Minutes-PC 1976/07/29~ ~ ~ ~
:IUIN'i' c.ObtM(JNT'1'Y ltl:l)1,V[.1,0l~M1~:NT CUMh11'.SSTON, i~1,11NN:[NG COMMI55fON nNl7
P2t(~~I1~C7' ?~-~Fn r0~1I+17'1"C~:P'. Mf:L:'i'TNC., O;~ JUI~Y 29, 1~17f~
P~~;; t;N'z` : C'UMMUNITY 12I~,UFVGLOPP~1fsNT COMMISSIQNf~ItS: I~~1y. I'rY~ Morr..is, M~sa,
, ~";OMMT~ ~7':JN MI?,Ml31;R5: Ki.ng, Mor'!cy
1'R1•:SE. C: L]~ANN 1 NG ~
1~ltt:SUN'I' : 1~RC)JI:C'i~ ARrA CUhIMI'I°C[l~ ML:Mfl1:t25: ~~r.own, Clark, Fichr~dl,
Lnge.lbrecht, Lind,
Ne~wki.rk, Payan, Rennor
~Kt;sL~v~r: s~~r+r-,:
'1'he meeL.ing was cal.led to orac~r. at 7:10 P.M.
1N'1'ktODUC'I'012X _ItliM11RKS:
Mr.. J~7mes Mor~r.is, Cliai.r.man, Reci~veloament Commis:~.ior-, ofiered his
apolo~Ty ~or t.hc l.ack of an ~n~~~r ican flag in thc meeting room. Th~re
w~~s, ttiereEore, no T'ledge of ~~Zlegiance by assembled citizens.
Rever~ncl Paul. K~~ller offerc• l t hA invoeation.
Maps out.lining various citizens' redevelopment suygesti~~ns were posted
bE.hinc3 the podium, and ccm-~leted citizens' c~ues~.ionnair.~~~~~ were collected.
Mrs. Anita Cop~lancl outlin~d her suc~gesti~ns for the ~o~mtown area,
as displayc~i c~n her. posted sketch. Mrs. Copeland has been a resident
of Anahei.m for 26 years and owns property in the Y.roject Alpha area.
ln i,~L plan, Ll.ilcoln I3~ulev;:r~ has bePn rerc~uted starting at Har.bor
Houlevard, south un IIroadway, and 3.eading back to 1 ~ncaln on Phila-
del}~t~ ia. Broadway is expandecl ~0 4 six-lane boulevaz'd. Development
of the clnwntown busit-ess area i s suggested, but five r.esidential
areas are to bc retainc:d with rhe aid of grxn;~~ and .lcar.s. Mrs. Cope-
land propos,cl a t.wo-b:'.ock civic center area at its present locati.on,
includiiig a green area. ~he seilior citizens' housing and Village
Centel concepi:s ~r.e reta ~ed, and a larqe park or lakc~ i:~ suggeattd.
Two 1 anes are added to .Anaheim IIaulevard on the east side .
Mrs. Edwin Peterson reported that C~uncil~nan Seymour had menti.oned
a 5600,000 c~xpenditure for redevtlcnment studies, yet to date there
is li*tle to show for it _ RedevPlopment need not be this comp].i.cated
and sheuld ini.tially concent.rate on four projects. The rest will fall
in line ~inder the fr~~~ enterpr~se system. Mr. 'eterson sugc~ests the
location o.f a large p~~rtment stare in th~ ~irea bour.~iec~ by I~inc:~ln
and Lemon. This wou7 d ~a rve as the hub of i:he downto~an shopping
di~trir.t- A modern tood outlet is needed on thc west. of Lemon Street.
~-- ~•~--~h i*? c luded a bus station at EroaawZy anc] Lemon and
hir. T'etr~l~5~ii ~ a,.~..,...
a medium-sized hot.el on Broadway nea~ 'arbor. Mr. Peterson statc.
an existing buildir~g would be suitiabl~: for the food outlet., and space
for the bus stalion and hote] are curr~ntly vacant. Wt-~eci these four.
projects are in operation ~atell.it.e bu:~inesses will be attrac~ed to
the area; they will clamor for a p~rt in r~devclopment. Two ex~ellent
e~.st and west :~rtc.rics can Ue widened to six traf. Eic lanes; Chartres
StrPet on the north, from H~lena to Olive; and Chestnut Street on the
sot. _h, fro.n Fiarbor to Ol ivc. Li ncoln Rvenue should be res~ricted t-o
through t.raff-ic only, and truc.k traffic shoulc~ bc ro~ited to Santa ilna
Street. The dawntown area should be a first-class shopping center
which would attr.act thc~ touri~c trade.
