fnvir~nmental Qunlity Act, Commissloner Johnson ~ffered Rbsoluel~m 1~lc~. PC75-?.13 and moved fo~ ics pASS++9Q and edoptlon~ that the Plannln~l Commisslon does her~hy recommenci to the Clty CQUncil thet Pstition for• Reclassificrt~on No. 75-7h~2 b~ npprov~d an the basis thAt~ althoug'2;he Anahetm General Plan (as ~msnrlecl ln connectian wlth Genera) Plan Amr.nclment No, des 1 yna te~s sub j ec t Froperty for 1 ow-med I um dens i ty res i dent i a 1 uses ~ tl~e pr~pc~sed z~ii ~^g Is deemed to be approprlate at tho gub)ect focaClon~ and approprtate actlo~ w111 be taken to reflec*. the change ln the I~nd use pnlicy of the Anahelm Generel Plan; subJNCt to Interdepartment~l Committee recommendAtlons, (See Resolution Book) On roll call, the foregoing rasolution was passed by the fol'owing vote; AYES : C(1MMI 5S I(1NERS : BARN~S ~ HERBST ~ JQIINSON ~ K f NG ~ 70LAR, MORLCY NQES: CQMMIS5IQNERS: NONF ABSE:N1': COMM I SS I O~IE'RS : Fl1RAt~f1 Comnissloner Johnson offered Resolutlon No. PC75-21~~ and moved for lts passt+gG and adopt•ion~ that PPtition for Varlance No. 2733 be ancl hereby Is granted, granting the requested walver of the ~ermtttecl display surface of a shop{~tng center identlficatlan sign to permlt a monument-typ~ sign with two display surfaces. which is hereby deerand approprlate in the Scenic Corridor Ovcrlay Zonc; that the requestecl walver of the minim~~m bu'lding setback h~s been determined to be unneczssary; granting the requested waiver of t~,e prohibited roof-mounted equipment on the hasis thGt tl~e petitloner stlpulAted to pr~vldin~ adequate ~ci•eentng (from the SICIP.S and from above) of the proposed ro~f-mounted equlpment~ sald screenin~ to be v'.sually a part of the root structur~~, and further stlpulated to submitting precise plans of sai~ screening to the Plann3ng Department for reviea~ and approval prlor to the issuance of a buil~ltng permit; and suhJect to Interdepartmental Comm'ttee recommendations. (Se~ Resolution Book) On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: f,OMFIISSIONERS: ~ARNES~ HERBST, JOHNSON~ KING, TOLAR, MORLEY NOES: COMMlSSIO~IERS: NONE ABSEMT: COMMISSIONFRS: FARANO RECI.pSSIFICATION - READVER7ISED PUBLIC HEARING. EDWARD R. MERGER, ET AL~ 1282 East N0. 75-7f~"~ Santa Ana Street~ Anaheim, Ca. 92a0~+ ((~wner); E. J. CPMP(3ELL b COMPAtJY~ 72~~ South Euclid Street~ Suite 9, ~+naheim~ Ca. 92804 (Agent). VARIANCE N0. 2739 Property describeci as: An irregularly-shaped parcel of land consist- In~ of approximately 1.~ acre having a frontage of approximately 162 feet on the south side of Ora!~ge Ave~ue~ havin~ a maxtmum depth of ~pproximately 29~ feet~ beinc~ locateci approximately 113 feet e~st of the centerline of V~lley Street, and further described as 212~ West Orange Avenue. Property presenLly classifled RS-A-43,Q00 {RESlDEN1'IAL/AGR!CULTURAL) ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFIC~TIOhl: RS-720~ (RESID[NTIAL~ S~P~GLF-FAMILY) ZONE. REQUESTED V~!RIANCE: WAIVER OF (~) REQUIREIIENT TNAT AI.L LOTS ABUT A PUBI.IC STREET~ (8) MINIMUM L.OT WIUTFI. A~ID (C) RF.QU~REMENT THAT SINGLE-fAMILY R[SIDFtJCFS REAR ON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS, TO FSTABLISH FOUR L~7S. The sub]ect petltions were ccnti~ued frum the planning Commission meetin~ ~f Oct~ber i3, 1975, for the petitl~ner to neg~tiate for purchase of a contiguous strip ot land ori RAndom Driv~. One person indicated his prssence in opposiCien to subJect petition and i~dicaxed he had read the Staff Report and~ therefore~ would watve the full reaciing or sarr~. Althou9h the Staff Report to Che Planr,in~ Conxnission dated October 2~9 19i5, was not read at the public hearinc~~ said Staff Report ls referred to and macle o part of thr. minutes. zrcd before the Planning Mr. Richard l.utz~ re~resanting the agent Por the petitloner~ apNc•.. Commtsslon and st~te~1 no nagottatlons haci occ~arred tn connection with the N~titloner'~ possible purchase of the aclJacent strip of land owned by Mr. Archie Klndrat; however~ a ~ • M~NIITES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N, Qctobor 'l9~ 1975 RECI.ASS I F 1 f,ATION N0. 75~7~+_F, q~~al ANCE N0, 2~, (Cont i nued) 75-501 letter had l,een r~celva~l Frc~m Mr, Kin~lrnt's nt~~rr~ey; that the undarstanding of the petltioner was that the Planning Commisslon w~shed Mr, iClncl~nt tci enter Inta neclatlatlons wich the suhJect prop~rty owner; ancl thot Mr. Lut~.' cllont dld not desire to ;iave the eddltlonnl land. r.cmxnlsslaner Nerhsl notcrl , the sllvcr of lan~ owned by Mr. Klndr+-t would oe met~ningless unless It w~+s added to the ~ubJ~ct pr~perty and taken c~-rc~ of In thot develapment; that hc wnuld n~t v~te in fnvor of the pr~posed ~levclopmant untll tho prt-blem wAS resolved; ard th~i It wns Incumhent ~i~~n both prc,perty owners to t~~y +~nd resolve khe problem. Mr. Archla ~:Incirat~ 21~i2 Et~st Athens Avenue~ Oranqe, avner of the siivn,• of land In ~que~tlo~~ ~ppcare~l hefore the Plonning Commiss(on and stated he wa., w1111ng to nogntiate wlth the subJect petitioner ragarding the sliver of land, In responsc. to yuestloning by Commiss(on~r Totar, Mr. Kinrlrat. skated that whlle checking the rer,ords at the County~ he ran across the pro~crty In questlon And, subsequently. purchased it in 19~5• Chairmnn Pro Tempure Morley inq.Irecl whac Mr, Klndrat's intentlons werc for ure of the smal) sliver ~f land; whei'cupon~ Mr. Kin~lrat stited he h.~d been holcling it f~r the possibllity that someone would want to purcht~se It in thc future to add to the largcr parcel; and that he had felt it was in the besc tnterest of the p~rtles for the subJect petitloner to contect hln~ to negotlate. Commisstone.r Tolar rec,alled +chat the sales pr(cr_ mentioned at ",^ meeting of October 1'i~ 1q]5~ was $l0,OQ0 for the slivcr of lancl and, In his opinlon. ~~at was tao much money for the land. Mr. Kindrat sr.ated he had heen approached by Mr. L.urz In the pas* regarding the sale of the sma11 ~mentinne,'~$1Q~)Q~; h~wevcre nadoffersrl ere madeGSO heWCOUId neltharfor 1 t and hc may have accept nor reJect an offer. ChaSrman F'ro Temp~re Morley suggeafcd that perhaps tF~e matter ca~ld be resolved presently outside the Council Chamher between Massrs. Klndrat and Lutz anci the subJect petitians brought back to the Plannln~ Commisslon thls ciate for a final determinationo Mr. Lutz then stated tie would be unahle to negntiate for purchase of the ad]acent pMoperty without consulting with his clle~~t and that he would accept a two-week conCinuance of the subJect petit:• ~s. Comnissloner Herost offered a motion, seconded by Commissinner Barnes and MOTION CARRIED (Comnissloner Farano being absent)~ that t~-e public hearino and conside~atlon of petitions for Reclassification No. "'-i~~'6 an~1 Varlanc~ No. 2739 be and hereby are contlnued to t'~e Planning Commission meetinc of Hovembpr 10~ 1975• RECLAS~IFiCATI(`N - PUDLiC NEARING. ROLl1f1D T, REYNOLDS~ 5~5 South Sunkist Strcet. 92~~h ~~-~er); ANACAL ~NGiNEERIFIG COMPA~IY~ 222 Es~t C ( N0. 15-7~'~~ - a. m~ Anahe Anaheim~ Ca. 92803 (Agent), Property ~es~rlbed ~incnin A~renue VARIANCE Nt1. 7.i43 , as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consist(ng of approxi- proximately 570 feet sn f a f --'-"'"'-" p rontage o mately 9•7 acres having a havin a maximum depth of ide of Sunkist Str ., S ~ TE~~TATIV~ ~:~ ~~ 89}0 TRACT N0 acst s ehe approrimately 6~~1 feet~ being located approximately 810 feet ~bed . south of the centerline of Llncoln Avenu~esentlfuclassiffedr ert Y P y p rop as 505 South Sunkist St~eet. RS-A~-43.00~ (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZoNE. REi,IASSIFICATIOPJ RE~UEST: RS-720f1 (RESIDE~ITI,QL~ SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONE. VARIANCE REOUEST: WAIVErt OF REQUIRFMENT THAT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDFNCES RE/1R-ON ARTERIAL HIGHbIAYS. ~06LOTSESTMIIISTER AVENUE T[~ITATIVE 7RACT REO,UEST: R G N -P Ap ~E P RS 72 3 39 926 CA GROVE GARDfN No nne Indicated their presence Ir~ app~sltion to subJect peticlons. Although the StafP Report to the Plenning Commission dAted October 29~ 1975, was not read at the public hearin~, said Staff Report is ~eferred to ancl made a rart of the minutss. • • ~ MINUTFS~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 29~ ~975 75~~~~ RECLASSIFICAT~Q~I NO 75-76~~OLVARIANCE NQ. 27~~3.~TA~~~~~F 7RACT N~~.,891~ (Contlnued) Mr. Cal Queyrel, reprnsentinc~ rhe Aclrnt for the petitioner, nppGArcd before tfic Plenning Comml~slon and explalned the pr~posed setbecks along Sunklst Strer.t an~1 [he two slcie-on lots~ ateting thet most of the property elong Sunkist Street wns dcveloped with setbacks almllar to those proposr,d. Mr. Quayret further stated they h~~d destgned nt le~s~ 12 differenc la~,.>uts of the subJect prnpercy to c~rtx~ up wlth the best possible plan; that they ware propnsing 3~ lots which wos a little less than four lots per acre; that the developer was ~~resent to .nsv~er qucgtlons concornln~~ f~~e houses themselves; and thnt the proposed homes w~>uld sell in the prlce r~~nne oP 5~5~~~'~ to S75,n~~, THE PtIBIIC IIEARINf, WAS CLOSCO. Comnle•!~ner NerbsC questtoned what snunci-nttenu~tlon measure3 would be taken for the proposed :-•velopment~ natln~ tnat bullcling permlts would not be issued lf the sound !eve{ lnslde the beclrooms with the cioors r+nd wlnctc~ws cl~sed exceedPd ~~5 dbA ~nd the level outslde the homes 1n the back yards exccnd~d h5 dbA. Mr. Queyrcl replted that the encroachment Into tF~e roquired setbacks would not have any affect on the nolge lr_vel~ slnce the average back yarci sstback MlAS 37 feet; th~t there w~uld be sound attenu~ti~n for the homes themselves~ howcver~ he did not knaw whAt the sound level would be tn the back yards. Commissioner Nerbst further noted that the new requir~~ments p~rtalnln~ to the Callfornta 1'rlnr envlronment could not he overlooked ancf the cieveloper would he requlred to proviae `or the permitterl sound levels; whereupon~ Mr, Queyr~~l sttpulated thcy were aware of t~.A sound-atter~uatior~ requirements for pr~pertiex ad,Jacent ta ar~erial hlghw~iys and that they -~u~ have to construct A 6 t~ 9'foot wall, etc., to mitig~te the sound~ and Assistant Zoning Supervisor Allan Oaum advlsed th~t the deve.loper w~uld b~ requtred to meeL the Uniform E~uilcilnc~ Code stanJards ancl sald req~irement would become a conditlon (f the sub}ect petitions were approved. Cortxnissioner Herbst then suggested that the dcveloper have front-on garages to get the bedrooms away from the ~~0-fcx~t setbacks~ or that the garages ancl drivPways be handled In some othe.r manner to make it easier for the developer to meet the sound-attenuatlon requircments; whereupon~ Commissioner Johnson quastlqned moving the driveways and garages close~ to Sunkist Street. Commissloner Tolar offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner King ancl MOTI(1N CARRI[D (Comnlssloner Farano bein9 absenti, that thc Planning Commissi~n does hereby recorcene~d to the Clty Gouncil that the subJu~$uant,t~tthe provpslonsmofhthee9aliforniatEnvironmental environmental impact report~ p Quallty Act. Comm(ssloner Tolar offered Resolut~or~ No. PC75'215 and mo~~ed for 1ts passage and adoptlon~ that the Planntng Commission does hereby recnmmend to the City C~u~cll that Patition for Reclassiflcatlon No. 75~76~10 be approved~ subJect to the Interdepartmental Committee recommandatlons, (See Resolution Book) On roll call~ the foreguing resoluticn was passed by the following vote: AYE.S; COMMI5SIQNERS: BARNES, HERgST. JOHNSOPI~ KING, TOL~R~ MORLEY NOESo COMMISSIONERS: NOPI[ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO Commissloner Tolar offered Resolution No. PC75-~16 and moved for its passage and adoption, that PCtltlon tor Variance No. 2743 be ~nd hereby is granted~ granting waiver of thc requtremenC that single-family residences rcar-on artPrial highways on the basis that there are existing r~sidential lots whic:h slde-on Sunk(st Street in the subJect area; subJect to the stipulati~n of the petltitoner that they are aware of the sound-atitenuation requirements for properties located adJacent to arterial highways~ etc., anci Cfiat sald requirnments must be comolled with and sub)ect to the Interdepartmental Comm'.:tae recommendatlons; and that the Planning Commisslan does further r.:commend to tna City Councl) that Clty Council Pollcy No. 5'~~ requiririg a 40-fc~ot minimum setback adJacent to arterlal highways be watved~ t~ permit setbacks ranging from 25 to 3h fe~t along Sunkist Street on the basis that other pr^oerties are ~ieveloped wlth stmilar setbacks in the subJect area. (See Resolutton Pook) Qn rnll call~ the foregotng resolution was passed by the followin~ vote: AYES : CC~~s; I SS I ~NERS : aAI;NES ~ HERBST, JntINSC~rI, KI NG ~ i uIAR ~ MORLEY NOES: CONMI5S10~lER5: NONE ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: FARAHO ~ i ~ MINIITES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. Oc:t'~ber 29, 19'15 75-5~3 aECLASSIFICATION N0. 75-16`{0, VAitIANCE N0. 2 A~ 7ENTATIVE MU1P OF_ TRA~T N0. 091~ (Contlnued) Conmissloner Toler offc recl n motf~n~ a~condr.cf by Commissioner Johnson and Mh?i0'. Cl~RRIED (Commisslonor Farano bc in~ ab,ent)~ that th~e Pl~nning Cornmisslon doos herel,y npArove Tentat ( ve Map of 7rnct y~, A9~n on the haa 1 s tl~nl thc prnposecf subcll vl s lon ~ toc~ether wl th Ita dosiqn +~nd Improvement, Is consistent wlth tl~e Anahalm General Pl~n; ~ubJect to rha etipul~tlon thr,t the p~titi~ncr Is r+ware of the so~ind-ottenuation requlremer~ts for residentlal devel~prtx:nt ~ praposad ad.j~~cent to ar•terlal highw, /s~ etc. ~ and thnt ae~d requlrements mti3t be complled wlth; end subJrct to thc following conditions: 1, That the approv~~) of Tentativ~ Map oF '!'~•act Nn. ~91(1 (s granted sub,ject to the approval pf Reclasgiflcitlon No, 75-16-10 and Varlancn No. 7.7~f3. 