Minutes-PC 1976/08/05
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JOINf C~~•1MIINIIY ftF:nLV['L(11'1•1fNT C(111MIS5 ION, f'l.l11JN1 "IG COP1111551GN /1MD
f'kO.lEC7 l11tCA CUh1MITfl•".f_ ML•ETING C~I l1UGUS1' 3, 191~
PR~SI ~1T : PI.~NN I NG COMM 1 SS ~ GN MF.Mf~f R S;
The m~~•tiiiy YJ.lS c:~l led f.o order at 7=07 p.m.
U~y, Dinr,dorf, Fry,
Morris, Hoss, Qscid
l4aritic~;, F~~~~~no~ Hnrbst,
Kin~~ , Mor~~~y, Tol~ir
aushc~rc, Elc.hrodt,
inc~r. 1 br~~cht , F. r I tk~,an, L i n~1 ,
Newl:irk, Renner, Sti~ckw~ll,
4l.7rclc~, W~~.>cls
Fcrn~ld, Cunti'crnti, illurock,
?rencl~~rg~~st, Hooker, Ford
('ollo~•iing the pledye of allcgiance, t~lr. 1•larris encoura~ed tliose in
atter~Jance to ~sk quest ions of any e.~inmi ttee member ot' s taf i member
during the coursc of lhe mee~ir~~. A summary of tlw resi,lls of the
completed eitizen qucstionn~ires w~s distributed to thc~sc prescnt.
Mr. Fernald reviewed the qu~stionnai re summary, whic.h repres~nls the
results of a tabulation of Ch~ 4n questionnaires which had Leen compl~~ed
and returned by the public. Respon s es to the eombinaCion of que~tions
1. 7h~~[ 93~ respo^ded i n favor of a st ronc7 emph,~s i s on ~~ commerc i a l devc lop-
ment supported by residents, vi sitars and tourists.
2, P.11 listed downtown cammerc:ial u;es arc deslrable.
3. There is a fairlv strong intere st in convcrsion of some exist.i~q
resider-tial land to commercial ~ses, as well as a will ingness to
mainta(n strip commercial and e xlsting indusirial.
4. In terms.of development intens i ty, the grcatest trend was towarcl
one-to-three story buildin~s, ~vith a f~w eight-story structures,
$. Pr~servation of existing struc~ures should be stressed to thc
maximum extent feasible.
b. Of the five individual neighborhoods indicalecl on ihe plans, only
neighborhood Nl, which is strorigly intrudecl upon by c~~~~-~cr~~~~i,
was indieated as preferrecl for conversion tu anotlic:' use, Ti•.r~re
was a clear preference ir favo r of preservation of the other four
7. 7hPre :;hould be a continuous multi-purpose open space progr~~m as
an ?ntegral part of the plar..
• 8. A largc park or lake was favor Ed.
9. Providing assistance to loarincome famil ies w~~s f~vorable ta
tl~ose who responded to the questfonnaire.
10. Tf~e industrial area remains unclcar.
~~ ~~ ~ O ~ ' ,
~ ~,b.~. ~~ i~~~.
~~ ~ ' ,8,,~~,~..~_..~
~ •, ~ ~ ~
11 c~enllumnn a,ked who wc~ulcl ~>~~y fcir ~,uch tliin~~~~ ~~~ r~~,c~n ~:,,.~~.c, which
doe~s nut ~~roJuce lt~xes. Ne w+~s remind~~cl lh~~f r~e inu~;L cr~n~~idc•r 4~hai
th~ cc~tit wi 11 acc:ampl l~,h. IF orr_n ~,~~,~c.c vi 11 ~cf~iuv~~ ;i hct:tri' c<inunr.r-
~;};~1 ~;~~;c, makE~ thc ~~rc~~ more ,ittractivc t~ tihc~~~{~cr~+, ~inc1 .~ltraci ~~cai
dcv~: lu{~men[ thc f~~xes gcncrated wi i l cxc:ecd th~s tnst..