bir. .7im Swan, Downi:own T~~sk F'orce Association, described his group's
redcvelopment pl~n. Realignment of I,incoln Boulevara theytayr.eelthere
C~nt.er con~epts are acc~pted by Mr. Swan's c)raup, an
is an ecc~r~omic need f~r action. There would b^.- less demolition of
r.uulme:.cia.l property and homes i f Lir.coln could be aligned tu the north
r~stYier than tc. the south . IIy [oll.otviny the 'r~-sk Foree plan therc'-
~l~r~~ ^.~ a-t~ `~ ~. ~l.~.,~,~ ' :~, ,x: ~,1~,,~~G
~~~~,~,~ .~~
• e ~ • ~~
wo~iJ.d he i~o need to w.idc~n T.incol.n. Parkinu woul.cl k~e rc~].oa~~ted.
If. t.hc: Ci.t•y Council c:tecidea to widen I~inco.in they slioul4 rc~m~i~.r~
1war~c that biiildiny~ an thc south of i•l~~ pr.ojact are oi' lc+ss t~isi.~r.~-
i::al va1u~~ thnn oLhers. A new and eL'fici~nt civi~ c~~iLer :is ne;c~s-
s~ry, Resia~ntial areas in i:hc easl•.e;rn ha1T of Lhe project. :zh~~tal~l
b~ rett-i.nea. Sina;.l. officc~ huilci.inys or multipl.u family hous.i.nc~ ~ir.c~
~l.~o E,oasi}~lc~, with per.haps ~~me ind~~~tr~ul laaa~ed ~n th~~ fronta~c~
rc>nd~. The re~iclcnti~l a.rea~ to thc~ we:st wil.l probab.l.y r~~q~lir.e
a great: de%-1 of x•enovation. 7'he: indust•riul. rarea indi.aatecl an Lhe.Lr
m:iE~ ~~ould also bc u~ed for par.ks. If thc tt~ilroad woul.d mr,vc its
lr,~~~k parallel. ~.sncl closc~r ta its ~~r,oiid txack a ltirg^_ arnou-~t of t.hi~
E,,.,rc:el. co~~].r] bE~ u~~d for commercial. spar.e, .1nd the adjoinin~~
resi.d~nces cuuld be upgraded. "New ~~~:iidanti~l" thro ~ghout thc
vacant arc~as could i.nclude multiple fami.ly housing, A civic cu~tural
cer~ter migFt i:~c:l.ud~ ihe new city hal.l and ~- mu~crum, enhanced by a
convnercial pr.eser.ve and restoration Are~~ . This ar~~a could include a
post of.cion~ the Anaheim Bulletin, ~he c~~d 1ibrAry, ~1 parking arca,
and churches. One to three-story, garclen-type oificc developments
~~r.c preferred. 7.'he old Valencia Noi:el cauld be c~nvertecl to ~~ff.lces
r~r srnall speci.alty shop ~ and tied into t_Yie VilJ.age Cer~t;er.
hlr. Roloff Ross' ~lat; indicate~ his helief that ~7 residential coiino-
t;3L-ion :is the most viable plan, incl.uding multi-family dw~ ~.ling:z anc~
senior citizeizs' housing. The Cit,y of Anat~cim should ~ull its d~par~-
ments together. ; they a.re currently scattei'~d about: the c?.ty. Mr. Ross
suggests the east corner of Anahcim and Lincol.n ag a po~sible loca•-
ti~n. If i:here is to be a Ralph's and Sav-On in t e down~:own area,
they need not be located on Lincoln Bo:.:levard, but: should rather be
south of Lincoln, t~ehind the Anaheim }3ul.letin. There is ample spacec(
for Of~1CE?S to the ~aest. Mr. Ross' drawing retains as many resic3~:
as possibl, to the noYth. Ther~ is "no way to relacate the ph.oite
h1r. Morris asked if there w~:re questions.
Mrs . Modiano emphal•.ica].].y stated that the cuxrcnt discussions suggest
a cancept of no qreater sophistic:ation than the T~inccln and Bal.t area.
"I question this being a downtown central core. N~ way will I a~me
into 'the cluwntown area except perhaps f or. a City Council z~leeting when
I.iave a gripe . :I f you do not have a~owntown you have a div~cled c: ty .
y~r~ may end up with four cities." Peo~le have to t~e ablF to "go down-
town" . There should be a theatre ~i-a ~-ultural activity. Yet you are
concerned ab~~v;: only 60A residents.
A lady stated that property worth $7.00/sq. ft. is bein~, ~old for $7..00-
52.50 to ban};s, Ralphs, etc. "Downtown is tou valiiabie for this sort
of thing. We should not have resident~.al."