2. That should ~t~is subdivislon be dave~oped as more than one subdivisian. each subdivlslon thereoP shal) be submitte~i in tentative form for approval, 3. That al l lots wlthln th(s tr•~~ct slibl l br, served by uncfergroun~l utf l ities, h, That a fi°ial t ~act map of subJect property shall be submttted to anc' approved by the City Counci) and ther~ he recor•ded i~ the Offlce of the Orange County Recorder. 5. That street n~ rnes sh~~ll be approved by khe City of Anahsim prior to approva) of a final tract map, G, 1'hat the owner (s) of subJect property sliall pay to the Ctty of An~helm the appropriate park and recreatlon in-lleu fee5' as cleterminecl to be approprlate by the Clty Coun~il~ sild fees to ha p~id at the timc thc buil~~i~~,y permit is issued. 7, That drainage of subJect property shall he disposed of in a manner that is satisfactory to the C i ty Englneer. 8, That, in acco rdancc wlth City Councll palicy, a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructe<1 on the ea st property line separating Lot Nos. ~ through 12 and Nos. 26 and 27, and SunkEst Strset, except that for corner lots No. 26 and '27, said wall sh~~ll be stepped dawn tc+ a hetght or tF~irty (3~) inches in the requlred front yard setback, 9, That the City Councll reserves the right to delete or amend the assumption of iandscape meintenance In the event Council policy changes. 10. That if perma nent street name signs have not been installed~ temporary street name sivns shall be instal led prior to any occupancy. CO~IDITIONAL USE - PU9LIC HEARItlG. GOLDFPI WEST EQUITY PROPERTIES, IMC. ~;93~ MacArthur PERNIT N(1. 1;~~1 Boulev~rd, Suite 1~4~ Newport Beach~ Ca. 9z6G0 (Owner); TAYLOR RUbD~ 5t~pg East l.u °alma Avenue~ Anaheim, Ca. 928QE~ (Agent); requesting pe rmi s5 ~ on to ESTARL! SH AUTOt108 I LE REPAI R AND FORKL 1 FT MA I NTENANCE on property described as; A rectar~_,ularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxl- mately 12.1 acres havinn a frontige of a~proxirrately 475 feet an the north side of La Palma Avenue~ havtng a ma~imum depth of approximately 1345 feet, betn9 located approxi- mately 1~3~-5 feet west of the centerline of imperial Nighway~ and further described as 5~~0~ East La Palma Avenue. Prcpcrty presently classified ML(SC) (IN~USTRIAL~ L!MITED - SCEf~IC CORRIDAR OVERi..AY) ZONF., It was nnted tha t no ohe was present to represent the petitionet or in oppositlon and~ thereupon~ Comm issloner King offerecl a motion, secondad by Commissioner Johnson and MOTION CARRIf_~ (Comm issioner Farano being absent)~ that the public hearing and ~onsidtratlon of °a t ition For CnnditiQnal Use Perm(t No, 156~ be and herebv is continued to the Plannincl Co,misslon meettng of Novemher 1~~ 1975~ for the ~+tttio~~er to be present. ~ ~ ~ MINUTFS~ CITY PLAN~JING COMMISSIt1N, October 29, 1975 75-504 COND I T I O~If1L USF - PURL I f. N F~1R1 N~, AIn~R~Dn PRnPERTI ES ~ c/o Al f i sl~mrn ~ 27.2 Fnsf~ i on pFR~N~7 N0. 1~70 lenQ~ Su1 to 1~1(•~ Tititin~ Ca, 9~~~'1~ (Owncr); GENE S~~1FRV1Ll.F/~ONAIb bIR~ ASSr-C111TF~~ 17~~9 Irvtnr poulevnrcl, Tust(n~ Ca, q7.G~1(1 (flgent); requ~sttn~ perr~issi~~ii t~ ESTAt-LIS-I A BUS TFRMIN~I.~ WITfI WAIVEII OF P[:RMITTF~ SIGt! LncnTln~i nn ~+r~pcrty ~tcscrif~e~l ~es An Irrenularly-sh.~ped p~~rcel oP land conslstfncl ~f ~,n~roxlm~tcly I,~1~ eeres hovln~ fl fronta~c oP approxlmately 3n feat on the north sld~ ~~f Linr.~ln Av~nun~ hnvinq t+ mnxirium Jepth of a~proxlm~~tely 2.9~i feet~ and bcinn locnte~l nppraxlm~tcly 7.11 fect wust ~~P the centcrllnc~ c~f Magnolla Avenue. Propnrty presently ciASSificd Cr~ (CnM~IfRf,IAI ~ GC.I~CRN.) T~tlC. Cortxnissloner Tolar ncte~l th.~t hc ha~1 a cnnfilct oF interest as defined ~'Y 1I~°thatl~hemwas Munlcipa) Code Section 1.1.~+~~ An~l Govormm~n[ CoJe Secti~~n 3E~2;, ~:t seq,, the broker far tha sul~iect d~velnn~~r; thn°. pursunnl to *_hr prnvisfons ol' the aUovc Code~ hc was herehy cleclnrin~ tc+ Chc Chairman Pro Tamporc that he w~s witl~cirawinn From thc hearing In connectlon with Concflt(onal U~a i'ermit No, 1a7~ ~~~~ would not takc part in elther the discusslon or the votinq thercon; an~1 that he had not discussed thc rnalter with any member of the Planninq Commisstc~n, Tlies~•eupon, Cf1MMISSI0t1ER TOLIIR LFFT TI1E COUt~CiL CHANDER AT 2;1> P.M. One person Incl~cate~i her presence in opposition to subJect petitlon. Asslstant Zonl-~g Suprrvisor Allan Daum reacl the Staff Report to the Planning Commiss(on dated October 29, 1Q75~ anci sai~l Staff Report Is rPPerred to and macle a part oF the minutcs. Mr. A1 Flshman~ the pet~tf oner~ appenrecl before thc Pla~ning Commission and statecf t.he sub.~ect pro~erty was a un ic~ue percel In that I k was approximately one acre In the rear of two already-developed cortxnerclal propertics, with a driveway leadinc~ into the subJect pruperty from Lincoln Aven~~e; thnG the subJeGt property faced the back of tlie exlsting devel~pment In the are<~ an~i requlred a un(que use such as the pr•oposeci hus t~rm(nal; that the proposal was not for a bus st~tion; tt~at eigl~t buses would be dispatched, serviced and parked at the subJect site and u~ed for ctiartcr service where people ~iould not be coming to the terrnlnAl but the busns wou1~1 be qc~ln!1 to the people; that the buses would leave early in the mornln~~ approxlmalely 6 to (~;3~ a,m,~ and return at approxin~ately 7 or 7s30 p,m.; thal the~~ wer~ two access polnts to the subJect property, one on lincoln Avenue and the other bein~. ~ 20-fdo't wide e~isement to Magnulia Avenue; that Lincoln Avenue was divided with ~ medlan Ai tl~at access point~ making it diffi~~~lt for Che buses to make a left turn c~ut of the drlv~w~~y on Lincoln; hawever~ the buses could use `he Magnol ia access point to enable them t~ gn east without much dtfffculty; that they were p;oposing to use a 60-foot offlce tra(ier on a temporary hasis pending the construction of permanent office facilitles; ttt~t Ch~y wer~ proposin~ t~ construct a 5~-foot by S~-foot servic:e bullding and install ~ lf 1Q-~1a11on d(esel fuel tank and pump; that the pro~.~erty haci been prevlously rented to a landscapinh business an<1~ consequently, there was a great deal of landscaptng arounci the perimeter af tF~e property; that C(ty Staff had recommen~ied that slaes be installed in the exlsttnq chainlink fence t~ screen the proposed use, however, since the property was alre~dy well hidden 5y the surroundiny cortxnPrcial builclinqs, they would like to plant add(tiona) trees, such as Cyp ess trees r.'-ther th~n provide the slatted Fence for scr~ening; that trees would provide better screening and make the project better-looking; tf~at he would stiFuiate to vrith~!raw the requested waiver of permitted si~n ~ocation slnce he had dlscuss~~~1 the sign s with the bus company which ~elt the signs were not needed at tlils particular time, hcwvever~ iP at some future time a sign was desired, a seoarate appllcation would be ma~le for same; that the pro(>osed de~elopment would ~n no way be detrtmental to tlie cltize ns of khe Clty, hut would be environmentally good fcr the community slnce the bus service would reduce the automobi le traf`ic by providing transporation for t~erospaee wnrkers, t~urs ~ etc. Ms. E3etty Pagel ~ 21~i5 Wcs t Hiaw~t-ia Avenue, Anaheim~ appeared before the Planning Commisston and incllcated she h~d m(stakenly thought the subJect property was on the south side ~f Lincoln Avanue and, therefore~ she was not i^ opFosition to the proposal; however, she wanted to voice her o~lnlon that the dubJect ty{: development should be thought about twlce by the concerne~l pa rtles since tt might someday, without some restrictions being placed upon lt, turn into a very lArc~e depot wfth cars parl:ing everywhere in the area; that consideratlon should be qlven to the homes in the area and whether the malntenance aspect of the opnritlor~ ml~ht turn Into a garage, Ms. Pagel concluded by stat(ng that the subJect proposal dlcl not affect her ctlen['s property at ~his particular time and, therefore~ she r~ould aii thdrnvr her ohJecti~ns. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSIQN~ October 29~ 1y75 COl~DITIO~IAL IISE PFRMIT N0, 1;7~ (Conttnucd) THE PIIRLIC NFARING ~d11S CL~S~I), 75-~5a5 Commissl~ner King noeucl thnt tl~e use oP the office trail~~r should not he granted for mor~ then cx~a yenr; whareupc,n~ Mr. Flslimnn stAtr.~1 tl,c~ permAnent offic~ structure cauld probably ba completed within ~ne year~ h~wever, In casn of any delays wlt:h bulldin~l Parntts~ etc.~ he was ra~~+ectfully rc.que~ting 1~ months Ror the usc of ,:he traller; thnt the intent was tn ytr+rf con!structlon Immedint~ly on the m~int~~nr~nce bulldln~ and then pursue the oPfice structure; anci tha+t hy hnvin~ An I~-montt~ time llmit~tion~ the nr,~~l for r time exten~~nn In the futu~e woutd probnhly not bc reces,ary. Cor~missloner Herbst noted that tempor~ry offlce trellers were usunlly ~?I'provecl for perloJs nol exceodln~ one yet~r ~t a tlme~ w(th tho pnstilblllty nf renew~~l. In response ta questionlnct !~y Commissioner King, '~Ir. Fishmr~r~ atecl the fuel tanks would be unclcrground. Mr. Flehm~n revlewed the plecement of exlstlr~g yucca trees on the subJect property whlch presently served t~ parttelly screen the property~ noting that he was stipulating to plantlne~ trdes along the property lines of the ~ubJect property to create an effecttvs tree ocreen Anc1 fully enclase the propc,sed use~ said additional trees to be Cypress trees of ~n slze whlch woulcl provtclc the desirecl scrcentny within ,a ~eriod not to exceed two (2) years~ s~~id tree screening to be subJect to tliE: review and approval of the Plannlnc~ De~artmont. On the bnsis of the f~~regoing, the Plannin~ Commisston determined thnt the trea-ecreeninct~ as o~atllne~l~ would he adequate in lieu of the six-foot chatnl{nk fence with reci~iood ar cedar slats typically requireci Co screen an outdoor use~ however~ the existing Pour-fooe chatnltnk fence woulci remain, Commisslonor Jahnson questioned the existence of the 2~-foot easement to Magn~lle Avenue; whereupon~ Mr, Allan 9aum ~dvlsed that the easement in question was an Edlson easement. Commissloner Ilerbst Inq~ ire~i (f the property would he cleaned up; whereup~n~ 11r. Fishmen stated the lanrlsc.ap(ng business tliat was presently occupying the property was on e month- to-manth lease and, as soon as the b~~s t~rmi al took over the property~ it would be cleaned up ~nd, further~ th~t he would talk to the existing tenants re~ardlnel clet,ninc~ up the property ri~ht away. Commissloner Kinn offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Barnes and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner•s Tol~r and Farano being absent)~ that the Planning Commtssion does hereby recommend to the City Cauncil that the suL,ect proJect be exempt Fro~ the requir~ment to prepare an envlronmental impact repor•t~ pursuant lo the provisions of the California F.nvlronmental Q~ .ty Act. Commissloner Y.ing offered Resolution No. PC75-217 an<1 r,~oved for its passage and adoption~ that Petitlon for Con~litional Use Permit No. 1~7~ be and hereby is granted~ in part~ since the petitioner withdrew the requested watver of the permitte~l sl~n locatton with the stipulatlon to provlde siyning in conformance with the CG Zone Code st~~ndards; grAnting the use of the le~nporary office trailer for a time limitation of one year, subJect to review and consideration for an extension of time by the Plannsn~ Commtssion and/or Clty Councll~ upon wrltten request by the petitioner; sub}ect to the further stlpulattons of the petltloner; and subJect to the Interdepartmental Committee recom~rendatlons. ~Ser Resolutian E3ook) On roli eall~ the foregoing resolut~on was passed by the following vote; AYES: COMMISSl~1NERS: BARNES, HGRBST~ JOHNSAN~ KING~ MORLEY~ N(;FS: COMMISSIONERS: N~MC AgSENT: CQMMISSI~PlER~: TQLAR~ FARANU COMMISSIQNER TOLAR RFTURNEQ TO THE MEETIN~~ AT 2:45 P,~i. ~ • ~ MINUTFS, CITY Pl.l1~lNINr, COMMISSION~ October 2~3~ 1975 7~•-~0~ CONDITION~L USC•. - PURLIC HEARIHG, J~M~S P. AND PflYl.l.IS J. CRAblFQRI)~ 1141 East PFRt11T N~. 1571 La Palmt~ Avenue, Anahclm, Cu, ~2~~5 (~wners); D~NALO B, RRf1WN, ~ WMTII~R LEISURE~ IMC.~ 27~ North Can~n Drive, Beverly Nllls~ Ca, 9~?.In (11~ent); r~q~~r.stln~~ permisslon to ESTA~LISII AN OUTDOOR TFNNIS Fl1CILITY ANI~ PRIV~I'f. CL'J(1 WITH ON-SI1LE IIcZU~R or, propcrCy dcscrlbed ast A re:ctangularly-shape~l parcel ~f ~anc1 cnns(stincl ~f approxlnk~tely ~1.7. acres hnving a fronta~e of t~pnroxlmat~ly G(~1. fce[ cm the e.~st sicle oP WAlnuc Strcet~ having a maximum drpt:h of .~pproxlm~t~:1y Gn~~ fec~~ and heing locate~l approximatcly 6~5 ,°cet south of the centc:rllne of eall Ro.~~f. Prnperty presently classifled RS-M~3,~~~ ( R~S I DENTI ~L/AGRI CULTIJRAI_) 7(1PIC. Two persuns Indlc~tecl kfieir presence In ~pp~sltl~n to subJect petltlon, an~1 Ass(stant Zon(ng Supervlsor Allan Qaurn re~d a p~:tttion c~ntalnine~ ipproximatelv :~ s(~natures In oppos(tion to subJect pe[ition. Mr, i~ium read the Staff Report t~ the f'l~nning Commission clated October 79~ 1975~ and 5ald St~f~ Repcrt is referred to and m.