The. ~,nmc c~entlen,in'~; business is in vchicle p;ii'i.s. "A dc:vel~pec; tire,i
wil) nc~t cnhincc my business. That is my sclfish vii~a~•" Ilc w~~
re~~iin~led that business c~in be Irn~~roved even i f relo~~:iled to an irc~~
a F,;w hloc,:'~ ~~w.~y. Thu gen[lem~n wa~; invitecl to visil the staff office,
whMic: thcy wi11 bc gl~id to spr.r~ct in hour c~r two ex{~I,iining thc vari~us
c~pti~~~~, open to hlm.
q ciriicn challene~ed thc v~lidity c~f conclusions oht.~incei Froin ~nly ~+8
qu~~~.kiunn~~it•~s. Mr. F~~rnald rr_porled lh,it, by direclinn af thc Rcdevclo~>-
ni.~r~~ C~~mmis~:i~~n, qucstic~~~naires ~~rr. Ueii~<~ h~nd-circ~.il~ited [liroue,h~ut lhe
prc~j~~.:t are~~. Rr:sulCs ~re exr~eeted in ahc>ut t~~n clays,
Mr. Fcrn.~ld tndicate~l thc v~~riaus plnns displayed behind thc podium,
al 1 of which include thc basic cunceE~ts cont~iined in lhe ci t i zens'
plans presented at the last mecting. Al) cilizen plans wc~c revie~ved
wi th respect to the t>asic elements only; the iocaCic~n ~f c.ommercial
~nd residential areas. (Civic C~~nler ~~~s con;idere~~ b~sica~lY ~
cc~~m~~~r•cial usc.) Most p1~ns ~r.•rc in a~~~~•~~m~'nt conr.~~rning locatir~n uf
rc~;i~c~ntial and c:~.~mmerci~~l arcas, and thi~, ~.»s ~ubsl~~nCial~~c1 by tl~c
results of the q~;estiann~iirc. It was agr~~e~1 Anaheirn Doulcvard woul~f
sray in its present loeation. Thc blue-cc,lored arecis rem~in declsion
areas, whcre the City's long-range objccCives shoul:l bc considcred.
Pl~ns for relocation of Linculn Bc~ulevard shnuld i!~c:lude consideration
oF t~nw i l ean ben~Fi t land usc,s in the long-range plan for the ci ty.
Mr. Fcrnald presented five s~l99ested redevelopmenl plans; all of which
~~ere based on the compositc drawing:
dptiun NI: Lincoln Boul~~vard is retained in its existirig locatinn.
Village Center would then be bise::ted, which wuuld be unacceptable to
i!, developars. Decision are~s ~~~nd ~ woul~ be of li[tle value in
t'~is confiyuration.
~ p~ion H2: In th~" plan t.~u~ ~ ^'~~vard includes a 1~,0-ft. sa9 in
t' e zr ~a uf Vi l la Center, wh ~ u then fror,t on I_ incoln and
Anah~im Boulevard~ Since r~s~:l[s of the yuestior~naire suggested can-
t~nuuuus op~'.~ spa~:: +~iith bieyele ancl pedestr~in paths, ik ~rould be well
t rl~~ for open space next to these roads.
Opti~n N3~ 'fhe "sag" indicated in 0{~tion N2 is incrt~sed and continues
toMthe area of the railroad tracE:s. This wouid reourte traffic and
Iti~G~~de a commercial preserva[ion area, with buildir~q: upgraded and
replaced over a~ony period of t.ime. In addition, tliis plan e~~hances
t:he possibilities af decision ~rc~~s 2.~nd 3•
At this point t.here ~r~:re citizen c~~mpl~7ints concc:rniny "pocl<et p~rkin~",
"killiny the traffic", anJ the iarc~tion of Villagc Cenler, i.E.., "41hy
is the location firm .~+i~i noe' open Fnr reflectionZ" A g~~nllemin spoke
in fav~r of undergrou~,~! par'.iny anQ "leaviny l:incoln ati i t is."
In Option kN the "s~g" in Lincoln i5 dliyned to the ~~orth, rather than
to tl~e south. Windows of restaura ~ and si~ops faee [he opcn space arc:a
~•~hieh continues to tl~e east; providing a buffer beh~~een D-3 ~~nd residential,
and be[v~een commerci.~l and tF.e D-2 area. This accomodates the sr~r,~:~
commercial preservc: as plan !/3 er.d endeavors tc~ m~ximite the residential
area to the north. A commercial preserve is possiblc in the D-3 area. •
ti ~ ~ ~ ~
U~~ki«~n a5 includcs lh~` {~ostiibility ~f r~cyclinc~ t.hi~ D-3 t~r!~~~ t~ multi~~lc~
rc~5identiol usc. Thc q~ic~;tionn~iirc indlc~~t~~rl cit.izc-~; wr.rc avi~.ir~ ~~f lli~•
valuc ~I' brinyinc~ f~mi I ir~~ a~i t1i hiqhcr i~~cc~mr~s intci tlic~ ~I~~amtown <~rc.i.
In thi~; plan Lincoln is ~iq.~in "s;iqqed" to Ih~~ nc~rth.