Mr. George Lane, real estate broker, outlined his redevelopment plar~.
Mr. Lane referred to the "huge i.ndustr s;~l building, api~roximately si.x
stories hi.gh, called the telephone company, No one wants to t:ilk abouL
i~.." Pearson Park, direct:ly to the nor.th, would be a beautiful ~~ark.
for the centier of An~heim. Otne.r plan s Yiave retained the teleptlone
compar ar~ci its ~arking lncations, ,yet. other commercial ~ui].clings ~vill
have tu go. Mr. Lang's plan outlines thc~ civic cen`~~~r only~ lIl a plar~
similai ta that fcllowed by .~an Anton.i _~. :•tr. i~an9 '~`so refer.red to
the -3ilroad track ane block south of Ur~~.~~lway, ti~~hi; . "wi].1 ~robably
still be t-here 30 years from naw, blockicv; any de•:t '~pment ta t'ie
soutY~." There i~ no basic improvement in ~~:ideninq :nr.oln Boulev~1rd.
Overpasses and underpasses could be built.. The Cic , of I~naheiin.
already owns the bulk of the property on a.i.ncoln, a~ :l they should
start Y:uiiding on it. Offxces will spr.iny along Eiarbor Bouleva cl
whether we like it or not.
hlr. Louis Dexter expressed the Peeling ~.hat some of thc people are
f rustrsted; "We do n~~t know ~vhere •~ae are going" . Tht plarls are a
step in the rigkzt direction, but Mr. 'Jexter feels the RPdevelopment
Agency is tha servant of ~he people; thE people are not the servarits
af the AhE~ncy. We have been doing t2~eir joU and are left irx a vacuum.
TYie Redevplopment Agenc.y should be he re. I.f they are not going to be
herc they should at least tell ur what's goin9 to happen with what
we are d~ing here." Mr. Dexter read a formal motion, which reque: ted
the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency app~ar before this body wi~hin or~e
week to speciftcal.ly outline the Agc :y's plans for implementzt..,~n of
the develop~d r.onsensus plan. The moLion was seconcled•
• • o ~
Ti~ ~ti.scussi~n, a geritl.ema-i aY~oke in f~vur of. th~ motion. "Soineonc~
;~aid ~tt the first m~etinq h.h~: Mayor wani:ed to b~ her.c~, anQ, 'Sorr.y,
he co~tl dn' t.' I ~aw onc~ Counci.lman hcre once ox~ t.wJ r.e ." Ile a~ked
if tap~s werc.a being made oL tlte ~roce~edi.-1ys, or. °ar.~ wc~ wasti.ny our
Mr. . JFtmes .:~' +•a~~' ~ r.al.l. for the c;uestion and ~oint of'. oraer. were put
+~ r.e.;c: wit.h Mr. Moss' explr~n~tion 1.hat Lhr. Planning Conunis:~ion,
RedevelapmenL Commi3~ion c~~~d Project ~-rea Cornmitlce a.re lf~gal]y
appc~ini:ed Uodies3. Tha Uul.ance oE t.he people nl~cnding i:h~:~e m~~etinqs
wcre recluested t.o flt+.:~nc1 for i~he purpose o° prov3.dinc~ their input to
t}»_~ E;~,~~nni.ny ~~roeeclurc. Thc~re is no requirement that 1:he legal. bodies
abide by t;he decisions o~ thcae m~etinqs.
htr~. Lng~lbr.er.Y~L• a~ked Mr. D<~xter if his resolutic~n r~fer~red to the
original plan that. w~~s pr.esented to all bodies fur ap~r.oval.
Mr. Qexte2- refcrred to the documeni:s initially pr.ovided L-o citir•ens
it~ attendance; wllerein it is st:ated t:hat the objcactive of. thesc
mc~~iny5 is to provid~ a"consensus l~l an" . As 1 teacher of managc~rnent
subjects, Mz~. Dexter stat~d ttlat i:he irnplementatian of a pian shc~uld be
discuss~d earl.y in ~he Nllnniny process. Nu one has been h~--lking a~ouL-
it he.re, b~:cause no onc can. We shou].d fi_nd Uut what ~hey wil.l ae doing
with wha~ we come up with. Ther.c i:~ ~~ City r~ttncil member who "spent
$3p,000 t.; q~ '. e7~cted" and who prarni~ed to lisLc:n ~f elected. "Le~
him come in anc' li.~ t~ei~ ." The M~yor shoulc] be ~trong enough to come
down ancl listen lo us.
Mr. Mor.ris r.est.~~t-ed thc motion.