~de a pirt of the minute~, Mr. Donald Brown~ the ae~ent for thr. petftioner~ appeare<I before lhe I'lanninc~ Cornnisslon and staCed the oppositlon mainly dealt wfth the outclo~~r noise aspects of lhe: proposal; that there was a huffer consisttng of approximately 30(1 feet cf dlstance between the praposed structurec and the neirest adJacent ~esidence~ anr.i the subJec.t property was buffered on the other three sides by uncleveloped pr~perty; th~t c~ittinq down tl~e nolse and Iighting woulci he less eff~ct(ve~ in his opini~n~ than a dist~nce buffer; th:~t~ regarding on-sale llquor~ they Intendeci to initl~lly sell only beer and not in a cocktail lounge enviro~ment; tt~at as thelr plans pro~resse<i and if they decidecl to go (nto a private club expanslon, they wnuld w~nt to h~ve a c~eneral on-sale Iiquor license; that tliey would be willin~ to withdraw their re~~uest for on-sale liqu~r at this time, f nccessary~ since it was not an inteqral part of the subJect proposal; that the developm~r~t would be a first- cla~s recreatlon (tennts) facility which was in tremendous demand; ancl that the development would not only be enJ~yed by the citi(zenry of Anaheim~ but the citizenry would be proud of it also. Mrs. Betty Ranconi, 12~i1 South Walnut Strect, An~helm, appeared hefore tfie Planning Commisslon in opposition anct stated the main concern of the adJacent residents was the nl~ht noise; that the daytime noise would not bother them; ancl that~ regarding distance as a buffer~ Disneyiand was a good dist~r~ce away and the residents still were bathered by the nolse, especlally at night during the surr~er months. Mrs, Rar~coni quest(oned whether on- streeC parkin~ wouid be alluo~ed along Walnut Street for the patron~ of the proposed tennis courts, if the parki ] lot overflowed and 4;hat were the proposed hours of operatic~n, 'tHE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. In rebuttal~ Mr, Brown ~'tated they had nnt established tnein c~~urs of operation, haweve~n they did not expect to be open pasr lO;OQ p~m, anct they mighc open at about ~:3o a.rr. response to q~aestion(:~~ by Chairman Pro Tempore Morley~ Mr. Brr~wn stated they did not have any dlrect expe~'!e;~ce with tennls facilities, however~ he had learnecl Chat people liked to play at any hours when the weather anci lighting were right anci he had hoped to be able to keep the faclli~(es opPn; hc~we~~er~ he did not anticipate any opposition from the neighbors. P9r. Brown continucd by stating that ~ th 9 courts an<i a maximum of 3G playPrs at any one time~ the use would have to go a lon~ way to compare with Disneyland. Mr. Brown r~quested to open at daybreak or 7:00 a. . and remain open until 10:00 p.m.; wf~ereupon, Chairrnan Pro Tempore Morley noted that said hours seemed to be fairly ideal at the present t(me and, in the future~ if no problems were involved, the petitloner could request an increase tn sald heurs. Deputy Ctty Attorney Frank Lowry advisecl that such a request to increase the hours of operation cotild be considered under the "Reports and Recommendations" sectlon of the Planntng Commission agenda with~ut che necessity of a public hearing. Thc: Planning Comm(ssion noted th~t if i pr(vate ciub with o~-sale liquor was proposed in the future, such a proposal would requ+re a public heartng process. Comnisstaner Herbst noted that a landscaped berm on the outstde of the proposed wall along Walnut Street would be more aesthetic and better serve to protect the inte4rity of the adJacent residential properties and the subJect property had enough land to provtde tl~e berm; and that a landscapecl berm had been requtred fur other propo~als to develop the subJect property. • e ~ ~ r r MI NU7f 5~ C I tY PL111JN I ~!G CQMM I SS I ON , dc tober 29 ~ 1975 1'' '~ COND1710NAL USE PLRMIT Nb, 1>71 (Contlnued) Mr. !. Y.. Weber~ the .grchltecC for the devel~per, appeared before the Plann{ng Ccmmiss[un in response to questlonin~ by Cammf~sioncr Tol~~r z~nd st~~ted the drainan~~ was dffflcult for the s~+bJecc sfte; that one ~P the purposes of the pr~posecl bluck wa~l ~~long Walnut Streat was ko retain A qrAde, ~n thc inside of the propr.rty t~ dr~tn L.he caurt~,; that, whil~ hc proferred to h~.~vc anly a herm, he c~uld not accomplish the ~iralnage 1~, chat manner; ancl that he would stlpul~tc to provicling A five-fo~t hlgh earthen berm (n the front setback along thc west property line~ outside (to the w~st) of the propos~~~J five-Foot high block wall~ sald berm to he heavlly l~~ndscapecl to providQ screening xn~l sou~d attsnuatlon oP the propase<I use~ an~i safd v~all br_ing fivc feet high as rrn•asured from the highest Pinished gradc leval at the basc ~f thc wiil. Mr. Randy Johns, ~+25 Vine Skreet, Anaheim, appe~rc~i beforc~ the Planning Camm(~sion ln opposition ta the subJect petltton, and inquired c~~~cerniny the parkln~ spaces which were proposec~~ stating that the petftl~ncr miy find that 3~ spaces were not adequate ta accommod:-te the facilities~ since many pl~yers woul<1 come early and walt to play tennis a~hlle others were still playin~. In response~ Commiss(oner Tolar noteci that tlie operallon would sufPer if there was a lack of p~rking spaces. Commisslon~r King r~sponded th~t parkin~ woulcl prohably be allowed un Walnut Street also~ and Walnut Street would be widened as part of the p~oposed development~ making it a very wlde street, Commissinner Johnson added that quite often two tennts players ~:o,~ld come in one car, ~n r~spUnse to further questioning by Mr. Johns. Commissioner Tolar n~tecl that he was opposed t~ a cocktail lounge at the subJect locatton; however, as long as the on-sale beer and w(ne was provided durin~~ the appr~ved hours of opera~i~n~ and the pet(tfoner fully controlled the hours oF flper~tion~ he ci(d not obJect to on-sale beer and wine only. 7hereupc,n~ Mr. Brown so stipulated, Comntssioner Herbst offereci a motion, seconcled by Commissioner Jphnson and 110TION CARRIE~ (Commissioner Fa~'ano beinc~ absentj~ that tl~e Planninc~ Commission does hereby recommend to the City Co~ancil that the subJect proJect be exempt from the requirement ro prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the pr~visions of the Californi~, •,vironmental Quality Act. Commissloner fierbst offere~l Resolution No, PC75-218 ancl mo~~ecl for its passage and adoption, that Petil(on for Conditional Use Permit No, 1571 be ancl hereby is granted~ in part~ to permlt an outdoor tennis facility and private club with on-sale beer and wine only; subJect to the stipulations by tfie petitioner that the hours of ~peration shall be from 7:00 a.m, to 10:0~ p.m. with the provision that upon writtpn request by the petitioner, said hours of operation shall be reviewed For a determination as to whether the hours of operation should be extencied; that the on-sale beer and wine act~vity shall occur only durin~ the appro~~ed hours of operatien; that any exterior lighting shall be down-lignted ancl directecl away from the adJacent property li~es to protect the residential integrity of ttie area; that the five-foot high berm and block wall sh~ll be provlded along the west property line as st(pulaled; and suhJect to the Interdepartmental Committee recommendations, t5ee Resolution Book) On roll call~ the forego(ng res~lution was passed by 2he following vote; AYES: COMMISSI~NFRS: BARNES~ HEREST~ JONNSOP~~ KING~ TQLAR~ MORLEY NOES : COMPt l SS I OPlERS : NONE ABSEPIT: COMMISSI~NE"S: FARAFIQ CONDITIONAL U5E - PUBLiC f1E~RING. WEST ANAt1Eit•i COMMUNITY HUSPiTAL, 3033 West Orange PERMl7 N0. 157~ Avenue~ Anaheim~ Ca. ~280~1 (Owne.^); AMERICIIN MEDIC~RP, INC.~ c/o Steven Deme~er, 51+?9 McCon~ell Avenue~ Los Angeles, Ca, 9U066 (Agent); requesting permission to C0~lSTRUCT A HOSPITl1L ADD(TIOPI on property described as: A~ irr~,gularly-shaped parcel of land consisting oF approximately 5.~5 ~cres having a frontage o~ approximatcly 4f,5 feet ~n the na~th side of Or~nge Avenue~ havin~ a Maximum depth of approxim~tely 623 feet~ being located approximately 1~Q feet west of the c~nterltne of Bsach Boulevard~ and further described as 3033 West Orange Avenue. Property presentiy classlfted CL (COMMERCtAL~ LIMITED) ZONE. No one tndicated their presence tn opposition to sub.~ect petition. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ f,ITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Octobcr 1.9~ 1975 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 15?2 (Cnntlnucd) 75-500 Althnugh the St~ff Re~port t~ thc Pianning Cortxnlvsfon dated Octohcr 7.~1, 19%~~, wi~ ~~~t ~'e~"~~ sald Staff Repnrt ls referred t~ ancl mAC1c a parr •~1' Clic m(nutes. Mr, Druce K~brttz~ r~~prescntlnq the petltioncr~ appearc~t hcPorc thc P1Annin~ Commission to answer quescions rr,~nrdin~~ the rr~pc~sa~. The Plenninq f.ommisslon expressed c:nncerns that permission ha~1 nat been granced by the Qrange County Com~rchr.nslve Hc:alth Pl~~nning Council F~r additional ho~p(tal beds at the subJect hospit.~l; khat since a hospital presently exlsteel at tl~e subJect 1~~ itlon, there was not much doul~t at~out the z~ninq heln7 nppropri~te; that recent news coverage ancl conversations in the community inclicated there wr~s a surplus of hospita) heds and if the Nealth Pl~nning Council dld not ~pprove the ;~dciltiona) beds, xhen th~ Anahe.im Pl~~ning C~mmission publlc henrinq on thie matter would be Futll~; ai~d, furthermore~ approval ~f the request ~t this time by thc Planning C~mmission may serve as some kind oP Justiflcatlon upon whlch the Health Plannin~ Council could base thelr approval of ti~e request and that would not be the intent ~f the Planning Commission. Commissloner Kinq n~ted that he dlcl not ae~ree that the subJec.t request should be del~yPd. Mr. Y.obritz stateci they were schecluled t~ have puhlic hearing hefore the Orarrge County Comprehens(ve Health Planning Council on ~dovember 2~~ 1~75~ and w<~ulci rece(ve a fina~ determinati~n on OecPmber 9~ 1~75; that they harl been ~~dvised ta comply with the local and State requlraments and were before the Planning Commissl~~n as i natural consequence of the logfcal steps thaC wers involved in the request, Commissioner Herbst clarified rh~~t prior to Planning Commission action on the subJect type request~ it was procedural to ind out if the hospit~l beds were needed and that tha Plannlrig Commission could not make that cleterminaciun. Com~~issioner Herbst offerecl a moti~n~ seconded by Commissioner Tolar and MOTIOtI CARRIED (Commissioner King votinc~ "no~" and Commissioner Farano being absent), that the public hearing and consicieratlon of Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 1572 be and hereby is continued to the Planning Commission maeting of December 22~ 1975~ to t~wait the flnal determinatian by the Orange County Comprehensive Nealth Planning Council as to whether or not the pet(tioner's request for adciitional beds is apprnved; and~ until said Health Planning Cnuncil has made such a determinatiun~ the Anaheim Plannin~ Comm(ssion does not feel it is apprapriate to hold the subJect public hearing ta consider the request. It was noted that the i'lanning ~ommission minutes of this meetfng would be made available to the petitioner as soan as possible. CONDITIONAL USE - PUl3LIC FIEAP,IN(;~ V~ E. REPIMER AND M. K, SCIWMqCHER, c/o Leonard Smith~ ~'ERMIT N~. I'73 125-D South Claudina 5treet, Anaheim, Ca. 92~'~S (Owners); LEONARD ~^ SMITH, 125-D South Claudina Str~et, Anaheim, Ca. 92805 (Agent); requesting permission to ESTA(iLISI~ A MOTEL A~dD RECRE~TIQNAL VEHICLE P/1RK, WIT11 WAIVERS OF (A) MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT AND (B) MINIMUM BUILDI~lG SETBACK on property ues,;rlbed as: An irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately g,0 acrec located at the nortFieast corner of aall Road and Palm 5treet, having approxi- mate frontages of 745 feet on the north side ~f Ball Road and 445 fePt on the east side of Palm Sireet. havinc~ a maximum depth of approximately 625 feet~ and further described as 4C0 West ~all Road, Property presently classified RS-A-43,000 (RESIDFNTIAL/ AGRI CULTI;f~AL) 20NE. It was noted that the petitioner was requestin~ a co~tinuance of the subJect petition to the meettng of November 1Q, 1~75~ to submit revised plan5 and for advertisement of an additlonal waiver. Mrs. Willlam J. Eckles~ 1117 South Cambridge Street~ Anaheim, appe~red before the Planning Commisslon in oppositiori to the subJect petition and stated she was concerned about the traffic that would be generated by the proposed use. She questtoned whether a trafflc analysis would be made; whereupon~ Assistant Zoninn Supervtsor Allan Daum advised that the traffic data would be due by the time of the No~ember l~th meeting. Commissioner Tolar notecf that many of the adJacent residents were pres~nt for the public hearing on the subJect petltt~n and he questioned why the request for continu~nce was not made Qublic. Mr. Daum exp!ained that one week was not enouah time to give nottce to ttie residents r+ithin 3~0 feet ~f the property. Thc eupon, Cortm,(ssioner Johnson apologized to those presen; who had heen inconvenienced by the subJect requE•st for a continuan~e. ~ ~ ~ MIt~UTfS, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Or.tobcr 29, 1`?15 CQNb1710NAL USE F:FRMIT N~. 1573 (Continund) 7 ~">- 5o!~f Commisslnner Johnson ni'fr.red a rmtlon' secnndecl hy C~~mnissi~ner King r~nr1 NOTI~~i CARRIED (Ccxnm(ssloner F'nranc~ bcinq ahsenC) ~ tc~ continue the. puhl ic. he:~rln~ an~l co~sideroklon of Petltio~~ for Con~litl~n,il Usc Pcrrn(t No, 1573 to thc Pl~iimin!~ Comm(SS(nn rnectin9 of Plovember 10, 1~75, as requeste,l by the pr~ti tii3ner. ~~~E~,g ~t 3:?.0 ~~, Chairn~,~n Pro Temp~~re Morlcy decl~rr_ct i recess. RECOIIVF.NE i1t ?: 30 p,r~~, , Chai rmnn Pi ~~ Tempore Morley rec:onvrned the - - mectln~~, witf~ f,ommissloners 1'olar an~l Faran~ heln~ absent. COtID I T I 0-!AL USF - PURI. I f, Nf AR I NG, e RI GIIAM YOU~~G Un I Vf RS I T~ ~ c/o Mat rcyek ilomes ~ I nc ., PGRMIT N0, 157~~ P. ~• dnx 711, Upland~ Ca. 9~7~~~ ~~^-ner); JIM CHR157FtISF.~:, Matreyek ^ Homes, Inc., P. ~. Box 711, Upland, Ca. ~17~~ (~9en[); requesting permissi~n to ESTIIRLIS~1 A MORILC{10M[ FARK~ WITfI 4JAIV[RS OF (A) h1AXIMUM FEMCE HF.IGNT, (R) Pf.RMITTfD L~C~TIOM OF TRACT SIGtl, (C) MAXIMU~t Alt[A OF TRACT SIG~~, (C) MAXIMt1M AREA OF TRAC7 SIGtI~ (D~ MAXIMUt1 HF"'~IT OF TRACT SIGP~~ AI~D (E) MIPlIh1UM F~oNT SETBACK on praperty descrihed as: An 1~~ ~:yularly-shape<1 parcel of land consisting of approximately 35 acres locat~c! south of the Riverside Freeway~ havin~~ a frontage of approximately G~~i feet c~n the n.