PUf-I.IC C01•1MEN1:
~1r, ~_.r.it~~u re(crrcd to an election conccrniny llir. nc4+ Civic Centcr an~l
i[s prc~pc»ed loc~ition.
h1r , b,.i" i r! Col 1 i ns s l~~ tcd hc cha i r~:cl a commi t tcc• wh i ch r~~cc~irnne.ndcd t~•ro
ct,ui~,~,~ ; ll~u pres~~nt sitr. and ~ silc next. d~~or to tlir lihrary. It a~as
"~ r~<i~ t~~r of prel'erc:ncct erily, m~~de by ~~ tol~il ly-uiiin(<,rm~~e1 elect.c~rate''
an,l i•: ,~t Chis tima out of Jate. The clecisivn did nc~i bincl the City
Co+~nr i 1 .
n ri;~nllcr in reprrscrits rlic+nts on Anahcim ll~~ulcv~~rcl and ~~skccl if lhcrc
~r~:~ 4~I,in~, tu widen the strcet. D1r. Fernald ~~qre~ecf thot lhare is a nc~cd,
an~l ~~iclcni~~~~ eould bc clonr in ph~ises. 1'his is indicaCed or~ the existinq
gene r.:i 1 E~ I ai~ ~ncl wou 1 d h~~v~~ to be i nc: I uded i n ony ~imendmen t.
A I,idy sNo4:e in f'avor c?~ connecting An~iheim Uoulevard with the free~~~~y.
Mr. Morr~s cxciised Pro.ject Arca Coinmiltee members it: P:35 p.in., Sincc
tf~~, ~i:,rc ch~irged with makin,y a decision concurnincJ thc rclocation
pl.ins f~~r the development proJect, and tlieir decision is due t:omorro~•+.
Th•.:y were to return lo the meetin~~ following conclusion of their PAC
Nr. Fred Brown ~~sk~d if thcre is any c,uarantcc Villac~e Centci' a+on't
become .~ minor shopping center.
A gentl~~m<in suggesled we address oi.irselves to thc investment sicJe af
rc:dc:vclopment ~~nd think in terms uf ;~rinc~in~ in l~~r ~e investors.
"If thcy w<~ni to invcst, it is their business. Yau m~y cnd up nut
c~ettinc~ any investors do~•m herc. Thcy go oniy wherc thcre is a return
alon<~ ~~ith the risk, and this requires huge SUmS of money. We cannot
dictate [o inveslors. They want choic~ sites ~ind they h~~ve the capital.
Othcr~~ise ~•~e arc in a ncighborhood touch-up pr'o91'~m. Wr.. need more
th~n onc Village Centcr; office p~rks, indi~strial parks, ~•~h~re people
v~ill bring in largc sums oF money."
Projfsct Arca Commi[tce members returncd to th~: mecti~ ~~. 8:40 p.m.
Mr. Jim Swanek, Downtc~wn F,rea Task Fure~~ ~ssociation, ~~~ould like to sec~
Villac~e CenCer locatcd south oF Lineoln, as in concept plan /I1. The post
offic~~ arzd Farrner lil~rary could be preserved and reh~ibilitate<S ~~nd becorn~~
a~~irt oF Vi 1 lage C~nler.
A e~entlcrnen st~ted 3,OU0 to ~,000 senit~r citizc~n~, ~slio~: in the tl~7wnlo~:n~
arca. "Whr~rc wi 1 I thc+y shnU ~~hen you wipc i l ~>!~~'"'
Anoth~:r g^_ntlcm~i~ r~~~rescnts one of thc larr~~s', ~~~idcrs in the arc~.