A gentleman n n1-9oned that he had bePr~ under r.he impressi.on the City
would modify ch~- origin~il plan, and we have had no plan whatroever.
WF are not engineers. Before we do anyth:~ng we should ki~ow where we
ar.e going. t•'hai: are we votinq on? This is i:he fourth week; what ar.e
we doing here? W~ are back 14-15 years ago. Now we are starting fram
t.tl~ l~Ott:01tt.
l~nother gentle~ti:~n .rememUerecl that the citizen~ ha~ voted for a new
ca_vic center. ir:~ first move musL- be made; thc: ~eople shoiald bac:k up
their vote and gct ~hem to start. on the Civic '~enter.
Citizens voted on Mr. Gexter's motiai~, with 47 in favor and 5 oppossd.
Mr. Morris statc~~ the information would be ~~assed on to the Agency
as a resolution-
A yentleman related that he had appli.ed for a bu.ilding permit and was
aslcc:d to dedicate 14 feet from the front of his proper.ty #:o the City
of Anahe:im. ~1~ asked i.f the te'~phonc company d~dicated 14 feet and
if An~heim Fsculevard will be wi_:ned at this time. Mr. Morr~.s i.r~di-
cated the questiori would have to be directed to tne City P].annin.g
Another yentleman pointed out th~ difficulty in f~n~ing a parkiny
space i.n the downtown area. He suggestecl walkway~ between L111C0111
and the parkine~ ]~_>ts .located behind th~ c~mmerci.al area. He mentioned
there are 6-a urrests each weE~k in the p~~rk.ing lots.
Mr. Leitau presentcd his proposed redevelopment sket~ch. Mr. Lei.~.~u
stated that he was sp`aking as a representative of the ALM11 cJr.otip and
was expr.essing the consensu~ of. opinion oL ~he merchants he represents:
(1) No reporesentative, City Councilmar., Commissic,ncr, or other C_ity
mcmbers will ever succeed in intimidating the ALM11 qroup, (2) '~t~~
City's legal department has kept redevelo;~ment r.t.ports "t.op secret".
Mr. ~,eitau referrc~d to an Ar~aheim F~ulle~i.ii art.lcie of this d~i:e which
r.epor.ted the Commissioner.s feel input at~ th~~~se meetings has been
"-inadequate". In Mr. Leitau's opinion, tl~e R~aevetopment ~~geiicy re-
<<irection ~~tion is a political. maneuver ~ahe.re public gathezings serve
to show th~ publzc had ~~ part in redevelapm~nt. "We wan~ a scriFS of
profes:>ion.~l prc~sentations by the Professi.onals." Mr. Leit~u's
diagram in~i.icated r.c.tention of ~'~arson Park and historic~l buildings,
sugyest~ a new ~ise far the railrozd station, and puts the telephon~
company "undcr water".
'I , ~ ~ ~ ~
L~cL~.veen t.hF ~~~~t'.~:1 ~1~m ancl Mr. I'er.nal.cl' , plan :~ornc~l:h:inq c~au1~1 hc,
dovc~l oped. Onc black t.n tihe ci.ty ahould npt~ tr,y to r-~~~.a t:.l~t~ wl~ol.e
i:liii~~~ clown. ii~~lween ~he Vil.lage C~,iiter.• t~nd <- T~c~a City Eiall yo~i wi..L1.
}~~-~~~~ ~ nuci ~us; s~m~t.liing to sturt~ wii:h to m~~kr. 1:he ci.L,y _,omc~t~.hing
wo can bc~ f~roud of .
61r~. 1'erkins has bc~en here f~r ovcr 7.Q ye~~t~~; ~. ~c1 is ~i C-,x~orerty ~wnc;r.
Slit~ fr_c1G tr~1-~s~~ortatt~.~n narl~.h aric] c~uut:h i.:~ hui ~ i nq l•tie cloYrnLc~wn ar~~~ -
Sh~ wc~uld ].i.ke to sce nn~ihc~im Boulr~~ard wi~e~icct a:, ~i mcans o~ br.i.nyin~~
p~~~~ple from t.Y~e L•out:ist ~ar.ea. St~e wci:~ in fav~~r ui tYie n-onot~ail ~.lna
doe~, not £ec:~ t114 r.ailraacl stat~on ~hc~ulc3 hav~.: bean close~i.
i~lr. Fern<<ld o~~tl.inud ~~rc3ent plans fc~r. VilJ.aye ~.eni:r.r at. Mr. I,eitau's
~\ ciLizen ~xprrssed hi.s £celi.ng that we are consider.inq dr.opping a
very e}:~~~~nsively develoX~c~cl, carefully ccnceived, Li.r~.l~.-c.la~s pla~1 for.
redc:ve'lupmerit and now consi.dcri.ng six "secona i.~ Lif:th-ci.a~s° alter-
n~-t.ivc~s which would pr.obably IIOt even pay f~r them:~clves.
