Minutes-PC 1975/11/240 R C;l MICROFILMING SF.RVICE, iNC ~ ~ ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim, CaIlFornia November 24~ 197; REGULAR MCETING OF TNE ANAHE, '_ IM C~1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR - A regular mecting of the Anahelm Clty Planniny Commisslon ~,~as called MEETING to order by Chalrman Pro Tempore Morley at 1:3U p.m. ln the Cuun~ll Chamber, A quorum bein~ present. PRE5ENT - CHAIRMAN PRO 7E~iPORE: Morley - CQMMISSIONERS: Nerbst~ King, 7olaf ABSENT - COMMISSIONERS: Barnes~ Farano, Johnsan ALSO FRESENT ° Frank Lowry Deputy Clty Attorney Paul Singer Traffic Engineer Jack Judd Subdfvision 6 Mapping Section, Engineering Annika Sans:alahti Zoning Supervisor G. Allan Daum Asststant Zoning Supervisor Aletha N. Burgess Plann(ng Commission Secret;iry Pro Te.m PLEDGE OF - Commissio~er Herbst led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag o~f the ALLEGIANCE United States of America. APPROUAL OF - Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tolar and THE MINUTES MOTION CARRIED, that the minutes of the regular meetir-g of UGtober 29~ 1975~ be and hereby are appraved, as submitted. CONDITIONAL USE - CON7INUED PIIBLIC HEARING. V. G. RENNER AND M. K, SCHUMACh1ER, PERMIT N0. 1573 c/o Leonard Smith~ 125-D South Claudina Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 (Owners); lEONARD SMITH, i25-D South Claudina Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 ~Agent); requesting permission to ESTABIISH A MOTEL AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK WITH WAIVER OF (A) MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGhl7, (B) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK, AND (G) REQUIRED SITE SCREENING on property described as: An irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting cf approximately 9.~ 3cres located at the northe~st corner of ~all Road and Palm Street, having approximate fronta9es of 745 feet on thi: north side of Ball Road and h45 feet on the east side of Palm Street, having a maximum depth of approximately f~25 feet, and further described as 400 West Ball Road. Prc~perty presently classified RS-•A-43~000 (RESIDENTIAI.lAGRICUL'fURAL) ZOFiE. $ubJect petition wa5 continued from the meeting of October 29- 1975, for advertise- ment of ~n additional waiver, and from the meeting of November 10~ 1975- for the submission of r~evised plans. Chairman Pro Tem Morley advised of a conflict of interest as defined by the Anahetm Municipa'~ Code Section 1.1.400 ~nd Government (~~1e Section 3625, et seq., due to family interests, and would withdraw from the hearing. Commissioner King offerad a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herbst and MOTION CARRI~D, (Corm-issioncrs Barnes, Farano and Johnson being absent), that Condition,! Usc Permit No. 1573 be and here~by is continued to the Planning Commission meeting of December 8, 1975~ due to lack of quorum, VARIANCE N0. 2747 - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. SOUTHFRN CALIFORNIA FIRS7 NATIONAL BANK, P. 0. Box 1311, San Diego, CA 92112 (Owner): VERSATILF. EQUIPMENT COMPANY~ INC., 9252 Garden Grove Boulevard~ ~19~ Garden Grove, CA 92644 (Agent); requesting WAIVER OF (A) PERMITTED OUTO~OR USES AND (B) MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT, 70 PERMII' OUTDOOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SALES on property described as: An irregularly-shaped parce{ of land consisting of approximately 2.6 acres located at the northeast a~rnEr of Riverdaie and Tustin Avenues, having approximate frontages of 490 feet un the north side of Riverdale P,venue and 200 feet on the east side of Tustin Avenue. Property presently classified CL (GOMMERCIAL, LIMITED) ZON[. ~,- 548 ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, ~17Y PLANNING COMMISSION, November 24,,1975 75-549 UAaIANCE N0. :7~ (Continued) :ubJect petitlo~ was contlnued fram thc meetin~g of N~~vember 10~ 1975, at the request of thm petlkion~r, Chalrman Pro Tem Morley advised the Cummisslan that a~•equest had been received from the p~tltionor for a two week continuance, Commisstoner T~lar offere~ a motlon~ secanded by C~mmissioner HerbsC and M0710N CARRI~Q (Canxnlssloners Barnes~ Farano and Johnson being ~bsent), that the public I~earing ancl consideration of Petitlon for Variance No, 2747 be and hereby Is con- tinued to th~ Plann.ng Commisslan meeting of December 8, 1975~ at the request of the petltioner. VARIANCE N~. 2760 ^ PUBLIC HEARING. ORANGE UNIFIED SCNQOL DISTR{CT, 370 North -' ~ Glassell~ Orange, CA 92h66 (Owncr); requesCing WAIVER OF PRO- NIBITED ROOF-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT~ TO CONSTRUC'f A SCHOOL on property described ~s: .4n irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistiny of approxi- mately 10 acrr.s located at the northeast c.nrner of Nohl Ranch Road and Imperial Highway~ having approximate frontages of 860 Pect on the north s(de of Nohl Ranch Road and 650 feet on the east side of Imperial Highway. Property prssently classified RS-A-43,000 (SC) {RESIDENTIAL/AGRICUL7URAL - SCENIC CORRIDOf. OVERLAY) ZONE, Althou~~h the Staff Report to the Planning Commission datec~ November 24,1975, was nat reao~ sald Staff Report i~ referred to and made a part of the minutes. Mr, Ruc~olph Landa, LeRuy Rose 6 Associates, Architects, 1440 South State College Boulevard, Anah~:im, CA 92806, and representing the Orange Unified School District was available to answer questions of the Cortmis~ton. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. In discussion, the Commission noted that the requssted var(ance was contrary to the Scenic Corridor Ordinance, that in the past many homeowners and developers I~ad not been granted permission to install roof mounted equipment~ and to grant petitioner's requ~st would be sett~ng a precedent~ Mr, Landa advise~ that ground mounted equipment does not pravide the flexibla use of space and service as the roof mounted equipment, that such units would be placed on the roof in a~i urderly manner and not offensive to the public, and that duP to budgetary problems for the School District, the roof mount~:d units would be preferable. The Commission requested information as to the roof coloring, nocing that developers had been revuested to ~~se earthen tones rather than white as propose~l by the petitioner, and that a 3Q,G00 sq.ft. building wouid reflect a great deal of liyht to surrounding properties. Mr. Landa stated that no doubt the roof could be a more subtle color, however the white col~r wauld reflect the heat, The Com~nission inyuired of Mr. Landa and Paul Singer, City Traffic Engineer, relative to curb cuts and ingress and egress fram the school property since the City would be constructing a public library on property in close proximity to the school. The Commission was advi,ed that this matter was subJect to City Council review~ and it would be desirable to have access connecting the llbrary and the school. Mr. Landa stated there had been disc~~ssion with the Library Department on this matter, however it has not been resulve~' tc~ dat~e. It was noted that th~ Director of the Planning Department had deterrtiinecl t!iat the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01~ Class II, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the ftequirements for an Environmental impact Report and was, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, Co'T'Y PLANNIPJG COMMISSION, Novembcr 24, 1975 7S-55o VARIANCE N0, ?.760 (Contlnue~') Commiss(oner ~lerbst uffe,red Rcsolutlon No,PC 75-7_41and movad for its passage and ad~ption, that Fetltla~ ~or Varlance No, 2760 be and hereby (s denled on the basis tF~at a precedent would be establislied in allowing the use of ro~f n~unted equip- ment to the Schoo) Distrfct and denying the use l'o other~ ln the immo2~(ate area, and such varlance does not ineet the Intentions uf rt~e Sc~nic Corridor Zone, (See Resolutlon B~ok) On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by Che followl~g vote; AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: NERBST~ KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: GOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO~ JOHNSON RtCLASSIFICATfOy - READVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, 5TEPHEN E. ROACH, 34$ Hargruve ~~0. 59-6_0-65 ~ Street, Inglewood, CA y0302 (Owner); kARRINGTON'5 AUTOMOTIVE, c/o ~ohn Harrington~ 1745 West Lincoln AvenuP~ Anahelm. CA 92$O1 (Aqent}; requesting AMENOMI:NT 0~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL on praperty descrlbed ,,s: A rectanyularly-shaped parcel of land conslsting of approximately 0,3 ~+crP having a frontage of approximately 65 feeY on the north side of Llncoin Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 200 feet, beiny located approximately 66o feet west of the centerline of Euclid Way, and further described as 1745 West Lincoln Avenue. Property presently classifled CN (COMMERCIAL, HEAVY) ZONE. No one indlcated their presence in opposition to subJect petition, A!though the Staff Report to the Plannin9 Conmissiun dated November 24, 1975~ W~s not read at the pubilc hearing, said Staf1' Report is referred to and made a part of the minutes, Mr, John Narrington, 1145 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim CA 9280~, Agent for the petitior.e:r was available to answer questions of the Commission. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED The Commission noted that subject property was zoned CH under Reclassificat~on No. 59-60-65 effective February 16, 1960 and is currc~~tly occupied bY petitianer who proposes to continue the existing business involving automoblle repair and truck rentals, both of which are permittea uses in tlie CH Zone but not permitted on su~ject property because o,` deed restriction currently in effect. They further noted that the exisCing non-conforming uses (automobtle repair and truck rentals) on subJeet property were establ(shed subsequent to recordation of deed restrictions and, apparentlY, in c~-+j~~~ct i~n wi th the permi tted use. It wa~ noted that the Direct~r of the Planning Department had determined that the proposed activity falls within the definitian uf Section 3.01o C1ass 1 of the City of Anaheim Guidelin~s to the requirem~nts for an Environmental Impact Repart and was, therefore, categorically exempt from the rQquirement to file an EIR, Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC 75-242 and moved for its passage and adoption, that Petition for Reclassification No. 59-6p-65 ~Readvertised) be and is hereby granted to amend the conditions of approval of Resolution No. 5766 and by so doing, Condition No. 2 of Ordinance No. 1445 also be deleted. (See Resolution Book) On roll call, the fQregoing resolution w~s passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NERBST~ KING, MORLEY, 'TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: MONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO~ JOHNSON ~ ~ ~ MINU7ES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Novembcr 24, 1975 75-551 'JA~IANCE N0. z75~ - PUBLIC HEARIMG, R, S. AND JAN W. MItJNICK, 12269 Sky Lane~ Los ° Angeles, CA 90049 (Owners); TUNE MASTERS, c1o BI11 Orea, 5922 Kester Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91411 (AgenC); ~'equcsting WAIVER GF PERMITTED USES~ TO ESTADLISH AN AUTOMQTi'JE TIiNE~UP SHOP on propcrty describcd as: A rPCtangularly-sl~aped p~~rcel of land consisting of approximately 7050 square feeC having a frontage ~f approximeta_1y 65 fer..t on the east side af Lemon Street~ h;.ving a maxi~num depCh of appraxim3tely 120 fect~ being located ~~pproxim~tely 193 feet south ~f the centerline of Orangethorpe Ave~iue, ~nd fur•ther clescribed as 1G}6 North I.emon Street. ('roperty presently classified CL (COMMFRCIAL, LIMiTEp)ZONE, No one indicated khelr presence in o~posltlUn to subJect ~~etlt~~n, Althougf~ the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated November 24~ 1975~ ~vas not read at the publtc hearing, said Staff Report fs refcr•reJ ko and made a part of the nlnules, Mr. Bill Dres, Agent for 1'une Masters, S9'L'1 Kes:Fr Avenue, Van Nuys~ CA 91411~ advised the Comcnisslon there was some mi~understandiny as ta lhe locaCion of the drivP^ way, that accPSS to the subJect, prope~'tY would be by one driveway from Lemon Street~ wh(ch driveway is lncated acl,Jacei~t to the southerly property line. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED The Cornnission inquired as ko future signi~g of the property~ advisi~g Che petlcioner that the sign must be in conforrr~ance wlth the Sign Ordinance~ and located at least 26 feet from the south property 1(ne, Mr, ~res stipulated that signing for the praposed use will be in accordance with CL. Code standards, Mr~ Ores also lndic.eted the proposed use will be limited to automobile tune-ups only ,and all work would be conducted inside the building, and no automubile repair or painting would be dane on the premises. Commi=sioner Morley ~ffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Flerbst and MOTIOM CARRIED (Cortanissioners Barnes, Farano and Johnson being absent) that the P~anning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Counc~l thaC the subject project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environne~~*al impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. Commissioner Morley offered Resolution Nu, P~75-24; and moved for iis passage and adoption, that Petitton for Variance No. 2756 be and hereby is granted with the stipulation ~.y the petitioner that signing for the proposed use will be in eccordance with Cl. Code standards since access to the subject property wouid be by one drive- way from Lemon Street, said dr!veway being located adJacent to th~ southerly property line, and subject ~c Int:erdepartmental conditions (See Resolution Book). On roll call, the foregoinn r~•SO~ui.j0~1 was passed by the following vote: AYL•S: COMMISSIONF.RS: HERBST~ K~NG, MORIEY. TOLAR NOES: COMMlSSIO~iERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMiS510NERS: BARNES, FARANO, JOHNSON RECLAS5IF'ICATION - PUBLIC HEr1RING. IPIITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION, N0. 75-7b-13 204 East llncoln Avenue, Rnaheim, CA 92805~ proposing re~lass~- fication of proper'ty described as: An irregularly-shaped parca? of la~d consisting of approximately 15.0 acres located so~itheasterly of the intersection of Ball Road anJ the Orange Fraeway from the ~OUNTY AF ORANGE A1 (GENERAI. AGRICULTURAL) DIS7RICT to the CITY OF ANAHEIM RS-A-43~OOQ (RESIDEN7lAL/ AGRICI~LTURAL) ZONE. No one inclicated thetr prese~ein opposition to sub]ect petition. Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commis~ion dated NavemSer 24, 1975 was ~ot read at the public hearing, sa(d Staff Repcrt is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Zoning Supervisor Santalahti advised the Commission that subJect property is cur- rently pen~ing under the Ball-Freeway Annexatfon to the ~park usesa~eReclesslfication Anahtim General Plan designates the propert~/ or special would establish RS-A-43,~~0 zoning ~n the property which is c~. ~ntly utilized as an lnert dispasal site. ~'1 LJ ~ ~ ~ ~ MiNU'fES, CITY PLANNINu COMMISSION, N~~vember ?4, 1975 15-551 RECI.ASSIFICAI'ION N0, 75-76-13 ~~unt.) TNF PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED, Conmissloner King offered a motfon, scconded by Commissloner Tolar ond MOTIQN CARRIED (Cammfssianers Barnes, Farano and ,~uhnsun being absent) that the Plsnning Commisslor; d~es hereby r•ecommond tn the Clty Council that the subJect proJe~t ba exem{~t from t{~e requirement to pr*pare en anvironmental impar.t report, pursur~nt to the provislons of Che Califo~nia Errvironmencal Qua11Cy Nct, Cortxni'+5ion~~' King oFfered Resolutlon No. PC75-244 and moved for Its passage and adopkion that the Planniny Co~mission does hereby recommend to the C1ty Cowicil that Pct(tlon Por Reclassificatlon No. 75"76^13 bc appruved~ subJect to the InterdeparL- mrr~tal Conunittee recomrr,endat(ons, (See Resolution Buok.) On roll call, the foreg.ning resolutior~ was passed ~y the 1'~llowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE pBSENT: COMMISSIONCRS: BARNES, FARANO~ JOHNSON RECLASSIFICATIQN ~ PUBLIC HEARING. SEVENTN b OLIVE CQRPORATION, 64g South Olive ri~ 75-7G-~4 Street~ Suite 1200~ L~s Ang~les, ct~ 9oat4 (Owner); De Molay of - Southern California, c/o Melvin A, Pixiey~ F, 0. Box 68, Maywood~ VARIANCE N0. 