~rth sfde o~' Medical ~e~ter Drivc~ having a maximum depth af approximately 75"~ ~ect~ ancl bein~i located approximately ~~~~~~P~RESID[tlTIA~/` centerline of Euclid Street. Property presently clas.,ifieci RS^A-u3~ AGRICULTURAL) Z~NE. Two persons Indicated thelr prese~~ce in apposition to subJect petltlon, and indtcated they would waive the full re~dinc~ of tlie Staff Report. Althou~h the Staff Report to the Planninn Commission dated October 29~ 1975~ was not read at the publlc hearing~ said Staff Report is referred to anci made a p~rt of the minute~. Commissioner Herbst noted that he haci a conflict of interest~ ~s defined by the Anaheim Munlcipal Code Section 1.1.~+Ob anrl Government Code Sectton 3625~ et seq., 1n that he may be doing busines~ witl~ the rlevel~per; that, pursuint to the provisions o~ the above Codes~ he was hereby declaring to tiie Chairman Pro Tempore that he was withdraw(ng from the hearing in connect(on with Conditionai Use Permit No. 157~- on the ?lanning Cortmission agenda and would not tak~e part ln either the discussion or the voting thereon; and that he had not dlscussed the matter with any member of the Planning Commissicn. Thereupon~ COMMISSIOMER HERBST LEFT THE C~U~dCIL CHAMBER AT 3:35 P.M• Mr. James L. Christensen~ the a~ent for the petitioner~ appearecl before the Planning Commisston and stated the proposal was part af a pl~nned cnmmunity development at the subject locatlon; that they hacl orfginally proJected 290 rnc~bilehomes at the site and were now proposing to have 2~3; th~t~ reqardinc~ the proposed sign, the City~a Siqn Ordinance permltted 96 square feet of si7n a~ea for each tract; that four of their tracts had already been aprrov~~l and there were faur tracts yet to be approvcd which would be entitled to 3R~+ s4~~~'e feet of additi~nal signing; that rather than having signing for each of the tracts~ they needed signing on the freea~ay slnce they werc located out in the middle of a fleld and av~ay from commercial and other traffic exposure and~ therefore, they alere requestinn to have a 4~-foot high~ 25~-square f~ot sivn, Mr. James Arnerich, representin~ Forest Lawn~ appeared bPfore the Planning Commission and stated they awned property withln 30~ feet of the subJect praperty. Mr, Arnerich took exceptlon to the E1R document relating to the traffic impact which the proposai would have on the existtne~ strects in the subject area~ stating that the Martln Luther Hospital was plArtning some ~dditions to its facilities, including 1n0 beds~ which would increase the traffic ln the area ar~d the EIR iqnored the existina use of the streets in the area; that further study should be macle and facts obtafneci regardtng the traffic generation and flow, etc. Mr. Arnerich reviewed prevlo~is ccnditions which the City had lmposec+ on the subJect property for the planned c~mmunity developme~t, stating that a traffic signal was tu be instailed at La Palma Avenue and Romneya Drive and he was suc~c~esting that an additional conditlon be Impos~d~ that street improvements be made fr~m the proposed rnc,bllehome park to La Palma Avenue to ellminate any of the traffic taking shortcuts thraue~h the hospital pr~perty~ cre~ting problems for patients which could be sertaus. Mr. Ben Bay, 2149 West GrAyson, Anaheim, ~~pearecl 6efore the Plannlnc~ Commission to speak in favor of thc subJect petltl~n~ st~tin9 that he. hacl been dc~~lln~ wltl~ the development of the subJect pl~snn~d community develc+pment for appr~ximatcly two ye~rs~ representtng approxlmately 570 resldents In the area who were in opp~sitlon; that he had also sided with Mr. Arnerich agafnst the proposal~ and kicked the tra}'ffc problems around; hawever. tht developer switcheci t~ townhomes ancl brought the over all donsity down t~ a.~~ from the ~ ~ ~ 75-!il~ MI~IUTf.~~ CIIY FLl1N~IIN~ ~;OPIMISS10~1, (lcr.oh~r L`.)~ 1~7.`~ COND11'I~NAI. USF P[RMIT N0, 157u (Contlnu~~d) orlclln,illy-nroJcr.ted 7.^ ~iwr.illne~s per ncrc; th~~t tfic.rc o~~s nev~r any opposltlon to tf-e mobiie{~cme •~spect ~f the dr.vrl~pment since the clensity wa~ m~.iqhly 7,~~ units per acre; that unles5 thr.re wer~~: sr,me ~Ir:~stic chnnc~es in the trnffic estim:+tes~ he did n~t PeNI thnt the tr~~ff1C should bc nny ~1lffrr~~r~t than vihen it was ori~~i~~i~ly estfm~~ted in the EIR dor,ument; that, however~ h~ r1f~1 rn7c n~pmv~ ~f ~ill thc finnrFr, usr.~l In a~~y F.IR; t-n~l that the extens I on ~~f (t~~rnncya Dr I vn [~~ l.A Pe 1 mn 1lvenur. was to be f n thc sec~ncl or th I r~1 ,h~se of thc: planned community dcv~lnpment. Mr. }:hristensen st~ted thcre werc fnur :ricts tn the dr_velopment ~lre~~y r~>proved nnd the mobllehnmes miqht be consi~icre~l th~ fifth phtise; wher~upon~ Mr, l3ay gcited onc ef the condlClons of apprnval of the propo~a) wt+s that thc trafFlc s(gnal at the Intergection of La Palm~ Avenue ~+n~i itomncy~ Drivc shAli he lnst~lled prior to the eonxnenccr,enC of any that said tr++Yfic sl~nal w~uld be ~rading operatlons In thc An~heim Shores dcvc+lo~men~, IrstallecJ wlth one-half of the cnsts Incurred to be paid by the City and one-half by the developer, as prevlously stlpul~ted to hy the developer and concurreci in by the Clty; that all the adJaceiit properCy owners c~ thc wcst presumeci that the traff(c signal wautd bc lnstalled tha minute the strcet Imhmvements were in or simultincously with the rest of the cievalopment; ancl that no gr~cllnn would he a1loHied untll Che t~tal drain~ge plan wt~5 s~.ibmitted and approve~i by the City Cauncil in a public meetin~, Mr. Bay concluded by statln~ that if the tot~l dens!ty fo~ the planned community development was nn hlgher than orlc~inal ly approve~~, then the a~IJ~cent reslclents to the west ~f the c1e~~elopn~ent would have no obJectic,ns at this tim~. In rehuttat to the comments m~~~e by MP. Arn~rich~ Mr. Chrlstensen stated thereawo~'n Front traffic generated from thc pr~~nsed ;ievelopment xhrough the hos~ital pr~perty of lt; however, if the hospit,il would widen tl~e street, he WOIIIC~ hP hr~ppy to continue to accept ~11 nf the water from the hospit.~~ propcrty~ etc,; that the planned communlty development was clo~ng t~ a lot ~f expense to put the watei from the area under the freeway; that re~~r~iin~ tr~~ff~c cc~unts~ the Traffic En~ineer could probably brirsg that up to dat~; that the whole hnspltal complex was presently for sale ancl the new permlt was for one hospital. and zll of thc b~ecis quoted would nox be use~l at the same time; that the traffic on Roinneya Drive Viaci been taken into account in tlie oric~in~l EIR d~cumenl; that they appreclated the cooperntion of the people in the area an~l, if the developers had listened to the people two ~;ears aqo, they would not have had to wait so lon~ to ~et approval of the pr~Ject. THE PUdLIC HEARING WI1S CLOSED. Traffic En9ineer Paul Singer inqufred what the status for completi~n of the ~mprovements to Romneya Drlve was in relationship to the mohl~e~~Councll~conditlon~of~approval~ fin the median that was ori~inally recommended in the City response~ Mr. Christensen stated it was their plan presently to use Medical Center Drive for the development; that all of the to trensport bullding materiils and supplles, etc., streets in the planned community developr~er.t would be installed at one tirne, however~ no ~lGCP.SS would be taken until the traffic sfctnal was installeu+ at Romneya Drive and La Palma Aven~~e; that Medical Center Dr(ve would be the last street where improva.~ients would be made; ehat the requirement for the m~dian strlp on Euclid Street was being held in abeyanc~ by t.l~e Ct[y Council~ until it was dAtermined when it should be installed~ and that the Clty Council had not done away with the requlrement, that the Trafflc Engineer would indicate wher. it was time for sald installation and, furtherm~re~ tl~at said install~tion was st(11 a con~lltion as originally worded, Mr. Christensen further stated that unless they were permittecf to Install the traffic siynal in c:on]unctton with the first phase oP development~ rather than prior to any gr~dinq~ thcy may have to walt approximately 9~ days for the completion of the sign~lizacion since there Waone~halfeof to put the slgr i on; that they would uphold their previous tiFulaiion to pay the costs ?ncurrecl for sald traffic signAl; and that the Interdepartmental Cortxntttee r~commecdnfllctswlth~the conditlonAlnposeorbyptheaCity9Council insa~previous~publi~ gi~nal wes in o hearing for development of sub~ect property. Commissioner Johnson questloned thc necd for the huge ~ign; wherEUpon~ Mr. Chr(stensen stated thax e.veryone they had talked to inclic~ted they were usina the best approach~ rather than having a'ot af sl~ns all over the property; that zhe clevelopment needed identlty from the freeway; that thcY hA:f prevlously been granted a varlance for a slgn that was 70 feet h(gh ln con,lunctlo~ with the themc: tower and the proposed slgn would be ~ ~ ~ MINUTCS, Liii PLANNING COMMISSION, October 29~ ~975 CONDITIONAL USE P[RMIT N0, 15~~+ (Cuntinued) 75-511 even less c~~nsplcuous to the rc~s{cients but would give the necessary Identlty; and thot they had glven up the proposal to have the theme tower slgn. Chalrman Pro Tempnre Mor~iey n~ted Chat If tha pr~posecl sl~ninci wAS approved, the Planning Commisslvn wauld reyuest l'~~t the ~etltl~ner o~lthdr~ar the thcmc• kc~wcr sinn; whcreupon, Mr. Chrlstr,nsen so stlpulatecf. In response to questfoninq by Commissloner Barnes, Mr, Christensen state<I ihey would ha~~e one sign on E:ucliri Street and one o~ La Palma Avenue which were dlrectlonal slgns ~n the cummerclal portlon of the planned cammunlty de~elopment; Chat they were entitled to have elght off-site tract signs totallin9 7~`~ squarc fr.et of sl~n area~ however, they were r~quegting to have only onc sign H~ith a tota) of 250 s~~~are feet; that thc proposed sign would be neede~i unt~l the tracts were sold out which ~ ild take no longer than three years. Chalrman Pro Tempore Morley noted that the pr~pased 250-squ.~re fool' slgn~ in Ifeu of eighC s(gns totalling '~~ squ~re feet~ appe~red to he a r'cisonahle tride-off. It was noted that slnce Environm~ntal Impact Report No. 113 was certified by tlie Anaheim City Councll ~n December 31~ 1973- and included i~formatlon relAtive to the development of the proposed mobilehame park and~ since mociifications to salcl report reflect a r~ductton (n denslty and, therefore, a lessening of the environmenta) impact, khe Planning Commission d~es hereby determine t`~at ~~ddttlonal action pertaining to sald report Is deertxsd unnecessary. Commissloner King o~fered Resolution No. PC75~x19 and moved fo~ its passage And adoptlon~ that Petition for Conditional Use Permit No, 157~- br and hereby is gr~nted~ ~ranttng the requested watver of the maximum fence helght on the basls thar the propo~ed fence helghts~ in conJunctlon with the proposPd term~ will provide addltional sound bufferi~g protection for the subJect property and adJacent property~ sald protection being deenzed approprlate at the subJect location; grantiny the requested walvers of permitte~i location of t.ract sign~ maximum area of tracr, sign and maxtmum height of tract siyn for a period of one yoar~ said tirt-e 1lmttation for the proposed temporary tract sign being subJect to revlew and consideration for~ extension of time by thie Plann~n,y Commission and/or City Council~ upon written request by the petitionsr~ approval of said waivers bein~ granted on the basis that the petitloner stipulated to withdrawing the subsequent request to construct thP theme tower which was appre.ded in connection with Variance No. 7.635~ ~nd the furth~er stipulatton by the petitioner that no addltiona! off-site tract signs will be requested for the development of the Anaheim Shores Planned Community; granting waiver of the minimum front setbeck on the basis that the request is minimal, as proposed; subJect to the further stipulations of the pPtltioner~ and sub)ect to the Interdepartmental Committee recommendations. (See Resolutlon Book) On roll call~ the foreg~ing resolutlon vras passed by the following vote: AYFS: CQMMISSIONERS: BARNES, J041NSON~ KING~ MORLEY NOES: C~MMISSIO~lERS: N~NE ABSENT: CbMMISSIONERS: ~iERBST~ TOLAR~ FARAPIQ CONiMISS1UNER NERBST RETUR~IED TU TIiE COU~ICIL CHAMB~R AT 4:15 P.M. ~ ~ ~ MINUTCS~ CITY PI,~NNING COMMISSIO~J~ Octobcr 29. 1975 75-512 C~N~ITI(1M/tl. USF - Pti!~Llf. NF.AR111G. R~RER1' M. C~X~ I1~ Sout.h Sunkist ~tre~t, An,ihelm, PERf11T N~. 1!;J; Ca. ~2"~~~ (fh~ncr); MARIEN[ TAYLOR, -+~6 Fernhill Lane, Anah~im, ~a. ~ ~?f;07 (Agent); rr.quesCin~ perrclssicm t~ ESTABLlSII A SQRORITY HOUS[ on pr~perty descrlbed as: A rectnngularly-sr„~e~i parcel of land conslsting of approxlmat~ly 0,11 acre locatec.l at the n~r[ha~est corncr of Sunkfst Street and Ward Terr~ce, and f~n'ther c;escrihed as 12~, South Sunkist Street. Prorerty presontly class(flecl 9S-720~ (RfSIDE~JTI~I.