Dlr.. l~ernald agreed that there is less v~aluc in ll~esu plans }.~ecau:;e
no ir~ore than three-srory buildings wera .i.nc] udecl. nny ~~lan cc.~uld
bc~ built to qualiL-y; the big chr~nqs is in scale. Wi.th a.r.~~~~luction in
sca.le there ~ s a reducti.on in value.
Ms. Jau~~ Coc~k's ~~1~n w~~s po~:.ed on the wal.l, and Ms. Cook explained
its r.~ncept: sp--l~es whic~h attract peoplc. Thc theme of her. plan is
the Victorian bui tding wi.th a pedestrial~-o.~ie:nted environment.
Ilistor~.ca1 bui.ldi-ic!s should be ~aved. Linc~ln is .re~ligii~d to thc
north; ~ na~ row c~nc: or two-lan~ street. with a 10 MI~H speed limiL-,
allo~~~ir~~3 trZ~ielcrs to not,: t.he f.r.onts of s~:?res. P~dostrian walk-
ways are 3rG~~tlt:tlJL'GC.1, as we11 as tr~ilcy cars and like means oi
transportati.on. M~sin tr.af_fi~~ would move IlOIL'~l, providir-q ~cr.ess to
activity centers. It is impot}anl-. to rlust~ r aativity c~r~Lcrs, a1~ow-
in~_, ~~eor~le to flc~w from one zrea to another. Off ~ce arcas include a
l, ~r.lc, wzth a bridge crossing Lincoin to th~ Villaye Center. Ir,
Ms. c,ook's plan t.he retail area is spread in a l~,ose "U" shape, with
par.lcir,~ in the CE'I1lC~L. She i.ndieatec' the libr.ary, post of.f.'~ee ~.nd
Pick.wic' Etote]. (whi.ch WOL11f~ contain st~~ps, boutiqlles and r.estaurants) .
A la}. .~ i.r~cluded, hu~ tliis area could be planted with trees or be
used ior noont.imc~ concerts. The shops in ~hc Pickwick Hotel. would look
out on th~~t. arca. A walkway would pass the c,.irrent retail arca on
Li.ncoln to senior ~itizens' housi~~g and high-ri+ residenti~zl units.
IIcr. ~1an would gr~vide a market and a concc~L 4• ~h allows a natu• ~1.
glow of peop].c~ to support the busines:~es, al]. o, wiiich are small. ~
new, high-density housing area would c~£f~r buying power. Th~ area is
also meant to attract people from other parts of the cii:y. Ms. Co~~k
pro~~ased th~ railroad $tation be convf.rted to a restauran` ind that th~
nortt~ and south resi~ential a.r.eas be preser~~ed. A ci.~vic cultural
centcr. would include the city hall (she ~: ulcl like ta :.e~ t:he ol.d ci.ty
ha'll. worked 111L'O the plan in some way) ,~, childr~n's t.hcatr; , and'a
reper-tory theatre.
ldr. Morris an~~ounced that t.he nekt meeting wi1.L include the St:.aEt's
resumc: of th~ various }~l.ans prasenr.ed th~ s evening, as we~ 1 a:~ a
discussion af the results of th~ citize~zs' questionnair.es.
Thc qe:ner.al me~ting acljour..ned at 10:03 P.D'i.
~'cmuntu'iity Redevclopn~ent Commissioners m~i: f.a~ lowiny the g`»~ra7. !a~etiny.
F•',r. FZay m~v~d tt~<<zt: Staff b~ directed to CUI1C3l1Ct a survcy, using thc~
type: of questiorinaire developed in the wor}:shop mee:i:ing, within Lhc
bc~ur~ciaries o.[ Nr~rth, South, East and West Si.rc:ei.:: i.n l.he C~.t~.~~ of
n~~.zlicim, with ~i taily of the r.eturns ~c~ 1~e avai.lab]r by Auc~ust 10.
hir. i',ay's motio~i was sec.ondc~d l.~y Ms. Oscid an~l unanir.lously carriccl.
7'hc mcc~Lin~~ adjc~urnec3 at 1.0:1`_~ P.~~1.
R~~sE;c:ci•.Lully suk~mitt:.c~d,
L~r~t~cy ,70I1~:;, Scc•retar.y-----.._.
C'c~m:nu~i.ity R~•cir,;,~.J.oE~ment Coniniission
i>>-n jr~c:l• Area C~ram:l:tee