2155 CA 902?0 (Agent). Property describecl as: An irregu~arly-shaped parcel of land conslsting of approximately 0.93 acre ha~ing a fronkage of o~~proximately 230 feet on khe south side of Manchester Avenue, having a maxi~num depth of approximately 185 fect~ and being located approximately 950 feet south of thc centerllne of Orangewood Avenue. Property presentl•/ ~:I~~.~sified R5-A-4?,000 (RESIO[NT;",;.!nr.RlrUl_TURAL) ZONE, REQUESTED ~LASSIFICATION: C!. ~MFRC'AI., LIHIT'ED) ZONE REQUESTED VAR!ANCE: gUILDINGFSETBACKN1AND (C)BREQUIR[ORBLOCKSWALLS~TOBCONSTRUCT A CORPORATE OF{~ICE. No nne indicated their presence tn opposition to subject netition, ~,ithough the Staf'f Report to the Planning Commission dated November 24, 1975 was not read at the p~blic heariny, said Staff Report is referred to and rra de a part of t{ie minut~s. Mr, Sorrells, Re~l Estate Bruker, P. 0, Box 2053~ Newport beach, CA, representing the owner, advised thP Commission that the proposed De Molay building would be i:ead- quarters office only and not used as a lodge or meeting hall; that three persons w~u~d be employed on a rPgular basis and up to ten voluntc:ers on occasion. The facility wouia L~ used for periodic me~tings or seminars for training of personnel, that person~ would arrive from all over Southern Callfornia as well as tl~e entire United States. Ne also stated that most persons would not arrive by auto for the training seminars, and parking would not be a problem, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. In discussion, a~d from queat(oning Mr. Sarrells, the Commission noted that sufficient ~arking would apparently be availabte for use of the facility as a corporate haad- quarters building, and that the requested waiver for number of parking spaces was unnecessary. Mr. Sorrells advised the Commission that the purpose for the requested waiver of the required block wall was to enclose the gardens~ fountain~ and patio areas, Commi~sioner Herbst offered a motion~ seconded by C~mmissioner Tolar and M01'ION CARRIED (Cc+mmissioners Barnes, Farano ~~~J ~lohnson being absent) that the Planning Comntission does hereby recommend to tne City Council that the subject proJect be exempt from the requirement to prepr~re an environmental impact report, pursuant to th~ provisions of the California Eniironmental Quality Act. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, C~TY PLANNING COMMISSION, Novr,~nbor 24, 197~ 75-553 RECLAS5IFIC ATION N0. 7 5-l~'14 and VARIANCE N0. z755 (conC.) C~nmissioner HArbst offered Resc~luCiun No, PC 75-2k5 and mc~ved for Its passAgc and edopt lo~ Chat thn Plonn iny Commi 5s lun does hereby recortunend to r.he C( ty Counci 1 that Petl k ion for Reclasslficat.lon No, 75-7~-14 be appr~ved, subJe.cc ta the Interdeo~rtmontal Committee recommendations, (Sac Rosolution Baok) On roll cAll, the foregoing resolutlon was pa~scd by t-~~ followiny vote: AYE5: C01~MISSI~NERS: HERBST, KINr,, MORLEY, 1dLAR NOES: COMMtSSI0NEn5: NONE ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: SARNES, FARANa, .IONN5011 Commi ss loner Herbst of fered Resol ut lon No. FC 75~246 and moved for 1 ts passay~ and adoptlnn that Petlttan for Variance No. z755 tc and hereby I~s granted, in part. delettng the wa~ver for the minimum number of park{~g spaces as being ur~necessary since Che petitloner indicated the proposed facility would be used solely as corporate ofi~iGes not l~dge meot ings and that sufficlpnt parking was therefore a~iai lable; granting the requ~sted walver fur minimum building setback since thc adJacent pruperty, although zoncd residentially~ Is developed wlth a commerclal use; granting the rE- quested walvFr for mar.imum block wall helght since the petltioner inclicated tha f~-foot bluck wall woul d surround an (~terlor garden area to include fountaln and extenstve landscaping. and since the adJacent property~although zoned residentially~ is developed with a commercial use; t.hat the petitioner I~ad stlpulated the prapo~ed building would be used solely for corporatE office~ and not for ludgP meeti~gs. On roll call~ the foregoing resoluti~n was pas~ed by the following vote: ~YES: COMMIS510NERS: HF:RBST, KlWG, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIdNER S; BARNES, FARANG, JOHNSON CONDITIONAL USE - PUBLIC HEARIR~G. FRANK STILWELL~ 514 South Bay Front Drlve, Balboa PERMIT N0. 1580 I~land, CA 92h62 and ELIZABETH REDpING ANO NFLEN WILKE, c/o Frank Stilwell, 514 South Bay Front Drive, Balboa Island, CA 92662 (Owners); HOMER WALI.ACE, 729 North Topeka, Anaheim~ CA 92805 ~Agent) ; reque~ting perm(ssion to ESTABLISH B~AT SALES AND SERVICE on property described as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consistinn of approximately 0.58 acre located at the southwest corner of La VPrne Street and Anaheim 9ouievard~ having approximate frontages of ~12 feet on lhe south side of l,a Verne Street ar.d 227 feet on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard, and f~rther described as E~51 Narth AnahetR~ Bo~levard. Property presently classlf(ed CG (COMMERCIAL~ GENERAL) AND CH (COMMERClAL, HEAVY) ZONES. One person indicated his presence in oppositton to subject petttian. Assistant Zoning Supervisor Allan Da~m read the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dateo November 24, 1975 and said Staff Report is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Nr. Homer