~ SINGLE-FAMILY) ZO~JE, As•;~stant T.oning Supervis~r Allan Daum rcaci letters of opposftlon submitted by adjacent property owners Lols B. l3afer anrJ Sol SIlva, and a petltlon sub~nlttecl fn opposltlon whlch contalned ap~~~~xfmately 70 sl9natures of ncighUarhood resi~ents. (t was noted that several persons were pr~scnt in oppos(tion to subJect petit(ui~, Mr. Daum read the Staff Report to the Pl~~nninc~ Commisslon d~ted October 2~, 1975, and sald Staff Report Is referred t~~ as If sr.C forth in full In the m{nutes. Mr. Ro6ert M. Cox~ tiie petirioner, appe~r~d before the Pl~nning Commiss(on ancl stated It appeared thc opposili~n was malnly dtrectcd at the trafffc congestfon wh(ch mighk relate to ttie proposed use of thc subJec.t property; that therc r~crc apparently five women presently 1(ving at the subJer.t properCy; that thcr~~ was no traff(c dur(ng the daytime s(nce the young women went ta schc~ol; that recently they had held their '~rush week" acCivlties ancl there was a pr•ohlem since the women had not explalnrd their plans to the nefghbors ahead of tlme and no courtesles werP extendeci t~ the nelghbors; that the ~eighbors had talked to the visitors who did not relate the messactes to the owner or tenants of the subJect property or atherwise the problems wou~~l have been taken care of. Mlss Janica Mullen~ Presiclent, lota Upsilon Chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority~ appeared before the Planninc~ Cummission ~~nd explained the reasons for selectin~ the subject property for a sororlty house, stating tliat tl~e house was bigger than their previous residence and they were desir~us of havinc~ five girls live at the house; that they were concerned about tne security and privacy for their memtership and the house was perfectly suited for them in those respects; that thelr re9~~lar membership meetings were held at a local bank and there were no functions at the house unl.:ss a small group yathered for a wedding shower~ etc,; that during their recent "rush week" there was some negli~.nce on the sororlty's part not to advlse the neighhors, however~ such a~i activity only occurred once a year; that following the event, th~y had talked to some of the neighbors who expressed that they co~ild tolerate "rush week" If it was only once a year; that a house manager resided on the premises ancl took care of the busines$ of the house; that there was a full time gardener •ind the house was wel) taken care of; that all of the gir!s went to sct~ool and there was seldom anyone at the house durtng the daytin~c~ except for the manager; that to get the parking sltuation under control they had asked all of thelr glrls to park thelr cars across the street since there were only two parking spac.es in the drivaway; tliat California State Un(versity at Fullerton was a cortmuter college and there was very little in the way of sc~cial acttvitles within the co~lege; and tfiat the sororlty fulfilled tha social needs of the girls in relation to their college life. Mr.4larren Bratcher appeared before the Planning Commission~ ~nd statecl he had beEn a res(dent at 101fiQrmandyCourt, Anaheim, for approximately 11 years; that his obJectlons to the proposal had nothine~ to do with the girls' sorority or other Greek letter organizations, but with the integrity of the subJect neighborhood; that som~e zoning cancessions had been mac{e fn the neighborhood with assurances from the City that the area would ma(nta(n single-family residenti~l integrity; that the parking situatian at the subJsct house was not under control; that he resented t•he attitude of khe subJect pron~~ owner that it was encumbent upon the adjacerst residents to contact him about the parking sltuat(on; that he would respectfully request that thF Planning C~mmission deny t~~ subJect request for exemption from the Code or~ the basis that such an exemption w~.uld not uphold the lntearity of the r.eighborhood and would not be in the best (nterest of the ciilzens of the City of Anahelm. Mr. Wayne Lemons appearecl before thc; Planniny Commisslon and statecl he had been a resident at 2~~2G Ward Terrace, Anaheim. far appr~ximately eight years; that (he Pxplalned) there was an orderly way of doing t!:!^~t= th~~r~ wi~h no personal affront to the young lad(es who were making the s~bJect request, the majority of the persons present at thls public hearing were past the wonderful ~ige of 1~3 Ca ~2 ye:ars but could all reminisce abaut th+~t ~~onderfu) time in their 1{ves when they were very active socially; that tliere was a tlme and place for every~hinc~ -- tl~at; for the g(rls, the tirt~e was ric~ht for activity, but the place was wrong; that the subJect locatlon was a family-type neir~hborhood and investments ~ ~ MIIJUTr5~ f,ITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Uctobar 29, 1975 COIJDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 1575 (~ontinued) ~ ~ 75-513 were lnvoived; that he ~Iis~~r~e~l th~~t there were ~~ny misundcrstnn~llne~s~ becnuse the nelyhuorhood h~d knrn+led~~blc r~sldent~ and were not antl-sorority; that the residents hnve to speculete on future behavl~ur and hellevf~d th~:re would be f~irther problema Inv~lved lf the prop~sed use was ap~+rovr.~l; and that~ In cor~cluslon, the subJecr. locatfon wAS the wronc~ place for n sor~rlty. Mr. Dill [hrle~ 2'~11 East Romneya Drlve~ Anaheim, a~~pearecl bePore tfie Plannin~ Commission and stat~sd he was ~~fff l Iated with COAI. anci IC~DCRG and coiild spenk Pr~m a homeowner's polnt of vlew~ is i p~rt of IcEnEa~~ and as an individu~~l part(cipant in the ncighborhood; th.at he knew some of the sorarlty sisters fr~m their hic~h sch~ol clays when he t~+uhht them at Loara 111gh Schon) and they werc of thc hlghest Integrity; tl:at ha Felt lhe problem w~s one of lack of communication; Chat i~~e would assumf~ tl»t tlie subJect house could accomm~date a famlly of f(ve to efgf~t persons~ wfth three or four heinc~ children; that it was possible to h~ve ~ vcry llvely famlly llvinn at the hr,use with four or ffve children much like h~vln~ the sAme n~unber ~f 4orarity sisters living ther-• and befn9 referred to as a sorority house rather than where flve ladies lived; that he dlr. believe there had been a problem in that the ~irls hacl nnt communlcaCed in the minner th~~y should have; that the n~eet~nc~s of the organizatlon shuuld be held at other f~~cilities; that any residence was a home and there sliould be ~art(es, but in the numhers relar.eci to a norrn~~l residence; that perhaps the problems could be rsolveJ by apprav(ng the subJ~ct ar~~llcatlon f~r a tfine perlocl af slx to ntne monCl~~ to see if tlie girls c~uld conform to the neighborhood requirements and improve their public relattons; that at the e~id of the trial pcriod~ the decisian would be easler to make; ancl he would encourage a six-manth testing periocl. Mrs, Pat Chevaller~ 2.~~7.~ War~i Terrace, Anaheim~ appeared before ttie Planninn Commission and taok except.ion to Mr, F.hrle's st~~tements~ scating that his argument sliould noY carry any we(ght in the matter• since he d(d not have an invest~nent and would not stand to see his prope~ty decrease in ~•alue if the proposal was approved; th~t one Sunday morning w!ien her family was leaving for• church~ sh~ had counted approximately 27_ cars parked on Sunkist Street and Ward Terrace; that she had seen groups ~eavincl the subject properCy carrying sleeping bags on Hieekdays; that on Sund~y aft rnoons thc:re haci been standiny room only on the lawn nf the subJect property; that she did n~t think the sorori:y would have a problem flr~liny a t~rge house close to the college campus; that a family would be a better solution for use of the subJect pr~perty; rhat~ tn talking with otliers in the nelghborhood, she had found only one persc~n a,iio was not opposed t~ the proposed use; that if the propo~CU use was permitteci in the s~~bject area, people would yo elsewhere to huy tf~elr homes and, if tlie exlstin9 property ovmers needed to sell their homes, they would probably have to drop the pr(ces considerahly; an~ that tf~e residents wfshed the sororitY we11 but ln another neie~hborhood, Mr, Richard Robinson~ 124 Normindy Court~ Anaheim~ appeared befare the Planninq Commission and stated no one was chillengin~ the intP~rity of the s~rority giris; that the five girls currently livin~ at the subject house were not the five th~t would br_ living there in *_he future anci there woulci be a c~nst~nt turn over with potentially more and new problems; thai.~ during "rush week" the tr~ffic situ~tion in the neighborhood was really tough; that some of tha: nelghbors were unable to get fnto their driveways; that since the applica:ior. for the use had been filed~ the giris had toned thelr activities down; that if the proposal was ~pprov~d, the ho~ise could be used by other sarorittes in the future and that klnd of turnnver also bothered tfie residents; and that he would not Ilke to see a prececlent set by approving the use, Ms. Ramona Tempkin appeared before the Ptannin~ Commission in behalf of the petitioner and stated she was a mernber of ihe House Corporation which actecl as ~ landlord to the soror~ty chapters and provi~led suitable housing; that the ~ororities took great pride in thelr houses; that the lota Upsil~n Chapter of Oelta 'Leta Sororlty had mo~~ed frnr~ t~~+o other locations and ha~i good recommendations; that r.he owner of tfie subJect property 11ved immecliately next door; that she had a letter From a former neighbor~ Donald and Earlene Walker of ~rea~ who Favored the group. ?hereupon~ Ms. Tempkin read the letter fr~m the Walkers. Ms. TempL.in continu~d by stating th.,t two or more advisors we-e present at each meetinc~ held by the sorority and the meetin~s were presently being held at a savings and loan bullcling; that there were house rules to cor.trol the conciuct of inembers and gu~sts; that nn alcoholic oeverages were ~llowed ~n the premises; tf~at once a year the sororities held Pantiellenic r~ush for new members; and that the sorority was prepared t~ be goo~ tenants and good netghbors. Mr. Barry Woodward, Assistant Dean at Caltf~rn~a State Univcrsity at Fullerton~ appeared before the Planning Commission ~~nd~ ln rebutt~l to some ~f the comments of the opposltion ~ ~ ~ MI~~U7E.ri~ C17Y PLANtJING COMMISSION~ October 29~ 1975 CONDiTIONAL USE PCRMIT N~. 157~ (Conti~ued) 75-5~~+ regardin~ traffi~ pr•oblems~ speculaticm about the conduct of the ~irls In the future~ ond th~ ~ielclht ~f soclal actlvlty~ etc.~ he stAted the sorority ciirls had a 3,1 gpA~ opposed to ~n over All university 2.~ 9Pa and~ therhfore, werr. ~hove-evcragu students; tha~ the glrls were Involae~l~ IaSt year, in ~ever~~l c<~mmun(ty service eff~~rts and thelr servlces needed to b~ tak~n Into cr,nsi~ler~~ti~~n; and th~~t, alth~uc~h hr. W15 not a residcsnt in the sub.je~t nelghhorhood~ thls was Che kincl of activity he woulci Iike t~ have ~oing on in hls own neiqhborhood. Mr, E3ob Fit~gerald, ~~~ Normandy Court, AnAheim~ appe~red bcfore thc Plannfng Cornmisslon and stated if h~ had kn~wn lhere was z sorority In the neighborhoocl, he would not h~ve paid as much for his home ~~s hc did; th~t he wou1d not Ilke to se~ the property values dropped by $3~~~~ t~ $5~~~~~; th~t ~ppro~~al of the rec~uest might seC a precadent for other similar organl~atlons if they wante:ct t~ come Int~ the neigf~bor~~oc>d; th~t~ rectard(nc~ the testinc7 perlod sug~este~l earlier~ the sorority ha~1 already been ttiere two months and that was sufffclent testin~ timc, In his c~pinion; and that th~re wer~ approximately 7~ si~~natures on the petition In protest to approval of the proposal, In rehuttal~ Mr. Co~c st~ted the {~roperty was fr~ntirn on a main h~qhway and hr: had problems keeping tenants9 havincl had Pour ten~nts durine~ the past year; th~t the. traffic problems had urset the neighhorhooci~ hovrever, lf the residents ha~l contacteci hlm as the property owner~ or the House Corporation, the problems would have been correctc:d Immedlately; that he did n~t understand how the proposed use cnulcl lower the value of the prnperty ln the nPighborh~od to the extent previously mentinned, particularly since Sunkist Street was ~ Jor highway; that the subJect property v~as across the streeC fr'om some apartments; and that the ~orority wa~ plannin~ to lower thP activ(tles at the house ~nd move sald activities tc~ the banking facility. TI~IE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. In respnnse to questloning by Commissioner 8arnes~ Mr. Cox stated his Farents owned the property next door to the sub}ect pr~perty and~ tl~erefor~, there would be some control if problems came up ~nci the owners made aware, Commissloner Barnes then n~ted that she had vlsited L'he area late Sunday evenin~ and there appeared to ne a traffic problem since she counted about 21+ cars spread out in the neighborhood from the subject property; thai the City dld h~ve a ger~eral plan which cali~d for lew denslty tn particular areas and she be~ieved~ in this case, that the proparty val~ies would probably go down; that the subJect property was a good dtst~r~ce from the university campus anci she was opposed to 9rantin~ the subJect conditio~al use permit. Chafrman Pro 7empore Morl?y notecl that he sympathized with the sorority anc' he could see why the girls wantecl to stay in the nice neighborhood~ not only from the standpoint of security; tliat he could a~so symp~thiye with the neighboi•s wh~ ~veci to the neighborhaod wlth the ldea that it was single-family and they could reise their families there; arid that the traffic ^roblem~ were apparent. Commissloner Jol~nson notec! that one of the first actions of tf~e sorority should be to f~t into a cortmunity smoother than th~y had during the p~st two months; that commenrs had been received from idealists anrl also from people wf~o 1ivFd ln the ar~a who were d~a'ing ~~Ith the facts anci H~hat was act~ially goin~ an; that he resented tt~e notation in the leCter from Mr. Sol Sflva ~hat "1 sincerely hope you ~eclin~ :his house as a sornrity house, and have t!