He h~~s Calked t•~i th ;'~e Ac~ency about sel l inc~. 11e :_. ~;l i 1 I in[erestucl, biil
until thcrc is a pla~ it is difficult Co Lalk about any piccr of rc~l
esiat^. He :.u9gested [he ear[hquake fac:c~r be considc~red in any p~nns
For ~~rLticrv~~ion u( axisling buildin~~s. "Wc sha~ild dc~ s~~mctliin~ m~rr-
exci tinq llian pu[t inc~ ncs•i fares on old bui ldin~)s•"
A 9entlc~man urqed Chal evcrybody ccx~peralc. "I( ~•ie h~ve tci build, let's
Mr. Gr!~it Eiciirodl, Pro.jcct llrci Committc~~ rnemhrr, ref~•rred to an open
letter ~c~ntaininq lh siqna[ures which .~cknc+~•~Ic•~Ir~e, thc vcry h~rd ~•inrk
done by Stoff. .fc~hn Scyi;~~ur and othrr City Cc~uncil ~remhers h~~ve stalc~l
th.~t Mnhc~im h~ir~ lhc in~ncy to F inoncc ~~ny ~.ind ~i rcdrvrlonmciil pl~in tlic
public dc~~.ires, yct t~~cy h~ive rcqucSlecl rcdircction. lhc Slnfi his dis,{~I~ycd
encrnY and unll,ut~i,ism f~~r hr.yond th~•ir Jc~l~ requircmuils; thcy h;~vr ~,v~,rkucl
lonc~ I7c~urs ani~ ~•rrck~~nd~, to qet thc _joh dc~nc~, Th~~.y lir~vc cc~nsiSlc~nfly m~~t
de~idlinc~~ mc~,l of us vuauld havc cunsicl~~r~ril im~~u',,ihlca. If ~•~r. hivr: th~~
~ ~ ~ ~
mon~~y Lc, I~ul Icl ~~h,if.evar wc wisli tc> l~ui I~I, ~~I~y ~.+~n' L wc ~(lur~l tli~~ f inr~;t
Sl;il( ~v~~il,il~lc? St~vc this ;tafl'! Ilic~ Rrclr.vc~l~~~,i~~~'nl ~c~~~ncy will b~:
ir~~crvicwinc~ for a nc~w Redevclc.>~mi~~nt Cr.ecut.ivc Dit'ector. It tihc.~uld hr,
c•,s~ritial tli~it any ncYi Excr.utivc Dircctur bc ylvcn in';truclion5 from cl~u
AcJrnr.y. Wr. hav~~ rcr~pun ~lbl l i lic~; ~s ci t i zen; nol lo c~raa~ plans hut t<~
se~~ that th~: br.sl plans ~~rc drawn.
51'~f_I_ PItf:SI:NTATIQN 11_I.
hlr . Fcrnrilcl ~irescnt~.d as Opt iun 115 ;~ rcclcvclo{,mciit. mci4~ drawn by Staf f,
whic.h iricluQcs the basic concep[s of opt~~~~5 1-4. In thl5 pl~~n, Llnculn
is rc.~liyned t~> Lhe uui lhj ~vith lhc tclr.phanc r.unip~i~y ncirth of' Lincoln
anJ Vill,~•~~ Cet~tcr to th~~ so~itli. D-1 is suyc~c~st~d fcir tlie Civle Cr.ncer.
71r,~ ~~:nic~r eikir.ens' hc~using is locatr,u ~~outh of I.incol~ and ncxt to
th~ Vill,ic~c Ce~nler, with a conunercial ~~rescrve 6chinJ it. A recrc:ition
~.~,r~t~. ~ ir. loc~itc~d behind tl'ie commerci.~l prescrve. Thn recre~~llon c~:nter
~~r,t.ion for uffic'.es
~n~~! , in. Iu~J: ~~ bowling allcy and sk,~t.ing rink. '~
i.: ;i„I„ ~i,~~l s~~ulh c~f I.incoln, belor~ tlie Civic Cenr.~~r, Hi9h-denSitY,
inni'i I,ii~iily ho~is;hinc~ is located ncxC to Che commcici~I preserv~ ;ector.
Ti~~'• rc~:,ieii~ntial prescrve conce~~t i5 m~~intainr_d. !1 hotel and c~reen arc~
is suyyc~,tcd In•~medialclY tiouth of thc Village Center. There is a green
,irc+c~ bee~~<c:n the hotcl and th~ racreatian centrr. 71~~e Givie Center
i~. ~osili-~ied immediatcly s~~~~t.h of Pcarson Pirk, wit.h the phone company
h~:~tti~ecn t!~~~ civic center and one of' lhe residential seckors. Thc D-4
~~,•~:a is d..°,ir~nated as a green arc~.
A~;•::nt~eman complained that the plans do not show wher~~ lhe tvafer c~r
~.~~a~~~r lines will go. "This is only the beginnin~ of where you are going
~~, q~," A lacly commented, "Is that baJ?"
Anothcr ynntic~man ayrced we du havc a very professional st.7fFF which has
been forthright and willing to mect Che public. H^ is eonecr~ned th~t
tl~~r.. is so little Slaff 1rFt; we are losing key ~eopic in the Planniny
Frc•d Urown feels that the open letter oresented by t1r. G~chroc{l' is a ste{~
in the right directiun. He asked that Cit~, Coi~ncil see thc letter. Many
iaore pcoplc would endorse it. A large pc~~ion of the SCaff are on 90 day
w~r,iv~r~ and may not be here at the end ol that time. We must ensure this
staff is rclained Chroue~h the project.
Mr. Eichrodt stress~.d the imporL~-~nce of this staff and the kind of
syrnpathy it h~s for the CiCy. "These employees have taken on the
responsibility Deraonally. We should not rclinc,uish our quality in
any plari. If we want qua'iky downtown we nee~1 the yuality tools to
build it."