Wallace~ 729 North Topeka, Anaheim, CA 92805, agert for the pelitioner, was available to answer questtons uf the Comm(ssiaii, •~d advlsed he had read and agrePd with the staff report as presented. Mr. August VilJack, 511 North Zeyn Street, Anah~im~ CA 928~5. ~P~eared in opposition, sr.ating he owned tt~e apartm,nt bu?!ding across the alley from subJect property, and inquired as to the type of block wall which would be required, since tha noise and dirt from previous uses on the Froperty invaded the apartment building. Mr, Wailace advised the Commission that the block wall referred to by Mr, VilJack was the wall surroun ding the grease rack area, that noise would not be emanating from the property as all work would be performed inside thE building, The Commisston expre~ged concern regarding the nolse from repair wark, noting that a new city ordinance on noise pollution had been adopted which Indlcated the noise level could not exceed 5 dB above the amblent levei, and sorr~ r~OLa'rti011 should be given to the surrounding property owners. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTFS, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Novcmber 24, 1975 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1580 (cont.) 75~55~+ Mr. Dav'd Stockton, 8z51 Acacla Noulevnrd, Garden Grovo, CA,~ lessee• oF the property, wAS availablo to answer questlons of tt~e Commissfon arid h e stipulated to the conditlon that all outbo~rd mocnr ~nd cngine repa(r work would b~ parformed inside the bu(Iding. IC was noted that the Dlractor nf ~he " anniny Departrtant had dete ~ mined tha~. the pr~~osed nctlvlty falls wlthin ti,• def~ ~ition of Section 3.01, Class I~ uf tt~e C(ty of 1lnaheim Guldelines to the Req~~~r'ements far an Environmenta Impact Report ~nd is, thereforF, categorically exe~np~ fr~m the requfrement to ; ~e a n EIR, Commissfcner King offer+:d Resolution No, PC 75-z~7, and n~~v~d for its passage and adoptlon, thet Petitlon for Conditional Use Parm(t No. 1580 be. and her~by fs granted, that the pet.l=ioner stipulat~d that all motor and enginc repeir wo r k would be per- formed inside the bullding, and that c~inditional dedication may be made along a portion of the alley if the existi~g structures encroACh into sald alley~ and subJect to interdepartmental Committec recnmrr-sndatfons (See kesoluCton Boo k). On roll call, the foregoiny resalution was passed by the followfng vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS~ BARFlES, FARANO~ JOHNSON CONDITOONAL USE •• PUBLIC HCARING, BETTY !_, MC LEOD~ ET A~.~ 5557 P aradise View Road, PERMIT N0. 1581 Yucca `lalley, CA 92284 (Owner); THE BUBBLE MACHlNE, 1NC., c/o -' Jerald Alford~ 45b0 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA 9?.660 AtdO THE BUBBLE MACHINE, INC., c/o Thomas C. Thetcher~ 4 4 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104 (Agents); requesting permisslun to ~STABL!.~il AN AUTOMATIC CARWASH WITH G~SOLlNE SALES, WITH WAIVER OF REQUIRED LANDSCA~'ING on property described as: A r~ctanguldrly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximate~y 0.5 acre tocated at the southeast corner ot Ball Road and West Street, having appro xlmate frontages of i40 feet on the souxh side of Ball Road and i50 feet on the east side of West Street. Property presently classifi~d RS-A^43,000 {RESIDENTIAL/AGRICUI.TURAL) ZONE. Chairman f'ro Tem Morley advised the Commission that a request had been recetved fram the petitioner to conttnue the discussinn on public hearing for ~ ubJect petition to the meeting ~f De~c~mber 8~ 1975. No one indicated their presence in opposition to subJect petitio~i. Cortimissioner Tular ~ffered a motion, seconded by Cortrnissioner Kin g and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioriers Barn~s~ Farano and Johnson being ..asent), that the public hearing and consideration of Petition for Conditior~al Use Permlt NQ. 1581 be and hereby is continued to the Planning Cortmtssion meeting of December 8, 1975, at the request of the petitioner. ~ ~ ~ • MINUTES, C11'Y Pl.nnI~~ING COMMISSION, NOVFMBER 24, 1975 75-555 CONL' 1 T I ONI1L USE - PUBL 1~ HE AR i NG, HkRBERT .l , AND A~ 1 CE B, BELSHE , 9781 Roya i Pa 1 m PtiItMIT NU. IS82 Boul~vard, Garde~ Grove, CA 926A1 (Owneis); JOHN C, E~OU, 509} - ~ St~n~ Canyori Avenue, Yorba Llndn, ca 92686 (Agent) ; requesting permi ssion to ESTABLISN A 22-UNI'~ MOTE:L, WITN WAIVER OF (A) MAXIMUM~ BUII.DING H[IGHT AND (~j MINIMUM 9UILDItJG SETHACK on prop~rty descrlbed A5: A r~ctai~gularly-shapec! pa rccl of land conslsCing of approximalely 0.5 acre having a front~ge of approximately 95 feet on the east sido of Be~ch soulevard, havfng a maximum dPpth ofi sppraximntely 230 feet, and being located approximately 240 feet north of the centerline of Dall Raad. Property presently classifled R~-A-42,U00 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONF, Four pers~ns indicated their presence In oQ~ositlon to sub]eci. petition. Asslstant Zoning Supervisor Allrn Daum re~d the SCaff R~port to the Planning Commission dated November 24~ 1~17 5 and sald Staff Report is rsferred to and made. a part of the minutes. Mr. Nerbert J. Flelshe. petitioner and owner nf the property, advised the Commission he had purc.h~5ed sub)e ct property in 1955~ and applied for a znne cl7ange on the day the property was anne x ed to the city (n 1956~ to build a~d operate a motel on a part of the property which has sub sequently been sold, that the remalning