~em rent It to a wholesome fami ly insteacf"; tF;- _, in his own opinion~ tlie sororlty girls were wholesume, however, he a:ould encourage them to find a house r.loser to the university campus. Cummlssloner Herbst noted that some ot tf~e property rn~mers (n the area had xheir life lnvestments ln thelr homes :~nci the reclings were different for those peoplP who cou~d move anytirt+e they wanted to; that the sorority had lntruclecf into the neighbonc~~od; that he was very aware of sorority and fratcrnity ltfe and evsn under the best controls, there would always be n lot ~f trrffic bec~use friends Just came un~nvited; that~ because the area was residentlal~ the proposa' would be an intrusion upon the charicter of the neigh6orhood and an Intrusion wltki th~ pr<:blems th~t surro4nded a sorority or frnternity uncler the best conditions; and the ri~hts oP the neiclhhorhood shouicl come first. It was noted that the Director c~f the Planntng Department had determined that the propased activity fell wtthtn the ~lefinitl~n of Section 3.n1~ Class 1, of thc Clty of Anahelm ... ~~w ~ ~ ~ MINlITES, CITY PLANNING CQMMI~SION~ O~tobar 29~ 1975 75•515 CONUI'~IONAL US[: PERM_____.IT NQ. 1575 ~L~~~~clnund) Guicle,lin~s to the kequlrements fnr on E~virunmentnl Imprct Repcirt an~1 wes, therefore~ categorlcally exempt from the re~~ulrrrtx~nt to P(Ic ~~n EIR, Commissi~ner Morla~f offered Resolutlon No. PC75-27~ and mc~ved for its pnssage er,d aaoptio~~, th.it P~tltian f~r Can~litlonal Use Permit No. 1575 ba ond hcroby (a dc~led an the basls th:+t the proposed use would be cilfPfc~~1[ t~~ control at the subJoct locatlon with respec. tc. piirklnc~ ancl nolse Impact ~1~'nerated 6y tho use; Ancl~ [herefore, would be an undesirabla {ntruslon t~ l!~e estnhl(sh~~ resld~ntial ~:hflracr.~,r ~f the neighborhood. (Seo Resolutl~ri Boak) Qn roll call, the Foregoln~. resolutlon wAS pi~~5ed by the followin~ vote: AYES: G~"1M1`~IU~~f.RS: BARPIES~ NOES: COMMISSI~''fRS; NOtIE ABSEI~T: CnMMISSIf1N[RS: '1'OL,\R~ HER(1ST~ JOIINSOtI~ KfM~, MORI,EY FARAl10 VAR I/1NCF Nn. 7.7h1 - PUBI I C HEAR I Nf,, ANT~N J, NI~U MAR I ETT/1 M. RUPP~~IER ~ I uhF, Lory Avenuo~ Anaheim~ Ca. 92~,(17. (Owners); reque.ting WAIVER OF FIAXIMIIM L~T CnVf.RA~E T~ CoNSTRUC'f A H~USE ADDITIn~~ ~n property described as; A rectangularly~•shaped p:~rcel of land consistinc~ of approx(mately ~'.1) acre having a frontacle of <~~proximatcly 7~S feet on the south sidc oP Lory Avenue~ approximately 1`il feet northwcst of Klama ~treet, and further de,cribed as 144G Lory Avenue. Proper~y presenl•ly classified kS-5no~ (P.ESIDEfJT1/11., SI~~GIE-F1IMILY) ZO~~F, No one fndica~ed thair presence In oppositlon to ~uhJect petitior. Although thc Staf~ Rep~rt to the Plann(n~ Commisslon ~'~t~d October 29~ 1y75~ w~5 not read at the public hearin~~ said Staff Report ls referred to and ~,~~de a part of the mtnutes. Mrs. Mariett~ Ruppaner, the petitioner, appe~red before the Planninn Commissfon ~~nd stated t-ie subJect property consistt;~ of ipproxlmately 50~o square feet ar i$ uf the l~t w~s presently covered; Lhat the ~roposat riould acld approx(rtiately 5~ lat coverage toward the rear of the propert-y for a kitch~n add(tlon; that thelr present k?tchen was approximately 9 feet by (0 feet in si~e with a'~~~ut 3 feet of counter space; that the size of her {`amily had increased since she purcha5ed the home ancl they neede•1 mcre space; that the room edditlon w~~utd serve as a family ro~,n which wou1J not be visibl~ from the front oF t~e house and saSd addition would be in I<eepin~~ wlth the present ~rchitPCture and design of the house. TH~ PUI3LIC HFARING WAS i.LQSED Commissic~ner Nerhst noted that tl~e suhJec: dwelling was constructed under Cade requ(rement~ spec(fying h~$ lot caveraae ar,d~ on that basis~ the request cou~.i be considered minimal. In i•esprn~se to questlorlnc~ by Commissi~ner Herhst, Mrs. Ruppaner incl?c:ated that the neighbars dl~ not c~ppose the proposal, but were in favor o~ it. Mrs Ruppancr ~'urther staced that she ha~i :aken I~er plans to a builder who suc~~e:,ted increasin~ the room :Ize by an addliional approxlmately 2 Feet in one di;~;c:tion fcr interior decoratinc~ putRoses and~ therefore~ she was reauest(ng to add approximately :!33 square feet -•at1~~r than 209 square fc:et ta the home. It was noted that tha D(rector of the Planninq Department had cieterminc~i xh~t the proposed activlCy feli w?thin the dpffnition of Section 3.~1, Class 1, oF the Cit•y of Anaheim G~~Idelines to the Requlrements for ~n Environmental Impact Report and was, thercfare~ cateqorlc~lly exempt fror~ the requirement to file an EIR, Commissione. He st offered Resolution No. PC75-221 and .naved for 1[s passage and adoption~ that Petition for b'ariance N~. 27~~1 be and hereby is g~~a~ted fo~ a house additlon not to exce~,d 233 sc~uare feet or ~~2~ maximum lot covPraye~ sald approval being granted on thc: basis that~ althouyh the present Code specif;es that the maximum lut co~~erage 1 n the RS-5~~1~, Zane sna? 1 not exceeci 3;$ of tn~ 1 ot, area f~r dwe 1: ~ ng un i ts w I th three bedrooms or less, the sunJect dwelli~~ was constructed uncler Code requirements speclfying u0~ iot cov~ra~e ~nd, therefore~ the re4uest fs cie'cermin,.l to be minimal; rnd, furthPrmure~ that similar r~qucsts have previously been gr~nted by the Planning • • ~ MI~~UTES~ CIYY PLIINNING COMMISSIAN~ actober 29~ 1A75 VARiA~ICE NQ. 27~) (Cont~nued) Commissl~n; eAld Appr~vnl hoin~ grnntecl subJoct t~ the InterderartmentAl Commlttr_e recommanclati~ns. (See Resolutfon Bo~~) On roll cbll~ the foreqoinn resolution was pnssecl hy tfie foll~wing v~~tc: AYES; CQMNIS51(1NERS: dARNfS, Nf)F.S: CQMMISSIO~ltPS: NOtl[ ABSfNT: COM~11SS1~~ltRS; T~LAR~ H~RDS'~ JnH~ISnI~~ KII~G~ MORLFY FARI~IlO 75~5~ VARIAl1CE I~O. 27~+2 w PUf~~.IC HEARING. V1ILCNCIA BANK. c/o [dwarcl E. Schmldl~ 123~ North ~ 1{arbor Boulevard, Full~rkon~ Ca. 92f~~2 (Owner); r~~qucsting W~IVCR OF M~X I MUM S I G~! 11REl1, TO CON57Rl1CT A FREF•STAND I ~IG S I GN :,n property descr(bed as: An Irregularly-shaped parcel ~f lan~i cunslst(ng of approxl- makely 1.3 acres located at the northeask cor~~~~r of La Palma Avenue and KraemPr Place~ havlncl approxtmatc front~~es ~f 22-~ fcet on the north slde. ~f La Pal~rw avenue and 2fin feet on the east side of Kraemer Place~ and further descrfhed as 30Ei1 EasC La Palma Avenue, Pr~~pcrty pr~sently class(flecl ML (INDUSTRI~I., LIMITEII) Z0~lE, Nu one Indlcated thPl; presence in oppositlon to suhJect pet(tion, Although the Staff Feport to the Plannine~ Commission dat~:d October 29~ 1975~ was not reod at the pubilc hearfn~, said Staff Report is refcrred t•o and macle a part of the minutes. Mr. Edward E, Sclim'-1t, the pc^titionei~ a~~~e~red before the Planninq Canmisslon and statsd thc b~nk w~s i.~~t(tloninct `or an Increa;~, in signing to 20~ square feet Par each side or a two-faceci siyn; th~t the requeste~~ v;,r;ance was basecf on severai factors beinq that the vicinity of the use was prlmarlly l~ia~:c_rial and the builciings* in qeneral, were large; th~t the si~r~inn was needed to di ffer~.~ciate the b~nk from other bul l~finc~s in the area; that the subj~ct bank was the only bank t:~ the ~~rea and neede~l adeqiiake iclentificatt~n; thdt a servicr statlon ~:~as situated on the corner and, along with other bu ldings~ hinclernd the o~,er all visibility of the subJect hank; and other buildir~ys in the area had si~nilar largEr sigrs. THE PUaLIC fiEARirIG 41~S CLOSED. rCommissioner lierhst questi~ned how f~r tl~e petitioner felt the vehicul~r tr~ffic should be able to see their si~n ar.d/or why it sl~ould be so large; a~hereupon~ Mr. Schmidt stated tha bank was in a lieavy in~lustrial araa with no commercial traffic and the identtflc4tton was desirable. Mr. Schmldt further stateci i:hey w~ 'd be ~llowed to have the siyn if i~ w~ere located to the rear of the setback adJacen* tu La Palma Avenue. Comn(ssioner Herbsl noted thax banks were allowed in an industrlal arta providing they serviced tfie ind~strial area; whereupon, Mr. Sc,hmidt stated the i rent was to adeyuately identify the bank since the aver~~~ builcling helght in the area was 2~ feet, C~anmissioner Nerbst then noted tliat he had cion~ l,usiness in ~~i inclustrial area for 25 years ~nd had never done busi~ess with a bar{: because of their signing; that once someone kneh where a bank was loc~ted, the stgning was super•tluo~as, providiric~ the ban~ ciicl its part witti banking servtces; that the s~.b)ect use should adhere to the Sign Ordin~nce~ since he did not feel that the bank shou'~ have signinc~ visible f~•~m tha adJacert freeway, or have billboard-type signin~; a~c1 th~t the banking servicPs pre~ided at th~~ banl< should draw ths appropriate bustness at *_he subJect loc.atlon. Mr, Schmld; steted lif5 Job with the bank was ma-ketinc~ and he felt that the pr~>pos^d sign~ werP ~~ot out ~'` the ~uestlon sii~ce tha bank was in operation in the area; that ~ qArclay's Bank had a sign iarner, uncle~r some I<ind of ^.ircumetance~~ than th~ ^ropu~e; signs; that the ad~jacent ShPll servlce ~tation sign was in excess cf 6~ feet hiqh; a~;d that t'~ev were request~ng to have a sign that wo~il~i be visib~e fram Le Palma Avenue for traffic traversing in a west~rly direction. Chalrman Pro TemporP h~~rley noted that by rnoving tF~e sign bac': 5~ feet Pram the propert;~ 21ne~ It would be per~ritted by Code. In respanse t~ questioring by Commiss(uner Kinn~ Mr, Schmidt sta~ed a 25~-sG.are foot ~r 140-square foot monument type ~i~n woul~l be fire~ ae~ttiettcal~y speaking, but wou1~1 not promate the bank In *,.he area sin:e a 5-foc~ ~h sign was not really visible untll the traff ic, w:,s upon it, Cor,: ?ssi~nc:r King than nc,~ .cl that th~e re~,utation of the bank should ~ l.~J MINUTES~ CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION, October 29~ 1975 VARIANCE N0. ?~4? (Contlnued) ~ ~ 75-517 draw business ~~nrl that he ~11ci not understan~l hc~w r~ lar~e sign would cr~atc nny addltlonal business. Commiseloner Johnson n~ted that he aqreE~l wlth Commiss(oner Herhst that the Slqn Ordinnnco sh~~uld b~ adhered to sinco there wer~ ~ app~rent qo~d reasons to gr~nt ~~n exceptlon to the requlr~mon~s. Commisgionr.r Herhst .~dded that nn hardshtp hnd been demcrostrated by the petltloner; thot the bankinn lnclustry r~~prese~~tr,d the r.llte ficld ~f ~n area and if the Slqn OrdtnAnce was nhere~l t~ and a good ;ob was done with the bankin~ servlces ~~rov~ded~ the need for the sl~n w~i~l~1 ~,r~h~~hly be non-existenC, Mr. Schm(dt then st~tad the bank was a servlce o~eratlnn an~l nnt an in~lustrlnlly-~riented operaClon, (C was noted that the Direct~~r of the Flnnnlrg De~artmerit had det~rmineJ ;hat the nropoeed actlvlty fall withln thc definitl~m ~f Socti~n 3.~1~ Class 11~ of Cfty of Anahelm Guldelines to the Requirements For ~n Environmental Impact Report .. I w~~-s, thcrefore, categorically cxempt fram the requirement t~ fllc: an EIR. Commissioner Johnson ~ffered Resolutlon ~Jo. PC7~-227. ancl moved for its Fassage and adoptl~n. that Petit(on for V~riance No. 2~h7. be and herehy is denled, denyinct the request fc+r walvcr of the maxi~~~um slgn area on thc bas(s that the proposed slyn fs fr~tended to advertise a bank which was permitted in c~nnectfon wlth a prnv(ous zonin~ action (Varlanco p1o, 27q2)~ at whlcl~ time it was indicated th~it the size of the future free-standfng sfgn would be In conformance with indusLrial code standards; :hat the bank at the subJect industrlal locatlon ls Intended, ~s approved~ t~. pr(marily sErve commerce and industry and~ therefore~ a sign wtiicli is larger tlia~ pcrmltted In ,~n Industrial zone would tend to generate buslness with Lhe gener~i) public; that tlie proposed si~n w~uld be permissible lf relocated to the rear of Yhe parking-landscape setback; an~l tiia[ the petitianer did not demonstrate that a hardship woulcl he created if said waiver were not granted, (See Resolutlon Book) On roll call. the foreg~ing resolution was pissed by the follo~~ing v~te: AYES : C~F1M I S~ I QNEitS : B11ktIFS ~ NQ~S : Cf1MM I SS I O~IERS : N~PJE AASFriT: cnM~~issic~rirr,s: TOLAR~ HERf~ST~ J~II~JSOPI, M,ItJG~ MORLCY FI1RII~J(1 VARlA~ICE N0. 271i1+ - PURLIC 11fARl~lG, M/1Ri ItJ ROfISQPl, 21(~ N~rth Manchester Avenue, Anaheim~ Ca, 92~'.Ol (Owne~•); requesting WAIVER OF PER111TTED USE5~ TO ESTAdLISfI A DRAPERY MANUF/~C1'URING FACILITY on property described as: An irregularly-shapecf parcel of land c~nsisting of approximately .(~1 acre ~~aving a fronta3e of approximately `~0 feet on the east side of Manchester Avenue, having a maxi° mum depth c.f approximately 1~+0 (ect, being located approximately 2f~ feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue, anJ further• descrihed as 216 P!~rth Manchester Avenue. Property presently classifiecl CG (COMMERCIAL~ GENERAL) ZO-IE, No one Indicated their presence in opposition to subJect petiti~n. Mr. Martin Ron~~n~ the petiti~ner~ appeared before Yhe Planning Cammisslon and stated he had recefved ~ ~otice that he was in diolar.ion of the Code and he wa~ not aware prior to that ttme that he was nut in compliance with the Code; th~t the subJect c!rape.ry manufacturing facility was opprated on a very low-key hasis with no signing or ad~~ertising; that he had haen (n operaCion at the sub,ject location for seven or eight years; that :'ecently one of his lenants w~s moved out by ,e~~l means and the :;ubJect petition v~as a tesult of one of that tenant's r.omplaints; and that the subject use ~,~as not ~own-grading to the neighborhood. TIIE PURL I C HCAR i ~JG 'vlA5 CLOSF.D. In respo~sc to questloninc~ by Chairman Pro 7empore Morley~ Mr. Ronson stated he had three ernployees at the sitP; and that, reryirding fire hazards, the f~cilitles were checkecl regularly by ir,vestigaturs in connec~ion with his fire ins~r~nce policy. Mr. Ronson further stated that since the tenant was removed legally~ the subJect establishment had been audlted several times but there hacl never bPen any probleMS in rhat respect. Commissioner Kin~ noted that it appeared !tie su~Ject use was n~t doing anything harmful t~ the environment. Commissinncr Nerbst r~ot~.