Mr. Morris called for a vote of those in favor of the le[tcr. Thc votcrs
~~ere unanini~~u~ in thcir support of the content~ of the lettcr.
Mr. Gerald Uushurr. movcJ Chat O~tion plan h5, as 4~rescnled by Mr. Fcrn~lcf,
be ap{~ro~ed tnnic~ht. The m~tion was seconded.
Mr. Collin, indicated concern th~t. the plan may nc~t allo~~i suff'icient
space for both nr.a~ construction and retention of existing cc~inmerciat
bui ldings. Mr. Col I ins ~•~ould endorsc thc~ drawing as i"<I~~~~r~~~ conc.~~pt"
ra[her than .is a ' "1an"•
Mr. Morris affirrr,~~d that this is indcecl a general c~~ncep~ plan•
11 qentlemrin expre~~sed concrrn thal v~~lunhle pi~~crs of property arc hcinr~
turncd intc, noirtnx;iblc~ u';~~s; a communily rr_ercatic~n eentcr an~l t~ civic.
center. This leave~, [h~~ private s~~ctar' v~ich one relitively large offic_~
spaee, a te~necl-de~wn Villa<~~ Cr_nter, and one f,~lel. The only dlf`erence
frnm chc oric~in~~l r.ancc{~t plan is thc~ r~~loc~li~n ol' Cif.y flall aiid .i
residcn:iil pri~ticrvc in thc originally pl~~nncd loc,~lion (or ll~e Sp~cr.
Center. Tar,~~s ~•ril! lir~ve tci poy for widening of street~, nc~~~ sewer~~~ elc.
P1r. Eichrodt waul~l l~ack tlic pl~~n. Conee~~ts ~~nc1 quidci incs arc lhc~
impurtinl thinqti.
'~ ~ ~ ~ ~
8-;~-/G (5)
Mr'. Mc~rri5 rcmincled thG ~~clicricc lli~~C this is a cc~ricc~>l~i~l pl,~n ;in~1
n~~t s~,cr.i f ic. E:very prci,ject th.il cc~m~~~; beforr.~ lhr. Reii,vi~lrr,~nienl ~1qi~nc,y
lia , a~•,uh 1 i c hc.ir i nq .
h1r. l_eit~u ex~~rc~sscact l~is ditiappoinlnu,eit in t~~r_rc~ heiny ;i mution nn
any cc~ncept :+t this t irnc, slncC w~~ havc unt i I Au~~ust 12.
A yenllcmin fcl L thl~; conct~pt wc;ul<I clr iv~. at: least ~U:~, of tl~~ bu~,inr~°,c:s
o~.il oF clo~~nt:own llnahc:im, lcavin~~ a r,iuch sn~allcr dcn~n[uwii are.~. We
~ hnvu Co lr~~k to ri la-'~cr cammcrci~il bo~c ralh~.r t.han ~ sm,711cr ~nr~.
1~ Mr. Mosc. stalcd ihcre tire en~~ or tw~~ mi~re mr.etings dcal in~~ wi t~; t:he
ecc~n~,inics of lhe ~lan. Fle ~ u~)~c~~ted th~it. cl t izen~; consicler the.
economics beFurc: decidin~ on . ~~'~ncepe ~.i:,~~.
Mr. Gc~orcie Lang, Real Estale fsrnl:~~r, askcrl i I' we wi 1 i I~av:~ t~~inq n,t~rc
than ~ ne.ighbnrhuud shoppin~ ccnter. 'Chcrc rire 19],OOU pc.,~lc in Ci.n[r~~l
An~li:~im. Thcre should t'irst. be a l~rye c<~mm ;c+al .~rc~7 to brin~ Fc.n;~lc
here t~~ shop. 41e shoul~~ providr,~ rm-,nc+y ~~O Cfle peoplc c:.~n rch~_ii id r<~tl~cr
[han establ ish a iieiyhl,orhoud shc,p~~ing cent.cr.
It w~is movr;d, seeonded a+~d carriaJ thal tt~e: motion be tabled uitil a
later meeting.
Mr. Fe~nald will preseni a Se:hema c a~alysis in:licarinq ecc~nc,mic ~ichieve°
am_nt and cost of the plans~.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.r~~.
Rc:s~•~ectfully submitte~d,
~ , `',, , (~~, ,,
` . P. ._ f'~'' .
~ ~ Ret~,y Jones, Secretary
Comn~~•~~i ty ~Zedevelupment Ccmmissic~n
Pr~,j:ct Area Commiltee