frontage on Deac:h Boulevard is more suit ed for a motel than any other business due to the surrounding commercial area. Mr. Lee, 916 S. Beach Boulevard~ Anaheim, CA 92804~ owner of a~ adJacent motel appeared in ~pposiclon , Mr. Lee advised tFiat in 1972 he applied for a petftion to build another ten uni ts tu his motel which is locat~d to the rear of subject propert,+. suc.h petition being disallowed. He further statad that plans by the petitioner in- dicated there was not sufficient turn around for fire equipm~:nt, that the setback allowed on Mr. 3el~he's plans were not as strlrsgent as when he applied ir~ 197~; that the trash area would be loca ted so close to his property th~t refuse would blow across his swimming pool area. ~~1r. Robert Wetzler, 1533 Buena Vista, San Clemente, CA. appeared !n opposition~ indicating he had re~ ~esented surraunding bus(nesses in the area for a number of Nears, that there wa ~ an economic probiem in the area~ the motels were not doing sufficient business t o warrant building of another motel. Mr. Hyun~ 913 S, Be~ e h Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 9280~+~ ~ner of an adJacent motel, appeared in oppositio~~. stating that because of competition in the a~ea, it is diffi- cult to meet payment requirements at this time of the year, that he would welc~me a busfness thaC could h elp not harm the neighbors, Mr. Quan (address un known)~ Anahe(m 92804, also appeared in oppos=tion ta grantin~ af the petitton for another rrx~tel in the area. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WA S CL05~D The Commission dlscu ssed with hir. Belshe the manner in which location of trash con- talners could be cha ~ ged to more effectively screen them firum Nublic v(ew and not interfere with adjacent property owners. Mr. Jehn C. 6ou. ~Q9 ~ Stone Cany~n Avenue~ Yorba Linda, CA 92b8b, agent for the petitioner, advised the Commission that a wail would be installed betwee-i the trash containers and the n el9hbors propertiy. Commission~r Herbst inquir~d of the petitioner whether he might desire a continuance in order to re-work his plans, to which he replied in the negative. Mr. Belshe advised the Commtssi on that he Gould change the trash compartment area to the south property line so as not to affect the neighbors on the north or south in any w~y. Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King (MOTION CARRIED) (Gommisstoners Barn e s, Farano and Jahnson being absent) that the Planning Commission does herehy recommen d to the City Council that tFe subJect proJect be exempt from the requlrement to prepare ~n environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the Californla Envi ronmantal Quality Act, ~ ~ • ~ M I NU1'ES, C I1'Y PLANN I NG COMM i SS I ON, NOV E~1BER 24 ~ 1975 CONU I1' I ONAL USE PERM I 7 NO , 1582 (cont:) ~s-5s6 Commissloncr Nerbst offered Rasoluti~n No, PC ,7~-248 and movad for Its passage and adopti~n, tliat Petltlon for Cond(tlonal Us~ Pcrmit No. 15a1 ba and hereby is granLed since surroundir~g p~•opertles are developc~d wlth simllar usess and have been granted similar waivers and that adJacent proper•tles althougli xoned residentlally, are devel~~ped with commerclal uses and have resolutlons oF inten~ to commerclal zoning, and subjec:t to cumpletlon of Reclassiflcatlon No. 71-72-23, now pc:nding, and that locatlon of the trash area shail be subJect to Approval af the Planning 7epartment and the Street Sanltation Divlsion ofi tt-e Public Wurks D~partment (See ~~olutfon Book) On roll call. the for~yainy res~lutlon was passed by the followina vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NERBST~ KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOt': CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN': COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ FARANO, JUHNSON RECE~~ - At 3~15 P.M.~ Chairman Pro Tempore Morley declared ~ recess RECONVENE •• At 3~3~~ P•M•, Chalrman Pro Tempore Moiley re~unvened the meeting, with Commissioners Barnes, Farano and Johnson being absent TENTAI'IV E MAP OF - DEVELOPER; A 6 C COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES~ 3400 Irvine Boulevard, TRACT N0, 5501 Ncwport Beach~ CA 92660, ENGINEF.R: ANACAL ENGfNEERING COMPANY, (REVISION N0. 4) 222 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, cn 928~3• Sub_ject pruperty, - consisting af approximattly 12.4 acres locat~d at the northeast corncr of the Riversfde Fi~.~eway and Miraloma Avenue, having approximake frontages ~f 918 feet on the northeast side of the RlversidF Freeway and 470 feet on the north side af Miraloma Way, i~ proposed for subdivisio~ into 40 RM-1200 lots. No one indicated their ~~resence in opposition to subJect petition, Although rhe Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated ~ovember 24, 1975, W~~S not read at the public hearing, said Staff Report is refErred to and made a parC of the minutes, Mr, Cal Queyrel, Anacal Engineering Compan~, 222 E, L!ncoln Avenue, Anaheim. cA g2~o3, Engineer representing the developer~ advised the Commiss(on that this proJect ~~+as the same as one apprnved in 19~8 and reapproved in 197~'71 as 4-plex developments, that the submission of the tentative tract is almost identical with the ex,ceptinn of the cul-de-sac and the alley; that on the previously approved map a privat: street (I~algreen) was indicated as an emergency exit which he stated should be closed off since the neighborhood to the north !s not uf a similar nature