~ that tF~~ area was in a ~t~te of trar~sition ~ ~ ^~ • MINUIES, CITY PLAIJNING COMMISSION, Octc~ber 29. ~975 7'-51~ VARIANCE NU. 2~4A (Cocit Inunr.l) with a combinatlon of in~lustrlal and comnxrcial uses, and thc~ pr~>p~se~l use appcsrad to be a 11ght Industrlal use, In response tQ hU°ratolib~~ theCuseinndnnertKof~tf~eir busfnesstwas~'wlthrcontrac[orseAVy truck trafflc qene y it was noted thAt thes Dlr~~ctor of tho Plannfng Departn~ent had dct rmined thnt the propo&ed a:.tivlty fell within thc ~leflnlt(on of Section ? ~1~ Class 1, ~f ~he City of Anahelm Guldclin~ss ta the Requ(rements f~r ~n Envtrur,men~~~l ImpACt Re~~ t and wrs~ cherRfo~e~ categoricAlly exempt fro~„ the requlremPnt to fi le an EIR. Commissloner Herbst uffered Reaoluti,n No. PC75-223 and nbved for Its paseage and adoptinn, th~t Petition for Varlance No. ?.7~+~~ he and hereby (s c~ra~t~d tn establish wholesaling ancl manuf~~cturing of ~Irip~rtes in the CG Zone on the ba~is th~t the p~oposed use is ~leemed to be an approprir,tr. use in the subJcct are~~ wl~erc n comhlnntlon o} industri~~l and comme~~cta1 uses and r_ones are presently located; that the subJeet ~~sr. Is compatlbie with surrouncling uses; ~nd, furthermc~re~ tliat the petitloner (ndtcated therG was no fieavy truck trAffic generatecl by the use. (See Reso~ution Bookl On roll cal l~ the fore~oinc~ resolut(on was p.+ssed by the followlne~ vate; AYES: COMMiS510~lERS: B~RNES~ HERt3ST~ JOIINS~Il~ KING~ MORLGY NOF.S : C~MM) SS i ~NERS : NONE A[~SEt~T: COMMISSIONFRS: TQI.l1R, FAMtJO VARIAPlCF N0. 27~~5 - P~IPLIC NEARING, HAROLD SEWELL~ P. 0, Box ~~77`_-~ Anaheim, ~a, 92~03 (f~ner) ; HERItEP,T NADEL 6 ASSOC I ATFS ~ 16?.5~ Ventura Boul eva rd. N31 ~~ Encino, Ca. 913~~f, (Agent) y reyue;stinn WIIIVFR OF MININ~UM DIMENSIONS OF PARKIUG 5PACES TO ESTADI_ISfI 13 COMPACT CAR SPACES on prapcrty described as : A rectangularly-shaped parcel oP land consistinc~ nf apprc~ximately 1,1~ acres l~eaLed at the northwest corner of Carbon Creek Channel an~ Eucli ~treet~ having a frontage of approxlmately 1(16 feet on tlie west side of Euclld Strcet, havin~ a maxlmum depth of approxfmately ?.77 feet~ belncl located approximately 230 feet south of the centerllne of Glenoaks Avenue~ and further descrloe~l as 721 North Fuclld Street, Prape~ ty presently classifled CL (CONMf.RCiAL~ L~MITFD) Z.ONE. It was noted that the subJect ~etition was incom{^letely advertised in the lec;al notite uP public hEarir,^„ rhereby necessltat(ng a readvertisement. Commissloner King o~ `ereJ a motion, seconded by Cc+mmissioner Barnes ancl i•IOTI ON CIIRRIED fo~rtViriancerNo~r27~5bbenandbhereh~ isacontinuedlto therPlanningCCommi{ssion~meetingtofion November 10, 1975, for re~dvertisemenk. (NOTE: The foregoing action on Varlance No. 27~F5 was taken at che be~inning of the meeting.) VARIANC;' N~, 27~+6 - PUBLIC HEARING, J01~~~ R~TTER A~~D MARY M. HOOVER~ aka M~RY M. PNRRISfi~ 1919 Alsuna Lane~ Huntington Beach~ Ca, y2~48 (Owners); requestin9'ARIVER OF PERMI'iTED USES TO ESTABLI~N Ai~ AUT0~~10DILE DIAGNOSTIC AND SERVICE CEN7ER on property c~escribed as: k rectanguiarly-shaped parcal of land conslsttng of apprciximat^ly .~~3 acre located at the narthwest corner of La Palma Avenue and Br~okfiurst Street, having approximatP front~qes o~` 3~a feet c>n the north side of I.~e Palma Avenue and 15~ f^•ei an the wesC side of Erookhurst St~-eet, and further described as 11~7 North Brook~wrst Street. Property presently class ifted CG (COMMERCIAL, GtNERAL) ZONE, No one Indicated their pres~nce in opposition to subject petitian. Although the Staff Rep .•t to tl~e Planninq Commission dated October 29, 197~ ~ was not read at the pu~~ l ic heartng, said Staff Report i s referred to and made a part of the rnln~~tes. a ~ ~~ ~ e MINU7ES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOFI~ October 2q~ 1975 75-5~9 VARIA~ICE N0. 2746 (f.ontiniacd) Mr. Tim 0'i3rien~ the acleni P~r the pr.tltloner~ ~~ppearcd before the Plannln~ Comnisslon tn enswer ~uestic>ns re~tardinn the prop~sal. TNE PUALIC 11~~RING WAS CLOSF.f~. In ~esponse to quesli~~nln~ by Camm~s~loner King, Assistant Zonin~ Supervisor Allan beum advieed that Ca1TrAns had appr~ved the twa exlsting clriveways along the Brookhurst Strent fr~ntage for thc~ subi'~ct s~:rvtce st.~tion sicr.; ~ncl that the proposal wns for e use other than e service static~n slte. Deputy City Attc~rney Frank Lowry further adv~sed that the sub]ect property was the sub,Ject of a re<:er~t court he~rin,y ln connecti~n wlth a condemnation actlon~ At whlch the Planninc± Conrnis~lorers haci been req~iesteci to testtfy. Commissloner Herbst inqu-red if the potitloner would have any obJect(ons t~~ clo~ing o~f the drlveway on Bre~okhurst Street which VlAS closest tc~ the intersectl~n; whereupon~ Mr. Q'Brlen st~ted he was the lessee of the pr~perty and could not make thc determt~iation to close off a c1r(veway to the property; that~ however~ rather than ~losing off the drtveway by contlnutng the curb~ gutter~ etc.~ and bearing thes cost for same, he would suggest thaC the drlveway remaln an~l that landsc~pln9 be lnst~lled Across the ope.nln~. Commissioner Herbst noted that, since the use o~` tl~e pr~pr.rty woulcl be chan~eci if tlie proposal was epproved, the Planning Commissi~n would request that CI'~e service stc~tion use be tarminat~d; that~ (f lanciscaping was allowed to close off the drivewa/~ the remalning apror, would be an area where cars c~u1d park~ creat3ng an undes(rahle situatlon; that by changing the ~~• - anci with n~ ir~te~ .lon of convertincl back t~ the servlce station use~ the drivaway should be closecl off corr•~ctly; and tl~at if a servlce station u.~ w,,~ ~roposed ln th ~ future~ said driveway woulcl be r~quire~{ to he furtf~er away from the interspctlon. Mr. Q'6rlen then stated that landscaping across the driveway woulcl accompiish thelr purpase and, if the proposed use was terminated in the Future~ the landscaping could be remove~subdecitc roperty~would p~obablyCo4qulre~thatHtheS:~rivewayrlnnquestFinn beyclost,.~se uf th ~ P off. ~esponse to quest~~nir~g by Commissioner King~ Mr. 0'Brien stated the improvements to t,,.. existing buildinct woul~i be Identic~l t~ their service center on State College 6s+~~'evard~ i.e., repatnted~ reblacktopped~ roll-up doors inst~lled to replac;P the exlsting mesh-type etc.; that tF~erP was existing brick work on the sub~ject buildinq; that the str'uekura would mcet all ur the Bulidin :ode requlrements; th:~t the gasoline tanks would b~e remaved; and thac they would get away from the old gas st~tion ~~pearanGe. Nirs. Mary Hoover~ the property owner. ~ppeared before tl~e Planning Commfssion and stated she ha~ been badly hurt by the recent cundertnation proceedings; ancl that the State fiad pror~~lsed her the use of the two drive~.~ays on Braokhurst Street for future use. Mrs. Heover read a letter Frepared by h~r attorney, Mr. N. H. Smedegaard~ as follows: "Octob~r 27, 1975 Anaheim Planning Commtssion City ~f Anaheim Anaheim~ California 92~~? RE : Your Var i ance Iro. 27~~~ Gentlemen: We are ~ittorneys for Mrs. Parish who awns the property at 1107 North Brookhurst Street. Our cllent pre viously had this property leased to Texaco as an operating service station. The State of Cal(~ornia condemned portions of the prop~rty and paid our cl ient on tt~e '~aans~lthaoneh(1)rdrivewayaonn a PalmarAvenuewiand be aliowed or the pro~erty~ y~ two (2) dri~ ~ways on Eirookhurst Street. The second driveway on Brookl~urst Street as constructed by the State Hl~hway Department were approved in the letter of Mr. James Maddox~ the Clty Engineer, which is er~cl~sed with thls letter. ~ • ~ 75~520 MI NUTES ,, C I TY FLANN 1 NG C~~t~i41 ~S I ON, October 29 ~ 1975 VAft1ANCE N0. 27N6 (Continued) If the City doPS nat ~~low both cirivcw+ays t~ remaln thcn tha condemnatinn lewsult wtll hav~ to !e reopened. You are rospr.ctf rec~uested to approve the vArlance wlth nll drtveways to continue as they nc~w exist, Mrs. ra lsh wi11 Pres^•nt thls letter to you in person because I cann~~t be presenr. •~t ~he he~ring. ~h2~nk you for y~~~r cooper~~t ton, Very truly ynurs, RUTA~I s TUCKER siP~. H. Sme~fegaard" Coinmissioner Herbst noterl th.it the Stat~ pro~~ably alluwed the ~Irlveways b~cause the proper:y was a service station site; that the loss oP the drivew~y shnulci not hurt t'ie proposecl use ~t ~11; tli:-t acces~ fr<,m the drlveway was d;,n~er~~us; thr~t, if landscaplne~ was perml+ted at th~ present tlme t~~ close aff thc Jriveway ln questton~ thc use of sald ittc<1 slnc.c the driveway was s~mpiy not drlv~~ ,,y For nnother use later on m:~y nnt he perr~ sar' •, that thc ~.Iriveway was lhere by "granc;father ri~hts" fnr thc; service statlan use only; that old service station s(tes were a h119f~c to the community ancl there was not much th~~t the buildtnqs could be used for; that m~ny uses would require that the buildings be torn oc~:n; and that tl~e Plannin~ Commiss(~n woul~i he sliawlnc~ the pet(tioner prePerence if the drlveway in question was illowecl to r~main ~pen, since said cirivew~,y was not s~fe to the health and welPa-r. of the citizens drlving by the property. Mrs. Muover then sta*.ecl th~t r,hrough the c~ndemn~tion proceeciings she was not g(ven e~ 3h compensation for the toss of the driveway; and that she haci a cholce of pickincl up ano~~~er service statl~~~ tenan*. for the pi•nperty. Corrm!ssi~ner Nerbst ~'~dded th<it when the use was chan~~~~l, ~he F~,nning Commission would want the pronerty to c~nPorm to the re~uirements placed on other service st:+tio,i converslons in the City. Commi~sioner Johns~n concurred that thP Inss of the drivewiy shnuld not hurt the suhJect property, In response to questloning hy Commissioner Herbst~ Zoning Supervlsor Annikc Santalahtl 'd that no zoning advtsed that the service st~tion use of the subJect property was so o~ actlon was tnv~lved when it was c~nstructe~l. Mr. Lowry f~~rr.lier aciviseci that if a nanconforming use was abandoned for a per•tod nf six rnonths~ tt,e use would be terminated. Thereupon, ~~rs. Elo~ver requested a two-week contin~.aance to consider the asNects nf losing the drfvev+ay on Brookhurst Street nearest the intersection, in a~c!ition t~ losing the ~ld use of the subJect property in the event the subJect proposal was approved. Cortmissioner Johnsan offerecl a motion, sec~nded by Commissicmer Barnes and MOTI~N CARRIED (Commtssloners Tolar ~nd Farano being absent), to reopen the public hearing and continue conslderation of Petition for Variance No, 2746 to the Plar~ninc7 Commission meeting of November 10~ 1975, as requesteci by the retitioner. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING ''"MMISSION~ Ottcher 29, 1975 75-521 REPORI'S AND - ITEM N0, 1 RECOMMENDATIONS ~~fU FEE PROPOSAL • Parks and Recreakion Commission request for P1Anning Commlsslon revlew. The sub.Ject (tem was continued from the Plannlnq Cammisslon m~etings of September 29 ~+n~l October 13~ 1975~ ~or further stucly. Park Superintenclent Dlc' Y,amphofner reviewed the suhJect proposal~ noting that in comparls ~ with other c~tles 1~ Or~~nqe Co~~ty~ Anahelm was ln th~ upper three-quarters; that the updatin~ of t'c (n-ileii fees was ,~Articul~r~ly impor~kant to the Recreation~ Parks encl the Art~ Departm~n ~ slncc the Ucp~rrment ~~as ~r~~sent!y involved In researching a band (ssik to prov "e parks (n the City; that t~~e Department's ^hopping llst of p~rk imp~ovements ~maunted to app mximately $1:. r,(llion~ wlth a p~s~ibilfty of $15 millinn ove~• the 10-ye~r p~~rk imprc~vemenr. program; that the proposed upd~~tlnn ~f lhe p~rk in-lieu fees would provl<1r. npproxim~tely $1~ millt~n, based on ~ pro]ectlon of approxtmntely I5,000 new dwe) l ings bc+inq constr~icted in the Ci ty; a~~d that through ~.he prc~posed In-l ieu fee schedule~ the DepArCmcnl cc~uld possibly trim tlic t~ta1 amount to a mnre :^~.~1!stl~ fle~u-'e a~hich the Clty coi~id a~f~rd and eliminatc the need far a bon~~ tssue. In response to questionln~ hy Co~~~~~,tssloner Herhst, Mr. M:amphefner .:~lvfsecl that Anaheim was using two acres oP p~rl~. lanci ner ~~ne thousand P~P~: whereis~ ~ther c~ties were ucing three acres ~er th~usanci; that it was legally posstble, according to the ~tty Attorney's Offlce~ to use four acres per tho~~,and; and that unly the park lancl which was owned or leased by the C(ty was inclucl~d in ti,~ invent~ry~ and Yorha Regional Park ~•~as nat included. Deputy Clty Attorney Frank Lowry advise~ that the Leanue of Ca1lFnrnia Ctttes and some members of the California State Eiar Association h~d (ndic:+ted f~ur a~res pe: thousand s legal~ and the Clty of Walnut Cre~~~: held two anc' one-half or thi•c~ acres per thousand Comml~,sioner Nerbst inqulred how much ~irk land Anaheim could atfo~d; whereupon. Mr, Karnphefner adv(sed thaC tH.e ad<Iitional fces would essentially be generated in the areas whPre the f~mds were to hi~. spent, ~__ Chal`rman Pro 1'emport Morle~,~ noted that the increased fees may suppress n,.:w de~~ lopr~~enc in the City; that the home~wnErs~ pur~hasers and develnoers coulcl afford or~ly so ~r.uch expense; and that the new Fomes were already too high. Mr. Kamphefner advised th~t v,~hen the fees were previo~isly i~~rreaseci from $25 to $15~, the new development wati not discouraged althoi~~ih City staff felt surely it would. Commisstoner Bornes inquired wliy it ~aas tliat the singlP-famlly reside.nces, presumably with more land an~i area where tl~eir chilclren could pl~y, were char~~d more thin an apartment or condominium. Mr. M..ampl~efner advised thaC the "P" (persons) val~,ie was ?.7 for ~+ si~gle- family residence, compared to 2.