and because of the crime problem today it would be desirable to delete that entrance, Mr, Queyrel further stated the 4-plex units would sell for $115,000 each, giving the appearance of very expensive homes. Mr. Ted Hale, Olympic Services, 3165 Red Hill Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA, presented render- ings of the proposed units, noting they were twe and three bedroom unit~, with a total of eight parking spaces, five under cover, three uncovered; with tile ruofs and stucco sidingy fireplaces, and some fencing. TIiE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED Commissioner Mc,rley st2ted that there was a possibility of at least ten children in each 4-piex unit, and ;ecreational facilities were not sufficient for that nu~ti~ber of children plus adults, to which Mr. Hale replied that this was a possibility although with tne I~igher priced units this may not be the case. Cortmissioner Herbst stated that he could not vote far approval of the tentative map without first viewing an entire layout due to the parking, s~ett~ack and recreational situatl~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN, NOVEMBER 24~ 1975 75-557 TENTATIVE MAP OF TRAGT N0, 5501 (REVISI0~1 No. 4) (cnnt.) Commisslonwr Toler read from the Planning Commtsslon m(nur.es of the April 14, 19~I5 mcetin~, stating his reasons for votlna egalnst Varlanc^ No~ 26h9 ~the urtyir~al proJect) and 'Further stated that in vtewing the su~mitted trac.t map hA did not feel tha situat{on had changed~ that the recreatlonal area shown was noc sufficlent for the number of residents proposed in the un(ts~ and that he had becn of ~i~e aplnlon the propased proJect was for adults only. In discusslon thc Commission nc+'ed that nn slte Rlans or plot plans h~3d becn sub- mitted for th~e project, thac parki~.q coi~ld not be alloo+ed in an alley or the setbacks, and ingress and egress rrom the pruperty was unknown, Relative to s~und attenuatian. Mr. Queyrel stated that there would be a wall along the freeway and an alley, and a standard 6 or 7 font wali was proposed and would meet the noise attenuation. Mr. Paul 9ernard(, Bio-Acoustical Engineer{ng Corp.~ 110': Bryan Avenue, Tustin, CA, advised the Gomm(~slon that th-•y would meet thr sound level of 65 CNEL at the building line due to the difference in elevattons of the freeway barr'~er of 15 f~et in heighC; that all units are separated by 30"35 ~eet, and an extens;on wall wlll exist between each cluster of un(ts. Mr. Bernardi assured the Cummissian that plans would be forthcoming to meet all speci~ications. Commissioner Herbst offered a motio~~ se~onded by Commissianer Tolar and MOTION CARRIED (Gommissioners Bar~es, Farano and Johnson being absent) that Tentatlve Map of Tract No, 5501 (Revision No. 4) be and hereby is continued to the Planning Cum~ mission meeting of December 8, 1975, f~r submission of site development plans. ENVIRONi~SENTAL IMPACT - OEVELOPER: ANANEiM HILLS, INC., c/o Jim Barisic, 380 Anaheim REPORT iJO. 110 Hills Road, Anaheim, CA 92807. ENGINEER: WILLDAN ASSOCIATES, ~`- 125 South Claudina ~treet, Anaheim, CA 92805• Subject property TENTATIVE MAP OF consisting of ap~roximately 15.5 acres located approximatelv TRACT N0. 8466 850 feet southerly of Canyon Rim Road, having a maximum dep~h (REVISIO~J N0, 1) ~f approximately 850 feet, and being iocated approximately 5280 feet northeast Qf the centerline of Nohl Ranch Road, is proposed for subdivtsion into 36 RS-H5-10~000 (SC) lots. Na one indicated their presence in oppositioi~ to the subject items, Although the Staff Report to the Planning ~ommission was not read at the meeting, said Re~ort is referred to and made a part uf the minutes, Mr. James Baris!c, Vice President of Anaheim Hills, advised the Commission that due to an oversight on their part, a request for time extension was not made on TT 8866, and that in a~cordance with the revised Subdivision Map Act, it was now necessary to process a new tentative tract map, namely TT 8466 (Revision No, 1), Tentative Map of Tract No. 8466 (Revision No. 1) is identical to Tentative Map of Tract No. 8866 originally a~proved by the Planning Commission and City Council ~n 19?4. The proposed development conslsts of d 36-lot RS-HS-l0,0U0~SC)~ singlP-family suadi~~ision on ap~roximately 15~5 aGres. Inas~nuch as Environment~l Impact Report No. 110 was accepted by the Planning Cortxnission oi~ January ?.1, 1974, and adopted (as addendum to EIR No. 80) by the City Cnuncil on February 12, 197~+, no further action on EIR No. 110 was necessary, Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seca~ded by Commi~sioner King~ and MOTION CARRIED (f.ommissioners Barnes, Farano ar,d Johnson being ~~sent) tl~at Tentative 11ap of Tract No. 8466 (Revision ivo, 1) consisting of a 36-lot RS-HS-lO.JQ~~S~) single-family suhdivlsion on approximately 15•5 acres, together with it:~ de~igr. ar~d improvement is consistent with th,e Anaheim General Plan, and is hereby ap~rovtc! subJect to the following conditions: 1. That should thts subdivision be developed as more than c~~e subdie~ision, each sub- dlvislon thereof shall be submitted in tentative form fo~' approva!, 2. That all lats within this tract shall be ser•ved by under;round uti~litiss, ~ ~ ~ • MINUT'ES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NOV~MBER 24~ 1975 75-558 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC'1' REPORT N0. 110~ TEN1'ATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0, 8466 (REVISION N0. 1) (cont.) 3. Tliat a Final tract map of subJect property shall be submlCted to and approved by the ~ity Counc~l and then be recorded in thc office aF the Orange County Recorder, 4. That ~tr•eot namns shall be epproved by the Ctty of Aneheim prlor to approval of a ftnal tract map. 5. If permenent strent name slgns have not b~en Installed, temporar~ street name sigr~s shall be Installed prlor to any occupancy. 6. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pey to the City of Anehelm tha appro- p~late parlc and recreatlon in-llmu fees as determtnd~~ to be aePmltristissuedhR City Councll~ said fees to be paid at the time Che bu(ld(ng p 7. ThaC dralnage of s~id property shall be disposed of fn a manner satisfACtory to tha City Englneer. If~ in the preparation of the slte sufficient grading (s r~quired to necessitatc+ a gradir,g peririlt, no work on grading will be permitted between October 15th and April 15th unless all requlred off-site drainage facllltles have beQn lnstalled and are operative. Posltlve assurance shall be providcd thR City that sucti drainaye facilities will be completed priAr to October 15th. Necessary right-oP-way fo; off-site dralnage Facllltles shall be dedicated to the City, or the City Council shall have initiated condamnation proceed!ngs therefor (tha costs of which shall be borne by the developer) prior to the commencemert uf grading operations, Th~c~ required drainage facilltles sh~ll be of a size and type suFficient to carry runoff waters originating fr~m hlgher propert(es through said property to ultimate disposal as approved by the City Enginec:r. 5aid draln- age facilittes shall be completed and be funct~onal through~ut the Lract and from the downstrearn boundary nf tl~e propcrty to the ultlmate point ofed~i~SS~~DPainage to the i~suance of any final building inspectlons or occupancy p district reimbursement agreements may be made available to the developers of saic! property upon their request. 8. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of struc- tural framing. 9. That grading, excavation, and all other constructfon activitiss shall be conducted iri such a manner so as to minimize the possibility of ar~y silt originating from this pro,ject being carried into tFie Santa Ana River by storm water originating from or flowing through this proJect. arcel ma t~ 10. That ~rior to City Council approval of the final tract map~ a p P recorcl the subdivision oi~ subJect property from Anaheim Nills shall be approved by the htty of Anaheim and recorded in the officP of the Orange County Recorder. 11, That prior to thP approval of the finai tract map, the specific site pians shall be reviewed and approved by the ~ity of Anah~im. RE!'ORTS AND FtECOMMENDATIONS ITEM N0, 1 ` REQUEST FOR NEGATiVE DECLA4tATI0N FOR A GRADING PERMIT AT 4332 and 4338 E, Addington Drive Zoning Supervisor Santalahti advisr' the Commission that an application for a grading permit had been flled ta construct L~o single-family residences at subject address; that an evaluatlon of the er~~ironmental impact of orading ~at the subject locaxion was required uncler the provi~ions of the California Environrae~tal Quality Act and the Stat~ EIR Guideilnes since the project was located in the Scenic Corridor; and that a study of the proposed grading by the Engineering Division and the Planning Departuie~it indicated it would have no significant environmental impact, Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tolar and MOTlON CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes~ Farano and Johnson being absent), that the Planning Commisslon does hereby recommend to the C1ty Council that the subJect project be exempt fr~m the require+nen^~ to prepare an enviranmental impact r~port~ pursuant to the provisions of the Caiifornia Environmental Qua?ity Act. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 2A~ ~91S 75-559 Reports snd Recommendatlons (co~t.) ITEM NO 2 RECtU~EST~ OR GaA01 NG PERM IT TO CI~NSTRUCI' A S I NGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AT 121 S, Eldorada Lana Zoning Supervl~or Santalahtf advlsed that an appllcetlon for a grading permit to construr,t a single family residence at the subJacx address had been i'Iled; that an aveluatlon of tlio o~viran~ental impact of grading at the subJect locatlon was re- qulred undor the provlslons of th~ Callfornla Envlronmentel Quality Act and the State ~IR Guldelines slnce the proJect was loceted in tho Scbnlc Cor~idor; and that a study of t~he propased gr&ding by tho Enginnering Dlvislon t~nci the Plannfng Qepartm~nt indlcated It would have no signlficant anvironmental impact. Cortmissioner Tolar offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIcD (Commissloners Barnes~ Farano and Johnson being absent)~ that the Planniny Commisslon d~es heroby r~cortmend to the Ctty Council that the subject proJect be exempt from the raqulrement 'to prepere an ~nvironmental irtipact report, pursuant to the provi~ions of the CallPornia Environmental Qualtty Act, ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to discus~~ Commissloner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commisstonesr 7nlar and M0710N CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes, Fararo and Johnson being absent)~ that the meeting ~e adJaurned. The mEet(ng adJourned at 4s10 P.hl. Respectfully submitte ~ ~~~,~-~,a / .d Aletha ~I, Burgess, 5ecret Pro Tem Anehetm City Pla~ning C sion