~~ for a cond~miniur~ and 2,25 for an apartment; although he understood those value~ may change in the near future when a nea~ survey was conducted, In ;esponse to questir~ in~ b~ Commissioner Herbst~ Mr. K.amphefner advised that the present ln-lleu fee was S3n~ pt:r sin~l~-family residence, ~nd $57~~7~~ wouid be an approxlmately 90~ !ncrease; that tne fees had n~t been updated since 19~~~ however~ it had been int~nded to review and update the fees annually or as needed. Cemmissioner Nerbst then noted that the value of homes and lan~i should be relevant in the fee schedule, ancl Mr. Kamphef~~~r a~'vtsed that same study coul~l be m~de ir that respect~ however, i:he proposal as presented w,~s formulated by ~n en~ineer ancl was valid, Cammissioner tlarbst inqulred further re~ardincl the effects tnat ralsing fees had on the growth <>f a ci*_y; whereupon, Zoning 5upervisor Annika Santalahti advised tha~ the fees of other cit~°s, which were f~igher than in Anaheim, had not hindere~ the growth and the Ctty of Huntingtor, Bea~h~ In particu~ar, hacl been the f~stest clrowin~ c(ty in Orange County Qince 19f7 ~~ith the hlgtiest ~~~rlc In-lieu fees of any city with s~bstantial land for residential drvelopment, Mr, Jim Barisic, represcnting Anaheim Nills~ Inc., appe~red before the ?lanning Cortmtssion and tndicated the "L" factor (GOSL of I~nd) concerned him since he did not feel ttiat the value of flat i;~n~1 was the :,ame as hill and canyon land~ and that while flat ~and may cust $50~000 an acr~~~ the v21~e of liill and c;anyon l~nd was presently ap~roximately $2~'~000 an acre~ and appr~xim~t~ly $10~~b0-$12~000 an acre in the C4unty; th~t the malorit'~ of the development costs were for iandscaping anc~ irrigation systems; that approxlmately 30$ more hill and canyon lancl was required to comFarA with flat l~nd f~r usable area; that Anaheim Hills was hopeft~l of heinc~ able to continue to prov(de the land for ~arks rather than pay the in-lieu fP.P_5; that the prop~sed f~.e schedule ~ppeared t~ he extremc°ly high; and that he wAS q~estior~in~ whether th~ fi~ures presentecl wer.: base:d an selecte~i areas. ~ ~ ~ MI NUTES ~ C I TY PLANrI I ~~c COMMI SS 10~1 ~ Octoher 7.9, 1975 7!;- 5?.2 ITIM ~IO. I (Continucd) _.__.__._- Commissioner Hcrhat not~~~i thit hc was n<~t convinced th7t khe ncr,cl tn ~~~•ncralc thc ~roposed ~mnunt ~~f money was iustiflc~i. Mr. B~rislc- ~ddad th~t hc F~v~~re~l bonu iss;~cs sincc generally more penple who would hcnefit would help carry thr burden, In response t~ yue~tlonlnq by C~mmisslon~r Nerh~ Mr. Kamphcfncr advise~l th.~t if the proposed park in- lleu fees werc :~prnve-1~ Chen tl;,. _..~nd is~;ur v~ro~.ilc1 not be necessary~ .~nd p~rtfcularly so if th~ fees wer~: ~~~~~r~~ved And Implemente~d fmn,~~~ilarely. Mr, Barl:ic ~'~~teci thAt b~n~'~ 'ssuc:s were chea~er in thr. I~n~ run r~ther t~fln putt(nc~ t e tah on the Jlvldu~~) h~mc~s; rhnt the dev~loper ~.vnul<1 p~y the $57~~,7f, pNr sln~lc-family dwcl l ing and by the tlme the {`ec was r,~ss~d on t~ the homeow~krfortal lt'a[ o~ e~1~lme.~ uP t~ approx(matF~ly $1 ~~0~)~ and salcl ~imc~+mt mi9ht bc to~ much t~ In respon.c to qucstloninq by Commissionr.r Kln~~ Mr, Barisic stat~~1 for fl~t l~ncl developrnent~ if the hnmes ~~ulci h~ constriicted cheaper in another city, it may make i dlFf~rence to the developcrs; howevcr~ if the citles haci the sarne fees, the purchasers would buy thelr home where thcy wanred t~, Commissloner Hert,st noteci that thc othr_r cltles m~iy also bc ~ettin~ ~'cady to updaCe thoir fees; that it was doubt:ful ~ ln I~is upinion, that ~ boncl iss~ie woulcl be passed by the citlzens; that it appe~re~1 some increase ln the fees woulcl be ~ppropriate an•1 va11~1 and, by payin~ for the p~~rks t'hr~uc~h the ln-1(eu fees~ the burden woul~l be placed on tl~e people who would be coming int~ Anaheim. Cortmissioner King not~d that people wers clamoring for modest priced homes; and that If the City k~pt increasinq the prices, therr, would be no low-cost houstnc~ in Anaheim, and "bi~ brother" would step ln. Commissinner Nerbst noted thzt the Clty was also mand~ted to provlde p~+rk ~round an~i the new seciment of the population would be p~ying for the park ground throuyh tl~e in-lleu fees. Commissloner Johnson noted that he also disaqreed wi~h the r~~te of increase proposPd. Commissianer Herbst sugqested that the increase be one-half of th~t proposed ancl that 31nce the Yorba Reqional Park ~n~1 F~atherly Park were within the City of An~heim's sphere of fnfluence and avall,l~le to the citizens of Anaheim, some of that park acreage should be counted in meeting the City's requirE;ments. Mr, Kamphefner advlsed that Featherly Park was used to its full capacity• whe~eupon, Comm!ssioner Herbst inquired ',f a survey had ever been conducted at said park to deiermine how meo~leFinhAnah~in whoetookhtheir ~ampers residents~ and he notecl that he was aware of m~ny p 4 to said parlc for the weekend Just to get out os thcir homes. Chairman Pro Tempore Morley inc~uireci if it wss the wisiies of the Planning Commission to have the proposed park in-lieu fee schedule r~,vised with a dec:reasecl r~te; whereupon, Commtssioner ,lohnson nated that he wo~~.: not suFport the ~ropose~~ 9~~ increase; and Commtssloner Kin~ noted that, in his opin~~~+~ the 9~~ rate incr~ase might di•tve developers away from the ~ity. Commissicners Herbst an~. Barnes took exceptic,n~ noting that they d(d not feel the developers would be discouraqe~l From buil~ling in the City~ especially in the Anaheim Hills are~. Commissi~ner Barnes furt~er noted thai she would l~ke to see a i~eductlon in the prc~osed rate, since it was ierribly hiqh: an~l that from a voter'S or citi~~~n's point of view, the price of the homes would definitely be atfected. Deputy C(ty Attorney Fr~nl: ~owr•y clarified thi~'ttheP~r~nosedCcarksin~lieuUfeesato either recomme~~dw+ton to the City ~ouncil pertaining p P accept, reJect or modify tl,e recommendations of t:~: Parl:s, Recreation and the Arts Department; however, the recommenditicns of bath the s~~partment and the Planning Commisslon would go to thP Clty Cauncil for f:nal dekermin~tion. Comr~~!ssior-er Herbst o`fere~l ~ motiun~ seconde~l by Commissioner Johnson and '~OTION CARRIED (Co;nmissioner 5arnes votinq "nu~" and Commission~~rs Tolar and Farano b~ing absent)~ tnat ths Planning Commisslon ~o~s herehy recommend to the City Council tF~at the proQosed ~•ate of increase for park in-'ieu fees in the City of Anaheim he limited :o one-half or S~ti oF the rate of i~c.rease pr~posed bY th.: Parks, Recreation ~nd the Arts Department; said recommendatlon bein~ h:sed on the f'inding that the p~oposecl approximate~v 9~~ rate of tncrease is excesslv~ to bc called for at ~nc time; and that the Planninc; Cortmisslon ~~oes further recortman~~ chat the new park in•lieu fee.s be evaluated anr~u~l~y for conslderation as to whetl~:^r sald fees sh~ulct be increased further to meet Yhe necds of the u~mmuni~y. w ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING CCMMISSION~ ('.,tohei' 29~ 1975 ~5'a23 17E~~ N0. 2 [IR~E~~A IVC UECIARl~,1'10~' REO.UfST - For a gr~din~ permit fur a sin(J1r,-famllv rrslclenc~~ it ~~17~ Arhoretum RoA~I. It wrt5 nated Ch~t an ~ppllcrition f~r ~ ~r~~dir.g permlt tn r.onstriict a~~nclle~fAmily resldence nt khe subJ~ct ~ri~lros~ hn~l been filed; that an ev~lurit~on oP the environment., impaet of hrHclln~ ~~t the subJect location w~s r~~q~~1reJ u~~ lcr the ~rovisic~ns ~f the Callfornl~ Envir~~nmentai Quality Act Ancl tl7c State i'IR fuidcllnes, sincc the pro,)ect was iocAtecl in Che ~cen~c Corrld~r; ~~nd that A study ~f thc prnpusecl gr~dlnct by the Enginr.c~riiiq Dtvisf~~~~ and thr. Pi~nnin~t Dapartment lndic~~ted that it would have no s 1 gn 1 f i can t env ( ronmen t~ 1 i ~~~,~,~c t. Comnlssloncr King off~~red a m~tion~ sec~mded by Commtssloner Herhst and M(1710N CAItRiED (Commtssloners Tolar an~l Farano being absent)~ th~t thc Plnnnin~ Commission does hereby recommend to the Clty Councll that the subje~-t proJect be exempC from the requlrement to prept+re an envlr~nmentnl ;mp~~ct repo~•t, pursu~~nt to the nrovislons of the Callfornia Environmental Quall,.Y Act. I TC11 N0. 3 EIR NEGATIVE DECLIIRP 1~1 REQUF•.ST - For a gr~idln~ permlt for a single-family re~ ~ence at 356 South Mol~1Pr Orive. It was noted that an appllcatlon fr a grading permft to construct ~ slnc~le-family residence at the sub,ject address ~~ been fi-ed; that an evalualion of the environmental impact of gradinc~ at the subJect ~ocation was rec~uired uncfer l'he provtsions of the Callfornta ~nvlronment~l Qualit• .qct and the SCate EiR Gufdelln~s~ since the proJect wa!; located in the Scenlc Corr(d~r and that a study of the proposecl ,yrrding by the Engineerln~ Divlsion and the lanning Qepartment indicatecl th~t it woutc, have no signiflcant environmental imp~ct. Commissioner Y.in~ offered a mc>tlon~ seconded by Commiss(oner Johnson and MOTi~P! CARRIED (Commis~loners Tojar an~f Farano being absent)~ tl~at the Planning Commission does hareby recmm~end to the Clty Council that the subJect praJect be exempt fram the requirement to prepare ar~ envtronmental tmp~ct report~ pursuant to the ptov~sions of the Californta Environm~ntal Quality Act. I TEM N0. ~~ ENVI R~r~MEtaTAL 1 MPAC7 REPORT No. 157 - C(ty of Anaheim's pr~posal to exten.i Santa Ana Canyon Road south t~- Ca~nyon extension of Canyon Itlm Raacf from its to inr.ersect with Fairmcmt Bouievar~l~ access and circulatlon for the futur section of Anaheim Hllls. In connection with the Fairmont Boulevar~ ~rom Rim Road ~ and tiie present eastPrly termtnus satd extensi~ns to provide e development of the e~stcrn The Staff Report to the Planning Commis3ion d~ted October 2y~ 1975, Wms presented and made ~ part of ~he minutes. Commisslon r Nerbst offer~d a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION f,ARP,lEO (Comnissioners Tola~ and ~ara~o :~ein9 absent)~ that Environmental impact Report No. 157~ havl~g been consider~d ~his date by the Anaheim CiLy Planning Cortqnissian and written evl~ence having heen presented to supplement said draft EIR No, 157- the Plannir~g Cortmission believes that said draft EIR Na. 157 does conform to the City and S~.ate ~uidelines and the State of California Environmental ~uality Act and~ based upor~ such Infc+rmation, does hereby recommend to the City Councll that they certify said EIR No, 157 is in compllance r~tth said EnvironmF:~tal Qu~lity Act. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PI.ANNiN~ CAMHISSION~ Octobr.r ?.~, 1975 75-524 1 TE~1 NQ. S f,OMDIT10NAl. USf PC~tMIT N~, 131-2 - ftequ~~st f~r ext~~~;icm of rlmc - Prc~~~~rty consistinei of appr~xfmrtely Q-hl ~+cre, h, ~in~ a fron*a~e of apprnxim~tcly 112 feck an tho s~u~h Si~le oF So~rth Street~ a~~ bPinq loc~~ted apprc~-.Imately 27~ feet west of th~~ centerl (-~r of 5tate College Bc ~levnrd, Th~ Stttff Repart to the Plann(n,, Cor ~ission dated Octol~~r 2~1~ 1975~ wis p-'e:ggnted and made a part uf the minutes. nning It was noted that Conditional Use Permlt No. 13-~2 was granted~ in p.~rt~ by the P C~mmtsslan on Septembar lf~, 197~, to e5'.~bllsh a chlld nursery at the subJect locatlon, wlth wnlvers of minimum front y~r~1 depth and numhcr of parkin~ spaces; that ~pproval wes granted subJect to a11 conclitlons of appr~val being compiled with within one ye~r; that four condlC'ons of approval remained to bc compllud wtth to clate; anci tl~at two p~evlous extenalons of tima haci been granted~ the last one havtnn expirc~l on Octoher 10, 1975• Commissloner Kln~ offered a motlon~ seconded by Commissioner Ncrbst an~l MO710N CARRIED (Cumm(~sloners Tolar and Farano being ~~bsent)~ that khc P{anning Commisslon ~1oes hereby grant a onc-year time extensic~n for Conditi~nal Use Permit No. 13~i2 to complete the c~nditions of approval, sald time extenslon to be re.trnacr.'ve to Octoher 10~ 1975, and to expire on October 1~~ 197f~, (TEM N0. 6 CQNDITIOMAI USE PFRMIT NQS. 1063 ANO 1072 - Request for extension~ of time - Property consistin~ of appri~ximat~~ly five acre~ located on the north side of Katella Avenue between Naster Street and Mancfiester Avenue. The Staff Repurt to the Planning Commission dated October ?9, ~`~75~ wa~~ presented and mad~ a part of thc minutes. It wos noted that the applicant (C. M, McNees) was requesting a three-montn extension of tlme for the subJect condltf~nal use permits; that six previous time extensions had been granted; that an amendmert to Reclassiflcatlon No. 6f,-67-G1 on the subJect property was 1975 s~id sche~iuled for public hearing befare the Planninc~ Commisslon on November 1Q, ~ arrwndment to per~nit dedlc~tion along Haster Strcet in accardance wfth the Anaheim GPnera: plan ~~+. the time of dP~~elopment of the subJect property, rather th~n prior t~ finalizatlon of thenC-~o~is5lon~andtCityt~ouncileconsiderationnuf the~prop sed~an. ~dmentato~theimP for Plannl g referenced reclassification action. Commissloner Johnson offered a m~tionr seconded by Commissioner Herbst and MOTtON CfRRiED (Cortmissioners Tol~r ancl Farano heing absent), that a three5d~d extensicneotitime~to ~ be and hereby is granted ror Condit~onal Use Parmit No. 1063~ expire on January 7, 1976. Commtssio~~~r Juhnson offered a mot(on. seconded by C~mnissioner HerbsL and MOTION CARRIEQ ~Corcmissioners Tolar ancl Fvrano being abscnt), that a three (3) month extension of tlme be and hereby 1~ granted far Conditional Use Pcrmit No. 1~72, said exten~ton of tim~ to expire on ~ebruary 4~ 197~~~ ITEM N0. 7 '~'~t~'~~6'7(MENDIIE~•IT ('0 THE ANAHE 1 M MUN t C I PAL CODE - ~"ITLE 1~ - ttequest for retommerd~~tion. Deputy Clty Attorney Frank Lowry hresented a proposed Amendment to the Anaheim Municlpal Code~ which would repeal Sections 1`3•~1.08Q, 1P•01•130 and 1~.~3.~91 and add Sect~ons 1a.91.08Q~ 1P.01.130, 1f~•03.091 and 1" ~3.092, pertalning to zoning~ said Amendment being t~ add certain definitfons to tltie Code a~~~i t~~ set forth a procedure and grounds in connection w~th tedmCodeiAmendmentiisCreferred tonard,made aSPaptrofttherminutEnces. The referenced propos ~omm~gsi(~ners,TolarfanddFarano,beinSeabsent)bythatmthetPlannHeqhCO1Vnis5Mon`doesAhereby (Commlss ~ ~ ~ HlNU;E::, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Octuber 29~ 1915 ~ ~ 75-525 i TfM N0. 1 (Cont ini~ed) recommend to lr~~ clr.y ~oun~:il that the propose~l !\men~imc~i~. t rhr. Anahe~~n Municlp~,l Cou~•, Tltle 1~ - l.onlnr~~ bo a~l~,pt~:u. ADJOUR_rIMFNT - Therr. being no further business to discuss: Conn~isslo~~er Johnson """' offcred ~ motlon, sec~ncled by Commissioner K1~~g an~l M(1tI0N CARRIFD~ r.hat 2he meeting be ad~ourned. The mPetlnn adtourned at ~:3~ ~.m~ Respec~:f~~ily stlbmitte~I. ~,~.~~,8 ~a.~.P~..~ Patrlcta B. S ~nlan~ Sc.retary Anahetm Clty F'lannirg Commisston PDS;hm